#their designs were so interesting to make i tried to keep em cartoony and stylized
lupucs · 2 months
Undyne tries to be a good lab partner to Alphys but then Frisk shows up with some newfound skills 🐟🦖 Made with Blender!
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mcnuggyy · 7 years
hey guera, your art is honestly one of my biggest inspirations and i was wondering how you draw translate irl people into a more cartoony style? like what aspects of a real persons face do you know to convert to a more cartoonish style? im really struggling with this and have found absolutely no advice on it... im worried ill never manage to get it right
Ahh!! Thank you so much anon ;o; you are so sweet and kind that i have decided to make a quick little tutorial for you! Its basically just how I personally  go about stylizing people when turning them into characters! Hopefully this can help you out a bit c: This tutorial can apply to more stylized work as well as more realistic styles! It all depends on how much or how little you exaggerate your shapes!
I’ll put it under the cut for you since it got kinda long lol 
All right! So first off lets talk about our three basic design shapes:
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These shapes are super important when it comes to character design and when choosing which features you want to exaggerate and how. These shapes can determine the kind of personality your character has or if you already know what kind of character you want, you can use these shapes to your advantage to make them give off a certain vibe! The more round and circular your character is the kinder and sweeter they will seem, if you use more angles and triangles you can even make them seem evil depending on how you design them!  So its always good to know the personality of the person your drawing so you can really push their features to suggest certain things about them!
Now keeping these shapes in mind, lets try making a character out of my good goth pal James here!
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James would be great to turn into a little character! He has super interesting features and shapes, and an interesting personality to match! He tends to give off a really intimidating vibe but once you get to know him you can see how sweet and gentle he is. So for his character I think triangles and circles would suit him best! 
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Of course his face wont perfectly fit our shapes, but we can push his features to make them more exaggerated. 
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Here I’ve done a small sketch so we can place his features on top. Im using mostly sharp angles and circles for his face, and just exaggerating them slightly. For this one I’m going to keep it a bit more semi-realistic, then show you how you can really simplify the shapes even further. 
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First lets start with his eyes! They have a super cool shape to them, and if you look closely you can see that they’re mostly just half circles and sharp angles! Perfect for his personality! Feel free to exaggerate the parts you find the most interesting, I personally really like his under eye lashes and thick eyeliner so thats what I tried to push the most. 
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If you look at his nose you can see thats really just a long triangle with a little circle at the bottom! I pushed the roundness of the tip just a bit more for fun!
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I know his mouth is a bit more softer in shapes, but I decided to push the sharp lines I saw instead to balance the rounded shape of his nose. Also I think it might fit his character a bit better.
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Eyebrows are actually one of my absolute favorite things to design! They’re super fun to draw and I personally like to design them so you can tell a whole persons character just from them lol! And if you use your three basic shapes its quite easier than it sounds. Eyebrows are one of the most expressive features of the face, so its no wonder that they could also give off a certain personality trait if we play our cards right! 
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Now our character is really starting to come along! Hair is another great trait that can suggest a lot about who we’re drawing. For example, haven’t you noticed all moms sort of have the same hairstyle? Or that a man with a buzz cut may carry himself a certain way? Of course these are just stereotypes but hair can have a lot of personality on their own, and you can even try and break these stereotypes with the way you go about designing it!
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And here we have it! A cool little goth dude based off of my pal James! He seems pretty chill but with a little edgy undertone thanks to the shapes I used! Now we can try and push these shapes even further, and make them even simpler for a more cartoony look!
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Here I used out circle and triangle but pushed them even further than before. I tried to pick two main features to exaggerate the most, I chose his head shape and his eyes in this case! But it can be any feature based on your own aesthetics and what you find more interesting! Now his head is almost a perfect triangle with how far I’ve pushed it. You can go as abstract and as simple as you want! I really pushed the ones to the right the most, but look how simple I’ve made them, but because i picked certain features to push they still have some of James in em!
Here’s some more examples I did! This time using some random photos from the internet! Since I don’t really know these peoples personalities, I have the nice freedom of being able to really push their shapes to create different characters all from the same person!
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Here I really loved her hair and mouth shapes, so those were the two things I tried to focus on. If you look to the right you can see my applying our shape principle by making one character with mostly round shapes and the other with squares and angles. Now it looks like we have sisters lol! The sweet and cheerful younger sibling who always looks up to her stern but cooler older sister! And if we wanted I bet we could even turn her into a more fast paced and dynamic character based on triangles!
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This gal here has great eyebrows, eyes, and hair shape! And once I designed i character of her I like I can start to make that character express and act! Or we can start looking into different art styles and push those features to some nice extremes! Remember how you design and which shapes you use are all up to you! You can use the shapes you see or use specific shapes for a specific character type! 
And if your’e more interested in caricature and which features to push on a person, I really recommend watching this great video series by Proko on caricature! 
I really hope this helps ya dear! c: If you ever have any more questions you can always message me! I’d be happy to help and maybe I could livestream some of this for ya’ll! 
Happy doodling! xoxo
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