#their fics are soo fucking good though i have cried to some (positive)
d0d0-b0i · 2 years
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got inspired by a post from @gayemeralds and couldn’t help myself
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sunflovverharry · 4 years
Sweet Time
a/n: soo, I took the liberty of changing the pov in the song to be from harry’s perspective instead of the oc’s, but i’m quite happy with how it turned out. i recommend you listen to the song this fic is inspired by while reading as it might give some more depth to what’s going on inside harry’s head than what i already give throughout the story. Thank you for reading and please reblog if you enjoy it xx
This fic is a part of @harrystylescherry playlist fic challenge which i’m super excited to be part of! Remember to read the rest of the entries and show your support <3
Pairing: Harry x OC Delilah Warnings: Angst, fluff, language Word count: 4.7k
It seems bad luck runs through all of Harry’s relationships. The three he’s had that lasted long enough to be considered serious all ended because of the same reason - Harry’s fame. Mixing their jealousy of the women media connected him to; and anger that he couldn’t be with them every time something important happened made him exhausted. His girlfriend was supposed to support him in every way possible, just as he would support them and know that if he could spend more time with her, obviously he wouldn’t be flying to god knows where for who knows how long. It clearly wasn’t enough for his exes to know that if he could, he would, but his life isn’t run only by himself. He has managers and a record label who tells him what to do and when.
Lucie had been ringing his phone for the last hour without any answer and it surely must have pissed her off because the texts she sent after weren’t pleasing to say the least. Harry had been in the studio for a while and his phone had been silenced so he could solely focus while creativity was rolling through him. He had told his girlfriend that he would be unavailable for most of the week with writing and recording as much as possible, but he’d call or text whenever he was free. Thinking she had understood, he didn’t care to text her right before entering the studio to tell her she wouldn’t be able to get a hold of him for a while, but after seeing the texts he thought to himself he should’ve texted her.
“Why the fuck aren’t you answering??” “Harry you better answer your fucking phone this instance or we’re over!” “Seriously Harry what is more important than me, your girlfriend!!” “Are you with another woman???? ANSWER ME YOU FUCKING DICK”
No, it wasn’t the first time Harry had been subject to her angry texts, probably drunk off her ass and having no one else to be mad at. He knew he shouldn’t put up with the way she’s treating him, but when they’re together she acts completely different. She never raises her voice at him or asks who women he’s seen with are. They always enjoy their time together, cuddling on the sofa while watching a movie or going to her parents’ for a Sunday roast. Though she’d never be seen cleaning or cooking, telling Harry that it wasn’t her job to do so when he could have maids and chefs.
Even his mum had told him she wasn’t what he needed in a girlfriend. A snobby, gold digger who has jealousy and anger issues ultimately wasn’t someone he had time for. Those texts were what made him decide that he had to end the relationship now, before it’s too late.
A week later he made it home from Los Angeles and he wasn’t surprised to see Lucie running towards him after hearing the car doors slam outside. She always acted as if nothing happened while he was gone. He couldn’t believe he had wasted almost a year on this girl and before she could get any closer to him he told her they were done. Yes, it sucked to tell someone they weren’t wanted any longer, but it was the right decision in the end and his mum would surely be happy he got rid of her.
A year after breaking up with Lucie, his third girlfriend (who honestly might have been a little too into his fame and money than he realized at the time), he met Delilah. To be honest, Harry had told himself that he wanted to stay single and focus on himself and his upcoming album, but Delilah threw his plans out the window after only a month of dating - or what he called “just friends getting to know each other”. Delilah on the other hand called them dates and could only hope it would expand into something greater than that.
Harry had been sat in the restaurant they were meeting at for half an hour, hoping Delilah wouldn’t be much longer. He was grateful she had texted him to let him know she’d be running later than expected as the traffic was crazy and she had to stay at work an hour longer than anticipated. If she hadn’t let him know, he’s sure he would have cried from the embarrassment.
Not knowing how much longer she’d be, he called his mum. Her voice had always calmed him down and that’s exactly what he needed at this very moment - sitting alone in a restaurant at a table for two in a secluded corner waiting for what might be the prettiest girl he’s laid eyes on.
“Hello my sweetness. How are you?” They got into talking about Harry’s surprise trip home for his sister's birthday in a couple of months. Anne and Harry were planning a surprise birthday party for her and it wasn’t something he’d ever want to miss. After minutes of talking about the surprise and anything else popping up into the conversation, Anne asked what he was doing. It wasn’t that he had hidden the fact that he had a new friend on purpose, but he supposes that he wanted to keep this one private - even from his mum who knows everything going on in his life.
“Just having dinner with a friend who’s running a tad late which is why I called you.” He wasn’t sure he was able to keep the excitement out of his answer. Though Delilah was only a friend and he certainly wasn’t looking for another relationship that would end up breaking, he already liked her more than he probably should.
“Oh, I see. A friend friend perhaps?” Anne snickered, knowing that if she pried long enough, he’d have no choice but to spill. This time it wouldn’t happen though as he saw Delilah walking towards the back of the restaurant and the table where he was seated waiting patiently for her.
“Sorry, mum, my guest has arrived. I’ll call another day, love you.” Harry didn’t hear the ‘love you’ his mum said back to him before pulling his phone from his ear and hanging up. Pocketing his phone while standing up, he smiled at Delilah who looked stressed but beautiful in her very classy outfit paired with some killer heels and Harry didn’t even want to think about how much they hurt her feet.
When they both finally sat down, the chatter never died down and the wine never stopped pouring.
It took a while before she earned Harry’s trust, but it was proof that he did trust her when he invited her over to his house for the first time after five months of dating. She had proved to Harry that she took his privacy seriously and she, too, wanted to keep whatever it was they had going on between only the two of them. Almost as if it was something sacred, and really it was.
Harry had been over for movie nights and dinners at Delilah’s plenty of times, even going as far as staying over a handful of times. She gave him complete reigns of what they did and never pressured him into going out in public and there wasn’t a suspicion (that Harry knew of at least) of why he didn’t want to go any further than light groping and making out before pulling away. When he wanted to talk to her, she would be there for him.
Delilah had her legs thrown over Harry’s thighs and his hands were lightly massaging her feet tired from a long day at work. They had ordered pizza from what Harry called ‘the best pizza place he’s ever been to’ and when Delilah took her first bite she couldn’t help but moan at the explosion of taste in her mouth. It really was the best pizza. This was only her second time hanging out at Harry’s house, only wanting to come when he invited her as to not invite herself into his most private space.
Harry had shot her a message earlier in the day asking her if she’d like to come over after work seeing as it was a Friday and therefore the night didn’t have to end as early as a weeknight. Of course, he didn’t tell her that, but he wanted to have the option open for her to stay the night if he felt comfortable enough by the end of the night to ask her.
Delilah could Harry’s head was spinning in all directions while mindlessly continuing to rub her feet, up to her legs. She could positively say none of her exes had ever given her a foot massage, making Harry look even better in her books (though he didn’t need it, he was already better than any of her expectations and she could only hope she reached his expectations).
“What’s wrong, sweets?” She had taken up the nickname for him after hearing his mum call him something similar, but not wanting to steal her nickname for him. Harry smiled every time she called him that, loving the feeling he got in his stomach from how it sounds coming off of her tongue.
“Just thinking and going in circles round my head.” It didn’t give away anything other than he was stressing or worried about something Delilah had no idea what it could be. Sitting up, she planted a kiss to his cheek before smashing their cheeks together in a tight hug - all she wanted was to be there for him if he wanted to talk, or just sit in silence together. Hopefully he’d have the guts to throw her out if he wanted to be alone.
Harry giggled when she didn’t let up her strong hold around his neck, not nearly enough to choke him, but enough to hold him in place. He turned his head to look at her quickly before melting their lips together in what can only be described as an expressive and intense kiss. Delilah didn’t know what he was trying to express, but it must be something good with the way he’s pulling her onto his lap, their lips never separating more than a second.
“Would you want to stay the night?” He had gone through every pro and con in his head, but Delilah showing him she was there for him without trying to pull anything out of him made up his mind. There was no doubt he wanted her to stay at his place for the night and he’d drive a hard bargain for her to even think about saying no.
There was no need for a bargain though, Delilah nodding her head quickly before pulling him in for another kiss, or two, or three. She wasn’t worried about not having pajamas here or her toothbrush or her trusty face cleanser. None of it mattered even slightly, when all she could think about was how much trust Harry was putting in her. For a minute there she was the happiest she’s ever been and as Harry’s nerves subsided he was the happiest he’s ever been.
The couple went for a short drive to Delilah’s apartment to pick up some essentials, as well as the supermarket to buy ingredients for breakfast in the morning (and new bathroom essentials to keep in his bathroom for times when she would stay the night). By the time they got back to Harry’s, they were ready to hop into bed - a bed she had yet to try out, but was sure would exceed all her expectations.
Harry was tucked into his bed on the side he regularly slept on when Delilah walked out of his ensuite, ready to lay down right next to him. Knowing from the past times they’ve shared her bed that he’s a big cuddler, she was excited to see how much more comfortable and cuddly he’d be in his own bed.
Though Harry felt safe and trusted Delilah enough to share his house with her and have her sleep over, something was still holding him back from asking the big question that they both probably knew should have come earlier. Even his mum was unsure why he hadn’t asked her yet or let her meet the woman he’s spending all his time with.
By the seventh month of dating, she was starting to question herself. If she wasn’t doing anything wrong and he still trusted her, why would he not have asked her to be his girlfriend already? She thought it was pretty clear to everyone that knew about their ‘relationship’ that she wouldn’t say no.
“So, Delilah, how’s it going with Harry?” She was out for drinks with her best girlfriends and the only ones she had told about Harry - except her parents, of course. It was an unwritten rule to not talk about boy trouble or anything of the sort on their nights out, but it was clear Delilah’s head wasn’t in it. Something had to be up with her and the only thing her friends could think of, was Harry.
“We’re good. He’s feeling safe and comfortable with me. We’re going to his mum’s next weekend to relax before he leaves.” Her voice was definite and if her friends didn’t know her they wouldn’t think anything was wrong with their relationship. Delilah spends a lot of time with him and the past month she’s slept over most nights, even on the days she’s had work the next. Harry had cleared out more space for her in his bathroom vanity and closet - which he knew was way larger than what he really needed, but had still managed to fill with no problem.
Delilah sipped on her drink as she went back into her head, thinking about how tonight was just like any other day. Harry will pick her up exactly ten minutes after she calls to tell him the night is over, he’ll hold her thigh on the drive back to his home while she talks his head off about nothing. When they arrive home, they’ll do exactly what they always do when she stays the night - wash their faces together, brush their teeth and while Delilah finds her outfit the next day Harry goes to get a water bottle he always keeps in the fridge that they will share throughout the night. It’s become routine and the domesticity around it makes Delilah’s heart flutter.
“Have you had the talk about going official? Becoming boyfriend and girlfriend? I thought maybe he’d asked by now with how you’ve been. I mean, you basically live there by now.” Lyla tried to pull out the thoughts swirling around Delilah’s head without being too invasive if she really didn’t want to talk about it.
“I don’t know honestly, I think we’re doing great and I’m so happy with him. I don’t want to force him if he isn’t ready, but it’s been seven months and he hasn’t said anything about making it official no matter how much it feels like it already is. I can’t imagine he doesn’t feel the same. It’s pretty obvious what we’re doing is exactly how it’s like being in a serious relationship.” She braced herself and let it all out - all her thoughts about not making it official yet or how domestic their relationship has become over the past couple months. She would be indescribably sad if Harry wasn’t to actually feel like she thinks he does and that might be the reason why she hasn’t had the guts to be the one to initiate the conversation.
The next couple of weeks went by smoothly for the pair. With Harry being gone for most of it, she had a lot of time for herself to go through her feelings and get the chance to figure things out. She tried to hide her - what felt like crushed - feelings from Harry, not wanting him to pry for her to open up and ruin everything. She agreed with herself that if they had to do things slower than normal because Harry needed the time to get there, then that would be okay as long as he actually would get there one day. There was also no way she could leave the man behind just because he’s been hurt in the past and is now - overly - precautious. The very least she could do to save what they had was to try and help him realize that she wasn’t going anywhere and didn’t want anything but the best for him, and she wanted to be the best.
Delilah came home from work to Harry cooking a storm in the kitchen late one afternoon after he came back to London. It wasn’t that she didn’t know he could cook that surprised her, no, he was always making them dinner - with or without Delilah’s help. What did surprise her though, was the romantic set up in the living room that she had never seen before.
Harry was in deep concentration standing over the stovetop where he had vegetables boiling, along with the chicken he’s grilling. It’s getting close to done when he heard his front door open and he didn’t bother turning around, knowing it could only be one person - Delilah. The girl he’d been obsessed with for the past eight months. But, fuck, he was terrified of getting infatuated with someone again, only having been burnt by it in the end previously.
There was something so raw and new with this one, though, such a breath of fresh air for him. It was like he was supposed to go through those bad relationships to end up here - with the perfect fit for him. She never took it to heart when he couldn’t be there for some things, having to leave the country for weeks at a time, but encouraged him to go, have fun, text me when you land. The first time she told him so, he was speechless and couldn’t move his feet for seconds before he got back to earth.
The first time he slept over at her place was pivotal for him and him realizing where this could go, and that was over six months ago. He had told himself to take it slow, enjoy the moment and not do anything because he felt it was the right time. The right time was usually never right in the end because he still wasn’t ready. If he were to lead a relationship with Delilah it would have to be on his terms, mostly because he didn’t want this one to go wrong. This potential relationship with the girl of his dreams was something he needed to get right. If that meant waiting a little longer to make it official, move in together or start a family - now he’s really thinking far into the future - then he would do so because he knew in the end it would save them both from heartbreak.
Ever since him and Delilah got closer his mum saw a change in him, though the insecurities and unease he had from former relationships were still haunting him. The first time he voluntarily spoke to his mum about her, she told him to follow his heart and only time could tell if she was the one for him. The last time he spoke about her, Anne told him he had to do something, because even though they act as if they’re together, she doesn’t have the security blanket of love that she needs to stay with him. That really set fire to his plans - knowing he had to do something about it before it was too late.
Therefore he ended up deciding on making her dinner and putting in effort to show his romantic side that she hasn’t seen a lot of was the way to go. He wanted to go all out for her to show that this is what he wants and he feels safe and secure enough in himself and them as a couple to make it official. It’s what he craved.
He heard Delilah’s feet softly moving on the hardwood flooring to get from the entry to the kitchen. He also knew she had smelt his cooking and seen the rose petals, candles and blankets scattered all over the living room. There was no doubt she was suspicious over the reason for his doings, but at the same time she held back and waited for Harry to make the first step.
“Hi lovey, dinner is almost ready. You want to change into something comfy before we eat?” Harry only turned around for a single second to try and see if her face could tell him anything about how she’s feeling.
“Smells delicious. Be back in a tick, sweets.” The grin creeping out from his lips couldn’t be stopped after hearing her call him his favorite nickname. He hopes it means she’s happy with him. While Delilah changes upstairs in their - pretty much - shared closet, Harry dishes up the plates and finds her favorite red wine to drink with the meal. Right as he finishes putting everything in its place, she descends from the staircase and Harry finally takes a moment to admire her. He finds her beautiful in a pair of leggings and one of Harry’s hoodies she decided to steal. Before getting completely lost in her beauty, he coughs and reaches his hand out to tell her to come sit with him on the floor in front of the sofa.
Harry wanted to wait until they had finished their meal to bring their relationship up, hoping to enjoy their little impromptu - on her end at least - date night before getting serious. Delilah was smiling and wouldn’t stop gushing over his surprise making him feel better about what was to come. He was sure she would say yes, but the little doubt he had left in him wouldn’t go away until he got his answer and knew for sure.
Later in the evening, they were still sitting on the floor, talking about their days and upcoming events. Harry’s hand was running along her legs thrown over his lap and hers were holding the wine glass recently filled up again when he felt the need to get everything off his chest.
“Darling. I know I’ve taken things slow with you, slower than we both probably wanted, but I hope you know I haven’t been stringing you along for nothing. Tonight I wanted to show you how much you mean to me and how much I’ve grown to care for you. I hope you knew that anyway.” Harry was smiling at her while coming clean with all his thoughts and feelings.
“I’ve loved the naturalness of how we’ve moved through our friendship. Nothing with you has ever felt forced or uncomfortable, maybe because you let me take my time and have control over what I can. I can’t tell you how much that has meant to me and I want you to know that it hasn’t gone unnoticed. The domesticity around us feels so easy and I hope that doesn’t ever change. Because we’ve been acting as if we’re together, it kind of slipped my mind that we’re not, but tonight I wanted to ask you, finally, if you want to make it official and be mine?”
After making it official, there was nothing holding them back from each other. They were together as much as their lives allowed them to be and Delilah even surprised Harry by going to his first show on tour in Los Angeles. He thought she didn’t get the time off of work to be able to come, but Delilah knew he wouldn’t be upset with her lying about it when in the end it would make him happy. They had been official for six months at the time and were practically inseparable. Neither of them knew how they would do with the distance over a longer period of time compared to the two to three weeks he was usually gone for before coming home. Sure in themselves and what they had, they knew they’d get through this, too.
Delilah hadn’t gotten the chance to surprise Harry much over the past year since she got to know Harry, unlike how he had managed to surprise her quite a few times. They were often small, but thought out and always showed her how much he appreciated her. For the longest time; she had been thinking about how she could surprise him without him finding out - and her chance came landing right into her hands with him going on tour. She called Jeff the minute she thought of it, the day after Harry asking her if she would be able to come out for a couple of days during his tour, preferably the first show.
Jeff and Delilah had managed to keep the secret from Harry for over a month with Jeff buying her a plane ticket for the day his first show was. She got picked up by a driver at the airport and drove straight to the Forum to catch him on stage singing his heart out. Though she was only able to see him for the last fifteen minutes of his first show, it was exactly what she imagined - Harry dancing around the stage, singing to a crowd so loud she thought her ears might lose hearing.
Right before Harry was set to come off stage, Delilah was guided through the backstage area to Harry’s dressing room where he would finally see her and hopefully get surprised. She was sitting on the black leather sofa with her hands fiddling in her lap as she waited the short while. It was clear he was getting closer as the loud screams got quieter. Excitement, nervousness, happiness, restlessness. They were all feelings running through her, the anxiety easier to feel when she finally heard his laughter moving through the hallways and she knew he was only meters away from her.
Only seconds later she saw the door handle jiggle before the door opened just a crack as he was still standing in the hallway talking to someone Delilah couldn’t quite distinguish. Finally, he pushed the door further open and he was turning toward her, no idea someone would be waiting for him, nevertheless, his girlfriend he thought was stuck at work back in London. His eyes landed on her and for a while, he just stood in front of her still in the doorway thinking he was seeing things. When he understood that she was actually sitting in front of him his eyes couldn’t help but glaze over while shutting the door - he wanted this moment to be between him and his girl, no one else. Harry practically ran toward her, thinking he couldn’t get to her fast enough, and Delilah just about managed to stand up before he threw himself at her.
For a long time they stood on his dressing room floor, Harry’s arms around her neck and Delilah’s around his waist as they held each other close. Both of them had tears rolling down their cheeks, not from the three weeks they had been away from each other, but the sentiment of her actions. All the small things she had done for him since day one, waiting for him to feel comfortable and ready to dive into what they hoped would be a future together, always asking before doing something he might not be okay with, being too kind and gentle with him, always, and lastly her surprising him on tour. Something suddenly clicked in his head as he smelled her cherry blossom perfume he loved so much - this was it; Delilah was it for him, it was she he had been waiting for to come into his life after going through too many shitty relationships and breakups. There was no way he would let this one go when she understands him and loves him for everything he is (though they hadn’t said that yet - Delilah being afraid to scare him away and Harry wanting to wait until one day it slipped and came naturally).
Delilah, too, felt the same. She knew he was it for her - showering her with the affection and tenderness she needed from someone she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. They were perfect together and if taking it slow was the way to go with Harry then she would continue to do so forever, making sure he is always comfortable and safe with her.
Thank you for reading, will hopefully be back with another chapter of my fwb series soon <3
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vangoddamn · 4 years
nsfw alphabet for van
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WARNINGS: Hey loves, so this is like just smut, if this isn’t your thing go check out my other latest fic for peak fluff <3
A= Aftercare (what he’s like after sex)
Van of course is the cuddliest boy in the world, and will always insist on wrapping himself around you, being as close as possible.
B= Body part
Vans favourite thing about you is your freckles, which he traces with his lips, skimming over your skin making you tickle. He could map your whole body out of your freckle and little marks and stretches.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
Van is a dirty dirty boy and can't help himself, it's usually everywhere or inside you. Of course most of the time he'd wear a condom but you're on the pill just in case!
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
When he's away on tour you both get sooo sexual frustrated you end up sending dirty pictures to each other. when you'd face time him he'd of course laugh at how desperate you looked and then things would get a bit steamy over the old internet.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
Ugh, Van is annoyingly good. So much that you were so confused when you had sex with him the first time because he'd spent so long pursuading you how bad he was. When really he's just self conscious of wanting to make sure you have a nice time.
F= Favorite position
He loves eye contact and hand holding whenever he can. He's all about skin to skin and deep connection. But when you need some you need some so he doesn't care where. More often than not at a concert it's whatever feels right in the moment.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
We all know Van it depends what mood he's in. When he gets home his first mission is to finish you off, pure sweat and pleasure and no intent on anything else. BUT, he's a cheeky bugger and lives to tease you and tickle you where he knows can make you double over, resulting in a cheeky but if doggy. Don't get started on drunk sex, he's a laughing mess the idiot!
H= Hair (grooming habits)
Van barely has time to wash his hair he's not one into grooming himself too much. But his natural hair isn't too wild or bad, you love his little bit of chest hair and find it super cute when you can see it from his shirt.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
Van can be soo in the moment sometimes he doesn't even realise what he's saying or doing. He's really into consent and making sure your enjoying it but at the time he's a sucker for dirty talk. He'll nibble on you ear and whisper obscene things you couldn't even dream up.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
On tours he has no other option, he always complains about how it doesn't even compare to you. You find it funny and kind of hot when you call him and you can tell he needs some. So of course you whisper things you know will get him hard, which isn't hard with your voice.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
He loves to tease you in public. Especially in fancy places like restaurants, he'd subtly run his finger up your legs going as far as he can before you couldn't take it and he'd lead you to the bathrooms.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
He doesn't care where he is or what he's doing if you both need it you'll find a way. Wether it's in the car, shower, backstage, public bathrooms he's fucking wild!
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
Van loves it when you initiate sex. He thinks it's so sexy seeing you all confident and self assured and it's gets him hard in no time.
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
It's a big no no if he can tell you're not comfortable or self conscious about your body. he likes to make sure you're happy and in the moment, something you had to work up to, but his reassuring words always make you feel better.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
Honey, let's be real, have you seen the things he's done to his microphones? Yeah well imagine that but better and in you, like wow he's amazing he loves making you squirm and drip just from his tongue. He always gives you the eye from the stage when he gets to into it lol.
P= Pace (how fast he is and how long he lasts)
Some nights it's long and intimate, slow easy sex, the type that gives you warm tingles and there's lots of kisses like every where. Hands and lips on all the skin you can find! But girl there's those nights when he just hammers into you, the point where you can see him thrusting into you from your stomach. It's to the point that when he finally leaves your body it feels like a part of you is missing.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
Van prefers proper long hardcore sex, but sometimes you just have to scratch that itch.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
He loves trying new things, he lives finding new things that make you tick and new places that make you squirm. He can't help himself!
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
All night long baby! Like seriously though...
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
Van is such a cutie, when he found your vibrator he took note and bought you a new one before he left for tour. He finds it fun going to Ann summers and getting the shop keepers to help him get what he thinks is best for you.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
You LOVEE teasing your boy! He's so cute and you love playing games with him, especially when your at parties. Your favourite thing to do is whisper obscene thoughts into his ear and running away from him, making him chase after you.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
Dirty talk, Moans, cries, girlll it gets loud. When he shared a flat with Larry it got particularly amusing when you couldn't help yourself crying out Vans name (something you knew he loved).
W= Wild card (random sincannon)
Sometimes when you feel particularly noughty, youd purposefully go to bed in lingerie and see how long he’d last. Each time you wore it the more risque the outfits got once you realised how mad for them he was. Another thing to add to the Ann summers list!
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
Hunny do you need to ask? When you first started dating him you were so nervous to fuck him after you overheard the lads joking.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
Since the first time, you were both mad for each other. The honeymoon period of your relationship still hadn’t really phased off and you’re still hot on it most nights. Van is in his peak sexual after long tours and during song writing, sex is VERY good stress release for both of you!
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
Van is deffo a snuggler. He doesn’t get sleep very easy at the best of times but after a hardcore shag, sleep finds him quickly, especially when he’s cuddled up in your arms. Even though most likely limbs would be everywhere and hair was deffinetly in mouths you were together and felt so connected it left your heart content and ready for deep slumber.
A/N: Ok so check my next post out for an extra special smutty anouncement aha! Lol ok so a reader came up with the coooolest idea so read my next post if you’re interested or enjoyed this ;) Anyway hope you enjoyed this mid-week post, anyone who got exam results these past few weeks, I hope you did well I bet you did xx Em
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lifeoftheparty74 · 5 years
Boyfriend’s best friend
A/N: So this is kinda what I imagine (more like hope) MagCon is still like around each other. It’s also my first fic that implies some more sexual themes, so I’d love feedback! (And yes, I do also take constructive criticism)
Pairing(s): ShawnxReader, CarterReynoldsxDemiPlaras
Word count: 1350
Warning(s): Some more sexual themes at the beginning and more towards the end, but nothing graphic
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I am on top of Shawn, one of my hands resting on his bare chest and the other tangled in his hair. His hands are on my waist, softly rolling my hips against his lap as he lets out a moan.
My lips are on his neck, sucking at the sweet spot just behind his ear I know he loves. This was just how I liked him, underneath me, panting at my mercy.
Just as I am about to take things a step further, Shawn's ringtone rings throughout his condo loudly. "Really?" He groans, throwing his head back on his pillow. "I'll be right back, baby." He says as he kisses my nose and rolls out from underneath me to answer it.
I take the few seconds to catch my breath and calm down a little, while admiring the great view of his back muscles that I was given while he picked up his phone.
"Hey Carter, what's up?" Carter? That's been a while.
"Yeah, sure, I don't see why not."
"Really? Today?"
"You're sure?"
"Okay, hold on a sec, I gotta ask Y/n."
I faintly hear Carter shout "Whipped!" from across the room and roll my eyes at his childish behavior.
Shawn covers the underside of his phone as he whispers to me, "Carter is going to propose to Demi tonight and he wants all of MagCon and a couple of other friends to come,"
"What? Aaww, that's soo cute! Of course we'll come!"
Shawn pointedly looks down at his boner, shaking his head that he doesn't want to go.
"Come on Mendes, your friend is getting engaged! Are you really going to refuse to go because you're still a horny teenager?" I whisper hurriedly.
"Yes," He whispers back, trying to convince me to agree with him through his eyes. He knows I have a hard time resisting his puppy dog eyes, but not today Mendes.
"Please, babe, if we stay home I'll let you come four, no, five times tonight."
"Uhmm, guys, you know that I can hear every word you say..... Right?"
"Oh shit, Carter, I'm so sorry!" I call out as Shawn rolls his eyes. "Of course we'll come! What time do we need to be there?"
"I'll text. Don't worry, you can go back to whatever the hell you were doing before I called. See you tonight."
As we arrive at the fancy restaurant Carter chose later that night, Shawn's arm wrapped around my waist tightly to protect me from creepy people checking me out, I am amazed at how good and happy Demi looks. Her skin seems to be glowing, even more perfect than normal and I can't help but wish I could look so effortlessly beautiful too.
Carter smiles at us as we come in nervously, his hand covered his jeans pocket briefly, luckily going unnoticed by his girlfriend.
"Shawn, Y/N, it awesome to see you again!" Demi hugs us, and me and her go on about each other's makeup and clothing and boyfriends while Shawn reunites with the guys that have arrived before us. Carter, Cameron, Nash, Hayes and Shawn argue about where everyone will sit, but I don't really care.
The restaurant looks lovely; It's cozy but also very chique, and gives a romantic vibe. The walls are coated with mostly brown and green colors, and paintings of trees complete the look.
About ten minutes later, almost all of MagCon and their girlfriends have made it. The only ones missing right now are the Jacks. When they finally enter the small place, everyone turns their heads, and damn, I'm reminded of the raging crush I used to have on Jack Gillinsky immediately. His sharp cheekbones, the jawline that could cut, and his deep eyes.
Of course, that doesn't mean he could ever pass Shawn, never, but a girl can have a crush.
"Damn," I whisper in Shawn's ear, and his hand moves to my thigh.
"What?" He furrows his eyebrows, making him look way too cute.
"I'm talking about Gillinsky."
"Oh." His hand squeezes my leg a little, leaning down to my ear. "If you make too many comments about him tonight, you are going to be punished, baby."
"I know." I giggle. "That's why I'm doing it."
As Johnson and Gillinsky greet everyone and take their seats, Shawn subconsciously pulls me closer to him and I giggle.
"But, for real though. Have you ever really looked at his face, I mean, that jawline..."
"Y/n, I swear to god.."
"What? I'd do him."
"If you don't shut up now, I'll make sure you regret it." He whispers the threat in my ear and I blush at his breath fanning my ear.
Dinner is lovely and the food tastes amazing, but I'm mostly just waiting for when Carter will finally pop the question. And after desert, he answers my question by clearing his throat and standing up.
"Thank you all, guys, girls, for coming tonight. So I wanted to start with saying something about my lovely girlfriend sitting here right next to me. Demi, sweetheart, I love you to death, but you already know that.
"I want you to know that not only I love you dearly and I would not be able to live without you, in the past few years you have changed me and made me into the person I am today. Without you, I would have never had some of the views I have right now, or looked at some things in the way I do. Without you, a very different man would have been talking right now."
I smile as I see Demi wiping her eyes, but she doesn't seem to have caught on the fact that this is not just a love speech, it's a proposal. Luckily, she only looks at Carter, and hasn't noticed everyone's knowing smirks yet.
"You are the most important person in my life, my queen, my absolute favorite human and the best girlfriend, best friend and soulmate I could have ever wished for.
"I cannot bare to think of a life where I would have to live without you. Which is why I am doing this right now."
He gets down on one knee next to her, opening the box he had been fiddling with nervously, and Demi's hands fly up to cover her mouth as her shoulders shake from exitement.
"Demi Plaras, will you make me, Carter Reynolds, the happiest man alive, and marry me?"
"Yes. Oh god, yes!" She cries out as he slips the ring on her finger and embraces her, still on one knee in front of her.
"She can't though." My own boyfriend whispers in my ear.
"What?" I reply, turning my head just slightly, not making it obvious that we were having a conversation.
"Make him the happiest man alive."
"Why the hell not?"
"Because I already have that position, thanks to you."
I blush at his words, and tilt my head up to kiss him on the lips. "I love you."
"So much," He replies as he snuggles his head further into my hair.
"But I've gotta be honest though, if I got the chance, I'd do Gillinsky. No doubt."
"Okay, that's it." He grumbles. "You'll get punished for that."
"I can't wait, daddy."
"Fucking hell."
We arrive home later that night in the darkness. I walk in before Shawn, knowing I only have a couple of seconds before he'll push me against the wall and absolutely devour my lips.
I am right, as he closes the door and his hands are on my behind in an instant.
"Now, babygirl, what was that you were saying just now?"
"That I love you?"
"Who's are you?" He growls into my ear, pressing his body into mine, making me very aware of his length poking against my thigh.
"Yours," I breath. "Only yours."
"You better be."
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