#also wow i keep on forgetting that coloring is hard y do i do this to myself lmao
random-thot-generator · 5 months
Better Not to Know + Pt. 2
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Summary: It's been months, but you've not been able to forget the stranger you hooked up with in a night club bathroom. Then again, it hard to forget someone who left such a lasting impression.
Warnings/Tags: no serious warnings, mild profanity, no smut this round, no use of Y/N
(Notes: This one wouldn't leave me alone either, so here's a second installment. Bit of a cliffhanger at the end. Yeah, I'm a literary sadist.)
banners & dividers by: @saradika-graphics
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March comes in a like a lion, the wind and rain making it a misery to step foot out-of-doors. Small wonder that your boss decides to send you to pick up his dry cleaning for him instead of doing it himself. Why risk ruining his tailored suits and Italian shoes, when he could just send you, who bought your clothes off the clearance rack?
Umbrella clutched in your fist, you hurry along the sidewalk, dodging puddles and people as you make your way to the dry cleaners. You're relieved to see there's not a line, counting your blessings as you step through the door. An automated chime announces your arrival— bing-bong.
"Hullo. Can I help you?" A young woman with colorful tats sleeving her arms and teal hair gives you a customer service smile from behind the counter.
You pull the ticket from the pocket of your raincoat and slide it over with a tight smile. "Just a pick-up."
The young woman picks up the slip of paper, heavily lined eyes scanning the ticket before flickering over your damp, bedraggled form. "Be just a tick, luv," she murmurs, disappearing through a curtained doorway.
With nothing better to do, you drift over to a display of travel-size stain remover sticks, not bothering to turn around when the door opens, a gust of wind fluttering the hem of your coat. The automated chime sounds, drawing Tattoo Girl out of the back with what you assume is your boss' dry cleaning held aloft in one hand.
"Well, hullo, handsome!" she greets her new customer with a wide, toothy smile. "Got your uniform ready. Just need to take care of this lady first."
You don't look back to see who she's addressing, all your attention focused on fishing your boss' credit card out of your pocket. You do absently notice that the new customer smells nice. You catch notes of sandalwood and pine, a hint of musk, definitely masculine and strangely familiar. You also don't fail to notice how Tattoo Girl keeps glancing over your shoulder as she rings you up, the remnants of her wide smile still lingering.
"Here you go," she says, handing over the dry-cleaning bag and receipt, her eyes already focused on her more desirable customer.
"Thanks," you mutter, drawing the bag over the counter and draping it over your arm. Pulling the sides of your coat together, you turn, curious eyes flicking up to catch a glimpse of the man who has so distracted the pretty cashier, then almost trip over your own feet as you stumble to a halt.
"No bloody way," you breathe in a shocked whisper, staring up at the face that's been haunting you for the last five months.
His eyes widen at the same time yours do, recognition clear in his expression. "Christ, I don't believe it," he mutters, a mystified smile curving his sensuous lips. "It's really you."
You feel the same way. You can't believe it's really him, the gorgeous bloke from the club, Mr. Tall, Dark and Dangerous himself. "Um— wow. H-Hi."
His soft brown eyes register surprise but also pleasure as they lock with yours and his mega-watt smile appears. "Long time, no see, pet. How ya been?"
You gaze up at him dumbfounded, shaken all the way down to your sensible shoes. It's really him. Holy shit! "I, uh... I'm g-good. And you?" Christ! When did you develop a stammer?
He steps closer, his smile turning into something softer and intimate. "Been doin' alright." His eyes dart over your face, taking you in as if he still can't believe you're real. "This is bloody mad, innit? You wouldn't believe how many times I've..." He lets his words trail off, shaking away his dazed expression. "Ah, never mind. 'M just beyond chuffed to see ya again, pet. You look— lovely."
At least he's pleased to see me again, you think. That's a good sign, isn't it? You adjust the dry-cleaning bag in front of you, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
Tattoo Girl clears her throat, drawing your attention back to the counter. You glance over to see a perturbed little frown on her face, her eyes bouncing back and forth between you and the gorgeous man standing by your side.
"Oh! Sorry," you apologize, stepping away from the counter. You glance back up at him, feeling flustered and more than a little overwhelmed. Gripping the dry-cleaning bag closer to your body, you ignore the fact that you're probably wrinkling your boss' clothes.
"Ha. Making a right nuisance of myself, aren't I?" you murmur with a nervous titter. "It was, um, nice seeing you again, uh..." You give him a sheepish little grin, feeling terribly awkward and thoroughly embarrassed. "I-I'm so sorry. I don't think I ever got your, uh... name." God, how embarrassing...
He shuffles his feet and grins, looking a bit sheepish himself. "It's, uh, it's Kyle," he answers in a soft voice, holding out his hand. "Kyle Garrick." He dips his chin down to meet your eyes, giving you a teasing little smirk. "I don't think I got your name, either."
Taking his hand, you utter your name with a dazed expression as his touch sends warm tingles of awareness shooting up your arm. Neither one of you let go until the Tattoo Girl clears her throat again and sniffs in irritation.
Kyle's brows tick together in mild irritation as he shoots a quick look in her direction, then flicks his gaze back to you. "Would ya mind waiting while I take care of this? It'll just take a moment," he says, sounding anxious. "I'd really like to catch up with ya, maybe buy ya lunch or a coffee?"
Your head bobs in eager agreement. "Yeah, sure. I've got time."
Honestly, you didn't, but to hell with your boss. This is far more important to you.
Stepping out of the way, you wait by the door for him, your mind racing. As you stare at his broad back, your teeth worry at your bottom lip, wondering what he will have to say, then fret over what you're going to say to him. Is he just hoping to hook up again or does his interest go deeper than that? The way he's acting, it seems like it's more than that, but who knows? It's not like you really know him that well. Or at all, really. Jesus, this is nerve-wracking...
By the time Kyle has paid for his dry cleaning and is turning around, you have worked yourself up into a jittery mess. His smile dims as he takes in your nervous expression, concern plain on his face.
"Ya alright, pet?" he asks, stepping close to grasp your elbow. "You look like you're about to be sick."
Shaking your head, you offer him a weak smile. "No, no, I'm fine. I just feel a bit peckish," you lie, not wanting to make a scene. You can see Tattoo Girl staring daggers at the two of you, a petulant frown on her face. "Could we go ahead and get that coffee now? I think I need to sit down."
"Yeah, of course, love," Kyle murmurs, caressing your arm with a worried look. "C'mon, let's go."
He takes your umbrella from your numb fingers and opens the door, holding it for you as he snaps the brolly open over his head. Lifting his arm, he lays it across your shoulders, pulling you into his side as he shifts the umbrella to shield you both from the rain. Casting another worried glance down at you, he leads you to a nearby sandwich shop and quickly ushers you inside.
"Here we go," he murmurs, guiding you over to a table. He takes the dry-cleaning bag from you and drapes it over the back of a chair with his own. "Here, love. Let me take your coat," he offers as he steps behind you, and you're so flustered that you let him slip the coat from your shoulders before realizing your mistake. Quaking in your shoes, you turn to face him.
Kyle stands frozen, his mouth open to say something, his eyes now riveted on your waistline. You glance down as well then stare up into his shocked face, your hands going to your stomach to splay over the gentle swell of your baby bump.
A pained grimace twists your features as you whisper in a shaky voice, "I suppose I should explain."
part 1 part 3
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sleepy-grav3 · 1 year
Parents - Uramichi x Reader
A/n: Random idea passed by and I couldn't make it go away, so uh yay
Summary: Uramichi, Kumao, Usao, and S/n (stage name) are made to go to a lovely mall event for father's day! Uramichi does a passionate speech about parents and growing up and Y/n couldn't help but tear up at what he had said, leading to an emotional bonding moment.
Tw: Angst (there is comfort), parent problems, swears, spoilers, depression, verbal abuse, some other stuff I might've ended up forgetting...
Also, your stage costume is a hip-hop dancer type with sunglasses. You always wear the sunglasses to hide your eyes that seem to always show your current mood (which isn't good for your job). Just a little thing.
And this is also not too romantic, but whatever.
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Y/n’s POV
“Y/n, I always see you with the sunglasses… They’re also really heavily tinted with a color and have different shapes. I doubt that Derekida actually buys those…”
I turned to look over at Usahara and smiled.
“Why do I wear these? Well people say that my eyes give away my current feelings! And since I work 2 jobs to keep living while having mandatory therapy to prevent me from going to a mental hospital, I don’t get sleep that often! So how do you think I feel every single god damn day?”
“U-um… Tired? Maybe?”
“Wow! You got it right! And what happens when you’re tired for such a reasoning every single fucking day?”
“You have heavy eye bags and get really angry really easily?”
“Ding ding ding! That must’ve been a hard question, Usao! I’m so glad the bunny learned yet another thing today!”
Usahara backed away, leaning over Kumatari’s shoulder.
“Is it just me or is Y/n sounding more and more like Uramichi as the days go on?”
“Please don’t talk to me.”
You mean the depressed 31-year old who’s having breakdowns about 10 times a day? Honey, I only break down to that point when nobody’s watching. This is nothing.
“You’re not a very good whisperer, Usao!”
To top it off, Uramichi entered the room with a blank stare and… what’s with the red balloon? He might as well be trying to cosplay Nicklewise with that balloon… but more depressed…
He turned his head to me with a more intense blank stare. I only tilted my head and gave him a more bright and sparkly smile. That seemed to make it worse as the stare became more… intense- how the hell is he doing that?!
“Hey, it’s Uramichi-san, good mor-”
“Morning. Want a balloon?”
“Nope. For someone in your line of work, it’s amazing how little that look suits you…”
“I look like a kid enough with this get up. Do I need a balloon and backwards cap to top it off?”
“... yes.”
“No ♥️”
I pushed Uramichi off stage for a moment, seeing as he broke down after a single comment from a child. Wimp.
“Haha! That was so nice of you to say, Tak-kun! It hit his heart so hard that he couldn’t help but cry from joy! Let’s give Uramichi oniisan some to convert that joy into energy instead of tears! And I think I know just the way! Let’s all get up and have a dance session with S/n!”
I could already see some of the parents hesitating along with some of the older siblings chuckling. I’ll teach ‘em-
Some music started up and I started to guide them through it, making sure I called out each and everyone who laughed at our Uramichi ^v^
“Today, as a special treat, Uramichi Oniisan and his friends will draw pictures of their daddies too!”
That’s not on the script-
“...Huh?” Uramichi turned to the hostess. “That… wasn’t on the script.”
“Us too? For real?”
“Don’t you want to know what their daddies look like, boys and girls?”
The audience cheered, making me realize how often we use these kids to support our own ideas to cover for our faults. Huh…
“Gosh! I don’t know if I can draw my dad that well! Do you guys remember your dad’s faces?”
“I love my dad, hippety! No… well, I guess I remember it, but can I draw it? Maybe not..”
“Me too, grr! I just remembered I haven’t visited my folks since two years ago.”
“Wow, to think I get to show my dad off to the kids! I bet he’ll be so happy! Absolutely, but I'm not giving him this satisfaction. Make it up, that's what I'm doing.”
"That's actually really sad..." Usahara drooped his shoulders a bit.
I ignored everything else that happened, focusing on drawing some random man that would fit my character. What would fit my character? Maybe I should just make him have some normal clothes and make it up as I go? Nah, I’ll just make him another dancer.
I turned to see how the others were doing until I saw the fuck up the animals made.
“What the hell happened to your characters?” I questioned.
“Seriously, what happened to your characters?” Usamichi repeated.
That’s when they realized their fuck up. That didn’t work though, the kids still questioned it.
“H-hey, let’s take a look at the other two, hippety!”
I launched myself over to Usao, wrapping an arm around his shoulder with a hearty laugh.
“Man, I was wondering when I would be up! This is my dad! He’s another dancer like me! Showed me the ropes, you know? Ain’t he cool!”
“But I’m better, right!”
“WOOO! That’s the spirit! Let’s move onto our amazing oniisan! Whatcha got the-... there…?”
The drawing he made was rough but it was of a muscular man throwing a crying kid and holding another crying kid. I had to strain my smile to keep it up as he spoke about his father. I’m… I’m amazed that he didn’t draw someone different like I did…
There was definitely more to this man, but children were present and he isn’t actually that close to us at the moment, so I doubt we’ll really get much more out of him unless we see through the lines…
Those lines have a pretty big gap though, so it’s not like it’s that hard.
“Weren’t you sad having him as a daddy?”
“If he hadn’t been my dad, I wouldn’t be here talking to you today!”
Wouldn’t that be a good thing?
“We all have only 1 life to live. Sometimes we think we’ve made a mistake, even if we can’t be sure whether that’s true or not… But in the end, if something brings us even a little happiness, it wasn’t a mistake at all! Whether you can reverse the mistakes of your mommies or daddies… all depends on the lives you grow up to lead. Even if you can’t live for somebody else… if you can live without blaming somebody else, I think that’s wonderful.”
Before a tear fell, I quickly wiped it away and went over to Uramichi, giving him a small side hug and a rub on his back. He put a hand on my shoulder, gripping it a bit tight for comfort.
Man, nothing can get past this man.
I couldn’t really see through my tears anymore as I sat down and took off my sunglasses.
“Fuck man… you need to warn me when you do those speeches..”
“Holy shit- are you crying?” Usahara asked.
“Shut up, I’ll clear up in a moment. Just… fuck…”
I felt someone pulling me into an embrace, petting my head so I rested against his shoulder.
“It’s ok to cry in front of us, just let it out.”
~Flashback | 3rd person ~
“Stop crying! This isn’t something to cry about!” Y/n’s dad exclaimed.
“I-I ca-can’t!”
Y/n curled up in their seat at the dining table, pulling at their hair to relieve some stress.
“It’s just homework, why can’t you do something as simple as this?!”
Y/n flinched, eyes wide from their mistake as they looked up in fear. Their dad grabbed their face with a hand with a tight grip, making them look into his eyes.
“Look at me. Don’t yell. Just take a deep breath and get back to work. You can have your break after you’re done.”
This wasn’t the only memory that flew by the current Y/n’s head either.
“Mom, I can’t find my notebook!”
“So? C’mon, stop wasting my time.” She rolled her eyes.
“Huh? Can’t you help me look for it?”
“And why should I? You lost it.”
“And you lost your keys yesterday! Why do I have to help you look for your stuff when you lose it but when I lose stuff, you don’t help me?”
“Because that’s reality. People are unfair and you have to handle problems yourself.”
“But I helped you…”
“That’s your problem then.”
~ Flashback end | Still 3rd person ~
“It must’ve sucked having a dad like that, right?”
Uramichi didn’t respond, knowing they had more to say.
“My parents were always really strict with my academic grades. I never got break and their word was law. So I decided to do just what they wanted. Yeah, sure, it was more extreme but… that didn’t fucking matter. They got even more angry at me. ‘Why won’t you help me find my keys?’ Because you never helped me with anything. ‘Why don’t you just ask us for help?’ Because when I asked, you said that it was nothing and to get over it. ‘Why won’t you hang out with your friends?’ Because you said they’re useless! Nothing mattered! They were never happy with me! It’s to the point they changed everything for my sister yet still treated me the same!”
Kumatani and Usahara awkwardly looked at each other. They never really saw Y/n look so distraught before. In fact, they got more and more concerned as Y/n rambled on and on, words soon becoming incoherent. Uramichi only continued to hug them, feeling a strange sense of comfort holding them.
“That’s way too many expectations. It makes sense why you chose to do that.”
“And they still ask why I’m depressed. They gave me a therapist and right from the 3rd day, they asked why I’m not fixed? Is severe depression supposed to be something fixable like that? NO!”
“That’s actually very angering.”
“And that’s not even the worst of it- They say this whole job is stupid! That I have college degrees and should be doing something with my life! But I- I feel happy here! Even if this job is draining, I get to make some people happy! Why should I give that up?!”
Uramichi could only agree with most of what they said. And honestly, he really did agree with Y/n. Their parents were the type to think they were always in the right, even after having a group talk with their therapist. Now that’s a fixed mindset.
Eventually, Y/n took a quick breath, wiping away their tears and pulling away with a bright yet awkward smile.
“Well, that was a great vent! I think I should call my therapist for an earlier meeting- anyway- Thanks for listening. I hope to never do that again.”
“That’s a quick switch!” Usahara exclaimed.
Uramichi got up as well, putting his hands on their cheeks gently to make them look at his face, rubbing circles with his thumbs.
“What they did was wrong, you know that. Family shouldn’t be the only people you could depend on. Friends are a good thing to have. Hobbies, even if you drop them, are good too. As long as you find some happiness in what you do, it’s ok. So you don’t have to listen to them. Do what you want. Stay here as long as you want.”
“Seriously, please don’t leave me in this hell of a kids show-”
“Here, how about we go out for a drink? I know you don’t usually drink anything alcoholic, so maybe a cafe might be better?”
Y/n blinked owlishly, blushing slightly as they had started to lean forward into his touch. He couldn’t help but squish their cheeks together.
“Uh, sure… When? What time?”
“How about today right now?”
“Yeah, um, sure. Great. Ok, let’s uh… go then…”
“You still have to change out of your clothes.”
“Right! Uh- I’ll be right back!”
Y/n quickly left to the stalls and Usahara crouched down.
“I can’t believe it… Uramichi is actually going on a date…”
“What are you talking about?”
Usahara jumped up, grabbing the gym rat by his sweater and shaking him violently.
“You idiot! Don’t you realize that you just asked Y/n on a date! A DATE! AND THEY ACCEPTED!”
Uramichi’s eyes widened, face going bright red.
“Oh shit, I did-”
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A/N: Would ya look at that! I had enough motivation to type another thing! It's awful but whatever. I'll eventually get something actually romantic on here... hopefully... It's probably not what you expected, sorry... Anyway! Hope you have a good day!
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sapphosmistress · 2 years
Warnings: mention of blood
A/N: this is my first fic so sorry if this sucks but! happy (late) birthday to my best girl. also still haven’t gotten the hang of formatting on tumblr so forgive me if it’s a bit off. enjoy :)
2:17 am. You squint your eyes to read out the faint neon numbers on your alarm clock. You’ve been tossing and turning all night, all because of a slight pounding on the back of your head. The room is cold and there’s a slight sound of wind rushing through the windows. A small beam of light comes in through a gap in the curtains from the lampposts Tony installed around the compound. As you get up from the warmth of your bed you shiver, as you prefer to sleep in shorts and a graphic tee. You step out of your room into the kitchen and wince at the frigid floor striking your bare feet. The kitchen is empty, or so you think as you serve yourself a glass of water. You look up to see a familiar redhead lurking in the shadows of the living room, almost blending in with the couch as she sits still. You jump slightly upon seeing her, almost spilling your glass.
“Natasha?! You scared me.”
You say just above a whisper, noting the time.
She had been gone on a mission for a week and although she had startled you, your heart couldn’t resist skipping upon seeing her.
Natasha was quiet, but you adored that. You always found yourself trying to spark the smallest conversation just to hear the spy’s raspy voice. Knowing of her past, she didn’t trust easily. But, you respected that. Some time passed and you found yourself easily engaging in conversation with the redhead, just not with words. Going on early morning runs, and finding each other down by the pond with a book in hand or Natasha lying on her back under the magnolia tree looking up at the pink colors of the sunset. You would hand her the lunch you made. No words needed to be spoken then. It was as if you both understood each other with a nod of the head or a small smile from the redhead that never failed to make you feel butterflies.
It was not a secret that you liked the older woman, especially when your best friend read your mind.
“Wanda seriously you need to stop doing that.”
“I’m sorry but your thoughts are just so LOUD. I mean WOW y/n you really need to keep it in your pants-“
“Okay, okay, okay stop please I beg.”
Wanda Maximoff, the cause of your headache in the first place. Sparring with the scarlet witch is without a doubt, no joke.
“Sorry.” The redhead mumbles under her breath it’s almost hard to catch.
You see her shift in her seat switching from her man spread position to hunch over her legs. A streak of light showcases the left side of her face.
Your eyes trail down from her sharp jaw down to her black suit, suddenly stopping when you notice a dark spot of red on her lower abdomen.
“Nat, you’re bleeding.” You gasp in a hushed tone.
You freeze.
“No it’s- it’s not mine.” She says shaking her head and from her hoarse voice you can tell she’s trying not to cry.
There’s a small silence as you watch the woman look down as to avoid your gaze.
You forget about the cup in your hand and rush to her side, kneeling before her.
You watch as tears roll down her face, and her left eye twitch as the tears don’t stop falling. You don’t know much about the mission she was sent on, just that she was the only one assigned by Fury to take it. In his words “Romanoff is the only person for the job.”
Unsure of your next move, you delicately place your hands on her face. Her cold face suddenly warmed by both your hands and her tears. She looks beautiful even now, with patches of red appearing on her face as she cries. You slowly bring your lips to catch a falling tear on her cheek, and do the same for the other side of her face.
Natasha has stopped crying now and her breath is caught in her throat by your actions, but you can’t bring yourself to stop. Ever since you were little, you wished to carry everyone else’s burdens on, to take the pain away. So that’s what you did, by gently kissing all of Natasha’s tears off her face. You slide your hands down to her neck and observe her.
Natasha is still, eyes closed and her pink lips slightly parted. You want her so bad. To taste her lips and kiss her under that same magnolia tree by the pond. To hold her in your arms and have all of her.
Without thinking, your hands gently pull Natasha in and your lips connect.
The kiss is unreciprocated at first, the spy too caught up in the moment to believe it was real. So you slightly pull away and begin to ramble an apology when Natasha suddenly pulls you back in and kisses you.
This time it’s your turn to be shocked, but still you kiss her back slowly.
Her lips are soft and plump, and they taste of the salt from her tears.
It stays this way for a while, just taking each other in slowly.
Natasha’s hands find their way down to your abdomen and the kiss deepens as you feel her tongue slip into your mouth. You let out a low moan and break the kiss with a giggle.
Her head rests against your forehead now and her nose nuzzles into yours causing you to giggle once more.
She lets out a soft hum to let you know she’s listening and finally opens her eyes.
You tilt your head with a slight smirk and she blushes.
“Sorry,” she rasps out.
You shake your head in disagreement.
“What for?”
It’s quiet now and all that can be heard is her heavy breathing and the wind picking up from outside.
“Why don’t we get you cleaned up and ready for bed, it’s late Natty.”
“Don’t tease or I won’t let you sleep with me tonight.”
She lets out a breathy laugh and her face softens, her smile falls.
“I don’t know y/n.” She whispers.
Your eyebrows furrow at her words.
“Oh sorry If I had the wrong idea I’ll just go then-“
She grabs hold of your hands to stop you from leaving and shakes her head. She looks to the floor once more.
“No it’s not that y/n.”
Your left hand escapes her hold and moves to lift her chin up to look at you. You wait for her to speak. Knowing Natasha, there were things she didn’t speak about and certain topics the team knew not to bring up. Only Clint could talk to her, and even then he admitted to having a hard time in getting the widow to open up.
“I just…”
Her gaze moves back to the ground and the breath she lets out is shaky.
“I just haven’t had someone look after me like that in a long time.” She mumbles under her breath.
You think to yourself for a moment before moving your hands to intertwine with hers and you gently place a kiss on her bruised knuckles. It’s incredulous you think. That someone as caring and complex as she, didn’t have anyone to return the favor. It was a shock to find out that Natasha did not lead the avengers, when she took care of everyone. When Tony would get into trouble with Pepper, she was the one to make them talk. When Bucky and Sam would argue like children, she was the one to give them a stern look that would immediately make them shut up. She would also tease Peter about being the better arachnid, at which he would stutter his way through agreeing with her as he was intimidated by the older woman. She was the heart of the team, and yet no one seemed to return the favor.
“I’ll always take care of you, Nat.” you whisper.
She lets out a shaky breath and her green eyes lift to stare into yours. You lean in and kiss her once more and when the kiss is broken, her forehead lands onto yours and she releases a breathy laugh. You raise your eyebrow as if to question her and Natasha smirks with a proud look on her face.
“So I’m sleeping with you now?”
You sigh and roll your eyes, shifting up from your kneeling position, and begin to walk away from her. She laughs at your annoyance.
“Y/n, aren’t you forgetting something?”
You stop in your tracks and turn around to see her smirk only grow larger.
Her eyes roll to her side as if pointing to the kitchen.
“Your water.”
You groan and continue to walk away. From a distance you yell at Natasha to bring your water when she comes into your room. She stays seated for a moment smiling to herself by your behavior. She thinks of how lucky she is to finally have you, after putting up with the bad sandwiches you would occasionally make her for lunch. Clint would tease her for doing so, but she didn’t mind. She would continue to do it for you, and only you.
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lucidapricity · 2 years
Wow, I just started reading this story and...
I considered being a silent reader but I just have to tell you what I think of it! First off, it's kind of hard acknowledging the boys are actually divine creatures. You're so used to hearing about them IRL as the humans they are that you can't process in this fictional story, they're immortals instead. So when I really think about it, these are angels who have lived hundreds, thousands, millions (in Namjoon and Jin's case) of years. What have they NOT seen? They're big and powerful! It's hard grasping this because they're always in their mortal form so when I think about them I keep forgetting they're probably capable of pulling a Killua (from HxH) and just easily snatching the heart out of a human with no difficulty.
The fact that these creatures have their eye set on...a human is what's above all else terrifying. How can a human grasp something like this. Especially Namjoon and Jin. Could you imagine meeting someone from ancient days? That would give me psychological issues just as much as them if they were to see everything we have today. If you're going to be as biblically accurate as possible, then that means we are interacting with people who physically existed in every story of the Bible. That...again, that just shows how inferior we are.
See, this is what I like about this story. It's incredibly unique and creative! And I'm unable to process certain things about it! That's how you know you're a good author. I can't wait to see where this story goes. There's obviously something special about Y/N she might have descended from a bloodline of people with spiritual abilities maybe? Perhaps that's how she could see the light emitting from the sword and Namjoon's eye color! Or maybe her fate was sealed the minute she touched the feather. Maybe people with spiritual gifts have a balance of receiving blessings and curses. And if Y/N is one of them- her curse is becoming one with the fallens. Orrrr maybe someone in her family was associated with heavenly beings, did something wrong, and their consequence travels through the family and Y/N was just the unlucky one to have gotten it?
I don't know but I will gladly anticipate! This story has me sitting on the edge of my seat.
I do have a fun little question though: How did Namjoon and Jin adapt to the technology? They are both as old as the sun and they aren't guardians or powers so it's not like they've been to earth. So the first time they held a phone, were they like "I have to find out what this rectangular black box is and how humans are able to communicate with it...I heard it can also produce entertainment" Like I'm just wondering about the little things.
And I don't know if there's one set ending for this or two alternate ones but if you're planning on making one with Y/N finally submitting to them, does she still happen to have the feather she found that day? I was thinking about, if she submits to them, then the black feather she has, she can make it into an earring and wear it on her person always, as a sign that they belong to her and vice versa.
Cheers with college! -🧡 anon
hello orange anon!
first of all, thank you for telling me your thoughts about this fic of mine! i really appreciate getting questions and messages about WotN as the feedback helps me out immensely! it also makes me hyped up to write future chapters ^o^
i can get that it's difficult to perceive that the tannies in WotN are immensely powerful and undying celestial beings, but i believe that's okay! the point of fic writing, especially in yandere or dark rom, is to simply enjoy fiction and not take it seriously; if someone does take it seriously and start mixing up from what's fact and what's fake, then that is when problems will begin to arise. going back to what you said about forgetting that they are these inhumane beings in this story, there will be more chances in future chapters to show off the power they continue to hide from the realm. at the same time, since you are in the reader's pov, it makes sense to forget that they aren't the average human.
yes, it's really crazy to have such a being have such interest in a human! i like stories like that because it challenges the creative mind plus i enjoy monsters messing around with humans bc of that specific power dynamic lolol irl, yea it would be mindblowing to meet something with the knowledge of time itself and really, really terrifying 💀 the story is not going to be completely biblically accurate but it is going to take bits and pieces of it as i am not that religious myself (ironic right lmao) i did have another anon ask something similar about whether or not this fic would be biblically accurate and i still need to finish answering it lol
i'm really glad that you enjoy the story bc of the mysteries behind everything in it, this is genuinely the first chapter fic that i've done haha your ideas/questions about what could be the reason why the reader is seeing things a normal mortal wouldn't be seeing or feeling are really intriguing. all i can say is that any of those could be true but at the same time, none of them could be true ;)
namjoon and jin had the toughest time figuring out modern technologies, many phones and other devices were broken. think of trying to teach an elderly person how to use a touchscreen but times it by 10, frustrating right? all of them had a struggle with the new world but some of them (the guardian angels) adapted faster than the others because they had the consistent exposure to humans throughout the times.
unfortunately, the reader did not keep the feather that she found, she dropped it the minute she started feeling sick and paranoid in the first chapter. but don't worry, they have other ways to show that she belongs to them :)
again, thank you so much for this long ask orange anon!! (●'◡'●)
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
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got inspired by a post from @gayemeralds and couldn’t help myself
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readerleedigest · 2 years
Fear of Falling
The reader has never gone rollerskating before. Things don't go exactly as planned.
Disclaimer: this is a tickle fic, if you don't like that, keep scrolling. This is also my first so please be nice.
"How have you never rollerskated before?"
You ducked your head and couldn't help but grin at the incredulous looks on the groups' faces. Despite her negative experience at the Roller Rink earlier that year, Eleven had suggested the group go together to the new rink in Hawkins. Without much thought, you'd offhandedly remarked that it would be a new experience for you.
"I don't know Steve, I just haven't," you shrugged, trying not to make eye contact.
"First you've never seen a horror movie, then you tell us you've never been roller skating. I know you said your parents were overprotective Y/N, but wow. Next thing you'll be telling us you've never skipped a day of school," Robin joked, nudging you with your elbow.
"They haven't," Nancy laughed, further making you blush.
"Shut up." Your response was muffled by your hands, and the group laughed.
"It's okay, Y/N. We'll show you how. Besides, everyone falls at some point," Max said, a mischievous look in her eye as she continued with a pointed look at Lucas. "Some of us fall multiple times, hmm?"
"Alright, alright, we don't want to waste the whole night. Half in Steve's car and half in Eddie's?" Lucas asked.
And just like that, you found yourself in a brightly colored roller rink, a disco ball hanging in the middle of the room and flashing colorful lights illuminating your freshly disinfected roller skates. You didn't understand how this was considered a hobby. It seemed like a death sentence for someone like you whose balance was not to be trusted.
"I think Y/N is scared," Mike mock-whispered to El and Will, loud enough for the rest of the group to hear as they laced up their skates.
"I am not." You rolled your eyes, trying desperately to feel braver than you did. Seriously, there was no stability to these stupid skates. How do you stop? How do you even stand up?
Steve was sitting to the left of you in the group, and gave you what you were sure he thought was a reassuring smile. It did nothing to help with your nerves. The floor of the ring did not seem as though it'd be forgiving.
"Y/N, seriously. You'll be fine," Eddie chimed in from your right. "And if you fall, I promise I'll only laugh after I make sure you haven't broken any bones."
"Ha. Ha." You sarcastically laughed, the skates officially laced up.
You watched as El, Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Robin and Nancy began to skate around the edges of the rink, gaining speed as they gained confidence. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad? Even Lucas seemed like he was getting the hang of it, and Max had talked like he wasn't very good...
And then Lucas fell HARD. You winced, watching as he sat in place on the ground, his face twisted up in pain. Max circled around to help him out, but even still.
"Maybe I better just watch this time around."
"No way," Steve said, struggling to get to his feet. "It's group bonding time, Y/N. Besides, after the time we've had in Hawkins, it's good for us to have some fun."
"Yeahhhh, Y/N. It's Group. Bonding. Time." Eddie accentuated each of those last words with a poke to your side, making you fight a smile and twitch a little. A fact that you prayed went unnoticed by the boys.
"Okay, okay," you agreed, getting ready to stand in hopes of distracting from Eddie's almost discovery of your ticklishness.
"Tilt your feet forward so the stopper is resting against the ground, and slowly stand - there you go!" Steve offered you a hand as he coached you up, your legs shaking a little. He directed you to stand with your feet flat, and you watched as Eddie showed you how to push off in a V-motion.
"You're already a pro! And don't forget, if you feel like you're gonna fall, fall on your butt."
"Nature's padding," Eddie chimed, getting a nervous laugh from you. At first, the boys stayed with you as you moved at a snail's pace, and after a few minutes you waved them on.
"You two do enough babysitting as it is," you smiled, wobbling slightly as you rounded a turn.
"Then we bid you ado, Y/N, master of the rink," Eddie smirked goofily, bowing as he skated away to join Dustin. Steve followed after, giving you a quick thumbs up over his shoulder as he joined Nancy and Robin.
You could feel how tense you were as you skated, trying desperately not to teeter too far forward or backward. You'd give an embarrassed wave as other members of your group lapped you... multiple times. This was ridiculous. You're perfectly capable of keeping up with the others, some of whom you were years older than. Surely you were just underestimating your balance.
The music track changed to a more upbeat tempo, and you began to skate faster. And faster. This wasn't so bad! El and Mike cheered for you from somewhere behind you, and you smiled so hard your cheeks felt a little sore. No wonder people liked doing this so much!
"Go Y/N!" Steve called from across the rink, Nancy and Robin whooping beside him. You let out a small whoop yourself, turning your attention back to where you were skating just in time to see that you were nearing a wall. Very VERY fast.
"Oh gosh," you muttered, reaching your arms out in an attempt to stop yourself. The momentum of hitting the wall with your hands pushed your feet out from in front of you, and the next thing you knew you were laying on the floor of the rink, stunned.
"Y/N!" You heard El and Mike call for you first, rolling up beside you to keep other skaters from running into you.
"Are they okay?" Steve, Robin and Nancy came next, as you sat up, still a little dazed. Eddie, Dustin, Will and Max came next, all of the group huddled against the wall with you in the middle. And that was when you heard some of the teasing laughter from other skaters as they passed by. Were you hurt physically? No. But your pride? Wounded beyond belief.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." You told yourself as much as the others, trying to stand up and having one foot slip out from under you again. "I think I need a break."
"Me too," Steve smiled sympathetically, offering you an arm. "I'm getting too old to keep up with these kids."
"Same," Eddie agreed, offering an arm on your other side. "Besides, I could go for a slushie right now, how about you?"
They both helped you up slowly, and you waved off the others with a forced smile, insisting they go back to their fun. Skates traded back in for shoes, and each of you with a red slushie, you sat between Steve and Eddie on a bench facing the rink so you could watch the group as they skated around.
"So," Eddie tilted his head sideways toward you. "Thoughts on making rollerskating a regular thing? You looked like you were having a great time out there."
"Yeah," you sighed. "Right up until I hit the wall. And then I just looked like an idiot."
"No, you didn't. Everyone falls, Y/N. It's your first time." Steve draped an arm on the bench behind you, and you took another sip of your slushie.
"Yeah, it's my first time and I got too confident and made a fool out of myself. People were laughing at me."
"Well, people are jerks. And I'd rather make people laugh then have them be all sad like you are right now. Come on, where's that smile you had earlier?" Steve set his slushie down on the bench beside him, turning to face you.
"Yeah, Y/N, I don't think I've ever seen you smile like that before." Eddie mimicked Steve's motions, and suddenly you felt very on the spot, choosing to intently stare at the red ice in your cup.
"Leave me alone. Look, I feel bad enough I fell and stopped everyone from skating, you all don't have to sit here with me. Go, keep skating, have fun. I'll just stay here."
"We've already been over this. Group. Bonding." Eddie repeated his actions from earlier, poking you as he emphasized the words. You twitched again, leaning towards Steve with a small smile that you quickly tried to wipe away.
"Oh wow, I think they started to smile again, Munson. Come on Y/N. Smile. For. Us." Steve was apparently catching on, poking your other side, and suddenly the comfort of being surrounded by your friends seemed more like a giggly impending doom.
"Guys, pleahease," you said through bared teeth, doing your best not to laugh.
Eddie reached over and plucked the slushie from your hand, setting it beside his own before turning back to you with a signature Eddie Munson grin. Oh boy, were you in trouble.
"Oh Harrington," he sang. "It seems like Y/N, master of the rink, is ticklish."
"You're right, Munson. And they also seem to be pretty stubborn about not wanting to smile."
You shifted uncomfortably, eyes sweeping back and forth from one grin to another. You'd try to run, but they were your ride. You weren't getting out of this one.
"I'm not," you lied, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"Not stubborn?" Eddie asked.
"Or not ticklish?" Steve, the sneak, asked the question just as his hand behind your head brushed against the back of your neck, making you squeal and jerk forward.
"Neither," you giggled.
"Well then this shouldn't be a problem."
Eddie and Steve wasted no time in their attack. Eddie spidered one hand over your side, and the other clawed into your belly, making you double over in laughter. Meanwhile, Steve was focusing on the back of your neck, which you'd so generously offered up when Eddie began tickling your belly.
"NAHAHAHAT THERE," you cackled, the feeling of your two worst spots being targeted shooting sparks all through your nervous system.
"Nahahahat where?" Steve mocked your laugh, smiling to himself. He'd never heard you laugh so hard. "Your stomach? Or your neck?"
"EITHER!" You cried out, your hands struggling to find the best way to defend yourself. When you tried to block your neck, Eddie shifted both hands to your stomach, and when you tried to block your stomach, Steve would tickle both sides of your neck until you had his hands trapped between your head and shoulders.
"What a day of discoveries, Harrington. Not only has Y/N never skipped school, but they're a pro at skating, can smile bigger than anyone I know, AND they're insanely ticklish."
"Y/N, why didn't you tell us sooner?" Steve teased, spidering his finger between your shoulder blades, making you lift your face involuntarily as you squeaked again.
"Because we're your best friends!" Eddie gasped, faking offense. "And because we are your best friends, it's our job to make sure you smile!"
Steve noticed that your face was growing red, and motioned for Eddie to slow to a stop as he did.
"So," Steve continued as you began to catch your breath. "I'll let you choose. Stomach or neck?"
Your eyes grew wide as a wobbly and laughter-drunk smile surfaced on your face. "Whahahat?"
He couldn't seriously be asking you to choose. Both him and Eddie tickling one of your death spots. You'd surely die.
"5... 4.... 3..." Eddie began counting down, and you panicked, your hands coming up to cover your eyes and blushing face as you blurted out your answer.
For a second, nothing happened. With your hands over your eyes, you couldn't see the mischievous smiles of Steve and Eddie as they slowly lowered their hands near you stomach, relishing in the sounds of you already giggling nervously. But they held still, and you just couldn't take the suspense.
"Gehehet it over wihihith," you giggled. And then 4 hands began spidering over your belly, poking and clawing from your ribs to your waist. You were right. This was how you would die. Laughing to death as your best friends tickled you. What a way to go.
You didn't know how long they tickled you for before El came to your rescue, the tickling suddenly ceasing to the confusion of Eddie and Steve as they could no longer move their hands. You looked up to see her discreetly holding her hand up across the rink, a teasing smile on her face as Robin and Nancy skated over to save you.
"Let poor Y/N alone," Nancy laughed pulling you to your feet. "They've got some more skating to do, if they're up for it."
Steve and Eddie pouted as El released their hands.
"But they liked it," Steve complained, winking at you.
"Yeah, they were having fun," Eddie added. Nancy and Robin glanced at you, as you conveniently avoided eye contact with all of them.
Nancy and Robin rolled their eyes fondly. "You can have more fun later, but right now, we are gonna skate. You coming?"
"Yes," you smiled, feeling a lot more relaxed then you did earlier. And besides, if you fell again, well -
"Hey, Y/N!" Eddie called behind you. You looked back at him and Steve.
"If you fall again, we'd be more than happy to take care of you," Steve wiggled his eyebrows at you as he talked, and if that wasn't enough to make you laugh, Eddie's wiggling fingers brought back nervous laughter. Maybe rollerskating should become a regular pasttime for you and the group. And if you fell with Steve and Eddie around... well, it wasn't that bad was it?
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Corpse’s Girl
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Bullying, Swearing, Derogatory Terms
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: Y/N’s life as a regular college student is forever stripped away from her when her relationship with the famous YouTuber Corpse Husband is accidentally revealed during an online class of hers. How will she cope with the sudden spotlight and the unwanted attention, some of which crosses into bullying?
Requested by my amazing Tumblr friend @itsminniekat 🥰 She’s been reading and liking my works since day one and I honestly couldn’t be more grateful. If you’re reading this, all I can say is thank you, darling. Thank you so much for sticking by my blog even when I posted some crappy fics. I’ll make sure this ain’t one of them. Love you with all my heart. ❤❤❤
P.S. - I named the mean character with my name so I hope no one who reads this has the same name. Wouldn’t want any of you feeling like the villain 😘
Who knew online class would be even more boring than being physically present for a lecture? Seriously, I find myself doing the weirdest of crap to entertain myself - like trying to balance a pen on the tip of my nose for example. I jot down some notes every now and then but that’s basically it. My mind can not fathom the concept on concentrating on whatever my professors are going on and on about. Well, full disclosure, I couldn’t concentrate even if I wanted to, especially with my boyfriend streaming in the other room.
He’s currently playing Among Us with his usual gaming squad. Listening to his input during the discussions, I can always tell when he’s lying. I honestly find it hilarious that his friends can’t pick up when he’s bullshitting them. I sometimes wonder if he has brainwashed them. And that’s one of the main reasons we don’t play Among Us together - he can’t lie to me. Not only do I pick up on his con with ease, but he always says he feels bad when he lies to me which is just the sweetest thing. Also, I refuse to play cause I’m shy. His friends are all well-known content creators and I’m a literal nobody. Every now and then I find myself wondering why Corpse is even with me. He’s always quick to push those thoughts out of my head and make sure they don’t return on a long notice, but they do interrupt my peace from time to time.
“Y/N, do you know?“ The sound of my professor saying my name takes me out of my eavesdropping of Corpse’s stream.
I panic, but quickly improvise, “Sorry, my internet is slow, you cut out for a second. What was the question?” I feel my face heating up, making me glad we are allowed to keep our cameras off.
“Question number 15 on page 82 in your textbook. Do you know the answer to it?“ My professor repeats himself, his tone annoyed.
I look down at the page that’s already opened in front of me. I let out a sigh of relief, seeing that the question is rather easy.
“Yeah, um, it’s...“ Suddenly, Corpse’s laugh reaches my room loud and clear. There’s no doubt my mic picked up the noise, especially since the door to my room is open.
The color drains from my face as I hurry to say the answer and remute myself. My eyes are wide as I stare at my screen, hoping no one will acknowledge that very recognizable laugh.
“OMG Y/N, are you watching a Corpse Husband stream in class?” One of the bitches in my class, Vy, speaks up, “Not a very goody-two-shoe move on your part, dear.” 
I purposely unmute my mic to mumble a quick ‘Shut up, bitch’ that somehow manages to fly under my professor’s radar and the class continues. It’s the first time something like this has happened and I’m not sure if I handled it properly or not.
The class ends shortly after, allowing me a sigh of relief as I disconnect from the meeting. 
“Fucking finally.“ I mumble to myself, leaning back in my desk chair. Tilting my head backwards, I see Corpse standing in the doorframe. I grin, not only because his presence itself makes me ten times happier, but also because he’s upside down from my viewpoint. “Well, hello there! How long have you been spying on me?“
He struts over to me, leaning his face over mine, “Long enough.” His lips linger above mine without any actual contact before he pulls away, allowing me to sit up straight and proper in the chair. “You still have classes?”
I nod my head while disappointedly rolling my eyes, “Yeah. One more. Shouldn’t be too bad since it’s English Lit. You’re done streaming?”
“Yeah, I just have some other things to do. I haven’t done a narration video in a while, I miss making that type of content.“ He plops down on my bed, running a hand through his messy black curls.
“Weren’t you recording some lines a few days ago?“ I frown as I try to recall if what I’m referring to actually happened or my brain is too fried to decipher reality from my bootleg perception of it. Online class, man - messes with your head like sleeping pills - makes you disoriented and exhausted with barely doing anything other than trying to wrap your brain around a lecture or two.
He hums affirmatively, “It’s not a finished project and I don’t even know if I’ll use those or rerecord them. I’ll have to listen to them again before I make a final decision.“
I tilt his chin upwards with my pointer finger, a gesture he has told me he finds very endearing, “I’m sure they’re great and you just refuse to be satisfied. Everything you do is great.“
He smiles a small, shy smile, his fingers gently wrapping around my wrist, holding my hand in place, “You’re biased. You like me too much to tell me when I do some bullshit.”
I scoff, “You know that isn’t true. If someone’s gonna kick your butt in formation, it’s gonna be me.“ I give him a quick kiss on the forehead before pulling away from him, “Go on, now. I have a class to attend. You distract me enough while you’re in the other room, I can only imagine how hard it’d be for me to focus if you were right by my side.“
He smirks, bowing a little as he makes his way out of the room, “You flatter me.”
I playfully roll my eyes, getting my headset back on as I tap the last class for the day. We have an assignment due to the start of the class which we’ll have to present if the professor approved of it. We basically had to write a psychoanalysis of a character from any book of our choice. I chose Heathcliff from ‘Wuthering Heights’ which is one of my favorite books of all time. I’m proud of what I wrote and the way I wrote it, but I’ve always barely scraped by with a B in this class, a B+ if I’m lucky, so I’ve never gotten any major credit, even when I put my 110% in the assignments and projects.
Well, color me surprised when the professor calls on me first to read my work, complimenting it on its detailed and specific nature. I get my printed assignment out in front of me and unmute myself.
“I wrote a psychoanalysis on for Heathcliff, a character from Emily Bronte’s novel ‘Wuthering Heights’.“ Just after I say this line, Corpse’s voice booms throughout the whole apartment, no doubt being picked up by my mic. It doesn’t sound like he’s actually talking, he can’t be that loud. I put two and two together when I recognize the lines he’s saying - the ones he recorded a few days ago. They’re coming from his computer speakers. He probably didn’t check the volume before playing back the recording.
I mute myself as quickly as possible, but it’s too late. The voice dies down as Corpse probably turned down the speakers.
My professor, who is already done with this lecture, just annoyedly remarks, her words overdosed with sarcasm: “Read your assignment and you can go back to whatever it is you are watching.”
“Wow, Y/N! Again?! Are you one of those crazy obsessed fans or something? Is Corpse Husband all you watch?“ This bitch is really poking a stick at me, huh? The only crazy obsessed fan here is her, and my friends but they are allowed. Little do all of them know, I am obsessed but not simply over a YouTuber. I’m obsessed with my boyfriend who just happens to be a YouTuber.
“No commentary, please.“ The professor scolds her, “Go on, Y/N.“
I finish reading without any other disturbances. The professor compliments my essay again when I’m done, the small incident at the beginning forgotten already. Well, not by everyone. One of my friends shot me a quick text to joke about it which only earned an eye roll from me.
My friends don’t know that I’m dating Corpse either. As I said, they are simping HARD over him while I act the most indifferent on the subject. Whenever they ask my opinion on him I either say ‘he’s OK’ or just avoid answering completely. I know saying anything more enthusiastic than that would turn into a snowball rolling down a snowy hill - I’d just keep babbling about how nice, amazing, wonderful and a gift to this world Corpse is, inevitably revealing our relationship in the process.
I’m afraid of revealing my relationship with Corpse in front of these people. They are all run on jealousy and selfishness and I can only imagine how mean they’d be about it. I’m already not too fond of them, it would only be worse if any of my personal life was exposed.
When the class finally ends I remove my headset, putting my forehead down on the desk, barely missing the keyboard. I groan in frustration and anger at myself for not fighting back. I could’ve and should’ve said something - ANYTHING. But what? That’s a question I can’t find the answer to.
“Hey...“ Corpse’s hesitant voice comes from behind me, “You ok?“
I straighten my posture, turning to him with a smile. “Yeah, but these people suck.”
I get up from my chair as he approaches me, basically falling in his arms. The comfort I feel radiating off of him makes me relax, forget the past hour or so. He has always had this effect on me. Like my own personal kryptonite to my anger and anxiety.
“Did I get you in any trouble because of that?“ His voice shows clear concern and guilt. 
I wrap my arms around him tighter, burying my head in his chest. “No, don’t worry about it.“ 
And I really wasn’t in trouble. Not until now that the video is officially posted....
I can call these people dumb all I want but they sure put two and two together awfully fast. They recognized the lines they heard during class as the same ones from his new video that came out almost a week after the incident, aka two days ago. It’s safe to say I haven’t touched my phone or computer since.
“This is all my fault.“
Of all the horrible things I suspected would happen this has to be the worst - Corpse is blaming himself for it. I am prepared to take all the shit these people have to throw at me but seeing Corpse beating himself up over this is killing me. No amount of convincing can change his mind. Nothing I say helps.
“Please, stop doing this to yourself. Non of this is your fault, Corpse.“ I’ve repeated this sentence more than a thousand time these past forty eight hours, each time saying it more and more desperately.
“All of it is my fault, Y/N. I’m so sorry. I hate myself so much.“ Has been his reply single time.
 I can’t watch him be so mean to himself. It’s the most conflicting thing when the person you love most is torturing themselves. It’s easy if it’s someone else doing it, you just kick their ass. But what are you supposed to do when the person you want to protect is the same one you need to protect them from.
Corpse has shut himself away in his recording room these past few hours and though he clearly needs to be alone, he still left the door open just a crack cause he knows I’ll be worried sick otherwise.
While I’m alone in the living room, I’ve finally managed to brace myself and build enough courage to power up my laptop. Last time it was on it was going mad with notifications.
“It’s digital. Only digital. It can’t hurt you too badly if it can’t touch you, right?“ I mumble to myself, already frustrated despite not having yet seen all the horrors that await me.
And horrors there were. Everywhere. Twitter. Instagram. Facebook.
My grades. Some pictures of me no one has ever seen. My school files. People from my class tweeting Corpse to ‘expose’ me for the ‘slut’ or ‘bitch’ I really am. Corpse hasn’t touched social media either and I plan on making sure it stays that way. God only knows how much worse he’ll get if he sees these claims.
And then, like a notification sent straight from hell, an email from my professor.
Practical lectures on Friday. Be here at 9 AM. Don’t forget your mask and gloves.
Good thing I opened my laptop when I did. Friday is tomorrow and I need to prepare for this day. Not only do I need to hit the books but I need to toughen up a bit. I can’t go there looking like I feel - like a mess.
Alright, time to put the brave face on. No more wallowing in it, at least not until tomorrow afternoon.
I make a study plan and hop in the shower. I feel the need to apologize to my hair for washing it so roughly, basically yanking at my strands from frustration that has been suppressed for too long.
I get our of the boiling hot shower, red as a lobster, and change into some clean comfortable clothes and put my ass in study mode. I remove all the scary expectations of the morning to come from my mind and let the information the textbooks has to offer seep into my brain.
                                                            *  *  *
I’m about to head out and, despite my put-together composure, I am a wreck inside. I actually put effort into my appearance, I mean - I even styled my hair. A pretty façade to hide a ruin.
I saw my friends’ texts last night, all three of them ending their friendship with me because they felt betrayed. I haven’t yet decided how to feel about that. Doesn’t matter at the moment, there are more important matters at hand, aka surviving the next three hours.
My college is within ten minutes walking distance from our apartment. That ten minute walk has never been so stressful, not even during exam season. The air feels a little harder to breathe, the path a little shorter to walk. And my moment of reckoning a little too close.
I feel eyes on me the second I start walking through the park of our campus. Sure, I could just be paranoid, but the feeling is too real to be just my imagination in overdrive. I’m glad I have my hair down and a mask on so the redness of my cheeks and neck isn’t on display. That’s a sign of weakness right now.
We have two an hour and a half long classes between which we have a snack break that’s half an hour. I usually enjoy that period but I’m dreading it now. These assholes can only be so mean in the presence of a professor, but during lunch break they can increase that tenfold. 
“Well if it isn’t Corpse’s girl.“ I hear that a lot. The whispers are not so much whispers as intentionally loud enough for me to hear remarks. I’m not bothered by them, it’s the least they can do. If I let such a simple thing get to me, I’d be crumbling by the end of first period.
I hear some shuffling behind me and out of the corner of my eye I see, yeah you guessed it, THAT bitch. She’s standing as close to me as she can without violating Covid regulations. A mask is covering her face but the menacing look in her eyes tells me all I need to know about the interaction that’s about to go down.
“I’d ask how much he pays you for the hour.....“ her long nails tap the wooden desk, “but that’d be rude. I bet it’s tough being a maid. Do you just clean or are you a multipurpose lap dog? No offense, I’m genuinely curious.“
“Vy, would you be so kind as to give Y/N some room to breathe?“ The professor asks as he nonchalantly walks in.
Vy rolls her eyes, batting her eyelashes at me, “Talk to you later, sweetheart.” With a fake friendly wave she’s out of my hair, at least for now.
Remember what I said about these people not being as dumb as I pegged them to be? Yeah, scratch that. These fuckers actually tried getting away with taking pictures of me with flash in broad daylight. Like, HELLO! I have two functioning eyes and a brain, I’m onto you. Sadly, me having figured out their childish but hurtful methods of humiliating me doesn’t change much. They still posted the pics they took, using the most derogatory terms they could find in the English language, always making sure to tag Corpse and me both.
Needless to say, these were the longest three hours of my life.
                                                              *  *  *
Shutting the door to our apartment behind me causes relief of the highest levels. I feel like I’ve locked out all the bad shit I have had to deal with these past twenty four hours. 
I’m tired. I’m fucking exhausted. I feel like a discarded piece of paper. 
And it all starts crumbling. A wall is bound to start slowly falling apart after being hit over and over again, each time feeling the blows with a stronger intensity. 
I slide down the door sitting down on the floor and slowly taking my shoes off. I put my bag beside me and wrap my arms around my knees, hiding my head in the space between them and my chest.
One tear slides down my cheek.
Another follows.
And another, this time accompanied by a choked sob.
A pair of arms wraps around the ball that my body has been shaped into. One of his hands comes up to stroke my hair gently, feeding me the comfort I have been longing for since I left the apartment this morning.
“I saw it. All of it. All the shit they talk about you. All the names they call you. And I’ve never wanted to beat so many people up simultaneously.“ His words make me raise my head from its low position, giving him a knowing look. “I wish I could. I would, but that would land me in jail. Which doesn’t even sound so bad cause I don’t like going out. Only problem is you wouldn’t be with me. I wouldn’t want you to be there with me, don’t get me wrong, I’d never want you to end up in jail. I-...” I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. A quick kiss that says so much but mainly shows the immeasurable gratitude for his support.
Seeing those awful tweets and comments had the complete opposite effect on him. He no longer blames himself but the people who actually deserve the blame - all those jerks from my college.
I pull away, giving him a small smile. “I would never let you go to jail.” 
He smiles back at me, overjoyed that my mood is slowly being lifted, “Come on, I have a nice crowd that would like to meet you.”
I know exactly what he means. Felix, Sean, Rae, Dave, Sykkuno and the rest of his friends. The people I’ve been so shy and afraid to meet since day one. Being shy doesn’t really make sense now, seeing as how they know I exist and that I’m a part of Corpse’s life. 
What do I have to lose?
“Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.“ Corpse’s black avatar runs around my cyan one in the Among Us lobby.
I can’t help but giggle when I unmute my mic, “Hi everyone! It’s so nice to finally meet you.“ They each introduce themselves, expressing how happy they are to be meeting me too.
It’s the first time in what feels like a while that I’m truly having fun. These people are wonderful, each so unique and lovely. They never brought up the scandal nor acted as though they knew about it. I know they did and I am beyond grateful that they never mentioned it or treated me any differently because of it. Also, Corpse was streaming the whole time. I had my phone on his stream, my eyes nervously scanning the chat every now and then. I couldn’t believe it. Corpse’s real fans were just as wonderful as his friends - they were nothing but supportive and happy to have met me.
Now, I can either choose to believe these people were being so nice to me out of sympathy or I can believe they really like me and appreciate me for who I am and not for what happened to me. 
I choose to believe the latter.
And while I’m still getting accustomed to this whole new spotlight, I know I’ll be able to handle it as long as I’m holding Corpse’s hand in the process. All I need is to have him beside me and I’m prepared to tackle anything.
“They love you.“ Corpse tells me once the stream is done and we’ve hopped out of the Discord call, “But I love you more.“
His arms wrap around my waist while mine instinctively find their way around his neck, “I love them, too. But they’re at the number 2 spot.”
He smirks at me, “I wonder who’s at number 1.”
I push up on my toes, putting my lips an inch away from his, “Hmm, I wonder...”
He doesn’t let me finish, silencing my teasing with a sweet, loving kiss.
@susceptible-but-siriusexual  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat
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tyb1 · 3 years
If It’s The Right Thing To Do (4)
Character: Seth Clearwater
Note: let’s imagine your Sam’s little sister 
Dialogue prompt:“So let me get this straight when I need you you’re nowhere to be found but when I do something dumb you magically appear.”
Series List
tag list:  @alecvolturiswifeforever​ @scoverdale1​ @anndaydreamer​ @fae-lore​ @queen-of-embracing-uncertainty @nickangel13​ @bi-bi-spencer​@a-vild-bluemyrtle​ @little-miss-naill @crystalxavlove @ilovesethclearwater
Seth Clearwater Masterlist
A/N: message me or comment if you’d like to be on the tag list. sorry it took so long I love you guys:)
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“I’m sorry Seth but you and I both know that what you’re saying is bullshit.” I snatched my hand away from his chest, the feeling of his racing heart was no longer there. I knew he wasn’t lying about what he said but for his and my sanity, we both needed this to end here. This entire relationship was causing too many problems...well before he decided to join the Cullens. 
“What (Y/N)....what are you talking about?.” He stood there with tears in his eyes, I’m surprised he didn’t let them fall like I was letting mine fall. That was one thing I hated about him. He held in all of his emotions and then when it came to the breaking point he would explode. Trust me when I say it’s not a good sight to see.
I had to put off a bold face for him. I couldn’t let him know that I was actually dying inside. I was letting a few tears slide down my face but that didn’t compare to the aching feeling that I was feeling inside of me. It was the same feeling I felt when he first left me.
“Fine since you want me to say it so badly”- I roughly pointed my finger in his face.- “ Leave me alone. We’re breaking up so don’t call me, or text me until you get your priorities straight. I’ll be home when you get your shit together.” 
Seth couldn’t look me in the eyes, he started to kick the dirt with his feet. The sand below him started to change different colors from the tears that were falling upon it. He started to mumble a few words but the only thing I could hear was. “You don’t have your priorities straight either (Y/N).”
“It’s because I’m dealing with your shit! I’m around here following you like a lost puppy when you only play mind games with me! I’m so done with you and your bipolar ass!” I spat bitterly, I turned my back to him then marched towards Sam. I turned around to look at him once more, I instantly regretted it. He stood there with his hands in pockets with his head still hanging low. His head shot up instantly making eye contact with me, I quickly snatched my gaze away from him. This was going to be a new start for both of us so I didn’t need to be drawn back in with his puppy dog eyes.
Seth POV 2 weeks later
 I was too much of a coward to say goodbye. I was truly heartbroken. I wish I could run to her and tell her that I love her and tell her that I cherish everything about her but I know she wouldn’t believe me. I was all out of options. The only thing that felt right to do was to cry and that’s what I did. I cried so hard that day that Jake had to carry me home on his back. It’s been two weeks since I have last spoken to (Y/N), two of the longest fucking weeks of my life. I thought losing my dad was painful but this...this has won the race. I couldn’t bear the heartbreak so I started to stay out longer. I asked to take over Leah and Jake’s patrol hours. I don’t even remember the last time I ate. I can only remember our last encounter, it’s like a nonstop movie in my head it was causing me to go insane.
I hate it here.
I have been spending most of my days down at the border. I was monitoring the days where Colin and Brady patrolled, they were my best option to trick into letting me cross the border. It was my only way to apologize to (Y/N). So here I was trying to wave down Collin and Brady so I could continue with my ridiculous plan.
“Hey! Colin, Brady pshhh, come here!” I yelled out in the distance to the two wolves. I was standing at the border waiting for them to shift as well. I wasn’t in my wolf form. The last thing I wanted to do was be a threat to them. 
Brady was the first to walk from behind the tree while Colin stood behind the tree too nervous to face me. I could read their body language from a mile away, they were very uncomfortable with being around me. 
Brady snarled at me, I observed as all of the muscles in his body grew tense as he spoke. “I heard you got into it with Paul. He should have ripped your fucking head off.”
“Wow I wasn’t expecting that from you Brady, but thanks I guess.” I wasn’t trying to be an ass but it just rolled off my tongue. Straight away I regretted it, it only pissed him off even more. 
Brady pulled Colin by the collar of his shirt pushing him towards me. The kid could barely keep his posture straight or his eyes focused on me. He had no confidence in his steps and started to trip over the branches on the ground.
Brady pointed between the both of us with his thumb. He had an irritated facial expression plastered on his face. “Tell him what you told me when he left.” he spat bitterly, a small smirk was rising on his face but soon faded as Colin spoke.
“Do I have to?” Colin mumbled, he waved shyly at me. I took this opportunity to wave back to him. I gave him a small smile as well. Colin, Brady, and I were always close but Brady was always the fiery type while Colin was timid.
“Yes, you have to say it!” Brady exclaimed.
Colin rolled his eyes, “Fine, I said that you were an ass for leaving us behind. It wouldn’t be the first time that you left us.” Brady glared at him to continue, “I also said that you have a reputation for turning your back on us.”
I noticed Brady smiling at Colin; he must have felt accomplished. I must admit, I did feel bad, I left them behind but it was some things that they have not come to reality with.  “Listen I need a huge favor. I need you to let me cross the border so I can see (Y/N).”
Brady rolled his eyes, “Wow so you just completely ignored what we have to say? Why would we let you cross the border and jeopardize us? Yeah, that was a stupid request.”
“You’ll do it because I am your superior. In Jakes’s pack I’m the beta...but don’t ask Leah or else she’ll lie. She thinks she’s the beta because she’s older but in reality, Jake named me the beta.” 
Colin had a questionably look on his face, by now he has grown more comfortable with me and now is standing face to face just like Brady. “Why would you want to see someone who doesn’t want to see you?” 
I was taken aback, “Why do you mean? She wants to see me, there is no way that she would not want to see me.”
“Umm I highly doubt it, she’s been living well since the accident. We went skating last week with us and the others. Not once has she mentioned your name.” Brady slapped Colin across the back of his head. I watched as the two bickered back and forth. Brady pushed Colin away from him. He snapped his fingers to gain my attention from my feet. I hadn’t realized that I was getting sidetracked but I was trying to figure out why (Y/N)  wasn’t heartbroken.
“She made it clear that she didn’t want to be around you anymore Seth. Dude if I were you I’d really leave her the fuck alone. She really wants nothing to do with you. If you try to see her she’ll probably freak out on you. You’re pretty much dead to her.” Brady then smirked, “There’s also another guy that has been keeping her busy lately.”
Ouch. Well, that hurt...it actually hurt a lot. I cleared my throat so I could stop the tears from arising. We’re not about to cry in front of them!
Colin now slapped Brady beside the head. “You could have said it nicer, idiot.”
“What! Her words, not mine!” 
“Just forget about it.” I spat bitterly, If you wanted to forget about me and everything we had then so be it. I could forget you just as fast as you did me. I could care less about those stupid ass memories we made together. Just like you said I really didn’t love you it was just the stupid feeling of you being my damn imprint. 
I continued to walk and degrade our relationship. Jake tried to stop and talk to me but I just shoved him out of the way. He started to piss me off as well. He had his nose shoved so far up the Cullens ass he couldn’t tell you what roses smell like. Then here comes my second problem, Leah.  I didn’t dare shove her. I didn’t want to pick a fight with her right now. I could explode on her and say some things I didn’t mean. 
“Where the hell have you been!? Were you down at the border again?”
“Does it really matter?” I rolled my eyes at the screaming woman. If she wanted to be my mom then she should have birthed me out. She tugged me backward pulling her face up to hers. I stared into her lonely eyes as she did the same with me.
“You’re my little brother so you are my business. Stop doing dumb shit, Seth.”
 I ripped my face from her hands. “So let me get this straight when I need you you’re nowhere to be found but when I do something dumb you magically appear.” I already knew where the conversation was heading. I was not in the mood to hear her shit right now because I was a walking bomb ready to explode.
“Did you go see (Y/N)?”
“No! I didn’t see her. Why do you make everything about her? I could care less about her.” I couldn’t control myself. I threw my fist into a nearby tree. It cracked and fell to the ground. I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt the tears roll down my cheeks.  As much as I wanted the tears to stop falling I couldn’t. I have never felt so empty in my entire life. That same feeling of heartbreak resurfaced throughout my body. My chest began to tighten, a sharp pain shot throughout my body as I tried to walk forward.
”Make it stop hurting Leah.” I began to sob uncontrollably. “It hurts so bad, why did she have to go? Why is everyone leaving me? What did I do to deserve this….I just try so hard to make everyone happy but when will it be my turn to be happy?  Mom is fucking dating Charlie now. We barely see her anymore only on fucking holidays!  Why did dad have to fucking go!? And you only check on me when it’s convenient for you Leah! Why is everyone leaving me, Leah!?”
“Seth I-”
I cut her off, “Don’t say it.” I knew I was going to apologize about the accident that happened with dad. I never blamed her for the accident. She didn’t mean any harm by it. I could never bring myself to blame her.
 I started to wipe my tears with the sleeves of my flannel shirt. It brought back the memories of the time that (Y/N) would take my flannel and wear it with her converse and shorts. I started to cry all over again at the thought. I started to choke on my words, everything that was coming out of my mouth was undetectable. “(Y/N) was always there for me and now I chose the bloodsuckers over her. She doesn’t understand that it was the right thing to do. They were going to kill a baby. Leah, I don’t have anyone else. I’m so fucking lonely!” 
“I know how it feels Seth. It hurts like hell but you’ll get over it. I’m sorry that you felt like I wasn’t there for you. I must admit that I was being completely selfish. I love you Seth and don’t you forget that.” I started to relax under her embrace. I haven’t seen this side of her since she and Sam were together. It was good to have her back though. “I love you too.”
I followed her gaze, she was staring up at the stars. “I want you to cry it all out, Seth. All of that heartbreak and sadness you have deep within you I want you to let it the fuck out. If you hold it in it’ll turn into anger then that anger will turn into bitterness. I’ll come back and check on you in the morning.”
I don’t want to be alone…
Leah’s footsteps started to become faint, I was left alone in my thoughts once again. I honestly didn’t want her to go. All I wanted for her to do was to hold me and tell me everything was going to be alright. I was stuck on ground zero like I was when my dad died, no one was there for me except (Y/N). She would probably hold me in her hands while whispering the things I wanted to hear. I wish you were here right now, maybe I wouldn’t be so angry at the world. 
“Fuck it!” I started to yell out in the night air. I threw punches in the nearby tree to try and let my anger out. I hit each syllable of the words in the tree. “Fuck you, Sam! And Fuck you too Paul!! I’m not scared of you!” “I don’t care what anyone does and says to me. I’m going to see her and no one is going to stop me.” I didn’t stop until the tree flew back by the force of my hits.
I shifted into my wolf and ran towards her scent. Brady and Colin were still on patrol however they were both on the other side of the forest. It would take them a while to catch up to me at the speed I was running at. A sinister laugh escaped from my lips. This power or maybe it was the adrenaline….no, this was most definitely power. It made me feel invincible, By no means this was me finally sticking up for myself, or how (Y/N) would say, this was me finally growing some balls.
Her scent was in the direction of the beach, oh how could I miss that scent. I followed the dominating scent but there was something a bit off with her scent. It was a mixture of something foreign. I gazed out to the beach scanning every person that was out there. It seemed like there was a party, there were so many teenagers out around the bonfire. I growled out as I watched you sit on a log with another guy’s hoodie on. His cheap polo cologne filled my nostrils. You were sitting there laughing at something that he said which probably wasn’t that funny. 
“Tch, I want to know what’s so funny.” Anger arose in my body causing my teeth and claws to sharpen. My breathing became irregular and there was a tight feeling in my chest. I tried to ignore it but the harder I breathe the more painful it becomes. I took a step forward and instantly collapsed on the ground. My wolf form quickly disappeared and there I was laying on the ground in the fetal position. I tried to crawl but my body felt numb. The only feeling I had was the tears falling from my eyes down my cheeks and onto the ground. I even tried to scream out your name but nothing came out but a gasping sound.
Was I dying?
I started to cry even harder, the thought of dying always freaked me out but the thought of leaving you with guilt made me feel even worse. The sobs were coming out more frequently than I anticipated. I didn’t have time to catch my breath or even think straight. Everything felt like it was closing on me. The air around me started to thin out making me feel dizzy. The pain in my chest starts to become more unbearable. 
“(Y/N) wait...I..I...can’t breathe!” I choked out the words barely having the strength to do it. My head started to pound from the lack of oxygen I was getting. My hearing was becoming undetectable. I felt my body go stiff and my eyes fluttered shut as well, everything became dark and warm. 
It took every bone and ounce of energy to draw a tiny heart near me. If (Y/N) found me like this then she would see the heart. She’ll know that I died loving her...right? Was I even dying or am I just being dramatic? I don’t know, I just want to embrace the warmness that surrounding me right now. 
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liliacvol6 · 3 years
POV: You’re The Hot Ex~ Bucky Barnes
This was inspired by a playlist I put together and I was full of “I’m hot as fuck, my ex is crying” vibes so I decided to write a lil something. 
No happy ending, unless someone wants a part 2?? I’d be down to write it, also if this is shit let me know because I want to improve my writing. Love y’all. 
“You sure you wanna go to Stark’s party tonight? Barnes and his new girl will be there.” Nat said, sitting on the bed next to Wanda. They both looked at each other, the break up was hard but what had been harder to deal with was when Bucky had a stream of females constantly coming in and out of the tower where you both lived. And then, one day, the sex parade stopped and only one of them continued to come and go. April, was her name. She thrived off of Bucky and his Avengers status, you hated her for obvious reasons and couldn’t understand why Bucky would want her. She seemed like a fine person, but your personal bias was too strong for you to ever be kind to her.
“It’s fine, I don’t need him to feel good about myself, who knows maybe I’ll hook up with Sam or Steve tonight to really rub it in that I’m over it.” You said opening your closet and trying to find a hot outfit. You couldn’t decide whether you actually wanted to seduce one of your friends to try and piss Bucky off or not, but you wanted to look sexy anyways. 
“Mhm, right. Well maybe you should wear red.” Wanda suggested, making you turn around 
“Why red?” You questioned, making Nat turn to Wanda as well, she shrugged and said, “Well I happen to know Bucky likes that color on you.” You rolled your eyes, but turned around and started looking for your favorite red dress. Not to impress Bucky of course, but to look sexy in a dress of his favorite color and have him die knowing he can’t take it off of you.
You were standing in the hallway waiting for Wanda to finish getting ready, Nat had already gone down saying she was going to grab drinks for the three of you, while you waited for Wanda. Wanda came out in a gorgeous black dress, you whistled at her 
“Get out, you’re the one who looks absolutely sexy.” You winked at her, looping your arms together you waltzed to the elevator to head down to the party. 
It took everything in you not to scan the room and look for Bucky, so instead you looked directly to the bar. Nat was behind it filling her own drinks, you guys made your way over to her and noticed Steve sitting there chatting. 
He turned when Nat yelled hello above the music. “Wow, you ladies look amazing.” He said handing glasses to you and Wanda. Nat’s expression faltered a little and you soon found out why when Bucky and April approached the bar and sat next to Steve. You didn’t even look at him, you just took a sip of your cocktail.
“Jesus Nat, this is strong” You exclaimed laughing a little.
“Oh my god, I love strong drinks, right James? When we went on our first date that was something we bonded over.” April said laughing. You could picture her hugging his arm and you wanted to roll your eyes. But you looked up at smiled at her, “that’s cute”. You made eye contact with Bucky and tried your best not to show any kind of emotion. The breakup had been incredibly difficult and your tried your best to not show how hurt you were whenever you were around Bucky. He said he couldn’t worry about hurting you physically so instead he just decided to dump you on a mission instead. 
Sam came over, already drunk, and wrapped his arms around your shoulders and gave you a kiss on the cheek. 
“D.A.M.N. (Y/N) you are the hot ex, for sure, Buck don’t even look over here you’ll just regret your decisions” He said, making you smile silently and Wanda slapping Sam. 
“Sam...” Steve started to say, but before he could lecture you turned to Sam.
“Thanks, I’d love it if you danced with me right now. Yanno, since I look so good, it would be a shame if I just sat around all night.” Sam nodded and you led him onto the dance floor.
In truth, your heart was ripped out of your chest every time you saw Bucky. Especially the times when it was in the hallway and he tried to smile at you, but you just couldn’t do it. You tried your best to dance with Sam but you weren’t feeling it. You had to try your hardest to get over Bucky, so you tried to let it go. Just forget the pain, let the alcohol flood through you and now your goal was to try and fuck Sam. Just to get over the man who broke your heart.
It was the end of the night, you spent a lot of time dancing sexily with Sam, only spotting Bucky and April once during your dancing. Bucky had made eye contact with you, you winked at him. At that point you had been wasted, it wasn’t an act anymore you were wanting Sam more and more, he was right. You were hot and ready to move on. Well, that’s what the alcohol haze was telling you.
Now you were sitting with Nat drinking water to make up for the mass amount of alcohol. 
“You and Sam are getting pretty friendly” She said taking a sip of her drink, you shrugged your shoulders.
“Yeah, well gotta move on eventually.” You stated as you looked up and scanned the room, she snorted
“Right, that’s why you keep scanning the room for your ex?” You immediately took your eyes off of the room and turned to her. “Oh, shit, neverm-” You interrupted her by spilling your inner thoughts out. You were with your best friend and couldn’t hold back your emotions. You had them locked up since the break up and they just came flooding out.
“I’m so fucking sad, I want Sam sure for a one night stand because I keep telling myself it’ll make me get over him. But I know it won’t. I love him, I never fucking told him I loved him. We fought the day we broke up and I was going to tell him and then I didn’t and now I want to get over him but I just don’t know if I can.” You spilled your feelings to Nat, something you normally would not do if you were sober. Nat wasn’t speaking, she had reached out while you were talking and grabbed your hands. In your drunken state you thought it had been a grab of endearment 
“Uh, hi” You heard a female voice, you turned thinking it was Wanda but it was April standing there, with a red face and Bucky behind her holding a plate of cookies. “We came to offer you cookies, Bucky said they were Natasha’s favorites.” She said grabbing the tray from Bucky and placing it on the table. Bucky was staring at the ground and you got up and faced April.
“I’m sorry, I’m drunk, I didn’t mean anything I said honest-” Before you could finish, April slapped you across the face. “What the fuck?” You yelled grabbing your face. Bucky grabbed April and pulled her away from you.
“What the fuck was that?” He asked her, Nat got up and came next to you.
“You broke his fucking heart and then have the audacity to say you love him? really? When he is finally happy and in love again? We exchanged I love you’s already. Clearly if you loved him you would have told him.” April spat at you from Bucky’s arm. He looked at you with a horrified expression, you gulped in air. You didn’t know what to say. They already said I love you to each other? You were heartbroken.
“We’re leaving.” She said, grabbing your hand and leading you out of the party. 
You got to the door and hit the elevator button when you started to cry. 
“Wait, (Y/N), Nat!” You turned and saw Bucky,
“Great, fucking great” you said looking up at the ceiling and trying to stop the tears.
“Please, can I walk you to your room?” He asked, you knew he was looking at you, but you had turned away and didn’t want him to see you cry.
“No, Buck, go back to April. Make sure she’s fine.” You said quietly. You got into the elevator and when the door was closing you finally looked up at him. He had silent tears in his eyes.
“(Y/N) please, I love you too” He pleaded, the elevator door closed and you turned into Nat and cried hysterically on her shoulder. 
Part 2 has been posted: https://liliacvol6.tumblr.com/post/653548607607275520/pov-youre-the-hot-ex-part-2 
Love you all xoxo
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Secret Door: the one where there’s a ball and some undisclosed feelings
President James Buchanan Barnes is the first president to occupy the White House without a first lady ever since… well, President James Buchanan Barnes. But he’s not too worried about it, since he got his best friend from college acting as his VP, supporting him just like only someone who knew everything about him could do. What happens when feelings from the past start to resurface?
Or the one where you and Bucky used to date but now you got a country to run.
for general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist.
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Are you free?” I asked as I chanced a glance inside the oval room, only to find James looking down at nothing in particular with a defeated look on his face. My movement had him glancing up to meet my eyes though, and a beautiful smile brightened his expression at the realization that I was the one talking to him.
“For you? Always.” He excitedly waved me in, already leaping out of his chair. “Come here, darling. I need one of your hugs.” I opened a little smile of my own at his request, but more tentatively than I would have if I hadn’t seen just how tired he looked before he saw me.
I was worried about him. Even now, while I had his arms around my body, his beard tickling my neck, it didn’t seem like he was really here at all. And it felt like he thought the same if the way he squeezed me was any indication of just how hard he was trying to be more present in the moment we were currently still living in.
I tried to pull away, but his arms only tightened around my smaller body, and so I relented, letting him rely on me for as long as he needed to. It was the least I could do, not for the President of my nation, but for my best friend since college.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” I asked once he finally let me go, still keeping me close by holding my wrists delicately but with purpose. He seemed to consider my words, lips pursed in thought, that cute little frown that made me want to bury my thumb between his eyebrows appearing on his face, but ended up shaking his head.
“Not really. What I would like is for you to come have dinner with me tonight. Do you think you can make it?” Of course I could. No one in their right mind would pass up the opportunity for dinner with the President, if not for his title, at least for his personal chef, but it wasn’t my case.
I could never say no to him because his company was my absolute favorite. I’d always chosen him over anything, and he’d done the same for me. But tonight, I knew neither of us could retreat into any sort of personal encounter because we both had the same social gathering to attend.
“I’d love to, but the ball, remember?” I watched as realization struck over Bucky, and he slapped his own forehead and groaned, making me giggle. He really was such a manchild at times, even if only with me.
“Ugh, do we really have to go?” Rolling my eyes at his whining, I fixed his suit while I bit on the inside of my cheek, so I wouldn’t just relent and laugh. I knew he was only saying this for show, an immature effort to get on my nerves.
I really did know him too well.
“Yes, we do. We can have dinner tomorrow. I’ll ask your assistant to clear off your schedule, I don’t know of any major commitments you have to attend.” When I finished fixing his clothes, I noticed the lack of response, and so I looked up to find him staring down at me with the most lovesick expression in his eyes. I laughed, but only to try to soften the mood of the room, ignore the way it made my heartbeat pick up.
“You really are the perfect woman, have I ever told you that?”
“Only all the time.” I smiled, thinking back fondly on everything we’d shared that led us here. It was a hell of a ride, but it was definitely easier with him by my side.
“It’s because it’s the truth.” I nodded, accepting his words as I prepared to leave, but then a gentle hand on my elbow had me looking back. “What color is your dress for this evening?” The question made me curious, but it wasn’t entirely out of the ordinary. Bucky was always looking for ways to show me that he cared.
“Yellow.” He nodded, releasing me as a silent way to say that I could leave. I smiled back at him, nodding in return.
“I’ll see you tonight.”
Bucky’s P.O.V.
The sound of heels against marble in the nearly empty hallway alerted me of her arrival. Turning around, I found her wearing the most beautiful and elegant yellow dress, the exact shade I had chosen to wear as a tie for the evening.
“Oh, wow,” I commented, opening a smile after I was able to close my mouth. “You look wonderful, sweetheart.” She looked extremely suspicious of me, although a huge smile took over most of her face.
“I like your tie.” Chuckling, I subconsciously adjusted it before reaching out to take her hand, wanting to close the space between us as soon as possible. The feeling of her warm skin always made me feel comforted, even if I didn’t know that I needed any sort of comfort. 
She seemed to know it, though. She always did. It was why I knew my decision to ask her to become my vice-president was the right one to make, even though our previous history together would make our run a peculiar one, to say the least.
“Good, you were supposed to appreciate it.” She hummed in acknowledgment but didn’t give me any more shows of how it affected her, eyeing the knot I’d just secured before reaching out for it again. Maybe it should make me irritated, but I could only find it adorable, how she insisted on double checking my outfit when I was sure nothing was wrong with it.
“Sam helped you with it?” At the mention of my assistant, I looked up from her cute little face to see that he was standing right behind her, sporting a knowing smile on as he watched our interaction, just patiently waiting for us to decide to leave.
“You know it.” She smiled up at me then, and suddenly there was an unspoken conversation between us that I didn’t want to break. I wasn’t too sure if what she was trying to communicate was the same I wanted to hear, but a guy could hope.
All hope eventually ends up lost when there’s a presidential commitment to attend, though. I should have known it by now.
“We really should be going,” Sam’s voice interrupted us, and still I smiled. She returned it as well, knowing this was our life, this was what we did - at least for the next three years.
“Shall we?” I asked, offering my arm to her, who bowed teasingly before accepting it.
“We shall.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Time would pass and we would eventually step out of power and I still wouldn’t become accustomed to all of this. All of the press, the fake smiles, the insipid conversations. But it was a part of the job. And at least I had James by my side to help me deal with all of it. If there was one thing I admired about him, it was his ability to make every situation exciting.
“I don’t think I actually told you just how beautiful you look tonight,” a familiar voice murmured right by my ear, hands slotting themselves over my hips as one of mine clutched my chest in surprise. I guess I truly had been distracted, staring out at the beautiful garden from the balcony I managed to find so I could get a breath of fresh air.
“You really think so?” I asked, turning around to meet his eyes. He had a cheeky smile on his lips, the one that made him look younger than he was - the one I adored so much.
“Oh, yes. You’re also incredibly distracting. I couldn’t focus on a single conversation people tried to hold with me tonight. But you know what?” I hummed, tilting my head to signal him I wanted to hear what he was going to say. “I find myself enjoying this distraction.”
It was impossible not to giggle - he’d always been a charmer, and that was the reason why I fell so hard for him back in college. If there was a reason we worked well together, however, it was because I knew how to give him a hard time.
“I mean, I would too, if I was stuck in a conversation with Senator Johnsson. Although everything is distracting when you’re near that man.” He tried to control his laughter, he really did, but in the end, it broke free, floating in the air around us and coaxing my own to join his.
By the time he was finally able to breathe again, he was shaking his head, his eyes crinkling in the corners, in that familiar way that I knew meant he was thinking I was too much.
“Well, then. I think I’ve earned myself a small break from all that boredom. Mind if I join you out here?” It was my turn to shake my head with a small smile, stepping to the side to give him more space to breathe.
“Not even a little bit.” It was silent for a second as we stared out to the garden, just reveling in each other’s companies. Despite how frequently we saw each other, it wasn’t usually this quiet, or ever this peaceful. It felt good to just feel enchanted by his proximity again.
But I knew I couldn’t stay there too long, and if he wanted some time to relax, I should probably get back there and distract people so they wouldn’t come looking for him. That was my plan when I took a step back, almost turning around to open the door when I felt his hand clasping me.
Only it wasn’t over my shoulder or arm, which was probably his original goal. Somehow, in the effort to keep me still, he didn’t anticipate in which direction I’d turn, so he ended up with a hand curled around my breast.
“I-I’m sorry,” he was quick to apologize, immediately dropping his arm. “I didn’t intend to.” He looked so utterly embarrassed by the situation, it was almost heartwarming. I felt the overwhelming urge to console him, not even for a second feeling uncomfortable because of what had transpired.
Bucky’s P.O.V.
“James, it’s okay,” she comforted me, her hand over my shoulder. “I’ve felt your hands in far more intimate places, remember?”
How could I ever forget?
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The door slammed behind us but we were too busy lost in each other’s lips to care. I almost tripped on a forgotten sneaker as I tried to guide us to the couch, unwilling to worry about one of my roommates walking in on us right then.
It’s not like it would be the first time.
Her hands reached around her own torso to get rid of her shirt and bra, and I was left with my mouth watering at the sight that really should be familiar by now. She still hypnotized me all the same.
“C’mon, James,” she whined, hands tugging on my hair to try to pry me away from her nipple. “No foreplay. I need you now.” I groaned, finally relenting and letting go of her breast to work on unbuckling my belt as my cock twitched at her words.
“Naughty little slut,” I sneered, wrapping her hair around my fist when she positioned herself on her knees for me, holding onto the armrest of the couch. “I’m gonna fill you so good.”
She gasped in satisfaction upon feeling my cock stretch her out, something that had my heart skipping a bit every time. “Only I can make you feel this good, huh?” I asked, pulling on her strands to make sure she’d listen to me, even despite how roughly I was pounding her.
“Tell me,” I ordered, all insecurities and nerves, a young man still in college, finally exploring all of his sexual desires with the woman of his dream. Thankfully, she always gave me just what I needed, not only physically, but emotionally too.
“Yes, yes, Bucky. Only you, baby. God, you fuck me so fucking good.” It always thrilled me to no end to hear her usual perfectly composed self say the nastiest shit when I had my cock inside of her. Only I got to have this side of her, only I knew all of her.
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She felt like home, in more ways than one. Whenever I had her, it was the best, sloppiest sex ever, and even years after I’d last touched her, I could still remember it perfectly.
I don’t think I’d ever be able to forget.
“God, you are such a fucking tease,” present me jokingly chastised, burying my hands in my pockets so I wouldn’t reach out and touch her again. The need was always there though, and it was overwhelming each time.
“Too much?” She joked, biting her lower lip as if it wasn’t the sexiest fucking thing ever. It made me groan, more out of desire than frustration at her words, but she’d never know.
“Just short of enough. Maybe it’ll keep my hunger at bay for a little while longer.” I looked up at her from under my eyelashes, trying to gather how she felt about what I was implying, but other than seeing her eyes widen a little bit, she gave me nothing.
She really knew me all too well by now.
“Still,” I continued, trying not to let the situation become awkward. “It seems like you’re not wearing a bra…” I teased, eyebrows raised high as if I was judging her for it. “Care to explain yourself, madam vice president?”
When she threw her head back to laugh, it exposed more of her delicious neck, and I unconsciously licked my lips at the clear skin I saw there. It didn’t use to look that way when we were together. I was very much into marking her all over - immature, possessive, and extremely in love with the woman before me.
“With this dress?” She asked, looking down at herself and making me look down at her neckline automatically. God, she was incredible. “Of course not. Can’t wear panties either.”
And just as I groaned at the new information, she giggled, winking over her shoulder as she reached out for the door. “Why must you tease me like this?” I shouted over the music, but all I could hear in response was her delighted laugh, and honestly, that was more than enough.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 3 years
The Magician & The Lovers
Chase Stein x Male Reader Stark
Request - I want to know if you can do a Chase Stein from Marvel runaway x Stark male reader while Chase and his friends are running away from their parents and while that they bump into the male reader who is the son of Tony Stark the reader knowing who they are he decides to help down and bring them back to the Avengers Tower.
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Chase is in his bedroom, he rapidly packs the items he will need. He runs out of his house and his parents start to chase him. He is running fast and he meets up with his friends. Alex is driving the van and he stopped and Nico opened the door, Chase jumped in the van and Alex starts to drive fast. Chase is breathing hard
“We need to lay low for a while,” Karolina said.
“They would be tracking us. We need to ditch the van” Nico said.
“Where I do keep driving to?” Alex asked.
“Just keep driving,” Chase said.
Their parents use their gadgets to track down their kids. Chase and his friends ditched the van in a different city. They are lost and they start to walk.
“How are we going to lay low if we don't know where we are,” Gertrude said.
“We would think of something,” Chase said.
They keep walking, they are completely lost. They are just walking anywhere then Nico bumped into you hard, you and Nico fell. They help you and Nico stand up
“Y/N!” Chase said very loud.
They hugged you and you do hug them, kinda.
“What are you guys doing around here?” You asked.
“What are you doing around here?” Chase asked.
“I was helping friends of my dad,” You said.
“Y/N, we need your help right now. We need to lay low but we would tell you everything” Gertrude said.
“Can you help us?” Alex asked.
“Y/N are you ready to go?” Happy asked.
You introduced your friends to Happy.
“Yeah, come with me,” You said.
Everyone gets in the limo and Happy drives you and your friends home. They tell you that their parents are villains, they need to lay low.
“All of you can stay with me,” You said.
“Y/N, thank you for helping us,” Alex said.
“That’s what friends are for,” You said.
At the Avengers Tower...
“Your dad won't mind?” Alex asked.
“He will be okay with it. Right now, he is with the team on another earth which is Earth 218” You said.
Everyone looked at you confused.
“Wait, there is only one earth,” Karolina said.
“Nope. Actually, there are different earths and some people call it the multiverse. Come I will show you” You said.
They follow to your lab, you used the hologram to explain the multiverse. Everyone is in shock and they had no idea about it.
“Wow that is so cool,” Chase said.
“Follow me, I will show you to your bedrooms,” You said.
“Y/N, do you really live with The Avengers?” Gertrude asked.
“They sometimes stay with me and my dad and Pepper,” You said.
You showed them to the guest bedrooms. Next, you gave them a tour of the tower and they are impressed.
✯ ✬ ✯ ✫
It's been a couple of days that Chase and his friends are staying with you. They are still trying to figure out what to do about their parents. They know they don't want to be like them.
Chase has been spending more time with you. He would spend time with you in the lab or in your bedroom. His friends can see Chase has a crush on you.
“Y/n what are you doing?” Chase asked.
You take off your goggles.
“I am upgrading Black Widow’s gadgets and weapons,” You said.
“You met the Black Widow? She lives here?” Chase asked.
“Sometimes she stays here but she has her place. I mostly help others fixing their weapons and gadgets or improve their suits” You said.
“Do you need any help?” Chase asked.
He is hoping that you will say yes, he just wants to be around you.
“Yeah sure. The electric bracelet worked then it stopped, it only lasted about six seconds” You said.
“Let me see what I can do,” Chase said.
You and Chase stay in the lab all day working on gadgets. You would have pizza with him for dinner. The conversation changes to different topics, but Chase is enjoying it. He hasn't stopped smiling and he starts to like your smile.
The next day...
You have been working all morning to improve Bucky’s new metal arm. You still haven't worked on the design or decided on the color. Chase walks into the lab with lunch and you smiled at him.
“I noticed you didn't come upstairs for lunch” Chase said.
“Thanks. I am starving” You said.
“I made you a sandwich and toasted the bread but not too much. Oh, and I got your favorite drink” Chase said.
He smiled and he sat next to you. You start to eat your sandwich and you smiled at him.
“So... Umm, I saw Peter come in earlier... Is he your boyfriend?” Chase asked.
“No, he isn't my boyfriend. He just came to pick up the new suit I had to make for him. I broke up with my boyfriend Percy about four months ago” You said.
“I’m single too and looking,” Chase said.
“You would find someone,” You said.
“You too, Y/N,” Chase said.
✯ ✬ ✯ ✫
Chase wakes up and walks to the kitchen to get something to drink. He starts to yawn and he looks at the time and it's 3:45 AM and he heard a noise from the lab. He goes to the lab and you are still working.
“Y/N it's 3 in the morning. Come to bed, you need to sleep” Chase said.
You stopped for a moment.
“Wow I didn't even notice it's 3 in the morning,” You said.
“Let's go to bed. You need to rest” Chase said.
“Fine,” You said.
You stand up and he grabbed your hand. Chase take you to your bedroom, he helped you pick out your pajamas. He didn't look and he let you change in private. You start to yawn and flopped on the bed.
“Aren’t you happy that I pulled you out of the lab?” Chase said.
“Okay, I would admit I am tired. You can stay here with me if you want” You said.
“Yeah,” Chase said.
You and Chase get comfortable in bed.
“Y/N, I really like you a lot. I want to be more than friends and sometimes I think of kissing you. I like spending time with you and you don't see him as a dumb jock” Chase said.
You are feeling speechless and your eyes opened wide. Chase can feel his heart beating faster and he is waiting for your answer.
You and Chase are lying next to each other and your hand is against his hand. You gently put your hand on top of his hand.
“Chase, I feel the same way. I do want to be more than friends and yeah sometimes I think of kissing you” You said.
He smiled and you smiled too. Now Chase and you are facing each other, he leans in and you feel his lips against yours.
The Next Morning...
Tony comes home and he is very tired. He does know about Chase and his friend staying because you sent him an email. He goes towards your bedroom, he sees you and Chase sleeping. You have your head on Chase’s chest and his arm is around you.
Much later during the day...
“Hey dad,” You said.
He does hug you and you smiled at him.
“Son, we need to talk,” Tony said.
“Talk about what?” You asked.
“We need to have the talk” Tony said.
“Oh, dad. Do we have to? I know about safe sex. Why are we having this talk?” You said.
“I want you to be happy. But also I want you to think smart” Tony said.
“Dad, I know about condoms and other stuff. I had sex health class in high school” You said.
“Good, because I didn't know what tips to give you except for don't forget to wear a condom,” Tony said.
“Dad, please stop,” You said.
“Okay, I will stop,” Tony said and he smiled.
Later, you told your father about dating Chase.
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murphslass · 3 years
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Nervous Much Pt.4
Pt.1 > Pt.2 >> Pt.3
Warnings: fluff, romance, smut, daddy kink
A couple weeks had passed of your relationship with Negan. He was so sweet and took you on lots of dates. He also was big on PDA wherever you guys were out. Admittedly you felt nervous when he would do things so publicly with no hesitation but soon grew fond of it. However, you guys didn’t have sex yet. Mostly because everytime you two had gotten close to it, something came up. One time you were interrupted by coworkers in the back room. Another was when your mom had called during foreplay at your house. Either way it was frustrating and you were more upset with it then Negan was. Currently you were out with him at a restaurant eating dinner. He saw you were grumpy and tried to cheer you up.
“So tomorrow I know we both get a couple nights off from the bar. And I was wondering if you’d be up for a little sleepover.”
“What are we five?”
You laugh and Negan just says a sarcastic remark.
“I’m being serious. I want to host us a beautiful night together.”
“Oh yeah? Tell me what shall the host have in store?”
“Well, I was hoping to watch some random horror movie, provide some delicious snacks, and get close under the stars.”
“Wow that does sound like a lovely night.”
He smiles and goes on about how he’s gonna show you a great time and how it’s something you’ll never forget. You both finished your lunch and let Negan lead you back to his bike. He took you home and continued being cocky.
“Trust me baby. I’m gonna blow that pretty little mind of yours.”
“I’m counting on it.”
You wink at him before being pulled into a deep kiss. His hands holding your body close and his beard scratching your skin lightly. You couldn’t get enough of him especially when he was kissing you. His touch had you addicted.
“I’ll be seeing you tonight. Were something comfortable.”
“You’ve got it.”
You say as you walk into your home and hear Negan’s bike pull out of the driveway. You couldn’t stop smiling and felt excited for the night Negan had planned. You prepared yourself with a cozy nap in hopes not to fall asleep early and wore comfortable pajamas with a surprise underneath. This might be the night that you finally go all the way. You shook away your nerves as Negan picked you up in his Chevy Corvette. It was an extremely beautiful car and different to see him from his bike. He talked about his car before but he mentioned that it was only driven rarely. It made you feel special when you saw he wanted you to ride in it. He even showed off a bit as the road was clear and he sped up. You giggled as you watched Negan get excited like he was a kid. Soon he pulled into his studio apartment and you enjoyed how nice he kept the place. Everything was vintage styled yet gave a modern feel to it. His color scheme was just like his hair, black and gray. You admired the window and the spiral staircase. It was super nice and really fitted Negan’s style.
“Your place is amazing! I can’t believe we haven’t come here.”
“Well my place was actually super fucking messy and I needed to clean up.”
“Well I appreciate that.”
You say as Negan approached you and held both your hands.
“Does my girl care for something to drink? I’ve
got soda, water, juice, or if ya feeling like coffee I could brew some.”
“Just a soda is fine.”
“Coming right up!”
He says as he makes his way toward his kitchen. You walk over to admire the view from the window and saw the lights of the city. It was so nice to see. You felt him behind you and see him place your drink on the dining table. His arms go around your waist and kissed behind your ear. At first he was playful and left quick pecks but he picked a certain spot and slowly began nibbling. You moan and his arms pull you flush against him.
“You’re more breathtaking than the view.”
He whispered between kisses and left marks on you. You turn towards him and got pinned against the cold glass. His lips find yours and you moan against him. His hands felt over your body and paid most attention toward your curves, your hands held onto his shoulders as he began to grow rougher. You felt him tugging at the material of your shirt and pull away to rip it off your body. He does the same with his shirt and throws it on the ground. His lips hungrily kisses down your neck and your leg being pulled to his hip. You bit your lip as he leaned down to pull away your bra and suck onto your nipples. Your head rested against the window as your hands go to his hair.
“I have to have you Y/N. Right now.”
He said in a growl as reached remove your shorts. You didn’t respond as you kicked off the restricting clothes. Negan smirked down to see your cute panties.
“Ooh look at that, you wear these just for me baby?”
You whispered as he teased your panty line with his finger tips. He flashed a cocky smile as your hips moved to try and get him to touch you more. His fingers slidding down into your panties and you whimper as he massages your aching clit.
“Damn it’s like a fucking ocean down there.”
“I can’t help it. You feel so good.”
He continues and goes to tease your entrance, he enjoyed hearing your voice as he touches you. His fingers speed up making you feel stimulation. Your hand going to grab onto his wrist. He moaned at your arousal and pulled away to loosen his tight pants. You look down to see the large buldge against his dark boxers. You reached to push down and saw the soft dark curls against his pelvis. His cock sprung out of his boxers and you could see the tip was flush red with desire.
“Hold on tight baby.”
He said as he lifted you and wrapped your legs onto his hips. Your hands held onto his shoulders and one arm held your waist and the other shoving your underwear to the side and slip into you. Both of you moaned out at the feel of each other. His breath ragged as he gazed at your flushed face.
“Oh shit baby. You feel better than I imagined.”
He smirked as he began thrusting into you. You quiver at the pleasure that shot through your body. He pressed you firmly against the glass and moved his hips harshly. Your arms clung onto his body and you couldn’t help the noises escaping you.
“Fuck yeah baby, keep on letting me know how good my cock feels.”
He growled against your neck and his grip held you close as he went deeper.
“Negan, it feels so good. Don’t stop please don’t stop.”
He let out a breathy chuckle and kissed along your breasts. The began to feel overwhelming as his fingers went to circle along your swollen clit. Your nails dung into his skin and thighs shaked along his body. His deep groans filled your ears and his arms brought your legs to wrap onto him.
“Yes, Negan yes! Make me come. Please babe I’m close.”
He smirked and went harder the last few thrusts before you came undone. He smiled as he saw you experience him and soon he finished inside you. Your body fell limb against him and he laughed as he carried you to the couch.
“You enjoy yourself?”
“Yeah. You were amazing.”
“Here let me grab a rag so you can clean yourself up sweet thing.”
You kissed his cheek as he got up to grab a wash cloth from the bathroom. You did sneak a few glances of his cute ass. Making his way toward you he hands you a towel. You cleaned up and had Negan holding you in his arms. He held you in his lap before getting up to find you a spare shirt you could wear. He slipped on a pair of loose sweats and let you pick a movie.
“By the way, your soda is definitely watered down.”
“It’s okay, I’ll grab another one.”
You say as you stood and handed him the desired movie. He playfully hit your ass when you passed him and you giggled. You were about to sit down but you saw Negan laid a few blankets and nice pillows on the ground as a nice bed. You take his hand as he helped you kneel down to the floor. You felt the soft covers and Negan pulling you to lay against his body.
“You want any candy or something?”
“Well it depends what do you have?”
He grinned and reached to pull a small bucket of different candies.
“Anything between chocolate, gummy, or even some minty shit.”
“Oh wow. This is a bit much.”
“It’s nothing babe. Go on pick what you like.”
You reached to grab a candy bar and Negan started the film. Negan made comments and little jokes throughout the movie and which you would reply with by nudging him with your shoulder.
“Can you just watch the movie?”
“Nope. Gotta speak my mind at anytime baby.”
You just laughed it off and enjoyed the way Negan held onto you. Soon the movie ended and you suggested to start another one but Negan dismissed it as he stood to use the restroom. You sat up and look out the window to see the starry sky accompanied by the city lights. You get lost into the sighf and forget where you are so when Negan sits next to you, it goes unnoticed. He didn’t say anything but joined in. You turned to lay on your side and stared out the window, Negan curled to spoon you. You scooted closer to him and heard him groan. That only gave you an idea and giggled as you pressed against his crotch. He didn’t do anything but squeeze your middle.
You slid your hand behind you and went to caress over his sweats. Negan moaned and you took it as encouragement to go further. Your hand then went beneath his pants and you felt him growing hard at the touch. He nuzzled his face in your neck and felt his breath growing heavy. His hand pulled your wrist and shifted to move over you.
“Did I get someone excited?”
You smirked as your hand brushed over his chest and he chuckled. He leaned down and kissed your lips. You two had sex again but this time, Negan took his time with you. He slowed down from the rough kisses to soft and slow. You felt his touch everywhere and his lips burned into your skin. The sweet whispers he said into your ear as he rolled his hips to that sweet spot. Only his name left your mouthand held onto him tightly.
For a minute he held his body over yours and took in the sweet bliss in your after glow.
“Ya know something sugar.”
“Your fucking special and I like this little thing we got here.”
“I do too.”
You smile and as he sweetly kisses you. Negan lays on his side and you lay against his chest.
I think this will turn into a series 😳 ….
@ffakc @negans-attagirl @jonasdean02 @eddiesgirl @littlebadgirly @cosmilla @iluvneganandjamie @little-bad-girly @ohyoubetterbejokin @bratty-dolly @jdmsgal @nyxerebus
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lovingcorleone · 3 years
“The Deal That Never Happened” — Sonny Corleone x Reader x Tom Hagen
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Summary: Tom and Sonny need Y/N's help to help them out.
Pairing: platonic!Sonny Corleone x Lawyer!Fem!Reader x ex!Tom Hagen
Author's note: (English is my second language.) ; First of all, I'm not a lawyer, I don't have any degree in area of law, I have no idea how these things work, but I had fun while writing it and doing some research! I don't know how did I come up with this plot ...but enjoy!
Author's note 2: Reader is Tom's ex girlfriend and events take place after Michael killed Sollozzo and McCluskey, but could not escape to Sicily. also, I was thinking about part. 2?
Warning: strong language, mentions of murder
The very original plan of the Corleone's revenge didn't turn out as one would expected. Michael Corleone did, in fact, kill both Sollozzo and McCluskey, but he was not able to catch a flight to Sicily. This was a key moment, which led to nothing but more trouble. While he was hiding, Tom and Sonny were thinking about the next step. The oldest Corleone boy wasn't entirely innocent either. Santino was guilty just as much as Michael, though he wasn't the one holding a gun. Michael, their brother was in grave danger, and that was the other reason they needed to react quickly. Violence was not an option anymore. The legal and diplomatical work of white-collared person was a necessity at that time. Luckily for them, Tom had this specific person in his mind. Y/N L/N. The greatest lawyer he ever met...and dated. When he told Sonny about his idea, he thought that Tom was joking, but eventually he changed his mind and was willing to ask her for help.
Y/N was always very busy, but never too busy to help her friend. Even though, she and Tom were not a couple anymore, she told him to always count on her when his world will fall apart. She was fully aware of an affair that recently happened with murdering Sollozzo and the police officer. She even knew that it had something to do with the Corleone family. In her field she was the best. That kind of person you really want to have on your side. Don Corleone himself once wanted to put her on his list of people he hoped that would help him one day. These people would get extra money and that was hell of a motivation. But Tom strongly disagreed with his adoptive father and said that he wanted Y/N keep far away from their family business. Don wasn't surprised by Tom's reaction, because he knew that Tom still cared about Y/N.
Their meeting held a place in their house, right in Don's office. When Y/N stepped out of a car, Sonny and Tom were already waiting for her. Tom was nervous as hell, but just like always he hid it quite nicely but not completely. Sonny smirked at Tom. „When was the last time you two saw each other?“ „Long time ago. Anyway. We're gonna talk business, so no unnecessary comments. Do you think you can do that, Sonny?“ Tom shot a glance to his brother and Sonny rolled eyes. „For a moment I thought I was hearing our father. I still don't like this idea, but it's the best thing we have now.“ When Tom saw Y/N coming to them, he immediately ran to welcome her. They politely shaked hands and Y/N gave him a faint smile. „Thank you for coming here so quickly. We- I appreciate it.“ Tom said a low voice and Y/N nodded. „Sure. No problem. I'm glad you called.“
Before falling in endless pit of awkwardness, Sonny jumped between them and welcomed her as well. „Let's go inside before this will get suspicious.“ he said with warm smile and all three disappeared behind the closed doors.
While Y/N was preparing her things, neither of Tom or Sonny dared to start a conversation. After 5 minutes, Y/N looked at Sonny, who suddenly started to feel not very cooperative. „Alright, Mr. Corleone. Take a chair and sit right in front of me. Don't ask, just do as I said. It will be more effective.“ Y/N stated as Sonny sat down with a grumpy look on his face. All of a sudden he felt less confident as usual. Their eyes met and both of them stared at each other more than it is appropriate. Y/N leaned back in big chair and put her hands on the desk in front of her. „If looks could kill.“ she smirked. Sonny frowned and Tom just quietly chuckled. „Let's take a look into your file, shall we?“ „Wait, I have a file? How's that possible?“ „Everyone who commited some kind of crime, has a file. But you have just one, because your father made sure that you have all your files destroyed. This one is considered as your first and only one, so let's act like it.“ Sonny's facial expression changed from being grumpy to being surprised to being a bit upset. He took out a cigarette from a little box and lit it. Y/N let out a sigh and opened the file. Then she looked at man in front of her with a sympathy, but it wasn't completely sincere. „You're upset, yeah, I get it. You are really someone– Don's first born.“ Sonny, well-known hothead, angrily pointed a finger at Y/N. „Watch your next words!“ „Sonny...“ Tom warned him.
After what happened to Don, Sonny was extra cautious what people were talking about his father. Y/N knew that Santino was kind of hard to work with, but she did not plan to give up on him. „Look, I'm just trying to do my job here.“ she smiled, „So..shall we get started?“ A smoke left Sonny's mouth as he nodded. Y/N started to pulling out bunch of papers from her bag and handed him a pen. „For the very start, please, uh, sign this...this..aaaand this.“ The oldest Don's son's jaw dropped a bit while looking at what he had to sign. He really thought that they are gonna just talk without doing the boring part. But still, without any more words, he signed everything. „Good, perfect! Such a nice handwriting you have.“ Y/N enthusiastically remarked while putting away signed papers. She could swear that Sonny's cheeks flushed with a pink color for a second. Tom watched them from his own desk in the office, and he felt so proud that Y/N agreed to take their case. Meanwhile, Sonny felt almost intimidated by her presence. „Ahh, sorry. I forgot about these papers...Here. I need another your signature. Just three more and we're done..for now.“ Sonny looked at Y/N like she was crazy, but signed it anyway. What else he could do. „You done? Perfect! You know, the bureaucrats...They always want their paperwork.“ Y/N giggled and shrugged her shoulders like it was normal thing. And for her it was. She loved doing her job, being a lawyer. Sonny finished his cigarette and after a few minutes of complete quietness, Y/N voice's echoed again. „Okay, listen. Let's get into your case..“ „Fucking finally.“ „Don't interupt me, Santino.“ „ ...Sorry.“ „I know what you are thinking. 'This is a mistake! I shouldn't be sitting here!' Well, they don't think that.“ she said that in high-pitched voice accompanied by wide smile on her face. Tom couldn't help but snorted and earned himself an annoyed look from Sonny, who certainly didn't find it amusing. „Thanks for the sympathy, but can we get into that case? We are kinda running out of time. I already signed those fucking papers, what more those dickheads want? I know this is a part of your job, I get it, but! Can we move on?“ the hothead miserably throwed hands into the air. Y/N eyes were fixed on him, not saying a word. She clicked her tongue and put her hands together. „Good. So you understand that I'm just doing my job here. The job you asked me to do.“ she whispered but her face was unreadable. „I was thinking. Your situation is pretty bad at the moment. But I think I have a solution of some kind. Listen, I'm here to strike a possible deal with you, but we will soon get to that part, okay?“ Sonny nodded and his eyes got a bit brighter when the part with a deal was mentioned. „Suddenly how excited you got. Wow.“ she chuckled for herself and shaked her head. „Uhm, so... How about take a look at your crime? You've been charged with Criminal Conspiracy with code 479. Okaaay. Let's see what it says here.. Yikes. Ordering and attempting a murder. But if I remember it correctly..You wanted to avenge your father, so you sent your brother, Michael Corleone, to kill Virgil Sollozzo and also police officer Mark McCluskey. Michael was supposed to make a deal. But that deal never happened. Are you following me?“ „ Yeah. I mean..all correct. So far. Continue.“ Y/N looked at Tom and he approvingly nodded. „You did what you did, and now we're having this conversation. But without Michael, because... we don't know his whereabouts. Too bad, because he was the one who killed them, not you. You only prepared it. Sounds like this is all your work. Oops.“ she raised her eyebrows, pulled her lips into a thin line and then let out a deep sigh. „Tom, are you familiar with criminal conspiracy, mostly when it comes to participation in it?“ she shot a quick glance at man sitting afar from them. He nodded. „In most states, those who have helped plan a crime but have not participated in the actual crime may be given the same sentence as the person who committed the crime himself.“ he responded and Y/N faintly smiled at his
correct answer. He did not forget these things and Y/N was genuinely happy about it. He may have been a consigliere at that time, but deep inside there was an amazing lawyer hidden in him. She stayed silent for a moment thinking about words what she was about to say and then quickly licked her lower lip. „I may or may have not a deal for you. It just depends on you. And on your cooperation.“ Sonny sat on the edge on his chair and looked into her eyes listening carefully. His anger disappeared. „Alright. What do I need to do then?“ A smug smile flashed on her lips and she shook her head. „This is not about you, Mr. Corleone.“
Silence. Sonny frowned at what she just said, but still confidently smiled like he understood. He was taken back. And Tom was too, but not as much as his brother. So far Sonny did not meet a woman that would have behavior like Y/N had. But in the end, it was her job. However, Sonny must have admitted that Y/N was super smart with lots of courage. Tom was right about her. However, Santino needed to think straight, he needed to focus. Y/N shrugged her shoulders. „Listen, if it was up to me, which is not up to me, it's up to the authorities above me, and they say that you are a criminal. But, if it was up to me...I would like your family to get out of this mess and continue living your lives.“
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tinisprout · 3 years
Serendipity on a lonely night
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Pairing: Jacob x gn!Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Fluff
Word count: 3,547
Warnings: mention of blood (once), some cursing, lmk if I missed something
Summary: After a bad breakup, two sad souls decided to go to a park to cry alone. Neither of them expects someone to intrude on their moment. Although they are strangers, they might make this depressing night just a little less lonely for each other.
Being cheated on sucks, but it hurt him a little bit more to find out on his birthday of all days. Jacob thought they were just going through a rough patch in their relationship, he truly thought they would make it out ok. Never did he expect to see his now ex making out with someone else. Angry and hurt, he didn't bother saying much to them and left. Going back to his apartment, he changes into his workout clothes and stuffs a handful of tissues into his jacket pocket as he leaves his house to go for a night run.
He ran as fast as he could, with abandon, looking like a mad man. He was so frustrated he just wanted to forget it all and move on. He knew he didn't need to keep a person like that in his life, but that didn't make it hurt any less. He went to the one place he thought no one would be at, the park. The man tried to slow his pace as his body came barreling at the bench, he threw his hands out to brace himself.
The impact hurt, but this new pain was a welcomed distraction. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath. He felt the need to vomit and so he crawled to the bush to do just that. He regrets not eating earlier as he retched up bile, burning his throat an egregious amount. Then came the booming sound of footsteps slamming on the ground from behind. Jacob hoped no one would come here he wanted to be a mess in peace, but to hell with it, he'll just leave after he finishes dry heaving, he thought.
Being cheated on fucking sucks, period. You didn't expect anyone to here and to your surprise there seemed to be a drunk man throwing up in the bushes. Maybe going out at night wasn't the best choice, but in the heat of the moment you wanted to cry alone, but it seems that wasn't in the cards. As your attention was diverted you tripped on absolutely nothing and your knees were the first to hit the ground, skidding on the pavement. Regretting wearing shorts, you propped your arms out ready to catch the rest of your body.
On your hands and knees, you were winded from running, your shoulders rose and fell rapidly. "Son of a bitch, that hurt." You bit your lip trying to hold it in this was not the place to cry, someone was here. You sat on the ground sick of it all, to hell with it, you were tired of holding back and used the pain in your knees as an excuse to cry your eyes out. Like a stream they came pouring out your eyes, changing the color of the ground.
"Um, are you okay?" 'Huh, is the drunk man trying to talk to me? He doesn't sound drunk,' you thought to yourself. Looking up at him without wiping your still falling tears.
"No," you continued to cry and you hoped that would be the end of the conversation. To your shock he offered you a tissue from his pocket and sat down, it seems he also started crying. Well, at least this man wasn't a threat. And so, you both cried not caring about the presence of the other. Both cries coming to a still as time passed, you both just sat there in silence for some time.
'This is embarrassing,' Jacob thought. When he saw the person in front of him crying, he didn't expect them to give a blunt answer when he asked if they were okay. Crying without a care, he wanted to do that, he was so tired of holding it in. Well, it happened already, there is nothing he can do about it. It seems the person in front of him was also thinking about how to get out of this awkward situation. "Why were you crying?" Yes, break the awkward atmosphere with an awkward question.
"I feel like that should be my question," you state, making a face.
"Oh well, I already wanted to cry and see you cry it kinda just happened."
"Well, I just got dumped after finding out I was cheated on, all on call. I didn’t believe them, thinking it was some cruel joke. So they send me a picture of them kissing someone else. I came here to cry my guts out, I didn't expect anyone else here."
"What a coincidence, me too. I caught my partner making out with someone else, told me they didn't love me anymore, on my birthday of all days. I ran here to get some fresh air and cry, but I guess I pushed myself too hard and ended up throwing up." He laughs at how pathetic he sounds. He notices you check your phone. 'I guess they want to leave,' he thinks while sighing to himself.
"I'm sorry that happened to you. Um, sorry if this is weird since it not happy anymore, but, happy birthday." The unexpected response made Jacob look at you, mouth slightly agape in surprise. Then he laughed, the look you made wondering if you might have said something wrong. His smile was captivating, the kind that most would do anything to see again. Who in their right mind would cheat on this man?!
Birthday wishes from a stranger at this moment felt nice. Jacob got up from the ground dusting himself off. He offered you a hand, "Thank you, I feel a little better now." You weren't sure why he laughed, but if he was feeling better that was good, he seemed to be having a shitty day. You take his hand as he pulls you up, as your knees bend you groan in pain.
"Crap, my knees." You looked down addressing the pain, there was dust mixed in with the blood. Judging on how you hit the floor, your knees we definitely bruised or at least were going to be later.
"Oh no, are you okay?"
"No," you chuckled at him asking the same question and you giving the same answer. The corner of his lips tugged up when he realized the same thing, he wanted to laugh, but his concern for the stranger took greater priority. Getting a closer look at it, it looked pretty bad.
"Can you walk?"
"Of course,... I just need to push myself." Jacob looked up and searched for the convenience store he knew was around here.
"Hey, you should get this cleaned up soon. There is a convenience store right over there, I can help you if you're ok with that."
"You know what, that would be greatly appreciated, thank you." He bent down a little so you could easily put your arm around his neck. The man supporting you relieved some of the pressure. With his help, you hobbled your way to the convenience store. Finally arriving he tells you to wait at the front of the store while he gets everything, saying it was on him as a thank you. It didn't make too much sense, but you weren't about to argue, so you took a seat at one of the free tables.
He quickly rushed through the store to get big bandages, two water bottles, Neosporin, and a small bottle of mouthwash. He wanted to talk to them earlier, but they were a lot closer and he knew his breath must have smelt rancid after throwing up. After paying, he quickly went to the bathroom and washed his mouth out with the water and mouthwash. Throwing away the evidence as he did a breath check, grabbing a few paper towels before he ran back to you.
"Okay, I'm done, sorry for the wait." You see him carrying a bag with a few things inside.
"You're good, a break from walking is fine with me," you offer up a smile and he smiles back.
"This is probably gonna hurt some, but I'll try to be as gentle as possible." Your smile fades as he gets down on his knees to meet your legs and you clench your jaw. He wet two paper towels and left two dry ones asking you to hold both sets. "Stick one of your legs out, please." Doing as you're told, he takes this opportunity to lift your leg till it's about parallel to your seat. He pours water on the wound and you jolt at the sensation as it stings your knees. Some water slides down your leg and he wipes it back up with his hand and flicks the water off his hand. "Wet paper towel please."
"Huh," you were absorbed by the movement of his hands on your leg, weird. "Oh yeah, here." He glanced at you for a moment, but he didn't question it. Setting your leg down he takes the wet paper towel and gently wipes away at the remaining grime on your knee.
"Dry one, please." 'So polite,' you thought, handing him the paper towel. He dries your wound and leg off, tossing the waste into the bag and he takes out the Neosporin and bandages. He smears the ointment on the cotton pad of the bandage, then smooths the bandage onto your leg. You two repeat the process on your other leg. "All done."
"Thank you." You slowly stand up, it still hurts for sure, you wanted to do something. "Alright, your turn buddy. You stay here I'm going to get something real quick."
"Huh, you don't need help?" He sees you struggling to walk and has his hands up ready to catch you if you fall.
"I'll be fine, just give me a minute." He doesn't push it and takes the seat next to your now empty one. He wonders what you could be doing. A few minutes pass and he hears your familiar voice. Turning to you he sees you now carry a bag. You see his eyes linger around the bag. You clear your throat, "I need you to close your eyes, you can't open them until I say." Jacob is a simple man and does not question them and follows through with the orders. He covers his eyes with his hands. "Oh yeah, I didn't get your name yet. I'm, y/n." He smiles at your statement.
"I'm, Jacob."
"Alright, you can open your eyes now." He puts his hands down opening his eyes and to his bewilderment there are two cupcakes each with a lit candle. His lips form a little pout and his eye go wide as he looks at you. "Happy Birthday, Jacob. This might be the crappiest birthday you've ever had, but I hope this makes it a little bit better."
"Wow, thank you…" Jacob was at a loss for words. There were a lot of emotions coming up again, he felt his throat go a little tight.
"Ah sorry, I shouldn't have brought up the bad things."
"No it's not that...well it partly is that, but I'm also happy. Why are you so kind to me?" That seemed like a weird question, is this not the golden rule?
"Well as thanks, of course. And I think you are being nicer to me than I am to you. Anyways, before your candles completely melt, make a wish!"
"Ah let me think," A wish, there wasn't any particular thing he wished for. His eyes wandered around trying to think of something and his eyes find their way back to you. The soft glow of the candlelight illuminating your face. A smile gracing your face as you wait for him to make his wish. He looks back to the candles and closes his eyes, 'I wish for something wonderful.' opening his eyes he gently blows out the candles. You found yourself hoping Jacob’s wish would come true.
“Perfect, now I didn’t know what flavor you liked, so I just got the standard vanilla and chocolate. Hope that’s okay.”
“That’s fine,” he says taking one of the cupcakes and pushing the other towards you.
“I can’t they’re yours.”
“It’s fine I shouldn’t eat two cupcakes this late at night anyway. Unless you don’t like that flavor?”
“Oh, it’s good. Uh, thank you then.” You both take your time eating your cupcakes while continuing to converse with each other. Taking his last bite he licks his fingers clean and you hand him a napkin from your bag.
“Thanks,” After he wipes his hands he stood up. “Can you walk okay, now?” You stood up carefully. It still hurts, but you felt like walking wouldn’t be too terrible, maybe.
“Yeah, I think I will be good, thank you.” You stagger your way back to the sidewalk and Jacob matches his pace with yours.
“Well, I go this way.”
“Oh, me too.” A smile alights both your faces, happy to stay with the kind soul next to you for a little longer before the loneliness grabs hold of you again.
“In that case do you still want my help walking?”
“Are you okay with that?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Jacob sets out in front with his back facing you, he kneels on the ground, turning his head to you.
“Won’t that be too tiring for you?
“My endurance is pretty good, besides we can get home faster this way, it’s pretty late already. It will only be till we part ways.” Maybe you would have been more hesitant if he didn’t always make sure you were comfortable when talking and interacting with him, keeping a respectable distance that strangers should have.
“Excuse me then.” As you climb on his back he links his arms under your legs as you wrap your arms around his neck and he slowly rises.
“Up we go.” he adjusts, bouncing you up higher on his back. He started walking, and like a gentleman, making sure you weren’t suspicious of him, he tells you which path he takes first before continuing to walk. To both your surprise, your time together lasted longer than imagined. You thought how he might live past you as you got closer to your home.
“Hey, I know we are still kinda strangers, but if it means anything, I think you are really kind. I was treated nicer by you in this short hour or so that we have known each other than I was ever by my ex. I won’t judge your relationship because I don’t know anything, but I think you deserve better. I hope you can move on soon and when your ready, find someone that values you properly.” Jacob lets out a titter at your words.
“Man, I feel like crying again.”
“No, it’s fine. I hope the same for you, don’t feel down over someone that left you like that.”
“Ugh, of course! I’m not that sad to lose them, we weren’t dating for that long. I know that kind of person doesn’t deserve to be in my life… I’m sadder at the fact that it happened, it makes me feel inadequate.”
“Hey, don’t say that. Just like you said to me, I think you deserve a person that values you better.”
“Thanks.” He stops in his tracks again.
“I go straight.” To your disappointment, this is where your journey together ends.
“Ah, I go right.”
“Oh,” is all he gives as a reply. Jacob lowers himself letting go of his grip on your legs. Your hands move from around his neck to hold his shoulders as you steady yourself. When you let go of his shoulders he turns around to meet your eyes. “I guess this is goodbye.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Neither of you wanted to part ways yet, but what could you do? You both thought, this person would be a good friend to have, would it be too much to ask for their number?
“I’ll go first. Please be careful on your way home,” Jacob says, cutting off the awkward silence.
“You too. Thank you, for making this night a little less lonely,” you give him a sorrowful smile and he returns a look just the same.
“Thank you.” And so you both go your separate ways. He finds himself regretting not asking for your number, but it would be weird to go back now, if only he had a second chance. If he had another wish right now, he would have wished to see them again, not that it would have actually helped him anyway.
Finally making it to your apartment building you call the elevator sighing. You find yourself thinking about Jacob as you look at your knees, ‘I should have gotten his number.’ The elevator dings and the doors open up. Someone leaves the elevator and you take their place.
Jacob walks into his apartment building, and sees a person leaving then sees the foot of a person entering the elevator. He calls out to them.
“Please hold the door!” He starts jogging to the elevator. Hearing that familiar voice seems unbelievable. So you move to stick your head out to check to make sure you weren’t mistaken.
“Jac-” you didn’t expect a body to round the corner so fast and you reacted as best you could and tried stepping back, but their body still hit you, though it was with less force than you expected. Cool you thought, you were gonna fall for the second time tonight. The man that bumped into you didn’t think the person inside would try to come out so he had little time to try and stop his momentum and despite his efforts, he collided with the other. Not wanting to fall you reach your arms up and out to the person getting a death grip on their shoulders. The man lunges forward reaching out to catch the falling body, wrapping his arms around the person’s waist. There is a pause as Jacob gets a good look at the person in his arms. When he rounded the corner it was fast, but for a hot second, he thought that person looked like, y/n. He was right, they were staring at each other, hearts pounding in fright. Jacob was the first to open his mouth.
“Hey,” he offers up an awkward smile. You bite your top lip to keep from laughing. The elevator door closes.
“You live here? You ask at the same time. This brought genuine smiles to your faces.
“Yeah, uh how did you get here before me?” He asks, stepping back to give you room to stand straight again. You loosen your grip on his shoulders letting your arms fall back to your sides. He lets go of you as well taking a step back.
“I took a shortcut. Do you not know about it?”
“No? Im new here, still getting used to this area, so I haven’t really explored around,” you hum in response. He goes to press his floor number and steps aside so you can do the same. You look at the panel of buttons and see your floor number is pressed. The elevator starts rising.
“I think we are neighbors.”
“Yup, same floor.”
“Huh, small world.”
“Guess it is.” Ah, it was awkward again. Maybe you both felt that way cause you were just thinking about each other, not like the other person knew that though. The elevator came to a stop opening to your floor. You stepped out first and Jacob followed. Pointing one way you give him a questioning look and he nods. You walk together in silence thinking how now would be the perfect time to ask for their number, but they’ve been silent this whole time maybe they don’t want to talk right now? Both of your minds hesitant to speak first. Jacob stops first.
“This is my door.” You look at the number on the door that is two off from your door number. Then that means.
“I’m the next door down. I didn’t know I had a new neighbor.” That wasn’t something you bothered paying attention to.
“From strangers to neighbors. Nice to meet you,” he jokes, smiling. You smile back.
“Nice to meet you too.”
“y/n, you seem like a really great person. If it’s ok with you, can I get your number? I think we would be good friends.” That should have been your line, you step closer to him, confessing.
“I actually wanted to ask you the same thing.” The two of you pull out your phones opening up contacts and exchanging phones, putting your info into the other’s phone. Taking back your phones, you take a step back. “Until next time.”
“Until then.” You turn around and start walking to your door. Jacob happily punches in his pin code. And steps into the door, but there was something else he wanted to say, so he poked his head out and saw you opening your door. “y/n,” you turn your head to look at the voice calling you. “Thank you, for making this night less lonely.” You smiled at the familiar words. “That’s it, good night, y/n.”
“Good night, Jacob.” The two of you heading into your respective homes with a tender smile. Hoping to see the other more often.
taglist: @taegurl-ne
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katsutae · 4 years
stupid, silly crush
mark lee x reader, bf2l, fluff 
summary: i have a stupid silly crush on mark lee so i’m making it into a oneshot before i lose my mind
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curling up on your couch, snuggling in blankets and eating your favorite snacks was what you planned on doing for the rest of the night. after having to take over for your partner’s side of your group project, you were exhausted and wanted nothing more but to rest. 
your friends, on the other hand, had other plans.
you crashed onto the couch of your apartment and were ready to take a well deserved nap, but were interrupted by the vibration of your phone. you shot your head up and snatched your phone from the coffee table, glaring at the contact name.
“what?” you asked, clearly irritated.
from the other side of the phone, you could basically hear yuta’s smile. “come on, we’re going to the school festival!”
“no, i’m tired.” you pulled your phone away from your ear to hang up but stopped once you heard yuta’s faint protests. reluctantly, you held your phone back up to your ear. “you better have one convincing reason as to why i should go.”
“well, for one, because we’re your friends and you love us so much,” yuta teased. “and also, mark is going!”
you stayed silent, contemplating how you were going to strangle yuta once you saw him. “just because you said that, i’m not going.”
“what? y/n, just imagine how cute it would be if you were to confess to him at the top of the ferris wheel, or something!”
you laughed at him. “first of all, mark is afraid of heights, so that’s not happening. and second, i’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me back. i’d probably just make a fool out of myself.”
“you’re kidding, right? are you stupid?” yuta gaped at you, a humorous smile laid out across his face.
you rolled your eyes. “i didn’t stay on this call just so you could call me stupid.” you felt your phone vibrate in your hand and you looked to see that it was a text from no one other than mark. “i got to go, yuta. see you.”
“wait, are you-”
quickly, you ended the call and opened your messages.
mark me in your heart
yo u going to the festival?
y/n aaaaaa
ehhh not really feeling up to it
yuta told me you and the others are going so bring me back a stuffed animal
mark me in your heart
whaaaaaaaaaatjrjklf why not?????????
i’m not gonna win u one bc ur gonna win it urself
also bc i probably wouldn’t be able to do it anyway
i’m picking u up
y/n aaaaaa
you’re gonna have to drag me off of the couch then
i don’t think it’s worth it
mark me in your heart
u act as if i haven’t done it before
already omw 
feeling defeated, you slumped against your couch cushions and awaited mark’s arrival. had it been anyone else, it would’ve been much easier to flat out say ‘no’, but with mark, the word was completely erased from your vocabulary. you were only able to have about ten minutes of pure bliss before you heard the jiggling of your doorknob and mark’s faint humming.
“thank goodness for the spare key!” mark cheered as he entered your apartment.
lazily, you turned your head towards him and looked at him with a dead gaze. mark only laughed at you and jumped onto the couch next to you, barely missing your head. 
“tough day?” mark asked, reaching for your leftover drink that sat on your coffee table. he cringed at the watered-down taste before standing up to go throw it away.
“yeah. you know that group project i had? they didn’t do jack shit,” you grumbled into the cushion.
“you know what’ll make you feel better?” he kneeled down to meet your eyes and smiled. “going to the festival!”
he reached for your hands that you desperately tried to hide from him and began to pull you up into a seated position. you groaned in response but made no move to fight against him.
“come on, i’ll buy us ice cream once we get there,” mark offered. you looked up at him to see him staring at you with his wide, doe eyes, basically begging you to say yes. he made it impossible for you to say no.
you hated it, but you gave in. “ugh...fine.”
“wow, they went all out this year, didn’t they?” you mumbled as you stared out the window of mark’s car. you couldn’t help but admire the colorful lighting that lit up the area.
“i know right? it’s awesome,” mark agreed.
after parking the car, the two of you made you way to the ticket booth where you paid for your tickets and entered. you stayed close behind as mark searched for your other friends, flinching when he grabbed your arm to drag you towards them. 
someone’s arm slung around your shoulder, weighing you down. “so, you decided to show up?”
you looked up to see yuta smirking at you, raising his eyebrows and shifting his gaze back and forth between you and mark. you glared at him and shrugged his arm off, punching him in the ribs. “oh, shut it.” luckily, mark had been too busy chatting away with johnny that he didn’t notice yuta’s odd behavior. 
“so, are you gonna do it tonight?” yuta asked you excitedly.
“do what? confess?” you snorted and shook your head. “i already told you, yuta, there’s no way he likes me back.”
yuta groaned loudly, catching the attention of a few other students walking by. “the two of you are going to drive me insane, i swear.”
you furrowed our eyebrows in confusion, but before you could question what he meant, mark was tugging at your arm and leading you towards the games.
“okay! i’m gonna make it a mission to win you a stuffed animal. which one do you want?” mark asked you with a big smile.
you chuckled at him and shook your head. “i was kidding, mark, you don’t actually-”
“no! i’m gonna do it. now, tell me which one you want.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at him as he said that, falling for him and his dorky antics all over again. scanning the area, you spotted a dinosaur plushy that was practically calling your name. immediately, you took mark by the arm and led him over.
“oh, this will be easy!” mark said confidently after seeing it was a basketball based game. he turned to look at you with a smirk on his face. “just watch.”
you chuckled again and stood off to the side. “don’t get too cocky now.”
mark had always been a naturally funny person, so it wasn’t surprising that after only two minutes, you were clutching at your stomach, unable to hold in your laugh. mark had somehow managed to miss every shot and approached you with sunken shoulders and a shocked look.
“wow, i didn’t know i was that bad. in my defense, that shit is a lot harder than it looks.”
coming down from your fit of laughter, you pat his arm comfortingly. “it’s okay, mark, i didn’t expect much. let’s go find something else to do.”
“hell no, i’m going again.” before you could protest, mark was already stepping up to the booth and offering his money.
you shook your head at him and sighed. mark really made it hard not to love him.
after about ten minutes, mark finally returned to you victorious, a proud smile peeking from behind a large dinosaur plushy. gratefully, you took the dinosaur into your arms. “was it worth all that money? you really didn’t have to, you know.”
mark let out a soft laugh. “yeah, but i wanted to.” you were lucky the dinosaur was big enough to hide the wild blush upon your cheeks. “what next?”
“i’ll win you one for a change. i think that if i let you play any longer then you’ll spend all your money,” you nudged him gently with your shoulder.
“i didn’t do that bad,” mark whined, pouting at you. 
“whatever you say, mark.”
like any other night you spent with mark, it was filled with laughter and jokes. you seemed to always have a good time with him, it was one of the very many things that you loved about him. he had the ability to turn your frown upside down, as cheesy as it sounds. the two of you had regrouped with your friends with stuffed animals in both of your arms, as well as bright smiles plastered across your faces.
“did you win her all of these, mark?” yuta teased the two of you.
while you blushed, mark laughed it off and shook his head. “actually, y/n won majority of these. i’m not as great at those games as i thought.”
johnny approached the three of you, an ice cream cone in his hand reminding you of mark’s promise. “fireworks are starting soon, we’re gonna go grab seats on the grass.”
“i’ll come with,” yuta called after him. he waved the two of you goodbye and, again, it was just you and mark.
“hey, you promised me ice cream!” you said to mark.
mark’s lips curled up into a shameful smile. “i was hoping that you would forget...whatever, i was craving some anyway.”
“i’ll go get us a seat,” you told him, taking his stuffed animals into your arms. he nodded and you went your separate ways.
thankfully, you were able to quickly spot johnny and yuta who had already saved a spot for you and mark. as you sat down, yuta scoot himself next to you and nudged your shoulder.
“you should confess today or i assure you this crush of yours is gonna end up going nowhere,” he said.
you scoffed. “i was already expecting it to go nowhere.”
yuta groaned and grabbed your shoulders, shaking them. “are you an idiot? do you seriously think mark isn’t head over heels for your dumbass?” he let go of your shoulders and dramatically sprawled himself across your lap. “you two are both big, oblivious idiots.”
“why do you keep saying that?” you asked him with furrowed eyebrows. 
yuta sat up and gave you a dead stare. he sighed, “like i said, big oblivious idiot.” he averted his gaze to someone behind you and then back to you. “just trust me on this, he likes you.”
yuta was gone before you could ask how he knew, and mark took his spot next to you. he handed you your ice cream, which was your favorite flavor, and scoot closer to you. his shoulder brushed against yours, making you blush. if you weren’t too busy trying not to choke on your ice cream and looked over, you would see that mark was blushing as well.
as the night grew colder, you cursed at yourself for not bringing a jacket. the coldness of your ice cream didn’t help your situation. you only hoped that mark didn’t notice, but he was already shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders.
frantically, you shook your head, encouraging mark to keep the jacket for himself. “you’ll get cold, mark, it’s fine.”
he shook his head and draped the jacket around your shoulders, a soft smile sitting comfortably across his features. “i knew you were probably going to get cold at some point, so i wore a sweatshirt too. thank lord you got cold, i was lowkey sweating my ass off.”
“thank you,” you giggled.
the lights dimmed and you and mark both turned your attention towards the sky. you felt mark lean backwards on his arms, one of his arms settling itself behind your back. as the first firework set off in the air, the crowd erupted in sounds of awe. even beside you, you could hear mark let out a small laugh. turning to look at him, you couldn’t help but adore the way his eyes glistened and shimmered in amazement. 
mark could feel your gaze on him and he could feel his hands grow clammy. "they’re pretty, aren’t they?” he asked without turning to look at you. 
you turned to admire the fireworks again and smiled, feeling glad to enjoy this moment with mark. “yeah...”
you felt something soft hit your cheek, and looked down to see a gummy bear sitting in your lap. you looked around to find where it came from and found yuta staring at you with wide eyes. he was mouthing words at you that you were barely able to make out.
tell him.
nervously, you chewed at your lip and scraped at the melted ice cream in your bowl. if yuta had been dropping that many hints, he couldn’t have been lying, right? before you could say anything, mark beat you to it.
“hey, can i tell you something?” mark said suddenly.
“um, yeah of course...but actually there was something that i wanted to tell you,” you chuckled nervously.
“oh, really?” mark asked, clearly surprised. “okay, yeah, what’s up?”
out of habit, you turned away and laughed fiddling with your hands in your lap. “i um...” you gulped down the lump in your throat and wiped your sweaty palms against your jeans. “i really like you, mark.”
you were too scared to look up and see his reaction, but his silence was scaring you even more. when you looked up you were expected to be met with rejection, but were surprised when you saw mark smiling down at you, his eyes shining the same way they did when he was watching the fireworks.
“really?” with the way he looked at you, you knew he thought you were joking. you gave him a soft smile and nodded. 
“yes, really.” you chuckled at the way he sat up in shock. 
“no way, i was going to tell you the same thing!” mark beamed. 
the two of you stared at each other with idiotic smiles on your faces before you both burst into fits of laughter. 
“you’re not joking, right? because i’m not joking,” you asked to clarify.
mark laughed again and grabbed your hand. “no, i’m not kidding.” he threw his head back with a frustrated groan. “man, i thought yuta was lying to me, we could’ve gotten to this point a lot quicker.”
“it’s okay, i thought he was kidding too,” you reassured. 
you weren’t sure what else to say and could only stare at mark with the brightest smile that you could give him. he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and let his hand cup your cheek.
“c-can i kiss you?” he stuttered out nervously.
frantically, and quite pathetically, you nodded your head. 
as if he had been waiting forever to kiss you, mark crashed his lips against yours and pulled you closer to him, his thumb caressing your cheek. your eyes fluttered shut and you gripped the soft material of his sweatshirt, trying your hardest not to smile. luckily you didn’t have to worry about ruining the kiss by smiling, because mark had done it for you. you giggled against each other’s lips before pulling away and smiling at each other stupidly. mark pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you and kissing the top of your head softly.
from afar, yuta smiled proudly. “i told you they’d do it. you owe me.”
johnny rolled his eyes and handed over ten dollars. “oh, shut up.”
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spookysmujer · 4 years
Mi Hombre, O. Diaz
Summary: You overhear Monse trash talking about Oscar and you’ve had enough of him being painted as the villain. 
warnings: monse being a hater!, cute s h e t, freak s h e t  👅
word counter: 1.5K
requested by: @un-poetryy​
A/N: I always give the “bad” guys the benefit of the doubt because my attraction to toxic men began with Damon Salvatore LOL. Thank you for requesting, I love trying new things when writing for Spooky, this was fun! SEND ME ASKS/REQUESTS! I finally turned on the Anon option, heh. And don’t forget, please: follow, heart it and leave some comments, reblog and also turn on the notifs for when I post! Lots of love!!
taglist: @clemmingstylins0n​ @fairygardenss​ @firebenderwolf​ @spookysnena​ @princesstiffxoxo​ @mbaku-babygirl​ @chellybear98​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @i-just-wanna-live-gc​ (please let me know if you wanna be added or removed!)
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(Gif doesn’t belong to me, owner unknown!)
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The sun is warm against your skin and the slight breeze is adding to a perfect summer day. Now that school is out, the public pool has extended it’s days of operations and hours, so here you are out with you boyfriend’s little brother and friends, tanning and having a relaxing day.
Oscar called you saying to meet him at the pool since he’s really trying to avoid spending any alone time at home with his estranged father. As you await his arrival, you’re laying back and letting the sun fill in the paler parts of your skin due to your bikini straps. And it’s been lovely but you’re starting to lose you’re patience as Monse, Cesar’s toxic ass girlfriend, keeps talking ill about Oscar.
You sigh once more as you try to zero out on the things she is saying about him but it’s getting real hard to bite your tongue the more she goes on. It’s Oscar “Spooky” Diaz and of course everyone has an opinions about everyone. And rightfully so but Monse only says bad things about her boyfriend’s older brother. Every single time it’s something negative. And granted you don’t spend much time with her, it’s sad that she can’t say one good thing.
It’s also when Oscar is never around and the devil is prying to get out of you to say something. Oh, please say something. But you keep your eyes closed and pray that your boyfriend arrives soon. The last thing you want is to cause a scene in a family area.
“I mean he’s been hanging around a lot and it’s just annoying he gotta bring his gang tendencies when it’s been clear as day you don’t want nothing to do with it. Doesn’t he have drugs to sell? or other people to jump into the gang?” Monse says and you huff audibly.
Though you got your eyes closed, you could feel her gaze move to you briefly.
Cesar only sighs as Monse kept on going and that was the tip of the iceberg for you. How can Cesar not defend is older brother? You know the shit the Diaz brothers have been through but to not defend someone who has defended you on countless occasions?
“Seriously? You really going keep talking shit, Monse? I’m convinced you’re obsessed with Oscar since all you ever do is talk about him,” You’ve had enough, you get up and say to her as you stand above them,
Both she and Cesar look up at you, surprised. “I-I, uh, was just saying th-”
“No, you weren’t just fucking saying nothing. You’re trash talking his brother and my boyfriend and it’s shit on me to have waited this long to say something but you’re such a pussy for only knowing how to talk smack when he’s not around.”
She tilts her head to the side and stands to cross her arms over her chest, “I have no problem saying this to his face as well. He must have you whipped if you are too blind to see that all he is is trouble, Y/N. You’re a smart girl, you deserve someone better than Oscar.”
If you could see the world in a single color right now, it’d be red and for Monse it’s about to be black considering you want to pop her one right in the mouth. You’re at a disbelief that she can’t give Oscar the benefit of the doubt considering he has done a lot for his brother and group of friends. Everytime there had been an issue that they couldn’t solve, which was 99.9% of the time, Oscar came in with the save.
You see your boyfriend walk through the gated entrance of the public pool. He makes his way over to the food stand and you smile to yourself, the sight of him always making you melt, “ I am a smart girl, thank you. I’m smart enough to know that no one in this world is perfect. We all have flaws, Oscar knows it too. But you’re quick to forget that if it weren’t for him, you all would probably be 6 feet under next to Lil Ricky, who isn’t even 6 feet under might I add!”
She laughs a little to herself before continuing, “And we wouldn’t have gotten in those situations had Oscar not jumped his little brother into that stupid gang of wannabes anyways! Who does that? Forces his own family into something he didn’t want to be apart of? That’s messed up! And you the complicit one that stands by not saying anything!” Monse says loudly, now catching the attention of those around you. Even Oscar is now looking your way, you and Monse in each other’s faces. 
You weren’t planning to make a big scene about this, you just wanted to call her out on her bullshit peacefully, if that is even possible. But if the shoe fits? You lace that bitch up and wear it.
You scoff and step closer to her face, “Cesar grew up in this life, wake the fuck up, Monse! It looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it’s a fucking duck! Think this lil duckling was gonna join the rabbit family and live a peaceful life? That is how the world revolves, that is how people like us survive. Whether you like it or not. Yes, it is messed up. And I can promise you, Oscar never wanted this life to begin with, not for him and definitely not for his brother, whom he raised. Was it a perfect life? No. But it was and still is enough.
“So I swear to God, if you can’t say anything nice please shut the fuck up. Don’t say shit. Because if you wanna point out flaws, let’s all do it, hm? Gather around family and friends, “ You look around and say, “We’re gonna play the What’s wrong with Monse game I’ll start, she’s toxic as fuck! She loves to play the victim, she’s dating a freshly jumped in Santo, which she claims are wannabe gangsters!”
Everyone’s attention is on you now, Oscar is trying his best not to laugh at the situation but when you get argumentative, it’s a damn good time. You have valid points and Monse knows it. The people with the most problems never like to admit them. She has a look of embarrassment plastered on her face.
“Y/N...” Cesar speaks up, also with a look of embarrassment on his face. He scratches the back of his head as he looks around and spots his brother in the distant. Oscar raises his water bottle in the air as a notion of, Salud. 
You cross your arms and wait for him to say something but he only looks down at his feet and rocks on his heels. Monse’s mouth agape at his lack of input, “What’s wrong? You upset he’s not defending you? That’s how complicit ones are, sweetheart. They see the problem and let it go on so long as it’s not personally affecting them. Which means you probably just a piece of culo. And also means he’s a little puto for not defending his brother. A little bitch! Both of you!”
“Hey, hey mamas. Calmate, com’n. Let’s go get some food, hm?” Oscar appears and starts to pull you away as you spew out the last of your words. He can feel your skin is warm to the touch and it is not from the tanning either.
He is smiling like a fool once you two make your way to the stand, “Wow, my lady defends my name even when I’m not around.”
You shake your head and cross you arms, exhaling a much needed breath through your nose. Monse is collecting her things, angrily and storming out to the parking lot. A frantic Cesar following, you look back to Oscar and both laugh.
“Was I too harsh?” You ask him, he shakes his head in disagreement.
“Nah, bout time someone tells her off and you did just that. It’s hot, y’know? Calling them out for talking shit.” You look to him and whack your arm on his stomach, he wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of you head. “What else would my lil traviesa do for me?”
As you tip your head back to answer, Jasmine walks towards the two of you blasting music from her phone.
I don’t wanna spit, I wanna gulp
I wanna gag, I wanna choke
I want you to touch that lil dangly dang that swang in the back of my throat
You look to Oscar and wink at him, feeling the hardness in his swim trunks as you lick your lips. He clears his throat looking at Jasmine that means to leave. She snobs you two and walks off.
“Aye, you gotta walk in front me. He won’t let up.” You look between the two of you and see his boner. Laughing away, you let him trail very close behind you.
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