#their media team pretending they look exactly alike
royal-ruin · 6 months
f1 fanfic recs (part 2) pierre/charles
other f1 fic rec lists here f1 fic rec masterlist here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise.
I’m Never Gonna Waste My Love On Anyone Else by EspiTheWarlock (~1k) 3rd part of a series
[“Pierre, what the hell is this?”
“Are you saying no?”
“Am I saying…what the fuck…I’m not…you haven’t even asked me a question!”
“It doesn’t seem like I need to.”]
Destiny's Got Us So Intertwined by chilisainz55 (msrogersstark) (~2k)
[“It’s simple, really,” George says offhandedly to Pierre while they wait to do media after the race in Hungary. He always says things so matter of fact, like there’s no way that it can go wrong. Pierre doesn’t see it the same way. It can only go wrong.
“What is so simple about it?” Pierre rolls his eyes.
“You and I both want the same thing,” George explains, adjusting his Mercedes cap.
“And what’s that?”]
George and Pierre both want attention from other drivers... a plan is formed
jealousy shenanigans.
For Where the Four Winds Blow by flamingosarepink (~2k)
[It’s hard not to notice how much healthier he looks these days, with color back in his cheeks and clothes that actually fit in all the right places. He smiles, a lot more than he used to anyway, but something about his presence keeps Pierre guarded. Guarded, as if he can’t pretend there is some part of him that still needs defending. The silence that stands between them even as Pierre closes the door behind Charles seems to says it all.]
this was so angsty, i loved it
psychic lover (only for you) by strongestavenger (~2k)
Charles hears his soulmate's thoughts for the first time at age seven.
A year later, he meets Pierre.
baby just say yes by ohmygasly (singsweetmelodies) (~3k)
["There you are," Charles says as Pierre sits down, and it comes out softer than he intended. He's still holding Pierre's hand, and Pierre's new position on the back of the vintage car means that he looks down at Charles like - well, like a prince and his knight. 
It's a ridiculous image, of course, but it's also… fitting, in a strange way. Charles has always seen Pierre as special, and worthy, and brave, and beautiful - all the things a prince should be, even if Pierre doesn't see it himself. And, of course, Charles would do anything for Pierre's favour, like any good knight. ]
Pierre, Charles, and that moment from the Monza 2022 drivers' parade.
when the curtains close and all of the lights go down by ohmygasly (singsweetmelodies) (~3k)
[Charles wraps his arms around Pierre's waist and breathes him in, and for the first time it feels like he can truly let go of all the feelings he's been holding tightly bottled up inside himself ever since the rain and the tractor and everything that meant.
There hadn't been time for a hug directly after Suzuka. There had been so much to do with both of their teams, and Pierre had needed to go to the stewards too, for that bullshit penalty, and –
And Charles hadn't realised just how much he needed this hug. Not just any hug, from anyone, but exactly this with Pierre, where it feels like Pierre is wrapping up Charles' body and his soul and his heart alike.]
Suzuka in the rain is never easy, for any of them. But Pierre and Charles find each other, like they always do.
warning: deals with grief.
If I were proper, I’d have a chance; not with you, but somebody else by ShiwiSins (IetjeSiobhan) (~4k)
[I’m an omega now, what about propriety, Charles wants to ask, and also, what do I have to do to get you to touch me more, and he asks neither and simply presses his thigh a little closer.]
a/b/o with idiots who don't think they're dating already.
so good at pretending (i'm even fooling myself) by wunderlichkind (~4k)
[“You and…” Charles swallows. “You and Ilies?”
Pierre picks up on the question in it, but he doesn‘t… “What about me and Ilies?”
“You… are you guys. Together, then?“ Charles stutters it out, almost winces at whatever must be playing on Pierre‘s face after. He stumbles over his next words.]
all you never say is that you love me so by tiredtiredsharl  (~5k)
5 times Charles said something while he thought Pierre was asleep + 1 time Pierre said something while he knew Charles was awake.
i truly fell in love with this fic.
all of me (a wound to close) by chemtrailsky (~5k)
[There is a constant tremor in Pierre’s hands that won't leave these days.
It’s barely noticeable, he guesses. Neither Horner nor Marko have mentioned it yet, and they’ve never been known for their subtlety.]
Or: Pieces of Pierre’s life told through a day of meals.
warning: has to do with issues with food/eating.
*maybe i don't want heaven by duquesademiel, tiredtiredsharl (~6k)
Pierre kneels thrice: once in front of God and twice in front of Charles.
warning: blasphemy? i'm not sure what the correct word for it is. i'm not religious, so to me this was a masterpiece.
*Verlangen (longing) by Whippasnappa (~8k)
[“Perhaps we can make each other feel better.” he offers. 
Max stares at Pierre's hand on his thigh. He’s surprised. 
“You cannot be serious.” he says flatly. 
Pierre shrugs, but he also slides his hand further up. Oh, he is serious. Max’s eyes dart around the room, panicked, but no one is looking. Daniel is not here. Charles is not watching. Neither of them would care, anyway. 
“You can sit here all night and mope about it. Or,” he leans in closer to Max, drops his voice even further to a whisper. “We can go back to the hotel and I can fuck your brains out.” 
He pulls back, taking his hand off Max, leaning back in the booth. 
“Your choice.” he says evenly, like he doesn’t really care either way.]
pierre's an absolute menace here. max/daniel is also a ship in this fic. pierre/max have a temporary thing.
Where I Buried My Heart (& You) by Laeana (~8k)
It's 2030, Pierre has won 2 championships, 46 races, 25 pole positions and he's announcing his retirement at the end of the year. And Charles doesn't know how to cope with it, doesn't even understand it.
I was a firecracker, baby, with something to prove by tiredtiredsharl (~9k) part of a series
Pierre was from one of those families that people who rejected the idea of soulmates, held up as an example as to why the concept of soulmates was antiquated. Pierre was…Pierre knew that sometimes soulmate pairings failed. He knew that sometimes soulmate bonds were rejected. He knew that soulmates weren’t infallible and he knew that he had two parents who weren’t soulmates and were happier than some of the bonded pairs he knew. It’s not that he didn’t want a soulmate. He just knew that the fairytale of soulmate bonds was just that - a fairytale. Pierre wasn’t waiting around for a soulmate and maybe that meant he stayed 25 forever. And maybe that was okay with him.
Or: 5 times Pierre worked towards accepting Charles as his soulmate and the one time he knew he was.
Upside down, bouncing off the ceiling by emotionalsupportfastcars (~12k)
[AlphaTauriF1: not gonna lie, thinking a second can of Red Bull would help kickstart the day AlpineF1Team: Do it 😁 [intensifying intensifies] AlphaTauriF1: if there are typos in our tweets later, you’ll know why Inspired by real-life Alpha Tauri and Alpine tweets.
Pierre Gasly is AlphaTauri’s social media admin and Esteban Ocon is Alpine’s social media admin. Over the past few months, some Twitter conversations between AlphaTauri and Alpine have gone viral. Which means that both Pierre and Esteban are exceeding all their job targets.
There’s just one problem. Neither Pierre nor Esteban realise that the other social media admin is their former childhood friend.
One day, thanks to an unhinged media admin, Pierre drinks too much Red Bull and panics. As Charles, Pierre’s housemate, takes care of Pierre, he is forced to confront his growing crush on Pierre, all while wondering whether Pierre has a crush on Alpine’s social media admin.]
or: In which Pierre regains a childhood friend and somehow gets a boyfriend.
awww this one was adorable.
*Home Is Where the Heart Is... by welightitup (~15k) part one of a series "Who's that Guy?
[“George and Charles?!” Pierre exclaims, with no other context or explanation.
“What about them?” Yuki asks rather calmly, given the situation. But then again, it’s not like he’s affected by it in any way or form. That’s been reserved for just Alex and Pierre.
“They’re our George and Charles!” Alex adds to the conversation, and he can see the exact moment it all clicks in Yuki’s brain as his pinched features open right up into pure surprise.
“Nooo!” Yuki draws out, arms dropping in shock. “Really?”]
aka the New Girl AU where everyone is everyone's exes. Except for Yuki.
*... And My Heart Is With You by ohmygasly (singsweetmelodies) (~16k) part two of a series "Who's that Guy?
[The more time they all spend together, the more his roommates are slowly starting to drive him insane. It's not because Charles and George turned out to be assholes after the first few weeks. No, they're both still as nice as ever. They're just… pining, which is much worse, in Yuki's eyes.
What makes it even worse is that Charles and George aren't even pining for each other. Oh no. They are pining for Pierre and Alex, respectively – but Pierre and Alex don't seem to realise that. They just pine right back, because they for some reason believe that Charles and George are dating.
How they are missing the obvious longing looks, Yuki has no idea. All he knows is that something has got to change around here, or all four of his flatmates are in danger of being thrown head-first into the Seine.]
AKA: misunderstandings in the loft are at an all-time high. What will it take for it all to be sorted out?
ugh i love this series so much, pierre/charles are a ship, but so are george/alex.
moonlight making crosses on your body by quietrumblings (whisperedwords) (~23k) incomplete, has smut
(a collection of pierre/charles one-shots. subjects will vary. updates will be sporadic.)
featuring: 2. WAG!Pierre 7. jealous!charles 9. sickfic 11. blasphemy (affectionate)
i've forgotten which one's i've read, but i'm sure they are all amazing.
kiss me hard before you go by lewisshamilton (~24k) part of a series
The Royal Family of Monaco is a mess and Charles knows that. Of course he knows that, after all he’s the biggest mess of all of them - not that he’d care. He’s young, rich, charming, loved by his people - and he has absolutely no idea what he wants from life.
overtime by quietrumblings (whisperedwords) (~28k)
[Charles, for a beat, looks relieved. Then he takes a breath, rubs at one eye, and says it: “I want to do Le Mans.”
Pierre raises an eyebrow. “You have been retired for not even two years, Charlo. I don’t think they would say no to a multi-year world champion, but even still—”
“Pierre,” Charles interrupts, still looking serious. Pierre stops talking immediately. “I want us to do Le Mans. Together.”]
(or: in the 2030s, pierre and charles decide to actually race le mans the way they've always dreamed of. they figure some things out along the way.)
hahaha one of the tags is "Middle Aged Best Friends Discover It's Been Romantic This Whole Time!" and i think that is very hilarious and fitting.
*evocatio by vicsy (~35k)
Some still look at him and whisper, Il Predestinato comes forth, but Charles disregards the old legends. In another chapter of the story written by gods, he wants to be remembered as Charles Leclerc — a mortal, a race car driver, a winner.
In a life beyond the deafening rev of running engines and a tart taste of adrenaline, Charles wishes for the simplicity of being a brother, a friend, a lover.
But racing, undoubtedly, forever comes first.
au with gods/goddess still in racing verse tho. it makes sense when you read it. poor charles suffers so much. this was a work of art.
**phantoms and pencil marks by Cazio (~50k)
[Pierre woke to a boy sitting next to his bed.]
this fic is my roman empire. it's gonna break your heart and you are not gonna be able to move on i promise.
there's so many more in the want to read list, i'll get to them i promise.
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georgeousrussell · 3 years
Frederik Vesti is a merc junior.
George Russell is a merc junior.
What is Vesti’s nickname?
Theoretically, we could have a FRED AND GEORGE (idk like) 2026
Imagine the merc(h).
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