#absolutely done with them but secretly encouraging it
spicchili · 24 days
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ft. Tighnari, Kaveh, Gorou, Ayato, Kaeya, & Venti
summary: how they are during your pregnancy, after your pregnancy, and how they are as parents.
warnings: fem bodied
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Tighnari was pleasantly surprised when you told him that you were pregnant.
He immediately stood up from his chair and hugged you tightly saying he was so happy to be a father soon
Tighnari is an amazing help during your pregnancy. He always makes sure to check up on you and help you when you need it as well as tending to your shared home when he needs to and never letting you lift a finger
He won’t tell a lot of people about your pregnancy at first because he doesn’t want a lot of attention on either of you, so he’ll tell his closest friends; Cyno, Kaveh, Collei, and Alhaitham.
During your pregnancy, tighnari likes to take walks with you to make sure you don’t feel lethargic while creating his and yours’ child.
Sometimes when you’re asleep, tighnari talks to your child while rubbing your belly. His talks range from how excited he is to see your baby, to how the baby has good parents and people who will love him.
Whenever you contract, he rubs your back while whispering soothing words into your ear. Although his words do help, his presence is enough.
Tighnari doesn’t care about what gender the baby will be, he’s happy with either.
The day you went into labor, tighnari held your hand and whispered comforting and encouraging words into your ear just like he had done many times before. Even though he was worried because he had never seen you in that much pain before, he made sure not to show it as to not worry you.
Many hours later you gave birth to a healthy baby boy! Who you both named Nasir.
When Nasir was a baby. tighnari wouldn’t let him go. He always had him in his arms or in his lap, showing him all kinds of animals and insects that were abundant in the Avidya Forest.
Nasir looked almost identical to Tighnari. The same dark green hair with light green mixed in although Nasir had little streaks of light green unlike his father. The same tail and fluffy ears with the same brown and green eyes.
You often joke with tighnari saying that Nasir inherited nothing from you but tighnari disagrees. He says Nasir got his eye shape, his nose, and his hair length from you.
Nasir was mischievous and intelligent with a charming personality.
Tighnari and you never raised your voices at Nasir and raised him to be a good well educated boy.
When you had told Kaveh you were pregnant, he was absolutely ecstatic at the news
Kaveh spent as much time with you as he could making sure your pregnancy was comfortable and stress free.
Because of kaveh’s job, there were times where he had to leave you albeit unwillingly to attend to his meetings
Once Kaveh gets the ‘okay’ to tell other people about your pregnancy from you, he immediately tells everyone that you’re pregnant and never forgets to tell anyone who will listen that he’s extremely lucky to be with you
Kaveh isn’t very knowledgeable about pregnancy but he’ll go through every single book in the a akedemiya’s library
Sometimes he goes a little overboard with caring for you. But you know he means well when he constantly runs to your side to hold you like glass whenever you get up
Kaveh never thought that he would be lucky enough to start a family with the one that he loves and he constantly reminds you that he’s grateful for you and the baby
Secretly, during your pregnancy, Kaveh had a folder full of drawings of the nursery for your baby. Coming up with ideas for your baby made him even more excited
When you went into labor, Kaveh was freaking out so bad. Your loud screams and cries were extremely upsetting to Kaveh. He was so scared that he was about to loose you after seeing you so exhausted while and after giving birth
Minutes felt like hours to Kaveh before you gave birth to your healthy baby girl, Amira
Amira had kaveh wrapped around her little finger ever since the day she was born. He just can’t help but spoil his little girl
Amira’s eyes and eye color are exactly like Kaveh’s. Her hair color matches yours and personality matches her father’s more than anything. She’s very sassy and a certified fashionista
Amira is very close to the both of you but she can’t help but be glued to her father, which is the same for Kaveh. He loves dressing her up in cute outfits that reflect her creativity in fashion
After Amira’s birth, Kaveh will often be seen around sumeru city spending time with his little girl. It’s definitely a sight to see Kaveh spoiling Amira with ice cream and other treats
All in all, Amira is very loved by both of her parents and is an extremely well mannered and sweet girl
Gorou never thought of himself as a father until you told him you were pregnant during your visit to watatsumi island. It came as a really big surprise but he was very happy nonetheless
Creating a family with you was a big step for the both of you and he was grateful that he got to do it with you
He didn’t know much about babies or pregnancy but like Kaveh, he would do some research
While researching, he also found some stuff that could help you whenever you contract and how to help you when/ if you go into labor
When you did go into labor he was very nervous and worried about you to the point where kokomi had to tell him firmly to calm down and that you needed him to be there for you. That made him snap back quick lol
Hearing and seeing you in so much pain while delivering the baby made him feel so useless. He wished that he could’ve done something to help alleviate your pain but he knew that there was nothing.
Something that was a pleasant surprise to you both was that you had twin girls, Hina & Miwa
Even though Gorou and you had completely overlooked this you both welcomed your daughters into the world with open arms
Gorou was so attentive to you during and after your pregnancy. He always made sure you were okay and did his best to help make the recovery process easier and smoother
He’s the same way with his kids too. Whenever he hears even a slight whine from either of them, he’s on his way to check up on them
Gorou is a gentle, attentive, caring, and loving father to your girls. Just like Kaveh his daughters have him wrapped around their fingers
He’s always spoiling them any chance he gets and he loves to show them off too as they’re his pride and joy
Hina has his blue eyes, fluffy ears and tail, while having a mixed color of your hair color and his with white tips at the front of her hair. Like Hina, Miwa has white tips in the front too, but her hair is darker than Hina’s and her tail is the same color as her hair instead of it being a shade lighter like gorou’s and hina’s, and she also has blue eyes
Hina and Miwa loves to surprise him when you three visit him at watatsumi island while he’s working. He tries not to let it show, but whenever it’s you three, his confident general facade starts to break and he gets all soft
He loves his girls and they love him. While he knows he’s wrapped around their fingers, he makes sure that they are well disciplined and behaved. He has no problem switching from Dad Gorou to General Gorou when needed
Ayato somehow had a feeling that you were about to tell him something big, because of how quiet you were during breakfast, this morning
He never thought that you would tell him you were pregnant though, so don’t be mad if he doesn’t respond for a couple of seconds
Once he got over the initial shock he was overjoyed
Though Ayato is a busy man he always made sure to spend time with you and he found himself spending more time with you now that you were pregnant
Ayato has a good understanding of pregnancy and the things you go through so he’s not caught off guard too much when your contractions start getting bad
His calm demeanor truly did help you get through them. His tranquil voice and soothing smile made everything better
When you were ready to announce your pregnancy the first person he told was Ayaka and to say she was thrilled at the news would be an understatement
She was so happy for the two of you and often teased Ayato about him becoming a father. When you told Thoma he congratulated you both and said he would do everything in his power to make sure your pregnancy was smooth
Because Ayato is the Yashiro Commissioner, he’s often extremely busy with work and he always tells you that he very sorry that he’s can’t be with you during the most important and difficult time of both of yours’ lives
He had been in a meeting when Thoma had rushed in, sweating, to tell him that you went into labor. It was difficult because you were loosing a considerable amount of blood and your son initially hadn’t been breathing. Then you passed out
When you woke up though, you saw Ayato sitting by you to your left, while holding your son, Asa. Ayato is a great father who loves his son very much much. He knows the public has a lot of expectations on Asa because he is the heir of the Kamisato clan, so he tries not to let Asa hear any of that kind of talk
Asa is a well mannered, intelligent, kind, and charming boy with a bit of a mischievous side to him. He has Ayato’s eye shape and hair and has your eye color and hair texture
Ayato teaches Asa how to be responsible and respectful. He also likes to encourage his son’s mischievous behavior by saying “ he’s just having fun”
Ayato is ready to listen to anything Asa may have on his mind because he wouldn’t want his son to bottle up his emotions.
Overall He’s a good father that loves his kid and cares about him deeply
Kaeya and you weren’t planning on having a baby it just happened. You both were surprised to know that you had a baby on the way. It was unexpected but you both were prepared
While you’re pregnant kaeya makes sure to keep his eyes on you in case anything happens
Although kaeya had no expertise on how to help you during your pregnancy he’d still try his best. He makes sure everything is tidy and comfortable for you
Kaeya likes to talk to your unborn baby whenever it’s just the three of you in bed at night. He has full on conversations with the baby. You wonder why he does it when he knows he won’t get an answer
The first person he tells about the pregnancy is Diluc while at the tavern late at night. He says it in such a way that makes people skip over it because of how fleeting it was. But Diluc heard it and congratulated Kaeya and you.
Kaeya loves showing you off to anyone and everyone who will see. He goes around talking about how he’s so lucky to soon be a father to an amazing child from his amazing partner
Since Kaeya knows how much you’re struggling he just rubs your back soothingly while telling you how strong you are
When you go into labor Kaeya looks calm and collected on the outside but he’s actually freaking out a little bit in the inside
He’s never seen you in so much pain before and your screams haunt him for life. Kaeya does what he can to help you deliver the baby and when you do he tells you how proud he is of you and how you did great
You give birth to a small baby boy, Asar. He’s very witty, charming, and clever. Especially with his words
Kaeya is extremely attentive and caring to Asar. He knows that Asar is his own person so when Asar was a baby Kaeya would let him explore a little bit with some supervision of course
Kaeya will tell Asar that he’s the son of a famous pirate. He’ll tell the little boy made up stories of him fighting enemies and sailing across the seas with his pirate crew and Asar will believe it until he’s like 10 and Kaeya tells him he made it up
Because Kaeya didn’t grow up with his actual father properly being in his life, he wants to make sure he’s present in Asar’s life that way he’s happy
Asar has Kaeya’s dark blue hair with his notable streak in the same place as his fathers, your color and shaped eyes, and Kaeya’s little star pupil
Kaeya loves his son and is grateful to have a chance to be with someone as special as you
Who would’ve thought that the anemo god Barbados would ‘settle down’ and have a child. He never thought that he would but it’s not like the idea wasn’t welcomed
You told venti the news while under the tree at windrise as he played his infamous lyre. He was shocked immensely, he was going to be a father?
Venti was absolutely overjoyed at the news and he told you while hugging you that he’d do his best to be a good father
He tells everyone the news if you tell him it’s okay. Like Kaeya, venti loves showing you off more now that you’re pregnant
He knows that pregnancy can be pretty hard on you so he tries to calm you when you’re in extreme pain. He plays his lyre while holding you close
He cares about you and the baby a lot so he’ll do anything you need him to do. He may not be the best cook, but for you he’ll try
When you go into labor he has absolutely no idea on what to do so he holds your hand and praises you
You give birth to a baby girl who you both name, Thérèse
Thérèse has your eye shape, hair texture, and personality with a mix of venti’s. Her hair is the same color as his and her ends are the same turquoise color as his, and she has his color eyes.
Thérèse is exceptionally spoiled by all the people around her, not just her father
She’s well behaved, disciplined, and a bit of a teaser like venti
Venti cares about his daughter a lot and he does everything he can to make sure she’s happy. Whatever she wants she gets because he wants her to be happy
He’s a great listener too so if thérèse ever has anything on her mind he’s here to listen and he also likes to let her think for herself. He doesn’t like yelling at thérèse and always prefers a more gentle approach
Loves telling jokes to her too and loves it when she tell him her own
Whenever thérèse is crying he plays his lyre for her so when you come back home after running errands and you see thérèse sitting on venti’s lap while he plays the lyre it definitely warms your heart
reblogs are appreciated!
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verysium · 6 months
i need to know what blue lock boys think about “male-female friendships” a.k.a do they think they can exist without one of two thinking “what if” situations (it can, i repeat, it can🗣️)
👏 give it up to anon for making me visualize the most stress-inducing scenario of the year. the first thing that comes to mind is that this would not sit well with a majority of the bllk boys.
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however, the situation is particularly a no-go for the following:
the itoshi brothers would not approve. if you just look at their interactions, you can already tell. sae literally kicks rin for even thinking about replacing him when he goes to spain. they already have trust issues due to their dysfunctional sibling relationship, and to my knowledge, they don't have any female friends of their own. hence, i don't think they would understand that a male-female friendship is just a friendship and nothing more. regardless, this could go one of three ways. (1) they would probably give you the silent treatment and be secretly upset. would not spill anything unless you pry it out from them. (2) they would give your friend an absolute death glare. hyper-vigilant when it comes to any form of physical contact between you two. seething jealousy and possessiveness. and (3) for sae specifically, he would be petty about it. probably decides to leave you on read for the rest of the day. may or may not ghost you. and when you ask him to hang out, he's like....😒 don't you already have a friend?
reo also would not take this well. i mean....he had a whole mirror monologue and mental breakdown when nagi left him. i think he is highly insecure about people abandoning him since he doesn't really have anyone he is close to. would probably welcome your friend and hide his discomfort, but after a while, it becomes difficult for him to act like he's okay with your friendship. you would have to heavily reassure him that there was nothing beyond platonic going on between you two.
barou acts like he's alright with this situation, but your friend better have zero flaws because he's not going to tolerate anyone substandard. still, i feel like he would get jealous even if he doesn't show it directly. would probably make a fool out of your friend on purpose.
kaiser wouldn't think anything of it at first. after all, you're dating the great michael kaiser, why the hell would you need anyone else? but then, it starts getting to him. why is your attention on your friend and not him? is he not good enough for you? given his self-esteem issues, i don't think he would take this well. he would probably blame your friend first and then you. would be a dramatic baby about it, but it's secretly eating away at him from the inside out.
ness probably plots the entire murder of your friend and hides a body bag and shovel in his trunk. acts all sweet and sugary when you're present, but the moment you're not there, he's grabbing your friend by the collar and shaking the living daylights out of them. probably whispers "get the hell away from y/n" in the most menacing tone. your friend better leave because delusional ness does not come to play. his obsession is no joke.
shidou terrorizes your friend to the point they don't want to be friends with you anymore. this man just exudes a traumatizing aura. your scary dog privileges are revoked because he is now going rabid. i don't think he's going to have a problem with a male-female friendship, but you just might (as in you're not going to have much of a friendship anymore by the time he's done dismantling your friend's corpse.)
the only characters i can imagine this playing out healthily with is isagi, kurona, yukimiya, and maybe nagi.
isagi is usually highly understanding, and he has many friendships of his own. i think he would also encourage it if your friend happened to be one of his teammates or someone interested in football. but this does come with a caveat. if he senses something wrong with your friend, it's immediately game over. he's usually pretty open-minded except with the people he holds extreme dislike for. for example, isagi is willing to at least try to understand rin, but he clearly doesn't have that same willingness when it comes to kaiser. so...just don't befriend a jerk, and you're good.
kurona wouldn't mind because he's kurona. he trusts you, and he usually rationalizes his insecurities enough to keep them at bay. the only time he would have a problem is if you start neglecting him in favor of your friend. since he's pretty introverted, he probably wouldn't confront you about it, but he might feel a little bit slighted. just check up on him from time to time.
yukimiya is usually easy-going. i don't think a male-female relationship is going to be a huge problem for him, but they better treat you right. you mean the most to him, so he's going to support you through thick and thin. to be fair though, you probably won't even want to spend time with your friend because of how magnetically charming yukimiya is.
nagi doesn't mind because he just doesn't care. he's too lazy to deal with any resulting drama, and the only sense of personal attachment he has is with his bed.
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rafesgoldrings · 1 year
okay trophy wife reader has cemented herself inside my head your stuff is just too good!! i was thinking that rafe would def have his card linked to the local fancy day spa/salon so she can go whenever she wants and absolutely sneaks in to see her topless getting a back massage. also reader def convinces him to get a couple's massage and rafe acts like he isn't into it
Getting carried away? Me? With trophy wife reader and Rafe? Who would have thought (Also thank you so much!)
He definitely does, and he also made sure to tell them to take extra good care of his girl when she went in. It was like a celebrity walked in when you arrived, they’d have flower petals leading to whatever services you were getting done, wine/champagne sitting out, your favorite music playing. Was it over the top? Yes. But you were Rafe Cameron’s wife and they weren’t taking any chances of not treating you right. There was one massage room that they made only yours so that way when you’d go and get your massage, Rafe would know exactly where you were (also because Rafe was a dirty dirty dog and they couldn’t have that happening just anywhere). On breaks, he’d sneak into the room and just stare at your bare back still glistening with scented body oil and feel his cock harden. You would hear his footsteps approaching, knowing it was Rafe because he always did this, before feeling his hands slowly drag down your back until he got to the towel that covered your ass. He’d slowly peel it off of you, inhaling sharply at the sight of your bare cunt that was glistening with your juices. Normally he’d be all for getting you ready for his cock, fingering you until you came and then eating you out until you did once more before fucking you. But on days when he didn’t have much time? His cock would be pulled out of his pants and pushed into your tight hole before you could even glance at him. Your little whimpers only encouraged him to go faster, the massage table shaking from every harsh thrust, until he filled you completely with his load. He would look in admiration at the mixture of your releases dripping out of you and onto the table before putting his cock away and cleaning you up, placing the towel back over you so that way you weren’t exposed before placing a small kiss between your shoulder blades. Once you managed to get your breathing under control and came down from your high, you’d tell him that you both had an appointment that weekend for a couples massage. He’d let out loud groan of annoyance, mumbling about how that was so ‘cliche and lame’ and how ‘he’s older and this big shot ceo who doesn’t do couple massages’ while walking out the door, having to go back to the office and finish out the day. But secretly, deep down inside, he loved it. Not only because he would get to see you strip down in a candlelit room, not because he’d get to see you covered in oil (that he would inevitably take control over and give you his own kind of massage once the actual massage was over), but because you’d also thought of him and wanted to pamper him. It turns out, Rafe actually loves massages. He would end up falling asleep halfway through, soft snores filling the room, and you couldn’t help but to take a video. From there? You’d managed to convince him to get one with you every weekend, and he agreed without hesitation.
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cream-stew · 9 months
cw: size kink, hand kink, horny rambling, body type headcanon for thoma, gn! reader alluded to as being shorter.
i can't stop thinking about big boyfie thoma + size differences. like he's so… tall ❤️ i've always kinda headcanon him as having a bit of a chubby/beefy body type. no defined muscles exactly, like the type of muscles you develop naturally when doing hard labor.
practically towering almost everyone, he's got those big, strong arms and hands, his fingers thick with callouses (i want them around my neck)
with how often he has to carry heavy luggages during work, no doubt he can easily manhandle you with those big paws 😍 pushing and pulling you into all kinds of different positions. what other things you got that's big, bb boy—
he'd be so reluctant to have sex with you at first, because what if he hurts you!! :(( cue sad golden retriever eyes.
but in actuality, the dork has been fantasizing about your first time with him ever since he first laid eyes on you. secretly having a size kink and goes wild whenever he gets reminded of how tiny you are compared to him.
sitting on his lap, all with a coy smile on your face? how dare you 🤨 internally, he'd be fighting for his life. even with something as innocent as holding hands, he'll end up a blushing mess.
i also just love the thought of sweet, innocent-looking guys going absolutely feral on their partners. it's just so 👋👋👋 you know??? (a,, are you seeing the vision, reader. im holding you by the collar of your shirt, im shaking you. can you see it—)
ahsjsks i'd let him decimate my 150cm ass. i have a few more ideas for big boye! thoma and they got me salivating, foaming at the mouth, shaking like a chihuahua. forgive me, cream-stew. expect me to go feral in your inbox a few more times.
also!! how's your health going? hope you're faring well 🥺 —🐾
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🔞minors dni
warnings: afab reader, size kink, rough sex, vaginal fingering
// note: bestie I love these asks you are more than encouraged to keep going feral in here (no matter how long it takes me to reply... that's on me bc I'm lazy lol) this is so valid tho I'm kinda short too and size kink is so...🥰🥰
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he starts out so soft and slow, stretching your wet pussy with one (1) single fingers, his hands shaking with the effort of restraining himself, not helped at all by the way you desperately beg him to fuck you already... but noooo you're so much smaller than him, the top of your head barely reaches his collarbones, his hands are so big he can completely encircle your ankles, and he thinks there's just no way his huge cock is gonna fit inside you :((
no matter how much you insist he still holds you down on your stomach, one big hand against the small of your back while the other one slowly pumps more fingers past your entrance, leaving so much of your juices gushing out and staining the bedsheets.
he scissors his two fingers before adding a third one, and you whine in frustration: you could already be bouncing on his fat cock but nope, he wants to be gentle :((
you're crying in equal parts pleasure and crumbling self restraint by the time he's done stretching you with four thick fingers and he's trying to replace them with his cock, gripping your hips with both hands and slowly pushing it inside your loose pussy. it's true that it's an incredible stretch but it feels so good!! you start begging again, this time for him to move and fuck you like he means it, and you're lucky this time: he seems unable to keep holding himself back, so yep, he starts pumping in and out of you at a ruthless pace, your poor pussy struggling to let him back in every time he pulls out completely before slamming right back inside. you just know your tummy is bulging out whenever the tip of his cock hits your cervix🥰
at some point, when he pulls out he doesn't push back inside so quickly: he rolls you on your back, manhandling you so easily it makes butterflies flutter in your belly, and hooks your legs on his shoulders, folding you in half. the position feels a lot better already, his cock hitting even deeper, but it's so embarrassing to be reminded of how short you are compared to him, you can't even see his flushed face as he fucks your brains out :((
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riseofamoonycake · 2 months
Moony! 🌙 Can I request a scenario where Shiva, Rudra, Indra, Bishamonten, and Anubis are dads? Sorry if that sounds random I just wanna see fluff with these guys acting fatherly ☺️
That made my heart jump! Yeeessss!
Being Dad ~ RoR edition
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The joyful dad. There is no shortage of fun with him: he plays with his children whenever he can, carries them around on his shoulders, keeps them happy, always has them in his arms, cuddles them and sometimes behaves worse than them, taking scolding from his partner instead of his own child (and by complaining too, he also earns the punishment).
His children grow up with bright memories of their childhood, perhaps a little spoiled in terms of gifts, but happy, peaceful and very, very loved. They are absolutely daddy's boys and girls.
Sometimes Shiva lacks a bit of firmness, because he finds difficult to impose himself on his children when they make big eyes at him; but for serious things, or if his creature has made a mistake, he becomes severe and nothing escapes him, even if his punishments and reproaches are never cruel. Secretly, then, he becomes gloomy and silent because he is sorry to see his children sad, even if it is necessary for them to understand the mistake through some restriction.
Surely a good papa *^*
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The responsible and mature father who follows his children without pressuring them. He always has a smile for them, they are his weakness and he doesn't hide it, but he still manages to remain firm and be severe when necessary. He loves to spend as much time outdoors as possible with the children, letting them play and almost always voluntarily subjecting himself to their adorable torments, and dispenses more actions than words.
He loves taking his children into nature, exploring what they don't yet know, teaching them the world step by step; therefore they learn every secret of the sea, of the mountains, of the forces of the Earth, respecting them deeply. Probably, in adulthood they know several languages ​​​​perfectly.
However, the favorite time of the children is the night, when Rudra brings everyone under a cloak of stars and tells a story: one to smile, one to dream, one to grow. She always does it, even when his children grow up, and then they tell him stories in turn.
An indelible figure, bringer of joy and memories of light.
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The carefree father. He cares a lot about his children and watches over them, but it is usually the partner who intervenes when they don't behave in the best way, because he only takes action if and when they commit something really serious.
Secretly, Indra would like to be with them more: play with them more, listen to them more, simply experience more moments with them, beyond his own role and duties; everyone knows it, including his children, who enjoy cuddling him and jumping into his arms every time they see him and can cover him with teasing and kisses.
He probably has a little more control with his sons, while he leaves ample space for his daughters, especially those who have taken on his character and who stand up to him; he needs a queen to keep him in line, and no matter how much he complains, he can only obey.
He wants to be tough, but instead he melts like snow in the sun in front of his family.
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The silent, severe and apparently inflexible father, but with infinite love. Not one for big speeches, Bisha is more of a god of action and shows his affection with gestures, but he is always there for his children, both to encourage and to protect and listen.
He loves very much when his children come to him for help or simply confide in him about something, and he never fails to give direction; behind his stern expression there is great consideration and a lot of dedication to his family, so much so he could do everything for his children.
When he has to punish them for something wrong they have done, Bishamonten does it, but with justice and without being merciless: his children must grow up responsible, not terrified. Sometimes he gives too many rules, but he does it for a good purpose and, in the end, with patience you can compromise. But a minimum of discipline is never lacking.
Sometimes he fears that he is not enough and so he goes to his partner for reassurance, because yes, even the great God of Fortune at War needs it, and there is nothing wrong with that. And regardless, Bishamonten is much better than he thinks.
Don't try to bother, make fun of or mistreat his kids. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.
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The dad who, actually, is the real baby. Anubis is always with his kids, he doesn't let go of them for a second, cries and screams if he doesn't see them, becomes a beast if he notices someone or something that he considers a danger to his family.
This god is not capable of being severe with them, not even if he tries: at the first tear he becomes sad himself and gives up, accepts punishments in their place, he would be capable of arguing with his children's friends to protect them, and sometimes his own kids have to tell him to step back and be less awkward. Does Anubis listen to them? No, not about this. Nothing and no one comes before his children, and even when they make mistakes, he always looks for a way to defend them.
The partner has to make a considerable effort to keep this grown child under control, and at the same time it is not that easy to resist his tears; you need patience, nights of reassurance and long chats, and the commitment of the whole family. He is a father who gives a lot of validation, and who cannot help but grow together with his children, and be there for them, no matter how or why.
An adorable dad!
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phntmeii · 11 months
♡ Dating Sandor Clegane Headcanons:
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❝ I could keep you safe. They're all afraid of me. No one would hurt you again, or I'd kill them.❝
[ SFW + No Gendered Terms ]
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> This is pure Grumpy x Sunshine & Sunshine x Sunshine Protector dynamic with this man.
> He absolutely keeps his gruff attitude even with you no matter how long you two have been together. He has a reputation to uphold you know!!
> His main Love Languages to give are: Acts of Service and Gift Giving. These show his love in a way that doesn’t feel too embarrassing for him.
> Like genuinely, you would come home and find that the chores that needed to be done are already completed mysteriously and he absolutely did them without saying anything.
> He’ll come home with a gift each time. Likely small things he’ll toss your way and claim he didn’t pick it even though he precisely planned what to give you and debated for a solid ten minutes as to whether you’d like it or not.
> His favorite Love Languages to receive are: Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. Hearing how well he’s doing, what you like that he does or how you love him makes him incredibly happy!
> He’ll likely brush you off because he’s embarrassed but inside, he’ll be all giddy, knowing he’s doing well by you!
> He rarely will say “I love you” before you do. He normally says it in response to whenever you say it since it’s less embarrassing in his head to respond rather than to initiate.
> He loves when you show your love physically! Please hold his hand and interlock your fingers with his and he’ll melt inside completely. If you are smaller than him, the feeling of your small hands in his makes him overjoyed.
> He especially enjoys tender affections while getting ready for bed or while cuddling. Your kisses, hugs and general warmth absolutely melts him entirely that he’ll completely forget about being the Hound and is just yours.
> If you’re out in public together, absolutely scary dog privileges. You sincerely do not have to worry when you have a 6’6 Hound following you everywhere.
> He tries to stay stoic and unaffected by you but it is hard to resist. Some people passing could swear that the only time they’d ever see the Hound crack a small smile would be when he’s beside you.
> If you ever point out that he smiled or laughed at something you did or said, he’d clear his throat and try to claim he didn’t. If you keep persisting (and likely giving him some smooches too), he’ll give in and admit to it.
> He’s incredibly perceptive so he’ll know if you’re upset without you even saying anything! He’ll simply bluntly ask “What’s the matter with you?” or which “cunt” he has to have a “chat” with.
> If it’s something small, he’ll give you small bits of affection like patting your head and caressing your cheek and telling you not to worry about “such silly little things”.
> If it’s something more serious or caused by someone else, INSTANT PROTECTION MODE. This man is INSANELY overprotective and if someone caused you to be upset, they better count their days.
> He enjoys watching you from afar as you are busy or distracted by your hobby or chores. Something about seeing you completely in the zone, unaware of him that allows him to simply admire you is amazing to him.
> If you’re ever interested in something he knows well, fighting, horseriding, etc. and you’re inexperienced, he’ll secretly be so happy about this!!
> He’ll likely encourage you to learn how to defend yourself in some capacity just because he is incredibly paranoid about your safety.
> When teaching you how to hold a sword or stances, he’ll stand beside you and adjust your posture with his hands. He’ll probably laugh a couple times if you get knocked down but will do so while helping you up and ensuring you that you’re doing fine.
> He’ll rarely, if ever, use pet names like “darling” or “love” but rather a specific, personal nickname to you. If you are a highborn, it’ll likely be related to your House in some way. (EX: Stark=Pup, Little wolf, etc.) If the House Sigil is a fearsome animal like Stark Wolves or Lannister Lions, he will always refer to you as the smaller version of that animal, (Pup, Cub, etc.), simply because he cannot see you as a threat in his eyes.
> Because he can put off his emotions and tends to be aggressive, fights can happen from time to time. He tries his best to keep calm but again—This is the Hound. He’s likely to raise his voice and yell.
> Regardless of if you are sensitive or not to such a thing, he feels AWFUL. This man would blame himself endlessly for treating you horribly like that.
> He is incapable of apologizing because he isn’t good at words. He’d close himself off for some time and revert to trying to do something to gain your favor again even if you say it’s unnecessary.
> Once he’s sure you’re alright, he holds onto you for a bit, just to make sure that everything truly is alright.
> You are likely to be the only person who could boss him around and he’d oblige happily. He’d complain under his breath while immediately heading off to do whatever you asked of him.
> In terms of marriage, he’s indifferent. If you wished to get married, he’d take some time to consider it before inevitably giving in to you as it’s impossible for him not to.
> With kids, he has a massive hesitance at first. Considering his own family, he has a massive fear of failing them by being too harsh or failing to protect them as his father failed to protect him against Gregor. Give him enough time to heal and encourage him that you trust him to be the father to your children and he’ll give it a chance. He’d call your children with him his “little pups” and if you had daughters, he would 10000% be the best girl dad you’ve ever seen.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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dasketcherz · 6 months
do you have any dad michael son gregory headcanons because your art for them is genuinely so so cool like omg… it all looks so good they are so cute in your style
greg absolutely secretly looks up to mike's skill set as an artist. he loves to watch him doodle, mike is the type who'd feel conscious when someone watches him draw but,,, he grew to not mind and got use to greg watchin him draw. he can tell the kid is observing and absorbing what he can learn from simply watching him do art.
^^^ with that in mind, Mike often does catch Greg drawing too, when the lil guy is very proud of his work, he shows it off to him. Mike is very encouraging that he keeps up at it cuz he genuinely thinks the kid is doing great.
^^^ As i established in the previous ask, Greg loves to give art gifts to ppl he cares about. He does the same for Mike, especially in special occasions like father's day, or his birthday and whatnot. Mike displays them either in his room or by the fridge, he is very proud of his son's creative efforts!
Mike is not the best cook out there, you can hardly entrust the kitchen to him without him setting it on fire but he tries his best to do a decent job at making pulled pork recipes ever since he found out it's Greg's favorite.
Greg loves to collect all sorts of cute and silly plushies, anytime he spots any when they stroll across a shop or smth he's so ready to persuade Mike to let em buy it for him. It doesnt take a lot of effort to really, all he has to do is stare up at mike with puppy eyes and Mike knows the drill, he sighs and then painfully pulls out his wallet every time. it's worth it tho, it's for the kid
It's always like a russian roulette who wakes up earlier than who in the morning. Sometimes its Mike, sometimes its Greg. Mike usually preps breakfast, well...as best as he could perform the basics. He's shown the ropes to Greg at some point cuz even tho Greg's a kid, Mike acknowledges that he's capable. Greg's a fast learner, if he does a specific task so often enough, he gets good at it eventually. Its a lil funny tho cuz Greg almost does breakfast better than Mike at times. Greg has some fun making Mike's morning coffee for him, he appreciates it a lot. He thinks it's really sweet, he always affectionately ruffle Greg's morning bed hair as a gesture of thanks.
They have a swear jar in the household. No further elaboration needed i think.
Mike drives a motorcycle bike that used to be owned by his mom. Every time he tells Greg he's headin off somewhere for a quick errand, the lil guy insist he wanna come along solely cuz he wanna ride the bike as well. He enjoys being on the bike, he thinks its hella cool and he feels like flyin, he has to always promise Mike he'll behave just so he lets him come too.
They absolutely love movie nights as a hang out time. They both love watching movies, they just have a good time checkin out any film that peaks their interest. Having fun lil discussion bout it during or after watching and all that. Mike is amused when Greg has a lot to say, he just lets the lil guy share his thoughts bout it.
Whenever Mike gets a call that Greg got into another fight at school and it's often cuz other kid bullies got in Greg's nerve [especially if it's them insulting his guardian to his face] or cuz he tried to defend other kids from being bullied, Mike is so ready to throw hands with said kid bully's parents to defend Greg back. Theyre always on each other's side first and foremost.
When one of them catch the other still up in the middle of the night, the instant thought they have is "cant sleep?" presumably cuz the other most likely had another nightmare. It has happened so frequent, they just came to understand that tryin to pass the time doin other things is often the other best thing they can do to doze back to sleep. They had done plenty of things to pass the time at moments like it : be it watch another movie, draw together, just stargaze outside by the front porch etc etc. They appreciate the other for keepin them company. They've grown to try makin sure they never feel so alone anymore the best they can, cuz they arent anymore when they have each other.
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farfromsugafanfic · 1 year
SKZ Reaction To Painting Each Other’s Nails
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Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Quick note that I am still accepting requests, but there are certain ones I will not do. I decide this at my own discretion, but if you have any questions, feel free to message me.
Chan is going to do his very best to paint your nails neatly. He'll even look up the best quality polishes and might even invest in a nail dryer if y'all do it often. At first, it's a little messy, but after a couple times, he will become an absolute pro. He also loves when you paint his nails, even if he has to take it off for promotions or appearances. Though, he sometimes leaves it on for Chan's room.
Like with many things you do together, Minho will act like it is such an inconvenience. Yet, he is almost always available at the same time every week so you two can paint each other's nails. When he's away, he'll even try to Facetime you while you do yours. He loves it and is secretly pretty good at painting your nails. Minho also is meticulous about caring for the nail itself. While he would be okay with you painting his nails whatever color you want, you usually just do a few clear coats because it pains him to take it off for his activities.
It all started when you would do your nails in the studio while he was working. You were messing around one day and painted his pinky finger. Eventually, he started doing yours. At first, he was pretty messy. He felt so bad about it that he called his sister for advice. Still, even if they were a bit messy, you enjoyed seeing him bent over your hand and gently applying the polish. You normally painted his too, but it didn't last too long with all of his working out and such.
We all know Hyunjin likes to paint and so when he sees you painting your nails one day, he asks if he can try. This man would create tiny masterpieces on your fingernails. It became a nice point of bonding for the two of you. Even if you fought, you stuck to the tradition and often ended up making up after the first hand. With Hyunjin, you saved so much money because you didn't have to go to the salon. With his nails, even though you were much less skilled and could barely paint your own nails well, he was encouraging and always complimented them when you finished.
It's his favorite time of the week, tbh. He occasionally would do his own nails for fun, but when he learned you wanted to do them, it became routine. Jisung wasn't too confident about doing yours, despite having done his own for so long. He said your nails were too pretty and he didn't want to make them look bad. When you insisted though, he would do it and come to enjoy picking out a different color every week.
It always happens late at night. Often, he will come home from a long day and you will help him relax by painting his nails. Felix likes to watch you focus and you have to constantly tell him not to touch anything cause he's trying to move hair out of your face or rub your arm lightly. While he preferred to watch you do his, he would do yours, but would sometimes get nervous about it, even though he usually did a fairly decent job.
Under absolutely no circumstances will he admit that he takes great care and pride in painting your nails. It took a while to get Seungmin to do it, but you discovered that he had a secret talent for it. He was so careful and had a remarkably steady hand. Like Minho, he usually let you do a few clear coats because he wasn't necessarily a fan of nail polish and didn't want it to interfere with his schedule.
You hadn't expected Jeongin to be so cool about you painting his nails. When you suggested it on a quiet date night in, you thought he would laugh it off. Instead, the two of you painted on matching nails and you couldn't resist taking photos of your matching nails. From then on, the two of you always took the time to paint each other's nails during movie nights.
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sandinthemachine · 2 years
König Workout HC
@itsagrimm and I were having a lot of fun the other day talking about gym König and this is the result, it definitely got away from me. Probably gonna turn it into a drabble or two at some point
When He's Alone
The gym is definitely a safe space for him. He's had to work out pretty intensely as long as he's been in the military, so the pain and pushing his body is second nature to him. He puts on his heaviest metal playlist and immediately enters his own little world
Find him headbanging and bouncing his leg between sets
When he's really into it he'll even make very quiet humming and growling sounds deep in his throat as he's rocking out. He doesn't notice. Do Not Point It Out, he would never recover from the embarrassment
Man does not spend much money on himself, but he DID invest in really nice noise-canceling earbuds that play the bass tones in his music perfectly
Going off of that point, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to get his attention once he's into the workout. He's taller than everyone else so he can already completely miss people way shorter than him, add that to the fact that he cannot hear anything with the earbuds in, he is barely aware he is in public anymore. You basically have to physically run into him or he will NOT notice you
He can huff a little when his weights get really heavy, but he doesn't tend to grunt or make many sounds
He gets really hyped and energetic, always pushing himself to lift just a little more and do just one more rep. He absolutely LOVES the burn when his body is protesting and enjoys the soreness after almost as much, it's a reminder of what his body can do and he's intensely proud of that
He never asks people to spot him, if he chooses a weight too heavy he just suffers in silence, usually he's stubborn enough to push through it though
Absolutely TERRIBLE at cooling down and stretching afterwards, when he's done he's done and just wants to move to the next thing. He always tells himself he'll stretch at home and then immediately forgets
When You Work Out Together
When you first start getting close the two of you can't STAND working out together. He likes being a lone wolf and doing his own thing while ignoring everything around him, so he's a bit grumpy at first, and then he tries to be supportive of you but turns into more of a drill sergeant, stressing you out even more than when he'd ignore you
But as you two get closer you decide to try again
And this time it's much better
You realize that everyone gives you plenty of space, even the annoying gym bros give you a wide berth and you get to use any machines or weights you want no matter how busy the gym is. You love it.
He's still very intense, but he's gotten better at being supportive about it.
He spots you and encourages you to add just a little more weight or do just one more rep, even if you're telling him you can't he's arguing right back, stubborn as all hell until you try again and
You do it
And he gets REALLY excited
He might even yell out in the middle of the gym
"Yes! I knew you could do it!" "That's MY girl/guy/partner/friend/etc!"
He isn't usually very verbal but you get all the praise every time you push yourself, he gets very bouncy and keeps smiling at you saying how proud he is
When you take breaks he's making sure you're drinking water and checking if you need anything else, he has a horde of all kinds of workout snacks and makes sure to always bring your favorites
And when you're between sets you get to spot him
You usually don't have to do much work but he makes you do it anyway. He secretly likes watching you eye his muscles or touch them as they flex, he worked his ass off for them and loves when you admire them.
On cardio days you assume the two of you can go for a run or maybe a bike ride together, only to find out he's one of those batshit insane people who loves suicide runs. He convinces you to join him once. Never again. You're happy to watch, though. Even if it terrifies you just a little, especially when he gives you a big toothy smile after every lap even as he gets flushed bright red and struggles to breathe.
He is definitely one of those people that gets even more energy after working out, you'll be walking on jelly legs and he'll be all !!! "Let's go for a hike!" but when you're too tired he's just as happy to go for a drive around town getting all the best food (his appetite is IMMENSE esp. after a hard workout), and while he's on that post-workout adrenaline he's almost a different person, bouncing on his heels and getting really excited at everything, grinning at you and getting you to grin and laugh back until both of your cheeks are sore
After you've both showered you like to sit on the couch together doing your own thing, maybe put a movie on in the background. He tends to still have a lot of energy, stimming and tapping his leg with his hands or bouncing in his seat, very content and happy
Eventually, EVENTUALLY, he'll settle down and crash on the couch, sometimes with his head in your lap, sometimes with you climbing into his
When you both wake up sore he'll be grinning at you all over again, hiding his chuckles behind his hand
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wolfsetfree-if · 8 months
Ros + side characters reaction to a Mc that was first very shy and quiet but later is confident maybe even a bit snarky.
Raine: acts all offended when MC is snarky, as if the youth is not respecting the elders anymore, but is actually secretly very pleased to see MC this lively.
Heva: is absolutely delighted. She enjoys seeing MC's confidence so much, it never fails to make her chest swell with relief and pride.
Devine: she will entertain MC, with sharp reponses right back, but you can see how much she honestly feels happy MC is out of their shell. At one point, she feared they would never reach this point, so she feels quite content with MC's healing.
Bela: is delighted. Smitten. Encourages and boasts MC all they can. Always finding ways to nurture and feed that confidence. And they smile so gently when MC is snarky with them. Makes their mind go brr
Kesha: they feel attracted to MC's genuine confidence. Looking at them with wide eyes as they display it, wishing they could be like them but also loving how strong MC is.
Indigo: the feistier MC is, the snarkiest Indigo gets. All for fun, of course, since they love to banter and put on a show. But in those moments when they see MC sleep, or they are alone, they think about all the healing MC has done and they thank the moon.
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lostbookreader · 2 years
Not So Secret Feelings
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You have been friends with the Sam and Colby crew for a while now which is great except for the feelings towards a certain dark-haired boy that you can’t shake so Corey and Jake help you guys confess to eachother…. 
It was another slow morning in the house since no one really had any plans until later in the day which is rare nowadays with everyone's busy schedules. Like usual though you were not able to take the opportunity to sleep in like the rest of your roommates, so you were sitting in the living room editing your new video and enjoying the quiet while you could. Finally being able to focus and not feeling tired you were able to knock out a majority of it before you felt the couch sink next to you and have a kiss placed on top of your head. 
Looking to your left, Colby had a smile on his face as he was watching the video play on your screen “This was probably one of my favorites we’ve done for your channel. Also good morning gorgeous I didn't think anyone else would be up yet.”
“Good morning Colbs. I've been up for a while and my brain wouldn’t let me sleep anymore so I figured I would try to get this edited before we go meet up with Corey and Jake.” You say before you quickly stop the video so you could cut out the part where you stuttered. 
“Woah hey why are you deleting it you should keep it,”
“Absolutely not,” you say while letting out a laugh, “I hate it when I stutter, especially this bad. Plus I don’t want to see any comments about it”
“Well I like it and who cares what they think it shows them your human,”
Shaking your head you mumble about not needing the mix of comments about your stutter and the body or outfit comments that would definitely be in the comment section of this video. Quickly deleting the clip and saving it before Colby could do anything, you miss him looking at you and the sad look on his face. But you both continue to bicker about it as you continue to edit. 
The video was just a you and Colby collab which definitely aren’t rare for either of your channels but it was one you were nervous to post. It was one where you bought each other's outfits and revealed them to each other with a try on portion at the end. You both had a blast being able to hang out and film a light hearted video but these ones tended to get more comments leading into the fans thinking you were secretly dating. Which isn't the case. You guys are just best friends that have very flirty and joking personalities which you've tried to make very clear to the fans.  
You and him are in the middle of one of your bouts when Sam walks in laughing at you two,
“It’s nine in the morning and you two are already going at it? Just kiss already.” 
“Very funny Sam. Why don't you kiss Colby instead?” you say with a laugh which caused the boys to join in as well. Shutting your laptop you stand and start walking towards the stairs, “I'm going to go get ready. Remember we have to meet Jake and Corey for lunch at noon!”
You don't remember when your feelings started for Colby but they have been around for a while and as hard as you try to you can't get rid of them. Ever since Kat introduced you to the group, you and Colby definitely hit it off right away and you were connected at the hip right away which is why after a while you think you started developing your crush. No one in the group knows except for Kat and Corey who picked up a couple months back and have kept it secret for you since. It still hasn't stopped them from encouraging you to admit your feelings for Colby. Which you haven't done obviously. You don't want to jeopardize what you have with him over the silly butterflies you get when you look at him. 
What you don’t know is that Colby feels the exact same way about you and just hasn’t built up the guts to confess to you. The only people that know about his feelings towards you are Sam and Jake and just recently Corey. He found out thanks to Jake at a party a few weeks ago making a jab at Colby if he doesn’t make a move on Y/N he was which of course made Corey freak out. 
“What's got you so down already this morning man?” Sam asks while tossing a pillow at a zoned out Colby. 
“Nothing dude, just thinking. Y/N was editing the video we filmed the other day where we picked each other's outfits and she was so down on herself about her stutter but there's something more that's bugging her. So I'm just figuring out what.”
Sam just shook his head and looked at his friend, “When are you going to ask them out man? It's been what? Almost three years now?”
“Yeah something like that. I just don't want to ruin what we have. No offense but they just get me and it's never been awkward between us. If we started dating and it didn't work out I would be losing a best friend.”
“Except you would work out dude. You guys are literally a match made in heaven.”
“You're hilarious dude, it's never that easy. I'm going to go get ready.”
Ironically enough you actually decide to wear the shirt Colby bought for you in your video but work it more into your style. It was a cropped tight fitted red shirt that you decided to wear with your favorite black cargo pants, a necklace Colby got you guys for christmas last year and your favorite converse. With some extra accessories thrown into the outfit you made your way downstairs. 
Kat and Colby are at the bottom talking about how Sam always took the longest out of everyone to get ready, but Colby stops when he sees you and smiles, “you're wearing the shirt I bought you!”
“Of course I am. I told you I liked it. I just didn't feel like me.” You say as he grabs you and pulls you into a hug. 
“I thought you looked great but I definitely like your outfit more.” He says while he glances down and notices the necklace you have on. 
“You two are adorable please tell me you didn't plan on wearing the same necklace today?” Kat asks while she gives you a quick hug and you mumble about how it wasn't planned. 
Kat definitely always tries to get some rise out of you whenever Colbys is around, probably to try and get you to slip about your feelings for him. Thankfully you haven’t. Yet. The games continue throughout your lunch with Jake and Corey and like most social situations you and Colby tend to mostly talk to each other rather than with the group. Which caused you to miss them discussing the plan on getting one of you to confess to the other. 
The plan happens a few weeks later when all of you are hanging out at the house having your usual pizza night and watching movies. You and Colby are sharing the big bean bag chair cuddling with a blanket while everyone else has their spot on the couch. Corey and you had kept making eye contact throughout the night where he would be making kissy faces at you and Colby and other silly faces which you responded with eye rolls and hiding your face in Colby’s neck. 
At some point Sam needed to go to the bathroom so everyone was either on their phones or talking to one another. Colby and you were looking at his phone and you made a joke about him liking a random Instagram photo about you two dating which then in turn led to you being tickled. 
“Colby please! I can’t breathe. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” you gasp out in between laughs which makes him smile. 
“That's what you get for making fun of —--,” 
He didn't get to finish his sentence because of Jake and Corey both standing up and the later exclaiming, “I can’t deal with this anymore. You two need to confess your feelings for each other.”
Corey picks you up and throws you on his shoulder while Jake takes Colby’s arm and takes you guys to Colby’s room. 
He sets you on the ground before putting his hands on your shoulders and shakes you a little bit, “You two do not get to leave until Colby knows that you are madly in love with him,” before he turns to Colby and points at him “and until y/n knows that you have loved them ever since we met them. Do I make myself clear?”
You two just stand there limply staring at the two while Jake continues, “He and I will be outside to make sure but also know that we have three cameras hidden which we will be checking. So no trying to lie or scheme to get out of this. This has gone on long enough and we want you both to be happy. Now go.”
They both turn and walk out of the room shutting the door behind them, leaving you and Colby standing there not knowing what to do. You were the first one to break, not doing well with the silence and nerves building inside you. 
“I am s-s-s-so sorry. I didn’t know they were going to do this and now it’s gonna be awkward. I get it if you don't feel anything for me. I really do. My feelings just kinda happened and came out of nowhere. I was just going to let them die out b-b-b-but they never did. I-I-I wasn’t going to do anything or tell anyone but then Kat and C-C-Corey found out and they have been trying to get me to do it since. Now it's awkward. B-b-but I can promise you I am okay with staying frie-,”
Your rambling gets cut off by Colby placing his lips on yours and him lightly cupping your face. Definitely hesitant to fully do it to try not to scare you but your eyes flutter shut and kiss back. He slowly wraps his hand around my hips as I cup his neck to get us even closer than before while he deepens the kiss by gently biting your lip and slipping his tongue inside to brush with yours. You're not sure who pulls away first but you are both smiling as you catch your breath. 
“You are so cute when you stutter,” He whispers while he rubs your cheek and watches you bite your lip. 
“If my stuttering gets you to kiss me like that every time then I suddenly love when I do that,” you chuckle before finally looking at him with a smile. 
You both laugh before he looks at your lips one more time before kissing you again. He keeps it soft before pulling away too soon, “I know we just skipped a step or two but is now a good time to ask you if you will  go on a date with me?”
Laughing, you nod your head yes before you pull him into another kiss. 
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linawritestwst · 2 years
A headcanon where s/o keeps teasing riddle,azul,idia and ruggie in a loving way.
touching them (cheeks,neck,fingers,hand,face,arm,leg),blowing in their ears, kissing their neck,calling them embarassing nicknames,poking their cheeks,drawing circles on their hand with s/o finger..
at the end of the day s/o will dote them and praise them for their hard work
riddle, azul, idia and ruggie with a s/o who teases them in a loving way (headcanons) (gn!reader)
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riddle rosehearts.
♡ riddle loves you so much, but.. you're gonna be the end of him. riddle gets flustered quite easily and you absolutely love getting all these adorable reactions out of him. yes, you promised him so many times that you will stop, but it's riddle's fault for being so cute! the fact that he's a dorm leader only makes teasing him more interesting, you can kiss him on the cheek while he's lecturing other students or you can casually sit on his lap while they're having a tea party and he's already red. you're not sure if he's red because he's angry or because he's so in love with you.. you prefer to think that it's the latter.
♡ other heartslabyul students find your dynamic with riddle surprising, like, why would riddle fall in love with someone as mischievous as you? is this the "opposites attract" kind of situation? but they're not gonna lie, it's fun watching you tease him, they've never seen that side of riddle before! if most students are quiet about it and secretly find it entertaining, then ace and cater.. yeah, they love bringing up those situations. riddle calls ace out for breaking a rule again and the guy goes "OH DORM LEADER DO YOU REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME Y/N CALLED YOU A CUTIE IN FRONT OF EVERYONE-" r.i.p ace, you will be missed.
♡ sure, riddle can find your antics a bit annoying sometimes, but.. it's not like he hates them. he just wishes you could find a better time for it, he knows that it's more "fun" to tease him when there are other students around or when he's busy, but can you please respect that wish of his? he doesn't mind if you tease him like that in private though, riddle becomes much softer when there's no one around and maybe.. maybe he can even go along with all that teasing of yours. fine, fine, he is your cutie, whatever.. h-hey, can you call him that one more time, please? he just likes your voice, that's all!
♡ but you really do love riddle and you're so proud of him and everything he does! and you make sure riddle knows that. when he's done with his dorm leader duties for the day, you give him a forehead kiss and say that he's done a great job today, he can finally get some rest now, he deserves it. oh, he can sleep on your lap, if he wants to! haha, yeah, you're teasing him again. but hey, you really wouldn't mind if he did that. 
azul ashengrotto.
♡ yeah, riddle is easy and fun to tease, but it's pretty obvious that he's a type to get flustered easily. azul though? that "cool" and "mysterious" octoman?.. yes, it's also pretty obvious that he's just like riddle. but at least he doesn't show that side of him that often! it's only you and the leech twins who know about it! well, it's been this way until someone decided that they should tease azul in front of other people more often. and now no one will let azul live this down. 
♡ remember how i mentioned that it's only you and the twins who know about that "secret side" of azul? these guys don't do anything to protect azul from you. in fact, they encourage you to tease him more often. it really is so fun to watch him blush and stutter and say "y/n, not in front of the customer-"! and if azul gets on their nerves or does something that annoys them, they can always remind him of all those times you did those embarrassing things to him. they got some good blackmailing material thanks to you!
♡ however, riddle and azul's reactions are a bit different. if riddle just turns into a tomato and it's very hard for him to go back to normal when you're acting like this, then azul at least tries to stay calm and go back to work. yeah, he tries. and it doesn't always go well. this guy will say things like "haha, that was hilarious, y/n! now, if you excuse me, i must-" and you just kiss him on the cheek and go "okay, honey, good luck with work today~" .. he just stands there. why are you doing this to him, y/n.
♡ but yes, he definitely needs some praise from you after that hard day of work. and no matter how much you tease him and make him look stupid in front of the customers, he still loves you and when it gets especially tiring, he reminds himself that when it's over, he can visit you, you'll give him a tight hug and tell him that he did well and you're proud of him. that already motivates him to do better and others can notice him smiling when he thinks about you.
idia shroud.
♡ dear sevens, THIS GUY IS A NERVOUS WRECK. HE'S A MESS. and you love him so much for that! his reactions are soooo cute!~ but also wow, idia, you're this close to losing consciousness when your s/o simply pokes your cheek? so this is what happens when you're single for way too long.. okay, sorry for disrespecting your dating sim exes, idia. but seriously, you didn't expect that idia would get that emotional when you simply show him basic affection, you teasing him can actually become the death of him at some point.. you're not gonna stop though!
♡ idia never knows what to expect from you and his hair can become pink the moment you start drawing circles on his hand or suddenly blow in his ear. he keeps asking why you are doing this to him and you just go "because i want to :D" and you're not lying, you just think idia is so cute, you can't stop teasing him! hmm, what else can you do to make his heart skip a beat? oh, right, why don't you interrupt a board games club meeting to "bring idia something" and call him your little pogchamp when you leave? azul will surely find this funny and your boyfriend will love it!
 ♡ idia tries to get used to your teasing, saying that "it's obvious you're like those flirty characters from dating sims", but it's one thing when a game character acts that way and it's a completely different thing when you're actually dating someone like that. idia claims that he has never felt anything when a game character flirted with him (he's a liar btw), you're just.. uh.. you know, REAL, so that's why he keeps getting flustered because of you! your answer to that? "ah.. so you admit that you're just really affection-starved?" 
♡ sometimes it can be hard to take you seriously because of how mischievous and chaotic you are, but when idia wins a boss fight and you praise him, saying how cool he is, idia knows that you're not lying and you're actually happy for him. no matter how much you tease him, idia knows that you truly love him and making him lose his mind is just one of the ways you express love. and well.. it's not like he's completely against it, haha.. it just always happens so sudden, that's all!
ruggie bucchi.
♡ oh no. oh no, he's panicking. HE THOUGHT HE'S THE TEASING ONE IN THIS RELATIONSHIP, Y/N. WHAT IS HE GONNA DO NOW. okay, but ruggie is actually the calmest one out of these characters. i'm not saying that he's completely immune to your teasing, he's losing it on the inside, but he's just very good at hiding it. he's pretty good at staying cool, because again, he thought he's gonna be the one making you blush all the time, he's not gonna lose to you that quickly. but oh well, that only makes everything more interesting for you.
♡ you and ruggie sometimes have this competition when you both just keep teasing each other, hoping that one of you will show an interesting reaction eventually. and congrats, y/n, you (well, almost) always win. ruggie can pretend that he doesn't care or he didn't hear what you said, but he always ends up blushing and admitting that you won. and it feels great! but hey, you can't just leave him like that, maybe you should give him a kiss so he won't be sad because he lost?~
♡ surprisingly, ruggie is not like some other characters and his face doesn't immediately become red when you tease him in front of others. calling him an embarrassing but cute nickname? giving him a kiss when others are around? NICE, THEY'RE GONNA REMEMBER THAT HE HAS A S/O. THAT'S COOL. but for some reason, ruggie is a lot easier to fluster when there's no one but you around. hmm, maybe it's because he feels like he doesn't have to pretend to be someone else when he's with you? maybe it's because he can relax for a little bit, even if it's just for a moment? who knows! 
♡ this guy desperately needs to hear that he did a good job today from you. he gets extremely tired from doing things for leona all day, so after that he just really wants to rest his head on your shoulder, while you tell him that it's okay and he can rest now, he doesn't have to worry about anything else today. and you're not going anywhere, he also doesn't have to worry about that. 
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springdandelixn · 1 year
I'm sooo excited you're taking requests, love! 🖤
This Jonathan Pine gif just makes me feral...
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so, maybe reader has done something stupid on a mission and now she's in a greater danger. Can be as dark/smutty (or both 😏) as you feel it. I hope this works for you and there's absolutely 0 pressure (;
Radio Silence
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Summary: Your mission to capture Jonathan Pine goes sideways in the most unexpected way.
Warnings: implied noncon, kidnapping, gunplay, bondage & death threats. There may be more but be aware that this is a dark fic. Read at your own discretion.
Characters: Jonathan Pine x Agent!Reader
A/N: This fic was pretty much inspired by watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Thank you, @coldnique for this request though I do apologize if it's a bit sloppy. It's Monday again.
Your feedback is highly appreciated and encouraged. Reblogs would be really amazing. Enjoy! ❤️
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“I got eyes on the target.”
“Remember, don’t spook him or we will lose him again,” Hank calls through the earpiece.
“Copy that.” You say with finality before fixing your scarf to tuck your chin deep within the wool. You shove your hands in the pockets of your coat and reel into the act of a shivering civilian before looking both ways and crossing the street, heading towards the building your mark entered.
For three long years, the British Intelligence has been hunting down Jonathan Pine after going rogue and started causing havoc by selling sensitive information to interested buyers across the globe. You worked closely on the case, tracking him down and going after every lead that presented itself. But each time you think you’re a step closer to catching him, the trail quickly goes cold and you’re once more back on the drawing board.
Until one day, when an anonymous tip came of Jonathan resurfacing, that he was spotted on several occasions in a small neighborhood in Brooklyn, Hank immediately had you shipped off to New York in hopes of finally bringing him in. 
You’re the most qualified for the job, Hank told you when you asked why you were going in alone and you didn’t doubt his judgment for you believed it to be true. With Jonathan gone, you were the top agent of the organization, and you’ve proven countless times your credibility in bringing down some of the most dangerous beings on the planet. But you know that wasn’t the sole reason he chose you, rather the fact that you were once mentored by the rogue agent himself. 
For years, you’ve worked closely alongside him, digesting every fact and feat he would demonstrate in order for you to do your work the best that you can. All the skills he possessed were passed on that you were ranked second to him. And it secretly brought a smile to your face and had you feeling slightly cocky and confident, how the irony that his own pupil would be the one to turn him in and bring him to justice. 
It still pained you though, that it had to come to this point in your career. How much you pitied your former mentor that he’s chosen to use his expertise to harm instead of continuing to protect the greater good. Either way, you won’t let your sentiments muddle your judgment. He’s done bad things and it’s your job to stop him no matter what it takes.
Leaning against the concrete wall of the building—a library, you wait a few seconds before walking in. You pat your hip through your coat pocket, making sure that your weapon is within reach. You didn’t see them upon arriving at the borough yet you’re confident that backup has been prepared and is on the ready in case the situation gets hairy. 
It’s not as crowded as you expected as you walk towards the shelves of books and you don’t quite know if you should see it as a positive; giving you more visual of your surroundings, or a negative; making it slightly harder to blend in, making it easy for Joanthan to recognize you amongst the civilians. But you keep your composure, making the best of the situation and remain at the sidelines, running a hand through the spines of the hardcover while looking for a spot for you to wait. 
With vigilant eyes and light feet, you peruse every aisle, keeping up the act of a college student looking for resource materials. You grab a random book from its hold and flip it open, opting to take a seat on one of the singular armchairs at the corner of the library that give you a good view of the exit as well as the round help desk at the center of the vicinity.
You whisper an update through your comms but frown when faint static plays into your ears before going radio silent on the other end. You repeat your words, hoping for any response of acknowledgment but still get none. The building must be interfering with the frequency, you think, but don’t dwell too much on the fact, choosing to focus instead on the task at hand. 
People pass by in front of you and give extra attention to each dark blond you see. Yet some minutes pass and you can’t help the groan of frustration you breathe out when he’s still yet to be seen. He couldn’t have gotten far, and he wouldn’t think of using any back exits for you’re positive he hasn’t picked up your scent. Still, you remain seated and discard the thought of searching the entire library. You keep your senses on high alert for any telltale signs of his presence while flipping through the pages of the book on your lap. 
“I’m terribly sorry.” You know that voice. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
Your head snaps to the side, your heart rate spiking when you see him by the entrance with a book in his hand which he hands to the elderly woman clutching a cane standing in front of him. You take note of his appearance; a grey hoodie hidden underneath a leather jacket. You scoff in amusement when you see no effort into hiding his face. Rookie mistake.
As soon as his interaction with the woman ends, you stand from your seat and casually return the book to the shelf. You feign choosing a new read, counting down to ten before slowly making your way out of the building when he finally leaves.
“He’s on foot. I’m tailing him.” You call into your comms yet still, the line remains silent. 
You maintain your distance while keeping your eyes locked on the back of his head and follow him down the street. You’re positive that he’s heading back to where he’s been holing up, leading you right to him. The image of him taken by shock burns into your mind and you can’t help but smile once he realizes it’s you that’s cornered him like a rat. 
Blood pumps into your ears as your body sings with excitement, keeping your pursuit and grinning when he turns into an alley. Like a rat. You echo in your head and immediately reach for your weapon as you sprint down the path. Once you reach the corner, you keep to the crowd and take a deep breath before pushing into the alley.
You stand stunned in confusion when nothing but an empty backstreet greets you. You don’t understand, you just saw him come in here and yet there are no signs that giveaway any soul coming by. The wired fence up ahead is too tall to scale up fast, the fire escape ladders remain untouched. You jiggle the handle of a lone door at the side of the brick wall but it’s locked and you’re certain he wouldn’t have jimmied it open for you would have, for sure, caught him in the act. 
You tuck your gun back into your holster and huff out a breath as the thought that he’s once more slipped from your grasp fills you. This can’t be! You almost had him! And yet, you are once more met with a dead end, one you don’t understand how it came to be. 
Defeated, you decide to regroup back at your hideout to figure out the next steps to catching him. He couldn’t have gotten far and if you call for the local police force to cord out Brooklyn, it’s no question that he’d be apprehended just in time. 
All of a sudden, you gasp in surprise when an arm wraps tightly around your neck from behind, a solid surface pressed against your back as you struggle to set yourself free from your assailant. Your hands grab the arm that entraps you when it tightens further, the muscle digging into your throat, preventing you from making a sound.
“Looking for me, sweetheart?” The deep baritone that fills your ears is all too familiar. No! 
A stinging pain then blooms at the back of your neck, your breath hitching as you feel a cool, alien liquid quickly run through your veins. You’re then released, a hand pressing at your back and shoving you forward, making you drop down to your knees before you could even catch yourself. 
Your breathing is suddenly labored, your skin tingling and body growing heavy that you slump face first onto the dirtied concrete floor. You fight to push yourself up except a hand grabs you by the shoulder and you’re flipped onto your back, your head cracking against the pavement. A pained groan slithers from your lips and when you open your eyes, your vision is skewed. What’s happening to me? You want to voice out but your mouth feels like it’s full of cotton. 
Jonathan’s face comes into view, a wicked grin playing on his lips. You try to stand but it’s no use. Your body feels so heavy that you don’t think you can even move. He says your name, once, twice, you don’t know. Then his face blurs, mixing with the colors of the alley and the stone walls that surround you, his deep chuckle the last thing you hear before the darkness swallows you whole. 
Your mind feels all too convoluted when you open your eyes, blinking several times before the world gradually comes into clarity. It’s like you wrestled with a bear with how your body aches, feeling it deep within your bones, making you groan. You try to move, to get off the soft surface you’re laid on but panic quickly runs through your veins when the realization that you’re naked, wrists bound together dawns on you. 
Looking around frantically, you try to take in your surroundings, assessing the situation you were thrust into. You’re on a bed, plain sheets rumpled atop with a lone pillow hanging by the edge. The room is bare of any furniture leave for the singular bedside table with a lamp emanating a muted yellow hue and a singular table at the far end corner. Although, what you notice next makes the hair on your skin stand in fear, the lone dark figure sitting by the desk, a light tapping coming from its direction. 
You’re certain that your captor is Jonathan, that despite your disorientation, he’s the last person you saw before you blacked out. You blink as you fight to steady your vision, your throat tightening as the fear that once took over your senses is replaced by anger. He stands and you groan as you tug on your restraints, bending your knees as you prepare yourself to fight back. 
“What did you do to me?!” You snarl, swiping your legs immediately when he comes closer. “Let me go, you psycho!” Another groan pulls free from your lips when the restraints dig deep into your skin. “I’m going to kill you once I’m free! And I don’t give a fuck about what Hank says!”
A deep chuckle echoes through the room and you narrow your eyes, baring your teeth when his face comes into view. “I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere anytime soon, sweetheart.” He scoffs, a grin of amusement playing on his lips before he leans closer. He reaches over to caress your cheek and you quickly snap your teeth at him, barely missing his fingers when he retracts his hand. “Ohh, you’ve certainly gotten tougher since we last saw each other.”
“Better too!” You snipe and thrash against the bed when he nears you once more. “Hank knows where I am, Pine! And once backup comes, you’ll be sorry you ever—”
“Backup?” The mirth in his voice takes you aback, trepidation lacing your nerves as the grin on his face broadens. “You think backup is coming?” He emits a sinister laugh, something you didn’t expect. In an instant, a thought clicks into your head, that something has gone terribly wrong and you’re to receive the brunt of it. 
His shadow leaves you as he strides back to the table he previously occupied, a patch of light illuminating his face in the darkness that shrouds him. The smile is ever-present on his face, a sickening sight and you hear him punch through the plastic keys of the device. A beep interrupts the silence, tension thickening in the air, and once more, he walks back to you, your eyes following his hand, staring down at the flip phone that he places on top of your chest. 
“We got the drive, Pine.” Your blood turns cold when you hear Hank’s voice in the recording. And you don’t understand why he’s calling a fugitive. “We sent her alone so you don’t have to worry about running into trouble. Though we do expect you to uphold your end of the bargain and we will keep ours.” Your ears pique at the words your boss utters. What bargain? What does he mean by all this? “Both your files will be eradicated from the system and you shall never be bothered again.”
That can’t be! This is all a lie! It has to be! 
“Oh but it isn’t a lie.” Jonathan chuckles, plucking the burner phone from your sternum, his response making you realize that you’ve voiced your thoughts out loud. “What you just heard is the cold hard truth. This whole,” he pauses, waving his hand animatedly in the air before he continues. “..operation of yours was a setup. You weren’t sent to capture me. You were simply sent as a means to an end.”
“What are you saying?! That the British Intelligence sold me for your cooperation?!” You spit, gritting your teeth in rage and disbelief, tears welling in your eyes. “They’d be fucking stupid to trust you!”
“Oh, I know. That’s why it was so easy to manipulate them.” The snap of the phone catches you by surprise, seeing the device drop to the floor, broken in half. “But it’ll be too late once they realize that they’ve made a grave mistake.” His cockiness bleeds into his words and you feel even more afraid of what he’s truly capable of. “In the end, they think they got what they wanted and I got mine.”
“Me?” You ask in disbelief and he simply laughs. “Why me?”
“Oh, sweetheart.” He clicks his tongue, your body going rigid when he comes closer. “I have wanted to break you since you walked that ass of yours into the briefing room.” The bed dips from his weight when he climbs atop it. You kick your legs when he grabs them, wince when his fingers dig painfully into your flesh, your legs going slack and easily allowing him to wrap them around his waist.
Your body shivers when he presses a hand against your abdomen, fingers tickling your skin as he trails them up your torso and cups the underside of your breast. You cringe at the sight of his face, how his teeth catch his bottom lip and his sapphire eyes turn a shade darker when he gives your tit a rough squeeze. 
You turn your head away when he leans closer, whimpering at how he buries his nose in the crook of your neck and deeply inhales your scent. 
Tears slowly fall down your face as you gravity of the situation finally sinks in. You were sold, like a slave by the man you trusted with your life. You don’t understand why they would do this to you, why they would throw you in abandon. You did your best in every mission thrown at you, abiding by the rules and following the law, always giving your all. Even if that meant you had to exchange your life for the safety of masses. 
But now, with how everything is crumbling right before your eyes, you start to think if everything you once believed in, about Hank, the organization, was a lie. 
Your breath hitches when Jonathan bucks his hips against yours, the tent growing in his pants pressing roughly against your bare cunt. You cringe, disgust rolling deep in your belly, that he would have such lascivious desires towards you. He growls, his clothed pelvis rubbing further against your clit that you bite your tongue to fight a moan from escaping, cursing your anatomy and how it responds despite your internal protests.
“You don’t have to be shy around me, sweetheart.” He drawls, pulling away from your neck while his hand runs down to your side, stopping at your hip only to grab it and press you down against his erection. “See what you do to me? I had to hold myself back every time when we would wrestle around.” A salacious hum spills from his lips, a smirk forming on his face that is only inches away.
You scowl at him, eyes burning with rage. You push your head back as he attempts to close the distance, but before he could even succeed, you gather up that saliva in your mouth and spit at his face, your nostrils flaring and a smile kissing your face when he wipes his face and looks back at you with equal fury.
“You shouldn’t have done that, sweetheart.” He sneers, anger evident on his face yet you don’t let it deter you from your plans to escape. You just have to catch him off guard and you’ll have the upper hand, his training slowly filling your head. 
He moves to sit up from the bed but you stop him from doing so, locking your legs around his waist tight and groaning loudly as you lean all your weight to the side to topple him over. The loud thud has you grinning in glee, making you pull your leg back to prepare for your next attack. Yet, before you could even launch your foot to kick him, a hand grabs you by the ankle, Jonathan towering over you once again and you freeze on the bed, eyes wide as your breath catching in your throat when the muzzle of a gun is pressed between your eyes. 
“After years of working together, I’d expected you to know me better.” He tuts, cheek twitching when he pulls his thumb back and releases the safety. “I must say, I’m very disappointed in you.”
“You and me both, asshole.” You hiss.
“You know, I could simply kill you and no one will ever care that you’re dead.”
“Then do it!” The wrath in you bursts in flames and you lean forward, having the metal cylinder press harder against your forehead. “Fucking kill me, you coward!”
“Oh, don’t you worry. I will.” He chuckles darkly. “But not now. Not when I haven’t even had my fun.” 
It’s as if the anger in him dissipates as a sinister smile forms on his face. You shiver when he slowly slides the gun down your cheek, digging it on your chin before running it down the valley of your breasts. He stops at your stomach when he kneels back on the bed, your eyes following the movement of the firearm. You inhale sharply, feeling your heart pound against your chest when he rests the gun against your cunt, rolling the muzzle slowly around your clit. 
You whimper when your body sings in fear, Jonathan adding pressure on your clit as he keeps his torturous act. Then he pulls the gun away, a soft sigh of relief leaving your lips but is soon replaced by a strangled cry when he angles it against your core and pushes the barrel past your folds. 
Your thighs squirm at the sudden intrusion, your pussy walls clamping down on the dangerous weapon on instinct. You try to kick him away but he only pushes the barrel deeper into you, making you halt all your limbs go stiff in fear that he would pull the trigger. 
“Good girl. Stay still.” He mocks praise, pulling back the gun from your cunt only to push it once again, whimpering in horror as he fucks you with it. “I wouldn’t want to ruin this beautiful pussy. At least—not yet.”  
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I no longer keep a tag list but if you want to be kept updated on my fics, follow my side blog @springdandelixn-archives and turn on notifications.
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thepaperpanda · 1 year
Knitted Christmas Sweaters || modern!Ivar the Boneless x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄
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Summary: It appears that Ivar is unhappy with the gift he received from you, but once he learns about your motives, he changes his mind.
Warnings: none
Word count: ~ 570
Author: Fenrir
A/N: today’s prompt: Matching Christmas Sweaters
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In Ivar's mind, he knew that his low mood was just that... His. While his brain could come up with a thousand plausible reasons why someone else was at fault, Ivar had to take responsibility for his feelings and the path to getting himself out of feeling so blue. You made things uncomfortable for him, especially during the Christmas/Yule holiday season, by making him do pointless and pathetic tasks such as picking out a Christmas tree, baking gingerbread and decorating your flat.
And now this. When he looked in the mirror for the last time, he uttered an unhappy grunt - he wore a red, woollen sweater with a reindeer motif. This piece of clothing was only nice because the sweater was fluffy and kept Ivar warm. "There is no way in hell I'm going out like this!" Ivar shouted loudly, making sure you would hear him through the closed bathroom door. No way, babe, I look like a fucking idiot!"
You leaned your back against the wall, waiting for Ivar to stop acting like a child. You were standing in the corridor of your shared flat, so sweetly encouraging him, "Oh, honey, you look absolutely cute, I bet! Get out, please!" You knitted him a sweater, but he threw a tantrum when you gave it to him. Again.
After another sigh, Ivar ran his hand through his thick, dark hair and left the bathroom. He opened the door and stepped forward, resting his hands on his hips. "There's a reindeer on it, and I hate them. As a whole, I'm not a fan of sweaters."
Without unnecessary words, you grabbed his palm and led him to the living room. After pushing him into the couch, you told him to stay there while you disappeared into another room. Soon, you returned to him, wearing exactly the same sweeter, but in a smaller size. "Look, I knitted both of them so we'd have a matching thing." When you spoke, your voice became low and he could hear your sadness.
As you explained everything to Ivar, he felt even worse for acting like a wayward child. He got up from his place and slowly limped to you, immediately wrapping his hands around your waist. "Baby, I didn't know. I didn't mean to, though. Don't be mad, please?"
Taking a few long moments to gaze into his blue eyes, you smiled barely. "I'm not mad, but I hoped secretly you'd enjoy the gift. I apologise that it's not as fancy as the PlayStation 5 Ubbe gifted you with."
As Ivar kissed the bridge of your nose, he took your face in his palms. "It's a much better gift, silly. Do you know why? It's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, because you made it yourself and put effort and your heart into making it. At least we have matching sweaters now." With his palm firmly gripping yours, he led you into the corridor where a huge mirror hung. As he gazed at your reflections, he leaned his head down and placed his chin on top of your head as he stood in front of the mirror with you. "Just look at us. We're two cuties wearing reindeer sweaters."
Laughing, you turned in his arms, wrapped your arms around his neck, and kissed his cheek. "Despite being a dick most of the time, you are sometimes tooth-rooting cute. I love you, Ivar."
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kibbits · 2 months
It’s been a while crocodile! How have you been? Keeping hydrated/medicated/fed I hope. Things been better lately for me. I got to ugly cry over the newest chapter of Epic the Musical and my Greek Mythology hyper fixation crossing in might as well been a train wreck.
I come with another question, What plays that the Bal!Boys have done or the kind of genre of plays that the Glamrocks would enjoy? (I just have this idea that maybe the boys when they’re on friendly terms with the others will do private shows after the pizza plex closes. So that way they can also enjoy the boy’s plays and bond with some of the kids coming out of the theater during the day because they can gush back and forth about the newest production.)
- ✨ Starry ✨
Starryyyy!!!!! I missed you!!! I've been thinking of you lately ahaha
I am, I am!! Need to drink more water but I've got some tea and snacks rn after spending the day outside in the sun! <33
Oooh!!! Adding it to The List! It's looking interesting!! And rip to double hyperfixation combo ghfglj I hope YOU'RE staying hydrated/medicated/well fed! Love when a piece of media makes me ugly-cry pff Oooh I got to rewatch Little Shop of Horror the other day!! Still amazing (Iiii am a deeentiiiist~)
Been pestered into working on a playlist for BaL!AU maybe : O It'll be my first playlist really
In typical Kibs fashion, answering your actual question under the readmore flkjgdk
I've thought about the first question for a while, actually! The answer changes every time pff I want to say maybe they used to do classics? But like. Fazbearified Classics. Like-- Fazbear™ Presents: Hamlet
...Except that the Glamrocks are busy doing their shows, so they had to slap cheap Glamrock costumes from the gift shop onto S.T.A.F.F. bots to play the roles dflkjldj Think the recent uuuh Wonka experience? whatever tf that was.
(God now I'm thinking about your hyperfixation and thinking of a S.T.A.F.F. bot greek chorus fjdjd)
They would absolutely do private shows! And encourage them to take part, too! For fun and also art/theatre therapy is a thing djdjd Also I'm gonna give genre/movies/plays examples, but I think for the renewal they often come up with their own plays! Like maybe they'll be given hamlet and it'll be a retelling instead of just. slapping the brand on it (Chica of the seaaaaa)
Anyway! I think that Monty is probably an obvious fan of action, comedy, maybe secretly a bit of romance and fairy tales? Not a fan of the classics though - or, like, not shakespearean for sure. Stories about misfits or monsters who end up loved is a sure way to get him emotional (he likes to play the big bad sometimes when they do a play together, it's fun when it's a role and not something that's slapped onto your reputation) (he would be a fan of Beauty and the Beast I think)
Roxy I think would like rock?? Like uuh I think she'd get into Little Shop or Horror or even Rocky Horror Picture show (i think her and Monty would get way into the music actually djdjd stomping along) She'd love things like Wicked too, I think. Her Chica and the celestial boys will have an 80s girls night sometimes fjfjf think Grease
Chica loves peppy, fun stories, like say Hairspray or Legally Blonde djdnd though she does love a sad story with a good ending. I think she would love anything soap opera like and get really into it pff Very gossipy and dramatic
Freddy is DEFINITELY a romantic, loves the classics, things like Singing in the Rain
Bonus: I think maybe after the massive improvement in the boys' uuuuh Suitability to Interact with Humans probably looks very promising to Fazbear Corporates. I think, maybe, the stage/theater can become a lucrative space to test bringing back more decomissioned bots... maybe a certain fox and bunny?
The boys cite the new revenue from the theater and the need for more main roles to get them to bring back Foxy at first (maybe even as something like Captain Hook??)
They're confined to the stage at first so even if something was 'wrong' they get minimal direct interaction with the actual humans until deemed safe/graduated from the theater. I think Foxy sticks around or maybe gets pirate cove back.
Bonnie's reveal kind of floors Freddy, oh boy (and of course they DO plan a dramatic reveal in a private show with Freddy, cause well they dont want Freddy to lose him twice so they work very hard to make sure everything is good to go/he won't be redecommissioned before revealing him at the climax of a play) They come up with an elaborate play for Bonnie, maybe something like Sleeping Beauty? (thanks Eyndr!) where they cast Freddy as the prince and he expects like. a S.T.A.F.F. bot in a wig, and instead he finds Bonnie trying not to laugh and snickering and it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen and he bursts into tears (static??) immediately.
Both stick around. I like to think that Bonnie doesn't actually want to rejoin the band at this point tho hell be close to Freddy Chica and Foxy. Maybe he even takes over the daycare himself? For some reason I see him as this mellow tired art teacher/caretaker when he comes back for good.
I see Foxy as helping work out the kids' energy and hes a bit of a gremlin himself, scurrying like a gremlin like Moon and very loud and dramatic acting. And also YN is well versed in LARPing so he gets a very very padded, not sharp/dangerous hook with the core still solid enough to actually be used as a prosthesis.
Anyway ye!!! Acting is good for all of them, either to work out emotions, or for fun, or to learn new tools for their own work (setting up a character so that they can be free to be themselves in their off time without worrying about the bleed-through/to help set up work/free time boundaries), and I think they end up putting up plays for each other even! Also, all the movie nights.
Thanks so much for the questions aa!
See ya later, alligator!! <33
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lythea-creation · 3 months
Weirdo To Celebrity - Shams x fem reader
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summary: In an alternative universe Shams has managed to fulfill her dream and become an established film maker. But over her fame she never forgets to appreciate (f/n), her beloved wife.
warnings: none
word count: 1.074
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Requested? Yes
Lights and countless voices were surrounding me as I was waiting for my wife to arrive. It was the debut of her new movie and everyone wanted to talk to her, in stark contrast to our time back at school.
“Hey, sorry for the wait”, Shams apologized while sitting down next to me.
“No problem”, I assured her and gave her a quick peck on the lips, before moving to hold her hand. “I can't wait to see the film.”
“You'll love it”, she promised. “It turned out even better than expected.”
Over the cause of the last seven years, Shams had managed to establish a name for herself. For her dream we had moved to the US and so far life could not go any better.
Despite the homophobia that was already present here, it was safer to express ourselves here than back at home. We had even been able to marry.
After finishing watching the movie I had to admit that Shams had been right. It seemed like she only got better with every new project.
When we went outside the press was everywhere, waiting for their chance to talk to her.
“Well, you know. Shams has always been incredibly passionate about being a film maker. I think that's what brought her here, this far”, I stated in an interview.
“How does it feel to be married to such a bright star?”
I looked over at Shams who was smiling happily at me, while answering the questions of another interviewer.
“To be honest it can be a hassle sometimes. Getting recognized when going out. Dealing with stalkers and crazy fans. Barely seeing her from time to time. But this is her dream, always has been. It makes her happy and that's absolutely worth it. There are advantages as well of course. The money, the connections, knowing about her plans before everyone else. But the only thing that matters to me is being with her and her being content with her life.”
“I can only agree”, Shams interjected. “I'm lucky to have such an amazing wife like (f/n). She's always supporting me no matter what, encouraging me to continue my way, even if it's hard. I mean … she even moved to another continent with me. I can never thank her enough for everything she's done for me.”
My eyes began to water at her words.
Shams was making sure I was feeling loved as much as she could, fulfilling my wishes before I even knew I had them. But hearing such a love declaration in front of potentially millions of people was a completely different league.
I could not help but kiss, did not want to stop myself either. Shams smiled into the kiss and for a short moment we forgot about the cameras.
After that we were all over social media, people rooting for us, some being jealous.
I was mainly on social media to push my wife's fame, but lately I was also getting a lot of fan messages.
“Would surprise me if not”, was Shams' only comment to that.
Shams' fans even started requesting her to include me in her live streams. Now there were clips where Shams had secretly filmed me cooking for her or of us getting ready to go out.
I had never imagined my life to turn out like this, but I did not mind.
My coworkers had also started bugging me with my newfound fame.
Honestly some aspects of it were awesome, like our dinner parties with some of Shams' actors.
But from time to time I wondered why Shams had chosen me out of all people and if she would still choose me now that she had so many options. After all I was not that special.
I was a simple woman, working a part-time job because we did not need the money anyway. I had just wanted to do my part for society as well and just sit at home all day.
Today was our wedding anniversary of three years.
I made Shams her favorite cake and prepped everything for our usual trip to the beach that had become our little tradition.
“Hey, love. Happy anniversary”, I greeted her when she came out of the bedroom.
Before giving her the chance to reply anything, I pulled her into a passionate kiss.
“Time really flies by, doesn't it?”, she considered. “I'm sorry, but I need to take care of something first, before we can go.”
“Can't you do that another day?”, I wondered, disappointment filling my chest.
“Nah. It'll be too late then. But I promise I'll be back in an hour.”
She grabbed her back and left after sending me a short smile.
I was used to her having to leave suddenly, but in the past she had always made time for our anniversary. Was her work starting to become more important than me?
I shook those thoughts away, deciding to listen to music to cheer me up, while cleaning the house a bit.
Actually I hated cleaning and Shams never had time for it. So she had hired someone to do it for us. But right now it was a welcome distraction.
Fifty minutes later Shams finally returned and I tried my best to get a hold of my disappointment and intrusive thoughts. It was not her fault that her job was demanding.
After about a twenty minute ride we arrived near the beach. I was glad that we had decided against living in the city and instead settled in a village closer to nature.
Shams and I carried the food and beverages together to our spot. But when it came into sight I almost dropped everything.
The sand was littered by dozens of lighted candles. There had already been a blanket placed on the sand that was decorated with countless different flower petals. To top it all off there were several hearts drawn into the sand.
I was too stunned to react.
“Sorry for leaving earlier, but I just can't manage to wake up early and I wanted to do it all myself”, Shams enlightened me. “Do you like it?”
“I love it!”, I exclaimed, placing the cake on the ground and jumping into her arms, not caring about the bottles falling to the ground.
“You deserve nothing less”, she whispered.
“I love you.”
I hope I managed to catch what you were imagining, anon. What do you all think about it?
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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