#gred and forge sweaters
caspersgraveyard · 2 years
are you forge as in you forge stuff or forge as in fred and george from harry potter wearing each other's sweater saying 'hey gred hey forge'
the former. this is a j*r hate blog.
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georgeousrussell · 4 years
Frederik Vesti is a merc junior.
George Russell is a merc junior.
What is Vesti’s nickname?
Theoretically, we could have a FRED AND GEORGE (idk like) 2026
Imagine the merc(h).
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arghsigh · 5 years
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Inktober 2019, Day 25, Tasty, (11 year old Harry is surprised to receive Christmas presents)
“I’ve got some presents!” “What did you expect, turnips?” said Ron... “That’s really nice of her,” said Harry, trying the fudge, which was very tasty. (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)
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legallyspawned · 7 years
HP Gred And Forge Headcanon
Like any set of twins, they desire to be told apart, and that is why they are so protective of Harry. BUT, they wholeheartedly accept and appreciate their twin being in their lives, and that is the real reason they call themselves Gred and Forge, rather than using it as a joke for Molly's Christmas sweaters. They are telling the world at large that they ARE a part of each other, that to mess with one is to mess with the other. You don't get JUST Fred, or JUST George. You get The Twins, anything less is, to them and any true friend of theirs, unacceptable.
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nlghtshade · 2 years
♡ march 2022 favorites
eternally grateful to: @drarryficrecs, @lostdrarryfics, @sweet-s0rr0w and their collaborative drarry sex scene rec list, and @thebooktopus and their mutuals march rec lists and everyone out there spreading the drarry love <3
fests to check out: @hd-cluefest , @call-me-daddy-fic-fest (and @hptransfest has started posting !! happy trans day of visibility !!)
this month was a busy one so i didn’t read as much as i would've liked but i still found a bunch of gems to share !! enjoy !! also happy birthday to our fave twins gred and forge !! more weasley love ♡
“i’m sorry” by @upthehillart
Calleth you (2022, Explicit, 17.3k) by @daaromoltor
The room floods with white light. Harry is on his feet so fast that the chair topples and clatters to the floor, his wand in his hand and a spell on his lips. “They’re outside,” a voice speaks from the luminescent mist, magic barely enough to carry the sound; it’s stripped to a featureless monotone, far away like an echo. “I can’t hold them off much longer. I need help, Potter." Harry stares as the mist dissolves, its dazzling brightness leaving floating spots of colour on his retinas. Eyes watering, wand still clenched in his hand, he says: “Fuck.”
golden trio by @mehroomiyat
Leaning on walls is an indecorous behaviour unless you’re trying to inconspicuously hold your tiny boyfriend’s hand at the sunset by @snarkyships-drarryside
witching hour by @softlystarstruck (2021, General, 738)
this fic was written just because of a little thread of an idea in my mind :) content: love confessions, bed sharing, accidental bond (no emotional/physical compulsion), coworkers, friends to lovers
sucre & thé by @mightier
Two wizards, hanging out, about to squish faces cause they're actually definitely gay, yeah! by @anisaanisa
kiss kiss fall in love: Chapter 3 (2022, Teen, 1.9k) by @softlystarstruck
i had fun with this one! ~1.9k, rated T just for language. eighth year best friends and roommates!! | thank you @lou-isfake for the help 💕 | from this prompt list
Two Months, Twelve Days, Nine Hours (658 words) by @nv-md
It had been two months, twelve days, and nine hours since Draco left—walked right out of their flat without a backwards glance. Not that Harry was counting.
animation by @rosalyfart
Sometime during the 8th year, that was added on for Hogwarts students, Harry and Draco become trapped together in what seems to be a dark storage closet. Of course it’s Harry’s doing, pushing Draco in, (who was minding his own business) in attempts to hide from Filch. The closet is much smaller than Harry thought it would be
Sirius and Harry by @sanjiseo
Stormy Weather by @rockingrobin69
For anon’s prompt, 800 words. TW for panic attack.
ficlet by @hogwartsfirebolt
comic by @filthylittlepureblood
This is very inspired by that third year moment that changed my life and AVPS, I regret nothing And yes Draco signed the drawing bc he canonically signed that drawing, he’s just so…. special.
Harry and Hedwig ❤️ by @ygreczed-hp
Eighth Year by @snarkyships-drarryside
I’m lying when I’m looking away (2022, Explicit, 6.7k) by InnerLilith
Sometimes it takes a Purim party and a flapper dress for Harry to figure out what he likes. (Spoiler: He likes Malfoy.) Or: Come for the hamantaschen, stay for the sex.
Serious (1.4k) by @rockingrobin69
1.4k of Auror partner shenanigans with all the pining. CW for injury (everyone’s all right in the end). 
darling by @justthingsfromsarah
for the @hdcandyheartsfest prompt — darling
drarry by @istehlurvz
some things open at the close (7/7) by @hp-rbiim
draco’s family by @lilbeanz
weasley sweater by @vulcains
is draco wearing one of harry’s many H sweaters, did mrs. weasley knit him his own D sweater. idk for cayce who is hungover
unicorn tapestry by @mojgon
♡ january ♡ february
also this isn't drarry or hp related but i watched Turning Red this month and that movie SPOKE TO MY SOUL i love it so much. i think that movie was written for me lollll i wish i could download it into my brain. i'm getting ready to rewatch it again this weekend and i'm so effing excited. if you haven't seen it go give it a watch !! and if you've already seen it go watch it again ahahah !! okay bye see you guys next month :)
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wicked-hg · 4 years
Love, The Weasleys || g.w.
Day 12 of @jamilelucato and @whack-ed Very Harry Potter Christmas.
George Weasley x muggleborn!reader
Prompt: Writing Christmas cards
Summary: George never knew about Christmas cards until you.
A/N: This ended up being more about Christmas cards in general than writing them. Hope you all enjoy! I’m thinking about maybe writing more.
WC: 2.3k
Y/H/C- your hair color ; Y/L/N- your last name ; Y/H- your house (except Gryffindor. Sorry. I didn’t realize my mistake when writing this. You’ll understand at the end. Forgive me.)
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First year George wasn’t expecting anything from you during Christmas break. You were a muggle-born he had met one day running away from Filch after getting separated from Fred. You two became friends as you became a silent partner and helped with their escape plans. George didn’t realize you had an owl. 
George opened the envelope and stared at the strange letter that had a picture on the front with reindeer pulling a fat man in red robes in a red cart. The front read “May all your wishes be granted”. George curiously opened the strange letter. A still photo of your family stared up at him. He moved it to the side. Printed inside was “Happy Christmas with lots of joy!” Signed underneath was The Y/L/N Family. On the opposite side was a note from you. 
I hope you have a Happy Christmas with your family! I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything in time. I promise to have something for you on the train. Miss you lots dear friend!
“Mum, Dad,” George asked. “Do you know what this strange letter is? My muggle-born friend sent it to me.”
“That’s a Christmas card,” Charlie piped up. “We learned about muggle Christmas traditions before break. Muggles send cards out to family and friends during the holidays. Sometimes they send pictures and longer notes to catch up with people. It’s just a way to celebrate the holidays. Professor Quirrell didn’t really understand them.”
George nodded and stared at the card. He looked over at the picture of your family. You were in the middle with a giant grin and a red sweater. Peeping up from the bottom of the photo, he swore it was the beginning of a gold G. “I like these strange letters. Christmas cards you say, Charlie?”
George stared out of the window in hope. Fred watched his twin while he sat on his bed and worked on pranks for their shop. “She doesn’t even know we’re here, Georgie. How can you expect Y/N to send you a Christmas card when she doesn’t know where you’re staying?”
“She will!” George argued. “She always does.”
“You didn’t tell her, did you George? It doesn’t matter that she is finally your girlfriend after you both finally got it through your thick heads.”
George shook his head. “I didn’t tell her. She knows we are not at the Burrow. She thinks we’re staying with Aunt Muriel. I told her to send the letter to the Burrow. Errol is there waiting for the trade off. Told her it was too far for Sova to fly the whole way.”
Fred shook his head. “You’re letting Errol deliver your happiness? Oh Georgie. You’re doomed.”
George stuck his tongue out at his twin before turning back to the window. Soon, he thought, Errol should be here soon. As if by magic, the shadow of Errol appeared in the distance. George scrambled to grab the owl treats he had waiting on the window sill. 
“Cmon, you stupid old owl. Come get the treat and give me that letter,” George almost shouted. Fred shushed him. The last thing either of them needed was for someone to wake up and discover what they are both up to. “Incoming, Freddie! He’s coming in hot!”
Fred quickly stumbled out of bed and grabbed a pillow as George made the window wider and grabbed another pillow to go under Fred’s. Errol blasted through the window and hit the pillow at Fred’s chest before falling onto the pillow George held underneath. George laid the treats next to the owl and snatched the letter. This year glittery snowflakes adorned the front with “May your life be full of flurries of happiness”. The inside read similar like every year with something about having a happy Christmas, the family signature, and the family picture. Just like always too, there was a note from Y/N. 
Darling George,
Give my love to your family. I do hope your father is okay and recovering well. I also hope that the hag of an aunt you call Muriel is treating you all well too. It was a bummer to end term without you, but alas I know I’ll be doing it once more. One of us has to have a diploma, even if I will end up working with you. Don’t throw a fit, my darling George. I know I can do more with my life, but this is what I want. I already made that clear to my parents. They’ve accepted my choice. Back to end of term. It was okay. It would have been better if Umbitch wasn’t there. She did leave me alone though...unwillingly. Somehow she kept getting fed your nosebleed nougats and lost quite a bit of blood. Hmmmm. Who knows how that happened. I certainly don’t, and neither do Peeves or that elf Dobby your brother knows. Mum and Dad and those idiot brothers of mine say hello. They’re all glad I finally officially have you as mine. Apparently they’ve always known too. Perhaps I should tell them the truth about our Yule Ball last Christmas and we went as much much more than best friends. I’ll give you your present on the train back. Take care, darling. Do enjoy your break. Miss you tons, but I love you more. 
Love always,
George grinned at the card. “She’s brilliant, Freddie. Absolutely brilliant.”
George was nervous as he handed Fred the card. It was still early in the morning. The Hogwarts express had gotten back the day before, which meant the holiday rush will be hitting soon. Y/N was managing the store with Verity while George and Fred were going over some inventory in the back. Fred stared at the envelope before gingerly opening it. He smiled at the card with a fireplace wishing him a warm and festive holiday. “Well finally, Georgie boy,” Fred grinned. “I was wondering how long it would take for you to tell the Y/L/N to include me in their list of Christmas card receivers.”
George didn’t say a word and just motioned for his brother to open it. Fred opened the card. Staring back at him was a muggle photo of Y/N and George. Both were grinning in the midst of pine trees. George’s arms were wrapped around Y/N and she was leaning into his chest. Fred moved the picture to be greeted with the typical Y/L/N family picture, but he very quickly noticed his twin was a part of the family photo. Moving the photos he saw the card was signed by The Weasleys, but it was in Y/N’s handwriting. On the left side of the card, Fred was greeted with the familiar sight of George’s writing. 
Y/N told me I didn’t have to write you a note updating you on my life because we live and work together and see each other every day. But where is the fun in that? I want you to have a true Christmas card experience! We’ve been through so much this year, Freddie. I’m just glad I got to experience it with you along the way. As you can see, I’m a part of the Y/L/N Christmas cards now. Y/N is my everything. I have to thank you. Thank you for giving me the pushes to make her mine. It’s no lie written in the card, Forge. She’s gonna be a Weasley. Will you be my side as I celebrate my new life? There’s no one else I’d want. Let’s celebrate Christmas with a bang. 
Fred immediately looked up. “You serious, Gred?”
“Absolutely, Forge. There’s no one else for me, and with the war and her being a muggle-born. It’s just going to be a quick muggle ceremony. Once the war is over, we’ll do the real thing.”
“Why muggle?”
“She’s read about wizard tradition. She wants to experience that and have her family see it too. Besides, if we did a quick magic ceremony, her family wouldn’t be allowed to come. With a muggle ceremony too, if anything happens she can easily blend right in and be taken care of.”
“You sure about this, George? I’m not talking you out of it. I know she’s perfect for you, but I want you to be happy.”
George smiled and hugged his brother. “I am, Fred. I have everything I want right now. Her. You. The store. I just want to make her as permanent in my life as you are.”
Fred chuckled. “Well I am amazing. It’s only a given. But George, have you told mum and dad yet?”
“They’re getting a Christmas card from Y/N and I. All the family is. They also got one specifically from her family.”
“I meant do mum and dad know you and Y/N are getting married?” George stayed quiet. “Oh Gred. What have you gotten yourself into?
George found you at the kitchen table writing a list. “Making a list and checking it twice, darling?” George joked. 
You smiled and kissed him. It was good to hear those little quips from him. When the war hit hard and Fred was killed, you worried he wouldn’t laugh again or joke. You feared the store would stay closed and layers of dust would settle over the products. It took George a few months, but they got the store up and going again. You knew he wouldn’t be the same without Fred, but it was good to see him somewhat the same again. “It’s what he’d want, Y/N,” he told you when working on cleaning up the store. “He wouldn’t want me to give up everything we’d ever hope for.”
“Very funny, George darling. I’m making a list of who we need to send Christmas cards too. My mum called and said the prints were in. Which reminds me, you need to make a list of which friends and extended relatives you want cards to go to and get their addresses.”
“We’re still doing this?”
You gave him a funny look. “Of course, darling. Why else would we have taken pictures with my family and gone to Selfridges to buy cards and some decorations?”
“Well I knew your family would still send cards out and that’s why they needed us there,” he answered. “They haven’t gone through a war.”
“But isn’t that why we should do this?” You asked. “So many people have gone through pain and sorrow this year. Let’s give them something to smile about, George darling.”
George gave another weak smile. “Fred loved the cards,” he whispered. “He always got excited when I got them and started bugging me 3rd year that he wanted to be in on it. He was so excited when I gave him his first card. I don’t know what I’ll do this year.”
You brought George closer to you. “You can still write him a Christmas card, George. The box is down stairs that you guys started your business out of. You can keep all the Christmas cards you write to him in there. It might sound weird, but I think it’ll be good for you. Include the pictures too. What do you think, darling?”
George kissed your cheek. “You’re an angel. You know that? You don’t think it’s weird?”
You shook your head. “I wouldn’t have suggested it if I thought it was. I think it’ll be good for you, George. It’ll be therapeutic in a way.” You pushed a card and envelope towards George. “This can be his. Why don’t you go grab your coat. We can go pick up the photos and then grab some lunch at the fish and chip shop down the road.”
“Maybe on the way back we can stop at that bakery by Flourish and Blotts,” he suggested. “I saw you looking at those cauldron cakes and strawberry trifles the other day.”
You grinned and kissed him. “Of course, Georgie darling.”
“Y/N!” George shouted. “Where is the box? I have Fred’s card done.”
“Check the office, darling!” You answered. “I put it there so we didn’t lose it. I’m off to the station now. I’ll be back in a half hour.”
George entered his office and found the orange box he stored Fred’s Christmas cards in. A mouse wearing Christmas tree sunglasses and a Santa hat. He stuck the picture inside the card before putting it in the box. No longer was the photo of Y/N’s family included when sending out cards. Instead the photo was of George and Y/N wearing their Weasley sweaters. In front of them were two smaller red heads and a light haired Y/H/C also wearing their Weasley sweaters. 
George smiled as he put the box back on the book shelf. “Until next Christmas, Forge.”
Dear Forge,
It’s been a crazy year. The last of this Weasley clan has joined Hogwarts. It’ll be interesting to see if the twins follow in our footsteps. Anya is in Gryffindor and Fred is in Y/H. Part of me is glad Fred isn’t in Gryffindor. It would’ve been cool, but this way I hope he will be able to forge his own path. Forge. Hah! Get it? Clara is studying for her OWLS this year. I found some of our old charms, defense, herbology, transfiguration, and potions notes. I let her into our little secret that we are quite smart but just never turned our assignments in. She was thankful. She’s definitely my daughter. She acts like me so much, but she’s definitely loud like you with that Gryffindor bravery. I miss you, brother. Y/N was right though; this has definitely helped me. Hopefully you get these wherever you are. Happy Christmas, Freddie!
Love, Gred and his Weasleys
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lumosandnoxwriting · 3 years
I am him, he is me || f.w. & g.w.
title: I am him, he is me
summary: when an April fools prank goes awry fred and George are suddenly questioning their true identities
a/n: happy birthday gred and forge!! this next crack fic is a request from @freddie-weaselbee where fred and George pretend to be the other for a prank and end up forgetting which twin they really are! also I imagine this being before they’re at Hogwarts - so probably like their 10th birthday??
“He’s not Fred I am!” George shouts for what feels like the millionth time that day, desperately trying to keep his giggles in.
The prank had been Fred’s idea. They’d spend their birthday pretending to be the other and at the end of the day they’d reveal the truth to everyone and have a big laugh over their shocked faces. For George it felt weird at first, dressing in Fred’s ‘F’ sweater and messing up his hair like his brother usually does. Being loud and boisterous has been weird too, but now in the mid-afternoon acting like Fred feels natural to him. 
“Honestly Ginny we’re your brothers for christ sake, you think you’d be able to tell us apart,” Fred huffs with an eye roll, biting his lip to contain his grin. 
It had been hard to get used to responding to George’s name at first, and a few times Fred had almost blown the prank by going to answer his Mum when she called his name. But luckily he’d caught himself, and he’d remind himself you’re George. Not fred. George. Now answering to his brother’s name is easy and they’ve managed to fool every single member of their family. 
George first realizes that something isn’t right when it’s time for presents. He and Fred tears into the wrapped boxes from their parents at the same time, and his eyes widen in excitement at the brand new muggle comics waiting for him under all the paper. Something tugs in the back of his mind, like there’s something wrong with his present, but he pushes it aside and rips the first comic from the box. 
“Wow! This is just what I wanted, thanks Mum and Dad!”
He feels the same weird tug when he looks over at his brother and sees him holding up a muggle chemistry set, but the pure unbridled joy on his twin’s face makes him push all of his doubts away. 
Fred feels a similar tugging in the back of his head when his Mum hands him a piece of cake that has vanilla ice cream on it, almost as if he suddenly has no taste for his favorite treat. But the second the plate is on the table in front of him he's inhaling the ice cream, watching as his brother does the same things with his own cake and ice cream. 
He forget that feeling all together as he asks his Mum for seconds, too busy preening when she kisses him on the top of the head and whispers “Anything for you, Georgie.”
They both feel like they’re forgetting to say something important as their family starts to disperse, Arthur heading out to the shed to tinker with some Muggle things while Molly forces Ron into the shower and she takes Ginny upstairs to get ready for bed. But then Molly tells them they can have an extra hour to tinker with their presents, and George excitedly digs into one of his comics while Fred starts setting up one of the experiments in his kit. 
It’s not until they’re laying in bed that night when George realizes what’s actually really, really wrong. 
“Hey George?” he calls out to his brother, turning in his familiar, yet still unfamiliar bed, so he can look at his younger brother.
“Hmm, what Freddie?” His twin groans, twisting around to look at him. 
“Am I Fred or George?” he asks timidly, afraid of what the answer is. 
When all his brother does is blink over at him in concern George has his answer. Neither of them have any clue which twin they really are. 
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Unknown Muggleborn - Chapter 8
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3rd Person POV
Later that night, (Y/n) crawls under her covers to go to sleep; Marvel lies her small head on (Y/n)'s chest.
"'Night, girl," (Y/n) murmurs, drowsily scratching behind the cat's ears.
. . .
A few hours later, Marvel lifts her head, nuzzling (Y/n)'s face to try to wake her up. She lets out a whimper, pawing (Y/n)'s face.
The girl was sweating and her neck was resting at an awkward angle. Her breath had quickened and her eyes were moving rapidly under her closed eyelids.
Marvel jumps off the bed and streaks into Hermione's room. Hermione had always been a light sleeper, so when the cat jumped onto her bed, she wakes.
Marvel meows, and Hermione's head tilts in concern.
"What's wrong, Marvel?" Hermione asks and the black-and-white feline paws at Hermione's hand and jumps off the bed, stopping at the door, then looking back at the brunette.
What a peculiar cat, Hermione thinks, throwing back the covers and following the cat across the hall to her sister's room.
Marvel streaks over and onto the bed, her green eyes wide as she tries to nudge her companion awake again.
Realization and fear dawn in Hermione's eyes and she walks across the room and switches on (Y/n)'s bedside slight before placing a hand on her sister's shoulder, shaking it roughly.
"Come on," Hermione murmurs. "You've got to wake up."
(Y/n)'s eyes flash open, and she sits up in her bed, her eyes closed, head leaning against the headboard, her hands trembling.
Hermione sits down on the edge of (Y/n)'s bed, and takes her sister's hands in her own.
(Y/n) looks up, her eyes wide with shock - and a bright silver.
Hermione looks at her sister and (Y/n) subconsciously moves over and Hermione slides under the covers, her back leaning against the other half of (Y/n)'s pillow.
(Y/n) leans against Hermione's shoulder; Hermione, used to these nightmares, remains silent.
After a few minutes, she reaches over and turns off the bedside light.
(Y/n) turns on her side, her head resting on the pillow, and Hermione does the same.
. . .
(Y/n) and Hermione don't talk about the nightmare the night before as the two go about the rest of the break leading up until Christmas.
After breakfast Christmas morning, (Y/n), Hermione, and their parents walk into the living room.
"You girls want to pass out gifts?" Mrs. Granger asks and (Y/n) and Hermione nod.
After passing out the gifts, (Y/n) settles back down at her place in front of the couch. (Y/n) pulls the wrapping paper off one from Fred, and sitting on top was a card. It said:
(Y/n), Somebody got this picture of your first Quidditch match, I thought you'd like it.
- Fred
Lifting up the card, (Y/n) smiles seeing a picture in a frame. It was a picture of Fred and George lifting her up onto their shoulders after her first Quidditch match.
(Y/n) sets the picture and card beside her before picking up a gift from Harry. She smiles when she sees a Advanced Charms book and a book on Magical Creatures.
(Y/n) looks over at Hermione as the brunette at her side opens her gift. (Y/n) had given her sister a copy of Hogwarts: A History.
"I have a copy already," Hermione says, turning to (Y/n).
"There's a charm on it," (Y/n) explains. "Whenever something important in Hogwarts' history, it get's copied down in here. Look," (Y/n) says, opening a page. It says, October 31, 1991 - Hermione Granger, (Y/n) (L/n), Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, defeated a mountain troll in a girls toilet.
Hermione stares down at the book and a smile slowly spreads across her face. "This is really cool! I love it! But that's not how that went," Hermione says.
"Ah, but it's better than what actually happened," (Y/n) argues. "That was not my best birthday."
(Y/n) grabs another gift, pulls the paper off, and finds a box of chocolate frogs from Harry, and she sets them aside, promising to have one later.
One of (Y/n)'s last gifts is a package wrapped in glossy blue paper with wolves printed on it.
Happy Christmas! I'm very proud of what you have accomplished at Hogwarts in such a short amount of time.
Uncle Remus
(Y/n) gazes down at the card, a small smile on her face. Then she sets the card at her side and looks at the contents of the box. Inside was a small stuffed wolf with a tag on it's ear that read - (Y/n)'s first stuffed animal, a gift from Uncle Remus. Under that was a new stack of photos that (Y/n) promises herself to look at later.
(Y/n) opens a package and finds a red sweater with a silver (First Initial) on it. Under the sweater was a large box of homemade fudge and a letter.
(Y/n), My sons Ron, Fred, and George have told me a lot about you. My husband, Arthur, and I wish to meet you soon. Happy Christmas! -Molly Weasley
Grinning, (Y/n) pulls the sweater over her head and the four finishing opening all their gifts, both (Y/n) and Hermione take all their things upstairs.
3rd Person POV - with Harry - A few hours earlier
On Christmas Eve, Harry goes to bed looking forward for the next day for the food and the fun, but not expecting any presents at all. When he wakes early in the morning, however, the first thing he sees is a small pile of packages at the foot of his bed.
"Merry Christmas," says Ron sleepily as Harry scrambles out of bed and pulls on his bathrobe.
"You, too," says Harry. "Will you look at this? I've got some presents!"
"What did you expect, turnips?" says Ron, turning to his own pile, which is a lot bigger than Harry's.
Harry picks up the top parcel. It is wrapped in thick brown paper and and scrawled across it was to Harry, from Hagrid. Inside is a roughly cut wooden flute. Hagrid had obviously whittled it himself; Harry blows it - it sounded a bit like an owl.
A second, very small parcel contains a note. We received your message and enclose your Christmas present. From Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. Taped to the note is a fifty-pence piece.
"That's friendly," says Harry.
Ron seems fascinated by the fifty pence, "Weird!" he exclaims. "What a shape! This is money!"
"You can keep it," says Harry, laughing at how pleased Ron is. "Hagrid and my aunt and uncle - so who sent these?"
"I think I know who that one's from," says Ron, turning a bit pink and pointing to a very lumpy parcel. "My mom. I told her you didn't expect any presents and - oh, no," he groans, "she's made you a Weasley sweater."
Harry had torn open the parcel to find a thick, hand-knitted sweater in emerald green and a large box of homemade fudge.
"Every year she makes us a sweater," says Ron, unwrapping his own, "and mine's always maroon."
"That's really nice of her," says Harry, trying the fudge, which was very tasty.
Harry's next present also contains candy - a large box of Chocolate Frogs from Hermione which Harry thought was kind of funny because he had gotten (Y/n) the same thing.
Harry's next parcel was from (Y/n). Opening it, he sees a small box. Feeling curious, Harry opens the box to see a couple of photos. One was of a raven haired man with amber eyes, Harry's father, and a red haired women with emerald green eyes, his mother. The two are standing with a (M/H/C) haired women, (Y/n)'s mum; all three were smiling.
Harry looks at another picture of two kids, probably about a year old. One was a boy with raven hair and emerald eyes, the other was a girl with (H/C) and green eyes - Harry himself and (Y/n).
Then, Harry sees a piece of paper sitting in the box.
Hey Harry,
I found these pictures in the box my godfather left me and I made a few copies. I figured you'd want them.
Harry smiles and picks up the final present. He picks it up and feels it. It's very light, he thinks, and he unwraps it.
Something fluid and silvery gray goes slithering to the floor where it lies in gleaming folds and Ron gasps.
"What is it?"
Harry picks up the shining, silvery cloth off the floor. It's strange to the touch, like water woven into material.
"It's an Invisibility Cloak," says Ron, a look of awe on his face. "I'm sure it is - try it on."
Harry throws the cloak around his shoulders and Ron gives a yell.
"It is! Look down!"
Harry looks down at his feet, but they are gone. He dashes to the mirror. Sure enough, his reflection looks back at him, just his head suspended in midair, his body completely invisible. He pulls the cloak over his head and his reflection vanishes completely.
"There's a note!" says Ron suddenly. "A note fell out of it!"
Harry pulls off the cloak ans seizes the letter. Written in narrow, loopy writing he had never seen before were the following words:
Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you.
Use it well
A very Merry Christmas to you
There is no signature; Harry stares at the note, while Ron is admiring the cloak.
"I'd give anything for one of these," Ron says. "Anything. What's the matter?"
"Nothing," says Harry. He fells very strange. Who had sent the cloak? Had it really once belonged to his father? he thinks.
Before he can say - or think - of anything else, but the dormitory door is flung open and Fred and George Weasley bounds in. Harry stuffs the cloak quickly out of sight. He doesn't fell like sharing it with anyone else yet.
"Merry Christmas!"
"Hey, look — Harry's got a Weasley sweater, too!"
Fred and George are wearing blue sweaters, one with a large yellow F on it,the other a G.
"Harry's is better than ours, though," says Fred, holding up Harry's sweater. "She obviously makes more of an effort if you're not family."
"Why aren't you wearing yours, Ron?" George demands. "Come on, get it on, they're lovely and warm."
"I hate maroon," Ron moans halfheartedly as he pulls it over his head.
"You haven't got a letter on yours," George observes. "I suppose she thinks you don't forget your name. But we're not stupid — we know we're called Gred and Forge."
"What's all this noise?"
Percy Weasley sticks his head through the door, looking disapproving. He had clearly gotten halfway through unwrapping his presents as he, too, carries a lumpy sweater over his arm, which Fred seizes.
"P for prefect! Get it on, Percy, come on, we're all wearing ours, even Harry got one."
"I — don't — want —" says Percy thickly, as the twins force the sweater over his head, knocking his glasses askew.
"And you're not sitting with the prefects today, either," demands George."Christmas is a time for family."
They frog-march Percy from the room, his arms pinned to his side by his sweater.
Harry had never in all his life had such a Christmas dinner. A hundred fat, roast turkeys; mountains of roast and boiled potatoes; platters of chipolatas;tureens of buttered peas, silver boats of thick, rich gravy and cranberry sauce —and stacks of wizard crackers every few feet along the table. These fantastic party favors were nothing like the feeble Muggle ones the Dursleys usually bought, with their little plastic toys and their flimsy paper hats inside. Harry pulls a wizard cracker with Fred and it didn't just bang, it went off with a blast like a cannon and engulfed them all in a cloud of blue smoke, while from the inside exploded a rear admiral's hat and several live, white mice. Up at the High Table, Dumbledore had swapped his pointed wizard's hat for a flowered bonnet,and is chuckling merrily at a joke Professor Flitwick had just read him.
Flaming Christmas puddings follow the turkey. Percy nearly breaks his teeth on a silver Sickle embedded in his slice. Harry watches Hagrid getting redder and redder in the face as he calls for more wine, finally kissing Professor McGonagall on the cheek, who, to Harry's amazement, giggles and blushes, her top hat lopsided.
When Harry finally leaves the table, he is laden down with a stack of things out of the crackers, including a pack of non-explodable, luminous balloons, a Grow Your-Own-Warts kit, and his own new wizard chess set. The white mice had disappeared and Harry has a nasty feeling they were going to end up as Mrs.Norris's Christmas dinner.
Harry and the Weasleys spent a happy afternoon having a furious snowball fight on the grounds. Then, cold, wet, and gasping for breath, they return to the fire in the Gryffindor common room, where Harry breaks in his new chess set by losing spectacularly to Ron. Harry suspects he wouldn't have lost so badly if Percy hadn't tried to help him so much.
After a meal of turkey sandwiches, crumpets, trifle, and Christmas cake, everyone feels too full and sleepy to do much before bed except sit and watch Percy chase Fred and George all over Gryffindor Tower because they'd stolen his prefect badge.
It had been Harry's best Christmas day ever. Yet something had been nagging at the back of his mind all day. Not until he climbs into bed is he free to think about it: the Invisibility Cloak and whoever had sent it.
Harry leans over the side of his own bed and pulls the cloak out from under it. His father's ... this had been his father's. He lets the material flow over his hands, smoother than silk, light as air. Use it well, the note had said.He has to try it, now. He slips out of bed and wrapped the cloak around himself. Looking down at his legs, he sees only moonlight and shadows. It's a very funny feeling.Use it well.Suddenly, Harry feels wide-awake. The whole of Hogwarts is open to him in this cloak. Excitement floods through him as he stands there in the dark and silence. He can go anywhere in this, anywhere, and Filch would never know.
Ron grunts in his sleep. Should Harry wake him? Something holds him back— his father's cloak — he felt that this time — the first time — he wants to use it alone. Harry creeps out of the dormitory, down the stairs, across the common room, and climbs through the portrait hole.
"Who's there?" squawks the Fat Lady. Harry says nothing. He walks quickly down the corridor.
Harry, his heart racing, and thought. And then it came to him. The Restricted Section in the library. He'd be able to read as long as he liked, as long as it took to find out who Flamel was. He sets off, drawing the Invisibility Cloak tight around him as he walked.The library is pitch-black and very eerie. Harry lights a lamp to see his way along the rows of books. The lamp looks as if it was floating along in midair,and even though Harry can feel his arm supporting it, the sight gives him the creeps.
The Restricted Section is right at the back of the library. Stepping carefully over the rope that separates these books from the rest of the library, he held up his lamp to read the titles. They didn't tell him much. Their peeling, faded gold letters spelled words in languages Harry couldn't understand. Some had no title at all. One book has a dark stain on it that looked horribly like blood. The hairs on the back of Harry's neck prickled. Maybe he was imagining it, maybe not, but he thought a faint whispering was coming from the books, as though they knew someone was there who shouldn't be. Harry had to start somewhere. Setting the lamp down carefully on the floor, he looked along the bottom shelf for an interesting-looking book. A large black and silver volume caught his eye. He pulls it out with difficulty, because it was very heavy, and, balancing it on his knee, lets it fall open.
A piercing, bloodcurdling shriek splits the silence — the book is screaming! Harry snaps it shut, but the shriek goes on and on, one high, unbroken, earsplitting note. He stumbles backward and knocks over his lamp, which went out at once. Panicking, he heard footsteps coming down the corridor outside —stuffing the shrieking book back on the shelf, he runs for it. He passes Filch in the doorway; Filch's pale, wild eyes looked straight through him, and Harry slips under Filch's outstretched arm and streaks off up the corridor, the book's shrieks still ringing in his ears.
Harry comes to a sudden halt in front of a tall suit of armor. He has been so busy getting away from the library, he hadn't paid attention to where he was going.Perhaps because it's dark, he didn't recognize where he was at all. There is a suit of armor near the kitchens, he knew, but he must be five floors above there.
"You asked me to come directly to you, Professor, if anyone was wandering around at night, and somebody's been in the library — Restricted Section."
Harry feels the blood drain out of his face. Wherever he is, Filch must know a shortcut, because his soft, greasy voice is getting nearer, and to his horror, it's Snape who replies, "The Restricted Section? Well, they can't be far, we'll catch them."
Harry stands rooted to the spot as Filch and Snape come around the corner ahead. They can't see him, of course, but it is a narrow corridor and if they come much nearer, they'd knock into him - the cloak didn't stop him from being solid.
Harry backs away as quickly as he can. A door stands ajar to his left. It's my only hope, Harry thinks. He squeezes through it, holding his breath, trying to to move it, and to his relief, he manages to get inside the room without their noticing anything. They walk straight past, and Harry leans against the wall, breathing deeply, listening to their footsteps dying away. They had been close, very close, It is a few seconds before he notices anything about the room he his hidden in.
It looks like an unused classroom. The dark shapes of desks and chairs are piled against the walls, and there is an upturned wastepaper basket — but propped against the wall facing him was something that didn't look as if it belonged there, something that looked as if someone had just put it there to keep it out of the way.
It is a magnificent mirror, as high as the ceiling, with an ornate gold frame,standing on two clawed feet. There is an inscription carved around the top: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.
His panic fading now that there is no sound of Filch and Snape, Harry moves nearer to the mirror, wanting to look at himself but see no reflection again; he steps in front of it.
He has to clap his hands to his mouth to stop himself from screaming. He whirls around, his heart pounding far more furiously than when the book had screamed - for he had not seen only himself in the mirror, but a whole crowd of people standing right behind him.
But the room is empty. Breathing very fast, he turns slowly back to the mirror.
There he is, reflected in it, white ans scared-looking, and there, reflected behind him, are at least ten others. Harry looks over his shoulder - but still, no one is there. Or are they invisible, too? Is his, in fact, in a room full of invisible people and this mirrors trick is that it reflects them, invisible or not?
Harry looks in the mirror again. A woman is standing right behind his reflection is smiling at him and waving. He reaches out a hand and feels the air behind him. If she is really there, he would touch her, their reflections are so close together, but he only feels air - she and the others exist only in the mirror.
She is a very pretty woman. Dark red hair and her eyes, emerald green eyes. Harry edges closer to the to the glass. Bright green - exactly the same shape as Harry's, but then he notices that she is crying; smiling, but crying at the same time. The tall, thin, black-haired man standing next to her put his arm around her. He wears glasses and his hair is very untidy. It sticks up at the back, just as Harry's does.
Harry is so close to the mirror that his nose is nearly touching that of his reflection.
"Mom?" he whispers. "Dad?"
They just look at him, smiling. And slowly, Harry looks into the faces of the other people in the mirror, and sees other pairs of green eyes like his, other noses like his, even a little old man, who looks as though he as Harry's knobbly knees - he is looking at his entire family for the first time in his life.
The Potters smile and wave at Harry and he stares hungrily hack at them, his hands pressed flat against the glass as though he is hopping to fall right through it and reach them. He has a powerful kind of ache inside him, half joy, half terrible sadness.
How long he stands there, he doesn't know. The reflections do not fade and he looks and looks until a distant noise brings him back to his senses. He can't stay here, he has to find a way back to his bed. He tears his eyes away from his mother's face, whispers, "I'll come back," and hurries from the room.
Harry does for the next two nights and Dumbledore had found Harry the last night. Dumbledore had told Harry the purpose of the mirror, to show the deepest desire of their hearts.
Dumbledore had convinced Harry not to go looking for the Mirror of Erised again, and for the rest of the Christmas holidays the Invisibility Cloak stays folded at the bottom of his trunk. Harry wishes he could forget what he'd seen in the mirror as easily, but he can't He starts having nightmares. Over and over a again he dreams of his parents disappearing in a flash of green light, while a high voice crackles with laughter. What Harry didn't know, was that (Y/n) was having the same dreams. Repetition from the one on Christmas Eve night.
"You see, Dumbledore was right, that mirror could drive you mad," says Ron, when Harry tells them about these dreams.
Word Count: 3759 words
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fandomtrash264 · 4 years
I have some Fred and George promts that I don't want to forget so imma put them here. If you are interested in writting them, by all means go for it, just tag me. I don't think I have a preference over who is in each scenario. I will probably write George and Fred based on what I thought but they should work with either twin. I do think they are different, im just saying that I could see the story going with either boy
• Reader and Fred pull a prank on George that changes his hair color based on mood. (Red - angry, blue - sad, green - disgust, light pink - embarrassed, hot pink - flirty, purple - in love/swooning, dark purple -lust) The 3 are sitting in the great hall eating and George is staring at reader and his hair turns purple. Reader thinks he has just zoned out and starts to bug him asking who he is thinking about. Leads to confession (and I imagine he is embarrassed so his hair is pink)
• Reader is a metamorphmagus and they like to switch between male and female so they change their physical appearance as such. (I see Fred as bi ngl) Fred gets a crush on the reader without knowing they are both people. A little while later, he falls for the other side (if that makes sense) of them and thinks he likes 2 different people. He is super torn and has no idea what to do
•This one is a Soulmate AU. The one where you can hear the music your soulmate is listening to. Reader is listening to ✨🌶 S p i c y 🌶 ✨ music and he knows its reader and he is shocked because they don't seem like they would listen to it and he is pleasantly suprised to find they are super flirty and such (he is twin of your choice lol)
•Yet again, one of our boys gets pranked. They lie about something that makes reader upset so they prank them so that everytime they try to talk, bubbles come out instead and the only way to undo it is to do somthing super embarrassing (I'll leave that to y'alls imagination's) and they refuse because they are petty but they eventually give in with this big social stunt or smth
•i imagine reader is a Ravenclaw (could really be any) who is the child of Bellatrix and *Moldy Voldy* (why ravenclaw you ask? I'll explain) They are in George and Fred's year so they are older than Harry. Reader was rescued a little before Harry was born and got to stay with someone else (probably Remus or smth. I imagine a gryfinndor so that way the Slytherin and the Gryfinndor kinda cancel out so you get Ravenclaw. Slytherin is their blood but they know its wrong so they push for the good values. I know slytherins can be good [believe me, I am very big on the fact that not all Slytherins are evil] but when its Bella and Mr. Tom, they have some bad bones) and they keep it a secret from their friends (the twins, the trio, etc.) Until Remus brings them to an OoTP meeting. He doesn't say who he just says he is bringing He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named 's child and they are terrified of how their friends will react. Kinda angsty but eventually they all understand that reader isn't evil
• Branching off of the previous, same family situation but when they were younger, they weren't seen as a child, they were a weapon. Trixie and Tommy boy would experiment on them so they are lowkey fucked up. They are super powerful and struggle to control it. Reader freaks out because they are terrified that he will be able to control them or see in their mind and good 'ole Gred and Forge help our reader to feel better and reassure them
• Reader and a twin are dating in 7th year (With Umbridge) and instead of breaking up or telling them about the plan to start a shop, they just leave and break off all contact. Years later they see each other and reader confronts them about how he couldn't even break up with them before leaving and he confesses his worries. Inspired by the song Ways to Break a Heart by Maddie Zahm [you can find it on YouTube]
• Can happen to either the reader or George or Fred but somehow by prank or accident in class, they get separated into different parts of themselves [parts like the 7 deadly sins (so they would be split into Pride and Lust) but also other things work (like Fear and Wonder)] and the other 2 have to deal with it until the problem is fixed
• (I have a lot with the boys and pranks, sorry lol) the boys get de-aged and reader has to chase them around because they are H E A T H E N S but then later on they put them to sleep and the Love Interest (twin of choice) snuggles up to them and mentions how much they love them and reader gives it no mind because "he was a baby". They snuggle and when they wake up the boys are of normal age and the Love Interest just snuggles closer and says something like "I meant it y'know. I really do love you/think you're amazing" and just. Fluff
• (I wrote George, yet again, could work with either) Reader is playing with the sleeve/hem/string of George's sweater/hoodie and he quips with a flirty comment like "you want the whole thing? Here, give it back when it smells like you" and the reader brushes it off as a flirty comment and teases "how am I supposed to know what I smell like? I'm noseblind to myself" and he gives them a scent. The scent seems familiar to them but oh well. They wear it because its soft and it smells like him and later on when they are chilling in the common room or whatever (George isn't there) they realize that's what he said he smelt in his Amortentia in potions last week and they lowkey freak out and go to ask him about it and aaaah! Cute things ensue
• [!!!TW: Depression, suicidal thoughts!!!] Can happen to either reader or one of the boys.(If it happens to a boy i see it being George as he seems insecure of being in Fred's shadow and I will write the prompt that way but it works with Fred and reader as well) George has been a little off recently and reader and Fred can't figure out what it is until reader goes to the astronomy tower late one night and finds George on the roof of the atronomy tower, seemingly fighting with himself about whether or not he should jump off. Angst, ends with fluff, reader helps him to feel better. Inspired by the song Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
•During their 6th year with the Triwizard Tournament, a durmstrange gent takes a liking to the reader. They start to court the reader and flirt with them, give them lots of compliments, try to show their affection. The Love Interest (again, twin of choice) get REALLY jealous tho and decides to try and out-do the durmstrang boy. This leads to really extravagant methods of flirting (ex. Sending a howler that is actually a shower of compliments or after a big quidditch match, the whole team does a choreographed dance where the suitor sings/performs to reader) all of this leading up to the yule ball. They either go with the durmstrange guy and deal with Love Interest later or they end up going with the Twin, whatever you would like
• Everyone is at the Burrow and they decide to watch a movie. While everyone is in the kitchen, the twin (who is the Love Interest) comes by and says "Oh! Are you guys watching a movie?" Readet replies "Yeah, P.S. I Love you" and he just blushes really hard and sits next to them and says "I love you too". Reader doesn't know how of if they are gonna tell him that "P.S. I Love You" is the name of the movie. Then everyone else comes back in so they have to wait until after the movie to talk about it. The whole time the movie is going all they can focus on are the "I Love You"s that escaped each others mouths. Inspired by a wolfstar text post by @starsandmoonys
• Inspired by the drarry work, Mental by sara_holmes on Ao3 (which you should totally go read like holy shit i love this idea sooooo much) written with George but as usual, can work with either. Reader is in for total shock when a joke gone sour ends with George striking them with a bad Legilimency spell. Due to this spell, they can (and have to) hear each others thoughts and see the pictures in each other's minds. What will happen when they see all that goes on in each others heads? Will they learn to communicate? Will they let one another in? Will they like who they see, or will they be scared away from the thoughts behind closed eyes?
• (TW!!!!: Dreamt character death, War) Fred and reader have been friends-with-benefits for a long time with feelings slowly growing between the 2 of them. They stay in denial until Fred has a nightmare one day where reader dies in the war. The next day he is desperate to hold them and see that they are okay. He confesses his feelings in fear of losing them. Inspired by Woke the Fuck Up - Jon Bellion
• [(TW!!! War) Fred lives] Fred and Reader had a huge fight right before Fred and George left Hogwarts and leave things on a rocky ending. Fred knows just how much he needs Reader and he desperately wants them back. Reader doesn't want to admit it but they miss him.and want him back too. They see each other again after the war and Fred breaks down in their arms and confesses how much he misses them and needs them. How hard it has been without them. Reader reciprocates these feelings and tells him. They start over, slowly building their love up again inspired by Bad Habit - Ben Platt [First verse and Pre-chorus would be Fred's feelings and second verse and Pre-chorus would be Reader. They blend on the 3rd]
• George has been strangely quiet all day. Reader is confused and a little hurt as George seems to avoid them. Leaving rooms when they walk in, not keeping eye contact and staying as physically far as he can. That is until they sit down in the great hall for lunch and Fred tells his friends (including reader) all about having put a truth serum in George's drink and all the funny things he has gotten him to admit. Reader goes to confront George about what he is hiding (because otherwise he would talk to them, right?) And they get an oddly specific but touching confession [ie. "I borrow your chapstick because that is what your lips will taste like" and "I see you in my dreams almost every night" ] inspired by Jenny - Studio Killers
• [Choose whether the person who can dance is reader or Twin of Choice. I will be writting with reader] The yule ball is coming up and reader can't dance to save their life. A certain red-heades friend comes in to help. At first, reader doesn't believe him because "c'mon, why would you know how to ballroom dance?" But they are pleasantly suprised to find they are actually really good at it. Like, REALLY good. "Mum made all of us learn. In case we ever needed it". Reader notices their feelings start to change as they spend more and more sessions together dancing until the yule ball occurs. Take it from there lol
• just a very cliche typical love potion fic. Reader volunteers to be on the receiving end of one of Fred and George's pranks- spike their drink with love potion- on one condition. The person reader will be in love with, knows about it. Reader figures this will allow them some leeway and safety against other pranks. All is going well until they spike the drink for reader to like (twin of your choice) and they realize that nothing has happened except they are a bit more flirty. Everyone is crazy confused because for everyone else they were head over heels swooning and attached at the hip until Hermionie (or somebody else) quips in with "You can't create something that already exists, y'know".
• So this one is less creative and it's also a mix of 2 tropes but bear with me. Reader is a very outgoing flirtatious type of person. They openly flirt with everyone, Fred, Ginny, Neville, Dean, etc. They don't care, its a way they show affection. Then, when they start to get a crush on George (or Fred) they star getting more shy and reserved with him. And he is completely clueless. He's lowkey hurt because "why doesn't Y/n crack jokes like that with me?" And shit like that. He is feeling down when he sees it. No, not 'it', he sees you. You and Fred flirting. He's got you cornered to the wall and your cheeks are flushed and George is big mad. (When really, Fred just cornered them so they couldn't avoid the question and was teasing and asking about their crush on George). George ends up seeing out Y/n, getting them alone and confronting them. Light angst? But ends fluffy as reader explains what actually happened
*im going to keep updating this as I get more ideas so be prepared*
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holeyweasel · 3 years
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༄ daniel padilla, cismale, he/him + the color orange, impressive explosions, fireworks in the night sky, trolley carts ignited into flames, graffiti on stop signs, and quivering palms concealed by a nifty hand-buzzer. – is that george weasley ? their ministry records say that they are twenty-five , a pureblood , and went to hogwarts . currently they are the owner of weasley’s wizard wheezes . whenever i see them saintlike by jakey starts playing in my head. i think this may be because they’re astute & whimsical , but they also happen to be deviant & reticent . (       BIOGRAPHY. | PINTEREST. | PLAYLIST.     )
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basics .
name & origin : george felix weasley ; based on the Greek word georgos; meaning farmer. the word georgos is a combo of two Greek words, ge (γῆ), meaning earth, soil, and ergon (ἔργον), meaning work. && george doesn't apply much of a personal meaning to his name; perhaps molly was following the trend of her late, twin brothers, gideon & fabian, or maybe it'd just been a coincidence. george doesn't know; it's possible he never will, since molly doesn't talk about her brothers that have passed too often. nicknames : forge, fred, georgie, gred, twin #2, & weasel. preferred name : george is fine. age & birthdate : twenty-five ; april first. gender & pronouns : cis male ; he/him. orientation : straight ; heteroflexible ; questioning. ethnicity & nationality : filipino ; english. hometown : ottery st. catchpole, devon, england. current residence : the loft above number ninty-three diagon alley. occupation : owner & operator of weasley’s wizard wheezes. hogwarts house / school graduated from : gryffindor.
miscellaneous .
phobias : he can’t be alone, because when he is, that’s when he gets into more compromising situations. he excessively relies on others to fulfill his own emotional needs (eg. fred, specifically) his codependency to fred ran, and continues to run, so deep that even his level of confidence changes without his brother around. he needs fred around to feel okay with himself. he fears being rejected and abandoned as lone unit; rather than the one collective unit he was with fred. quirks : when disinterested in something, doesn’t put the effort in; rarely expresses his true emotions unless it’s through anger; jokes so much it’s hard to tell when he’s being serious; sometimes doesn’t realize when a joke has gone too far & unintentionally hurts people’s feelings. when his emotions are too much to handle, can act rashly, and do something stupid; he often winds up in trouble since he couldn’t careless what others think. also he’s not great at overly complicated math. fred was better at math, while george is better at reading/writing/words in general. basic addition and subtraction is fine, but once you get to double digits? oof. he uses his fingers to count. hobbies : comforting others & giving advice anonymously, creating his own spells & potion recipes, dueling, inventing things, quidditch beating, quick-wit, speed reading, stand-up comedy; there’s never a dull moment with him; he’s always able to entertain an audience and make people laugh. likes : adventures, biscuits, breaking things, causing chaos & confusion, conjuring up ideas & schemes, creating inventions, discovering new things, explosions, fireworks, flashing lights, freedom, friendly debates, hippos, irony, jokes, laughter, memes, mum’s home-cooked meals, parkour, philosophy, petty arson, punching things, puns, quidditch, quotes, rebellion, rioting, sweaters, & unlimited knowledge. dislikes : being alone, being controlled, boredom, commitment, conformists, copycats, cucumbers, disloyalty, early mornings, feelings that aren’t joy, grapefruits, hypocrites (ironically), instant tea, judgmental people, ordinary living, pocket watches, purists, restrictions, school, sellouts, silence, sitting still, spinach, the government, the rich, the status quo, & unnecessary rules. wand :  10 ¾ inches ; dogwood ; dragon heartstring core. patronus : previously, his was a magpie; along with fred’s. since fred’s death, he struggled to conjure one for many years, but eventually was able to - and it’s now a peacock.  boggart : him, completely and utterly alone. without fred or just without anyone in general? the world may never know. reverse amortentia : burning cedar, broom polish, firewhiskey, freshly baked biscuits, & roasted chestnuts.
history .
➵ the fifth son born to arthur & molly weasley right after his twin brother, fred, george was practically born a prankster & inventor. after graduation, he planned to become a successful entrepreneur. from birth, both him & fred were attached at the hip; getting into all sorts of shenanigans together. not much has really changed regarding that. growing up, they successfully set off a dungbomb during christmas dinner, turned ron’s teddy bear into a spider after he broke fred’s toy broomstick, gave ron an acid pop that burnt a hole in his tongue, and nearly tricked ron into taking an unbreakable vow. ➵ during his first year, him and fred swiped the marauder’s map from filch’s desk; this aided more in their mischief. ➵ george, while not being a hat stall, could definitely have been a fair candidate for slytherin with his ambitious & cunning nature — if only he wasn’t a red-headed, reckless weasley. ➵ this curious boi might have a teeny, tiny case of undiagnosed ADHD. he definitely exhibits all of the symptoms; he’s never gotten officially checked out, though.  ➵ second year, he joined the quidditch team as beater. at one point, ron informed harry that george received ”really good marks” for his first few years. ➵ the summer before his fourth year, he stole arthur’s ford anglia with fred and ron. this was in order to rescue harry from the dursley’s and bring him to the burrow. ➵ the summer after fourth year, george went on a trip with his family to visit bill in egypt. with fred, of course, he tried to push percy into a pyramid. ➵ fifth year, he & fred graciously gifted harry the marauder’s map since they’d already memorized it. ➵ sixth year, he attended the quidditch world cup with his family, harry, & hermione. he and fred gambled on the outcome & won a great deal of money from ludo bagman. however, they were never paid, and harassed bagman all year. fred wanted to inform the ministry; george was against it since that’s considered blackmail. after harry won the triwizard tournament, he gifted fred & george his winnings to make up for their lost bet. they put this money away with the intention to invest it into their future joke shop. this is also the year they began selling their inventions and he took his ordinary wizarding level exams; received 3 OWLs in, what’s assumed, charms, defense against the dark arts, & transfiguration. ➵ seventh year, he spent the summer before school at 12 grimmauld place. after being given harry’s winnings, george had no interest in returning to school, but did anyway. he spent most of the year selling his and fred’s products. he also joined dumbledore’s army; not being a huge fan of umbridge. ➵ later that year, umbridge kicked him, harry, and fred off the quidditch team after george & harry got into a fight with draco malfoy. once the DA was discovered, george decided with fred, that he didn’t care about getting in trouble, and they began an all-out rebellion. they shoved an inquisitorial squad member into a vanishing cabinet, set off an array of fireworks that they made themselves, & created a portable swamp in the corridor. after the vandalism & chaos, george flew away from hogwarts with his brother; encouraging others, and peeves, to follow their example. ➵ after fleeing the castle, george worked with fred to establish a weasley’s wizard wheezes storefront. the summer before the golden trio set off for their sixth year, they had their grand opening. they remained open in diagon alley even while growing tensions of the war ensued. draco malfoy even purchased peruvian instant darkness powder from their shop, which assisted him during the battle of the astronomy tower. in theory, the twins unknowingly helped the death eaters twice, but we don’t have to unpack all that right now. ➵ him & fred lived in a loft above their shop. ➵ sometime after turning of age, george joined the order and assisted them during the battle of the seven potters. he was paired with remus lupin, and sometime during this mission, snape hit him with sectumsepra. he lost his ear and it was unable to be healed due to being cut off with dark magic. ➵ the burrow operated as a new headquarters for the order until they were ambushed by death eaters and they had to flee. ➵ george & fred were frequent guests on lee jordan’s radio show: potterwatch. ➵ george was hit with snape’s sectumsepmra curse and ended up losing his left ear. since it was dark magic, his injury wasn’t able to be repaired. he has permanent hearing loss and a scar where his ear used to be. he’s picked up BSL (british sign language) since the incident.  ➵ he split up from the rest of his family after the death eater ambush, but remained with fred. him & fred were apart of lee jordan’s radio broadcast, potterwatch, so it’s assumed they were with lee in some way. ➵ there was an incident where george, alone, was taken in front of the wizengamot while fred had stepped out for the afternoon. he was brought on charges of aiding and abetting the mass breakout of muggleborn criminals. supposedly, they had items sold at weasley’s wizard wheezes that’d aided in their ultimate escape. ➵ questioned & tortured at the hand of umbridge, they almost sent him off to azkaban… but the department of magical law enforcement requested time to gather more evidence to build a stronger case of george’s involvement. his blood status wasn’t in question, and therefore, he was free to go. ➵ during the battle of hogwarts, george lost his twin brother, fred, in an explosion orchestrated by augustus rookwood. the years that followed were absolutely the hardest thing he’d ever gone through.  ➵ upon fred’s demise, george might have taken up a biiit of a drinking problem. while it hasn’t entirely taken over his life, some would definitely consider him a “functioning alcoholic.”  ➵ depending on a potential charlie mun, after fred’s funeral, george followed charlie to romania in order to “travel” and “find himself” without fred able to stand by his side anymore.  he eventually stole a dragon from charlie and took it across the world. goooo georgie! he returned about a year after fred’s funeral initially took place. ➵ for quite some time, george struggled to conjure a patronus. with all of his “happy memories” linked to fred, the charm became quite difficult for him to perform. of course, george is a determined individual; he continued to try anyways.  ➵ eventually, two years after fred’s passing, george was able to cast a patronus. although, instead of a cheery magpie revealing itself, a peacock took its place. this was significant because, slowly but surely, george was beginning to detach his identity from fred. ➵ george continued to build the business he’d started with his late brother. these days, he fills his time with work; occupying his mind with weasley’s wizard wheezes instead of the void fred’s passing left within him.
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the-potter-analyst · 5 years
Chapter 12 - The Mirror of Erised
One can never have enough socks!!
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text word of the day: (White) Privilege
When I learned that this was the word that the hosts would use for chapter 12, I was.... intrigued to say the least about how they would connect the concept. But once again, I was amazed on what they found! Basically the invisibility cloak was a symbol for both having privilege and not having privilege. The original word(s) of the day is “white privilege” but the idea can also work for privilege in general, which is why I have white in parentheses. Just to put it out there, I’m an asexual black woman which right off the bat puts me at a disadvantage for the top categories of privilege lol, so this topic is something very close to home and I will not sugar coat anything. istg if I get any defensive replies or asks
The invisibility cloak having a double meaning around privilege is so fascinating to me. It reveals how invisibility can be good or bad depending if a person is privileged or not. For example, if you’re white, you will largely be ignored on the things you do; you can get away with almost anything. This is the positive side of the invisibility cloak, as Harry can roam around the castle without being noticed, particularly at night, and not be caught. On the flip side, a white person will be seen as an individual, their actions defining themselves and not an entire group. Alternatively, this is the complete opposite of any minority. Any black person walking down the street will be noticed because they are black, my people literally can’t do anything without the cops being called on them. And a black person’s actions ends up being a collective definition of the entire race. Like... a white shooter will always be talked about as an individual and the event being an isolated case. If the shooter is black or Arab or whatever? The media will spin it like the entire minority is evil. But if a black person is successful, their efforts are ignored. Can you name any black inventors? Because technology wouldn’t have been the same without them, yet you never learn about them in history books.
Harry notes that the cloak doesn’t stop him from being solid, which made me think about how being invisible and ignored in a negative way doesn’t make a person any less of a human, no matter how they may be treated as such. Just food for thought I guess.
Something Sacred Text host, Vanessa, said really struck me. She talked about how she was literally side stepped by someone so they could tap her black friend on the shoulder and compliment her outfit. And Vanessa, connecting it with invisibility and visibility, commented how the person probably (unintentionally) gave the compliment because her friend looked nice, for being black. And... I’ve never thought about that stuff quite in this way. I just assumed (white) people just tried to go out of their way to be nice to a black person, but to be honest I never gave much thought about it or its meaning in the first place. I get compliments from complete strangers everywhere for articles of clothing to my hair. Like just yesterday this white man walked up to me at a restaurant to say he loved my hair, which was in an afro. I’ve always thought it was weird to compliment random strangers like that, not in the way that you’re standing in line or something and compliment a girl’s purse who’s right in front of you, but literally walking up to someone who’s just minding their own business to do it. And cause this happened after listening to the podcast, I kept thinking is he trying to be encouraging to people with natural hair? does he really think his opinion is going to boost my self esteem like that? (normally I’d just brush it off and think that person’s weird) I know that wasn’t his intentions, but this is what those actions imply when it comes from a white person who’s a stranger.
Dumbledore says something that really holds true about privilege: “Strange how nearsighted being invisible can make you.” When you have it, you aren’t always aware of what your privilege gives you or what others without it experience. Like for me, I admittedly don’t think about ADA regulations all the time because I have an abled body, so it’s not something that I personally have to worry about unless I get an injury. But someone in a wheelchair, someone with a cane, someone with an invisible disability has to think about these things, because that’s their life. They need an accessible doorway for example just to get in a building. As a female, I can’t go out alone at night or even the bathroom at a bar without worrying I might be assaulted, but this isn’t something that men have to think about. So next time you’re defensive about something that someone of a minority group says about your privilege, think about this quote. Think about how your privilege makes you nearsighted. And then fucking listen.
Another long post lol I can’t not rant about this topic The rest of the chapter will be analyzed under the cut.
I kinda wonder if Hermione wasn’t in Harry’s friend group, if he and Ron would be as motivated to find out who Nicolas Flamel was. Obviously the constant searching in the library was her idea lol, because that’s her thing. When she doesn’t know something, she consults books AKA goes to the library. Though I think because Harry knew he read the name somewhere, he would have been searching in books as his curiosity had hit an all time high, but it would’ve probably been limited to his school books. Ron probably would’ve only joined occasionally to help Harry out, or done the same and look through his own books. I find it funny that the trio only looked through books about modern or recently famous wizards, which makes sense because you don’t exactly expect someone to live over 600 years lol.
Christmas morning of Harry’s first year always gives me so much joy to read (and watch). He gets so excited that he has presents!! Even the 50 pence that the Dursley’s sent he responds with that’s friendly lmao. I will also never get over the fact that Mrs. Weasley, after learning from Ron that Harry didn’t expect to get presents, made him a goddamn sweater and some fudge 😭 I also love how the Weasleys basically adopt Harry, and it’s not just Mrs. Weasley, it’s Fred and George too. Fred pulls wizard crackers with Harry during Christmas dinner.... they played in the snow until they were cold and wet.... not to mention the twins look after him in Quidditch.
The contrast between Christmas morning and Christmas evening is so interesting to me. Harry wakes up to presents from many people, eats all he wants for dinner, spends the day having fun with the Weasleys, and then after an adventure with his invisibility cloak, finds the Mirror of Erised. And this scene is so heartbreaking. I can just feel the empty silence as Harry longingly looks at his family, I can feel his ache for the people he never got to know. The hosts brought up how white/western culture is very individualistic, but at the expense of feeling disconnect with one’s own heritage. I also want to add how the same disconnect happens with a diaspora. This topic is a little interesting when considering that there’s a widespread headcanon that Harry is half Indian or just poc, so the feeling of disconnect might be even more powerful.
For what Ron sees, I’ve said previously that Ron’s insecurity is being the odd one out in his family, the one who doesn’t have a special thing because all his older brothers have already done it. So in the Mirror, he sees himself being the best of all of them combined. And he’s alone. He wants to stand out. So far I’ve seen a lot of signs that Ron takes his family for granted, which I get since he’s 11 and one of the youngest in a large and loving family: he’s embarrassed about their class status, he pushes away his mother when she tries to clean dirt off his face, he tells Harry he can see family any old time. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing since Ron’s still fairly young though (he also didn’t resist being told to wear his Weasley sweater like Percy), but again and again we’ll see moments like this where it’s apparent that Ron and Harry’s desires are the complete opposite of each other. Ron is also less obsessive than Harry, which is why I think he had a bad feeling about the mirror  while Harry didn’t despite the two fighting over it while in the empty classroom. And he gets so worried about Harry! He tries to get him to eat, or play games, or even visit Hagrid, anything to get Harry out of his depressive state.
I wonder why the Mirror was moved to the empty classroom for anyone to stumble upon though. Maybe Dumbledore needed space to tamper with it? And the best time would be the holidays when most of the students were away? Why not do it in the Room of Requirement where is was probably kept before this? And was Dumbledore invisible every night while modifying the mirror? Or just to keep an eye on it? I can’t stop thinking about his comment on not needing a cloak to be invisible.
Small things
The Weasley twins bewitching snowballs to basically hit Voldemort ahaha
I will always laugh at the “Gred and Forge” joke xD
What time do they have Christmas dinner.... afterwards it says they spent a “happy afternoon” playing outside, which I don’t know if they would do at night when it’s cold and snowy lol. And being in Scotland, the sun will set pretty early. So was this actually a Christmas lunch? I’m so confused
hjsdfhsjkdf but actually, as an adult that’s all I want for Christmas (even though I have no room for them anymore haha)
Scabbers why are you sleeping on Harry’s pillow you creep
Special shout out to all the Hogwarts house elves that make Christmas magical, as well as every other day at Hogwarts :)
Previous: Chapter 11 - Quidditch
Next: Chapter 13 - Nicolas Flamel
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asktheweasleyfamily · 8 years
Tumblr media
Molly: Well, at first, I though she wouldn’t be nice with me, since the Black family is... Most of the Black family is very scary, but her mother is very nice and she make delicius cakes! 
And about the motto...I don’t remember my parents telling me nothing about our own motto, but my brothers created one: “Brave as a Prewett, we are the best.”
Umbra? That’s something muggle?
Arthur: My mum is a “dat ass”.
Molly: Again with those weird muggle words?
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wrockthereread · 6 years
Chapter 12: The Mirror of Erised
Christmas is approaching. Malfoy teases Harry about having to stay at Hogwarts for the holiday, as he does not have parents. [“Christmas at Hogwarts” by Hungry Hungry Hippogriffs] Harry, however, is looking forward to spending Christmas away from the Dursleys, especially because Ron is also staying at Hogwarts, as Mr and Mrs Weasley are going to visit Ron's older brother Charlie in Romania. [“Wizard Chess” by Harry and the Potters] The day before the holidays, Hermione tears Ron and Harry away from a conversation with Hagrid to look in the library for more information about Nicolas Flamel. The librarian, Madam Pince, catches Harry prowling around the restricted-books section of the library and kicks him out.
On Christmas Day, Harry and Ron awaken to presents, though Harry's are fewer. [“I’ve Got Presents!” by Heart of Black] Harry receives a flute from Hagrid, a 50 pence coin from the Dursleys, some fudge and Chocolate Frogs from Hermione, and a knitted jumper from Ron's mother. [“Christmas Rock Cake” by The Bandon Banshees]; [“Weasley Sweater” by Starfish and Stick]; [“Maroon” by Slytherin Soundtrack] He also receives an Invisibility cloak accompanied only by an anonymous note telling him that the cloak once belonged to Harry's father and to "use it well." [“Invisiblity Cloak” by DJK Rowling]; [”Use It Well” by Hannah Moroz] That night, after a satisfying Christmas dinner and after Ron has fallen asleep, Harry tries on his Invisibility Cloak. [“Ron’s Woeful Christmas (The Sweater Song)” by The 8th Horcrux]; [“Sweaters” by Gred and Forge]; [“Christmastime at School” by Gred and Forge] Unseen, he is able to go to the library’s restricted-books section. [“Restricted Section” by The Curse Breakers] But one of the books starts screaming when he opens it, so he quickly leaves. [“Books of Magic (Live)” by Diagon Alley] He passes Filch and hides in an old classroom as Filch is getting Snape to help him search the corridors. [“The Dark Flash Green” by Eyes Like Mine] Inside stands an old mirror in a gold frame with the inscription "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi" ("I show not your face, but your heart's desire"). [“The Mirror” by Ollivander] Harry looks in the mirror and sees many people standing behind him, but when he turns around in the room, he sees no one. [“Family Portrait” by Sea Turtle Harmonic]; [“Erised” by Snidget] Suddenly, he recognises that two of the people in the mirror are his dead mother and father. [“Erised” by The Curse Breakers] He tries to speak to them, but they can only communicate by waving. Harry lingers there a while but eventually returns to his room.  [“Christmas Mirror” by The Butterbeer Experience]
The next night, Harry brings Ron with him to the mirror room. Ron does not see Harry’s parents in the mirror, but instead sees himself holding the Quidditch Cup. [“Sidekick” by How Airplanes Fly];  [“Mirror of Erised” by Stephanie and the Quaffles] Mrs Norris, Filch's prowling cat, notices them. On the third night, Ron is afraid of being caught and does not want to go back, as he does not trust the mirror, so Harry returns alone. [“Livin’ in a Mirror” by Harry and the Potters] There he finds Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore explains to Harry that the mirror, which is known as the Mirror of Erised, displays the deepest desires of whoever looks into it. [“Mirror of Erised” by Miranda Puffskein] Harry is relieved to find that Dumbledore is not angry. [“The Mirror” by Siriusly Hazza P] However, he warns Harry that men have wasted away and been driven mad before the mirror and informs Harry that the mirror will be moved to a new location and tells him not to go looking for it. [“Mirror of Erised” by Kirstyn Hippe]; [“Mirror Of Erised” by RiddleTM] When Harry asks what Dumbledore sees in the mirror, his answer is "himself holding a pair of socks." [“Socks!” by The 8th Horcrux]
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fremione5ever · 6 years
Does anyone else have a fan fiction pet peeve that makes it impossible for you to finish reading it? Like the story is going great and then something happens and you’re just like “I’m out.” In my case it’s people messing up which twin is Gred or Forge. Like the joke is that it corresponds to the letter on the sweater, so when people have Fred calling George “Forge” I have to stop reading. I know it’s dumb, but I can’t help it.
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nlghtshade · 5 years
#accents #animation #ao3 #art #au #behind the scenes #books #canon #edits #fanfiction #fandom #fic find #fic rec #gifs #headcanon #ideas #important #incorrect quotes #interviews #language #laughs #me #memes #movies #nsfw #outtakes #people #plot holes #puns #quotes #ship dynamics #the more you know #theories #to listen #to read #to watch #tumblr #want #world building
#sorcerers stone #chamber of secrets #prisoner of azkaban #goblet of fire #order of phoenix #half-blood prince #deathly hallows 
#cursed child #enobi #eyewitness #fantastic beasts #folklore #greek mythology #kill your darlings #mean girls #miraculous ladybug #my immortal #pottermore #potter puppet pals #roleplay
#bleur #blairon #blinny #deamus #drarry #drastoria #feltcliffe #golden trio&draco #harry&ginny #harry&ron #hedric #hinny #jily #linny #lucissa #pansmione #ron&draco #romione #scorbus #wolfstar
tropes/titles/traits (bang paths)
#abuse #angst #auror!draco #auror!harry #auror!ron #baker!draco #bed sharing #bi!harry #bi!ron #brave!draco #children #confident!harry #dada professor!harry #dark!harry #deaf!draco #deaf!harry #domestic #drunk!remus #fake dating #eighth year #epilogue #established relationship #ewe #fairy!draco #fashionable!harry #fem!harry #genius!draco #get back together #gryffindor!scorpius #hanahaki disease #headmaster #healer!draco #height difference #insecure!draco #jealous!draco #jealous!harry #major character death #matchmaker!ron #mental illness #merman!draco #metamorphmagus!draco #minister of magic!hermione #mob boss!harry #muggle!au #mutual pining #next gen #oblivious!harry #oblivious!ron #omega!verse #possessive!harry #prefect #professional seeker!harry #professor!draco #professor!harry #professor!lupin #prongsfoot friendship #proposal #pureblood #ravenclaw!albus #ravenclaw!scorpius #redeemed!draco #roommates #sassy!harry #secret relationship #slytherin!gred and forge #slytherin!albus #slytherin!harry #slytherin!ron #slytherin!triwizard tournament #snape bashing #soulmate!au #strategist!ron��#tattoos #truth or dare #unspeakable!draco #unspeakable!harry #vampire!draco #vampire!harry #veela!draco #youtuber!harry 
#aguamenti #alchemy #amortentia #ancient runes #animagus #apparition #aragog #arania exumai #arithmancy #astrology #avada kedavra #basilisk #boggart #buckbeak #care of magical creatures #charms #chocolate frogs #constellations #crucio #daily prophet #dark mark #death #death eaters #defense against the dark arts #dementors #divination #dragons #draught of living death #fiendfyre #flying #flying ford anglia #herbology #history of magic #horcruxes #house unity #incendio #legilimency #lumos #marauders map #merpeople #metamorphmagus #mirror of erised #morsmorde #muggle studies #muggles #nargle #nonverbal magic #nox #obliviate #owls #paper cranes #parselmouth #parseltongue #patronus #pensieve #periculum #petrificus totalus #piertotum locomotor #polyjuice potion #potions #pygmy puff #quidditch #reparo #scars #sectumsempra #seer #sily friendship #sleekeazy’s hair potion #snitch #spells #succubus #tales of beedle the bard #thestrals #time turner #transfiguration #unicorn blood #veela #vampire #vanishing cabinet #wands #weasley sweater #werewolf #wizarding house #yule ball
#azkaban #beauxbatons #black lake #castelobruxo #closet under the stairs #diagon alley #dungeons #durmstrang #forbidden forest #godrics hollow #grimmauld place #gringotts #gryffindor #hagrids hut #hogs head #hogsmeade #hogwarts #hogwarts express #hot topic #houses #hufflepuff #ilvermorny #kings cross #knockturn alley #mahoutokoro #malfoy manor #ministry of magic #platform 9 3/4 #potters cottage #ravenclaw #room of requirement #slytherin #the burrow #towers #triwizard tournament #uagadou #wizarding schools #yule ball
#albus dumbledore #alastor moody #albus severus potter #alice longbottom #andromeda tonks #angst #anthony goldstein #argus filch #arthur weasley
#bellatrix lestrange #bill weasley #blacks #blaise zabini #bloody baron
#cassius warrington #cedric diggory #cho chang #colin creevey #cornelius fudge #crookshanks #cuthbert binns
#dean thomas #dobby #dolores umbridge #dominique weasley #draco malfoy #dudley dursely #dursleys
#ernest macmillan 
#fat friar #fawkes #filius flitwick #fleamont potter #fleur delacour #frank longbottom #fred weasley #fred weasley ii
#garrick ollivander #george weasley #gilderoy lockhart #ginny weasley #godric gryffindor #golden trio #gred and forge #grey lady
#hannah abbott #harry potter #hedwig #helga hufflepuff #hermione granger #horace slughorn #hugo weasley
#igor karkaroff 
#james potter #james sirius potter
#lavendar brown #lily evans #lestranges #lily luna potter #longbottoms #louis weasley #lucius malfoy #lucy weasley #luna lovegood 
#malfoys #marauders #marjorie dursley #merlin #minerva mcgonagall #moaning myrtle #molly weasley #molly weasley ii #moony
#narcissa black #nearly-headless nick #neville longbottom #newt scamander #nymphadora tonks
#oliver wood
#padfoot #padma patil #pansy parkinson #parvati patil #peeves #peter pettigrew #pidwidgeon #pining #pomona sprout #poppy pomfrey #potters #prongs
#quirinus quirell
#regulus black #remus lupin #ron weasley #rose weasley #rowena ravenclaw #roxanne malfoy #roxanne weasley #rubeus hagrid
#salazar slytherin #scabbers #scorpius malfoy #seamus finnegan #severus snape #silver trio #sirius black #snivellus #sorting hat #sybill trelawney 
#ted tonks #teddy lupin #the fat lady #theodore nott #tom riddle 
#vernon dursley #victoire weasley #viktor krum #voldemort
#walburga black #weasleys #wormtail
#alan rickman #bertie gilbert #bonnie wright #dane dehaan #daniel radcliffe #david holmes #david thewlis #emma watson #evanna lynch #helen mccrory #helena bonham carter #imelda staunton #james phelps #jason isaacs #jk rowling #julie walters #maggie smith #mark williams #matthew lewis #natalia tena #oliver phelps #ralph fiennes #robbie coltrane #rupert grint #sir michael john gambon #tom felton #warwick davis
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titaniumelemental · 8 years
Oh! Another thing!
They specifically say that Ron’s Christmas sweater didn’t have a letter on it. I don’t think Harry’s does either, it’s specifically Fred and George that get initials. The specific line is “You haven’t got a letter on yours, I suppose she thinks you don’t forget your name. But we’re not stupid — we know we’re called Gred and Forge.”
(On the other hand, Percy’s does have a letter, I’m not sure why)
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