#their name is asteria
tinygayproductions · 1 year
making an oc for hades to be a silly disaster lesbian?
yes actually
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asteria7fics · 6 months
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Since the rebrand was so popular, here are some close-ups of the boys' teen designs (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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friberchi · 1 year
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made her as a Fighter in the end
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sunlitmcgee · 7 months
anyway I also wanna share this! lil lady. I got from an Awany on FurA as a base adoptable. I do not yet know what sort of personality she has or what her story may be, but I've just wanted a protogen for a bit, so I figured "Hey if you can't draw one, pay someone to design it for you."
I think I will call her Asteria
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Please consider checking Anway out and maybe look at the adopt eggs I got her from <3
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yueasuka · 2 years
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asteria-argo · 7 months
here's a bit from the next chapter! I'm going to try and get it finished by today so I can post it for my birthday but I've still got a ways to go. In the meantime, ✨drama✨
“Fine.” He spits, the ticking in his jaw picking up like he has to force it out “but I’ve got one condition.” “What?” “You tell Lasso he isn’t welcome in my fucking classroom.” Jamie says “I’m not messing around, I don’t want him in here, I don’t want him near my kids. He can check on Sam in the hallway if he has too.”
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ibuprofenkitten · 2 days
wait is the little fairy from bg3 gay gay or is he just… gay.
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hermesmoly · 3 months
Hesiod, Theogony 404 ff : "Asteria of happy name, whom Perses once led to his great house to be called his dear wife. And she conceived and bare Hekate (Hecate)."
Another translation:
"And she bore auspicious Asteria, whom Perses once, Led to his house to be called his dear wife."
This is the one (1) passage we have of Hecate's parents and as short as it is it ruins me. Most passages in the Theogony have the relationships explained as "mingled in love", "mastered in love", "whom they bore" "came to the bed" and so on. Language used to explain who copulates with who. But this passage makes a point to show an image of romance: Perses leading Asteria to their home, that she was dear to him (the word dear is only used in the Theogony 4 times, and 3/4 of this is non-romantic but still important relationships).
We know about Asteria's fate, but what of Perses? I like to think he chose to side with his daughter in the Titanomachy, as Hecate, one revered by Zeus himself, is often referred to as "Perses' daughter" more so than as a child of Asteria. (Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 3. 1035 (trans. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) : "Hekate, Perses' only daughter (mounogenes)."Lycophron, Alexandra 1174 (trans. Mair) (Greek poet C3rd B.C.) : "The maiden daughter of Perseus, Brimo [Hekate] Trimorphos (the three-formed)." Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 19 (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.) : "Tender-hearted Hekate (Hecate), bright-coiffed, the daughter of Persaios (Persaeus).") Of course, this doesn't indicate any relationship with both of them (since Hecate's backstory is as hidden as it is) but it does make me believe Hecate likes her father enough to not mind being called his daughter. He also might be the only god who is a widower.
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arty-ffxiv · 3 months
Count(Down) to Dawntrail: Day V - Endwalker
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“She’s late,” Hades gumbled to himself.
“Be patient- you know she’s not the type to forget.” Hades let out a long, heavy sigh. Hythlodaeus was nothing if not an optimist. Irritatingly so.
A warm breeze picked up, sending the sweet scent of flowers dancing across Elpis. Another beautiful, peaceful day.
And yet.
She was late.
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“I can’t wait all day,” Hades began again, “Unlike some, I have important work to do.”
If Hythlodaeus heard his comment, he didn’t give any indication. He continued to lounge on the strewn carpets of the Mourning Dew, watching as a minuscule petalouma fluttered upon his outstretched finger. Hades didn’t know where he’d found it, nor who had decided to make the beast so absurdly small.
Hades scowled and scoffed again, louder this time.
“If she’s not here in the next-”
“-Hades, I’m hurt! You didn’t think I’d leave you waiting too long, now?” The feminine voice chastised playfully and Hades’ gaze snapped up to meet hers.
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“About time, Azem.”
“Bah, formalities!” She grimaced, making Hythlodaeus laugh.
“It’s good to see you again,” Hythlodaeus sat up and petted the ground at his side. She grinned, taking Hades’ arm in hers despite his protests and dragging him over to sit with them.
“It's good to be back! Thank you both for meeting me- it’s been too long since we had the chance to share the same space.”
Hades rolled his eyes, but then she grinned at him with such disarming, radiant joy that he couldn’t help but let his earlier irritation abate. His greeting came at a whisper.
“...Welcome home, Hestia.”
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kresnikcest · 5 months
mauro reminded me but i think part of the reason why i can't write rays!victor talking to asteria!elle is because. how the fuck do you explain asteria!victor's actions.
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minhosimthings · 8 months
Hey yall just wanted to let you guys know (because I'm bored) that my official actual Christian name is Asteria
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hailtothebubble · 1 year
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POV you asked her if she's dressed as Dave Strider
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asteria7fics · 3 months
Could you share some EWILY Cartman headcanons with the class? 👀
HAPPILY!! ( • ̀ω•́ )✧
My usual housekeeping: There WILL be spoilers for EWILY through chapter 11. If you haven’t caught up yet, then go read that first! (It’s a lot I’m so sorry)
Also, I’m going to include a few NSFW headcanons here… because I want to. They will be clearly marked though!
Without further ado, some of my Cartman headcanons!
Alright, first and foremost let’s get some of the basics out of the way. When I set out to write EWILY, I had a really specific image of what I wanted Eric to be like. He was actually the first character design I started drafting… while waiting at the hospital for my niece to be born ahaha.
Like, he had to be a bit of a neckbeard, Discord Mod loser. I’m sorry, I simply cannot imagine teenage dirtbag Eric being any other way.
So obviously I've posted the actual illustrations of all the boys, but Eric's appearance was one I was actually pretty nervous about. I don't see a ton of depictions of him having the longest hair, or being a bit scruffy looking in general. Though I agree that he probably does actually have decent hygiene habits typically, he's... Going through it in EWILY.
I also couldn’t imagine him being popular, because despite him honestly being pretty charismatic he’s still a despicable asshole and everyone in town is so used to his bullshit by this point that they’ve all but given up any hope that he’ll ever improve as a human being. His charms have become obvious manipulation by the time EWILY begins.
There is an actual story behind why the main 5 are no longer cool with him (for the most part), as is briefly referenced in chapter 7 before all hell broke loose, but that’s a story for another day.
Unfortunately, I also felt that Eric had to be smart. Is he taking all the same classes as Kyle just to fucking harass him? A little bit, though he would say it’s to ‘keep an eye on that conniving Jew’, but I think it’s pretty clear that he is actually a pretty smart and creative kid, he just doesn’t typically apply himself. Without friends to get into trouble with though, what else is he supposed to do?
I should also probably address the… antisemitism. I mean, it’s literally canon, as is him being a racist piece of shit, among other things. Look, I think there’s a time and a place to sanitize Eric’s character at least a little bit, but doing too much loses a quintessential piece of what makes him tick. I’m not gonna go into what makes people embrace bigotry, but suffice to say I personally believe a lot of his comes from ignorance and fear, especially the latter as he gets older.
On the flip side of that, I thought it would be super funny to give Eric a major fetish for Asian women! Partially inspired by my own love of k-pop, and partially from some comments Trey has made about his own… preferences, at least ones he had when he was younger. I actually pull a lot of inspiration for all of the boys from Those Bastards, despite my better judgement. It does have the nice effect of making them feel more real, though!
It also gave me the opportunity to make a very funny joke about his favorite member of a particular k-pop girl group, who has been majorly blasted online for wearing a shirt with a swastika on it… look, I saw my opportunity and I took it. The kids who got it, got it lmao.
I suppose this is a good opportunity to transition into some NSFW headcanons. This is your warning! I’ll mark the end of the NSFW stuff so you can skip it if you’d prefer!
Despite being pretty outwardly homophobic towards his friends, Eric is not straight lmao. He sure wants to THINK he is, but he’s bisexual at LEAST with a slightly stronger leaning towards women.
Initially, Eric is very confident that he needs to be the dominant one in the relationship. He would prefer women that seem submissive (hence the super racist Asian fetish, oof king just cannot be normal) and can be pretty easily manipulated, which is! Objectively gross! Bad Eric!!
Being one of the most sexual kids in the show (yes I do have a mental ranking), my brother is fucking nasty. Definitely was the one that got Stan mildly addicted to porn for a hot minute there (a headcanon I never explore but definitely need to), has a massive and extensive collection of pornography on his computer, on top of frequenting OnlyFans.
Eventually though, when he finally gets to actually feel the touch of another human being he gets over that need to be on top, literally and metaphorically. He relinquishes control VERY slowly, but eventually with a LOT of trust lets his partner have more power in the bedroom.
Also, his gf eventually definitely pegs him. Try and tell me I’m wrong. Do they get even nastier? Absolutely, but I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination. (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
ANYWAY! Back to the normal stuff. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Speaking of his girlfriend, I know it's not popular but I adore loverboy Eric. The idea of him fighting so hard to be a good person just to maintain an important relationship is *chef's kiss*
Now I won't formally diagnose Eric with anything, but he definitely has some... Antisocial tendencies. We see him visit a therapist a couple of times in canon, and I think he would keep that up until about the time his friends ditch him. Entering his social recluse era oof. He definitely stops seeing the point in improving himself when people are going to abandon him anyway.
So of course, he's still not a very good partner. I would get into his relationship with Yen more but, like with all the relationships in EWILY it's... Complicated.
Alright, I’m gonna do some quick-fire headcanons to get the rest of my thoughts out ahaha
Is the shortest of the main 5 - yes, even shorter than Kenny, but only by a couple of inches. This wasn’t always the case though, and was actually the tallest when they were kids. (TSOB era)
He and Butters have the smallest wieners. RIP sorry loser it’s canon.
Never really got over his little crush on Wendy. Funny how he’s still into girls with dark hair… (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
Desperately wants another cat, but Liane has really only put her foot down about this one thing after what happened to Mr. Kitty. Sorry, I had to remind you.
Definitely still packs heat, but doesn’t get away with bringing it to school.
Hardcore schemer still and does all kinds of questionable shit to make money. You know, instead of just getting a normal job.
Wears those super long cargo shorts year-round. Claims he ‘doesn’t feel cold’ but definitely does.
Met Yen in a random Discord server, one he became pretty popular in. Still has lots of online friends that only really know the persona he puts on for them.
Man, what else is there...
I suppose this is a good place to drop some of the other things I've put together for him! You can look at his Pinterest board here, and his Spotify playlist here!
Okay, I seriously need to stop you guys, but I could talk about Cartman all day. Literally my son oh my god he’s so silly!!! I hope this was a sufficient answer for you, dear anon! I’m always happy to share my thoughts and feelings about these dudes!!
Thank you for the ask!! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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airanke · 8 months
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I have no idea which one is a more me vibe, and now I'm wondering if I should get my hair cut like this again, but then I rmb that I absolutely despise how I look with short hair (I just like how I draw it).
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censoredhysteria · 2 months
poppy likes ayesha erotica and sir mix-a-lot
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matoposen · 3 months
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A sunflower facing a sunflower
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