midnightactual · 1 year
Annoying, younger Shihoin cousin? 😂
[ I can see it; tbh Yoruichi's mental impression of the Shihōin Clan probably has a similar vibe to the Camelot scene from Monty Python & the Holy Grail so she'd fit right in ]
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obsidiennes · 2 years
@the-lightning-underdog wrote:
"Just because I can light up like one doesn't mean it's a cool nickname."
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"Hey! Lighthead!"
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uraharashouten · 3 years
Many Happy Returns
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Tessai folded his arms and surveyed the scene slowly, giving it a final appraisal. Though it was a quarter to ten the night of December 31, the artificial sky had been set to ‘sunset’ and would flow gradually through ‘twilight’ to ‘night’ over the next two hours. It was part of the ambience, as were the many multicolored lighting effects creating a festive glow. He had spent most of the prior week preparing for this joint celebration, an annual event ever since he’d had done with the prior disregard for Urahara-dono and Yoruichi-dono’s birthdays, falling, as they did, around the New Year holiday. They would not be forgotten, not on his watch. Thus, the tradition continued, and invitations had been sent out.
The setting sun was square-shaped. The rocky outcroppings and distant cliff walls of the Shōten underground area, guests would notice, had taken on an unusual blocky appearance, replete with lava flows and waterfalls. A holographic reference to Minecraft as this year’s decorating theme had been Jinta’s idea, and Tessai was all too amused to implement the scene as an homage to the honorees’ penchant for kitting out subterranean spaces. In a prominent area, cleverly blending in with the aesthetic, was a meter-high karaoke stage. A banquet table stood nearby, already laid out with a buffet of savories and sweets. Conveniently close but discreetly obscured by scenery, he had set up a field kitchen, putting to heavy use Yoruichi’s Christmas gifts of the Roccbox pizza oven and the American-style outdoor grill and smoker, and she, along with the rest of his guests, would soon taste the depth of his appreciation. A 7-kilogram hunk of Australian wagyu beef brisket had been occupying the latter, marinating in a smoldering haze from locally-sourced cherry wood for the past fifteen hours. 
“Oi! Mic check!” came Jinta’s amplified voice from the PA system. “Testing, testing – three, two one –” The following explosion of beatboxing drew a smile from Tessai. The young man had talent, and he’d earned a moment to enjoy the equipment he’d just set up.
“They’ll be here soon!” Ururu called down from a square-shaped hole in the sky at the top of the old ladder. For some time now, guests had no longer had to brave this awkward descent, but direct access from the dining room still had its conveniences.
“Is the freight elevator prepared?” 
“The projectors are on, if that���s what you mean.”  The illusion would begin the moment they stepped into what appeared to be an oversized mine cart to begin their virtual descent through the ‘shaft.’  “I’m ready to show them in.”
Tessai nodded, then gave one final scan, satisfied that all the various and sundry activities were prepared to his standards. He was, after all, an excellent host.
* * *
The party was in full swing, swirling with guests, music, lights and life. The keg had been tapped and Jinta was challenging Grimmjow (@deivorous​​) at beer pong, seeming to relish having found a worthy opponent. Since coming of age, he’d dedicated himself to mastering the sport. Ururu, meanwhile, was teaching hanetsuki to Udyati (@dvarapala​) and Nemuri (@kxrotsuchi​​) as Tōshirō (@ryusxnka​) and Mayuri (@kxrotsuchi​) looked on, both clearly appreciating the training far more than the gauche and garish soirée around them. Tessai was pleased to see that the two less-sociable captains had deigned to attend at all, and had both found some sort of acceptable entertainment. Off in an obscure corner, the Hōgyoku (@sphaeraa​) stood on the ceiling in scowling observation, and Tessai smiled at his sudden inversion of posture and attitude upon Shutara’s (@behindthestrings​​​) fashionably late and characteristically dramatic entrance.
Hiyori (@viciousvizard​) had found the brisket and appeared bent on challenging Yoruichi (@midnightactual) to some sort of eating contest. Alas, she must wait; the latter was holding forth on the karaoke stage while Yuuno (@ice-cold-shihoin​), Kouta (@the-lightning-underdog​), and Soi Fon (@waspandr​) cheered their encouragement. It must have been the spinning disco ball that inspired Shinji (@hirako5hinji​) to swing himself up and join her in an impromptu duet of Donna Summer’s This Time I Know It’s for Real. Kūkaku (@crashingheavens​), the apparent target of Yoruichi’s eye contact, returned it with an exuberant grin. Tessai was certain his guests were looking forward to her midnight fireworks display, as, of course, was he. Near the buffet table stood Adelha (@adelha-mathilde​), recently returned from Germany just in time to attend, chatting pleasantly with Isshin (@hisdaddy​) and Ryuuken (@xyuuken​) beneath a small cloud of tobacco smoke.
Tessai’s brow furrowed as he peered about. Where had Kisuke slipped off to? ...Aha – there he was. The gleaming white lab coat he’d donned (a recent gift from Ryuuken) made him easier to track. That had been his concession to heartfelt pleas to dress nicely.  Beneath it, he wore a button-down shirt and tie — and had left the hat behind. He was watching the stage from a quieter vantage point, engaged in conversation with their newest and perhaps most unexpected resident, Szayelapporo Granz (@behindthestrings​), as Birdy (@cosmacy) and Kara (@orphanedshadow​) curiously looked on. Heaven and Hell appeared to be well-represented.
Satisfied with his work, Tessai turned to replenish the buffet table, only to encounter Akane (@akanekishimoto​). “Ah! It is good to have you with us again, Akane-dono.” He gestured to the spread. “Have you sampled the Smörgåsbord?”
“This is good.” Tessai recognized at once both the presence and voice of Benihime (@crimsonprincessbenihime​​​), manifested and towering behind him, offering him her praise. He found his glasses fogging, and raised a hand to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye. 
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“Thank you, Hidenka-sama.” Yes, it was good… to see all of them enjoying themselves.
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crashingheavens · 3 years
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Holidays Ask Meme (x)
@the-lightning-underdog​ said:
🌿 (well this is very awkward)
Standing at the front door, Kukaku waited patiently alongside Kouta while Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko gathered the last few gifts intended for the inhabitants of the shouten. Naturally, most of them were pyrotechnics, fireworks, sparklers,  but Kukaku had added a few more personal presents into the mix as well. What those held, well, they'd have to find out for themselves come Christmas day.
A few minutes had passed since her tutors-turned-assistants had left, and ever since, she'd noticed the lad squirming. She arched a brow, side-eyeing him while he wriggled to and fro.
"What in the hell are you getting all fidgety for now, kid?" Kukaku questioned, watching the lads' eyes darting above and down to her again in an almost...nervous fashion? Gradually then, she'd turned her head up, catching sight of one of the many, many mistletoes she'd had hung throughout the corridors and doorways and...She burst out laughing.
"That's what's got you doing a piss-jig?" She cackled, bringing her hand up to wipe a tear from her eye as the laughter settled.
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"C'mere, you've been helpful today so, I'll give ya a treat," Hardly giving Kouta the chance to talk back, she reached her hand out to grab him by the collar and pull him over for a chaste but spirited locking of lips.
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glacies-tempestatem · 4 years
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@the-lightning-underdog​ said:  💐
Send 💐 for your muse to give mine a bouquet of flowers
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—[ 氷の女王]— A subtle smile drew on her lips. It was the perfect occasion to gift flowers, and was a reminder that spring is coming. White and red tulips perfectly interspersed. It was visually gorgeous and even from the distance, she could smell the exquisite perfume of them. She approached and took them while she kissed his cheek.
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“Thanks, this means a lot for me.”
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reapersofknowledge · 4 years
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Whether it was because he was technically her superior officer, or more likely the fact that Askin was far more durable than someone this rage-inducing had any right to be, but teasing Candice never turned out too poorly for him. 
“It’s been well-documented that reishi-based lightning is unable to kill me. Surely either Yoruichi or Urahara told you about that part of our battle? Even if Candice’s is more powerful, my ability can adapt to it all the same.”
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benihimearatame · 4 years
@the-lightning-underdog | Kouta Marafuji
The shop today was a bit of a mess due to someone’s antics (Kisuke), trying to do some research to outrun Mayuri Kurotsuchi on a particular topic. It was always a race between those two. By the time he was done, there were papers all over the place and evening had already arrived.
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“Kouta-kun. Help me clean up this mess, will you?” 
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donner-katze · 5 years
[ Continued from here ] 
He simply rolled his eyes at her snarky comment. “Yeah yeah yeah. Well you look like you’re ‘adapting’ just fine regardless. You get used to living here in the world of the living.” Kouta added. He then immediately went back to her comment about 'helping’ Kisuke. “Oh yeah! And how long have you and Kisuke been business partners??? I just found out about that shit the other day!” 
               “ What’s there to adapt to? Life in Schatten Bereich and life in the Living World aren’t that different. Your boss and I struck up a lucrative partnership recently, ” Candice boasted flippantly. Exactly, how lucrative, she had no idea. Kisuke hadn’t exactly expounded on the details yet. 
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         She shot him a suspicious stare.
               “ Why would it matter to you, anyway? ”
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midnightactual · 1 year
@the-lightning-underdog replied:
"I'm literally right here. I can hear you..."
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"Oh? Did you hear that? Creepy. This place might be haunted."
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obsidiennes · 2 years
@the-lightning-underdog wrote:
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“Why would I say that? If I was going to quote a movie like that I’d do something like point at Kurotsuchi and yell, ‘HEY, LIGHTHEAD! HEY, CHRISTMAS TREE’!”
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uraharashouten · 4 years
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@the-lightning-underdog​ said:
"Where do we keep the really super premium stash of chocolates? I'm trying to rustle up some gifts for Candice for Valentine's Day."
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The super-premium stash—?
.............of chocolates. For Valentine’s Day. Oh. Well, that changed things.
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“Are you certain you want to give her chocolates? Which of you wears the pants in that relationship?” Actually, they both did. Hm. “Does this mean you’ll be expecting a gift from her for White Day? —But if you insist on acknowledging the holiday, perhaps a nice bouquet would suit better? Maybe one with some... lush foliage...”
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crashingheavens · 3 years
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Christmas Sentence Starters (x)
@the-lightning-underdog​ said:
“It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas!”
Kukaku squinted, watching the lad jump and ricochet around the place like a little kid, all the while shouting about Christmas. He kinda reminded her of Ganju if she were honest. Maybe that’s why, for the most part, she had intended to let him be, he'd tire himself out eventually, but, then when he got a little too close to her and near knocked the pipe from her hand, that's when she decided this fit of joy or, whatever needed to be put to an end. Reeling her arm back, she'd swing her fist forward, slamming her knuckles square into the kid's skull and effectively knocking him off his bouncy little feet.
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"It's December 17th! Christmas is still a whole week away!" She barked.
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 continued from x
Suzuran raised a plum brow high as Urahara’s little test subject was prattling on knowledge that she kind of already knew. Didn’t matter, still looked like a giant cement bootyhole. It wasn’t long before they were both cackling like Hyenas “ You know there’s a Statue of Mothman somewhere, it has a fat ass”
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windstormwielding · 3 years
Troy Baker, using something closer to his normal speaking voice.
via What does my muse’s voice sound like to you?
Hm... Not sure if I hear it too too well there myself, admittedly. I’ve a feeling Baker’s voice might be a little deeper than what I might’ve envisioned for Kōta. But, at least it gave me a better idea on what to look for at least, so cheers for that!
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That said, I think you actually just helped me find the perfect English voiceclaim for Shigeru (on @bellringerbrawler​) in the process? Strong delinquent vibes with Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4 here, a splash of pompous and cocky with Pyrrhon from Kid Icarus: Uprising there... Yeah, now that I can hear! I think it complements his JP voiceclaim pick there nicely!
Sidenote – huh, didn’t realize Baker voiced Jin Kariya way back when...
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glacies-tempestatem · 5 years
He simply looked at her in her response and casually dodged the pillow when she flung it at him. He was still trying to process what happened the night before that lead to this confusing event.
He scowled at her comment. “Well, shit…you sure as hell didn’t seem to mind from all the moaning and noise you were making last night.” he snapped.
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—[ 氷の女王]— She sighed bothered because he missed her attack. In certain sense, he was right, but she is impressed because Rukia cannot remember when how could had made those marks on her shoulders. “One thing is moan while both of us have fun, and other different is being a wild animal as you were with me. I don’t know how I’ll hide this marks” Expressed annoyed while she was looking the bruises.
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reapersofknowledge · 4 years
@the-lightning-underdog​ from here (x)
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“I wasn’t implying anything of the sort, but seeing as how you’re consorting with a mad scientist to counter the work of another mad scientist, perhaps you felt as though rejecting that label was necessary.” Askin merely shrugged in response, not particularly caring either way but he couldn’t pass up a chance to rile a dog of Urahara’s. 
“So, what are you even seeking to accomplish?”
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