#[[ drabble ]]
The old hero looks out over the city. Landmarks stained with his blood are now polished clean and refaced. The wails of people in need ring in his head, a cacophony that drowns out the sweet morning silence that envelops the city.
The last few years have been a dog fight. He tastes pavement on his tongue and his eyes are hot with phantom swelling. His hands are cracked and warped into permanent fists, his knees weak from the strain of carrying every civilian out of the line of fire.
He’s lived through pure will alone for the last 37 months. Every tomorrow has been a closed door he has to beat in the moment he turns to face it. His biggest enemy became not the Villain but rather the encroaching sun through the half-closed blinds of his own bedroom.
He stares at the mask in his hands. The feel of the wind on his bare face makes him feel new. Vulnerable. Reborn. His hands curl around the fabric and he blinks back tears.
“Living becomes possible eventually,” he murmurs.
When he stands, he leaves his mask on the rooftop to blow away the next time the wind changes.
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cute-sucker · 20 hours
overstimulated gf x rafe cameron
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the days were sweltering hot, and you could barely take it, feeling so overstimulated you felt like you would cry.
all it would take would be a slight comment for your eyes to start watering, so you knew it was a good decision to carefully walk down to rafe's truck. good thing your boyfriend was always willing to turn on the ac as much as you wanted.
the minute you jumped into the car, rafe leaned in closer to give you a kiss with puckered lips, an easy grin on his face, "there's my pretty girl," he murmured fixing your seat before grazing your face with his fingers.
you grimaced looking away pushing a hand to move him away, pink skirt fluttering as you redid your lipgloss. rafe looked at you with a raised eyebrow, gruffly muttering something under his breath after your rejection.
"i'm all gross, rafe. can't deal with it," you groaned, rubbing your hands in your hair to make it look better, "shit, this heat is really getting to me."
"c'mere, what the hell does it matter?" he groaned ignoring your meek protests before grabbing your face to give you a proper kiss, "i've seen you worse," then he gave you a suggestive smile as you smiled shyly, rubbing your face on his shoulder as he muttered in approval.  
"that wasn't so hard, was it?"
you hide your smile now, humming softly. giving him a slight look you adjust the toggle of the air conditioning, feeling the chilly breeze cool you. rafe looked at you bewildered as you turned it up the whole way, a cheeky smile on your face. you knew he couldn't stop you. you knew he didn't have it in him.  
"y'know i turned it on before you came in? spent five minutes fermenting in this fuckin' cold"
now you rolled your eyes, fixing your necklace to make sure it was on display. sometimes that was how you won arguments, you just flashed your little necklace that had a 'r,' on it, and you swore rafe's eyes went glossy before he coughed to stop himself to kissing you. it worked every single time, but this time he was scowling, shaking his head as he continued to drive.
you nudged him gently with your manicured finger, "rafe? rafe...rafe?" you whispered in his ear, before he let out a small groan slowly pulling over the car.
"what is it?"
you bit your lip, fidgeting before you looked up.
"spit it out."
you sighed, "i can't deal with the weather rafe. it makes me feel super ichy, and disgusting. i need this. i really do." now you're practically whispering, looking up at him with wide doe eyes. you watch him close his eyes, gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turn white.
finally he let out a soft sigh, as he ran a hand through his hair as if it made sense to him. sometimes he talked to you about his sensory issues as well, in that soft offhanded way, telling you how it irritated him the way that the tv was loud enough to make his head burn, or the way the tags on his t-shirts had to cut off properly, and now you wished that he would understand.
you shivered now, like a frail leaf on an autumn day, hoping that you wouldn't be met with his cruel words, hoping that he'll understand and somehow, somehow he places a warm hand on your waist, a gentle frown on his face.
and in true rafe fashion, he gives you a small pat on your head, pulling the car back into drive, and he's practically cooing now but there's a sweet edge to his words as if he's pulling you apart like cotton candy.
"yea', jesus, i should have known better," and then he tosses a cd into your lap, and you know he's trying to apologise through his actions as he gives you a soft kiss the on the forehead
"c'mon put on one of those cheesy songs."
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starrydragoness · 1 day
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Contents: smut, Minors and ageless blogs DNI, 18+, AFAB reader, overstimulation, heat. Pretty fox man has my brain rotting
Words: 287
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Imagine the soft little purrs Jiaoqiu lets out as he ruts his hips against yours, one hand on your hip put you at an angle, while the other hand restlessly kneads at your breast, teasing the nipple between his thumb and forefinger before taking it in his mouth. Your legs dangled around his waist, twitching as pleasure zapped and rippled through your core.
The lewd sound of his cock disappearing into your cunt over and over again driving you wild, your mind far too dizzy and messy to form coherent words, only moans of his name and babbless. Jiaoqiu coos at you, his ears flattening against his head as he dips his face in your neck, lips nipping at your marked skin, hot breath fanning against it and sending shivers down your spine. “You can handle one more, can’t you..? For me, hmm? I know you can, you've done so well for me.. mmm, good girl” he purrs, voice dripping with need, desperate to chase the pleasure and push you into another wave of ecstasy.
The fluff of his tail tickles your legs as it languidly wags behind him, showing his excitement. “It’s too much-” you gasp as you stretch and arch your back, skin glistening with a fine sheen of sweat, but your response earns a tut in your ear and a nip of his teeth along your jaw. “Just one more..” he says, whining as he pushes his hips faster into your heat, hiding his face in your neck and letting his teeth leave more pretty purple flowers across your skin. You feel too full, too overstimulated, but it all feels too good, you need more, it’s intoxicating. More, more, more..
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Ⓒ starrydragoness. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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emperorsfoot · 1 day
A tired wildlife rescue worker, coffee in hand, walks out in the morning and finds Superman hovering outside, holding a struggling badger in his arms. Superman is uninjured, but his costume is all torn up, his hair is messy, and Superman looks like (even though he's invulnerable and can't be hurt) he lost this fight.
The tired wildlife rescuer has to wonder where and how Superman crossed paths with a badger.
-cut away, several hours earlier-
Bruce is having his Alfred-mandated 'normal' bonding time with his kids, tossing a ball around the backyard. Bruce is 37-hours without sleep and running off energy drinks that would be outlawed anywhere else besides America, he fumbles the ball and has to go get it.
He finds a badger on his property instead.
Batman is very good at sizing up an opponent. He recognizes that this is a fight he should not pick.
He pulls out his phone. "Hey, Clark, you're good with animals, right?"
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twopeoplee · 3 days
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thinking about abby wrapping her strong ass arms around your waist while she slowly kisses your beautiful neck, maybe leaving some hickeys that you definitely will have to cover up with makeup.
she kept praising you, saying things like “you’re so pretty” or like “only my princess gets to be wrapped around this arms” you loved it when she praised you, specially when she called you her princess bc let’s be honest, you’re her princess!!
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a/n: this is my first time writing this kinda stuff 😭 came out pretty basic and short, but i HAD to write abt this. reposts are very much appreciated!
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joemama-2 · 17 hours
nanami kento has always been a patient man. he’s respectful and doesn’t talk to unless spoken to. he doesn’t like most people, might even hate some. but you’re not the type of person he would exactly hate, unlike a certain someone. he thinks you’re kind, polite, you always bow respectfully to your seniors, you diligently complete every task that’s asked of you. there’s also one more thing about you….he just cant put his finger on it. maybe you’re just tolerable, yeah that’s it.
you’re not a sorcerer, at least not a very good one. it’s why you’ve opted to be an auxiliary manager like ijichi and akari. “as long as i get to help the sorcerers in battle, i’m fine with whatever position i’ve been assigned.” you would say with a big and warm smile, innocently, naively. he thinks you’re too good for such a rotten society, something like that will get people killed. and he doesn’t want you on that list.
when he first met you back in high school, he didn’t think much of you. you weren’t a special grade, you didn’t have any awesome technique, you were just simply there. maybe you have connections, he thought. because there’s no way someone like you was admitted into tokyo jujutsu high. to this day, he doesn’t know how you did it. maybe you have some super cool talent that you didn’t like showing, maybe you just won over everyone’s hearts and they felt pity for you, he’ll never be a belt o find out. that’s one of his many regrets.
his other regrets are letting himself grow attached for no reason. no matter what, his eyes had a mind of his own, searching and scanning any room or environment for your figure. he chalks it up to protectiveness, you weren’t strong like he was and he didn’t want to see another comrade die. because thats all you were, a comrade. a comrade. a comrade. he chants this mantra into his mind every morning.
nanami didn’t know how it happened, but one thing led to another and he was always alone with you. comfortable silence was what he loved the most. you two could sit together for hours in a flower field you came across one day, just watching the sky and clouds form random shapes. you liked when they made hearts and little animals. although he always argued that they’re just clouds.
but, clouds almost reminded him of you. free, soft, floating around from place to place, and residing high in the sky. because he knew, no matter what, you were one of the few people who would go to heaven in this sick world, sick society. you belonged in heaven, you looked like an angel, acted like a goddess.
“let’s go to malaysia together.” you told him randomly one day, seeing an ad pop up about a beautiful vacation spot. kuantan. he didn’t take you too seriously. malaysia? out of all places? he didn’t see the hype.
all these thoughts flood his brain when he sees your body, looking lifeless and bloody, next to ijichi. you two have huge stab wounds in your mid-section. however, you have a bit more than your co-part, clear signs of your fight. even when you know you don’t have the upper hand, you won’t hesitate to fight back.
it’s hard as he carries you two, having to make sure ijichi doesn’t fall off his back while simultaneously holding you close to his chest. his heart twists and turns, stomach churning the entirety of the slow walk he does to bring you two back to ieiri. his mind is running rampant, constantly looking down at you. you can’t be dead, he thinks. neither of you two are dead, he can’t see more comrades die.
it’s almost weird to him how his throat tightens, tears stinging at his eyes. you don’t move, head lolling to the side as barely a sign of a breath is escaping your lips. your skin is pale and bruising. he hates it, hates how you look, hates how hurt you are, hates how he wasn’t there to stop it and protect you.
he sets you down first once he reaches shoko, handing the passed out ijichi to her. finally, he kneels down, taking in your appearance. nanami rarely gets mad, at least not seriously. but this time, he’s absolutely furious. silently seething as he breathing gets heavy. his fists clench by his side, nails drawing blood into the skin.
he gets up, no being able to stand how you look. but, he forgets you’re a fighter, forget that no matter what, you look out for sorcerers. out for him.
“kento….” you straggle out, hand weakly clutching onto his. you can barely keep your eyelids open. you mutter out the next few words. “…man….blonde……ponytail……s-sword….”
ah, he thinks. that’s his target.
he gulps, simply nodding. but your hand stays clutched onto his. using all your strength, you open your eyes wider, and he hates the tears that form in them. “….come back to me please…..”
he feels like crying with you. but he can’t, not now at least. he kneels down again, bringing the back if your hand up to his lips to press feather light kisses to each knuckle. his other hand gently uses his thumb to wipe your tears, treating you with utmost care. “kuantan,” he murmurs. “when this is all over, i’ll take you.”
you weakly chuckle, more tears falling at this point. “..p-promise..?”
he hesitates, but you notice. “promise.“ he says back, leaning down to give your forehead a kiss, sealing the promise. he places your hand back to your stomach before getting up to leave, not before sparing you one last glance.
and as you watch him leave, you don’t even know that it’s the last time you’ll ever see him, last time he’ll ever see you. because you trust his word, trusted that he’d come back.
nanami leaves with a heavy heart, staring death in the face and yet all he can think about is you. there’s many regrets he has.
he broke your guys’ promise, he hopes you won’t stay mad at him.
he won’t be able to take you to kuantan.
he won’t be able to see you, hold you, talk to you.
and finally, he wasn’t able to confess that he loved the simplicity. that he loved you.
he’ll see you again, in heaven and in another life. until then, he’ll watch over you. because nanami kento has always been a patient man.
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I like to think that sukuna has a folder in his phone just dedicated to taking pictures of you knocked out after he had just fucked the living shit out of you. Just thinking about the way you’d doze off as he drags his cock out of you slowly, succeeding in making you cum multiple times. He’s dedicated to it too. Its like a routine to him to capture your sleepy face right after a good fucking. He shows you later and you get all whiny
“Omggg. Delete that, it’s so embarrassing.”
But he’ll just pretend to delete it and jerk off to it later.
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The Machinist 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible bullying, misogyny, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your new boss sets his sights on you. (short!reader)
Characters: August Walker
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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You take your lunch where you always do; outside. You don’t like to sit inside all day, especially after sweating amid sparks flying from dozens of torches and grinding wheels and the like. The metals walls do little to let the heat out, so it is that you greet the sunshine and fresh breeze with a sigh. 
You find your way to your truck and unlock the back, climbing up to sit in the open bed as you unzip your lunchbox. You have your standard fare; some carrots, hummus, and a tuna sandwich. Nothing fancy or special. Just what you have time to throw together in the morning. 
You watch the distant skyline as you chew. Insects buzz in the air and you swat away a nosy fly. The smell of pollen underlines the lingering scent of singed metal and your own sweat. You enjoy the small moment to yourself, with the barely muffled noise of drills, wheels, and hollers all around. 
You dip your last carrot and close up the container of hummus. You wipe the lingering garlicky smear from your fingertips and zip away your leftovers and the used napkin. You push your head back to stretch your neck and loosen the stitch between your shoulders. 
“You’re prettier in the sunlight,” the rocky voice brings your chin back down. 
August approaches as you clutch your lunch box against your lap. You don’t know how to respond without putting your job in the balance, so you don’t. You push yourself to the edge of the truck bed but he’s quick. He’s right in front of you, close enough that you can’t jump down. 
“This your truck?” He muses as he gives it an emphatic look, “not too bad. Bit big for you, girl. Ah, but maybe you like handling big things.” 
His insinuation repulses you. He was rude before but now he’s just being gross. Doesn’t matter. Who are you gonna tell? Who’s going to care?
“Excuse me, my lunch is almost over,” you say as you teeter on the edge. 
“I’m sure the boss won’t mind,” he grins boastfully. 
“Really, I got a lot of work--” 
“I never heard about your promotion,” he intones. 
You stop short and bite back your words, “promotion?” 
“Right, you must’ve got one since you’re telling me what to do,” he challenges, crossing his arms to make himself even bigger. 
“I wasn’t. I’m trying to go back to work.” 
“I didn’t dismiss you,” he sneers. 
You ease back and nod. This isn’t the first time a man’s postured at you, it won’t be the last. You’ll let him get his rocks off. 
“Sure,” you nod. 
“Hmph,” he looks you up and down, “it always makes me wonder why women wander into metal shops. Really? You like being sweaty,” he steps even closer and you wince as he reaches and drags his thumb down your cheek, “dirty? I can think of better ways for that.” 
“Sir,” you say flatly. 
He trails his thumb down and presses on your bottom lip, “I’m new around here. Need someone to show me around. How about it?” 
You scowl and rip your mouth away from his hand, “you can’t be serious?” 
“Do I look like I’m fucking kidding?” He slowly pulls his arm back, crossing it once more across his chest, “what I know about this town is there’s no other fucking shop looking for tool and die, and let me tell you, princess, you’ll find they don’t pay pennies next to what I pay.” He brings a hand up to brush the short stubble darkening his jaw, “actually, we’re due for salary review. That’s what the finance officer tells me.” 
You understand his threat. Even if he doesn’t fire you, he can mess with your money. All the leering men, all their nasty words, wouldn’t be worth it if you didn’t get a half-decent cut. 
“Can your precious little head understand me?” His mouth slants in a half-smirk. 
“Not that difficult,” you hiss out.  
“Great, sounds like a plan, princess.” 
Before you can react, he steps forward. He grabs you by the waist and drags you forward on the open door of the truck bed. You yelp in surprise and bat his wrists, your lunch box bouncing out of your grasp onto the ground. He holds you to hover on the edge before he lowers you to the ground, crowding you. 
“Good girl,” he growls and squeezes before he lets you go. 
You struggle not to snarl outright. He takes a step back, not far enough. You turn your attention to your errant bag and bend to pick it up. 
“Mmm, I like that position,” he purrs. 
You snap up and tamp down your irritation. You wish you could say he’s the first man to be so disgusting but that would be a miracle. Especially in this line of work. He’s just the only one you can’t tell to go fuck himself. 
You face him, “can I go back to work?” 
“Mm, look at you, learning already; asking permission,” he clicks his tongue, “sure, go on, princess.” 
You hold back a shudder and turn to close the truck door. You toss your lunch bag over it. Whatever. 
You spin and stomp away, refusing to look back at him, even as you feel his gaze bearing down on you. You feel even more filthy than before. Not just because of his behaviour but your own weakness. You should say no, you should go work at the Pizza Hut, at least there, you can spit in the food of every ass who gives you lip. 
As you cross the yard towards the shop, you slow down. Your eyes meet those of Carey. He started at the same time as you. He asked you out. Several times. He glowers and narrows his eyes.
He looks at the other guys sat around him at the smokers’ table. They saw it. You know they did.
“All the fucking same, aren’t they?” He spits into the dirt as the other men look in your direction. “Cozying up to the boss to get a few extra bucks on her check.” He flicks his butt towards you as you near the door, “whatsa a matter, baby? You need some new panties? Oh, maybe you’re gonna buy a dress? Start dressing like a woman, huh?” 
The other guys chortle and you ignore them. They don’t matter. That’s the difference between them and August. He can actually ruin your life, they only wish they could. 
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thepagemistress · 2 days
Cas doesn't really use pet names for Dean but occasionally he will call him something in Enochian that always makes Dean weak in the knees.
And then one day, as Cas is sat by himself in the library, he hears a sudden guffaw ring through the corridor, recognisable as Gabriel's. Followed by a "Dean..." from Sam that is clearly meant to sound placating but instead sounds more like he's trying to hold back a laugh of his own.
Footsteps beat down the corridor, swiftly approaching the library as Dean blusters his way in. Spotting Cas immediately, he throws his arms wide.
"Your pet name for me is 'human'?!"
Cas simply stares back at Dean, completely unmoved. "You call me angel. Frequently."
"Yeah, but..." he splutters. Hesitates. Flusters.
Cas raises an eyebrow and waits.
Dean scowls back at him, red-faced, points a threatening finger at him and then just...turns on his heel and flees the room.
Cas's lips twitch in a smile as he turns back to his book.
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metranart · 2 days
“Even if I have to repeat myself a million times, I will do it…” Hawks reached for your strand of hair again, and this time the feather around your wrist, halted your aggressive motion. “You have to let me take care of you.”
ft. Hawks centered, Hawks x reader, Slight! Bakugo x reader, Slight! Dabi x reader.
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Hawks x UA Student! Reader (Part 6)
- Warning tag: obsessed! Hawks, possessive! Hawks, naive! student reader, violation of trust, dubious consent, mating cycles, rut response, obsessive behavior, uncontrollable thirst for reader, manipulation, forced, thigh riding, hormonal minds out of control, sexual content, first time, cock riding, teenage fuck, Dabi's toxically interested in you, Bakugo bestie yet secretly inlove wit you, love confessions, cock-drunk, Hawks trying to be good but failing miserably, gaslighting, HEAVY plot, lots of smut. -
The aftermath was without a word, after what felt like an hour strapped with Hawks rooted inside you, he finally pulled out and you weren’t able to look him in the eye. 
The young Hero on the other hand, was more than desperate to have eye contact with you, kept chasing your gaze when helped you dress, you kept swatting his hands away, didn’t want him to touch you, not EVER again. Yet, he seemed committed to ignore your disgust for him and his less than human actions. 
Slowly, arranged your shirt buttoning it up and even went as far as to kneel to rearrange your skirt around your hips, doing his best to be gentle and tender, nothing rough or unpleasant came from his working hands. He just wanted to make it up to you, he knew that the silence enveloping both wasn’t a comfortable one, not like what a loving couple or a first timer would share with his first sexual partner, Oh no! There was no love share between you, not even familiarity and Hawks itched to correct it, yet refused to break another of your boundaries. 
All his hopes of the rut ending and that helping him dissuade this awful feeling of possessiveness were gone. He wasn’t even a little bit ready to part ways with you, and hated to think he would be banned from be near you, he wanted to be glued to your hip, tattooed on your skin, Fuck! Don’t vanish him from your side, dammit! He couldn’t take it.
“Baby Bird,” he cooed, “There’s no number of words to make you—” 
“Don’t.” The finality on your tone, halted his speech but his body openly rebelled to obey him, and when you tried to step away from him, his hand quickly latched itself to your forearm. 
“Don’t.” He mimicked, whole different sense in the same words. Keigo wasn’t ready to part ways with you, at least no right now, “just—… I don’t have any right to ask, I KNOW this, but please…. Please, let me be near you….” he spelled, thinking every word very well, “I-… I just please…. Let me take care of you.”
The fear reflecting on your blown pupils told him, he had overstepped his welcome and when your mouth opened just a tad, his hand landed on it. 
Shushing your possible refusals, hate words, sarcastic comments, curses or fit of cries, he annulled them all, even when knew he deserves each single one like a medal of honor for his awfully torrid misbehaving, he was a monster, yet wasn’t ready to hear it out from your mouth. 
“Fine-…” he sighed, looking a little defeated “I will take you home, you will eat, hydrate, bathe, sleep and then… I will—” Only his fingers remained on top of your lips, tapping them ever so slightly. The way his eyes narrowed telling you he was pondering the next word, to what you end up saying. “—leave.”
He sighed and swallowed. “I… I promise, I’ll think about it—” 
You stilled. Shock ruling your body before numbly, repeat. “You—you w-will think....think about it?”
The numb, abused girl slowly started to fade, all your patience and understanding blurring away by the uncomfortable and constant palpitating sensation between your thighs, throbbing the wrongness of what had transpired between the two. Slowly, your feeble voice began to raise in volume, “You said once your rut was over, this will end!” you snapped and bit hard at the fingers tapping your lips, feeling very proud when his brows creased, and he muttered a quiet ‘Ouch’. 
“You are a liar—!”
“I’m your MATE.” Keigo didn’t even need to raise his voice for your aggressive stance to stop immediately, the authority with which he said it was enough, as if your body remembered who it was dealing with. “YOU need to understand that this has to follow its flow in order to end, baby bird.” Those golden eyes shone differently, somehow sharper and you saw with disgust how he licked his bitten fingers. He looked disappointed, almost angry with himself, with you, but mostly with the entire situation… pushing him to make a point clear. 
“I didn’t ask you to kiss me on the lips and then use your quirk on me without notice or permission, kid—” Keigo was having trouble coping, too many mix signals, his rational brain urged him to fix things while his reptilian brain stressed very loudly how his mate just bit him like a brat… and unfortunately, was still too drowned in hormones not to listen. He´ll make it right, he knew how to deal with brats, he considered himself a brat tamer. “—YOU chose to do that and I’m really sorry, I really am…” he managed to sound remorseful, yet so scary as well, “I know you didn’t have bad intentions… but as a Hero-to-be you must learn to deal with the decisions you make.” Genuine displeasure leaking into his voice. 
Your eyes watered. You knew he was right, even Aizawa sensei repeated it every single time he could, but at that moment Hawks words tasted like corrosive acid, your pussy was still throbbing thanks to him, your entire body felt like a truck had run over it…. your first time, your first everything had been brutally taken from you—… and here he was giving himself airs of superiority, genuinely and blatantly trying to turn this entire shitstorm on YOU, and you weren’t going to fucking stand for it. 
“You just raped an underage student, Number Two Hero of the country—” you sneered, voice cracking. “… I guess I’ll be seeing you in court-…. or do you want to go straight to jail?” from the corner of your eye, glimpsed his fists tighten, and you openly sobbed trying to force a grin onto your lips as venom dripped down, “—you know, now that we are making ourselves responsible from our actions, like the Pro Hero’s we are, Hawks.”  
“Keigo.” He reminded; stare firmly set on you.  
“Hawks.” You repeated. Holding back angry tears.
Keigo barked out a humorless laugh. “You are not a Pro Hero, kid” he growled, “-not yet.” You were frustrating him, sparking a rut response out of his more primitive side, he wouldn’t fuck you like before, no…. he was more in control, even so, this wasn’t how a mate should behave, like HIS mate should behave. “What you are is MY mate, and as such, you are going to let me take care of YOU.” He stated, taking a couple of steps towards you. “Please… please back up.” You muttered out of your control, you could feel yourself shaking as he towered over your petite form, until he motioned one finger up and one of your arms raised in the air, making you notice the red feathers still wrapped around your wrists and ankles, like shackles. Hawks leant closer until his breath caressed your face and closing your eyes, felt him place a soft kiss on your cheek to then say. “—So, lead the way, so I can do just that.”
Even printing all the strength, you had in you, you could not lower your arm, making you remember who you were dealing with. You knew you weren’t match for his strength or impressive speed. You knew that—So, you took a deep breath to tame the anger enough to let you think straight again, and clenching your jaw, swallowed back the tears. Snorting soundly to make your repudiation for him clear.
“If with this I get rid of YOU-” you spatted at him without look him in the eye, “-it’s this way, Hawks.” Added between clenched teeth, resigned and tired. Holding onto the hope that maybe if you follow his stupid demands, he’ll leave, for good! 
“Call me Keigo.” His voice sounded strained but hide it well enough, keeping a smile on his lips.
You pretended not to listen and walked half a block in awkward silence, from time to time you felt his hand bump yours, as if he wanted to hold it, to what you crossed your arms expecting to make him angry, but he just smiled at you, unfazed, almost as if he was expecting it, which made you internally fume. 
Arriving at your parent’s house, snatched the keys out of your backpack and felt a little relieve knowing there would be no one until nightfall.  
Without waiting for you to invite him in, Keigo stepped forward taking a furtive look around, grinned, glancing back through his shoulder at you.  
“S’ Pretty.” He praised, and began to snoop around, grabbing things to inspect them up closely, bending down to smell a flower arrangement your mother set in the living room. You even saw his wings flap excitedly when grabbed a frame with a family photo in… your parents, you and your little brother, all smiling, all happy. Hawks scanned the picture with clinical fascination, and then put it back in its place, to then do the same with each single picture.  
“Now what, Hawks?” You broke his reverie, happy trance interrupted by the mention of his Hero name, instead of his actual name. An eyebrow rose in your direction, but you didn’t care.
“Eat, hydrate, bathe, sleep—” One finger on his hand stretching out at each activity mentioned, “easy peasy, baby bird.”
Rolling your eyes at him, you turned sharply to head towards the kitchen and immediately, a pang of pain doubled you over. Adrenaline had evaporated, and you didn't have the slightest energy to use your quirk on yourself. This Hero had sucked every ounce of strength out of you.
Hawks was at your side in seconds, his hands cupping your shoulders way too greedily for your liking. “Your body is exhausted, don’t exert yourself…. Let me—”, your face whip at him way too fast, judgment and uncertainty in your features, but before you could decline, added. 
“You know what I’m going to say,” Keigo aimed to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear when you slapped his hand away, making him sigh, “even if I have to repeat myself a million times, I will do it…” reached for your strand again, and this time the feather around your wrist, halted your aggressive motion. He shook his head, disapprovingly, and then calmly continue.
“You have to let me take care of you.”
Clenching your jaw, you boiled with rage. God! He was probing to be difficult, and so were you, your defensive stance didn’t let you realize he was truly slave to hormones, instinct ruling his behavior, all his thoughts and demands, right at that moment he would rather be fucking you to a pulp, but he was really trying to keep himself rooted to coherency, resisting the mischief his biological body suggested. He was a predator, designed hunt, he loved to hunt small things... like YOU. It was awful to know he could break you, if he slipped back inside you just to feel those unused walls sucking him in, squeezing so tight- as a vice.... yet, now that he felt more in control, also knew that if he did, he would be a true villain.  
His thumbs started rubbing circles over your tense shoulders, and you felt exhausted to keep fighting. Realized that there were only two options left. One, fight him throughout the entire process -him more than ready to submit you and take care of you- or two, play along and finish this weird after-intercourse ritual as quickly as possible.
Sighing deeply, you choose number two. Fuck! Up Lately you’ve been choosing number two in all the sense of the word, how awful! —But if this made him leave. 
“Please, let go...” you shook your shoulders brusquely, to no avail “… agh! so I can go to the kitchen and—” you pulled away trying to gain space, but his feathers stilled you, as he spelled, soothingly. 
“It’s not necessary. I prefer that you don’t move anymore.” Hawks said and in the blink of an eye forced you into his arms, carrying you bridal style to gently deposit you in the nearest couch. “Wait here,” he grinned down at you, and without letting you react, flew towards the kitchen as if he knew the place by heart.
A ruffled of red feathers came out of his back like an explosion and began to work around him as he just stood with his hands on his waist, watching. The control he showed was amazing, so many tasks were carried out at the same time, literally like magic. You saw the preparation of an entire menu. Boiled rice with vegetables, butter chicken and mashed potatoes with wide black pepper, a large glass of fresh-squeezed lemonade, and what looked like a banana pudding with almonds. 
Holy shit! How the hell does he do it! Hawks seemingly hadn’t moved a single muscle, even so each single dish landed gracefully on the little center table in front of you. 
“Voila! My Lady.” You heard him boast right next to you as a napkin was place on your lap. Hawks stood at arm's reach, all smiles and soft eyes, holding a set of cutleries inside his palm. 
Inner sighing at his theatricals -which you used to love, you tiredly reached to take a fork from his hand, never expecting him to snatch it away. And without giving importance to the question reflecting on your face, spooned rice into the fork and directed it to your mouth.  
“Say Ah, baby bird~” requested warmly, and you scooted away.  
“I don’t need you to feed me—” 
“—you are too exhausted, Its better this way.” Swiftly replied, leaving no room for discussion, golden eyes locked on you, narrowed, waiting, no doubt, for you to contradict him, and forcing yourself to remember your goal, tightened your fist and opened your mouth. 
“That’s my good girl.” He triumphal announced and you felt like slapping him, but instead reduced to eat. Him feeding you like a baby; you hated each minute. 
“One more mouthful, baby bird,” he insisted, “it’ll help you regain strength faster.” Said, holding a spun full of banana pudin in front of your mouth. 
You felt full, even so, opened your mouth and the spun entered, a pinch of food peeking at the corner of your lip and before you could lick it away, his thumb wipe it clean to then dip in his own mouth. Making sure to keep eye contact during the whole motion. Your cheeks turned red like the feathers adorning his back, but at the same time, your eyebrows furrowed sending him a mix message. 
“I’m fed and hydrated….” you broke eye contact to say between mouthfuls. “I’ll go to sleep, you can leave—” 
“First, you bathe, then you can sleep.” Hawks instructed, making you roll your eyes, vividly. 
“Yes, mom!” You spatted between clenched teeth, dripping sarcasm. 
“Not mom-… Mate.” He corrected, ignoring your biting attitude, “or Keigo…. I’ll even take, Takami—” 
“HAWKS-” you emphasized the Hero name and took a twisted pleasure at seeing his eyebrows knit together, “I’ll go upstairs, there’s the shower—…. make yourself scarce.”
The young Hero grinned humorless, a mix of irritation and disappointment perturbing his composed facial expression. 
You stood, and instinctively he was next to you, his arms hovering around you to carry you up. 
“Please don´t,” you swatted his hands away, “I assure you that—”
“—I assure you the opposite.” He growled, the timbre of his voice giving away his displeasure. Keigo was getting tired of you swatting him away, and in an agile twist, lifted you up in his arms, you pushed at his chest but stopped the same second his hard stare fell on you. 
This time you felt conflicted, part of you knew you were being unfair to him, since in a way this had been partly your fault.  But another part, angrier and more violated, felt with the right to make his life impossible, since you refused to believe that he never had the ability to control himself. He was not an animal, he chose to continue abusing you and even if you started it, he should have stopped it. But maybe right now wasn’t the time…. so, you yielded. Obeying your survival instinct, since the way he looked at you screamed danger. There was little time left for this to end, you could allow him this before he was banned from touching you ever again. So, you put your arms down and let him take you.
Leisurely, Keigo took his time getting to the top, it almost seemed like he wanted to bother you or at least that's how you perceived it, but it was the opposite, he just wanted to lengthen the moments to be close to you, touching you and not being openly rejected by you.
Once upstairs he deposited you gracefully in the hallway.  
“Go get some clean clothes, while I’ll run the bath.”  He instructed and spying you out of the corner of his eye pointed to the last door at the end of the hall, you nodded corroborating it was the bathroom, and rushed inside your room, slamming the door in his face.
You heard him clearly sigh from the other side of the door, and then you heard him stroll away.
Served him right, you thought annoyed. Being in your room brought you a certain sense of relief and security until your eyes collided with the wall next to your closet, the poster of Hawks greeted you from there, the figure of the winged Hero making the peace sign while urging you to achieve your dreams... That bastard! tears began to flow down your eyes without you being able to contain them, God! You hated him! everything that had happened... in a fit of anger you hit the poster on the wall, punching his heroic face with your fist, unworried by the sting on your knuckles, you only kept hitting him non-stop, no matter the pain or the blood staining the paper, you just kept going, letting out your pent-up frustration against the poor poster. Not even five seconds passed before your door was kicked down by the Hero in question.
“Baby bird—” Keigo rammed inside your room, alarmed, and his heart painfully throb at the pitiful act you displayed, bloodied knuckles and tears-stained cheeks contorting your pretty face. His golden eyes focused on the target of your ire, just to find himself printed on the bloodied poster. God! He was a villain, a Monster! And you were just a poor civilian he was so desperate to own. 
Using the feathers around your limbs stopped you, he didn't dare to touch you, the Hero didn't feel worthy.
“I´ll make this right to you, -I swear, baby bird. I´ll make things right.” You heard him murmur more to himself. 
A couple of minutes passed when suddenly you heard him swallow hard and sigh, sitting back on his heels next to your hunched body as you sob and hiccup, uncontrollably. You felt the warmth that emanated from his wings as they surrounded you making a sphere without touching you. 
"Finally....” he sounded relieved, “everything is fine, I'm here." Hawks said, and for the first time, you felt like you were talking to the real Hawks, not Takami Keigo the hormonal bird, but the Hero you admired and respected. The Hero whose posters and t-shirts you had was back and looking straight at you.
“...May I come closer?” 
He asked, Oh my fucking God! He ASKED! not intending to approach without your permission and that lead you to rush towards him, hugging him. This was all you needed, a little control and respect... it was what Keigo had taken from you.
“Hawks-s..” You sobbed into his strong chest immediately feeling safer, “I'm so sorry, it was my fault... my quirk, I shouldn't have used it-...I just wanted to help you...I-...I-" 
The young Hero hushed you, rocking his body from side to side paternally, “I'm the one who's sorry, I should have been able to control myself.... it's just-...it's a nasty thing, this rut....is ruthless and floods my brain until I can't think straight—…. it doesn't excuse my actions but... I wanted you to know.” 
And taking your hand in his, asked.
“…Are you alright?” He inspected your injured knuckles up close, and you shook your head, even so, you felt safe now that he was back and soon exhaustion began to close your eyes, slowly snoozing you away inside his warm embrace. “Kid… come on… Dammit! I need you to stay focus, this is merely a glimpse... I won't be able to stay lucid for long—” Hawks shook you a little, but your eyes kept closing, too exhausted, too tired, too drained.
“Please.... please, at least remember THIS!.......” He pleaded, desperate and inclining his head, kissed the tip of your nose, then your left cheek, then your right and finally your forehead. “Remember to do THIS in that exact order...” his words sounded slurred, “Bring...ME... back—” you heard between drowsy dreams, “.......... —Remember!” 
It was the last thing you hear before you fainted in his arms, arms which became too tight at the end, too greedy and possessive, setting a red flag in your unconscious brain, perhaps you might wake up and NOT find Hawks again.
⭕️ In this PATREON LINK you will find NSFW art of this story and more spicy MHA NSFW art and exclusive smut fanfiction (also JJK, Demon slayer, and Tokyo Revengers) .... Plus more fascinating rewards, check it out and if you got some extra bucks around, join our community. My eternal and vast gratitude for your support!!!
@dreamlessnight @wtvbabes
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cute-sucker · 20 hours
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rafe would never like to admit how needy he was emotionally.
the way he would cower into your touch, holding your hand with that urgency that you thought wasn't needed. there was something about him, mouth agape, slobbering all over your dress while his chest falls. he swears it never happened the next day, but the photos of him rosy cheeked, spooning on your chest never fail to disappoint.
he can't take his eyes off you during anything, like a small puppy following you wherever you go. he hates it too, how much he needs you there. whenever you're not around him - he's obsessing over you. it doesn't matter the, where, when, how, just know you're on his mind 100% of the time.
theres just this need in him that he can't control, the way his eyes go darker when he notices you aren't paying attention to you. he flicks a hand at your pouting lips, demanding for your attention with sullen eyes, 'hey, whatcha doing?' he mutters, but you know it's not a question - it's a warning.
it's the worst whenever he needs validation.
he'll hate to admit how much he crumbles in your arms. he's hyperventalting, whispering validation to himself in that gruff voice, telling himself to suck it up, before he sees you.
there's something about him teary eyed, sucking in air, asking, no, begging for you to tell him that he is the man. you can't help but bite your lip at how pathetic, how pathetically adorable he looks in your lap.
what if he can't tell anyone that, that's how he feels? he runs calloused hands up in his hair, taking shallow breaths while waiting, waiting for you to come and rest your head into that hallow of his collarbone.
he can be rafe, and that was enough.
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daydreamingyuta · 1 day
It’s insane how well you capture mark’s personality through your writings that it feels so real yk?😵‍💫
If it’s possible could you write another version of this butttt make it spidey!mark where the reader tries on his costume?? (don’t blame me pls. 200 and his rem acc is making me feel things HAHA)
Spidey Suit | Mark Lee
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summary: fluff, drabble, asking spiderman!mark if you can try on his spidey suit <3 wc: 375 a/n: omg thank youuuu!! that's literally such a sweet compliment omg! thank you for reading and liking my mark drabble 🫶 also I loved writing this and I'm sorry that it took so long but I hope you enjoy it! <3 <3
“Can I… try it on?” You ask, unsure of how he’s gonna respond. Mark isn’t the type to not want you wearing his clothes, actually most of the time he’s the one suggesting it, but you’ve never tried to wear his spidey suit before. 
You watch as his face turns into that smile of his that you love so much, revealing his cute cheekbones. “You wanna wear my suit?” You nod your head, hopeful for him to say yes and before you know it, he’s rummaging through one of his draws and pulls it out. “Ok, but I get to take pictures of you in it.”
You thought that it would be super hard to squeeze into, but it was surprisingly easy. It was tight, without feeling tight at all. Actually, it felt like the most comfortable thing you’ve literally ever worn before. 
“It’s nice right?” You hear Mark ask. You had asked him to turn around while you got changed but he must have noticed that you managed to get it on when you stopped moving around so much. (spidey senses). 
“I cannot believe you made this yourself, It’s genuinely incredible.” You say, checking yourself out in the mirror. You can’t see him but you know he’s blushing by your comment. “Can I um turn around now?”
“Oh, yeah.” You say, now facing him. 
You watch as his eyes focus on you and his head moves back slightly, something he always does when he’s surprised. “Wait, you actually look so cute.”
“What do you mean actually? You weren't expecting me to look good in it?” You say playfully, crossing your arms.
“No, no '' he says, his voice cracking. “I just meant like, when I wear it it’s super intimidating and cool looking. But somehow you just look adorable.” He says, walking towards you. 
You give him the sternest look you could muster. “I’m intimidating too.” 
“Right right.” He says as he cups your cheeks in his hand, pulling you in to kiss you, “I definitely wouldn’t want you as my enemy.”
“Exactly.” You kiss him back until Mark starts to laugh. “What?”
“Nothing, it just feels funny. Like I’m kissing myself.” You let out a laugh too because of course he would say that.
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bemylife · 2 days
Shrimp pasta 🍝 - Gojo Satoru
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Waiting for Satoru was always worth it.
He was always busy, with work, with his students and with him being Satoru Gojo.
Being together with him was not always ideal, having to wait for him every day, anticipating his return home.
Having a free day, she was standing at the stove cooking dinner for her love.
She knew he was tired.
She knew he needed to relax.
Usually he would take over cooking because he was the better cook, but at times she would take over the duty of feeding both of them.
I'm making pasta with shrimp, he better be hungry
The apartment smelled like herbs and tomato sauce when Satoru entered through the door.
‘Baby, are you cooking something ?’
‘Yes, my love, what do you think?’ She asked, tilting the pot a little to show him the sauce.
Instead of saying anything, Satoru put all of his belongings down and started walking towards her.
‘Love, what are you doing? I'm trying to cook for us’ she said after he came up behind her, embracing her.
Satoru was a simple creature.
Everything had a deeper meaning for him.
His lover cooking him dinner meant her caring about him and showing how much she loves him, since typically she avoided cooking.
He knew he was loved
The only way to show it right now was to say it back
‘Baby, I love you so much’ Satoru mumbled against the crook of her neck
‘I love you too. I hope you are not only saying this bc I'm cooking for u’
‘Nooo’ came the muffled response, him hiding his face further in her neck
She knew how he needed a lot of affection.
Satoru Gojo wasn’t big on asking for a hug or a kiss, he would usually just stand close to her, being all up her personal space.
That's when she knew that he needed her affection, a simple kiss or a hug.
Him hugging her from behind indicated that he craved her embrace, too.
‘Come here’, came from her once she turned towards Satorus direction, putting the pot away and meeting his embrace, hugging him tightly.
‘I missed you’ was what he said
‘I missed you too my love’
Both, embracing each other, knew that this is where they belonged.
With each other
‘Are you still hungry? I have to finish cooking’
‘Mhm. I’m hungry for you’
‘Ouch, okay I’m sorry sweets’
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itskyliedarkplaz · 2 days
Thinking about a Yuu/MC with wings in Twisted wonderland.
Since MC in the og game does not have any powers they couldn't fly on the broom but having wings could be a whole different thing. We probably won't be allowed to fly, so we probably have to run laps or do some exercise.
So imagine you are running laps and your fav character is flying and somehow they fell, and MC just swoops in and catches them in their arms and says
"Wow, falling for me already, Fav character name?"
Or since our wings are big, (I imagine Hawk's wings from MHA when I am saying this), we could provide shade, so it's a Sunny day and we use our wings to give us (and grim) shade and Leona sees it and makes us give him shade. From that day onwards, we become Leona's shade giver XD. I imagine the wings are huge. So when they flap them it gives us such good Breeze. So he would definitely ask for that.
I feel like they would compare with Malleus about their wings and see who had the bigger wing.
Maybe we have races with Kalim on his magical Carpet.
When MC hugs someone, they wrap their wings around that person.
When MC gets excited their wings automatically spread their wings.
I also do think that MC is really skilled with their wings so they can do tricks with them. Like cathing or throwing things and what not.
I feel like Lucicus or grim would have thought we are a bird.
I think MC's vision would also be really sharp, so when they are in the sky they could spot people easily. Also I feel like the junction between our back and the wings would also be really sensitive.
What if MC made keychains for their closest friends and attached their feathers (or maybe if your wings shed and they resined a part of it?) to the keychains.
We also become Rooks new target
THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯
Though if your MC had wings, what kind would they have?
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oddly-casual · 2 days
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I love Jazzy, just as a general rule, but something that caught my eye in the beginning was the little ways Jazz’s brother treats his brother like shit.
Looking at the anime, it makes sense why they censored the women and kept the mess to a minimum for animations sake, but at least he’s clothed and awake. It makes it seem as though Jazz’s older brother is doing it for the soul purpose of being a bastard.
But looking at the manga, he’s asleep. The curtains and couch are torn, the mess is purely clothes, food, and drinks.
His brother isn’t even awake to gloat. The manga gives the impression that Jazz’s brother disregards his space on a regular, to the point where he feels comfortable passing out drunk half naked in his brothers space.
I know it’s not just me, but having a room- that’s supposed to be a safe space- violated repeated by sights and smells you don’t know? This poor kid has no sense of privacy or safety. His family literally runs on the idea that if you get robbed it’s your fault.
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joemama-2 · 3 days
thinking about a boy who is strangely attracted to death. he’s a quiet one, that boy, likes keeping to himself. he’s polite too, and pretty handsome. he could have any girl he wants if he was actually interested them. if he wasn’t interested in you.
you, the complete opposite of him. you’re outgoing, you have tons of friends, everyone in school knows your name and if they didn’t, they would get chastised for it. you’re sweet, he thinks, bubbly and friendly and sometimes he’s jealous just how easily you attract people towards you. but sometimes that jealously turns into anger when he realizes that girls aren’t the only ones who want to get close to you.
but that all changes one day when you’re killed in a car accident. everyone’s heartbroken, shocked. but him? he’s ten times worse. sure, you didn’t know who he was, or if you did, you didn’t pay him any mind. he feels like he’s losing his mind, goes days without eating, weeks without sleeping, cries almost every hour. he’s mourning you, mourning someone who didn’t know he existed.
until, he has the smart idea to go to your grave. it’s late at night, cold and chilly, but it’s the perfect time. it takes him hours to dig up your casket and open it. you look decayed, rotted, different. the total opposite from how you usually are. but for some reason, he can’t take his eyes off of you. because even in death, you look beautiful.
he performs a ritual, one to bring you back to life. but he’s not a professional. so when you awaken, chest heaving and sitting up as you cough for air, when your eyes land on his, he realizes….maybe he messed something up.
you’re quiet, barely even speak, you don’t smile. and he still takes care of you, feeds you and gives you water. you’re like his own little pet. one that has sudden bursts of aggression, attacking him. one that can’t remember anything, and barely remember yourself. but, he makes you remember him. tricks you into believing that you were always friends, always lovers.
he can’t lose you, he thinks. he won’t lose you. so he keeps you locked in his room, day and night, into letting you come out when he knows everyone is sleeping. maybe it’s his jealously, possessiveness, or attraction for you. there’s one thing for certain,
you’re his now and he’ll be damned if he lets you go.
jjk: choso, getou, megumi, yuuta, junpei, kenjaku
aot: levi, armin, bertholdt
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