hatsonhamburgers · 8 years
I was at the Walmart in my po-dunk Tennessee town, and I just happened to stumble across this:
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And I was like, hey, cool, cause ya know, Sherlock.  Then I flip it over and
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this beautiful bastard.  So, yeah I spent US $13.99 and bought it (I would have spent $20 tbh)  But I didn’t crack it open until I got home and
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March 8.  Hmmm, I thought.  Let me get my tin foil hat out.  
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20/20= 40?  maybe I’m reaching...But then
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Um 27?  These numbers seem unnecessary to these sentences or am I
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seeing things things that aren’t there...  [pictured above: ACD posing for “spirit photography” in 1922]  
Then an article about ACD and his unlikely friendship with Houdini.  They met when Doyle read his book, then went and saw him perform in New York where he made an ELEPHANT disappear, and ESCAPED FROM CHAINS UNDERWATER.
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*cough cough* Mark and Darren Brown *cough cough*
So anyway, I may just have a blue car and then am seeing blue cars everywhere, or this magazine (which the earliest date I can see where it hit the stands was feb 8, 2017).  New key? BONUS:
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meta meta meta meta meta canon that ACD was King of All Meta.  This magazine has condensed so much SH fun facts (a whole  big piece about about ACD killing off SH) and it makes me happy to have more info I can obsess about.
I’ll tag some tjlc blogs that I fangirl over:
@tjlcisthenewsexy​ @the-7-percent-solution​ @teaandqueerbaiting​ @jenna221b​
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Things we need answers to/need to connect together MASTERPOST
Dark website (x) (x)
Is the site real? (x)
40 (x) (x)
Going back to the source (x) (x) (x)
Niagara falls hotel room in thelostspecial.com/new
13.9.16 (x) (x) (x) 
Which one?
XXX (x)
Henry V Act 3 Scene 1 Page 2
The gif
Static on BBC (x)
QR Code (x) (x)
He’s back photo (x) (don’t believe it doesn’t mean anything) 
Date/gravestones/blog (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) - Maybe we need to do this with something else as well? 
Fatboy conspiracy
Edited: 9.2.17 0:43 CET (read the notes)
@jenna221b @the-7-percent-solution @inevitably-johnlocked @worriesconstantly
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evr0s · 8 years
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am i going mad
am i the only person who sees letters in the noise? it’s a part of /27kra/ frame with jim at size 100%
probably just going mad though
@whimsicalethnographies @jenna221b @the-7-percent-solution
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impossibleleaf · 8 years
Why it doesn’t matter anymore whether the lostspecial’s “revelation” is genuine or if there’s a 4th episode
First thing to say is this: I never post anything, I live in the shadows, and enjoy taking part of TJLC behind the anonymous’ face. I have followed several tumblr account from a long time. I have been part of TJLC since the day lsit created her blog, the day after TSoT. In other words, I have seen my fair share of mindfuckery, of blogs I liked receiving hate but I have never taken an active role in this fandom until now.
Like many TJLCers, I decided to watch TFP having high expectations, knowing for sure I was about to witness something groundbreaking.
Well, I wasn’t wrong. Not really.
First came disappointment: so was everything a farce? A pure publicity stunt? Even the lostspecial website is a lie? Are we that desperate for something to be clever?
And then I was thinking… So what if we are? None of this makes sense anyway. Why shouldn’t we ask for a miracle?
Here’s the thing, when you rewatch that fuckery that is TFP, if you start explaining with knowledge you get at the ending, everything falls apart. Oh, this is Eurus, she’s on a plane and needs Sherlock’s helps but also Eurus cuts the communications and uses herself as a bargaining chip. Continuity? What’s that? Sherlock wear the Bellstaff because I say so, even though he didn’t have it when he decided to shoot himself.
That’s the point casuals decide the Sherlock show was that bad and move on. That’s also the point people with a brain and loving puzzles decide to dig deeper. In half a week, TJLC (+ the new TFHC) was back on scene, tearing apart the narrative and saying: that cannot be real, therefore it’s not. But they didn’t use shitty arguments, they didn’t decide to let logic flow out of the window, in fact, they used what the narrative gave us unlike many say, they were the most logical out of everyone actually.
So, there, we’ve proved there’s more at work, we know our show, we know who the bastards behind this are. They’re fans, like us, and what do they want, what do we want?
We want a miracle. We want Sherlock to survive the Final Problem, to escape the Reichenbach’s Falls and let him be true to himself. We want no loose ends and there are so many, we want what others have said for years to come true, we want Sherlock out of the closet, after more than a century. The Final Problem can never be the end, otherwise all is lost. You cannot be allowed to destroy your show there if you’re a fan.
So, people start to look for the Lost Special, an episode TEH proved Mofftiss knew and they found the disaster that was ATY. At that point, I admit, we could have been convinced we were wrong. It wouldn’t have taken much, just a few words from the Powers That Be that they’re sorry to have lead us on, something official, not a tweet dismissing the last years as a ludicrous fantasy. What we got instead was radio silence and another show thinking, let them think what they want, that’s good for us. ATY said no, but it was a little no, one that means, what don’t you try to find it yourself? Who knows what you’re going to see ;)?
So 22/1 wasn’t the right solution, okay. How about 29/1, that’s the day they met, you can’t go wrong with this, right? Apparently yes, but by the time we noticed, we had to bear watching two people with no chemistry fuck within the 7 first minutes and end with a rape while we need to beg a 7 years old show to finally address the elephant in the room and to have the protagonists say they have Feelings™.
That’s roughly the moment I started thinking, maaaybe there’s no 4th episode but then, what about these hundreds of meta confirming my suspicions? People smarter than me have built foundations for these ideas and here’s where it hurts: it makes total sense, it fact it’s so far the only way S4 can make sense and be bearable, even enjoyable.
Yes, what TJLC says is ludicrous at first glance, that’s the most insane thing I’ve heard. I mean, a true conspiracy? A fourth episode hidden in plain sight? Who can even believe in it? How improbable is that?
But once you’ve eliminated the impossible, what remains, no matter how improbable, how insane it seems, must be the truth.
Here’s what we have deemed as impossible: these two men cannot have made this shitty S4 accidentally. Gatiss is a gay man working for queer people to get representation in medias, Moffat turned Sherlock and John into Vastra and Jenny, two lesbians who kissed on screen on a children show. Moffat is a good writer, Heaven Sent is evidence enough and TAB’s last scenes proved they get what the heart of the show is. We have people who are good at their jobs, writers, actors, and there is no way so many of them fucked up so much at the same time. Not even BBC’s advertising team. Not when the stakes are that high.
Here’s what we have deemed as improbable: Mofftiss wants us to crack, they are two men with enormous egos who want to leave their mark in Sherlock Holmes’ history. Permanently. They love an adaptation who didn’t succeed in making Holmes gay and have decided to get the story right. They want us to cry bitter tears of relief, they want to pull the rug and say after the fact: see? It’s always been a love story, you saw but you never observed. It’s always been a story of love, a story about a detective and his blogger who keeps him right, about two broken men who managed to find happiness together and do great things. To reach that goal these two bastards are willing to play a very long game, to mindfuck everyone and break the fandom before mending it.
Here’s finally what seals the deal: when you start thinking you must add the ‘it’s not real but everything is a metaphor’ and ‘we are the missing piece, we are part of this,’ everything makes sense. In fact, that’s the only way it does. TJLC had predicted every plot point in TAB? They have managed to get back on tracks their deductions, they wobbled but didn’t break. They are nit-picking on details but widely agree on the big things. I dare anyone to give another explanation for S4 without using ‘the writers are that bad’ as a reason for relevant plot points. The more you search, the more you find that goes on that direction.
Now, people had found a website they were wary of but decided to go down the rabbit hole in hope of finding something. The people in charge of this site now say more than a week later: by the way, none of this was real. The codes? Made up. The pictures? Also made up. The lines on the code sources? We wanted to see how desperate you were. Some people even tried to see things that weren’t there in the 27kra video (thanks, but I noticed in the end I was wrong and let it go immediately). Look how stupid TJLC is, how much in denial these people are. There is no 4th episode and there never will be. Carry on, you silly child.
It’s too late.
I’m not saying this explanation isn’t possible. Maybe that website was a fake after all but too much happened. Several blogs received many encrypted messages and reveal that someone is playing with our nerves, someone clever and who has too much time on his hands to be a hater. Sherlock North happened, disturbing codes and messages were sent, thelostspecial.com happened and had things he wasn’t supposed to have on his site, we are 100% convinced at this point that they want to break our faith, nothing now will change our mind. Even if several trolls took part of this, the snowball effect is there and you can’t stop it anymore. And with dymm (who may or may not be a mole) having excited twitter and even causuals non-stop for a month, the idea cannot be banished anymore.
Here’s the truth of this: it doesn’t matter at this point if there is or not a 4th episode. Sherlock’s show has an enormous hole and they need to do something to save it. TJLC managed to give an alternative reading that makes 100% more sense than anything else. Even if (which I doubt) that hadn’t been Mofftiss’ point, they need to take what we have thrown at them to save themselves. Here’s the real Final Problem, what’s it’s always been about from ACD’s time: how is the fandom going to save Sherlock Holmes?
Make history, is what we tell them today. Dazzle us with your cleverness, prove us we were right to believe in Sherlock Holmes. Open the closet you’ve put yourself in, we’ve found the key and got your back. And if, somehow, we are wrong in thinking you are half as clever as we think, then what you did, all that queerbaiting was disgusting and we are going make history anyway. Sherlock Holmes doesn’t belong to you. We, the fandom, is the reason he is still alive and we won’t let you kill him without putting a fight. This isn’t about being in denial anymore. This is us, telling the authors how it’s going to be.
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abouthetwofthem · 8 years
Can we talk about the fact that this is the default error page (I wrote nonsense letters after the “/” to get it):
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But if you write “tjlc” and “johnlock”, you get this page with a “404 error” picture (clearly loaded by someone, since this is not the default error page):
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4 04.
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demonicseries · 8 years
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I found something weird on tls.com. When i tried to save the pic (idk why I tried), it revealed some hidden text being there. I copied it and its the letters XX. I’m not sure if I’m the first person to notice this. please reblog to spread this information.
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teaandforeshadowing · 8 years
FYI about thelostspecial.com
If you can find the original image, you can use this website to compare two images in order to find what’s changed, and it will highlight it in pink.
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I’m trying to find the header image to see what else we’ve missed, but I can’t find one that’s HD enough
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Unpopular opinion: Thelostspecial.com is another troll
First of all, thank you @worriesconstantly​ and @consultingeastwind​ for getting and keeping me into the loop on this one. Thanks to you I can actually get some sleep without missing out on all the fun. 
Now for my unpopular opinion: Thelostspecial.com is another troll. 
And this is why:
What I can tell this site was registered sometime after TFP aired, so in late January. If this was part of the BBC promotion for a lost special this site would have been created way ahead of time. Stuff like this isn’t an afterthought, it’s planned. So if it was part of a large promotion plan, it should have been created in 2016, before Series 4 aired.
The fans who find it really have to look for it, and once you get there, it’s so incredibility simple: It basically tells you that TJLC is real. Finding the site might be a scavenger hunt, but the site itself is not a puzzle. It tells a certain subset of fans what they want to hear. It doesn’t add up, it isn’t clever enough. It’s boring, it’s dull, but you believe it because you want it to be true. 
Lets just assume for a second that the BBC is organizing an online scavenger hunt for us. They use an American proxy to make it seem it’s from another source and where does it lead? It leads to a place with absolutely not significance to the story whatsoever. If this proxy had lead to a place in Florida, I would have assumed it might signify the place where Mrs. Hudson and Sherlock first met. Instead, it just leads to a random place. 
Conclusion? Somebody is trolling us again. I can think of more arguments, but honestly, if I haven’t convinced you with these I doubt I ever will. Because you can’t kill an idea, can you? Not once it has made a home here. *taps forehead*
They are toying with us, playing with us. It’s a game, but not one I’m willing to play. And neither should you. 
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probably somebody already broke this down but there was this ‘video’ on thelostspecial dot com
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and there are some interesting images worked into it
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a doorway maybe? 
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but that definitely looks like Sherlock in the deerstalker
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some kind of box? table? idk. some weird stuff happens afterwards
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if it’s John’s eye and if it means what i think it does, i’ll shoot myself in the toe
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my eyes are bleeding from the straining and still can’t see shit. any real life Hawkeyes around here?
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these pictures are quite similar and it’s like someone’s walking around a table? in the flat maybe?
after, there are some weird stuff happening and more of Sherlock in the deerstalker
i can’t deduce shit to save my life so here you go guys
@inevitably-johnlocked @jenna221b @221beautifulmorning @tjlc @deducingbbcsherlock @teapotsubtext @the-7-percent-solution 
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gentleman-detective · 8 years
They can call Sherlock fandom crazy but at least we didn’t make an entire website just to make fun of a conspiracy. 
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swiftblazeh · 8 years
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So since the whole lostspecial.com thing went off, I wanted to contribute in the extend of my modest abilities; I unfortunately jumped on the bandwagon right on the day when it was reloaded - and now the only thing accessible is the /xxx and /solveme pages. 
Naturally, I felt like the /solveme is the priority right now, since the other page simply informs us that there will be more to come.
But its already been translated as “I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, straining upon the start”, a quote from a play by William Shakespeare.
Because I’m a lazy & curious little shit, I googled it to see if there’s anything else to hook onto to.
Lo and behold, its from Henry V. And not just any line - an excerpt from the lines Sherlock’s been spewing out while high as a kite & quoting Shakespeare (poor man, how many times has he turned in his grave since he died?).
I rewatched the episode to check - it appears as if Sherlock does not give the full text of the scene, instead reciting lines from the beginning and the end. The exact words that he pronounces before firing at the wall as a terrified Mrs. Hudson watches are ‘I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, straining upon the start.’ 
Pew-pew! He fires. And finishes off with the words “The game’s afoot.”, a modernized version of which is “The game is on.”
The line itself suggests that we are the greyhounds, ready to spring at the puzzles given to us. You are impatient, it says, but don’t worry, you’ll be hearing from me soon.
Whoever they are, Mofftiss or a troll or just a fan, the person making this knows their shit & I’m so looking forward to playing this little game of ours. Here’s to hoping to a great game!
The game’s truly afoot!
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Two images of the same reality. One is real, the other one is just a reflection (mirror). One small detail can change a narrative. Add it and you know somebody’s out there. Exclude it and the story suddenly makes no sense.
Villain, what villain?
Emotional context...
You see where this goes?
Yeah, the game is fucking on... 
ʎɹɐW snoɹǝpɹnW
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a-reocurring-dream · 8 years
So, thelostspecial.com tried to kill a conspiracy by the use of a conspiracy.
How contradictory is that even.
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abouthetwofthem · 8 years
LOOK WHAT I FOUND IN thelostspecial.com‘S CODE:
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We already knew about the /solveme/ thing, but what does 13.9.16 mean?
I also tried with thelostspecial.com/XXX and I got THIS:
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Try yourself.
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zenon-karr · 8 years
Honestly pt2
thelostspecial.com: haha trolled u!!!
Me: ok whatever... I still wanna know the password to murderousmarytheelephant.tumblr.com
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Image that shows on the lost special website under /elephant As soon as I saw this, the colours, the writing style and the fact it's on the elephant page immediately made me think of the children's books Elmer the Elephant. Wikipedia has the following on its Elmer the Elephant page: 'The stories are suitable for early exploration of the themes and issues relating to the concept of diversity, as Elmer discovers that when he tries to change his appearance in order to 'blend in' with the other elephants, they no longer recognise him, or accept him as one of their own. This makes Elmer sad, and he experiences how it feels to be treated like an outcast, after being ostracised by his old friends. It's only when it begins to rain, and the grey paint that Elmer has covered himself with starts to disappear, that Elmer's 'true colours' are revealed, much to the surprise and delight of his friends, who preferred his multicoloured and fun loving persona. Following their happy reunion, the elephants reassure Elmer that they love him because of his differences, and not in spite of them, and they celebrate by painting themselves in multi-coloured paint, in recognition of Elmer's unique appearance and personality' I doubt I have to spell it out, surely this is obvious evidence for johnlock being the elephant in the room and that the lost special will be the ultimate johnlock reveal?? Tagging a few people who I think may be interested - hope you don't mind, let me know if you want me to untag you.. @the-7-percent-solution @tjlcisthenewsexy @toxicsemicolon @warmth-and-constancy @inevitably-johnlocked @deducingbbcsherlock
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