messermouser ¡ 7 months
ok I'm a strong believer in BTSV Prowler Miles comic book intro BUT it just occurred to me for the first time the possibility of sitting in a dark theater and hearing Miles's (1610) voice go, "Okay, let's do this one last time. Her name... is Gwen Stacy."
and if that happens I will ascend immediately into a trance like state
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messermouser ¡ 7 months
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messermouser ¡ 7 months
no one can ever make me hate gwen stacy idccc. like she’s so cringe and silly and tragic and the definition of girlfailure. how can anyone hate her she is just so- like LOOK AT HERRRRRR
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the most lovable loser ever be so serious
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messermouser ¡ 8 months
Lol I'm not hurt
*proceeds to play Get Gone by Fiona Apple on loop"
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messermouser ¡ 10 months
My Incredibly Long List of Tropes/Characters/Themes I Like
When I obsess over something in the media I consume I write it here, and I forget how much inspiration I get from reading it so here you go. Any good recommendations with most of these or additions to the list are always appreciated. Also I have so many more of these that I've never written down I can do more IF YOU MAKE ME. IF I HAVE TO. IF YOU FORCE ME TO DO IT I GUESS I'LL DO IT. If not then sick.
Childhood friends
Rivals. Academic? Siblings? One has an advantage? They help each other? take your pick any rivalry works.
Going to each other for comfort because nobody else understands
Two leads are groups leaders- one very apparently in charge the other their supporter
Lead who falls off the tracks “What happened to you?” “I gave up, and if you knew what’s best for you… you’d give up too”
Head and the Heart
One adorable but cold, the other stern but soft
Good and Evil in love because who is which depends on who you ask
Comedic relief kills someone and then apologizes 
Mmm almost kiss
“Fuck you bitch” “Uh nobody has ever talked to me like that because they’re too afraid to, I’m really into it?”
“You show me colors you know I can’t see with anyone else”
“You rely on wit and people die on it”
“You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you”
A Fast “yes?” after someone answers yes to a question the character was afraid to ask
REUNION AHHHH wit a hug :(((
“Oh god. Fuck. Oh god he’s dead. No.”
Anything compared thematically to dogs
Religious trauma as daddy issues
Dead birds/Butterflies/deer/animals compared to specific characters foreshadowing their death or danger
Anything Icarus coded
Cain and Able type siblings
FAMILY and devotion
Family as a cult
Tragedy just when the characters think they won
Manipulation changing a characters internal monologue
Including deaths that change everything
Including deaths that change nothing
Obsessive Love from a trauma-bond that makes characters worse
Obsessive Love from a trauma-bond that keeps characters alive
Eyes as a horror element
Love/Life/Death compared to any of the cosmos
The intimacy of having a moment only two people know about
Love as servitude and worship
Doomed from the start characters who realize it and die by choice
Fatal Flaws actually being Fatal (So Icarus tea)
Characters literally being killed by the one thing they wanted
Royalty/Power as a curse
Flowers as life and innocence
Off Topic but Characters that acknowledge that what’s happening to them isn’t fair but fight anyways
Emotional pain as physical sickness
Characters without a choice being blamed for the things they do to survive
Characters seeing the thing they’re fighting against in themselves or their allies and how they deal w/ it
Multiple traumas in quick succession and how each character copes
Human characters in stressful situations reverting to animal instincts, almost savage, and learn what they’re capable of
Pressure to uphold an image as their reflection in the mirror the character doesn’t trust to be real. Flaws magnified
Hyper-sexuality as a form of control
Physical items with emotional significance that they’d die to protect
Love as just another power the character can’t control
Ok fine cannibalism as love
The past a character can never escape from
Humanizing everything as a symptom of being human (empathy)
Characters going against their ethics/beliefs for love
Characters who are alone realizing they’ve found a family
Sexuality as a curse
Sexuality as a blessing
Doubt as an infection
Characters treating animals like people vs treating people like animals
Character’s definition of what it is to be worthy is proven insignificant
The loss of purpose that is either never found again or found in spite/honor of the things they lost
Sleep as the trust characters have in the environment they’re in
Love as addiction
Pain as addiction
Anything addiction coded (IF the author has experience with addiction or loving an addict. Otherwise it doesn’t hit)
The only thing a character ever controlling being their death
Young characters having realistic and incredibly varied reactions to trauma
When they act out of character sporadically until it suddenly becomes who they are now
Character torn between being controlled but with nothing at risk vs Being free and constantly losing what they value most
Characters with healthy coping mechanisms or hobbies they’re embarrassed to find comfort in. Their loved ones immediately accepting them without question
Marriage without romance vs marriage that’s filled with love. Guess which one loses their partner? I’ll give you a hint it’s the one who has already sworn to die for their lover
Rule-following characters that serve as a narrative antagonist finally being pragmatic as character growth
Fate as something characters can never escape from
The ocean as life/death
Worshipping the earth when it provides then taking its resources selfishly without hesitation (“Giving Tree” Style kinda)
Characters who finally understand the danger only after the one who was warning them dies
Secret injury or illness ;)
How characters interact w/ plants/animals being their ability to nurture
Generational Trauma is always at fault at the end of the day fr
Characters returning home and realizing that coming home shouldn't ache like it does
Characters forced to play a role vs Characters who see right through them
The way time flows changing based on the weight of the moment (ie. One full chapter is a single hour - One paragraph is three months)
Sense memory (Touch, taste, smell, sound, sight) vividly taking the character back to something they had forgotten
Hurt/Comfort >>>>
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messermouser ¡ 11 months
Oh no, oh no, he is seducing me with his deep passion for his field of study and his genuine joy at teaching people about it
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messermouser ¡ 11 months
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This post is so real I just had to share it with everyone else
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messermouser ¡ 1 year
I am deeply appreciative of how much of a loser they made Astarion. Like he's sexy sure but the man doesn't have a single W to his name. He's been stuck in tunnels eating rats for years and his first time out and about he gets literally brainwormed and has to pull some Wil E. Coyote shit to team up with people. His whole menacing blood drinking schtick is immediately undercut by him being a massive virgin about the whole ordeal. In his centuries long flop era and trying so desperately to cover it up
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messermouser ¡ 1 year
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kyd chapter 24
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messermouser ¡ 1 year
I hate it when people draw Remus ugly but I also hate it when they draw him conventionally hot? Like that man does not have a sharp chiseled jaw line he is SOFT. He is tall and lanky and SOFT LOOKING. Like a fucking puppy.
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messermouser ¡ 1 year
why are drugs even illegal anymore. who cares
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messermouser ¡ 1 year
ahh ants ! .………. . <- this one is a loner and a weirdo
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messermouser ¡ 1 year
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Oh bippo!
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messermouser ¡ 1 year
press Ⓧ to PENIS BLAST
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messermouser ¡ 1 year
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kyd, chapter 18
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messermouser ¡ 1 year
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Feels like we had matching wounds
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messermouser ¡ 1 year
I don't want a direct sequel to the DnD movie
I want more DnD movies with the same cast, but they play totally different characters every time, except for Xenk, who is the only recurring character in the entire franchise
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