#them gently and singing to them
bunnyb34r · 6 months
Mentally I'm holding Gurkle by his claws and spinning (slowly) in a circle with joy that he's alive, but physically I'm sitting here watching him nap swinging my legs and cooing at him like he's a baby
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 9 months
A few months old, but to complete the daily life shenanigans combo: Eclipse version
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Aka my profile picture
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korvessa · 2 months
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Face caressing and being in awe
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fisheito · 7 months
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OMG. that means... Cloaca Crew........
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✨C l o a c a C r e w✨
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#is there a way to turn someone's tags into regular text or must i continue turning words into jpgs like a savage?#blade walks into the bathroom too and goes “oh?? u talking about the stall??”#“it's great! my voice bounces around while i'm in there so singing is super fun. here lemme show u”#cut to scene where it's blade crowding eiden/yakumo/rei into one stall and making them sing to test the bathroom acoustics#blade wears a hard hat while swimming in the shark tank#does it make sense? no. but blade does not want to be left out of the hat game. safety first!#did i go down another abyss of articles about owl and shark anatomy to confirm cloacas before i drew this? yes.#the tags tho#olivine (ever the caring coworker) tries to stop edmond from gorging on sugary carrots but edmond will outrun him#or stuff his face so fast that olivine cannot stop him#several hours later u just find edmond curled up on the ground in the rabbit pen#bc of tummy ache.#he is under a mountain of fluffy potatoes (bunnies) trying to comfort him#olivine knew this would happen so he's out there gently extracting edmond from the pile and coaxing him to rest properly#i wonder what the staff room fridge looks like.#WHO PUT AN ENTIRE KING SALMON ON TOP OF MY SALAD#anyway. they can probably eat relatively normal humanish food.#or maybe that fridge is just a decoy fridge (and a place for edmond's full 3 heads of lettuce)#and the real lunch fridge is in the back with all the “animal food storage”#u open it up and it's just a pixellated blur of gore#blame all the carnivores working here. they demand fresh meat.#zookeeper au#yakumo#eiden#rei#blade#edmond#olivine
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radioghosts-freakster · 2 months
Mike would love to play Guitar Hero and all of the Rock Band games btw 💖
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haveihitanerve · 6 months
i love interviews about their songs so much, but this one in particular because whenever roland brings up his wife Caroline you can see curt shift, ever so slightly, in every interview ive seen, closer to roland, and just give him that silent support.
and in the beginning, curt knows they're getting into hard territory for roland, so he cracks that quick joke. "dont ask me" and laughs. and roland tries to laugh, but doesnt manage to, but you can see the gratefulness in his eyes
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Out of curiosity, how would the Noah’s Ark Circus boys be with a fem opera singer s/o?
babies, all of em <3
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Lord, she can hit notes he’s never even conceived of! He’s always in awe while she’s singing; all anyone needs to do to confirm it is to look at him. As long as his S/O has her mouth open and some tune coming out of it, his eyes are glued to her, and he’s got a dreamy expression on his face. He thinks of her as sort of… fancy and unattainable. Except, well, obviously that’s a lie, because he’s got her. It’s always a shift to him, the way he can go from thinking of her that way, to lying in her lap at night while she sings to him. She’s not some held-up ideal or just an idea or a person he can never have, she’s a dream come true. Listening to her sing makes him drift off, although he teases her, “Why are y’ try’na make me fall asleep? Any dream I ‘ave ain’t gonna ‘old a candle t’ y’.”
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Well, well, look at this! Another natural entertainer just like him, so it’s no surprise they get on so grandly. Does she want to use that talent of hers in a show with the circus from time to time? He’d love it; someone as incredible as her would draw a big crowd. Of course, that’s not all he’s thinking about. He could listen to her singing all day. Even if she sings in other languages, foreign operas that he’s never heard of, even if he doesn’t know what the song is about, just her voice on its own is something to be praised. Sometimes he likes to sing with her, if he starts a song and she continues it. He’s far from a bad singer, but a professional like her blows him away. Her voice is a gift, and he doesn’t know what he did to deserve it… he’s just lucky he has it. Often, one might notice him closing his eyes to soak it in whenever she sings. It’s one of the few times he actually relaxes a bit.
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Ah… well… she could be with anyone, couldn’t she? A skill like that… he’s especially appreciative of it, because music is something he’s passionate about even if he doesn’t always show it. To him this is the equivalent of dating a famous actress, and he doesn’t feel good enough for someone like her. Though, that’s not to say he looks down on himself or thinks she’s ‘better’ than he is. It’s just… it’s complicated. He still loves her, so much, and is trying to work through his feelings about it. Mostly, he just quietly admires her. Particularly whenever she’s singing. The first time he starts to play his harmonica as a background for whatever she’s singing, he does it shyly. When her eyes light up and she seems to enjoy that, however, he does it a lot less self-consciously every time after. She’s his perfect partner; he couldn’t have someone he loved more if he’d handmade them himself. Once in a rare, rare while, in private… he might actually sing with her.
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Damn, how long did she train to be able to sing like that? Probably longer than he had to train to be able to do the trapeze! Or maybe not. Who knows? The king of overcompensating as usual, he sometimes brushes off her singing as something she’s spent too long on, even though he knows it’s literally her career. He realizes it might come across as hurtful, but it’s like he can’t shut his own rude comments up. It’s almost sad, because that’s not something he believes. He doesn’t think she’s ‘thrown away her life’ or spent too much time singing. He’s just… intimidated. He doesn’t think of himself as special compared to her, and thinks if he can scoff at her talent, she might appreciate his. Of course, what he fails to realize is that she probably already does appreciate his talent. In more peaceful moments, he might offer some small apologies and make it clear that he thinks her voice is amazing.
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(Oooh. She has as much control over her voice as you do over yours, Snake.) Most certainly, Donne. Perhaps even more so. She’s impressive. He’s even more intimidated of his S/O than Peter is in the same situation, because of his self-worth being basically nonexistent. How can someone like her want to be with someone like him…? A part of him acknowledges that they’re similar in some way, and perhaps it’s because he knows all the effort and technique that’s required to manipulate one’s voice — whether through singing the way she does or through the acting he does. He and the snakes are all thoroughly soothed by her singing, to the point that sometimes the snakes will crawl up to rest on her throat (if that doesn’t bother her) to feel the vibrations better. There are moments, where he feels very selfish, where he lays his head on her chest and asks softly, “Would you sing me something?” Though… he typically makes an excuse that it’s a snake who wants to hear. That’s nothing new.
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widevibratobitch · 8 months
me when im obsessed with dead singers from 50 (well... mostly 70-120) years ago and im heartbroken to know i'll never see them on stage... never hear them breathe, never see them sweat, never even touch the hem of their garment...
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it really is enough to drive a person mad...
#this is so funny because this is the one vaguepost that i wholeheartedly 100% agree with skdhsjshsjdhsn#like yeah!! it does indeed pain me that the level of operatic singing has so drastically decreased over the last 50 years!#that top operatic stars of today are all either nasal or wobbly or knödely or completely inaudible without microphones#but some of yall are just not ready for this conversation. example a#anyway. as many have said before. its kinda easier to understand how some people cant appreciate certain operas#if they never heard them sung well lol#sorry im out of blood today. i know this is a very uncomfortable subject for many but.#you can actually judge someone's singing in a pretty objective way. there are nuances of course. but from a technical point of view#it really is pretty simple#(also its not like i dont enjoy *some* modern singers lol have you SEEN my kwiecień posting???? lmao#hell. there are even some modern singers i have a soft spot who i KNOW sing... Not Very Well. but i enjoy them lol#not many ofc but. yknow)#also 50 years ago would be the 1970s if im doing my maths correctly and. that is really the point in opera history#when it all started going downhill (sadly partly because of one of my all time favourite singers' influence... but thats a different story)#anyway. remember when luis tetrazzini said that the future generations of singers will be The Best singers in history#because they'll have access to all those recordings of The Greats Of The Past that they'll be able to listen to and learn from?#lmao queen you were right about so many things but that was tragically not one of them </3#opera tag#yes im stirring the pot of boiling liquid shit and putting this post gently into the main tag#*luisA tetrazzini ofc#lol and lmao im out FOR blood* shdgsjsghs
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knightinink · 1 year
Okay I’m all for the “Pip doesn’t have a family in America” trope all the time, as well as the abusive foster family/orphanage Pip.
But y’know what I’m recently coming to absolutely love?
Positive, loving, nurturing adoptive family Pip. Like, yeah, I am gonna put that little guy through tough situations, he does suffer, but what if I want him to just have a happy family? Nothing bad happens to them? I think it’s a topic that should be explored more.
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Like, what if this couple adopted him?
I just think a good domestic home life is really sweet & I want him to have it
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hoperays-song · 1 year
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reachexceedinggrasp · 2 years
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picapicamagpie · 1 year
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when someone wants a bird drawn @whack-patty​
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mizirui · 1 year
VBS covering Shanti is actually fucking insane, here I thought them covering Nightmare by Azari might be a bit much but *nope*! /pos ofc
Do you ever think Ken just listens to their songs and wonders what the fuck happened to these kids? Because I sure do.
"An, we need to have a talk."
"It's just vibes dad, I swear!"
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not Simon “I want to be with you” Eriksson and Prince “It was me” Wilhelm coming for me when i can’t even understand what the hell they’re saying without subtitles
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blundermonster · 1 year
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[Image ID: An eleven horizontal striped flag, its colors going as follows from top to bottom, dark red, muted red, muted orange, pale orange, soot brown, a larger stripe of black, soot brown, pale orange, muted orange, muted red, dark red. End ID]
Extinguisunial: A gender related, connected to, or otherwise effected by the ritual from The Magnus Archives, "The Extinguished Sun." Tagging @radiomogai, as adi expressed interest :-)
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ekleipsi · 11 months
[ tend ] while tending to receiver's wounds, sender gives receiver a reassuring kiss // reverse akira & adler
[ tend ] while tending to receiver's wounds, sender gives receiver a reassuring kiss
--- Let none say that chivalry was dead. Night air agreed with the punk styled femme, and she much preferred it- and while daylight didn't burn her up like in fictional works about her kind, there was a certain discomfort and exhaustion that came from walking in the sun for great periods of time. Moonlit evenings like this were lovely, and when spent in good company there was no denying the nigh romantic atmosphere.
--- ...unless of course, said atmosphere was trespassed upon by vagrants and rebellious teens that sought to ruin nights and make a quick dollar by threatening unsuspecting couples. Adler already felt bad for them- she'd been walking with Akira casually, talking about music and the composition of a handful of different songs between then, offering suggestions and then listening to his own with an eager nod. He had a wonderful ear and beyond many contributing factors, she respected him as an artist.
--- Almost embarrassingly enough, the moment their fingers brushed, her cheeks colored and she jerked her hand away with a small noise of surprise. ' Sorry! I didn't...it was just...unexpected. ' she apologized quickly, offering the words with a guilt stricken smile.
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--- ' It's...it's okay! ' he'd said quickly, grinning and rubbing the back of his head in his own embarrassment, but the vampire was quick to try and make amends for the gesture by snatching his hand and lacing her fingers into his own. A light squeeze was given, until his own cheeks were darkened with color as well...but that was about as far as they'd gotten before the harassment began.
--- A group of young looking boys, late teens or early adulthood but certainly ruffians that pulled out switchblades and the like. Threatening to beat them and cut them if they didn't offer up their valuables- only when a sharp word was delivered towards Adler, about taking her in such vulgar manner, did Akira throw a fist at the one speaking, catching him off guard enough that he'd knocked him out cold.
--- Expression went slack for a moment, the hybrid gasping at the abrupt violence before a spray of blood drew her attention, gaze narrowing sharply and in predatory fashion, as she fixated upon it. It smelled so delicious and familiar- only when she realize it was Akira's, did she attempt to reign in control, watching as the other did his best to fight off multiple attackers. ' Akira! ' Knuckles were cracked angrily, inhaling a sharp breath before she'd taken two steps forward, reared back a fist, and delivered a blow powerful enough to one's gut that he was coughing blood in an instant.
--- It lasted only a few moments more, before they'd scattered and the single-eyed boy was breathing heavily, gasping and bleeding from several small nicks and cuts. Her nose twitched, the blood making her wince and twitch, muscles tensing before she turned away. ' Hey, let's...let's go to my house okay. I've got stuff to clean this up... ' she murmured, leading him back home.
--- That was how they'd ended up like this, with him upon the couch and her seated next to him wrapping his forearm in gauze and settling bandaids over the smaller cuts. ' I could have taken them, you know! They shouldn't...have said those things, oh man what I would have done... '
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--- His grumbling made her smile, sheepish. She was much stronger physically, given her blood and physiology and they both knew as much, but to see him get so worked up and defensive, she couldn't help but feel...safe. Protected. ' I know you could've. I was worried more for myself. All that blood was starting to get to me... ' she explained, and while it was a lie, to make him feel a bit better, it was also partly the truth.
--- Once she'd finished, she leaned over to first kiss his forehead...fingers tangling with his once more, before another kiss finally found his mouth. It was soft, delicate and reassuring to the words he'd spoken earlier, to her belief that he could have handled the situation. ' Thanks for protecting me and standing up for me, Akira... ' words were soft, and not tinged with her usual bite of sarcasm, before she was nervously biting her lower lip. ' I'm...I'm gonna get rid of the towels before I...lose it. ' a scoff, clearing her throat and moving to do just that.
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