fiannalover · 4 years
thoughts on tobias dragalialost ;3;?
- Heels
- You are Hope’s Daaaaaad!
- Heels
- You are Hope’s Daaaaaad!
- His hair is super nice too
- Boogie Woogie Woogie!
- His buffs are so strong and reliable and
- I want a Sexy Witch Halloween Alt
- I love the fact that Elly gets Excalibur as an Agito Weapon and he gets Arondight, 10/10 coincidental themes I LOVE IT
- For real tho “Sacred Blade/Revelation Purge” slowly but surely turns into ASMR for anyone who has him, hottest beat of the summer, DJ Tobias is the newest sensation of the church.
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valkylic · 4 years
u need to stop posting art, my little heart palpitates much too violently. i can't take it
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sorry king ive got people to feed with my ex art (including you)
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whycraft · 4 years
for some reason today i was wondering if youre still uploading lets play stuff to youtube :o?
im not, unfortunately :( i was going to start doing so again once quarantine happened, but then i got a job, so im working full time and still doing online schoolwork so now i have even less time than i did before quarantine
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jackmanifoldtv · 4 years
should i watch super hostile :eyes:
yes. its a lil slow paced at first and the first few episodes have weird audio glitches but other than that its absolutely AMAZING
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scarletlotus182 · 4 years
thematrixmutual replied to your post: Eirika is the only fire emblem now. Sorry, I don’t...
the only fire emblem? i would have sworn she was your oc, ellie
You have answered correctly. You shall be spared when it is time for The Harvesting. 
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radioactive-mouse · 4 years
so i recently started fluxbuds and im invested now so im jw: what are some other plot important series in the YCU (yogscast cinematic universe).. b/c im afraid of not completely understanding fluxbuds w/o context from other series dkdjkdhf
oh i am reeeeaaaaally not the person to ask about this bc im very new, but as far as i know every series functions pretty independent of one another? the only thing i can really think of is watch the apprentice and galacticraft if you haven’t already but they’re technically a part of flux buddies so yknow. there’s a brief cameo from lalnable in yoglabs, but aside from that im pretty sure flux buddies stands on its own? you can kind of pick up any yogs series without needing to know about any of the others and you won’t miss much
(if i missed anything and someone wants to add on to this post please go ahead!!)
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pentimint · 4 years
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we r all going to intelligent systems headquarters to maul everyone there
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morsking · 4 years
thematrixmutual replied to your post: What’s this about a guy who keeps brutally killing...
wait is it plushie mistress lmfao
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phantom-flowerbeds · 5 years
is the string theory au based on anything or is it ur own media :0
my own ideas!! it kinda takes inspo from different concepts (oxenfree/until dawn for the pick-your-path thing, madoka magica for the built-up karma thing, etc.), but for the most part string theory is my own creation :3c
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I think that's the most i can expect from anyone watching me babble incoherently about guns from a setting i made up with no context and, frankly, I'm ok with that.
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valkylic · 4 years
ur art slaps don't forget this
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whycraft · 5 years
UMM do u have any spare hcs for ur favs...
Yes! :D
Ex’s average body temperature is super cold
Wels and Stress are really good friends, and Stress used to be Wels’s squire
I think I’ve said this one already, but Keralis is a beekeeper
Wels’s hair is naturally brown, but he dyes it blonde
Ex has admin powers but doesn’t know it
Ex’s hair used to be brown like Xisuma’s, but it turned white when they were teenagers
Ex wears his hair in a bun!
Fairy rings show up around Wels when he’s happy
If Wels is singng, anyone in the vicinity will stop to listen
Keralis can see in the dark
Y’all know that post about what it would be like if cutting off your hair was a war declaration? Wels has real long rapunzle-style hair
Shenanigans went too far once and someone received a mess of shulker boxes all full of Wels’s hair and that was when they knew they’d gone too far
Keralis’s big eyes are just glasses and he is blind as a bat without them
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sammy8d257 · 5 years
i LOVE your hc/portal au!! any more info/expansions on it?
Strap in Y’all, this is gonna be a disjointed ramble cuz boy do I have IDEAS
First up, let’s talk about X. He’s the GLaDOS equivalent in this AU. So he’s the one that runs the facility and oversees all the tests. The difference between X and GLaDOS is the X doesn’t want to see the Test Subjects fail and generally cares about the wellbeing of everyone still alive in the facility, whether it be human or machine. EX, on the other hand, is more malicious. His goal is to destroy the facility and everyone in it. EX developed as a glitch in X’s processors that gradually became bad enough to start influencing X. X is aware of EX and for the most part, he’s able to keep him under control but there are multiple times where EX has taken full control and wreck havoc on the facility.
The most noteworthy time is when EX influenced X to kill all the scientists in the facility. Yup, that’s right, we’re keeping that part of the Portal lore in. The story goes that X was starting to grow concerned about the ethics the scientists were using to test the subjects as well as hearing rumors that a lot of the lower staff had been going missing, just as new sentient cores and robots start assisting in these tests. It didn’t take a lot of effort for EX to convince X that these scientists were more harmful than good and the best way to deal with harmful situations was to get rid of it. And thats exactly what X did. 
Speaking of sentient robots, let’s get into that. I’m slowly making my way through the lists of hermits and deciding which ones I want to be robots and which ones are going to be humans. So far, I have Mumbo, Joe, and Doc as personality cores while Cub and Scar are going to be testing robots like P-body and Atlas, but actually being able to talk.  Fun fact about these guys, while their first memories are being activated in the Facility, sometimes, they’ll get “hallucinations” about a life outside of Hermit Science. Crazy right? Theres no way these robots could of have been anything BUT robots. wink wonk 
And finally the humans.So far for the human test subject category, we have Grian, Ren, and False. Human test subjects were able to survive because they were frozen in cryogenic sleep mode until X had them woken up for some more testing. There is one other human I’m certain of TFC. He’s like the cryptid of Hermit Science because no one knows if he actually exists or not. So far I have him placed as the one scientist to have survived the purge. 
And these are just a few of the hermits. I’m still making my way in trying to find a place for the rest, whether they be robot or human. So if you have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to let me know! 
One last thing, before I end this ramble session, the tests.These tests are designed to measure the creative and technical skills the human subjects possess. So I’ve decided that the tests are going to be a mix of minecraft and portal mechanics. So some tests would be about how to cross and chasm using only the blocks provided, others on how to create structures with only one kind of block palette, some about redstone-esque puzzles and then some classic portal tests in there too.
Okay I think that’s enough for now, but if anyone has anymore questions, don’t be afraid to stop by and ask them! I love answering questions like these! :D
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scarletlotus182 · 4 years
thematrixmutual replied to your post: I swear, half this site has brain worms
I mean, to a degree, yeah.
But this is definitely a vague post after seeing some fuckery on here
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kcz · 5 years
yo i'm thinking about getting back into FEH and i'm wondering if it's worth it? ik the story is on the bad end but i remember the gameplay being pretty fun & i feel obligated now that legendary micaiah exists lgjsdgkj
hey seth!!! i think whether or not it’s worth it depends on what you like more about gacha games 🤔 for example the story is still boring and very poorly explained, i skipped part of book 2 and the last part of book 3 lol, but i personally have enjoyed it this year since they FINALLY stopped catering to the same two games and there are now more fe6, fe7, fe8 and fe9/10 units! AND YEA brave micaiah is one of them and you can pick her for free!! if you like the competitive side i’d say it’s also fun because they have been adding a lot of units that make the meta change frequently but at least i like it since it makes you being more creative with your units and builds, i don’t know when you stopped playing but a lot of characters that used to be 5* locked have been demoted so it’s now easier to make powerful units through merging! there’s also new type of events but i don’t think i’m the right person to explain them because sometimes i accidentally skip them ;_; i’d say it’s worth it if you are fan of one of the games i mentioned but not worth it if you want a good story ):
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friskibitz · 5 years
spoiler! :0
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