#theme branco
faetae2014 · 2 months
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Squatting again
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airarabu · 6 months
i have had so many silly moments this month while cosplaying branco aira
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sakurajjam · 9 months
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[ Como fazer textos coloridos/em degradê no tumblr!]
Faz tempo que queremos fazer um tutorial assim, mas fica uma jogando pra outra e nunca é feito. Então resolvi fazer, de uma vez por todas, uma ask sobre apareceu do buraco negro que é nossa inbox e me fez lembrar do pedido. Eu sei que o tumblr oferece uma seleção de cores, mas elas são fortes e algumas não são boas para leitura (estou falando de você, senhor amarelo); só que o que vou ensinar aqui vai permitir que qualquer letra fique colorida e na cor que estiver no seu coração! Vou ensinar dois jeitos para fazer um texto colorido e personalizado, é uma boa opção para aqueles que gostam de combinar letra + cor do theme.
Antes de começarmos, creio ser importante comentar que apesar de bonito, fontes coloridas/degradê, como as que vou ensinar, não são lidas em alguns leitores de tela - que são utilizados por pessoas com deficiência visual -, segundo esse post, invés de ler as palavras ou frase normalmente, alguns leitores (talvez não todos) vão soletrar letra por letra e pode se tornar difícil entender. Por que estou falando disso? Achei interessante deixar as pessoas cientes! E tem um meio de “melhorar isso”, que é colocando a tradução embaixo sem qualquer fonte, como não uso leitores de tela, infelizmente não sei como funciona, mas é bom ficar informada.
Agora vamos ao nosso tutorial de hoje!
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Você precisa entrar nesse site, porque ele vai te ajudar a fazer um texto com muitas cores! A interface não mostra muito, mas tem o necessário para o que vamos fazer e não, você não precisa entender horrores de HTML para mexer nele, tanto que vou te ensinar o básico, caso deseje adicionar mais cores. 
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Como pode ver, temos o código e esse quadrado branco, que contém dois retângulos em vermelho e verde. Se você quiser fazer com apenas duas cores, pode pular o que vou ensinar, mas se quiser colocar outras cores, me acompanhe. Digamos que você quer um degradê com quatro cores, mas o código só nos dá duas opções, o que fazer? Simples, veja o print abaixo. 
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Perceba que aumentei duas linhas entre a “first” e a “last” no código, tanto que notifiquei com as setas vermelhas. Para ter mais opções de cores, você precisa aumentar as linhas, ou seja, como quero quatro cores, adicionei uma linha como “second” e outra como “third” (precisa ser em inglês); só copiar as linhas já existentes, dar um espaço e colar e, claro, mudar os “títulos”. Mas veja que mesmo mexendo no código, continuamos apenas com dois quadrados coloridos e para que o code seja atualizado, você deve apertar no “Run” no menu acima. 
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Vai atualizar e surgir os quatro campos que desejamos. Eu tentei até dez quadrados de cor e foi, não sei o limite, mas creio que ninguém vai querer um degradê com tantas cores, espero né… Se quiser fazer as cores do arco íris, por exemplo, basta adicionar até o “sixth” e deixar o “last” que vai contar como a sétima cor.
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Voltando ao nosso exemplo, com quatro cores, para selecionar as mesmas é só clicar no retângulo e selecionar a cor que desejar. Você pode usar o cursor e ir optando pela cor desejada, mas se você tiver o “code” da cor, só selecionar o “HEX” e colar o código ali. E para chegar no HEX, só clicar duas vezes no “R G B”.
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Selecionei essas cores de exemplo e adicionei o texto que desejo, tudo na linha de cima. Não sei se tem limite de caracteres, porque, normalmente, uso apenas para frases pequenas, fica por sua conta em risco tentar. Depois do texto escrito e as cores escolhidas, clique em RUN para que o código apareça na segunda linha (em vermelho no print), você clica ali e dá um ctrl + a e ctrl + c para copiar; agora vamos para o tumblr. Crie uma nova postagem e mude o editor atual para o editor HTML, não vamos mudar de BETA para LEGACY ou vice e versa (nem sei se dá mais). Siga o que indico na imagem abaixo:
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Ao selecionar o editor HTML, nós vamos ter essa interface:
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Eu prefiro apagar esse código que aparece, porque dá para editar depois. Depois de apagar, você só precisa colar o código do site ali e antes de salvar, dê uma olhada antes, só mudar de HTML para VISUALIZAR. Se o texto ficou colorido, deu certo! Então pode voltar para o Rich Text de novo e ser feliz. Mas Rinn, eu quero colocar em itálico ou em qualquer formatação do tumblr, como faço? Como faz normalmente com os textos comuns, não vai interferir no degradê.
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Você não quer fazer um degradê e não gosta das cores disponibilizadas pelo tumblr, mas ainda quer colocar cores em seu blog? Não tem problema, nós conseguimos também! Você pode usar o site que indiquei, só deixar apenas uma linha ou as duas iniciais, colocando a mesma cor em ambos os retângulos; mas quando quero usar uma cor só, uso um carrd chamado ROLEPLAY FORMATTER! que além de colocar cores, também ajuda a formatar uma resposta para thread - ou para o que quiser.
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Essa é a interface do formatador, não vou me apegar em como formatar as coisas, se quiserem, posso ensinar depois, hoje vamos falar de cores. Muito simples, você vai clicar onde circulei para aparecer a paleta de cores, infelizmente não temos muitas opções, então só clicar em “Mais Cores” para abrir essa tela.
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Não tem opção diferente, mas se quiser escolher alguma das colocadas ali, fique à vontade. Normalmente, eu procuro as cores em código em um site que gosto muito. Pesquiso HTML Colors no google e vou no segundo site sugerido, porque acho ele mais fácil de mexer.
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Como na imagem, temos esse hexágono com muitas cores; a cor escolhida e como ela fica em bold e afins + seu código em HEX, RGB e HSL; e por fim, a paleta dessa cor com cores mais claras ou escuras. É dali que você pode tirar a cor que deseja e clicando na mesma, vai aparecer como ela fica nas especificações de bold/italic. Quando encontrar a cor que deseja, copie o código dela e cole no segundo retângulo da aba aberta no carrd de formatar - se não copiou a # junto, não esqueça de colocar na frente - e depois só clicar em ok. A cor fica salva para ser utilizada, então você precisa escrever o que deseja e selecionar tudo para adicionar a cor, fazendo o básico, clicando na opção texto (A) e selecionando a cor escolhida.
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Como podem ver, selecionei o texto e depois a cor que queria, se quiser adicionar itálico ou bold, fique a vontade, só usar o que está destacado em rosa claro. Se quiser deixar em small, só clicar onde destaquei em roxo e selecionar a opção. Mas como vamos manter a cor pra colocar no tumblr? Simples, sigam esses passos.
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Aperte em “CÓDIGO FONTE” para transformar em HTML, assim vamos ganhar essa “equação” de code, onde: <p> é o começo do código, <i> é o itálico, <b> é o negrito/bold, <small> é para a letra ficar pequena e o <span style=”color: #tantantan”> corresponde a cor que foi selecionada. Dá aquele ctrl + a e ctrl + c esperto e vamos para o tumblr, só repetir o passo referente ao aplicativo no tópico acima e pronto! Agora você tem uma cor diferente na sua dashboard e pode ser feliz.
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Acabamos nosso tutorial por aqui e eu espero que tenha sido bom para ajudar alguém, inclusive, esse é o resultado final, em rosa temos o primeiro jeito e em vermelho temos do segundo jeito.
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yume-fanfare · 4 months
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again crazy that performance went so long without a tl when this, imitating and becoming like the person you admire, is such a central theme of fine as well
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+ flower fes, but it's kind of everywhere (dance floor, ss finals, atlantis of course, even the branco story...)
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viatrix-glow · 7 months
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i’ll be busy the next few weeks so here’s a final hurrah for a while - branco themed :)
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glazeflower · 1 year
So like what if
the dateables joined a unit in ensemble stars!
He would join Eden
I mean have you seen is UR card with the appel?
But tbh he would created a solo unit just like Madara
I mean he has the resources 🤷
I think he would be a producer of Diavolo but for the sake of the title.
He would join XXVeil
You cant tell me otherwise
As I stated in one of my previous post
He is schrunk
That whole unit are schrunks
Beef with tori but sweets buddys
Hajime and Luke are baking buddys and share recipes
Just like Barbatos he would help produce Branco with you if you produce them
But again as the title
He would join Fine
I mean the theme just fits with him and so
Tori giving side eye to Simeon when he talks to Eichi
( can someone pls drawing him in the Fine live uniform?)
Him and Natsume wizard bffs
He would make lives more spectaculair with magic.
I'm too brain rot about this
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hypn0sssss · 4 months
I got bored and ranked all of the Enstars shuffle unit songs
Some notes: 1. I tried my hardest to keep group/character bias out of it! 2. I relistened to the full version of most of the songs for this, and the ones I didn't, I already knew rather well!
Enjoy :)
10: Paradigm Reversi (Puffy☆Bunny)
Let me preface this by saying that I love Puffy☆Bunny. They're just silly guys and I love that for them! However, I just couldn't vibe with this song. I didn't like the instrumentals all that much :(
9: Aisle, Be With You (Ring.A.Bell)
I find this one really forgettable sorry guys. I do like the melody of the first part of the chorus. But besides that, I can't think of anything else that I found to be memorable
8: Heart Aid Cafeteria (Blend+)
This is one of the ones I listened to for the first time for this ranking! I do really love the instrumental for this song, I think it's so fun! Besides that though, I found this song kinda forgettable
7: FIST OF SOUL (Butou-Kai)
This one's fun! I like the rap section a lot and the chorus feels really badass! Not much to say here but I like it :)
BRANCO MY SWEETIES!! Originally, this song was much higher, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was the bias talking lmao. It's a great song and has a cute theme, but I don't find myself listening to it as much. Still love it though!!
6: Sweet Sweet White Song (Branco)
Before relistening to it for this, I was expecting to put it rather low, but now I realize that it's a banger and I've been sleeping on it. The instrumental is fun, I like the vocals, and it's catchy as SHIT! Overall, really good :3
5: Midnight Butlers (XXVeil)
This one's a banger! It's really damn catchy and so fun to listen to! That “my girl” part gets stuck in my head SO MUCH. Overall a really great song
4: Date Plan A to Z (√AtoZ)
3: Have You Been Naughty Or Nice (Flambé)
GOD I love this song! It's so catchy, I love the theme, the instrumental hits, and the vocals are SO GOOD!! The “holy night” note hits every time!! I love it so so much
This is the other one I listened to for the first time for this! I got jumpscared by the fact that this was a Christmas song lmao! But yeah, this is a straight up BANGER! The instrumentals, the vocals, everything about it hits!
2: Noir Neige (La Mort)
1: Moonlight Disco (Getto Spectacle)
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lilysunarchive · 2 years
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first round of shuffle units is complete! because i actually don’t have a life, i wrote an entire essay on my thoughts about each one. warning: i really did just ramble on and on. keep in mind that this is just my opinion, i’m probably objectively wrong in all honesty. i think that overall every single one of the shuffle units were a lot of fun and i hope we get more of them in the future! 
AtoZ: song is a 10/10 banger, it’s probably still my favorite of the shuffle unit songs. all the members of the unit are so much fun and bounce off well with each other. if i had one complaint it’s that the outfit doesn’t speak to me very much.
XXVeil: song is absolutely delightful to listen to, probably the third or fourth best. i think the concept is fun, i think that each member selected was a perfect choice. very solid all around.
Branco: song is definitely an acquired taste. i’m still flip-flopping on whether i really enjoy it or whether i find it grating and i think that tends to be the norm -- opinions on it get split down the middle. i think the concept is 100% perfect though, the winter frost fairies look is adorable on all four of these little guys. 
Ring.a.Bell: i’m so sorry but i sleep through this song every time. it’s definitely not my usual cup of tea (i actually don’t know why this song doesn’t speak to me, all the boys have such lovely voices). the same goes for the concept, even though i usually enjoy the bride aesthetic. i just think the outfits are a little too plain for a whole bridal theme. i would love to see happyele try the bridal theme again with slightly more creative/elaborate outfits.
Moonlight Disco: i know that’s not their unit name, it’s just always what i think of when this shuffle unit is mentioned. the song is iconic, i think just about everyone agrees. it is a lot of fun and each member of this unit is absolutely perfect, i would never want to switch them out for anyone else. i think that the shuffle theme is a *ton* of fun and not something i would expect from enstars, i really hope we get more unique concepts in the future. 
La Mort: song is a complete banger, i had it in my head for a solid week. each member of the unit is absolutely perfect, i couldn’t see any of them being removed from this shuffle. i also adore the concept, i love that there’s an extra bit of lore layered on top of our usual enstars lore, like a little bit of extra whipped cream on top. 
Puffy Bunny: oh i don’t know where to start with this one. i think that song is very interesting but it’s not something i would ever put into a playlist or listen to outside of the game. i think that boys in the unit are all very good vocalists but the song is definitely not to my taste. the concept is also not to my taste although they’re starting to convince me that hiiro and mika could pull off just about any look they’re given. 
Butou-Kai: according to the wiki, this is the shuffle name but my deepest apologies if i got it wrong i’m actually illiterate. i think that the song is pretty good, like very solid everyone has nice vocals. unfortunately this is just one of those concepts that would never, ever speak to me. i’m very very asexual i see one of these boys shirtless and my first instinct is you’re gonna get cold sweetie.
Blend+: i’m still sort of unsure about blend+ for a couple of different reasons. i think that the song is an absolute delight. it’s not the catchiest of the shuffle unit songs or the most creative but it’s still such a joy to listen to. i think that concept is adorable and cute and it suits a lot of the members really well (like koga?? what a surprise). i don’t know if it’s the other shuffle units coloring my opinion, but i think this shuffle might have been just too safe? there’s nothing bad about it, it’s just not as creative as some of the others we’ve gotten (no hate, it’s still so cute)
Flambé: there are so many things to say about flambé. i had a meltdown the day the concept was announced and then another one when the song was released, they’re both so good. the song is probably my second favorite of them all (might change the more i listen to it) and it has my absolute favorite concept. punk rock train conductors is just such an out there aesthetic but it really, really works. 
if you held me at gunpoint and asked me to pick my three favorites, it’d probably be flambé, la mort, and xxveil (it hurts my soul not to put atoz as one of my top three). i just love the creativity, the concept, the song. all three of them are so good!
i really hope that we get more really cool and creative shuffle events in the future, the first round definitely had some surprises. if you made it all the way to the bottom of my feature length dissertation hi! have a good day!
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zenyuumi · 1 year
and aira
Fav thing abt them: everything. And i mean EVERYTHING. i love his catchphrases i love his cards i love his stupid snarky attitude i love him i lo *explodes*
Favorite line: no specific one but this entire scene gives me brainworms daily
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And an honorable mention. this one also gives me brainworms daily
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brOTP: hell dorm friendship nd pretty 5 friendship real and true 👍 also branco friendship.. love tgose guys
OTP: poly alkaloid nd of course.. (looks at my main acc's theme) (looks at you) (looks at my main acc's theme) (looks at y
nOTP: nothing really aside from the obvious ones like shipping him w any of the graduates (she has seen hell dorm ship content and would not like to see it again)
random hc: he wore heels once as part of an idol outfit and everyone freaked out a bit bc he was a few inches taller than normal. also i hc him as transmasc is that anything
unpopular opinion: him being envious of others is a good trait. to me
song i associate w them: alkali underachiever, venom, failure girl too maybe ? Also wah wah world w kohaku im never getting kver that one ever
fav picture of them:
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I dont have the full version of the recent aira card.. only the one w the borders </3 oh nd also the alkadf announcement pic. He looks so cool in that one i'd include it but i have a pic limit
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relogioserelogios · 2 years
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MB&F introduces the amazing LM FlyingT MB&F x Emmanuel Tarpin! ❄️ After the surprising project with @bulgari last year, MB&F presents a new collaboration, this time with French jewellery designer @emmanuel_tarpin With a free ticket to design whatever he wanted, he decided on a wintery theme combining blue matte lapis lazuli and 18K white gold with diamond-set cases. The result is two limited editions of 8 pieces each: LM FlyingT Ice & Blizzard. . MB&F apresenta o incrível LM FlyingT MB&F x Emmanuel Tarpin! ❄️ Depois do surpreendente projeto com a @bulgari no ano passado, MB&F apresenta uma nova colaboração, desta vez com o designer de joias francês @emmanuel_tarpin Com carta branca para projetar o que quisesse, ele decidiu por um tema invernal combinando lápis-lazúli azul fosco e ouro branco 18K com caixas cravejadas de diamantes. O resultado são duas edições limitadas de 8 peças cada: LM FlyingT Ice & Blizzard. 📷 @mbandf • • #lmflyingt #emmanueltarpin #legacymachines #mbandf #mbf #mbflegacymachine #legacymachineflyingt #jewelrywatch #ladieswatch #independentwatchmaking #finewatchmaking #hautehorlogerie #relogioserelogios https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRS8lTOGob/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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isageek0612 · 1 year
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🇧🇷: aproveitando o último post, vou mostrar com mais detalhes a roupa do evento Glorious Masquerade do Isaac, usando as cores básicas dele, azul, branco, amarelo e marrom
tendo a temática de borboleta já que sua capa parece com a asa de uma borboleta e sua máscara (por mais que o gacha não colabore) é de borboleta
Falando na máscara, ela contém lentes especiais para ele pode enxergar mesmo sem seu óculos, ou no caso, monóculo, já que seu penteado cobre um pouco do seu olho esquerdo
Seu cabelo foi feito pelo pessoal de Pomefiore, mais especificamente, o Rook e Vil, que entrou em chamada de vídeo só para auxiliar Rook, já que é ele quem geralmente faz os penteado do Isaac em eventos assim, como o de Fairy gala ou Wish upon star
🇺🇸: taking advantage of the last post, I'll show more details on Isaac's Glorious Masquerade event outfit, using his basic colors, blue, white, yellow and brown
having a butterfly theme since his cape looks like a butterfly's wing and his mask (as much as the gacha doesn't cooperate) is a butterfly
Speaking of the mask, it contains special lenses so he can see even without his glasses, or in this case, monocle, since his hairstyle covers a little of his left eye.
His hair was done by Pomefiore's people, more specifically, Rook and Vil, who joined in a video call just to help Rook, since he usually does Isaac's hair at events.
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faetae2014 · 9 months
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Legs up🔥🧡
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uispeccoll · 2 years
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Guest post from John Martin Rare Book Room
At the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences
MÜTTER, Thomas Dent (1811–1859). A report on the operations for fissures of the palatine vault. Printed in Philadelphia by Merrihew & Thompson, 1843. 28 pages. 23 cm tall.
The University of Iowa is a worldwide leader in cleft palate research and repair, so we thought it only appropriate to recognize National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness Month.
Many of you have no doubt heard of the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia, with its famous collection of anatomical specimens and medical instruments. The namesake of the museum, Thomas Dent Mütter, was a 19th-century American surgeon who overcame personal tragedy to become a renowned surgeon and educator.
One area that fascinated him was cleft palate and lip repair. This month's book, A report on the operations for fissures of the palatine vault, written by Mütter and printed in 1843, details his straightforward repair for a cleft palate.
The earliest evidence of cleft lip repair comes from the Jin Dynasty (265-420 CE) in China. The earliest detailed description of a repair is from Jehan Yperman (c.1260–c.1331), a pioneering medieval Flemish surgeon. The first known detailed description of a cleft palate comes from 16th-century French surgeon Pierre Franco (1505-1578). Franco emphasized the importance of the palate to speech development and the congenital origin of the malformation.
Clefts could also be caused by syphilis, however, and during the 16th and 17th centuries, surgical repairs were not advised. Instead, our old friend, Ambroise Paré, along with the Portuguese surgeon Amatus Lusitanus (aka João Rodrigues de Castelo Branco), wrote of using obturators - custom prosthetic devices used to close the palate.
Interest in surgical repair continued, though, especially for congenital clefts. By the 19th century, several Fench surgeons had devised their own methods for repair, including Guillaume Dupuytren, who Mütter trained with while continuing his medical education in Paris.
The Mütter Museum in Philadelphia is celebrated for its collection of anatomical specimens of rare conditions, from the famous (and infamous), as well as medical instruments. The museum was founded with an original donation from the collection of Thomas Dent Mütter.
Mütter was born in 1811 in Richmond, Virginia. Sickness is a common theme in Mütter's life, and he lost both of his parents by the time he was eight. He was raised by a distant relative in a seemingly supportive environment.
Money left to him by his parents allowed him to attend Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia and medical school at the University of Pennsylvania. Mütter himself fell ill during medical school. He left for Europe after graduation in the hopes of improving his health in a different climate and to further pursue his medical education.
In Paris, he worked with the aforementioned Dupuytren and in London with Robert Liston. Mütter eventually put together a collection of lectures by Liston, which he annotated with 250 pages of his own.
Dupuytren was known for his exacting nature and Liston for his speed when performing a surgical procedure (which could mean the difference between life and death in the days before anesthesia and antibiotics). Mütter seems to have embraced the teachings of both his mentors, stressing the need for the simplest of tools and techniques when performing his reconstructive surgeries while trying to keep the pain and blood loss to a minimum.
In 1841, he joined the faculty of the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. It was there that he made a name for himself as an excellent speaker and engaging teacher. He used his ever-expanding anatomical and instrument collection to provide his students with hands-on experience.
Unfortunately, his ill health never truly subsided and he was forced to retire in 1856. He died three years later at the age of 48.
A report on the operations for fissures of the palatine vault demonstrates Mütter's adherence to his surgical principles. It is not a long book, only 28 pages, but it provides insight into his process and surgical philosophy. It includes several small illustrations of the steps of the procedure and the instruments used, examples of which you can see above.
The book is covered in a "library binding" of black cloth and the textblock shows evidence of having been trimmed (see the ownership mark in the upper right corner of the title page above). Indeed, this book was at some point pulled from the circulating Hardin collection and added to the Rare Book Room collection. It still contains the date due slip (last checked out in 1967!) and barcode sticker.
Contact Curator Damien Ihrig to view this tiny but mighty book or any others from this or past newsletters: [email protected] to arrange a visit in person or over Zoom.
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12am-motivation · 1 year
Hey mo I know you like to play enstars, so do I so can I get your opinions on which unit each individual obey me boy would be in? I know for a fact Lucifer would be Valkyrie, mammon crazy b and Luke rabbits but everyone else... Can we get that pls 🥺🥺🥺
Heya @darkflowerav! Funny you should ask, remember that one Eichi and Solomon doodle I posted back then? I once reblogged it with some personal headcanons on which unit each Obey Me! character would be in but I eventually set it on private since I didn't know much about Enstars back then.
Now that I'm a bit more cultured *cracks knuckles* I'll revise that old list.
Note: We don't have much information about Thirteen, Mephisto, and Raphael to classify them yet so I didn't include them in this list.
(Credits to @minhyunsdick for helping me with this!)
Lucifer - Valkyrie
I remember you once commenting that Lucifer was like Shu (and even mentioned that "angel who defied god" line from Miwaku Geki / Enthralling Theatre).
Valkyrie is a unit that showcases artistic forms and is more distanced from its fans compared to the others. Lucifer also has this sense of class and nobility with his music taste and would also strive for perfection like Shu does due to his pride. But despite their arrogance, it is shown that Lucifer cares for his brothers like how Shu cares for Mika.
Mammon - Crazy:B
He has huge Rinne vibes in terms of his risk-taking / gambling addiction that often gets everyone around him into trouble, and his role as a caring older brother. No further explanation. (His personality goes much deeper than that, though.)
Leviathan - RYUSEITAI or Switch
We all know Levi's a huge geek, an absolute dork (affectionate), and a gamer so I'm sure he'd blend in with our favorite heroes and magicians. The "negative" side of his personality also has something in common with the backgrounds of these units, if you know what I mean.
Satan - Double Face
The main characteristic of the unit is in its name; it represents the duality of the unit's members. The current Satan has his gentlemanly facade to hide the wrath that lies within.
Asmodeus - Eden (Eve)
Pretty much Asmo = Hiyori; Eden's style and choreography are known to be flashy and dramatic and Asmo would be more than willing to give fanservice.
Beelzebub - UNDEAD (or Butou-kai)
He's like Adonis as a gentle giant. Taking his character song into consideration, I think Beel's voice suits UNDEAD. If shuffle units count, his physical strength could classify him under Butou-kai. (I mean just imagine Beel in FIST OF SOUL)
Belphegor - Knights (or La Mort)
I associate Belphie with Ritsu and his overall character, including his intelligence and lethargy. His soothing voice also suits those units. Not to mention they both dislike their older brothers and things between them were different in the past.
Diavolo - Eden (Adam)
Diavolo is somewhat like Nagisa in terms of character with both of them having lived in seclusion for some time. While he is the next in line to the throne and asserts authority when necessary, he also has a youthful and energetic side to him that is hidden from the general public.
Barbatos - Valkyrie or AKATSUKI (or XXVeil)
Barbatos is a demon of class and always observes proper discipline and etiquette, not to mention he's an ever-quintessential butler. AKATSUKI's traditional Japanese theme also somewhat suits him. I'd assign him to fine but he doesn't really suit the heavenly theme.
Luke - Ra*bits or fine (or Branco)
Pre-character development Luke is more like Tori and his strictness classifies him more in a unit of authority plus, his status as an angel lines up with fine's theme. But if we're talking about his character song and his overall cuteness, he'd most likely be in Ra*bits or Branco.
Simeon - fine or Knights
If Luke is Tori, Simeon would be Yuzuru. Simeon is a representative from the Celestial Realm but also has a terrifying side to him when it comes to his concealed wrath. His protective role as an angel could also line up with Knights' chivalry.
Solomon - Double Face
Cat group as Double Face; similar reason to Satan's. Solomon may be kind and is often shown to be calm and collected with a smile, but there are a lot of dark mysteries about him that we have yet to uncover. (Too bad he can't cook like Mama does)
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yume-fanfare · 22 days
With Fuyume being a cosplayer, I'd love if they made a magical girl scout story with Fuyume! The other members should be Tori, Hajime, Sora (magic!), and I'm struggling to think of a 5th member but every good magical girl group is 5
FUYUME THE MISSING FIFTH BRANCO MEMBER........ god ive wanted a magigirl story with this lineup since forever you're so right. magigirl themed cross scout with tori yume hajime sora and aira .....
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starmakerphantom · 2 years
Shuffles bases on how much i enjoy the song and MV
10. Puffy Bunny
No. Why. I hate it here. I do not enjoy the song. I do not enjoy the easter theme, I do not enjoy the costumes. I think Hiiro, Mika and Wataru got wasted on this one. Like i enjoy a good spring theme but why bunnies??
9. Branco
I think i just dont enjoy seasonal Shuffles? Doesnt help that its a shota unit and i just dont enjoy shotas (dont het me wrong i love the charackters individually when i am not bashed in the face with "LOOK A SHOTA") how ever i enjoy the costuming (Proof: https://at.tumblr.com/starmakerphantom/this-is-me-in-my-homemade-branco-dress-it-flares/cp3dlwtykk21)
8. Ring a Bell
This would work Better if i likes the boys in it better i think. Like the whole wedding fantasy doesnt work if i donnt wanna marry any of them. However, it is cute and i think the rigth guys where chosen its just not for me? All in all, pleasant but boring
7. Naugthy or Nice
I dont like seasonal stuff but they are hot so its okay. The whole thing is cringe but in the best way possible, i espeacially enjoy the rapping as well as Subarus part. The train theme is hilarrious but the costumes are so cool with the flame coats ans also a good sign if i imediatly go "i wanna sew that" Im a resident of horny jail as for now send help
6.Noir Neige
I should like this more but....i dont know. Maybe im not into vampires rigth now? Like visually its stunning, with the snow, stained glass, and the song is a bop, all the voices work so nice together.
I just like the other shuffles more i think
5.Midnigth Butlers
Very stylish. Point deduction for more suits but the choreo is so overdramatic and i actually use the trumpety part to stimm at work sometimes. The MV also has such a cool atmosphere
4. Heart Aid Cafe
This is all i ever wanted. This is all i want. I wanna go the cute boy cafe and have parfait. All my depresion would be cures. MUGI IS THERES. The outfits are so adorable and yeah. Its the vibes. I dont need to justify myself. I have a cafe boy unit of ocs for crying out loud. I chose being a waitress at one point. This is my jam.
3.Fist of soul
Is the thing problematic? Yeaaaaaaaaaah
have i watched the MV 12+ times in one nigth? Maybe
This is like...A 2020s OVA for a late 80ies shonen manga that got a terrible 60 episode anime in the 90ies and noone remebers AND I ENJOY IT. I enjoy the instrumentatin, i enjoy the dumbass battle choreography. I just dont enjoy shirtless people. So yeah. Love the camp but not the implications and appropriations
2. Date Plan
What a start. The song always makes me smile, its so adrable, the whole "akward date" thing is all to relatable. I would date all of them even if i think everyone exept chiaki is undatable. I dont mind the suits as much ( maybe the colour?) and the choreography is so fun. All in all good vibes.
1.Moon ligth disco
Its perfect, this hits every spot in my brain, if you ask me what my gender is i will send you the MV.
I love the outfit, i love the song. I have a soft spot for the princess Kaguya theme, i love the outfits, ESPEACIALLY the colour radiant. I enjoy singing along. It gave us the joy of funky girl AND im very close to knowing the choreo.
Best song. My favorite song and if youre nice to me i do a ughhhhh cover. Maybe
This is just my opininin tho like...my bff hates moonligth disco and loves Puffy Bunny so...yeah!!
Feel free to ughhh share your opinion. I went by mvs only btw because i havent read all stories yet and theres not full versions for everything
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