The Contest-Part 36
To celebrate Supernatural’s 15th season, the producers have decided to hold a contest to cast an unknown in a recurring role as Sam’s rumored love interest.  They are doing open casting calls all over the country.  Your best friend Nikki wants to go and she drags you along. Much to your surprise, you land the role and your life changes forever when you fall in love with one of the show’s leads, Jared Padalecki
A/N:  I am actually telling two stories here, Jared and Readers, and Sam and Gemini’s.  It flips back and forth, so try and keep up! : *Note: My vision for the show is different from what has actually happened, and some characters and plotlines may differ.
Part 1                   My Masterlist
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Reader, Best friend Nikki(OC) Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins,  Rory Montgomery (OC), PA Emily (OC) Cliff, Other Supernatural cast and crew
Gemini’s POV
My head popped up from the table, startling Sam and Dean, who were quietly eating their breakfast so as not to wake me. “Pancakes?” I said groggily as I sat up quickly. “Why do I smell pancakes?”
“Hey sleepyhead,” Sam said with a smile. “You must be beat, Gem. You fell asleep right at the table!”
Dean pushed a foil-wrapped plate in my direction. “Saved you some.”
I shook my head to clear it. “No guys, listen! My BFF Kelly Kline paid me another visit in my dreams. She told me where Jack is!” I pushed away from the table and stood up. Sam opened his mouth to say something, but I waved a hand at him.
“And before you say anything, I HAVE to go. Jack will only come to me. Don’t ask me why, but Kelly said it had to be me. So I am going! Get Cas, get Mary, but I am going and you can’t stop me.” I was starting to get really worked up.
Sam held out a placating hand. “If Kelly says it has to be you, then it has to be you. I don’t like it but I won’t stop you. I just want you and the baby to be safe.”
I jumped out of my seat and grabbed a piece of scrap paper and I pet from the junk drawer. I quickly scrawled down an address and handed it to Sam, “This is where Kelly says Jack is.”
Readers POV
When  I entered Jared’s trailer, he was face-timing the kids. The turned when I entered.  “Perfect timing, babe. They were just asking for you.”
I looked over Jared’s shoulder at the screen. “Hey, Sheppy! How’s it goin’ bud?”
Shep proceeded to laugh into a long story about some cool bug he had found before Tom apparently had enough of waiting and pushed him out of the way. “Lemme talk!” he demanded.
“Hi, Tom-Tom! I promise I will talk to everyone. How’s school?”
Tom’s face filled the small screen. “I can add now!” he said proudly
I grinned at him. Damn Jared’s kids were adorable.”Good for you! Keep up the good work. Where’s Odette?”
“She’s nappin”.  But Mamma wants to talk to you. Bye Daddy, bye, Y/N.” Without another word, Tom zoomed off, and the screen was blank.  The Gen appeared, looking like she had everything under control, as usual.
I don’t know how the woman did it. Yeah, she had help, but she had two very high energy boys, a girl that was into everything and still managed to find time to run a blog. “Hey Y/N! How is your mom? We missed you at the wedding,” Gen said with a smile.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there. She’s much better, thanks for asking.” I replied
Jared cleared his throat. “Uh, Gen, we have something to tell you, well two things actually. I asked Y/N to marry me, and she’s pregnant.”
I leaned over his shoulder, “just to clarify, he asked me to marry him before I told him I was pregnant.” I said with a smirk.
“Oh my god! That’s wonderful news! I am so happy for you two! I can’t wait to tell David! When’s the wedding going to be?” she asked curiously.
Jared and I looked at each other. “We haven’t really talked about that yet.”
Gemini’s POV
Sam looked up from the paper I had handed him.”Jack’s in Biloxi, Missippi?”
“That’s what Kelly said,” I told him as he grabbed his laptop and entered the address into a site to get a satellite view. He turned the computer towards us.
Dean peered down at the screen. “It looks like a farm in the middle of nowhere.”
“I’m sure it will be crawling with demons,” Cas commented as he stared at the screen.
“Lucifer wouldn’t have it any other way. He knows we are going to take another crack at him, he’s just biding his time.” Sam said as he glanced at me with worry in his eyes.
“Gabriel was the only thing that kept us from getting our asses handed to us last time we tried to take on Lucifer! What’s gonna be different this time?” Dean demanded.  “If anyone has an idea I’d like to hear it.”
“Rowena,” I whispered.  “She hates Lucifer. He destroyed her body. He’s the reason she transferred her soul into me. Maybe we can strike a deal with her. Give her something she wants in exchange for her helping us.”
“I don’t trust her,” Dean snapped. “She always finds a way to screw us.”
“Do you have a better idea?” I said impatiently.
Dean looked over at Sam and they had one of those silent conversations that drove me nuts. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, would it kill you two to talk out loud lie normal people once in a while?”
Sam smiled sheepishly at me. “Sorry. Dean thinks we should call Crowley. He hates Lucifer with a passion. We can probably get him to help us. But I know how you feel about him.”
“Desperate times, Sam,” I said with a sigh. “He’s not my favorite person, but whatever we have to do to get to Jack and make it out alive, then I say we do it.”
“Fine then. You do your dream talking thing and see if Rowena will bite, and I’ll reach out to Crowley.” Dean decided.
“"What makes you think Crawley will listen to you?” I said with a smirk.
“Crowley and Dean were very close at one time. I think Dean will be able to get him to agree.,” Cas told me, and I looked at Dean with surprise.
“You and Crowley were close? Why on earth would you and the king of hell be BFFs?”
“Back when Dean was a demon, they were very close,” Cas said matter-of-factly.
“You were a damn demon? Seriously? Is there anything you two haven’t done?” I muttered with a shake of my head.
Dean glared at Cas. Thanks a lot, bigmouth!”
Cas looked completely confused as to why Dean was annoyed. “But you WERE a demon,” he repeated as if this explained everything.
I smiled at Cas. “Just ignore him. He’s just mad because he didn’t want me to know. If he can use his past with Crowley to get him to help us, then great!”
“So what kind of deal can you make with Rowena?” Sam asked.
“I don’t know. But she hates Lucifer enough that maybe she’ll help us just to see him suffer.,” I said hopefully.
Reader’s POV
Now that I was pregnant, the long days of filming were starting to take a toll on me.  When I was not needed for a scene, I could usually be found napping in Jared’s trailer. When I was late to shoot a scene because I fell asleep, the immature assholes I work with made sure to tease me about it.
“It’s about time, Sleeping Beauty. We have work to do.” Jensen said with a smirk.
“It can’t be easy carrying Gigantor junior in there. It must be sucking the life from you like a parasite,” Misha interjected.
“Guys…” Jared said warningly.
“For your information, children, you get to have all the fun, but we women are the ones who do the heavy lifting. So until you are ready to carry a baby, shut the fuck up!” you practically snarled.
Jensen and Misha held their hands up in mock surrender.  “We were just messing with ya, Y/N,” Jensen said consolingly.
“Well knock it off, or I’ll rat you out to both your wives.”
Misha’s eyes widened, “you wouldn’t dare!”
“Try me!” you said with a grin.
Gemini’s POV
I struggled that night to fall asleep. I didn’t like sharing my head with Rowena.  Every time she hijacked my body and I lost chunks of time, I resented her for it.  But eventually, exhaustion won out and I drifted off to sleep.
Just like before I was back in the dark, cave-like space, and I could barely make out Rowena’s figure in the shadows. “Hello, Rowena,” I whispered, not sure who else was listening.
“So, here for my help, are you?” she said with a cold smile.
“How do you.....I began, but she cut me off.
“I am always in the background listening, dearie. So if you want to count on my help to fight Lucifer and fetch his wee son, it’s going to cost you.”
“Cost me what?” I demanded impatiently. “Name your terms!”
“Normally I have healing spells in place so I can’t be killed, but after the last time, I took precautions. That is why I transferred my soul into you. Lucifer destroyed my body so thoroughly there was no way I could come back from it this time.”
“Tell me something I don’t know!” I snapped in annoyance.
“What’s left of me is sitting in an evidence box in a forensic lab in Chicago. An unsolved murder no one cares about.” I could tell Rowena was furious just by her tone of voice.
“What can I do?”
I need you to get one of my bones, there is a spell in the black grimoire that I can use to regenerate my body.  That is my price for helping you.”
@skybinx-blog  @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it @waiting-4-the-doctor @ladylachesis @chelseypaigeake @tiffanycaruso @allinhishands @theoriginalvicki @elliewinchesterr @nothin-after-79 @oriona75 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @faegal04 @padackles2010 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou  @mannagryn1 @munlis   @phoenixiaxia @pinknerdpanda @vh1015   @ally-miller16  @hellokittenface  @traceyaudette @theartofbeingmilla  @jaleeniexweenie   @magpiegirl80   @silver-and-green  @atc74 @sams-little-toy @pretty-fortune @luciisthebest @tmccarney @jayankles @bookshido @supersecretspnfanfiction @notnaturalanahi @multifandomlove2002 @ivebeenwinchesterd @kreborn17 @dekahg @mariahoedt @mizzezm  @jazzzybee @scrumptiousarcadebear @winchestergirl-love @moonstar86 @magickal-angel @duckieburns @imaginesofdreams @gecko9596 @joyfulinfluencermoon @everlastingcas @gemini75eeyore @hartman1967 @the-supernatural-yogii @essie1876 @squirrellover1967 @multifandom-slytherin@beachy2014@dixonsvixon2017 @cloudyaries @smoothdogsgirl@m00sesquirre1 @idratherhaveyou-cursed-ornot@captainradicalpassion@keelzy2 @disneymarina@mrswhozeewhatsis@deniewinkle @scrumptiouswinnie @nikkilafox @sammy-salamander @internationalmusicteacher @ellen-reincarnated1967 @i-like-it-heavy-so-i-can-panic @daughterleftbehind @iamnotsaneatall @crispycurly @tjforston @shamelesslydean @goldenolaf25 @my-squirrel-and-moose @eleven-eleven-make-your-wish@sadnessabuse @laurenisnot @maddieburcham1  @canadianjelly@muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5@weasleywinchester @samisimportant @fatalcrossbow  @soab1967 @bagiab @spnbaby67 @plaid-lover-bay25 @feelmyroarrrr @nessy-bearxb @mandylove1000 @kay18115 @carryonmyswansong  @spn-ficfanatic @akhuna01 @mirandaaustin93 @kissofvenom922 @super-fan-of-all-things @superlightalternateuniverse88   @tokyoghoulyz  @midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker  @ronnie248-blog @bohowitch @just-another-busyfangirl @jotink78 @kittenofdoomage  @frankiea1998 @akshi8278 @stylinson531 @valynsia @dr-dean@theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek      @laurenisnot  @canadianjelly@muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @grantsgorgeousgirl  @feelmyroarrrr @milkymilky-cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @emoryhemsworth @squirrel-moose-winchester@jennifromtheblock1013  @mogaruke @sweetmisseddreams2002@negan–is–god @spnwoman @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @maximumkillshot @sweetpeamoose @mrs-meghan-winchester @woodworthti666  @herbologystudent252 @sandlee44 @blackcherrywhiskey @themes87 @some-random-stranger-007@topthis808 @justballoonfishthings @masha-meow01 @mannls @michelleraethings @awkwardnesshabitat @mountaingirlforever @thelittlestwinchestersister
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saveyourblood · 8 years
Some good Miss Jackson news!
Some of you may or may not have noticed that the updates of this series have been sporadic at best. Well, besides writer’s block and zero motivation, there was a reason. I had lost the notes I planned on using for the series and readers alike, and since I couldn't remember what was written on them, it halted the entire series. Well, turns out facebook is useful for something: I had sent them to my sister, and in an update that allows you to see all messaged photos, I got them back!
Tagging the Jackson clan so they know that the series will indeed be finished :)
@sleepywinchester @purgatoan @euphosric @winchestersnco @impalapossible @elroymarvelous @raeganr99 @dontsassmecastiel @bitch-i-am-a-dean-girl @faithlov3hope @the-sarcastic-mess @supernatural-harrypotter7 @anabel-rose @district-12-erudite @nerdysandwichqueen @spnici @number-one-supernatural-trash @chelseypaigeake @superbluhoo2 @b-enfield14 @anaestheticfangirl @winterwolf57 @bubblebathsandsarcasm @wildfirewinchester @rainingangelwings @ruined-by-destiel @hymnofthevalkyries @everyday-supernatural-af @fairytalesexistxx @brokenwings395 @melora-barton @mysteriouslyme81 @confusedascas@girl-next-door-writes @lakama15 @phillion-howell56785 @duherica @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @zanthiasplace @danijimenezv @deansbaekaz2y5 @boredoutofmymindstuff @snuggledphan @bennyyh @bloodysideofhell @winchester-weekes @supernaturallyfiction @twenty-onepages @ruined-by-destiel @growningupgeek @mguz25 @skybinx-blog @faegal04 @jamintardis @runesinthenight @alwayskeepfighting1 @shameless-danni   @beckhambootylover @jordan0ella @allinhishands @gadreelsforbiddenfruit@driverpicksthemuusic @themes87 @elroymarvelous @training-wolves @purplecocopops @nxvakwinchxster @that1awkwardfangirl @missybaconator @16wiishes @melora-barton @obi-wan-my-only-ho @covarrubiasalex @brynleewolfe @ign-is @obsessedwithmisha @castiels-broken-fool @mamapeterson @maraisabellegrey
31 notes · View notes
The Contest-Part 35
To celebrate Supernatural’s 15th season, the producers have decided to hold a contest to cast an unknown in a recurring role as Sam’s rumored love interest.  They are doing open casting calls all over the country.  Your best friend Nikki wants to go and she drags you along.
A/N:  I am actually telling two stories here, Jared and Readers, and Sam and Gemini’s.  It flips back and forth, so try and keep up! : *Note: My vision for the show is different from what has actually happened, and some characters and plotlines may differ.
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Reader, Best friend Nikki(OC) Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Samantha Smith, Mark Pellegrino, Rory Montgomery (OC), PA Emily (OC) Cliff, Other Supernatural cast and crew
 Series Masterlist        My Masterlist                                            
Reader’s POV
“So, how’d it go with Bob? Tell me everything!” Nikki said excitedly the second Jared and me walked into my trailer.
“Is there anything you don’t know about?” Jared asked in an amused voice.
Nikki and I exchanged a look.  “Listen, Jare.......” I began.
“Oh, Padaleski, my friend.  You should know better.  Y/N and I have the kind of friendship you have with Jensen.  We don’t have secrets.  We tell each other EVERYTHING!.” Nikki said gleefully. 
Jared gave me a scared look.  “Not everything, right? You don’t tell her about our sex life, do you? Please tell me you don’t.”
Before I could respond, Nikki spoke up. “Well, there was that one time after you and Rory got into that fight...”
Jared snorted with laughter and I glared at my best friend.  “Bob took the news really well, actually.  He is happy for us. He is juggling next week’s shooting schedule so Jared can come to the doctor with me.”
Nikki surprised us both by suddenly bursting into noisy, wet tears.
“Nik, are you okay? What’s wrong?” Jared asked, coming behind her and resting his chin on the top of her head.  He was so much bigger than her it was almost comical to see them stand next to each other.
“It’s just....Our kids are gonna grow up together. I never thought I’d get married, let alone have a kid. Now I get to work with my best friend and go through motherhood with her. I just need a moment.”
I smiled at her happily.  “There is no other lunatic I would want to go through this with.  I can’t wait.”
Gemini’s POV
Kelly Kline came to me again in my dreams that night.  I was alone when I drifted off to sleep, but suddenly I sensed the presence of another in the room, and my eyes popped open.
“Hello, Gemini,” Kelly whispered.
“I sat up and glared at her. “I already talked to Sam and Dean.  Neither of them is happy about this, especially Dean.”
She gave me a sad smile.  “I wish there was another way.  I am going to try and find Jack.  I don’t know if it will work, but he is very powerful, and our bond is strong.”
My eyes softened at her determination. “I know you are convinced he is good, but what if Lucifer has already corrupted him? What then?”
“I have to try.” Was all she said.
“You do what you have to do. I’m tired. I’d like to go back to sleep now.” I laid back down and closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, it was morning.
Kelly was able to use her bond with Jack to locate him.  She wasn’t about to let a little thing like being dead keep her from her son.  If there was any way she could help save him, she would do whatever it took.
She found Jack sleeping in Lucifer’s latest hideout, being watched over by Leo.  He couldn’t see her, so she slipped into the room and entered Jack’s dream.
Jack was suddenly being rocked gently in warm, comfortable arms. He couldn’t see the face of the lady in white who was holding him, but he knew she was a friend. “Hi, Jack. I’m your Mom. And I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure nothing bad happens to you,  People are going to assume things about you because you are the son of Lucifer.  But you are also MY son.  You are good, I know you are.” 
The baby smiled in his dream.  He wanted to be good.  He didn’t want to hurt anyone.
Kelly smoothed his tuft of hair away from his face. “Some friends of mine are coming to get you.  You need to be away from your Dad for you to have any chance to find your good side.  So don’t be afraid.  Sam, Dean, and Gemini will take good care of you.  Do everything you can to help them get you out of here quickly and easily, okay? I love you, my son.”
And then the lady in white was gone, and Jack cried because he wanted her to come back and rock him some more.
Reader’s POV
We had just received the next two scripts and there was some big stuff in store for Supernatural.  One character’s storyline was being wrapped up and their time on the show was coming to an end.  A new actor was starting on the show that was going to figure prominently in the future storyline.  I couldn’t wait to see how everything panned out.
Gemini was starting to show, so now I had to wear a little prosthetic belly when we were filming. Jared loved it and he couldn’t stop touching and rubbing it during takes. 
After I had blown my third take in a row, I yelled to Rich, who was directing the episode. “Jared keeps rubbing my belly! Make him stop!”
Jensen rolled his eyes.  “It’s FAKE, asshole. She’ll have a real one soon enough. Quit it, I’m tired and I wanna go home.”
Misha grinned at Jared conspiratorially. “It’s hard to resist, isn’t it? Nikki asked me how I would like it if she rubbed my balls all the time and I said, ‘yes, please.’
The three of them laughed like teenagers while I glowered at them. “What are you three, like fifteen years old? Seriously!  None of you would last five minutes in this thing.  It’s hot as hell and it itches like a mother!”
“What are you gonna do when it’s a real belly you can’t take off, Y/N?” Jensen said with a smirk.  Are we gonna have to listen to you complain for the next 8 months? Danneel carried twins and never complained once!”
“Bullshit!” I said vehemently.  Nikki had come on set to give me a message, walking into the end of the conversation.
“Total bullshit, Jensen.  She just didn’t want to hurt your tender feelings.  Being as round as you are tall is NOT fun.  Not at all.”
“Okay, Kids,” Rich yelled.  “Can we just agree to disagree and get back to work?”
Gemini's POV
I stumbled into the kitchen for coffee, answering Dean’s ‘good morning’ with a barely audible grunt.
“You’re a ball of sunshine this morning.”  He quipped.
“Sorry, I’m a little cranky.  I can’t seem to get a full night’s sleep anymore without someone showing up in my dreams.  It’s becoming a nightly occurrence.  Missouri, Lucifer, Rowena....and now Kelly won’t leave me alone.  I’m pregnant for Pete’s sake! Why won’t people just let me sleep!” I flung myself into a chair and drank my coffee slowly.  
“Want some pancakes?” Dean offered with a sympathetic smile.
“Is there bacon?” I asked hopefully.
Dean rolled his eyes at me.  “Do you know me? Of course, there is bacon, woman! I gotta keep m nephew fed. Sammy should be back from his run any minute. Give me fifteen minutes, okay?” He went to get the pancakes started, and I started off into space.
A short while later Sam came in from his run and grabbed a bottle of water.  “Breakfast will be ready in five,” Dean told his brother.
“I don’t think Gem will be eating,” Sam said with a soft smile.  “Come and see.”
The brothers walked out to the table, stopping when they saw me sound asleep, my head cradled in my arms, snoring softly.
I was dreaming again.  I was still sitting at the table enjoying my coffee, but now Kelly was with me, her serene smile pissing me off due to my sleep deprivation.  “Don’t you have a heaven to be at or something?” I said sourly.
“I know where Jack is.” She replied calmly as my heart gave a sickening lurch in my chest.
Part 36
@skybinx-blog  @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it @growningupgeek @waiting-4-the-doctor @ladylachesis @chelseypaigeake @tiffanycaruso @allinhishands @theoriginalvicki @elliewinchesterr @nothin-after-79 @oriona75 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @faegal04 @padackles2010 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @imweirdandobsessed @mannagryn1 @munlis   @phoenixiaxia @pinknerdpanda @vh1015   @ally-miller16  @hellokittenface  @traceyaudette @theartofbeingmilla  @jaleeniexweenie   @magpiegirl80   @silver-and-green  @atc74 @sams-little-toy @pretty-fortune @luciisthebest @tmccarney @jayankles @bookshido @supersecretspnfanfiction @notnaturalanahi @multifandomlove2002 @ivebeenwinchesterd @kreborn17@dekahg @mariahoedt @mizzezm  @jazzzybee@scrumptiousarcadebear @winchestergirl-love @moonstar86 @magickal-angel @duckieburns @imaginesofdreams @gecko9596 @joyfulinfluencermoon @everlastingcas @gemini75eeyore @hartman1967 @the-supernatural-yogii @essie1876 @squirrellover1967 @multifandom-slytherin @beachy2014@dixonsvixon2017 @cloudyaries @smoothdogsgirl @m00sesquirre1 @idratherhaveyou-cursed-ornot @captainradicalpassion@keelzy2 @disneymarina @mrswhozeewhatsis@deniewinkle @scrumptiouswinnie @nikkilafox @sammy-salamander @internationalmusicteacher @ellen-reincarnated1967 @i-like-it-heavy-so-i-can-panic @daughterleftbehind @iamnotsaneatall @crispycurly @tjforston @shamelesslydean @goldenolaf25 @my-squirrel-and-moose @eleven-eleven-make-your-wish @sadnessabuse @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow  @soab1967 @bagiabe @spnbaby67 @plaid-lover-bay25 @feelmyroarrrr @nessy-bearxb @mandylove1000 @kay18115 @carryonmyswansong  @spn-ficfanatic @akhuna01 @mirandaaustin93 @kissofvenom922 @super-fan-of-all-things @superlightalternateuniverse88   @tokyoghoulyz  @midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker  @ronnie248-blog @bohowitch @just-another-busy-fangirl@jotink78 @kittenofdoomage  @frankiea1998 @akshi8278@stylinson531 @valynsia @dr-dean @theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek      @laurenisnot  @canadianjelly @muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @grantsgorgeousgirl  @feelmyroarrrr @milkymilky-cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @emoryhemsworth @squirrel-moose-winchester@jennifromtheblock1013  @mogaruke @sweetmisseddreams2002@negan–is–god @spnwoman @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @maximumkillshot @sweetpeamoose @mrs-meghan-winchester @woodworthti666  @herbologystudent252 @sandlee44 @blackcherrywhiskey @themes87 @some-random-stranger-007 @topthis808
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