momolady · 2 years
Bo the Qilin
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A new mother gets a rather strange visitor claiming her child is something from prophecy. Unfortunately for this visitor, he's going to have a hard time convincing this mother of anything. Also, first new story of 2022!
Female Reader x Male Monster
The night my son, Sebastian, was born, I swear I saw the color of the moon change. No one believed me, but as I got into the cab to the hospital, it turned brilliant pink. I knew what I saw back then, and I don’t think I’m creative enough to make something like that up. For a while, I thought it was some sort of sign, even a warning, so I was cautious when I first took Sebastian home. After a couple of weeks had passed, I decided that maybe I had seen a trick of the light, that it wasn’t some omen. That was until Bo came into our lives.
It was just a normal day, and I was trying to get some things done around the house while Sebastian slept. I was used to people dropping by at this point, so when there was a knock on the door I didn’t think twice. Answering it, I found a tall, oddly dressed Asian man standing there and smiling, with very long, pitch-black hair that looked more like a sheet of silk. He wore an elaborate robe covered in gold embroidery, a huge red gemstone pinned to the front of his collar and tiny round sunglasses that almost completely hid his eyes. “Good afternoon, Ms. Valynsia,” he said in a strangely soothing voice. “My name is Bo, and I have come to see the baby.”
“Are you out of your mind?” I burst.
His brows raised. “I beg your pardon?”
“You do see what you look like, right? I mean… My auntie dresses weird, but I know her. I’m not letting some strange man into my home to see my baby. Thank you for trying, bye.” I closed the door on him, but it wasn’t the last I had seen of Bo.
Bo came back the next day, asking to see Sebastain again. But as I was going to close the door in his face he earnestly said, “He’s a very special baby! I’m here to help him!”
I glared at him through the crack in the door. “What are you talking about?”
Bo sighed. “Your son’s birth has been foretold for generations. He is meant to be the most powerful sorcerer this world will ever see.”
I scowled. “Is this Harry Potter?”
“No. I am serious. My kind have been watching over the great magic users and sages since the world was new. It is my responsibility to see to your son’s well-being, and teach him magic so he may use it wisely.”
“Your kind?” I asked.
“I am a qilin.” Bo laid his palms flat on his chest. “To put it in the simplest of terms, a unicorn.”
This was a bit hard to swallow. “Then why do you look like a guy if you’re a unicorn? Where’s your horn?”
Bo huffed in disappointment. “This is a form I have to take in order to walk amongst humans. My real form is sealed until your son performs his first spell under my tutelage. I know this must be strange and even hard to believe, but this is extremely important.”
“I’m too broke to be buying nonsense. So either come back with some sort of proof, or stop trying to be weird around kids.”
I was about to close the door when suddenly his hand closed over mine. The ring on his finger shimmered brightly, leaving a trail of pink light behind it, and the gem set in it reminded me of the pink moon I saw the night Sebastian was born. “Please. I only want to help, Ms. Valynsia” Bo pleaded gently.
His expression was soft and gentle, and dare I say he even looked beautiful, which made me soft. “The last time I let some strange man into my house I ended up pregnant.”
Bo’s brows pursed. “The child’s father is not around?”
“No. He vanished not long after I found out about the baby. So I am mother and father for as long as I have to be.”
“How odd. Usually the father is supposed to…” Bo stopped and lifted his chin. “All the more reason I should be here. You won’t be alone, Ms. Valynsia.”
It took some more convincing, as well as my own research online. Qilin are supposed to bring prosperity and good luck, and much like Bo said, they appear during the arrival of great rulers and sages. Bo visited each day until I let him in to see Sebastian and then I realized there was real magic involved. Sebastian floated out of his crib to meet Bo, like an infant Peter Pan. He instantly took to Bo, too, and after that first meeting Sebastian would cry and scream when Bo was not around. It started wreaking havoc in the house, as his cries made things fly off shelves, walls move, and even changed the layout of his nursery.
At wit’s end, I let Bo in. It was strange at the beginning, having this man in my home. Bo’s clothing and movements both hinted that he wasn’t exactly human. But Sebastian adored him, and after some time I got used to him too. Having Bo there was a blessing, especially when I went back to work.
Time passed, and Bo became a normal part of our lives. I was able to help him try to acclimate to human behaviors, and pick out a new wardrobe, although his taste was still suspect. He helped me understand Sebastian’s abilities and importance, although that still terrified me. “He is meant to do important things, but he will always be yours,” Bo told me. “He will always have your wisdom and strength with him, which is part of what makes him so powerful. Because you’re a good mother, he will be a good leader.”
I sighed and rubbed at my cheeks. “You’re going to make me cry, Bo.”
Bo chuckled. “It’s true, Ms. Valynsia.” He placed his hand upon my back, and his palm was warm.
Sebastian’s sixth birthday rolled around, and I got busy planning the party. Sebastian was excited, as he had so many new friends from school to invite. This was his first big-boy birthday party. “Six is a big age,” Bo was telling him over breakfast one morning. “And a very powerful number.”
“Really?” Sebastian looked up from his plate.
Bo nodded. “Six is a sign for happiness and harmony, which means this could be an important year for you.”
“Every year seems big,” Sebastian said in awe.
The smile on Bo’s face as he looked at Sebastian always made my heart flutter. Something about it was so adorable, and I could tell he loved my son, which meant more to me than I knew. “This one is going to be extra-big.”
I chuckled and handed Sebastain his lunchbox. “Hurry up and finish eating. Your bus will be here soon.”
“Okay, Mommy. Thank you.” He picked up his toast with both hands to eat.
“Is there anything you’re wishing for? Since it’s going to be such a lucky year for you, it will probably come true.”
Sebastian got a look on his face I couldn’t quite read. “Will you and Mommy be getting married?”
Bo choked on his tea, and I very nearly put the knife I was cleaning through my palm. “Sebastian, what are you talking about?”
“What?” he asked with a slight pout.
“As honored as I would be, your mother and I are not…” Bo hesitated and adjusted his glasses. “Your mother and I are indeed very close, but there is nothing…” He seemed to be having a hard time saying that word.
“The bus!” There was no time to think about it now. I rushed Sebastain out as the bus honked and the kids inside yelled, and when I came back into the house there was a curious tension in the air. “I had no idea he had such thoughts in his head,” I sighed. “That boy.”
Bo sighed. “It is not so silly when you see things from his point of view, Ms. Valynsia. He has two people who have cared for him all his life, and who love him. Of course he would get that idea in his head.”
“Well…” I murmured, unsure of where I was heading.
“It’s hard to say what he knows of romance aside from those cartoon movies he adores.” Bo had a strange expression on his face. “He may assume more than we know.”
I put the dishes away and stood there for a second. “Didn’t you say that his words have power once?”
“All words do,” Bo said softly. “Sebastian, though, has a funny way of knowing what’s true, even if he doesn’t grasp it yet.”
I made myself laugh. “It’s silly, though!”
“Yes,” Bo looked distant. “It is.”
I screwed my mouth into a tight line. “I have to get to work. You don’t mind picking Sebastian up today, do you?”
“Not at all. I’ll be happy to see him. Is there anything you’d like for dinner?” Bo asked.
I shook my head. “Whatever you make will be fine.” The tension in the air was growing.
A big storm came that weekend, and we had to reschedule Sebastain’s birthday party. He was beside himself with disappointment, and stayed snuggled up with me or Bo all day. I read to him and made a blanket fort in hopes of cheering him up. That evening, in hopes of lifting his spirits, I let him go stay with his grandparents, who promised to spoil him rotten the next day. He always loved staying the night with them. They had a bigger TV, and his grandmother made his favorite food.
After he was gone, I felt a bit heavy. I was disappointed too. I had been working so hard to plan for this big party, and now it had to wait. I went back into the living room to clean up the blanket fort and noticed Bo was inside. “What’re you doing?” I knelt in the entrance.
Bo quickly put his glasses back on. “I’m sorry, Ms. Valynsia. I was going to clean up, but it seemed cozy in here.” He smiled up at me. “Did he seem excited to be going to his grandparents?”
“He was still a bit pouty.” I sat down with him inside. “I thought turning six was supposed to make him happy.”
“It will, just in ways that won’t seem obvious at first.” Bo smiled at me. “Even this disappointment will have meaning for him.”
I smiled back, then looked down at the book we had been reading. I went to pick it up, but Bo reached it the same time I did. Our fingers touched and while I started to chuckle, Bo’s cheeks bloomed bright red. “Are you hot or something?”
I reached up to touch his forehead and he pulled back, grabbing my hand to keep it away. “No, I’m fine.” He scooted back until his head got stuck into the blankets.
“You’re acting weirder than normal, and that’s saying something. You’ve been a little iffy all week. Is something wrong?”
Bo huffed and pulled his hair over his shoulder, stroking it through his fingers. I had only noticed him do this a few times before, once when Sebastian had an extremely high fever and had to stay overnight in the hospital, another time when Sebastian had a bad splinter, and then again when he went to school for the first time.
“Something’s up. If you can’t tell me, then I’m going to worry.”
Boo shook his head and had a slight frown on his lips. “It’s not something that needs to be worried about. Not by you, at least.”
I gave him a cross, concerned look. “That sounds like I need to.”
Bo licked his lip, then tucked it between his teeth. “This isn’t something that should happen. It’s strange.”
He looked back up at me and his cheeks went red again. “What Sebastian wants for his birthday, what he told us a few days ago…” His voice cracked and he turned away again. “I don’t think it is entirely ridiculous.”
A jolt went through my heart. “That we should get married?” I laughed.
“Yes. I have been dealing with some complicated feelings for a long time, but I did not want to admit it until Sebstian so boldly announced his wish.”
I held my breath as Bo continued to stroke his long hair. “I do have feelings for you,” he breathed. “For a long time, actually.”
My heart was racing. “You do?”
Bo couldn’t look at me. “This isn’t supposed to happen. The legends stated the child would have parents who embodied wisdom and kindness. I am not supposed to fall in love with…” He stopped and hung lower.
“Bo, I…”
Bo shook his head. “You don’t need to say anything. You don’t have to tell me it will be okay, or that you care for me. I know you do, and I understand if you do not feel the same. Sebastian is what matters, and I will overcome these feelings with time. All I require is your friendship.”
I placed my hand on his cheek and raised his head. At first he resisted, but then he gave in and let my palm meet his cheek. I couldn’t stop myself from kissing him. I sat up to reach his lips and I felt myself melting into him. Bo’s lips parted in surprise, and then he placed his hands on my shoulders. His long fingers slowly moved up, touching my face as the kiss deepened. “Ms. Valynsia,” Bo whispered as we parted. “I don’t think my heart can take this.”
“You don’t have to call me Miss. Just call me by my name.” I smiled softly at him before I leaned in to kiss his cheek.
Bo turned slightly, our lips brushing together again. It felt so right, felt so needed. His touch was gentle, and his hands shook. Both of us were nervous, but so sure of what we were doing. I ran my fingers through his hair, and Bo took hold of my braids and let them sift through his fingers. “Alright,” he breathed. “Valynsia.” He made a face. “It sounds so weird, I’m sorry.”
I kissed him again. “You’ll get used to it.”
I woke the next day inside the blanket fort with Bo’s arms wrapped around me. His glasses were set to the side, but his eyes were closed. I’d never seen him with the sunglasses off. He had always been beautiful, but in slumber there was a fairy tale quality to him. His long lashes fluttered in sleep, and as I rose he began to stir, although he fought rising.
Last night, when he confessed his feelings, I was too overwhelmed to fully voice my own. All these years my fondness for him had grown, and the more he loved Sebastian the more I fell in love with him. His smile, his odd ways, even his odd dress - I adored them all. I suppose I had been afraid of falling in love again and being that vulnerable around someone. In fact, I was still afraid.
Bo’s eyes fluttered open, and I saw a bright flash of pink. He quickly put on his sunglasses again and sat up. “Good morning.”
“Morning,” I muttered.
He smiled shyly. “So…” he looked around, confused. “Morning.”
I chuckled to myself. “I hope your back is okay, having slept on the floor all night.”
“I’m fine. Are you?”
I looked at him and my heart rumbled again. “Mhm,” I nodded.
“Oh, good, good.” His cheeks began to redden. “Well… let's clean up, or I can make breakfast. Either way,” his voice cracked, “you probably want a shower. You should go first. I’ll, uh… I’ll wait here.” He stroked his hair.
“Is something wrong?”
“Yes there is, and it is mortifying!” Bo huffed. “Please, just give me this grace.”
I glanced down to his lap. “Are you…?”
Bo placed a pillow over his lap. “Ms. Valynsia!”
I smiled and started laughing. For some reason, that broke the tension inside me, and I couldn’t help kissing him lovingly. “Okay, I’ll go take a shower.” I kissed him again, not really wanting to leave.
“Don’t laugh. Ms. Valynsia, it isn’t funny.” He kissed me in return, laughing between each embrace. “You’re making it worse.”
I grinned. “I thought you were some proper, slightly stuffy gentleman. I’m a bit shocked.”
Bo’s smile was big and beautiful. “Even proper, stuffy men like me can be felled by a beautiful woman. Now I beg you again, leave so I can calm myself.”
“It’s natural. You don’t have to be so ashamed. But I’ll leave you be.” I rose to crawl out of the blanket fort. “Maybe we should have a better talk later. About last night.”
“Yes, of course.” Bo said from inside. “I’ll make breakfast.”
I took my time in the shower, allowing myself to cool down as well. Once I was done, I changed into comfortable clothes and went into the kitchen. Bo was cooking, and wearing a new change of clothes as well. His hair was tied back and I could see the elegant nape of his neck, which looked kissable. “I know you’re there,” he said.
“I know you know,” I jibed. I stood beside him over the eggs he was frying. “Do you feel better now?”
“I’m still mortified,” he scoffed. “But I will survive.”
“I do love you,” I murmured.
He stabbed the yolk of the egg. then quickly moved the pan aside. “Don’t startle me like that! I love you too,” Bo huffed.
I could almost cry. “I have for a long time, just like you said. But I was so scared, Bo. Scared it would hurt, scared it would hurt you and Sebastian. I was… am terrified of opening up like that again.”
“You don’t need to explain anything to me, Valynsia. I was scared for the same reasons. I mean, this job is important. Sebastian is everything to me, not just because of my responsibility, but because I love him too. You’re both…” I saw tears slip down Bo’s cheek from under his glasses. “There is so much at stake here.”
I stood on tiptoes to kiss him. “And that is what made me fall in love with you.”
Bo took off his glasses, and I saw the pink moons in his eyes. I wiped away the tears on his face and he held my hand there, kissing it lovingly.
Not long after his sixth birthday party, Sebastian came running up to me, more excited than I had ever seen him before. “Mommy! Mommy!” He tackled my legs and nearly knocked me over.
“Easy, baby, easy!” I knelt down to be face to face with him. “What’s got you so excited?”
“I finally did it! Bo taught me!”
Bo came into the room, having chased after Sebastain from the yard. “Show her. Go ahead!” He sounded just as excited.
Sebastian held up his hands and concentrated hard until his fingertips began to glow. Small sparks of light flew between his palms, and then a ball of light began to form. It grew bigger and bigger, then folded out and created petals. He then held a lotus blossom in his hands. “I did magic! Like Bo said!” Sebastian bounced excitedly, showing me the lotus he had made.
It was his first spell. Sebastian raced back over to Bo with a big grin. “Remember your promise?”
“I do,” Bo said softly. “Now that you’ve mastered your first spell, it means I can show you what I really look like.”
I had forgotten about that. When Sebastain was still a baby, Bo had told me his appearance was locked until this milestone. Only then could he reveal his true appearance.
Bo took off his glasses, and his eyes began to glow. Sebastain stepped back, standing with me as Bo began to change. The light in the room shifted, flickering and dancing, turning pink around Bo. Bo then shook off the light, standing before us as the mystical beast he was. His hair had become the mane draped over his long neck, and pink flames rose around his face and legs. Dark purple scales covered his body, and a single horn jutted from his forehead. His back legs were hooved, but his front limbs ended in clawed hands, which he extended to us.
“So, how do I look?”
“Cool!” Sebastian ran up to him, touching the pink flames - which didn’t burn - and giggling over how cool his best friend looked.
Bo turned, looking expectantly at me. I approached him and smiled. “You’re so beautiful.”
His gaze softened and he chuckled. “You don’t think I’m odd?” His voice was human.
I took hold of his hand. “Of course I do, but I still adore you.”
Sebastian went to bed easily that night. Mastering a spell and seeing Bo’s true form really tired him out. He snored loudly as I tucked him in and shut his door, then headed towards my room to get ready for bed. I hesitated. I instead went to Bo’s door, which had once been a closet, but which he had magicked into a full-size room. I knocked on his door and nervously waited.
“Come in.”
I stepped into Bo’s room, seeing he was still in his qilin form. He looked up at me and suddenly shifted back to his human guise. “Why did you switch?” I asked.
“I figured you would…” He stopped and shrugged. “I’m a bit nervous.” He sat down on the foot of his bed.
“I think you’re handsome both ways.” I sat down beside him and placed my hand into his. “I’d like to see it again.”
I leaned in and kissed him, feeling the shift in his lips, his mouth. I saw those pink moons in his eyes as I pulled back, and the dark scales as well. I smoothed my hand over his long face, gently running my fingers through his mane.
“Is there something you wanted?” Bo asked shyly.
“Just you.”
His eyes went wide. “Really? Are you sure?”
“Only if you want me too, that is.” I ran my hand down his thigh.
Bo took a breath. “Of course I do. I just don’t want to rush. But I so want you.” He smiled. “Ever since that morning in the blanket fort, it’s always been a thought, a wish.”
“Wish granted.” I kissed him, falling over onto the bed as it deepened. I lost my breath as his kisses went down my body, and I was not prepared for the exceptionally long tongue he had. I hadn’t been so worshipped like this, touched and comforted, lit aflame.
“You’re so wet,” Bo breathed against my thigh.
“It’s been a while,” I caught my breath. “And you’re…”
His long tongue pushed between my folds and flicked up, hitting that very sensitive bud. Bo moaned and pressed more kisses into me, and it was almost becoming too much for me. I had to push him aside and lay him out, kissing him as I reached below his waist. “Ms. Valynsia,” he breathed.
“Shh.” I took hold of his shaft, gently caressing it. It was surprisingly thick, with a flared head. “Let me take care of you now.” I kissed him again, grasping his length and stroking slowly. “There. Have you been wanting this?”
“Yes,” Bo whimpered.
I kissed his cheek. “Is this how you imagined me touching you?”
He grunted in reply.
“Or did you picture something else?” I teased.
“Where did this come from?” Bo panted. “I didn’t imagine you being so… so verbal.” He whimpered and jerked his hips as my touch became more intense.
“I like seeing you fidget like this.” I kissed him hungrily. “Now tell me, is this how you imagined it?” Bo whimpered. “Or do you want something else?” I purred. I moved my hand away and hiked my leg over his, straddling his thighs
Bo’s mouth opened and he sighed. “Valynsia, this…”
I slowly took him inside. He was quite thick, so it took me a moment. His eyes glowed brightly, and his pink flames shuddered. I whimpered once he was all inside. “Like this.” His hands wrapped around me, holding me firmly. “I wanted to see you like this.”
“Oh, Bo.” I squeezed around him, rubbing him deeply within me. “Touch me.”
His hands roamed across my body as I lifted myself up. I lowered myself again, feeling him slip in more easily. The more I moved, the better it felt. I watched him, eagerly taking in his pleasured expressions and voice. I rode him harder and harder. My legs would be useless come morning, but it didn’t matter. I wanted him, I needed this, and it felt so much better knowing he felt the same.
I woke to Bo’s kisses on my shoulder. His sweet smile greeted me when I opened my eyes. “I’ll go get breakfast started,” he whispered. “And I’ll bring you some clean clothes after I check on Sebastian.”
“Wait.” I pulled him down and kissed as passionately as I could. “I love you.”
Bo grinned. “I love you too, Valynsia.”
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canumoveurseatup-no · 4 years
colors pt.1
summary: a series of describing colors without using its name.
word count: 747 (mini drabble/ poem type beat)
pairings: bucky x black!reader
warnings: cheating, alluding to domestic abuse, baby angst, small mention of drug
A/N: i know this was not in the list but i started writing and i was on a roll. so enjoy!
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It’s the color of a searing kiss to shut you up during an argument. 
You and Bucky were so different but loved the idea of being together. You loved the thought of each other. You were passionate about your relationship but you were just another warm body to him.
You argued night after night, sometimes about the most trivial things like not being able to hear each other on the phone to the important things like not respecting boundaries. 
It’s the way you bite your lip in anger to keep your tears at bay. It’s the screaming matches, the spit flying from your mouths, trying not to trip over your words.
You hate fighting. The bass in his voice was terrifying.
“Why aren’t you listening to me?,” you held your hands up, begging for him to actually hear you. But Bucky lived in his own world.
“What is there to listen to?!,” 
The color of fear washing over your face. You’re doing anything to make him listen but he refuses.
So he kisses you in hopes you’ll forget, and you do. For the moment anyway.
It’s the warmth of teeth clashing, tongues tangled, heated moans in the dark as your heart swells. He was so good at “apologizing”. Sex was his apology. It wasn’t healthy. 
It’s the color of you holding on tight in hopes it will get better.
But it doesn’t.
It’s the color of another argument ensuing, tears falling on the floor, wet eyelashes and sore eyes.
It’s “I love you! I hate you! I need you!,” adding tears to top it off.
He built you palaces out of his words. Constructing them so beautifully, knowing what you wanted to hear to tie you up in a knot.
It’s a big flag that waves before your eyes that you choose to ignore.
Maybe if you ignored it enough, it’d go away. Bucky was a good man and you believed in giving chances. People can change. 
But Bucky doesn’t.
The lies started to flow in more. You made any logical reason to push it out of your mind any chance you got. Bucky couldn’t hurt you, Bucky wouldn’t hurt you.
It’s the thought where you’d rather put your hand on a burning stove top than be hurt by him. 
But he was hurting you, he was. You just refused to ignore it. You wanted your happy ending. He was your happy ending, right? 
It’s a film covering your sight and clouding your judgment as you scream and break things in a fit. The arguments began to happen more frequently. 
It’s the feeling of your raw throat as you shouted above each other. It’s the warmth of his hand meeting your cheek and a gasp so loud it pulls the sound from the room. Your ears are ringing and you two are still.
It’s “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! Don’t leave!,” his puppy dog eyes reeled you in and made you feel guilty. You loved him and he loved you. He told you any chance he could, but it was only after wounding you with his words or... now his hands.
It’s the pang in the pit of your stomach when you come back from work and see the petals scattered on the floor. He peppered your skin with kisses, massaged knots from your muscles, you two fornicated all night until you believed things were back to normal. As normal as things can get with you two.
It’s his words “I apologize, I’ll be better,” without meaning a damn thing. 
It’s gaslighting you. You run circles around your mind, trying to figure out what you did.
It’s your eyes when you get high to forget, to try and forgive. But forgiving him was getting heard as goggles that skewed your vision were beginning to become less foggy. 
It’s the ache in your chest when you see him grab another woman’s waist... after he said he was “out with the boys”
It’s missing his touch after not experiencing it for months... but finding an empty condom wrapper that’s not yours.
It’s the water beating down on your and burning your skin as you hide in the shower to cry. When you finally pull yourself together, you tell yourself you deserve better.
You deserve your happy ending. But it’s not with him.
It’s the liberation that burns within you like fresh hot embers on a summer night as you wipe your hands clean and finally say,
“I’m done,”
this was something random i literally wrote down at work today. Hope it was a little nice, even if it’s super short.
Likes, Reblogs and Comments are always appreciated!!
ags- @blackreaders-assemble @mbaku-babygirl @vozit @yournonlocalpoc @babybubastis @mokacoconut @spideys-wife @crawlingnightmares @warmchick @here-for-your-bullshit @chonisberonica @valynsia @veryhellshdia @xye-weirdo @disaster-rose @purplledumplings @hisxblackxqueen​ @freddiedijon​ @persephones24​ @dumbchick​  @pastelastronomy24​  @baphomet-wears-gucci​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @snazzyjazzy6​ @valkryienymph​ @mariahthelioness29​ @taylortheeshowpony​  @micki-smiles​ @valentinevirgo​ @retroxvailles​ @tonyssuit​ @buckyandsebastian​ 
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laketaj24 · 4 years
can i request an erik x reader fic where she joins his video games and whoops his ass so he thinks she’s cheating?
Author’s Note: Been a while since I wrote some Erik but this little drabble fits into the FIRSTS SERIES, found in the Masterlist below!! Happy Reading! This was cute as hell.
Warnings: Language Light Smut
Pairings: College!Erik Stevens x Reader
Black Panther Masterlist
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“Whatever T, you lost!” Erik said in the headset loud. He walked around the couch, talking as if his cousin was in front of him. He laughed and rolled his eyes. “whatever, you just mad cause I tapped that ass.”
You sat on the couch, lifting the spare controller. “What are you playing, and why are you so loud?”
Erik sat next to you, his leg barely touching yours and his hands on the controller. “You don’t know nothing about that.” He teased as he slid the controller off his head and smirked at you. “Don’t want to get your feelings hurt.”
“Excuse me?” You nearly cackled. You’d spent ample enough time watching him, and your brother play not to mention you played when you were younger. College had taken over, and between that and Erik, you had no time to do so.
He started the game. “Aight. Don’t cry to me when yo ass lose.”
“Tell you what.” You smirked and turned to him. You ran your fingers down the side of his face feeling the stubble beneath your fingertips. “If I win… you give me head.”
“And when I win? The confident grin surfaced his face. “I’m beating that ass up, Please Erik. No slow down, daddy whimpering and shit. You aint gone be able to walk.” He bit his lip in thought of what his plans were.
“Whatever E.”
The game went for an hour. Erik was decent, but your quick fingers lead you to victory, your avatar shoots the winning shot, and you jump up from the couch. “Hell yeah!!!!” You fist pump and then start your signature victory dance. Rolling your hips and shimmying.
“Hell no, you cheating.”
“I’m cheating?” You laughed. “You netter drop to your knees, Mr. Stevens, and let me see them lips work.”
“Nah.” He folded his arms over his chest, and his lips formed a small pout. “How you hit that shot?”
“Oh, my God.” You shook your head and turned to him. “You seriously out here mad as hell that your girlfriend.” You flourished your body. “Beat that ass.”
“Whatever.” Erik pulled you near him, placing your back on the leather sectional and spread your legs. “I’m only doing this because I’m a man of my word. “ He swiped his tongue over his full lips.
“You only doing this because you lost.” You jumped when his teeth sunk into your thigh, tugging at the stretchy fabric.
“Yo ass cheated.” He tugged your leggings and pants to your ankles and then leaned forward. He pushed his tongue, passed your lips, and then flicked it over your clit. “But, I forgive you this time.”
Your back bowed from the couch when his lips latched onto your clit, applying just the right amount of pressure when he sucked. “Oh fuck daddy.” You moaned as you threaded the dreads atop his head. Your body sunk into the sectional, and you relished the pleasure he gave you.
Taglist: @wakanda-inspired @misspooh @valynsia  @vanitykocaine @harleycativy @jecourt @virgosapphire79n  @sparklemichele @theunsweetenedtruth @ahhhhkeya @eriknutinthispoosy  @iamrheaspeaks @thiccdaddy-mbaku @muse-of-mbaku @myboyfriendgiriboy @someareblindtoitsbeauty @brittyevans @almostpurelysmut @readsalot73 @ivarsshieldmadien @slimmiyagi @cinnabearice @royallyprincesslilly @hutchj @igetcarriedawaywithyou @madamslayyy @bartierbakarimobisson @killmongersaidheyauntie @hdkween
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thehomierobbstark · 5 years
Taglist 2
Hello!! I posted a few fics, here ya go!
@tashawar @letsshamelessqueen-m @l-auteuse @littleica @goddessofthundathighs @toniilaney @stand-of-fish @jaaystaar95 @honeyybey
@unfukwittableshorty @blackmissfrizzle @theogbadbitch @nickidub718 @forbeautyandlife @queenflaws @iamrheaspeaks @loosewindmill @macfizzle @deansbbysblog @killmongersbaby @songficsbyrissi @alexundefined @simscrazyfangirl @jusanarae57 @hairhattedhooligan @okayaqua @kimpossible1977 @kissmyafropuff @mermaidchansons @bucknassty @onyour-right @killmongerkink @valynsia @hi-looo12 @harleycativy @bidibidibombaclaat @eclecticblkgirl @voyagetoadinas9 @alexundefined @mellowjellow6 @laketaj24 @erikslulbaby @mydemons-aremy-friends @ohliyaxoxo @shinve @mszrenee @ultracrii @vibranium-soul
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i-the-hell-is-bvcky · 6 years
In Plain Sight
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader (F)
Word Count: 1,601
Warnings: Unprotected sex, swearing, public sex, slight daddy kink
Summary: Chris and the reader spend their day off screwing in a library.
A/N: Please like, comment and reblog! And as usual, this is an 18+ story only.
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“We can’t do this here!” Chris whisper yells as Y/n drags him through the bookshelves of their favorite library. On a rare day off for the couple, Chris and Y/n decided to make use of their roughly twenty-four hours of freedom by hitting up all their favorite spots around Boston. As a personal assistant to an interior designer, she rarely gets days off—constantly hopping from houses to apartments daily is exhausting so a day off is much needed. With Chris’s hectic schedule shooting the next installment of The Avengers, he was due for a small break. Chris watches Y/n as she moves slowly down the aisle, the sway of her hips is enticing under her dress.
“Oh, where’s your sense of adventure, darling?” Y/n whispers as she peers down the large aisles of books, looking for a spot far away from people.
“I lost it the second time I went skydiving,” Chris jokes. Y/n rolls her eyes and shoved him against a bookcase. It rocks gently, and they hold a collective breath.
"See?" Chris says, "too much adventure. I thought we were just going to come check out some books."
"Darling you know that we are both far too busy to read. But," Y/n pauses and leans into him, her breath hot on his face. Her body is flush with his, she can practically feel the arousal rolling off him. Her hands trail down his sides before using her right hand to rub his crotch. Chris sucks in a sharp breath, his mind already racing at the thought of getting it on in the library.
"Y/n," Chris whispers.
"Yes," Y/n draws out the syllable, her lashes batting innocently. She watches his Adam's apple bob up and down. Chris tries to focus—breathing through his nose and thinking of things that are the antithesis of sexy. It doesn't work.
"Whatta ya doin there?" His accent slips, it usually does when he's aroused so Y/n knows she's doing something right. Sinking to her knees, she does a quick check of her surroundings. Finding that they're alone, she begins to unbuckle his belt.It’s always a huge ego boost watching his girlfriend undress him so quickly.
“I was thinking I could give you a quick blowjob, if that's okay of course." Chris moans softly as she rubs him through his boxers.
"What if we get caught? That is not how I want my career to end." Y/n considers his words. Of course, she doesn't want them to get caught and the thought of the repercussions make her sick. But why is her body humming with excitement?
"You'll be quiet for me, won't you baby?" She purrs. Chris swallows down a moan. He loves it when she gets like this—she's seductive and bossy and it gets him hard as a rock. He nods, his hips taking on a life of their own as he thrusts into her face. Y/n pulls back and tuts in disapproval.
"Use your words, sweetie."
"Yes," Chris sighs. "I'll be quiet. Please just..." Chris trails off when Y/n pulls his dick out of his boxer, the brisk air making him twitch.
"Shhh, I got you.” Y/n rubs her thumb around his already leaky tip, spreading the precum. Chris lets out a shudder as she fists his swollen dick, her eyes marveling at how he looks in her hand. Y/n can feel her mouth water at the thought of his prick in her mouth and she forgoes teasing him.
“Fuck,” Chris moans out when Y/n takes him into her mouth. He’s warm and salty and everything she loves. Chris’s hand moves to Y/n’s head, brushing strays of hair away from her face. He can’t believe he’s getting blown in the public library. His mind drifts to the idea of them getting caught but it’s quickly brushed aside when Y/n takes him deeper.
“Shit babe,” Chris huffs and she looks up at him. Her eyes are wide and glazed over; her nose flairs as she manages her breathing. It’s nearly all too much for him. “You look so pretty sucking me. Such a good girl,” he whispers. She swoons at his; Y/n pulls off him, a trail of spit follows and falls on her chin. Chris leans down and gives her an opened mouth kiss. Y/n moans into his mouth, her head dizzy with arousal.
“I want you on my cock,” Chris says against her lips.
“Now?” Y/n whispers, she’s never fucked in a public place but the idea thrills her. He runs his thumb against her plump lower lip, Y/n can’t help but lick it and take it into her mouth. Chris grunts and stand them both up; he walks them to a desk further down the aisle and turns Y/n’s back to it.
“Since you wanna play games,” he whispers as he stands between her legs. He hikes her skirt up to her waist and rubs her panty covered pussy. Y/n keens into his touch.
“Such a naughty girl, sucking my dick in public and now you’re soaked. You want me to fill you up babygirl?” Y/n whines and nods.
“Please Chris, I want you to fill me up with your cum.” He’s at a loss for words so he kisses her and moves her underwear to the side, his fingers dipping into her dripping hole. Y/n’s heart pounds in anticipation for that first thrust. She bucks into his hand and moves her mouth to Chris’s neck where she bites him.
Chris pumps his cock a few times before lining himself up with her hole. He runs his cock up and down her slit, getting him wet with her slick. Y/n is starting to get impatient—she desperately wants him to fill her up so much that she’s shaking. When he slowly inches is way inside, it’s like she’s falling and waiting for the crash.
“Fuck!” They both hiss when bottoms out. Y/n holds onto him tightly, her hands wrapped around his neck. Chris circles his hips slowly, his dick massaging every nook and cranny of her pussy.
“Chris...” Y/n pleads. Chris cups her face to stop her whimpers and begins to fuck into her with purpose. He knows they don’t have enough time so he’s gonna have to put in work. The tip of his cock hits that spot deep in Y/n and it has her gasping for breath.
“Shhh, can’t be too loud. Does it feel good? God, you feel so fucking good...so wet and so fucking tight,” Chris grunts. Y/n does her best to keep her moans in but one sneaks out. Chris pauses and the two hold each other, waiting.
“Be. Quiet,” Chris warns.
“But you feel so fucking good,” Y/n pouts. He looks down at her with all the love in the world.
“I know baby but you started this and now you have to suffer the consequences. And that consequence is getting fucked hard in this library and having to keep quiet.” Y/n shudders at his words. “Lay down,” Chris orders and Y/n at her core is an obedient girl for him no matter how much she likes to take control. So she lays back on the table, her body humming with excited energy of how hard her boyfriend is going to fuck her.
“Ready?” Chris asks. She looks at him—his hair is longer for a movie he’s working on and he grew out his beard. He’s nearly unrecognizable.
“God yes, please baby,” Y/n begs. Chris’s thrusts are heavy but calculated. Y/n’s insides feel like molten lava moving slowing through her. Chris wraps her legs around his waist, one hand her hip and the other covers her mouth. Y/n’s eyes roll back in pleasure as Chris ruts into her. The table squeaks lightly but it isn’t too noticeable.
“So fucking good,” Chris pants in between breaths, “I need you to come. Can you do that for daddy?” Y/n responds with a muffled moan, her pussy reacting to his words by tightening around his thick dick.
He fucks into her with everything he’s got, the fabric of his boxers brushes against her clit and it has her manic. Y/n nips at his palm and grabs his hands to steady her.
Her orgasm rushes through her, her back rising off the table slightly. Chris wraps one arm under her and pulls her close as the other holds her head as he kisses her firmly. Chris finishes with a sharp grunt, his warm cum filling Y/n up. His hips rock steadily into her as they both come down, he wants to savor this moment.
“That was,” Y/n takes a second to gather her breath,”amazing.” Chris chuckles softly and gives her a wet kiss which she melts into.
“Now we got to go,” Chris says with a slight pout. He pulls out of Y/n slowly and stuffs himself back into his pants. Chris eyes the thick dribble of his cum seeping out of her hole and grins.
“We didn’t really think this through, huh?” Y/n says.
“I guess,” Chris steps between her thighs and puts her panties back in place. “You’re gonna have to figure out a way to keep that inside you until we get home. Then, I’m gonna fuck you senseless all over the house.” Y/n had never been so excited to leave the library.
Tags: @areubeingserved @getinmelanin011 @papi-chulo-bucky @thewinterstolemyheart @stars8melanin @suz-123 @pocmarvelworks @wildaboutchrisevans @valynsia @jazzytee @patzammit
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grungyblonde · 6 years
Queens of Odins Eye (Sons of Anarchy AU) Chapter 6 Warning: Language, Violence, Smut Thank you to @dangerousvikings for being the bomb with the moodboard. Round of applause everyone.
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Agent Gray’s POV
The whole fucking club will burn for this one.
I was a little drunk. Okay more than a little. Okay I was fucking plastered.
When I had got the call from my superior, some asshole in a suit that was currently sitting in a air conditioned office in the capital, my first instinct was to grab the bottle of Jack from under the sink.
Like father, like daughter I guess.
Before long I had passed the line of perpetual buzz that I was usually in all waking hours. Lost in an alcohol fueled rage, destruction was the only thought in my head. And if I really was like good old Dad, may the bastard rot in hell, somebody was about to catch a beating.
Now I was swerving through traffic on my Iron 883, a less conspicuous ride than my main one, every now and then reaching for the whiskey bottle in my leather jacket. They want me off the case, fine. See how they like me without the fucking badge.
The ride was a blur of whipping winds and honking horns and soon I was at the clubhouse, expertly performing a quick stop even in my inebriated state. They were clearly all back at the club now and seemed to be celebrating inside. Perfect.
I downed the rest of the bottle before shattering it in the parking lot and making my way towards the entrance.
“Hey! Hey, you’re not allowed in there!”
I turned to see a blonde woman teetering towards me on stripper heels.
“And who the fuck are you?”
“I’m Margarette. They-“ before she could continue with her sorry introduction I threw a left hook directly at the middle of her pretty face.
I couldn’t keep from chuckling in amusement as I looked down at her, now crying hysterically on the ground as blood poured from a nose that was surely broken. “Well you look like a whore to me.”
Striding off, I shook my hand out, feeling the soreness of my knuckles from the punch. Damn I had missed that feeling.
No one noticed me when I opened the doors. they were all too busy raising hell, rowdily celebrating their evasion of justice. My eyes sought out Courtney and they found her, dancing on Floki, eyes sparkling up at him.
I started to make my way toward her but a hand grabbed my upper arm roughly.
“What are you doing here?” Hvitserk’s voice was urgent in my ear, his whisper cautious. I was surprised that he was so close after how I had treated him today, his hand restraining me almost protectively. But at the same time I wasn’t. 
I jerked my arm away, not bothering to respond. I didn’t have time for this.
“Ah. Kings and Queens, it seems we have guest.” Ragnar’s voice bellowed from the center of the room, his eyes smiling as they locked on me. The King saw everything.
I returned his smile and took a few steps toward him, ignoring the bikers beginning to leer at me. “I just wanted to congratulate you. Its seems you’ve managed to save your skins for just a little bit longer. It won’t last.”
Courtney had moved off of Floki now, slithering towards me like the snake she was. “You don’t have any authority here anymore. Rebecca.” She smirked, proud of herself.”
I ignored her and began rattling off every bit of evidence I had. “March 22. Gun Trafficking. Bribery. Photo Evidence. April 6. Conspiracy. Assault. Bribery. Photo and Audio Evidence. April 18-”
“Every bit of what you have incriminates you as well. You think we’re really that stupid. We have evidence of your part too. You would be in prison with the rest of us. Except I don’t think you’ll fare as well. FBI agents don’t usually make it long, and from what I hear, there’s a lot of people who would love to get their hands on you,” Brii spoke up, earning laughter from everyone in the club.
I laughed with them. “Oh, I’m not going to prison. You’ll just have to trust me on that. But all of you? We’ll see.”
“I’m not understanding your point,” Ubbe growled. “If we lose, you lose.”
“And that’s where youre mistaken. Like I said, trust me. And my point is, Ubbe, you had better start giving lots of love to your kid. I’ll try to find a real good foster home for him but in my own experience--”
Keta practically screamed in anger, leaping at me with her her hands clenched. I calmly pulled my gun out and pointed it at the pair, causing every club member to direct their own at my head. “Watch it Keta.”
Really? Huh. “Whatever,” I shrugged, still calm as I slowly placed my pistol back in its holster.”Oh and there’s a bloody whore in the parking lot. Might want to take care of that.” Not a single person lowered their piece as I shot one last smile at Ragnar and a wink at Courtney before leaving their little hellhole.
I was sprawled across my bed, head already pounding, when I heard the knock on my bedroom door. With a groan, I put out my cigarette and got up to open my motel door.
Hvitserk was standing there, looking almost nervous. Of course it was Hvitserk. I suppose most women would fall for the way he always seemed to come back, no matter how much I treated I treated him like shit. He was a handsome man, I couldn’t deny that. Strong and lean, with boyish good looks and a good-natured smile. I wasn’t most women, though, and I had learned from a young age that love was a weakness.
“What the fuck are you doing here.” I asked, not really caring. But I left the door open as I stepped further back in the room.
“You have to be careful, Becca. The whole club is hot. I don’t want to see you get killed.
“I don’t really care what you want.”
Hvitserk ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated. “So...is this over then?”
I looked at him now, trying to figure the question out for myself. Right now he was my only ally. Fucking him had been fun but now...maybe he could serve a better purpose...
His head was down, not even looking at me, surely waiting for me to tell him to fuck off. I stepped closer until my front was flush against his and he looked at me now, eyes almost hopeful. I tried to make my expression soft as I took his face in my hands.
“No, baby. I shouldn’t have said all those things to you. I didn’t mean them,” I whispered in a honeyed tone. His eyes were closed now, leaning into the my unusually tender touch. “You’re all I’ve got right now.”
“Becca...” he breathed, my name barely audible on his lips.
“I need your help baby. Can you help me?”
He nodded, eyes still closed.
“Help me take down the club.”
His eyes snapped open now. “The club is my family. I can protect you from them but--” he took a sharp intake of breath as my hand dipped inside the waistband of his pants.
“I’m going to leave here soon. Leave the country. I’m tired of the Bureau, tired of it all. And I want you to come with me,” I lied as I sunk down to my knees in front of him, pulling his zipper down.
His widened eyes glazed over. I had never went down on him, never cared about anything but my own pleasure when I was with him. I freed his cock, breathing on it lightly as I ghosted my lips along its length. His body shuddered.
“Do you want that too?”
“Yes,” he croaked as I gripped him firmly.
“The club doesn’t really give a shit about you. You’re just muscle to them. You know that. I care about you. I want to be with you. We can leave all this behind. Start a life together. Mexico. Paris. Wherever we want. But first we have to take them down. And I can’t do it without you baby.”
Hvitserk was jerking me up now, expression desperate as he searched my face. “Do you mean that?”
“Every word.” 
His lips crashed into mine, hungry and happy. “Tell me you love me.”
“I love you,” I lied.
I could feel his smile as he kissed me again. “Tell me what I need to do.”
@ivarsshieldmadien@equalstrashflavoredtrash@whenimaunicorn@akamaiden@siren-queen03 @titty-teetee@sparklemichele@greennightspider@tomarisela@scumyeol@raindrop-dewdrop@naaladareia@vikingsmania@readsalot73@oddsnendsfanfics@amour-quinn@wheredidallthedreamersgo@unsure-but-trying@leaderradiante@microsmacrosandneedles@valynsia@captstefanbrandt  @therealcalicali @lol-haha-joke @b-j-d@cinnabearice @tephi101  @killmongersmistress @readsalot73@soaimagines@mostlikelypantsless @ivaraddict  @dangerousvikings  @kitkat1690   @starrmoondaisy
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canumoveurseatup-no · 5 years
Oh Lord
summary: cast the devil away.
pairing: angel!steve x black!demon!reader
wc: 1.4k (something slight)
warnings: demon shit, smutty shit, rough shit
a/n: inspired by ‘oh lord’ by in this moment. please comment and reblog :)
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“I can smell it on you, halo boy,”
He didn’t want to work with you. An angel and a demon in kahoots just to stop a bigger force... and of course he had to be paired with you, a mortal meat suit, in which his body was in love with in a past life.
“Your mortal’s cock still pulses for me,” you swirled the rim of your wine glass before setting it on the table.
“What’s his name? Steve right?”
He hated talking to you, he hated how sinfully sultry your voice was. He hated it all, but he couldn’t help but pray to the Lord in his head to fight mortal needs.
Oh Lord won't you save me. Save me from myself. Oh Lord won't you forgive me, for I have lost control.
“All I have to do is touch the body and it bends at my will,” you go to touch him until he scoots away, looking entirely too terrified.
“Don’t do that. I will not be damned because of your sinful spells!,”
“Oh but don’t you miss me, Stevie?,”
He whimpered at the nickname. The mortal body reacting faster than the angel within could intervene.
“I need a new one! This one is broken,” speaking of his current body.
“Oh poor halo boy. It’s not broken... it just wants me. C’mon give in, get yourself some sinfully sweet pussy, just look at it,” with a simple snap of your fingers you’re naked and your legs are spread wide.
“My mortal body is craving for you.. might as well do something about it,”
Oh Lord won't you tell me, am I the righteous or the damned? Oh Lord won't you please hear me, do I obey or do I command?
Steve was praying but heard nothing from his superior. Holy Spirit guidance is supposed to be stronger than mortal wants but he was in the presence of you, a powerful demon that had a way with words.
“I can not betray my father in such a way. I would lose my wings and it would take 5 forevers to earn them back,”
“But once you get a little taste it will be so worth it,”
Steve hates how feeble these bodies were. He found himself on his knees like he was about to pray but no, his human body was about to worship yours.
Your fingers thread through his hair and smile at him, dark red lips framing your beautiful smile.
“Exorcise the demon, cast the devil away,”
Oh Lord can't you save me from my twisted little mind. Oh Lord won't you please show me how to turn the water to wine. Oh Lord won't you show me, am I the sinner or the saint. Oh Lord won't you please tell me was all my suffering in vain.
You lit a candle with a match. Steve felt his human body’s cock twitch when you put the match out by wrapping your lips around the flame.
The once water filled glass was turned to wine and you drank it down with ease before getting down on your knees in front of him.
“You’re gonna enjoy this,” your eyes flashed a venomous black and his back arched as he felt his cock become heavy. He couldn’t describe the feeling but it felt like all of the nerves in his cock were being electrocuted in the best way possible. His thighs clenched and he grunted loudly. Praying for forgiveness as he fell subject to the needs of the mundane.
Oh God have mercy on me. Oh God have mercy on me. Hold me down under holy water. I fear I been laying with the devil, I been laying with the devil, I been laying with the devil, I been laying with the devil
You didn’t even have to touch him to make him feel good and that’s what made his stomach stir.
“Jeez, Y/N,” the name fell off his tongue as if he’s been saying it forever. It was familiar, wanton and needed. He blamed it on the mortal mind and its need for affection and remembrance.
“Gonna blow already, halo boy?,” you licked the head of his cock and he hissed. It made his heart skip a beat but he couldn’t stop. This was too good. Maybe he understood why so many mortals sinned. He couldn’t stop it. It sure didn’t help when you swallowed the cock whole and purposely choked on it, making him place a hand on the back of your head and fuck himself into your mouth.
He felt disgusting... and it was exhilarating.
You pulled back, feeling him close already, “Not yet,”
You climb on his lap and place your lips on his pulse, leaving a dark brown lip print from your lipstick.
Oh Lord please forgive me for what I'm about to do. Oh Lord won't you believe me I burn in hell for you
Steve still prayed every single time your walls wrapped around him. He felt the muscles in his back ache, his wings trying to be the better judgement, trying to get him to stop now while he’s ahead but he just couldn’t. He was a weak angel or maybe you... were just too strong for him to be around. He was a good angel... it was your evil spirit, tainting his holy one and fuck, he should hate it.
Your head is thrown back with a moan when you begin swirling your hips in circles up and down on him.
“No wonder my mortal’s body is so needy for this cock. It’s too good,” your finger wrap around his throat as you ride him harder, ready to feel absolute pleasure course through your veins.
“Oh Lord won't you teach me, teach me how to see,” you whine, feeling some of Steve’s holier than thou essence flow through you, knowing he’s feeling some of your greater evil flow through him, “Oh Lord tell me you love me, am I Lillith or am I Eve?”
Steve knew those words were meant for him. You were like Eve and Lilith built into one and that’s what created the internal conflict.
He wrapped his hand around your throat all the same, giving into the mortal instinct and thrusting up into you, chasing what he was trying to deprive the body of.
“Just like that, Steve. Give into sin, fuck me just like that. Don’t you like the way my pussy feels?,”
He should hate the vulgar words dancing on your tongue but he can’t help but be hypnotized by it.
“Love it so much, cum around my cock. Show me a demon like you can be a good girl and listen,”
He growled as you gripped his throat harder, riding him harder to cum for him. Your moans filled the hotel room as you felt sweat bead on your forehead.
“Gonna cum, Stevie,”
He about made your human body pass out with the strength of his hold on your throat, but your body loved it. It loved the way stars danced on the edges of its vision.
You both saw the past lives of your human bodies as you orgasmed. Seeing all the dates they had together, seeing all the plans they had, the love they made.
It sent chills through both of you that it felt all too familiar as the words filled the air from the both of you.
“I love you,”
“Oh God have mercy on me,” he pleaded, “Oh God have mercy on me. Hold me down under holy water. I fear I been laying with the devil, save my soul,”
The initial task was done and you two went both of your ways, Steve dreaded leaving you to go back. But he knew he had to while you got to roam Earth at your own will and probably sleep with whoever you want, it made his blood boil at the temperatures of the hottest flames in hell.
“You can not pray for mercy for something at this magnitude, my child. You must pay for your sins and maybe you will have learned,”
Steve was on his knees as his wings were ripped from his back and he let out a scream, all the angels heard it, all the demons heard it. You heard it.
“You will live amongst the feeble until you’ve learned from your mishaps,”
Before Steve can continue to beg, the ground beneath him opened up and he fell to Earth. His first instinct should be to go to a church and repent, repent, repent.
But no.
His first thought was to find you.
Hold me down under holy water. I fear I been laying with the devil.
Just a little something slight.
tags- @blackreaders-assemble @mbaku-babygirl @retroxvailles @yournonlocalpoc @dumbchick @warmchick @valkyriesnymph @valynsia @veryhellshdia @disaster-rose @here-for-your-bullshit @valentinevirgo @spideys-wife @xye-weirdo @hisxblackxqueen @chonisberonica @crawlingnightmares @kamahriii @vozit @alyssaj23
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laketaj24 · 5 years
Author’s Note: Hello!!! Here is a drabble! I hope you enjoy!! Tell me what you think!! Requests open, taglist open!! Thanks!
Was wondering if I could I request ubbe as a daddy dom punishing reader by spanking or fingering her in front of people discreetly. (Anon)
I would request an angry Ubbe. A "you've done it now sugar" Ubbe. An Ubbe who ain't playing games. Big bad Ubbe.  (Anon)          
Pairing: Dom!Ubbe X Reader
Warnings: Smut.
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One thing was certain about Ubbe, he had his rules. They were to be followed rather you were in your home or out in public. There was no difference to him and they were simple.
1. Always be respectful
2. Always call him sir
3. Never show anyone else what’s his
They were simple rules, easy to follow now that you’d been properly trained. Plus, there was no one else that ever had your attention other than him. The dark room at the back of the restaurant was ideal for the both of you. It had been a long day, filled with endless paperwork for him and nonstop going for you. This rest was needed. This rest was craved.
You slide into the booth, the cool leather makes it easy and immediately get the menu. “Finally.” you said looking over the menu.
“What are you thinking for today?” Ubbe loosened his slender black tie and sipped the amber liquor. They already had his drink waiting fro him. You two were regulars here. It was close to your home. Short walk and good food was the best part of even living in Manhattan.
“Something along the lines of real food. I’ve been warn out today.” You flip the page. “The lamb sounds good.”
“Get what you want.” He lights the cigarette inhaling deeply before resting back with his arm draped around you. “I talked to Bjorn all today about moving the meetings for next week to this week and he can’t. So I guess the trip is canceled.”
The Paris trip was something that you had waited on for months. You placed the menu down on the table and looked up to him. “That is not what we agreed on, why’d you even schedule meetings on the week we had plans? Why?”
“Don’t talk to me as if I can avoid this, I tried and I can’t. The end.” He took another long drag of the cigarette and the plume of smoke rose up over the booth. “We can go another week.”
“I’m going when it was planned.”
“I beg your pardon.”
“You heard me.”
“come here.” Ubbe placed his drink down and cleared his throat. “Now.”
“No.” You pull at your purse with the mission to slide out the other side of the booth and before you can make it out Ivar slides in accompanied with his girlfriend. You roll your eyes shaking your head. “I have to use the restroom.” You force a smile.
“No you don’t.” Ubbe playfully pulls you over to him making more room for his brother and his guest and then he grips your thigh. “I’m sure you can wait love.”
You swallow hearing the deep rumble in his voice. “Sure thing… sir.”
His teeth graze the bare skin on your shoulder. “You’ve done it now sugar.” He whispers. Ubbe returns to Ivar. “How was class?”
“Horrible, professor got mad because his answer was wrong.” He shrugged. “What are you two doing out so late?”
“It’s only nine.” Ubbe’s hand slid down the curve of your thigh. His thick fingers push them apart gently as he sent them to the seam of your panties. “We have a whole night ahead of us.” He picks them up slippign his finger pass your swollen lips.”Right, Y/N?”
“Right.” You sigh pushing your legs together but the stregthn he has is greater than yours. “Super young.”
You’d broke all three of the rules. And he’d make you pay in public with discretion, you knew this already. His ringed finger curled inside of you and your lower lip trembles.
Ivar contined to lead the conversation.
Ubbe’s finger circled your entrance, your arousal soaks his fingers making it easier for him to push completely inside of you. You squirm and your breath hitches as the mist of sweat forms on your forehead. Your body is molten, betraying you as he starts discreetly moves his fingers in and out of you and still smile and nod at Ivar’s conversation.
You’d heard nothing. You could only think about how he spins his fingers whirling you into a frenzy. Clenching your legs only made matters worst. Your clit was on edge, pulsing with each stroke and teetering the edge of having you shake.
“you two heading for France next week?” She asked with a smug smile.
“No.” You answer, clipped and breathy. “I need water!” You wave at the waiter.
“You’re okay.” Ubbe’s fingers quicker as he pulls you closer to him. “Why are you so hot baby?” he was deeper in you now, somehow still hiding everything he was doing. He lifted you from the seat and into his lap and immediately his two fingers dove into you.
Your hands grip the glass of scotch but never makes it to your lips as you are near to cumming. Your legs quake and he continues.
“I think that we should go.” Ubbe grins. “Dinner is on me you guys.” He lifts you from the seat and catches you before anyone can notice your weak legs. “Good night.”
  list: @ivarsshieldmadien | @equalstrashflavoredtrash | @whenimaunicorn | @akamaiden | @siren-queen03 | @titty-teetee | @sparklemichele |   @wilddrabble | @imgoldielikehawn | @greennightspider  | @kenzieam @tomarisela  | @scumyeol | @raindrop-dewdrop |  @naaladareia | @vikingsmania  | @readsalot73| @oddsnendsfanfics |  @amour-quinn | @wheredidallthedreamersgo| @unsure-but-trying  | @lisinfleur |  @ceridwenofwales | @leaderradiante |  @valynsia   |  @captstefanbrandt | @therealcalicali | @lol-haha-joke | @b-j-d | @cinnabearice | @tephi101 | @grungyblonde |  @igetcarriedawaywithyou | @honestsycrets | @sunnyfortomorrow | @earthsmightiestasses | @sincerelysinister | @dangerousvikings | @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla |   @tgrrose | @tierneygonzalez | @ivaraddict | @alicedopey | @brownsugerhippy| @purplerain85 | @quaint-and-curious-being | @doloreschanal | @ilvebeenabad | @strangunddurm | @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol | @young-ugly-god | @blackspiritshake | @starrmoondaisy | @trailerthoughtstexas | @booyouwhore | @athroatfullofglass | @riottkatt |  @honeyofthegods| @car-karaoke  | @funmadnessandbadassvikings | @jennadoll19-blog| @khiraeth | @geekandbooknerd | @rabeccablake | @savismith| @boo-youwhoreeee-blog | @chinduda | @innerpaperexpertcloud | @crushed-pink-petals |@bewitch3dforivar | @pancakeboat | @mdlady| @ainatirb-j | @red-rose-21 | @isthat-tyra98 | @trashqueenbitch | @walkxthexmoon | @anunintentionalwriter | @millie67 | @lol-haha-joke | @eleventhdoctorsangel | @reeree1500 | @tamed–chaos | @queenbeeta |   @medievalfangirl | @fangrltiara | @artsyle | @fallslikefeather | @eclecticblkgirl | @pinkrockstar19 |
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thehomierobbstark · 5 years
Tag List 2
Hey peeps, trying to get my taglist organized before I really start to post again. If you’d like to be removed (or added) let me know!! In the meantime I dropped this baby fic. Enjoy! (If I tagged you twice my bad)
@tashawar @letsshamelessqueen-m @l-auteuse @littleica @goddessofthundathighs @toniilaney @stand-of-fish @jaaystaar95 @honeyybey
@unfukwittableshorty @blackmissfrizzle @theogbadbitch @nickidub718 @forbeautyandlife @queenflaws @iamrheaspeaks @loosewindmill @macfizzle @deansbbysblog @killmongersbaby @songficsbyrissi @alexundefined @simscrazyfangirl @jusanarae57 @hairhattedhooligan @okayaqua @kimpossible1977 @kissmyafropuff @mermaidchansons @bucknassty @onyour-right @killmongerkink @valynsia @hi-looo12 @harleycativy @bidibidibombaclaat @eclecticblkgirl @voyagetoadinas9 @alexundefined @mellowjellow6 @laketaj24 @erikslulbaby @mydemons-aremy-friends @ohliyaxoxo @shinve @mszrenee @ultracrii @vibranium-soul 
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persephones24 · 5 years
Let's do this one last time
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Hey, the names Valynsia. And for the past 2 weeks, I am the one and only spider woman 🕷🕸
My good friend did this for me. If you are looking to get one, dm me and I'll give you his email. ❤
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I Gotta Go
Title: I Gotta Go
Pairing: Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader
Word Count: 1,173
Warnings: Smut-ish, Grinding, Fluff.
Summary: He is leaving to go back to filming and you can’t say you are too excited to see him leave.
Prompt: Grinding against one another
A/N: You can full on blame @dxeans for encouraging this. She is also the one who beta’d it and told me it didn’t suck! Feedback is GREATLY appreciated as this is the first time I have written JDM as a character! :)
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You sat on the middle of the bed, your eyes locked on the suitcase in front of you like it was some form of torture. It really was the more you thought about it. Watching as he paced back and forth, opening up drawers and closing them. Taking clothes out and placing them in the suitcase that was far too small. In a way it was comforting, knowing he was leaving some piece of him here with you. This was the first time you were going to be apart. This was the first time he was leaving for an extended period of time.
 You hadn’t been together for all that long. A few of months at best, but that didn’t mean you weren’t falling head over heels for this man. Hell, you were pretty sure it was love at first sight. When your friends Jared and Jensen introduced you to him, there was something in his eyes that had you hooked. A few kisses there, a couple more hookups there, now here you were, on the verge of saying goodbye for a little while.
 “Alright, I think that’s everything,” he let out a sigh of relief. Your eyes met his dark brown obs, and you could feel the almost what you would describe as sadness, sink in. You weren’t nearly ready to say goodbye. He zipped up the big piece of luggage before placing on the floor, his body resting there in replacement. “What’s your filming schedule like, honey?”
 “I head back next week and it’s mostly day shoots from what I can tell,” you answered him. You saw the smirk on his lips. “Why do you ask, Jeff?”
 “Maybe I wanna come fly out to see you,” he played. His words made your heart leap out of your chest. You hoped he wasn’t joking. You hoped that you’d get to see him sooner rather than later.
 His phone buzzed in his pocket and he excused himself to answer it. You watched as his black jean clad legs took him out of the bedroom and into the hallway. You could faintly hear his voice from where you were sitting and a part of you already knew who it was. His car service probably. On their way to take him to the airport.
 You climbed off the bed, your bare feet padding along the carpeted floor, taking you straight to him. His eyes met yours for a moment, a smile appearing on his lips before he motioned he’d be another minute. You nodded, slipping your arms around him, clinging to his chest as you stood on your tiptoes, your lips making their way to his neck. His voice made you weak in the knees. Then again, everything about Jeffrey Dean Morgan made you weak in the knees.
 “Alright, see you soon,” he finished, hanging up the phone before shoving it back in his pocket. “You’re something else, you know that?”
 “Something good I hope,” you growled, sucking down on his neck just enough to get him going. He turned around quicker than you expected. His hands were on your ass, lifting you off the ground with ease. Instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his slim waist, allowing him to carry you wherever he pleased. You let out the tiniest groan as you pressed your forehead to his.
 He took a seat on the bed, leaving you on his lap before his lips were on yours. You could feel the roughness of his beard against your skin, leaving a delicious burn in its wake as his lips moved with yours. His arms were wrapped tightly around you, almost like yours were around his neck. You were completely consumed by the way Jeff felt. His scent was intoxicating, as was his touch. Hell, everything about him the more you thought about it.
 When you felt his hands travel down to your ass, you knew exactly where you wanted to take this. So what he had to leave within the hour. You weren’t going to see him for god knows how long. You were damn near desperate to feel him.
 You shifted just slightly, grinding your core against him through his jeans. The muffled cry that left his lips would be one you’d remember for a very long time it was that fucking hot. You could feel yourself growing more needy of him. Your panties becoming uncomfortably wet.
 “God, honey, you gotta stop. I gotta go in ten minutes,” he grunted, pulling his mouth away from yours for a moment. “And I already packed away all my good jeans.” You let out a laugh before crashing your lips to his once more. His words said one thing, but his body screamed another. You could feel just how much he wanted you.
 “Jeff,” you breathed out against his lips.
 “God, I love the way you say my name,” he muttered, bucking his hips against yours. He kept this up and you were going to be well on your way to coming. “Fuck, what are you doing to me, Y/N?”
 “Saying goodbye,” you stated. Your tongue ran swiftly over his bottom lip, silently asking for permission to deepen the kiss. His tongue glided over yours as his grip tightened on your hips, helping you grind along him. Little grunts escaped passed both your lips as your tongues tangled with one another’s. You were a goner.
 “Fuck,” his panted. Your eyes flicked open, wanting to see the look on his face, even if it was for just a split second. His eyes were clamped shut, his head thrown back just slightly, his lips parted just enough for you to see the whites of his teeth. His fingers dug into the flesh of your ass, moving you harder against him.
  “Fuck Jeff, fuck I’m gonna-” Your orgasm ripped through you, causing you to let out a loud, downright sinful moan as your fingertips dug into his shoulders. You were shaking at the pleasure coursing through you. All from grinding down on him.
 “Fuck Y/N, you’re so damn gorgeous when you come undone on top of me,” he growled. “So fucking-” He was cut short by the doorbell ringing, loud and clear. You had gotten so caught up that you completely forgot that he had to leave. “Shit.”
 Your chest was heaving as you stared at the man beneath you, his hair messier than it was before you started, his cheeks flushed. You couldn’t stop yourself, you never could with him,
 “Jeff,” you whispered. “I love you.”
 The smile that appeared on his salt and pepper covered cheeks made your heart soar in your chest. He didn’t have to say it back for you to know that he felt the exact same way. His hand slipped from your ass up to the small of your back before he leaned in, placing a soft, sweet peck to your lips. “I love you too, pretty girl,” he grinned. “Even if you ruined my pants two minutes before I have to leave.”
Please Tell Me What You Think Here
JDM Tags: (if your name is crossed out it means I can’t tag you)
@dxeans @blu-eyed-devil @darkinsidelight @valynsia @holyfuckloueh @captainradicalpassion @warm-my-bones @cass-xxo @supernaturallymarvellous @goldenolaf25 @stella33 @succubussass @brunettechick @dackles-redwoody @dorned @sandlee44 @bro-your-wings-are-huge @geektastic84 @dolphincliffs @oldparchmentandcoffee @cherryblossom1997 @masterof-agony @novakstiell @ballroomblitzkrieg @audasia25 @lenawiinchester @docharleythegeekqueen @mrsbarry-allen-1031 @liebemeineslebensx @fatalcrossbow @walkingdead96 @saving-captain-hook @feelmyroarrrr @spnbaby-67 @tardis-is-mine @bookworm4ever99 @idk-wtf-is-happening @mouse230 @toriaaysso @fangirl-and-medstudent-help @winchester-writes
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grungyblonde · 6 years
Queens of Odin’s Eye Chapter 14
An SOA/Vikings crossover collaboration
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Wonderful moodboard by @dangerousvikings
Co-written by my fellow Queens @laketaj24 @imgoldielikehawn @courtrae89
Sorry for the short chapter everybody, this is really just a character intro!
Kimberly’s POV
After two years of working as a Registered Nurse at Kattegat Medical Center, my heart still ached every time I had to witness a patient in pain or struggling for their life. My mother had warned me against starting a career in the medical field; she claimed my heart was too big. I was beginning to understand what she meant as I looked down at the young man in the hospital bed, fresh out of surgery.
He didn’t look like one the notorious bikers I had heard so much about. I had seen the club before, just briefly as they passed me on the highway sometimes, roaring down the road like demons from hell, all leather and tattoos. This man was in a fresh hospital gown, long brown hair splayed out on his pillow. He looked so young; he couldn’t have been much older than me.
Gunshot victim, I read on his file. Surgery had went well but his knee joint was fractured and he had neurovascular damage. He would most certainly live, he had been transported to the hospital before he lost too much blood, but a bullet to the kneecap was a serious thing. It was hard to heal and even with the best case scenario, he would probably never be able to use the leg the same. Walking, running, riding his bike...
I shook my head as I checked his IVs before turning away.
“Where the fuck am I?”
I turned back around at the sound of his dazed voice. I was surprised he was awake though I was sure it wouldn’t be for long. He was on a lot of medication and surely had no idea what was going on. I paced back to his bed and was glad he didn’t seem to be in any pain. Thank you morphine.
“You’re at Kattegat Medical Center. My name is Kimberly and I’m going to be your nurse for the day shift. Please let me know if there’s anyway I can make you more comfortable,” I spoke slowly and smiled warmly at him.
Hvitserk’s eyes were already closing again but his lips tilted up in a devious grin. “Yeah I’d be a lot more comfortable if you put your tits in my face.”
I couldn’t keep from chuckling at him as he drifted back into a deep sleep. Patients had said crazier things to me and half the time they weren’t even on medication when they did.
I touched my fingers to the back of his palm, making sure he was really out. I hated to think of a patient waking up with no one around. But I also couldn’t help being intrigued by the dark green eyes behind his now sleeping lids.
What happened to you Hvitserk?
Once again, sorry for the short chap! Just wanted to introduce the new character.
@ivarsshieldmadien @equalstrashflavoredtrash @whenimaunicorn @akamaiden @raindrop-dewdrop @siren-queen03 @titty-teetee @sparklemichele @greennightspider @tomarisela @scumyeol @naaladareia @vikingsmania @readsalot73 @oddsnendsfanfics @amour-quinn @wheredidallthedreamersgo @unsure-but-trying @leaderradiante @microsmacrosandneedles @valynsia @captstefanbrandt @therealcalicali @lol-haha-joke @cinnabearice @tephi101 @ivaraddict @kitkat1690 @starrmoondaisy @mostlikelypantsless @dangerousvikings
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canumoveurseatup-no · 5 years
Ant Farm
summary: davina wants an ant farm... but why?
pairing: natasha x black!reader
warnings: fluff, something slight
a/n: figured since i wrote for honeybee and introduced dragonfly, i might as well add some ladybug in the mix. this was inspired by my bitmoji stories on snapchat lol.
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“Davina, I am not buy you an ant farm just so you can drop it and get them damn things everywhere,” you were cleaning when while she followed you to every room asking the same question over and over again.
The young girl threw her head back and groaned, “I’m not going to drop it. I love bugs, I’ll take good care of them. I promise. They’ll be my best friends,” she held her hands up and pleaded but you still shook your head.
“What if I go ask mama or pop pop and they say yes?,”
“Then she better be the one to clean em up if you break the case or drop it,”
Her breathe hitches with a smile and she runs in search of them, hoping to get that ant farm that she’s been begging for, for weeks. You never understood her fascination with ants or bugs in general. It’s like she was a bug whisperer and it creeped you the hell out.
One time she walked in the compound with a whole tarantula on her shoulder and was just walking around with it like it was a parrot. She was sad when you screamed your head off, telling her to get ride of it. She didn’t wanna let her little friend go.
Davina runs to find Natasha and Sam going over some paperwork. This is exactly how she wanted them, distracted. She could say anything and they’d agree.
She walked up to the table and saw the way her mama and pop pop had the frowns of concentration on their faces.
“Can I have an ant farm?” Nonchalantly, she questions, knowing they barely heard the question.
“Sure” - “Yeah, do whatever you want”
“Yay,” she clapped her hands, “Can I have your card?,”
“It’s in my purse in the bedroom,” Natasha doesn’t even pick up her head as she speaks to Davina.
The little Romanoff-Wilson was up to no good but they had no idea. She booked it to your bedroom and found her mama’s purse, getting the well known card that she’s used multiple times. Multiple times where she’s catch Natasha off guard and Nat would come back asking what these charges were.
Davina found herself running to find Tony. She always used him as her puppet. When she found him, she shoved the card up at him.
“Ant farm, stat,”
Vina waited by the door for days. It was taking too darn long to get here!! She knew she should have asked uncle Tony to add express shipping.
“Ladybug, come here please,” she heard her mama calling for her from the kitchen. She sighs and head to the kitchen, head dropped as her package still wasn’t here yet.
“What is this charge on my card?,” Natasha turns the laptop to Davina, her little head barely peaking above the edge of the table, “Who bought an ant farm and why?,”
“You said I could,” she looks at her mama with a frown.
“I don’t remember,”
“I do... and Friday does too. Do I need to have her pull the tapes again?,”
It was always like this. Davina would ask for something while Nat was lost in her own world and then she’d have to have Friday confirm that she did in fact give Davina permission to do whatever it was that she asked.
“Your mommy is gonna have her foot in my behind for getting you an ant farm,”
“But why?,” she shrugs, “I’m responsible for my age. It’s just ants. Not like I’m buying wild cheetahs,”
Natasha hums in agreement to herself, knowing Davina had a point
“Can I though?,”
“Oh absolutely not!!,”
The doorbell caught Davina’s attention and she ran to the door
“World domination, world domination is at the door!!!,” she screamed. She swung the door open and saw the mail man with a box the size of her and she bounced on the balls of her feet, “My ants, my ants!!,”
She took the box and ran to her room, leaving Natasha to sign for it. It didn’t take long for her to set it up. She didn’t even need to look at the assembly directions. She knew what she was doing. Once put together, she puts her ants in their new home and just sits and watches them.
“I’m your leader,” she whispered, mischievous grin on her face.
“Whaddaya got there, ladybug?,” Sam stood in the door way, wanting to know what got his granddaughter so enthralled considering she can never sit still.
“An ant farm,” she replied innocently.
Sam laughs to himself, still standing in the doorway, “Ant farm? What do they grow? Baby carrots?,” Sam thought he was being funny. Thinking Davina would just look at him like he was stupid.
“No, they grow...”, her voice dropped she smiled at her ant farm, “restless,”
Sam was taken aback by her off response and was about to ask what she meant when she continued.
“Soon, they will rise and do my bidding!!,” her hands slam on the desk as she leans in closer, “together, we will take over,”
Her fists are raise up into the air and Sam just looks at his grandbaby like she’s batshit crazy.
“And people who stand in my way... will suffer,” she hisses.
Sam thinks she’s just playing around and shrugs his shoulders.
“So no carrots?”
“No,” still smiling at her ants, “no carrots”
just a little something that i thought was cute and funny☺️
please comment and reblog!!!
tags: @yournonlocalpoc @vozit @blackreaders-assemble @babybubastis @retroxvailles @mokacoconut @dumbchick @warmchick @spideys-wife @xye-weirdo @micki-smiles @veryhellshdia @never-enough-time-for-sleep @here-for-your-bullshit @valynsia @valkyriesnymph @chonisberonica @valentinevirgo @crawlingnightmares @hisxblackxqueen @mbaku-babygirl
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laketaj24 · 5 years
Thigh Riding Thor?
Author’s Note: lunch time break, day dreaming about it work lol thanks for the prompt anon!!!!! ❤️ It’s Thirst 💦 👅Day afterall 🤷🏾‍♀️
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Thigh Riding Thor would include:
Straddling him on a Saturday night while he’s engrossed in the game.
“What are you doing little woman?” He’d ask reluctantly placing the controller to the side.
“Getting your attention.” You’d start by pulling on his short hair so that his eyes are lifted to see you. “You’ve been on that damn game all day.”
“You have it now.” He’d answer kissing you once.
It’s start off slow, you stepping from him shimmying out of your sweats and shirt and taking your seat over him again.
The cotton of your panties already wet for him and he hadn’t even touched you yet.
Thor would eagerly run the pad of his finger over you feeling the dampness. “What are you doing pet?”
He’d grown as your hands expertly grip him through the shorts and your lips meet his.
He’d taste your lips, lightly grazing his teeth over your tongue before you started rubbing yourself over his thigh.
You feel his cock grow rigid against his shorts and that’s all the motivation you need as your speed increase and the moans start to pour from you.
“Does that feel good?” He groan as he popped your tit from You bra and his teeth nipped at your swollen nipples.
You’d pay no kind to what he wanted, only what you needed which was to cum. Your pussy grinds on him chasing that high and his big hands cradle your back as you get closer.
“I wanna feel your cum on me, get there... so I can fuck you.” His hand would slap on your thick thighs and he’d pull your hair while watching you get to elation.
“Ohhh.” You’d clamp your teeth down on his shoulder. “Fuck dadddy.” You’d scream before collapsing forward on him. Your legs shaking and breath ragged.
“Good girl, now it’s daddy’s turn.” He’d smile pulling his shirt over his head.
Marvel Taglist: @taytayize123 | @isthat-tyra98 | @hexqueensupreme | @valynsia | @vibranium-soul | @suz-123 | @xostephanie | @wakanda-inspired | @marvelmaree | @disneysdarlingdiva | @patzammit | @misskalonthelady | @luci-her | @oceanscorazon | @ultracrii | @savismith | @itreywalk | @spicyatnight | @kashirenae92 | @letsshamelessqueen-m | @imgoldielikehawn | @sparklemichele | @rahjah-dat | @areubeingserved | @siren-queen03
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persephones24 · 6 years
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Support Valynsia Sims
Hi Everyone, I'm a long time writer hoping to get her start. I've built up a small fanbase on Tumblr and am now looking to branch out and further my creative endeavors. I'm hoping to use Patreon as a way to find more of an audience as well as making writing one of my jobs. I would love to write for a loving and I need a little help to start it off. 
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