amanda-teaches · 6 years
Blog rate... I followed you because you popped up on a Dean!fic rec and I then proceeded to binge your masterlist! Loved everything btw!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I love when people binge me, lol. Here’s your rec:
URL: Okay | Pretty cool | I’m obsessed | Cas would love it more than humanity
Why: I’m trying to picture the Impala whispering, lol. I love it!
ICON: Okay | Pretty cool | I’m obsessed | Sam would love it more than research
Why: That’s a great picture of Baby, plus it’s customized!
THEME: Okay | Pretty cool | I’m obsessed | Dean would love it more than pie
Why: Can’t go wrong with the default!
POSTS: Okay | Pretty cool | I’m obsessed | TFW would love it more than hunting
Why: Very SPN! And, I see you have a masterlist! I can’t wait to read the Domestic Dean you have on there.
OVERALL: I’m very excited to have found a new writer to check out! I can’t wait to read your stuff, especially the Dean ones. :) What an awesome looking blog!
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Can you please add me to your taglist, queen or Dean? I love your writing!!!!
I can add you to the Queen which you will be tagged in everything, not just Dean. Unless you want just Dean. Let me know and I’ll add you!
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I love love loved Hold You Tight! I needed that today and you are ABSOLUTELY right about the Winchesters being there for you! Sending hugs and adorable puppies your way!😚😚😚😊😊
Thank you so much!! There is nothing better than a Winchester hug. I wish everyone could have a life supply of them! I’m glad you enjoyed it!! :)
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percywinchester27 · 7 years
Please add me to your tag list for dean/reader and lady in red. Thank you
Well Lady in Red is a completed series. I don’t smut so it ended there. If I ever do an epilogue/ timestamp I’ll tag you. I’ll add you to the Dean tags though :)
Lady in Red
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soopranatural · 5 years
Prologue -Part 6
Summary: Your story begins like this: locked in a cold dark cell with no memory of how you got there, a strange man is sitting in the corner, watching you silently.
Pairing: Bucky x reader Warnings: Torture, violence, blood, nightmares, people doing things they don't want to do and being kept in places they don't want to be.
A/N: Currently stealing me some internet bc my apartment is web-less so, hope you give me a goddamn appreciate. (sorry if i’ve been inactive lately but there’s no internet I am going insaneee)
Words: 988
You can find my masterlist in my description :)
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The door opens, one day. It’s nothing like that one time they took Bucky away, when it slammed open and let chaos into your small shared cell. Instead it opens slowly and soundlessly, but the shift in the air still sets you on edge.
Your unease only grows when you look over at Bucky, sitting still as marble with his mask back on, and he shakes his head minutely, ‘no’.
A man steps into the room, it disrupts the air strangely. You first notice his shoes, sleek black and polished to a shine. It makes you feel unexpectedly dirty, you’re still in the same clothes you were taken in and you can almost feel the grime and old sweat that clings to you. The man, in comparison, looks foreign in your dark cell. He’s tall and slim, bordering on lanky, his crisp white lab coat trails behind him for a moment before stopping with a swish at his side, he looks at you over his golden wire glasses with dead grey eyes.
A guard comes in behind him, wearing the heavy black uniform you are used to seeing. Despite carrying several obvious guns and having a strong figure, the man in the lab coat looks far more intimidating. They leave the door open behind them and your eyes dart in that direction. Maybe you’d be able to fight the grey-eyed man at any other time, but you’re weak and underfed, and even if Bucky could take on the guard, you’ve seen nothing of this place, you don’t know if you could get out. 
You glance at the grey-eyed man, the right corner of his lips twitches in what could maybe be considered a smile. The look in his eye makes you feel uncomfortably like he knows exactly what you’re thinking, like a scientist that watches a lab rat run around in a maze.
You remember Bucky, shaking his head only a moment before. You clench a fist into the new sheet -you refuse to think of it as a kindness- and swallow the urge to run.
Grey-eyes hums and scribbles on his clipboard before calling to the man behind him in Russian. They share a small chuckle, and you’re so startled by the sound that you turn to look at Bucky, he doesn’t look back, but his fists clench minutely on his lap.
The guard steps closer and you feel the air tighten around you, he looks you up and down, and even though you feel naked under his leering gaze you suppress the urge to hug yourself. Maybe it’s stubborn and pointless, but you feel just about frozen with fear, and you refuse to give him the satisfaction of having that power over you. Instead you look him right in the eye, as if holding his gaze would keep it from wandering again.
His smile is much wider than the grey-eyed man’s but no less unsettling. A moment passes, your eyes water but you don’t blink. Then Grey-eyes speaks.
It happens so suddenly that you have no time to react. 
The man lunges at you and a rasping yelp escapes you in a voice that doesn’t sound like your own. You hold your clothes tightly on instinct, but he grabs at your hair and pulls harshly until you fall to the floor.
You yelp again, but this time in pain as you land harshly on your hip on top of hard concrete. You lay on your side for barely a second before the man is on you again. You kick at him, but only a few hits land, there isn’t enough air in your lungs for a scream. Pain blooms on your ribs from a punch, then on your cheek when you go to cover your side.
And then he’s gone.
You don’t see it happen. There’s a shift in the air around you and before you can look the room flies past your eyes. Suddenly you can only see gray concrete, cold against your burning cheek. You gasp, too late for the swoop of your stomach, and when you turn to the right it takes you a moment to understand what you’re seeing.
You’re pressed into a corner, and Bucky is standing over you protectively, though the tilt of his head is submissive. His arms shield most of the room from your eyes, but when you stand on the tips of your toes to look you can see the guard laying unconscious on the floor, you can only see him for a second before Bucky shifts his weight and shields your view again.
You fight the sob that tries to escape you, you swallow once, the again before you hear the scratch of pen on paper and then Grey-eyes speaks again. “Soldat” he says, and Bucky flinches at the word. Gray-eyes says something else in a toneless voice and Bucky nods minutely.
“Soldat…” the man says again, this time there’s a warning in his voice.
“Da” Bucky speaks for the first time since the door opened. His voice is strong and his tone doesn't give away a thing, but when you press a hand to his back both in support and from fear his muscles are locked tight. 
The man speaks again, this time a bit louder, and immediately more guards step into the room. You realize they were standing right outside, hidden by the walls, and you follow their movements as best you can from behind Bucky as they pick the still unconscious man from the floor and take him outside.
Your eyes follow them out and land unexpectedly on Grey-eyes, who is looking right at you with that unsettling all-knowing gaze. 
“The first one made the mistake of trying to run, you look smarter than that.” His English is heavily accented, still his words ring sharp in your mind.
He leaves right after, but Bucky stays locked in place for a very long time. 
- Remember to leave feedback!! (Hearing what you think about it helps me improve and also makes me super happy) (You can be added to a series taglist, my forevers, SPN, Marvel, Sam or Dean tags, just shoot me an ask)
@jackie-houston @thestarvinghystericalandnaked
Forever tags:
@artgurl559-blog @amynotsantiago @pizzarollpatrol @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @mandilion76 @ailynalonso15 @docharleythegeekqueen @iamwarrenspeace @call--me--princess @emmysthougts @ladylachesis @raylin19 @hells-angel-hevens-demon @sgarrett49 @jane00doe @boxywrites @lilyleely @gemini75eeyore @winchestaelson @wh1sp3r1ng-impala  @gallifreyansass @petra-arkanian-1497 @asslikegilinsky @imaginesthatmakemehappy @the-asexual-reaper @xxxunluvablexxx @natcad @yourpal-yourbuddy-yourbuckyy @sonarsyndor @thisgirllikeme @dontwintilligetthere @valkyrienikolea @roonyxx @dontwintilligetthere
Marvel tags:
@wildefire @slender--spirit @f-lower-field-s @mala-firebringer @buckymorelikefuckmebarnes @paperburrito390 @marvel-fanfiction @avesagittarius @alex-hamiltonian @sebsunshinestan @weirddemiwood @transboypeteparker @pinkwinds @fairchild21 @nomadicpixel @cuckoobirdy @sansasandorshipper @beezyg @scrumptious-delusion @piensa-bonito @i-am-always-famished @caticorndancingonpainbows @wowdepressions @yexers @1-800-loony @waytoobsessedwithmyfandoms @fuckthatfeeling @killjoynotes @sixweekcure4dreams @hawaiiantozier @gogoca @mywinterwolf @lost-in-translating @haru-ririchiyo @loving-life-my-way
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The thunder rolls
The song “Thunder rolls” by Garth Brooks popped up in my playlist, and this story appeared in my head. Hope you like it: I’ll be very happy if you tell me so, too. 
Warning: this is a sad one.
Word count: 765
It’s three thirty in the morning. The road is empty except for the black car speeding towards the sleepy buildings. The rain pours down, making the town even more ghostly than usual.
The Impala’s engine echoes the thunder rolling between the surrounding mountains. Mud stains the door and windows. He keeps the wipers on full, but it’s not working. His face is stone, but his vision is blurred.
You’re waiting by the window, watching the wind whip around the corner. The young tree in the front yard is almost bent double. It’s impossible to sleep. They’ve been gone for far too long. It was supposed to be an easy case, two-three days at most, but the second week is nearing its end, and it’s been days since you heard anything from them.
The draft from the window sends chills up your arms, and you pull the worn flannel you’ve stolen from Sam tighter around you, hugging yourself and inhaling the comforting scent that still lingers in the shirt. It does nothing to ease the feeling that something is wrong.
He fiddles with the volume button, turning the music on and off. Normally, some Zeppelin would help him wind down after a long, strenuous hunt, but not today. Every song is a stab in the heart, and he fights the tears that pool in his eyes.
“All my love” flows through the speakers, and he presses eject so hard he’s pretty sure he just ruined the cassette. Silence settles in the car. It’s agony. He can’t bear it; the unsettling quiet and loneliness that allow his emotions to bloom and tear his mind to shreds. A bolt of lightning flashes over the sky, closely followed by a low rumble.
You’re pacing the living room, glancing at the phone on the table. You’ve called both of them more times than you can remember – but they’re not picking up. Snatching the phone up, you open the last text from Sam, from three days ago. “Just got a new lead. Should be done by tonight. Love you. Miss you.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, a half strangled sob that escaped from the painful lump in you chest. Clutching the phone to your cheek, you pray for a miracle, a sign of life, anything.
As the road turns around the corner, he sees the lights. Every window shines through the trees, and he speeds up just a little bit. So close, yet he dreads the meeting.
The house sits at the end of the road, well hidden, a sanctuary for hunters; home for the Winchesters when they need it.
He swallows hard and glances in the rear view mirror. His stomach turns, and he locks his eyes on the house in the distance.
Raindrops run down the window, and you chase them with your eyes, just like you used to do when you were little. There’s a soft knock on the door. Your heart skips a beat, and you practically leap across the floor and tear it open.
Dean opens his arms, and engulfs you in a hug that you never want to emerge from. “Thank god you’re alive!” you mutter into his chest.
He kisses the top of your head, and sighs. “Yeah.” His voice cracks.
Looking up, you finally see the tears streaming down his face. “What…” You look over his shoulder, expecting Sam to stand there, impatiently tapping his foot, waiting to get out of the rain. Another thunder rolls. Dread settles in your heart. “Dean, where is Sam?”
He can’t bring himself to answer. His eyes flicks between you and the lamp behind you.
A new scent hits your nose. It’s metallic, like rust, and your stomach sinks to the floor. “Dean?”
He just shakes his head, holds you tight in his arms. Afraid that if he lets go, he will not be able to stay on his feet. The lighting flashes in your eyes, and he knows that you know.
You scream. He holds you tighter. Struggling to free yourself, you pound his chest with weak fists. The sound coming from you is nothing more than a string of feeble whimpers.
Yet another lighting illuminates the two of you, but you don’t notice. You can no longer bear your own weight, and sink to your knees, and Dean sinks down with you. The porch is soaked beneath your naked feet. The icy water is seeping up the flannel, sending waves of shivers through your body.
Dean clings to you as if his life depends on it, and you do the same. The thunder rolls.
Tagging the wonderful people on my old tag list: (let me know if you want to be removed)
@orpheus-aeiou @brynleewolfe @funwithfanfics @babeinthebowtie @savingapplepie-eatingthings @winchesterprincessbride @savvythedork @littlegreenplasticsoldier @youtubehelpsmesurvive @blackcherrywhiskey @mrswhozeewhatsis @schwarzwaelder-kirschtorte @aiaranradnay @fandomismyspiritanimal @barneybrigade  @mogaruke @wstrumpel @whovianextrodinare @hennessy0274-blog @sushi-senpai-chan @tardis-is-mine @badasssweetsrebel @jensensjaredsandmishaslover @megasimpleplan4ever @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @80percentmarvel
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faith-in-dean · 7 years
Can you tag me in all the tagliatelle I have been binge reading your stuff!
Of course, thank you!:)
Want to be on one of my Taglists?
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deanssweetheart23 · 5 years
Happy New Year; my best wishes (and an explanation)
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My dear friends and wonderful followers,
How are you all? I’ve missed you so, so much. I know I disappeared. Again. Without a warning this time. And for far too long. And I really am very sorry for going incommunicado out of the blue, and making people worry and not reading your beautiful words or posting any new stories, but, please let me tell you.
These past few months have been freaking wild.
Disclaimer: The story under the cut is long. Feel free to ignore it, but, please, let me tell you I am not leaving Tumblr and will write everything I have promised in time. 
I’m a senior at college this year, so as you can understand, my college life is just one big project after the other. In the past two months, I had to submit four different papers, attend two different workshops as well as a bunch of make-up classes at widely inconvenient hours and I already have two more literary essays to work on along with a literary presentation on Jean Rhys. And because, obviously, I don’t know when or how to stop I am also currently attending eight different online classes because they seemed cool and I really wanted to add them to my CV *rolls eyes at herself*
I also doubled my hours at the gym. I followed a specific medical treatment that made me gain weight last year, and I’m trying to get my butt back into shape now that I’m meds free. And I love it. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a bumpy journey filled with burpees and hours spent on the treadmill (I literally run for an hour nonstop,even my CrossFit instructor is impressed, lol), and painful training sessions at CrossFit and Aerobics class, but it has paid off. I’m definitely getting back to my old self and I’ve made so many good friends over these past few months. It’s a win, isn’t it?
Next on the list: Driving lessons. I’ve been putting this off for a long time (I used to be terrified of getting behind a wheel, to be honest) and I started this September. Granted, my classes are done, but there’s been a strike for the past four months, so I can’t seat the practical exams to get my driving license. Talk about bad timing. *sigh* I think I have mostly forgotten everything I learnt. Anyway, I’m hoping the exams will open sometime in January and I will be able to schedule an examination sometime in April (because there are currently 50000 more people waiting for the exams to restart just like me). Keep your fingers crossed for me, wil you?
A lowkey crush (*spoiler alert* it didn’t end well but I honestly don’t even mind) and the never-ending preparations of traveling to the US because --guess what-- I am visiting my sunflower @trexrambling this April took a bunch of my time and energy (no regrets though, I get to hug Jess again *runs around in circles*)
And most importantly. I had to figure out what I’d do with my future. Like I said, I’m finishing off college this year, so I needed to think, long and hard, what direction I wanted to take with my master’s program and whether I’d travel abroad to study starting September 2019 or in 2020. After many anxiously sleepless nights and hours spent researching different academic programs, I think I have a concrete plan of what I will be doing next and I really, really love it. Wish me luck?  
Still, as busy as these past few months have been, I am happier than I have been in a while.
I feel so active, so present in everything that is happening in my life and it’s just heartbreakingly beautiful. I know many of you know I went through a rough patch this autumn (I still can’t thank everyone who reached out enough), but I think I went through what I went through for a good reason. I’m doing good now, I’m going out a lot (I’m feeling such wanderlust, it’s ridiculous) and I smile and laugh even more than I used to. I’m more than okay with that.
However, I do miss writing. A lot.
So, no. I am not going away or giving up Tumblr or anything. I know lots of things have changed since the last time I posted here (Tumblr’s guidelines being one of them), but my intend to share my words with you is the same. 
As promised, I will finish my series rewrite, Against All Odds (it’s actually written, I just have to make some small adjustions) and write the epilogue to Somewhere Only We Know. 
I will write the AU about Italy that’s been in my mind forever. The college AU fake-dating fic based on Take My Hand will also happen as well, but I will have to adjust my outline since it can’t be a Christmas story anymore for *coughs* obvious reasons. Since these two stories will be long, these are my writing plans for now, but I have some more ideas I’m hoping I’ll be able to put into actual words eventually.
And, of course, I want to get back to reading your stories and interacting with all of you. All I’m asking you is to, please, be patient with me. It’s going to take me a while to balance everything, and I still might fall a little behind here, but I will be around. I can’t give up on you, guys.
Anyway. This is what I had to say. To the ones who read all of this, thank you. You have shown me so much love and appreciation and have given me so much joy over these past couple of years I could never, ever thank you enough. 
Here’s to a brilliant,. healthy and wholesome 2019, filled with endless moments of pure joy, infinite happiness and unconditional love.
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Tags:  @jpadjackles @supernatural-jackles @trexrambling @percywinchester27 @torn-and-frayed @atwistoffate @there-must-be-a-lock @masksandtruths @princess-shurii @lipstickandwhiskey @sunlightdances @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @ravengirl94 @hannahindie @escabell @kathaswings @dreamingdean @becs-bunker @wordstothewisereaders @imagining-supernatural @sgarrett49 @iwriteaboutdean @mogaruke @spngeronimo @ruprecht0420 @captainemwinchester @pickupthatamulet @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @wellthatsrandomkek @winchestersnco @jayankles @winchesters-flannels @akshi8278 @persephone-divine @tiny-friggin-human @keepcalmandcarryondean @becominglionhearted @polina-93 @mandilion76 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @ravenangel33 @holahellohialoha @atc74 @dancingalone21 @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba @juanitadiann @yourvoiceislikearose @sinistersaltqueen @carryonmyswansong-archive @emoryhemsworth @superapplepie @princess-of-erebor1992 @bebravekeeponfighting @carryonmywaywardcaptain @sebastianshoe @kleinkariertebetrachter @stellaa33 @samisimportant-blog @jessilliam-caronday @shutupiminlooove @annoyingpeople-postingthings @waywardlodging @caitthejourno @no-shit-sherl0ck @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @superflurry @mrswhozeewhatsis @starry-chaos @rlawson418 @novaddictx  @caeruli @itssmallerontheoutside-13 @may-darling @jerkbitchidjitassbutt  @adoptdontshoppets @jessikared97
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mamaimpala67 · 6 years
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Words: 386
For: @wh1sp3r1ng-impala
His emerald eyes skimmed over your body as you stood in front of him, clad in black and red lingerie. The clothing barely covered your breasts and didn’t leave much to the imagination the lower his gaze traveled. As you stared into Dean Winchester’s eyes, you could tell that there was a certain love hidden within. Your heart was racing, breath slithering past your parted lips. Dean stood up straight, making him taller than you without much effort. He was still in the undershirt that he wore under his tuxedo earlier that day with shoes and jacket in the corner of the motel room while your dress was in the bathroom, hanging on the shower curtain.
Dean swallowed the lump that was in his throat as you walked over to him, eyes connected with his. You licked your lips as you got closer to him. You wrapped her arms nonchalantly around his neck and he, out of instinct, pressed his hands against your waist. The corner of your lips curled into a smile and, soon after, his did as well.
“You look absolutely sexy,” he commented in a deep, baritone voice.
It was almost impossible to stop the red heat that appeared on your cheeks. “Thank you,” you responded in a lust-filled voice. “You look sexy too. You know how you would look even sexier?”
“How?” A smirk replaced the smile.
“If you were out of those damn clothes.”
Dean chuckled. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” His hands flew to his shirt, fingers swiftly unbuttoning it, exposing his toned chest that rested underneath.
Your eyes were attached to the skin that he was beginning to reveal, the smile still on your lips. As he pushed the shirt off of his shoulders, the fabric gliding off of his arms and onto the floor, you placed your hands on his chest. You ran your fingers towards his neck and slithered towards his cheek, where you placed your hands.
“I love you, Dean Winchester.” You said as you stared into his eyes.
Dena looked down at you and smiled lovingly. “I love you too, (Y/N) Winchester.”
You shared the smile. “Make love to me.”
He chuckled deeply. ‘You don’t have to tell me twice.” He said before you connected your lips in a sweet, passionate kiss.
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pythonees · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Cold Hands — Embry Call
POSTED: January 18th, 2021
A/N: Happy New Year (ignore that fact that its been 2 months since I’ve posted)! I hope everyone is being save and is doing well. I’ve been having a kinda rough time during this lock down. There have been far too many cases of covid at my work, mixed with the fact that I’ve had my hours cut to nearly nothing, has sent me into a pretty bad depression. but anyways, I hope you guys like this little drabble, I’ve been jumping between fics, like usual, so I don’t know if the next thing out will be TAC or another one-shot.
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“I’m really sorry,” Embry calls from the bed, sitting with his legs crossed. He looked like a kicked puppy, staring up at Y/N with his big, sad eyes. He’s shirtless, like usual, with baggy sweat pants that hung low on his hips.
Pressing her still wet hair between the towel, Y/N gives him a pointed look, “Unless you summoned the rain, it’s not your fault.”
“Yeah, but-” Embry starts again, cutting himself off when he sees the look on her face. He doesn’t say anything else, but he doesn’t have to for Y/N to know what he wanted to say. 
“But nothing. I still had a good time, even if you could probably mistake my fingers for frozen hot dogs,” Y/N tries for a joke, but it just makes Embry look guilty all over again, “No, don’t do that.”
Y/N throws the towel in the general direction of her hamper, taking long strides to get to the bed. When she’s close enough Y/N lunges for him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. Embry doesn’t so much as budge when she collided with him, but he plays along, falling back with an exaggerated sound of pain a moment later. 
“Hey,” Y/N calls, voice almost completely muffled from being pressed into his chest, “you know I had a good time, right?”
It’s silent for a moment, the only thing Y/N can hear is their combined breathing and the rain still going strong. Then his arms tighten ever so slightly, pulling her up so she rests more comfortably against him. Embry tucks his head down so he could press a kiss to the top of her head. 
“I wanted it to be perfect,” He practically whines, arms tightening around Y/N as if she were about to leave. Y/N feels herself smile despite how obviously upset Embry was. 
When Y/N lifts her head up to look at Embry he’s already looking down at her, looking less distressed when he spots the smile on her face. 
“Not to sound ridiculously cheesy,” Y/N starts, already feeling her face heat up in embarrassment, “but I don’t care where we go or what we do, as long as I’m doing it with you.”
At first, Embry doesn’t say anything, eyes wide as he stared at her in wonder. Then he laughs, a small, breathless thing that lights up his whole face as he squishes Y/N against his chest. His hands trace absent patterns along her back, leaving a trail of heat that makes Y/N shiver.
Moving her own hands out from under Embry, she shuffles up the small distance to wrap her arms around his neck, cold fingers dipping into his hair. Embry flinches at the temperature difference, concern crossing his face.
Before Embry can apologise again, Y/N quickly surges up to press a kiss against his lips, though it’s ruined by the smiles on their faces. Pulling away with a huff, Y/N drops her head into the crook of his neck, content to just lay with him in silence as they listen to the rain.
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= Everything =
= Twilight =
@wh1sp3r1ng-impala ☁️ @rabeccablake​
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soopranatural · 5 years
Prologue -Part 3
Summary: Your story begins like this: locked in a cold dark cell with no memory of how you got there, a strange man is sitting in the corner, watching you silently.
Pairing: Bucky x reader Warnings: Torture, violence, blood, people doing things they don't want to do and being kept in places they don't want to be. Words: 1158
A/N: Hoo boi this took me a WHILE
You can find my masterlist in my bio
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On the third day since you’re captured you tell him your name. He doesn’t tell you his.
You’re not sure why you do it. It might be because of the way the silence wraps around you like a cloud of smoke, or maybe it has something to do with the realization that no one is coming for you. You’re most likely not getting out.
You work from home, have barely any friends and no known family. It will probably take a very long time for anyone to notice you’re gone, and even then it’ll probably only be your landlord coming to check why you haven’t paid the month’s rent.
Your jailers don’t seem to have any intentions of letting you go, although they haven’t made their intentions clear at all. It can’t be money, or leverage, or… you remember the tiles on the outside of your cell; white and clean and sterile-looking. You shudder.
They give you food and water at random times, so there’s no way to track the time. Always the same meal of stale bread, dry meat and flavorless gruel. But by the time they feed you you are already so hungry that you don’t care. You find that breaking the bread and dipping it in the gruel makes it easier to chew, and washing the meat down with a sip of the bottled water helps it go down. The man that lives in the cell with you eats methodically, always after you’re finished and always starting with the meat, then the bread, and finally tipping back the bowl of gruel. He finishes his water in three long gulps and then pushes the tray to a corner of the room and continues to brood against the wall.
It is while he’s tearing a piece of meat with his fingers that you utter your name. He looks at you, pausing his actions.
“That’s my name” you explain. He hasn’t talked to you except to silence you when you’d first arrived. But for some reason his presence is… not comforting, perhaps just reassuring.
Someone knows where you are, even if you haven’t met before. Someone knows what this place is, even if he hasn’t told you. Someone would know what happened to you, even is he’d have no one to tell. Someone would know your name.
Although what is he supposed to do with it?
His only reaction is the deepening of his frown, and then he continues to tear into his food as if you hadn’t said a word. You lean your head against the door with a great heaving sigh.
He has somewhat of a routine. He sleeps sometimes, the only difference from when he’s awake is that now his eyes are closed. After a few times where you both sleep against the wall your back starts to hurt. And you figure if he won’t take the bed then you will (calling it a bed is a kindness, really it’s just a slab of concrete sticking out from the wall, a thin white sheet stretched over it).
Sometimes he paces around the cell like a prowling lion, one of the sad ones from the zoo. Back and forth, back and forth, until he stops, blinks, and sits back down on the floor. If his expression gave anything away you could maybe say he was anxious, but it says eerily placid, so that it looks like he’s just trying to erode a straight line into the floor.
He exercises, on some days. Does push-ups for so long he’s starting to lull you, like a metronome. Sometimes you join him, though he pays you no mind. You sit next to him and do sit-ups until you hurt, laying on the floor and panting while he continues without breaking a sweat.
It’s so dull you almost forget you’re imprisoned. That is until one day the doors blast open with a bang so loud that it echoes inside the cell like it’s the inside of a gigantic bell. You shrink into yourself with a yelp, covering your ears while two men, dressed in black and armed to the teeth, burst into the room. They add to the noise by yelling to each other in a language you don’t understand, gesturing wildly towards the man, who is now standing tense and alert in a corner. The disturbance is so sudden and loud that you practically fall out of the bed in an attempt to get up, your heart is beating painfully hard and your head is still spinning.
“Wait!” You yell as they launch towards your cellmate. They ignore you, but one of them pulls out a taser and shocks the man on the stomach, even if he hadn’t done anything “Hey!! What the hell?! What’s going on?!”
The man doubles over with a grunt, but doesn’t go down. They’re pulling him out of the cell, you realize, and he’s just letting them drag him out. A deep dread sinks into your stomach like a stone. You’ll be alone. Perhaps the thought is selfish, but this man has been your only company for however long you’ve been in this place, silent as he may be. And now they’re shouting and hurting him and desperation is taking hold of you, moving you like puppet-strings. You push one of the intruders with all your might, using your fear to fuel your strength. He stumbles, caught off guard. And the stoic face of your companion shows surprise just before they throw you bodily back into the cell, left to watch as the only emotion you’ve seen in the man’s eyes disappears behinds the heavy iron door.
You know how he feels now. Pacing back and forth, back and forth, light unchanging and silence muffling your steps like cotton. You must wait for hours, uncertain if they’ll bring him back or if you’re next. If you let yourself think for more than a minute you’re choked by tears, so you don’t think. Just pace.
Then the door opens and before you can cower into a corner like a scared animal the man is thrown back into the cell, sent stumbling a few steps until he rights himself against the wall with his fingertips. You stand close, wary, until you notice him start to tip slowly to one side.
You don’t think, just hurry to his side and steady him. He doesn’t stand back up though, just leans onto you so that you have to adjust your grip or fall into a heap under his weight. He’s bleeding, you notice when you try to grab his arm and your hands slip on the slick blood. You try to pull away but he just falls against you again. They probably beat him, he can’t even stand up straight. You’re consider dragging him the few feet to the bed when he speaks.
You’re so startled you almost let go of him “What?”
“Bucky, that’s my name.”
Remember to leave feedback!! (Hearing what you think about it helps me improve and also makes me super happy)
(You can be added to a series taglist, my forevers, SPN, Marvel, Sam or Dean tags, just shoot me an ask)
@jackie-houston @thestarvinghystericalandnaked
Forever tags: @artgurl559-blog @amynotsantiago @pizzarollpatrol @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @mandilion76 @ailynalonso15 @docharleythegeekqueen @iamwarrenspeace @call--me--princess @emmysthougts @ladylachesis @raylin19 @hells-angel-hevens-demon @sgarrett49 @jane00doe @boxywrites @lilyleely @gemini75eeyore @winchestaelson @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @blue-eyed-boys @gallifreyansass @petra-arkanian-1497 @asslikegilinsky @imaginesthatmakemehappy @the-asexual-reaper @xxxunluvablexxx @natcad @yourpal-yourbuddy-yourbuckyy @sonarsyndor @thisgirllikeme @dontwintilligetthere @valkyrienikolea @roonyxx @dontwintilligetthere
Marvel tags: @wildefire @slender--spirit @f-lower-field-s @mala-firebringer @buckymorelikefuckmebarnes @paperburrito390 @marvel-fanfiction @avesagittarius @alex-hamiltonian @sebsunshinestan @weirddemiwood @transboypeteparker @pinkwinds @fairchild21 @nomadicpixel @cuckoobirdy @sansasandorshipper @beezyg @scrumptious-delusion @piensa-bonito @i-am-always-famished @caticorndancingonpainbows @wowdepressions @yexers @1-800-loony @waytoobsessedwithmyfandoms @fuckthatfeeling @killjoynotes @sixweekcure4dreams @hawaiiantozier @gogoca @mywinterwolf @lost-in-translating @haru-ririchiyo @loving-life-my-way
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peterman-parker · 6 years
He Loves Another
Pairing: Thor x Reader
Word Count: 1024
Summary: Thor tells you he loves two women; you don’t take it too lightly.
Written for @emilyevanston ’s marvel trope flip challenge with the trope love triangle
A/N - Love triangle, your initial thought one girl falling in love with two guys or two guys falling in love with the same girl and have to pick. This isn’t that stupid cliché.
I’m sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged, I got the tags from my spn blog and my old marvel blog
Feedback is gold and appreciated
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You lie in bed on Thor’s chest, your fingers dragging over the soft, smooth skin of his chest. “So you have to go again soon.” It was more of a statement then a question.
“I do, my lady. It’s another mission that I cannot let them do alone. They wouldn’t be able to cope without me.” He commented, his arm wrapping around your shoulder.
“That’s true. It all went to shit without you and the hulk last time.” Thor smiled triumphantly, taking on the compliment and boosting his ego. “I just wish you didn’t have to go.”
“I wish that too but as Prince of Asgard, it is my duty to protect the realm and that means I will protect Midgard too. It has the two most important women, two women that I love with all my heart.”
It was then that your heart broke.
“Two women?! You shot up from the bed and away from the God of Thunder. “You love two women?”
“Of course.” He answered, as if he didn’t care about your feelings at all.
The tears sprung to your eyes and you shook your head; you couldn’t deal with this betrayal. Grabbing your robe from your closet door, you pulled it on, tying the sash around your waist, you hid away your body from the God that claimed to love another.
“Screw you, you asshole!” You screamed at him before running away to the bathroom, locking the door behind you and sitting on the closed toilet seat.
Thor followed you through the top hallway of the house, his forehead resting on the door along with his palm. You knew that he could easily break down the door but he wouldn’t do that.
“Lady Y/N, I thought you knew.” Thor spoke softly, his words slightly muffled by the closed door.
You wiped the tears from your eyes and then your cheeks. “You thought I knew about you loving another? If I knew then you would have been gone.” Clearing your throat, you continued, “I need you to leave. Just leave me alone.”
“I cannot leave. I will not leave you.”
“Why not just go to the other woman that you love? If you truly loved me, you would have never fallen for another.”
“Can you just open the door so I could explain something to you?”
“What is there to explain, Thor? You’ve said everything you need to.” Your voice quieter as you gave up the fight. You had lost him, you thought.
“If you open the door, I will explain. I promise. Just open the door. Please, my darling.”
You bit at your bottom lip, playing with your fingers, contemplating whether or not you should open the door. Thor wasn’t going to move, wasn’t going to budge away from it until you heard him out.
Sniffling, you wiped your eyes on the sleeves of your robe and lifted yourself off of the toilet seat and slowly sauntered over to the door. Unlocking it, you pulled it open, Thor falling forward a little at the sudden movement. Normally, his antics like that would have made you laugh but you were in a serious mood. Thor stumbled but acted as if nothing had happened, his elbow leaning against the door frame. “Hi, there.”
“Well,” you started, crossing your arms over your chest. “Explain.”
“You are with child, my darling. You bare our daughter. You are the only two women in my life that I love.”
Your hand fell to your stomach while your heart jumped into your throat. You were with child, you had no idea but Thor did?
“I- how? When did you know?” This was ridiculous, how could he know?
“I have known since last week.” He revealed, something that was unexpected.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Thor chuckles, “surely it should have been the other way around but I told you, I thought you knew. That is why you stopped drinking is it not?”
You shook your head, rubbing at your non showing stomach. “Stopped drinking? No, Thor, I I only drink when I feel the need but I am glad that I haven’t felt that need.”
You grasped his hand, “I’m so sorry for accusing you. I shouldn’t have done that, it was unfair of me.”
Thor cupped your jaw in his large palms, thumbs caressing your cheeks and pulling your face up to his as he lowered his lips to yours with a smile on his face. His lips were soft and plump but a little chapped, at that point, you didn’t care. All you could think about was the life that you and Thor had created.
“Shall we to bed? I would like to speak to my daughter, if it is okay with you, my darling.”
You nodded, taking his hand and leading him back to the bedroom where he would lie with you for a moment before he shuffled down the bed on his stomach, opening up the robe to expose your pregnant belly so he could speak to your daughter; the little goddess that was slowly growing inside of you.
Thor spend most of the night on his stomach, telling your unborn daughter about how Asgard and Midgard were totally different but how in a few weeks shy of nine months they would be joined together by a gorgeous baby girl who would be a fair ruler of both realms. He praised his daughter to the high heavens, speaking of the beauty that she would get from you and the strength she would get from both you and himself. He spoke of how big your heart would be but promised he would look after you until the end of his days even though he knew she would hold her own.
Thor would do anything to protect the two women he loved and if that meant fighting all those battles against the bad guys, then so be it because he was a fierce protector of his family and no one would stop him or tell him otherwise, not even the goddess of death could stop him but could the purple titan they called Thanos.
Feedback is gold and appreciated
Forevers: @super100012 @lupine-princess @plaid-lover-bay25 @atc74 @fandomoniumflurry @growningupgeek @sophiebobzz @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @goldenolaf25 @docharleythegeekqueen @poukothenerd @grace-for-sale @mrswhozeewhatsis @squirrel-moose-winchester @jesspfly @supernaturallymarvellous @wayward-and-worn @feelmyroarrrr @sammysgirl1997 @roxyspearing @mogaruke @be-amaziing @deanandsamsbitch @love-kittycat21 @frankiea1998 @hennessy0274-blog @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @iwantthedean @capsheadquaters @emoryhemsworth @notmoose45 @essie1876 @cassieraider @brewsthespirit-blog @its-my-perky-nipples @riversong-sam @jotink78 @captainradicalpassion @jadalecki-jackles @spnbaby-67 @holyfuckloueh @gh0stgurl @alyssa6marie @esoltis280 @bumber-car-s @alex-zeppelin @x-waywardaf-x @therealjunidee
Thor: @thorne93  @becaamm @hymnofthevalkyrie  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @caplansteverogers @mizzezm @howlingbarnes @jesspfly @lilasiannerd @melconnor2007
@lancsnerd @marvelenthusiast10 @dcmarvelblog @infinityblogger @idixsyncrxsy @lesonicaro
295 notes · View notes
emptywithout · 6 years
Tagging Question/PSA
I’ve got a bunch of taggies and recently getting fewer and fewer notes. That’s ok, I don’t really care about that...But a whole bunch of y’all don’t hit even the like button, and I don’t know if you are even reading things?
Tagging takes time. If you aren’t reading them, it’s ok, but I mean if you haven’t liked a thing in a while I’m probably gonna remove you, ok? Cause I don’t wanna keep tagging you if you don’t read, ya know? Don’t wanna keep bugging you?
Anyway, there’s my PSA...
Squee’s Supporters
On the forever list: @karategirl80 @ravenangel33 @ultimatefandomtrash61 @sabath68 @hannahindie  @jessikared97 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @jessyackles @yo-high-functioning-sociopath @deathtonormalcy56 @oneshoeshort @bunnybaby121115 @sageclover61 @bellarium @charliebradbury1104 @rideandwritethings @sammyimpala-67  @thatonetuesdaywhensam  @depressed-moose-78 @flirtswithdanger @sea040561 @ronja-uebrick @imgetting2old4diss @internationalmusicteacher @avocadobandana   @impala-dreamer @mishasorangeundies @winchesterlovinspn @bohowitch @pretty-fortune  @crazyismyownreality @adoptdontshoppets @mrswhozeewhatsis @deansgirl215 
I can’t tag you?: @burnbrightest @dreaminblue67 @feisty-kisses @samuelthekeeper @canadianjelly @melbelle45 @wh1sp3r1ng-impala
Everything but wincest @schizonephilim @crossroadsangelcastiel
Everything but wincest and destiel   @charlie-bradburyss  @emoryhemsworth  @deansgirl215 @hidinginmybochard
Everything but destiel: @nanzm @super-hannah-natural @paigums
Samwena and Destiel. No Wincest or reader insert @shadowpaintedrose
TWYB peeps: @mirandaaustin93
Bloodlust: @tatertot1097
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deanssweetheart23 · 6 years
Something Borrowed - Chapter IX
Title: Something Borrowed: September 2015 (Chapter IX)
Chapter Overview: The day of the wedding arrives. Dean has to make a decision.
Author: deanssweetheart23
Characters: Dean Winchester x reader, Frank Weber, Sam Winchester (only mentioned)
Word count: 1389
Warnings: Some language, angst and Stuck Up Asshole Frank™ ( @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba came up with that name and I must admit I kinda love it).
Author’s Notes: This was beta’d by @trexrambling. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her. Thank you, my sunflower <3
Thank you, guys, for all of your love. When this series is over, I’ll make a detailed post for all of you. <3
Catch up here. Enjoy <3
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Saturday, 26 September, 2015
New York City, New York
Dean knows he shouldn’t be here.
He knows it deep into his soul, knows no good can possibly come out of this, that he’s practically pouring salt over jagged scars, but he still feels like this is something he needs to do, the least he can do for her before he lets her go one last time.
He needs to make sure that no one will ever hurt her the way he did.
He needs to make sure that when his brother told him she sounded troubled over the phone the night they talked about the wedding that he was only lying to make him feel better.
He needs to make sure she’s better off without him.
Taking a deep breath, Dean locks his car, adjusts his tie and slips into the church quietly.
The venue is already crowded, filled with all the people the couple has invited, and, as Dean looks for that small room in the back of the building, he thinks he sees Charlie and his brother with Eileen looking for their seats. Somehow, he feels grateful that they can be there for Y/N in ways he no longer can.
Navigating his way through the church, he takes in the decoration; beautiful, though a bit pompous for his taste, with the couple’s vows hand-calligraphed onto the aisle runner, antique bird cages for the guests’ cards and vintage lanterns surrounded by roses and peonies in every corner.
Dean’s almost impressed until he remembers how much Y/N hates peonies.
His heart sinks a little in his chest.
He finds the room he’s been looking for shortly after that, waits a few seconds before grasping the handle and rapping his hands down on the wood.
“Come on in,” comes the gruff response.
And, so, Dean opens the door and steps inside to find the blue-eyed man he’s been looking for standing right in front of him, dressed in an impeccable black suit and the most expensive pair of lace-ups he’s ever seen, a bow-tie half wrapped around the collar of his shirt.
“Frank,” he nods.
He’s surprised to see him.
Dean can tell that much from the way his eyes widen and his jaw clenches at the sight of him, from the way the stone-cold demeanor cracks for just a second and lets Dean see through him, see a man who’s almost afraid of him.
“Dean,” Frank manages after a while, lips stretched into a venomous smile. “Now this is a surprise, man. Y/N said you wouldn’t be coming,” he adds, and there’s something so arrogant, so possessive in the way he calls her name, that Dean feels sick.
“She doesn’t know I’m here.”
“Ah,” he laughs a little under his breath, but the sound’s made of plastic, “I take it you’re not staying then.”
The muscles in Dean’s jaw twitch. “No, not really.”
Frank clasps his hands together, contemplating his next words, then pours himself a glass of whiskey. “Too bad. She’d be really happy to see you.” He sips some of his drink. “She’s missed you, you know.”
The words are meant to slice through his skin and they do so, tremendously well, leaving a trail of bleeding bruises behind them.
He hates this, hates how Frank knows more things about her now, how he knows her better than he does, almost as much as he hates the fact that what they had, all those years of friendship, will slowly become a parenthesis in the narrative of her life and his name will fade into darkness, as someone she used to know, but means nothing to her anymore.
It takes him a moment to speak. “I’m not here for some Dr. Phil hour, Frank.”
“Fair enough. You did come a long way though, so I’m guessing there must some reason you’re here.”
A pause.
Brow knitted into a frown.
“Do you love her?”
“Are you seriously asking me that?”
“Do you love her?”
“What do you think?” Frank asks, eyes a bit softer now. “She’s perfect, man.”
Y/N’s not perfect, of course.
She can be stubborn enough to drive Dean up the damn wall, witty and sarcastic in all the wrong moments, impulsive, reckless. But she’s the kindest, most loving person he knows, the kind of girl that lights up a room just by being in it, the kind of girl you hold on to.  
Still, Dean chooses not to say that to Frank, chooses to keep that small part of her for himself.
“Is she happy?”
“You came all this way to know if I can make my fiancée happy?” Frank laughs, a dead sort of laugh, takes a few steps towards him. “Yeah, she’s happy, Dean. Happier than you’d ever be able to make her.” He runs a hand over his mouth. “You know… You hate me so much for stealing Y/N away from you, but really… You handed her over to me.” A small, brash shrug as he pats Dean on the shoulder. “Should have done something about it while you still had the chance.”
Hot white range bursts through Dean at that and, before Frank even knows what’s happening, he’s wrapping his fingers around his wrist, pushes him against the wall.
“Y/N’s not some kind of prize, you dick-bag.”
“God,” Frank sneers, eyes flooded with pity, “you’re so in love with her, it’s pathetic.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Dean bites out, leaning down to get in his face. “You know what’s the weirdest thing about being pathetically in love with someone, Frank?” he asks, fingers gripping the front of Frank’s suit jacket. “You’d do anything to protect them. So, you better treat Y/N the way she deserves, or, so help me God-”
“Are you threatening me, Winchester?”
“Damn right I am. You hurt her-” he stabs a finger at him– “and I’ll rip you to fucking shreds.” He juts his chin. “Are we clear?”
Darkness coats Frank’s features and, for a second, Dean believes he’s about to punch him, yet he only nods, numb, but hard.
Dean pulls away. “Better get going then.” He rolls up his sleeves, smirks with a satisfaction he doesn’t feel. “It was nice talking to you, man.”
And then he’s gone, walking down the corridors quickly until he reaches the hall where the wedding’s supposed to take place and finds a shady seat in the back row. And he knows, again, that doing this to himself, staying there while she marries someone else, is probably the worst idea he’s ever had, but he needs to see her, needs to convince himself that it’s finally over.
She walks down the aisle almost twenty minutes later, the brightest thing he’s ever seen, a dream dressed in white. She wears her hair down in waves, holds a bouquet of red roses that seem striking against the lace ballgown, and Dean allows himself to imagine that it’s him she’s walking towards, that all that happiness, all the joy scattered around him isn’t poison to his heart.
He opens his eyes, sees the way she’s looking at Frank.
She’s smiling, that smile of hers that could cut him in two, but there’s something else there, something he can’t quite put his finger on.
He tells himself he’s imagining it, because she never answered that voicemail, never tried to contact him.
He tells himself he’s imagining it, because if he’s not, he’ll probably go insane.
His eyes drift to Frank.
The blue-eyed man that had been so spiteful, so full of hatred only a few minutes ago, seems soft now, almost sweet, as he looks at her like she’s everything he’s been waiting for, and Dean knows.
He loves her.
They both do.
He waits until the vows begin, each word of eternal devotion that comes out of her mouth a punch in his gut. Then, he gets out of his chair, smooths his shirt and drives back to Ithaca, back to Charlie’s apartment. He climbs up to the rooftop where they first met, the first time he’s been there in over a year.
The flowers he’d planted with Charlie are withered now, the petals broken, and he rips them all off, one by one, until there’s nothing left but tender soil, nothing left but dirt.
He never, once, looks back as he walks away.
A/N: Next chapter coming on 9/15 :) Remember, I love you <3
Forever Tags: @jpadjackles @supernatural-jackles @trexrambling @percywinchester27 @atwistoffate @there-must-be-a-lock @torn-and-frayed @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba @atc74 @dancingalone21 @kathaswings @dreamingdean @jayankles @winchesters-flannels @winchestersnco @caeruli @princess-shurii @tiny-friggin-human @polina-93 @mandilion76 @juanitadiann @pickupthatamulet @yourvoiceislikearose @becominglionhearted @ravengirl94 @ravenangel33 @holahellohialoha @starry-chaos @masksandtruths @lipstickandwhiskey @hannahindie @sunlightdances @wordstothewisereaders @ruprecht0420 @sgarrett49 @escabell @becs-bunker @imagining-supernatural @iwriteaboutdean @mogaruke @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @spngeronimo @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @wellthatsrandomkek @persephone-divine @akshi8278 @keepcalmandcarryondean @superflurry @superapplepie @sinistersaltqueen @carryonmyswansong @carryonmywaywardcaptain @emoryhemsworth @bebravekeeponfighting @sebastianshoe @jessilliam-caronday @kleinkariertebetrachter @stellaa33 @samisimportant-blog @shutupiminlooove @no-shit-sherl0ck @caitthejourno @annoyingpeople-postingthings @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @mrswhozeewhatsis @may-darling @novaddictx @rlawson418 @itssmallerontheoutside-13
Something Borrowed Tags: @girliciousdreams @ellen-reincarnated1967 @superwholock-fangir1 @my-proof-is-you @ms-baekhyun @satanwithapencil @hayleighr4 @keepcalmandbeajunkie @pjofangirl18 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @maralisa124 
132 notes · View notes
The ‘What If’ Game
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 1,536
Warnings: being drunk, fluff
Summary: You thought this was just another drunken night with your best friend. It turned out to be so much more.
Square Filled: Drunken Night
Author’s Note: This is for @spngenrebingo . This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
Tags at the bottom
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One of your favorite things to do was to hang with your best friend, Jensen Ackles. You weren’t an actor or anything like that. You actually owned a few chain restaurants around Texas. So, when Jensen was busy filming in Vancouver, you were running your business and when he was on hiatus, you were hanging with him.
There were times you would go with him to Vancouver and watch him film. But only if you knew you didn’t have any work lined up. You had a lot of people working underneath you that could handle things while you take off. You don’t do it often but when you do, you know you’re in good hands.
Right now, Jensen was in between season 13 and 14 which was good for you because you needed your best friend. You’ve had a crush on him since you met him. Actually, when you met him, you were such a huge fan of the show and a bit of a Dean girl. He was on hiatus with Jared way back when. He came into one of your restaurants and you got to talking.
You probably wouldn’t have met him if your head hostess hadn’t called out sick. You were filling in for her since it was a busy month for the business. It was hard to stay away from each other after that point. You found out he lived close to you and every single summer and Christmas, he got to spend it with you.
You two quickly became inseparable. You met Jared and Misha and even got a tour of the set. You needed someone like Jensen in your life because he was truly one of a kind. You two have been going on 5 years of being best friends. If you were being honest, he was your other half and you wish you could tell him that.
Confessing your feelings would be such a big step that neither of you could come back from. You knew something was between you two but you couldn’t exactly figure out what it was. You didn’t know if you were meant to be something more or if you should just stay friends. The only way you were going to confess to him is if you were drunk and right now, you were on the cusp of becoming drunk.
While Jensen is on hiatus, you two try and spend as much time together as possible. You would find yourself sleeping over at his place most of the time and he would sleep over at your place. You even had a drawer of your things in his room and he in yours.
“Okay, I know what this night needs.” You said, reaching for the vodka bottle. You took 2 large sips before handing it over to Jensen. He handed you his whiskey bottle and did the same.
“What does this night need?” Jensen asked, already drunk. At least, you thought he was.
“We haven’t played the ‘what if’ game in a while.” You giggled. You were buzzed but you wanted to be drunk for this. That’s when you get the good questions.
“Oh, good idea. Okay, I’ll go first.” Jensen said, facing you. You two were seated on the love sofa with your legs in his lap and his in yours. You were so comfortable and didn’t plan on moving anywhere else.
“Okay, hit me with your best shot.” You sang and giggled.
“Okay, what if dinosaurs didn’t go extinct, but instead was living on some remote island we don’t know about?” You laughed at this and took another sip of whiskey. You really shouldn’t be mixing vodka and whiskey but at this point, you didn't care. Tomorrow would be a chill day to get over the massive hangover you knew you’d have.
“I guess then the world would be in danger. They can fly, right? I think some dinosaurs could fly.” You tried to think of the name of it but it wouldn’t come to you.
“Okay, your turn.”
“What if you got fired from Supernatural? What would you do?” You giggled.
“Ouch,” Jensen said, putting a hand over his heart. “Hitting me right where it hurts.”
“Sorry,” You shrugged with a smile.
“Did I tell you I got an offer to be on Riverdale?” He said and your eyes bugged out of your head.
“No! Jensen! I am your best friend! How come you didn't tell me this? When did this happen?”
“Last week. I said no, of course. I can’t give up Dean Winchester.”
“Okay, well, when I’m sober we’re definitely talking about that. But it’s your turn.”
“So, what if tomorrow, we’re going about our day and everything seemed normal. But then a giant hole opened up in the sky and a swarm of aliens and robots came rushing down to earth to destroy us?” You busted out laughing, almost falling off the couch.
“That’s the plot of the first Avenger movie!” You laughed and took another sip of the whiskey before trading it for the vodka bottle.
“So? It could happen.” Jensen giggled.
“Alright, if it does then I’m letting them take you.”
“Hey!” Jensen playfully scolded you.
“There are no friends in the desert.” You smiled.
“Fine, if aliens invade earth, I’ll be the first to offer them to you,” Jensen smirked.
“Okay, I just don’t want them to do anything to my butt. I heard they like that sort of thing.”
“Where did you hear that? From someone who survived a night with aliens?” Jensen laughed.
“Hey! You hear all kinds of things,” You giggled. “Okay! My turn! What if we thought with our tongues and talked with our minds?” You laughed and got up on your knees before sticking your tongue out.
“Wanna hear what I’m thinking?” You giggled as you came closer to Jensen with your tongue out.
“Get out of here.” He laughed and pushed your shoulder. You fell back on the couch and laughed, the bottle of alcohol long forgotten. You were having too much fun being drunk and playing this game.
“If we thought with our tongues, the world would have a lot more children in it.” Jensen laughed.
“Oh yeah, because you wouldn’t hesitate to lick any woman you saw.” You rolled your eyes. Jensen got up and came at you with his tongue out.
“I can lick you.” He said before licking the side of your face.
“Ew! Jensen!” You laughed as you tried to push him off you. Normally you could but you were so drunk, you couldn’t even push a door open.
“My turn,” Jensen said, using his arms to hold himself off you so he didn’t crush you with his weight. You looked into his eyes and finally understood just how close he was to you.
“Make it count.” You whispered. You wish you could kiss him right now. Everything would be so much easier but you knew you would regret it in the morning. Or maybe you wouldn’t remember. Before you could make a decision, he was talking.
“What if we dated?”
“What?” You asked, hoping what he asked is what you heard.
“What if I took you out on a date? Like, I would take you to a really good restaurant or if you weren’t feeling hungry then I would take you on a boat ride or we could go to the beach or whatever you wanted to do because I want you to be happy. I would buy you dinner or lunch and we would spend the whole night with each other. Then, I would drop you off at home and I would want to kiss you but I would be so nervous. You’d kiss me anyways and we dated. So… what if we dated?”
You couldn’t even speak right now, you were in shock. You were becoming a little bit more sober with each word that left his mouth. This game was only supposed to be a fun game to play when drunk but he turned it into something you couldn’t come back from.
You knew this was Jensen’s way of confessing his feelings for you and if he was going to do it, then so were you.
“I would be the happiest girl alive.” You said truthfully. Jensen didn’t even need to ask and placed his lips on yours. You immediately kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. You would have preferred your first kiss with him to be more professional and a lot less sloppy.
You would definitely have to do this again in the morning.
“Wait, wait, wait,” you said as you pulled away from Jensen’s soft lips.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“I want to do this right. I don’t want to be drunk. If you still feel the same in the morning, I’d be glad to go out with you.” You smiled.
“Who said I was asking you out?” Jensen asked with a smile.
“Come on, let’s go to bed. I really want to continue this in the morning.” You said and Jensen got off you. He helped you up and walked with you to his guest room. This game will have a totally different meaning for you now.
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The Dean Beans:
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mamaimpala67 · 6 years
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Words: 4657
Warning(s): None - Has a bunch of fluff and stuff.
Summary: After years of hard work, you finally stand on top of the stage, standing above everyone, with your diploma in your hand. This was made for the first place winner of my 3,000 follower giveaway. 
To: @wh1sp3r1ng-impala
Your hands shook violently as you adjusted the tassel that sat on the graduation cap you wore. The black gown cascaded down your body, covering the shoes that you wore. Two golden cords ran over your shoulders and down your chest. You were in a room with the other individuals that were graduating alongside you. You were a part of the Cloud County Community College graduating class of 2018. After years of online courses, thousands of hours of studying, and thousands of dollars worth of books and tuition, you were able to graduate with a major in criminal justice and police science. Not only could the degree help you in the future with different cases, but it was always something you enjoyed - mostly when it came to the legal side of things.
You were in the auditorium of your college, other students wandering around, talking to one another, smiles plastered on all of their faces. Glancing at your watch, you had six minutes until the ceremony was supposed to start. Even as you sat there, in one of the many chairs in the room, waiting to be escorted to the gym where the actual ceremony was going to begin, the butterflies swarmed around in your stomach as quickly as they possibly could. You weren’t as nervous as you were excited about the entire situation. You just couldn’t wait to get on stage and your hand on the diploma that you worked so hard to get.
A bell rang in the auditorium, causing you to lift your head and look around. “Hello, Cloud County graduates of two-thousand-eighteen!” A male voice came over the loudspeaker.
The students surrounding, clapped and cheered loudly. You smiled lightly and stood up from your seat, waiting for the voice to continue. It wasn’t until the cheers died down that the male began to speak once more.
“The ceremony will start in five minutes. All graduates must line up at the west side door of the auditorium in alphabetical order. A list of the graduating students has been provided for you in the pamphlet that you have received. A member of the staff will come into the auditorium and get all of you for the precession. Begin.”
There was a final click, signaling the man was done talking to the student body. You picked up the pamphlet that was given to you as you entered the auditorium that morning. There were about one-hundred-fifty students in that auditorium, but it didn’t take long to find your name in the jumbled up mess of names. Once you found where you were, you began to count down the line of people that began to line up. You looked back at the sheet of paper and then back at the group of people more times than you could count. You began to move towards the general area that you could only figure you would stand. Biting your lip, you decided to ask someone their name. You turned to a blonde female with a pale face.
“Excuse me, are you…” you glanced down at the sheet that you had in your hand, looking for the name directly before you. “Karen?”
“No, sweetie,” the girl said and shook her head. “My name is Skylar.”
“Oh…” you looked at the paper, noticing that Skylar was the name of the girl behind you. “Oh! So you’re behind me, then.”
Skylar looked down at her own paper. “Are you (Y/N)?”
“Yeah! I’m behind you!”
A smile appeared on your face before you moved in front of Skylar. Everyone else was lining up around you. You could tell that Skylar was excited by the way that she was presenting herself. Her hands were folded right in front of her as she bounced around lightly.
“Aren’t you excited?” She asked you with a happy voice. “We’re finally done with college. We can go out into the world and become whatever we set our minds out to be.” She shook her head. “What degree did you get?”
You turned around and glanced at her. “Oh, I majored in criminal justice and police science. What about you?”
“Nursing. Mostly pediatrics.” She shrugged. “I love taking care of children.”
“Interesting.” You nodded, looking at some of the other students.
It was silent between the two of you for a while. Skylar seemed rather excited though, hands placed in front of her and moving ever so slightly, not able to keep them still. The smiled was plastered on her lips and her body was moving up and down.
“You know,” Skylar continued. “I think what I love most is that I get to help people. It’s amazing to feel like you have saved someone’s life.”
A smile slowly appeared on your face as you turned and looked at her. “I know the feeling.”
Skylar smiled. Before she could say anything else, a small alarm rang throughout the auditorium, but it quickly stopped. That alarm got all of the student’s attention. They turned their gaze towards the front. An older woman stood there with a megaphone so that her voice would echo throughout the room.
“Graduates of the class of twenty-eighteen!” She said, her deep voice hitting your ears. Before she was able to continue, the chorus of cheers erupted from the students in front of and behind you. She waited. After the cheers, she put the bullhorn closer towards her mouth. “We are getting ready to enter the gym! If you would please follow me and stay in line! Thank you so much and congratulations!”
There were more cheers from the students and the smile stretched across your lips. The megaphone was lowered from her face as she stepped to the side. She began to gesture the line out of the auditorium and that was when the line began to move and you began to feel the butterflies swarm around inside of your stomach once again. It wasn’t, so much, out of nervousness as it was out of excitement. After all of the hard work and dedication that you have placed into your college career, you were finally able to receive the piece of paper that showed it. That would give you more public recognition than the countless amount of monsters you have hunted and killed. It didn’t matter, though. You could do thousands of hunts without being recognized for the work that you have done, but all that matters is that you knew that you saved those people. Others didn’t have to know.
In order to get into the gymnasium, the class had to walk through the courtyard and into the side entrance. It was the beginning of summer in Kansas, the sun shining down and beating on top of the blue graduation caps that everyone wore. Even with the thin material and then shorts and tank top you had on underneath, you could feel yourself already starting to break a sweat. Your only hope was that there was air conditioning inside of the gym or at least a decent sized barn fan on the inside that was powerful enough to keep people cool, but weak enough to guarantee that programs and hats didn’t fly around the building.
As you neared the red brick building, you could see that the gray, metal doors were shut, giving you the idea that there was air conditioning inside of the building - if there was a fan, they would have the windows and the doors open to keep the air circling throughout the space. The first person got to the door and opened it up, allowing a gust of cool air to touch your skin. You shivered and felt a sense of relief inside of you. At least you wouldn’t be miserable the entire time the ceremony went on.
As the line proceeded to the gym, the faint sound of the College band playing Pomp and Circumstance. It made you feel such elation as you made your way to your seat. Parents, friends, and family members were in the bleachers, standing up, clapping and cheering for the graduates of 2018. You looked around for a little bit before you got to your designated seat. You sat down and adjusted your robe so that it was a little more comfortable. Skylar sat next to you and did the same. Once she finished, she placed her hands in her lap and glanced at you.
“Here we go,” she said with a smile before she looked forward.
You turned, glanced at her, gave a small nod, and then looked at the podium that was in front of the graduates. It didn’t take that long for everyone to sit down and for the crowd to do the same. An older man walked up to the podium wearing a gray suit with a blue tie. He touched the microphone and tapped on it, the vibration echoing in the entire building, indicating that the microphone was on. He leaned forward, practically pressed his lips against the microphone, and began to speak.
His voice was baritone and deep. He addressed the audience and then the graduates, a slight smile hiding behind the thick, black microphone. The man was the dean of the College and his speech was long and tedious, saying many different lines one too many times. It took ten minutes before he called up the Valedictorian up to the podium for them to give their speech. A male student stood up from behind you and made his way up to the stage. He thanked the dean and turned to the student body. It was then that he began to speak.
The speech was longer than the first one - if you had to estimate, about thirty minutes long - but this one had more content, memories of the past and goals for the future. You didn’t care about any of that. You wanted to walk up to the stage and take the diploma and throw your hat into the air and then go home and celebrate. However, after the valedictorian, came another student with a twenty-minute speech and then another student with a twenty-five-minute speech and then another speech from the Dean before he finally called the Class President up to announce the graduates. You let out a sigh of relief and watched as the female walked up to the podium. She began to speak.
You watched from your spot on the seat as the rows were called. It didn’t take long, however, before your row was called. You stood up and set your program down on your seat. You followed the other students to the stage and stopped as they reached the bottom step. The Class President then began to call out the names of the people that were in front of you and that was when you were able to feel the butterflies swarming around in your belly.  Your hands were shaking slightly, but you were filled with excitement and anxiety. Two people were left, then one, and then it was your turn. It was your moment to shine and to be known by the entire student body.
“(Y/N) (L/N), a graduate of the field of Criminal Justice and Police Science.” She said with a soft voice that echoed loudly in the mic.
A smile appeared on your face as you climbed up the short steps to the stage, walked over to the Dean - who was handing out the diplomas - and reached with one hand to grab it while the other hand came down and shook his. He congratulated you and you turned to walk off the stage. It was then that you heard the loudest and most obnoxious cheers from the audience. You turned your head towards the sound and the smile broke out even wider onto your face once you saw that it was none other than Sam and Dean Winchester, standing tall and proud, clapping loudly and cheering even louder. The blush was dark on your face. You lifted your arm up and gave them a wave before you turned and headed back to your seat. You waited by your chair for everyone in the row to get back to their own before you all sat down in unison. While the others were still getting their diplomas and watching the others do so, you were studying the diploma. In cursive letters, you name was presented on it as well as the degree you majored in Criminal Justice and Police Science. The smile never left your face as you studied the calligraphy, running your hands over it.
The final student shook the head of the Dean and got their diploma as they walked off the stage and sat back down in their seat. Afterward, the Class President got her diploma and then sat back down in her seat. Once everyone was settled and the audience began to take their seats as well, the Dean walked back up to the podium and it was there that he began his last speech. It wasn’t as long as the first one - just a couple of words to wrap up the ceremony.
“Graduates of the class of twenty-eighteen…” he trailed off and studied each of the students, a smile creeping onto his face. “Stand up, please.”
Everyone around stood up, smiles on your faces and excitement flooding over you. The Dean cleared his throat before he stood up straight.
“As you stand here before us, diplomas in hand and dreams in your head, I can’t help but be proud of every single one of you, even if I never met even half of you. I love seeing the students graduating each and every year because I know that our future is great and it is all because of you.” He paused for effect. “Now, as you switch your tassel from your right to your left-” Everyone switched their tassels. “I can see the way paved to a brighter and better future for all of you.” He smiled widely. “Congratulations Class of 2018!” He exclaimed.
As if it were instinctive, everyone reached up, grabbed their caps, took them off their heads, and threw them into the air - a tradition that has lasted over a century. Your cap disappeared into the air, never to be seen again by yourself and at that point, you didn’t care. You looked at the diploma that you had as Pomp and Circumstance began to play once more. The students began to file out of the gymnasium in single file line, waving at their families. Some of the people in the bleachers were starting to stand up, stretch, and applaud for the graduates. You were able to see Dean and Sam standing up, clapping for you, and making their way down the bleachers - not even halfway to the gym floor when you made it out to the courtyard.
The sun hit the top of your head and the strong, hot summer breeze ran through your hair. At that moment, though, the heat wasn’t something that crossed your mind. Skylar came up behind you, placed her hand on your back, patted it twice, and then pointed at you. “Congratulations, (Y/N),” she told you. “I know you’ll do great!”
You barely even know me.
“Thanks, Skylar! I know you’ll do great too!” You huffed as you watched her turn and run off towards her friends and her family as you stood back and waited for the brothers to appear from the gym doors.
There were five exits to the gym. Two were on the east side, two were on the west side, and one was on the north side, the side in which the graduates exited from. You decided to take your chances and moved over towards the east side of the building where rows and rows of people leaving the gym and entering the blistering heat outside. You stayed where you were, trying your best to get into a location where there was shade and that you were also able to see the exits, but alas there was none. You had to stand in the sun’s rays until the boys hurried up and got outside.
What you weren’t aware of was that the boys had left the gym via the west side of the building and were walking around trying to find you - thanks to Sam’s height, it was a lot easier than if they were considered ‘normal height’. They spotted you before you spotted them and the two brothers snuck up behind you. Sam was the first one to wrap his large, massive arms around your body, enveloping you in a tight hug. A gasp fell from your lips at the contact before you turned your head to see the Winchesters. You smiled widely.
“Hey!” You said as you turned around and hugged both Dean and Sam.
“Congratulations, (Y/N),” Sam said with a small smile etched onto his thin lips.
“Yeah, congrats, kiddo,” Dean said.
Both of the brothers pulled away and looked down at you. “Thank you so much,” you responded. “I’m so glad that the two of you could show up.”
“Are you kidding? We wouldn’t miss this for the world!” Sam said.
“Yeah, you’ve gotten farther into a normal life than Sammy and I combined,” Dean responded.
You rolled your eyes. “Stop. You two have done more when it comes to actually saving people from danger. That’s the only thing that matters here. Not about having a normal life. You know what I say?”
“Fuck normalcy,” Sam mumbled.
“That’s right because family is all that matters.” You pointed at Sam.
Sam rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Can I see the diploma?”
“Sure,” you handed over the diploma that was still held casually in your hand.
Sam took it from you and brought it closer to him and Dean so that both of them were able to see it. As they glanced at it, they couldn’t help but smile.
“We’re really proud of you,” Dean said, glancing up at you before turning back to the diploma.
“Thanks,” you said with a small smile. You reached over and grabbed the diploma. “Enough ogling over my diploma!” You chuckled.
As soon as you took the diploma away and made the last comment, Dean raised his brows and a look of realization crossed his face. “Oh, yeah! We gotta go!”
“Go? Why?” You asked.
“Because we have a surprise for you.”
“Oh yeah!” Sam said. “What are you wearing underneath that?”
“Ugh…” you trailed. “Just some shorts and a tank top. Nothing fancy.”
“Perfect,” Dean commented as he reached over and grabbed your hand. “Come on, we really want you to see the surprise.”
“What the Hell is wrong with the two of you? You’re never this giddy about something in your entire life.” The boys began to take you - quickly you might add - towards the black Impala that sat amongst the other vehicles that either belonged to (former) students or their relatives. “Well, for Dean that’s beside when he even mentions sex or women and for Sam when he talks about Game of Thrones or some sort of damn novel.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dean rolled his eyes as he got to the car, unlocking the driver’s side, opening the door, and unlocking the other doors. “Just get in the damn car. And take that robe off while you’re at it.”
You rolled your eyes as well as you opened up the back door - Sam always got shotgun. You tossed the diploma into the back seat and then reached down, grabbing the end of the gown and pulled it over your head, revealing your black and white attire. You folded the gown and tossed it into the car as well before you got in and buckled up, the boys already ready to go towards the surprise that they had for you. Once you were settled and buckled in, Dean turned on the car, the engine roaring to life, and backed out. He was one of the first ones that left the parking lot - thanks to the fact that you didn’t stay to chit-chat with the others you graduated with.
“So where is this surprise?” You asked.
“You’ll just have to wait and see,” Sam commented.
A groan escaped past your lips. “Come on. I don’t want to wait.”
“Too bad,” Dean said. “But it will take a while for us to get there, so why don’t you go ahead and doze off for a while?”
“But I’m not tired.”
“Then sit back there for a while and listen to music?” He shrugged. “It’s up to you.”
You glanced at the back of Dean’s head and then at the back of Sam’s head before you shook your own and leaned back against the seat. There were only a couple options that were presented in front of you for the trip that you were taking - however long that was supposed to be. You could listen to the music on the radio, screw around on your phone, fall asleep, or you could even listen to the music that was on your phone, drowning out the world with your headphones. The latter option seemed like the best option for you. You looked up at the front seat and tapped Sam on the shoulder. He turned his head and looked your direction.
“Can you hand me my earbuds in the glove compartment?” You asked.
“Sure.” He said. He opened the drawer and got out the white earbuds, handing them to you. “Here you go.”
You grabbed the headphones and plugged them into your phone. You got resituated in the back so you were a bit more comfortable. Once you were in the correct position, you looked through your music and picked out a song, the tune immediately playing through the earbuds. It was one of your favorites and one that you could easily relax to. So you did just that. You leaned against the car door, nuzzled against the leather seats, leaned against them, and closed your eyes, waiting for Dean to take you towards your surprise.
You had your eyes closed the entire duration of the ride, but you never went to sleep. Your mind was a mix of two emotions: curiosity and excitement. Curiosity came from the wonder on where it was you and the brothers were going and the excitement was the fact that you graduated that day. That you finally got recognized for all of the hard work you put into your education. It was a wondrous feeling that you were unsure whether or not you would feel the same about anything else ever again, but that was something you didn’t want to worry about. At that moment, you wanted to bask in the feeling of success.
The car came to a halt, the vibration that normally accompanied it vanishing, indicating that the car had been turned off. Reaching towards your lap, you grabbed your cell phone, opened your eyes, and turned off your music. Taking out your headphones, you looked around to see where you were. It was a familiar building - a garage that was filled with many different types of early cars from the 1900s.
It was the bunker.
You furrowed your brows. “I thought you were taking me to a surprise?” You asked as the boys got out of the car.
“We are,” Sam said and shut the door.
Dean opened the door for you and you glanced out into the garage. You grabbed your diploma before you got out of the car.
“You have to close your eyes,” Dean said as you closed the door.
“Okay, what’s going on?” You asked and sighed, shoulders slumping.
“Just do it!” Dean had a smile on his face that beamed like a ray of light.
You sighed lightly and closed your eyes.
“Alright, just follow us,” Dean said as he and Sam grabbed either of your hands and began to lead you towards the door.
Your feet shuffled against the concrete floor, worried about running into something despite the fact that you were being led by the brothers. Dean and Sam opened the door and led you into the bunker. They were rather careful as they led you down the stairs and then into the library.
“You guys are giving me anxiety,” you mumbled under your breath.
Dean and Sam chuckled. They stopped and you did as well. “Okay,” Dean said. “Open your eyes.”
You did as you were told and it was then that you were given the biggest shock of your life. In the library, there was a large array of food platters with a cake that said “CONGRATULATIONS” in the center of it with graduation caps on it. Black and white balloons were all over the place too. Not only that, but the room was littered with the people that you cared about and who cared about you: Charlie, Garth, Kevin, and Castiel. They all shouted ‘surprise’.
You covered your mouth, a shocked expression playing on your face. Everyone was clapping for you, the boys as well. “Oh, you guys shouldn’t have,” you said and looked at Dean and Sam.
“Of course we should have,” Dean said.
“Yeah, (Y/N). Graduating from college is a big deal. You had to work so hard for it.” Sam said as well. “And we’re all here to celebrate your first day as a college graduate. This party is just for you. We got your favorite foods, desserts, and even your favorite cake.”
“You’re spoiling me.”
“And for a good reason,” Charlie chimed in. “About time they treat you like this!”
“Hey,” Dean said, furrowing his brows as he glanced at Charlie. Charlie shrugged.
“I agree with Charlie,” Kevin said. “I mean, you worked on your college work and helped me with the tablet. You worked more than anyone around here.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Sam gestured to Kevin. “You deserve this, (Y/N).”
You smiled, your cheeks turning pink. “Thank you. All of you. I do believe that this party is missing one thing, though.”
“What’s that?” Dean asked.
“I like the way you think, kid,” Dean smirked and chuckled as he patted you on the shoulder. You gave a small smile and watched as Dean left the room, most likely heading for the kitchen to grab a case of beer.
Castiel walked up to you and nodded ever so slightly in the awkward way that he had for ages. “Congratulations, (Y/N).” He said. “I was told that graduating from a school is a high honor. Just like everyone else, I am proud of you.” He smiled lightly.
You smiled. “Thank you, Castiel,”
“You’re welcome,” his voice always sounded so professional and it was something that you absolutely adored.
“Here we go!” Dean said as he brought back two six packs of beer. He placed them on the table. He grabbed a beer and tossed it to Sam. Garth and Charlie walked over and grabbed one of their own. Dean grabbed one and handed it to Castiel. You walked over and grabbed one of your own. Then, finally, Dean grabbed his own beer.
You opened your beer against the table and took a small drink.
“Hey, hey!” Dean said and smiled as he opened his beer. He lifted his drink into the air. “Cheers to (Y/N). For her hard work, dedication, and smarts. It’s because of her that we have been able to do everything that got us to where we are today. Congratulations, (Y/N). Cheers!”
“Cheers!” Everyone chanted as they clung their beer bottles against one another.
A blush crept onto your face as everyone took a swig of the alcohol, including you. The beer ran down your throat and caused shivers to appear in your spine. As you pulled the bottle away, you let out a small sigh of satisfaction before you looked at your friends.
“Alright!” Charlie called out. “Let’s get this party started!”
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