#feel my roarrr
Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
It only feels this raw right now
Lost in the labyrinth of my mind
Break up, break free, break through, break down
You would break your back to make me break a smile
(+ uh, oh, I'm falling in love)
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An imagine loosely based on the song Labyrinth of off Midnights by Taylor Swift ▪︎ read more Daemon & Aemond midnights imagines here: masterlist
themes: Aemond loses his eye at an older age (near the end of this) + there is no war (Rhaenyra is Queen), fluff, angst, mutual pining / warnings: language, mention of violence / word count: 5k
You and Aemond dance around each other for a long time, unable to make your feelings known to the other. Until an incident occurs, which makes him realize how important you truly are to him.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
It's a calm morning in King's Landing, and Prince Aemond makes his way throughout the castle, on his way to visit his dear sister Helaena and her children.
Aemond has proven to be a doting brother to her, as well as a caring uncle to Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, and Maelor. It can even be said that he has seen these children grow, more than their own father, his frequently inebriated brother, Prince Aegon.
Aemond shakes his head in disappointment, as the thought of his brother crosses his mind. Surely, he doesn't expect to find him in Helaena and the children's chambers.
He walks through the half-open doors, and hears an unfamiliar voice reading to the children. Your voice. He sees you sitting on the floor, the toddlers in varying positions in front of you, your dainty hands holding a heavy book that you surprisingly looked comfortable propping up.
You get to a passage about a dragon, and promptly make a Roarrr! sound to the children, as if you were acting out a performance. Aemond can't hold back the amused snort that he lets out.
You raise your head, and hurriedly stand, curtsying to the prince, "Prince Aemond, your sister did say you might be visiting this morning." You feel flushed, embarrassed that he most likely heard you.
"Hmm," he takes you in fully, mildly pleased with what he sees, "and where is my sister?"
"She's gone on a stroll with the Lady Alicent, my prince."
"And who might you be? Just last week it was Alyanna who was attending to the children."
"My name is y/n, I am her newly instated handmaiden, my prince. Mistress Alyanna asked to take leave, sadly, I think due to unfair treatment from Prince Aegon."
Aemond nearly rolls his eyes in exasperation, and reminds himself to have a word with his brother about this later.
"I can leave you with the children, if you wish to have time alone with them?"
Normally he would order his sister's appointed handmaiden to wait outside, as he prefers not to have someone hovering over him. But he looks at you intently, hearing nervousness in your voice, and decides, "No, stay, please. Continue."
"E-mon!" the children squeal, noticing their uncle's presence.
You feel warm inside as you watch him lower himself to the floor and hug the children. They seem very comfortable with him, which only says a lot about how he treats them.
"Good morning, sweetlings," he sits among them, Jaehaerys plopping himself on his lap.
You're unsure if you should sit with them. Would it be proper?
"Y/n, please sit," he orders, "the children wish to hear the rest of the story."
"Of course, my prince." You sit, careful with your skirts.
As you take the book in your hands, the prince adds, smirking, "And so do I."
Oh, gods. You swallow, nerves settling in your stomach.
Slowly, you pick up where you left off, although the prince notices that your tone has changed. Rather flat, more careful.
He decides to have a bit of fun with you, testing to see how you would fare, "If you don't mind, my lady, continuing in the same inflection as you had before? The raw emotion in your voice was truly something to hear."
You groaned in protest, and your hand flies to your mouth when you realize how rude that might have seemed.
"I apologize, my prince, of course I'll... uhh... read in the same- "
His hand rests on yours before you can finish your sentence, and you swear you can hear your heart pulsating. Oh for gods sake, he's just the Prince, not some bloody deity.
"It's no matter, go on," he says smoothly, applying the slightest pressure on your hand, before pulling away.
He could pass for a deity, though, due to his striking beauty and the way he holds himself. It almost... eerie. In the best way.
"Okay," collecting your thoughts, you recount the story, doing your best to focus on the children, who watch you in awe.
You could not shake off the fact that their handsome uncle was watching you as well, the pressure of it nearly weighing you down. His intent gaze effectively raising goosebumps on your exposed skin.
Moments later, much to your relief, you reach the final page and you're able to say, "... and The End. That's it, my darlings."
"Hmm." There is a pleasant upturn to the prince's lips, and you find yourself admiring its prominent shape. Looking down quickly, you try to avert your eyes so he doesn't notice your staring.
Though you find yourself saying, "Amused, are we, my prince?"
His smirk widens. Maybe you did have some fire in you.
"I am," he tilts his head, "you should be flattered, my lady, as it takes quite a lot to amuse me."
"I should be flattered that you find amusement at my expense?" You raise an eyebrow. You briefly wonder where you're finding the gall to speak to the prince in such a way, but you can't explain it. It's as if he's eliciting it out of you.
"Why?" he counters, "wouldn't you want to amuse your prince?"
"I suppose," you close the book, and put it aside, taking the wooden toy Maelor was handing to you, "I would. Given that he amuses me, just the same."
You stare at each other, your heart in your throat, arrested by his sinister, bright, blue eyes.
Until Jaehaera gets up, and puts her arms around her uncle's neck, demanding attention with one loud, "E-mooon!"
"My love," he laughs, and you find yourself wishing this wouldn't be the last you'll hear of the sound.
My new station might not be so bad, after all.
Aemond attends to Jaehaera, while you play with her brothers, until a smiling Helaena walks in the room.
"Aemond," she greets pleasantly, "you've met y/n."
You both stand, and Aemond places a kiss on his sister's cheek, "Hmm, I have," he looks back at you, before adding in a lower voice, but one he made sure you still could hear, "if I had half a mind, dear sister, I would have her attend to me, instead."
You can't help but smile at that, and Helaena does too, looking between you and her brother, then she muses, eyes glazing, "Lovely blue stone casting its glow, uniting tormented loving bones."
"Uhm," confusion shows on your face.
"Don't fret," Aemond says to you, "she does that often. My dear sister." He lovingly wraps an arm around her, before excusing himself to go attend to the council.
"It was a pleasure, lady y/n." He nods to you.
"The pleasure is all mine, my prince," you curtsy, one final time, before he leaves the room.
As Aemond walks to the council, he feels much lighter, and one thing's for certain. He's going to have to a word with his brother that you were not to be messed with, in any way.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You walk through the streets of the Red Keep, Prince Aemond a steady presence by your side. Normally, you'd have Princess Helaena's sworn knights accompany you while you carry out the tasks she set out, but ever since a few months ago, Aemond has taken it upon himself to watch over you as well.
The two knights still follow, as per their duty, some distance behind the two of you, so you're not sure why Aemond continues to take useful time out of his agenda, just to walk with you.
But you didn't mind, all the same. You found yourself feeling at home in his company.
Since that day when Aemond walked in on your enthusiastic storytelling, which you still feel flustered just thinking about, he has visited Helaena and the children's quarters more often.
And by extension, by the grace of whatever gods exist, this means that he's around you a lot.
You've been able to see him as more than just a handsome prince to fawn over, more than a royal to pledge fealty to.
You've been able to see Aemond, who he truly is, as much as he has allowed you. And, he's been getting to know you as well, but you unknowingly brush his efforts off as him showing mere courtesy to the caretaker of his niece and nephews.
That is, until Helaena one day said, absentmindedly, "I'm happy Aemond visits nearly every day now."
"Princess? Hasn't he always done this anyway?"
"Hmm, well, yes, he did so, around once or twice a week if his council duties allow him the time."
You nodded, knowing that Prince Aemond held a valuable position in Queen Rhaenyra's great council.
She continues, "But now... he finds the time every day, even just for a few minutes, to stop by. I'm pleased about this little change."
You smiled, sharing in Helaena's delight.
Then she added, "I might have to thank you for that."
"M-me, princess?"
"Mhmm," she just smiled giddily, before turning away to work on her embroidery.
The memory replays in your head, as Aemond walks beside you, so close your hands brush each other once in a while.
If he notices, then he must not mind. You don't, either.
Today, you are tasked with picking up silks for the Princess' new dress. You and your company walk through the market, the people parting when they notice the Prince heading their way, knights in tow.
You don't notice the man coming from around the corner, carrying a huge straw basket on his shoulders, which nearly swings against your head.
But Aemond was quick to act, taking your hand and pulling you out of the way, close to him.
The man mumbles his apologies, to which you say, "It's alright, I'm okay."
But you look up at Aemond who seems to be glaring at the man, his voice cold when he speaks, "Watch yourself next time."
"Of course, my prince. Sorry, my prince." He scurries away in a rush, clearly fearing the prince's wrath.
As you walk on, you find that the prince has held on to your hand, even rubbing his thumb on it soothingly from time to time, and you don't protest.
You briefly think of how the two of you must look, hand in hand. Almost like lovers.
You turn away, your thoughts making you feel bashful. Aemond gradually halts, and with gentle fingers on your chin, turns your head to face him.
"Something the matter?" he asks coyly.
Oh he knows what he's doing.
His hand still grips yours firmly, while the other holds your face.
"Nothing, my prince."
He smiles, satisfied, and you continue on.
"I thought I told you to only call me by name," he says, "No need for the formality."
"It just doesn't feel right, prince Aemond."
"Why not?"
"Because you're the prince, and I'm just, well, me."
He doesn't say anything, simply walking on, until he says, almost to himself, "I believe you're more extraordinary than you allow yourself to think."
You look at him, appreciating his words, believing them. You realize just how much you've grown to trust Aemond.
At this point, you reach your destination, so say, "We're here... Aemond."
He smiles at you brightly, the sight of it so overwhelming, "Hmm."
Hmm, indeed.
You hand the tailor the scroll on which Princess Helaena listed what she needs, and he abruptly gets to work, retrieving materials from all around the stall.
You look around, Aemond doing the same on the other side of the room. Then you come across a tray of jewels, stones of different hues and sizes. The one thing that caught your eye was a deep blue sapphire, so beautiful it made the other stones look plain in comparison.
You pick it up, weighing it in your hand, smiling to yourself.
"See anything you like?" Aemond comes up behind you.
"Oh, yes, well. This is beautiful, isn't it? It reminds me of a pendant my mother once possessed. It also contained a sapphire, which I must say is my favourite stone. Blue is my favourite colour, you know?" You study the sapphire, bringing it up to look at it closely.
"Yes, I know, you've told me." Aemond smiles, his heart feeling tender as he listens to you musing out loud.
You speak up again, raising the sapphire to his face, "And look, it even matches your eyes. Equally beautiful."
His face lights up, "You flatter me, my love."
My love.
You're interrupted by the knight, entering the stall, addressing the prince, "My prince, might I remind you of the materials for your new royal cloak, as ordered by your Lady mother."
"Ah yes," Aemond says, face falling, "go see to it."
The knight nods, and goes off to speak to the tailor.
"Something wrong? Not elated at having a new cloak?" you ask playfully, thinking it to be just a light matter.
"Hmm? No, I suppose it's just... where I will have to don it for."
You become confused as to why his disposition has fallen, so you continue to ask, "A ceremony? Some tedious banquet?"
Aemond had told you once about how little he cared for the feasts and banquets, empty processions with no true objective.
His voice grows solemn, and he looks at you directly, as if to make a confession, "I am to have a courtship ceremony. My mother wishes to have me wed very soon."
You turn away, placing the sapphire back down, and desperately try to distract yourself with something else. You suddenly feel foolish for even imagining the two of you as lovers earlier. For ever reading too much into the prince's kindness.
Of course he will be married. And even if... even if... he actually desired you, he wouldn't choose you. You were a lady, yes, but your House was one of the smaller ones in Westeros. A small and humble, dormant stronghold in the Westlands.
Noone of any significance, at least, when compared to a Targaryen prince.
"Say something, my lady," he implores you.
You try to steady your voice, and it comes out cold, "That's good news, my prince. I wish you would find a fruitful union."
"Do you?" he matches your tone, almost mockingly.
"Of course."
Aemond suddenly feels irate at your coldness, but mostly, he hates that he may have caused it. It wasn't his fault, after all, was it? He's merely fulfilling his duty to his House, to his family. Who are you to make him suddenly feel wretched about the whole ordeal?
But he does. He feels empty, at the sight of you now, at how your smile has faded.
Aemond speaks again, his tone biting, "Thank you for your well wishes, my lady. I do want for myself a beautiful, noble wife."
"Sure, my prince."
"Fuck's sake, y/n, call me Aemond." he spits out, exasperated.
"My prince, we have acquired everything. We can leave now if you wish." The knight is back, with the goods held under his arm.
Aemond looks at you expectantly, and you're not sure what for. You say nothing, your mind still reeling at his impending betrothal.
"Very well." Aemond walks out first.
When you make your way back to the castle, Aemond walks faster, some distance ahead of you the whole time.
And you want nothing more than to return to your quarters, busy yourself with taking care of the children, and completely forget about their soon-to-be-wed uncle.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You're in your private quarters, which are adjacent to Princess Helaena's, in case she might need to call on you.
You feel downtrodden, and you barely left the room today, asking leave from the Princess, stating that you felt rather ill. Helaena, kind and generous as ever, was quick to agree and even ordered the Maester to bring you some medicinal tea.
It has been days since your ill-fated visit to the Red Keep. This morning, Prince Aemond's courtship ceremony took place, and you had woken up with a sense of dread.
It must have finished already, I wonder who it was he chose. She must be beautiful, indeed, a highborn lady from an important House. A valuable ally to House Targaryen.
You try to focus on reading your texts, but your mind keeps drifting back to the Prince and whoever his chosen consort might be.
You worry about how it will feel, seeing him constantly when he visits the Princess and her children. Knowing all the while that you can never have him.
Why am I fooling myself? I never could have had him, and it had been that way since the beginning.
A knock echoes. Three, sure, raps on the wood, making you jump, not expecting anyone at such a late hour.
"Princess Helaena?" you ask, although you're fairly certain it isn't her, as she has already gone to bed much earlier. And, she usually calls out as well.
Nothing. The knock repeats, sounding more urgent.
You walk to the door, and you've only just opened it an inch, when it's pushed open wide. All at once, you're enveloped in Aemond's arms, his distinct scent intoxicating your senses, so close. So close.
Before anything can be said, he presses his lips to yours.
Everything else disappears. Suddenly, he isn't to be married, you didn't have an argument days ago, you no longer feel despondent, the pressure you feel about your lesser birthright is gone.
He is just Aemond, and you're just you. Lips dancing with each other, heartbeat pounding in your ears. Your hands reach up to each other's face, carressing blindly, like a fight on who will cover more ground.
It feels so good, so right, that a tear threatens to roll down your face.
He breaks away, only because he's out of breath, your face held like treasure in his hands, his forehead pressed to yours.
His eyes are shut, and lips are parted. His brows are furrowed, reflecting his frustration, impatience, his longing.
Then he opens his eyes, that endlessly arresting blue.
"I'm afraid... that I... have fallen in love with you."
"Aemond." The tear that you were fighting back, finally rolls down, and he catches it, looking at you in wonder.
"I would wed you if I could. If only I could," his voice breaks, all his emotion pouring out.
"I know." You feel numb, like you're floating on air. Both exalted and overjoyed, as well as broken by the impossibility of what you want.
"I fucking hate this," he seethes, feeling out of control, the one thing he's ever wanted, he can't truly have.
Then he spins on his heel, letting you go, hastily leaving out the door.
You had no idea that it would also be the last you would see of the prince, for a long while.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
News of the battle of the Stepstones spread like wildfire. The Targaryen and Velaryon armies were victorious in defeating the infamous Triarchy.
Apparently, it had been Daemon and Aemond Targaryen who served as primary catalysts for victory, their prowess in battle and their dragons tipping the scale over to their cause.
There were plenty of casualties, as is the outcome of war, but unfortunately, you had received word that Prince Aemond also suffered a grave injury.
The messenger did not specify on his condition, and simply heeded Princess Helaena that she may visit her battle-worn brother.
You and Helaena rush through the hallways, arm in arm, and you try your best to comfort her, but you feel dread yourself. Aemond dwells in your thoughts, taking over everything else. Is he alright? You're sure that you won't know peace until you find out.
You reach his quarters, the knight opening the door and announcing Princess Helaena's arrival.
The room is engulfed in shadow, and you catch a glimpse of him, facing away from you, sitting in front of his hearth.
You didn't understand. What was he afflicted with?
"Aemond..." Helaena starts to approach him, hands clasped nervously in front of her.
"Just you, sister. Your handmaiden is not needed."
Helaena turns to you, eyes widening, unsure of what to say. Sweet Helaena did not have it in her to just send you away, when she knew you were also concerned for her brother's wellbeing.
"Aemond," you call out to him, not able to see his expression.
"Leave us," he orders, clearly directed at you, and you're left with no choice but to follow. The knight ushers you out of the room, and when the door slams, you feel hollow inside.
He had pushed you away. Why?
You pace in front of the doors, as you wait for Helaena to come out.
A long while later, when she does, you take her hands immediately, "My princess, is Aemond alright?"
She turns her head, "Y/n, I cannot say."
"What do you mean?"
"He will... be fine. But that's all I can say, forgive me. I promised him." She pulls her hands away, and walks back to her quarters, expecting you to follow.
If there were no guards posted outside, you would barge inside and demand answers from him. Your heart ached for Aemond, and whatever pain he may be feeling. You wish desperately that he would let you be of any help, and you would do anything.
But the doors remain closed, with the guards looking at you pointedly, so you use what little strength you have left, and follow Helaena.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Aemond has barely left his quarters since the injury, tormenting himself with self-doubt and feeding his rage.
For a prince who studied the sword nearly all his life, for a fighter who pore over countless battle strategies and combat methods, he was still overpowered.
And, by the fucking Crab Feeder, of all people.
The wretch paid his debt with his life. Aemond made sure to give him a torturous death, even with blood spilling out of where his left eye used to be, looking every bit of a madman as he felt in that moment.
Each time he glances his reflection, his bright red scar commands his attention, like a reminder of his weakness. His faults in battle.
Perhaps my visage has finally reflected the monster within.
Amidst his incessantly negative, obsessive thinking, you also manage to plague his mind, every now and then.
He remembers that night, before he was called off into battle, when he made his confession to you.
Was it all for naught? I am to be married, after all, mother already having picked the top prospects for me. Perhaps, I should just commit to my duties, and cease all this fanciful dreaming. Of her. Of... love.
But one thing that he also can't deny, was that it was your image that flashed by his eyes, like one last glance offered by his heart, when the knife struck him in the face, and he fell to his knees. Fearing it was the end, for just a moment, it was you whom he thought of.
How can you even look at him now, with the same admiration? Aemond's loss also bred a darkness inside him, simmering beneath the surface, and he fears he's no longer the same man you wanted.
But... but he's almost certain, that if he lets you go, it just may torment him all of his life. Haunted by what could have been.
No.You're inside of me now. The only man I want to be is the man whom you love. I need to know if you still see me, for who I am, after all this.
He slips out of his quarters, while the castle sleeps, with only you in his mind.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Someone knocks at your door, in a familiar pattern. You don't need to call out to know who it is.
With bare feet, you walk soundlessly towards the door, stopping just before it.
A moment passes, nothing.
"Aemond," you say, "I know it's you."
You walk closer, and rest your head on the wood, your hand coming up as if to reach through. You think you can feel him, on the other side.
"Y/n," he finally speaks, his voice sounding hoarse.
"Aemond," the both of you stand there, yearning lovers separated by a mere divide, neither one making a move.
"Don't... don't open the door."
"I won't," your heart breaks at how he sounds. Almost scared.
"I don't want you to see me like this."
As much as you long to see him in that instant, and how you know it doesn't matter how he appears, you grant his wish, letting him have this, "Okay."
"Would you like to sit?" you ask.
"Yes, we can... sit with our backs to the door, and just... talk."
"Oh," is all he responds.
"Only if you want, of course." you say hurriedly.
"Well," he whispers. Then you hear shuffling from the other side, and a low thud that may be from his back hitting the wood.
You follow suit, and just sit, letting the comforting silence wash over.
"I'm sorry," he says.
"What for, Aemond?"
He responds dryly, "For this shit. I know it's not ideal."
"Oh my love," you whisper, and Aemond leans back, relishing the way you addressed him, "I'm happy to have you, however you'd let me."
For the first time since the battle, Aemond Targaryen actually smiles.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
For many nights, across the coming weeks, that is how you and Aemond would enjoy each other's company. He would come to your door, the hallways partially under the blanket of moonlight, and the two of you would simply converse. About your days. About stories. About his niece and nephews, whom he haven't yet visited since his injury.
Sometimes, you would just sit, with nothing needed to be said. Just content with the mere presence of the other.
One night, Lady Alicent heads to her daughter Helaena's quarters, wishing to leave something for her grandchildren. When she hears a voice down the hallway, one which she clearly recognizes to be her son's.
Alicent has been preoccupied with Aemond since the battle, worrying that he has been of low spirits, almost never leaving his quarters. Never allowing anyone inside, and letting them glance at his face, apart from herself, the maester, and his siblings.
He didn't want to see pity reflected in people's eyes, he had said blankly.
It pained her deeply to see her son so wounded, so lifeless. Aemond has always been a quiet boy, preferring to observe rather than to partake. Although, he is every bit a dragon as his name suggests, his fire revealing itself in his determination, in his relentless, tactical pursuit of his objectives.
And now, as he has suffered a damning blow, he remains quiet in a different way. One laced with self-loathing and dissatisfaction.
Which is why Alicent almost cannot believe her eyes, when she spies her son, casually sitting back against a door, speaking to whoever is on the other side.
And she is even more astounded when she hears it clearly. Her son, Aemond, lets out a laugh. Genuine, and light-hearted, the rare sound like music to her ears. She struggles to remember when she heard him laugh in such a way, even before the battle.
Alicent determines whose quarters her son sits by, right down the hallway from Helaena's. She had heard of you in passing, from Helaena, who had hinted at her handmaiden catching Aemond's eye. She did not think much of it at the time, and assumed it was merely a passing fancy. Her second son has never devoted much attention to such things, after all, unlike Aegon. Which is why she arranged for his courtship ceremony, in hopes that it might help him select a suitable consort, but his mind was somewhere else that morning. And now, she knows it that was on you.
She wonders what kind of a woman you might be, if you've been able to affect Aemond in such a way.
She turns around, and heads back to her quarters, so as not to disturb the both of you. A plan forms in her mind, and tomorrow, she would relay the news to her Aemond.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
The next night, you hear him knock, and you prepare to sit by the doors yet again. But then Aemond calls out, "May I come in, my love?"
You swallow, both excitement and nervousness settling in your bones, "Yes, come in, Aemond."
He enters slowly, and your eyes can finally feast on the sight of him again. You look at him thoroughly, walking around him, ignoring the confused expression on his face.
"My love?"
"That's what you were afraid for me to see? Your eye?"
He swallows thickly, "Uh, well, the wound has healed much since the battle, and the maester has just crafted this eyepatch for me today," he says, pointing to his face. "It was horribly worse before, when I first visited you, and-"
You cut him off gently, "Oh, Aemond. I wouldn't have cared. My heart breaks for you, yes, and I wish you didn't have to suffer this injury but..." you move closer, reaching up to caress his sculpted cheekbone, "if anything, this only adds to your beauty."
"What?" he breathes out, smiling.
"Hasn't it been said that battle scars can add character?" you smile.
He blinks at you, like he doesn't believe what he's hearing, then just turns away, walking over to your bed, and uncermoniously plopping himself down on it.
"Aemond?" you worry that you might have spoken out of turn, and walk over to him.
"You... you're amazing."
You laugh dryly, "Thank you?"
"I thought you would pity me, feel sorry for me. I thought you might be afraid."
You take a deep breath, and sit next to him. "I could never be afraid of you."
He nods, understanding now, and says, "I would like you to see something. Well, two things, actually."
With deft hands, he lifts his eyepatch, revealing the sapphire glowing beneath. With bated breath, he waits for you to speak.
"A sapphire," you breathe out in wonder. It truly was beautiful, and in some way, befitting of Aemond.
"There were several options, but when I was presented with this, I knew. It reminded me of you."
"Aemond," you whisper affectionately, "you're beautiful."
He smiles, "Hmm, and another thing." He then reaches out of his pocket and pulls out a chain, or rather a metallic necklace.
"Turn around."
You do as he says, awaiting the feeling of his gift on your skin.
Afterward, you look down, studying it, an interlocking silver sequence with a central pendant. And on the pendant...
"It's a sapphire, made out of the same exact stone as my eye. This way, my love, you will always have a part of me with you."
"Oh, Aemond," you continue to stare at your new necklace, the sapphire being the thing that warms your heart the most, "It's beautiful, thank you."
You can't help but reach for his face, and bring his lips to yours. He returns it eagerly, and he pulls you in closer by the waist.
"Oh, and another thing..." he pulls away, smirking.
"Another?" You're fairly certain he's surprised you enough tonight.
He smiles at you widely, his eyes sparkling at the thought of what he's about to divulge.
"What is it?" you press on, keen to know what it is that's uplifting him so.
"My mother, Lady Alicent, has agreed for us to be wed."
Aemond Taglist: @dazecrea @ladystardvsts @afro-hispwriter @poohkie90 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @lilostif16 @deeeeexx @nephitis @minicikasworld @livimulati @the-orions-belt @stillinracooncity @lawlerek @missusnora @wickedbutlovely @umavvitch @claudie-080102 @abcdefghi-lmnopqrstuvwxyz @puredicks @crazylokonugget @lj127 @icarusignite @darylandbethfanforever9 @highexpectationsgurl @whitejuliana1204 @caught-in-the-afterglow @witchmoon @meilikki @carlottalhn @ravenclwna @xcinnamonmalfoyx @ietss @writer-lee5 @solacestyles @noneedtosearch @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @vensidia @xinyourdreamsx @mikariell95
I didn't plan for this to be that long, holy hell.
Everyone, I am so gone, after seeing that finale, all I can think about is Aemond. I need professional help.
Only if Aemond is the professional.
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The Contest-Part 35
To celebrate Supernatural’s 15th season, the producers have decided to hold a contest to cast an unknown in a recurring role as Sam’s rumored love interest.  They are doing open casting calls all over the country.  Your best friend Nikki wants to go and she drags you along.
A/N:  I am actually telling two stories here, Jared and Readers, and Sam and Gemini’s.  It flips back and forth, so try and keep up! : *Note: My vision for the show is different from what has actually happened, and some characters and plotlines may differ.
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Reader, Best friend Nikki(OC) Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Samantha Smith, Mark Pellegrino, Rory Montgomery (OC), PA Emily (OC) Cliff, Other Supernatural cast and crew
 Series Masterlist        My Masterlist                                            
Reader’s POV
“So, how’d it go with Bob? Tell me everything!” Nikki said excitedly the second Jared and me walked into my trailer.
“Is there anything you don’t know about?” Jared asked in an amused voice.
Nikki and I exchanged a look.  “Listen, Jare.......” I began.
“Oh, Padaleski, my friend.  You should know better.  Y/N and I have the kind of friendship you have with Jensen.  We don’t have secrets.  We tell each other EVERYTHING!.” Nikki said gleefully. 
Jared gave me a scared look.  “Not everything, right? You don’t tell her about our sex life, do you? Please tell me you don’t.”
Before I could respond, Nikki spoke up. “Well, there was that one time after you and Rory got into that fight...”
Jared snorted with laughter and I glared at my best friend.  “Bob took the news really well, actually.  He is happy for us. He is juggling next week’s shooting schedule so Jared can come to the doctor with me.”
Nikki surprised us both by suddenly bursting into noisy, wet tears.
“Nik, are you okay? What’s wrong?” Jared asked, coming behind her and resting his chin on the top of her head.  He was so much bigger than her it was almost comical to see them stand next to each other.
“It’s just....Our kids are gonna grow up together. I never thought I’d get married, let alone have a kid. Now I get to work with my best friend and go through motherhood with her. I just need a moment.”
I smiled at her happily.  “There is no other lunatic I would want to go through this with.  I can’t wait.”
Gemini’s POV
Kelly Kline came to me again in my dreams that night.  I was alone when I drifted off to sleep, but suddenly I sensed the presence of another in the room, and my eyes popped open.
“Hello, Gemini,” Kelly whispered.
“I sat up and glared at her. “I already talked to Sam and Dean.  Neither of them is happy about this, especially Dean.”
She gave me a sad smile.  “I wish there was another way.  I am going to try and find Jack.  I don’t know if it will work, but he is very powerful, and our bond is strong.”
My eyes softened at her determination. “I know you are convinced he is good, but what if Lucifer has already corrupted him? What then?”
“I have to try.” Was all she said.
“You do what you have to do. I’m tired. I’d like to go back to sleep now.” I laid back down and closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, it was morning.
Kelly was able to use her bond with Jack to locate him.  She wasn’t about to let a little thing like being dead keep her from her son.  If there was any way she could help save him, she would do whatever it took.
She found Jack sleeping in Lucifer’s latest hideout, being watched over by Leo.  He couldn’t see her, so she slipped into the room and entered Jack’s dream.
Jack was suddenly being rocked gently in warm, comfortable arms. He couldn’t see the face of the lady in white who was holding him, but he knew she was a friend. “Hi, Jack. I’m your Mom. And I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure nothing bad happens to you,  People are going to assume things about you because you are the son of Lucifer.  But you are also MY son.  You are good, I know you are.” 
The baby smiled in his dream.  He wanted to be good.  He didn’t want to hurt anyone.
Kelly smoothed his tuft of hair away from his face. “Some friends of mine are coming to get you.  You need to be away from your Dad for you to have any chance to find your good side.  So don’t be afraid.  Sam, Dean, and Gemini will take good care of you.  Do everything you can to help them get you out of here quickly and easily, okay? I love you, my son.”
And then the lady in white was gone, and Jack cried because he wanted her to come back and rock him some more.
Reader’s POV
We had just received the next two scripts and there was some big stuff in store for Supernatural.  One character’s storyline was being wrapped up and their time on the show was coming to an end.  A new actor was starting on the show that was going to figure prominently in the future storyline.  I couldn’t wait to see how everything panned out.
Gemini was starting to show, so now I had to wear a little prosthetic belly when we were filming. Jared loved it and he couldn’t stop touching and rubbing it during takes. 
After I had blown my third take in a row, I yelled to Rich, who was directing the episode. “Jared keeps rubbing my belly! Make him stop!”
Jensen rolled his eyes.  “It’s FAKE, asshole. She’ll have a real one soon enough. Quit it, I’m tired and I wanna go home.”
Misha grinned at Jared conspiratorially. “It’s hard to resist, isn’t it? Nikki asked me how I would like it if she rubbed my balls all the time and I said, ‘yes, please.’
The three of them laughed like teenagers while I glowered at them. “What are you three, like fifteen years old? Seriously!  None of you would last five minutes in this thing.  It’s hot as hell and it itches like a mother!”
“What are you gonna do when it’s a real belly you can’t take off, Y/N?” Jensen said with a smirk.  Are we gonna have to listen to you complain for the next 8 months? Danneel carried twins and never complained once!”
“Bullshit!” I said vehemently.  Nikki had come on set to give me a message, walking into the end of the conversation.
“Total bullshit, Jensen.  She just didn’t want to hurt your tender feelings.  Being as round as you are tall is NOT fun.  Not at all.”
“Okay, Kids,” Rich yelled.  “Can we just agree to disagree and get back to work?”
Gemini's POV
I stumbled into the kitchen for coffee, answering Dean’s ‘good morning’ with a barely audible grunt.
“You’re a ball of sunshine this morning.”  He quipped.
“Sorry, I’m a little cranky.  I can’t seem to get a full night’s sleep anymore without someone showing up in my dreams.  It’s becoming a nightly occurrence.  Missouri, Lucifer, Rowena....and now Kelly won’t leave me alone.  I’m pregnant for Pete’s sake! Why won’t people just let me sleep!” I flung myself into a chair and drank my coffee slowly.  
“Want some pancakes?” Dean offered with a sympathetic smile.
“Is there bacon?” I asked hopefully.
Dean rolled his eyes at me.  “Do you know me? Of course, there is bacon, woman! I gotta keep m nephew fed. Sammy should be back from his run any minute. Give me fifteen minutes, okay?” He went to get the pancakes started, and I started off into space.
A short while later Sam came in from his run and grabbed a bottle of water.  “Breakfast will be ready in five,” Dean told his brother.
“I don’t think Gem will be eating,” Sam said with a soft smile.  “Come and see.”
The brothers walked out to the table, stopping when they saw me sound asleep, my head cradled in my arms, snoring softly.
I was dreaming again.  I was still sitting at the table enjoying my coffee, but now Kelly was with me, her serene smile pissing me off due to my sleep deprivation.  “Don’t you have a heaven to be at or something?” I said sourly.
“I know where Jack is.” She replied calmly as my heart gave a sickening lurch in my chest.
Part 36
@skybinx-blog  @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it @growningupgeek @waiting-4-the-doctor @ladylachesis @chelseypaigeake @tiffanycaruso @allinhishands @theoriginalvicki @elliewinchesterr @nothin-after-79 @oriona75 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @faegal04 @padackles2010 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @imweirdandobsessed @mannagryn1 @munlis   @phoenixiaxia @pinknerdpanda @vh1015   @ally-miller16  @hellokittenface  @traceyaudette @theartofbeingmilla  @jaleeniexweenie   @magpiegirl80   @silver-and-green  @atc74 @sams-little-toy @pretty-fortune @luciisthebest @tmccarney @jayankles @bookshido @supersecretspnfanfiction @notnaturalanahi @multifandomlove2002 @ivebeenwinchesterd @kreborn17@dekahg @mariahoedt @mizzezm  @jazzzybee@scrumptiousarcadebear @winchestergirl-love @moonstar86 @magickal-angel @duckieburns @imaginesofdreams @gecko9596 @joyfulinfluencermoon @everlastingcas @gemini75eeyore @hartman1967 @the-supernatural-yogii @essie1876 @squirrellover1967 @multifandom-slytherin @beachy2014@dixonsvixon2017 @cloudyaries @smoothdogsgirl @m00sesquirre1 @idratherhaveyou-cursed-ornot @captainradicalpassion@keelzy2 @disneymarina @mrswhozeewhatsis@deniewinkle @scrumptiouswinnie @nikkilafox @sammy-salamander @internationalmusicteacher @ellen-reincarnated1967 @i-like-it-heavy-so-i-can-panic @daughterleftbehind @iamnotsaneatall @crispycurly @tjforston @shamelesslydean @goldenolaf25 @my-squirrel-and-moose @eleven-eleven-make-your-wish @sadnessabuse @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow  @soab1967 @bagiabe @spnbaby67 @plaid-lover-bay25 @feelmyroarrrr @nessy-bearxb @mandylove1000 @kay18115 @carryonmyswansong  @spn-ficfanatic @akhuna01 @mirandaaustin93 @kissofvenom922 @super-fan-of-all-things @superlightalternateuniverse88   @tokyoghoulyz  @midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker  @ronnie248-blog @bohowitch @just-another-busy-fangirl@jotink78 @kittenofdoomage  @frankiea1998 @akshi8278@stylinson531 @valynsia @dr-dean @theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek      @laurenisnot  @canadianjelly @muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @grantsgorgeousgirl  @feelmyroarrrr @milkymilky-cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @emoryhemsworth @squirrel-moose-winchester@jennifromtheblock1013  @mogaruke @sweetmisseddreams2002@negan–is–god @spnwoman @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @maximumkillshot @sweetpeamoose @mrs-meghan-winchester @woodworthti666  @herbologystudent252 @sandlee44 @blackcherrywhiskey @themes87 @some-random-stranger-007 @topthis808
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educatedsimps · 3 years
coming home to you
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dad!atsumu x fem!reader
genre: FLUFF, also slight suggestiveness because it’s atsumu (duh)
includes: kids (like, four of them), reader’s called mommy, Miya Twin Chaos 2.0, a baby angel and a feisty little sis
wc: 1.8k
a/n: heyyy it’s Lyssa :) this is my first (short) fic ever and i apologise for any errors or mistakes :”) this was purely self-indulgent ‘cause i was having dad!atsumu brainrot at 2am one night and thought it would be cute to write it out. hope you like it and please do leave a comment on what you thought! feedback is appreciated <3
PS: reader has four kids with atsumu, twin boys (6), a girl (3) and another little boy (2). also recommended that you read the character intro (coming soon!) in the AU1 masterlist before reading but it’s not compulsory :)
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sighing, you unlocked the door to your home and stepped inside, noting that all the toys were kept neatly and the dishes were done and dried. the dining table was clear of the usual clutter and only a standing lamp next to the sofa was left turned on. it gave a warm glow to the cozy apartment you shared with your husband and four kids.
after setting your bags atop the dining table, you went upstairs to the twins' bedroom, hoping to see your rambunctious twin boys knocked out cold for the night.
you opened the door as quietly as you could and peeked inside. the twin beds were perfectly made, without a sign of anyone having been there earlier. confused, you went further down the hall to your daughter's bedroom. it was also empty, her blankets and pillows untouched.
you stepped back into the hallway. it was eerily quiet. having a set of twin boys who were exactly like their father and uncle meant that it was never quiet in the house, and neither did having two toddlers.
slightly worried, you padded over to yours and Atsumu's shared bedroom and opened the door. you peeked inside.
there, you found your beloved husband, Miya Atsumu, curled up on the king-sized bed with three of your kids. the twins, Ryūjin and Ryōta, and their little sister Atsukō settled around their father among their nest of pillows and blankets.
Atsumu was reading them a story, using an animated voice and wild hand gestures. the children giggled whenever he slipped on a word or read something wrongly. little Akira was already fast asleep in his crib next to the bed.
a warm feeling blossomed in your chest as you watched your family from the doorway.
"...and the tiger went ROaRrR-" Atsumu stopped and looked up from the book when he noticed you leaning against the doorframe. his eyes softened when he saw you, suddenly filled with so much love and admiration. it made your heart skip a beat even after so many years of having seen the same look in his eyes.
Ryūjin, Ryōta and Atsukō looked at their father with curious eyes, wondering why he stopped. then they followed his gaze to your figure standing at the entrance of the bedroom.
"MOMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" Atsukō squealed, jumping out of bed and barreling her tiny three-year-old body in your direction. her older brothers weren't far behind.
you stumbled back as you were nearly knocked over by three of your children hugging your torso and legs. Atsumu desperately shushed them in fear of waking up your youngest son.
"MOM, Ryō borrowed my extra shoes for volleyball practice today and got them dirty!" Ryūjin, the older six-year-old twin, practically exclaimed in your face.
"DID NOT! it was already dirty because you can never keep anything of yours clean!" Ryūjin's identical twin brother, Ryōta, retorted.
"SHUT UP!" came a higher pitched voice from behind the boys.
"can you two just stop screaming for two seconds? do you wanna wake Aki-chan up?" Atsukō whisper-yelled. she crossed her arms in front of her chest as she spoke firmly to her two older brothers. her cheeks were slightly puffed as she pursed her lips. she took her job as Akira's older sister very seriously. you had to resist the overwhelming urge to coo at her adorable expression.
her big brothers sheepishly scratched the backs of their necks upon hearing her words, blushing an adorable pink.
Atsukō really was like her friend, Bokuto Yua. they both understood the pains of growing up with obnoxious older brothers, and having to do damage or violence control more often than not. but compared to Yua, Atsukō was slightly more outspoken.
it was a common occurrence for Atsukō to have to yell at her brothers to stop their petty fights, or, on rare occasions, join their squabble. Yua, on the other hand, often had an authoritative and slightly intimidating aura when dealing with her three brothers. instead of shouting at them to stop, she'd simply pull them apart with the help of an adult (since she's tiny) and speak to each of them sternly.
Yua’s basically a mini Akaashi dealing with multiple mini Bokutos on a daily basis.
it was honestly quite adorable watching a stubborn but sweet little girl like Atsukō play and interact with a more composed child like Yua.
Atsukō sighed, shaking her tiny head before waddling over to you.
"mommy, how was your day?" she asked you in a much sweeter tone. her golden brown eyes looked up at you along with a pearly white smile that made you want to smOosh her cheeks together.
you kneeled in front of her her, chuckling lightly. "thanks for asking, ‘Tsukō. my day went great, sweetie." you pecked her forehead before turning to your sons to give them each a kiss on their cheeks.
"c'mon kids, give your mom some space. she's tired, aight?" Atsumu came over from his seat on the bed, ushering the kids back towards the bed as you stood back up. he approached and swiftly caught your lips in a sweet kiss, the words “welcome home, my love" conveyed to you through the tender kiss.
it was a short kiss but it was just as meaningful as every other one you’ve shared with him. you sighed softly into the kiss as his rough palm caressed the side of your face.
"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW," came a chorus of kids' voices from behind him. fake gagging sounds could be heard too. Atsumu pulled away, huffing.
"please, it’s not like you’ve never seen yer folks kiss before. it’s gettin' late, back to yer rooms, you little nincompoops," Atsumu chided. the trio grumbled and shuffled past you into their respective bedrooms after saying goodnight.
"i'll give you your goodnight kisses later, okay? let me take a shower first," you called out to them, laughing at your family's antics.
"i’ll get those monkeys to bed first. you go ahead, darlin'. i'll join ya later," your husband winked, giving you an all-too-familiar smirk. you slapped his arm gently.
"can't a woman take one shower without it getting steamy?" you scoffed. truth be told, you've never minded taking showers with Atsumu. but you weren't gonna let him know that.
"nope," Atsumu popped the "p" sound, shaking his head before whispering in my ear, "also, that pencil skirt looks great, love. but I'm sure you'll look even better without it."
he smirked again.
you blushed at his words.
damn that stupid smirk.
he practically sauntered over to the twins' room after that, leaving you a hot blushing mess outside the bedroom.
you towel-dried your hair and stepped out of the bathroom just as Atsumu walked into your shared bedroom.
"dammit, y/n, must you take such quick showers all the time? i just got those three to bed! we never take showers together anymore," he whined, dragging out the last syllable.
"must you take so long to get them to fall asleep?" you countered, shooting him a smirk of your own.
before he could react, you walked over to your youngest son's crib next to the bed.
“hi, baby," you cooed softly, bending down to gently caress Akira's small face. his skin was soft and smooth to the touch, and he looked so angelic, sleeping peacefully in his small crib. he was ethereal.
Atsumu came up behind you and rubbed his hands up and down the sides of your arms, breathing in the scent of your damp hair. your back was flush against his built chest as his lips brushed over your temple.
you never realised how much you missed these quiet moments together.
"he looks like you," Atsumu mumbled into your ear, his muscular arms slowly making their way around your torso.
"yeah... Atsukō looks like you, though," you mused. he hummed in acknowledgement.
"but the twins are perfect mix of both of us," Atsumu grinned, finally engulfing you in a huge hug. you laughed.
you turned around and lazily draped your arms over his shoulders, fingers tickling the dark roots at the base of his neck. you looked into his eyes and saw that same mix of admiration, mischief, happiness and so, so much love.
if Osamu were here, he'd probably be puking his guts out, seeing his brother give you googly heart-eyes. you chuckled at the thought.
"thank you, for givin’ me everything i could ever have asked for," Atsumu whispered. his warm breath fanned your cheek and he touched your foreheads together, his nose lightly bumping into yours. he closed his eyes, basking in the moment between you two.
your heart fluttered uncontrollably.
"you know, even after all these years, you still manage to give me crazy butterflies," you whispered, giggling. his eyes jolted open as he leaned back to look at me.
"oh yeah? i give ya kids, too, y’know," he playfully added.
"trust me, i know," you chortled.
before you could say anything else, though, he pushed you backwards and flopped your bodies in the middle of your huge bed. you yelped just as your back hit the airy mattress.
he braced himself with his forearm as he hovered over you, slowly trailing kisses from your ear to your jaw.
"then, how 'bout we have another one?" he asks, not once stopping his actions. you snorted, lightly pushing him off, only to see him giving you a huge pout.
"Taumu, we just had Akira less than two years ago. i don't think we'll be able to handle another one. or two," you shook your head.
before he could protest, you leaned up to give him a kiss. he kissed back, as always, but his lips still formed an adorable pout.
now you see why you’re soft for Atsukō's pout. she looks just like her father.
atsumu sighed and rolled off of you, but only to pull you closer not two seconds after pulling the duvet over yourselves.
he wrapped his arms around you tightly. his face snuggled into the crook between your neck and shoulder.
"i know you want a big family, Tsumu, but how about we grow this one first, before we think of having a whole volleyball team of kids, hm?" you giggled. he grumbled under his breath. "besides, my body can only take so much. and I don't think Samu would appreciate having to babysit so many Miyas almost every week."
"i guess you’re right..."
"i love you, y/n," he mumbled. "i love you so, so much." he gave your shoulder another kiss before entangling your legs together under the sheets.
"i love you too, Tsumu," you yawned, before slowly drifting off into a comfortable and restful sleep in the arms of the man you love. the man you built a home and a family with.
work could be draining and being an adult could be frustrating at times. it’s not fun, sure, but with a husband and family like that? you really couldn't have asked for more.
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a/n again: hehe sorry, my writing really isn’t that good, i wrote this a while back but i hope you got the gist of this one-shot! go check out the rest of our tumblr if you haven’t already! it’s pretty chaotic interesting ;)
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© educatedsimps 2021. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down (likes and reblogs are appreciated)
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gyucore · 3 years
long live the king
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pairing: mage!hueningkai x noble!reader
tags: fluff, royalty au, friends to lovers, hueningkai can do magic
word count: 3.3k
011: "May I have this dance?"
019: "I don't think anyone could ever be as lovely as you."
020: "You look incredible in that."
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Tonight had been advertised as the night to end all nights— a masquerade ball held by the king at the palace, and a brightly lit ballroom decorated with gold and the continent's finest silk, adorning the kingdom's rose insignia. Entertainers and musicians positioned around the vicinity to perform their best acts and tunes, and the gates were left wide open to welcome everyone who wanted to join in, given that they tried their best to dress for the occasion.
Today was an event open to all the kingdom's citizens, from high seated nobles to common men by the streets, everyone was welcome to participate in the king's annual ball. However, that fact didn't matter for a family such as yours. Your father was the Marquess, which meant that you were invited to every single ball or gathering held by the nobility for the nobility. At least, that was how it had been until the incident.
The peering eyes of both the nobles and commoners alike have left you frozen on your spot by the pillar. Your bright red ball gown, although beautiful, was not helping you hide away from the eyes of the crowd. It was evident they were all thinking the same thing.
The unfortunate daughter of a fallen marquess.
News had gotten out about your family's crisis and had spread to the public like a disease. The Grand Marquess losing money, property, and power: The fall of a great noble. The story made headlines for weeks on end— rumors mixing in with the truth, and eventually, everyone had drawn the same conclusion. Pitiful.
You worry about your parents at the other end of the room, doing their best to mingle with the other nobles. The heavy atmosphere was weighing down on your chest.
Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you try to think of the things that calmed you down: the rustic smell of old books at the public library, the warm feeling you'd get when the rays of sunlight touch your skin as you sit by the window with your face buried deep into your favorite classic, the bright smile the common mage boy would give you everytime you crossed paths—
A familiar voice brings you back from your thoughts.
"You look incredible in that." The same bright smile you'd envisioned earlier now stood in front of you.
You gaze in awe at the man before you, dressed in what you could only describe as the most beautiful and elegant ensemble you'd seen tonight. The way the white suit hugged his waist left little room for the imagination. You doubt even the king himself could top this off.
"Lady Y/N. I believe fate must have brought us together in this fine evening." The man gently bends down, taking your hand and planting a kiss so fleeting that you barely felt it. Even with the golden mask on, you could easily tell who it was.
"Ah, and here I was hoping I'd be a little more mysterious tonight." Kai holds back his laughter as he gazed upon you once more. You can't help but do the same.
Tonight, he looked nothing of a common mage but that of a king himself. If you hadn't known him beforehand, you would've mistaken him as so, especially with tonight's main event— the reveal of the king's successor. But alas, what the mage boy had going on for him was merely for appearances. A commoner like him could never be king in a world where even dreaming of becoming one was considered to be of highest absurdity.
"I thought you said you weren't attending?"
Kai shrugs, folding his hands behind his back. "And refuse my lady when you so graciously asked me out?"
His response catches you off guard. "I don't recall ever asking you anything of that sort."
"You asked if I'd attend."
"And that counts as asking you out?"
Kai chuckles. "When you asked me with such a cute look on your face, it was difficult to think you weren't looking forward to me being here."
And he was right. Given your circumstances, Kai being here with you was like a breath of fresh air. You'd been praying all night that he'd magically arrive to help you take your mind off of things, and you felt like crying out in joy when he actually did.
Kai looks around, seemingly getting a sense of the pressure you were in. "Shall we take a stroll around the garden, my lady?"
You follow his line of sight and spot the royal garden just outside the window. "I'll let you accompany me if you drop the whole my lady business."
Kai purses his lips as he takes your hand in his. "Can't you let me be fancy for one night?"
Every moment you'd spent with Kai up until this point had been the highlight of your days. As the daughter of the Marquess, you'd spent most of your time holed up inside your manor. Women barely got any education aside from the usual classes on manners and societal etiquette, and that included nobles as well. But that never stopped you. Once a week, when the guards changed shifts by the gate, and the maids and butlers were all busy with the weekly general cleaning, you'd take the opportunity to slip out in disguise, undetected by anyone. The main goal was to get to the public library and obtain access to educational material— ones that didn't involve any prim and proper rubbish that you've read over a thousand times.
The first time outside was rather difficult. You barely managed to get inside the library's more educational section while passing as a man. However, every succeeding attempt became easier and easier until coming out in secret and gaining access didn't seem like that much of a hassle anymore.
At the library, you were free to read any book you want, and used this opportunity to brush up on some business and economics as well as some of the basic sciences. You spent the first few months stocking up on knowledge until you felt it fine to relax a little and start reading novels to pass the time without the help of a disguise.
There was a section in the library that you hadn't checked; one that you'd deemed unnecessary as it only contained children's literature. It wasn't until you'd heard the sound of a man's voice followed by children's laughter that you felt compelled enough to take a peek.
"And then, the dragon swooped down onto the village and attacked the innocent villagers! ROARRR. Breathing fire as hot as, well, uh— FIRE!"
You slipped up and giggled at the young man's amusing narration, piping down a bit after realizing that he had noticed you from behind the shelves, throwing a knowing smirk your way.
It was then that he pulled down his cloak. Wavy brown locks gracefully reaching the back of his neck, bright eyes that could make any person let their guard down— he looked around your age which made you feel more at ease.
The young man steps back, dramatically breathing fire out of his mouth as the children cheered. Some were yelling at him to continue until only smoke came out, and you swore you heard one of them ask if he could make the fire turn green. Ridiculous, you think. But you were no different from these children, only being able to stand there in awe at the young man's trick. Perhaps turning the fire green wasn't such a terrible idea.
You've heard of mages among the commoners before, and had met a few that visited your manor but this was the first time you'd seen one in action. The flames that came out of his mouth looked awfully hot but the young man didn't even blink or showed any signs of pain.
He stops the fire and clears his throat, now kneeling down to face the children. "The villagers were worried sick! What would happen to their crops, their produce, their livelihood? If only a hero would come along and save them!" He makes an overly exaggerated wail before gasping.
"Well, who do we have here? A warrior has come to save the villagers!" The young man points at your direction and you feel your blood run cold as all the children in the room had turned their attention towards you, hopeful.
"A young maiden has arrived to slay the evil dragon!"
You quickly shake your head at his statement, holding your arms out in a cross. "No, kids. Don't believe what this man says. I am not a warrior, and I'm certainly not here to slay any dragons"
The young man raises a brow, getting up from his spot. "Then why do you have the magical sword that was forged to slay the mighty dragon?"
"What sword?"
The young man snaps his fingers. "That sword."
The weight on your hips dip on one side and you couldn't believe your eyes as a sheathed sword had magically manifested beside your waist out of thin air. "How did you— wait, is this a real sword?! You can't play around with real swords in front of children!"
The children turn towards the young man in confusion.
"Well, kids. Do you want the kind lady to slay the dragon with a real sword?"
"YES!" The children cheered.
The young man turns to you with a smile. "You gotta give the kids what they want, Miss."
An exasperated expression makes its way to your face. "I am not slaying any made up dragons!"
"Now, what's all this talk about slaying dragons?"
Taehyun, one of the stricter librarians, had come out of nowhere, surprising everyone. His eyes scan the room and quickly notices three things: (1) the dangerous sword hanging on your waist, (2) the excessive amount of children in the room when the sign on the way in definitely mentioned a capacity of only five, and (3) someone let the mage boy inside the library again. The culprit was evident.
"Jung Kai, I swear to the heavens I will—"
"Alright kids, time to go! We'll end the story next time!" The young man, Kai, rushes the disappointed children out of the section before they heard something they shouldn't.
You were about to walk away yourself but was quickly stopped by Taehyun's hand blocking your path. "Kai, didn't I tell you that you're not allowed to perform magic inside the library? And seriously," He confiscates the sword on your waist, holding it up in the air. "Violence?"
Kai looks at you and grins. "I suppose we could've gone with a more romantic ending. Something like the warrior's kiss saving the dragon from his curse, and he turns back into this super handsome, super cute, and super macho mage."
The way he shamelessly described himself left you speechless, and you steal a glance at the librarian who looked as equally disgusted as you are.
"Just clean up the mess before you leave. And that means you too, Miss Dragon Slayer."
"But I didn't even—" You cut yourself off after Taehyun dismisses himself from the room.
The section falls silent and Kai walks up to you, a smile ever present in his face. "I'm guessing this is the start of our new friendship?"
And that was what started it all. Everytime you'd visit the library after that, you seemed to bump into Kai more often than you liked. He saw through the disguise the first time he saw you wearing it and had promised to not utter a single word to anyone. The mage boy was much more reliable than he seemed to be, often helping you in your studies and teaching you more than the books ever could. Sometimes, he'd convince you to take a stroll around town and had shown you sights and wonders you wouldn't have expected to see inside the kingdom.
Before you knew it, Kai had become someone you'd cherished, and someone whose company you genuinely appreciated. He was patient and understanding as your makeshift mentor, and was this fun and outgoing guy whenever you two were out together. Kai became the first friend you'd made on your own regardless of status and the only friend you wished to keep by your side.
"I take it that the people in the ballroom were too much?" Kai speaks the moment arrived at the garden.
"Please. I couldn't even breathe in there." You play it off with a chuckle but thoughts of worry still plague your mind. "I'm guessing you probably know by now."
"About what? The fact that you're the daughter of the Marquess or that the Marquess has been in a crisis for a while?"
Kai reaches for your hand, holding it reassuringly. "I've known for a while but that doesn't change anything now, does it? We became friends without the burden of our status, and we'll stay as friends regardless."
You hated this, hated how he always knew exactly what to say. The heat rushes up to your face and you squeeze his hand tighter, avoiding eye contact. "Thank you."
But truthfully, there was a little voice in Kai's head that wished you could be something more. Not after you'd shared those intimate moments alone at the library at dusk, not after he rushed in to catch you in his arms when you fell while shelving a book on the top shelves, and especially not after you almost shared a kiss after saying goodbye that night he'd helped you sneak back in.
Even now, as he lovingly gazed at your silhouette beneath the moonlight, he'd hoped that he'd have the chance to tell you how he felt. But then again, the chance could be right now at this very moment. The two of you were, afterall, at the king's ball.
"So, how were the gentlemen earlier?"
"What?" You raise your head to face Kai.
"I've no doubt that hundreds of people had been lining up to dance with you all evening." Kai grins as he gently lets go of your hand.
"Please, I haven't danced at all tonight."
"I find that quite hard to believe."
You sigh, recalling the events from earlier. "No one would want to be seen dancing with a fallen Marquess' daughter now would they?"
"Not when you look this beautiful?" Kai jokingly walks around you and you shy away from his gaze.
"You know I never say things I don't mean, Y/N." Kai bends down and holds your hands in his. "And believe me, I don't think anyone could ever be as lovely as you."
"Is flattery your main personality trait now?" You say as an attempt to not let his compliment affect you any further than it should but fail miserably so.
Kai stands before you with an unreadable expression. You'd argue this was the most serious look he's ever had since you'd met him.
"Care to dance?" Kai asks, leaning in closer, your faces merely inches apart. You feel your heart beating loudly in your chest, and you're almost afraid he might hear.
The moonlight casts a shadow on Kai's face, and despite the darkness, his eyes glistened, reflecting your own as you stared into his. You've never seen anyone look so beautiful. And here he was, telling you that you're the loveliest person he's ever known.
"Right now?"
Kai nods, taking off his mask and tossing it over to the side. "And I'd like it if we could dance without our masks too. I've been wanting to get a good look at your face all night."
You chuckle, removing your mask and tossing it to to the ground next to his. "And how do you suppose we dance without music? My reputation's already dirt at this point and I do not want to be branded as the crazy noble dancing at the royal garden in complete silence."
Kai fails to suppress his laughter, holding on to your shoulder to maintain himself upright. "Well, I wouldn't want to let my dear lady look crazy now would I?"
"And what are you planning to do?"
"Well, I am a mage." Kai smirks as he manifests a scepter out of thin air, leaving a trail of golden dust flurrying down.
This was the first time you've ever seen it in person. Kai had mentioned how he needed the aid of his scepter to perform high level magic, but he'd never taken it out in front of you until now. One look at the scepter and anyone could tell not just any old mage owned the darn thing. It looked majestic by all means, intricately decorated with gold and topped off with a brightly colored red gemstone you couldn't seem to identify. You'd heard that mages often created their own unique gemstones as a manifestation of their mana but for Kai's to be red, which had been said to be a quite powerful variant, made you wonder just how powerful your friend had been.
"And here we go." Kai takes the scepter in his hand and drives it into the ground. The impact causes a wave of light to burst from the scepter and spread throughout the reaches of garden. In a split-second, the wave of light rushes back into its source, compressing into a huge orb of light lifting up into the sky, rivaling the moon with its glow. The orb splits into smaller pieces and starts to dance around the garden, leaving you in awe at the spectacle.
Kai finds himself grinning from ear to ear at your reaction. He'd studied magic as an expression of rebellion against his father but now, he'd found another purpose to perform these little tricks of his. He places his hand on your waist and pulls you closer. "Wait for it."
The orbs of light find their places around you, slowly taking the shape of various instruments you've seen inside the ballroom, from strings to percussions, and even wind instruments. Smaller pieces of light continued to hover the surroundings, resembling glowing fireflies in the dark.
"Kai, this is beautiful." You look up at the young man, and he steps away, bowing his head as he plants yet another kiss on the back of your hand.
"May I have this dance?"
His eyes meet yours and you feel your heart skip a beat. It was rather difficult to explain. The Kai in front of you right now had been the same Kai you've always known, but somehow.. different.
You raise your hand for him to take, guiding your other hand to find perch on his shoulder, and his finding its place on your waist. With the first step, the instruments started playing. It's a piece you've heard before, one that Kai had fondly hummed nearly everytime you were together at the library.
It was as if the world had faded into the distance, and at this moment, there was only you and him, dancing alone in the garden. He pulls you close, his hold gentle and warm. Kai spins you around. The heel of your shoe collides with a rock, and you nearly stumble back until Kai manages to grab you by the waist on time, pulling you back into his arms.
You spot the smirk on his face under the moonlight, and you press a finger against his lips. "Not one word."
"I wasn't going to say anything." Kai lets you go, and you quickly grab a hold of his arms to find balance.
"Of course you weren't."
"Well, I do have something I have to tell you. A few things, actually."
You cock a brow at him, and he steps forward. "I'll tell you the most important part first."
"And that is?"
Kai reaches out to cup your cheeks, gazing into your eyes as if asking permission. You didn't need to say anything for him to understand, and he closes the gap between you, pressing his lips against yours. The feeling was foreign but certainly welcome, and you soon close your eyes and reciprocate, wanting to feel more of his soft lips, and wanting to hold him closer and closer.
For long had you held out on this, on actually acknowledging your growing feelings for the lad in fear of having to live with the thought of him not feeling the same. But in this moment, you felt a heavy burden being lifted from your shoulders.
"Kai, I.."
The light from the orbs dim down and soon dissipates. Kai pulls away, gazing upon your flushed face. "You mean the world to me, Y/N. I don't think my life would ever be the same without you."
The trumpets blare in the ballroom, a signal that the new king was to make an appearance soon. You feel Kai's hand around yours. "As for my other confession, I think it's best we head back first."
He leads you back into the ballroom, and disappears the moment you find your parents in the crowd. You join them in the center as everyone gathers to get a glimpse at the new king.
The herald makes his way beside the grand staircase, straightening himself up to make the announcement that every citizen had been waiting to hear all evening.
"Presenting the next in line to the throne, to rule the vast lands of our esteemed nation, and lead us into a continuing era of prosperity! Our future King, His Royal Highness, Kai Kamal Huening!"
The doors open, revealing Kai, your Kai, adorned in the royal family's crest, robes, and jewelries as he made himself known to his loyal subjects.
Behind him was public librarian, Kang Taehyun, who had been revealed to be serving as one oc the King's advisors, and now, for the new monarch.
"Long live the King!"
Kai could pick out your from the crowd in a heartbeat, hos gaze meeting yours as he flashes you his signature smile. You couldn't believe what was happening— Kai, your best friend in the whole world, had just confessed his love to you. And now, that same Kai had revealed to you and to the public that he had been the future ruler of the country all along. The crowds cheered.
"Long live the King!"
"Long live the King." You whisper to yourself, wondering what the future has in store for you.
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Inner Kid (1) (Team Flash x Reader)
My fanfiction number 2 omg 😭 I had this on my notes for like a year and I could finally finished it. I hope you guys like it! Super open to corrections and opinions💜💜 just be nice, I’m doing this as a hobby!
I had to split this one on two parts because it’s really long so I’ll probably upload the second part on this following days!
A loud explosion coming from Cisco’s lab followed by flickering lights draw the attention of everyone in the Cortex.
“What in the world…” muttered Joe running with the others to find out the source.
The thick dark grey smoke was everywhere in the room. They can only hear the coughing coming from… somewhere.
“Cisco? Y/N? It’s everything alright?” asked Barry spotting Cisco in a chair with a pair of googles on and a stunned face. “Hey dude, what the hell happened?”
“I was running some tests with Y/N and one of the other machines started on it’s own and then… boom” said Cisco still processiong the situation, until… “Oh my god, Y/N” he said after a few seconds.
Just when everyone was pulled out of the shock they heard a cough and a little sneeze. Caitlin slowly approached the spot from when the sound came, she started crouching when a gasp found a way out of her mouth.
Standing up with her back to the team she slowly turn around with a confused face and a little girl in her arms, covered in the smoke residues, looking at them shyly with her little thumb in her mouth.
“Are we experimenting in kids now?” asked Harry. That seems to shake Cisco out of his trance.
“What-no, oh my god Harry, who do think we are?” said him offended and a little bit disgusted, “we were just Y/N and I in the lab, we made sure of that, like always.”
“What were you even doing?” asked Iris still eyeing the little girl. She seemed familiar.
“I made her a new suit and we were testing it.”
“Well where is it?” asked Barry.
“She was already wearing it” said Cisco looking around the lab for a clue but ending locking eyes with the girl. “Oh my g-OH MY GOD.”
“What?” asked a very confused Ralph.
“That’s the suit” whispered Cisco pointing to the toddler, “she’s wearing it.”
And then understanding fall into everyone. “Oh my god.”
The Cortex was pure silence. They were expecting the DNA test results but it was really hard to believe that Y/N was now a little kid because that’s impossible, right?
“I have an idea” said Iris suddenly, “let’s look for old photos of Y/N and compare them with the girl.”
“Yeah good idea and after that we can start looking for her because I totally did not turn her into a four years old” Cisco said while tipping your name in the computer.
Meanwhile Caitlin couldn’t belive the results that she had in her hands, staring between them and the kid, now fast sleep in the bed.
Entering the Cortex she encountered the shocked faces of her team staring at a photo on the screens. “Well I guess that confirms it too.”
An hour later and the discussion of how in the world this happened was still going, a little more chilled than before. They were so concentrated on the talk that when little Y/N entered the room no one notice her.
“Mommy, where is Mango?” she said rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The sweet and small voice startled everyone in the Cortex.
“Hey Y/N/N, do you know who am I?” asked Iris crouching to her eyes level. The only answer she got was a shake ‘no’ of her head.
“Okay, and what about the other people in the room? Do you know any of them?”
Shyly scanning the new faces, little Y/N’s eyes lit up when a familiar feline appears in her sight.
“Mango!” she squeak running towards the screens but stopping abruptly in front of them when she notice that it’s was just a photo. With a confused frown she turns to face the still weird people who are watching her cautiously, “where’s Mango?”
“I think she's talking about the stuffed tiger she's holding in the photo” said Ralph.
“Hey Y/N, we don't know where Mango is” said Barry with apologetic eyes.
Oh boy, you don't say that to a kid and get away with it. Her lips started trembling and her eyes watering.
She was crying in a second and Barry's eyes widened. “Guys!” he call out desperated to stop the girl from crying.
“For God sakes Barry, have you ever dealt with a child before” said Joe picking up the crying girl in his arms. “We need to get Y/N back to normal. And that tiger, now.”
“I'll call Felicity” sighed Cisco snapping a photo of Mango with his phone.
“Why? She's already on her way here” asked Barry.
“Yeah I know, I'll ask her to buy a tiger somewhere before Y/N start crying again” he replied. “Wow that was a really weird thing to say out loud.”
“Hello! We're here!” said Felicity entering the Cortex with Oliver behind “and we bring the weirdly specific present too.”
“Thank god” they heard from in front of them. Rounding the main computer table they found Cisco laying flat on the floor with a Star Lab hoodie in his face.
“Cisco what are you doing?” Oliver asked.
“We were playing tag and then hide and seek, I just needed a little break, Y/N is very energetic” he said panting slightly.
“Okay?” said Felicity giving Oliver a confused glance. “Why do you need a stuffed animal by the way.”
Little footsteps and giggles could be heard coming from the next room towards them and then silence.
"For her" said Cisco sitting up just when the door opened and the little girl came running with a water pistol and Joe trailing behind. "Gotcha Cisco!" she giggled and shoot water in his face but stopped when she noticed the two unfamiliar faces staring at her blankly. "Hey Y/N, they are our friends Felicity and Oliver, they have a present for you" he said softly to her. "A present?" her head perked up and eyes widened. "Uh yes, here" said Felicity with an awkward smile giving her the bag. By now the team was out the hiding spots and around the little girl. A tiny gasp left her mouth when she looked inside the bag. "Mango" she whispered. In an instant she was hugging it with a tight grip and head buried in the stuffed animal. Everyone was smiling at the scene until they hear little sobs coming from the sweet girl. "Hey, why are you crying?" asked Oliver crouching next to her with a concerned face. "I-I though h-he was gone like my-y Daddy" she said between hiccups looking up to him with red puffy eyes. ------------ "So, you're telling me that the kiddo is actually Y/N?" asked Felicity eyeing her now in Oliver arms playing with Barry and her tiger. "How that even happened?" "We still don't know, but maybe you could give Cisco a hand? He already feels guilty and two heads think better than one" said Iris. "I'll go too, toddlers are not my thing" said Harry leaving too. "Ollie I'm hungry, can we eat?" Y/N said looking at him with big puppy eyes. "Yeah Ollie, can we?" teased Barry earning a glare from Oliver. "Okay kiddo, what do want?" "Blueberry pie!"
------------ What a sight... Three guys and a little girl in Jitters eating pie, that was new and totally not weird. Oliver was eyeing their surroundings, because a four years old could be sneaky as a league of assassins member, and Barry was lost in thought trying to find a solution. Meanwhile Ralph and Y/N (and Mango of course) were giggling and stuffing their mouths with pie. "Are you sure Mango doesn't want some pie? It's sooo delicious!" asked Ralph playing along with her. "Silly Ralphy, tigers don't like pie! They eat... meat!! Roarrr!" she giggled. "But I tell you a secret, don't tell mommy" said lowering her voice and leaning onto the table. "Mango eats my vegetables" she whispered and covered her mouth to silence her giggling. They continued to play a little more to keep her distracted and she finally ended fast asleep with her head on Barry's lap. "What are you going to do if Cisco can fix this today? Are you aware that you guys have a kid under your care now?" asked Oliver sipping on his coffee. "Yeah I know but I never had to take care of a child before, none of us did, and we can't ask Joe because he's taking care of Cecile and also working" sighed Barry "I hope we find out how to fix this soon." "What about Wally? Still with the Legends?" "Maybe they can go back and prevent this mess" said Ralph slightly rocking the girl now in his arms. "Yeah I learned that messing with time travel it's a very bad idea so hard pass" Barry said throwing a glance towards the sleeping girl that it was not there anymore. "Ralph where Y/N?" "Uh right here, are you blind-oh my god... This is so cool." "What are you saying, Y/N is missing now, it's not cool" "She's not missing, she's right here" said Ralph lifting her little arm on the table and she appeared again in Ralph's arms. "Great now we don't have a toddler to watch, we have a meta-toddler" Barry sighs and drops his head on the table.
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istanleyff7 · 4 years
Aerith of the Shinra Building (I)
Final Fantasy VII Remake: The Investigation Unit Within the Painting A Short Story by Kazushige Nojima Translated by Stanley
Chapter 12: Aerith of the Shinra Building (I)
Aerith and Ifalna's rooms were on the upper floors of the Shinra Building. I do not know the exact floor. My mother told me that I was prohibited from trying to know which floor they were on and I obediently abided by it. There were officials in white coats walking around and many employees with bloodshot eyes. Geddy mentioned to me that there were only people who were not sleeping working here. Troopers with light equipment were also present. Monsters used for experimentation were rampaging periodically on the adjacent floor. The feeling of tension was always around.
My mother was Ifalna’s caretaker and I was Aerith’s playmate. It seems to have paid a little bit of money. Ifalna would come to greet us at 10am every day. It was Geddy’s job. When Ifalna was not around, my mother would clean and do the laundry. In the meantime, I would spend time with Aerith. We would perform strange dances that we thought of and run around in the room. Aerith wanted to play hide-and-seek, but it wasn't a feasible game because there weren't many places to hide. So we came up with a rule that if the player finds the other, do up a funny face and make the other person laugh, the player wins. That was not called ‘hide and seek’ anymore, but I liked it because it was simple. I often found her hiding behind the sofa, fallen over facing up like a discarded doll. She would diagonally roll her eyes up and diagonally point her tongue downwards in the opposite direction from her sight. When she made that face that she would always make, I would think, “Ahhh... not again!” but cannot help but burst out laughing.
Aerith was a kid who laughed a lot. But from that day onwards, something in her changed.
She was laughing at my mother’s silly story. A story mixed with lies, like monsters appearing unexpectedly around the neighbourhood of my house, and I would always flee 5 times faster than usual.
“5 times! Wow! Your legs would get tangled up! Is that right?! That’s right!’
“Out of everything that was mentioned, that’s what you care about?”, was the reply that I felt like giving back. However, Aerith started to stamp up and down repeatedly on the spot.
“This much?”
“That’s probably about 3 times as much.”
I was left speechless by my mother’s blunt cock-and-bull story, but if it made Aerith laugh, that's not bad either.
“Hey! What kind of monsters were there? Bombs? Cactuars? Goblins?”
She cited the list of monsters that she knew vigorously.
“It was not a flashy monster, but a tiny fellow like the size of a big rat”
“That’s an ordinary rat!”
“It’s not ordinary, it’s a monster!”
“Why do you think that’s a monster?”
“The tail was more than twice the size of an ordinary rat. Moreover, its tip is rolled up like a coil,” I uttered without thinking.
“Coil?”, Aerith did not understand that word.
“Coil means… something that turns round and round and round”, I moved my fingertip in a spiral.
“I don’t understand…”
I looked around the surroundings and searched for a string.
“Wait a moment.”
My mother went out of the room. I thought she would bring us a string.
But she handed over a bunch of paper and a pen.
“Draw the tail where the tail is coiled for Aerith.”
I recalled the image of the imaginary big rat and drew the coiled tail.
“It’s probably like this…”
Aerith fixed her eyes on my drawing enthusiastically.
“Something is wrong...”
As I was not content with my drawing, I tried to draw it again.
I got a shock from Aerith’s reaction after that.
“ROARRRR!!”, she growled as though she was like a beast.
She grabbed hold of a pen and started drawing something ferociously.
She forcefully drew onto the paper a distorted face of a person. Tree. Flower. Animal. And maybe a monster. My mother and I were looking at her silently and intently. Because she repeatedly drew one after another, the paper very quickly turned pitch black.
“It’s an emergency! Someone, come over!”, my mother looked at the corner of the room and declared.
At that moment, I noticed the presence of the surveillance camera for the first time. Soon after, Geddy opened the door and many white coat personnel entered the room. Professor Hojo finally arrived. Aerith also did not notice even when he came close to peer into the drawing.
“She’s drawing as though she’s possessed by something,” mentioned my mother who looked in the corner of the room.
“Aerith”, Professor Hojo called out.
“Do you see anything?”
Aerith nodded.
“I can see it… I can hear it…”
“Ku ku ku ku ku….”, Professor Hojo lowered his head and laughed.
I had a bad feeling about this.
“Aerith! Finally, you have awakened!”
Professor Hojo laughed again.
“Sorry. I didn’t intend for that to happen”, my mother muttered.
I knew she did not apologise to me.
-Next Chapter- Chapter 13: Joanne and Lilisa of the Slums
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luci-cunt · 4 years
Pacific rim was like: GIANT ROBOTS and HUGE EVIL WORLD-DESTROYING ALIENS on its surface but then you can’t even fight the big destructo evil without THE POWER OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP. Anyway it slayed me and I feel you. Everything about that movie speaks to my hearts deepest desires for human connection in uncertain times. Vv relevant...
Like yeah big giant robots destroy big giant monsters and BRAH BRAH ROARRR BOOM!!! 
BUT??? The fact that you have to be inside of the head of someone else and how sacred they make that connection??? And how it can be platonic or romantic but the point is that its a CONNECTION and it’s not something to be taken lightly or rushed??
And there’s such an emphasis on doing things TOGETHER. And like?? In this world the entire WORLD put aside their differences and came together to make these stupid robots and fight the monsters and fkajsd;lfajsd!!!!!
Listen I just really love that movie
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
[IDOLiSH7] DUSK TiLL DAWN (Story Translation 5)
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*Note: This is a Chinese-to-English translation using the official Chinese translation from the TW server! There’s a small chance that some phrases may differ slightly from the original Japanese text due to different wording and localisation, but overall there shouldn’t be too much of a difference so probably nothing to worry too much about xD
CHARACTERS: Iori: Io Yamato: Yamarson Mitsuki: Mick Tamaki: Tamathony Sogo: Somas Nagi: Nagistopher Riku: Rictor
(I will include the characters’ names in brackets even if they haven’t revealed their names yet, because it would just be too confusing otherwise. I recommend having the game story open as you read so you get a better feel of the characters’ actions and expressions, since I won’t be indicating them here ^^)
Tamathony: How much deeper do we have to go…?
Somas: We’re already pretty much at the furthest level.
Yamarson: Hey, look over there!
Rictor: Woah…!
Somas: There’s a really incredible guy!
Yamarson: Is it the same as the ones we saw at the underground subway before?
Tamathony: No, it’s even bigger than those!
Rictor: It seems that this one didn’t retain its original human form, either…
Somas: Is this also a Gathered?
Rictor: P-Probably… Gathereds will absorb things around it, and then become like that…
Yamarson: Oh, it’s similar to the one wearing the helmet.
Somas: The monster’s design is quite cute!
Tamathony: But they’re real monsters~
Rictor: But this one is different from the others. It looks like it’s endlessly absorbing everything around it.
Yamarson: So it’s a mutant?
Rictor: I’m not sure… But what we can be sure of is that it’s not the same as the regular Gathereds. (Why are we still able to see them when we’re this deep inside…)
Tamathony: … Alright, let’s think of a battle plan! If we attack without thinking, there’s no way we can beat it.
Yamarson: Yeah. I don’t want to be scratched again.
Somas: Um~
Tamathony: What is it?
Somas: The ones we saw at the underground subway and this one… they’re the same in that their bodies have all been melted, leaving only their eyes.
Tamathony: Indeed.
Somas: If we follow the mainstream tropes, the final boss’ weakness will definitely be the eyes.
Rictor: I understand! We just need to aim and attack its eyes!
Yamarson: Wait… How could it be that simple…!
Tamathony: No, this isn’t necessarily wrong. When hunting, the standard practice is to aim and attack the eyes or head. It’s worth a try.
Yamarson: …
Tamathony: What is it?
Yamarson: Ah, nothing, just a bit surprised that you suddenly said something so serious… (The Gathereds have even invaded a place so deep down? No, perhaps they were here to begin with…?)
Tamathony: You really have no manners.
Somas, Rictor: Haha.
Tamathony: Anyway, let’s do it! Does anyone have a long-distance weapon?
Yamarson, Somas, Rictor: …
Tamathony: For real…? Knife, pistol, shotgun… Are we done for…? I’m holding a submachine gun…
Rictor: I-It won’t be a problem! We have four people fighting together!
Somas: That’s right! We’ll do our best to cover for Tamathony!
Tamathony: … Captain~! I’ve had enough~! After this mission is over, I’m never coming down to the ground again! Sigh, seriously~ Let’s do this!
Yamarson, Somas, Rictor: Yes~!
Tamathony: This is the last shot! Take this!
Yamarson: Huff, huff… Is it defeated…?
Rictor: Yes…! It seems like we’ve finally defeated it!
Somas: W-We did it…!
Tamathony: Alright, let’s get out of here!
Yamarson: Tamathony, careful…!
Yamarson: Urgh…!
Somas: Yamarson!
Tamathony: Yamarson, Somas…! Sorry, I was too careless!
Rictor: How can this be, a second form…!?
Mick: Sorry for the wait!
Nagistopher: You guys seem to be alive still.
Tamathony: Ah~! Captain~! Mick!
Io: Somas, are you okay!
Somas: Io! You guys are so cool for arriving at this critical moment! You’re just like heroes!
Io: You’re talking nonsense again!
Nagistopher: Ah, Yamarson, this is great.
Yamarson: Thanks to you all, I was finally saved.
Mick: Luckily we made it in time…!
Nagistopher: It’s coming!
Mick: Yes! You guys, don’t get distracted or look anywhere else!
Tamathony: Their weakness is their eyes!
Mick: Okay! Alright, I’m gonna throw it! Everyone duck!
Rictor: Huff, huff…! We did it…! We really defeated it this time!
Somas: Yes… For real this time…!
Mick: Urgh… it’s exhausting after such a huge battle…
Tamathony: I can’t do this anymore. I’ve used up a lifetime’s worth of physical exertion.
Somas: Io, are you hurt?
Io: Did you forget about my skills? I would never have let those slow guys get near me!
Somas: Haha, that’s our Io!
Io: It seems like you’re okay, too.
Rictor: Yamarson, are you okay? You were just vaccinated, and then fought so many consecutive battles…
Yamarson: Mm, I’m okay. Thank you for your concern. What about you?
Rictor: Yes! As you can see, I’m okay!
Yamarson: Haha, then that’s great.
Nagistopher: Tamathony, you did well.
Tamathony: Oh~ Because I made a promise with you~ I tried su~~~~~~per hard. And got the vaccine! But it was really too much physical exertion, I think my brain is becoming stupid…
Mick: There there! You did great! You really are the youngest elite of “I.DOL!” Here, pudding drink for you, cheer up!
Tamathony: …!? What~~~!? Why are you only giving this to me now!?
Mick: Eh? Because you said you drank some before coming down, so I thought it would be okay to just give it to you when you were out of energy.
Tamathony: You should’ve given this to me earlier~!
Mick: But having a pudding drink after accomplishing your mission would have a different flavour of its own!
Tamathony: Pudding drink tastes amazing no matter when you drink it!
Mick: Okay okay okay, my bad.
Somas: Tamathony, it’s great to see that you’ve regained your energy.
Io: Normal people can’t be reenergized just by drinking that. It’s just an ordinary sugared drink…
Nagistopher: Rictor, where is the exit that leads back to land?
Rictor: Ah, yes! I’ll lead the way. Please follow me.
Io: Let’s go.
Somas: Mm!
Yamarson: … (This place looks familiar to me, too… And Rictor had asked me if we had met somewhere before… Did I… once stay here…?) … Ouch…
Somas: Yamarson~! We’re leaving!
Yamarson: …
Rictor: So bright…! It’s morning…
Mick: It’s already morning.
Nagistopher: Tamathony.
Tamathony: You want to take The Pudding, right! I already called for it!
Mick: You were all soggy just before… The power of the pudding drink is amazing…
Tamathony: I’ll let it land over there, you guys wait a moment~
Radio noise: This is base 7.0.0. Please respond if you hear. Survivors please return to Team Beta.
Mick: There’s radio signal…!
Nagistopher: This is Handsome here. The vaccine has been acquired. Will return immediately. Protected four civilians. Please proceed with placement preparations. Over.
Radio noise: Roger.
Io: We’ve been saved…
Somas: Mm, just as we promised before, we’ve reached a happy ending together!
Io: Yes.
Somas: But, what are we going to do afterwards… The dorms have definitely been attacked, too…
Io: Seems like you’re still seriously considering things…
Somas: O-Of course! My treasured zombie collection… I won’t be able to get that back!
Io: … I take back what I just said. You really never change.
Somas: Ah! Wait, Io, don’t leave me behind!
Yamarson: Did you find any clues about the doctors…?
Rictor: Ah, no…
Yamarson: Those two doctors or whatever that you mentioned, are they really worth trusting?
Rictor: Eh?
Yamarson: Those monsters were really created by the “W.R.U.,” right? We were even able to find monsters in the deepest underground depths, isn’t that too weird?
Rictor: …
Yamarson: The source of this commotion might really be those two doctors…
Rictor: No! … I believe in the doctors!
Yamarson: … On what basis…
Rictor: Because, if it weren’t for the doctors, we wouldn’t have been able to get the vaccine, and you wouldn’t have been saved.
Yamarson: That… That’s true…
Rictor: And plus, if I hadn’t received the letter those two sent, I might have died in the lab already. The doctors deliberately called me to the hospital, and saved my life… I believe this is the truth.
Yamarson: … Is that so. I understand. But if you just accept military protection like this, you’ll eventually be suspected.
Rictor: I don’t know anything. I don’t even know why the doctors disappeared… The person who’s most eager to know why these things happened is me… Now the only clue related to those two is this letter… …
Yamarson: Wait… Hey! Is this really okay?
Rictor: … It’s okay. I will wait for those two to contact me.
Yamarson: What if they don’t contact you?
Rictor: Then… I will go and find them. (Because I still don’t know the truth. Doctors, I’ll be able to meet you guys, right…)
Tamathony: Hey~ The Pudding is ready!
Rictor: Coming!
Stage 1  |  Stage 2  |  Stage 3  |  Stage 4  |  STAGE 5
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guysofeurovision · 5 years
Can you give your opinions about all of this year's song :) ?
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I’m listening to the songs a lot, these days.  At the time writing I can briefly group them this way:
- Italy (ok, I think I don’t have to explain this anymore :P )
- Uk (probably nothing too original or new: but this is the classical, enjoyable British ballad with a great voice and a gospel crescendo that, live, makes me shiver a bit)
- Israel (at first I thought of a muezzin with a bad stomachache: then I listened to the words and, in the meanwhile, I was blow away from the voice: as a result, it’s in my top five!)
- Ireland (I was so used to not memorable Irish songs that I approached this one without any hype but hey, the girl can sing and the refrain is surprisingly catchy!)
- Azerbaijan (by far the best Azeri song since they entered the contest: I can’t find any flaws)
- Malta (can’t tell exactly why, but I like this Maltese entry very much: fresh, loud, not obvious)
- Greece (the kind of modern pop I really enjoy: plus, her voice sounds special)
- Switzerland (just listen and sway your hips: flawlessly catchy
- Hungary (this has grown on me so much lately: give it more than one try and you’ll find yourself whistling with Joci)
- Norway (every year we need something like this: so pop it hurts! Let me dance with the Northern lights: don’t judge me! He lo e loi laaaa)
- Albania (I’m always open to a good revamp: I still think her vocals are too much but all in all I give this a complete promotion, especially for the musical part and the non-English choice)
- Russia (probably the best of this group but, as I’ve already written, I don’t feel Sergey’s voice is the perfect fit for this dark song: too clear)
- Montenegro (this brings me back to my childhood: it’s like a -bad- Sanremo  song from the 90s: the revamp made it even worse BUT I LOVE THEM) #guiltypleasure #eurovisiontrash
- The Netherlands (I’m fine with this tune, just not completely blown away)
- Portugal (great studio version but I don’t know what to think about the live performance……………)
- Cyprus (Stromae meets Rihanna… but do we have to talk about her haircut?)
- Estonia (nice Zelmerlonian song, but vocals are a bit weak)
- Belgium (it’s grown on me, but can’t help thinking he’s imitating Bastille)
- Lithuania (ok, maybe here Jurijus’s beauty could have clouded me at first: but when I say I like this song -now- I really mean it! Roarrr)
- France (good but we have many less ordinary pop songs this year)
- Australia (not bad but overrated and, as I’ve foreseen, her trills are starting to annoy me)
- Spain (revamp made it catchier, still too similar to Alvaro Soler: it could have been more original and -a bit- less repetitive)
- Romania (sexy voice, captivating rhythm: every “hey” is a sudden orgasm for the songstress. Thumb’s up!)
- Armenia (I can’t help but feeling I should be won over by this act but I’m still working on it. Eventually, I’ll get there.)
- Sweden (I wish I could send this to the dislike group because I expected so much more from Sweden… but I can’t because I don’t hate listening to it: plain and simple)
- Serbia (typical, moving Balkan song: we’ve heard better ones, but can’t say it’s bad at all)
- Germany (nothing against Disney songs but a lot against these sisters’ nasal, screaming voices: pass this song to another singer and I’ll push my buzz)
- Finland (so much -manly- potential thrown away with such a WTF?! song  -_-)
- Belarus (an honest Eastern attempt to an easy pop song: forgettable, but not a complete fiasco)
- Croatia (say what you want, I won’t change my mind: the guy SCREAMS and I hate it!!!)
- Latvia (really elegant but it won’t quite surely stand out on this kind of stage)
- Austria (everything about this act is so poor, don’t know what to save…)
- Czechia (it’s not that it’s completely bad… I simply don’t like these electronical tunes)
- Iceland (it surely stands out but, personally, it’s not my cup of tea)
- Poland (every time I listen to their squawking voices I end up with nightmares O_O They’re like dolls from an horror movie)
- Georgia (trying to be intense, actually looking creepy)
- Denmark (such a poor choice, nothing more to say: give us back the vikings!)
- Macedonia (she sings well and her ballad isn’t awful but maybe too, too sad in the end)
- Slovenia (original and alternative sound? no, you’re just boring)
- Moldova (not a complete crap but so old-fashioned it hurts: I’m not on board)
- San Marino (please, stop killing English pronunciation and just retire)
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benziiiin · 7 years
tag ur it
Rules: tag 10 people who you want to get to know better got tagged by @im-bad-at-life <333 you’re not annoying, boo!! Name: Francesca Nickname: Fra, mostly Gender: female Sexuality: bi af Zodiac: Leo. Roarrr! Height: 1,60 m (5ft 2) give or less Current time: 3:16 pm Favorite animal(s): Dogs, I guess Dogs or cats?: Dogs, but in this house we love and appreciate cats too. Blog age?: It’s 6 years old. And omg I was such a dumb kid 6 years ago....... Reason behind having a Tumblr?: Because of fandoms! Back then, I opened my tumblr to join the Glee fandom (see?? very DUMB) and Adam Lambert fandom. Nowadays it’s mostly wrestling and every other tv show I’m currently watching.
Tag: @cookiethewriter @dragon-familiar @francescoserpico @kdramasandjdramas @dinglehorton @nvwanda @heelusos @heeljackgallagher @arrowtothecrown @rue-bossuet
No pressure, guys!! No probs if you don’t feel like doing this :)
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imparatiavine · 5 years
Epilogue - The Great Commission
“...I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”[1] Father Gregory signed the cross on himself before he pointed to the young boy sitting in front of him.
“Amen!” He laughed in surprise along with Father Thomas when a little girl squealed from her seat far away from them. She was embarrassed when she looked at the two men’s reactions, sinking into her seat and turning away from them. Father Gregory motioned for her to come to him and she did so while gazing down at her feet.
“And what might your name be?” He handed her the prayer beads she continued to stare at and she smiled up at him before taking it and wrapping it around her neck.
“My name is Eleanor. I really enjoyed your story.” She braved through the response and laughed when Father Thomas thanked her. “You hear that Simon, she thinks we are good storytellers. What was your favorite part little Eleanor?” He stared at the young boy who wished he could disagree with his sister but knew he would be lying if he said so. The two monks told the events in such a capturing manner that he was at the edge of his chair the entire morning.
“Oh, there were so many. But I like the lions. Because they roar. ROARRR.” She jumped up and almost fell had her brother not supported her. The two monks smiled at her reaction and turned to Simon to ask him the same question.
“What was your favorite story Simon? Or do you still believe the Old Testament is ‘boring and useless’?” Father Gregory asked and raised an eyebrow at the boy when he rolled his eyes before pouting his little lips.
“Is it a sin to lie to a monk?” He asked, and both monks laughed at the brave question.
“It is a sin to lie. It does not matter to whom you refuse to tell the truth to Simon.” Father Thomas spoke, looking to Eleanor who handed the prayer beads back to Father Gregory before returning to her chair.
“Well, I did enjoy the stories a lot, and I wish they were told this way during Mass on Sundays. And it made me think, I probably do not enjoy the Old Testament as much because of how long and complicated it is.” The boy said with such ease that the two monks marveled at him.
“You give your opinion so decidedly for a young man Simon, and I think we may have just found our future Lector. Do you not think so Father Gregory?” The monk asked his friend and nodded along with him, turning to Simon so he could continue.
“My favorite part was when Jesus walked around heaven and saw the dragon being slain by Archangel Michael. What a sight it must have been...to stand in front of a dragon and whaam whoosh slay him.” He reenacted how thought the scene played and Father Thomas had to lay his head back so as to not receive a blow from Simon.
“But I do have a question.” Simon calmed down and began to play with his tunic.
“Ask away young man.”
“Are the Old and New Testaments truly this connected? You mentioned how the prophecies were, ummm, I do not remember what the word is.” He frowned when he could not recall the term they used to describe the prophecies coming true.
“Fulfilled?” Father Thomas asked, and Simon nodded enthusiastically at him.
“Yes! So is the New Testament just a continuation of the Old one?”
“I believe it is. You cannot understand much of the Old Testament without the New and in order to make sense of the New Testament, you need most of the Old. They are two sides of the same coin, Simon, and you cannot separate a coin in such a way, now can you?” He smiled when the boy shook his head and remained silent.
“Is there something else on your mind Simon?” Father Gregory asked and saw the boy shy away from his question. “Do not be afraid, we are here to educate you after all.”
“It’s just that, I am afraid.”
“Of what?” Father Thomas frowned, not expecting such a statement to be made by the boy.
“You said that the devil waits for people to make mistakes and to see when they are weak, and he uses this to his advantage. What if...what if he tricks me?” Both monks saw the genuine concern in the eyes of the young boy and they shared a similar look between each other. Father Gregory was first to speak up, asking the boy to come to him. When he stood in front of him, the monk reached into his tunic and pulled out a small prayer book, grabbing the hands of Simon and placing it inside.
“Promise me one thing. Every time you feel strange and you think the devil might be wanting your company, pull this out and open it to a random page. Whatever prayer is on that page, recite it for the duration of the day.” Father Gregory whispered to the boy.
“And the devil will go away?” The boy beamed with joy when he heard the monk’s advice.
“The thing about the devil is, he will never truly leave you. But it is your task to fight his tricks and suggestions whenever he visits. Just like our Lord Jesus Christ did. He fought him with the scriptures and praises of the Bible and you saw how it worked well for Him. So you also do the same. And I guarantee that he will go away instantly. You see, the devil does not enjoy when we pray to God. He gets a little jealous.”
“So as long as I pray to God and ask for His help, I will not be fooled by the tricks of the devil?” He smiled at the monk when he nodded down towards him, quickly thanking him before returning to his seat.
“What about me?” Eleanor asked, and Father Thomas chuckled at her innocence, bringing out his own prayer beads and placing them around her neck. “If you ever think the devil might be up to no good, try to place all the beads to one side and each time you pass one, you make the sign of the cross. It’ll work just the same as the prayers. Agreed?” He asked her and saw her smile at him, half of her teeth gone because of how young she is.
“So, I believe it is time for us to leave Father Gregory.” Father Thomas stood up and apologized to the children when they asked them to remain for a little while longer.
“We have our own studies and prayers we need to attend to remember? We shall come again tomorrow at the same time. And you better finish your work by then young man.” Simon nodded and thanked both monks again, leading them to the front door of the house and waving at them when they walked out.
He went to his father’s study and took the Bible, walking to his seat and asking his sister to come along. They opened the first page and signed the cross before readings.
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”[2]
[1] Matthew 28:20
[2] Genesis 1:1
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kathycrabbeart · 5 years
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Lefty Oracle Card 3: Jules, pussy-cat with a tiger-heart . Mantra: I am independent. Affirmation: My inner feline is ready to roarrr! Element: Earth . If this card appears in a reading there is hope! Whatever is bothering you have faith that you’ll pull through because your heart is BIG and your courage is growing. You may not feel up to it, but you are. Trust the message of this card. . In my own life I have a few friends that inspired this card. Their gentle, soft nature cleverly hides their tiger heart; fierce, protective and wild. . About the Lefty Oracle Deck The Lefty Oracle Deck and 92 page Guidebook will help you break through creative blocks, identify your gifts and empower your intuition so you can move forward in a playful and profoundly life changing way. Click the shop link in my bio to learn more @kathycrabbeart. . Lefty Card Reveal for the Moon in Libra Dec. 28 - Dec. 30 - the card descriptions were too long to fit here at one time so I've shared them one-by-one or check out my blog post link @kathycrabbeart. . . . . #leftyoracledeckspread #3cardspread #catart #mooninLibra #Libramoon #moonmedicine #cosmicmooncycles #moonvibes #dailymoonvibes #mooninsights #astroinsights #moonastrology #astrology #astrologyvibes #kathycrabbe #oracledeck #oraclereadings #cattarot #astrologersofinstagram #oracledeckspread #pickacard #leftyoracle #dailyastrology #leftyoracledeck #astrologyreadings #witchy #catoracle #moongatherin #catoracledeck #dailyhoroscope https://www.instagram.com/p/BsCLmHPnkp_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rubb8zbxjh1n
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
MGA Chapter 1989
Chapter 1989 – Sealing The Moon Demon “An eighth Stellar Key? How could that be? According to the records, the Moonlight Maze should only have seven Stellar Keys,” Upon seeing Chu Feng’s eighth Stellar Key, Luan Jie spoke in utter disbelief. What Luan Jie had just said was actually also what the Weaponry Refinement Immortal and the Elf Protector wanted to say. After all, according to rumors, there were only seven Stellar Keys to the Moonlight Maze. As such, how did Chu Feng obtain an eighth Stellar Key? Most importantly, the Stellar Key in Chu Feng’s hand appeared to be real. It was clearly not a fake. As for Chu Feng, he had a smile on his face as he faced the crowd’s astonished gazes. He did not immediately answer them. Instead, he put a strand of his aura into his Stellar Key and then shot it toward the Moon Demon in the sky. Chu Feng knew very well that the Moon Demon was the most important thing to take care of right at that moment. “Roarrr~~~~” When the eighth Stellar Key entered the Moon Demon’s body, the Moon Demon immediately let out an incomparably mournful scream. She looked to Chu Feng with a gaze filled with anger and resentment. Her gaze caused Chu Feng to feel his hair stand on end. However, everyone was able to sense that the Moon Demon’s power had greatly decreased at the exact moment the eighth Stellar Key had pinned her body. Her frightening aura was gradually dissipating. “Lil’ Rou, Lil’ Mei, does the Moon Immortal have any instructions?” Chu Feng asked. Chu Feng was currently capable of subduing the Moon Demon. However, he was still unable to control the Moon Demon. In fact, if Chu Feng wanted to control the Moon Demon right now, he would have no way to do so. Merely, Chu Feng felt that he would only be able to temporarily seal the Moon Demon with the power of the eight Stellar Keys. If the power of the Stellar Keys were to decrease one day, the seal on the Moon Demon would be lifted. At that time, the person that the Moon Demon would want to kill the most would be Chu Feng. Furthermore, it would not only be Chu Feng who would suffer a calamity. Likely, at that time, all those who were with Chu Feng would end up suffering a calamity. That would be too dangerous. Thus, considering the long term, Chu Feng still wished for help from the Moon Immortal. The reason for that was because Chu Feng felt that the Moon Immortal who was originally one with the Moon Demon must have a way to subdue the Moon Demon. After all, she had said those sort of words earlier. “Chu Feng, the Moon Immortal said that she will teach you a spirit formation. With that spirit formation, you will be able to increase the power of the Stellar Keys to the maximum and completely seal away the demonic nature of the Moon Demon.” “Then, you must use spirit formations to separate the sealed Moon Demon’s power into two parts, and instill them respectively into my and Lil Mei’s Fire and Ice Pearls. At that time, she will have a way to take care of the Moon Demon,” Su Rou said. After she finished saying those words, she placed her mouth beside Chu Feng’s ear and began to tell him how to set up that spirit formation. Su Rou was simply unable to understand what was so amazing about that spirit formation. She was merely passing on the words from the Moon Immortal. However, the more Chu Feng listened, the more astonished he became. Before he even began to set up the spirit formation, he already knew that this spirit formation would be extremely powerful. Likely, it was from the Ancient Era. After Su Rou finished telling Chu Feng what the Moon Immortal wanted her to say, she asked Chu Feng, “Chu Feng, did… you understand all of that?” At that moment, Su Mei was also looking at Chu Feng with the same sort of expression. While the Moon Immortal was telling Su Rou how to set up the spirit formation, Su Mei was also able to hear her. It was precisely because they knew what she said that Su Rou and Su Mei felt worried for Chu Feng. The reason for that was because what the Moon Immortal told Chu Feng simply did not seem like a spirit formation at all. Even though their world spirit techniques were greatly inferior to Chu Feng’s, it remained that the two of them were world spiritists. It shouldn’t be that they were unable to make sense of what they heard at all. When the two of them were unable to make sense of the method of setting up that spirit formation, was Chu Feng… really able to make sense of it? Chu Feng thought that it was the Moon Immortal that was asking him Su Rou’s question. Thus, he said confidently, “Tell the Moon Immortal to rest assured. I am capable of setting up that spirit formation,” “Wow! Big brother Chu Feng, you are truly too amazing!” Seeing that Chu Feng was actually able to understand how to set up the spirit formation, Su Mei opened her little mouth wide in shock. As for Su Rou, she had the same sort of reaction. The two of them truly did not expect that the disparity between them and Chu Feng would be this enormous. At the same time, the two beauties revealed joyous smiles on their faces. They were truly happy. After all, Chu Feng was their man. When their own man was that powerful, who wouldn’t be happy? “Lil Rou, help me ask the Moon Immortal a question,” Chu Feng said. “What is it?” Su Rou asked. “Why does she want to help us?” Chu Feng said. “She said… it is fate,” Su Rou said. “Understood,” Chu Feng did not ask anymore questions. After saying those words, Chu Feng began to set up the spirit formation according to the Moon Immortal’s instructions. The reason for that was because Chu Feng knew that it would be useless even if he were to ask further. As such, he could only choose to believe in the Moon Immortal. “Lil Rou, Lil Mei, exactly what is going on? What exactly did you all talk about?” Suddenly, the Weaponry Refinement Immortal walked over with confusion written all over his face. The Elf Protector was acting the same as him. They had heard the conversation between Chu Feng, Su Rou and Su Mei, and discovered that the contents of their conversation were very fishy. Chu Feng was clearly speaking with Su Rou. Yet, it seemed like he was speaking to someone else. The two of them were very confused by it. In response, Su Rou and Su Mei did not try to conceal anything. Instead, they told the Weaponry Refinement Immortal and that Elf Protector the truth. After all, the two of them possessed a very good relationship with the Weaponry Refinement Immortal. Furthermore, the Weaponry Refinement Immortal was equivalent to being their master. Even though this sort of thing was inconvenient to talk about, it was also unsuitable for them to conceal it. After learning of what happened, even the experienced Weaponry Refinement Immortal and the Elf Protector opened their mouths wide in shock. They both sucked in a mouthful of cold air before asking again, “Is that true?” “Seniors, this is all absolutely true,” Su Rou and Su Mei said together. “A great fortune! This is truly a great and fortune-changing opportunity! Little friend Chu Feng is truly outstanding!” The Weaponry Refinement Immortal spoke in a very excited manner. As for the Elf Protector, even though he did not say anything, he also had an extremely excited expression on his face. The Moon Immortal, the legendary Moon Immortal was actually willing to help them. This was much better than controlling the Moon Demon. However, as for that Luan Jie, he was completely stunned. Exactly what had happened here? Weren’t the Moon Immortal and the Moon Demon the same existence? Why would there be another Moon Immortal in those two girls’ bodies? Furthermore, that Moon Immortal was helping Chu Feng and the others subdue the Moon Demon? Furthermore, she was going to pass on her power to those two girls? Exactly what was going on here? How could there be such a wonderful thing in this world? While extremely astonished, Luan Jie was also extremely skeptical. Thus, he began to fix his gaze onto Chu Feng. He planned to see exactly what sort of spirit formation Chu Feng was going to set up. One must know that Luan Jie had actually come prepared to subdue the Moon Demon. Not only did he possess the seven Stellar Keys, the Dark Hall’s Hall Master had also personally taught him a powerful spirit formation, a taboo demonic formation. Although that formation was evil, it was indeed capable of controlling the Moon Demon. When Luan Jie saw that spirit formation for the first time, he was unable to help himself from exclaiming in astonishment. He had never expected such a spirit formation to exist in this world. Furthermore, he spent a total of half a year in order to master that spirit formation. With his attainments in world spirit techniques, to spend half a year to learn a single spirit formation could be said to be an extremely long time. And now, Chu Feng was actually going to use a spirit formation to completely control that Moon Demon. Thus, he wished to see whether or not Chu Feng’s spirit formation would be as amazing as the one that the Dark Hall’s Hall Master had taught him. Furthermore, if what they said was true, Luan Jie was also skeptical as to how Chu Feng could possibly grasp a spirit formation that he had just been taught. Luan Jie was truly skeptical. 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