#then I realized i spent the last 6 hours straight drawing smut
spicyraeman · 4 months
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emma-nation · 3 years
The Devil In I - Bela x OC (Resident Evil Village AU)
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“Step inside, see the Devil in I”
Summary: Aleena Novak is a 19 years old orphan who desired more than living in a village in the middle of nowhere. A talented artist with a big future ahead, she gets the scholarship of her dreams in United States. But everything changes when her twin brother, Auryk, steals an important artifact from Castle Dimitrescu.
In this adventure, Aleena will find way more than she expected.
“You’ll realize I’m not your Devil anymore”
Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x OC
Genre: Between T and M (Trigger warning for violence, blood, abuse and eventual smut)
Tag List: @nydeiri
Notes: This is my first RES fic, so I'm sorry if I mess it up a bit. English is also not my main language, so a mistake or two may happen. I hope you enjoy it :)
Trigger Warning: Language, abuse, blood and violence.
Eastern Europe - July, 2009
"If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?"
Mother closed the book, placing it on the bedside table between Auryk's bed and mine. Then, she lowered herself and kissed my forehead like she did every night. Her long, blonde hair tickled my face and left a trace of her sweet lavender fragrance in the air. I giggled.
"Good night, sweetheart," she spoke.
"Good night, momma."
"Cherish your last night as a six years old. Tomorrow you will become a..."
"A seven years old girl. The prettiest girl in the village."
"Pffft," Auryk let out a displeased grunt from his bed, covering his head with the pillow to avoid listening another word from the conversation.
"And you too," mother sat by his side on the bed and repeated her nightly ritual of kissing his forehead to wish him a good night too. "You'll become the most handsome and brave warrior in this village. Do you understand?"
"I hope so. Good night, mom."
"Good night, buddy."
Mother left the room, leaving us both in the dark. However, we couldn't sleep. Not because we were thrilled about our incoming birthday party as any regular child, but because we knew our lives were about to change. Seven years old was the age every child from our village was introduced to the truth and started being trained to fight the evil that haunted our lands. Auryk and I spent minutes, or maybe hours, in silence, staring at the ceiling.
"Leena?" He was the first one to speak. "Do you believe a spell can broken? I mean, like a curse?"
"I don't know, Ryk," I answered, feeling my thoughts starting to drift away. "Maybe we're doomed after all. Or... we could learn how to love the beasts."
The birthday parties always happened during the daytime, rules of the village. We could no longer be outside after 6 PM. Mother got help from the other women to prepare the treats and organize the decorations. Auryk was disguised as a pirate and I... I was Belle, from the Beauty and the Beast.
"So, what do you think you will be getting this year?" My best friend Elena asked while we were playing with our dolls. She was about two years older than us.
"I don't know," I shrugged. Being a merchant, my father always returned home with the most unusual gifts: a magical music box, a voodoo doll that had a life on its own or a fragrance that chased away the monsters - and everybody else too. "A new book. I'm hoping for a new book."
It was only by the end of the party Adrian Novak made his entrance. That was the mystery about him. Nobody knew when he would show up, or if he would show up at all. He still had that same annoying smirk on his face. The corner of his mouth holding a cigarette. The months away made his beard grow longer, as well as his dark hair. In the sunlight, the scar above his eye was even more visible.
"Auryk," he shouted, "come here, son. I've got something for ya."
My twin brother, who had been climbing trees with his friends stop frozen in spot for a second. I couldn't tell if he hated or feared that man. Maybe both. He slowly followed father's command, approaching him cautiously.
"Hi, dad."
"Happy birthday, son," father ruffled his dark straight hair with his strong and calloused hand. "It's about time you grow up."
He handed my brother a large package. From our experience, we knew exactly what it was, a shotgun.
"T-Thank you, dad."
"I'll be spending some time at home. Tomorrow we'll start practicing."
Auryk consented. He shot me a quick glance. From our twin bond I could tell my brother was far from happy. When he blew his candles that afternoon, he didn't wish for a weapon. We wished to be a normal child.
"What did you get, Leena?" He asked once we were locked in the safety of our bedroom.
"Pencils and a drawing book. Dad thinks I'm talented."
Not really. Adrian Novak would never allow his daughter to hold a shotgun. That was, according to him, 'a man thing'.
"Good, at least one of us got what they wanted. Happy birthday, sister."
"Happy birthday, brother."
4 Years Later - October, 2013
It wasn't easy to be the weakest of the twins. Although he was born first, Auryk was the tinniest. The one who was always getting sick or getting injured. The one who couldn't hit a single fucking target when he had the alcoholic breath of his father on his neck.
He aimed for a crow, sitting still on a fence. How hard could it be? Even the eldest man from the village could do any better than that.
BANG! He shot again. And missed.
"Again?!" Adrian angered, shoving him hard on the shoulder. "What the hell is your problem, kid?"
"I don't know, okay? This gun... it's heavy!"
"Heavy? And why do you think we've been exercising for all these years, huh?! We do not live in Disneyland, Auryk. We need to fight monsters, abominations. Someday I won't be home and you need to be prepared to protect our people. Do you understand?"
Tears started forming in the corners of the boy's blue eyes. He couldn't cry. Not in front of him. Crying was a sign of weakness and he couldn't be weak. Not right now. Auryk started to think about all the things he could be doing. He thought about the ocean, as he had seen on TV and books. He could feel the warmness of the sun on his skin. The sand between his toes. His mom and sister were also there, of course - they'd carry them with him everywhere. And he would study Math and Physics. There would be no guns, no monsters, no blood, only numbers, only formulas, only theories. He smiled. He no longer felt like crying.
"I'm sorry, dad," kindness was always the answer, his mother said. "But this isn't for me, you know? I don't like it. I... Remember that boarding school my teacher mentioned? I thought maybe I..."
His words were interrupted by a hard slap on his face. Auryk could taste a small amount of blood coming out from his lower lip.
"So that's what you want? To become one of those little fancy fags? Maybe you're not my son after all."
Adrian started walking away, leaving his son alone, sitting on the floor.
"I AM!" Auryk yelled, enraged. "I am your son."
"Then prove it."
"You shouldn't take so hard on him," Savannah poured her husband a cup of tea. "He's just a boy."
"He's eleven years old, for god's sake," the husband punched the table strong enough to make it shake. "He needs to man up a bit. You should stop spoiling him."
As I left my bedroom I found my brother sitting on the stairs. He didn't have to be so close to listen to the conversation between our parents, father's voice was loud enough to echo through every wall of our small and cozy home.
I sat down by his side, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
"Maybe you should do it, Leena. You'd do it better, I know."
"I'm not so sure. Remember when I tried to shoot a scarecrow and almost shot that old witch?"
"Come on, you aimed on purpose! I know."
Auryk finally let out a small laugh at the memory.
"You're good at everything, Leena," he spoke fondly. "You're an extrovert, you're everybody's friend, you can cook, you can draw and paint... you're a true artist. I'm a mistake."
"You're not a mistake, Ryk," I pulled my brother closer, resting my cheek against the side of his face. "We're only at the wrong place and you know it."
Going back to our bedroom, we pulled from the drawers the postcards our grandma Louise sent us from San Diego. Mom had been born in California and lived there her entire life, until she met father during one of his trips. God knows what made her fall in love with that man. Adventure? Danger? I expected better from myself when I turned eighteen. Otherwise, I'd never want to fall in love. Love could be my ruin, just like my mom's.
"Leena..." Auryk held the postcard tightly, "do you think... if he died... do you think mom would take us to nana's home?"
"I don't know, Ryk," I didn't want to think of my father's possible death. But I also dreamed of a better life. "Maybe."
"What the hell?" Father's voice in the kitchen made me jump in fear. I knew that tone. I grew up used to that. Something was wrong in the village. We had to hide.
"To the basement, now!" He emerged at the bedroom, holding a rifle. "Lycans were seen surrounding the area."
We barely had any time to react, mom came and dragged us both to the basement. Father left, carrying his arsenal of weapons as usual. There were other hunters in the village but we always knew how badly it could end. Somebody could always get seriously hurt. Or worse.
The basement had been carefully prepared for that kind of situation years before. It had a big bed, two armchairs, a heating source, some stored food and a shelf. Mom sighed and forced a smile.
"So," she walked to the shelf, "what is it going to be today?"
"Frankenstein," Auryk suggested. My brother loved mystery and horror. As if his life hadn't enough of it.
"Romeo and Juliet," I spoke. There was something about forbidden romance that always caught my interest.
"Okay. I... I'm gonna say a prayer and you two can read the books you picked by yourselves. What do you think?"
Mom kneeled down by the bed's side, holding a crucifix. I could join her if I wanted to, but I'd rather watch in silence. I grabbed my book, sitting on one of the armchairs and pretending to pay attention, while I tried to distract myself from the fact my father could be the Lycans' next prey. Or all of us, if they managed to break into our house.
"Leena?" I woke up hours later with my mom shaking me. "Leena?! Where's Auryk? Where's your brother, Leena?"
I had no idea. I had fallen asleep and apparently, so did mom. She checked for the basement's door, it had been locked from outside.
"No..." she tried to force it open. "No! I can't be..."
All Auryk had to do was to successfully kill and take a Lycan's carcass as a trophy to his father, right? That was what that old douchebag wanted him to do, to prove his courage, his manhood. We had his shotgun, a binoculars and a knife, that should be enough, but first, he needed a good plan.
Looking down to his hands, he had the most perfect idea. Without thinking twice, he sliced a cut through his palm, letting some blood pour on the ground. Then, he found a tall tree. He climbed it and observed. The smell of blood his trail left behind should be enough to attract a creature.
"Come on... come on..."
From a distance, Auryk could hear the sound of destruction and death. There was a battle going on somewhere nearby. Once again Lycans should have found a family or a group of hunters.
And then, he could hear it. The heavy footsteps, the screeching sounds, the sniffing. The mutant creature was only a few meters away from the tree. He aimed, but it was still too distant. He needed to move to a closer branch.
It all happened in one second. He was almost there, reaching for the spot he had picked, but his weight was too much for the tree's branch. In a blink of an eye, he was lying on the ground. His vision was blurred. His head hurt intensely, as well as his arm. It was broken for sure. He possibly had a concussion too. He tried to stand up and run but his legs wouldn't follow his commands. The Lycan was coming straight at him.
"AURYK!" His mother screamed behind him. "NO!"
Time seemed to freeze in that fraction of second. How did she manage to escape the basement? How could she have found him?
But without hesitation, Savannah threw herself on top of her son, protecting him from the jaws and claws of the monster. Auryk couldn't see much, but he could smell it. He could feel it. Blood. There was blood everywhere. He couldn't tell who it belonged to, he or his mom's.
A fast sequence of shots suggested the hunters had found them. The creature stopped moving, stopped howling. It was finally dead.
"M-Mom... it's dead. We... We're safe."
She didn't answer. Instead, he heard another familiar voice.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" It was from his father. "Savannah! Savannah!"
"D-Dad..." Auryk tried to speak, but the words got lost along the way. "I... I..."
Adrian lifted him by his jacket, holding him inches above the ground.
"I..." tears streamed down the boy's face, his injured brain trying to process what had just happened. "I'm sorry.'
After he was thrown back to the ground, he was hit with a hard kick on his stomach. He turned his head around to notice a small figure hiding behind a tree, watching the whole scene in pure horror.
"L-Leena..." he muttered.
"This is all your fault, Auryk. You're a disgrace to this family."
And then, he passed out. Rumors said he was unconscious for days or maybe weeks. When he woke up, he wished everything had been a nightmare.
Present Days - July, 2021
Nobody mourned Adrian Novak when he died. Not his children. Not his village mates. No human being would ever feel any sympathy for a man who abused and blamed his eleven years old son for his mother's death. It had been two years since Adrian left this world and I couldn't feel any more free.
"Hey," I left another message on my brother's voicemail, "in case you've forgotten it's our birthday today. I'd like to have my twin home, you know? Call me when you get this message."
It was useless, I knew. Auryk would only pick up his phone when he wanted to. Or when he was too drunk. God knew where that guy would be at that time, probably waking up at some girl's bed or getting some rest from... working.
After grabbing myself a cup of coffee, I checked the door's mat. Bills, bills, newspaper and... California Institute Of Arts? I remember having an argument with Auryk about this matter at some point. He wanted me to fill the application and send them my portfolio. I insisted we had no money, not even to pay for the tuition. I won - I always win every argument by the way.
"Your damn son of a..." I placed the envelope on the kitchen's table. I was a coward, I confess. However, I didn't know which pain was worse - to be sure I wasn't good enough or to be sure I was, indeed, but I'd never have money to leave that hellhole. Anyways, I decided to leave it alone. I had more important things to do.
My morning routine: to go to the middle of the woods and do some training. My father used to say fighting wasn't a girl thing, but I was no regular girl. And never in this life I'd allow someone to tell me what to do.
After running, climbing and doing a set of push-ups, it was time for combat training. Travelers from abroad taught me some different set of moves, I'd like to think I created my own fighting style. I was also very good with knifes, daggers or any kinds of short blades, they were useful during a close distance combat. My shooting was a work in progress, once or twice I'd miss the center of my handmade targets.
Then, like everyday, I'd go back home, shower and follow to my shift at the village's pub.
"Hiya, Leena," Gustav greeted me when I arrived. "I heard today is a special day... the day a little girl..."
"NO!" I stopped him. Gustav was my best friend. We had known each other since we were children and somehow, he liked to make my birthday a special - and embarrassing - event.
He placed a handmade fairytale-like book on the table. There were some edited pictures, mixed with some messed up drawings about my birth and childhood. He called it 'The Princess Who Carried The Light'.
"God, you're soooo stupid..." I rolled my eyes and moaned, before wrapping him into a very tight hug. "I love you, you know that?"
"I know. You'd probably marry me, if you weren't into girls."
We laughed together, as Olga, our boss emerged from the kitchen, bringing a cake with nineteen candles.
"Here's to another year," the older woman opened a wrinkled smile, "make a wish, my darling."
I fell pensive for a moment, besides having my twin brother back home, safe and sound, what else could I wish for? California, that scholarship, a new life... that's for sure.
"I wish for... a new life, a new adventure," I pronounced aloud while blowing the candles.
"Careful," a male voice spoke behind me, "words have power, little sister. You may get what you want."
I jumped straight to my brother's arms. I could swear that in only a few weeks he had gotten a little bit taller, and stronger too.
"I wouldn't miss my own birthday, right?" He smirked. "So, where's the cake? Please, chocolate... tell me it's chocolate."
"Your silly boy," Olga spread some icing on his nose. "Of course it's chocolate, as you love. And with cherries too."
Auryk responded with a satisfied smile. Olga and her husband, Kristoff, were those responsible for taking care of him after the Lycan attack, years ago. They sort of adopted him like one of their biological children.
"Oh!" The woman exclaimed taking a closer look at Ryk's forearm. He had gotten a tattoo. I hadn't been informed of those news either. Apparently, my brother had more secrets than I could even start to imagine. "This is... new. It seems like my kids are really growing up."
"And only now you noticed that, Olga?" Gustav joked.
Olga shook her head, grinning at herself and returned to the kitchen. The customers were starting to fill the pub. I stared at Ryk again, wondering what other secrets my brother could be keeping.
"So, what does that mean?" I pointed to his newly gotten tattoo, a strange and ancient symbol it seemed.
"Protection from the evil. This is what we need the most in our lives, especially in a place like this. What reminds me -" we turned around, taking a small box from the pocket of his jacket. "Your gift."
I took the black velvet box from his hands, it contained a golden necklace with a magenta gemstone as pendant. My blue eyes drowned themselves in the stone. It had a mysterious glow. Something hypnotizing. Something magical.
"Whoa..." was everything my mouth could pronounce. "And I bought you an Astronomy book."
Auryk stood up from his chair and went behind me, taking the necklace from my hands to wear it around my neck himself.
"This is supposed to protect you from any supernatural and inhumane beings. I won't lose you to them, Aleena. Not like I lost mom."
"Ryk, I... I can't even thank you enough."
"You don't have to. Just... stay alive."
First, I was overflowing with happiness. It either had to do with the fact my brother was home, alcohol, or both. Also, Olga should thank me. Most of the costumers of the day only stopped by the bar because of me. They absolutely loved me and knowing it was my birthday, they had to come and see me. A few of them even gave me some extra tips or a small gift, which was even greater.
"Okay, party girl..." Auryk helped me to get inside of the house as I tripped over the door mat. "Time to go to bed now. Don't you think?"
"Come on, Ryk! Have some spirit! You're home, Olga gave me the day off tomorrow, I earned some money..."
"You told Mrs. Hansen you secretly had a crush on her daughter during Middle School, you danced on top of a table, you're gonna get a hangover..."
"Party pooper!"
I threw myself at the couch. Auryk stood in front of me with arms crossed, looking like a father about to give his child a lecture.
"What?!" I yelled. "It's not like you've never been drunk before. Remember when you stole Adrian's..." I started to laugh, remembering the episode.
"When you were going to tell me about this, Leena?" He showed me the envelope. The Art Institute envelope. The one I had been struggling to open.
"Oh! I forgot. My bad, I didn't open it myself yet. I probably didn't get in anyways."
"You did."
I did?
"It's not like we have money to pay for my tuition. Also, how are we supposed to move to California, Ryk? I work at a pub and you..."
"I've gotten more than enough for that. You know that getting out of this place has always been the plan, since we were children. Leena, I've done some big jobs those last few months. I have the money to grant us a comfortable life in California."
"Smuggling, Ryk!" I raised my voice, saying aloud the information that was supposed to be a secret or not. "You've been stealing to grant us this life."
My brother stared at me in silence. I couldn't tell if he felt offended or embarrassed about my words.
"I'm getting out of here, whatever it takes," he ran a hand through his dark hair. "And you are coming with me. In two weeks, we move to United States for your enrollment."
What I was trying to protest against? Leaving the village and starting a new life with my brother was everything I always dreamed.
"Look, I promise you," Auryk placed both of his firm hands on my shoulders, "once we settle down, no more smuggling."
"Okay," I sighed. "We leave in two weeks then."
There was a loud knock on the door. Being drunk as I was, I figured out I should have forgotten my purse at the pub. Or it could be a neighbor with some very stupid emergency.
Auryk opened the door and there was a strange looking man standing there. We wore sunglasses and a hat, behind his back he was carrying a giant hammer. According to the rumors and stories I heard from my parents, that was one of the Lords of The Four Houses, Karl Heisenberg.
"Auryk Novak?" He asked.
"Yes, sir."
"Come with me, kid. You've gotten yourself in big trouble."
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Every Little Part Of Me | Ch. 1
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⇒ Pairing: (Taehyung/Reader/Namjoon)
⇒  Genre: Angst, Romance, Smut
⇒ Words: 5,316
⇒ Tags: Noona Reader, University AU, Stalker AU, SMUT, Husband! Namjoon, Student! Taehyung, passionate sex, oral (receiving), lots of confusing shit.
Chapter One 
You hug your coat closer to your body, as your feet hurriedly make their way down the dark and empty halls of the arts department. The echo of your heels reminding you of just how badly your feet were hurting, as the effects of a full day of work hits you like a truck.
As always, you were the last one of the professors to leave the building— and while you didn't mind helping your students out at the last minute, because that is one of the things you love about your job, the extra hours you were putting in were starting to catch up to you. The dark circles under your eyes, that not even makeup could cover, were a true testament of that.
Your body shudders as soon as you open the large wooden doors, the feel of the almost-winter air crawling right under your coat and over your skin making you wish you hadn't lend your car to your sister this morning — maybe you could’ve gotten home and under the covers a whole lot sooner, snuggling up on the couch with some hot chocolate and a good book.
You smile softly towards the security guard as you pass through the school gates, waving goodbye as you walk past. Walking home in this weather would be torturous and somewhat idiotic, but it seemed now you had no choice — a cab is a must right now. So, you stick your gloved hand out in the air and waved down a taxi cab, telling the driver your address as you step into the vehicle. Leaning back against the seat, you watch with tired eyes as buildings pass and street lights blur as your shivering body takes in the warm air blowing through the vents.
The weight of the day comes crashing down, and the rocking of the car slowly lulls your mind into falling asleep with each second that goes by —that is, until the cab stops at the bottom of the hill and you realize you need to walk the rest of the way.
A whole twenty minutes of walking in the darkness.
You pay the driver as you step out of the car only to watch him peel off down the road as you turn and make your way up the small hill. The streets were almost empty save for the occasional restaurant owner closing the shop for the day.
You quickly make your way across the street, knowing that your best friend, Ramona, would still be at her bakery, preparing all kinds of treats for the next work day.
“Hey babe!” Ramona sends a smile your way as she slides one of the half-filled trays of leftover goodies out of the glass displays in front of you. “Just give me a moment, I have a few pies in the oven. Just come around back” She smiles before she hurries off into the kitchen. 
“You got anything leftover goodies from today?” You yell out, dropping your purse on one of the chairs in front of you before sliding off your coat and bag bringing it on the back of the same chair. You quickly make your way into the kitchen, instantly getting hit with the smell of cinnamon and apple. “Shouldn’t you be getting home by now?” You ask her, picking up one of the chocolate chips sitting on the counter in front of you.
“I was, but one of the guys cancelled on me last minute And with the holidays right around the corner, I can’t leave things enough for the very last minute.” She babbles frantically as she moves from stirring something to check on the oven and plating treats on their respective trays. “So, now I’m stuck preparing for tomorrow. He didn’t even have a good excuse.” Ramona grumbles. 
She stops suddenly, finally slowing down long enough to look at you. “Long day?” She finally asks, grabbing onto the bowl in front of her, “You look like shit”
“Gee, thanks.” You pose cutely for her, “Where are my leftovers, woman?” You jokingly say getting straight to the point as you look around for that little white box with the light pink bow on it that holds every delicious thing known to man.
“I knew it! You only like me for my desserts” Ramona gasps jokingly, “and here I thought it was because of my good looks and charming personality.” Ramona continues sarcastically as she pulls out the box filled with little slices of heaven from under the counter. “Here.” She hands it over before asking, “Where’s Namjoon? I thought he would’ve been there to pick you up after class.” She frowns slightly, “Isn’t your anniversary coming up?”
“Uh…” You clear your throat at the sudden question, “He had to work overtime, the office needed him for something or other. I can’t remember what exactly.” You ramble off as you open the box of what seems to be chocolate chip cookies and stuff half a cookie in your mouth. 
You and Namjoon were sort of a sore topic these days, as in you never like when people brought him into the conversation. It wasn’t that you hated him, he was your loving husband after all, you just didn’t hear from him much because he was always working – it was rare for the two of you to even be home at the same time, let alone have dinner together. You know he worked to provide a good life for the two of you, you just wish he was actually there to live it with you at least once in a while. 
“Really? I haven’t seen him around in a week.” Ramona frowns, “Everything okay with you guys?”
You love Ramona, you do - but sometimes your best friend puts her nose in your business way too often than it should be necessary. You couldn’t complain though, considering she always gave you the best advice you could ever receive. Though this time, you had already decided to keep what was happening between you and Namjoon all on your own. 
“Everything’s fine with us. I need to get going, I need to get home.” You reply, closing the box in front of you, checking your watch in passing. “Thanks for the cavities. I’ll see you.” You tell her before you make your way out of the kitchen, leaving your very confused best friend standing staring at the back of your head — wishing you would come back and finish the goddamn conversation for once. 
The weather didn’t seem to lighten up at all in the thirty minutes that you spent inside the bakery, if anything the darker it got colder it did as well. So you hurriedly made the short trip up the rest of the hill. There was something about your neighbourhood that you just loved about. Maybe it was the fact that it was so colourful and full of life during the day, while at night it became quiet and serene, the drawings that adorned the walls still gave it its own personality. 
Not to mention the years of history along the walls - being only thirty minutes away from the university meant a lot of artists left their marks on them. And the deeper into the neighbourhood you went, the older the paintings were.
Growing up here, you had also left your mark when you were younger and although you never actually told anyone, you were proud of what you had created. You don't know why you decided to keep it a secret, maybe it was the fact that it wasn't really a cop friendly activity that might've done the trick. But you wanted people to know your art, not the person behind it. 
Your husband on the other hand wasn't from around here. And when you refused to move away, you received plenty of complaints on his part - until he noticed how close the university was and the lack of traffic to his job, lack of neighbors. He didn’t have to be friendly in the sense that when he was at home – if he ever was home, he could kick back and relax. 
Your thoughts stopped suddenly as you walked past your favourite mural, it was old with its paint already fading and it wasn’t all there anymore, but for you, every time you looked at it, it felt like the first time you had given the idea life. Every stroke showed emotion, a story waiting to be told. There was no other like it, not by the same person at least — what you wish to go back to that time, to be young and naive once more. 
The minutes, unknowingly, slowly slip away from you as you stood in front of the graffiti-covered wall. Your phone’s sudden ringing from inside your purse snapping you out of it. Your eyes flicker for a second in the darkness as you take out your phone, your husband’s name lighting up the screen. Taking a deep breath, you slide your thumb across the screen and check your messages.
New Message
[6:36pm] Hubby: Something came up at work, I’ll be a bit late home tonight.
You read the message repeatedly; it was the same message he had sent two nights ago, and a week before that. It had become customary now to receive the same text, with the same wording every single time. And every single time he ended up staying in a hotel they had a meeting at or flying out to some other country leaving you to wake up to an I promise to bring you something nice or The boss gave me no choice text from him. 
You could say that you were used to it by now, you didn't question it as you didn't really think anything of it. You were in your own little world and you would stay there if needed to. 
You continue making your way up the stairs, looking out at your house in the distance; the exhaustion from being on your feet most of the day becoming more and more prominent with each and every step.
Hoisting your bag over your shoulder as you reach the front gate, your fingers trembling as they punch in the security code. “Oh, come on!” You mumble to yourself, the cold air making you run towards the front door, desperate to escape into the warmth of your house.  
You let out a deep breath, rubbing your hands together as you try to get your cold fingers to warm up. You throw everything on the couch, feeling too lazy to put everything in its place as you take off your soaked black coat and toeing off your muddy shoes before leaving them by the entrance.
“Home sweet home” You mumble under your breath as you switch the lights on in your completely empty house. You had given the maid the weekend off, knowing you wanted to stay completely alone. The reason being so you could work on your art without any distractions, not to mention all the classwork you had to catch up on.
You make your way into the kitchen, picking up the sticky note stuck on the microwave from your maid – you read it over, learning that she had left you something for dinner tonight and thanking you for giving her the rest of the weekend off. You happily warm up the food as you take a seat on the very large glass dining room table. 
Growing up, you had thought you would’ve made something of yourself by now. You had ambitions of traveling the world and viewing famous pieces of art and taking pictures of anything and everything. You wanted to meet with artists and be surrounded by different cultures. But that exciting part of your life was no more than a distant memory. This was your life now. You just had to find a way to come to terms with the idea. 
You don’t blame Namjoon, even if you had given all of that up when you decided to stay and marry him. You didn’t have to do any of this, and he didn’t ask this of you. You made this decision all on your own – there was no one to blame, but yourself in this situation. 
As the week passed by, you couldn’t help but settle into the same routine. You woke up early in the mornings, sometimes before the sun was even up, and went for a run around the neighbourhood. You ate breakfast, spent most of your day at school, then returned home late to grade papers. You did this repeatedly, day after day, until the weekend came along.
After a while, you had gotten used to being alone in the large house. You had already decided to spend the beginning of your weekend by relaxing and watching some TV before you had to really wrap yourself around your work. These papers weren’t going to be grading themselves and the more you push it off to the side the more work you would have later on. 
You took another sip of your tea, feeling content with how the now fully coloured canvas, you hum to yourself in content as you place down the brush on the table beside you.
You live for moments like this. Moments where you could just sit back and relax, not having to worry about anything or anyone. You love your job, there’s no regrets in what you were doing, but that nagging feeling in the back of your mind telling you could be doing more with your life was hard to ignore.
Art was the only way you could really express yourself without having to say anything, the pictures you took and the paintings you created spoke for you. They forever encase your emotions and your thoughts and are often your escape from the real world - giving you a place to create one of your own.
The moment is interrupted when the doorbell rang throughout the house. You pick up one of the rags next to you, frowning at the sudden intrusion. You weren’t really expecting anyone, especially not this close to dinner time.
“Hello, can I help you?” You question as the woman in front of you smiles brightly. You scratch the back of your neck when you remember you were wearing one of Namjoon’s old shirts, and it was covered in fresh and old paint.
The woman in front of you bursts out laughing, “(Y/N)! It’s so good to see you after all these years!” She squeals before throwing her arms around you, enveloping you in the tightest hug ever. You remained stiff in her arms when she began to jump up and down in, what you assumed to be, excitement.
Holding you at arm’s length, she moves your confusion from side to side, “You look so much older and prettier! Oh my, how we’ve both grown!”
“Do I know you?” You let out in a soft whisper, finally able to speak when the woman in front of you lets you get a word in.
“Oh! Right, I’m Namjoon’s sister. Well...estranged sister, we don’t really talk that much.” The woman continues to ramble on and on about how her family and Namjoon split when he decided to go in a different direction than the farm — even though you had already heard this story before from the man himself.
You haven’t heard much of anything about the missing sister, considering they just never mentioned her again. And frankly, the only reason you knew her name was because of your incessant ability of not letting things go.
“I’m sorry, I ramble when I’m nervous…” You watch as Hyuna glances back out towards the street with a troubled look on her face, which makes you become worried in return.
“Everything okay?” You ask her, finally opening the rest of the door and gesturing for her to come in. “Come on in, it’s warmer inside.” You offer her as the cold air hits you straight in the face.
“Oh, no. I’m sure Namjoon already told you, he told us to come whenever we were ready and... well, we’re ready!”
“What do you mean?” You ask.
“Well...Didn’t he tell you? Namjoon told me he was going to take care of his nephew, Taehyung, from now on, or at least until final exams. Taehyung has been in some trouble, so after contacting my brother, we agreed on my son coming here to live with you.” She continues, leaving you to take everything she just said in. Your husband hadn’t spoken to you in days, so of course he never mentioned any of this.
“We’d like for Taehyung to actually graduate this year. But ever since he found out he was adopted...it’s like he has decided to rebel, go against everything we ask and expect of him.” Hyuna sighs, “The divorce isn’t really helping things out either.” She mumbled under her breath before flashing you another megawatt smile, the bags under her eyes further accentuating how tired she was. “Namjoon agreed, and suggested Taehyung should have a change in scenery and repeat the year under his watchful eye.”
Watchful eye, my ass! He’s barely here as it is. — you think to yourself.
“Oh, did he now?” Your smile widening, while internally you were thinking about how you were going to kill him and get away with it.
“Well, I’m sure Namjoon already went through everything with the both of us so why don’t we get Taehyung settled in?” Hyuna asks you, her questioning smile erasing your thoughts of murdering your husband the instant you realize the boy was here.
“Wait, he’s here?” You frown in her direction, eyes following the taller woman as she gets up from where she’s seated and heads back out the door.
You stand in your doorway, watching with curious eyes as she stands by the passenger door – knocking lightly on the glass.
The boy inside glared at her, grumbling to himself as she continued knocking on the glass. It took a few minutes before he finally got fed up with her insistence, and reluctantly climbed out of the car.
He was clearly taller than Hyuna, with somewhat long, black hair that hung in front of his eyes. He was still in his school uniform, which made you guess this entire move was a surprise on his mother’s part.
Taehyung glanced around at the big houses surrounding him, a stark contrast to the ones back home. He never understood why rich people always wanted more space, he saw it as something completely unnecessary. Letting out a long sigh, he begrudgingly follows along when his mother grabs onto his arm and pulls him towards his uncle’s house.
Taehyung never met the man in question, he only knew what he looked like from the pictures in old family albums his mother kept hidden away in the basement.  
“Hello! You must be Taehyung!” You greet him with the biggest welcoming smile you could muster. You extend your hand out, watching the taller boy approach with a straight face and bored demeanour.
Taehyung only keeps walking, past you and through the open door – never letting out a word in either direction. “Don’t take it to heart, he’s not really that much of a people person.” Hyuna says as you awkwardly put your hand back down, nodding to yourself as you look back at the nineteen-year-old moody teenager looking around the spacious house with a look of indifference.
“It’s okay, I get it” You smile at Hyuna, “I’m sure he’ll fit in right away. Probably” You sigh out, feeling unsure of yourself as all the stress of the semester crashing down on you. You knew you still had a few more papers to grade your little break you took was not enough to make you feel even a little bit relaxed. “Would you like to stay for dinner?”  You ask her, closing the door behind her as the two of you follow Taehyung into the house. He still had on his coat and his backpack strapped to his back - as if looking for a hole to escape through. 
“That would be lovely!” Hyuna immediately agrees as she runs to him, wrapping her arms around the tall boy’s arm and dragging him into the kitchen.
You have no idea what you had just gotten yourself into, or what Namjoon was even thinking when he agreed to any of this – why would he do that in the first place without even mentioning it to you was beyond your understanding, the man was barely here in the first place.
You take another big breath before you slap on that big welcoming smile before you follow them into the kitchen. You were seriously going to kill Namjoon next time you saw him. 
You collect the dirty plates, a big smile on your face as you look at Hyuna’s face as she finishes shoving the last bite of food into her mouth. Groaning as the flavour hits her taste buds, “That was an amazing, best meal I’ve had in awhile.” Hyuna continues, praising your cooking as she puts her stomach. You move back towards the kitchen, quickly glancing at the boy sitting at the other side of the table – he hadn’t uttered a word the entire night, pushing his food around his plate as his music continues blasting through his headphones.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, I haven’t cooked for so many people in such a long time.” You smile at the compliments, walking back to the table until you were standing right next to Taehyung. He looks up at you,his naturally puppy dog eyes looking at every inch of your face. “Are you finished with your dinner, honey?” You don’t miss the eyebrow raised at the mention of the pet name, before he pushes the plate towards you in a silent ‘yes’. 
Taehyung’s eyes stare at you the moment you walk away, going completely unnoticed by Hyuna and you as you set down the plates in the sink and turn on the tap.
“I should probably get going...” Hyuna hints, glancing at the clock on the wall before she’s grabbing onto her purse on one of the kitchen stools. You dry your hands on your apron, moving to stand beside her. You watch as she gives her son a hug, and leaves a lipstick stain on his right cheek, getting no reaction from the boy before she sighed sadly. “I’ll miss you, Tae. We’ll see you soon I promise.” You walk beside her as you accompany her to the front door, watching as she waves goodbye to her son one last time before she’s pulling you into an unexpected hug before quickly walking down the long driveway.
As you close the door, you take in a deep breath, wishing this was not all happening so quickly in such little time. You walk back into the kitchen only  to find Taehyung no longer sitting in the same position. But rather sitting on the couch in the living room, hugging his dark blue backpack to his chest and his luggage sitting on the floor next to him.
“So…” You start, moving to stand in front of him. His head instantly turns to stare at you, his eyes meeting yours with faint disinterest. “I should probably show you to your room.” You clear your throat, “I’m sure you’re tired after that long a drive” you say as you motion for him to follow you as you move towards the stairs.
You don’t look back, hearing his heavy footsteps following right behind you letting you know that he hadn’t ignored you. 
You take Taehyung to the other side of the house, to the only guest room with its own private bathroom. “The maid comes in every morning on weekdays  to tidy things up, I’ll let her know to make up your room after you’ve left for school in the morning.” You let him know, opening the door to the room – looking around at the soft blue sheets that decorated the bed.
“Bathroom is in there, the closet on the other side.” You point around at the different doors around the room. Taehyung drops his bags, sitting on the bed as he bites on his bottom lip. “You can go into the kitchen at any time, the fridge is fully stocked with late night snacks and I’m right down the hall if you need anything… Uh…” You stood there, scratching the back of your neck, feeling a blush running up your neck and settling in your cheeks – moving to walk out the door in the most awkward manner your body could muster.
“Actually” Taehyung’s surprisingly deep voice echoes across the room. Well, you were not expecting that.  “Can I have some more pillows?” He asks, looking at the two measly-looking pillows lying on the bed, he could already feel his neck hurt at the thought of sleeping like that. 
You quickly nod, finally glad to hear him talk at least. “Yeah, sure… I’ll go get them for you right now!” You smile widely before moving out of the room, thinking of where to get his pillows. In your mind, you were finally making progress with the Taehyung — even if it was something as little as this.
It took you awhile to locate a few extra clean ones, before you were walking back into Taehyung’s room only to hear the shower running and he was nowhere to be found.
You decide to clear the bed for him, mounting up the pillows in the most comfortable way you could. Your mind up in the air and distracted, that you never heard the shower being turned off, nor the boy now walking out of the bathroom, with a towel around his waist and small droplets of water now dripping down his naked chest.
Taehyung watches silently as you fluff the pillows, biting his bottom lip as he heads towards his suitcase. Maybe this won’t be as bad after all – he smugly thinks to himself as he moves to stand right behind you, a towel on his wet hair as you crawl off the bed, jumping when you hear him clear his throat from behind you before letting out a scream of surprise, blushing as you try to recover from the small heart attack that he almost caused you. 
“Taehyung! I’m sorry, I thought you were still in the shower.” You chuckle nervously, noticing just how close he was standing to you. So close that you could still see the small droplets of water dropping off his chin and down his chest one by one. Oh, it has been way too long since you were this close to a man, because this was no boy. You gulp, looking anywhere but at the man in front of you.
“I should probably go get ready for bed, it’s getting pretty late already... Have a good night then!” You squeal out before you dash out of the room in a hurry and head straight for the comfort of yours. You felt awkward and uncomfortable with what had just happened, whatever it is that JUST happened. 
Taehyung looked at the door after you left, thinking about how adorable you look when your cheeks went red and you looked completely flustered. He liked it when girls acted that way around him, he was used to it. Yet, there was something about you that he just seemed to like a bit more.   
You sit on bed with your class’s works laying in front of you, a collection of random black and white sketches for the first part of the assignment you had made them slave over this weekend. Your glasses were sitting at the tip of your nose as you try to keep your eyes from closing as you continue to type in comments of approvals and things they needed to work on for the rest of the semester.  It was already nearing two in the morning when you heard the garage door open, not moving from your position as you knew for certain it was no one other than Namjoon coming in at such a late hour. 
Your short suspicions were confirmed a few minutes later, when the very man was entering through your bedroom door with his coat jacket in his hands. “There’s my little workaholic!” You greet him, smiling up at him as he walks closer to you. Namjoon sends you a tired smile before leaning down to plant a quick kiss on your lips.
Namjoon chuckles tiredly as he throws his coat onto the end of your bed before he pulls on his tie as he heads towards the bathroom he yells back “Speak for yourself! You’re the one who brought work into the bedroom!”  You hear the shower running as you continue with your work, deciding to finish it tomorrow when you had enough sleep to be able to think straight.
You push your work from your lap before moving them to the floor, you look up at Namjoon with a small angry glare hoping he would get the hint a little bit quicker. You were mad. But, you weren’t going to tell him that, you were going to let him figure that out on his own. 
“What did I do?” Namjoon stops, slowly taking off his remaining sock, “Who says anything wrong?” You answer back. This prompts Namjoon to chuckle dryly as he rolls his eyes jokingly, “Maybe because when you get mad, you get this insanely cute pout on your lips?” 
You blush at the compliment, brushing it aside as you clear your throat, “When were you going to tell me you offer Taehyung a place to stay with us?” Your ‘stern’ voice resurfacing as you remember how angry you still felt. Or at least you did. 
 “I knew I forgot something important…” Namjoon quips, biting at his bottom lip as his forehead wrinkles in frustration. The same way he always did when he knew he was guilty of something – after so many years of being together, you liked how you knew him like the back of your hand. “I hope it wasn’t too much trouble. I figured I would sit you down for dinner before breaking the news to you, but I guess Hyuna had other plans.”
You keep silent as you watch him begin to undress, stretching his neck as he shrugs off the white button up. You bite at your bottom lip, putting the papers back down on the bed as you lean back and take a good luck at him. Namjoon turns around, leaning on his knee on the bed as he looks at you up and down as he takes off his watch. “What?” He smirked, his hands now reaching down to his belt, tilting his head to the side as he watches you rub your thighs together. 
Namjoon lets out a loud sigh, unbuttoning the top of his dress pants before crawling like a lion to his prey. His fingers gliding over the top of your naked legs, lustful eyes staring you down as he grabs onto your ankles and pulls you down swiftly until you're laying down on the soft bed underneath him.
He doesn't say anything as all traces of playfulness are gone as he moves your hair out of your face before leaning down to place a gentle kiss on your lips. Namjoon, lays his body over yours, a hand sliding down your t-shirt until it's sitting on the side of your stomach - slowly inching towards your chest, until his hand is gripping onto your bare breast and his lips leave a trace of kisses down your jaw and to your neck.
You could feel him grinding his hips against yours, grunting as he feels chills running all over his body. Namjoon could feel the pressure building up in the bottom of his stomach and the blood rushing down to his member. He grunts out, his lips meeting yours once again before his pulling away. Namjoon slides down your body, never looking away from you as he lays down in front of you. His gentle kisses on the inside of your thigh so very close to the place that has been neglected for far too long.
His hands grab onto your thighs, spreading your legs apart even wider as he settles in between them. You shut your eyes moving you feel him move your underwear to the side, his soft lips meeting your wet center. You sigh out in ecstasy as you feel him flatten his tongue against you. It has been way too long since the last time your husband had touched you in such a way.
Your hands wrap around his dirty golden looks as his tongue continues to flick against your clit in a quick manner, leaving your entire body a trembling mess. Namjoon smirks as your body arches, pushing further against his tongue before pushing his index finger into you slowly. He curls his finger against the inside of your walls, leaving you a moaning mess as you continue to tug on his hair. Your hands let go of his hair, running up your own stomach as you grab both of your breasts in your hands.  
You feel his lips sucking hard on your clit before pulling away with a ‘pop’ and you feel your orgasm being pushed closer and closer to the edge. All you needed was that little push.
Namjoon pulls away from you, hooded eyes staring down at you as he pushes his dress pants down his muscled thighs until his penis is standing fully erect in front of you. He roughly grabbed onto your hips, pulling you towards his body before the tip of his member was sliding up and down your clit.
Namjoon grunts as he pushes into you up to the hilt, feeling your warm, wet and pulsating walls surrounding him entirely. “God, I’ve forgotten how good you feel around me” He moans out as he begins to buck his hips into yours. His thrusts were short, but hard enough that you could feel pleasure shoot through your entire body. The little whimpers that let your body sound like music to his ears as he gathers up both your legs into his arms and throws them over both of his shoulders. With the new position you could feel him sinking in deeper within you as he begins to move faster and harder.
“Joonie…” You whine, your hands fisting the cotton sheets beneath you as the urge to cum intensifies even more. “I’m about to oh fuck…” the words never leaving your lips as your orgasm washes over you. Toe- curling, back arching pleasure washing over you.
Namjoon’s eyes shut as his hips move quicker, his own orgasm making his balls tighten as the snap against your ass before pumping you full of his cum.
Your heavy breathing could be heard echoing all over your bedroom, his groans joining. “Fuck” 
Namjoon whispers under his breath, pulling out of you before watching his seed spill slowly out of you.
You feel him slide the tip of his member up and down your lips before sliding it back in once more
You whine a little at the over sensitive feeling that shoots up your spine before your pushing at his abdomen.
Namjoon chuckles, pulling his now softening member out of you and laying down next to you on the bed, feeling completely exhausted. “I guess that means that I’m forgiven?” He jokes, looking at you with tired eyes as he bites his lip trying to contain his smile – you laugh out loud as you hit him in the chest in a joking manner.
“Stop it.” You mumble, your voice heavy with sleep as you lay your head on his chest. You feel Namjoon’s hands wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to his warm body as he props his chin on the top of your head.
Neither you nor Namjoon ever caught the pair of brown eyes that were looking at the two of you so intently from the half-opened door.
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Walk Me Home - Ch 9
Summary: Twenty-four years ago, Kimberly Harper met a boy who changed the course of her entire life before up and leaving one night. She spent years moving past the memories, building a stable, satisfying career as professor of folklore and mythology at the local university. Then the accidents start, and she’s forced to seek help among her hunter contacts. All it takes is a knock on her office door to send Kimber’s carefully built emotional walls crumbling to the ground.
Featuring: Teen Winchesters, high school romance, reunions, misunderstandings, high intensity emotional turmoil, Dean’s love of pie, Dean being adorable, Sam being adorable and maybe a bit nosy eventually, much group adorkable-ness, show-style investigation, mention of our favorite werewolf, gratuitous and obvious love of fall, DID I MENTION ROMANCE, fluff, smut, tension. 
Warnings: Show level violence, show level parental neglect (let’s not John bash, I’m just saying), show-style witchcraft, show-level mental manipulation, stalking, bit of angst, sexual content (higher than show level),swearing, general yearning
Word Count: 3168
Author’s Note: Coming up on the end. Hope you guys have enjoyed this ride as much as I did. One chapter to go after this. All my thanks to @mskathywriteswords​ , @fangirlxwritesx67​, and @cracksinthewalls​ for all your magnificent help. Also, random, the theme song for this chapter is “These Dreams,” by Heart. Just for fun.
Keep in Mind: There are a lot of flashbacks. I tried to write current events in present tense and flashbacks in past tense. Here’s hoping I got everything right!
Please read/heed the warnings. 18+ ONLY. 
In Case You Missed It: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 ItMightHaveBeenIntentional’s Masterlist
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Chapter 9
Kimber’s hands fly up, clenching on the wrist in front of her throat, and the blade twitches in warning. Pain stings the side of her neck, her fingers contract, and a trickle of warmth drips down to her shoulder.
Before she can speak, Dean is in front of them, gun drawn and face murderous. 
“Let her go.”
Laughter, broken and mocking, shakes against her back. Kimber’s vision grays at the edges, and she forces herself to slow her breathing. She focuses on the sting of the cut, slamming her eyes shut to block out the fear she can read in Dean’s eyes. 
“She’s mine, can’t let her go. Just got her. Been lookin’ for so long. Her blood is mine, that’s the rule.” The witch’s voice goes from rough to reedy and back, pitch wobbling all over the place. “Gonna spill this pretty blood. You’re a hunter, you can help. Like she helped the other hunter. Spilled our blood. Took...took...”
Kimber shudders unconsciously, and the witch yanks her left arm back, fingernails digging into the flesh just above her elbow. A strangled yelp escapes her throat, and Kimber bites down on her lip. 
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
“Back up,” the witch barks suddenly. Dean’s eyes flash, nostrils flaring, but he doesn’t move.
“Ain’t happening, asshole. Let her go. I’m not sayin’ it again.” The hammer clicks on Dean’s gun, and the witch adjusts his grip, pulling her more firmly in front of him. The knife presses again, slicing deeper this time, and Kimber‘s focus slips. The trickle becomes a steadier stream, and she opens her eyes to see Dean’s cheek twinge above his clenched jaw. 
He never lowers his aim as he steps carefully back. Kimber is shoved forward, knuckles white on the man’s wrist. Her heart thumps painfully against her ribs as she racks her brain.
I know this, I know what to do, I can get out of this, I can, I just-
“Good boy,” the witch says. The manic glee in his voice sets Kimber’s nerves on edge, clearing a little of the panic from her thoughts. “So good at taking directions. Much better than her. Shoulda taken you up on the roof, she coulda watched you jump. Would’ve been fun. So...fun.”
White-hot fury lances through her fear, burning the last traces of it from her mind, and she remembers exactly how to get out of this hold. She widens her eyes, mouth tight, staring a hole at Dean. It takes a second for him to turn his glaring attention from the witch, but he finally meets Kimber’s gaze.
She has never wished so hard in her life to be a telepath as she does right now.
Please understand, Dean, she thinks with all her might, her eyes flicking down and to the side before meeting his again. Please be ready. 
She can distract the witch, can get out of the way, but she can’t kill him, and she has no idea if he has another spell ready. They’ve got one chance.
“Gonna have some more fun with you two. Messy fun. Had fun with her friends, so many stairs, so many staples.” He holds the last word out, elongating it, and the hairs on Kimber’s neck stand on end. “Make you have fun with each other, gonna get messy. Don’t need a hex bag this time, can just-”
Kimber jerks down on the knife-wielding hand, pulling it towards her left hip. She ducks her head back and shoves her shoulder into the witch’s chest, knocking him off kilter. Her right hand arcs back, completing the circle and shoving the witch’s hand, knife and all, straight into his side. He throws his head back, howling, and a deafening bang fills the room. Pain explodes in Kimber’s ears, and the witch drops, a bullet hole in the center of his forehead.
Kimber blinks, her head spinning, and then Dean is in front of her, his hands holding the sides of her face steady. His mouth opens, he’s speaking, but she can’t hear anything over the clanging in her ears. 
Her eyes stray down to the body on the floor, waiting for it to move. They need to leave, need to get away while they can, but she can’t make her legs work right. Her knees are locked, and the room is swaying. 
No, that’s not right. She’s swaying. She should probably sit.
Then she’s on the bed, and Dean kneels down in front of her, pressing a cloth to the side of her neck. She sucks in a breath, and the pain shocks her brain back into focus. He speaks again, but she can’t understand him. 
“We have to go, he’s going to get back up-” But Dean holds up a hand, shaking his head and frowning. He opens his mouth again, sucking in a breath like he’s going to shout, but then stops. He lifts her hand to the cloth on her neck, indicating for her to hold pressure while he rises. 
He glances around and snatches a pad of paper and pen from the bedside table. He scribbles quickly and holds the pad up in front of her. Her eyebrows lift in amazement as she reads “witch killing bullets.” 
“Seriously?” He nods, then flips the paper and scribbles again.
“Not used to gunfire?” the pad says. She shakes her head, then immediately regrets the action. The room spins, and then Dean is supporting her, steadying her before she hits the floor. He holds her upright for a few moments until she regains her balance, then he waves to get her attention.
He tilts his head towards the door, eyebrows lifted. She closes her eyes, concentrating, and forces her legs to cooperate, pushing up until she’s able to walk unsteadily, leaning hard against Dean. She feels colder than the seasonal temperature calls for, and she shivers hard against him.
Shock, she realizes. Yeah, I’m pretty sure…
The next thing she knows, they’re in Dean’s car, and she’s leaning against the window, her cheek chilled and damp on the glass. Dean’s jacket is draped over her, and she can make out the rumble of the engine and Dean’s voice, responding to someone she can’t hear.
Phone? her worn out brain offers. She yawns, and a dull throb ripples through her ears instead of the usual popping. She winces, and a warm hand slides over hers. 
“Can you hear me, sweetheart?” 
“Yeah,” she says slowly, working her jaw carefully against the ache in her ear canals. “But it’s kind of muffled. Am I gonna need a hearing aid now?”
“No, honey,” he sighs, his relief mixed with exasperation. “One gunshot near your head, you’ll be fine. Wasn’t even a high enough caliber for concussive damage.”
“Oh.” She thinks for a minute, her brain still a little sluggish. “Can I go home, now, though? Because I’d really like to change clothes.” To her growing dismay, she realizes that one side of her is splattered with blood and...something else.
Not to mention her own blood staining her shoulder. Her shirt is definitely beyond saving.
“Sam, check out the motel, see if you can find a car or anything. Maybe we’ll get a clue about who this asshole actually was. I’ll check back in with you.” He disconnects the call and glances at her out of the corner of his eye.
“Think maybe we should get you some stitches for that cut.”
“I have butterfly bandages and pajamas at home,” she counters, feeling mulish. It has been a hell of a night, a hell of a week, and a hell of a month. Her stalker is dead, she’s feeling more disgusting by the second, and she wants to sleep for a year, at least. After the world’s hottest, longest shower, that is.
Dean frowns, his eyebrows drawing down as he prepares to dig his heels in. That’s when Kimber pulls out her trump card.
“I’ve got a Sara Lee deep dish apple pie in the freezer. Can have it hot out of the oven in about an hour.” She wants to laugh as Dean’s foot presses down on the accelerator, but she settles instead for leaning her leaden head on his shoulder and letting her eyes drift shut. The last thing she feels is his arm pulling her just a little closer.
“I got you.”
“I know.”
When they arrive at Kimber’s house, the first order of business is a shower (after putting the pie in the oven, of course). True to her earlier promise, Kimber scrubs every inch of Dean’s back, wishing distantly that she was in a better frame of mind to enjoy the experience. Really, though, neither of them are up for any more than tired smiles and rinsing of suds. 
She throws on the jeans and tshirt that are lying on top of her hamper, too thrashed to search for anything else. When they reconvene in the kitchen, the oven still shows eighteen minutes left on the timer. Though Dean took pains during their shower to carefully clean the cut on her neck, he insists on fully inspecting it in better lighting. She’s too worn out to argue, so she drags out her first aid kit and drops into a chair.
She’s surprised at how comfortable the silence between them is. He cleans the cut again with peroxide this time before smearing a thin line of antibiotic ointment. She thinks he mutters something about “dirty witches,” but she’s so tired at this point she doesn’t completely catch it. Her hearing is more or less back to normal, although she keeps having to shake off the sensation that there’s water in her ears.
“Sam’s back at the motel, checking to see if the guy had a car, anything to give us an idea of what his damage was.”
She nods slowly, thoughts swirling in one too many directions. “He said...something about another hunter, me helping another hunter. I checked my notes, though, I don’t…”
“He said a lot of crazy shit, guy was unhinged.” Dean’s voice is hard, his eyes tight as he places butterfly strips along the side of her neck. “Probably not the best idea to revisit all of it just now.”
Gonna have some more fun with you two. Messy fun.
Kimber’s stomach lurches, and saliva pools in the back of her mouth.
“Don’t you throw up on me, I just got clean. I’m not missing out on pie just ‘cause you can’t keep the contents of your stomach to yourself.”
She laughs, just as he intended, broken out of her toxic train of thought. 
“You’re right, I know you’re right. There’s much better things to think about tonight. We can go over all the gory details in the morning.” She raises her hand to stifle a yawn, and Dean catches her wrist, pulling her arm out straight to examine it. His eyebrows lower as he frowns at the line of crescent-shaped gouges on her arm just above her elbow.
“That was where he grabbed my arm. I guess his nails dug in?”
Dean actually clicks his tongue against his teeth and reaches for the peroxide again. When he glances up at her, she can’t hide her amusement from his observant eyes.
“What?” he asks, indignant. “Human fingernails are some of the filthiest things on the planet. And that guy was a witch, no telling what kinds of nasty he’s been diggin’ in. Now hush.”
“Yes, sir.”
The timer for the pie goes off a few minutes later, and Kimber makes the executive decision that a huge slice of shared apple pie with ice cream is more than enough of a balanced dinner for the two of them. She rinses off the plate in the sink while Dean cleans up the scraps from their impromptu doctoring. She sets the plate in the drying rack and turns to find him watching her, one corner of his mouth curled fondly.
She excuses herself to the bathroom to brush her teeth and slip into something a little more comfortable. She finishes by wrapping her bathrobe around her middle and tying the belt. When she enters the bedroom, she finds her comforter in a discreet pile on the far side of the room, and Dean reclining on the sheets, clad in nothing but his boxer briefs.
She opens her closet and pulls a spare blanket down from the top shelf. Dean slides off the bed, reaching out to take the blanket when his phone rings from the bedside table. She nods at the phone and shakes the blanket out while he answers.
“Sam found the guy’s car. Wants to know if you want to come check it out.” Dean raises his eyebrows at Kimber. She straightens and looks him dead in the eyes, then unties her robe and lets it drop from her shoulders to puddle around her feet.
His eyes widen, and his voice turns distracted. “Gonna pass tonight, Sam, but you save some of those juicy clues for us tomorrow, ‘kay?”
He hangs up, sets his phone on the bedside table, and turns the covers down. Then he throws himself onto the bed and holds his arms out to Kimber, his eyes sparkling.
“I have to say, Dr. Harper, I never imagined a distinguished college professor would own a set of pajamas like that.”
She switches off the light and slides into bed, her back fitting to his front, the last piece of a puzzle locking into place. His hands begin to roam over her fleece pants, exploring the soft material. She yawns again, letting her head loll back to rest against his collarbone.
“Gotta tell me where you managed to find Sasquatch pajamas; I know exactly what I need to get Sam for Christmas.”
She giggles through another yawn, then turns in his embrace. In the dim light of her room, the green of his eyes is lost to the darkness, but the faint smile on his lips...that she can see just fine. 
Their kiss is slow, soft, and sleepy, and she allows herself two more before settling into the crook of his neck. 
“Mmm.” His voice is just as gone as hers. His fingers, having found their way under the edge of her pajama top, are stroking over the small of her back as he drifts off.
“Is this what it’s always like for you and Sam? For hunters?”
The quiet stretches on long enough that she thinks he’s fallen asleep, but then he shifts and clears his throat.
“Sometimes. Sometimes it’s better; easier cases, less gun shots, maybe a spell or two thrown around. But you know the lore, you work with hunters. It’s usually a lot worse.” He leaves his sentence there, obviously not willing to elaborate at the moment. 
“On the other hand,” he adds a minute later, his voice thick with fatigue and another emotion she’s sure she’d be able to place if she were properly awake, “I don’t get to end every hunt like this, so that definitely counts for something.”
It definitely does, she thinks. 
“You gotta pull the knife-hand towards your outside hip, then swing your head and shoulder at the same time, hit me hard as you can,” Dean coaxed patiently. They had spent most of sixth period study hall actually studying today, so Dean decided they needed to work on something else after school. 
During their second tutoring session, Kimber learned that despite his willingness to be tutored by a girl, he chafed a little at the concept of receiving said tutoring without offering anything in return, so he suggested showing her some self-defense moves.
“In case the star quarterback ever gets any ideas that you’re not cool with,” he grinned. She rolled her eyes but accepted his proposition anyway. It meant coming into close, physical contact with Dean, for one. And it never hurt to be prepared, after all.
They went through the move again, Dean holding a stick to her neck in place of the knife. He made her work through it until she could pull off the maneuver without the sting of bark on her skin, until she managed to jab the stick hard enough against his side for him to wince in real discomfort.
The pleased smile he turned on her as he clutched his ribs made her toes tingle.
“I don’t see me using this kind of a move anytime soon, but it’s definitely good to know,” she admitted, picking up her denim jacket. The days had begun cooling off lately, fall making its presence abundantly known, and she shivered in the breeze as she zipped all the way up to her collar.
“You never know,” he agreed. He picked up her backpack, hanging it over his shoulder. “You could be set upon by anything: a pickpocket, a bank robber, a lone vampire looking for a snack. There’s no telling when that move could help you.”
“I doubt the vampire part, or even the bank robber, but yeah. I know a couple of people who’ve been mugged who could’ve used your expert training.” He slung his free arm around her shoulder, and they headed across the park.
“There are all sorts of critters out there that could creep up on you,” he said, his eyes sparkling mischievously. “Vamps are just one of a hundred, and one of the ones most likely to go for the neck.”
“One of a hundred,” she repeated. She was intrigued by the mention of monsters, had always loved reading old ghost stories and legends, but surely there couldn’t be that many monster stories in the world.
“I’ll trade you stories for pie,” he said. She shot him a skeptical glance, and he gave her an exaggerated, stern face. “I never joke about pie, and I know stories that would make your hair curl. Satisfaction guaranteed.”
“Okay,” she finally agreed. “But we’re talking at least three stories for one piece of pie.”
“Two stories and another self-defense lesson.”
Later on, as they stood outside her front door, she smiled shyly up at him, her cheeks warm despite the drop in temperature.
“I would have gotten you the pie just for another self-defense lesson,” she admitted, marveling at how he made her feel timid and brave all at once. His thumb brushed over her cheekbone, tucking a stray strand of hair out of his way. He pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth, not even long enough for her eyes to flutter shut. His smile, when he straightened, was soft and genuine.
“I would have traded the stories for the same.”
Kimber wakes, turning in Dean’s arms. It’s still dark out, nothing is out of place. She settles against him, her lips pressing against his collar bone.
“‘S’matter?” His words are slurred, muffled by her hair, and his arms tighten for a moment. She can feel the stretch rippling down the length of him, and that hidden spot in her chest spreads out, sending tendrils of soothing warmth through every part of her.
“Not a thing. Goodnight, Dean.”
“Night, sweetheart.”
Chapter 10
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oliviastan17 · 4 years
Just a dream (6/7)
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Warnings: this is really fluffy, I wouldn’t call it smut but it’s more than a mention of sex, pregnancy and childbirth (nothing graphic), language, 18+
Length: 3.7k
A/N: Part 7 is coming but I think it’s the last one because I haven’t had a dream continuing this series in a while. I’m working on writing out a one shot dream I had though so look for that. And I never know, that one shot could turn into another series. DO NOT POST ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE! Reblog and leave comments and all that good stuff!
You were 35 weeks pregnant now. Your mom had called saying that she decided she wanted to throw you a baby shower. She was always doing things last minute and if she had called one week later you wouldn’t have been able to fly out there. You hadn’t seen a lot of your family in a while. Your brother had flown out once with his kids and your mom. You and Sebastian had gone back for Harper’s birthday. You were really looking forward to going home.
Your flight got in late so you and Sebastian went straight to the hotel. While you got in the shower he ordered room service so it was waiting for you when you got out.
“You are the best. Seriously, what did I do to deserve you?” you asked while climbing awkwardly onto the bed. It was getting difficult to move.
He just smiled and brought you a plate with a cover still on top as you leaned back on the headboard. You placed a pillow on your lap and the plate on top of it. He kissed you before turning back to grab another plate. You took the top off the one in your lap and you froze.
“Um…this isn’t what I was expecting,” you said darting your eyes to look at Sebastian who was walking back towards you.
He smiled as he kneeled by the side of the bed and reached for the ring box that was where you expected to see your dinner.
“You know, I’ve wanted to do this for a while but I wanted to wait until we’d be around your family. I know your mom was bummed when she couldn’t hug you and celebrate when we told her about the baby,” he said taking your hand. “Y/n, I love you with every ounce of my being. Nothing would make me happier than spending the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. Will you marry me?” he asked opening the box.
You were too busy staring in his eyes to even look at the ring.
“Oh, babe! Of course I will!” you said smiling and leaning in to grab his chin and pulled his lips up to yours.
After he put the ring on your finger you grabbed his face and brought it to yours to kiss him over and over. As he hugged you, you brought your hand up to look at the ring on your finger.
“Holy shit!”
He pulled away and saw you looking at the ring. It was a princess cut diamond (2 carats at least) with small diamonds around the band. It was beautiful.
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“You did good!”
“I know,” he said smiling at you.
You were talking about the ring. He was talking about you.
“I love you so much,” you said as you held his face in your hands.
“I love you too,” he said and then you pulled him in for a kiss.
It was a passionate kiss. Neither of you could help it. There was too much love flowing through both of you.
Sex while you were this pregnant was a bit of a challenge but not impossible. You started off doggy style but the weight of your stomach hanging down was hurting your back. Missionary also put too much strain on your back. You tried laying on your sides facing each other but your stomach got in the way. Laying on your sides with your back to his front was working. You could still turn your head to kiss him and he would bring his arm around you to grab your breasts and then to rub your clit.
You didn’t feel the need to have the best sex ever. You just wanted to be close to the man you loved. He, however, refused to leave you unsatisfied so he worked his magic and you were soon clenching around him as you came.
The next day was the baby shower that quickly morphed into a baby shower/engagement party. Seeing as your dad was not in the picture Sebastian had called your mom and brother to let them know his plan before you had even left New York. He knew you felt the asking for permission thing was outdated. He needed your and only your permission to marry you and that was all. Your mom was thrilled, made all the party arrangements and made sure all your closest friends were there. Your friends and family got you so much stuff you were going to have to mail it all back to New York.
It was a short trip but it was a great trip. You were sitting in the first class lounge at the airport waiting for your plane and looking at the pictures you had posted on your private Instagram when you got a call from Chris.
“I had to find out you’re engaged from your Instagram?!”
“I thought Seb would have told you! You talk to him more.”
“Yeah, but I’ve known you longer. You’re like the sister I never wanted.”
“Don’t you have a sister?”
“Whatever. I am prepared to perform the ceremony whenever it is. How’s little baby Chris?”
“His name is not Chris.”
“What is it?”
“He doesn’t have one. Nothing goes with Stan.”
“I’ll think about it and text you some suggestions.”
“Please don’t. Even if I like it I wouldn’t choose a name you suggested just out of principle.”
Over the loud speaker you hear they are beginning boarding for your flight.
“I would love to continue this conversation but I’ve got to go. They’re boarding my flight.”
“Alright, I’m coming to NYC soon so I’ll see you soon. Maybe 3 weeks or so.”
“Alright, see ya.”
Chris got you thinking about how you didn’t have a name picked out so that’s what you did on the plane.
 “I think it has to be 3 syllables. That’s why Sebastian works.”
You pulled up a website that had 3 syllable boy names and went through the list.
“Found it. Blueberry.”
“That can’t be on the list,” he said in disbelief. Then you showed him your phone.
“I’m gonna say no,“ he said.
You spent the entire flight tossing around names but were not able to agree on one you both liked. You wanted to pull the ‘I’m carrying him so I get to name him’ card but you actually liked that he cared so much. He was very much involved during the pregnancy and read all the books he could. It was very sweet. You weren’t wrong. He was going to be a great dad.
One month later you were absolutely over the magic of it all. Your back was hurting, you were peeing every single hour and you could barely stand up from a sitting position.
“Please get out of me,” you said looking down and talking to your baby. “Does this make me a bad person?” you asked Sebastian.
“No, I’d probably be saying the same thing,” he said pulling you in for a hug. It was a side hug because your belly was too big.
“Will you please tell him to get out?”
“It’s only 1 more week. Hang in there for 1 more week.”
“Ugh, if I have to,” you said dramatically rolling your eyes and walking into your bedroom.
“I love you.”
“Yeah yeah yeah.”
When you went to bed that night you were sound asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. Growing a human was no joke. A pain woke you up in the middle of the night and Sebastian woke up to see you sitting up and taking some deep breaths.
“Oh my god, is it time? Are you okay?”
You didn’t respond until the pain had passed.
“No, it’s just Braxton Hicks contractions. I’ve been having them since yesterday. They stop after a while. Go back to sleep.”
You both lay back down and he rested his hand on your stomach gently drawing imaginary shapes with his fingers. You felt the pain again 7 minutes later. And another 7 minutes after that. You gave up on sleep at that point and got up and went to the living room to watch some TV. You were flipping through the guide when Sebastian came in to join you.
“Ugh, really?” he asked when he saw what show you started to watch.
“It’s my guilty pleasure. Deal with it.”
He sat down on the couch pulled your feet onto his lap and massaged them as 90 Day Fiancé started. It was a show about Americans applying for a K-1 visa to bring their fiancé over from other countries who then had 90 days to marry or be sent back to their country. Some of the foreigners were only in it for the green card and some were in it for love and it was fun to guess which was which. The show fascinated you. But it had caused a small argument between you and Sebastian.
“You’re telling me that if I still lived in Romania and we met there, you wouldn’t bring me here on a K-1 visa?”
“If I’m being honest, probably not.”
“That’s messed up.”
“If you lived here and I lived in Romania would you bring me here?”
“Yes! Without a question!”
“That’s insane! These people barely know each other and they have to get married. Most of them have only physically spent less than a month together.”
“How well would you have to know me to bring me here?”
“I don’t know. I feel like we would have to physically be together for at least 6 months before I would think about it.”
“Six months? I would have brought you over here after our first night together!”
“If I brought you over here I would be financially responsible for you and I would be fucked if you screwed me over.”
“I wouldn’t do that!”
“I know you wouldn’t. Why are you so upset? This is a hypothetical situation. We are together.”
“You’re too practical! Can’t it just be about the love?”
This went on for an hour.
“These two are never going to work,” you said talking about the couple on the TV.
You had a contraction again and noted the time telling Sebastian to write it down. Two hours later they were 5-6 minutes apart and not stopping when you started walking around the apartment. You realized these weren’t Braxton Hicks but it was still a little early to go to the hospital. You wanted to labor at home for as long as you could.
“Do you have your bag packed for when you are ready to go?” he asked.
“Shit, I was going to do that today but I was too tired,” you said walking into your bedroom.
You packed, taking a break with each contraction. Sebastian was helping you when you stopped and placed your hands on the bathroom counter, gripping it tight.
“Ah, fuck!” you said through your breathing as Sebastian rubbed your back. He felt absolutely helpless. There was nothing he could do to take the pain away but he desperately wanted to.
A few hours later the contractions were getting even stronger and were now 4 minutes apart.
“Okay, it’s time to go,” you said. He had wanted to go an hour ago but you were being your stubborn self so he didn’t push it because he knew he couldn’t change your mind.
You were walking into your room to change out of your pajamas while he was calling the hospital to let them know you were on your way. All of the sudden he heard you yell, “Mother fucker!”
He dropped his phone and ran into the bedroom to find you looking up at the ceiling in disbelief.
You looked at him and pointed to the floor. He looked down and saw that your water had broken. Everywhere. Thank god they were wood floors.
“I was really hoping if my water broke it would be a slow leak and not a waterfall,” you said laughing and beginning to walk to your closet to change your clothes.
He just smiled, grabbed your arm so you turned around and held your face in his hands. “I love you.”
You pulled him for a hug and a kiss. “I really, really love you.”
After arriving at the hospital they confirmed that you were in labor and actually already 5 cm dilated. Once in a room and in a gown you were hooked up to the fetal monitor and checked out by the woman who was going to be your nurse.
“Do you need anything hun?”
“Drugs. I want all the drugs,” you replied.
“Absolutely!” she said laughing. “I think anesthesia is just down the hall so I’ll let them know you’re ready for an epidural. You need anything, Dad?”
Sebastian was slowly pacing around the room with his hands in his pockets entertaining weird thoughts in his head to help keep him calm and didn’t hear anything.
“I don’t think he’s answering to Dad just yet,” you smiled. “Seb!”
“Mmh?” he said turning around.
“If you need anything the nurse’s station is just out the door and to your left,” the nurse said.
“Yeah, yeah okay,” he said while rubbing the whiskers on his chin.
She left and soon after the anesthesiologist came in and administered your epidural. Once it started to work you were able to take a nap thankfully. You had barely slept and been up since 2am. It was now 9am. You weren’t sure but Sebastian may have dozed off on the couch that was there for that exact purpose.
Your nurse came in to check your progress every hour or so. At 2pm she informed you that you were fully dilated and it was time to start pushing.
“Oh god,” you said as you realized this was it. You were about to see your son for the first time.
“You can do this. You are amazing and I love you so much,” Sebastian said encouraging you.
For the first 30 minutes it was just you, Sebastian, and your amazing nurse. Every time there was a contraction you pushed as hard as you could while the nurse counted to 10. You would take a breath and push again as long as the contraction lasted. You didn’t know how anyone did this without an epidural. Sebastian was holding your hand and holding one leg up while saying sweet and comforting things so you felt really bad about what came out of your mouth.
“Oh my god, Seb shut up. Seriously just shut the fuck up!” you said mid push.
Once that contraction and push were over you said, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I just need you to not talk when I’m pushing. All I want to hear is the counting. I’m sorry! I love you.”
“It’s okay. Just tell me what you need,” he said so calmly while he brushed a piece of hair out of your face which made you feel even worse for the way you talked to him and then he kissed your temple.
Once you had made enough progress more nurses came in with your doctor and an infant warmer. It was really time.
“You ready to have a baby?” your doctor cheerfully asked.
“I guess it’s too late to change my mind.”
“I would say so!” she said laughing while putting on gloves and a gown, then sitting on a chair and getting a view that only Sebastian had ever seen.
After the first push and everyone in the room saying encouraging things you looked at Sebastian with an annoyed expression so he spoke up and said, “She only wants to hear the counting when she’s pushing.”
You mouthed ‘thank you’ to him.
After 5 minutes of pushing your doctor said, “Okay, you are doing great Y/n! I can see the head! Sebastian, do you want to see?”
As Sebastian looked he kept your hand in his and then looked back at you and said, “Oh my god, he has so much hair!”
“One more push Y/n and he’ll be out okay?” your doctor said.
You nodded and looked at Sebastian.
“Okay push! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and here he is!” she said as she placed your baby on the blanket a nurse had placed on your chest while she wrapped the blanket around him and began to clean him off a little. The doctor instructed Sebastian on where to cut the umbilical cord and he did.
Then you heard his cry for the first time. He was here. Finally. He was beautiful. It was all worth it. The pain, the discomfort, the constant peeing, the lack of sleep. You would do it all again just to relive the moment of seeing him for the first time.
Sebastian brought his hand up to cradle his son’s head. He had no words. He just had tears falling down his face and a deep love filling his heart. He put his arm around you and brought his temple next to yours as you both looked at the precious baby you two had created together.
After a minute or two the baby nurse took your son over to the infant warmer to weigh him and get him cleaned up.
“Go with him,” you told Sebastian even though it was only 6 feet away from where you were. Sebastian only took about a 100 pictures. Once they had cleaned him and swaddled him up, Sebastian got to hold him for the first time. He thought his heart was going to explode. Between his love for you and for his son he was sure his heart wasn’t big enough to handle it.
When your doctor was done taking care of you Sebastian walked over to you and placed your son in your arms. You brought your hand up to pull Sebastian in for kiss and told him you loved him. You both stared at your son who was wiggling in your arms. He was the living proof of your and Sebastian’s love.
“Congratulations! You did great! Do you have a name for him yet?” your doctor asked you.
“Maverick,” Sebastian replied never once breaking his gaze from his baby.
“Are you a Maverick? Do you like that name? I hope you do cause we couldn’t think of anything else,” you laughed and your son responded with a smile in his sleep.
Once you were transferred to the postpartum unit the adrenaline of the day wore off and you were just exhausted. The epidural was wearing off so you were in pain as well. Your nurse gave you the pain medication your doctor had prescribed and that made you fall asleep fast. When you woke up Sebastian was sitting in the rocking chair in the room with his shirt off and was asleep holding Maverick against his chest with a blanket covering them. Your nurse had made a point to tell Sebastian that skin to skin contact is not just for mom and baby but that it’s important for him to do it too because it helps with bonding.  Your heart just about exploded with the love you felt looking at the boys in your life who completely owned your heart. You took a picture so you could remember this moment forever.
Maverick woke up and started crying so Sebastian placed him in your arms and you began breastfeeding him. It truly was a blessing that you had no problem breastfeeding. Maverick latched on perfectly.
You FaceTimed with your mom but you couldn’t be positive she could see anything through her tears so you sent her a ton of pictures and videos.
 Sebastian’s mom came to see her first grandchild. She was so happy and gave you about 7 hugs throughout her visit. On her way out she whispered something in Romanian to Sebastian that he later translated.
“She said I did good. That I picked a good woman and made a beautiful son. She’s proud of me.”
Chris came next.
“I come bearing gifts!” he said handing Sebastian a bag. “Where is he? What’d you name him? Can I hold him?”
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“This is Maverick. You can hold him but support his head,” you said handing Maverick over to him.
“Hey little guy! I’m your Uncle Chris! Oh my god he is so cute! Middle name Chris?”
You shook your head no. He still didn’t have a middle name yet.
“Really?” Sebastian asked after opening Chris’s gift. He held up a onsie with a picture of Chris as Captain America and underneath it said “My uncle is the shit!”
“What? It’s the truth!” Chris said.
You just laughed. You actually really liked it. Chris stayed for an hour or so and left so you could breastfeed. You were officially done with visitors. Now you focused on bonding as a family of 3.
After one more day in the hospital you and Maverick were cleared to go home. It took you 10 minutes to teach Sebastian how to strap the car seat in the back of the cab you were taking home. The cab driver was so sweet and patient, never complaining and not even starting the meter as you made sure the car seat was secure.
Once home you were breastfeeding Maverick in your bed and Sebastian sat next to you. He loved watching you feed your son. When Maverick was done eating Sebastian changed his diaper and then placed him in the bassinet you had set up next to your bed. You both stood there just watching him sleep. Sebastian put his arms around you and kissed the top of your head you were resting against his chest.
He was an amazing father. There was no arguing over who got up in the middle of the night to feed or change Maverick’s diaper. He always got up, even if it was just to bring Maverick to you to breastfeed. You were also pumping your breast milk so that Sebastian would be able to feed Maverick which he wished he could do all the time.
Two days after you had gotten home, you had gotten out of the shower and walked into your bedroom to find Sebastian asleep with Maverick asleep on his chest. It was a precious sight. Your own father was in and out of your life when you were a kid and never showed any affection. Now you hadn’t seen him in over 10 years. You knew Maverick would never have to deal with that and that made you so grateful Sebastian was his father. You couldn’t decide who was luckier; you or your son. 
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Next Chapter
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“Maybe I like spoiled brats.” - Roger x (fem) Reader (smut)
(Surprise! Early posting!)
Summary: It’s 1983 and Queen is recording their next album at the studio where you work, and things get a little heated between you and the drummer.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
In this “episode”: Reader is Roger’s date to some dinner with the band & label executives, and they have “a talk.”
Word Count: ~5.7k
Warnings: smut, age gap (21 vs. 35), smut, language. 18+ please & thank you
Tagging: @fixedonroger @a19103 @ginabaker1666 @thickthighsandbasicbrowneyes @culturefiendtrashqueen @imaginesandideas @rogertaylorscar @painkiller80
[A/N: Here’s the second place winner! The plot I had in my brain has been somewhat adjusted, given how everyone wants more fluff. But the smut is totally going to still be a thing. This one isn’t too smut heavy, because we need to have a discussion, alright?]
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Things were quiet today at the studio. You knew they would be. The guys had some dinner with the label big wigs to go to later tonight, so they used that as their excuse to take the day off. And if they weren’t going to be there, then no one else had to be there, except for you. “Who else will answer the phone?” your boss asked when you asked him if you had to come in today. Sometimes you didn’t mind being the only female that worked here but other times it was annoying because it seemed like your sole purpose in being there was to be some kind of maternal presence, making sure the kids were fed and that all their problems were solved.
You kicked your legs up on the desk, chewing your gum and tapping your pen to the beat of the music playing on the radio, trying not to fall asleep. The phone rang one time in the 7 hours you’ve been here so far, and that was 20 minutes ago and no one was even on the line when you answered. You finished the book you brought with you an hour ago, and if you paced around the floor any more than you already had you’d wear it out. You leaned back in the chair to look at the clock on the wall, looking at it upside down, relieved that you only had to sit here for another 30 minutes. While you were in your awkward position, you hear the door fly open and quickly flip yourself back upright, making yourself lightheaded in the process. Roger is standing there, laughing heartedly as you try to keep your bearings straight. “You alright?” he asks, still laughing, rushing over to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.
“Why do you always do that?” you laugh. “You can never just make a normal entrance.”
“Because you’re cute when you get startled,” he chuckles. You roll your eyes at him as he takes a seat on your desk. “Busy day?” he asks with a great amount of sarcasm.
“Oh yeah, real busy,” you reply, matching his sarcasm level. “I chewed through an entire pack of gum, read War and Peace, knitted a blanket, composed a symphony and answered the phone one time.”
“What’s your plan for tonight?” he asked, knowing damn good and well you had nothing planned. When you raised your eyebrow at him, he smirked. “Good, you can come with me to this ridiculous dinner.” You looked at him, puzzled, because this wasn’t just some seedy bar with a dark corner to sit in, or the Santa Monica Pier where you blended with the crowd. This was an actual thing, with people you both knew, and… “Oh, come on, it’ll be fun,” he nudged you. “If you don’t come I’ll be the only one without a date and I’ll look stupid.”
“Don’t you think people will…” you started to voice your concern, but he held his hand up to stop you.
“I don’t care what people will say or think,” he assured you. “I hear one of these execs has a wife younger than you anyway so…” He looks at you and sees your concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you whisper with a smile before clearing your throat. “What time do we leave?”
He starts beaming with joy. “Pick you up at 6.” He jumps up from the desk and looks down at you. “Got anymore gum?”
You shake your head no. “Last piece,” you say as your point to your mouth.
He leans down and gets close to your face. “Give me that one, then.” You giggle and push him back, but he still leans in and gives you a deep, tongued kiss, while the both of you are still laughing, still managing to get your gum. “Thanks,” he says, big grin on his face as he chews the gum loudly to annoy you.
“That’s disgusting, Roger,” you tell him, trying to act like your grossed out, but you’re still laughing. He winks at you and gives you a quick peck and walks out the door.
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You’re sitting in your living room getting anxious. After deciding on wearing your black cocktail dress, dazzled up with a few quaint pieces of jewelry, you rushed to finish getting ready, only to be left alone with the million thoughts running rampant in your head for a good half an hour. It felt silly being so nervous – you knew every single inch of his body, and he yours, for God’s sake – but here you were, sitting in the quiet, shaking with nerves. So when the knock on your door came at exactly 5:57, you were startled, just like you always were when he’d show up. You wanted to rush to the door, but you didn’t want to seem too eager, so you calmed yourself down, grabbed your clutch and walked to the door.
There he was, standing in front of you, dressed in a blazer and tie, wearing those damn sunglasses, with a huge smile on his face, leaning on the door frame, looking absolutely gorgeous. “Hey there,” he greeted you. “I’m here for Y/N. Is she here?” he said before grabbing hold of your waist and pulling you close. “If she’s not, you’re pretty, so I guess you’ll do.”
“Shut up,” you giggled as you playfully hit his shoulder and walked out of the door, pushing him back as you closed the door. “Let’s go.” You turned to lock it, and his hands didn’t leave your hips. You slid his hands away as you turned back around. “None of this funny business,” you said jokingly. “I’m a respectable lady.”
“For now,” he said as he lowered his sunglasses and gave you a wink. “I happen to know you have no problem abandoning that respectability.” He holds out his arm for you and walks you outside where you’re greeted by a shiny black limo with the driver standing outside waiting to open the door. “Too much?” he laughed when he saw your face. “It is. But everyone’s waiting so let’s go get this over with so we can finish this night properly.”
“You clean up nicely,” Freddie tells you as you climb in and sit next to him. “Stunning,” he says with a smile and pat on your leg.
“This is Y/N,” Brian says to the lady sitting next to him before turning to you. “This is my wife.”
You shake hands and she smiles. “I’m not used to any of this mess either,” she says with a slight giggle.
The ride to the restaurant was pleasant, mostly spent listening to the guys cracking jokes about each other – especially John, who wasn’t there to defend himself – a completely different vibe than you ever got from them in the studio where they were more business than pleasure. It relaxed you, the lack of tension, and your nerves flew out the window, until the car arrived at the restaurant. Roger got out first, holding his hand out for you to grab as you followed. He could sense your nervousness, especially since you were fidgeting as you walked inside. “Calm down, numpty,” he whispered in your ear. “You’re fine.” You look up at him and he’s giving you a comforting smile, and you give him a thankful one in return.
Dinner was going smoothly, mainly because no one was trying to draw you into a table-wide conversation. Roger would talk to you, of course, and so would the wife of the label executive he told you about earlier in the day. She was a little older then you, not younger like he thought, so it was easy to find common ground.
When he wasn’t eating, Roger kept his hand on your lap, rubbing his thumb on your thigh to keep you relaxed. But when you were waiting for the dessert, he started to move his hand closer and closer to the area between your legs, taunting you and acting like nothing was going on. You were doing a great job keeping your composure, but you were starting to feel yourself shifting in your seat, trying to make him stop. Of course, he didn’t. He was enjoying making you squirm. His hand moved down to your knee before slowly making its way up your dress to your inner thigh, all while you were trying to talk to the exec’s wife sitting across the table from you and while he was talking to John who was sitting next to him. You squeeze your legs together, trapping his hand there, but he still wiggles one of his fingers free, making it graze against your box. You started to softly choke, as did he when he realized you weren’t wearing anything to cover yourself down there. You hurried and grabbed your glass of water to take a sip, smirking as you did, pleased with yourself that you finally startled him. “Excuse yourself,” he whispered in your ear, forcefully. “Now.”
You put your glass down and pat your mouth with your napkin. “Excuse me,” you told the wife as you scoot your chair back. You stand up and put a hand on Roger’s shoulder before walking away.
A few minutes later he joins you in the small hallway that leads to the restrooms with a sneaky grin on his face. “Anyone in there?” he asks as he points to the ladies room door. You shake your head no and bite your bottom lip as he grabs your arm and rushes inside, locking the door behind him. He immediately grabs you and starts savagely kissing you, picking you up and putting you on the counter. “Still a naughty little minx,” he growls as he unhooks his pants and taking his already rock-hard cock out through the opening. You kick your shoes off and rest your heels on the counter where you’re sitting and spread your legs, calling him close to you with your finger before reaching out and grabbing his tie, pulling him close to you. When he reaches you, he doesn’t waste any time getting started, pushing himself inside of you with a force you didn’t suspect. “Need you to be quiet,” he gruntingly whispered in your ear as he darted himself in and out of you rather quickly.
You wrapped one arm around his neck, still holding his tie in the other and nibbled on his ear. It always drove him crazy when you did that. “Need you to fuck me,” you whispered back. Right now, all you were worried about was pleasing him like he had done for you so many times before. Yes, this was amazing and yes, you were getting great pleasure from it, but you knew there was no time to waste making sure you were fully satisfied. He moved his head back to look into your eyes as he raged inside of you before you pulled his tie and drew him into a kiss. “You like feeling me wrapped around your cock, don’t you?” you asked in a raspy whisper as his face was close to yours. He was looking at you pleadingly, and you can tell he was already almost finished. “Cum for me, Roger,” you whispered in his ear. That’s all it took. “I love the way you feel inside me,” you whispered with a tug on his earlobe, talking him through his orgasm.
“You fucking own me, Y/N,” he quietly grunted after he finished. He gazes deep into your eyes as he starts to laugh, keeping it as quiet as he can. “You’re making me absolutely mad,” he whispers through his laugh as he leans in to kiss you. “And we’ve made a fucking mess.” He quickly reaches for some paper towels to wipe everything up.
“Oops,” you giggle when there’s a knock at the door. “Be out in a minute!” you yell before climbing off of the counter. “Now how are we gonna do this?” you whisper to Roger, still giggling.
As he finishes tucking his shirt in and making sure he looks presentable, he smiles a toothy grin and walks to the door. “Like this,” he says before holding the doorknob, much to your shock. He opens the door and sees an older lady standing there, who is absolutely horrified when she sees the two of you walking out holding hands. “Hello, ma’am,” he chirps as he passes her, acting completely oblivious to anything out of the ordinary. You giggle as the two of you walk back to the table as if nothing happened.
“Welcome back,” John smirks at the two of you when you sit down. “We were wondering if you got lost,” he chuckles before leaning to whisper something in Roger’s ear, causing him to blush a little bit.
When it came time to leave, everyone stood outside on the sidewalk saying their goodbyes and you piled back into the limo with everyone who rode there together. Roger took a minute getting in before the driver closed the door and pulled away. Brian and Chrissie were dropped off first, followed by Freddie, leaving you and Roger alone.
“Hope you didn’t think this night was over,” he told you as the door closed after dropping Freddie off. “I’m still not done with you,” he smirked as he pulled you in for a passionate kiss. You looked out of the window, not knowing where you were going. “I’m not bringing you home,” he told you. “Not tonight.” You gave him a smile – a big smile. “You’re all mine until tomorrow at least.” You couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. “I can’t wait to get out of this car,” he grunts in your ear as you’re straddled on his lap. “So many things I want to do to you right now.”
“Can he hear us?” You point back to the direction of the driver. Roger shrugs and smirks. “Does it matter?” He shakes his head no, still smirking.
He moves you off his lap and pushes you to lean against the side of the limo. “Open,” he commands, pointing down to your legs. “I’m hungry.” You spread your legs open, and he watches your eyes as he licks his lips and moves down between your legs. You giggle and bite on your thumb as you watch him move down.
He flicks your clit with the tip of his tongue then stops. You can hear him giggle too. “Stop being such a fucking tease,” you yell through your own giggles. “You don’t have much time!” He moved quickly, licking, sucking, kissing, taking as much of you in his mouth as he could. “Good boy,” you chuckled, grabbing a handful of his hair and rocking your hips.
You started to moan, making an effort to keep it quiet, but he wasn’t having it. He pulled his mouth away from you and quickly moved two fingers inside. “I know you can be louder than that,” he says.
“Then make me,” you groan as he rams his fingers in and out of you while sucking and licking all over your pussy. “Suck my clit, Roger,” you tell him through bated breath. “You always make me cum when you do that.” He happily obliged, doing exactly what you told him to do. “Fingers,” you mumble, unable to form a complete sentence. “Harder.” He again did as he was told. “That. Just like that. Don’t stop doing that.”
He moves his head back again so he can get a better look at you as you start to cum, smirking devilishly at what he’s doing. “Dirty girl,” he chuckles. “Such a dirty girl.” You grab his hand and push his fingers inside, holding his hand tightly and still as you start to come. “That’s right,” he growls, still chuckling. “Cum for me.”
“My God,” you sigh, your breathing short, still giggling. “That was good.” You reach your hands down and pull him up to you, both smiling uncontrollably, and draw him into a kiss.
He started to kiss and nibble on your neck, making you giggle and take deep but soft breaths. He pulled away quickly, looking out of the window. “Here we are,” he mumbled as the limo pulled into a long driveway. “Hope you don’t mind,” he tells you. “Thought we could use a change of scenery.”
When you walk inside, you take a look around at this “change of scenery,” a quaint house – not too big, not too small – taking in the surroundings as you nose around. “This place yours?” you ask as you look outside though the window.
“For now, yeah,” he says as he takes off his jacket and throws it on a chair at the kitchen table. “I might buy it. Haven’t decided.” He walks up behind you and puts his hands on your hips. “Nice pool, isn’t it?” He leaned down and gave you a sweet kiss on the top of your head.
You turn around to face him. “Yeah, it is,” you smile. “Too bad I didn’t know we were coming here. I could have brought my suit.” You move away and walk to the counter, leaning on it with one hand to you can take off your shoes. “I hate wearing heels. They always make my feet hurt,” you groan as you massage the bottom of your foot.
He walks over to you and grabs your arm, walking you over to the sofa and holding his hand out, inviting you to sit down. He sits next to you and waves his hands for you to rest your feet on his lap. “Don’t tell the guys I’m doing this,” he jokes. “It’ll ruin my reputation.” He starts to gently rub your feet, making them instantly feel worlds better.
“Your secret is safe with me,” you tell him as the two of you exchange soft smiles. “Wouldn’t want anyone thinking better of you.” You start to chuckle as he pretends to be offended. “What? I don’t want anyone knowing you’re actually a nice guy!” You make him somewhat perplexed with that statement – you can see it all over his face – so you attempt to do your best to explain. “I thought you’d turn out to be an asshole,” you giggle. “Color me surprised when you actually weren’t one,” you say with a shrug, but he still doesn’t understand what you mean. “I thought the day after that first time you’d treat me like garbage,” you say with your tone turning less humored and more serious.
He started to snigger. “And here I am, a month later, rubbing your feet.” You lean your elbow on the back of the sofa and rest your head in your hand. “Honestly, if you were terrible in bed I probably would have,” he laughed before moving to meet his face with yours. “But you’re not,” he said before giving you a peck on the lips, “and I happen to like you, so I’m going to keep you for as long as I can.” He gives you another quick peck and stands up, starting to take off his tie and unbutton his shirt. “Let’s go swimming,” he tells you with a grin.
You stay where you are on the sofa, watching him take off his shirt and tie, enjoying the show. He throws his shirt at you before walking to the back to get some towels. You hurry and take off your dress and bra and put his shirt on, leaving it unbuttoned. He walks back in, wrapped in a towel at his waist and carrying another, and he grins when he sees you standing there in his shirt. “Well?” you say. “Don’t just stand there,” you giggle as you turn and walk to the back door that leads to the pool. “Hope you don’t have nosy neighbors.” You walk out as he slowly follows, never taking his eyes off you, or letting the grin leave his face. You step down the first few steps into the pool and turn to see where he is. “Are you coming or not?” you ask as you take off the shirt.
“Not yet,” he snickers. “But I will be later.” He takes the towel off and follows you into the water, grabbing you from behind, pulling you close and turning you to face him.
“Excuse me, sir,” you say as you tap him on his mouth. “I came here to swim. Not be accosted.” You giggle as you duck yourself under the water and swim to the other side and poke your head out.
He goes under the water and swims to you, playfully pinching you when he gets close, before popping up. “Why do you toy with me so?” he chuckles as he gives you a kiss, holding your face in his palm.
“Because it’s fun,” you giggle. “And you deserve it.”
“Deserve it?” he asked, laughing. “Why do I deserve it?”
“For every single time you toyed with me.”
“Are you keeping a list or something?” he asked as he started to jokingly poke you.
“That time, I think it was a Wednesday, when you were in the studio licking your lips while staring at me behind the glass, smirking because you knew exactly what you were doing to me.” You hurried and moved away from him. “Or that time when you, John and I went to that bar for a few drinks? When you kept staring at me with those damn eyes, smirking because you knew exactly what you were doing to me.” He moved closer to you, pinning you against the side of the pool, looking down at you with that goddamn irresistible smile of his. “I’ll even go back to when I was…” You stopped and started giggling. “When I was 13.” You rest your elbows on the side of the pool, lifting yourself up slightly and wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him close to you with your legs.
He rolled his eyes and pursed his lips into a tight smile. “How can you possibly blame me for something that happened in…?” He started to do the math in his head and once it dawned on him what year it was when you were 13, he started to shake his head and rub the back of his neck and chuckle. “Wow.” That’s all he could say.
“1975, my very first concert. My dad took me and somehow managed to get us on the front row.” You raise an eyebrow at him and smirked. “Do you have any idea how bad my hormones were raging? It was just cruel, Roger.”
He put his hands down on the side next to your elbows and playfully snarled. “I’m not sorry for any of it,” he growled, leaning down to nibble on your neck and collarbone, making you laugh loudly. “Is that why you didn’t wear panties tonight?” he asked. “To toy with me?”
“Did it work?” you titter. “I think it worked.” He licked his lips and smiled, shaking his head yes, and leaned in to give you a deep, long kiss before softly kissing his way from your lips to your neck.
“Mmm hmm,” he hummed, still kissing your neck, your legs still wrapped around him, gripping him tighter. He raises his head so his eyes can meet yours. “I like this,” he tells you with a soft grin. “Being here with you. Being anywhere with you.” He moves a hand to your hair. “Just being with you,” he whispers.
“Me too,” you whisper back, flashing a troubled smile, trying not to let your emotions get the best of you. “What happens next?” you ask, not sure if you want to know the answer. “After you’re done here. What happens?”
“Whatever we want,” he tells you with a smile. “We aren’t constrained…”
You move your legs that are wrapped around him and hastily swim away, climb out of the pool and wrap yourself in a towel. “Don’t tell me things you think I want to hear, Roger,” you snap. He follows you out of the pool, quickly, and grabs a towel before grabbing you. “Tell me the truth, not some lie to keep me from…”
He pulls you into a kiss, cutting you off from finishing your statement. “How many times do I have to tell you?” he quietly asks. “How many times do I have to tell you that you…”
“That I’m special? That I’m different from all the others? That I actually mean something?” you spew out as you roll your eyes. “I’m not stupid, Roger. I know how this goes.” He holds your arms as you try to push yourself away. “You tell me the things you think I want to hear, keep living this fantasy with me, but then things will happen and I’ll never see you again after you leave.”
“No, that’s not…”
“That’s exactly how it will happen. You may not want it to, but that’s what will happen.”
He starts to laugh and pulls you in for a hug that you don’t want to be in, but he forces you into it anyway. “If you think you already know what’s going to happen, why did you ask me?” He holds your head against his chest, cupping the side of your head in his palm. “If I were 10 years younger, then your words would be true, but I’m done being that person. I’ve done it enough.” His laughing fades away, but he still holds you close. “One day I’m going to make you realize that I’m not lying to you.” Your body relaxes, all tension evaporating, and you realize that you’re being ridiculous. “Come on,” he tells you, letting go of his hug and grabbing your hand and walking to the house. “I have rocky road ice cream in the freezer and that show on the telly you like will be coming on soon.”
And just like that, everything was okay. He remembered your favorite ice cream, he gives the best hugs, and that damn smile. “Roger?” you call, getting his attention, making him stop and turn to you. “When did I tell you that I like rocky road?”
He started to laugh. “You didn’t. I just noticed every time you have ice cream it’s rocky road.” He started walking again, still holding your hand.
“Roger?” you call him again. He stops walking, again, and sits on the chair, pulling you down to sit on his lap. “What really happens next?” Your tone is serious, and he takes the hint that it’s time to be straightforward.
After taking a deep breath, he exhales and wraps his arms around you. “Munich. I have to go to Munich to finish this album.” You nod your head, looking away. “And then the first single will be released, so there’s going to be promotional things to do.” You don’t turn your head back to him as he holds you tighter. “Some videos between all of that. Then a tour…” His voice starts to trail off. You look at him and force a smile, appreciative of the fact that he’s telling you the truth and not some glorified bullshit about how he won’t forget about you. “I’ll be busy, but I will always make time to…” He sees the look in your eyes and his heart starts to sink. “I will always make time for you.” You roll your eyes and start to make a snippy remark, but he hurries and kisses you before you can. “I told you before, I’m not giving you up any time soon, and I mean it.” You turn your head away again, but this time he forces your head to turn back. “Y/N, why is it so hard for you to accept the fact that I am crazy about you?” You open you mouth to speak, but he isn’t done. “I know you know your worth, so it’s not because you don’t think you’re good enough. And I know it’s not because…”
“Because what in the hell can I offer you? I’m just starting my life. I just finished high school three years ago. I don’t even know my own ass from a hole in the ground sometimes. I’m a whiny, spoiled brat most of the time. Before you showed up, the biggest issue I’ve ever had to deal with was learning how to not blow my entire paycheck on clothes so I could eat.” You’re getting annoyed because he’s looking at you with this amused look and you aren’t finding any of this funny, at all. “This isn’t funny, Roger!” you yell. “I can’t take care of myself half the time. I can’t pay my rent without mom and dad’s help. I don’t even know how to boil an egg.”
“Neither do I. We can learn how together,” he laughs. “And maybe I like spoiled brats.”
You’re still annoyed, and now you’re getting testy. “Maybe you just like spoiled brats who suck your dick good.”
“Well, I won’t lie to you, Y/N,” he chuckles, still amused. “You do suck my dick good.”
“Oh, fuck you, Roger,” you groan, trying to stand up so you can walk away dramatically, but he holds you down.
He can’t stop laughing. “You do that good, too.” He pulls you close, your back to his chest. “You’re cute when you get feisty.”
You keep trying to wiggle out of his grasp but he’s winning the battle. “I’m trying to have a serious conversation,” you fuss, trying not to let him know that you find all of this amusing as well. “Can you please be serious?”
He gives you a kiss on your shoulder, still chuckling, and you stop putting up your fight and accept defeat, so he loosens his hold on you. “Stop overthinking everything. Not everything needs a perfectly planned timeline.”
“I’m not asking for a timeline,” you groan. “You can afford to do things on a whim. I can’t.”
“If this is about money, I’ve got plenty of that,” he tells you, not bragging – he’s trying to calm your nerves. “I can help you…”
“No!” you yell, but quickly tone it down. “Not money, not that.” You turn your body on his lap and wrap an arm around his shoulders. “I’m trying to find my place in life. You know yours. I don’t know mine.”
He gives you a soft smile and an equally soft kiss. “Maybe your place is with me.”
“I don’t belong in your world, Roger,” you sigh. “Why don’t you understand that?” He doesn’t understand. He’s looking at you trying to understand why you think that, but he can’t figure it out. “You were meant for the life you have. I’m still trying to figure out what mine is supposed to be.”
“Maybe you’re supposed to be in mine,” he whispers.
You don’t know why, but you’re starting to get frustrated again because it feels like he’s not listening to what you’re saying. You know he’s hearing you, but you don’t think he’s really listening. “We’ve known each other for a month. How can you possibly know…”
He starts to chuckle. “Y/N, I knew almost immediately after meeting you that you were someone special.” You’re giving him a blank stare, and he knows you don’t believe him. He still doesn’t understand why you won’t believe anything he’s telling you. “Is it my profession that’s making this difficult or the age difference?”
“Both,” you whisper. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve met a ton of guys like you.” He raises an eyebrow and starts to smirk. “No, I didn’t have sex with them…” You start to giggle. “With all of them,” you correct yourself. “And one thing I learned right away was that you older guys turn stupid when a younger girl looks your way.”
“Oh, is that so?” he starts to laugh. “Like you young girls don’t get excited by us old guys.” He starts to tickle you and nibble on your neck, making you tear up with laughter. He stops, and looks into your eyes. “Do I treat you like those other old blokes?”
Your face turns serious and you hold a palm to his cheek. “No,” you whisper. “And that’s what scares me.”
“I told you last night I’m scared too,” he says. “And it’s because you don’t treat me like those other young girls.” You both started to laugh. “There’s only been a couple of them, by the way. This isn’t a habit of mine.” You roll your eyes, humored by his nervous need to explain himself and stand up, not saying a word and start to walk inside. He’s starts laughing again. “Oh, come on, Y/N. Where are you going?”
“Shower,” you tell him, yelling from over your shoulder. When you get to the door, turn around and look at him. You drop your towel, standing there naked. “If you’re not there in 3 minutes I’m locking the door and you can’t join me.” You smirk as you turn back and walk in, and he shakes his head as he jumps up to run after you.
[part 6>>]
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ladyfogg · 5 years
Cold is the Night - 6/20
Cold is the Night - 6/20
Fic Summary: You and Pat have known each other for years but this summer, everything will change. As the two of you start to grow close, your matching tempers threaten the foundation of your rocky friendship and prevent both of you from realizing your true feelings. Cold is the Night Masterpost. 
Fic Song: Cold is the Night by The Oh Hellos. Fic playlist can be found here. 
Pairing: Pat Murray/Female Reader
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Language, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Multiple Chapters
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Gif by @marielle-heller​
You and Pat texted each other everyday. 
Most of the time you asked how the other's day went. Or tried to make plans. With your schedules it was difficult. One of you was always working or had other things you needed to do. The distance didn't help. You hadn't had a chance to clear the air about the night of the party and it weighed on your subconscious. 
Pat had become a comfortable presence in your life. Just the thought of seeing him again made your heart pound. But you kept your feelings to yourself. You didn't want to talk about it with anyone but Pat. 
"There are rumors around the dugout," Gina said
You glanced at her as you cleaned the bar. She had stopped by to spend time with you since Barone was busy working. 
"Is that so?" you asked. "Palacco get another weird rash again?"
"Nope. This one's about you."
"People think I have a weird rash? Those assholes."
Gina took a sip of her drink, smirking. "They say you and Pat like like each other."
"'Like like'? What are they, twelve?"
Gina laughed. "They definitely act like it sometimes."
"Most times."
You weren't particularly concerned about the talk. With such a tight knit group, people were bound to pick up on things. You and Pat had spent most of the party together so it wasn't a stretch that tongues would wag.
"You know, people always give women shit for gossiping but men are just as bad."
Gina ignored your joke, too focused on the question at hand. "Is it true?"
You and Gina had known each other for years. She was one of your best friends and you were usually very open with her. But you knew Pat was self-conscious. The last thing you wanted was for him to think you were talking about him behind his back. On a personal level, you had made a vow to keep your romantic entanglements to yourself.
Not that what you and Pat had was romantic, but it had the potential to be.
"You shouldn't listen to rumors," you told Gina. 
"You know I don't care about other people's shit," she waved dismissively. "But I care about your shit."
"Aww, you're so sweet."
She said your name, eyebrows raised. "Do you like him?"
"Maybe a little."
Gina bounced up and down excitedly on the stool. "Oh my gosh! What are you gonna do about it?"
"Nothing. See how it develops organically."
"No! Unacceptable! Go after him!"
In the past you absolutely would have. While you didn't intend to play coy with Pat, you also didn't want to rush. He was special. The sweetness he had shown when drunk had tugged on your heartstrings. However, you had also seen his temper. While it never was directed toward you, you still wanted to tread carefully. 
"Gina, I want to take things slow."
Gina sighed, mixing her drink with her straw. "Fine but I want all the details. Have you had sex yet?"
"Dude, we just started hanging out."
"What part of 'take things slow' are you not getting?" 
"You can have sex and still be slow about things."
You rolled your eyes and handed her the check. "Goodbye, Gina."
"Okay, okay, hint taken," she said, fishing out cash from her purse. "I don't want you to be scared and back away like you have in the past."
"It's because of said past that I'm easing into this."
"I get that. But I also can see it as an excuse not to get close to someone. I've seen you do that too."
"I don't think that's what this is. This feels...different."
Gina gave you a wide smile. "I'm happy for you. Seriously, let me know how it goes."
"I will."
She left and you fell into a steady rhythm of making drinks. About an hour later, someone sat at your end of the bar and you turned around to place a napkin in front of them, only to find Pat smiling.
"Hi." He looked good, really good. There was a relaxed aura that you hadn't felt from him before. He clearly had taken care getting ready before coming to see you. He had shaved and wore a blue button up that made his eyes pop.
Your heart fluttered and you smiled. "Hey, what are you doing here?"
"Well, I wanted to see you. And we're both so busy...so I thought I'd make the trek."
He was putting in the effort, meeting you halfway. He needed to stop being so sweet or you were going to throw your rules out the window, along with your pants. 
Still smiling, you handed him a menu. "What are you having?"
"Beer is fine."
You got his drink as he figured out what he wanted to eat. "You know I'm not off of work until midnight right?"
"I know."
You placed the beer in front of him. "Don't you have work at like, seven in the morning?"
"You're going to be so tired tomorrow."
"Worth it."
Leaning on the counter, you propped your chin in your hands. "Careful, Murray. I may think you like me or something."
His cheeks flushed bright red. "You know I do."
There it was. Out there without the help of alcohol. Pat, stone-cold sober telling you he liked you. It was unexpected in the most amazing way. 
"I like you too, Murray."
Pat's face lit up, smile widening. "You do?"
"I do."
"That's...that's great.'
"You're adorable."
Pat's face turned bright red and he hid his smile behind the rim of his glass. 
You took his order and put it into the kitchen while he sipped his beer. You could feel his eyes following you as you took care of some other customers. When you came back his way, he bit his lip before he blurted out, "Will you go out with me?"
"Wow, straight to final Jeopardy."
"I'm serious. I want to go out with you."
You wanted so badly to say yes. But there were things you needed to address before you could. Things you didn't want to talk about at work.
"I'm not saying no," you said. "But can we put a pin in that for when I'm not on the clock?"
Pat's shoulders slumped and you could see the rejection in his eyes. His confidence seemed to evaporate. "Oh. Yeah, sure."
Reaching across the table, you cupped his chin and lifted his face so he was forced to look you in the eye. "I am not saying no. I just don't want to talk about personal stuff here."
Pat smiled again, leaning his face into your palm. "Okay."
You enjoyed the contact for a moment, before pulling away. "So, Patrick Murray, tell me about yourself."
You spent the next few hours slowly getting to know each other. Just like the last time, Pat remained at the bar while you worked. Things were busy so you couldn't talk too much. But he didn't seem to mind. You didn't either.
When closing time finally rolled around, you left together. The evening was quiet as you walked across it to your cars. Once you reached them however, Pat turned around to face you.
"Want to go for a drive?" he asked.
"Depends. Where are we going?
"It's a surprise."
A soft breeze swept through the parking lot, rustling his red hair. He looked so sweet and eager, you couldn't refuse.
"Fine. I'll follow you in my car."
He led you to a small field about five minutes away. You pulled up alongside him and got out of the car. The sky was clear, dotted with stars. Pat hopped up onto the hood to sit and you followed his lead. 
"I like to come here sometimes to clear my head," he told you, leaning back against the windshield. You copied him.
"I can see why. It's gorgeous."
"I want to say sorry for getting drunk and jealous at the party," he said. "Fuck, why do I feel like I'm always thanking or apologizing to you?"
"Because you acknowledge your shitty behaviour and own up to it," you told him. "And you don't need to apologize for getting drunk. It was a party."
"I know, but I did it out of anger. Another guy cozies up to you and...fuck, I'm an fucking idiot. We're not even…" He was flustered and you could sense his anger toward himself building.
You sat up, leaning over him to look him in the eye. "Stop insulting yourself," you demanded. "You're not an idiot. You're a fucking human being with complex emotions. Never apologize for that."
Pat sighed. He lifted his hand as if he was going to touch your cheek, but decided against it. "I guess I didn't realize just how much I liked you until then."
You laid back down, patting his arm. "It's alright. I'm not angry. I wasn't then either."
You fell into silence, watching the stars for a bit. Pat fidgeted, his hands clasped and resting on his stomach. "So when did you--"
"Laser tag. I felt it before but that was when I actually realized what I was feeling."
A pleased smile crossed Pat's face as he took in your words. But when he looked at you, the smile faded. "Is there a reason you won't go out with me?"
"I never said that," you reminded him. "Before I said yes, I wanted to tell you that I want to take things slow. I've jumped into relationships in the past and it's always gone to shit. I don't want to do that again. I want us to take our time."
"I can do that!" Pat said a little too quickly.
"Oh, can you?" you teased.
Pat laughed softly. "I understand. It's been a long time for me. I don't want to fuck this up…" He took a deep breath as if to calm himself down. "I just really like being around you."
You knew you were in trouble. The way those damn eyes looked at you made you feel like you were the only two people in the world.
"I don't do casual," you said. "Not when it comes to someone I really like."
"Me neither."
"The jealous thing doesn't do it for me either."
At that, Pat looked away. "I'll...work on it."
You remained silent for a moment, taking in the situation. Pat seemed eager and genuine. You never felt like he was telling you things you wanted to hear. When he spoke, you knew he meant what he said. You smiled and nudged him with your elbow to draw his attention back to you.
"Yes, I will go out with you. Whenever we have a fucking free minute to hang out."
Pat laughed again, looking back up at the stars. "Yeah, that does seem to be a pain in the ass."
"We'll figure it out."
You fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying the night sky and the crickets in the distance. "Aside from baseball, what do you want to do in the future?"
"I honestly don't know," Pat admitted. "I mean, I have ideas but the one constant is baseball."
"That's nice," you said. "I've been working just to support myself for so long, I forgot to plan for the future."
"I wish you didn't have to work so much. You deserve to enjoy yourself."
"I'm enjoying myself now."
Pat's smile softened as his eyes drifted to your lips. When they flickered back up to meet yours, you knew what he was going to before he did it.
"Can I kiss you?"
Okay, maybe you didn't know. You had never been asked before. Normally, guys just leaned in. But Pat was different. You had laid out your boundaries and he respected them, giving you a chance to decline. Your breath caught in your throat and you had to swallow before answering. 
Pat moved so slowly, you didn't realize he was leaning in until his nose brushed yours. His breath was already coming out in pants, hot against your lips. There was a pause, as if he were giving you a chance to pull away.
You closed the distance. 
It was the softest kiss you had ever experienced. Pat pressed his lips against yours with the gentlest of pressure as if he were afraid he was going to break you. Maybe he was still worried you didn't want him. Nothing could be further from the truth. 
Your skin erupted with goosebumps and you found yourself shivering in the middle of August. 
You drew closer, deepening the kiss as you slipped your hand into his hair. Pat cupped your cheek, sighing into the kiss. You could feel his smile and it triggered your own. It was probably seconds but it felt like hours that you stayed there, kissing Pat under the stars.
Head spinning, you drew back slightly but remained close, breathing each other in. 
"That was…"
You reluctantly pulled away from each other, needing to catch your breath. Your body was hot, your face flushed. All from a single, simple, kiss. "It's late but I don't want to leave," you said.
"Me neither."
"So let's stay. For a bit more."
Pat slipped his hand into yours, twining your fingers together. "Nothing on earth could make me move right now."
"I mean, I'm sure something could."
"Like what?"
"Okay. Maybe aliens."
"Pffft, nah. What can they do to me? They're ghosts."
"Obviously. But that's for a whole other reason…"
You joked back and forth late into the night, or early morning depending on how you looked at it. 
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bts-svt-mx · 5 years
Maid For You (Part 7) - Taehyung x Reader (M)
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Author: bts-svt-mx
Taehyung x Reader
Rating: Fluff, angst
Tags: Enemies to Lovers AU, slight smut (future chapters), Idol! Taehyung, Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Reader, Hoseok, mentions of other members, sexual tension, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of partying
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (M), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Word Count: 5,700
Description: Wanting to get out of your parents house and experience what the world had to offer is way more expensive than people tell you it will be. So when your glamorous “manager to the stars” cousin Hoseok hooks you up with a  job as the live-in maid for a hillside, massive mansion, you feel as though life might actually be looking up. That is until the mansion’s absentee high profile celebrity owner surprises you by moving back in leaving you to wonder if this mansion is big enough for you and his huge ego. 
Chapter 7:
You’re warm. Too warm actually. The sunlight streams into your room directly hitting your face forcing you out of your heavy slumber and bringing you straight back to reality.
Ugh.. What time is it?
Picking up your phone on your side table, you see a plethora of notifications littering your lock screen. One missed call and voicemail from Hoseok, two texts from Minjee, and some random tagged Facebook pictures of you. But it’s not the overwhelming amount of notifications that concern you. It’s the clock on your phone that reads 11:15 am.
Ah, shit. You slept in. But now, no matter how much you want to go back to sleep, you really need to get up.
Your bed is just so comfy though..  If you could, you would stay in bed all day long, but of course, you have a job to do every weekend morning. A gross, tedious job, but a job you were contractually obligated to do nonetheless. You throw the heavy duvet off of you and as soon as you sit up, an intense pain shoots through your head immediately causing you to recoil back and wince in pain.
Ok, ow, ow, ow. Why does my head hurt so much? What happened last night?
Then it hits you. Oh yeah that’s right, you spent last night partying into the wee hours of the morning at one of the weekly crazy parties held at the mansion. The same one you were late to cleaning up after since you usually get started on the weekend long clean up around 9:00 am the next morning.
Another throb pulses through your head. Damn you really needed some Advil right about now.
Honestly, how much did you have to drink last night? It honestly couldn’t have been that much, right? Actually wait, no. It definitely was a lot now that you think about it.
Thinking back, you had lost count after the 5th shot in a row with Hobi and on top of that you had drank by yourself earlier in the night too before he came and found you. So in total you had at least 7 or 8 shots, which was definitely enough to knock you off your ass.
Jeez, you really hadn’t partied like that since your college days. And now, at the ripe age of 23, you were practically an old woman! The constant pounding in your head would suffice as a good enough reminder to you as to why you intentionally gave up that partying lifestyle you once lived.
Massaging your hand between your thumb and forefinger to ease the pain (an old trick you learned from your mom), you walk over to your wing’s kitchen sink to take some Advil with a glass of cold water.
Maybe you shouldn’t have mixed 4 different kinds of alcohol last night… Best to stick to just vodka next time. And that next time will hopefully be a long time from today.
Seriously, even the thought of alcohol made you want to gag.
But wait, didn’t you sober up after Taehyung ran up to you screaming in the middle of the dance floor?
Then, like a punch to the gut, you remember another important detail of last night. Oh god. Taehyung.
You almost forgot about the whole ordeal that happened with him. Inwardly you cringe at the events of last night as you start to piece everything together.
To be completely honest, the party was a lot of fun up until Taehyung came barging in between you and Jungkook. And yeah, maybe you did some questionable things with Jungkook after meeting him literally that night, but who cares? He’s hot and charming and everyone there was drunk off of their asses too, including Hobi and all of his friends. So really, no one could judge you.
And if they even tried to, you took enough funny and embarrassing videos of Hoseok and the rest of his friends doing keg stands and body shots off of random girls that you could hold that over Hobi if he ever started to tease you about your dance floor hookup with Jungkook.
You let out a small laugh at the memories of last night at the party but then your mind wanders back to Taehyung and the way he opened up to you. He had shown so much of himself that you never knew he was even capable of sharing with anyone let alone you, but you’re glad that he did.
He was so drunk last night though... Did he remember anything that happened between you two? Especially that almost kiss that happened at the end of the night? And if he did, would he go back to his cold, defensive personality the next time you saw him? Or worse, the gross, horny version that tried to get you into that sexy maid costume?
A shiver runs down your spine at that thought. No thank you.
Speaking of Taehyung and parties, you had to get ready and start cleaning up the mess that you were sure was spread all over the mansion. Yay, can’t wait to clean up spilt drinks, plastic cups, and who knows what bodily fluids that usually littered more than just the living room floor.
After brushing your teeth, taking off your makeup under your eyes leftover from last night, and fixing your rat’s nest you call hair, you venture out of your wing to head to the cleaning supply room.
You’re almost out of the long hallway of your wing of the house before you hear a large crash! come distantly from the main living room.
What the hell was that? Panic begins to flow through your body as your walk turns into a light jog, trying to find the source of the noise.
You doubt there is anyone still here from the party. People the last few weekends that stayed the night have usually gone home once they’ve sobered up around 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning as you started to clean up. And with the security that was here last night, you’re sure they would have made sure no one was left in the house this late in the morning.
The pool boy, the maintenance guy, nor the gardener were scheduled to be here today though, so who could be making all of that noise?
Turning the final corner to the living area you see the large figure of a man’s back side bent over by the couch struggling with something on the floor. A hoodie covers him from your vision and prevents you from seeing his face but as you draw closer you hear him… cursing to himself?
Instinctively, you grab the closest heavy object you can find, which just so happens to be a tall, very heavy, blue marble vase on top of one of the hallway countertops.
Ooofff!  The weight of the vase instantly causes you to almost fall to the ground, almost breaking your cover but you save it just before it hits the ground. Wow, this thing is way heavier than it looks.
Slowly, you walk closer to the hooded man, vase in hand, out of sight from his vision as his back is still turned to you. Now about two feet away, you raise the vase higher in preparation to hit him. Suddenly, his large frame begins to straighten and his hood falls down to reveal that stupid unmistakable half pink/half yellow hair from underneath.
Before you can lower your arms with the vase, Taehyung turns around and jumps back in surprise at your position, eyes wider than you have ever seen them before.
“Ahh!” He screams, right hand moving to cling over his heart which sends the vacuum he was holding back down to the floor in another crash! very similar to the one you had heard just a few minutes ago.
It takes a second for his vision to adjust, but his wide eyes relax a little when he sees that it’s just you. “God dammit, Y/N! I just fixed the vacuum!” He breathes, trying to gain his bearings back.
In the midst of recovering himself, he takes in your position, clad in sweatpants and an old t-shirt, no makeup on, and still holding the heavy vase in your hands quite close to the previous position of his head.
Meanwhile, you take in his appearance as well. Yellow rubber gloves on, spray bottle in his left hand, vacuum now on the floor, and his bright hair pushed back in a Nike headband.
This whole situation was so odd to you. What was he even still doing here at the house? Usually he was nowhere to be found the day after his parties. You had figured he was either avoiding dealing with the mess or too hungover to make it out of his room.
“Taehyung?” You sputter in disbelief.  “What are you doing?”
As expected of him by now, his expression morphs into one of annoyance at your question like it always does when you have a conversation with him. Well, a sober conversation with him.
“What am I doing? What are you doing?” His words come out with a bite. Obviously not too happy about being scared shitless just a minute ago. Taehyung places the spray bottle down on the glass side table next to him and his eyes snap to the gigantic blue blob you’re holding.
“Is that my vase?” Taehyung gestures to your hold on his expensive decoration. Which is still raised high above both of you.
Oh, right. Well that’s embarrassing.
“Uh.. Sorry, I heard a loud crash and thought someone broke in...” You confess earning a scoff of a laugh from Taehyung. “It was for self defense!” You swear as you lower the expensive vase from its position, looking for a place to put it down.
Settling on the floor next to you to keep it safe from harm, you turn back to the boy in front of you realizing why you were even out here in the first place. “But seriously, Taehyung. What are you doing out here?”
He lets out a sigh. As if he doesn’t need to answer your silly little questions. That they’re a waste of breath to even answer. But to your surprise he speaks up again.
“What does is look like I’m doing?” He waves the vacuum in front of your face. Your eyes almost go cross eyed from the movement and from the fact that you are still severely hungover. Everything starts spinning for a moment but you force your eyes to focus once again. “I’m cleaning.”
You can’t believe it. Taehyung? Cleaning?
A laugh bubbles up inside you. What kind of alternate universe did you wake up in?
Were you actually the mega huge pop star that parties 24/7 and was Taehyung now the maid of the mansion? You could really get used to this life if that was the case. Do whatever you wanted all the time. Buy anything you want. Millions of adoring fans around the world. Cute guys on your arm all of the time. What a life that would be.
But sadly, no. This was not a Freaky Friday like situation. Unfortunately, you were still the maid and Taehyung was definitely still the millionaire. There was no denying that. I mean jeez, even his sweats were Gucci.
At your laughter, Taehyung dismisses you and leans back down on his knees next to the contraption. His hands work on the appliance, trying to fix the vacuum, grumbling to himself about how “if you weren’t going to help then you should just leave him be” and something else you couldn’t really catch.
“Taehyung, do you even know how to work this thing?” You gesture to the vacuum, momentarily making him shift his gaze to you. Before he makes a face at you and goes back to trying to attach the carpet extension to the bottom.
“Of course I know how to work a vacuum, Y/N. I’m not a dumbass.” He snaps. Jaw hardening at the effort he’s putting into the vacuum.
His tone wipes what’s left of the amusement you had off of your face as you put your hands up in defense, moving away from him slightly. Was it stupid that you felt a little bit let down at the fact that he was still being short with you after last night’s talk with him? It might have been selfish, or maybe even naïve of you, but you had really hoped something would have changed in the way he talked to you once he had sobered up today.
 But if emotional and vulnerable Taehyung was only a one time thing and he was going to revert back to his old ways, it was best to give him some space like you used to do when he was like this.
Taehyung takes notice to your reaction of his rudeness and to your surprise, lets out a long sigh as he stops his work on the vacuum. Turning to you, he gives you his full attention as he sputters an apology. “I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.” Taehyung concedes, scratching the back of his head and looking away. He frustratingly tries and fails to click the attachment into place once again.
“It’s just, this vacuum has been giving me trouble all morning,” The annoyance that he had directed towards you, now all focused on the vacuum in his hands. “The attachment won’t stay in place and the hose keeps disconnecting from the bag too. I don’t know why it keeps doing this,”
You glance at the large contraption and immediately know what’s wrong. Well of course it’s been giving him trouble, that’s the wonky vacuum. The cleaning supply closet housed two different ones and you much prefer the other one that can actually hold up for more than 10 minutes without breaking. You had been meaning to throw out that vacuum actually, but just hadn’t gotten the chance yet.
But you won’t tell Taehyung that he grabbed the wrong one, not when he actually admitted he can’t do something by himself. And not when he looks so adorable as he tries to fix this one.
Wait- Adorable? Did that thought just cross your mind?
No, no. Not adorable. You definitely definitely meant silly, right? Yeah, that’s it. Taehyung was not adorable. No way.
But he did seem to be struggling with the vacuum currently and as the maid and expert in this situation, you might as well put him out of his misery and help him with it.
Dropping on to your knees next to him, you get to work on fixing the placement of the attachment.
After a moment of silence and contemplating the best way to word it, you finally ask him. “Taehyung what are you doing here?”
Lost in his own little world of concentration, he doesn’t register your question fully at first. “Y/N, we literally just went over this,” He speaks softly, his eyebrows furrowed together and his tongue kind of sticking out.
With his hair pushed back you could actually see his whole face clearly. Usually his objectively handsome features were slightly covered with his hair framing his face, but now, without anything to obstruct the view, his face appeared boyish. Youthful even. Resembling the young boy you used to love when he debuted his first album 5 years ago.
You had stopped your work on the vacuum while studying his features and he didn’t even seem to notice. “Yes Taehyung, I see that. But I meant what are you doing here? Like why are you physically at this location? You’ve never helped me clean up a party before...” You explain. Come to think of it- “Actually you’ve never helped me clean up anything before.”
At your words, Taehyung stops his own work on the vacuum and turns his attention to you again.
“That’s not true,” He denies folding his arms in front of him, the slightest trace of a smile on his lips.
You mimic his movement, folding your arms across your chest too. You don’t even have to say anything in reply since your face says it all. That’s he’s full of shit.
Suddenly, his hands move up in defense. “Ok so I guess I haven’t, but does that mean I can’t help you now?” Taehyung finally looks you in your eyes, and dammit, even though you could swear you’re over your youthful crush on him, every time his chocolate eyes stare into yours, you can’t help but get a little flustered.
“Of course not, I mean- Of course you can.” You start, words stumbling over each other. Dammit, this always happens to you.
His long legs begin to move under him to help himself stand up. “Because if you really want to do this all by yourself then I totally understand. I have other things to do. So I’ll just leave you to it-”
Wait no, he can’t leave. You need an extra set of hands to help clean all of this shit up. The past couple of weekends it has taken you literally all day and even part of the next day after that to clean up the party. You could save so much time if someone else were to help you out.
“No!” You exclaim, instinctively reaching out to grasp his arm in your hand, preventing him from fully standing up. And effectively almost making you fall on your face if it wasn’t for his solid form steadying you above the ground.
Your knees were still in contact with the carpet but he was basically holding your upper body up with just his arm. If he were to move you would legitimately fall on your face.
The fabric of his sweatshirt bunched under your tight grip but you could still feel his muscles flex underneath and coincidentally, your face just happened to be parallel to his crotch area.
Oh, you could feel the blush creep its way up on your cheeks. Clearing your throat, you ignore the heat in your face and try to flash your most innocent, convincing smile up at him. “I mean, I can really use all of the help I can get.”
You could be imagining it, but you think you see amusement flash in his eyes as the popstar looks to your compromising position in front of him and the predicament you seem to be in with most of your weight on his forearm.
Ugh, this boy. Always making you flustered in some way shape or form. Can’t you make it through one interaction with him just acting like a normal human being?
Like a kid who convinced their mom to stop at McDonalds even though they definitely had plenty of food at home, Taehyung’s smug little smirk stretches across his stupid little face. “Well if you insist,”  Taehyung moves back to his original spot on the floor, breaking your grip on his arm and sending you face first onto the carpet. “Now if you’ll help me figure this vacuum situation out, I can get back to helping you clean up,”
Um ok, OW. If your hangover headache hadn’t already been pulsing through your head, you’re sure you would have had one now. Groaning to yourself, you turn back to the laughing Taehyung, snatch the vacuum from him, pop the attachment in its place quickly and secure the hose.
Taehyung’s smirk is quickly wiped from his face from how easily you had fixed the vacuum that he had been struggling with all morning. He opens his mouth as if to say something but you cut him off.
“Alright, let’s get to work,” You say and the roar of the vacuum fills the room.
“When I volunteered myself to help clean up the party I didn’t realize that meant that I had to clean the whole house!” Taehyung groans, wiping a drop of sweat from his forehead and taking a long gulp of water on the stool he was sitting on at the kitchen island.
“As I recall, it was technically your party. So now you have to deal with the repercussions like a big boy,,” Humor laced in your words. You can’t help but smile at the child-like whine Taehyung lets out in reply.
What a sight to see. Taehyung. Actually wiped out from cleaning of all things.
After about 3 hours of cleaning the main living room (the messiest of the rooms), the balcony, the halls, the foyer, and the kitchen, you had just broken the news to Taehyung that you still had to check the extra rooms of the mansion to see if any wondering party goers had managed to weasel their way in. Whether it be to hook up or have their own private party in the midst of the craziness that had ensued upstairs, you still had to make sure you didn’t miss any extra clean up among the many, many rooms of the mansion.
At your words Taehyung requests another couple of minutes of rest and a snack to gain back his energy, which you gladly give him as you had begun to feel your stomach actually crying out to you for food as well. Turning to the pantry to grab a cereal box, you began to think back at the events of this morning.
Throughout the hours of clean up, Taehyung had been… Well he’d actually been kind of pleasant. Of course he still had some snarky comments to make here and there but for the most part, he was actually very helpful and nice to you. He even cracked a couple of jokes about random leftover “party favors” from the guests and there wasn’t even a hint of the old snarky douchebag he once was when you first met him.
Your conversations felt natural. It felt like you two could actually be friends.
After a loud gulp and a satisfactory Ahhh! from Taehyung, the chair he was sitting on scrapes back on the marble floor as he stands. “Alright Boss, where to next?”
His choice of nickname amuses you. Boss? Hm, you could get used to that.
You stuff your mouth with one last handful of Cheerios and take a sip of water before turning back into the pantry to put the cereal box back. “Well I was thinking that we could actually split up to make the search go faster. You could take the movie room, spare garage, closets, and game room and I’ll take the sauna, pool room, recording studio, and the rest of the random rooms. Sound good?” You yell from the pantry.
There’s no reply to your suggestion which makes you stick your head back into the main kitchen to see where Taehyung went. You’re surprised to find him standing there with a concerned look on his handsome face. Brows knitted together in uncertainty like he’s trying to figure out what to say.
“Uh, Taehyung?” You wave your hand out in front of you to get his attention. Taehyung is never at a loss for words. Something’s off.
He looks up at your movement before his eyes advert to the ground from your questioning gaze. “Actually… Can we, uh, look through the rooms together?” He questions, voice a little shaky.
“Why would we do that when we can cover more ground if we split up and report back to each other?” You inquire back to him, not really knowing how he’s going to answer you back.
Why would he need you to be with him just to check some rooms to see if anyone made a mess? Could it be he wants to spend more time with you? That’s unlikely since you already just spent 3 hours together cleaning.
The mansion is quite big, maybe he’s scared or something? That thought makes you laugh a little to yourself. Wouldn’t that be cute if he was scared. “Are you afraid of going alone or something? I wouldn’t blame you, the downstairs hallways can get pretty frightening,” You tease, moving to the side of the counter opposite of Taehyung.
Taehyung’s hand goes to scratch the back of his head like he’s embarrassed or something. Obviously something is bothering him. Come on kid, just spit it out already. “No, it’s just…” He pauses, looking like he’s debating on admitting whatever is bothering him to you. After a moment he finally speaks again. “I... Don’t really know where those rooms are,” He admits, eyes still trained at the floor.
Your head instinctively cocks to the side like a confused little puppy. Was he joking again? This has to be a cover for something. For what, you don’t know. Your eyebrows narrow in suspicion. “What do you mean you don’t know where those rooms are? This is your home. You literally designed this house,”
You could tell he was embarrassed as you see his cheeks redden in front of you. And by the way he won’t meet your eyes as he talks. You’ll have to start taking notes of times when he gets flustered as it doesn’t happen too often. “There are just so many random rooms and corridors that branch off of each other and I… I would get lost down there. I didn’t realize at the time how big it was going to be!”
“What do you mean you realize?” You shoot back. How could someone building a house and just not realize all of the rooms that were being put in? Didn’t they each have a function that he specifically wanted? Hell, there’s even a room dedicated to just his award show trophies!
“Well now you’re just repeating what I say, Y/N,” Taehyung’s hands are now on his hips in defense. A casual look on his face like he didn’t just tell you he doesn’t know how to get around his own house.
“Taehyung,” You warn. Eyes obviously searching his for an explanation.
After a minute long stare down between the two of you, his neutral expression finally breaks. “I WAS DRUNK OK?” He yells, causing you to recoil back in surprise at his sudden outburst. “I told the developers I wanted all of this pointless shit that I thought would be cool in a house and I approved the plans without even looking at them,”
Woah. You definitely weren’t expecting that answer. Taehyung moves to sit back in his stool in defeat trying to make himself smaller in front of you because maybe then you wouldn’t judge him as hard. The playful tone of your conversation had taken a turn, and it seemed as if Taehyung was genuinely embarrassed by his own words. “I was at a kickback with some of my crew on tour, too far gone to even remember my own name and... I don’t know, Y/N, this place just kind of happened,”
His explanation and his defeated body language made you wonder. Was this grand mansion, dripping in frivolous, priceless items, and unnecessary extravagances a mistake to Taehyung?
If Taehyung literally had a mansion built for him while he was drunk, you couldn’t imagine what other crazy things he has done with his ridiculous wealth when he wasn’t in the right state of mind. The air in the room had suddenly lost its warmth as you could tell Taehyung was slipping into memories of his past couple of years of stardom.
As you looked at him with his head between his hands in shame, shoulders slumped, and eyes staring at the white granite countertop like he hated it, you realized something. Maybe Taehyung didn’t even like the mansion he spent more than your whole family’s life’s worth of salary on. Maybe he was ashamed of this place instead of proud of it. After all, just because this was his house, it didn’t mean it was his home.
“Have you ever wondered why my room looks so completely different from the rest of the house?” His words startle you from your thoughts. You didn’t even notice him taking his head out of his cradled position. But before you could answer him he continued.
“It’s because after they built the house it felt so.. Sterile. So lifeless. So… White.” He continued, seeming to regain some of his composure as he looked around the kitchen and over to the rightful placement of his grandmother’s rooster on the kitchen counter.
“I tried to liven it up with the art but that still didn’t cover up the blandness, and since I couldn’t justify redoing the whole house, I had them redo just my bedroom to make it how sober me wanted it. Now it’s the only place in this massive house that I truly can relax and feel at home.” Taehyung’s voice had considerably lowered in volume until he finally finished his confession in a whisper. “I think that’s also why I avoided living in this house for as long as I did before I met you. And even now that I do live here, I still haven’t brought myself to venture downstairs,”
A lot of things had started to make sense about Taehyung in these past couple of minutes. Like a glimpse of what he had been up to while he was on the road for so long and why you never had come across him when you first started your job here.
But also, lots of questions had been raised too. What drove him to party so much that he would black out and make such rash decisions? And why is it just now that he seems like he decided he didn’t want to be that kind of man anymore? What had changed?
You decide not to push him any further, as he tends to close up more when you try to pry.
Taehyung would offer you as much information into his private life as he saw fit if you just let him talk and didn’t interrupt him. Just let him let it all out the way he wanted to.
It seemed like he was in need of someone to be more of a confidant than a therapist, and for whatever reason, ever since last night, he had picked you to be that person for him.
Not that you were complaining in any way. No. This was much better than him jumping down your throat with insults or sexual innuendos. You would much rather take this kind of conversation with him any day. But it was tough to see him retreat into himself from time to time.
Deciding to lighten the mood, you offer your hand to him with a smile from his position on the stool. “Then let me give you a tour. Out of anyone, I think know this house the best. After all, I have been cleaning it for practically a year,”
Taehyung’s apprehensive look goes from your smiling face to your outstretched hand that’s beckoning him to stand up. You can tell he’s trying to assess if you’re being serious or not.
At this you roll your eyes. Of course he would be wary of your intentions right after he just confided in you. It’s like he doesn’t trust you or something.
Instead of waiting for him to take your hand, which quite honestly might have taken all day, you grab his hand off the counter. His skin on yours is surprisingly smooth and oddly very warm, his hand instinctively latching on to yours as you give it a pull to get him on his feet. The action seems to catch him off guard, but he recovers quickly.
Now with Taehyung back on his feet, you could hopefully take his mind off of his own thoughts and show him that the house he created for himself isn’t actually that bad. It’s actually a really cool house that has tons of features that could really use some love after going unused for so long. You actually were a little bit excited to show Taehyung everything his house had to offer now that you think of it.
It isn’t until you feel a slight squeeze on your hand to bring you out of your thoughts that you realize you were still holding onto Taehyung’s hand. You drop his hand from yours in sight embarrassment and walk to the two small hampers of dirty towels that you had used to clean the upstairs rooms of the house.
Taking one of the baskets, you begin walking in the direction of the elevator not bothering to wait for Taehyung to join you. “Chop chop, Tae. Last tour of the day leaves in two minutes and I’ve heard the tour guide waits for no one,” You say over your shoulder at the boy who’s still staring at you frozen in his place. “Oh, and take the other basket of laundry for me, will you? We can stop at the laundry room while we’re down there!”
It isn’t until the elevator dings and the doors slide open that Taehyung springs into action, gathering the rest of the laundry and making it into the elevator beside you just in time.
You look up at the boy next to you with a satisfactory grin as the two of you hold your respective laundry baskets in your arms. His face no longer trained into a look of regret, rather with what seems like joy.
You don’t know why, but something compels you to knock your shoulder with Taehyung’s to get his attention. “You know, I’ve always had an irrational fear of elevators,” You confess. It’s true. Ever since you were a little kid you were afraid of getting stuck and not being rescued, or a cable snapping and you falling to your death.
Taehyung looks down at you in a confused wonder at first, but then a second passes and he’s jumping up in the air, subsequently causing the whole elevator to shake in its descent.
Immediately, your right hand darts out to try to push Taehyung’s shoulder downward and prevent him from jumping, but he’s too large and the hamper in your left arm is doing nothing to help. A fit of giggles bursts out between you two as you begin to hit his arm and scold him for trying to make the elevator break down.
As the elevator slowly comes to a stop so does his jumping, and with the widest, boxiest grin, Taehyung looks down at you from his inherently taller viewpoint. In that moment of pure happiness you grin back up at him finding yourself wondering, not for the first time, why your relationship couldn’t have started off like this in the beginning. Completely unaware that at the same exact time, Taehyung just so happened to be wondering the same thing too.
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lovelybones81 · 5 years
Unthinkable *Updated 5/6/19*
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Summary: Seven years, three movies, two people, one story. But before they can get their happily ever after, Sebastian Stan and Camille Solis must learn to trust in each other and in themselves, before allowing the unthinkable to happen.
Warnings: Fluff,  smut, Language, Angst, mental health, WOC lead character
Rating: NC-17
Note: Hiiiii, I know it’s been awhile. Here is the next chapter! Things are changing for these two! Some fluff, mixed with smut/angst xoxo
Chapter 25 Get It Over With
March 2011 Big Sur, CA
 Sebastian closed the door behind him, his heart squeezed when he spotted a groggy Camille, sitting up against the patio chair, the up-do from the wedding gone, and her normal curls on display. She jerked her head in his direction when she heard him. Blinking him into focus with a sad smile, she pushed her long hair to one side of her shoulder, then shoved her hands into the pockets of her hoodie- or rather- his hoodie. 
 Taking a step, he bend down and pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head. “Hey.” He murmured, then slid behind her in the chair so she was pressed up against the front of his chest. He felt her wriggle a little, and he took the opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist, drawing her close- to keep them both warm since they were outside and it was 5:30 in the morning.
 Camille tilted her chin up a little, the back of her head resting on one side of his shoulders. “I’m sorry I woke you up.” She whispered.
 Leaning in, he nestled his nose into the hollow of her neck and exhaled her sweet scent. “Stop dragoste- you didn’t.” He reassured and gave her waist a slight squeeze. “How are you feeling?” he asked in a concern voice, his lips against her neck.
 It had been about 45 minutes ago when his eyes flew open and his ears picked up on Camille having a difficult time breathing next to him. It had taken a couple of minutes for it to register that she had been having a nightmare. He had tried his best to wake her without startling, but it had not been easy. Especially once she was fully awake and a severe panic attack took over. He spent the next 30 minutes trying to soothe and calm her as she cried and hyperventilated in his arms. He had felt useless-unsure of how to help. But finally, after doing some breathing exercises-he had read about, she finally calmed down, clearly exhausted.  
 “Yeah?” He asked tenderly, at the same time she turned her face toward his. The gleaming eyes from a few hours ago had disappeared and was replaced by redness and puffiness all around them from the crying. “Let’s go back to bed.” He suggested. Wanting her to get some rest before brunch with everyone. He knew her well enough to know she needed it before meeting up with her family in a few hours.  
 She snuggled her ass and back more into him and let out a small sigh. “Not yet. I wanted you to see the sunrise up here...” 
 A small smile tugged on his lips at her words, then followed her lead and lifted his head up. Camille hadn’t been kidding about the view. They were high enough that not only could he hear the ocean but see it as well. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t noticed it before- it was just now he felt like he could enjoy it-with someone who loved it so much. For the next few moments, neither one spoke, instead they admired the streaks of light rising up toward the clouds, as the sun pushed its way through the sky.
 “This is helps.” He heard Camille whisper as she tugged on his arms, indicating for him to embrace her closer. 
 “What does? Me or being out here?” He teased. 
 “Both.” Camille answered without missing a beat. He chuckled but content with her response. “I’m sorry if I scared you...” she trailed off. 
 “All I care about is that you’re okay.”
 Camille licked her bottom lip fretfully. “I guess I am bit stressed.” She concluded meeting his gaze.
 Sebastian smiled knowingly. “Just a bit.” Leaning in to brush his lips against her soft cheek. “Is this the first night terror you’ve had since New York?” He paused. “Or was that more of sleep paralysis?” Then uttered more to himself. “In New York it was a night terror, you woke up screaming and crying.” When he looked back at Camille, she was looking at him with a fascinated smile and look. “What?” he asked.
 “I didn’t realize you knew so much about it.”
 His cheeks started to feel warm. “I kind of did some reading on it. Just wanted to educate myself.” Her lips curled up and she leaned in and kissed him softly on the mouth. This kiss was the opposite from the ones they shared earlier. This kiss was almost innocent and pure. It quickly hit him about the possibility of not getting to do this for 10 months and it made his stomach curl with anxiety.
 She pulled her lips away but pressed her forehead to his. “What I’m going to do when this happens in New Zealand and you’re not around?” she half-joked.
 “You call me.” Sebastian stated, moving a strand of hair behind her ear. The ache in his heart more prominent now. He had finally recognized his own feelings for Camille-but there was nothing he could do about it. It would be selfish of him to tell her, because he knew her well enough to know she would feel pressure to give him an answer. That was just the type of person Camille was.
 “Thanks for calming me down.”
 He broke out of his thoughts and grimaced. “I don’t think I did much.”
 “Trust me-you did.” Camille answered sincerely, nestling into his back again. “I had one a few days ago....before driving up here.” She confessed. “I guess sometimes my stress manifest in my nightmares.” Her voice low. “I’m sorry if I ruined-.”
 “Baby-” Sebastian declared firmly yet gently. “I’m glad that I can be here for you.” Rubbing his hands up and down her arms while at the same time spreading his thighs apart to give her better room to snuggle into him.
 Camille angled her head to one side, and adjusted herself, so her back aligned with his front. “What if I fail at this?” Licking her lips nervously again. “What if I mess all this up?” Sebastian knew better than to answer. He knew she just needed to let her doubts and fears out. So he just listened. “I’ve been so focused on the wedding and now it’s over...so I guess my brain has decided it’s time to start focusing on something else.” She stated with a cynical laugh. “I mean I know it’s okay to be worried and even a bit scared... and that works for a normal person...but then my anxiety takes over and I start overthinking everything that can go wrong and how I’m going to make Liz look bad....” trailing off and fidgeting with her hair. “Logically I know I’m overreacting.” She mumbled. 
 “Camille...you’re allowed to feel this way.” He whispered into her ear. 
 If there was one thing he had come to learn about anxiety was that it wasn’t logical. There were many layers to it. Many different layers. It didn’t have a schedule, it came when it wanted and it would stay for however long it wanted. Sebastian knew Camille had been having a good time the last few days, it was evident-but that didn’t stop the anxiety or the attacks that came with it. And many people were quick to label it being dramatic, but that wasn’t the case. Camille had come and shown him that. 
 “You don’t think I’m crazy for feeling this way?” 
 Sebastian angled his head to give her a tender kiss on the cheek. “No baby.” Then nuzzled his nose into the hollow of her neck. “But if it’s worth anything: Liz would not have given you this job if she didn’t think you could do it.... but that’s just my two cents.” He said lightly and lifted his head back up. She turned and smiled gratefully at him. He only squinted his eyes playfully.  
 She stirred a bit and tugged his arms tighter around her body. Neither one speaking for the next five minutes, as they watched the sun completely rise up and over the sky. It was beautiful. 
 “And what are we going to do?” He heard her murmured, breaking their silence. 
 “About what?” He asked confused. 
 “About earlier, about last night?” 
 It clicked. She was asking about them. Well, he knew it was coming, but he just didn’t have a straight answer. Especially now. He looked apprehensively back at her. “Was that part of the nightmare?” Hoping she couldn’t hear the beating of his heart deep within his chest. 
 “What? No!” Camille answered quickly. “No.” shaking her head.
 Sebastian felt his heart rate began to regulate, then asked. “What do you want to do?”
 “I asked you first.” She quipped in a teasing tone. 
 “Well...” he started. “I definitely liked what you did earlier.” He concluded with an eyebrow wiggle. He let out an ‘oomph’ sound when Camille elbowed his rib. But he did see the smile on her lips. “Ah- I knew I could get a real smile out of you.” He murmured into her hair. After a few moments of silence he spoke again. “Did I mention how beautiful the sunrise is?” His face still nuzzled in her soft curls. 
 “Are you stalling?” 
 “No?” But lifted his head with a sheepish look. Camille frowned. His face quickly turned serious. “Listen, I know these last months have been shit. I don’t want to complicate or add on to any stress for you.” Pushing her hair to one side. “If I’m being honest, I wasn’t expecting this to happen. I mean had I thought about it? Hell yes.” He added with a squint of his nose, biting the inside of the cheek to keep from smiling. Her frowned turned into a scowl. He ignored the look and continued. “But I’m not expecting anything more than what it is.” Running his fingers through her hair. And he meant it. He wasn’t just saying the words. Regardless of his feelings.
 Camille gnawed on her upper lip anxiously. “Are you sure?”
 Sebastian pressed his forehead against hers. “Yes, I’m sure. Cam-I’m not one to get in the middle of someone’s plans or career if it makes them happy. Especially yours.”
 Licking her lips, she angled her head back and shifted slightly in the spot, just enough to cup his face with both of her soft hands. Sebastian swallowed but let his eyes linger all over her face, unsure of what else to say. But he didn’t have to say another word, as she pressed her lips to his in a long and gentle kiss. Sebastian shut his eyes tight, his breathing ragged as she continued to kiss him. 
 She finally broke from his mouth and licked her lips before letting out a shaky breath. “So were just going to leave this unanswered?” She said cheekily with a gleam in her eyes. 
 “Should we put a label on this?” Sebastian whispered, his eyes boring into hers. A tiny part afraid of her answer. 
 Camille leaned into his broad chest and tugged his arms around her. She tilted her head back, but turned to face to him, noises touching. “No.” As she blinked at him. “Because the moment we do-“ 
 “It will complicate things.” Sebastian supplied and rested his chin on the top of her shoulder. 
 “Yeah.” He heard her say in a quiet voice. “You’re too important to me Sebastian...and I don’t want to ruin it and rush and I lose you.” She confessed. “I’m sorry.”
 “Don’t be.” He murmured.
 “God-does that even make sense?” she asked nervously.
 “It does.” And it did. He understood. Others might not, but he got where she was coming from. Because it was exactly how he felt.
 It was quiet again. He took the opportunity to playfully nip on her earlobe. Camille tried to stifle her laugh but it was useless. Finally she cleared her throat and crooked her neck to face him. “Seb, I-“ 
 Yet, didn’t get a chance to get a word out because his mouth was on hers-with light brushes of his lips. She sigh and responded back to the tender kisses with her own. It took a few moments but she pulled away. 
 “I don’t want you to think these last few days haven’t meant anything.” Camille murmured before she gave him another light peck and her knuckles stroked his jaw. “I mean I can’t remember the last time I had that many orgasms in a span of 48 hours.” She teased.
 Sebastian smirked and quirked an eyebrow. “Ooh yea?” Subconsciously puffing out his chest.
 Camille rolled her eyes. “Oh geez-did I just inflate your ego?”
 “Hey-I didn’t say a word. You were the one who brought it up.” Giving her an accusatory look. She responded back with a mocking face, before pressing the back of her to the front of his chest once more. Sliding a bit more comfortably into the patio chair, Sebastian slipped his hands down both of her arms, reaching for hers to intertwine their fingers.
 “For the record-.”  Sebastian started, bringing their tangled fingers up to his mouth to nip on her knuckles blithely. “I don’t think that. This wasn’t just a one-time thing for me either-“ 
 Camille gasped in surprise when he bit harder on her knuckles and playfully glared. “Ha-ha.” 
 She smiled back sassily and he gave her a resolved look. “I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to take advantage of our relationship in any way. But everything is still so fresh from the last year and it wouldn’t be fair. And there is so much I still have to work through...” 
 That’s what he had been expecting to hear. “I know.” And pressed a sweet kiss on to her knuckles.
 “You hate me.”
 “What?” Giving a shake of his head in confusion. “No- of course I don’t.” Sebastian knew that was her anxiety talking. He continued. “You’re right-it wouldn’t be fair to start something when we both don’t know where we will be in the next few months.” He paused and tried to collect his thoughts. “And if we rush into this and things don’t work out...our friendship wouldn’t work for a while.”
 Camille bit down on her lower lip and nodded. “So this is really okay?” She asked timidly, looking over her shoulder at him. 
 “Yes.” He reassured and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. 
 He felt her shudder. “So...we should keep the sex to just here...in Big Sur?” She spluttered and lolled her neck to the left to give him more access. 
 He peppered kisses along her warm skin. “I think that’s pretty fair.” Sighing against her neck. Unable to keep away from her, he licked a wet trail along the collarbone. After a few good minutes of Sebastian teasing and nibbling, he swiftly pulled away from her and got up from the chair. Her jaw dropped slightly at the sudden change of events, but quickly recovered when he leaned in and scooped her into his arms. 
 Instinctively she looped one arm around his neck and kicked her legs up in the air. “What are you doing?” She asked in a fit of giggles. 
 He looked down somberly. “You just said we should keep the sex only here... and were leaving in a few hours...so I’m going to try and get as much as I can in- pun not intended-before this afternoon!” He proclaimed with a wink. 
 Camille tossed her back dramatically. “Oh god Sebastian Stan.” She mocked, lifting her head up. “You’re ridiculous-“ 
 A low moan escaped her throat when he kissed her, his tongue quickly finding hers. He kissed her with intensity and determination. Their breathing in sync as their mouths collided with each other. He could kiss her forever. That was how amazing her lips felt. He dragged his lips away from hers and smiled to himself when he saw the look on her face- eyelids heavy, lips swollen. He done that. He liked knowing he could cause a reaction like this from her. 
 Camille hummed and licked her lips. “Maybe-maybe the sex until you leave on Wednesday?” She bargained with innocent eyes. 
 “Oh?” He asked with a side look. “So are we extending this rule out of Big Sur? To LA?” So far liking where this was going. He wanted to be the sponge and absorb as much of her as possible before they went their separate ways.
 “I mean- it only makes sense right? I’m leaving for like 10 months and it would just be for a few days.” She reasoned. Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle at her reasoning. “Unless of course you don’t want to-.”
 “Oh dragoste, I want to. I like your logic.” He confessed with a wink, his blue orbs gazing into hers, he then maneuvered one of his arms out and toward the zipper of the hoodie. “Isn’t this mine?” he probed. She opened her mouth and feigned a look of shock. He hid his smirk and narrowed his eyes. “I kind of want it back.” He stated, tugging on the zipper and slowly exposing some of her skin. He suppressed the moan when he realized she wasn’t wearing anything else under it.
 “You don’t want it back.” She accused.
 “You’re right-I don’t. I just want to get you naked again.” He said with a mischievous look, slowly stumbling toward the French doors, Camille still in his arms.
 “When you suggested going to back to bed, I just assumed it was to sleep.” Camille mused as he blindly reached for the doorknob.
 “Oh -we will.” Sebastian said in a not so convincing voice.
 Pushing the door open with his foot, he leaned in and kissed her again. “You’re right-I ‘am lying.” And to prove his point, tugged the rest of the zipper down, so he had a full view of her chest. “And I don’t even fucking care.”
 “Bueno- y el muchacho?” 
 Camille almost choked on her fried platanos at the question but quickly recovered and cleared her throat. “Cual muchacho?”  Reaching for her cup of coffee and pretending to be completely enamored by it, as she felt Tia Yolanda’s eyes on her.
 “El que estaba bailando contigo ayer.” Her aunt asked casually, eyes still on her, as she brought the fork up to her mouth.
 Camille grimaced to herself, there was no way it out. They were the only ones at the table. Damn, she had been paying attention last night. She’d hoped her Tia would have been consumed in the wedding and reception details she wouldn’t have time to notice. But who was Camille kidding? This was her aunt and she never missed any details. Especially when it came to herself and Natalie. Funny enough, she had been the first one to comment on Natalie’s and Sam’s relationship before they even realized it.
 Taking a sip from her mug, Camille shrugged nonchalantly. “Probably still sleeping.” She answered in English. But knew he wasn’t. After their talk out in the balcony, and a few orgasms later, they had finally fallen back asleep, until about an hour ago, when he got up and left to take a shower in his room. She had gotten up right after that and taken a quick shower, then put on make up to hide the puffy eyes from the crying her panic attack had caused before meeting her family for brunch in the big reception area. So far she had been the first one down. Natalie, Sam had still hadn’t appeared-not that she was surprised.
 “Does he have a girlfriend?” Tia Yolanda, not beating around the bush.
 “Tia-are you looking for a boyfriend?” she teased with a wink before setting her cup back down.
 Tia Yolanda glared. “Ay si, bien chistosa.”    
 Camille blinked and smiled harmlessly. She needed to make sure the conversation was kept light and casual and away from what her aunt really wanted to know. Because she wasn’t sure she could lie. 
 “Pero mira- if I were a few years younger-“ 
 Her eyes widen in pure shock and she quickly sat up in her chair. “Tia Yolanda!” Camille cried out, but when she met her aunt’s gaze, a satisfied look was plastered on it.
 “What? He is a good looking young man.” Yolanda protested. “Don’t you think so?” 
 “I mean- yeah- but I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything like that come out of your mouth.” 
 Yolanda leaned back her chair and folded her arms across her chest. “Ah entonces si has estado prestando atencion.” Quirking an eyebrow across the table at her. 
 Camille cursed to herself. Shit. She just got tricked. “You just said it.” She reminded, not meeting her aunt’s eyes as she reached for her fork. 
 “He seems nice.” 
 “He is.” Camille answered genuinely before shoving food into her mouth.
 “And he seems to be very protective of you.” Tia Yolanda detected. “He was the one you worked with in Manchester, no?” 
 “Si Tia.” Then added. “We became friends quickly.” Camille’s pulse picking up. 
 “He was there when all the stuff happen with David?”
 Camille finally met her gaze. “Yes.” Putting her fork down, she remembered how Sebastian had been there, during her crying fits and how patient he had been listening to her. She still wasn’t sure how she gotten lucky to have him in her life-but Camille knew there was no way he couldn’t be in now. He was too important.
 “He made sure you ate?”
 She furrowed her eyebrows at the odd question, but responded anyway. “Si Tia.” Leave it to her aunt to make sure to ask about her eating habits.
 “Good. I’m glad you had someone looking out for you. He seems-what’s that word?” Yolanda paused, angling her head to one side, trying to rack her brain. “Como se dice? Smitten? Si! Smitten!” Giving her niece a knowing look. Camille shifted in her chair uncomfortably, unsure on how to answer. “Esta guapo mija.” She repeated.
 “Tia…” Camille started in a warning tone.
 Yolanda sat up straight in her chair and leaned into the table, narrowing her eyes. “Will you just listen to me for a moment sabelotoda?” She ordered in a stern voice. Camille knew better than to argue, instead she nervously twirled a loose curl in her finger as she waited her aunt to continue. “I know these months have been tough. And I know it’s going to take time to move past everything that has happened…but it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy company of others.”
 “Nothing gets pass you.” Camille mumbled in astonishment.
 “Claro que no.” Yolanda huffed, but winked teasingly. “You’re not a little girl anymore-I don’t expect you to tell me everything-but I do want you to know that you deserve to be happy- in whatever way that may be and if ese muchacho does that for you, then that’s all that matters.”
 Camille quickly got up from her chair and strutted toward her, wrapping her arms lovingly over her aunt’s shoulder. “Who are you? And what have you done with mi Tia?” she teased before kissing her cheek loudly.
 Yolanda slapped Camille’s hand in jest. “Yo fui joven tambien. I understand.” Patting her niece’s hand warmly. “And I’ve always been cool.” She stated, side-eyeing her.
 Snorting, Camille leaned back in and pressed another kiss. “Oh si, Tia, muy cool.” She deadpanned. Her aunt glowered, Camille couldn’t help but giggle. “I’m just kidding- you are cool.” She finished.
 “Yo se.”  Yolanda answered back smugly. “Camille? One more thing.”
 “You’re using protection right?”
 Camille almost fell over at the question. “Oh my god!” she cringed. “Tia!” Feeling her cheeks heat up. Sex wasn’t a topic that had ever been truly talked about in the Solis household and she would have been content, letting her aunt think she was still a virgin.
 “What?! You need to be safe.” She scolded.
 “Who needs to be safe?”
 Both she and Yolanda turned to the voice. Natalie and Sam were standing a few feet away, hand in hand, looking like they had been through the ringer. Camille couldn’t help but snicker, but that quickly changed and felt the flutter in the pit of her stomach when she spotted Sebastian and Charles walk toward them.
 “N-nobody.” Camille stammered, letting go of her aunt and standing up straight. “Tia Yolanda was trying to be funny.” A small smile tugged on her lips when her eyes met Sebastian’s.
 Sebastian looked up from his phone screen at the sudden sound- hoping it was Camille coming back out to join him in the pool. He grimaced when he realized there was no one by the patio door. Pushing the sunglasses to the top of his head, he lifted his head up to the sky- the warmth and the brightness of the day slowly turning into a breezy evening in Los Angeles. 
 He glanced back at his phone when it vibrated. Without looking up, he turned around and planted his elbows on top of the pool, careful to not drop the device in the water. He then put it down on the outside of the pool and opened his message from Charles. 
 Charles: Are you coming out to dinner? Or are you still not ‘feeling well’? 
 Sebastian snorted to himself when another text came through his phone; a smug emoticon, followed by one rolling its eyes. 
 Sebastian: Yes, fucker.
 Charles: Cool. Can you do me a favor?
 Sebastian: ?
 Charles: Can you ask Cam if we’re doing Cuban or Thai food? 
 Sebastian smirked, Charles thought he was being smooth. He waited a few moments before texting back. 
 Sebastian: Why don’t you ask her? 
 Charles: Because it makes more sense for you to ask, since you’re with her- dumbass.
 At his last message, Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle dryly. Before he had the chance to reply, Charles sent another text.
 Charles: And for the record I know you weren’t sick last night.
 Fine, so he might have fibbed a bit the night before -but there was a good reason for it. Sometimes his best friend could be annoying. His phone vibrated again.  
 Charles: Just let me know.  
 Sebastian didn’t respond after that. Instead he placed the phone back down and walked toward the other side of the pool, the water around him making a swishing noise as he moved. Once he was at the other end, he plopped down on one side of the bench that had been built deep within the pool, the water up to his chest. He peeked back up to the patio door and frowned. He knew better than to go and interrupt, but fuck- curiosity and wariness spoke otherwise.
 It had been almost two full days since Camille and Sebastian had gotten back from Big Sur. They had left Sunday afternoon and arrived in Los Angeles late in the evening. The plan had been for Camille to be dropped off at Natalie’s and Sam’s place and he would then head to the hotel he had booked for himself (Granted the hotel had been booked before the events at Big Sur) and he still would have- until Camille convinced him to stay the night- not that she had to twist his arm. So after they both had showered and changed they ended up fast asleep until early Monday morning.  
 But unlike Sunday, Monday was spent in bed, enjoying each other’s naked bodies and company, while in between they ate take-out and watched movies. Although, they couldn’t seem to get through any movies they started, mostly because Sebastian couldn’t keep his hands off her.
 By the time Monday evening rolled around and Charles had suggested dinner and drinks, they were both so comfortable, the thought of leaving the house sounded like the worst idea ever. Hence, why Sebastian had come up with the excuse of not feeling well. Charles hadn’t argued but Sebastian knew he hadn’t fallen for the lame explanation. Because even though he hadn’t said it, Charles knew they were together. 
 A small smile tugged on his lips as he thought about the day before. To say his muscles didn’t ache would be a lie, but it was all worth it. Especially since he was leaving tomorrow. He wanted to soak as much of Camille as possible and of course that included sex. Lots of it. Sebastian couldn’t remember the last time he spent a whole day in bed with someone. Maybe at the beginning of his relationship with Leighton? But even so, it didn’t compare to what him and Camille had done yesterday. They had finally passed out around1 in the morning and slept all the way through the night until the morning.
 Sebastian had gotten up first and snuck out to get a few things to make breakfast. He wanted to do something nice for her. He knew their time was coming to an end, and he wanted to take with him the best memories as possible, unsure of what was to come in the next months.
 He knew he could have left right after breakfast, but instead he had asked if she wanted him to cancel his hotel reservation. She had only nodded timidly, before she kissed him sweetly. But instead of staying cooped up in the house- like he wanted-Camille dragged him around the city, getting a few last minute things before she had to leave. Of course he had whined, but in reality he was just grateful to be with her.
 Sebastian wasn’t oblivious, he knew what their friends and family’s would say if they saw how they’d been acting the last few days. But he also had to keep telling himself that it wasn’t anyone’s business but theirs. And right now, all he cared about was getting as much time with her as possible. To him-it was about the present, not the future.  
 His eyes flickered toward the patio door when he heard it slide open. His heart doing that fluttered thing when they landed on Camille. She walked toward the pool with a beer bottle in each hand and a look of exhaustion on her face. Without saying a word, she bend at the knees and handed him the beers. He quirked an eyebrow, but didn’t speak. Instead he watched her stand up straight and slide off the shorts, followed by the t-shirt, tossing it on the patio furniture behind her. She stood there in her army green two piece bikini. He brought one beer bottle up to his lips, his eyes never wavering from her hot body as she made her way down the stairs of the pool and toward him.
 Fuck, this woman was beautiful.
 “I’m going to start charging you for all the clothes you’re stealing.” Sebastian teased, speaking up first.   
 “It’s not my fault your stuff fits me comfortably.” She retorted and tugged on the shoulder straps of her bathing suit before she pulled her hair up in a messy ponytail. Once she reached him, she playfully splashed water in his direction. 
 He gave a stunned look, but it quickly faded and turned into a pretend exasperated look. Batting her eyelashes, Camille extended her arm out, indicating for the other bottle of beer. Sebastian scoffed and brought both bottles close to his bare chest. “Are you going to be nice?” He scorned. 
 “I’m always nice.” Camille deadpanned as she grasped her slim fingers around one of the bottles.
 “You’ve yet to show me your nice side.”
 Camille took a swig out of her bottle and side-eyed him. “Hmm, maybe so. But I have shown you other sides of me...” Taking an even closer step to him. 
 He quirked an eyebrow and then took the bottle out of her hand. Sebastian knew her well enough now what when she was stalling. “Speaking of nice...” Sebastian started. “How nice were you in there?” Nodding back toward the house, his insides tingling with nervousness. 
 “Subtle.” She stated with a smirk. 
 “Oh- I wasn’t trying to be subtle.” He confessed, his eyes never wavering from her face.
 Camille smiled wittily, standing inches from him. His pulse picked up at the mere closeness of her. He watched as she licked her lips slowly then leaned forward to brush those soft lips unto his gruff cheek. “I like that you don’t mince words.” 
 “I’ve learned it from you Dragoste.” He managed to say as her lips found the side of his mouth. He shut his eyes and enjoyed the feel of her touch. He heard a small sigh leave her mouth as their lips finally met. Blindly he set the beer bottle behind him and slid a hand up to cup one side of her face to kiss her back. He exhaled against her mouth, but didn’t stop. Angling his head, he continued his attack with his mouth. His tongue in search of hers. Their heavy breathing and the swooshing sound of the water ringing in his ears. 
 Sebastian should have expected this- Camille was an expert at avoiding conversations, especially when it came to her. Finally after a long few minutes, he managed to break the kisses, but couldn’t help but give a few sweet pecks before pulling all the way from her. As much as he was enjoying their little make-out session, he needed to be make sure everything else was okay. 
 “Camille.” He started softly but sternly. 
 “Sebastian.” She mocked back with a twitch of her nose. Stroking the side of her cheek with his knuckles, he gave her a long look. Her eyes soften before she moved her face and kissed his knuckles. “I’m okay honey.” As if reading his mind.
 “What did he want?” he blurted out, referring to David’s surprise visit. The curiosity getting the best of him, and bubble of irritation hitting the pit of his stomach when he realized her ex had ruined a perfectly good late afternoon make-out session in the pool.
 After the early afternoon errand/shopping and lunch, they’d gotten back to the house and decided to enjoy the pool and the sun. For the first 45 minutes or so they actually did some swimming, but soon after they got tired of it and ended up in each other’s arm, kissing and touching. They had started to get hot and heavy when the doorbell rang. (Apparently they sold ones to put outside…) Sebastian tried his best to distract her into not leaving his side, but she had insisted it was UPS with some important documents from Liz that she needed to look through before she left for New Zealand.
 She had batted her lashes and asked if he could go get the door while she went in and put on a shirt to cover up. Of course he hadn’t argued and did what she asked. Sebastian now wished he hadn’t opened the door, because on the other side of it stood David. And as much as he wanted to slam it in his face, he knew he couldn’t. Even after Camille’s first reaction to seeing him. Somehow David persuaded her to talk- she had agreed- but only if it was outside.
 Of course that had been almost 45 minutes ago.  
 “Apparently- he’s decided to move to San Diego.” Camille started with a lick of her lips. “To be closer to his son.” Sebastian’s eyes widen in shock. She laughed wryly. “Yeah... it seems she has family down there and she wants to be closer to them.” He extended his arm out in the water and slid it loosely around her bare torso to draw her close. “Supposedly they aren’t together, but he wants to be part of the baby’s life....that I was right about him getting his shit together.” She avoided Sebastian’s eyes and distractedly stroked his right peck with her fingertips. 
 It was quiet for the next few moments. All Sebastian could do was watch as she deftly raked her nails on his bare chest. 
 “You’re upset he’s leaving?” He managed to croak out. Of course she wasn’t over David. They had been together for 6 years. 
 She finally looked up and met his gaze. “Huh?” Then shook her head when she realized what he asked. She abruptly stopped playing with his pecks and shook her head more firmly. “No...It just makes me feel sad.” She concluded honestly. 
 “Sad that he’s leaving...and you’re not going with him?” 
 He heard a short chuckle escape her lips. “No, definitely not that.” Sebastian only continued to stare, unsure if he should speak up. Camille smiled knowingly. “He was a big part of my life, and it is bit saddening to know it’s really over. I guess sometimes I do think about what might have been-not in the way of wanting to get back with him-.” She added quickly. “Just curious... I guess.” Giving a small shrug. “Does that make sense?” 
 Sebastian smiled softly. “It does.” Every once in a while the same thing would cross his thoughts when it came to his exes. 
 “I’m finally passed all of it...but it doesn’t mean it still doesn’t sting a little bit. But I also knew things hadn’t been good for a long time. So either way, this would have been the outcome.” She paused. “I know that now. It’s taken me over 5 months to see it.” She lifted her face up to the sky. “It just took me by surprise, seeing him standing there. Especially when it had been months since we last spoke.” She peered back at him. “You know what else I realized?” 
 “Hmm?” Sebastian murmured as his fingertips stroked her bare belly under the water. 
 Camille let out a huge sigh. “How exhausting he could be at times. How I put up with it-I’ll never know.” Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle at her revelation. “Ha! I knew could get you to laugh.” She badgered with a wink.
 He squinted, but felt his cheeks warm up. “I still don’t understand why he felt the need to come and tell you he was leaving.” He mumbled, and realized he probably sounded like a jealous boyfriend.
 “He said he wanted to me to hear it from him. Especially after how bad things ended.” She answered with an indifferent shrug.
 “Hmm.” Sebastian uttered skeptically. He could be overacting, but he didn’t trust David as far he could throw him.
 “Stop scowling.” Camille ordered playfully, and pulled herself up even in the water and settled her thighs on either side of him. Sebastian gulped at the sudden change of position, he instinctively placed his hands on her hips. “It’s going to ruin this pretty face.” And cupped his cheeks with both hands for effect. “I’m okay.” She repeated, the tone of her voice changing. He nodded and slid his hands up and down her soft skin in the water warm. “But it is kind of nice.” She murmured and moved her arms down and around his shoulders, clasping her fingers behind him.
 “What is?”
 “You…being jealous.” She muttered lightheartedly before she leaned in and kissed him. His fingers had moved back down to her waist and he gripped on her skin, her words registering in his brain. She broke the kiss first and pressed her forehead to his, peering down through her lashes. “I don’t want to be with him. He’s part of the past…and you’ve helped me see that.” She whispered.
 “I have?” He whispered back, his heart threating to spill out of his chest.
 “Yes dork.” She answered earnestly. “I could not have gotten past these months without you. You’re my constant Sebastian-even if these last few days hadn’t happened.”
 Sebastian heard himself let out a sigh of relief as he glided his hands up, and moved one behind the back of her head and the other on her neck, his mouth in search of hers. Their lips found each other once again and he slanted his mouth just enough for his tongue to slip in and tease. The kiss started light, but with each second that ticked by, it got messier and aggressive. He grunted into her mouth when she withered her hot little covered mound right on top of his erection.  
 Once more, she broke the lip lock, but only long enough for her mouth to glide over his jaw and down his neck then back up. He licked his lips over and over as she sucked right behind his ear. Small sighs escaping her with every little suck she made. By then his hands had moved back down under the water and he kept twirling the strings of her bikini bottom with his index finger. One hand gripped roughly on one side of her bare hip when she stirred her ass on his lap and at the same time peppered light kisses along the side of his neck before she gave one of his bare pecks a light nip with her teeth. Sebastian breathed heavily at the move and slid a large hand up her back for support.
 While his hand kept her from falling backwards, her hand reached down into the water, unto his stomach, until they finally landed on his swim shorts and she squeezed gently. A low groan left his mouth when she did it again, her mouth licking and biting along his wet chest. He had a feeling there would be marks left on his skin, but he didn’t care.
 Using his other hand, he tugged on her chin and lifted her face back up to his. “What are you trying to do huh?” he growled. But his stomach swam with butterflies.
 “Nothing.” Camille said sweetly, those beautiful brown eyes looking at him innocently.
 He let go her face, but moved his own hand back down in the water and cupped her mound, heat met him and without breaking her gaze, he moved the bikini to one side and slid his finger an inch or so inside her. Her eyes grew wide at the sudden turn of events. Sebastian knew they were in water, but there was nothing like feeling Camille’s wetness. So silky.
 She panted when he stroked the finger inside of her in and out a few times, her eyes fluttered open and shut. She gave his now hard cock one last squeeze before she moved her hands to her each side of her hips and pulled the strings of her bikini, so they became undone.
 Shit. She was going to kill him.
 Sebastian pressed the finger inside and she gasped. “I’ll ask you again-.” Easing his long digit out of her. She whined in protest. “What are you trying to do?” And then slowly moved it back in and stroked, her bikini bottom floating away and disappearing out of their sight. 
 “T-trying to get you to fuck me.” She stammered and rocked back and forth simultaneously on his hand. 
 “Is that so?” He mocked before he leaned in and nipped her lower lip. A rush of excitement running through his veins at the sight of her. 
 “Yes.” Camille murmured against his mouth. “But for you to be able to do that, you’re going to have to take these off.” And moved her hand back down to his shorts. 
 Chuckling lightly, Sebastian slipped the finger completely out of her and quickly removed the rest of his clothing. He lifted the swim shorts up to show them to her before he carelessly tossed them behind him. He sat himself back down and she took the opportunity to settle her thighs back on each side of him. He winced when he felt her wet opening tease him. Sebastian gritted his teeth and tried his best to think straight. 
 Letting out a shaky breath through his nose, he found her lips and tried to distract himself in that way. Camille didn’t object, she only kissed him back, as the kiss deepened, she stirred in his lap. His hands smoothed over her belly and ribs, before they landed on her back. Without hesitation he swiftly pulled the string that held her top up and it quickly became loose, her beautiful dark breasts on display for his eyes as they broke the kiss. 
 She stirred and the water around them moved as well, for a second he forgotten they were in a pool. The water hit her bare breasts and Camille jumped in surprise. “The water is getting cold.” She said with a giggle.  
 Sebastian smiled softly down at her. “It is getting dark.” He observed and gave the sky a look. The sun almost gone. Not waiting for a response, he maneuvered his hand around and cupped one breast. He gently kneaded the soft flesh and suppressed the moan when his thumb rubbed on the beaded nipple. 
 She closed her eyes for a few moments and hummed in appreciation at his touch. “Mmm, this helps though...” She tried to tease. 
 He snorted back a laugh as his fingers continued their sweet torture. She hummed again. “You’re so beautiful...” Sebastian blurted out, his eyes flickering back from her face to her breasts. He couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit of guilt when he spotted the light marks/bruises his teeth and mouth had left from the day before. “Shit-I’m sorry for these.” As his forefinger stroked the marks on the swell of her breasts. 
 “It’s okay.” Camille murmured, followed by a tiny sigh as he bend down and kissed the bruises. “S-Sebastian...” she breathed. “I need you.” She declared, gliding her arms back around his neck. 
 He needed her too. Fuck- his whole body literally felt like it was on fire-even thought he was in water. He lifted his head back up and swallowed when her mound glided against his hard cock. He grabbed her hips hard, ready to shove her down onto him-but came to a halt when he finally realized what was missing.  
 “Seb?” Camille questioned in a small whisper. 
 He sucked in his breath and locked eyes with her, but sure he was going to explode any moment. “C-Cam... w-w don’t have a condom.” He had to think with the right head-even if killed him.  
 She shook her head. “I-I can’t wait baby.” And pressed her forehead up against his. She bit down on her lower lip. “It’s okay.” 
 Sebastian spread his palm onto her spine and swallowed the huge lump in his throat as he tried to not get excited at the chance to feel Camille without anything on. He always used condoms- it was the safe way-for so many reasons and he was more than okay it with it. But this was Camille...
 He squeezed his eyes shut, but this was also Camille talking in the middle of passion. One of them had to have their head on straight. So after taking another large breath to calm his brain, he spoke up. 
 “Camille- are you sure?” 
 She nodded again. “Yes.” Rubbing on the top of his wet shoulders. “I want you to feel me Sebastian. Really feel me.” He tilted his forehead to one side and closed his eyes as her words sunk in. 
 Sebastian knew she was on birth control-that wasn’t the problem-So then what was the issue? He thought to himself.
 He hadn’t been with anyone in over 6 months (back in Manchester) and he was sure she hadn’t been with anyone since David. 
 “But I totally get it if you don’t want to.” He heard her murmur as she began to pull away. “I don’t know what I was think-.” But stopped talking when Sebastian covered her mouth with his and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her body closer.
 The kiss was needy, desperate as Sebastian frantically groped and touched every part of her, water splashing around them. “Fuckkk.” He groaned as she proceeded to drive him crazy, sliding herself on him, moving the tip of his cock between her swollen inner folds to her clit then back again.  
 “Oh god-this feels good.” She panted. 
 Hell. Fuck. Shit. Those were the only vocabulary words his brain could muster. Sebastian grunted, and shifted a little, clutching her hips and dropped her down onto him. She let out a pained gasp and he quickly jerked his face toward hers. 
 “Camille?” He asked worriedly, breaking out of the fog of bliss. 
 “I’m fine. Just-just a bit-“ 
 “Sore?” He offered. She gave a small nod and licked her lips, eyes tightly shut. Again, a tiny hint of guilt hitting him and recognized he was the reason she ached. 
 “My body is not used to this much sex.” She joked and opened her eyes. He leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to her forehead before they locked gazes. He opened his mouth to speak but stopped and groaned along with her when she moved just enough for him to fill her deeply. Camille pushed her forehead to his and sucked in a shaky breath as their eyes locked. “O-oh my god.” She breathed.
 Sebastian felt the air leave his lungs as she moved, breasts flat against his chest, hands on either side of his head, she moved, rocking herself onto him. He clinched his jaw and sat still, letting her take him. She fit perfectly around his cock. He never wanted to leave. His hand sprawled across her ass, teasing little strokes up and down on her cheeks, his mouth now hovering against hers-not kissing, just breathing together.
 She panted his name over and over as she continued to move on him. He watched as she closed her eyes tightly. “No, Camille.” He breathed, moving a strand of lose hair from her soft face. “Look at me.” He ordered softy, his heart swelling with overwhelming love for this woman. “Keep your eyes on me.” Holding on to her hips, scared if he let go, she’d leave.
 She shuddered, but did what he asked as she began moving on him again. “Fuck Sebastian.” She whined, her face contorted in pleasure.
 “I’m right here baby…take what you want baby.” He encouraged in a low whisper. Camille continued to move-whether it was because of his words or of her own accord-it didn’t really matter. This went on for a bit, as their hands frantically groped and touched as much of each other as possible. Finally Sebastian took over the pace and lifted his hips to grind them closer, pressing her clit more tightly against his hot flesh. Wanting to show her how much he loved her, wanting to express what his words couldn’t. He grasped onto her warm skin, and continued to move within her.
 She gasped loudly, her sounds echoing in his ear as her head snapped back and felt her clinched around him, the orgasm washing over her, frantic little gasp leaving her mouth as her forehead went back against his. It was beautiful thing to watch-her shock and pleasure both at the same time. Without taking their eyes off each other, Sebastian held her to him and then pushed in deep, jerking her a little as he came, hot breath rushing past her ear.
 They breathed heavily together, Camille’s hands still on each side of Sebastian’s head as his hands slowly glided up and down her bare back, trying to regain his composure. Camille sucked in a large breath, but didn’t make an effort to move from his lap. He took the opportunity to press his warm chest to hers, still throbbing to be skin to skin.
 Her eyes fluttered open and shut a few times, and her chest heaved up and down. He stare wide eyed, unable to keep his eyes off her, a pure look of delirious plastered on her face. He was sure, he had the same expression. After a few more moments, Camille was the first one to speak up. “We can never tell Nat or Sam about this.” A sheepish grin on her features.  
 Sebastian chuckled and cupped her face in between his hands. “What? You don’t think your sister would approve of you having sex in her pool?” he asked sarcastically before covering her mouth with a tender kiss that left him breathless when they broke away. She moved and he hissed. He was still inside her. “Jesus.” He muttered.
 “Sorry.” She apologized with a grimace.
 “Don’t be.” Sebastian answered quickly. “You can sit this way for as long as you want.” He finished with a wink.
 “So sweet.” She deadpanned. “Unfortunately- we’re meeting Charles for dinner remember?” And gently eased herself off his lap.
He groaned in disappointment at the fact that he wasn’t inside her anymore. “Where are my bottoms?” he heard her mumble to herself.
 “At the other end of the pool.” Sebastian snickered and reached back for his shorts.
 “How the hell did they get over there?”
 “Well darling- you were moving a lot.” He answered with a raised eyebrow. “Then the water…” making a wave motion with his hands.
 She wrinkled her nose. “It’s too far to grab and my legs feel like jello. I’ll just use a towel.” She declared and smiled innocently back at him, sinking into the water, her head the only visible part of her. “Can you grab it for me? It’s the one over there.” And nodded toward the patio chair with their towels.
 “Personally-I would be okay if you just walked inside naked.” His hand on his chest, feigning a look of innocence. The patio lights had turned themselves on since the sun had gone down and he was sure it would give him a perfect view of her ass.
 She peeked her eyes in suspicion. “Oh, I’m sure you would be okay with it. I don’t need the neighbors looking at me naked.”
 “Babe-we literally just had sex in the pool. What’s the difference?” he asked, trying to hold in his laughter.
 She looked dead serious. “I’m cold now.”
Camille shoved her hands uneasily into the front pockets of her hoodie- or rather Sebastian’s hoodie and watched him set his suitcase in the trunk of the rental car. 
 “Okay- I think that’s everything.” He sighed and shut the lid. Her stomach was in knots and for the last half hour the urge to throw up had been on her mind. He turned to her with a small grin, but it slowly faded when he saw her face. Trying her best to mask the look, she hastily plastered a smile back on. It was too late.
 “C’mere.” He ordered softly and reached his hand out to grab a hold of the hoodie’s pocket and tugged her to him.
 Camille’s pulse quicken as she avoided eye contact, afraid she might cry. It was 530 in the morning and they stood in the middle of the still dark driveway about to say goodbye. She felt his thumb underneath her chin and gently forced her to look at him. Her heart ached at the sight of his beautiful face. The usual smile wrinkles around his eyes- gone, his blue arises looked down at her with concern. She told herself she was going to keep it together-at least until after he was gone. Crying was not going to make this goodbye any easier, she still had other goodbyes in the next few days.
 With his thumb still under her chin, he tilted it up and gently brushed his lips against hers. She sighed softly, eyelids fluttering open and shut. She was going miss his lips, his kisses, he broke the kiss. She knew this was going to be hard, and she had been trying to not think about it for the last few days, but here they were. He pushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. “Camille?” His breath ticking her face.
 She met his gaze and gnawed on her upper lip and pulled down on one sleeve of the hoodie. “Will you let me know when you land?” she murmured.
 “Only if you promise you’ll eat breakfast.” He bargained as he loosely slipped his arms around her waist, chest to chest. She laughed despite of her nerves. “What?”
 She shook her head. “Nothing-you just reminded me of what Mia Tia asked a few days ago.”
 “About you eating?”
 “Yes.” She could feel the beating of his heart-or was that hers? “She wanted to know if you made me eat when we were in Manchester during the whole ordeal with David.” She explained.
 Sebastian quirked and eyebrow. “What you did you say?”
 “That you forced me to.” She teased with a nose wrinkle.
 “So…she likes me?” his chest puffing out a bit.
 “She likes that you made sure I was fed.” Camille corrected.
 He grinned. “I’ll take it.” Then gave her a serious look. “You have to eat.” He repeated.
 “I ate.” 
 He pretended to glower, but caressed her back with the palm of his hands. “Half a pancake.” 
 She couldn’t help but let out another short laugh at his observation- not because it was absurd, but because it was just Sebastian being Sebastian. Always looking out for others, even at 530 in the morning. He had gotten up before her to make them a quick breakfast. He had insisted it was because he didn’t care for the breakfast they serviced at the airport, but Camille had a sneaky suspicion it was to make sure she was fed before he left. She had mentioned the day before all the things she still needed to do before leaving and he knew Camille had a tendency to forget about eating when work was involved.
 Pushing herself on her tip-toes, she glided her arms around his neck, interlocking her fingers behind him. “Thank you for making breakfast.” She murmured sweetly before their lips met for a kiss. Her insides melting when he tighten his arms around her and deepened the kiss. The anxiety from a couple of minutes dissipating as she allowed herself to enjoy his soft and warm lips.
 After a few long moments, Sebastian broke away and nuzzled his nose to hers. “What time are Nat and Sam supposed to be here?” Giving her lips a few light pecks as his fingers delved into her curls.
 “They said later on this morning.”
 After the wedding festivities, Natalie and Samantha had stayed an extra night in Big Sur as a newly married couple, then drove up to San Francisco to pick up the rest of their things before heading back down to LA before they left on their honeymoon. Hence, the reason for Camille and Sebastian’s last few days-they had the whole house to themselves and they definitely had taken advantage of it. Her whole body ached, but it had been worth it.
 Sebastian gave her another peck. “Okay.” Sliding his arms down to the dip of her back.
 Camille scrunched up her nose, looking at him through her lashes. “You’re going to tell them to make me eat too.” She pestered.
 “Yes.” He deadpanned. “Because I know you and you’ll forget. Have I mention how much of a pain in my ass you can be?”
 She sulked. “I thought you liked my ass?”
 He narrowed those blue eyes and squeezed her waist. “Don’t try and distract me.”
 She wasn’t necessarily trying to distract, but more so trying to stall so he wouldn’t leave just yet. Since the moment she opened her eyes that morning, she hadn’t be able to stop thinking of the ‘what if’ when it came to her and Sebastian. Camille knew everything they had talked about in Big Sur and even the last few days was the practical thing to do. It made sense. Right?
 But now- being in the moment- she couldn’t help but feel a deep ache within her chest at them separating. Then again-it could just be the hormones talking.
 She blinked back to the present as Sebastian’s hands soothingly rubbed up and down her back. “Try and get some more sleep.” He ordered tenderly, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
 “Hey-I was trying to get some sleep, but someone kept poking me.” Emphasis on the word at the same time her eyes leered down to the front of his pants.
 “I didn’t hear you complaining.” he shot back.
 After dinner and drinks with Charles, they had driven back to the house- and picked up where they had left off in the pool. Somehow- Camille still wasn’t sure how- they ended up having sex in the car in her sister’s driveway. After a bit of cuddling in the living room, they got ready for bed and fallen fast asleep-until Sebastian woke her around 3, wanting her again. After a few orgasms later, they ended up dozing off until Sebastian’s alarm went off at 4:30am. He gotten up first and showered before waking her. 
 “No- I definitely wasn’t complaining.” She answered with a wicked smile.
 The memories from earlier rushing through her head. This last time it had felt different. It had felt almost animalistic, the way they had attacked each other. As if subconsciously they knew it was the last time they were going to be able to share this. Camille’s smile slowly faded at the thought. 
 “Hey.” Sebastian said in a low voice. She caught his gaze. “What’s going on in that head of yours?” 
 Camille distractingly tugged on his shirt and broke the intent look he was giving to play with his collar. “You’re leaving.” The words stinging more than they should. 
 “Yeah-and you’ll be doing the same in a few days.” He reminded and pressed his forehead back to hers, one set of knuckles stroking her cheek. She opened her mouth, but he beat her to it. “And you’re going to be great Camille. I don’t want you to doubt that.” His voice sincere. “Okay?” 
 Biting her lower lip apprehensively, she nodded at his words. Not sure of what else to say. The words she had rehearsed over and over in her head gone now that they stood there about to say goodbye for 10 months.  
 She swallowed the huge lump in her throat and closed her eyes when he cupped her face in his hands and leaned in to kiss her again. Camille kept her eyes tightly shut, afraid the tears would start to fall. Instead she let his tongue find hers as the kiss deepened and his hand slid to the back of her neck for a better angle. She wasn’t going to get over his perfect luscious lips for a long time. He knew exactly how much pressure to put to make her melt, to make her moan in pure bliss. The kiss went on for the next few minutes, every so often breaking apart for a breath or for a nip of each other’s mouth. 
 Finally after a while, Sebastian teared his mouth away, his breath ragged when they locked eyes. She couldn’t help but give him another sweet peck. He only smiled softly. 
 “You should probably get going.” 
 “One more thing-.” Camille quirked an eyebrow. “Say you’re going to miss me.” He ordered cheekily, his hands back on her hips. 
 Camille let out a small laugh at his request with a shake of her head. Ever since their first goodbye-he always demanded the same thing when he left Los Angeles, and every time Camille would refuse to say the words out loud. 
 “All you have to say is: ‘Sebastian, I’m going to miss you’.” He lightly pushed and licked his lips in the process. 
 She held her ground and just smiled. She knew if she said those words right at the moment, she would lose it. Her heartbeat ringing in her ears, wanting more than anything to wrap her arms around him and tell him to stay and go with her. But Camille knew that wasn’t fair.
 “Okay, then.” Sebastian whispered, his eyes soft. “I’ll say it- Camille- I’m going to miss you.” 
 She let out a shaky breath and blinked back the tears. Then wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into his neck, inhaling his cologne one more time. The pang in her chest growing. She shivered when he pressed his lips along the side of her ear, then cheek and finally back to her lips. 
 She heard him sigh against her mouth and repeat the same word from the first time they said goodbye. “Was that so hard?” Grinning knowingly at her as they fully pulled away from each other. “I really should get going...” 
 But she wasn’t ready for him to leave yet, she reached for his hand and tugged him back to her. Her action must have taken him by surprise because he looked at her expectantly. She glanced down at their intertwine fingers then back at him and opened her mouth. 
 Sebastian brought his other hand back up and pressed a finger to her lips with a slight shake of his head before he captured her lips with his. A tiny part grateful he had stopped her. She inhaled through her nose as he kissed her again, deep and hard. Camille blindly gripped on his shirt to hold herself up, not wanting to let go of him. He sucked on her lower lip one last time before he teared himself from her. 
 Camille presses her lips together to keep the tingle of his kiss longer. “I was just going to say I plan on keeping this longer.” She murmured and nodded toward the hoodie. Realizing she was speaking for the first time in the past few minutes.
 “Oh yeah?” Sebastian asked with a light chuckle, then pecked her a few times on the lips. 
 “Yeah.” She retorted and brought her hands up to his beautiful face. She brushed one of his brows with her fingers, trying to ingrain his features into her brain. 
 He reached and clasped his fingers around her wrist, bringing her knuckles up to his lips. “It looks better on you anyway.” He stated with those pouty lips. 
 Camille leaned back in and gave him one more long and sweet kiss, her eyes tight to keep the tears from falling. She moved from his mouth, ready to tell him to stay. 
 But he spoke up again after a letting out a large sigh and taking a step backwards and toward the rental car. “I really should go.” He repeated, dropping her hand. “I’ll let you know when I get there.” 
 Camille nodded and chewed hard on her lower lip, afraid she caused it to bleed, but ignored it and as she watched Sebastian get into the car. Unable to keep from feeling deep down that things were once again about to change. 
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@jhangelface0523 @thewintersadie @janeyboo @peaceinourtime82 @its-daydreamer23
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ill-skillsgard · 5 years
Sweet Demons, Part 6 FINALE - Zeitgeist/Axel Cluney
Title: Sweet Demons
Description: It's the weekend of Friday the Thirteenth, the biggest motorcycle rally and festival in the Western Hemisphere but nothing is more enticingly chaotic to her than the mysterious new member of the famous Motor City Sweet Demons.
Warning: 18+ Mentions of drugs/alcohol/violence, eventual smut/various kinks
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Max demanded that I went into the house and left Axel alone but how could I have possibly ignored what I saw? From the living room window, I peered out so I could continue to watch what was happening. Bradley had helped Axel up on his feet and took him to the clubhouse while my dad hauled the garden hose out from the backyard to start spraying away the peculiar black vomit that had come up from Axel's throat. Confusion set in followed swiftly by anxiety. Nothing about what had happened made sense and the longer I watched my dad pointing a jet-stream of water at the place Axel had thrown up the more I realized that whatever ungodly liquid had come out of that man was leaving a nice deep blemish in the concrete. I paced around the house for a few minutes, unsure of what to do. Nothing had prepared me for what had happened outside. My head pounded and a sick swirling of guilt twisted my gut until it became difficult to breathe. I wanted to go to Axel just to see if he was okay although I was brimming with unanswered questions that wanted to explode forth. The way he had glared at me and told me to get away from him was playing on a loop in my head. Holding my hand to my chest, I tried to breathe in deeply and rationalize what I witnessed but there was nothing I could draw from. The pitch black liquid that seemingly burned through concrete was the last thing I had ever expected to witness. "Angel? Where are you? I need some bandages in here!" I heard my dad yell from the garage. I found a first aid kit under the sink in the downstairs bathroom and brought it to the garage where Braun was sitting on an old white plastic lawn chair with a balled up rag held to his right eye. The rag was not only caked in oil but also soaked in blood. "Get that shit off of his face, you're going to get it infected!" I yelled, shoving the first aid box into my dad's arms. "Why do you care?" Braun spat. "Hey now. You better fuckin' cool it, kid." Dad admonished in a way that was completely sincere and not at all bordering on the edge of a joke. "I've had about enough out of all yous." "I'll go get you some ice... Your eye is swelling like a balloon." Braun shot up from the chair and yelled, "why don't you go try to take care of Axel? Stop pretending like you give a fuck, 'cause it's not cute!" I stood up straight, offended and threw up my hands in defeat. "Fine! Fuck you too then! Fuck everyone!" When I went back into the house I was even more upset than before. I had fucked up so royally that everybody was at each other's throats. Then Max finally came down from the clubhouse to find my father in the garage taking care of Braun's deep cut and his ruptured eye. From the kitchen, it was easy to eavesdrop on anything that was being said in the garage, that I knew so I held my breath and listened hard to maybe try to gather some answers without having to go digging myself. "He all right?" Dad asked as Max entered the garage from the back door, sighing in frustration. "He'll be fine. More just pissed off about the Widow-Maker I think." "I tried to have a look at it but... Something's wrong with the fuel tank." "So weird. He was riding last night... How could something go bust overnight?" "Ah, who fucking knows. Might have to open her up to have a look." "Fuck, Al... I don't know. We have to hit the road like two hours ago. The rest of them are antsy to get going... I don't know what to do." The rusty squeal of the back door rang and a familiar gait thumped through the garage. I swallowed down the breath I was clenching in my lungs and took in another. If anyone came in through the kitchen entrance it would have been obvious that I was listening in but at that point, I didn't much care. "Just go. I'll meet you guys at the next stop once I get her going. Don't let me hold you up." Max Sweet lamented, "fuck Axe... I don't want to leave you behind." "Janet can tail. I'm not leaving here without the Widow-Maker." "Axe... You sure?" "I'm positive. You guys hit the road. I'll see what's up with her and get her going again then I'll meet you up North." "Shit," said Max. "I guess so." "Bring her on up. We'll have a look at her," Dad said. "Thanks, Al. And again... I'll cover the cost of filling the hole in the driveway." "Ah, fuck it. I got a guy who owes me a favor. I'll get it fixed. Don't worry about it." "I'm a little worried about it." "I'd rather you puke your fuckin'... Whatever unholy shit that was on the driveway and not on someone's face." "Where is she?" I heard Axel ask quietly after a few seconds of silence between the three. "She's in the house," Dad replied. "But you best focus on the task at hand." "Yeah, we have to get going," Max agreed. I went up to my bedroom and watched out the window as the Motor City Sweet Demons all got on their bikes and took off without Axel. I felt guilt rip at my throat like a rabid dog and I longed to go to the garage to speak to him even though I was at a loss for what to say. From the second floor, I watched Axel in the driveway, scratching the back of his head, staring at the Demons as they set off. Once he was left alone he circled his bike again, frowning, looking genuinely hurt. It felt terrible to me and all at once I wished I could disappear off the face of the Earth. He kicked up the stand and pushed the Widow-Maker up the driveway, disappearing from sight into the garage to begin work on it. I gave it a couple of hours before I decided to snake my way down into the garage to see him. Even though I had gone over what to say in my head a hundred times I was still afraid of what he would say to me. When I entered the kitchen to get to the garage door I heard the clanging of metal on metal. The sounds of Axel taking apart his bike were loud and I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts before opening the door. He looked up at me when I opened the door but quickly dropped his gaze back to what he was doing when he realized it was me. The seat of his motorcycle had been taken off and the bolts were on the ground right beside it in a metal dish. I wasn't exactly sure what he was doing but it looked like he was working on taking the gas tank off the bike. Grinding the toe of my sandal into the ground, I cleared my throat but he either didn't hear me over the sound of the Allen wrench or simply chose to ignore me. The latter made my heart sink and I immediately felt like Axel wanted nothing more to do with me. I approached the bike, grimacing and trying to lock eyes with Axel but he wouldn't pull himself away from dismantling his bike for a second. "Are you um... Are you okay?" I piped up. With lips clamped shut in concentration he shrugged. "I don't know. Does it look like I'm okay?" "I just wanted to make sure you were... Feeling all right?" "I'll be all right once I'm on the fuckin' road." Blinded by his words, I took one step back incredulously, "I'm sorry... I didn't know you were so eager to leave." "My gang's on the road right now without me. Of course, I'm eager to leave." "Well, you don't have to shut me out. I mean... I think you owe me an explanation after all that." Axel dropped the screwdriver that he was using to unscrew bolts and clapped his hand on the fuel tank that was half off. "I don't owe you anything, okay? I told you that I don't catch feelings at the beginning of the weekend and I wasn't just saying it to be cute. You and I had a good time but right now, I'm about to put my fist through a window and I need you to leave me alone." I stammered when I realized that what he said hurt worse than it should. The icy glare he gave me before picking up a wrench from my dad's toolbox was as forbidding as it was repelling. "Fine. I can see that it meant nothing to you at all. No romance. No nothing. That's fine by me. So when you come back here again, don't look for me." Axel pretended not to hear what I said and the longer I stayed there and watched him ignore me the angrier I got. "Fuck you! What the fuck is your problem?" "You, clearly." "No! You are the problem! How dare you try to tell me you don't catch feelings when you spent the whole weekend with me. You had full intentions of coming back for me before all this. Why are you suddenly acting like you're too good for me now?" He only raised his eyebrows before hunching over and reaching underneath the gas tank to disconnect the fuel lines. "Axel!" I yelled at him. He punched the fuel tank and stood up, the lines of his face deepening with anger. His eyes smoldered and he came in my direction. I hardly had a moment to flinch before his hand was squeezing my face, his immensity over me backing me up until I was pressed up against a steel standing tool chest. "What do I have to do to show you that I am not the kind of guy you want to spend your time with? You saw what happened. I'm. Not. Normal. I'm a walking fucking nightmare... An accident waiting to happen." I remembered the day I first saw him and thought the very same thing that he had just growled at me. He was an accident waiting to happen. Nobody with tattoos like that could have any kind of notion of normalcy. Although I hated Axel for being exactly the thing he told me he was, I hated myself more because I was just as bad. No matter how hard I tried to go a different way in my life I knew that I would always end up a selfish, self-indulgent delinquent and there I was, in his grip and at his mercy. He released my face but did not recoil an inch. He kept me backed up against the chest. "Angel... You are one fine piece of ass but us together... It would be too much. I have to get some fucking answers before I can pledge myself to anything. You don't seem to understand me when I say that I cannot get close to anybody. Even if I really, really want to. Try to get it through your head. You and me... It's got 'bad idea' written all over it. So, please...  Don't make this shit harder than it already is." I held in all of the emotion that wanted to burst from my mouth. Nodding my head simply to pull myself back from the edge of crying, I blinked and blinked away the tears. I knew he was right but I wished that he wasn't. I loathed that I couldn't manage to turn him over to me. No matter how badly I wanted him he wouldn't have me. I was just another stop on his journey. "Okay... I understand." "Thanks," he said shortly and then stepped back from me. He looked me up and down once and then turned back to his motorcycle; the only thing to him that really mattered. Biting my lip to keep from spilling anything more, I let my body relax a little. He went back to work as though I wasn't there and I stood still, hands clasped behind my back, aching to explode and tell him everything inside of me that was gouging to get out. The back door opened and a fan of light came in from the sun as well as my dad. He paused and looked between the both of us almost like he could smell the tension in the room. "You kids all right?" He asked us. "Yeah, Dad. Fine." "Gettin' there," said Axel. "How far along have you gotten on that bike, Axe?" Axel squinted as he reached under to pull off the last line. "Well, Going to take the tank apart. See what's going on." "Fuck, kid, you gotta get on the road," Dad reminded him. "I got plenty of working bikes out back, you're welcome to any of them." Scoffing in disbelief, Axel ran his greasy fingers through his hair looking taken aback by my dad's offer. "Al... I couldn't. I can't... I can't leave my bike here. I won't ride anything else." "I know, I know. Figured I'd offer, is all." "I really appreciate it, Al. I should have this taken care of by tonight then I'll be out of your hair for good." Dad looked at me and noticed that I had been exceptionally quiet during their conversation. Although, he chose not to draw attention to it. My dad knew how to read a situation and act accordingly. I was glad he didn't point out how I had been standing there like a statue with a wild animal of a disclosure clawing at my insides, gnawing on my ribs like the bars of a cage. It almost made me feel sick. The garage door was wide open so I turned and started walking towards the end of the driveway, ignoring the shallow pothole that Axel had created in it. Nobody called after me and I was glad because once I got to walking I didn't want to stop. Not until I made my way down the street, walked along with the curve of the bridge that bounded over the highway and through the main street to the beach. Because it was Monday, there weren't a lot of families on the beach enjoying the sun and swimming in the water. There were no groups of girls laid side by side sun-bathing in their bikinis and no kids running around in the shallow, lapping water playing with Frisbees and splashing each other. I didn't much care for the beach in my town usually. There were so many better ones nearby but on that day it was a relief to sit in the sand and look out at the same water that I had been looking out on for years. I wanted to tell Axel about what I did and I knew if I did that meant I would have to apologize to Braun too. My selfish impulse had hurt a lot more people than I intended. I felt cowardly as I took off my flipflop sandals and buried my toes in the sand so the feeling of the untouched under layer would cool my feet. For the first time in a long time, I decided to go swimming. I left my sandals where I had sat down and made my way to the edge of the water. The wet sand sucked in my footsteps and the water splashed up my ankles to my shins and then to my knees. With no regard for the temperature, I walked right in until I was deep enough to dive over the curl of a wave, swimming out further and further until I was far enough for the shore to shrink. There I floated, relaxing in the silence and letting my body get carried back with each gentle undulation. I skimmed the water all around my head with my fingers to make sure nobody that could potentially see me floating out there in my tank top and denim shorts thought I was a dead body. I probably looked strange but I didn't really care. It felt good to just close my eyes and pretend like I was no longer alive. The sun beat down and dried my face quickly so I took a long dunk under the water and resurfaced to breathe. When I turned away from the beach all I could see was the water meet the sky and for a moment I forgot what was plaguing me. I spent the brightest hours of the day reliving the tourist experience. I bought an ice cream cone from the shop that we always used to go to and ate it in the park on a wooden memorial bench beside a fountain that never had any coins in it because people would always fish them out. I walked through the shops and said hello to the store owners that used to hire me for Summertime jobs as a teen. Then I went to the pond and skipped rocks. It felt good to do those things again. By the time I made it back to the beach the sun was just beginning to set. Judging by the bluish cast in the air I assumed it to be almost nine o'clock. Just about the time that the bars lit up only it was the first Monday after the Thirteenth and nobody would be hitting the bars except maybe a few old-timers that never missed a night. The town was calm and so was I. Until I heard a motorcycle coming down the main street. I looked back and saw a black and green chopper with Axel on it, a black bandanna tied over half of his face and a pair of sunglasses obstructing anyone from seeing what he looked like. I tried to make it appear as though I hadn't spotted him but he had spotted me and pulled up loudly, slowing to a steady chug just before the blockades. I didn't watch as he set his feet down on the ground, clutching the bars to maintain the weight of the machine between his legs. He revved the engine a couple of times in an attempt to get my attention but I didn't want to just whip around and go to him like some kind of pansy little girl with no backbone, even if that's exactly what I wanted to do. The engine roared again and I threw up my hands before turning around to face him. I shrugged at him and turned away again. Maybe it was immature of me but maybe I didn't care. He killed the engine and it wasn't long before I heard the shuffling of sand behind me. "Angel," he called to me. "Axel," I mumbled. "Hey! I'm talking to you. Don't ignore me," he commanded. Then it was time to whip around only to shoot a hateful look in his direction. He had pulled down his facemask and hooked the arm of his sunglasses onto the collar of his shirt so they were neatly tucked away beneath his leather jacket. He had even removed his riding gloves, opting to shove them in the back pocket of his jeans as he approached. "Oh! But it's okay for you to ignore me? Why don't you go get fucked." "Angel, please. I'm sorry." Struck by his apology, I shook my head in disbelief. He noticed my shocked reaction and smiled at me. He looked so menacing in his green boots, black jeans, and leather jacket but as soon as a hint of a smile cracked over his lips it threw off the entire illusion. "Sorry for what?" "For everything. I should have kept my hands to myself. You and I should have never gotten involved at all." "Okay, you sound like an asshole again." "I AM an asshole. That's what I have been trying to say! I am a constant source of disappointment to everyone I come across. There's nothing good about me at all." To hear him say those things about himself cut me inside. I frowned at him and reached for his hand. Turning his palm over, I stared at his rings and brushed the pad of my thumb over a=the skull-shaped one on his middle finger. I sighed heavily and let go of his hand and in response, he took a step toward me. "You are right though. I do owe you an explanation." Digging my toes into the sand, I waited for him to ready himself to speak again. He sighed and looked out over the water and then back at me. It was getting darker and the streetlights came on but the light didn't quite reach where we stood on the beach. "Obviously you saw what happened," he began with a heavy sigh. "Yes." "I'm still trying to figure it out. There's something wrong inside of me... There's something there that's rotten." "What is it?" "I don't know yet. All I know is that at any given moment, anyone around me is in danger." "Can't you control it?" I inquired. Axel scratched the back of his head then hooked his finger under his bandanna and pulled on it. "For the most part, yes. But... It gets harder to control when I'm pissed or... I don't know, excited?" "I understand why you don't like kissing now." Axel took one more step closer to me and closed the short gap between us. With my feet in the sand, he seemed extra tall and I tipped my head back to look at his face. "It's not that I don't like it. It's that... I don't want to hurt somebody and when I met you I knew that I had to be careful. If I did something to you... To Big Al's daughter... I'd be done." "So... You're sick? I still don't understand." "I don't understand it either. I've been searching for answers for a long time. I've been looking for somebody that can help me or at least explain why this affliction chose to manifest inside me." "I hope you find the answers you're looking for." "Me too." Axel wrapped his leather-clad arms around me and I returned the embrace, pressing my cheek to the left side of his chest and inhaling his scent quite possibly for the last time. "Axel..." "Yeah?" "I'm sorry for what I did to your bike. I just... I didn't want you to go. I wanted answers too. I know I'm a huge fucking selfish brat and I fucked up huge." "You did fuck up huge. Big time. But... So did I. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you." "I wanted it. I wanted you," I admitted. "Fuck, honey... I want you too. and it scares the Hell outta me for so many reasons." Squeezing him tighter, I tried to fight back the tears that were burning their way up from my throat to my eyes. He kissed the top of my head and held me harder still. "I don't want you to go," I whispered. "I don't want to be alone again." "I'm going to come back. I will. As soon as I can, I'll run to you. I just can't be with you right now. Not today... Not like this." "But you said you can control it." "Sometimes! I am not taking the risk that one day I might lose control. I lost control today, you saw! That could have been someone's face. I could have killed Braun. I could kill you just as easily." "Let me come with you!" I pleaded. "No! You're not coming with me. You wouldn't last a fucking week on the road." "I have it in me! I can do it." "Your father would have every biker in the country looking for me if I let you come with me. Don't be stupid... I know you're not." I finally broke and let out a sob. "I am stupid. So fucking stupid. I'm sorry!" "You're not stupid!" He held me by the arms and gave me a shake, my head wobbling lamely as I battled myself not to cry. It was a battle lost though and Axel pulled me back in. "You're just... A product of your environment. You're a spoiled brat with a father who let you do whatever you wanted because that's the motto he lives by." Axel started to giggle, holding me at an arm's length again so he could watch me cry. "Look at you. You're such a fucking brat! I can't handle it." "Shut up!" I sniffled. "Listen to me," his voice got lower. "It's not that I don't want you to come with me. It's just... You know you can't come without a bike. I'm following the Demons and you know damn well you can't ride with us unless you know your shit." "I can learn fast." "Yeah, you will. You're Al's daughter. You have a permanent fucking seat with us for life. There's a throne with your name on it, Angel. You just have to embrace it." "I'll learn, I promise." "I know you will," Axel told me. He leaned in and kissed me full and hard on the lips for a split second before pulling away again. "And you know I'm gonna be here every Thirteenth until the day I die, right?" Axel stroked my hair and pulled me into him again. His leather started to feel sticky on my skin so I pushed his jacket open and wrapped my arms around his waist, tucking my fingers under the hem of his shirt just to feel his skin again. I knew his time to depart was drawing nearer but I just couldn't force myself to let go of him. His natural fragrance and his black leather was the most exhilarating combination of smells and I craved them. "Come on, walk to my bike with me," he whispered. I didn't say anything and I hardly looked up as he released me from his embrace, causing me to give him up. My arms hung loosely at my sides until he took my hand and pulled me along. Once we reached the blockades he let go of me and went into his throwover bag. I watched as he rummaged around and pulled out the acid-stained rag of a shirt that I hated as much as I loved. "Here. I wore this shirt for like five years straight when I was a teenager so it should stink like me forever," he passed the shirt to me and I accepted it. Then he went back to the jet black leather saddlebag and pulled out a stolen pair of my panties. I opened my mouth but nothing would come out. I could only watch as he rose them to his mouth and inhaled them, letting his lashes flutter, a demonic smirk darkening over his face. I held his shirt close to me and looked up at him with no words. He tucked my pink panties back into his bag and approached me, wrapping me up in his arms again. He placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. I winced at the feeling of his mustache prickling my skin but welcomed it at the same time. Then he kissed my lips once, two times and then again for much longer. Relaxing, I melted into him and accepted any of his kiss I could get. He whimpered very slightly and I knew it was because he didn't want to stop. "I wasn't lying when I told you I'm coming back for that pussy," he whispered next to my ear. "I know." "Good." "I'll send you postcards." "Dirty ones?" "Are there any other kind?" We both laughed and it dawned like a great bell between us that it was time for him to get on his bike and leave. I drew a deep breath in through my nose and tried to cleanse myself of all of the emotion that had been shared. It was bittersweet to watch him straighten his back and stretch out before getting on his bike. With the toe of his boot, he kicked up the stand and mounted the Acid Bath Widow-Maker. He turned the ignition and she roared to life, lights blindingly sending a beam over the sand. Axel revved the engine before using his left hand to pull his facemask to his chin. "See you later, Zeitgeist." "See you later... Angelica," he called before yanking the black material up to cover his mouth and nose. Digging the soles of his boots into the ground, he walked the bike back, turned to me once more, winked then turned back toward the road. With a smooth peel out, Axel drove away and I watched him until he was out of sight. Shuddering out the remnants of my sadness, I started on my way home once the sound of the Widow Maker faded into the newly rising fog. My dad and Braun noticed me from the lit garage as I came up our street. I walked the length of the driveway and didn't stop until I was five feet away from them. I stared at my dad and then at Braun and then looked to the back of the garage where there was a bike covered by a thick black tarp. It had been shielded beneath the tarp for years, never moving. "Dad..." I said. "What's up, sweetheart?" "I wanna ride my bike."
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seriouslyhooked · 7 years
Some Call It Magic (A CS AU) Part 8/?
When Killian Jones moves to Storybrooke he instantly senses something strange about this little town in Maine but he’s willing to overlook all the bizarre signs for one reason: the single Mum living next door to him. There’s only one problem. Killian is nearly positive she’s a witch, a brewing potions and casting spells witch. But when true love is involved, does a little thing like magical powers really matter? Story rated M.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7. Also On FF Here.
A/N: So after a while away from this story, I am back this week with a chapter that brings two pretty big events. The first is a more active flirtation with the M rating (if you know my stories you know I am always impatient to get to that smut) and the second is the talk I hinted at weeks back between David and Killian about what the heck is going on in Storybrooke. As such you can expect some cuteness and some humor as well as some deeper moments, and since this chapter is all from Killian’s POV we’ll get a good sketch of what he wants and where he’s at before hearing Emma’s response in the next installment. Anyway thank you so much for reading and I hope you all enjoy!
Standing at the window of his kitchen one morning a few weeks later, Killian found himself caught up in all sorts of thoughts about the life he’d found here in Storybrooke and the way his world had so drastically changed.
Only a few short months ago Killian had been an entirely different man, consumed only with the grind of his day job and catching the next story to put him over the top. Since he wasn’t working the featured sections or writing fluffy human interest pieces for the paper, his work had been on the bleaker end of things, and though there had been some fulfillment in assisting in his own small way with justice for the victims of the crimes he reported on, there was always that dark cloud cast around it all. To top it off he’d also lived in a noisy, crowded city, and he’d fancied himself more than content with that, but God had he been blind, and he never would have realized it if it weren’t for a random postcard from this peculiar little town.
Now in hindsight Killian could see that coming to Storybrooke had been the catalyst for so much good in his life and also so much necessary change. This move had opened him up to all matter of things he hadn’t realized were missing from his life before. He was at last beginning to feel like he was a part of something larger, and as each day passed Killian felt himself carving out a place here not just in the community of friendly neighbors, but in the lives of two particularly special ones who resided next door.  
“I can’t believe there was a time when you didn’t live here,” Henry had said last night when Killian joined him and Emma for dinner at their house. “It feels like you’ve been here forever, like you’ve always belonged here.”
The words had sent a straight shot of emotion through Killian’s chest and his throat had gone tight with the pleasure of hearing that. Clearly Henry hadn’t meant it to be such an overwhelming statement, but to Killian it was one, and it was only compounded further when Henry asked his mother if she agreed and Emma smiled before nodding that she did. Words couldn’t readily express what that had meant to him, but one thing that Killian had learned since coming here was that sometimes words weren’t necessary. He knew in his heart that Emma had understood the impact of that moment for him, and when she’d taken his hand there at the table right in front of Henry it had cemented last night as a truly bright spot in an already transformative spell of time since his moving here.
And speaking of bright spots, Killian noticed from where he was cleaning away the last of the dishes he’d left from yesterday that after a morning spent away setting up for the harvest celebrations tonight Emma and Henry had arrived back home. He’d offered to go with them and be of any assistance that he could more than once, but Emma assured him that they would be fine and then made the comment that perhaps he could get some writing done for the book he’d finally gotten around to starting after weeks of distraction.
It was more than thoughtful of Emma to be looking out for him and what he wanted, and Killian had honored Emma’s wishes for a little while, but now that she was back in his orbit once more thoughts of returning to the laptop in his study and developing the small town mystery he was writing were completely erased. Instead he found himself moving through the front door of the house under the guise of checking for mail he’d already gotten today, and when he was spotted he was immediately greeted by an eager and excited Henry who was waiting at the front steps of his and Emma’s home.
“Hey Killian! Did you manage to get your work all done?”
“Aye lad I did. Your trick worked wonders.”
Henry grinned at the compliment and the mention of the bit of advice that he had offered last night about how to motivate oneself to do work. It wasn’t a terribly complicated process, and it basically just required setting up a series of bribes and rewards to enjoy whenever he reached a significant milestone, but Killian had utilized it in the few hours he’d spent at the drawing board today. The only thing was he’d swapped out the suggested ice cream breaks Henry had pitched with a tiny taste of some of the treats from Stay a Spell that Emma had given him to take home last night. They’d been as divine as everything else made by Emma’s hand, but they’d also had the added bonus of being something to remind him of her, and it was those pleasant thoughts of seeing Emma again that really had Killian trying to get as much done as he could in the time when she was away.
“I told you it would!” Henry exclaimed as if it had been the most obvious thing in the world, and Killian chuckled at the precocious boy as Emma popped back out of the house. Then all of Killian’s attention was on her as she came to stand beside him.
“Hey you,” she whispered before pressing a kiss to his cheek that was chaste and appropriate given their youthful audience, but still sent a thrill of delight through Killian all the same. That feeling of rightness was then only increased when she offered her hand to take his with an ease that spoke to their special kind of intimacy.
“I see you and Henry are back from the set up. Did you get everything exactly as Belle desired?”
“Ha, hardly,” Emma scoffed, cementing to Killian that his read on Emma’s friend had been right and that though she was kind and lovely normally, she’d gone a little over the top as the leader of this town event. “With a perfectionist like Belle there’s always something else that could be better or bigger or brighter. But it looks great and she’ll see that when everyone gets there tonight. It’s going to be a good showing this year for sure.”
“Totally,” Henry agreed. “I can’t wait to tell Grace all about it when she gets here. We’ve even got a corn maze this time!”
“That’s the reason we’re back so early,” Emma confided, filling in the blanks for Killian about Henry’s new plans since at last meeting Killian was under the impression that tonight it would be the three of them venturing through the festival together. “Grace and her Dad stopped by to ask if Henry wanted to go with them tonight, and as soon as they floated Granny’s for dinner Henry was in.”
“What can I say? I know a good deal when I see one,” Henry proclaimed and the three of them laughed before Grace and Jefferson pulled up to take Henry on his night’s new adventure, with both Emma and Killian waving goodbye after them.
“So now that Henry’s off, are you headed back to the square, Swan?” Killian asked, his thumb tracing over her wrist lightly as Emma moved a little closer to him, filling the space around him with a charged sense of yearning that hadn’t been there only seconds before.
“No. I’ve clocked my good deed hours for the day but Elsa and Anna will be here pretty soon to pick me up so we can get ready at Ruby’s.”
“Ah, and here I was thinking you look stunning as is, love,” Killian whispered, his voice dipping into that register that always seemed to provoke Emma. He watched as she licked her lips and then looked around, no doubt seeing what Killian had seen when he exited his house and ventured out here minutes before, which was a number of well meaning but rather nosey neighbors that were currently watching them.
“I was actually meaning to ask if I could get that shovel back that you borrowed before I go,” Emma said with a smile at a slightly higher volume so that the eavesdroppers would hear and be thrown off the scent. It was flawlessly done too, and if Killian hadn’t known that was code for a private interlude in the back shed behind his house he’d have believed her to truly be looking for the garden tool which he’d already returned. As it was though, Killian was eager to follow Emma’s lead and get out of earshot of their over interested audience.
“Aye, love. It’s just back here.”
With measured steps so as not to seem too eager, Killian and Emma moved from the front yard back around the house. It was hard to move slowly when so much enticement stood before him, but somehow Killian prevailed and with as much calm as he could muster given the active surging of want coursing through him, Killian led Emma into the smaller building and then shut the door behind her, sealing them off from ambient sounds of the neighborhood and into a slightly more shadowy place.
The shed was mostly dark save for the sunlight that came in through the window, and though it had started a rather dusty, old place when Killian bought the property, he had seen to cleaning it up entirely as soon as the first opportunity came for him to steal a precious moment in here with Emma some weeks ago. Now it was a spot that they found themselves coming to more and more, and though Killian yearned for the days when they had more time and the ability to get lost in each other in the comfort of his bed or hers, this was what they could have in this moment, and he wouldn’t turn down this chance for anything or anyone.
In seconds Emma was in his arms and Killian didn’t know who started the kiss first but he did know it was heaven itself. It didn’t matter that time had given him more access to Emma and more knowledge of the fire that burned underneath the surface, she was still like a live wire in his hands every time, sending his systems askew so the only thing he could feel and see and taste was her. She was everywhere and yet not close enough all at once, but soon enough the little space that was separating them was closed and their bodies were flush against each other as one of his hands held the small of her back and the other intertwined with the thick golden locks she’d set free from her hair tie at some point in the day. Eventually the back of her thighs came to hit against the wooden counter along the shed’s wall that was totally cleared off for moments like this, and Killian boosted her up to sit there comfortably with her legs falling open as he came to stand between them.
“I keep telling myself we shouldn’t do this,” Emma moaned as Killian’s mouth eventually moved from her lips down her jaw and to her slender neck.
Once there he was a mix of rough and tender with his attentions, wanting simultaneously to wind Emma up while pleasuring her perfectly. It wasn’t enough of course, not nearly enough to have either of them fully satisfied, but as his hand slid down to meet the hem of her skirt and then moved up her thigh to the scrap of cotton that was all that lay between him and her waiting sex, Killian growled against her, satisfied that she was ready and needy for him.
“And why’s that, love?” Killian asked as he pulled back, watching her eyes heat even more from their jade color to an almost molten green as his finger traced through the damp material against her sensitive flesh.
“Because it’s risky. Someone could have seen us coming in here,” Emma said, her eyes darting towards the yard before another low moan escaped her lips as Killian’s fingers pushed past the seem of the thin fabric she wore and delved deeper into her. “Or they could hear us.”
Killian chuckled at that, not because he found the thought particularly funny. Far from it actually since with Emma he was almost possessive with his want for privacy between him and her. The thought of anyone happening along these intimate moments clawed at him and were far from desirable, but it was Emma’s feistiness and spirit that got to him now and flooded him with warmth. Even in the face of pleasure, pleasure that Killian could see written all over her gorgeous face and feel from the shivering thrills of her body against his, Emma had something to say. She was never at a loss for words and her wit was always there, reminding him that she was brilliant and so far beyond any other woman he’d ever met.
“I’d never let that happen, love,” Killian whispered, meaning every part of that vow as his lips came to brush against her ear before he nipped the lobe ever so slightly. “Just trust me.”
Emma didn’t need to verbally confirm that she did either, for her actions were enough and the arching of her hips higher to him and towards his hand as her arms came around his neck were profession enough. She was beautiful like this, chasing a high that she wanted only him to give her, but it was that unspoken bond and that earned sense that she could actually put her faith in him that riled Killian up most. He had to taste her, had to claim her and his mouth came crashing back down to hers as his thumb swirled against her clit and her fingers filled her, reaching that spot inside he knew would set her off in just a matter of moments.
“Killian,” she sighed into his mouth, her eyes closed and her breathing ragged. “I’m close.”
Bloody hell those words and that damn thready tone of hers was invigorating. Nothing could ever compare to that, to the sensuous note of Emma reaching the climax she wanted. It was music to his ears and a boost to his ego, but it wasn’t enough. Killian wouldn’t be satisfied until she’d given her release to him and when he told her as much he felt her tighten, chasing that ecstasy even more until she was so close to the edge that the slightest brush would send her over.
“Someday soon, Emma, we’re going to have more than this. A whole night just you and me, with hours spent showing you just how much I want you.”
“God, yes,” Emma whimpered, her eyes still closed and her lips looking swollen from the kisses he’d just taken.
“But for now I want to feel you come apart, Swan. I want you to feel this. Feel me. Let go, love.”
No sooner had he given that command than she was cresting, falling over into bliss against his hand and setting him aflame as she did. He was rock hard right now, aching to take more of her, but it wasn’t going to happen. Truthfully Killian knew how lucky they’d just gotten, for there were some times when interruption had come calling in the past week and they’d both left this tiny cabin like space frustrated, but at least he could see Emma happy and sated, and for him that would always be the greatest reward.
“Screw the risk,” Emma said as she came down from her high, her breaths evening out as her eyes still shone with that hazy sense of lust that came after the best kind of loving. “It’s worth it.”
“I’m glad you agree, love,” Killian whispered, his lips coming to stop just an inch from hers. “Because I’ve no intention of cutting back on these little moments of ours.”
“Good,” Emma whispered before pressing another kiss to his lips and then driving him right to the edge of madness as her hand moved further south down from his chest along the flat planes of his abdomen to the button of his jeans. She was seconds away from granting him the surest form of pleasure and taking him in hand, and past instances had taught Killian that he was totally in her control when Emma held the reins, but then, as if fate deemed fit to laugh at him, interruption came in the form of a car out front and the not so far away sounds of voices that Killian recognized as Elsa and Anna.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Emma muttered to herself before shooting him an apologetic look, but Killian wasn’t having that at all and he distracted her look of guilt with another kiss that seemed to wash away her tiny bit of defeat.
“We’ve faced worse setbacks love, and besides… there’s always tomorrow,” Killian promised, bringing a light back to Emma’s eyes that spoke to hope that he was right and that they would, in fact, have more time spent like this together soon.
“You’re still coming tonight, right?” Emma asked as she tried to tidy up her appearance a bit and Killian grinned at the sight of her cheeks appearing just a touch more flushed and her hair tousled a bit from the way he’d run his fingers through it. She threw it back up in a hair tie quickly and with an effectiveness that spoke to the fact that they’d done this more than a few times now, and that fact only made Killian’s blood hum more and the want low in his gut climb higher.
“I wouldn’t miss it. I’m grabbing a beer with David this evening, but I’ll be over straight away when that’s taken care of,” Killian promised, wondering for a moment if Emma would realize what that talk might be about with her best friend’s husband. After all, Killian was planning to confront David finally on what was really going on in this town, but Emma thankfully was oblivious, and only smiled wider at his words.
“Look at you making friends,” she quipped.
“That’s what you do when you find a new home, Swan.”
“You get beer with the local vet?” Emma asked teasingly and Killian shook his head before pulling her to him once more, cutting through her humor with a bit of seriousness.
“Aye, love, but more importantly you put down roots.”
“I like the sound of that,” Emma whispered and Killian beamed down at her, taking her in and memorizing this moment so he’d have it with him always.
“As do I.”
Unfortunately for both of them there was no more time in this particular instance to linger together or say more, but in a way that might have been a blessing, for after this stolen interlude with Emma Killian found three little words threatening to slip past the tip of his tongue. He couldn’t be a hundred percent sure, of course, but it felt to him like he’d been close to saying that he loved her and at some point her smiles and her laughter and the general goodness that followed Emma everywhere would have sent him over the edge, having him confessing the truth of his heart before either of them was totally ready.
That urge to tell Emma how he really felt and the intense nature of the feelings he had for her had been cropping up more and more over the past few weeks, but what had won out in the battle between truth and concealment up to now was that Killian wanted – no needed – this to be right for Emma. The last thing he wanted was to push her for too much too fast, especially given how much more progress they’d made these past few weeks. In truth they’d gotten farther than he’d ever thought possible, especially given some of the tales she’d revealed from her previous interactions with romance, and Killian had learned from the mistakes of others. Instead of bumbling in he was going to be patient, and only when he knew that Emma wouldn’t want to run from his advances would he give her those three words. In the meantime he was just trying to prove his love for her without having to put it in so many words, and though he’d already given her his heart, he was keeping that quiet for now until the time was right.
That didn’t mean Killian wasn’t actively thinking about all of this though, and these were the thoughts largely on his mind as he got ready for his evening out and then headed to the one bar that Storybrooke boasted. It was only when he’d actually entered the premises that he began to realize just how large a conversation he might be in for right now, and it took actually seeing David in the flesh for anything like worry to crop up on Killian’s radar.
“Well look whose blending in like a regular townie,” David said as he came to take a seat at the booth Killian had staked a claim on upon arriving. “Let me guess, Tiny even knows your drink order already.”
“That he does,” Killian agreed before nodding to the beer that had been ordered for David. “And he knows yours too.”
“He better, otherwise what the hell am I tipping for?”
“The unparalleled ambiance no doubt,” Killian joked and that had the two of them laughing, cutting away a large amount of the tension Killian was feeling and leaving him a little less daunted by what was about to unfold.
“I won’t lie, I kind of expected this talk to come sooner, you being such an observant guy and all. But then again my company’s probably not as desirable as Emma’s and from what I hear you two have been spending an awful lot of time together.”
“Oh come on now, Dave. We’re friends right? You can be honest with me. I know you and your wife take a keen interest in Emma’s love life. There’s no need to pretend otherwise.”
“What makes you say that?” David asked with all his normal good humor and a raised brow and Killian shrugged as he presented the irrefutable evidence.
“Well there’s the comments I get from Mary Margaret every time I see her in town for one thing, and then also the fact that you and the missus have just ‘happened to be nearby’ three of the last four times Emma and I were out and about.”
“Touché,” David acquiesced with a laugh.
“Not that I can really fault you, mate. Seems a symptom of Storybrooke that everyone’s got a need to know everything. As often as I’ve seen you and Mary Margaret, I’ve seen Graham and Ruby at least twice that much.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. Mary Margaret might be the mother hen of the group, but Ruby’s the self-appointed defender, and she’s gonna keep an eye on you until she’s totally sure you’re the right guy for Emma no matter how much she likes you.”
“Any idea how long that will take?” Killian asked, not even bothering to hide that he was indeed angling for that kind of approval since he did believe himself to be the right man for his Swan, or at least a man who could love her more than anything else in the world as a woman like her deserved.
“Probably until you’re married. Maybe engaged if something else pops up to keep her busy.”
“Right then,” Killian muttered before lifting the glass of rum that was on the table before him and toasting his glass upwards in a salute to David. “Cheers.”
David returned the sentiment before drinking more of his beer, and then the moment of truth came where it was Killian’s turn to make mention of why they were here at all. The only problem was that even if he was certain of what he was about to discuss with David, there was no easy way to broach the topic. As far as Killian knew there was no how to guide on discussing the existence and extent of magic in the world, and there definitely wasn’t a manual on how to try and extrapolate information about how much it affected the woman he loved. So Killian was left to go on instinct. Luckily for him though, David seemed to read this predicament he was facing and he opened a window to that talk before Killian could find a graceful way to do so.
“So you’ve got your suspicions about what makes Storybrooke special, huh?” he asked measuredly and Killian exhaled a sigh before nodding.
“Aye, but look mate, I don’t know how to say this without sounding crazy so I’ll just put it out there: this town isn’t normal. There are just too many little things – and some not so little things - off about it that logic can’t explain away. It’s like…”
“It’s like…?” David asked, clearly eager to hear Killian’s take on the situation but still reining himself in as he took another sip of his beer.
“Well it’s like magic, probably because I suspect that’s exactly what it is. I don’t know how it works, and I obviously don’t have definitive proof, but I know what I’ve seen and I know what I know. The only thing I don’t understand – or I guess I should say the main thing I don’t understand - is how the hell it’s possible. I mean it shouldn’t be possible.”
With those words out there in the air between them, Killian didn’t know what to expect. The wholly rational part of his brain, the part that was driven by decades of reasoning and still sometimes grappled with the fact that what his eyes had seen in certain cases couldn’t possibly be true, was somewhat hoping for a rebuttal. It expected David to laugh at him and maybe toss out some mocking words, but instead there was nothing but a spark of something like recognition and then a measured nod as David put his beer bottle back on the countertop.
“And if it is possible...?” David asked casually, still apparently trying to size up Killian’s reaction to the thought that there was some kind of supernatural force in town and amongst its people. “If Storybrooke has magic in it, what’s that mean for you?”
“Well it means everything to me, because it’s a part of Emma and Emma’s… well Emma’s fast becoming everything.”
Finally after a few moments of severity and an almost stony face, David let loose a smile and though Killian had only spoken his mind he felt that he’d said something right, or at least something to gain more of the trust of his new friend and confidant. In that instant Killian knew this conversation was about to shift and he felt a sense of validation and a renewed eagerness to find out what he could so he’d be best prepared to be what Emma and what Henry would need. Because at the end of the day that was what mattered to him. He didn’t care about abilities or how Emma had them or where they came from. All he cared about was that if she needed his support he could give it, and if she needed his understanding he could give that too. But he couldn’t decipher where his place should be until he knew more, and that was why he’d even bothered coming to David at all about this.
“So no plans to run for the hills?” David clarified and Killian scoffed at the idea that he’d be heading in any direction other than towards Emma before retorting.
“Not bloody likely.”
“Good man. Well I’ll answer what I can, but some of this – heck most of this – is stuff you should probably hear from Emma when she’s ready.”
Killian agreed with that whole-heartedly and he looked forward to the day when she would confide in him, but for the time being there were some basic facts and groundwork that he wanted to get a handle on. It would make him feel better about all of this, and hopefully when the time did come for Emma to reveal the truth to him he’d be better prepared for her story if he understood these new rules of engagement a world with magic might have.
“You should also know I talked to Graham and Kristoff before coming here, and half the reason I’m even trusting you with this information is because Graham was incredibly thorough with the background check he ran on you. We’re talking dark web, NSA level stuff. I honestly don’t know how he does it.”
Killian found himself chuckling again at that, not even remotely surprised that Graham had dug into the trenches of Killian’s past and present. There wasn’t anything he’d find to pose as a red flag of any sort, and though another person might have been offended, Killian couldn’t muster that sentiment. After all Graham loved Ruby, and if that love was anything like what Killian felt for Emma, he could understand wanting to protect her at all costs no matter what the moral implications might be.
“That’s just half the reason? What else possibly swayed you?” Killian prodded and then David grinned again.
“You did, or rather the way you are with Emma did. There’s no denying what we all see when the two of you are together, and I have to believe feelings like that can’t be faked. Call me a romantic but love like the one you seem to have for her just has to be real.”
“It’s real,” Killian agreed. “It’s so real that the rest of it almost doesn’t matter. Whatever you tell me now isn’t going to change how I feel, it’s only going to help me be a better man for her.”
David seemed to take that as his final sign that confiding in Killian would be okay, and over the next twenty minutes or so he laid out a number of elements about magic and Storybrooke that he understood from his place at the periphery of it all. He told Killian about how though Storybrooke was unique, it wasn’t the only community of its kind in the world, and that magic in itself took on many different forms. Some fictional depictions of it were kind of on to something, but most were hyperbolic and largely incorrect. There weren’t any vampires or banshees running around haunting this place, and there wasn’t a war going on between good and evil or light and dark, just a number of people with a variety of gifts that were all used in the service of making this place a better little of the corner of the world to live in and helping out their fellow neighbors in good times and bad.
As far as Emma and her friends went, the six of them (including Anna who David said did not have magic of her own) had taken it upon themselves to live by that mentality of using magic only for good and for the right reasons. They had inherited as such a lot of the duties of past magical folks in town who watched over everyone and protected the peace and quiet Storybrooke boasted, but of the lot of them the only one who hadn’t grown up within the comforts of a town that knew about and accepted magic was Emma. This for Killian began to explain so much and now he could only imagine how much harder it would have been for her as a child growing up in the system. Coming of age and moving through the world without a family would be hard enough, but struggling to understand her magic when there was no one to tell her that this was real and that she wasn’t some freakish anomaly must have been so painful. It hurt Killian even to think that way, yet David didn’t get into specifics both because he didn’t want to betray Emma’s confidences and because he didn’t really have many answers.
“I love Emma like she’s family because she is, but even now and even with us she’s still guarded. All I know for sure is that when Emma came to town after a string of really crappy breaks it took her some time to accept the way things were. I wasn’t here back then, but from what Mary Margaret says they were all more than a little worried that she wouldn’t find her place here at all and that she wouldn’t let anyone in…”
“But she stayed for Henry and the trust and belonging followed,” Killian filled in, knowing that was the case even if the version of the story he had from Emma herself didn’t include the presence of supernatural powers or that extra layer of ostracizing Emma had felt all those years before arriving in Maine.
“And did you know about magic before you got here?” Killian asked, pulling a full on laugh from David that instantly spoke to how far from the case that was.
“No way. Before Mary Margaret people said magic and I thought David Blaine and those other posers that have people flocking to Vegas, but I checked and he’s not really, you know, gifted. At least not according to Belle whose got some sort of registry for magical people in the public eye.”
“And when Mary Margaret did finally tell you how did you react?”
“Same as you. I had my suspicions about some things and I felt like I was going crazy reading too much into it, but when she told me it didn’t sway me at all. It was just something else to love her for. I honestly felt relieved to know, and then I felt sure that she was in it as much as I was and that was all I wanted.”
“Sounds nice,” Killian mused, not jealous per se, but desirous to get to that point sooner rather than later with Emma so he could feel that certainty as well.
“It was and within the week I asked her to marry me. There was no more denying what we were then, and what we were – what we still are – is right for each other.”
Killian’s heart began to ache at that, and again he was happy for his friend, a man who was clearly deserving of finding that kind of love and with Emma’s good friend no less, but there was that longing deep in his soul to get to that place with Emma. He was being patient and he would remain as such, but it was difficult to do so when he felt as ready as he did for more.
“You’ll get there, Killian,” David said then as if reading his mind. “But Emma’s going to take a little longer than Mary Margaret did just because of who she is and what she’s been through.”
“She tried to tell someone before, didn’t she?” Killian asked, suspecting that she must have at the very least attempted to be candid with Henry’s father. From the little bit Killian knew, Emma had tried to make it work with the man before he bolted out of the picture so fast he left blurred lines in his wake, but now Killian was positive that it wasn’t just from the man not wanting commitment, but also not accepting magic and thus Emma in kind.
“She did and it went just as terribly as you’re thinking. But she’s getting there, and soon enough you guys will have your moment too and then we can wait around for the next guy to show up here trying to marry Elsa or Belle. Who knows, maybe then you can join me on this little magical introduction. We could make it a whole routine and everything.”
“Sounds like a plan, mate,” Killian agreed before ordering them both another drink and deciding to enjoy the little time they had before the evening’s festivities without the heaviness of the town’s big secret weighing around them.
It was actually surprisingly easy to do so too, but perhaps Killian shouldn’t have been so shocked because he did know David to be a good man and an easy going kind of person. In fact, it was so easy and the mood was so light that Killian left the bar a little while later with David at his side knowing that this was another sign of the rightness of his coming here. This simplicity in forming new bonds and finding good people was a mark in Storybrooke’s favor, and it only cemented Killian’s belief that he’d been meant to find his way here and to the citizens who called this place home.
“So… are you ready for your first Storybrooke festival?” David asked smugly as they drew nearer to the town square where all the festivities were being held.
“More than you know,” Killian countered, but perhaps he’d spoken too soon, for right at the moment the crowds of milling people broke long enough so that he could see Emma once more and this gorgeous, intriguing, and thoroughly complicated woman took his breath away as she so often did.
With her long flowing white skirt and a crown of wild flowers in her freely hanging golden hair, Emma was a vision, and whatever imagery he’d had in his mind with the limited knowledge he possessed of this evening beforehand, it was all blown out of the water when he took her in in full. She was a siren, a fairy, a creature out of lore made real somehow, and he was so completely under her spell that resistance wasn’t possible. He felt every part the moth drawn to a flame with no wish to change that instinct, and then right at that instant she looked his way as if sensing his arrival and she smiled at him across the temporary fair grounds, filling him up with so much feeling and light it was almost too much to bear.
Without thinking at all and without so much as a word of goodbye to David Killian was in motion, making his way to her, and in those fleeting seconds where they were still apart, Killian reflected on how this woman was undeniably his future. There was simply no denying that this was the path he was supposed to be on, and everything had to work out in the end no matter what may come because he simply couldn’t go on without having Emma Swan in his life and in his heart. Whatever happened, Killian would make Emma feel his love for her, and somehow, someway he’d win her heart and claim the ultimate prize of belonging to her and in her world for now and always.
Post-Note: So originally I was going to have this chapter include both Killian’s talk with David and the harvest celebration/magical ritual from Emma’s POV, but it soon became apparent to me that that was not going to work. There were just too many things I wanted to include to have it all in one installment, but not to worry. My hope is to get Emma’s responding chapter (and also the full earning of the M rating) out sometime in the next week or so, and eventually I should have more time to commit to this story because I have two other AUs coming quickly to a close. Anyway thank you all so much for reading and I hope that you enjoyed!
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