#then adding in transport
beardedmrbean · 8 months
French farming unions are taking aim at the European Union’s free-trade agreements, which they say open the door to unfair competition from products arriving from overseas. At a time when the EU is urging farmers to adopt more sustainable – and sometimes more costly – agricultural practices, unions say these trade deals are making it hard for them to stay solvent.
French farmers say that one of their biggest fears is that Chilean apples, Brazilian grains and Canadian beef will flood the European market, thereby undermining their livelihoods. France’s farmers continued to demonstrate on the country’s motorways on Wednesday, protesting against rising costs, over-regulation and free-trade agreements –partnerships between the EU and exporting nations that the farming unions say leads to unfair competition. 
The EU has signed several free-trade agreements in recent years, all with the objective of facilitating the movement of goods and services. But farmers say the deals bring with them insurmountable challenges.
"These agreements aim to reduce customs duties, with maximum quotas for certain agricultural products and non-tariff barriers," said Elvire Fabry, senior researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute, a French think-tank dedicated to European affairs. "They also have an increasingly broad regulatory scope to promote European standards for investment, protection of intellectual property, geographical indications and sustainable development standards."
South American trade deal in the crosshairs
Some non-EU countries – such as Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland – maintain comprehensive free-trade agreements with the EU because they are part of the European Economic Area. This allows them to benefit from the free movement of goods, services, capital and people.
Other nations farther afield have signed more variable agreements with the EU, including Canada, Japan, Mexico, Vietnam and Ukraine. The EU also recently signed an accord with Kenya and a deal with New Zealand that will come into force this year; negotiations are also under way with India and Australia.    
However, a draft agreement between the EU and the South American trade bloc Mercosur is creating the most concern. Under discussion since the 1990s, this trade partnership between Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay would create the world's largest free-trade area, a market encompassing 780 million people. 
French farmers are particularly concerned about the deal’s possible effect on agriculture. The most recent version of the text introduces quotas for Mercosur countries to export 99,000 tonnes of beef, 100,000 tonnes of poultry and 180,000 tonnes of sugar per year, with little or no customs duties imposed. In exchange, duties would also be lowered on exports from the EU on many “protected designation of origin” (PDO) products. 
At a time when the EU is urging farmers to adopt more sustainable agricultural practices, French unions say these agreements would open the door to massive imports – at more competitive prices – of products that do not meet the same environmental standards as those originating in Europe. French farmers are calling out what they say is unfair competition from farmers in South America who can grow GMO crops and use growth-promoting antibiotics on livestock, which is banned in the EU. 
Trade unions from various sectors went into action after the European Commission informed them on January 24 that negotiations with Mercosur could be concluded "before the end of this mandate", i.e., before the European Parliament elections in June.      
The FNSEA, France’s biggest farming union, immediately called for a "clear rejection of free-trade agreements" while the pro-environmental farming group Confédération Paysanne (Farmers' Confederation) called for an "immediate end to negotiations" on this type of agreement.   
A mixed record
"In reality, the impact of these free-trade agreements varies from sector to sector," said Fabry. "Negotiations prior to agreements aim to calibrate the opening up of trade to limit the negative impact on the most exposed sectors. And, at the same time, these sectors can benefit from other agreements. In the end, it's a question of finding an overall balance."
This disparity is glaringly obvious in the agricultural sector. "The wine and spirits industry as well as the dairy industry stand to gain more than livestock farmers, for example," said Fabry. These sectors are the main beneficiaries of free-trade agreements, according to a 2023 report by the French National Assembly.
"The existence of trade agreements that allow customs duty differentials to be eliminated is an 'over-determining factor' in the competitiveness of French wines," wrote FranceAgriMer, a national establishment for agriculture and maritime products under the authority of the French ministry of agriculture in a 2021 report. The majority of free-trade agreements lower or abolish customs duties to allow the export of many PDO products, a category to which many wines belong.
However, the impact on meat is less clear-cut. While FranceAgriMer says the balance between imports and exports appears to be in the EU's favour for pork, poultry exports seem to be declining as a result of the agreements. Hence the fears over the planned treaty with New Zealand, which provides for 36,000 tonnes of mutton to be imported into the EU, equivalent to 45% of French production in 2022. France,however, still has a large surplus of grains except for soya. 
‘A bargaining chip’
Beyond the impact on agriculture, "this debate on free-trade agreements must take into account other issues", said Fabry. "We are in a situation where the EU is seeking to secure its supplies and in particular its supplies of strategic minerals. Brazil's lithium, cobalt, graphite and other resource reserves should not be overlooked."
The agreement with Chile should enable strategic minerals to be exported in exchange for agricultural products. Germany strongly supports the agreement with Mercosur, as it sees it as an outlet for its industrial sectors, according to Fabry.
"In virtually all free-trade agreements, agriculture is always used as a bargaining chip in exchange for selling cars or Airbus planes," Véronique Marchesseau, general-secretary of the Confédération Paysanne, told AFP.
Michèle Boudoin, president of the French National Sheep Federation, told AFP that the agreement with New Zealand will "destabilise the lamb market in France".  
"We know that Germany needs to export its cars, that France needs to sell its wheat, and we're told that we need an ally in the Pacific tocounter China and Russia. But if that is the case, then we need help to be able to produce top-of-the-line lamb, for example," she said.
Finally, "there is a question of influence", said Fabry. "These agreements also remain a way for the EU to promote its environmental standards to lead its partners along the path of ecological transition, even if this has to be negotiated," said Fabry. 
Marc Fesneau, the French minister of agriculture, made the same argument. "In most cases, the agreements have been beneficial, including to French agriculture," Fesneau wrote on X last week, adding: "They will be even more so if we ensure that our standards are respected."
Mercosur negotiations suspended? 
As the farmers’ promised “siege” of Paris and other major locations across France continues, the French government has been trying to reassure agricultural workers about Mercosur, even though President Emmanuel Macron and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva relaunched negotiations in December. "France is clearly opposed to the signing of the Mercosur treaty," Prime Minister Gabriel Attal acknowledged last week.
The Élysée Palace even said on Monday evening that EU negotiations with the South American bloc had been suspended because of France's opposition to the treaty. The conditions are "not ripe" for concluding the negotiations, said Eric Mamer, spokesman for the European Commission. "However, discussions are ongoing." 
Before being adopted, the agreement would have to be passed unanimously by the European Parliament, then ratified individually by the 27 EU member states.
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foxprints · 1 year
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Still messing around with design concepts for a physical representation of ART in the feed.
Essentially, the more split its focus is (or the more distant) the smaller and less defined its shape and the more it tends "trail data." The more present or focused it is, the larger its presence and the more Shaped it becomes. Next I'll be coming up with a suitable Intimidation Mode™ for it and I may attempt a more realistic version of both it and Murderbot if I'm feeling ambitious....
Thanks to @soundwavereporting and @scificrows for the enabling, brainstorming, and encouragement!! <3
Inspiration from: angelic TrueForms, Studio Ghibli spirits, Glyph and EDI from Mass Effect, Owlbears (so Shaped lol) and Venom (subconsciously apparently lol)
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The Outbursts Of Everett True (May22nd1909)
Art by AD Condo
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ltwilliammowett · 4 months
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The remains of the Mainz Wreck 5 a Roman troop transportation ship (navis lusoria)
After the establishment of the military castrum (fort) of Mogontiacum (modern Mainz) in 13–12 BC, ships of the Classis Germanica (the Roman fleet in Germania Superior and Germania Inferior) became stationed at its harbor.
Mogontiacum soon became the capital of the Roman province of Germania Superior and an important naval base of the Roman fleet on the river Rhine. In November 1981, as workmen dug the foundation of an extension of the Hilton Hotel in Mainz, the remains of at least 10 military wooden ships dating from the last days of the Roman Empire were discovered still in situ on their gravel beds.
These survived more than 1,500 years only because they were buried under 7 metres of clay and sand, which kept them away from the destructive effects of oxidation. The ships, all made of German oak, were waterlogged but otherwise fairly well preserved. Wreck nr. 5 dates in the 4th century AD and was originally 18 m long, only the front 9 m long section from the bows to just aft the mast-frame was able to be recovered.
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femboy-expert · 8 months
My apologies for the delay in posting schedule
I was too busy touching grass(sy trams)
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kply-industries · 5 months
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The New KPLY rail sedan. Because the Department of Transportation isn't the boss of us.
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markantonys · 10 months
day 71 of asking why reddit has suddenly become convinced that the 'finn and mat's rhuidean trip are a waste of time and easily cut, and that season 3 will obviously feature him splitting off from the friends he just reunited with in order to spend the entire season dicking around with thom and getting into shenanigans, as that is much more important to his overall character arc than his 2-book waste arc
like there have been SO MANY posts like this lately and all of them are filled with comments of universal agreement! am i having a stroke? what the hell is going on???? i'll admit mat doesn't have a huge amount of specific stuff to do in the waste aside from rhuidean, but rhuidean is crucial to his character and s2 had Mat-Finn Connection Foreshadowing out the wazoo, plus the waste plotline is MUCH more fertile ground for creating additional Specific Mat Stuff and enhancing his character development & relationships with other main characters than his TDR plotline of dicking around with thom is.
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scificrows · 1 year
okay after hearing everyone's opinions on this on this post i felt like a poll was in order! i hope i didn't forget anything! soooo:
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ginnydesigns · 2 months
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GINNY DESIGNS | RII7ING EVERYWHERE [#RII7EinSeoul] - An all-out Seoul advertisement project dedicated to RIIZE member Seunghan, in collaboration with RIIZE USA fanbase
This is an ongoing project collectively worked on by various devoted fanbases, in the hopes to urge Kpop music label @smtown to value their artists better, and to immediately reinstate Seunghan to continue his activities with RIIZE, after unnecessarily placing him on hiatus from continuous online attacks & harmful rumours, causing him to miss out months of precious rookie experiences.
To view the video advertisement as well as the videos taken by fans at the Hongdae Station so far, please view my Instagram account!
The LED billboard is the first portion of this ambitious project, already achieved with the donations received so far by generous fans. And the administrators are eager to achieve further, by aiming to reach more ad installations around Seoul’s public transportations all at once—such as airports, buses, taxis, subways, etc.
If you feel compelled with the situation and the painstaking efforts the fans are giving their all for this artist, we would sincerely appreciate your contribution to donating to the RII7ING EVERYWHERE project, and/or sharing it with your friends & families. Feel free to screenshot/save this picture below if you are using mobile.
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Explore the world of GINNY DESIGNS! Website, SNS, sales & promotions ➡ @ginnydesigns home page
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lilidawnonthemoon · 2 months
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#The Atypical Family#I haven’t enjoyed/ been so moved by a drama in a very long time ❤️#just finished it I cried so much & SO hard haha#I was completely immersed and engaged from beginning to end which is rare (12 eps is a good length too)#I didn’t expect it to have so much depth and be so touching going into it I just wanted something different#mental illnesses complex interesting characters complicated -toxic- family relationships fantasy fated lovers found family...#well written and WONDERFULLY acted!!#the whole cast was amazing but the two leads were just outstanding wow#never saw either of them in big roles and now I’m a huge fan of both#Chun Woo Hee I’m so in love with you#I’m usually more touched by the female lead (actress/character) but the male lead actor was acting his ass off and made me SOB many times#his scenes with his daughter Ina oh I was a MESS and of course the lead couple scenes together <3#I also haven’t been that impressed by romance lately in shows but theirs was truly beautiful (and again: really well acted)#I could relate to parts of most characters: Dahae Donghee Gwiju Ina..#a poetic emotional rollercoaster and my favorite drama this year so far (by far)#now I want to carry on watching Queen of Tears (mainly for my Queen Kim Jiwon I’m her number one fan) and watch Lovely Runner too#but it will be hard to beat this one and I highly recommend it!!#deserved more love & attention#my mom loved it too it standed out to her and she watches ALL the kdramas lol#forgot to mention the magical OST I see you by the oh so great Lee Sora and her bewitching voice <3#I also haven’t been so moved by an ost in a long time it added so much to the atmosphere of the drama & really transported me into its worl#korean drama#2024#shots#cinematography#jang ki yong#cheon wo hee#Claudia Kim#park soyi
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foxprints · 9 months
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Happy holidays @rj-abacura !!
It's been so nice getting to know you this year and I hope the holidays and New Year treat you kindly!
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luminarai · 4 months
You know when you read a piece of fiction - book, short story, fanfic, what have you - and there’s just one tiny detail that just takes you completely out of the story?
I just read a passage in a piece of original fiction where the main character hugs a friend and tells us she smells like the ‘delicate rose and jasmine of her familiar Chanel No 5’ and my brain just screeched to a halt. Tell me you googled ‘famous fancy perfume’ and picked the first two scent notes you saw without telling me. Many things can be said about that particular fragrance I don’t think anybody with a working nose would describe it as ‘delicate florals’.
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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knock knock let me in let me be your secret sin ; left right straight ahead theres no way out youre dead
#neros art tag#kny sabito#sabito#fratboy sabito posting#halloween au#labyrinth(oomph!)#sorry giyuu... muse replaced lmao#i love this song sm#anyways im adding this to the halloween au#another fic i started and never finished. concept is fun tho#the hashira work for an organization that rescues & protects magical creatures and helps whoever they find in unethical experiments#the fic starts with giyuu and kyojuro being a team in a raid on some place that got their hands on an ookami- they find sanemi & genya#whove been medically altered with its body parts in an attempt to make. something. they didnt get info on that before the raid#sanemi got its limbs and genya got some of its organs & they like literally just finished the surgery when the raid started so they were#real fucked up. sanemi's limbs were in a fucking box in the corner. anyways i ditched it at the point when shinobu came to see if they#were okay for transportation#i was just drawing to the song bc i like it sm but now im thinking they find some place that made a monster labyrinth to gamble off of#they trick poor people into trying to survive for prize money and they have other ppl bet on who'll win. winner's prize money goes to the#people who bet on them & they get to be the next test subject for monsterfication and subsequently tossed in the labyrinth#no one wins here. its all life or death and theres a lot of death.#giyuu thought sabito died long ago but he was actually taken and attempted to be mashed-up with a kitsune- it didnt work- he got tossed in#the labyrinth. corrupted memories and temperment due to the kitsune's powers- hes learned to survive against the other monsters#giyuu infiltrates as a contestant while some other hashira do so as workers/gamblers and giyuu has a run in with sabito & freaks th fuck out#especially since sabito's trying to Kill Him#i should add more body horror to this au. sanemis not enough for me
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lonestarflight · 1 year
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McDonnell Douglas MD-2001 "Orient Express" Hypersonic Transport (NASP).
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albonium · 4 months
how much yolo is too much yolo, asking for a friend
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jotarobutcat · 11 months
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What the fuck is up with the ads on this site
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