#another fic i started and never finished. concept is fun tho
nerosdayinanime · 11 months
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knock knock let me in let me be your secret sin ; left right straight ahead theres no way out youre dead
#neros art tag#kny sabito#sabito#fratboy sabito posting#halloween au#labyrinth(oomph!)#sorry giyuu... muse replaced lmao#i love this song sm#anyways im adding this to the halloween au#another fic i started and never finished. concept is fun tho#the hashira work for an organization that rescues & protects magical creatures and helps whoever they find in unethical experiments#the fic starts with giyuu and kyojuro being a team in a raid on some place that got their hands on an ookami- they find sanemi & genya#whove been medically altered with its body parts in an attempt to make. something. they didnt get info on that before the raid#sanemi got its limbs and genya got some of its organs & they like literally just finished the surgery when the raid started so they were#real fucked up. sanemi's limbs were in a fucking box in the corner. anyways i ditched it at the point when shinobu came to see if they#were okay for transportation#i was just drawing to the song bc i like it sm but now im thinking they find some place that made a monster labyrinth to gamble off of#they trick poor people into trying to survive for prize money and they have other ppl bet on who'll win. winner's prize money goes to the#people who bet on them & they get to be the next test subject for monsterfication and subsequently tossed in the labyrinth#no one wins here. its all life or death and theres a lot of death.#giyuu thought sabito died long ago but he was actually taken and attempted to be mashed-up with a kitsune- it didnt work- he got tossed in#the labyrinth. corrupted memories and temperment due to the kitsune's powers- hes learned to survive against the other monsters#giyuu infiltrates as a contestant while some other hashira do so as workers/gamblers and giyuu has a run in with sabito & freaks th fuck out#especially since sabito's trying to Kill Him#i should add more body horror to this au. sanemis not enough for me
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dirty-droid · 3 months
Writer's ask: 30, 38, 42 😁
Howdy!!! Thank you so much for asking, I didn't think I was gonna get any more of these, but they're very fun!
30.  Favourite idea you haven’t started on yet.
Define started on? 😅 I did make a start on one of my various 'Hank and Connor raise Cole and baby Nines together' ideas but I have no idea if I'll ever finish it. I keep starting and stopping with every Hankcon Dads idea I have. Although that does remind me of the Hankconkus Dads one that I never actually started, where Hank has Cole from a previous marriage, Connor has Nines from a messy one night stand situation, and Markus just got custody of his half brother Leo and is new to town, and Hank and Connor help him navigate his new guardianhood and they all three fall in love!
I'm just a childfree asshole who's gotta get all that Hallmark shit out via fanfic, any warm fuzzies just get implanted into my boys.
(and then there's also the extremely self indulgent ooc smutty au I roleplay with my fiance where Hank kidnapped a barely legal Connor and forces him into a Daddy kink roleplay of their own with all of my favorite kinks and fetishes that I always think about writing as it's own fic but never do)
38. Weirdest story idea you've ever had?
Beyond repeating my answers for the above? 😂 Lemon Stealing Whore gets an honorable mention, but it's hard to say, I like a lot of Dead Dove topics but I'm pretty predictable, I know I've done some crack ideas before but I cannot remember them, it's not what I'm known for.
Actually, I'd have to branch out of fandom for that, because I've been in another Steven Universe phase, and that just opens up so many doors, the other night we were joking about Steven doing puppy play and actually accidentally shapeshifting into a dog because of how much he felt like a dog 🤣 (real talk tho, boy could just walk around like a furry, at least he could shift some ears and a tail, he just doesn't like to shapeshift) and the idea of Hannibal Lecter being Steven Universe's therapist? Insane concept, wowzers, that'd be so dramatic and funny.
42. How do you feel about love triangles?
I'm too into open relationships for that mess, like I don't hate them with a burning passion, I know why they exist, but they're just not that much fun and I like established relationships a lot better than a 'will they, won't they' situation. Why can't they all just get along? And smooch?
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queerdisagreeable · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
eeee thanks for the tag @fuckyeahfang!! <3 i'm gonna tag @maraschinomerry if u wanna (no pressure tho!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 31! Dang I've been writing fic for a second and a half huh (Note: one of these fics is not mine lol -- I posted it for a friend without AO3)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 77,138 -- waough
3. What fandoms do you write for? Whatever's rotting my brain most at the moment -- I had a long streak of Critical Role, which went into TMA, and I have a feeling Dunmeshi might get a few fics by the time it's done with me; also original stuff but I don't post that
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My Lightbringer - 4,891 Hits, Critical Role
[incoming communication] - 3,018 Hits, Lifeline
little blue pills - 2,919 Hits, The Magnus Archives
The Hands-On Approach To Teaching Dunamantic Spells: A Guide by Essek Thelyss (Results may vary) - 2,271 Hits, Critical Role
Shitty Hair - 1,190 Hits, My Hero Academia
5. Do you respond to comments? I try, I really do, but sometimes I'll see one and be like "I'll reply to that later!" and then I don't and then it's been 2 years and I feel bad for replying so late that I just don't 😭 But I do read and appreciate them all I prommy
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? this would require me to finish fics EVER lmao... but seriously probably (Don't) Look Away. Do NOT read this if you haven't played Outer Wilds, but DO go and play Outer Wilds, and THEN read this.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably [incoming communication]? It's definitely the ending I'm most proud of -- it's very self indulgent, but I'm fond of it :"
8. Do you get hate on fics? nah people tend to be chill
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Sometimes, but not often, and I post it even less often. I prefer reading it to writing it, but I do like tossing around ideas I'll never write about the characters' weird and intriguing kinks lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? I don't tend to, unless they're incredibly funny to me. Reading-wise, crossovers just annoy me because there's 2x the chances for mischaracterisation/misunderstanding of the setting(s), but sometimes a really good one can scratch my brain.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not into another language, but I have had a podfic made of Cabin Fever -- which was great since it was a scriptfic anyway! It's really well made, go give it a listen!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Quite a few! Not in a while, but it's fun to work with someone whose brain ticks in synch with mine about a character or ship. I actually started dating my current partner in part because we were talking about a fic we wanted to write together! We'll get to it one day, and get sooo much hate about it it's quite fucked up LMAO
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? MAN. YOU CAN'T ASK ME THIS. it's like picking children. uhhh Shadowgast (Critical Role) is up there for All Timers but they are def not the only one. Probably the one I've thought most about, but now I'm thinking about Blupjeans (TAZ)... JMart.... augh. i love when people love each other despite the very terrible consequences
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? little blue pills! It's a fun concept -- I love fucking with the very rubbish trope of soulmate AUs and making them Weird and Queer, but I am not great at finishing projects and I have also cooled slightly on TMA since I started it.
16. What are your writing strengths? big emotions! being purple prose but like good about it! Weird People.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? finishing things, plotting, writing convincing dialogue -- yknow, just little things (🥲)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? It can be done well, but it needs to be considered deeply. Also, used sparingly. I like throwing in terms of endearment in other languages, but when it's whole conversations, it's not fun to be checking google translate/the AN every five seconds.
19. First fandom you wrote for? the first one that's still up? Layton Brothers! the first ever? harry potter 😔
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? i hate favourite questions i hate favourite questions uHHHHHH You Were My Conscience. fucked up monster lovers trying to moralise their way out of being responsible for a man's mental breakdown <3
thanks again for the tag sunny i love u mwah
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plushie-sentai · 2 months
Tagged by @stickers-on-a-laptop ! Tysm!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Five! Not a lot atm but I used to write a lot on wattpad as well 😅
2. What is your AO3 word count?
11,227 words :P
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Tokusatsu! Namely Kamen Rider Build and King Ohger atm, but I also have a planned Ex-Aid fic (and some old my little pony fics I may move over from wattpad lmao)
4. What are your top five fics by Kudos?
Since I only have five, my top three are
Getting to Know the Boogeyman
Of Courtship & Coccinelles and
Red Looks Good on You
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Sento’s Wandering Mind, the whole thing is a vent piece and I heavily relate to Sento so it’s more of personal processing than anything lmao
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Of Courtship & Coccinelles! I write most stuff with fluffy endings but that one definitively ends on a bright note
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I’ve written two smut pieces so far, which is a huge step for me personally for many reasons, but they’re both best match fics :3 one angst, one fun and sexy. Honestly I draw more of it than I write it lol
10. Do you write crossovers? I hate the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
I’m not much for writing crossovers BUT the exaid fic I’ve had in the works for a while technically is one bc it’s hatsune Miku as a bugster lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no but would be neat :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not on AO3 but I love bouncing ideas off of people and also working on characters together, esp mine and @chilipepperconverse ‘s KR OCs :3 actually I used to co-write with friends all the time in middle school when we wrote together.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Bonkers ass question but rn my answer would probably be Bravesnipe?? But I feel like there’s definitely ones I’m crazier abt out there. Maybe sonotaro…
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Unfortunately probably the Miku exaid fic ;-; the concept is fun and cute but with some stuff I get an outline or somethin cookin and then it never sees the light of day again
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m pretty good at detailed descriptions and visuals. I’m much more an artist than a writer, so I’ve spoken before about how I view my stories like written descriptions of story boards, and I absolutely love to try and paint a picture with my words.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
In my actual writing I’m unsure and would love to hear any feedback, but for me it’s actually just GETTINg myself to write. It takes a lot of mental energy to start the task and I can never really make myself do it, it’s only when I’m in a rare and intense mood for writing somethin that I’ve got a REALLY solid idea on. That’s mostly why I’ve got so few fics. I have more ideas, but it’s difficult to get myself to a point with any of them where I’ll actually write any of it out lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Personally I think it’s neat when other people do it, but unless it’s French I probably never will. Even then I’d be so nervous about getting it wrong I’d probably find some kinda work around
19. First fandom you wrote for?
On AO3 it’s King Ohger, but in reality…. Oh boy. Warriors fanfic abt my sonas when I was like 10? Outside of OCs my first canon-aligned fanfic was probably one of the my little pony ones on wattpad. I did mostly original character stuff when I wrote frequently as a tween so I guess I didn’t start with fanfic until like a year or two ago.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I only have a few so I’m proud of them all for different reasons, but I think Sento’s Wandering Mind is one that I’m particularly fond of even tho it didn’t do as well as the others. It’s conceptually something I’ve been trying to put into words for a long time, and it was my first foray into writing anything REMOTELY sexual, which was a huge jump for me that I’m very proud of as a person who previously struggled a lot more with “catholic shame” if I had to put a word to it. It’s kinda a heavy read and isn’t perfect, but the fact that it’s out in the world is important to me and I’m happy with it. Hope you all enjoy!!
Tagging @chilipepperconverse and @cantarella-rose and anyone else who’d like to participate! :3
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What's your favorite trope to write or to read in a THG fanfic?
For writer, if you can convert one of your fanfics to become original writing, what is it? Why do you pick it?
For reader, if you can make a live-action adaptation of your favorite fanfic, what would it be? Why?
Thank you :)
Omg so many to pick from @curiousnonny !!!
I love love love reading:
- there was only one bed (or sleeping bag cough cough) COME ON! It’s freaking canon for my Everlark babies how could I not adore this trope???
- fake dating/marriage of convenience For Reasons (also canon helloooooo)
- omg they were roommates
- friends to lovers
- bonus points for combining any of the above
When it comes to writing tho, I’ve noticed that I have a (bad?) habit of splitting up my ship for different reasons and bringing them back together years later… like it’s in so many of my fics (Pure, Leading Suspects, Maybe Tomorrow, 9000 rpm, Outside Chance, Where the Stars, countless drabbles feature this trope how did this happen???) so I guess I like that one???
Also fun note, my autocorrect tried to change “trope” to “tripe” just now so there’s a laugh or two.
Okay so I have a really hard time with the thought of converting any of my own fanfics into “original” pieces, and this is because I have read originals that started as fanfic that I’ve also read and… I cannot unsee the Everlark in them and it makes me lose interest shamefully fast. I keep buying the books because support your local writers! and then not being able to finish them… ugh I’m horrible I know. Even if I never managed to finish reading the fic before it was taken down to be flipped, I still have this problem. So I just… sort of freeze up whenever I try to flip a fic original? I do have three that I’m still seriously considering flipping anyways, if I could get over myself.
One is called “Caught In the Net of the World.” It was a fantasy piece and I only finished four or five chapters of it before I stopped working on it because I realized I should be writing it from conception as an original. But then I sort of fizzled out on it.
The second is “Spiral & Collision,” which was a sci-fi fantasy piece that I planned as a trilogy but only managed to finish the first installment. Both this one and “Caught” were written for private charity collections and I never posted them publicly, not even after I was allowed to by the collection rules. So neither of them have as wide spread of an audience as my other fics, and given how different the settings are of both, I feel like that’s rich soil for me to work with and alter the characters enough that you don’t smell the THG roots on them when I’m done.
The third one… is my Outside Chance series. This one would be far more tricky and involved to change into an original, partly because of length, partly because of complexity, and partly because the OG Everlark would require a lot more work to flip. The Graham/Savannah and Ryen/Rosie branches would be far easier to turn into an original.
Live action fanfic oh that is tough to pick… mainly because I enjoy creating images in my head, even if it’s fanfic from another writer and I don’t want anyone to tell me I’m wrong about what I see when I read 😂
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ladynightlark · 1 year
Hii I just finished reading your fic and let me tell you it was fantastic!! I read it expecting another fun swap au, which it was, but damn the amount of feels in this fic hurts...
I also wanted to encourage you to take all the time you need with the fic!! I’ll be delighted to be able to read it whenever it comes out so please dont put pressure on yourself to finish it…It gives me more time to make completely wrong theories abt it anyway lol. 
Speaking of theories I’ve already spent an embarrassing amount of time on the demon slayer wiki trying to find the identity of the muscular girl to no avail :( 
Hmm despite that I have another theory I don't think anyones mentioned yet…is the flute player in the infinity fortress Himejima?? I know this sounds ludicrous but he’s the only guy I can think of besides Yorichi who is associated with a flute. I also remember another commenter pointing out the smell of Wisteria in the infinity fortress…Shinobu is that you?? I’m pretty sure the flower pillar isn’t Kanae in this au so maybe the butterfly girls are all demons now…oh god demon Shinobu and Himejima what terrifying concepts…Don’t worry I don’t expect you to confirm anything now I just really enjoy overthinking things haha 
On a side note I really loved reading abt your thoughts on Genya!! (I’m the Genya anon lol) I agree he’s such a unique character and his abilities are very cool! 
…Out of curiosity tho what do you think of Genya and Sanemi’s relationship?? I recently reread the manga and it brought me nothing but pain so I’d love to hear your thoughts on them! 
Thank you so much! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the fic (and apologies for the heartbreaking moments). I appreciate your patience with the wait, I definitely needed the break and I’m really excited about writing the next parts, especially once mission start taking place!
I know a lot of people have been asking and trying to figure out who muscular girl is, but I’m gonna stay quiet on this until she comes back later. I will say, I may or may not have to tweak a few things about her design to fit the wiki better because…well…she’s appeared in the anime and I got a small detail about her wrong (that I’m fixing soon, no worries!).
Ooh, and same goes for your theories! You have SOME ideas correct, and though we won’t be seeing the Upper Moons in this AU again until MUCH later, the subtle hints are there.
To give a hint as to who certain characters may be and who could be involved in the future (especially the demons), I will say all KNY spin-offs, short stories/light novels, and gaiden books are fair game.
Thank you, I’m glad you liked my little rant about Genya! He’s honestly one of my favorite characters and I could go on and on about him. And that love has certainly been reignited by Season 3, so don’t be surprised if you see that Genya has a bigger role in the AU too!
(Major Manga Spoilers Ahead)
As for his relationship with Sanemi, I think it has to be one of the most heartbreaking storylines of the entire series.
I’ll be honest, at first during my initial read-through of the series, I didn’t really like Sanemi. I’m typically not a fan of characters that bully others and are needlessly cruel, especially when they know it’s wrong and acknowledge that it hurts others and do nothing to change.
It especially frustrated me because I’m pretty close with my siblings, and doing something like that (even for good intentions) just rubbed me the wrong way.
It wasn’t until I read somewhere that in a way, Sanemi was meant to parallel Tanjiro’s story/tragedy that I finally started to understand and appreciate the complexity of his character more.
The fact that both the Kamados and Shinazugawas came from big families (which were killed by a demon), had a loved one turned who the older brother fought, and had said older sibling join the Corps to protect their only remaining younger sibling will never fail to blow my mind. That is high-tier storytelling that I will never get over.
It took a few rereadings of the manga (specifically on Sanemi’s backstory) and watching Genya’s POV on their backstory recently for Season 3 (along with the extra scenes that absolutely crushed me) that I began to understand both the Shinazugawa brothers better.
Deep down, both brothers wanted to mend their relationship with each other, but Sanemi had lost so many good people in his life even after he left home, and rationalized that they needed to be kept at arms length so he could protect them.
He was a marechi, and naturally drew demons to him. Sanemi was fully prepared to embrace that life and what fighting them would entail, but that meant keeping loved ones away so they wouldn’t get tangled in with what he had to do.
Again, I’m not the biggest fan of Sanemi, but I have a lot of respect for the development and symbolism his character is meant to represent. Even if he went about it the wrong way, I can see why he acted the way he did and respect the lengths he would go to to protect Genya when the chips were down in the Infonity Castle Arc. He and Genya truly capture the tragic siblings trope KNY loves to use, and their story will forever be one of my biggest takeaways from the series.
Sanemi perfectly embodies the “you don’t realize what you had until you’ve lost it” quote, and the fact that he’s one of the last survivors of the demon war says a lot.
I will say, I DEFINITELY have plans on how I want to tackle their relationship (and how it may change due to changed events) in my AU, so be on the lookout for that as well!
Thank you so much for asking! Let me know if you’d like me to go a little more in-depth on anything or if you would like me to talk about any more characters, storylines, or headcanons/theories!
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
Hellllo! I’m back with another request;)) Would love a rec list for long fics or series fics!! Thanks:) (no worries if you have too much in your WIPs!)
Haikyuu fanfic recs but they’re long fics/long series :D
Hi anon! It’s alright, keep sending in the asks cause I like doing them more than the WIPs I have planned LOL. I tend not to read fics that are super long because it’s hard for me to get myself to start them (AHAHAH again, lackin’ the motivation all day err day), so this is gonna be missing some real popular ones :’). That being said, I’m considering long to be like 100k up? And for series, it’ll be at a total word count of the 100k up (rip to MOST of my faves ajkbfajskldbf). I also included a lot from my past posts cause I’ve recommended most of the longer fics I’ve read cause they’re SO good (oops) :( I also wasn’t sure if you meant like long series or just series in general, so I just did the long ones LOL. I hope you enjoy them!
As always, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for fics before reading and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3 (take breaks and drink water since you’re gonna be here for a while LOL)
Breaking the Rules by SuggestiveScribe (series) 205.3k // I LOVE THIS SERIES AHHHHHHHHH. Honestly I know the 205.3k word count is SCARY I UNDERSTAND BUT it is SO worth it. This series has a bunch of different ships (and a really cute ending stan AsaNoya) so I highly recommend it! Also if you don't mind smut (cause it is explicit for a reason LOL) then please I beg of you to read the whole series!!!!!!! I love love love this one and it really got me invested in the whole fanfic thing LOL.
love me like you do by crossbelladonna (T) 100.5k /IwaOi/ this fic was SUCH a rollercoaster omg. First, the concept itself was great and the execution was flawless and Ushiwaka was ajfnlajsdnf. AND THE ENDING!!!! THE ending omg. And Lev being a car made me laugh LMFAO. And we love f ups AHHHHH. If this made no sense, you’re right,,, it didn’t,,, so you should go read it so it does HAHAHA. (glad it made the 100k min, whew)
hq detective AUs by valiantarmor (series) 151.6k /BokuAka, KuroKen, IwaOi/ Man do I really love fighting in my fics LOL. This was super good and the plot itself kept me really engaged (what a twist omg). It does talk a bit about mental health issues, but it’s done so well, and they really did this AU justice! The three fics can be read separately BUT they’re all done so well, I think you should read them all :)
Terminal Curiosity by favspacetwink, moonlumie (series) 112.1k /SakuAtsu/ CHECK WARINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES!!! this is one of the BEST series I’ve read for this ship and even though I tend not to read WIP, IT’S WORTH IT! Please read ALL the tags before going into any of the fics in this series because there’s some real spicy stuff that may not be your cup of tea!
The Sky and Guilt Are the Only Feelings I Have Left by oopsthisisqueertoo (NR) 267.7k /BokuAkaKuroo/ ngl I picked it up as a rec from someone else after misreading that it was THIS long haha. But like I kept reading, and the suspense omg. It HAS a happy ending, so if you’re reading it and you start to feel empty, push through (tho take breaks) and finish because it DOES end HAPPY. (PLEASE READ THE TAGS, THERE ARE SENSITIVE TOPICS!!!!)
Crumbling Foundations by Captain_Hughes_ZU, ToshiChan (T) 106.3k /MULTI/ I was debating whether or not to put this fic cause it actually doesn’t even have the angst tag (which I personally think it should). Honestly, it’s more a trauma fic than an angst fic idk I just wanted to put it somewhere because it’s written super well and although it was technically a ‘happy ending’ the interviews after prove else. Despite only being rated T, it’s got some intense TW so (PLEASE READ THE TAGS, THERE ARE SENSITIVE TOPICS!!!!)
Superposition by todxrxki (M) 102.8k /KuroKen/ honestly, I think this was THE very first fic I’d ever read in general and it’s SO good. Like I really loved the plot and it’s such an interesting story! I also loved how Kuroo goes through a couple different bands and we see multiple relationships as well :D It’s a really fun read.
Ironically, I always say don’t be afraid of the high word count, yet I don’t start fics cause high word count LMFAO. I don’t have any new ones cause I’ve already recommended most if not all of the longest fics I’ve read, so below will be some that are in my to-be-read list cause the plot looks interesting but I have yet to find the motivation to read them LOL :’))))
bbacverse by skittidyne (series of two fics LOL) 894.5k // yeaaaaa you can see why I’m putting it off LOL. But the summary looks interesting and I’ve heard really good things about it SO I do want to read it, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet...
iwfyitd verse by knightswatch, shions_heart (series) 252.7k // I’ve been meaning to read this fic for the longest time, but then when I was about to read it, I got distracted with another ship (AHAHAHA OOPS)..... But yea, once I get back into KuroKen, I’ll prolly read it right?
omam verse by shions_heart (series) 239.3k // another KuroKen where I was like I will read, but then I got distracted LOL. And then I wanted to read it so I could read the other ships in the series, but it never happened :’)
Covered in the Colors by catholicorprotestant (E) 145.3k /MatsuHana/ I love matsuhana which is why I want to read this and the plot looked interesting!
Side A by Chibs (series) 241.9k // I like YakuLev (though I haven’t read a lot of it) and KyouHaba so yea but also the plot looked interesting LOL.
But yea, those are just a COUPLE of the ones I haven’t gotten around to reading, but want to LOL. Sorry about the lack of new fics (that I’ve already read), but I’m glad I could rec superposition somewhere LOL.
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: Are you still into krbk? I noticed you haven't draw them a lot recently (I don't mean to pressure you, I was just wondering)
I still very much am!!! but a convergence of unrelated happenings (my focus being unusually scattered, lack of general motivation, them not having interacted much in the manga lately, my having pulled out of the fandom a little for a bunch of reasons, having gotten into a lot of new things I want to make a lot of stuff for ??) had my output of stuff for them/inspiration related to them die down a lot ): I miss them though, I should fill a page with doodles of them one of these days... well, I haven’t drawn much in genereal lately, so maybe let’s start first with fixing that haha
Anon said: Fun Fact : In smash bros ultimate there are spirits with octopath traveler and they're in pairs and guess what ? Alfyn and Therion are together :3
I KNOW!!!!!! It makes me so emo I’m a bundle of feelings they’re soulmates I tell youuuuuuuuuuu ;;A;; (little inconsequential things making me a mess, what’s new xD) - another fun fact is that h’aanit and ophilia share one too!! and I ship them too!! and cyrus and tressa share one as well, and they’re my brother’s mains in his save! A series of delightful little coincidences haha
Anon said: Will you be drawing more Jujutsu Kaisen? I love your art sm and I would love to see more!!!!
Right now I feel like I want to spend the next ten years drawing these kids, so I sure hope so! But as I said my focus has been very scattered for the past three or so months, so I can’t promise anything ): let’s both enjoy it while it lasts haha
Anon said: You are my emotional support artist. I check back every once and a while and BOOM. Serotonin.
You’re too kind!!!! But thank you, I’m glad I can make you feel better! :D
Anon said: i'm super new to your art (and mha) and i just wanted to say your krbk stuff is just !!!!!!! it makes me so happy and makes my poor jaded heart feel something and it's just all around incredible!!!
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like my way of portraying the kids!!!!
Anon said: I’m about to cry I’ve spent an hour looking though your bnha tag for that lil comic where Kiri hugs Baku and. It. Sent. Me. Back. To. The. Top. I didn’t even get to finish reading it. I’m so upset. So. So. So. Upset.
(samesame) Anon said: I. Found the hug thing. On Pinterest. In. Five. Seconds. I hate life but also it was really cute. Thank you but seriously I hate this website
The saga hahaha sorry anon I couldn’t get to you before you went out of your mind trying to find it, I got the asks in the middle of the night! Glad you could find it, though I’m kinda sad you had to look on pinterest for it (...sad it is on pinterest at all tbh) here it is anyway, if this is the one you were talking about! you really went back in the years for this one huh
Anon said: So for that thing that you made a w h i l e ago where Bakugou ruffles Kirishima’s hair, right? So I imagine Kiri is like w h a t and calls over Mina or Denki or Sero or all of them or something like that and tells them and is freaking out and they’re like “he wasn’t in the right mindset, you know he sleeps at 8:32” and make a joke out of it as Kiri is freaking out. And Kiri is freaking out soooo much as they are crying laughing on the floor at Bakugou’s sleeping schedule.
hahaha I’m sure he must have freaked out on them at some point after that, and bakugou must have done the same (probably with jirou, less likely but more hilarious with todoroki or tokoyami haha) - though, the original idea came from a bigger one where the scene in the comic didn’t bring them anywhere closer to getting together (or figuring out they’re into each other, for the matter lmao idiots) maybe one day I’ll get back on that >:]
Anon said: In your comments, you said “at this point my hands will never forget” and I had a nozaki-kun memory float into my head, imagining him sick and trying to make his deadline xD yes muscle memory
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anon you have no idea how often I think about that hahaha yes, I say my hands won’t forget but we all know that’s exactly how it’ll end at some point lol
Anon said: dang this happens all the time like I follow someone for their bnha content and then like two months after following them I find out they used to make yowapeda content and im just sitting their like dang thats wild because bnha and yowapeda are like the only two animes I watch
ANON!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always so nice to find other ywpd fans!!!!!!!! Sorry I’m not making art for it anymore (for now) but despite my sister insisting I read the manga already I’ve been putting it off......for years lol but it’s on my reading list!! So maybe I’ll get back on it at some point!
Anon said: FRAN!!!!!! i love ur art so much and im trying to buy ur products on redbubble and i geniunely cant decide what to get!!!!! i tired asking my friend but she doesnt know which one either hahahahhahah ig i just wanted to send this because i really appreciate u and u are very talented. im sending u lots of high vibrations and love❤️🧡
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! It means so much to me that you guys are still buying my stuff (TTATT) I should...........seriously update it..........gomen m(._.)m
Anon said:YES YES YEEES MORE ALFYON ON THE WAYYYYYY 💖💖💖💖💖 They're both the cutest really their ship is the beeest  Try reading some the alfyon fanfics if you have some time, they're really good ! The one i really recommend you is Crismonberries, blackberries by court_court on Ao3 !Your art is the best ever can't wait to see more octopath !!💖💖💖
Anon thank you SO MUCH for suggesting that fic to me I!!!!!!!!!!!! loved it so much I deep-dived into it and spent two straight days reading it it’s such a gem!!!!! ;;; bless you
Anon said: Have you watched Fullmetal Alchemist?
Hell yeah! Only Brotherhood though. I read the manga too tho!!
Anon said: Have you read Noragami? It’s one of my favourite manga, and the anime isn’t half bad either (still waiting for s3 tho lol) anyway it’s really good, concept-wise it’s similar to Soul Eater, I totally recommend
I watched the first season back when it aired! It’s not really my thing though ): feels a bit sad in that very specific way that always ends up just making me miserable as I keep reading............................... sorry
Anon said: I will never not be in love with your art. Everytime I'm feeling down and/or missing the boys I scroll through your krbk tag and it reminds me exactly of why I love them so much and I'm so thankful for that. Your brand of krbks is the one I love the most and honestly thank you so much for all your marvelous art of them and of other things as well because you art is just so pretty and I love seeing your ocs and other fandom art 💕💕💕
Anon I love you......................... ;;;;; thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me (oTT^TT)o<3
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brainshock-alpha · 2 years
ok i’m gonna talk about hundred sparks now (which, in my imo, u should read :) if you like my writing and you can tolerate fluffy-ass reader-insert shit, give it a try! it’s a fun new direction for me)
the concept of “sleepy guy looks at his crush during a rainy night in the city” is something i’ve been holding on to for a few years! since my kingsm*n era in fact. the original idea had the relevant chars be in a car, and there woulda been nice descriptions of the rain on the window and all that, so i had to change that for hundred sparks. at first i was like “aw man aw shucks rainy car window is such A Mood tho” but i’m really happy with how i made it work :) and of course i’m happy that i finally got to use this idea too
i’m still taken aback that the whole thing ended up being over 3k words! shit when i started drafting it i thought it was gonna be like, i dunno, 1k at most LOL. because like... you know... nothing Really Happens in it lmfao like reader just rides the subway with ingo and then walks towards his apartment and that’s it. THEY DON’T EVEN GET THERE!!! but i guess i had enough fun with the imagery and the musings that i wanted to put a lot of it in there. and it really was fun! it’s not something i’ll want to do all the time, cuz it is still hard for me, but maybe i can be a bit more confident with it in the future...
soooo. ok. i guess it’s time to stop beating around the bush. Why The He’ll Did I Even Write Ingo/Reader Fanfiction . you can certainly ask that in earnestness, because i’ve never posted reader-insert fic before! but you know what, i have written it; it’s just that it’s only in drafts that i’ve never finished and also will never show anyone or talk about in detail. (also for k*ngsman, coincidentally.) also, the thing is, i didn’t originally intend for it to be reader-insert: i kinda like, envisioned this scenario with an OC instead, but, well, for one thing i didn’t want to have to “sell” the audience on a whole new character, and for another thing i didn’t want to deal with pronouns bullshit of having to constantly repeat character names to clarify who’s doing what. so, in short, i was just lazy LOL
“ok but why ingo tho” because i’m gay. and, by now, FULLY submaspilled. It Can’t Be Helped
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canariie · 2 years
I'd also like to add G and R to my questions as well :D
From the Fanfic Author Asks:
G. longfics or shortfics?
I'm not sure if this is asking if I like to write or read longfics or shortfics so I'll answer both:
I personally have not written a longfic to completion. I answered a previous ask about WIPs that I have, where I mentioned 2 longfics that I started on my old fanfiction account, and never finished. There's still a part of me that would love to revisit them both and rewrite them to completion, but I'm not as inclined at the moment (definitely not ruling it off the table tho!).
I do have ideas for a KDrama AU for Hitsuhina, which I started writing out an outline for! I'm a little more excited for this concept since I've been a fan of kdramas for years and I would love to explore their relationship through the lens of a fabricated KDrama while navigating the realities of the korean celebrity world.
But until I do that! I do enjoy writing short one shots as it's fun to put your all into a short piece and tie it up from start to finish.
And as for reading, both! I do enjoy going back through my favourite Hitsuhina longfic stories and rereading them, so i prefer those haha.
R. link your favourite fic of all-time.
Ahh, that's super hard, because I have several! I answered a similar question earlier with a previous ask so I'll include different ones now :)
Momo: Action Hero or Cat Burglar by Dwellin
This one I am currently rereading! I love it because Dwellin really takes her time setting the narrative, particularly for Momo. She really taps into the bold and fiery part of Momo, which is slightly rare. There's this sort of pluckiness and stubbornness that comes through but is super endearing. I also love how she writes Hitsugaya as someone literally with "frozen passion" since his range of emotions and temper really comes out (particularly when Momo's safety is called into question). She also dedicates time to Gin and Rangiku's relationship and i love the backstory she created for Gin! It's super compelling! Would recommend reading it :)
She also has lovely Hitsuhina fanarts on DeviantArt so check them out!
Frozen Secret by PhoenixSong4232
This was my very first fanfiction that I read! I think at that time, I was just starting Bleach and jumping on board to the Hitsuhina ship but didn't know anything about fan created content! I loved this fic so much and would eagerly look forward to every update! The characterizations were so spot on and i loved how Toushiro and Momo's relationship was written! It's just a feel good one :) It also inspired me to start writing my own fanfiction, so this one has a special place in my heart!
I was super excited when it updated in 2018 but alas, it seems to have gone off on hiatus again.
Lastly, there was this AMAZING Bleach fanfiction called "Bonds" by wendelin-gisela which detailed the Bleach characters in highschool. It was far from just an ordinary highschool fic because each chapter was centered on Toushiro, Momo, Rangiku, Renjii, Rukia and Ichigo but they were all interelated! The world building was fantastic and really had some thoughtful moments (like Rangiku was an adopted child of Kaname--which sounds wild I know, but it was incredibly well written; Renjii was adopted by Yourichi and Uruhara; Toushiro's brother was Jushiro and their parents had passed away; Momo was in an abusive household). In this fic, the relationship of Momo and Toushiro was so well paced and written, I felt like I was falling in love alongside them!
To this day I still think about the fic (the author deleted it sadly) but there are some key scenarios that I still remember and would hope that my writing can touch someone else's heart and leave an impression, like this fic did for me :) If anyone has a copy of this fic, let me know hahaha
And I still have more but I'll leave those for another time! Again, always happy to share different favourite fics :)
Thank you Rays for sending these in! I love answering them :)
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nock-and-bolt · 3 years
First Lines Meme
Omg wait this is actually such a fun concept? @pinkwebby Thanks for the tag, dude! <3
List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I only have 10 fics total as of now haha, so ima just do those. Most of them are DBH, a couple aren’t, so let’s sort them lol
Connor was frozen with dread. (On the Other Side)
Topping the list with my ongoing longfic cause why not xD
Statistically speaking, it was a highly unlikely confluence of events that led to the entire ordeal. (Not What It Sounds Like)
Most recent fic, and honestly probably the most fun to write
Sumo was never the most obedient of dogs. (A Machine’s Best Friend) 
This first line is very important—if you’ve read it you know what I mean haha it comes back around
The RK800 was losing. (Ouroboros)
Yes, I might’ve bent the “first line” directive, but I wanted to give a bit more than just the date lol
“Accidents” were common at Urban Farms of Detroit. (Birds of a Feather)
Spoiler alert: a lot of them aren’t actually accidents (also, a friendly fandom PSA that Rupert and Ralph deserve more love xD)
The glass door of Fowler’s office banged shut with such force that some might have feared it would shatter. [Five Times Nines Got Gavin Coffee (and One Time Gavin Returned the Favor)]
One of the fics (if not the fic) nearest and dearest to mi heart, for a number of reasons <3
“I can’t believe that fucker.” (Of Memories and Maelstroms)
Just try to guess whose line this is. 😂
“Monkeyfeathers!” Katara yelped after ramming her shin on yet another un-identifiable piece of furniture in the dark. (Uncomfortable Truths, ATLA fandom)
My most popular fic on AO3 haha (though I strongly suspect that’s cause the fandom base is the largest of those I’ve written for lol)
Sometimes, Reid wished he wasn't so good at misdirection. (Magic, Criminal Minds fandom)
Because if you’ve seen CM, you know that Reid’s season 2 ordeal/resulting drug addiction was ridiculously mishandled
Morgan would have screamed. (Checkmated: A Reflection on Zugzwang, Criminal Minds fandom)
Just a short drabble of pain, as you do. Lol what a one to end on
There is technically one more fic I’ve kind of written that still theoretically exists on the internet but I wrote it in middle school lmao and it’s kind of actual trash and also not on AO3 so we aren’t going to speak its name here xD
So! Patterns! I’d definitely say what stands out is the general succinctness of them all. I like to start with short statements that grab le attention and create questions readers want answered. Not really descriptions or dialogue so much as statements, it seems, though there is a bit of everything.
My favorite opening line: Hmm, you know what, I’m actually going to go with the one for “Magic.” Like gosh darn it, the trip down memory lane this post took me on, and the story behind each of these stories tho...but yeah, Magic’s opening line, cause:
It’s very closely tied to the whole theme of the piece and a sort of constant thread throughout, which, I will always love intentionality like that, whether from my own writing or others’ 
It’s a pretty good example of what appears to be my “style” of opening lines haha
I wrote it a while ago and even though it was only three chapters, it was the first multi-chapter thing I ever finished, so that’ll always hold a special place in mi heart, that sense of actually accomplishing something xD
Also screw the tag limit, cause I got a lot of writer pals: @lobsterslovewhump @veilder, @the-exploding-toaster, @timebird84, @pechoraflow, @headfulloffantasy, @chicago-reeed, @viva-la-trans, @acechill666, @cingulomaniac, @dat-carovieh, @msquarmby, @rk-frog, @connork1000, @sv926, @gavinisqueer, @shurbington, @coffeeboy900, @mollyinthewater aaaand that doesn’t even cover all of it but yes anyhow haha, no pressure to do this if I tagged ye, tho I will say it’s a fun lil exercise that brings backs some memories :))
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I'm a fucking wreck rn I haven't been sleeping for a week and I'm getting some rest from the bullshit factory that is my brain only now, but I just wanted to say that last year for me has been saved by tumblr and all the friends I made along the way.
Before you go below the cut, a special thanks goes to the Bee Movie Anon, who, rightfully, I can't tag so I have to say it here in the hope that they'll see it. Your hunger for chaos made me feel a lot of emotions, and I'd have never in any time or space thought that the Bee Movie would be such a prominent part of my life as it is now thanks (read it with a note of sarcasm) to you. Thank you for providing us an infinite amount of both entertainment and suffering, hell, some of the friends I made were because of YOU. I'm still not sure what was your drive to go and start this absurd crusade for the bee movie in the 80s metal fandom, but I don't know, I don't think bee so, I'm not gonna question your ways.
@arnold-layne being the first in line, you kept me sane somehow in the first phases of quarantine and dedicated a lot your time to talk with me and helped me enormously with creativity. If it wasn't for you, that Cyberpunk Comic That Is Kinda Inspired By The Crüe and Shout At The Devil would've been already down the drain. I would've given up probably, because I didn't know how to exted the concept and have an actual plot. A dream that I've been having for literal years wouldn't even have such cool characters with a rich storyline if it wasn't for you. I know I kinda left it after a month or so of intense brainstorming with you, I was literally drained at that point both physically and mentally, but oh boy I haven't forgot about the characters that WE created. How could I after all? Russ being the wreck of a tormented junkie protagonist that he is, Dylan the happy-go-lucky fuck up that seems to do nothing right but with the best intentions, Frankie the runaway sassy and wary androgynous teenager whose gender is a mystery even to themselves, and the epitome of the found family trope, ex gov agent part Japanese, part Russian, part cyborg Vik, whose story isn't still clear yet but we'll give him a very good one, eventually.
You gave me the curiosity to read fanfiction again after literally NINE YEARS of being distant from that part of the fandom and honestly I don't regret it one bit. In fact, I discovered literally my favorite writer in fanfiction. That is you, Arnold. I don't care how frequently you write, I don't care if sometimes you can't do your best. I'll always be there waiting for the next chapter and I'll always think that your art is sublime. I'll have to admit, I don't read your works as often as I should. But it's because I love them so much that I want to always save for later. It's like a drug, or a delicious cake that you want it to last as long as possible so you can enjoy it for much longer (I should be reading your fic more often either way tho like, at least so I can make more art for it. I'll make sure to change that this year and give you the recognition you deserve 🖤).
Everytime I make art, everytime I make a post, I always wait for your name to pop in my notifs. And fuck if I'm happy when I see it, and I rush to read your tags and it always makes my day. Like seriously, you mean so much to me and I admire how you can still be any amount of sane with all you're going through. You're strong as hell, keep going. 🖤
@i-dont-like-rice dude, how can I explain it. You're my best bud here. You're my chaotic sibling from another mother. The other braindead I share the single braincell I have with. The Nikki to my Tommy. Or the Tommy to my Nikki, I'm still not sure which of us is which (I guess I'm Nikki and you're Tommy? lmao it's ironic how even them are an italian and a balkanian) but you get the point. Every interaction we have, I laugh my ass off till my whole body hurts every time. I think I worried my mother and annoyed my sister at least a couple times for bursting out laughing for five minutes straight out of the blue, especially if it was late at night, and all the times, I swear it was because of you. You are as chaotic as you are kind, and it's always so disarming to see you worry or take care of others when you are definitely in a worse situation. Please, be more selfish, goddammit. For your own sake. And be more confident of your art. Draw shit and post it. Who cares if it's not perfect and you hate it and you don't want anybody to see it, it's tumblr, nobody will ever reblog it or give you the well deserved recognition anyway! So it's worth a try isn't it?
@no-stone-no-bone seriously, I'm so glad I met you. You're like the third element of chaos that holds me and Andi together. All three of us are literally unstoppable. You're extremely sweet too and I wish you the best, and DON'T HIDE SHIT IN THE TAGS GODDAMMIT 😂
@white-lightning-625 @viiinceneil I know we really haven't talked much, and we met through unfortunate times, but I'm so glad that something good came out of the chaos and drama, which is being able to talk to you and getting to know you both better. And the fics. My god, the fics. Frankie, I already told you this but MY GOD. I still find it incredible that I've read a fic about a band I didn't even know what they looked or sounded like and I was HOOKED from start to finish. And Katie, I should definitely read more of your works because I love what you've got going on. You're both very sweet and talented with a very distinct, beautiful way of writing and I can't wait to sink my teeth into the pulp of your work, because I know that by now I only scratched the surface.
@awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands Bruh, conoscere una fan su tumblr the parla la MIA STESSA LINGUA (e che ha pure il mio stesso vero nome lmao cosa sta succedendo)??? Che concetto innovativo!!! Le nostre conversazioni sono sempre disgiunte, ma non importa, adoro ogni nostra interazione. Sei seriamente una delle persone più dolci e gentili che abbia mai conosciuto. La tua creatività stimola sempre la mia. Le tue moodboard sono sempre 👌👌👌 e ogni volta trovo sempre qualcosa che sì, ci avevo pensato, ma mai nel modo in cui lo poni tu, e di solito sono una persona che resta vicina alle proprie idee, ma tu riesci a farmi alterare prospettiva, e trovo questo meccanismo mentale molto affascinante. Ti ricordi lo swapped instruments AU, con Tommy come cantante, no? Giuro che è un concetto a cui penso ancora dopo mesi. Spero di avere la capacità mentale per tradurre quell'idea in arte il prima possibile, perché cazzo, lo adoro troppo
@tattooed-lies thank you for providing the fandom the best gifs in the fucking platform and thank you for giving us the vinikki content that everyone, even if they're not aware, deserves and needs. Thank you for being the only Vince stan that I know. Thank you for being the sweetest person alive 💖
@nbtommylee honestly, I wish I was cool like you. Your sense of humor is impeccable, much like your critical thinking. I have never read something from you that wasn't a valid point. You don't talk shit and that's extremely sexy of you, y'know? And having a "gender dysphoria buddy" to be jealous of our Rockstar Gender Of Choice with is always fun to have, so that's definitely a plus. Can't wait to see (and read!) more of your art, I just love your style so much and you deserve to be Known
@metalmelkor @emometalhead @polka-dot-duff I'm always so happy to see you in my notifs and y'all are oh so very sweet and cool, we haven't talked much but I love every interaction we have, sorry for having the social skills of a stale piece of white bread 🖤
A special thanks goes to @awesomgrlgr8job bc you're literally one of my very first mutuals since I made the decision to make this dumpster fire of a blog and holy shit it's crazy to think about that. I don't even know if we ever interacted that much but it's always such a joy to see you around, ily and I hope you're doing well and thanks for putting up with my clownery for so long 💖
Like seriously, thank you all. I don't even know where I would be without you. Here's to another year of chaos, but only of the good kind 💖
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lordeasriel · 3 years
Do you have a take on what Phillip and Vera’s daemons would be? Or any of the other guests’ for that matter?
Hehehe yes I do, I've been waiting for this question for so long lmao I'm working on a new fic that is ATTWN written by the Agatha Christie of Lyra's world so I had to come up with daemons for all of them.
I'll start in reverse order, from Vera to Marston, since you asked about her first anon.
For Vera, I was torn between a brownish/greyish owl and a marmoset. I really can't imagine any other Vera than Maeve Dermody, and because appearance is important when thinking about Daemons (because daemons lend something of their animal form to the human, ie 'a serpent daemon usually has a human with a serpentine vibes' this was said by Philman in an interview), I think an owl would have suited her. She has big eyes, that are always darting around; she's often immobile, observing her surroundings. However, I think that a marmoset suits her better because Vera has a Hannah Relf quality to her (another marmoset daemon, in case you haven't read the HDM books). It's that silent attitude, keeping to herself, wary of her surroundings and while she seems weak and fragile, Vera is not afraid to act or reacts extremely if the situation calls for it. She is also very shrewd, and I chose the marmoset for her because there is something so appealing to see Vera, big eyes and shrewd attitude behind a mask of silly girl, with a daemon clinging to her neck, observing the room, tiny and silent, but just as clever as she is.
For Lombard, and this one was a no brainer, he has a panther. Show! Lombard would have a black panther, because it suits Aidan Turner's looks; for the book, it would still be a panther type, but a spotted leopard one. Book! Lombard is more earthy than Show! Lombard, hence his daemon having a lighter, more brown palette. As for the reason, there wasn't a lot of thinking when I chose this; in the book, Lombard is described many times like a panther: dangerous, lithe, moving quietly about the house. Everyone in the house feels this vibe and they know he is dangerous, and he sees them as prey (because one of them is the killer and he is just waiting to catch them). I think for a man like him, having a big, dangerous daemon, is very suitable. There is also something of Asriel in him, both in the show and book, so it's fitting they have the same/similar type of daemon.
For Blore, I knew it had to be a type of dog. Everything about Blore screams "barks more than it bites", and while he can be assertive and take control, he always defers to people if they say the right thing to him. Book! Blore would have a boring, but bigger dog, I imagine; he is described as a big man, and he has a very thuggish attitude. Maybe a German Shepherd. Show! Blore is more sleek and clever, less thuggish more alert and paranoid, but also more in control. He dresses nice, is rather vain specially towards his skills, so I gave him a black poodle, a small one though. Blore, although assertive, always is overwhelmed by Armstrong and Lombard, both men that have a bigger presence and willpower than he does.
For Armstrong, I was torn between weasel and a badger, and I think the badger suits him better. It's tempting to go weasel and say he was oh cunning and sleek, but I don't think that's true. While Show! Armstrong loses his shit fairly quickly, even in distress he maintains some control (like when he insists to take care of Mrs Rogers despite Rogers saying she was alright; or when they are all dancing and he is staring at Vera and Lombard, suspicious, trying to steady himself). The Badger fits him better: grounded, stable creatures but also very vicious if they have to be; if my doctor had a badger daemon I would feel safe, I think. Examples of badger daemons in the books I think it's Malcolm's mom, who is incredibly down-to-earth and assertive, which represents Book! Armstrong better, I'll be honest, but I can see Toby Stephens with a badger daemon as Armstrong as well. His character is a man with a sense of belonging, and he perceives his surroundings very well. In the book, Armstrong is more cool headed (for the show, him and Vera have their attitudes swapped, which I like but it's fair to mention here as well) and more in control of his motions. He moves around everyone and doesn't start dissent like in the show, which I think makes sense for his daemon. He doesn't fight unless he has too.
For Wargrave, and this was fun, but I was torn between a butterfly and a chameleon, and I ultimately decided for the butterfly because I thought the chameleon was too on the nose with his twist. This is for both show and book, and if there are changes it's probably just in colours and patterns. In the book, Wargrave is often described as someone with a reptile smile, hence why I chose the chameleon at first, but I think he is still a fragile man at his core. Butterflies are synonym of beauty and change; they tend to be associated with evolution and growth, and that's Wargrave's story I think. He is a man who spent his life working in law, seeing dozens and dozens of criminals come and go and die: he was known for having a high death rate, so I imagine he dealt with heinous crimes the most (I don't know for sure but I don't think they hanged people for stealing or whatever in the early 20th century, but take this with a pinch of salt lmao). Then one day Wargrave meets this Edward Seton, a total sadist (and a serial killer in the show) and he realised things about himself that he didn't know before. In the show, he has a line about Seton having a legacy of terror to be remembered, while he and everyone else would be forgotten and I think that's very much what the butterfly represents for Wargrave. When he finds out he is sick, he finds growth in pursuing his true passion, which was murder. The butterfly is also a very fragile daemon, and because of that she doesn't reflect his true physique (despite sick he is nowhere near as frail as he appears to be), and her beauty helps lure the trust of people, make him seem trustworthy (Vera on the show, Armstrong in the book). Just to add, he is also separated from her, and this is how he manages to fake his death well. (i was saving this twist for the fic but I might never finish it lmao)
For Miss Brent, this one had me thinking a lot. Like, a lot. I was torn between a toucan and a spider, and I ultimately decided to go for the toucan, mostly because I think it suits her better. Spiders are often associated with storytellers and creative people and Emily Brent is far from creative. She is judgemental, conservative, vain and nasty towards anyone she considers unworthy. In the show, she has an attitude towards the General, she likes him well and they don't quite explain why, but I think it's because he is from her generation - and social status - and she respects him for it. The same goes for Wargrave and Armstrong, but towards Armstrong she just respects his status, not his age. She sort of sees him as "still young but on the right path". She absolutely resents Lombard - as she does in the book, probably for the same reason: he is pretty much a living hands to mouth kind of guy and he is immoral according to her - and she doesn't think highly of Blore either, also because of social status. Anyway, I can do a separate post about this, but I chose the toucan because they are beautiful birds, a little menacing, and they have a bit of a bitchy attitude. No deeper thought to that to be fair lmao. Toucans make me think "vain" and I love this concept because Miss Brent loathes women who wear make up or show off, but I think this Is clearly a façade on her part, because she is also vain, in her own way.
For Rogers, I was torn between a big, posh dog and a fox. Now, this one is tough because we fall into that "good servants have dog daemons" rule, which I think it's too simplistic to define a person's nature. I'm more inclined towards the posh dog, mostly because I think that helps Rogers fit in with a crowd that isn't his; and sure, he is a cunning man (like a fox daemon would evoke) but I think a dog like a Dobermann suits Rogers best, in the book at least. A fox would suit show! Rogers better, but the dog suits him too physically (tall, slender, mean looking), so I'm sticking with the dog.
For the General, I think a hawk. A bird of prey. He was a soldier and he was fucking shrewd to send a man to die in such an inconspicuous way. Birds of prey Daemons have very passionate humans - Ma Costa, Tony Costa, Anthony Hassall, as well as Bud Schlesinger and Marcel Delamare with their owls - but while owls are tame and introvert, hawks tend to be extreme and out there, lashing out and being menacing with ease. This was a natural choice for me, although I also considered eagles for him later, but changed my mind. (On my notes I wrote "def not an owl" lmao)
For Mrs Rogers, I think a mouse would suit her, and I know this is painfully obvious, but that's the vibe she gives me. A small person, being coerced and oppressed by a petty tyrant, and she just lets things steer her by, absolutely not in control of her life. I also gave her a same sex type of daemon, because she just has that uncanny aura, I don't know how to explain it; I can see that affecting her life since childhood, and steering her towards a man like Rogers, who would take advantage of her loneliness. Same sex daemons are rare and the example we had was in someone extremely sensitive, and I feel that in Mrs Rogers.
And lastly, Tony Marston, and this one I had too many options, but I opted for a Margay, who was suggested to me in fact. It's a feline daemon, very slick and lithe but also very ethereal looking, which I think suits Marston: handsome but lacking substance (not lacking so much substance in the show tho lmao get it? cause he did cocaine? a substance? Haha please don't unfollow me). Frankly, because he dies first I didn't give this too much thought, but I knew it had to be a wild daemon, quick and lithe.
Honorable mention to Fred Narracott and his seagull daemon. Thanks for asking this anon, I had a blast!
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seijch · 3 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
12 notes · View notes
savnofilter · 4 years
I think you're hilarious in such a good way and Im new to Tumblr. Your work is amzing and i was wondering if you have any bnha blog recommendations or must read fics?
WARNING! this gets long as SHIT. so im sorry. im on mobile so liek,, also there are shit ton of amazing writers on here but my memory has been terrible as of recently, so sorry about that. all the people mentioned have really good fics so going through their masterlist is the bes option i have on here for you!! also sorry this was so late, i did a lot of username checking and now finally got the balls to post this with their @s cnuidwneovn- also!! be mindful because i was iffy in tagging some because i wasnt too sure if they wrote for bnha anymore. so w/o further adieu!!!now for my fave ao3 fics (with no ranking)~
His Tryanny by goodboysensei (tumblr; @tobobio)
au: fantasy
summary: “Deep in a land just like in the fairy tales, lives 4 different kingdoms. But when a hot headed king of one kingdom wants to take over, he seeks for more power. A girl locked away in a tower for her entire life because of her forbidden power, finds a new life when an ash blonde male comes flying through her window. How will their life play out?”
my thoughts: FUCKINGT AMAZING BOOK LIKE I FUCKING STAN. TT its so fucking good! the angst, the tension, angry bloody bakugo?! fucking check! amazing book!! 12/10 will always recommend. mc will say “million reasons” i be like “his tyranny tho, 👀” (and other books but we have to appreciate my highness rq).
completed: yis!
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My Angel by goodboysensei (tumblr; @tobobio)
au: greek mythology
summary: “The infamous fallen angel, serving under Hades (AFO), Bakugou Katsuki, was known for constantly wreaking havoc within heaven. Defying against God and other deities, he was blacklisted from Heaven. (l/n) (y/n) being an elite archangel under Athena (Miruko), is set on a mission to rid of Bakugou Katsuki but takes a 180 when you sudden began developing feelings for the crooked angel during the confrontation – him reciprocating the feelings. Though relationships between a worker of God and a demon was the greatest sin, and faced consequences to those who are caught. ~ Having to sneak around and hide your relationship with the fallen angel how would an archangel keep her status under God while simultaneously keeping an accursed romantic affair.(sorry i suck at summaries lmao)”
my thoughts: you know, i just have a craving to live a life in greekish-mythologyish and reading lore of olympus makes it partly redeemed. but this takes the cake. LIKE?! oh my fucking god! absoluetely love and im still reading it cause im slow asf but its so good so far! and she doesnt at all, the summaries are what got me interested!!
completed: neh~
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I’m Broken Too (Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi) by Kikyo851 (quotev; kikyo851/tumblr; @heroes-among-us-all)
au: canon
summary: “What’s a girl to do when she can’t quite make it as a hero? Become a villain, of course.”
my thoughts: okay so youre thinking, “that summary is short asf” but godtdamn the book is motherfucking good dawg. lieke,,, this absolutely fueled my villain spark way back whenever. (you can gladly thank this book and all the dabi fics from @lord-explosion-baku, who also has a book called “thorns” which is also on ao3. i havent read it because im not into that au but it has many good reviews!!)
completed: neh~
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Million Reasons by Chub_Rye (other socials; not listed)
au: future canon (?)
summary: “This is not a happy story, you really wished it was but how can it be when your marriage is falling apart. You truly love your husband, the thing is…he doesn’t seem to feel the same anymore ((Trigger warning: this is a very emotional heavy story, you have been warned.)) Inspiration: Million Reasons by Lady Gaga”
my thoughts: 
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*if i had the time i would edit to: “im fucking sobbing fam”* because this shit hurtedt. like, HURTEDT. this book, this very book is the reason why fucking katsuki fucking bakugo slapped down the damn rankings on my list. didnt fucking like him for like two weeks, just thinking about him made me mad as FUCK. but its written so good i cant be mad?! i… okay moving on before i start crying and listing reasons why katsuki needs to CHOKE in this damn book. also if you dislike deku then this story will change. you.
completed: neh~
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Muted by HecateSG (other socials; not listed)
au: canon
summary: “A collection of short one-shot stories where the reader has lost the ability to speak due to an incident that ranges from accident, to intentional, which now leaves you in the care of at least one of this dashing and intrepid cast of characters. There will be a variety of scenario’s explored and kinks touched upon for all you curious depraved little ones. ~ The only thing these all have in common is that the Reader will remain almost exclusively quiet the entire time ~ The tags will be updated as more chapters are released.”
my thoughts: this is a one-shot book (no cohesive storyline unless chosen) but its so good. so good. i thought shigaraki, dabi and all might in one book was interesting but never the less, super good! i never was interested in the mute concept but its written good? (but thinking about it all the other mute!reader fics are good but they wont nsfw so it didnt interest me-) furthermore, its so good. so pure. so hot. 11/10 would recommend.
completed: neh~
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Nightclub AU by sour_pink29 (tumblr; @heros-amoung-us)
au: well… nightclub
summary: “U.A. is the most prestigious and well known nightclub in the world. It takes a high price and a creditable reputation to attend the club, but only because it makes your wildest dreams and fantasies come true. The workers are the best of the best: the 1A class; with the sexiest dancers, flirtatious waitresses and waiters, master bartenders, and high class security. It’s truly no wonder why the rich and famous travel from all corners of the world to have one special night at U.A. ~ As a waitress at the club, you were used to dealing with rich, handsome, high maintenance bachelors. But when 6 mysterious men enter the club and your life, you feel something different spark between you and them as they turn your life on it’s head. For better or for worse… ~ AU where you and the 1A class (and some other characters) are workers at the club. Kaminari, Kirishima, Katsuki, Shoto, Tetsu, Izuku, and Sero are all competing for your attention. ~ WILL INCLUDE NSFW IN SOME CHAPTERS ;)”
my thoughts: THGIS BOOK FUCKIN SLAPS. HANDS DOWN WOULD TOOT MY ASS UP FOR THIS! (thought about dropping my studies and just fucking doing stripper work-) like wow… its a good book and the writer was prob one of the first wirters i followed on here?! (thats if tumblr didnt fucking remove my damn following like it usually does. ._.) enough about that, its really good. i think about it often.
completed: neh~
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Plus Ultra! One-shots and Requests by MistressPikachu (FinalVolition) [tumblr; @adelheidvonschicksal]
au: varies
summary: “A place to store all my smaller drabbles for BNHA. NSFW and SFW requests CLOSED!”
my thoughts: um so she write for *everything* but not like everything, everything. so sometimes it be like a red flag so make sure you are reading it carefully on the story you click on! personally, since theyre a good asf writer i usually dip my toe in all of them but sometimes i just cant but the ones i can, i read over and over and over again. worth a million reads tbh. 12/10 would recommend if youre nasty like that (and i KNOW you guys are).
completed: neh~
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slutty one shots by cherrykwrites (tumblr; @cherrykwrites)
au: varies
summary: “Collection of some slutty short scenarios. Mostly Bakugo, could include other characters too. ~ Everything will be NSFW in this collection. ~ Themes like non con, underage, alcohol, bdsm, daddy kinks, ect could occur in these writings. ~ These are purely works of fiction and do not reflect reality, I do NOT condone any of the immoral actions written in these.”
my thoughts: so of course i could not leave the og, the real home slice, cherry-mother-k-fuckin-writes- CAN WE CLAP FOR THE QUEEN? so essentially, her shit is good asf. you should read it cause its good asf. shes not around that much but she def is really good! (also has my thinking about writing some tattoo artist!bakugo these days, or even a series for my husbandos…). never thought about sandwhiched between kirishima and bakugo until i came across her fics~
completed: neh~
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Euphoria - NSFW Series by NekokoaFanfiction (tumblr; @nekokoafanfictions)
au: varies
summary: “Just a bunch of BNHA characters involved in several different kinks with you. ~ Summary of first chapter: ~ “Katsuki…”That mewl you made was hard to hear but somehow it reached Midoriya’s ears and he gulped as he saw said man standing up from the ground in front of you. A smirk as wide as it can be with his tongue brushing the corners of his mouth as if he just finished eating the best meal of his life.————————- Basically, Midoriya is in for a emotional ride lol”
my thoughts: they are such a good writer. another one-shots book but they will appear once again on the list but this book is just beautiful. and im a perv. so. have fun.
comepleted: neh~
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⚠️okay so this is a series of fics from one writer, but instead of making a shit ton on the list (because if this isnt long already) its by the user QuillMind (tumblr; @quillmind) here are some of my faves:⚠️
Incendiary ~ a/b/o, “Mating season has come yet again. Bakugou has even more trouble controlling it than in previous years… and it’s all your fault.”
Mating Hunt ~ a/b/o, “You and Bakugou have been together for some time. Though you both know you only want each other, your bond won’t truly be permanent and known to all until he claims you during mating season. And as impatient as Bakugou is, as an Alpha, he loves a good chase. You decide to give him one.”
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Story Time - A Reader x BNHA Multific by WhenSarahSmiles (tumblr; @makethiscanon)
au: fairytale/storybook/canon-ish
summary: “Whilst fighting a powerful villain, you find yourself sucked into the world their quirk created with no memories of your old life. Yet, the men you meet along the way have a familiar feel to them. Perhaps they can help you unlock your memories? ~ A Hero Academia/Fairy Tale mash up, there’s plenty of chaos to follow even if you think you know the classic stories well. ~ [Warning: Explicit Content from chapter 3 onwards] ~ [I will warn you which chapter features the non-con]] ~ “
-> Story one: Little Red Riding Hood (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)-> Story two: The Little Mermaid (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)-> Story three: Jack and the Beanstalk (Eijirou Kirishima x Reader)-> Story four: The Three Little Pigs (Denki Kaminari x Reader)-> Story five: Sleeping Beauty (Shouto Todoroki x Reader x Katsuki Bakugou)-> Story six: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Midoriya, Tokoyami, Sero, Monoma, Ojiro, Shinsou x Reader)
my thoughts: bitch i have no thoughts. i only have THOTS. this is a masterpiece, like ive been lacking, the one im on rn is the kirishima one and it worth the read, and i bet the ones after that have been just as amazing! amazing work 11/10 would recommend.
completed: neh~
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Wolves Among Us (Mini Series) by NekokoaFanfiction (tumblr; @nekokoafanfictions)
au: fantasy
summary: “Something about watching him lick your chilled skin was stirring something within you. Your legs started to shiver, but not of the cold that surrounded your slightly exposed body but of a feeling blossoming in the inner regions of your lower stomach. You were getting lost in the rhythm of his pants, wandering in the hazy want of his intense eyes. Your breath began to tremble, and you tried to squeeze your legs together to withstand the odd sensation growing, but he held your leg still and showed no signs of letting go. You were suddenly aware of his hand on your lower thigh, and you noticed that it was the first time a man’s hand had touched there. ~ You were a flower that had yet to bloom in the late of spring. Pure, untouched and suddenly, bombarded with desires. You never shivered in the way a man could make you, and curiosity—maybe naivety, was keeping you from your fear of the beast. —————– Basically, you fall in love with a rude wolf man. ~ Mini series!! Werewolf!Bakugo x Human!Reader, Fantasy AU ~ Inspired by The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter”
my thoughts: i ride this books ASS for updates. my favourite bakugo au’s are fantasy (wit da dragoons) and were!katsuki (haluween). i fucking love it, i love their works. theyre busy with school (like i should be but scholars are all different-) trust me its so good. it has that good spice that make fill my heart with sexy uwuwuwuwuwuwuwus. love it.
completed: neh~
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Katsuki Bakugo Scenario Collection by Hvalross (tumblr; @cutesuki–bakugou)
au: varies
summary: “A collection of oneshots and scenarios I’ve done for Bakugou, both personal works and requests on my blog Cutesuki-Bakugou. ~ Please note that the rating of each story will be in the notes of the chapter. Stories range from TEEN to EXPLICIT.”
my thoughts: oh my god. i reread this one chap over and over and over and over and over and over- and over again. the stories range from cute to just good smut and its so good. so beautifully written. and i cant help but just appreciate it. love it sm. (also sorry if i tagged the wrong tumblr im confsued as to which one you use ahaha)
completed: neh~
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Wish the World Away by hoshigalaxy (other socials; not listed)
au: canon
summary: “bakugou katsuki is the number one hero. but with this title comes a huge target on his back. sometimes it’s better to stay single when you’re a pro hero. there could be accidents. ~ but that’s three years in the past now and bakugou is slowly moving on from what’s happened. that is until he runs into his mysterious new neighbour and things get complicated again.”
my thoughts: ;-; this one hits different. almost like a million reasons type of different. i dont want to spoil it but godt damn man. there is so much to be uncovered but it really hasnt been updated. (cri) its a beautiful book tho. fingers crossed for when it updates next.
completed: neh :
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Up in Smoke. (Soulmate AU) by Grapelimeade (tumblr; @gojirabbit)
au: well,, soulmate
summary: “Bakugou doesn’t want a fucking soulmate.”
my thoughts: may i say…it is such a stark contrast to Million Reasons. it is so fucking captivating i will not shit you. this book, is amazing. im just saying, that midoriya scene tho,, 👀 that kirishima friendship,, 💪🏽 its so good…? got me panting for the next chap (and no not like that weirdos but there is nsfw because when tf do you catch me reading a fic without nsfw…?) but i recommend. mc: million reasons tho me: up in smoke tho-
completed: neh~
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Vermilion by Morgana_Ren (tumblr; @morgana-ren)
au: canon
summary: “Tomura Shigaraki had a goal. It started out simple enough. Kill All Might, and watch the society that revered heroes above all else crumble to dust alongside their idol. However, what originally starts off as a chance encounter with a UA student during the battle of USJ sends him reeling down the crooked path of obsession.”
my thoughts: its just…? my shigaraki thirst was sparked from this very story. it good, supplies my shifty hands needs and it suffices the boiling lust in my clit. wish we’d see more cause i love it already and it blends the story line well. love it. 11/10
completed: neh~
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words hurt [Bakugo Katsuki x Reader] by QueenExplosionMurder (tumblr; @strawberryandspiceandchocolate)
au: canon
summary: “*more tags to be added* ~ when Bakugo Katsuki friendzones the reader, their friendship takes a nose dive off of the face of the earth and he doesn’t hear from her for a while. that is until she is suddenly thrown back into his life, quite literally actually…”
my thoughts: well you think i can go a post without tagging my president? youre fucking wrong. i have actually posted my own prev of her book which you can find here. i am just astonished at well the mood is (because tb when all i would talk about is mood) because mood is just good. it doesnt seem cliche to me. cant wait until the next update.
completed: neh~
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You and Yamada by Jo_Rutherford_Lee (other socials; not listed)
au: varies
summary: “Just a few short Present Mic/Reader PWPs I needed to get out of my head.”
my thoughts:
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i love this book. couldnt find the yamada book i was looking for but i would be lying if this doesnt revive my yamada love every once in awhile. (jk i found the book but this one is really cute and a quick read!!)
completed: yis
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Singed Rose Petals: (Alpha) Dabi x (Omega) Reader by Smutsy (other socials; not listed)
au: a/b/o
summary: ““The villains were always ugly in books and movies. Necessarily so, it seemed. Because if they were attractive - if their looks matched their charm and their cunning - they wouldn’t only be dangerous. They would be irresistible.” - Nenia Campbell”
my thoughts: ohhhh because you guys thought that i’d go through a post without mentioning dabi? LOL so,, this book has brought many many many happy coochie tingles to me. i would murder to be dabi’s omega. and DAS on baby. never was really interested in a/b/o stuff till i read this. love it so much 11/10.
completed: yis
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special mentions:
BNHA Brothel by orphan_account [multiple, unfinished]
Hero Killer’s Charge by VulcanCaptain [stain x reader, unfinished]
Mouth Moods by Koalolive (twitter; renlup) [present mic, unfinished]
and god please dont fucking roast me i had a hawks faze. Birb Office for Birbs by insanityrunsinthe_family
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :)
some of y’all have rlly big brains 🧠👀
What about Bokuto ignoring you when you suggest to go outside. He'll smile and hug you and changes the subject. When you try to bring it up again, he'll slowly increase his strength of his hug. A warning for you to behave 😬. I love you and your writing. 
Happy Birthday Daddy Owl.
First of all I’m sorry I was late for this bby!
Second of all YEEEEESSSS!
Bokuto is honestly so terrifying as a yandere! It’s not a punishment, it’s more like a natural response. He doesn’t want you slipping away from him, not to go outside, not to go to the kitchen, not to leave his side for a split second. And sometimes he forgets his own strength (does he though?). It’ll start to hurt, you’ll feel like you can’t breathe and your ribs are gonna crack with his muscled arms squeezing you tightly as he buries his face in the crook of your neck and coos about how much he loves you. But if you can’t breathe you can’t talk right? You can’t keep saying that you want to leave him. He won’t let you leave him. But maybe that’s better than the alternative. 
Keep pushing and you’re gonna get an emotional and upset Bo and neither of you want that.
the dynamic between akaashi/bo and reader??? you have me so interested ma’am I just love all your writing and concepts!!!
Ok ok :)
So basically the you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place here. There’s Bokuto, who drugged you at a party and delivered you neatly gift wrapped (hehe) to your completely enamoured and insane captor. He’s friendly, excitable and equally as fucked up as Kuroo (he was the one to kidnap you after all) and sees absolutely nothing wrong with the situation.
And then you have Akaashi. Akaashi who’s in some of your classes, who’s a sort of friend. Akaashi who should be more than a little concerned that his best friend has kidnapped you while his other friend is keeping you like a little housewife.
Bokuto’s all exuberance and wide sunny smiles, he treats you like you’re one of them, like you want to be there. Doesn’t question why you’re afraid of him - if anything, he seems to be more concerned with getting you to like him by forcing you into friendly cuddles and dragging you out into the longer room to come hang with him when Kuroo’s not around. He won’t listen to a word about how uncomfortable (how scared) you are. You’re perfect for Kuroo - he’s never been happier and Bokuto has no interest in upsetting this new balance.
And then there’s Akaashi. Unlike the other two you know he sees how wrong this is, how much you don’t want to be there in Kuroo’s bed every night - or there in the apartment with them at all. He knows you - knows that this is wrong, but-
But he won’t lift a finger to stop it. He’s nice to you, sweet. You think maybe he pities you, or maybe it’s his own guilt for letting this happen, but he’s the one you find yourself crawling too when you’re scared or overwhelmed (not when Kuroo can see - never when there’s that chance) but he’s also the one to watch you in the classes Kuroo doesn’t share with you. He’s a friend - was a friend - but now you don’t know how to act around him. Maybe if you push him subtly enough, he’ll feel guilty enough to help you - but be careful, because Kuroo loves his friends, but he didn’t sign up to sharing you, and he certainly doesn’t appreciate the odd occasional glance Akaashi sends your way when he thinks you aren’t watching 👀
Just read Gift Wrapped pt 3 and first: It was very good just like all your fics are and second: It made me realize just how weak i am for soft, delusional yanderes! Like a yandere that has no idea that you’re really scared of them and is also generally attempting to make you feel good 👌👌👌👌
Delusional yandere’s are so fun to write!! It’s soft but... make it creepy y’know? 👀thank you bby!
I just wanted to say
1. Outrunning fate is too good
2. I kinda freaked/flipped out knowing you’ll maybe write another part to it
3. I’m getting too distracted from doing actually college work because I’m rereading your fics
Out of all the fics I listed, this is probably the one I’m most torn about. I don’t mean to bait you guys and there’s still a possibility that I won’t write more for it, but fuck I just love the concept and dynamics between Toshi and Tendou and their poor darling soulmate. We’ll see, okay? Also that’s very valid sometimes i get distracted re-reading my own stuff instead of writing new stuff so, I getcha haha
Your content is nothing but superb and sinfully filling♨️♨️💓💓💓. I-is it okay to ask for more ushijima content? I love that brick wall so much and even had a delulu dream where i was his childhood friend who is always salty with him and when we met up as adults he caught on to my jabs and ended up getting railed by him eye-EJFJWJFA MY THIRST FOR THIS BLOCKHEAD IS DRIVING ME INSANE PLS I NEED HELP- SJXJSJCJ i love you rhi. Thnx for all your content👏👏👏
I’m writing an Ushijima breeding kink fic for a friend so there’s that to look forward to :) 
i too wish i could dream about getting railed by mr jima 😌
Gift wrapped was soooooo good! I can’t get enough of possessive and delusional Kuroo 😍. I love how you write from the pov of an unreliable narrater. You do it so well!
And now I’m also really curious about the dynamic between reader and Bokuto + Akaashi. Especially how Akaashi’s going to react to all of this 🙊 - @closetdegen
Thank you!!! I love from the yandere’s pov especially when they’re the delusional sort. It was fun trying to show the reader’s terror and fear while also having that fit within Kuroo’s perfect little idealised perception. It’s soft and romantic and fucking terrifying imo. Anyway, thank you!!!
the fics you mentioned writing extra parts to bitch askxjfhslg ALL of those are my favorites !!!! no pressure to continue any of them bc i totally understand where you’re coming from, but i need you to know that if you so choose to write another part for any of them i will literally rejoice and be so fuckin thankful 😭 anyways, love you & you’re amazing
Ahh thank you sm sweetheart!! 😭😭😭
Okay I know I'm asking a little bit too much but have you considered continuing on with the GW series? Maybe not fully fledged fics but more of drabbles or maybe short headcannons? You are a phenomenal writer that always leaves me craving for more 😭 There's just so much more I want to see from this world, like how Akaashi would react to seeing her since Kuroo seems like he would force her to move in, how their life would be now, etc. I hope you don't take this the wrong way! I don't want you to write something you don't want to. I'm just genuinely curious 🥺
Will I write another full length fic for it? Probably not. If somebody asks will I answer a bunch of questions and maybe do some drabbles/headcanons? Yeah, and that goes for pretty much any fic I’ve written. I love it when you guys react well to a fic and wanna know more. And thank you, bby!
Gift wrapped 🎁 part 3 was so insanely good that it made me want to finish acing my quizzes faster so I could reread it again 💖💖💖💖👀
asdfghjkl ily bby!!
YOO THAT KUROO WRAPPED THO- o m g I want smt where maybe this isn’t part of the fic but like a separate one where it’s a jealous Yan Kuroo 👁👄👁 u don’t have to do it it’s just a thought
Dw bby, I have some lovely jealous Kuroo fics in the works for you!! Also idk if you’ve read it already but Mr Perfect is there if you wanna see some feral Kuroo 👀
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