#then again i also like to think colin is an infp so
adhd-merlin · 1 year
you're posting so much about lancelot lately and i just want to welcome you back to hell. i hope you made the most of your brief escape
yeah it looks like I had a bit of a lancelot relapse. and whose fault is it!! it will pass, like... he's not even (sit down), he's not even my favourite character or anything. I'm just quite fond of the guy. And I like the star-crossed lovers trope because I'm basic.
also I have eyes and Santiago Cabrera is unbelievably hot.
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meadweos · 5 years
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𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄   ——   𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 !
❛❛ Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. ❜❜ — Iain Thomas
001. 𝒆𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒓…
sun or moon? stars or clouds? sea or sky? sunrise or sunset? early morning or late night? snow or rain? pastel or primary colours? hot chocolate or coffee? dusk or dawn? baths or showers? swimming or running? singing or dancing? paperback or hardcover? misty mornings or rainy mornings? soft pillows or hard pillows? pop or punk?
002. 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆…
… forced to choose between saving your best friend or yourself, what would your choice be?
❛ My best friend. ❜ It seems as though there’s a lump in her throat as she speaks, her voice sure and strong. ❛ Far more readily than I would save myself. It’s --- It’s not right. It wouldn’t be right for me to --- for me to not save her, save them. ❜ She goes silent for a few more seconds, her eyebrows raising as she asks a simple question. ❛ Why, what did the others say? ❜
If ever you’ve already asked a question but already know the answer, it’s this one: Dorcas suffers from chronic heroism, and would save her best friend far more readily than she would ever consider herself worth saving. There’s no ‘forcing’ about it - Dorcas would choose others over herself in a heartbeat. 
… trapped on a deserted island, who would you want to have with you?
❛ Probably Calliope or Emmeline. Maybe, maybe Lily. Or Alice. I mean, it’s kind of impossible to choose, right? You can have someone you get along with, or someone who you know is better at magic than you, or someone who knows stuff about surviving on a deserted island, or literally anyone famous. ❜ Dorcas shrugs. The question is more casual than the others, and her shoulders droop as she breathes in and out deeply.
… able to turn back time and given the chance to change one thing, would you?
❛ My - my brother. I’d go back, for my brother. So I could save him. Or die in his place. Anything. Just - my brother. He should be here. ❜ Her voice is panicked, now. It’s a question she hadn’t been expecting, and she knows traveling through time is possible - time turners - but she doesn’t trust herself to use them. She doesn’t trust herself to save him without breaking everything. She didn’t save him the first time. What’s to say fear won’t paralyze her again?
… able to see the future, would you try to change it, or let it happen as it should?
❛  I mean, if things are happy in the end, I’d probably let it happen as it should. But i’s not about me or my happiness. If the people that I love are happy, then I’d keep it the same. But I’d change it in a heartbeat if I knew the end of all this was anything but simple, pure happiness for any of them. ❜
If Dorcas knew what would happen to her, to her friends, her life wouldn’t be the thing that she’d want saved. No. Marlene dies soon after she does - they think it’s by Travers and his crowd, but nobody ever finds out. He gets her entire family. There are no more McKinnons that will ever grace the grounds of Hogwarts. Gideon and Fabian Prewett - brave, strong, good - are killed by five Death Eaters that same August. The ground becomes hallowed, sacred, and nobody can speak their names without thinking of Molly - poor, dearest Molly. Lily and James have a son, they get to be happy, but they’re locked away in Godric’s Hollow, and it’s there that they die, only months after Dorcas had. Their son lives, but his life is scarred, and set out for him, already. The life of a martyr. Sirius wastes away in Azkaban, and when he gets his only taste of freedom, it’s tinged by imprisonment in a house he never wanted to call home again in his life, and then he dies, and there’s no body to bury. Peter’s a traitor, until he has one moment - one shining moment of humanity - and then he is dead by his own hand. Remus lives an entire life without his best friends, goes near mad with the grief of that loss, and after finding Sirius again, he loses him so soon, and then dies himself, too. 
Emmeline lives. She gets to live, for a shining, glorious number of years, but they’re numbered. They’ve always been numbered. He comes for her, as he came for Dorcas, and she dies in the street. Alice is tortured into insanity like Frank is - they become Aurors and are successful pillars of the community and then it happens. They get their happiness, their son, but it is ripped away. He’s raised by his grandmother - formidable and strict, always criticizing him for not being the father he’d never known. Nobody ever knows what becomes of Regulus Black. Nobody ever talks about his story, or how he’s a good person, in his own way. Andromeda and Ted get married. They have a daughter, with a name as long and complex as Andromeda’s own, but then Ted goes away. He goes into hiding, and he doesn’t come home. His name is on the list of deaths announced on the radio, and Andromeda’s world stops, too, when she loses her daughter as well. Emma Vanity has a career in Quidditch - she lives through both wars, and is happy. She’s not untouched by the ravages of war, on either front, but it doesn’t hurl her into the waves like it had with the others. Lucius and Narcissa live. Lucius, imprisoned for far less years than he deserves, gets a pardon at the very end of things - they both see their son grow up, see the son they had raised to be a snake marry, and have children of his own. Mary survived, but, God, at what cost? At what cost? She loses her best friends, her family. 
Severus dies as he had lived - hopelessly in love with Lily Evans, staring into the last piece of her has left - her son’s eyes, but he has become someone not even Dorcas would recognize - a man of casual cruelty, who bullies young Neville Longbottom until he’s his worst fear. But there are no more McKinnon’s. No more Meadowes. No more Prewett’s. No more Black’s. No more Tonks’. The war that they had thought would be final isn’t. They are raised to become soldiers, some less touched by this reality than others, but it comes to them in the end, and one by one, their lives are torn apart. But, in the end, they get to be happy. There’s happiness even in their failure to surely end things. They don’t get to live until their eighties, sit back on their rocking chairs and reminisce about the old days. They die young, but some of their children live. They fight like hell to live, but they do. It’s the question of whether or not it’s worth it. They are children born to be soldiers, who bring soldiers of their own into the world without knowing it. Harry Potter is saddled with a fate worse than death - he’s raised like a pig for slaughter, and people don’t talk about that enough. He survives, he wins, but at what cost? Nightmares, pain, horror? For the rest of his life? His scar may not hurt anymore, but his limbs ache, and he remembers the feeling of someone in his mind more vividly than he ever wanted to. His friends, his friends, die. Fred and George Weasley? Dead. Remus? Dead. Tonks? Dead. Colin Creevey? Dead. Happiness isn’t something easily measured - they are happy, but it’s always tinged by the fact that a lot of their problems haven’t gone away. Psychologically, the harm of war stays with you forever. 
Dorcas would want everyone else to live. She’d throw herself in front of that Killing Curse for anyone, for anything. If she knew, she’d want everything rewritten. It would begin and end with her, nobody else, and she’s so foolishly optimistic that it might actually work. But the thing is she doesn’t know, and if she did, she’d surely go mad with the weight of it, but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t change it - just that she wouldn’t be the same. And in the end, when she dies, she isn’t the same as we know her now. She still doesn’t kill, but she’s raised her wand far more times than she ever thought she’d have to, and she still holds out hope for everyone, but it’s not rose tinted anymore. The sad truth of the matter is that right now, she’d die for any of the people I mentioned above. Any of them. 
003. 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔…
what’s your character’s myers-briggs personality type?
INFP — The Mediator
Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.
what’s your character’s alignment?
Neutral Good
Creatures of neutral good alignment believe that there must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the world--the most beneficial conditions for living things in general and intelligent creatures in particular. Creatures of this alignments see the cosmos as a place where law and chaos are merely tools to use in bringing life, happiness, and prosperity to all deserving creatures. Order is not good unless it brings this to all; neither is randomness and total freedom desirable if it does not bring such good. Neutral goods value both personal freedom and adherence to laws. They feel that too many laws may unnecessarily restrict the freedom of good beings. They also believe that too much freedom may not protect society as a whole and encourage counterproductive divisions and in-fighting. They promote governments which hold broad powers, but do not interfere in the day-to-day lives of their citizens.
if you had to use one tv trope to describe your character, what would it be?
Skilled, but Naive or Wide-Eyed Idealist
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notanotherinfjblog · 3 years
I know you said the enneagram knowledge is limited but since it’s not a celebrity maybe you can answer? What’s the difference between INFJ type 3 and INFJ type 9? And what would be the difference between INFJ and enfj? Do you have any celeb examples?
Again, I really am no enneagram expert, so I can't tell you much, I'm afraid. But what I can tell you is what it's like to be an INFJ 9. I think the key similarity that an INFJ 9 and an INFJ 3 share is losing themselves because they adapt so much to other people's expectations: the 3 for others' approval until they have no idea, who they actually are and what they really want, the 9 to avoid conflict at any cost, both internal and external. But the difference is, 3s are active. They actively do things to be valued and appreciated and deemed successful. 9s, on the other hand, are passive. They react to whatever is being thrown at them and adapt accordingly, but they don't go out of their way to do things to get the approval.
I know, it's not exactly what you asked, but I can give you an example of what an INFJ 9 vs. an INFP 9 can look like because this is something I have personal experience with. For the longest time, I thought I was a 5 because I tend to detach myself from everything until I realised that I don't do that to get to the bottom of things or anything, but to keep my inner peace. Something terrible can happen and I will hardly remember it two days later because I just went "no, let's not think about that" and dissociated. And I do admit, I am addicted to peace and harmony and will do anything in my power to prevent it from happening, even if that means I have to sacrifice my own needs and honest emotions. This is something that both INFJ and ENFJ 9s should be very good at thanks to both high Fe and Ni: closely observing their conversation partners for their reactions, anticipating how they will receive what you have to say depending on how you say it, and then act accordingly to be the perfect version of yourself to the other person so that you are not only preventing conflict, but also ensuring that you are liked. My INFP 9 friend, on the other hand, will also try to keep the peace, but he is not as willing to give himself up as easily as someone with Fe. He always says that when he teaches a class and no one raises their hand to answer his questions, he refuses to force any of his students to answer because he doesn't want to be the kind of person that makes anyone uncomfortable, and if there ever was something bothering him about someone, he'd choose never to speak of it at all and pretend that the problem simply doesn't exist. As an INFJ 9, I could speak about the problem I have with someone, but only if directly prompted and in a way that appeals to the other person so that they don't take offence and view it as a well-meant piece of advice and change of perspective. I imagine an ENFJ 9 to take a similar route, but that's all I can tell you, I'm afraid.
Concerning examples, there are only very very few NFJ celebrities, fewer than you probably imagine. I can think of 5, possibly 6 in total, and I don't type people's enneagram, so I'm of no help here, except maybe this: There is one INFJ actor who I could imagine to be a 9 or at least a 1w9 or something for the sole reason that every time I see him anywhere, it feels so much like I'm looking into a mirror to the point that it’s slightly uncomfortable, and that's Colin Morgan.
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