#(he just gives off infp vibes to me)
adhd-merlin · 1 year
you're posting so much about lancelot lately and i just want to welcome you back to hell. i hope you made the most of your brief escape
yeah it looks like I had a bit of a lancelot relapse. and whose fault is it!! it will pass, like... he's not even (sit down), he's not even my favourite character or anything. I'm just quite fond of the guy. And I like the star-crossed lovers trope because I'm basic.
also I have eyes and Santiago Cabrera is unbelievably hot.
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Can you do Alastor with an INFP reader please?
Alastor x Different Personality Type's Reader
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
Turning this in to a mini series for my MBTI peoples
INFP (Mediator) Reader:
Alastor was confused by your head in the clouds personality. He found it odd that you were so attached to small objects or would hum a tune that brought a smile to your face. Being sensitive and easily startled was so weak in his eyes.
However, he enjoyed this weakness in you as well, the feeling he got when you sought protection from him. When you would be frightened or down, seeking him out swells his heart with a sense of pride that he has the sweet creative you needing him.
Your strong, empathetic nature scares him, as he can't open up well, yet you make it so easy. The way you can understand and mold your mind around the atrocities in his head baffles him but also excites him.
Alastor slowly becomes your biggest supporter. No matter what you choose as your passion, he is there cheering you on. When your head is in the clouds, he often pulls you down and reminds you of the endless possibilities if you actually put yourself to work instead of thinking about it.
You are your own worst critic, and Alastor hates that. He loves any art or medium you use to express yourself. You may find it to be the worst you have ever done, yet he sees all of your stuff as a masterpiece for him. Due to your doubts, he makes it a point to highlight you in his life if he gets any chance.
Overall, you two have an odd relationship. He is cold and calculating while you are up in the clouds daydreaming. Yet these polar opposites might work better than you two know since you can balance one another.
ESFP (Entertainer) Reader:
Your personality is intoxicating to Alastor. You have the silver tongue and pizzazz to have anyone listen to every word falling off your lips. You put on better shows than even he did, and that was admirable.
You have a keen eye for fashion, and you are the highlight of any event you go to, even if it is just out on the town. This is addicting to Alastor. He loves your style and will even seek your advice when it is time to pick out a new tux.
Your wit and charm come at a price, though. Sometimes, you outshine the Radio Host, making him worry about your health and well-being. Vox taking notice of you is a big no-no unless you are teasing and tormenting Vox with him.
Alastor dislikes your spending habits: flashy clubs, large bottles of booze, and brand-new clothes every week. It can get taxing, reminding you that you need to slow down and look at the bigger picture. Yet he can't help but fall for your words and spoil you, too.
Your lack of focus and commitment sometimes leaves the man irate as well, yet your ability to turn anything spontaneous in to an advantage has its perks. Just give him a heads up before you do anything too crazy and he can over look it.
Overall, you two are similar enough that, at times, it can hurt. Yet your ability to dazzle a room and potential new victims leaves you both at the top of the food chain. Just remember to pamper the poor deer so he knows he's important, too.
ENFJ (Protagonist) Reader:
It takes Alastor a long time to warm up to you. You give off goodie two-shoe vibes; let me help you wondering traveler vibes. He isn't a fan of that, seeing as he likes to do things in his sick and sadistic ways.
If you can crack his shell, though, he is thrilled at how meticulous and straightforward you are. He enjoys how you always have a plan and seem to take some of the responsibility of knowing everything off his hands.
When the battle for the hotel approached, you were one of the inspiring voices in the crowd. You managed to help get the whole team up and going when fighting off Adam. Yet you also managed to eat under his skin with the one-for-all-all-for-one crap.
If Alastor opens up to you, though, your go-getting attitude of figuring out how to help him with his plight is thrilling. When you speak of ending his contract, he is nothing but accepting and excited to see what you are capable of.
Your intensity is really overwhelming. You are just a powerhouse bulldozing through all his plans and ideas. However, you also give him the courage at times to stand up for what is right, allowing him to grow as a person.
Overall, you two are similar just as much as you are opposite. Alastor is an altruistic companion, whereas you are altruistic all the time. Things might work out if you can tone down your self-sacrificing persona.
ISFP (Adventurer) Reader:
You are a rare one indeed in Alastors' mind. You mind your own business and find yourself deep in the thralls of whatever magnificent work you have planned. You only bug him when it is truly insightful or helpful, allowing him to grow an appreciation for you.
Your inability to keep up with time, though, was just as frustrating as it was hilarious. Watching dear Charlie freak out that you were missing, only for you to appear out of nowhere following a bug, was entertaining. Yet he hated when you kept him waiting; he was an important man.
Alastor was startled when he found you hiding in his radio tower. It was just after an extensive bonding exercise, too, yet you were tinkering away in a corner. He startled you when he found you, finding it adorable how you begged for just ten minutes of quiet.
Alastor's Radio Tower would become your refuge for hiding from Charlie's crazy ideas and recharging. Alastor found your intelligent conversation and carefree attitude about his job refreshing. He truly enjoyed your little hiding days in his office.
When you get down on yourself because of lost motivation or even having an empty social battery, he is always there to help. He hates when you start having low self-esteem, but he does assist you as much as he can in rebuilding it.
Overall, your carefree and quiet demeanor is nice to Alastor. You pose no threat, and you definitely help lighten the air. Be mindful of overworking yourself, and maybe get a To-Do list or two so you stop being so hard on yourself.
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tangyangie · 1 year
hiii i saw your entp and isfp girlfriend headcanons and i was wondering if you could write one for karma or gakushuu (or both, if you can manage the time, totally fine if you do just one) with an infp girlfriend? not the stereotypical crybaby infp, more of a, lets say, open minded and soft hearted, struggles to stand up for herself but surprisingly stubborn infp? also, if its not too much, can you give her, although introverted, a social butterfly type vibe? thanksssssss <3<3<3
synopsis. karma and asano (separate) x fem!reader
notes. this is me except i am a crybaby
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he thinks you're too nice.
he honestly does not believe someone can be that kind!!
he teases you relentlessly. he wants to see how you'd act once you've had enough of it.
you never respond how he thinks you will. sometimes you retort back, but other times you're simply like, "okay, karma."
and other times, you ignore him completely!! how's he supposed to respond to that?
he kisses you to make up for it, though.
will steal you and have you sit on his lap.
you're a bit embarrassed by it all, and he doesn't put it past you to slap him. it's happened before.
but, he can never successfully drag you to do something you don't really want to do.
"but, the lake is so much fun!!"
"is getting bit by 48 mosquitoes fun?"
he's constantly trying to talk with you. he's like a fly, always buzzing around your ear.
this is almost impossible when you're with your friends, though. he's surprised how you've got so many with how quiet you tend to be.
you say it's only because they started the conversation first.
still, it doesn't prevent him from pouting. how's he supposed to steal you now—with 10 people engaging with you??
he could do it without them noticing, but you'd probably knock him on the noggin if he tried.
so, he waits until your dull long conversation finishes, and generates some random excuse to finally take you away.
the possessiveness is there.
𝐆 𝐀 𝐊 𝐔 𝐒 𝐇 𝐔̄
he's definitely quieter than karma when it comes to talking and starting discussions.
he will not constantly be annoying you—yet, he's not hesitant to start conversations with you.
he likes holding your hand. it's enough to make him happy that you're near, but it's not too overwhelming for you that your face would explode.
he's happy that you have so many friends. but, he does remind them that you're off-limits.
he tends to have a certain gleam in his eye when he does that. it's kind of hot scary.
he leads you places with an arm around your shoulder, talking with you to distract you from others' looks.
he encourages you to go out more. start conversations with others, for once.
you do need help, and he has still not succeeded in making you completely independent.
"how are you going to survive on your own?"
"i won't!!"
he tries to keep you from getting distracted from things like schoolwork, but he definitely fails. there's no helping with that.
except—one time, he plopped you into his lap and smiled innocently. he's never seen you finish work so fast.
it's got him questioning if that was because you were embarrassed or because you hated him. you assure him you don't.
he kisses you lots when you're embarrassed. you don't know if it's on purpose, but it causes your face to feel like the surface of volcano.
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notes. this seems really short i'm sorry 💔 i had a lot of fun writing this though!! thank you for the request!!
also school's finally out!! except summer has been just as exhausting 😊
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hello! i was hoping for a bg3 matchup for my tav? male preferred, but it can be a romanceable character or not
she's a tiefling sorcerer with the sage background. short build and curvy with long curly hair. she's extremely curious and loves literature and animals, so she spends a lot of time reading. mbti would probably be infp. her primary flaw is her reluctance to decline new experiences. very sweet disposition and has cozy, wholesome vibes
thank you, i love your writing!
A/N: Okay for you my Sage Background Anon, because you specified my answer didn't have to be one of the available romanceable characters within the game and that you preferred a male answer, I think that your best match would be Rolan (Male)! 
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🎆 Rolan would be a wonderful matchup for your tiefling sorcerer Tav! 
As a fellow tiefling, your Tav understands just how hard Rolan has had to work to overcome all the prejudices associated with your race. She, despite being a sorcerer, born with natural power, has endured discrimination due to her hellish ancestry. This makes your Tav all the more understanding when Rolan feels the need to act superior or smarter. However, it also means your Tav is the exact right person to tell Rolan to knock it off or to just be himself. And Rolan can hear her say it and know that it's coming from a well-meaning place, rather than an ignorant one, because they share the same race. 
Rolan also appreciates dating a fellow magic user, although he may be a bit jealous at times at how easy sorcery comes to her, whereas he must practice his magic over and over again to be a proficient wizard. More often than not, however, that jealousy gives way to healthy admiration; Rolan sees your Tav as a role model, someone to aspire to be like. 
He loves Tav's shorter build, it makes him feel all the more masculine and dominant (lol Rolan size kink unlocked). And he can’t stop eyeing her curves, to the point where either Cal or Lia has to berate him for always ogling you in public. What? He can’t help it! He’s obsessed with the roundness and curviness of your form and the fullness and the flounce of your curls. 
The fact that your Tav loves reading is great because even though she doesn’t need to study as much as Rolan to enhance her magic, it means the two of them can have reading dates where she reads her novels and Rolan reads his magic texts. 
Regarding animals, Rolan can’t say he’s a fan- Ramazith Tower has a strict “no pets allowed” policy. But seeing your Tav gush over how adorable they are makes his heart melt. Okay fine, he’ll relent, Ramazith Tower can have some pets- so long as he doesn’t have to clean up after them. (Rolan’s basically the dad that says “No I don’t want a dog”, and then ends up spoiling the dog whenever he’s home.) 
Your Tav being an INFP and Rolan being what I see as an ESTJ makes you fairly compatible. The only thing to watch out for is the difference in your priorities. You value emotional commitment and friendship: you care to know what makes the people around you tick. On the other hand, ESTJs want to be productive: they value tradition and stability, preferring to keep things consistent, which doesn’t always jive when you want to put the feelings of others first. If anything this presents an opportunity for you to help Rolan become in tune with his inner emotive side, and Rolan can help your Tav in reassuring her it’s okay to not try every new experience that comes her way. 
Additionally, her reluctance to shoot down trying new experiences balances out Rolan’s refusal to try new experiences, period lol. She forces him to come out of his shell and he keeps her from getting too carried away. 
Rola’s been through a lot, he needs comfort. He’s very reassured by your Tav’s cozy and wholesome vibes- they make him feel right at home so long as they’re together. 
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I hope you enjoyed! 
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tigreblvnc · 1 month
BLUE LOCK MATCHUP — @quietwasteland
Your match is...
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— Reo Mikage
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✦ I hesitated a lot about the final suitor!
✦ We'll talk about it again at the end of the post.
✦ It's a very sweet bio :)
✦ Not for everyone, then…
✦ I see that at the bottom of your description, you're wondering between INFP and ENTP; I lean towards INFP based on all the behaviors you describe in your text.
✦ When they are comfortable, INFPs can seem extroverted to those who are even more introverted than they are, and especially, their imagination and sharp humor can make them seem like ENTPs.
✦ But it's by observing the person's behavior over time that you can determine their true nature.
✦ I’m betting on INFP.
✦ "I’ll match your energy, naturally shaping my vibes to get along with different people. I can be an introvert and extrovert and everything in between." This is very typical of Feeler (F) profiles who strive to maintain overall harmony and resonate with their surroundings. A Thinker (T) profile would tend to behave the same way regardless of the circumstances, valuing the efficiency of their discourse over the preservation of others' well-being.
✦ "And from what I know you’re East Asian too?" LMAO I didn't expect to see that! Yes, where did you get this info? LOL. So funny. Being Asian doesn't mean I know Eastern mythology and being European doesn't mean I know Western mythology. I just wanted to say that.
✦ "Can someone be observant and cloudy-minded?" Yes, and it's exactly what INFP's cognitive functions explain: the combination of the two functions Introverted Feeling (Fi) and Extraverted Intuition (Ne) creates a combo where the INFP gathers a lot of information from the outside world through their Auxiliary Ne and processes it extensively internally thanks to their Dominant Fi. This is what gives this profile the reputation of being a dreamy observer. They need a lot of time to process the vast amount of information gathered by their Auxiliary function, and this also explains why the INFP needs plenty of time alone to digest all of this. It's the sponge effect.
✦ AND SO. To wonderfully match this pairing: I usually suggest an MBTI profile that we call a "mirror", because you bring to each other what the other lacks. To simplify, it’s the MBTI profile that uses the same cognitive functions as you (in the case of the INFP: Fi-Ne-Si-Te), but in the opposite order, and with opposite orientations.
✦ The profile we are looking for is the ENTJ; their function stack being Te-Ni-Se-Fi.
✦ This means that unlike the INFP, the ENTJ is very good at taking action, setting up plans, and executing them -- or getting them executed. The ENTJ is a natural leader, structured and strategic. This profile often represents the traits that the INFP lacks, whose natural tendency pushes them towards sometimes excessive introspection, escaping into daydreams, procrastination, and a strong inclination towards idealization. Typically, this reminds me of your phrase: "Everybody I know says that I give off that childish, dreamy, head in the clouds vibe. I’ve been daydreaming since I gained consciousness."
✦ There are a few ENTJ characters in Blue Lock, but I leaned towards Reo because, in my opinion, he is one of the healthiest characters in the entire manga. Ambitious, sociable, and protective. His relationship with Nagi shows how much he cares for others. You can also see how Nagi drifting away from him devastates him both morally and psychologically.
✦ I think you probably met in an art gallery in France, specifically in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. At number 59 Avenue Foch, you’ll find a collection of over 7,000 Asian artworks.
✦ I can easily imagine Reo being drawn to culture from all angles because it feeds his knowledge and serves him in his business. But he’s probably not the best at detecting all the subtleties of a painting, nor at explaining the history, concept, origin, or chronology of the artist.
✦ That’s when you come into play with your massive cultural background and your ability to connect one sculpture to another. Competence is a trait that appeals to Reo, no matter where it lies. He’s not just into football, which makes him much more accessible than other characters whose lives revolve around the sport.
✦ Impressed by your knowledge, he puts his afternoon plans on hold to invite you to grab a bite in the capital. The cafés are ridiculously expensive in the center, but it’s the least he can do for learning so much.
✦ While you choose, he’s attentive to what you do, what you say. He remembers your order in case he invites you somewhere else again. It also helps him understand who he’s dealing with. Sweet, savory? Mild or spicy? Soft-boiled or poached eggs? He remembers it all.
✦ You have the dynamic of two knowledgeable people, interested in subjects that make you grow. He tells you about his goal of winning the World Cup, and you look at him not quite sure if he’s serious or not.
✦ Apparently, he is serious.
✦ You nod; you couldn’t mock someone’s dream. On the contrary, you like that Reo aims high and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it. His determination touches you and serves as a source of inspiration for your own projects. On the other hand, I can definitely see him being genuinely interested in what you do outside of the arts. He finds that your words are often imbued with a form of poetic innocence that he’s never actually seen in anyone. Having always been surrounded by strict parents, an expressionless best friend, and teammates driven by the desire to win.
✦ You are a rarity in his flashy, extravagant world.
✦ He’s totally the type to lean more and more over the table as the conversation captivates him.
✦ And his questions about what you like and what you do keep increasing as you slowly reveal your answers…
✦ Very quickly, Reo would open up to you. Partly because he feels safe with someone who isn’t directly connected to football; and because there’s something about you that makes him want to confide. He’d tell you about his unpleasant family situation but also about his ambitions that have led him to make sometimes questionable choices.
✦ In fact, he shows his authentic self to you, and that’s probably what touches you the most. That there’s no filter, no awkwardness in the conversation. You even end up completely drifting off the main topic to philosophize and reshape the world fifteen times over.
✦ Time flies, and you realize that you’ve been there for three hours. You’re even politely asked to free up your table because other customers are waiting. A little embarrassed, Reo apologizes, leaves a generous tip, and invites you to leave the café with him.
✦ I’m sorry to drive home the cliché, but he totally invites you to take a walk with him in the Jardin des Tuileries, a large French garden from the 17th century adorned with statues, including 18 bronze sculptures by Maillol.
✦ "I have an eye for beauty, especially the small, delicate, 'ordinary' type. You could say I live for those moments. A sunset. The sounds of autumn leaves crunching. The laughter of a child. The last phoenix flower hidden behind green branches. And I often view those small things in their symbolic meaning, everything could be a metaphor you know." He loves this a lot. On his side, Reo is very sensitive to beautiful things, loves grandeur and the flamboyant… So being around someone much more modest than him, who is capable of seeing beauty in the details, would intrigue him enormously. In fact, I think he’d be fascinated to meet someone with such an unusual, simple, and refined perception of things at the same time. You show him that you can appreciate and be content with the most ordinary things in life.
✦ And at the same time, he remains a man of competition. Being with you brings him remarkable serenity, like taking a breath of fresh air in a city filled with concrete, but eventually, the evening comes, after the sunset, when you have to part ways to return to your respective lives.
✦ Of course, he leaves you his phone number.
✦ "You’re welcome at my place whenever you want."
✦ Naturally in first class.
✦ "I love books, sweets, science fiction movies, and stuffed animals." It’s extremely cheesy, but just before leaving, he probably gives you an overpriced plush toy in the shape of a lion, his favorite animal. It’s so you won’t forget him… and so you won’t be too sad about his departure. Even though you haven’t spent much time together, you know how to remind each other.
✦ I’m watching you from my seat in the cinema, and the popcorn is very good.
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A word about your match: At first, I thought of Kunigami, but I figured he’d be too restrictive for you, always setting boundaries, reminding you what to do, etc. I’d see him more as a big brother.
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courtofmatchups · 1 month
You're out here doing the lords work, and I need to thank you for scratching the itch in my brain lol. Good fortune for you and your loved ones, may the lines you encounter always be short, and may you have endless creativity. Hell yeah, brother.
Could I ask for a Tokyo Debunker matchup? I'm willing to do a trade, too, if you're interested! I've only written for a few characters between Obey Me and tkdb, but I'd def love to repay the kindness.
So, hi. I'm Birds, or Birdy. She/her, bisexual/maybe ace? gray-ace? one of those, at least.
Appearance: 5'9, pale, super wavy dark blonde/light brown hair, and hazel eyes. I have a deceptively cute round face and big glasses. i've been told that I give off a naturally sweet and impish impression because of that. I'm also fairly slim, but there's definitely a layer of chicken nugget insulation for warmth and comfort.
MBTI/Zodiac: INFP and Gemini
About me: I tend to spend most of my time in my head, and I can easily come off as ditzy or standoffish. I have inattentive ADHD and I'm really introverted, so typically I try not to speak up unless I have something worth saying. I keep a few close friends and tend to unload all of my thoughts from the day on them (and as quiet as I am, I talk a mile a minute when I'm excited or explaining something interesting.) Multiple people have told me (to my face c':) that they were shocked by how intelligent I actually am. And yeah, maybe math and spelling aren't my thing, but for the most part, my silly goose hat is a choice. I have trouble speaking my thoughts out loud, so I'm a big fan of burying my negative emotions as deep as possible until i'm a walking shell of a person, self-sabotaging, and using swear words or memes to express myself. But what I lack in, like, everything else, I make up for by being as good of a friend as possible. I love making the people I care about laugh just as much as I love messing with them and I'm willing to make myself look like a fool to make them smile.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, sewing, and then whatever little hobbies I pick up and then forget about in a week. A fun fact about me is that I once spent over 8 hours on the phone my best friend doing nothing but discussing our oc's.
Likes: spooky/whimsical things, fairy lights, making my loved ones laugh and/or roll their eyes, small, comfortable nooks to hide in, music (any genre, it's just gotta match the vibes), dating sims, fandom history (putting together a legit presentation on the history of zines in fan studies rn), and holding hands c:
Dislikes: Loud places, bright lights, speaking to people without being able to prepare myself, not having headphones somewhere on me, people who go out of their way to be mean, objectively dumb opinions being said confidently, and any perceived wrong done to my loved ones
Qualities I look for: Patience and physical affection. I'm a forgetful mess and I'm mean enough to myself without someone else getting frustrated with me, and casual affection like hugs and hand holding give me something to ground myself with. They'd need to see me as a partner and best friend rather than Conventionally Attractive Girl, too. My Manic Pixie has been Dream Girl'ed more than enough.
Thank you again!
It seems to me you've captured the heart of...
Haku Kusanagi!
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I could see a few others being potential matches, Like Alan or Haru, but I feel like Haku would be the best match for you. Hear me out: I feel like he'd be initially drawn in by your silly and whimsical nature. Haku likes being around sharp and witty people. He's pretty easygoing and will tease you, but he doesn't go out of his way to be mean. He does tease you about being in the clouds at times, but he does like that dreamy side of you. He's not too picky about appearances when it comes to partners, so even more reason he's a great match for you.
As for your tendency to yap about anything that interests you, you can bet that he would like to see you get so animated about the things you like, but you might need to slow it down so he could understand what you're talking about. He will tell you though.
Haku doesn't really have a set preference for hobbies, he just enjoys making memories with his partner, so any hobby either of you choose to do would be a fun and stimulating experience.
Haku is also pretty emotionally intelligent, so he'll be able to help walk you through the emotions you're feeling. He's a patient man, and will understand if you mess up for one reason or another. He'll also help if that happens. And don't worry about physical affection, he will shower you with that in the event you're feeling down and cannot articulate your feelings in a way other than "I need a hug right now."
All in all, I see a happy relationship between the two of you
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struwberrii · 3 months
hi!!! I’m hoping I could get a haikyuu matchup!!
I’m a girl (she/her) and would like to be romantically paired with one of the boys :)
The only specific things I look for in a partner is someone who’s patient (or willing to be) because I can get frustrated and overwhelmed very easily. I also look for someone who is considerate and observant. Other than that, im not too picky! Just someone who will be there for me, and in return I will be there for them.
I would say my personality is kind and goofy. Im always making some sort of sarcastic comment when im comfortable with people, but otherwise I’ll mind how I act and be shy. I’m creative as well, I love art and writing and reading. (I also figure skate! Which im not as good at, but it’s fun and I’ve done it for a long time!)I can get quite loud with my friends, I just like to laugh!! And talk. I talk a LOT. Im also an infp personality type!!
My love languages are physical touch and quality time! Elaborate gifts make me uncomfortable.
my fashion style is kind of all over the place, but I love wearing the colours pink, light green, white, and baby blue. I wear lots of low cut top:, off the shoulder long sleeves, skirts, boot-cut jeans, the “Rory gilmore sweater” is a staple for me in autumn.
I don’t know what my dream date is but I think I’d enjoy just going for a long walk and getting a snack on the way!!! It’s nice to talk about everything and anything with no destination in mind.
Tysmmmm! <3
match up: keiji akaashi ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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hope you like the matchup!!
౨ৎ ⋆。˚
it’s no secret that keiji akaashi is a very patient man. i mean he deals with bokuto very effortlessly and never gets annoyed with some of bokutos immaturity. he’s also very observant from his position as setter, he is very watchful
akaashi is the blueprint of yapper x listener (he’s the listener) i just know he could listen to you talk for hours and never get bored of you
i also see him as the type of partner to want to spend lots of time with you since he is kind of an awkward weird guy, he probably would have a bit of a hard time out right saying how he feels about you, and would find it a lot easier to just show you
also i think your style would match his time skip style very well which is super cute (not his pre skip style and that god awful setter dog shirt lol)
he is def the type of guy to walk you home everytime you guys are out together, and just doing small little acts of service for you to show how he cares
i can also see akaashi being a guy who wouldn’t go with you just for your looks but also having a deep personal connection with you aswell :) i think he is also the type to appreciate sarcasm and overall sarcastic humor idk he just gives me those vibes
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Hello could I get a ship pls. Names Crystal, She/Her, INFP-T, love languages are receiving gifts and acts of service, my hobbies include: crocheting (most of the time I hardly finish a project 💀), baking, and roller derby, some of my goals are to get into college to study environmental science, some of my interests are the paranormal, cryptids and Botany, what i look for in a partner is someone who is loyal, can help me out of my shell occasionally but also understands if the situation becomes to wild overwhelming they can pull back and protective, but also knows how to relax and have fun from time to time, i'm 5'1, and you can use any of the guys! I like the surprise. Thank you!
Hi friend!! Thank you so much for sending in a request!! Also thank you so much for your patience lmao 😅🩷 Also I saw that you like cryptids in your ask and got really excited🤣🤣 Anywho thank you again and hope you enjoy!!
I ship you with...
Babe Heffron!
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A song from my playlist that reminds me of y’all’s relationship - I Was Made for Lovin’ You by KISS
How you met
You were investigating the forests of Bastogne looking for the Mahwot
You knew there was some fighting going on in the forest but you were being careful...mostly
You pull a Hinkel and drop into a Nazi foxhole
You try to pull yourself out but the soldier, not knowing you were just cryptid hunting, tries to grab you and take you back to their CP
All of a sudden you feel someone dragging you out of the foxhole and away from the German soldier
The two of you keep running for a bit before your mysterious hero stops you both
Between breaths you hear him say “Are you fucking nuts?! What’re you doing out here!?”
You look up at him with embarrassment in your eyes and
First off babe is just WOW
S T U N N E D by how gorgeous you are
“Um… I was just… looking for a creature…” you say quietly
“W-well you should’ve asked for help! You looking for the mahwot?” He puts on a charming smile but it fails to cover up the nerves he’s feeling
You’re super surprised he knows what that is but before you can say anything you hear a voice yell “Hey Heffron! Where’d you go!?”
He looks towards the voice with…disappointment? Did he want to talk to you more?
“I gotta go, but look me up when the war’s over ok? I’m Babe Heffron”
He gives you an adorable smile and wink before heading back
“And stay away from the foxholes!!”
How he knew he loves you
So it’s after the war and you got a job working for the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Your current work assignment takes you to Philadelphia
After a hard but rewarding day you’re relaxing in a bar when you hear
“Hey! If it ain’t the mahwot hunter!”
You’d recognize that voice anywhere
You turn around and it’s none other than Babe Heffron taking the seat next to you
He buys you a drink and you banter and chat well into the night
It may have been only the second time he’s met you, but he knew then and there you were the one for him
He could tell you were rather reserved but opened up about the things you enjoy, like cryptids and nature and roller derby
You had this look on your face, it was so full of wonder and awe at the things you love and he was just SOLD
Plus you were so kind and sweet when he was sharing things about himself like he’s never felt so loved and accepted by anyone except Guarnere
Y’all were there until last call and the rest was history
A conflict that arose and how y’all solved it
So every other week you and Babe have a date night with Guarnere and Frannie
Y’all were at a nice restaurant just vibing and living your best life
The waiter was nicer than usual but it was nice, even though Babe seemed to get kinda tense whenever the waiter was around?
The tension grew all night until finally Babe just got up and left the restaurant
While you were asking Guarnere what was happening the waiter came back to your table and
“I have to ask, miss, was that man your date? Because, if not, I would be honored to take you to dinner sometime”
Suddenly everything made sense
You sprinted from the restaurant without answering the waiter or a word to Guarnere
Fortunately the restaurant was walking distance from y’all’s apartment so you briskly make your way back home and rush in through the door
Babe is pouting on the couch, arms folded
“Babe, darling, can we talk?”
“Wouldn’t you rather talk to your fucking waiter?”
That stung… Babe never got jealous, so this was new territory for both of you
You kneel beside him and place your hand gently on his knee, looking up at him with sincerity
“Babe, I had no idea he was trying to come onto me, otherwise I would’ve stopped it”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes
“Crystal, he was throwing compliment after compliment at you”
“I thought he was just being nice! He tried to ask me out after you left, that’s when it hit me…”
Babe’s eyes finally met yours, his expression softening
“So you really had no idea he was flirting?”
You shook your head no and saw Babe breathe a sigh of relief
“It felt like you were interested in him… like you wanted him over me”
The words were barely audible, Babe staring at his hands in his lap
Your heart just broke
You gently took Babe’s face in your hands and turned him to look at you
“Edward, there is NO ONE on this earth I would rather be with than you, you have brought more joy to my life than I’ve ever thought possible, I can’t imagine my life without you”
Both of you had tears welling up in your eyes before Babe closed the space between you with a gentle, loving kiss
“I love you babe” “I love you too doll”
You spend the rest of the night in comfy clothes and binging ghost-hunting shows
Guarnere showed up later angry that he got stuck with the bill but that’s another story for another day
Your happily ever after (what your relationship looks like!)
The two of you go out all the time to look for cryptids
You also go to the Mothman festival every year
It’s honestly kind of adorable because during the day Babe is like so sweet and encouraging and gently pushing you out of your comfort zone but it always turns out okay because he’s there to help you and support and love you
But at night when you’re hunting cryptids he goes into protective mode
Like EVERY little noise causes him to pull you close and a little behind him, like he will fight Bigfoot if he has to and he’s not afraid to do it
Honestly y’all are just that couple that is so in love and has all of the inside jokes that you say together but no one but you two understand them
A silly headcannon about your relationship!
Ok so for your birthday he took y’all on a trip to Scotland to look for Nessie
Y’all were on a boat with other tourists and it was lots of fun but a little crowded
Babe being protective and adorable tried to use his body to shield you from the crowd but from all the bumping and pushing he just
He fell into the loch
The boat had to turn around to get him and it was a whole thing but also so stinking funny
He has never lived it down
Also Baby Boy SWEARS Nessie touched his foot and he will die on this hill
Thank you again for the request love!! hope you like your adventures with Babe 🥰💕
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stars-tonight · 28 days
Hi! I love all the matchups you’ve been doing and I would love to get one if you don’t mind Ꮚ^ꈊ^Ꮚ, thank you so much!!
✩ Long matchup; romantic
✩ Any pronouns, male preference but also okay with a female pairing!
✩ Ideal partner: Level-headed/patient, someone I’m able to rely on and who can be mature and calm when needed while still knowing when to let loose and be goofy sometimes, and also someone who is willing to rely on others when they need it too. Understanding, someone who is non-judgmental and open-minded, especially with any sensitive or personal topics. Someone who is willing to try out new experiences and meet new people. Lowkey want someone who can match whatever vibe I currently got going on lol.
✩ I would say I lean into being introverted quite a bit, I like to keep to myself mostly but if the people and vibes in a situation are right then I’ll feel comfortable with being more talkative and active in whatever is going on. I can be a bit stubborn(?) or passionate about the things that I care about, especially if I also have a certain goal in mind towards them. Massive overthinker and generally very anxious in unfamiliar settings lol, but willing to try new things and meet new people.
✩ My main hobby is art, I spend a lot of my time drawing on my tablet making characters or drawing fanart of media that I enjoy. My other hobbies include playing video games (things like minecraft, breath of the wild, animal crossing, etc), writing, and collecting figurines of characters from media that I like (anime, movies, etc)!
✩ Love languages: I like to give acts of service, gifts, or quality time and I like to receive physical touch or quality time
✩ Ideal date: something quiet and chill like going to a coffee shop, cat cafe, or museum
✩ Other: My MBTI is INFP, I’m an Aries, I love to wear gothic fashion and jewelry (similar to misa amane’s style in death note), and my favorite colors are purple or dark green.
Likes: lamb biryani (my beloved), rainy days, watching horror movies, and goth/rock/R&B music
Dislikes: summer heat, loud areas, and pickles
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🥛 suga is an ambivert and has two sides to him
🥛 the responsible mama side
🥛 and the wild little child side
🥛 with that being said, he can be patient, mature, and calm, but also goofy
🥛 and he's also willing to try new things, meet new people
🥛 he's just a rather chill guy who can go with the flow and match your energy levels
🥛 although i can say with confidence that i think suga would be completely non judgemental and open minded when it comes to personal topics
🥛 he'd make sure to do his research too so if you or anyone else he knew was ever struggling he would be well prepared and know how to help them and care for them
🥛 suga can be really passionate about his work or activities, such as when he spent all night coming up with hand signals for plays to run
🥛 suga strikes me as a pretty artistic guy; he at least has an appreciation for art and literature
🥛 he's not the best at drawing but he'll always admire and praise your work
🥛 and if he played video games it'd probably be a cozy game like animal crossing
🥛 i think he likes seeing people's hobbies and seeing the passion others have for what they do
🥛 so he'd love to see how much you love art! it comes off really endearing and charming
🥛 he likes to spend a lot of time with you; you could just be doing your own thing next to each other, but what's important is that you're together
🥛 and suga suits chill dates really well
🥛 can you imagine him surrounded by fluffy cats 🥺
runner up for you was kuroo tetsurō!
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A/N: hi! i'm sorry about the long wait, but i hope you liked your matchup!
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hyugaruma · 9 months
Okey— this took me a bit because (as the try-hard I am) wanted to make everything ethically detailed,, It's a bit of a read so I apologize in advance இ௰இ p.s. I'd like to be matched with the og cast, thank uu <3
I'm a Humanities and Social Science student planning on taking social psychology (major), multimedia arts (minor), and creative writing (minor) courses.
I'm somewhat what you call a "lone wolf." I prefer to be independent and responsible for my own well-being and actions. I am a-okay with being left alone and away from the limelight.
But that doesn't mean I totally dislike social interaction. I love being around talkative and engaging people. I'm naturally a listener, so I enjoy seeing things unfold rather than participating.
I've recently learned most people are afraid to approach me because, apparently: I have a "resting bitch face," I don't talk much, and my body is unconsciously defensive to ANY physical interaction (leaning away, lack of eye contact, etc.). But, when I get comfortable enough, I can entertain small talk and express myself unapologetically.
I have some auditory problems. 1.) Any information fed to me won't automatically click in my brain. It takes me a good few minutes to get it, and I will ask you to repeat yourself just to make sure I'm understanding you right. 2.) I am very sensitive to loud noises. Unreasonable shouting, loud noises, and incessant chattering will melt my brain.
What I am looking for in a partner is someone who respects my boundaries; who I can vibe with without being judged; who encourages my self-improvement; and who is mutually understanding and transparent with each other. It will take some time for me to open up, so I also hope they have god-tier patience 😅
Thank you so much for opening this opportunity to the H&L community! Again, so sorry for the long ask TT w TT, I just love match-ups and am so interested in writers' takes on my personality n' stuff... mwah! have a great rest of your day ;D
thanks for the req :-)) don’t apologize, more info is better tbh. enjoy your day!
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I match you with… Smoky!
God-tier patience, you say? This man has patience even beyond that. Smoky is the type who will spend as long as it takes for you to open up and become comfortable around him. He’s really good at understanding different types of people, being that his Nameless City family has a big variety, so he wouldn’t be put off by your “RBF” or recoil of physical interaction. He is the epitome of acceptance, so you can always be yourself with him. Even though he’s a partner who enjoys quality time, he has no issues with giving you space when you may need it. Even though there can sometimes be a lot going on around Nameless City, Smoky knows plenty of quiet and secluded spaces for you to have that peaceful place for whenever you so need it.
Alternate Matches: Rocky, Kuki Genji
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imjustabeanie · 7 months
hi! I was curious if you could do a hazbin hotel match up? <3
I go by she/they. im pansexual, im not too picky. I'm originally from Guatemala but was adopted to America! I have dark brown eyes with gold rimmed glasses with peircings; nose stud and septum. Im also a bit on the bigger side like mid size, im super insecure about it due to family problems making it worse. im getting bette with it though! I'm a Pisces and an infp. When first meeting me I'm normally shy and keep to myself and I've been told I look mean since of my resting face but trust I'm the silliest person you have ever met. when getting close; I love to joke around and I tend to be rude and "out of pocket " with my humor. (think of like smiling friends or oneyplays for reference) I love helping others if it be medically or just listening. speaking of medical; I'm almost done with schooling to get my EMT certification! I've always wanted to help someone every since I was a child. since I chose this field I am a real stickler for anatomy and physiology, with that being said I like to point out mistakes in movies which can get super annoying but it's something I love to do. another thing I love is the elder scrolls series! I love the real life inspo it's taken for the game universe, plus I love the medival vibe it has. I also love history such as artifacts from the past, historical texts, and medical practices back then. I'm a huge horror fan as well; scream, thanksgiving, SAW, Halloween, the omen. I love the classics! I also love crime cases too. I also love music,my favorites being malice mizer, gulu gulu, nirvana , ice nine kills, korn,slaughter to prevail and powerwolf! I like gothic type clothing but I normally dress in a baggy shirt and jeans so I feel out of place lol. I'm not the super touchy type (depends on the mood) because it gives me the ick. I'm more of acts of service and quality time type of lover.
I hope this is enough information! I love your writing < 3
Your hazbin hotel match is...Husk!
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Your runner up is Lucifer but I eventually settled for husk.
Husk is an understanding lover who tends to be rude at first and takes time to warm up. But when he does he really cares about you in his own way.
On the outside, people really wonder how 2 individuals with an RBF got together. While in reality you two are an exemple of grumpy x sunshine. You're silly and he secretely loves it. It can be seen in the way he looks at you when you do your things. He even broke a glass once cuz he was watching you. Angel never let him forget that. Husk actually likes your jokes and always add a little comment of his own. He's also funny but in a sarcatic way if it makes sense. His humor also tends to be dark.
Husk is really proud of you for wanting to help people and for choosing your field. In his entourage, he is surrounded by selfish people (besides charlie and vaggie but they're recent and an exception). To him you're the sole light in his dark world. He always has your back, supporting you the best he can by making your life easier (he keeps the house relatively clean etc).
You two always have quiet date nights at home. He enjoys watching horror movies with you and probably has some nice horror recommendations but they're books. Those dates also include a dinner made by him or the both of you. He shows off by making some dishes only made in his time lol but you're the queen of snacks he admits it. He makes some very good cocktails for the both of you and the nights is spent watching movies and having talks that rabge from serious ones to silly talks that make him sigh lovingly.
He doesn't mind that you're not a big fan of touch and respects that. Overall he's a rough boyfriend but still very caring. He'll do his best to make you feel loved despite his flaws
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eternalwritess · 6 months
Hey, I'm that anon that was matched with Charlie a while back (the one with the soy sauce packets). I was wondering if you could match me with one of the Helluva Boss characters?
It's the same info as before \/
I'm a bisexual aroace (If you've heard of "demiromantic"; that's how I experience romantic attraction). I use he/it/they pronouns.
I'm an INFP, though I have gotten ISTP sometimes. I usually keep to myself around strangers, and my first words to people that I'm not introduced by friends are usually just work-related with a bit of small talk (even in fandom spaces, surprisingly). Once I get comfortable around people, I tend to let my childish nature and antics shine through, and once I consider you a friend, it's hard to ever fully shake me off. My friends sometimes call me an "old grandpa", with the way I know a lot of random psychology and biology facts, and the way I fumble with new technology, slang, and texting acronyms. My love of non-fiction and my adherence to grammar rules certainly doesn't help. Simultaneously, they (lovingly) call a 12-year-old boy, with the way I don't hesitate to pull out a "your mom" or "that's what she said" to the conversation and with the way that I almost exclusively watch animated movies and shows over live action ones. I carry with me 15 packets of soy sauce in fish-shaped sachets in my (several) pockets. Why? Because I think it's funny, and the confusion I bring to those around me with my soy collection gives me a sense of joy. (I do other things of a similar calibre, but I wanted to name an example) Despite all of this, I tend to gravitate towards the "Mom Friend" archetype. I carry with me a lot of people pleasing tendencies (I get a lot of anxiety around not upsetting others), and that translates to making sure that the people around me are happy. I also tend to fill a "Therapist Friend" role because of this fact, my psychology facts, and how intuitive I can be at times. I tend to isolate myself, whether by physically or mentally leaving the room, when I feel upset, and I don't really like talking about negative experiences I have unless those experiences have been resolved.
On a brighter note, I consider myself quite the creative person. I draw a lot, though I usually only draw other characters instead of my own OCs. I have a discord server that I use to jot down either: a) my opinion of a certain media b) images/reactions I find funny/relatable c) infodumps about AUs or crossovers that I've made I don't really write, so I consider "c)" to be the next best thing. I also love music. I listen to mostly indie music, with a couple of generic queer bands thrown in there and a couple of musicals' and video games' OSTs. I play the violin and the trombone, so I may be biased in saying that I love jazz (really doesn't help the "old man" allegations, but who cares). In terms of non-creative hobbies, I love reading. Although I find myself drawn to the odd science non-fiction book, my heart lies in fantasy and mystery novels (this does include webtoons, manga, and webnovels, though I don't read those as much). On the same vein, I love video games (where else would I get those OSTs?). I tend to like story-rich games that are either turn-based (think Undertale) or no combat (think Slime Rancher), though if the mechanics aren't too overwhelming, metroidvanias are nice (think Hollow Knight). The last main hobby is food. If I didn't give you "mad scientist" vibes, let me tell you, I "Victor Frankenstein" my way through every meal, when time permits. I mostly mix and match what I'd think taste good together based on what I was craving at the time. I'd also say that, apart from Quality Time, I show affection best through giving foods that I've made. It works in reverse, too, where I get pleasantly happy when people I know well offer food to me. There was this one time I was bickering with some friends and one of them held a packet of chips to my face, and I tell you, the way I immediately shut up the second I saw it... I was almost embarrassed by how well that worked...
I'm really sensitive to a lot of textures, and the biggest ones are stickers (and anything sticky in that way) and wet things (think water fountains splashing water unexpectedly, fruit juices spraying on my face when I cut them too harshly, even stepping on wet floorboards without socks can set it off). Clothing/carpet with short hairs send literal shivers down my spine, but only when I touch them with my fingers/feet. I don't like kissing (at all.), so I normally stick with nuzzling. Hugs and spooning (both with people I'm comfortable around) are okay, however.
I don't really have any pet peeves, other than just blatant disrespect of basic boundaries as well as these boundaries in particular.
I hope you have a good and well-rested day :)
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
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Honestly the first person that came to mind for you is Moxxie
The way you two met is that he probably say you trying to mediate between an argument with a few others it started getting a little... dicey so he decided to step in before you got hurt
Yeah so those guys are now dead-
He made sure that you were okay immediately afterwards
"Are you okay? Some people in Hell are just so unreasonable,"
After that he offered to walk you somewhere safe (at first he offered to your house but then started stumbling seeing how weird it sounded since you both just met)
He tried getting you talk on the way asking you small questions here and there trying to get to know you more since he found the way you handled the situation between the two guys amazing
"So what do you like to do for fun?"
Once you let your guard down he really fell in love with you
He absolutely adored your more childish nature and it would push him out of his boundaries just a little more
You and him would absolutely bond over not understanding the internet. You would both try to learn it and Blitz (idk how to do the o thing) would try to 'help' you guys (just make fun of you)
He would randomly asking you questions loving your random psychology and biology facts. He admires your will to learn and finds it as one of the most attractive things about you
"Do you know what this is?"
Whenever you pull out a 'your mom' joke he finds it slightly immature and doesn't get it all of the time but Blitz likes it and will encourage you on it
Either way though he finds your sense of humor quite nice compared to Blitz's
He doesn't know why you have the soy sauce packets... its a mystery to him
"May I ask... why?"
You and him probably read series's of books together like honestly I wouldn't doubt it. Its one of the many things you do together
Whenever you get upset and leave the room he gets concerned and will try to give you space but might end up following you and trying to comfort you. But if he sees that you just really want to be alone he'll leave you and apologize
He'll then grab some of your favorite stuff for you and surprise you with it trying to make sure that you're alright
"I know you're having a bad time so... I grabbed a few things for you"
He encourages you to be creative all of the time constantly buying you drawing supplies and praising your work. He hangs it up everywhere... and makes sure that everyone knows that you did it and that its the best artwork in the seven rings
While you and him might not have the same music tastes he loves you anyways and will end up writing songs for you
"I made a little something for you..."
Whenever he hears you play the violin or trombone he swoons and will start hugging you and nuzzling you whenever you're done
Sometimes you both play duets together and afterwards he'll always praise you saying how well you did
Whenever he sees you mix and match food he gets confused and will give you the weirdest little look ever as if he's questioning his life decisions...
But besides that he'll just give you an awkward thumbs up
:Thumps up:
He gets you food... like all of the time. He loves gift giving if you can't tell by now-
Whenever there's a texture that you don't like and it comes into contact with you he'll help you get it off always
He always follows your boundaries no matter what <3
It took him a while to open up to you about his past and he didn't share all of it... but you comforted him through it
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Hello there! This is for the matchups!
Song: Guns for Hire from the Netflix show Arcane :) I'm hyperfixating on it because I associated this song with a scene from an Interactive Fiction game I'm following called Leas: City of the Sun (it's a fantasy romance game and I love it so much) For specifics, I love this lyric itself but also the way it was sung was chef's kiss -> With all this weight buckling down on you now/ Don't you drown and float away (I love the pre-chorus too but yeah -> You're out of time make your move/ Live or die while the fuse is lit/ And there's no turning back)
MBTI: It's always one of two of these options -> ISTP and ISFP (I think I'm more of an ISFP tho)
Childhood imaginary friend: I never had one (sad, I know) but I always spoke to my stuffed animals :)
Hobbies: I love writing and drawing in my spare time. It helps me to relax and I usually listen to music that fits the vibe of what I'm writing or drawing as well
Fall asleep to: I never do this on purpose but majority of the time I fall asleep to any kind of ASMR but majority of the time it's ASMR/audio roleplays
Fav R.Audios: David's hoodie audio, Milo's audio where Sweetheart heals him, Milo's ACTUAL sleep aid and Gavin's confession audio. I've also been listening to James' Past/Present audio and I love the Inversion hehe
Don't vibe with: Regulus :) this is absolutely no hate to him but I'm just not a fan of obsessive or possessive characters
R.Audio bestie: I love Huxley. I wouldn't date him but he would be such a great friend :)
Memorised movies: I know all the words to Mulan and Tangled. It's unhealthy
Favourite media (?): My favourite K-drama is Flower of Evil (it's a mystery-thriller romance) and I absolutely love League of Legends: Arcane on Netflix. My favourite webtoon is Purple Hyacinth and it's a mystery with some action and has really hot main characters heh :)
Favourite books/authors: I don't read very often but if I had to choose a favourite book it would probably be The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. I also love reading Leigh Bardugo
Fav animal: Cats. Very generic but if I had to choose an animal I would like to be, it would be a cat.
Fav foods: Chicken and potatoes in any form. Very basic but I love it if it is made well
Thanks so much and I hope you have a great day/night! <3
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INFP's seem to be characterized by their unique, open, and spontaneous nature. They bring a lot of creativity and fun to the lives of everyone they meet, and I think Lasko could really benefit from a partner like that.
It would make a lot of sense that Lasko, being a workaholic, would forget to make time for the hobbies that bring him joy, like video games and TTRPGs. It’d be so lovely the two of you to sit and be creative together, whether that be writing, drawing, or just consuming art. Lasko seems like he’d enjoy a good Asian drama, I feel this in my soul.
Also, Tangled is one of Lasko’s absolute favorite movies. A young, naive child with special powers and an authoritarian guardian breaking out of a prison to go on a journey where they find self-discovery and love? He eats that shit UP. You serenade him with I See the Light, and it turns him into an adorable mess.
Ooh, like Sunday I'll pray our love will always stay pure/ Ooh, while the world turns around, he holds me down for sure
Ooh, yes, I am delightfully intimate with the Arcane soundtrack. That was a hyperfixation of mine last year. (ViktorxReader is actually what got me back into writing fanfiction- a little peak behind the emerald curtain lol) So I had to give you the fun, sweet love song off of it. I don’t know if it’s his genre- Lasko’s taste in music eludes me- but I can see him hearing that song and it bringing him joy and it reminds him do you (especially if the two of you watch Arcane and look forward to season 2 together!)
Wouldn’t it be, like, so cute to be the one to show Sam modern media and movies? This man has absolutely no clue what League of Legends is, and you are about to get him so cowboy-hat-deep in lore. Next, hear me out… Eric deserves love and something more in his life, and I think you are just the person to bring it.
Note: Song of Achilles broke me gosh I’m sad now lol jk thank you for giving me an excuse to binge the Arcane soundtrack while I wrote this 🧡
Want a match-up of your own? Read this post, and tell me about yourself! 💌
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cinnamoodles · 1 year
heyy can I get a 🍓[strawberry dream] from the hp fandom: golden trio/lightning era (no poly stuff please)
I am a straight female Slytherin. I'm kinda mean but like to my really close friends and it can be considered banter (by them anyway) I am like really nice to strangers. I love drawing I take my sketchbook with me everywhere.
I am 167.5 cm (5'6 approx) tall xx
Trauma Dumping is a guilty pleasure of mine. I often make bad decisions like choosing friends but I have a usually positive influence on people around me and often tend to change them for the better.
I excel in maths and english and currently am working on getting a degree in maths and or computer science.
I am an infp-t. I'm introverted around almost everyone except like my really really really close friends. my super close friends are usually the negative influence type but I still love them because they understand me the best xx
I'm a pretty well behaved student but my friends most definitely aren't. My friends got told off like all the time in school whereas the teacher never had to give me any warnings.
I am loyal to my friends. I will fight for them. One example of that is both me and my (now ex) bff liked the same person and I gave them up for her xx
I get along with more males than females despite being a female myself.
I'm kind of an idiot sometimes and end up giving stuff up for people that would never do that to me. In fact my bff that I gave up my crush for actually sided with someone else. One thing you outta know about me is that I digress a lot so like you can ignore this paragraph lmao.
I feel bad for people easily and believe everyone deserves a second chance even b*tchy people (excuse my French)
I love art and music and am really good at drawing portraits if I do say so myself. I've been doing music since I was 6.
As for my appearance, I have a sandy/tan skin colour. I have naturally curly dark brunette (almost black but not really) hair.
My clothing style varies. For formal occasions I wear vintage ish clothes. I wear checked dresses with puffy sleeves and white collars (really specific because it's one of my fave dresses and I own one). I wear "cute" outfits like skirts and sweatshirts. I also wear jeans (apple bottom high waisted jeans own my heart) and I wear cargo pants with cropped tops far too often.
I wrote a lot absvsccsav
Sorry if that's too much xx
thanks for checking out the cozy cafe event !
i ship you with…
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cedric diggory !
— the both of you are definitely enemies to friends to lovers coded, probably only becoming enemies because of something your friends pulled on his friends.
— you’re very loyal and caring, which he respects, and how you’re always willing to give people a second chance, no matter what they’ve done.
— i get the vibes that you’re better at supporting other people then standing up for yourself, so he’s your personal bodyguard (even if that isn’t true).
— he would listen to your rambles with literal STARS in his eyes and whenever you apologize for trauma dumping, he has to take a minute and be like ‘why are you apologizing? go on, keep talking’.
— MATCHING OUTFITS OH MY GOD they’ll be so cute because you dress so pretty and formal and he’s such a rich prep boy so your dress styles go along great.
— you trying to teach him art is so funny because he has no idea what he’s doing (its canon he told me) and he just wants to impress you so much.
— the banter is great because he’s a pretty flirty person, but he BLUSHES every time you make fun of him and his friends totally rag on him for being so whipped.
anyway, i hope you liked your 🍓 — [ strawberry dream ] and please apply again! this was super fun to do!
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
(Pokes head back in)
So i'm an southeast asain female, 18-21, and 5 foot half an inch. I have dark brown nearly black hair cut in a mid length wolfcut with bangs, and i am pretty light skinned. My eyes are brown too. I look young for my age and i have been described as basically being cute but also having dont-mess-with-me vibes. I'm a pear shape, and my preferred aesthetics are fairy grunge, chaotic academia, and grunge.
Personality wise, I have been typed as an infp or infj. I can be initallly introverted and depending on who I'm with i can stay introverted and awkward, or i can be bubbly and cheerful. I'm an empath, but i also will want to start a fight if i feel something's unfair. I also tend to daydream and have a small attention span to things i dislike, but hyperfixate on what i do like. I am capable of being mature and protective, but i also have a sort of childlike side that wants to be protected. I'm the eldest daughter so i have a lot of "oldest child trauma" and will end up being called a "killjoy" for being responsible and trying to keep people out of trouble. I tend to overthink and worry a lot about being punished. I do have a rebellious side however due to past experiences and caution i don't indulge it no matter how much i'd like to. I tend to come off across in the wrong way, and can be loud, and although i mean well somehow i say the wrong thing. I've also recently aquired trust issues when my "best friend" abandoned me after i broke down to her.
My likes are ramen, literally anything cute, boba and cold drinks, strawberries, 2000s pop rock/2000s pop rock covers of songs. My favourite songs include Elastic Heart, Family Line, Labour, and also Just Myself by Geena Fontanella (which isnt released but she's posted a bit of on on her youtube and I relate exactly to those lyrics). I enjoy active stuff as well as art and crafts. I also love anime. I like wearing make up just for the fun of it, and it can either be other the top or very light. My favourite colour is pink.
I'd like to be matched up with someone from Karasuno, and from Mha with a pro hero, a student, and maaaybe a villain?
I hope that wasn't too much! I've never done one of these before / /(/ />/~/</ /)/ /
Matchup for Anon!
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Haikyuu: Daichi
He enjoys having someone who is also responsible and mature since being around the team can put a lot on him. Having someone who is level headed and similar to him helps and he enjoys being around you a lot and sometimes might come for advice. But, he can also be someone who lets go a bit and goes with the flow, letting his life make choices instead of him.
Food is a big thing for him and having someone who also enjoys food would be great as well. He would take you to a restaurant for your guys first date and make sure the restaurant has all of your favorite foods.
He seems like someone who enjoys silence and would rather have someone close to him within that silence. Long walks together, listening to the nature around the two of you is something he loves and hopes to do a lot in your guys' relationship.
If you're willing for it, he would want to teach you volleyball and possibly make it a date for the two of you just merely having fun with each other. You would be the first to get an invite to his games since he needs his number one fan to be there to cheer him on.
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Mha: Hawks
We all have seen this man and we all know that teasing is in his blood, if you do one thing around him that gives him the chance, be prepared to hear some sort of remark. He'll make sure though that you know all of his teasing is light hearted and that he doens't mean it most of the time, unless he's compimenting you then he means it fully.
Keigo is the type of person to enjoy his public life and also his private life. When the two of you are out in public he is boasting about you to everyone, showing his wonderful partner off to the world and all of his fans. When the two of you are in private, he's softer and more physical. acting like a child everytime you try to dodge his affection.
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MHA: Shigaraki
He took interest in you for you cutness liking your style and your sweet bubly personality, but that changed when he saw your tough side. Every time you stand up to someone his heart is pounding knowing that you're his partner and that you're the one for him.
He hasn't done much physical affection in his life and I don't think it would be his thing. He seems more of a guy who would buy gifts or do anything for his partner just to see them happy. When he learned about your wide range of music interests, he made sure to keep up with all of them and bought the most recent concert tickets for them.
When your guy's relationship started, he wasn't sure of how it would go but the more the two of you learned about each other his feelings became clear. He made sure that everything was done night and that nothing got in the way. He made sure there was spare clothes for you at his place and that your favorite food was there. He also bought an extra controller for you just so the two of you could place video games togehter
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oceanblueeyesoul · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could get a pjo s/o and cabin match-up?
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Moral Alignment: Lawful good
Love languages: physical touch and quality time
Appearance: I'm 5'8" and have long super curly dark brown hair, brown "doe eyes" as my friends like to call them, and really pale skin. I have more of a curvy figure and I wear glasses sometimes but I mostly just have my contacts in. I have kind of a mix between like a beachy type vibe and old money vibe style wise if that makes sense.
Personality: I'm pretty introverted and shy. I've been told I'm super quite when you first meet me but once I'm comfortable around you it's hard to get me to shut up. I can be very impatient, stubborn, hot tempered, and argumentative although I try my best to keep a level head despite these things. I've also been told I have a bit of a dark humor which can put people off a bit if they're not used to it. I'd say I'm a pretty optimistic person and am extremely loyal to the ones I love. I'm pretty sarcastic and like joking around with my friends and family. I'm also a hopeless romantic who longs for the type of you see in books. I like to act like nothing affects me but really I'm a pretty sensitive person who overthinks a lot.
Likes: Summer, Sunsets, Late night drives, camping, bonfires/campfires, dogs, reading, the beach, swimming, baseball, Christmas, shopping, ice cream, traveling, pop music, being with the people I care about.
Dislikes: people who are to full of themselves/won't own up to their mistakes, chemistry, math, bugs.
Random facts about me: I have the biggest sweet tooth ever, my favorite food is sushi, my favorite colors are light blues and purples, my favorite flower is a poppy because it was my grandmothers favorite, I love the new york yankees, and I was on swim team for 6 years.
Thank you so much🤍
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
PJO Cabin Matchup
You give me Cabin 9 (Hephaestus) vibes! You and your siblings would sat around the campfire at night time watching the fire goes into flames.
PJO Matchup
Your PJO soulmate is...
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He would definitely going to be swimming with you in the ocean because he just wants to spend time with you.
He would give you all the candy in the world because he knows you just loves to eat candy all the time because of your sweet tooth.
The two of you would be in the beach all the time because the two of you would do swimming in the ocean together and playing with your dog that Percy got you for your birthday!
ESFP x INFP lovebirds!
Leo x Sagittarius sweethearts!
Lawful Good x Neutral Good power warrior couple!
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