#then again we been hanging out all this time lolol
danieyells · 4 months
After Hotaburi's chapter i was very curious about Zenji voicelines! Can i ask for them, please?
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@yuri-is-online YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT OVERWHELMING ME although I appreciate the concern!! If I get overwhelmed or need a break I just put it aside until I'm ready or have the time and energy and attention span or ideas if necessary haha so no need to worry there 'u' (Also. . .good luck with those fics lolol)
ZENJI IS OUR LAST BOI. Until we get Ed and Lyca anyway. Which will honestly probably be in like. A week or two. Possibly less. I had my suspicions when I first read his that he was a ghost lol knowing he is. . .it gives them a little different feeling I guess haha.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Why, hello there, my dear. Suppose we kick off another swanky day here?"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Come now, read those messages out, won't you? They're fan letters for me, aren't they? ...They're not?"
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"You want to know the meaning of my words? I see— I'll have to give you a lecture on romanticism."
"What's this? Well, it's a biwa, of course. It's a biwa just as you are yourself."
what does that mean tho. . .i mean i get what it means but also it feels like it must mean something. . . .
"Girls, be ambitious... Dream big, my dear."
proud women enjoyer zenji kotodama
"A man who's everywhere but can be found nowhere... That's what it means to be an inspired man of the quill."
i think that's just what it means to be a ghost bby. . . . . . . . . . .
"Heh. There's no doubt about it. Zenji Kotodama is once again the most styling man on campus. These glad rags are the cat's pajamas."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Come now, let's depart in search of something sensational."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh, have you come to see me? This is troubling. I'm afraid I'm out of autographs."
where have you been distributing them. . .?
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What am I doing here? ...I'm people-watching."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ordinarily I ask for write-ins for my advice salon on the World Wide Web...but tonight, I'm taking it out into the field."
i wonder if he's waiting to encounter people who'll be able to see and hear him or if he's just like. . .genuinely ignoring/forgetting/disregarding that he isn't seen or heard. . .or maybe he was ignored a lot in his lifetime too so he doesn't question that people don't respond. . . .
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"The moon is beautiful... I always look forward to passing the hours in conversation with you and Towa on nights like these."
i thought you didn't hang around jabberwock after dark because the dark was dangerous tho. . .maybe if the moon is big and bright he doesn't mind because it's not as dark lolol
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"My folktale videos? I filmed them at Haku's behest, but I can't imagine these old things will capture my fans' hearts..."
based on that the Urashima Taro video has his voice in it but his character story recording doesn't have him or his voice in it(and Haku deliberately tries to make the background interesting because he knows it'll only be the background and biwa sounds,) I think his voice can be recorded but if he's visibly in the recording it won't be captured? That or Haku has recording equipment that can capture ghost voices, but not images???
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"It truly is the age of YouTube. Can you fathom the romance of my artistry spreading to all four corners of the globe?"
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Every tool has its own knack you've got to acquire to use it properly. Behold— my mastery with a fishing pole!"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"This doll here is special. The moment I met him I felt a destiny such that I knew we couldn't be strangers."
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Oh, I didn't mean to give you a fright... I ought to have expected this. A sudden brush with an inspired man of the quill would take anyone's breath away."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Have you got any siblings, my dear? Why no, I don't mean anything by it. Just a little morning conversation."
i can imagine him looking fondly at his doll as he says he doesn't mean anything by it. His sibling isn't one of the most important things in the world to him or anything. He's just making conversation. btw in Japanese he says "morning talk" which sounds an awful lot like "pillow talk" to me and idk how many people would be comfortable discussing their siblings after the deed--
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Are you going to Mortkranken, my dear? ...I see. No, I don't mean anything by it. Are you hurt? I hope you'll take care."
so while it makes sense for Zenji to ask this as he is noted in his profile to be a worrywart, not to mention he died on campus, but also. . .y'know, his brother lives there.
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you. Apparently my footsteps give the general students the heebie-jeebies..."
In Japanese it does clarify that he moves without the sound of footsteps at all because the general students freak out hearing his footsteps since they can't see him
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"A swanky morning calls for a swanky breakfast, and some swanky radio calisthenics."
apparently radio calisthenics are still pretty popular in japan. in any case man are you sure you died like a year ago you sound so old
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Why, Subaru hasn't risen yet. Go ahead and wake him, won't you, my dear? I'll accompany your efforts from here with my biwa."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"A burst of inspiration has taken hold of me... No. The ghost of artistry has possessed my soul!"
okay well be careful with ghosts taking over your soul you don't have a ton left if you lose that--
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"To be a Darkwick student is to greet danger as an old friend... But I hope that Haku and Subaru have a long life ahead of them."
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Zenji Kotodama is a wonderful name, don't you think? A sensational name befitting of my sensational sensibilities."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Trouble sleeping? Then I'll read you a story. How about Urashima Taro?"
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"I was standing by your pillow last night? Horsefeathers, I'd never. I was there the night before last."
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Go ahead and eat. No, don't give me another thought—I'm on a diet, you see. Watching you is enough food for my soul."
you see why i suspected initially that he didn't know he was dead? can you eat at all buddy?? i don't think it's a diet if you've lost the ability to consume food. . . .
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Haku's busy today—film me in his stead, won't you?"
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I've got a little story about a hapless fool of a man... I'm sure it's hardly worth listening to. I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to share it with you?"
the true stories seem like the ones he wants to avoid. . .'a hapless fool of a man's story that isn't worth listening to but i'd still like to share' sounds an awful lot like it must be about him and his life. . . . In Japanese he says 「救いようのない、馬鹿な男の物語さ」 "it's the story of an irredeemable/hopeless, stupid man.". . .who did you hurt, Zenji?
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"To be able to look into your eyes and bid you good night... I'm the luckiest fella for miles around."
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Maybe we did meet too late. But it's all right. I promise I'll find you in the next life."
but. . .but we have this life. . .although this is one of the few acknowledgements he really gives of his own ghostly nature. He wants to be able to live with you. To be tangibly there for you, to touch you and support you, to be able to show you off to others. . .but he can't be recognized. He can't be seen or heard but by a select few, it's only thanks to Haku that he can be seen or heard by you. It's too late for something 'real' now. So he can plan for the future. For the next life. He'll find you when you're both alive and then you can do everything you'd want to do with a real physical boyfriend. He promises.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"In spring, the dawn... Red tinges the slowly paling mountain rim... Ah... These mountain fellas must've been goofy for some doll..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"There is hope buried under the cherry trees... It means that spring is the season of chance encounters."
isn't the like. rumor that cherry blossoms are pink because they dye their petals with the blood of corpses buried beneath them or something? i swear i read that somewhere. apparently it comes from a poem. is hope a body buried under a sakura tree. is that where they buried you, Zenji?
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The cherry blossoms of Hotarubi are ephemeral—they bloom only to be quickly washed away by the rain. But I am rather fond of that way of life."
Zenji simultaneously lives in Acceptance and Denial stages of grief it seems lol
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The beauty of the cherry blossoms under the night sky inspired me to pick up my pen... Oh, it has gotten easier to lift."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Have you seen him!? Who? Why, my doll, of course! This is very troubling. I've got to find him before the boogeymen stir!"
. . .somehow this reminds me of the Jiro dialogue where he's like "if Yuri asks where I am, tell him i went to bed, i'm going out" lol if the doll reminds him of Jiro, it seems to make sense that now and then it wanders off on its own. I wonder where it's going though?
(between 11am and 4pm)
"My ideal summer vacation? I wish to lay down my burdens in the springs of Yugawara and pursue my wordsmithery in peace, as so many greats have done before me."
Yugawara is a hot spring town in Japan! Apparently since the Meiji era people would go there for inspiration and such thanks to the atmosphere
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"This master wordsmith studied by the light of fireflies... I see. Haku! Turn out the lights!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I heard a frightful rumor... Apparently the ghost of a dead student has been spotted around Hotarubi..."
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Fall is the perfect season for a new book, and I have the perfect one for you... From inspired man of the quill Zenji Kotodama, the fruit of his sweat and blood... "Body.""
(between 11am and 4pm)
"A song for you in the season of the arts... From inspired lute priest Zenji Kotod— Wait, where are you going!?"
why is this the one time 'biwa' is translated to 'lute' lol. . .although 'lute priest' does sound way better than 'biwa priest'
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Gauging the literary significance of this video by something as insignificant as views... Horsefeathers, isn't it?"
yeah!!! don't judge your worth by views or follows, zenji!!!
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I've decided to make you the heroine of my next work... A beautiful princess who bites into a poisoned apple and falls into a deep slumber... and seven of you!"
a fascinating retelling of Snow White. . .Snow White And The Seven Snow Whites. . . .
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning, fellas! Time for my biwa recital to color the chill of this frigid sunrise! I call it "Six O'Clock in the Morning.""
(between 11am and 4pm)
"There's a rumor going around that you can hear a biwa playing in the music room when no one's there... I go all the time though, and I've never heard it..."
again. . .that's because it's you. . . .
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The setting sun... The sky dyed purple... Your beautiful profile, obscured... (gasp) I've been struck by inspiration!! My dear, I have to leave you here!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Are you cold? Then let me warm you up... My dear, why are you scooting away? I'll only make you colder...?"
it really seems like he forgets he's a ghost pretty often lmao
His birthday: (June 19th)
"Is this...a birthday present...? (hic) (sob) I'm the luckiest fella around...!"
people don't give him gifts often huh. . .or he's just very emotional. both could be true.
Your birthday:
"I've planned the perfect day to celebrate the miracle of your birth... We'll start with an ode to you, accompanied by my biwa."
he planned you a whole outing or maybe a party! with all day musical accompaniment!! What a sweetheart!!
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year, my dear. I'll be making the first shrine visit with Haku—care to join us?"
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"My dear...is this for me? (hic) (sob) I'll treasure it always...!"
well given he probably can't eat it. . .fair reaction
White Day: (March 13th)
"I'm sorry... I did try to explain that a biwa recital would make a better gift, but Haku insisted I present you with confections instead..."
thanks haku you a real one lmao although music wouldn't be bad just. . . .
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"No, I would never lie to you. An inspired man spins fiction with his quill, not his mouth, after all."
y'know, i love the honesty! you keep making stories and being open, zenji!
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Why, you gave me quite a fright in that getup! What a marvelously queer celebration this is! So this is the legacy of westernization..."
no the marvelously queer celebrations are in june. although halloween is also marvelously queer sometimes--
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Merry Christmas! I've completed a new fairy tale. May my wishes reach the hearts of children everywhere..."
not a gift for you, but for the children! can a ghoul ghost and a human have--
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...And they lived happily ever after. How did you like my new story? I'd love to hear your— What? You weren't listening!?"
(13 affinity and above)
"Can you see me? Phew... You've been so quiet, you had me worried, my dear."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Ah, I'm so relieved you're all right, my dear. I wondered if something had happened on a mission... I'm glad my fears had no teeth."
THAT'S ALL OF EM. He's really. . .he is himself the whole way through huh lol. At the same time when he does acknowledge his ghostliness(and oftentimes he does the exact opposite, simply lacking in self-awareness) he seems a little lonely and regretful. . .I wonder if he was always such a worrywart or if he started worrying more after he died, realizing first hand just how dangerous things could be. I'm surprised how few acknowledgements his doll gets, although I don't think he carries it on the home screen?
I wonder how different his personality was when he was alive. Probably not very different tbh.
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omar-bb · 5 months
notes & quotes from omar's live today
he wanted to release Red Light sooner but he and his team wanted to get it right
he's excited to headline at Gröna Lund - gonna be playing a new song there and at his other shows this summer!
"one of my favorite songs. i'm telling you, you will fucking choke when you hear that one. it's dark, it's dirty, it's groovy..."
"should I leak some of it? it would be fun for you to be able to sing along..."
"i hope it's fine by my team that I just leaked that"
"maybe it'll be the next single after Red Light. only maybe. I'm not promising anything"
someone asked about an Asia tour - "I cannot be live bc I'm gonna leak a lot of shit. But you wanna know something funny? This song .... it is actually a k-pop pitch song from start. it was made with k-pop in mind. it is not fully k-pop and now that i've been doing my touch on it, it is a little less k-pop but.. they actually wrote the song k-pop in mind."
teased doing a tour in the future
another "leak" - "I was actually meant to go to korea like right now or a month ago, like after the oscars ... i was supposed to go to korea. but it never happened. i was very sad. but maybe one day.
he had a scared moment where music started playing in the other room and he thought it was an unreleased song but it was just his alejandro tiktok lol
inspo for red light? "I didn't write the song ... it was a demo that got sent to me. at first ... it was a girl singing red light, and when i heard it the first time i was like yo this sounds like fucking rihanna ... i was like is this a long lost rihanna song? this is the greatest thing i've ever heard. and then i just fucking took it. i was like this is my song before rihanna takes it from me. and now it's my song."
Red Light music video when? "we shot a visualizer, so it's not a music video ... it's very beautiful. very stunning. i've never done anything like that. ... it's not a real music video. it's more visuals for the song."
will be doing red light on 25 may and also a new song
"you'll hear a whole new omar when you hear that song"
he has been replying to messages in his community on whatsapp and sms. they'll be leaking more stuff through there
new OMR Beauty product when? "....................... stay tuned"
"you will die when you see the next launch of OMR Beauty. that's all I'm saying. Next!!!"
will he start a fashion brand? "i don't really have the time for that unfortunately. ... not for now"
thinks he is not gonna bleach his hair
Someone asked red light spanish version when? and he sang a bit of it in spanish
omar backflip when? "when i'm in heaven"
is he going to act again?"i'm actually reading some scripts right now. just reading, it's not anything happening really yet, just testing the waters. we'll see, i would love to act. i actually miss acting, it was a fun time ... nothing will ever be like YR obviously, but just the thought of meeting new ppl, new friends, being together for a few weeks or a few months, and filming smth very special, that would be so much fun. ... i'm actually reading a really cool script right now" but more focusing on music right now
he has 40-50 new songs from the last year apparently??? Maybe i misunderstood this
album when? "don't know, we'll see" - he has a lot of songs and could drop an album but he wants it to be perfect so it'll be awhile
there will be red light merch this summer
he and edvin hang out sometimes
not doing Rix FM this year
there will not be 12 red light remixes lol "but maybe a few"
Eurovision 2025? "absolutely not. sorry not sorry." something about always being thrown out of the competition
he's stopped drinking coffee regularly and drinks matcha instead
someone suggested hoemars as the fandom name and he laughed lol
a lot is happening in May he says !! "y'all better eat good, sleep well" lolol
he said he might do another live next week once Red Light is out
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like-rain-or-confetti · 5 months
Aight now hear me out- (And I at least just want Jervis Tetch)
Gotham Villains x Reader
Okay idk if you know what the Widgetable app is- but it’s basically an app where you and your partner(or friend) can take care of a baby animal. You gotta feed it, bathe, etc. I would just love to see reader going this with their Gotham villain lover plz LOLOL
Never heard of it but I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this prompt. 😂 AHAAA! FINALLY! CONTENT! FS! I FINALLY COMPLETED SOMETHING!
Request: Feed the Baby.
'FEED CHEDDAR.' The text rolled in. Then another. 'DONT IGNORE ME. FEED CHEDDAR.' Then another. 'YOUR SILENCE BETTER BE BECAUSE YOURE BEING A GREAT DAD TO CHEDDAR.' A few seconds and another text. 'As if I trust you to feed our sweet baby boy on your own. I'm calling if you don't answer in five seconds.' Four seconds passed and the phone began to ring.
Scarecrow: Jonathan had been working in his office working on his patient files when the call came through, and he sighed, exhaling harshly through his nose before answering. "What do you want?" He asked. "Are you joking? What do you mean what I what!? For you to feed our son!" You exclaimed. "(Y/N), I'm working, and you're calling me about a game. A cluster of pixels?" Jonathan gritted out. "Don't call him that! I have him a bath, I entertained him! The least you can do is feed him! I'm not a single parent!" You exclaimed. "Let's not get into that again." He gritted out again through his teeth. "Jonathan." Sarah's tone changed, challenging him. "Fine." He said with a false pleasantness. He exhaled harshly through his nose again, minimising the call to open the app and spammed the feeding mechanic. "Done. Happy now? The thing is fed." Jonathan existed the app and put the phone back to his ear. "Much better." "I told you, I wouldn't do this with you dear." Jonathan said coldly. "And I told you that you didn't have a choice." You countered. "I'm hanging up." Jonathan said. "Oh fine." You hung up. Jonathan exhaled and put down the phone. A twinge of spite hit him and he scowled at his phone that you hung up on him before he could hang up. He would have at least said goodbye.
Mad Hatter: Jervis answered the phone but shrieked. "I'm trying!" He cried out. That was unexpected even for Jervis, enough to make someone worry. "Well...its not that har- Jervis, why do you sound so panicked? What's wrong?" "Nothing! Im feeding the cheddar like you said! Or im trying to!" Jervis said hurriedly. "Well, did you find it okay?" Jervis often got confused by his own phone, more often than not, forgetting that he had one. Nevermind how to use it. Jervis retorted. "Yes, I'm looking at it in the fridge right now! How do I feed it!?" For a second you thought he was saying he tried to feed the fridge. More confusion stuck. "Wait...what? The fridge? What does the fridge have to do with anythi- Jervis. Where are you right now?" He was quick to reply but didn't sound so hysterical. "In the kitchen! In front of the fridge, my love!" There was silence. "Right...?" "You told me to feed the cheddar! I'm asking how you want me to feed cheese!?" He said. "Jer...Jervis...not the literally cheddar cheese in the fridge. I mean the app. You know the little pet thing we have on our phones? You gave it attention last night?" "Ah yes, that little fellow!" Jervis giggled to himself. "Feed that. We named it Cheddar." Sometimes he really did put the mad in Mad Hatter.
The Riddler: "No, I'm busy!" He huffed to himself as he heard the phone ring once, twice, three times, four times, five- "(Y/N), im in the middle of my latest creation yet that will bring the dark Knight to his knees! What could you possibly want!?" "Feed Cheddar." You said blankly. "...not this again." Edward grumbled. "Now, now, youre a dad now, of course our baby needs to be fed repeatedly." You responded. "You put thay thing on my phone!? I told you no!" He exclaimed. "All i heard banging, clanking and then a 'okay?' And decided to interpret that into my favour." You said flatly. "When!? When did you put that brain cell killing muck on my phone!?" "When you were asleep." "You de-" He sighed. "This...no, this is my fault. It's my fault for falling asleep and leaving my phone in the open! Rookie mistake! No one with a partner would dare!" "You also made your pass code my name backwards." You added. "I have to make it obvious enough for you in case of emergencies...obviously! Idiot!" "So suffer and do your solemn duty." You replied. "will you stop pestering me if I do this for you?" "Absolutely I will." He sighed and hung up but complied by going into the app immediately.
Two-Face: "if they call, im gonna lose my shit, harvey." Harv' said. Then the phone began to buzz. "Harvey. Harvey. Harvey." Harv, gritted out his fists clenching and Harvey groaned out. "(Y/N), im busy." "Feed Cheddar and that'll be one less thing to do." You retorted. "I'm gonna lose my fuckin' shit." Harv' muttered. "oh come on, it's like sharing a tamagochi." You replied. "We fuckin' hated tamagochis and we were teenagers when those even came out. The little bitches died no matter how well you looked after them!" Harv' argued. "If my sweet baby boy Cheddar starved because of you, ill hold it against you two forever." "We told you not to add us to your shit!" Harv' huffed as Harvey went onto the app. "Since when have I ever listened to either of you!?" You exclaimed. "I'm never letting you near my phone again." Harvey murmured. "But you'll do it?" You pressed. Suddenly only Harv' could be heard. "Don't you dare, Harvey. They can't have us whipped like this! H-hey! Harvey! Get that shit off our screen! You're actually feeding it!? You're pathetic!"
Penguin: He stopped counting mid-stack of money to answer the phone. "Sweetheart, I'm working. Can't this wait?" "It's your turn to feed him! Come on! It'll take two seconds!" You whined. "It's not like you've told me I couldn't remind you when you're not here!" Oswald found that a little annoying but also cute. "I didn't think I'd have to ask that I wasn't bombarded with this whilst in the lounge. I'm workin', baby." He sighed. "Please? Come on, this is fun! Play along?" You pleaded. Oswald sighed again. "Alright, alright. Fine, just relax, baby. After a lot of talking him through where to find the app on his own phone, he found it. "It's a penguin." He said. "Yes, that's cheddar." You replied. "Why did you name a penguin cheddar?" "It's a reference, you won't get it." You dismissed the question. "Why won't I get it? You callin' me old, sweetheart?" Oswald's tone suggested he was half joking and also possibly offended before you even confirmed or denied anything. "It's not your thing, don't worry about it." You assured him. "Whatever, so what do I do with this?" He asked. "Feed him." "How?" He pressed. You sighed but talked him through that. After a while, he spoke again. "Alright...done." There was a long pause. "That it? All that fuss for that?" You couldn't help but smile. "You bet. This is our baby." "Hmm..." He couldn't decide if he was pleased with that or not. "Imma get back to work, sweetheart."
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ghostlyvoidshark · 20 days
Could you do some rival Headcanons between epic and cross sans fighting over us? Like every second you cannot breath, each of them trying to one up each other to show who would treat you better. This idea has been floating in my head for a bit, so just wanted to finally request it. (Also, can we be gender neutral? And romantic, obviously) Thank you and have a good day/night! :)
Hello hun! Sorry this took me a little while - I've had to work more than normal recently. But THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! I thi k this is my first from a non-moot so im so excited to be able to write this for you! I hope you have a lovely day / night as well :D sorry if this isnt that long, im trying to get some confidence in my writing lolol
Epic & Cross x Reader
Cross doesn't like fighting Epic since they are pretty close but this doesn't stop him from getting competitive.
Epic, on the other hand, loves play fighting and competing with Cross! He's not aggressive about it, he just does it for fun.
Cross is usually trying to prove himself worthy of your affection in some way while Epic just likes flirting and making you laugh.
Epic is surprisingly good at flirting but often settles for making you laugh because he loves it so much.
Sometimes Epic flirts with cross too just to fuck with him lmaoo - Cross is always baffled and a mess when it happens. Its pretty funny to watch tbh.
Most people assume youre a polycule. Epic doesnt help dispel that with his flirting. I mean a poly relationship could probably work.
You will never know alone time again if you don't set those boundaries. They're both Clingy!!
Given the chance, Cross will escort you everywhere - hes like your own personal bodygaurd. (You dont know how he knows your schedule so well or how he finds you so easily when going out.)
Epic also shows up a lot. Hes usually the one initiating lunch & dinner dates between y'all. Well, its not obvious theyre dates but they basically are, lmao.
They do try to one up each other but you'll next to never see them fight. You may catch them bickering about who did better, though. Epic likes instigating and Cross can be sassy.
They may have a fight about you once. Other than that they are chill because they're so close and Epic often gets Cross to communicate.
The fight would probably be mostly on Cross. He would get mad that he fell for someone his best friend likes. He would be upset that he "couldn't have someone himself" both because he feels guilty about Epic and for personal issues (he's lost a lot). Then he'd be mad that he thought that way and felt jealous. He wouldn't like how selfish he feels. Epic talks him through it, though. And talks some sense into him :]
Cross may be quiet most of the time but he is hanging around more often than not. He's just sort of ... supervising lol. Its comforting in an odd way. He likes the quality time too.
Sometimes Epic gets you alone, though. He gets you two to do relaxing things together like a picnic or video games.
He can be surprisingly tender and romantic but he will ruin it with a joke after surprising you or flustering you with the romance so cherish the moment while you can. Good luck, too. ;P
Cross is a mixed bag. One moment he's purposely suave and dashing then the next he cant get a sentence out . Its like he has moments of clarity then goes back to being a dork.
On a few occasions they will team up on you. I don't think they would really plan it unless it was your birthday or something special like that. When they do it it's usually just an accident and their moods synced to cause chaos.
When they team up they are menaces! Epic would be all gentle and romantic with flirty, witty remarks while Cross would be the type to guide you by the small of your back, leaning in to tell you things. And you know he'd be saying stuff like he's your personal knight! "I'll always be there for you." || "if you ever need anything just come to me, I'll take care of you." And shit like that.
Augh they would have you cornered but like in a good way. Cross always behind you, making sure you're safe while Epic leads you around by the hand. I hate them. I actually love them damn it.
Sometimes they get needy and steal you away for a while. The dorks.
Epic "kidnaps" you to cuddle up somewhere and read or watch a movie. He's very touchy (respectfully) so if you're okay with it he will be all over you. He especially loves it if you act as his weighted blanket and lay on him.
Cross gets grouchy and takes you somewhere on an "adventure". Most of the time it'll be somewhere without people. If the place has rough terrain he'll likely try to convince you to let him carry you lol. "You got it?" / "you tired?" / "want help?" Any reason to be close or touching you if you'll allow it.
If you're more of a low and mellow energy person he'll set up a special spot where he sets up stuff for one of your hobbies (if he can) somewhere hidden and will hang out with you.
Stars forbid you give only one of them a gift. They won't guilt you or be mean, but they will rub it in the others face subtly. If they're the one who didnt get something then Epic would jokingly act all clingy and pouty while Cross glares at him. Speaking of, Cross would stand closer than normal and Low-key pout if he didn't get something. Like a cat who wants something from you.
If you're the more affectionate, touchy type then you're going to likely always have one of them touching you if they're around. Epic practically hangs off of you while Cross just has a hand on you somehow. They have probably scent marked you, accidentally or not. They just clingy bois.
Also - not in a kinky way - but Cross has a high chance of biting you during prolonged physical contact lol. It's just a quirk of his. Its like cuteness aggression but in a loving way. You can think of it as kisses it a way.
He wouldn't mention it if you dont but it is a good way to fluster him >:3c
As for trying to be better than each other i think they would choose some things you like and try to be "the best" at it?? Like... lets say you collect shells. Suddenly they are finding great shells - in tact and pretty - and giving them to you. Same with trinkets. Or finding weird coffee mugs if you like those.
Epic also is that bitch who has a lot of money and just sugar daddies his friends LMAOO. You want that expensive thing? Dont worry bby hes got it kcjsbsbsb. If hes crushing on you it just gets worse and more ridiculous.
Cross is the one who has dedication to getting you things. So if something is about timing or searching hard for it he's the one to go to. He also just brings you random things like a bird..?? You dont even know where he gets half the stuff he shows up with. You may even just find stuff on a table in your house randomly.
Also, for no apparent reason, kareoke becomes a thing between y'all. You have no choice /j
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
This thought ran through my mind today and I would like to know your thoughts on it:
So, if the law and order universe was like Grey’s Anatomy (I feel like everyone is dating/sleeping with everyone in that show) how would the pairing history be of the characters? 👀🫣💕
You don’t have to answer ofc 💕 and you choose which characters to include, as in you don’t have to bring in every single main/recurring character from the shows 😅🫣💕
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omg lolol! everyone *really is* sleeping together/dating on Greys, its fucking insane. (although, you work in one place long enough it's bound to happen anywhere.lol)
This will likely get long, so it's going under a cut. Also it will very likely get chaotic. There will be lots of ships, a variety of characters and lots of crossing over. don't hate me if your faved ship isn't here... I also will likely just list all the canon ones down at the bottom and not delve into hc's about them.
omg now i have to try and not forget anyone LOL. so we're gonna start at the beginning.
Starting with an obvious Alex Cabot x Olivia Benson:
these two had chemistry, they flirted, they had lingering looks and touches. They had some form of relationship over s2-5. They definitely slept together, and had a lot of conflicting emotions as they tried to figure things out. I'd like to think that they were dating and in the midst of talking about making things official/taking it to the next level right before Alex got shot. They had no choice but to end it to keep Alex safe and by the time she got back in s11, things were different, weird, Alex wasn't the same person she was before and wasn't in the same place. They do try and go on a couple of dates after Alex has settled, but it's more of a "lets get this friendship back on track" because woof the girls be *fighting*
Casey Novak x Elizabeth Donnelly
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it wasn't what either of them expected, when Casey transfers into SVU Liz is her direct supervisor. It's not *wrong* but it's also a little on the shady side when it comes to breaking the rules. Which is exactly what pulls them together more. I think Liz sees a lot of herself when she was a baby prosecutor in Casey. She wants to protect her, esp after Alex has been "killed". This is proven by not once, but TWICE Liz steps down from the bench to defend Casey in court. They're fiery, it's a mentor/men-tee relationship that likely spurred into a sexual one somewhere along the way. It's also VERY likely that Liz helped Casey figure out her sexuality. Liz was married before, but is in the age range that gay marriage was wrong when she was growing up. Casey we know was brought up very catholic. So homegirl doesn't even know what's going on in he head, and after Charlie, she's not sure she wants to date a man again. Liz helps her figure that shit out, and likely guides her through a couple of sexual experiences and they kinda keep things going from there on. THEN in s9 we obviously see the absolute demise of their relationship. I still believe that Casey only returned to the DA's office after hearing that Liz retired. BUT, Liz had her called before the bar to SAVE her career and license (as McCoy earlier said he would yank her license if she fucked up again in Blinded)
It was supposed to be/actually was more casual with Liz, but because she was Casey's mentor, Casey valued her opinion of her a lot higher than she would have otherwise. Their emotional side of their relationship was very foggy and lines scrambled because of that kinda thing, if that makes sense?
Casey Novak x Melinda Warner
definitely dated. Melinda wants to protect her girl, they're bad ass crime fighter, break a few rules to do what's right. There are a few cases/episodes where you can tell they're definitely hanging out. I like to think that it had pretty good potential, but they just figured they'd be better off as friends. And again, casey disappears after her suspension.
Elizabeth Donnelly x Lena Petrovsky
you cannot tell me these two have not fucked
Chester Lake & Casey Novak
these two didn't have anything happen sexually, but he was definitely crushing on her (can't blame him) and i think she accepted that dinner offer, but made it clear it was on a platonic base only. I think these two had such intertwined arcs across s9 that they definitely hung out a few times after work and I like to think that Casey goes to visit him in prison every couple of months (at one point i had a fic idea about that but i can't remember details now. LOL. maye it will return to me)
Dean Porter x Olivia Benson
While i don't think they actually ever managed to fuck. I really think they had the best chemistry out of all the toxic dick choices that were available to her.
Dana Lewis x Olivia Benson
They fucked your honour. Even Calvin knows they have "this your girlfriend?" like.... cmon...
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak
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the ever favourite and popular ship despite only having one episode together. Now, in the "real world" these two likely would have known each other prior to alex's death, they would've worked in the same building, same social circles, hell they would've been at school at the same time. They're technically sharing the da's office in s12/13. Which is the prime time for their relationship. Alex is back in NYC, she doesn't really know how to be herself, she's not sure if she can/wants to do the job that almost killed her. She's unsure of herself, on shaky legs persay. Casey's waiting out her suspension, unsure of what to do, and if it's worth it to keep fighting. They somehow run into each other and that's when it all starts. They're both lonely, a little lost, don't feel like themselves anymore kinda thing. They find solace in each other, comfort, a sense of belonging. This is one of my fave ships for Casey, because it truly does have amazing potential. They date, it's serious, likely living together. I think they stick it out when Alex goes to the congo, but when she leaves the da's office again to do vigilante shit, they break up. Not that Casey doesn't support her decisions, they just know they have to go their separate ways.
Rafael Barba x Rita Calhoun
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obviously they go on this list. They are a divorced couple who were never married. Whether they dated in college, or shortly after being back in NYC, it happened. Hell maybe it did actually get serious and that's why they know each other *so* well. But they just don't quite fit together long term. Rita spoils too much, Barba finds it overwhelming. (however when things open up to poly, I think they could definitely work) They remain really good friends and I'd honeslty believe they have a "50 and still single" pact kinda thing and are known to still hit each other up for sex because they know it's good and there's no annoying legwork of having to pick up someone new.
Rita Calhoun x Olivia Benson
Now, these two were never going to be endgame and EVERYONE knows it. It was never even a relationship. A couple nights here and there when they were both stressed and needed a relief. It's very likely far before Noah comes along, and Rita is very upfront about her views on children. It's more that they're friends who Olivia enjoys doing different things with that like, Cassidy won't do with her
Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi
in the world where things make sense, Rafael would have likely been mentoring Carisi through his final year at law school, letting him sit second chair or do more help on the law side of case work with him. One ep of that was stupid, it shouldve been way more. I like to think that somewhere in one of those late nights, a couple glasses of scotch, there's admittance of "you know i don't actually hate you" "oh i know, you tease out of admiration" kinda thing that leads to a little more. I can see them actually dating, but I can also see it just being casual, cause Sonny still has heart eyes for amanda the entire time. Whatever they have going on obviously drops off the face of the earth when Barba leaves.
Rita Calhoun x Amanda Rollins
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now this one, is a handful of hook ups and nothing more. Amanda is too chaotic for Rita, their worlds also don't collide very well. Amanda's more likely to be found smoking in some dive bar and avoid the high end places that Rita likes. I like to think that this happens somewhere between Amanda x Nick, and early s17 when Amanda finds out she's pregnant. i DO also believe that Rita kinda keeps her under her wing a bit, encouraging her to cut off her family, let her know if she ever needs help with things (and of course amanda is too stubborn to ever ask for that) but in moments where like, kim has fucked her over, yet again. Amanda finds some anonymous donation and it's like, this unspoken thing between them because you also can't say no to Rita.
William Dodds x Olivia Benson
again, they fucked your honour. and even if there were never officially "dates" they would regularly use each other as plus ones to events that they had to go to for work.
Rafael Barba & Olivia Benson
it never happened, but i had to include it. It was a constant "will they wont they" likely even with money down on it from the squad. They deeply care for each other, love each other, but can never quite figure it out. They're also both so fucking stubborn and there are times when they both have sticks up their asses and hold grudges, neither ever willing to admit defeat or apologize and they know that wouldn't be a healthy relationship.
Rita Calhoun x Casey Novak
my beloved.
these two are a ship that i will die for. It's one of if not the most solid relationship Casey has ever had. They might be endgame. While there's a chance that they would have crossed paths earlier on, they don't really start to pay attention to each other until post suspension/alex leaving.
They might have a case against each other, Casey might be finding prosecution a little stale for herself now. She wants something more. She was so intertwined with alex before that now that she's off pursuing something more, she feels the need to do the same, even if it's within the legal world. Enter Rita, where she can learn about working defence, but not necessarily criminal defence, ya know?
They end up complimenting each other super well, it's the prime golden retriever x black cat, and the smol/tall vibes, which is always hilarious because casey has like, four inches on rita. So i see them in a long term serious relationship.
Kat Tamin x Pippa Cox
Pippa's nervous post hank bs, simply returning to NYC is hard enough, but she finds this solace in Kat. She wasn't around for the whole thing so she doesn't have the subconscious judgment that a lot of other people have. Kat's great with the kids, she's got lots of energy and she's absolutely going to *worship* pippa. Pippa's also likely going to wean her onto a healthier eating style cause Kat is known to crush two pizza's and a litre of pop for dinner kinda thing. Endgame material.
Peter Stone & Sonny Carisi
now, these two haven't directly hooked up. it's not Peter's style. BUT, they've definitely had a few threesomes together with another girl. there's no doubt in my mind.
Kat Tamin x Grace Muncy
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these two have hooked up. kat is a daddy. grace is a brat. it just works. they were probably casual fuck buddies/fwb's for a while.
Grace Muncy & Tonie Churlish
they've either hooked up, dated, or mutually pined for each other up until Grace left. I'm in the midst of rewatching Grace's eps so I'll get back to you. lol
Joe Velasco x Grace Muncy
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i'm not saying i ship it. I'm saying that these two have this teasing, bantery sibling ISH relationship, and they're likely each other's wingman's more often than not. BUT, there was probably at least one super drunk night that they don't really remember but they woke up together and basically never talk about it.
Samantha Maroun & Rita Calhoun
I can lowkey see a couple of dates here, but it ending up not leading any further than friends. They've both got really good style, Sam wears a lot of colour similar to rita, they probably shop together and i think they'd get along really well.
Honorable mention to Joe Velasco x Amanda Rollins
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because if they had met any earlier? they would've hooked up. even just once. they had good chemistry when they did meet and I could see it happening, but she was obvi already with Carisi
I know I must be missing a couple. And there's probably characters I've forgotten about, or not included in this, or just don't have any thoughts about. Also not including any canon ones cause we all know the canon ones. There's also LOTS of other "omg they'd be best fucking friends" that i skipped over cause this was more relationship based. (like, casey, dodds, carisi, kat and grace all have chaotic golden retriever vibes)
Could potentially see Grace x Bobby(?) from OC being a thing, but i can't remember if he's got a gf/wife or not because I clearly don't pay attention when I watch that show lol.
Thank you so much for this ask bestie!! I hope this wasn't too much detail LOL.
Now I'm going to spend the rest of the night thinking about svu x greys anatomy crossovers and who would've slept with who and that is going to be a fucking large list and I'm already thinkin it's a daunting idea LOL.
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akaakeis · 25 days
oh nooooo i tripped and fell for u into ur ask box
eating ny ice cream rn ;; strawberry is such a weird flavour like if i had to choose and get one i would not get strawberry but if irs rhere at home im finishinf ALL of it
ALSO, DRAWING ON PEOPLE'S HANDS 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
anyways about the iwa smau!!! genuinely have no motivation rn #tweaks BUT i would like to say that the yn is shamelessly based off me like i have consumed acrylic paint on multiple occasions (today) (with ice cream)
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lost a mark in my chem test today im tweaking
also like lowkey icl i was hanging around ur blog again rn and thats why i decided to send an ask !! ur blog is so pretty rrrrr
also about OUR iwa fic i was js thinking like,, fake dating this dumbass b word ushiwaka and hes like ?? why me ??? "ur names rhyme kind of" ?? wth ??
lowkey think im immune to anything thats in acrylic paint now bc i have Eaten So Much Of It
anyways the book is lowkey good i havent finished it YET but irs called the girl on the train and like woahhhhhh smth like that at our super conservative school is iNsane
i hope u feel better soon!!! if u dont ill fly over and idk. magic
i have a maths test tmr rjejsjskssk the topic is fun but I Don't Know what if i Fail
OSHIT I WAS SUPPOSED TO LOCK IN AND DO HW OOPS ERM HRU TELL ME AB UR DAY ETC ETC and also any sav x yaku tidbits youd like to drop <- forgot the ship name AND AND AND THE ANONS THINF IS SO REAK KMFG
ok byebye ily xx
ah thats a shame 😞😞 hope your knee or whatever u banged on the way in heals up well lina 😞
yum yum yum ice cream!! i hope ur enjoying it!! also thats so real i feel like strawberry ice cream is just an odd flavor... but true that i always eat the strawberry ice cream in the freezer just to spite my other roommate (with love!!!) LMAO
also real 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ i adore when people draw on me or let me draw on them it js makes me so happy <3
HELP i didnt ever realize how much time you spent on my blog like genuinely 😭 BUT THANK YOU SM!! im super proud of this theme even tho its not the most intricate <3
WOOOW THE LIBRARIAN RECOGNIZED YOU AND TRUSTED YOU W AN UNFILED BOOK??? i aspire to be you but i never step foot into my school library i much prefer my public library... there's sm more books that i read there!!! BUT THATS GENUINELY SO COOL WTF
bro that fic will genuinely be so funny 😭 like the quote we were yapping ab earlier "ushijima?? the hell?? you don't even go to the same school as him?? 😨" iwa would be more confused than anything at first AND I THINK THATS HILARIOUS!! and pls ushijima just AGREEING hes a closeted himbo i swear i swear i swear
alina im genuinely concerned over the fact that you CONSUME acrylic paint? but whatever? i guess? please dont eat too much that's definitely not meant to be consumed 🧍‍♀️
im gonna add that book to my tbr list!! i read the synopsis and it sounds pretty good tbh
THANK YOU!! my roomie is taking care of me so i'll probably be fine within the next few days 🙂‍↕️
AND GOOD LUCK!! im sure you'll do amazing dont even play w me rn alina YOU WILL DO SO SO SO WELL YOU LITTLE MATH NERD (affectionate)
bye bye!! ily ily <3
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hampstertime96 · 1 month
welcome to my blog...
i haven't had one of these dang things since 2010, lol. look at me, 14 years later, and slappin' away at my laptop typing on tumblr dot com. i've come full circle.
i can't really say anything interesting about myself. i crochet a lot, work a lot, i don't have a lot of friends i hang out with in my free time, but the ones i do spend time with are very cherished. i hang with my family a lot, but i like spending time alone pretty often too.
i go to Mass every sunday, usually by myself unless i see my neighbors or someone i know and sit with them. and hooooo boyyy i love the "peace be with you" part, it's always been my favorite part of Mass because like, you get to say "hiiiiiiii!!!!!!" to everyone. in that moment, everybody is friends (maybe sometimes against their wills).
there isn't a specific trajectory i have for my life. i have a steady and great job, i'm saving for a house, but i don't really have a solid plan. staying on long island is a goal of mine, but so is moving somewhere rural. out east is rural... hm... i'm okay with pretty much anything and anywhere that isn't a city. when i think "dream life", i picture having a very small tiny house (like one of those tinyhomes) and an acre of land with chickens. i don't think my dream life is that hard to make, honestly.
i do crappy doodle comic things in my spare time and on my downtime at work i'm probably reading a wikipedia article at my computer about some specific and obscure ancient civilization or on google images looking at hamsters. my boss did NOT catch me looking at "colorful shrimp??" on google images yesterday... ahem... haha. i love my whole office though, we're all planning an outing soon and i'm in charge of like, 90% of the planning and calls and yadda yadda. but we're all very tightly-knit and care a lot about each other and ugHH haha yes we are "like a FaMiLy" lolol.
i love cats, hamsters (duh), iguanas, frogs, squirrels, chickens, ducks and gerbils, in no particular order. i also really like going to museums, mainly the american museum of natural history (i used to be a member and never renewed my membership, wompp) and the metropolitan museum of art. i'm trying very hard to like the museum of modern art, but i can't, lol. somehow i like the whitney more.
fall is coming so i'm pretty excited to do fall stuff. my friend and i are gonna go pumpkin picking when the time comes, she's never done that before being she just moved from south brooklyn not even 2 years ago and never took up an opportunity for that kind of day trip yet. we're also gonna do some shopping in november before she goes on a solo vacation across country, and i told her we're going to hit up some farm stands out east too once the weather isn't so freaking hot out. her and i both dress pretty modestly and i personally can't deal with 70+ degree weather... lol.
also i found a recipe for making pumpkin spice lattes and it's a lot easier than i thought. but i lost it and have to go look for it again, ugh... lol.
thanks for reading, see ya's later!!
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ghastlybin · 2 years
Im deprived of sweet jiu, any fic youd wanna write?🫠 maybeeeee hmmm… ive always though a fic about a soldier and a nurse would be cute!
Hiya, first off, I'd like to apologize for being so slow with this and ily also OKAY let's gooooooo
▾ Soldier! GN Reader ▾ Nurse! Minji ▾ World War 2 setting ▾ gunfire, explosions, yk… War stuff. ▾ Gunshot related injury ▾ Reader and Minji are already a couple btw ▾ stitches mentions ▾ Fluff ▾ some angst but that’s cause it’s the war ▾ Reader has plot armor. ▾ So does Minji. This is not that kind of fic lolol ▾ I tried to make it cute, considering ▾
W.C▾ 1.8k
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“War has not been kind to you.”
What a strange phrase, how it seemed to personify the war.
Speaking on technicalities, the war was a person. One mass of people, dead or alive.
Whether they were fighting back or running to cover.
The innocent and the guilty.
Even the planes over head, the guns blazing through at every hour of the day, and the explosions that cost many lives— All made up war.
If war was a person, it for sure isn’t kind. It takes what it wants, no matter the cost, and leaves the stench of death and decay in its wake.
War was a monster and taming it claimed billions of lives.
You have always been a fighter. A great one, at that. You were well respected among the other soldiers. But there was only one person you cared to impress.
She helped out as a field nurse, who had volunteered to help the wounded soldiers during the war. You had met her before you left for the front lines, and both of you had quickly fallen in love.
“I will return to you. Please do the same.”
“I promise.”
Her words echoed in your mind every time you were out in active duty, hoping to make it through alive and uninjured so that you could keep your promise. But the bullets and explosions made your chances of getting out alive very slim.
You worried Minji would be out on the field at the wrong time and end up getting hurt before you could see each other again.
The days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, you began to wonder if the last time you last saw Minji, was really the last time.
Another day out in action, only this time it was worse — Somehow. It happened while moving through a village when your unit was ambushed.
Everyone fought back fiercely, not accepting defeat. You dodged bullets running from cover to cover and hoping that this would end.
Many of your fellow soldiers had fallen in battle, and it was only a matter of time before you were struck by a bullet too. It happened when you went to help your fallen ally.
The force knocked you down and within seconds of being on the ground, you could feel the stinging, burning sensation growing more intense while the chaos ensued around you.
You could feel yourself being dragged behind cover, grateful to whoever it was, but there was only one person on your mind.
Minji. You hoped you hadn’t completely broken your promise to her. There was one way to keep your promise though; Don’t die.
You closed your eyes despite your allies telling you not to. But it was the only way for you to focus and drown everything out. Eventually, the gunfire ceased, and it didn’t take long for you to realize that your unit had successfully pushed back the enemy.
“Medic! We need a medic over here!”
You were bleeding too much to still be conscious, but you had to hold on just a little longer. When you opened your eyes again, you could see the familiar figure of a woman running towards you.
"Y/N, stay with me. You can’t give up now," Minji said, her voice trembling. "We need to get you to a field hospital."
Minji began to bandage your wound and applied pressure to stop the bleeding for the time being. You watched her work through blurry vision, amazed by how gentle she handled you while still being quick, knowing you were hanging on by a thread.
“Minji…” You weakly mumbled, feeling your eyes heavy with exhaustion as the pain spiked throughout your body in pulsating rhythms.
“Yes? What is it?” You could hear the panic in her voice, and you wanted to tell her that you trust her with your life. That you felt calmer now that she was there to help you.
You looked into her eyes and whispered, "I love you."
"I love you too, Y/N," she said. It was only seconds after she tightened the bandage that she noticed you were now unconscious.
“You’re healing pretty quickly.” Minji entered the room with a tray of food. You sat up, still sore where you had been shot.
“I don’t feel like I am.” You smiled to her as she set the tray down on your lap.
Minji took the liberty of sitting at the foot of your bed while you ate. She pondered to herself about the past few weeks you’ve been in the hospital.
“I thought I lost you.” Minji spoke up. She looked over at you and you could see tears brimming her eyes. You’ve known her since before the war and you’ve loved her ever since. There was no way you’d let the war tear you two away from each other.
“I thought I was lost too.”
Minji wiped away a tear that rolled down her cheek. “Ah. I told myself I wasn’t going to cry… Not in front of you. Not now.”
You set your tray aside and inched closer to her without ripping out the stitches holding your skin together.
"It's okay to cry. Sometimes we just need to let it all out." You assured her, slinging an arm around her shoulders. Minji burst into tears upon your initiation. You wrapped both of your arms around her as she turned into a sobbing mess on the end of your hospital bed.
It lasted about a few minutes, but you held her for the entire duration.
She sniffled, leaning into your hold. “I’m sorry, I’m acting like I was the one that got shot.”
“Oh yeah, our bullet wound is healing quickly.”
Minji cracked a smile, pulling away from you grasp and nudging you. “Shut up.”
You laughed, hovering your hand over your sutured, feeling a stinging pain when you laughed. Minji noticed and lifted your shirt just enough to check the sutures on your abdomen.
After a quick examination of your sutures, she stood up to gather her supplies.
“Your stitches must’ve pulled when you laughed. But we can actually remove them now— Luckily, you aren’t bleeding.” Minji disclosed as she set up a tray in preparation of removing you’re stitches.
You looked down at your stomach, seeing your wound that would surely leave a scar. A permanent reminder that you almost died.
Or a permanent reminder that you survived what most don’t.
You watched Minji sterilize the surgical scissors and tweezers in one of the containers of boiling water that had been prepared and preserved to be at the ready for easy access for the nurses throughout the day.
“Am I really getting these out?”
Minji took the scissors and tweezers out, drying them with a clean paper towel. She glanced at you while simultaneously opening the pack of cotton swabs.
“Nope. Just seems early.”
“It’s been five weeks.” Minji chuckled, pouring a bit of rubbing alcohol onto a cotton swab to wipe down the tips of the scissors and tweezers.
“Time sure did fly, huh…”
Minji used a ladle to scoop a small amount of the boiling water into a cup, where she placed a few ice cubes inside to cool down the water. While the water cooled to a warm temperature, she set a bottle of antibacterial soap beside it as she used a spoon to scoop out the ice cubes.
“Are you ready? I’m about to clean it.” She warned, mixing a bit of the soap into the water, waiting for your ‘okay’.
“By all means.”
Minji smiled, pouring the soapy water onto a rag, careful not to spill everywhere. She pressed the warmed, soapy rag against your stitches, cleaning the area. You admired her concentrated expression as she grabbed a dry rag, drying the area.
“Again, are you ready?”
“Is it going to hurt?” You asked, to which Minji shook her head.
“It’s not supposed to. But please tell me if it does.” Minji met your eyes, sternly.
“Yes ma’am.”
She smirked, stifling back a laugh as she poured rubbing alcohol onto a new cotton swab, wiping down the area next.
Minji began to snip and pull up the sutures with the tweezers, followed by snipping each loop with the scissors. Minji carefully pulled each stitch out and surprisingly enough, it didn’t hurt as much as you thought. A slight stinging, but nothing painful.
After each stitch was removed, Minji used yet another rubbing alcohol-soaked cotton swab to clean the area again before dabbing antibiotic ointment over the wound area.
“And these,” she began to apply adhesive strips over where the stitches once were, “are just in case.”
“Thank you… That relieved some of the stinging.”
Minji smiled in relief, “good. Just try to be careful when you move. Getting them is more painful than taking them out.”
“Oh yeah. I will remember this next time I’m about to get shot.” You joked. Luckily, Minji knew you and your joke was able to land.
"You're safe now. I won't let anything hurt you, I promise."
“You’re my hero.” You smiled at her.
Minji let out at small laugh, nudging you. Judging by her reaction, she must’ve thought you were joking. Maybe you sounded sarcastic in your speech.
But you meant it.
If she hadn’t gotten to you as fast as she did after you were shot, you wouldn’t be alive to witness her taking your stitches out or even talk to her after so long of active duty during the war.
No. You were sure you wouldn’t be alive without her.
“I was serious,” you watched her clean up her supplies. “You saved me.”
Minji looked over at you, her eyes glistening in the sunlight that peeked through into the room.
She let out a soft sigh, walking back over to you, pressing her lips against your forehead.
“It wasn’t just me.”
“But it was just you who stopped the bleeding back at the ambush site. That saved my life just in time for me to undergo surgery.” You wanted her to give herself some credit. Even if she wasn’t the surgeon that removed the bullet fragments from your abdomen, she was the nurse that got you to the hospital and helped you recover after surgery.
“You were there for me when I couldn’t move around.” You added. She sat beside you, listening to you praise her.
“I love you, Y/N. Of course I was going to stay by your side.”
You smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over you as you leaned forward, pressing your lips against hers. As you melted against her lips, you were grateful you survived.
Grateful that she never left your side.
"I love you, Minji," you said, your voice barely above a whisper when you pulled away, ending the kiss.
"I love you too, Y/N," Minji replied, smiling at you sweetly. "Always have."
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mangacat201 · 1 year
Hahahahahahaha. And here we go again, clowning for another year! LOL.
Is it weird that what I’m maddest about at the episode was that they hit EVERY.SINGLE.HOLLYWOOD.CLICHE on the birth scene and then had the gal to give Buck that line about how he’s a professional.
HOT WATER AND TOWELS BOY? (And not even boiled water too, I mean wtf, LOLOL)
(and I am also looking at you Howard Han, but I’m leaving that down to general befuddlement because an ambulance just fell on you)
Anyway. I can’t believe this is the moment they finally got me with the sperm donor storyline. Because to me, it’s not about Buck not getting the family he so badly wants anymore (look right next to you, buddie, I beg of you, but I digress) or choosing a healthy place for himself to keep the kid in his mind (dad vis a vis donor) - I finally understood the assignment.
Buck has had to face the fact that he was chosen to be made, not to be loved, but for a purpose. A purpose that he couldn’t fullfil through no fault of his own, but that has haunted his life forever before he even knew why.
Now he CHOSE a son to be MADE for LOVE.
That’s it.
That’s what it was all about it. It doesn’t matter that he had to give him up (and he’ll get to be in his life for sure one way or the other, so I’m not actually worried about that anymore). The legacy he’s leaving to that little boy that is part of him is getting to grow up being loved the way Buck should have and deserved to grow up being loved.
And now he can let go of that trauma.
He doesn’t have to be anything for anybody.
He can go figure out who he is now without that expectation. He got to say goodbye to the spectre of Daniel and he got to say goodbye to the couch that was chosen for him. And yes, even though he’s still stumbling into a relationship again without really being ready (in the sense that he still hasn’t figured out how he feels about his death) at least he’s actively asking for help choosing for himself. And hell, maybe that’s not too bad a thing. Cause that’s what Natalia does right? Helps people choose how to live their life purposefully and meaningfully and offer companionship along the way. (And maybe she learned something too of the experience?) So Buck can grow a little more, gain the confidence to figure out what it actually is that he wants and then ask for it. CHOOSE life.
Maybe Eddie actually choosing to do the dating thing, to LEARN how to do it, properly, in a way that doesn’t put pressure on him, that’s just figuring out, is a good thing too?
People, hell the show itself, has been talking about how he’s had to mature too fast. Grow up skipping past a lot of milestones, hell his OWN SON is roasting him for his game like a peer instead of an adult. Maybe Eddie has to take that step first to play, to experiment, to just be - in order to also figure out what he wants. When you first start dating things are very serious (Shannon), sometimes you mess up because you haven’t figured yourself out yet (Ana), then you just try to find your footing and have fun with each other and learn (I can see that happening with Marisol) and when you’ve learned your lessons, made your mistakes, had your fun... you’ve matured enough to find what you’ve been making for a long, long time (Buck).
So yeah... typing up all this stream of consciousness I seem to have talked myself out of being mad at were our boys ended up? Funny how that goes.
And yes, this had the feel of a possible series finale that they pulled up very well and that tied up a lot of things (I’m looking at you beautiful beautiful people, Bathena, getting your cruise, dreadful hawaii print and all, and Madney continuing to build the life they choose, growing healthy together which is so fun to watch and Henren finally with a dream they’d all but given up in reach) - but a show does only keep our attention if it leaves its characters some road to go (room to grow or rope to hang themselves, your pick, lol). So since we are actually getting another shot to see them back, I am hopeful now.
So... tldr, I actually want to thank the fandom community here, all the smart, witty, compassionate people digging for the deeper meaning way past what the writers probably intended or even knew was there themselves. Y’all spread your takes and I know whenever I’ve finished watching I’ll go here and find something to explain to me why I shouldn’t be mad about stuff or how I missed that hidden parallel or how someone agrees with my view and I always come away in awe of all the thoughtfulness that goes into all of it.
My little pocket friends, we live to clown another day, here’s to a summer of meta, fix it fic, season 7 spec - this has been my first season in real time, it was an honor and a privilege.
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Requested: yes - @fangirl-imagines my love
Prompt: Elvis catches you flirting with one of his band members at a Halloween party. Long story short, he's unhappy and, apparently, very possessive. [ Fem!Reader ]
#12 NSFW - "I know what you should be for Halloween. Mine."
TW: Pretty rough sex, choking, some BDSM stuff, jealous and kinda mean Elvis, I think that's it but as always lmk if y'all find anything else! This is also straight PWP lmao
Rating: M   ||   Word Count: 3359
A/N: JELIS ELVIS LET'S GO. i'm excited about this one lolol it was fun to write a rougher version of elvie
🦋 mila
“Scotty, please stop! I can barely breathe!” you shout through fits of laughter.
You’re hanging out at a Halloween party with your boyfriend and his bandmates and closest friends. You and Elvis are two of the only people in attendance not wearing costumes, but Elvis had shot down every costume that you suggested throughout the entire month of October. Instead, you’ve come in a warm velvet dress in your favorite fall color.
Speaking of your boyfriend, it’s been a while since you last saw Elvis and you aren’t totally sure where he is at the current moment. You’ve been swept up into a conversation with his guitar player, Scotty Moore, who is currently telling you the most hilarious story you’ve ever heard.
“No, I swear. It all really happened,” Scotty insists.
You clutch onto your stomach as the last few laughs are squeezed out of your stomach and drape your hand on top of Scotty’s in a friendly gesture. You smile as you look at him, admiring his handsome face, glimmering eyes, and sweet smile.
“Well, then what happened afterward?”
“So then the motel manager comes runnin over with a broomstick in his hand and-”
“Scuse me but I need Y/N.”
You turn at the sound of your boyfriend’s deep southern drawl and your smile fades almost immediately at the sight of his stern expression. You shoot a sympathetic look toward Scotty and then place your fingers into Elvis’ outstretched palm. His hand clamps harshly around yours and he pulls you up and out of your chair.
Before you even have the chance to protest, he’s already dragging you up the stairs toward the hallway overlooking the entryway of Graceland. Once you reach the top of the stairs, you attempt to pull your hand away from Elvis. Your fingers slip through his grasp for just a moment before his fingers curl around the bones of your wrist.
You yank against him, pulling Elvis to a stop right outside the door of your bedroom. His grip tightens on your wrist and you wince at the sudden ache.
“What the hell, Elvis?” you hiss as he turns to face you.
“What d’ya think you’re doin? Talkin to him like that?”
“What? What are you talking about?”
You attempt to pull your hand away again but to no avail. You wince again as you notice how hard he’s gripping the bones under your skin.
“Ya think I didn’t fuckin notice you flirtin with him? You laughin at all his jokes and shit,” Elvis spits.
Your body instinctively recoils as he jerks you closer to him.
“I wasn’t flirting with him, you ass. I was just having a conversation with him!” you reply, infuriated by Elvis’ accusations. “Am I not allowed to have a conversation with your friends now?”
“Not with him. I can tell you like 'im.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Elvis. For the last time, I was not flirting with Scotty. We were just having a conversation.”
This time you’re successful in ripping yourself away from Elvis’ grasp. You cross your arms over your chest and stick your chin out toward Elvis with a smug expression pasted on your face.
“Jealous, are we?” you ask with a quirked eyebrow and a smirk.
“Damn straight.”
He takes a step closer and glares down at you. His normally sparkling bright eyes have morphed into a deep shade of blue. His plump lips are pressed into a straight line with two small dimples on either side of his frown. With eyebrows furrowed and nostrils flared, he looks like a wild animal on the verge of going in for a kill. His fingers lift to your face, stretching out to drag against your skin. They travel from your hairline down your cheek and trace along your jawline. When they reach your neck, Elvis gently curves his fingers around the skin underneath your chin. He squeezes your throat firmly, tilting your head up toward him. You feel your mouth pop open with the pressure on your esophagus. You’re completely helpless. All you can do is stare up at him and wait to see what he does next. You can barely gulp under the pressure of his fingers on your throat. He turns your face in his hands, lowering his lips down to your ear, and, in a tickled whisper, he speaks.
“I know what you should be for Halloween, darlin. Mine.”
He gently nips at your earlobe and your eyes automatically shut. His fingers squeeze again as he drags his hot, wet lips down the side of your face and onto the skin underneath your jaw. He pushes against you, walking you backward. You whimper as your back hits the wall and his fingers push deep into your throat. With his free hand, he traces down your hairline with his pointer finger. He applies barely enough pressure to give you goosebumps as his finger trails down your shoulder and the bare skin of your arm.
“Somebody’s a lil goosebumpy,” he says breathily into your ear. “Wonder why.”
All you can do is release a loud breath and open your eyes. His lips are parted, his tongue circling over his teeth as his eyes tear up and down your figure. His fingers reach the hem of your dress and deftly flip it up to slide underneath. His touch is freezing cold and you can already feel goosebumps raising on your legs to match the ones on your arms. He works his way underneath your thigh and grips the skin to hoist your leg onto his hip. Once secure there, you tighten your grasp on him and pull his hips flush against your own.
“Such a nice dress, baby girl,” he murmurs against your ear. He nips at it again and you gasp. “Shame I’m gonna destroy it.”
You giggle as he releases your throat and slides his fingers onto your jawline. He holds your face steady as he stares down at you and thrusts his hips into yours. You gasp again, your eyes closing against your will. You can feel his length, hard against your thigh and threatening to slip in between your legs. His hand crawls across your leg onto the bottom of your ass and he squeezes hard, his short nails digging into the skin. You feel your back arch and head jut out, begging him to kiss you.
“Uh-uh. Be good, honey,” Elvis says raspily. “Be good if you wanna get fucked good. Understand?”
“Yes, what,” he growls, thrusting his hips against yours and clamping his grip down harder on your ass and jaw.
“Yes, sir,” you choke out in a pathetic whimper.
“Good girl.”
His fingers dance across your ass and slide over the fabric of your panties. He traces the lace on the side of your hipbone and then slips a finger underneath the strip. Your stomach starts to turn, an uncomfortably needy sensation growing in your gut. Your heat is quickly beginning to throb and swell as he toys with the band to your panties. His other hand still holds your face captive so that you have no choice but to stare directly at him as he teases you mercilessly. He expertly shifts the panties to the side.
“What have we here?” he grumbles and slips a finger over your folds.
You shudder and lean your head back against the wall as his finger slides easily across the sensitive nerves. You’re already dripping for him.
“What a good, nice pussy. Already all wet for me.”
He runs another finger along the folds and you bite your lip. You buck your hips forward gently, craving more contact. But Elvis pulls his hand away and raises it to your lips. He pries your lips open with his fingers and slips his pointer finger into your mouth. You gladly accept it, swirling your tongue around his fingertip. You giggle on his finger as he runs his tongue over his teeth again. He yanks it from your mouth and then reaches back down to run it over your pussy. You bite your lip and wiggle onto his finger.
“Don’t move unless I tell you to.”
You whimper and wiggle anyway. Elvis’s fingers drop back down to your throat, pushing you harder against the wall. You jump and yelp in his grasp when he lightly slaps your pussy. A chill of excitement runs up your spine and you giggle.
“Bad, bad girl. First I find ya flirtin with my bandmates. Then I find ya disobeying me? Tut-tut,” he clicks his tongue and shakes his head disapprovingly. “I’m gonna hafta remind ya why you wanna be a good girl. Why you should listen to daddy.”
“Please, sir. Please…”
His touch returns to your pussy and he drags another finger up the folds. You resist the urge to wiggle under his touch with everything you have. He pushes the finger back and just barely inserts it into your entrance. You moan quietly with satisfaction, your eyes closing again. He draws small circles around your entrance before pushing a finger up inside of you. You can’t resist the urge to wiggle and drop your hips down to meet his finger as he begins to slowly pump in and out of you.
“Yeah, you like that don’t ya, baby girl?”
“Yes, sir,” you moan quietly, sliding your palms onto Elvis’ chest.
He inserts another finger, pumping expertly in and out of your wet pussy. Within a matter of moments, he’s added another finger and the air between you is filled with the gurgling sounds of your wetness and the quiet exhales of your breath as you try not to moan too loudly. Some of the party guests laugh from the room just downstairs and you bite your lip to keep quiet. Now with three fingers thrust inside of you, Elvis starts to pump you faster and faster. Your hips can’t resist slamming down onto his fingers as they move up to meet you. You glance over at him to see his mouth open as he mimics your expressions, his dark eyes trained on yours as he watches the pleasure he’s making you feel flash across your face.
You both suddenly freeze as you hear voices entering the entryway just underneath you. Your fingers curl around Elvis’ suit jacket and he leans forward, his body pressing against you.
“I gotta go. Wife’s expecting me home in time to take the kids out for candy. You seen Elvis or Y/N around? I wanted to thank them for the party and let them know I’m on my way.”
“I’m not sure where they are, but I’ll let them know you took off a little early!”
You clutch onto Elvis’ suit jacket, burying your face in his hot, sticky neck. His fingers are still inside of your pussy and you can feel your walls clenched around him with the sudden shock. You bite onto his shoulder as you, yet again, resist the urge to wiggle down onto his glorious fingers. You can feel his hot breath on your ear as his chest rises and falls under your grasp. You both wait in silence with bated breath until you hear the front door slam shut. Even then, you both pause, frozen until you’ve been in silence for several minutes.
Eventually, Elvis pulls away with a smirk pasted between his red cheeks. He wastes no time, resuming pumping in and out of you at the same speed he was using before you were so rudely interrupted. Your hips quickly fall into time with him, jerking down toward his fingers as they slam in and out of your dripping pussy. You lean your head forward and bite onto his shoulder again, trying to remain as quiet as possible. You feel his fingers dancing across the strap of your dress as he yanks it down onto your arm. He pulls the top of your dress down to expose your breast. With his free hand, he gently massages the skin with his fingers. You can’t resist a moan when he takes your nipple into his teeth, pulling on the skin. He swirls his tongue around the sensitive nub and then tugs on it again. You grip hard onto his jacket as you can feel yourself approaching an orgasm. The waves of pleasure build higher and higher as your back arches into the wall behind you.
“Who owns you? Say it.”
Your mouth moves to form the words, but he curls his finger inside your walls, and you yelp.
“Say it.”
“E-e…” your attempt is interrupted by a string of moans as your climax comes closer and closer.
Your eyes squeeze closed hard with the mixture of pain and pleasure. You finally throw your head back against the wall as pleasure overtakes your body. You shudder against Elvis as you come down from your high. You wheeze breaths as he removes his fingers from you. He slides them into his mouth, cleaning them one by one. He releases your thigh and it falls to the ground with a thump. You reach up to brush some sweaty hair from your forehead as you catch your breath. You move to step toward the bathroom, but Elvis grabs onto your wrist.
“I ain’t done with you yet,” he growls, pushing you back against the wall. “You disrespected me. You better make it up.”
“How can I do that, sir?” you ask, playing along.
“Why don’t you tell me, mama?”
You smirk and bite your lip as you lift your leg and press the bottom of your heel onto his chest, pushing him back slowly. Once he’s far enough away, you step toward him and lift the jacket off his frame. You grab ahold of his tie, pulling it harshly against his neck as you drop down to a squat. Your fingers slowly undo the clasp of his belt and slide it out from the notches on his pants. You smirk up at him as you pull the pants down just far enough to see his member bulging in his boxers. Tracing a finger over it makes him shudder and inhale a sharp breath. You lean forward and lick it through his underwear, the precum already leaking through the blue fabric. Your fingers hook under the band of his boxers and pull them down just far enough for his dick to spring free. You hum happily at the sight of his girth and lean forward to drag your tongue from the base up to the tip.
When you reach the tip and taste the salty precum in your mouth, you press a kiss to it and then pull away to glance up at Elvis. He smirks down at you and grabs a fistful of your hair to press your mouth forward onto his dick. You open your lips, sucking him into your throat. You start to slowly bob your head forward against him, sucking extra hard on the tip. With each forward motion, you can taste his salt as your motions suck more out. His fingers grip your hair and you wince at the stinging pull on your roots. You grip the fabric of his pants as you jerk forward and back on his dick. It hits the back of your throat and you gurgle a little, pulling back to readjust.
You deep-throat him a few more times, humming onto him when he whispers quiet curses and grunts. You feel his member starting to twitch in your mouth and increase your speed, adding your hand to the base of his dick so you can pump him while you suck him off. After a few more seconds, he starts to jerk against your tongue and you pump him harder as he releases his warm cum into your mouth. You swallow, shuddering as the warm liquid slides down your throat. You pull away when he's finished, licking the tip clean as you glance up at him through your eyelashes.
In the blink of an eye, he’s back to pushing you against the wall, one of his hands holding both of your wrists flush above your head. The other hand pumps his dick a few times before he slides into you, a little sloppily. You both moan together at the intense pleasure.
“Fuck, mama, you take it so good,” he growls.
He starts to thrust against you and your hips immediately find a rhythm with him. Your head leans back against the wall. The space between you is filled with the sounds of your whimpers, his grunts, and skin slapping against skin. He pumps you mercilessly, slamming into you so hard that your body jerk back against the wall with the force.
“I wonder if they’ll host anything for Christmas?”
Your head jerks to the side and your eyes fly open as you realize more people are coming into the entryway. You glance back at Elvis with wide eyes, panic settling in between the moments of painful pleasure. He shakes his head but continues to thrust as the voices grow louder. You bite your lip hard, worried that you’re drawing blood, to keep from moaning. You can’t help but whimper quietly when he hits your g-spot unexpectedly. His hand immediately releases your wrists and clamps onto your mouth. You bite onto his fingers as he quietly hisses and glances toward the departing guests just below you.
He leans forward, pressing his forehead against yours as he slams into you again and again. You raise your leg, pushing his hips deeper into you as your back arches and your eyes squeeze tightly shut. You bite down hard on his fingers and start to shudder under his thrusts. He hisses. You drop your hands onto his back, ripping at the fabric and digging your nails into the muscles of his back. You can feel the sticky sweat drying on his forehead as he buries his face in your neck and convulses under your grip. You both shudder for a few moments, coming down from your highs.
By the time the front door is slamming shut with your guests’ departure, you’re both heaving in silence and trying to catch your breaths. Elvis’ face is still buried in your neck as he releases hot breaths onto your skin. Your fingers have uncurled on his back, resting in flat palms across his sweaty skin. He pulls back and slides himself out of you before pulling up his underwear and zipping up his pants.
You slip the strap of your dress back onto your shoulder and re-cover your breast. He bends down and hands you your panties, which he helps slide on one leg and then the other. You lean against the wall for support and use Elvis’ shoulders while he redresses you. Your legs are shaking gently with exhaustion. They feel like noodles and your pussy feels too swollen to fit inside your dainty lace panties.
Elvis’ fingers slide onto your chin, clutching it between his pointer finger and thumb. He swipes his thumb over your lips and then tugs your face toward him. He presses his lips sweetly against yours, kissing you perfectly on the mouth. Your eyes flutter closed and you sigh contentedly into the kiss. When he pulls back, he smiles down at you. You lean forward, running a hand through his wet black hair to push it back into place.
“That’s my good girl. You’re mine, Y/N. Don’t you ever forget it,” Elvis says gruffly, pressing another kiss to your forehead.
You intertwine your fingers into his and lean into the chaste kiss with a smile.
“I never forgot in the first place. But, I do have to admit that if you’re gonna punish me like this every time you get jealous, I might have to forget more often,” you reply with a smirk.
Elvis chuckles and pulls you into his arms for a warm hug. You nestle into his chest, closing your eyes to absorb his warmth.
“I guess we should get back to our party, huh?”
“I guess so. Since, apparently, we’re on-tap for Christmas, too. I’ll meet you back here, then, same time?”
“Anytime, mama.”
Reblogs, likes, comments + feedback are extremely appreciated! Please help support your content creators!
**If you notice any triggers or grammatical errors that I missed, please let me know! :)
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mittensmorgul · 2 years
2022 in Mittens Fic
It’s time again for the annual accounting of things I wrote this year! I’m pleased that while still a disappointingly low total for me, I still beat my total word count from 2021, so progress is being made, which I’ll always gladly take! Honestly anything is better than that 2020 total at this point lolol! I long since abandoned my goal of ever surpassing the 250k i posted in 2015, but that’s okay! I still wrote a decent bit!
For reference, past year end summaries can be found here:
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | the closest thing I have to a 2015 wrap up post is the lil bit of text at the bottom of 2016′s post… even though my two most popular fics were from 2015 lololol
I managed a Pinefest fic, a DCRB fic, AND a DCBB fic this year, which is the first time I’ve ever managed all three, so go me I guess? And maybe I enjoy working to deadlines more than I ever assumed before? Or maybe I would’ve written even more if I hadn’t been pushing at deadlines (and letting myself slack off, even if rest is important and beneficial to writer brain, when I was far ahead of schedule...). But I’m overall pretty pleased with this year’s works.
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I tied last year’s fic total, with six, but beat last year’s word count with 117,486, so go me! Not even counting the ~63k fic i’m working on for pinefest this year...even if it’s already written it’s not posting until February. Love rolling over a big fic into the new year every year like this. it feels weirdly like cheating somehow, yet I do it every year :’D
Also slightly cheating, but since I mentioned it last year, I still haven’t missed a week of my eternal rewatch podcast, @spngeorg which is still going strong! Uploading episode 91, 5.09 The Real Ghostbusters tonight! If my millions of words of written meta aren’t enough for you, you can now hear me being grumpy about this show out loud! (new episodes drop every Thursday night at or around midnight eastern time, if you’re interested you can start from the beginning on AnchorFM or wherever you enjoy podcasts!)
Let’s get to the fic! Presented in the order they posted:
Mr. Fix It (54,383 words, rated M) written for the Pinefest. It started with a photo of the shopping center sign that Mel sent me several years back, and the instruction “this is a writing prompt.” Amazingly, it was a great writing prompt! and a great art prompt, thanks to @lotrspnfangirl! Dean runs a repair shop called Mr. Fix It with Charlie, and Cas runs the bar at the other end of the strip mall, Steve’s. There’s shady real estate dealings, secret identities, and found family taking care of each other through it all.
lectio in equis (13,016 words, rated T) my first ever DCRB, and I screamed delightedly when I claimed @scarlettmichkat ’s artwork! Actually still kinda lowkey screaming about it. I LOVE this artwork. Like, wanna frame it and hang it in my living room love. Canon case fic, sort of, as Dean and Cas get to play cowboy for a day looking for a lost MoL chapter storage facility out in the New Mexico desert. Plus, Jesse and Cesar being the best retired hunters.
Baby X-File (2,698 words, rated T) Written for the final GISH hunt, a crossover scene between SPN and the X Files, canon-adjacent to both, to a prompt from my team captain who isn’t on tumblr... thank you Sammy!
honey wine  (764 words, rated T) annual deancasversary fic! They go to the rennfest, and medieval hilarity and fluff ensues
Heart Shaped Box  (43,504 words, rated M) my DCBB this year, canon case fic wherein Dean and Cas are the case. beautifully illustrated by @marvfortytwo​ and a cathartic walk through a series of memories. I mostly wanted to revisit . Set within days of Dean rescuing Cas from the Empty, because that’s exactly what happened in canon as we all know (I SAID, AS WE ALL KNOW).
The Ghost of Christmas Present(s) (3,121 words, rated T) annual holiday fic, Dean and Cas attempt holiday shopping together. hilarity and shmoop ensue.
And that’s my year in fic. Like I said at the top, I’ve already got more than half this total written to post in 2023, so it looks like I’m still not slowing down. Since I posted my To Be Written file’s stats last year, I figured I should do the same again...
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lol... a year later, two pages and 1400 more words added... i swear at this rate i will never finish writing it all, which I find weirdly comforting.
Thanks to everyone who’s read, kudos’ed, commented, reblogged, rec’ed, and enjoyed anything I’ve written in the last year. I love you all. <3 See you in 2023!
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aeternallis · 8 months
KM Discord Server
As a POC (SE Asian) who was also dogpiled on a much a smaller scale in another discord server, and as one who'd witnessed in real time the events that unfolded in December 2023 in the KM discord server, I think the one thing that's been lost in all this chaos and drama is the human decency of giving people the benefit of the doubt.
Feel free to skip this section!
And for a little background, here's my experience: I reblogged a post on my blog and ranted about a few headcanons that I don't agree with in the tags. Some people read my tags, and concluded from that one post that I'm an outright ableist. Mind you, it was one day, and one post when I had absolutely no filter. Yet still, in which case, the conclusion drawn about me was fair, since in retrospect, I see where I went wrong. Again, I was frustrated for one day in that post and did not think of my tone whatsoever. I face the repercussions of that misjudgment today. For the record, just because I'm a POC, it doesn't mean that I'm immune to hurting other people, no matter the fact that that was never my intention. I did hurt certain individuals with that one damn post and the tags I wrote, and I'll be apologetic and remorseful about it for a long time. But having said that, I'd honestly expected certain people in this fandom to be mature enough to reach out in private first and ask for some clarifications, not to be immediately gossiped about in the discord server we were a part of. On top of that, besides that one incident, I hadn't even realized there was already growing resentment towards the metas I've written for KP/Kimchay, besides one of the few times I brought up personal frustrations I experienced as a POC. Lol
From what I've noticed with this incident in the KM server as well as the small discord server I was a part of, when POC share their own cultural context and understanding of something, not just the piece of media for which is the reason why we were all there in the first place, the knee-jerk reaction for most westerners are almost always to think of those things as "fandom policing."
In fact, in a separate conversation from my experience, one of them even said, "it's not so much about culture!" LOLOL To have that sentiment hurled towards me, while I was speaking of my frustrations of when culture erasure takes place in conversations of certain topics, while the conversation took place in a discord server meant to celebrate an Asian piece of queer media…was quite an experience. XD Goodness, I can only wonder what it's like to be able to have the privilege to say that so easily. That's all I'll say. Ha~
Yet still, from my own point of view, do I call the people who hurt me “individuals with a colonizer mindset” and that other word that’s hanging around right now and unsaid, just because of these few incidents? My knee-jerk reaction is to say yes, considering I wasn't even given a chance to explain myself, but I'll clamp that knee-jerk reaction down as much as I can, because despite everything, I still personally think the KM discord server and that other discord server still did more good than bad (not by much though), in the grand scheme of things. Those servers allowed for some instances of astounding cross-cultural communication (even if it also allowed rampant western ignorance to thrive), and for what it's worth, there are still good people in this community, despite everything.
And at the end of the day, who am I to hurl hurtful labels towards those who'd hurt me, when I hardly even knew them in the first place (two of them I never even talked to, LOL), and I know to myself that they meant no harm at the end of the day. Even if they certainly didn’t hesitate to throw the label “ableist” at me without a second thought.
It's a serious thing to throw a label like that at someone, even if my own experience as a POC who was dogpiled on by a number of westerners...hmm, let's stop that train of thought.
Getting back on track. Even still, these opinions I hold won't erase the experiences of other POC members in this fandom and in the KM discord server, the hurt they've experienced, nor can I speak for any one of them.
I think the bad habit of knee-jerk reactions—specifically the knee-jerk reaction of those wanting to protect the KM discord server in the way that's perceived to result in the least amount of drama, the gut instinct to not want to be caught in the crossfire, the conscious choice to tolerate such things, for the sake of preserving the safe space that one has left—is pretty much what's dominating the behaviors of people responsible right now.
The mods who run such servers like the KM server and others like it—they're not perfect, but I would have at least expected from them to be more open and proactive to the concerns of its POC members. Perhaps it's too much to expect that they would be equipped to handle very sensitive issues as the ones its POC members experienced, but damn...the bar is quite low, even just to meet the minimum.
And that's the most frustrating thing, to be honest. All this time, in all these various situations for those who’ve spoken out, it's the POC members of the community who are ALWAYS the ones who are pressured to having to give people the benefit of the doubt, to have to be careful of what they say, but NOWHERE in these situations is that sentiment even remotely returned to POC.
It was the POC members affected by the incident in December who had to remain patient with the mods, it was the POC members who had to face the backlash of negativity that happened, it’s the POC members of the community who’ve had to face the accusations of fandom policing, it’s the POC members of the community who have to face daily micro aggressions in this fandom, when all we’ve done is express opinions and our viewpoints.
At the end of the day, it’s POC members of the community who face the repercussions of having spoken out, yet the rest of the westerners in this community have the damn luxury to walk away, unscathed, to think to themselves that they did nothing wrong.
So I’ll be blunt this one time: yes, for the most part, there are good people in this fandom, there are. But even so, not a single one of us here is perfect, we’re all human.
And if I do say so myself, there is indeed quite a desperate need for fandom spaces, not just the KP fandom, to decolonize their ways of operating, starting with: giving POC the benefit of the doubt and actually trying to handle our concerns with some effort.
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aberooski · 1 year
Okay but hear me out.
A Big Time Movie/GX au
Obviously we're taking some creative liberties here
In the band we have:
Atticus - Leader/pretty boy heartthrob, our main character. Having the time of his life on tour until they get sucked into a spy caper! It's kinda fun though lol. Totally in once they learn that the entire world is in jeopardy! If they can't save the world they can't continue the tour!
Jaden - cute lovable moron, the first to realize there's some weird stuff going on, but he just kinda brushes it off at first. It's fiiiiiiiiine! .....or is it 👀 literally so into the idea of being a spy dude.
Bastion - the smart one/token British member, very against the idea of going along with the spy stuff when it goes down. It's not safe and they have their tour and other responsibilities to worry about! Besides, they're not spies! They should leave this to the professionals! Cue Logan getting shot with darts and literally dragged along 3 times
Aster - bad boy with a heart of gold, actually knew Sartorius when they were kids, but he disappeared one day and he never heard from him again. Honestly upset to learn he's now an evil cult leader bent on world domination and probably doesn't even remember who he is anymore... but saving the world would mean saving Sartorius right...? Only one way to find out.
And our other main cast:
Sartorius - Sir Atticus Moon Our villain, leader of the Society of Light ofc, trying to take over the world via his evil satellite a la both the actual movie and season 2 lolol
Adrian - Hammer guy Sartorius's head goon, former spy gone rogue and now working with Sartorius to take over the world! But maybe he has his own ulterior motives.... 👀
Chazz - Katie Atty's bf who's along for the ride on the tour, the "princess" of this spy movie, gets kidnapped by the Society both to force the guys to back off and his high societal standing makes him a valuable hostage, potentially a bargaining chip.
Alexis - Mrs. Knight Was invited to come with them on the tour also by Atty, honestly she's just here to keep a low profile and have a good fun time as far as she's concerned. She and Chazz are just hanging out while the guys are getting dragged into their spy caper. Everyone just kinda starts disappearing around her and she's losing her mind aksks
Jesse - Penny Lane Jaden's love interest. In his own spy team with Jim and Axel and formerly Adrian before he went rogue, working to stop Sartorius from taking over the world! Too bad their agency thinks the three of them have also gone rogue to pursue this case...
Crowler - Gustavo The band's manager, a real dad. Loves these kids a lot but he's tough on them, he knows they can be the greatest ever if they work hard enough for it! Is captured by the spy agency and interrogated about the whole endeavor but poor dad has no idea what's going on he hasn't seen his kids all day! What on earth have they gotten themselves into???
Ms. Fontaine - Kelly Crowler's assistant, the only one with a braincell around here. Literally this whole operation would fall apart without her.
Jim and Axel - MI6 agent Simon Lane Undercover and in hiding from their spy agency since they've been designated rogue even though they're not, trying to stop Sartorius from taking over the world but also trying to figure out whatever ulterior plan Adrian has of his own and stop him, got separated from Jesse so they gotta find him and regroup! Very confused by the boy band getting caught up in their mission akskskks also Shirley is here and she is best girl.
Sheppard - Leader of the spy agency, just a silly guy lol
@chazz-is-a-zelda-fan can I interest you in a crackhead stormshipping au on this fine Saturday?
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pink-envelope · 2 years
🍃Mys Mes gang shmokin the shweed🍃
Yoosung: Becomes even more needy if possible, you have to be at arms length at the farthest but will probably be hanging on you like a sloth. Tries to play LOLOL while baked and cant focus so he struggles to even join a server; gets in but immediately leaves because it's making him frustrated. Eats then falls asleep.
Jaehee: Heard it helps you relax so she gave it a try. OH GOD SHE IS SO ANXIOUS. She knew she shouldn't have done this, it's SO ILLEGAL, WHAT WAS SHE THINKING. Puts on one of her favorite of Zen's musicals to help ease her nerves but is paranoid her neighbors are going to KNOW she is high so she sets it to the lowest volume setting (all the way to 0) and curls up on the couch with out making a peep. She feels so stupid when it wears off.
Zen: Has done it a few times so he knows how it makes him feel and how to handle himself. Likes to smoke more socially, if you smoke with him he makes sure you have water and you're comfy like the mother hen he is. His personality is a little more amplified in that aspect, he's got this dopey smile and keeps telling you that he just thinks you're the best, you can do no wrong. Gets along with Jumin only when he's blazed.
Saeyoung: Doesn't like to be under the influence of any thing, be it weed or alcohol so I feel he'd not smoke BUT that's boring so let's say he did ever give it a try. WE GOT ANOTHER PARANOID MEMBER, he's not afraid of "getting caught" like Jaehee but he is afraid that some thing is going to happen that needs his direct hand in it and his loved ones are going to suffer because he CAN'T DO ANY THING RIGHT NOW. My head canon is that he has ADHD so he's a bit use to his brain not focusing on a tasks somes times but this is SO MUCH worse. He's stuck in a sitting position just panicked that some thing is going to happen and oh god how long has he been glued to his chair oh jesus. Vanderwood walks in on him and asks what the hell's the matter, 7 just says "Help". Never again.
Jumin: It's like a glass of wine to him, it's nice but he doesn't like the smoke/smell and Elizabeth doesn't like it either so he doesn't really do it unless it's a social thing to get chummy with a business partner. If he ever gets to it on his lonesome he's much like when he's drunk, which is to say almost indistinguishable from sober, but quieter. You wouldn't notice a difference unless you were close friends though, V definitely can.
V: SPEAKING OF V, he use to be a lot more fun and loose in inhibitions when he drank or smoked but not lately. He sits in an uncomfortable position for hours lamenting how stupid he is and all the mistakes he's made, if you're around for it he tells you that he's a shitty friend/person and that he doesn't deserve any thing good. Being under the influence of any thing makes him spiral and he wont be shedding tears but the crushed look on his face says it all. If you're going to be around him when he gets like this PLEASE hold this man, MY GOD.
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no1islost · 2 years
Hi! Sending some questions to you now! 🥰💗 Feel free not to answer if you're uncomfortable with any of them! 💖
Have you ever written any fanfiction and if so, what fandom was it for?
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
Do you have any siblings? (I can't remember if you ever said anything about that 😅)
Are you better at online friendships or irl ones?
Hi friend! Thanks for sending me questions back! I hope you didn't feel obligated to! 😭 I'm sorry that my replies are always SO LONG.
I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but YES. The embarrassing part is what fandoms they were for HAHAH. We all know I consume large quantities of fics and I love them, but back in the day I did post works on ff.net. I was like 12 when I started writing InuYasha fanfiction. My face is legit red as a tomato admitting that LOLOL And then a few years after that it was for Charmed. But those fics and that account are long gone hahah I've recently toyed around with the idea of trying again (for a different fandom), but have been doing more creative writing instead. I'm also scared to try again ahahah
2. I'm actually an artist and art is a huge part of my day to day life (even at my job), so I don't know if I consider it only a hobby. I did just get an iPad and have been trying to learn Procreate (and am gloriously failing at it. Seriously embarrassing). And we already know I play Playstation. I also like to read when I have moments to.
3. I have an older brother! He's about 5 and a half years older than me, so we were never super duper close, but we still make time to see each other to hang out when we are both free.
4. I hope I am being a good friend IRL AND online! There used to be a time when I had more people to talk to on Tumblr, but a lot of people kind of grew out of it. So I deleted a bunch of inactive accounts and now only have a few people here that I chat with, which I thoroughly enjoy and am grateful for!! You being one of them! So thanks for always being so nice!
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tracybirds · 2 years
Okay, more numbers… how about 10, 14, and 27? 👀
Sure thing my friend bc I'm having so much fun rediscovering these :D
#10 - "John setting up Penny and Ridley together"
alfkasflj I'm still fully onboard for this it was going to be absolute chaos, a real comedy of errors situation that I am not funny enough to do justice to but heck I'm going to try!! (someday sooooooon)
Like there are definite misunderstandings and miscommunications from every party involved and Scott definitely does a spit-take when he hears via Gordon and Alan gossiping that John's dating TWO girls at once and speculating about who they might be lol
#14 - "T-Drive overshot" oh!!! This is one of the few that is actually started and hanging out in a more substantial folder than the ideas doc (I just forgot to move it in my organisation system ahaha) So I guess you can have the first couple of hundred words bc I'm proud of them and they explain the situation in the end (after the infatuated space ramble.... bc it's me I'm not going to NOT ramble about space :D)
Sitting on their father’s knee and peering up into the night sky had taught them its majesty. Bright, shining, sparkling, full of light wherever they turned their eye. Captivated by wonder, the Tracy legacy had been to keep looking up and out, beyond the thin reaches of the atmosphere, beyond the possible and into the unknown.
In time, the universe had dwarfed them. It was dark and empty and unyielding. One by one, the light of the stars would leave them and leave nothing but lost stories that had been blotted out by time.
In time, they’d lost their father.
Until the night began to glimmer once more with hope, and grow with every milestone that propelled them to the edge of the solar system, feeling small and giant all at once against a glittering black sky.
Seven years of darkness that could never quell those final months of burning expectation as they’d begun the journey home.
The universe is infinite. The universe is empty. The universe is full of wonder. The universe is mostly nothing.
It still came as a shock to discover the spatial co-ordinate the T-drive had thrown them to was one among those quadrillions of places where the universe was nothing.
#27 - This one was another sentence snippet:
There had always been a lot of public speculation and criticism over International Rescue’s reason behind the mission. Sure, it was a nice story – they all agreed on that – a grieving widower, his five sons dedicating their lives to ensuring that no family would go through that again. Touching, personal, tugging heartstrings around the world.
But a story all the same.
“So, what?” said Scott, with a shrug when Virgil pointed out the latest article. “We know the truth, as does the GDF. Who cares what they think?”
Soooooo this was playing with alternate origins for International Rescue that wasn't just "dead mother" and wanting to experiment with that. Do I know what that alternate origin was? No I do not, and that's why it hangs out on the doc lolol
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