#no word on the project with edvin
omar-bb · 4 months
notes & quotes from omar's live today
he wanted to release Red Light sooner but he and his team wanted to get it right
he's excited to headline at Gröna Lund - gonna be playing a new song there and at his other shows this summer!
"one of my favorite songs. i'm telling you, you will fucking choke when you hear that one. it's dark, it's dirty, it's groovy..."
"should I leak some of it? it would be fun for you to be able to sing along..."
"i hope it's fine by my team that I just leaked that"
"maybe it'll be the next single after Red Light. only maybe. I'm not promising anything"
someone asked about an Asia tour - "I cannot be live bc I'm gonna leak a lot of shit. But you wanna know something funny? This song .... it is actually a k-pop pitch song from start. it was made with k-pop in mind. it is not fully k-pop and now that i've been doing my touch on it, it is a little less k-pop but.. they actually wrote the song k-pop in mind."
teased doing a tour in the future
another "leak" - "I was actually meant to go to korea like right now or a month ago, like after the oscars ... i was supposed to go to korea. but it never happened. i was very sad. but maybe one day.
he had a scared moment where music started playing in the other room and he thought it was an unreleased song but it was just his alejandro tiktok lol
inspo for red light? "I didn't write the song ... it was a demo that got sent to me. at first ... it was a girl singing red light, and when i heard it the first time i was like yo this sounds like fucking rihanna ... i was like is this a long lost rihanna song? this is the greatest thing i've ever heard. and then i just fucking took it. i was like this is my song before rihanna takes it from me. and now it's my song."
Red Light music video when? "we shot a visualizer, so it's not a music video ... it's very beautiful. very stunning. i've never done anything like that. ... it's not a real music video. it's more visuals for the song."
will be doing red light on 25 may and also a new song
"you'll hear a whole new omar when you hear that song"
he has been replying to messages in his community on whatsapp and sms. they'll be leaking more stuff through there
new OMR Beauty product when? "....................... stay tuned"
"you will die when you see the next launch of OMR Beauty. that's all I'm saying. Next!!!"
will he start a fashion brand? "i don't really have the time for that unfortunately. ... not for now"
thinks he is not gonna bleach his hair
Someone asked red light spanish version when? and he sang a bit of it in spanish
omar backflip when? "when i'm in heaven"
is he going to act again?"i'm actually reading some scripts right now. just reading, it's not anything happening really yet, just testing the waters. we'll see, i would love to act. i actually miss acting, it was a fun time ... nothing will ever be like YR obviously, but just the thought of meeting new ppl, new friends, being together for a few weeks or a few months, and filming smth very special, that would be so much fun. ... i'm actually reading a really cool script right now" but more focusing on music right now
he has 40-50 new songs from the last year apparently??? Maybe i misunderstood this
album when? "don't know, we'll see" - he has a lot of songs and could drop an album but he wants it to be perfect so it'll be awhile
there will be red light merch this summer
he and edvin hang out sometimes
not doing Rix FM this year
there will not be 12 red light remixes lol "but maybe a few"
Eurovision 2025? "absolutely not. sorry not sorry." something about always being thrown out of the competition
he's stopped drinking coffee regularly and drinks matcha instead
someone suggested hoemars as the fandom name and he laughed lol
a lot is happening in May he says !! "y'all better eat good, sleep well" lolol
he said he might do another live next week once Red Light is out
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missmeganlee · 4 months
Take Aways from the OMR Beauty Live
They started testing fragrances February last year
Omar asked Edvin about this December '22 right after Jimmy Fallon (he told Edvin all about OMR beauty, Intro, and the idea of a fragrance collab). Edvin's been a part of the OMR Beauty journey from the start
They're really proud that nothing got leaked lol (the closest was a picture of them on a balcony, which happened to be at the OMR Beauty office)
Edvin tested the fragrance on his family
They came up with the name pretty quickly. Cause it combines where they both come from, Omar with music and Edvin with cinema. And they liked that it was a word that is universal to *almost* every language (Omar specified to at least the languages they speak)
According to Edvin it's not fruity. It's warm, sandalwood, citrusy
Omar describes it as cosy
They have not tried layering Intro with Duo yet, but Omar has layered Duo with other fragrances. (Omar did end up trying layering the fragrances during the live)
They had trouble with the coloring for the box it comes in because of the gradient, which was Edvin's idea. The bottom starts at a peachy color and then goes into a very light purple
When they first started making the packaging the colors were too bright
Edvin thinks it smells like Stockholm in summer or like a summer night
"If you buy Duo, you're guaranteed to get laid" - Edvin Ryding
Edvin helped cho0se the bottle cause Omar couldn't decide. But once Omar saw Edvin holding the bottle they ended up choosing he knew it was the one
They had the idea for it to be orange because the scent was warm
Their favorite part of the process was starting and getting to be creative with it
"Intro is the OG and Duo is the rebel"
Edvin wore Duo while they were shooting s3 and smelling it brings him back to that time (I remember him saying in an interview that he likes to use 1 specific scent for each project he's on so that he can connect the scent with his memories during that time)
Omar wore Intro while shooting s3
The website crashed lmao. We crashed the site
"When you put it on sun is out. When it dries down sunset" - Omar
It's limited cause they wanted to do something exclusive for us
We'll find out more about the story soon. They've only released teasers so far
it's a vegan fragrance
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edvinception · 3 months
I understand that some people are no longer fans of Edvin and don't like him anymore (although I think many of the reasons are completely incoherent, but to each their own) it's normal to lose interest or simply not like someone anymore. Now what I don't understand is why these people don't just move on, why they keep criticizing everything that comes out about Edvin, just being petty and passive-aggressive under the excuse of it being an opinion, but it's not an opinion, it's hate and the most absurd thing is that this behavior comes from adults. I just needed to vent, I love your blog, you always respect everyone even when you don't agree or don't like something and that's rare on the internet today.
I agree with you. I don't understand it either and if it is fair criticism and opinions I think it's worded very harshly. I said it before but to me, it feels very mean spirited, disingenuous and shady.
I try to stay away from it and focusing on being a positive place. And if there are discussions trying to be mindful with words and how I express myself.
Obviously it doesn't always happen but that's when the hate gets to me.
Lastly I would much rather talk about Edvin and his projects than what other people are doing or saying.
A Swedish soldier seems fun. I wonder what kind of role his character will have in the movie. If he's a young swedish guy who has moved to England and then stayed there. But it literally takes place 28 years after the first movie so he can't have been there back then because I don't think he can play a character older than maybe 25? So he came there after?
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vitzoki · 6 months
💜mental check in!💜
Just popping in to say that whatever you are feeling right now is VALID.
I’ve been feeling A LOT. Most of which I can’t explain. But a surprisingly big part has been loneliness. So I thought I would make this post to possibly help someone else feel less lonely.
Here are some of my thoughts, and how I choose to rationalise them:
• It seems like the actors and creators are moving on very quickly - Anger and sadness and guilt- they have all gone through this grieving process since summer, they love this project just as much as you, but are also excited for their journey with other stuff their doing! How lucky you are to find out what that “other stuff” is!
• This is an end. - Sadness and grief - In some ways yes. But it’s all still here! You can rewatch the episodes. And the fandom is still VERY much active. And you’re not leaving, right? As for the story? It’s changing mediums! The characters still have so much life to live. There are soooo many talented fanfic writers out there. GO FIND THEM.
• The finale (ew hate that word) was PERFECT! - Happiness and glee - YESSS A PISITIVE FEELING! We like having those! And yes. “Finale” is so… final?
•I feel like I have a way too strong reaction. Why am I so dramatic? - Panic and guilt - Noo. It’s big. EVERY. FEELING. IS. VALID. + you have a lot going on in real life. It’s all just exploding now.
•Everything hurts - idk - Let it. But not too much.
•I love everyone involved in this show so incredibly much I wanna thank them and hug them and jsjsjdjs - Love, sombreness, sadness, confusion? - They know. In some weird, incomprehensible way. And be careful not to go too far into this parasocial relationship spiderweb!
Feel free to DM me if you want help with your feelings!💜 love you lot🫶
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tagalongifyoudare · 2 years
As this year comes to a close, I have been reflecting as one does. A lot of my IRL friends have been commenting on how hard this year has been for them and how they cannot wait for 2022 to be over. It made me realize that for the first time in a long time, I had a good year. Was it perfect? Absolutely not. Did I spend large chunks of it anxiety ridden and depressed? Absolutely I did. And yet, it was one of the best years I have had recently BECAUSE of this community and the friends I have made through the beauty of Young Royals.
When I clicked play on the first episode so many months ago, I had no idea that I had just set in motion my life changing in such incredible ways. I thought I was just clicking play on the next distraction, the next piece of media for me to consume, the next 6 hours of my life; I had no idea the ways in which my life was about to grow and change and flourish. I have been on Tumblr for years and have never posted, never sent an ask, never interacted with anyone; I just observed (super valid!!), and then YR happened. I was overflowing with love and thoughts and inspiration. I began posting, I began interacting, I began writing. I gained more confidence in myself, I began loving myself more, and I made (and continue to make) amazing friends. My life has become filled with so much light, so much joy, so much love; THANK YOU 🫀🫀🫀  
I couldn't tag everyone I wanted to, so just know if you are reading this; I LOVE you, I APPRECIATE you, I am so GRATEFUL you are here. For me, this community has become such a safe and beautiful haven filled with creativity and inspiration and encouragement and so so much love so, THANK YOU 🫀🫀🫀
My dearest @elicc @lovelylittlelosers @retrieve-the-kraken @nicksmile @darktwistedgenderplural I can’t tell you how much I love our Edvin Appreciation Posts!! I have definitely had some very rough days over the past few months, and seeing all the love and all the beauty in this thread and feeling the joy and excitement and love coming from all of you was a true bright spot. I love y’all so very much 🫀🫀🫀
My loves @voldiebeth @nicksmile @darktwistedgenderplural @missmeganlee @justfriendsbestthings @retrieve-the-kraken There are not enough words to express my gratitude for this thread and for all of you. The amount of beauty, of love, of community spread here is a thing of perfection (just like our darling Omar)! Thank you and I love y’all so very much 🫀🫀🫀
@mynameismalin Darling, what to even say? Your words, our conversations, who you are, makes me feel free and welcomed and loved. When things have felt too hard, when I feel like I am being pulled down, I read over our conversations, I work on my current reply, I focus on how much light you bring into my life. THANK YOU!!! We haven’t really talked much about music, but to me, sharing music is similar to sharing writing; it feels like giving someone a little piece of yourself, your heart, your love. This song has always made me feel like I should own who I am, that I shouldn’t apologize for how I feel, that I should be proud of who I am and what I have to offer; YOU make me feel the same way 🫀🫀🫀
@verukamtl My Heart, how can I even tell you what you mean to me? You tracked me down, and changed my life. You bring joy and happiness and inspiration to me everyday. Sometimes it is by sending me little sneak previews of The Room Next Door or Reunion, sometimes it is just talking about nothing, sometimes it is working on our writing project (!!!); it is ALWAYS you. "Tagging Along" meant more to me than any gift I have ever received; there are no words to express what it and you mean to me. You are a light, an inspiration, a gift. I will never be able to fully express how much you mean to me, just know you are EVERYTHING darling 🫀🫀🫀
@nicksmile My Dearest!! Your friendship means more to me than I will ever be able to express or articulate. You welcomed me into this community with such openness and love. You always make me view scenes and characters in new and beautiful ways, and that has carried through into the rest of my life. I think about things in a more expansive and inquisitive way now because of you. As you know the past months have been a little rough for me; your never ending support, you always checking in, your friendship helped to keep the darkness at bay; THANK YOU!! I love you so much and am so very grateful to have you in my life; you mean the world to me 🫀🫀🫀
@darktwistedgenderplural Darling! You show me how to move in the world with confidence, how to not hide, how to be myself. You see me for who I am, and you accept me as such. Your openness, your vulnerability, your love has changed who I am and how I exist in the world. You have taught me and given me so much; you are a beacon for me and knowing you has made me feel less alone. I am also so grateful for, inspired by, and in awe of, Second Skin; THANK YOU for gifting it and yourself to us with such rawness and honesty. I am so honored and grateful to know you, to learn from you, to be your friend; I love you so much and can never fully articulate what you mean to me 🫀🫀🫀
@purplehoodiesandclementines Love, what can I even say? You know my heart, you see me, I often find myself in awe of how you seem to understand what I am thinking and feeling perfectly. Your words, from the very first comment, the very first ask, the very first message, have brought me to tears. You inspire me, you make me want to create indefinitely, you make me feel like celebrating my light instead of hiding it, you make me feel loved. You always give me space to be myself, even when I am not exactly proud of who that is. You give me warmth and joy and so much love. THANK YOU for being my friend, for being in my life, for being you. I love you so much; you are a true gift 🫀🫀🫀
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trollfactory · 1 year
New refs for the Troll Factory characters! They are furry now, yeah!
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Sanning Söderberg (they/them) is egotistical, arrogant, and sarcastic, but also insecure. They project their insecurities through BOUND, an alt-right group, and call anyone who doesn’t agree with them a troll, which is their favorite buzzword. Doubts still pop up from time to time, but when they meet a real troll the world is turned upside down.
Saga (she/her) is a mysterious being called a troll, a magical being who knows little about society. Saga is shy but also oblivious and clings to Sanning even when they’re a bit mean to her. She is very interested in meeting new people and discovering new things.
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Jesper Dahlman (he/him) is a boy of very few words, but when he uses them they’re right on the money. He stays calm in the most precarious situations, but switches very quickly to anger once the bucket is full. Jesper vents his frustrations through basketball.
Dagmar Dahlman (she/her) is an extroverted jack-of-all-trades who never pays attention in school but somehow picks up all sorts of information. In her free time she plays the drums, and makes music together with her best friend Sven who prefers bass guitar. They host all sorts of parties, much to the annoyance of Sven’s parents.
Sven Berglund (he/him) is a bit thick-headed but a very well-meaning and talkative guy. He is Dagmar’s best friend, and they usually host parties at his home. Although Sven is a bit loud, and he doesn’t always think things through, he really means well and he’ll do anything to help his friends.
Edvin Berglund (he/him) is a bit of a nerd and, contrary to his brother Sven, a bit of a scaredy-cat due to his overthinking. His awkwardness makes it difficult for him to make meaningful connections, although he painstakingly tries to initiate one with his crush Sanning.
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Freja Havsblom (she/her) is a headstrong fisherwoman and mother of Sanning. She’s usually at sea for most of the working week, but tries to support Sanning however she can when she’s at home. Freja is smart and observant, and always takes action quickly. She fell in love with Sigge after delivering salmon to the restaurant where he worked at every week, and talking a bit everytime. Freja goes swimming every weekend, a rare pastime for a fisherwoman.
Sigurd Söderberg (he/him) is a magnificent cook, although usually he is only a chef at home. Before he was a help in a professional kitchen, but since Sanning’s birth the stay-at-home dad cooks meals every weekday which people can pick up at their house. Sigge is a jovial and fun-loving man. His tendency to overthink turned into a book he used to plan his conversations with his wife Freja in when they first started to meet at the restaurant he worked at.
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A ruthless businessman who will do anything if it makes him money. As CEO of the leading company in everything, Mimer Corp., Rasmus Locke (he/him) is obscenely rich and far ahead of anyone else in Midgård. He sees every animal as an opportunity, and every troll as cattle. If something isn’t worth the hassle, he discards it. Locke's silver tongue makes him a formidable opponent even when he’s truly a frail old man.
Gunilla Torsdotter (she/her) is the ruthless overseer of the Troll Factory, only answering to Rasmus Locke himself. Although her job is the creation, demolition is the first word in her vocabulary and she isn’t afraid to use it. Her short temper and sledgehammer makes it very dangerous to piss her off. Gunilla only ever thinks things through when not doing so might cost her the position she holds.
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Bengt Yggsson (he/him) is a right-wing politician and the leader of the HAL party. He believes (or he says he does) in honesty and freedom for all to do what they want with as little interference from the government as possible. Although he seems jolly, if not almost a bit aggressive with a hint of delusional in public, in private he is held on a short leash by the lobbying of Mimer Corp. and by extension Rasmus Locke. On the inside Yggsson is a hollow husk of a misguided man once excited to make a better world.
Fredrik Nordsson (he/him) is a politician affiliated with the centrist PSH party, and the current president of Midgård. While he should be making changes for the better, he is a spineless liar who denies anything he has said, and he gets away with it too, being re-elected for the past five terms due to the citizens not knowing anyone better. Nordsson is blissfully unaware (or so he claims to be) of any dirty practices happening in the government, especially inside the HAL party.
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Starfish in the sand
Collecting seashells is fun! Finding little treasures in the sand is something that never gets old. It's one of the little wonders of nature that keeps on giving.
Seashells are so cool and fascinating to look at. No two are alike and you never know what you'll find in the sand. Once in a while unique shells pop up in the beach, like these golden starfish ones. I don't know how long they'll stick around, so I try to collect a bunch to keep and give as gifts.
Jamie and Nedra have been staying at the camp for a while, enjoying the scenery and activities. It's been a long time since Jamie visited and this is Nedra's first time. A few days later Chrissie, Theda, Jean, and Emma joined us - which was why Jamie and Nedra stuck around.
So we've been having fun collecting seashells and doing craft projects with them. We made jewelry, decorated furniture, painted them, put together gift bags - there's a lot you can do with seashells! It's also nice to just chill and hang out with friends - especially Jean and Nedra as I haven't seen much of them since the entourage disbanded.
Jean's an actress and model with an interesting story regarding her family. Around the same time she joined the entourage, she had reunited with her father, who she hadn't seen in over 20 years. Up until she was around 5 Jean was raised by her mom. After she died, her dad decided to come back into her life and change his ways, abandoning the life of a conman. So he married his longtime partner and adopted Jean in hopes of starting over.
Unfortunately things didn't quite work out. Although Jean and her dad got along well, he fell back into his old schemes by stealing from heiress Agathe Dieudonne when he was going through some financial problems. The heiress forgave him since she took a liking to Jean and offered to send her to a prestigious boarding school in France so she can see the world. When her dad's old ways of living started to catch up with him, he and her stepmom decided to take up Agathe's offer so Jean could have a better life.
Over the years Jean kept in touch with her dad and stepmom through letters. Agathe doted on her like a granddaughter and used her connections to keep an eye on Jean's dad to make sure he was doing okay. Jean became aware of his past when she grew older, and the way she sees it, the conman and her dad are two different people. The fact that he tried his best and was willing to give her up so she could have a better upbringing is more than enough for her.
When she moved back to the states to pursue Broadway, Jean set out to reunite with her dad. It surprisingly wasn't too hard to find him and her stepmom as they happened to live on Peace Coast Island, not too far from where Jean was when she was in the entourage. Since then they've made up for a lot of lost time and Jean makes time in her busy schedule to visit often.
In a few weeks, Jean will be on tour for a show and one of the stops is the island. Coincidentally, Nedra's gonna be touring too and so she'll be performing a few nights at Starlight as well. The two became good friends through Jamie, becoming mentors for a drama program at Starlight Theatre as well as regular performers there for a time. Since the entourage disbanded they became super busy so it's nice that they finally got together for a long overdue meet up.
I told Jean about how Marlo's a huge fan of her and like Nedra, she's down to returning to the camp to meet her. We're still working out the details but Nedra and Jean will coordinate their schedules while I check in with Marlo and Don. It's gonna be fun having them all together!
Things have been the same old in Camellia according to Theda. Chrissie pops in for a visit every now and then, usually to bother Tanner or cause mischief with Lala, Theda, and sometimes Delwyn. It's good to hear that he's been doing much better these days - still, Edvin's absence continues to be a gaping presence.
Theda was right when she said that sooner or later, they'll move on and be okay - but it doesn't change the fact that what's gone is gone. And I fully agree with her.
Chrissie has also been spending a lot of time with Emma and her nieces and nephew, especially now that Emma lives about 15 mins away. She mentioned that Rocky and Lex have their hands full with the babies, which is why she's been bothering other friends. Emma doesn't mind as she's still adjusting to living in Cityburg, a drastic change of scenery after spending most of her life in a moderately sized suburban town.
Emma's doing a lot better since moving out and living with her brother Danny and his kids. She always got along with her mom's side of the family better than her dad's. Her mom's the type of parent who tends to be a bit overly critical of her kids but means well and just wants the best for them. As for Emma's father, he clearly favors her younger brother while putting Emma down for pretty much everything.
What prompted Emma to leave - aside from the threat of getting cut off financially - was something unforgivable her younger brother did. It's a fucking mess and if he keeps this up, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up destroying him. It also didn't help that their father contributed by adding fuel to the fire.
Basically, the brother's one of those shitty tabloid people who profits out of ruining lives. The incident involved a close friend of Emma's, who died unexpectedly due to illness. The brother, who hated the friend for petty reasons, got a hold of Emma's phone, looked through her texts and took a lot of her conversations with her friend out of context to paint the friend and her family in a bad light.
In short, he turned a bunch of texts into "signs" that the friend was likely murdered by her family. He also revealed private information about the friend and how she was going through a rough time, claiming those as motives for why her family wanted her dead. He also made it look like Emma was the one to bring up the speculation, which the family knows is a load of bullshit. To those who knew the friend, it's clearly a pathetic attempt to ruin someone's name for clout.
As a result of the incident, Emma's mom had enough and kicked the father out, which Emma said was long overdue. As for her younger brother, her mom hasn't disowned him (yet) but she's made it clear how she found what he did despicable. Danny never approved of his stepfather and didn't get along with the youngest, so his reaction to what happened was along the lines of disappointed but not surprised.
Since I last saw Emma, things have improved a lot between her and Margie. Although they're aunt and niece, they've always gotten along more like sisters. While Rusty and Linda took quickly to having their aunt move in, there was some tension with Margie, though it had nothing to do with Emma personally. Margie was forced to grow up quickly after their other dad, Terry, and older sister Sherry, died last year, so things haven't been easy for the family.
With Danny having trouble balancing work and family life and Emma having problems at home, he decided to take her in. Emma says their mom has mixed feelings about it, believing that Danny's giving her an easy way out. If anything, I think Emma's a hard worker, but not in a way a capitalist society approves of it. In other words, capitalism can't profit off someone like her, so it sees her as useless. By living with Danny, an entertainer who not only understands what she's going through, but has also made a successful life for himself and his kids, Emma can freely pursue her creative passions without worries.
Right now, Emma's been working on creating content for her channel, posting journal with me videos and vlogging everyday life. She hopes to open her own sticker shop one day so Daisy Jane's gonna help her with that when the time comes. For now, she wants to focus on developing her art style by experimenting and studying other artists before getting into all that. I'm so excited to see where this will take her!
Chrissie and Theda have been really into making charms so that's what we're gonna do with the tiny seashells. I think the little starfish shells make the prettiest charms, especially on a bracelet. We also have some jewelry wire so I'm thinking of making earrings too. It's been years since I've made earrings so it's good to finally use up those earring hooks.
For the larger seashells, we're thinking of using them to decorate furniture. Theda used a bunch of seashells to decorate an old mirror she found while thrifting with Daisy Jane and it looks sooooo pretty! The decor and the gold paint looks like a vintage picture frame with the starry seashells giving it a sorta celestial vibe. I'm still not sure what to decorate yet but I'm considering one of the old bookshelves that's sitting in storage that has been in need of fixing up for a while.
Emma's been filming footage for her vlogs so I try to do a bit of everything so she can have the full camping experience. So far it's mostly sightseeing, crafting, and chilling with the campers. From what it looks like, Emma's considering splitting the content into two videos - one for seashell crafting and one for sightseeing. I'm flattered that she can get so much out of the camp!
Jean and Nedra find the camp a good spot to unwind from their busy lives. Before meeting up with the others Jean visited her dad and stepmom, who will see her again when she returns to Starlight for opening night. She also said the next time she drops by, she plans to come via plane as she's a pilot, like Chrissie. I think Marlo would die on the spot when she finds out that she would be in a plane flown by Jean Theodora!
Today was a low key day where we wandered around, enjoying the sights and taking it slow. We actually didn't do too much crafting today, which is fine as we tackled a lot of big projects early on so we were kinda running low on shells. So we ended up with a pretty good haul and a bunch of new ideas for craft projects.
No matter how busy or chill the days are, we always find ourselves back at the beach, searching for starfish in the sand.
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vinciaka · 5 years
my dear friend serge aka daye just sent a full project for me to listen through before the release of it. It moved me so much that i couldn’t sleep without trying my very best to explain how listening to this made me feel, cause it made me feel very much, all 7 tracks. i want to (try to) explain to you how each song made me feel.
a little quick thing to know before you read this: i tend to reach a lot, and in this little post here, i will try to explain how i saw these songs and the conceptual interpretations i made. they’re probably wrong and might not have been the artist’s true intentions when making the songs,  but songs are more fun if you listen to them in your own way. oh !warning! my “review” or whatever might be very biased lol okay
where were we? oh right, the feels. I feel like it made perfect sense to name this project KALEIDOSCOPE, because just like the real thing, daye reflects both his personal life and producing essence in his music and it creates this beautiful art that transforms into another masterpiece depending on how you decide to look at(/listen to) it. he has used things like audio clips from moments in his life, sounds of a cassette player being opened/closed, voices of friends with his (oh so) suitable voice to enhance theirs, and his own voice as main focus (spoiler: my fav song is where he raps the outro... stay tuned xo). It all results in a beautiful memoir, that i felt was focusing on the things surrounding him, perceived by serge and translated by daye into these songs.
the first song ROLLIN sucked me in with the very calming cheerful melody. the song features rapper mike jones that tells a story about a cute blossoming affection between two people who both seem too shy to come forward about it. the story is accompanied with beautiful inputs of shorter melodies created with something that sounds like a very pianoy electric guitar (comes in around 1:46). this song really shows dayes talent when it comes to creating melodies and layering the same melody with different sounds. we hear everything from violin sounds, to synths, backed by fabulous kicks and claps and hi-hats and tambourines and... you get it. he pays a lot of attention to details and it shows through the very subtle sounds of “plings” and his own “so now we” voice input. the beat is concluded with a beautiful piano outro played by one of his friends and puts a more “ripened love”(lol) denouement to the cutesy lovey dovey mood introduced in the beginning of the song. it ends with an audio clip talking about rolling....the green (or brown) stuff. This song feels: buoyant, calm, blissful, bubbly, cute.
the second track BADBOY (also my second favorite song) is just pure, fantastic, simple yet detailed quality production. this song feels like taking an evening walk in the inner city when everything is about to close during warmer weather & meeting up with fun adventurous friends. the drum loop is just so beautifully chosen and is the highlight of the song to me. the second name of this song should be SYNTHBOY (sry). the thing is, i usually don’t like synthy sounds, but daye chooses his sounds so perfectly and breaks it off with complementary non-expected sounds, and the result is... my second favorite track. the outro is a fun audio clip where his friends are joking around. The song really gives me both summer night and summer day and summer day vibes. This song feels: sunny, refreshing, cresent-moony, breezy
next song SWAGOO is my personal favorite. wow.. just wow. i would divide the song into 3 parts and i mean… 3 parts? ugh daye’s mind! the first part is a sample of a song with vocals that go “your love, your love, your love” and it’s a great introduction to the theme of the song. Next part we’re introduced to a very soothing R&B electric piano feel that was quickly accompanied by a  very minimalistic, clean kick, snare and hi-hat. once again, rapper mike jones is featured and this time tells a story that seems to continue on where he left off in ROLLIN. but this time he’s ready to settle down. the whole minimalistic instrumental through the second part gave off the good feelings of liking someone and being really sure about the whole thing. but i realized that it all was a false feeling of comfort when the second part was cut off into an audio clip. the audio clip is from a video featured by yours truly (lol) & other friends and is from a house party both me and daye were at at some time in april 2019. in the audio clip you can hear us singing to self control by frank ocean, and the part daye chose to add just makes so much sense and is so fitting into the story. it was the part where frank says “i came to visit, cause you see me like a ufo”. after mike jones spoke about being ready to settle down into the relationship, it seems like it all fell off, just like what that part in frank’s song hints at. two people falling off. right after the audio clip, i was hit by what gave me kind of a revelation, kind of an unreligious epiphany… the third and final part of the song. the last part lasts for 30 seconds and that’s what i dislike the most about this project, because to me that last part is the highlight of this tape. daye uses his own voice (!!) in a gloomy way with a sullen beautiful instrumental that i was amazed by. that part of the song is what fits my personal music taste the most. its crazy. the goal of trying to write all of this down instead of reviewing it directly to serge was to give me a chance to fully express how i felt about this project, but still this part gives me a hard time to explain how wonderfully divine it was. his vocals concludes the love story that mike told. the love interest was just “bad news” and the whole thing left daye in a slump. this whole song is just a wonderful story about love that fades when the mutual feelings stop being mutual and daye portrayed it beautifully through merging 3 different parts and leveling it out to create one harmonious song. excellent. i wish i could replay those last 30 seconds over and over again. in the very end, you hear the sound of a cassette player opening, welcoming the next song. This song feels: jolly -> hopeful->surprising->gloomy, amazing, rainy
track 4 and 5 i will review together as one part. first we hear SMILLAS INTERLUDE and then we hear TIMELESS, both have beautiful melodies and lyrics sung by serges friend smilla. the interlude is just different cuts of her voice singing some words, but mostly overwhelmingly beautiful runs. wow what a voice. in between the cuts of her voice daye carries on the theme with cassette player opening/closing sounds. the interlude almost sounds like the process of writing a letter with drafts and parts that both are kept and thrown away but that in the end results in a fully written letter, and that’s what TIMELESS is. if deciding to look at this project as one big storyline where all songs are small pieces of a bigger story, the lyrics in TIMELESS seem like an explanation to why the love was “bad news”. the whole intention of the relation seemed to be confusing and not straight to the point, a “timeless haze” as told by smilla. the best point of this song, the music production by daye, made it feel like everything still was alright. the beat felt like a hug, saying that the confusion is okay. it felt like a rainy summer day. bright outside with gray skies and a rainbow. the song is fully nuanced because all of the elements in it. everything has more than one layer. the drums, the synths, the vocals. during the chorus, a simple bassline is added to the instrumental and it gives the song a whole new layer of depth. the mixing of this song is the best in my opinion. This song feels: reassuring, confidently confusing, self focusing, profound, like a kiss on the forehead.
the second last song of this tape, COMING HOME shares the spot together with BADBOY as my second favorite track. the production is just so spectacular and high quality! i love it. the drum loop hits hard throughout the whole song and once again, daye’s ears made my ears a big favor by choosing it. his talent with finding and picking out the best sounds & layering was really noticable in this song and it all feels like a whole majestic musical arrangement more than just a beat. it feels like the last day of summer. the melody created by the bass, synths and other sound effects makes the song feel like a sad farewell, but affirming of that better days will come. To further push the feeling of that this is a goodbye, we once again have the talented mike jones lifting the song even more with his added lyrics about “coming home”. between mike’s verses, i was blessed with a beautiful guitar solo played by daye’s talented friend edvin. i had a hard time choosing, but the point of this song is the drum loop and the bassline. listening to the project as a whole, it feels like this is the last song of the project even if isn’t. This song feels: elevating, reminiscent, bittersweet, concluding
like i said above, COMING HOME feels like the last song. but now, we have come to the official last song: INTRO2PHASE2. what im about to say, the title already hints on it. this song sticks out the most to me and it is made very obvious the first two seconds of the song with a very intense synth sound that differs from any synth throughout the whole project. the music composition differs a lot too and is no longer soft and summery but rather upbeat, more intense and less... lovey. it was impossible not to move your head along to the beat. What i like the most about this song is that it shows a whole different side of daye and portrays his versatility when it comes to production. whichever genre he decides to approach he does perfectly and leaves his fingerprints scattered all over the finished product, so it still sounds like daye.  this feels more like an intro to the next concept more than outro to this tape, and that is why the song before this was (to me) the last song of this project (or should i say phase?). mike (who is featured here too) also uses his voice in a more powerful way compared to the more relaxed/soft way that is heard in the other songs he is in. if it still isn’t obvious that this is an intro to the switch of concepts, it is made even more clear with mike’s unfinished sentence where he says he doesn’t want drama, he wants-... to be continued i guess! This song feels: intense, like fire, stinky face, hard
 im excited for what’s next to come, and curious about where the focus will shift in the next project. daye left us with a cliffhanger, and hopefully, in the future we will know what it was that mike jones wanted instead of drama.
to summarize, this project felt very conceptual even if intentional or not, the order of the songs made sense if you were to look at it as a whole story. generally, it sounds like the theme is love; from its exciting beginnings to the end of it (and maybe the rebound too?) in a very realistic way. all songs can be seen as one big coherent story, or as individual songs and which one you see depends on how you want to look at it through the KALEIDOSCOPE. This project feels like: love, summer, a story
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 7 years
Phoenix – The First Cryptocurrency to Create Exceptional Trading Opportunities
Project “Phoenix” it is NOT an ICO!
Phoenix is an autonomous decentralized organization that is based on blockchain technology, ensuring transparency across all the processes. All financial transactions made in Phoenix are processed by Ethereum Virtual machine ― a global decentralized computer that stores information on transactions made within this system. A smart contract enables automated payments and guarantees that rules will apply to all participants equally. Its unique algorithm that allows the users to double their feeding amount in case of successfully completed next round.
Phoenix Yields Constant Streams of Gain
Phoenix is a symbol of cryptocurrency. Phoenix is a simple financial algorithm which is based on Ethereum Smart Contract (ETH) which allows users to make x12 in short term. Once the users join the network, they would receive constant gain.
Moreover, there are no claimed owners or creators of Phoenix algorithm, since it is absolutely open and transparent platform that everyone can read code and conditions. It implies that the platform is independent and nobody can influence contract.
The Successful Start
This contract started just around 7 days ago and successfully raised more than 450 ETH (around 400k USD), which is a big achievement. Both small-scale and big investors participated.
It is to be noted that the members use word of mouth to generate more traffic since the more people join the platform, the more gain the users will get. The platform is witnessing increasing number of members every day and expects to have investors from all across the world.
Edvin Kara, a renowned cryptocurrency analyst said that the launch of the Phoenix clearly shows that it is one of the biggest decentralized crypto projects in 2018.
The High-end Security
Phoenix is controlled by a smart contract technology that acts as a safe keeper of users’ funds because nobody, not even phoenix itself, has any access to users’ personal financial information. The only participants of the system are the users and a decentralized platform.
How It Works
Users receive a contract that works independently while the platform keeps running, and the smart contract will stick to the rules described in it. If users decide to view a smart contract code or audit its activities, they can do so by using Ethereum block explorers such as Ethereum.io.
As far as rounds are successfully completed, a smart contract has no expiration date, which means the users will never stop making their profit. Watch how it works here.
A participant can make a deposit to the Ethereum smart contract at any time, and by doing so he becomes a part of a system. Ethereum smart contract has no fees or additional charges except for the miner’s network commission. The platform has recently closed its successful second round, offering the promised returns to the first-round participants.
The platform claims that the secure, mathematically advanced algorithms will continue to ensure returns till the end of successful rounds. Even if any of the rounds fail to close, those investing in that particular round stand to receive their funds back. However, those from the previous round may end losing out on the final return on investment, which is a small gamble some investors are more than willing to take.
With more rounds in store, the platform looks forward to see many people join the community and earn a quick buck without risking much.
To know more about this project and participate in it, please visit https://www.phoenix.wiki/
  The post Phoenix – The First Cryptocurrency to Create Exceptional Trading Opportunities appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken Tumblr http://ift.tt/2FavjVu via IFTTT
0 notes
Phoenix – The First Cryptocurrency to Create Exceptional Trading Opportunities
Project “Phoenix” it is NOT an ICO!
Phoenix is an autonomous decentralized organization that is based on blockchain technology, ensuring transparency across all the processes. All financial transactions made in Phoenix are processed by Ethereum Virtual machine ― a global decentralized computer that stores information on transactions made within this system. A smart contract enables automated payments and guarantees that rules will apply to all participants equally. Its unique algorithm that allows the users to double their feeding amount in case of successfully completed next round.
Phoenix Yields Constant Streams of Gain
Phoenix is a symbol of cryptocurrency. Phoenix is a simple financial algorithm which is based on Ethereum Smart Contract (ETH) which allows users to make x12 in short term. Once the users join the network, they would receive constant gain.
Moreover, there are no claimed owners or creators of Phoenix algorithm, since it is absolutely open and transparent platform that everyone can read code and conditions. It implies that the platform is independent and nobody can influence contract.
The Successful Start
This contract started just around 7 days ago and successfully raised more than 450 ETH (around 400k USD), which is a big achievement. Both small-scale and big investors participated.
It is to be noted that the members use word of mouth to generate more traffic since the more people join the platform, the more gain the users will get. The platform is witnessing increasing number of members every day and expects to have investors from all across the world.
Edvin Kara, a renowned cryptocurrency analyst said that the launch of the Phoenix clearly shows that it is one of the biggest decentralized crypto projects in 2018.
The High-end Security
Phoenix is controlled by a smart contract technology that acts as a safe keeper of users’ funds because nobody, not even phoenix itself, has any access to users’ personal financial information. The only participants of the system are the users and a decentralized platform.
How It Works
Users receive a contract that works independently while the platform keeps running, and the smart contract will stick to the rules described in it. If users decide to view a smart contract code or audit its activities, they can do so by using Ethereum block explorers such as Ethereum.io.
As far as rounds are successfully completed, a smart contract has no expiration date, which means the users will never stop making their profit. Watch how it works here.
A participant can make a deposit to the Ethereum smart contract at any time, and by doing so he becomes a part of a system. Ethereum smart contract has no fees or additional charges except for the miner’s network commission. The platform has recently closed its successful second round, offering the promised returns to the first-round participants.
The platform claims that the secure, mathematically advanced algorithms will continue to ensure returns till the end of successful rounds. Even if any of the rounds fail to close, those investing in that particular round stand to receive their funds back. However, those from the previous round may end losing out on the final return on investment, which is a small gamble some investors are more than willing to take.
With more rounds in store, the platform looks forward to see many people join the community and earn a quick buck without risking much.
To know more about this project and participate in it, please visit https://www.phoenix.wiki/
  The post Phoenix – The First Cryptocurrency to Create Exceptional Trading Opportunities appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken WP http://ift.tt/2FavjVu via IFTTT
0 notes
edvinception · 5 months
I think there was a lot that went wrong and unlucky with apoy in general… and then it snowballed from there.
The way they pitched it was already a bit unlucky. teasing it pretty much from the beginning as a (forgive my crass words) fucking your dead girlfriend’s little sister/fucking your dead sister’s boyfriend was probably the first thing that made many people a bit wary. They definitely could’ve gone about that differently.
Then sigge obviously is a controversial person to say the least, although the whole thing definitely got out of hand. I don’t wanna open the can of worms of sm follows etc. I just don’t get how you cannot check/clean your sm before announcing a big project. How did no one see that it might come to bite him in the ass? (Like they told e and o to get private sm accounts before yr dropped) That was just not smart on their part in my opinion. Like no one could imagine it going this badly but they should’ve been better prepared for that. Then again Sigge also likes to be a bit controversial so that might have been his decision. The way he handled the whole thing in the beginning was also not the best, and could’ve been avoided. Again not saying that the way twt handled the thing was right, but he shouldn’t let himself be baited like that.
And Netflix also obviously wanted a close release for apoy and yr (which is fair from a business point of view!) but I guess they also kinda misjudged how the yr fandom works and how that won’t be taken just positively. Especially since many think that they did yr dirty with their sparse promo.
So, these are my takes on why we have this mess right now 🫠
But half of this is people making up their opinion on what it's gonna be and how it's gonna be portrayed. They have been very vague about what the story will be but people have made their own conclusions. It's all fine but let's not pretend that this is something the creators did.
Sigge is controversial for sure and if people don't want to support him or the project that's completely fine. But also this isn't as big as we as a fandom thinks. From an outsider perspective there's no real controversy. It just isn't. And this is not me saying people have to support him or the movie or Edvin. Peopel are allowed to be upset! This is just me stepping out from the fandom bubble. There's no huge drama outside of the fandom, that's fairly small tto begin with and the drama is even smaller within that small fandom.
He definitely didn't handle it well at all, I agree with that. He's an obnoxious person. He's self congratulatory and smug. I still think he could be a good director and he has a passion for storytelling and art. But we'll have to wait and see. He's very pretentious and anxious too in a way, constantly needing validation. I also don't think YRTW is a good place in general and it's been proved since the very start.
And honestly YR fans being mad about other shows being released or promoted at the same time as season 3 is so juvenile and ridiculous I have no words. People need to get real and they definitely need to get over themselves. If people are mad about that they need to learn to prioritise their anger. Having to cook and clean up in the kitchen every day and to laundry makes me much angrier on a daily basis and I can't bring myself to care about that.
All I'll say is that people are allowed to boycott or disengage. I won't blame anyone who chooses to do so. Noone has to watch something theg don't want to watch. Noone has to support or follow a person they no longer like.
It's also okay if it's not so black and white for you.
We can just to what is best for ourselves and just mind our own business.
APoY will come out on netflix no matter what.
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brettzjacksonblog · 7 years
Phoenix – The First Cryptocurrency to Create Exceptional Trading Opportunities
Project “Phoenix” it is NOT an ICO!
Phoenix is an autonomous decentralized organization that is based on blockchain technology, ensuring transparency across all the processes. All financial transactions made in Phoenix are processed by Ethereum Virtual machine ― a global decentralized computer that stores information on transactions made within this system. A smart contract enables automated payments and guarantees that rules will apply to all participants equally. Its unique algorithm that allows the users to double their feeding amount in case of successfully completed next round.
Phoenix Yields Constant Streams of Gain
Phoenix is a symbol of cryptocurrency. Phoenix is a simple financial algorithm which is based on Ethereum Smart Contract (ETH) which allows users to make x12 in short term. Once the users join the network, they would receive constant gain.
Moreover, there are no claimed owners or creators of Phoenix algorithm, since it is absolutely open and transparent platform that everyone can read code and conditions. It implies that the platform is independent and nobody can influence contract.
The Successful Start
This contract started just around 7 days ago and successfully raised more than 450 ETH (around 400k USD), which is a big achievement. Both small-scale and big investors participated.
It is to be noted that the members use word of mouth to generate more traffic since the more people join the platform, the more gain the users will get. The platform is witnessing increasing number of members every day and expects to have investors from all across the world.
Edvin Kara, a renowned cryptocurrency analyst said that the launch of the Phoenix clearly shows that it is one of the biggest decentralized crypto projects in 2018.
The High-end Security
Phoenix is controlled by a smart contract technology that acts as a safe keeper of users’ funds because nobody, not even phoenix itself, has any access to users’ personal financial information. The only participants of the system are the users and a decentralized platform.
How It Works
Users receive a contract that works independently while the platform keeps running, and the smart contract will stick to the rules described in it. If users decide to view a smart contract code or audit its activities, they can do so by using Ethereum block explorers such as Ethereum.io.
As far as rounds are successfully completed, a smart contract has no expiration date, which means the users will never stop making their profit. Watch how it works here.
A participant can make a deposit to the Ethereum smart contract at any time, and by doing so he becomes a part of a system. Ethereum smart contract has no fees or additional charges except for the miner’s network commission. The platform has recently closed its successful second round, offering the promised returns to the first-round participants.
The platform claims that the secure, mathematically advanced algorithms will continue to ensure returns till the end of successful rounds. Even if any of the rounds fail to close, those investing in that particular round stand to receive their funds back. However, those from the previous round may end losing out on the final return on investment, which is a small gamble some investors are more than willing to take.
With more rounds in store, the platform looks forward to see many people join the community and earn a quick buck without risking much.
To know more about this project and participate in it, please visit https://www.phoenix.wiki/
  The post Phoenix – The First Cryptocurrency to Create Exceptional Trading Opportunities appeared first on NewsBTC.
from CryptoCracken SMFeed http://ift.tt/2FavjVu via IFTTT
0 notes
cryptochurp · 7 years
Phoenix – The First Cryptocurrency to Create Exceptional Trading Opportunities
Project “Phoenix” it is NOT an ICO!
Phoenix is an autonomous decentralized organization that is based on blockchain technology, ensuring transparency across all the processes. All financial transactions made in Phoenix are processed by Ethereum Virtual machine ― a global decentralized computer that stores information on transactions made within this system. A smart contract enables automated payments and guarantees that rules will apply to all participants equally. Its unique algorithm that allows the users to double their feeding amount in case of successfully completed next round.
Phoenix Yields Constant Streams of Gain
Phoenix is a symbol of cryptocurrency. Phoenix is a simple financial algorithm which is based on Ethereum Smart Contract (ETH) which allows users to make x12 in short term. Once the users join the network, they would receive constant gain.
Moreover, there are no claimed owners or creators of Phoenix algorithm, since it is absolutely open and transparent platform that everyone can read code and conditions. It implies that the platform is independent and nobody can influence contract.
The Successful Start
This contract started just around 7 days ago and successfully raised more than 450 ETH (around 400k USD), which is a big achievement. Both small-scale and big investors participated.
It is to be noted that the members use word of mouth to generate more traffic since the more people join the platform, the more gain the users will get. The platform is witnessing increasing number of members every day and expects to have investors from all across the world.
Edvin Kara, a renowned cryptocurrency analyst said that the launch of the Phoenix clearly shows that it is one of the biggest decentralized crypto projects in 2018.
The High-end Security
Phoenix is controlled by a smart contract technology that acts as a safe keeper of users’ funds because nobody, not even phoenix itself, has any access to users’ personal financial information. The only participants of the system are the users and a decentralized platform.
How It Works
Users receive a contract that works independently while the platform keeps running, and the smart contract will stick to the rules described in it. If users decide to view a smart contract code or audit its activities, they can do so by using Ethereum block explorers such as Ethereum.io.
As far as rounds are successfully completed, a smart contract has no expiration date, which means the users will never stop making their profit. Watch how it works here.
A participant can make a deposit to the Ethereum smart contract at any time, and by doing so he becomes a part of a system. Ethereum smart contract has no fees or additional charges except for the miner’s network commission. The platform has recently closed its successful second round, offering the promised returns to the first-round participants.
The platform claims that the secure, mathematically advanced algorithms will continue to ensure returns till the end of successful rounds. Even if any of the rounds fail to close, those investing in that particular round stand to receive their funds back. However, those from the previous round may end losing out on the final return on investment, which is a small gamble some investors are more than willing to take.
With more rounds in store, the platform looks forward to see many people join the community and earn a quick buck without risking much.
To know more about this project and participate in it, please visit https://www.phoenix.wiki/
  The post Phoenix – The First Cryptocurrency to Create Exceptional Trading Opportunities appeared first on NewsBTC.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2FA40l7 via IFTTT
0 notes
edvinception · 1 year
i am so baffled at all the asks and stuff on here today 💀 people truly are rude and have nothing better to do and only are brave enough behind a screen and anon. i just cant understand what the point is to send all these asks just degrading and judging edvin?? and discussing his future career as if they know all his goals & plans? and like their opinion is standard fact? like i’m not AS info edvin as i am omar, but all i’ve ever thought of him is that he’s sweet, charming, fun, determined & hardworking, and a dreamer in his own way. he just has different goals than omar which makes sense given their careers & i feel like people cannot stop comparing them when that just doesn’t make sense. and i agree that we need to stop having “success” in the movie/tv/film/music world being equated to only hollywood. i’m sure edvin has had all kinds of offers, auditions, opportunities, etc. etc. that he has thought through and tried for and things are going how he wants. he has seemed quite happy & joyful about the projects he has going that he’s announced so far…aka 2 major movies and YRS3…yes it’s swedish productions bc….HE’S SWEDISH. he’s so incredible to watch on screen and off. i love his interviews. he was so fun on twt when he used to interact and he has every reason to boycott social media ffs. artists like omar cant exactly afford that bc a music career is v different, but these anons are making me just pissed and mainly sad bc wtf did edvin do to them?? why can we not just put good vibes and manifestations out there for him and for the things that will bring him happiness with whatever success he desires?? even if he’s “basic”, god how refreshing to see somebody being themselves. to be honest about his youth and entry into the industry and to offer kind words to other young people entering it. he’s a beautiful person, he has kind eyes and a cute smile and lovely hair no matter the style and he’s loving and engaging and intelligent. he speaks about important things like mental health. he knows how to have fun!! and i have nothing but great feelings about where his career is gonna go and the kind of roles and films he could end up in. i have a feeling something in english or more international is on the horizon…he has traveled and talked with people and definitely more than we’ve seen. it’s just so sad to see these trolls and constant negative discussion. he’s such a cutie and has always been so sweet to fans and open about his struggles and is putting himself first as he should. idk what more you could want from someone who appreciates their job and success and gives their all and stays humble. just because omar is “busier” doesn’t mean edvin isn’t doing things and happy with his career. they’re just different and it’s so telling that people are unhappy with their own lives to be already discussing the downfall of edvin’s career when he’s really just starting. he’s doing what he’s passionate about, what speaks to him, not what just gives him the “best” career numbers and fame wise. people’s priorities and sources of happiness can look very different and it’s quite easy sometimes to see who has it right.
Both Omar and Edvin are hardworking, passionate and very driven.
They have different personalities and of course career paths. This will of course influence how they are and how they act.
It doesn't mean one is more successful or interesting than the other but some people will be mote drawn to Omar and some to Edvin.
It's just pointless to compare or bring the one of them down to hype the other.
Regardless, thank you for your lovely words, anon. Such a positive ask to wake up to.
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edvinception · 9 months
I saw that some people are initiating a birthday project for Edvin and I really don't get it. Read the room. He doesn't want to interact with the fandom. He turned off direct messages, he turned off being tagged. Apart from the christmas tweet, he hasn't had one nice word for fans. Sure, post something on your account but don't try to get his attention with it. Leaving him alone is the best gift.
I think its donating to the Tom Bergling foundation in support of mental health. I don't think there's anything to he upset about. They are not gonna hand over a physical gift or anything so I don't think it's gonna make him upset.
Sure he's distanced himself from social media and is not very active but I don't have a problem with people doing something for his birthday when it's something that's important to him.
I do think however, that in some situations it feels like it's more about giving the gift and getting some attention and show off your gift than something else. And that I don't like.
I don't think that's the case here though.
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