#then dazai got him instead of death
note-boom · 1 year
One of the things that has been eating away at my brain is the idea of Buraiha SSK + Kyouka. And I just don't mean them as a second generation Buraiha (that too, but that's another post/tag ramble) but as a sort of...role-reserve/AU of that.
Part of it was inspired by this role-reverse AU that I re-discovered recently (and messed me up once again because guys. It's SO compelling to think about). But part of me has always liked to think about Kyouka, Atsushi, and Akutagawa as a trio rather than a duo.
Spoilers for the linked fanfic, but.
At first, I thought Oda!Kyouka and Dazai!Atsushi with Akutagawa being a sort of Ango who stays in the PM, as it went in the fanfic. And it IS compelling, especially when you see Beast and how well Atsushi fits into the PM. How Kyouka was a former assassin just like Odasaku but got roped into the PM because they didn't believe they could be better. A Kyouka who doesn't kill people, too, also...(I could honestly see her canon arc going like that)
But then my thoughts went to...okay, but what if. Atsushi as Odasaku (aka, dying) with Kyouka and Akutagawa as their own sort of...individual characters that roughly follow the same arc but not really. Because in canon, it's Atsushi that has both the strong bond with either, or its his strong bond with them both that's emphasized. Kyouka and Akutagawa do have a meaningful relationship but I do feel it gets sidelined (sort of like sometimes I wonder how Oda and Ango were canonically like, Dazai-less, though they give me a bit of a Dazai and Ango vibe as well given the whole former superior thing).
So what this is all to say is an Atsushi who adopts a bunch of children and doesn't kill after a meaningful encounter with literature but breaks that oath after the lives he valued are run over, a Kyouka who is lifeless after joining the PM and gets pulled into the light because of her dying friend's request, and an Akutagawa who was a spy for the government after it offered him and his sister protection but didn't want any of this to really happen (from mafia dog to government dog).
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ranpoesgirl · 4 months
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— synopsis; 15!Dazai falling in love, puppy love is my favorite type of love…
— a/n; sorry this took a while, seasonal depression and I couldn’t download png because my phone is dumb asf
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Your 1st encounter with Dazai was when you both were 14, he followed behind doctor with a emotion no one could pin point. He kept his head down when your eyes lingered for too long for his liking, he seemed cowardly.
His hair was dark and disheveled, it looked tangled and sometimes matted. Clothes never seemed to fit his form no matter how new they looked, after he exists a battle field or returns from a mission, they had loose strings and a faint unpleasant smell that kept increasing over time.
Naturally, you came to the conclusion he wasn’t treated as well as you were by his guardian, no amount of a façade the doctor puts could ever cover the boy’s bruises…
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The news of the mafia boss’s death was surprisingly vague when it reached your ear, seemed as though the people saying it were trying to convince themselves he was rather than if he even was. You never bothered, it wasn’t your duty to serve him than it was to serve one of his many subordinates. So until there was an order to get further details on the matter, you wouldn’t bother.
But what caught your attention was the person who will be replacing him, “the doctor?”, you questioned looking at the man beside you who simply nodded at your question.
As if the devil was looking over you, in your peripheral vision, you saw a figure move by the door to the hallway. Turning your head to see a messy brunette with bandages wrapped neater than last time.
“da…zai..?”, you extended each syllable of his name before looking over once again to the man beside you as though asking for confirmation on what you said was correct.
But of course, when he heard his name slip from your lips, he turned and stared as though he were a dear in headlights. You looked backing back at the boy questioning your next move.
You smiled as you raised your hand to give a wave, he flinched only by a bit and went back to staring at you with his big brown eyes for a minute or two before walking away.
It was quite a strange 2nd encounter, but none the less, still an encounter.
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The 3rd encounter formed a cycle.
You were seated on a uncomfortable sofa waiting patiently for your guardian to exit the boss’s office. Staring at the painting until they seemed to contort in your head, only to be snapped out of thought when you heard a footsteps stride to the boss’s door.
“Dazai?”, you called out this time unaware that you did. He looked at you and paused, his head giving a nod only by a bit as though to ask you what you wanted.
This time, you were the one taken back.
“Dazai,” you repeated smiling and giving a light hearted wave.
And he once again stared at you wide eyed before walking away.
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The 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th encounters were practically the same.
You called out his name before giving him a smile and a wave before he walked away.
It felt odd to do so but it felt even more odd to stop. Because every time you didn’t, it felt as though there were a thick unwavering tension that could be cut through by a knife before you give in—
It became an unconscious routine to a point he’d look your way in sync when he name is read by your lips.
This strange habit never stopped and stumped many people on many occasions, a certain ginger being one of them.
Chuuya was weirded out by the multiple strange interactions between the both of you, so your 21th encounter, you got your first response—
“Chuuya,” the redhead repeated his own name making you look up at him this time, “You always call out his name and it isn’t even special.”
And that’s when they began bickering in front you, naturally you freaked out. No matter how much to tried to interrupt and stop them, they don’t stop.
So you slipped away from the room slowly and carefully…
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Your encounter with Dazai later on was much more pleasant, instead of being one sided, he smiled.
It felt like nothing big like you initially thought until he began walking over, “You enjoy my name, don’t you? Don’t worry, I quite like the way it sounds when you say it… I think I might just give you the privilege to my first name, Osamu.”
So it once again began…
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“Osamu!”, you exclaimed more confident as you watched him skip over to you bright eyed and bushy tailed.
A conversation began that took turns from one topic to another with no thought of having a meaningful conversation other than to hear the voice of the other individual.
It was simple relationship, with you making the first move every time…
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Every. Single. Time.
Like every relationship that was one sided, you got tired.
It had to happen eventually.
So, here you were.
Sat on a ledge of a building bored out of your mind, you heard the soft tapping of feet behind you. You turned to see Dazai, you smiled at him before looking back down watching as people crowded on the cold weekend.
He sat down beside you, taking in the view you were observing, his hand brushed against yours as he held onto the ledge.
And for the first time, your name was called.
You looked up to meet with him not facing you making you doubt if he even called you if it weren’t for the dusted red flushed expression pointing everything out.
“I’d like to hear my name from you once again…”
You were taken back, yet didn’t relent nonetheless…
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The 1st encounter with you was a humiliating one for Dazai. He kept his head down shifted closer to the doctor, whom he swore to kill by his own hands, desperately trying to look presentable by covering his scarred arms and neck as your eyes darted every flaw within a matter of seconds around his frail body.
When he had the slightest of courage to look up at you, it was immediately shutdown by the lingering stare of your eyes. His glimpse of you felt as though he were daring to defy a higher power.
It’s safe to say that he won’t be doing that anytime soon…
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His 2nd encounter with you was after the gruesome murder of the port mafia’s boss by his so called ‘guardian’. He roamed around the halls aimlessly in hopes to forget the sight but nothing could erase the smell of fresh yet dirty blood splattered across the doctor’s face.
Every inch of him burnt, it didn’t feel right. Nothing did. He stumbled in the hallway and tried to catch his breath before a doorway of a… whatever it is, it smelt awful— to the point it erased his nausea, he stood still not moving an inch, could easily be mistaken as a corpse.
As though he were commanded by an officer, he turned his head stiffly looking up at… you.
His eyes widened while his face stayed poker, you were seated at a stool beside whoever that was, a can of something that wasn’t alcoholic but definitely filled his nose pleasantly. Whatever it was, he swore the last time he was in your presence, that scent lingered on you.
Your lips curved up as did your hand, you were smiling and waving at him. He was in awe, no words nor actions could describe how he felt. It overwhelmed him, but definitely in a good way.
And involuntary action took over and he walked away until he was hidden by the wall from your view, his burning throat was replaced by a fluttering chest. He didn’t know what it was, but it was better than whatever he felt before…
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The 3rd encounter was when he was in a rush, he was called by the boss when he least expected. He took long strides to the office only to calm down subconsciously at the soft scent of peaches and he couldn’t put his finger on why.
“Dazai?”, ah, that’s why…
You looked tired, not exhausted but still tired. Your lips were chapped only by a little, dark circles weren’t as visible, but your droopy body set the scene of what you felt.
“Dazai,” if he could, he would rip his ears off in a desperate attempt to not hear your voice and all the sudden wave of emotions it gave him.
You smiled and waved, and he memorized it before walking into the boss’s room where he couldn’t pay attention to anything except have your voice on repeat in his head…
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The 4th, 5th and many more encounters felt the same, but each time he tried to better his response to the point he’d give you a smile and turn your way at the vibration of your words.
He swore that every time you looked more and more ethereal than the other…
Chuuya got on his nerves plenty of times before yet the sound of your voice always brought him down from his high. Always soft and gentle to his ears, so patient for him, he could just—
“Chuuya”, —he wanted a glock to his own head or the ginger’s, any was preferable.
“You always call out his name and it isn’t even special.”
Out of habit, he got his defenses high and couldn’t contain his destain he had for the boy, it was very lowly of him to behave that way in front of you but he was too far in.
Only noticing your lack of presence when your scent faded away…
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Dazai knew it was unhealthy to be upset when you had conversation with the people around you, whether it’d be your coworker, guardian, even the boss, it irked him.
Only when he saw you converse with Chuuya about his ginger hair, which he thinks looks hideous, he realizes that he should take advantage of every opportunity before he loses it.
You may not have remembered what number of encounter it was but he did, and it was embarrassing every time his head reminded him of so.
Once again, your voice started and he looked your way smiling— he rushed over from the distance he was at, looking down at your startled and confused face.
“You enjoy my name, don’t you? Don’t worry, I quite like the way it sounds when you say it… I think I might just give you the privilege to my given name, Osamu…”
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He was a fool.
Every time his given name fell from your lips, his insides contorted in a way only a fool’s would.
He knew if he wanted you to keep this up, he had to reward you. So he’d walk over trying his best to not fall apart at the sound of your voice as you laughed at a joke that would have concerned looks from others…
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So why…?
He did everything that was right.
Every time you asked for attention, he returned it.
He’d laugh at your jokes, he’d stare into you hopelessly sometimes lose track of your words…so why?
Not even his last name was spelled by your lips even if your eyes had lingered on him, a side smiled and you’d turn away.
He gave you attention when he asked…
...that’s right…
That is what he did, he only gave you attention when you asked.
And like a fool he was too distracted to know what he was doing. So like a fool he walked up to the ledge of a city building where you sat, observing the crowd. He took a seat beside you doing the same.
There he called out your name for the first time, his voice cracked like a fool.
No matter what, he couldn’t have the courage to face you, his cheeks hurt, from what? He wasn’t aware, but it wasn’t pleasant and how much blood rushed to it
“I’d like to hear my name from you once again…”
And as though he freed himself from his sins, your voice dripped like nectar from a flower that was bound to become a fruit…
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a/n: part 2 with Chuuya?
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cvntydazai · 3 months
bad arguments
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how these bsd characters are after a bad argument
pairing; dazai osamu x fem!reader, chuuya nakahara x fem!reader, ryunosuke akutagawa x fem! reader
word count; 916
content warning; unedited, angst, fluff, arguing, miscommunication
a/n; just something random i wrote while taking a break from my dazai fic!
arguing with dazai was exhausting, this man would rather die a painful death than admit he was in the wrong about anything, it was usually why your fights got more out of hand than they ever needed to be. you hated how he tried to deflect from a situation instead of just owning up to his mistakes.
one particularly heated argument had you so riled up you had to leave your apartment, no longer wanting to look your lover in the eye until he was ready to apologize. he didn’t even spare you a glance as you left, a smug expression on his face.
you make your return to your apartment many hours later, it was now nighttime and much too late to be out, especially alone. the first thing your eye catches when you walk through the door is dazai’s fluffy head of hair resting on the couch. you huff, putting your coat up before walking over to the couch.
“are you ready to apol-“ you stop mid-sentence when you realize dazai’s asleep.
he looked uncomfortable, heavy eyebags and his head resting at an awkward angle on the arm rest. you couldn’t help it, a soft coo leaves your lips and it wakes him instantly. those honey eyes were everything but smug this time around.
“my flower, you’re back.” he mumbles, large hands reaching up to caress your face.
“i am..” you say, he smiles.
you continue to stare into his gaze for just a little longer, the silence draping over the two of you like a warm blanket. he knows that what you’re truly waiting for is his apology, he was more than happy to give it to you.
“i’m sorry, for everything. forgive me?” he says at last in his usual supple tone.
of course you forgave him, you always would.
fights with chuuya usually didn’t last long, you two actually pride yourself on your communication when it comes to your relationship. he would never try to hurt you intentionally, you’re the most important person to him and he makes sure you never forget it.
but this one fight had you both out of control. you don’t remember who started it but no one was willing to end it, anything that came out of either of your mouths was only more fuel for the fire. if you were being honest with yourself, it terrified you. it wasn’t chuuya and his capabilities that had you so scared, you knew he would never bring any harm your way, it was the reality that this fight could be the ending to your relationship.
you didn’t want it to end like this, it couldn’t end like this. he was all you had and you would never forgive yourself if this was how it ends. so caught up in your own frightened mind, you didn’t even notice that chuuya quieted down and was staring into your eyes.
“ey, why are you crying?” he didn’t mean for the question to come out as harsh as it did, he was just so taken aback.
when you didn’t reply he really started to worry, his mind no longer focused on whatever you two were bickering about.
“come on doll, please don’t cry. i’m sorry.” his voice only made more salty tears spill from your eyes, in your opinion you didn’t deserve such tenderness.
he wrapped his arms around your frame, his hand on the back of your head and his face buried in your hair. he let you sob your heart out, even if it made his own heart ache. when you finally calmed down you were ready to speak.
“am i still the most important person in the world to you?” he smiled.
“of course you are.”
you knew your boyfriend wasn’t good at communicating, a part of you had accepted that wholeheartedly. he made his efforts because of how deeply he cared for you and you felt that was enough most of the time. your arguments were mostly about his carelessness when it came to his own personal safety, his nonchalant attitude to your concerns irritated you down to your core.
“if you’re going to act stupid and put yourself in avoidable danger then i’m leaving, i can’t take this.” you misspoke, his eyes widened.
what you truly meant was that you were leaving for a moment to calm down, not leaving him entirely. you could only stare in shock at what nonsense you just spewed from your mouth, guilt weighed down your body, preventing you from taking even one step towards him. it took seeing the fear in his eyes to finally break you free from your mind.
“i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean it like that i swear.” you tried to mend, now wanting nothing more than to put this whole argument behind you.
he let you pull him into a hug, you held his waist tightly to you. when you felt his hand holding the back of your head you breathed a sigh of relief.
“i know you didn’t mean it that way, but it scared me.” you nodded, understanding.
you mumbled a few more apologies and once you both had calmed down you were able to talk about some of your frustrations. it was mostly you talking and him listening, but it felt good knowing he was listening with such care. he promised to be more careful for you, and you promised to watch your wording when you’re upset.
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nomazee · 1 year
bsd characters and how they sleep (with you)
i fear i wrote this in twenty minutes in a feverish haze and have no idea how we got here... forgive any spelling/grammar errors but i hope it's cutesy characters: dazai, atsushi, yosano, chuuya, ranpo im taking requests!
ABSOLUTELY EASILY the clingiest one
will completely wrap his limbs around you from behind or from the front 
it’s so hard to pry him off of you in the morning it’s like he gets ten times heavier when he’s asleep 
also sleeps without socks but complains about being cold all the time 
makes the both of you sleep with not one but TWO weighted blankets some days 
it’s a little ridiculous but you put up with it because you love him 
he also runs SO COLD 
toes are freezing, hands are freezing, NOSE is freezing 
he sticks his nose into the crook of your neck when he’s clinging onto you 
you’ve only shrieked ONCE from the shock. maybe twice 
manages to stay still all throughout the night but that’s only because he’s too busy latching onto you like a leech
too nervous to ask you to hold him so instead he’ll hold your hand while you sleep 
it’s the sweetest thing ever 
absolutely wakes up in the middle of the night if he feels your hand slip from his and will reach for it again 
it takes like a month of sleeping in the same bed for you to recognize all his little quirks and the things he likes 
you learn that he loves it when you kiss his hairline right before he falls asleep 
it leads to a lot more peaceful nights and he doesn’t wake up in a cold sweat as often anymore 
sometimes he ends up wrapping an arm around your torso while he’s asleep without even realizing it 
when he wakes up he doesn’t get embarrassed or anything but DOES pretend to be asleep until you get up so that he can stick to you for longer 
sleeping in the same bed with her is a death wish most nights 
she rolls around, flails, will wake up in the middle of the night and mumble something unintelligible before hitting you in the face
she’s crazy! she’s your hot gf! you sit there and take it like the loyal spouse you are! 
her FAVE way to sleep is face down, starfish-pose on top of you 
yes you can’t breathe at all but yes the weight is comforting 
when she sleeps like that sometimes you’ll get a little treat during the night, and instead of hitting you in the face in her sleep she’ll kiss along your cheek all warm and soft 
sometimes that ends in her drooling on your face 
makes up for her drool and nightly attacks by waking you up with kisses (and bites on your CHEEK) and even breakfast when she’s in a good mood 
he loves you so much but he is also dramatic 
which means… he has his own sleep routine and bed set-up and if it’s disturbed he will not get a second of rest 
he invests in a california king bed so that you can have your side and he can have his side 
he sets the thermostat to a certain temperature, picks out blankets depending on the weather, adjusts his pillows every night, sleeps with an eyemask… it’s a little bit overkill 
you don’t make fun of him for it because you know he’d kill you 
sleeps on his back with his hands folded on his chest like he’s in a COFFIN
also sleeps like the dead and you’ve woken up a few times crying his name because you thought he was actually dead
if you try holding onto him during the night he’ll flinch without meaning to and start mumbling curses to himself 
it takes you a while to get used to it 
he makes up for his stringent sleep routine by letting you nap on the couch with him once in a while 
he can handle that at the very least
will totally collapse right on top of you on the couch and fall asleep after a long day at work 
sedated immediately if you run your fingers through his hair 
so incredibly fussy 
moves around so much in his sleep and can never get comfortable 
is always pushing your head off your pillows and rotating them so that you can both sleep on the cold side 
kicks off his blankets just to complain about being cold and makes you lean over the bed to pick the covers back up and tuck him in 
favorite way to sleep with you is facing you with his arms wrapped around your neck 
this DOES end up in him accidentally choking you sometimes 
if he gets too hot he has no shame in pushing you away and OFF THE BED 
you put up with it because you love him and you wouldn’t have it any other way 
chews on your hair??? in your sleep??? 
you wake up with half your hair covered in drool 
have you seen that one video of the girl’s rabbit biting a strand of her hair clean off. that’s him. he’s the rabbit. 
has a weak spot for sleepy kisses AUUUGGGHHH 
will never initiate them but will always melt into your hands if you squeeze his face and give him a big fat forehead kiss
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originalaccountname · 4 months
I think that, on the topic of Dazai being "made for the dark", it's useful to take a step back and compare him to other characters that had a similar path to his.
Kyouka wasn't always in the PM, and was forcefully brought in when she was a shell of herself. She had natural talents for the skills needed to be an assassin. These skills were nurtured by people who have known darkness their entire lives, who saw them as useful and fulfilling. Except Kyouka didn't like killing, despite being good at it: she didn't want to have to do it. She got help and got out, but she still uses these skills in her new world, just not the same way.
Jouno used to be an executive in a criminal organization. We have seen Jouno in the Hunting Dogs be cruel and mocking. He very efficiently threatened civilians, caused psychological harm to Kunikida while trying to recruit him, roped a child (Aya) into being his witness, and in the past tried to coax a criminal into committing suicide. His own partner, Tetchou, chastises him for these terrible habits, and yet, he wants to help people! Gratitude from the people he helped is worth more than anything, and that's all he needs to be on the side of justice, his strong criminal leanings irrelevant.
Dazai is much like them. His skillset and fragile moral compass were incredibly well-suited for the mafia life. He has talent for business, negotiation, torture, strategy, improvising, etc., and has no qualms about killing. His obsession with death led him to pick the PM as his path, his apathy, skills and insane luck made him at home in organized crime. Yet, his health was getting worse, which meant him being suited for the dark, him being "built" for the mafia life, didn't mean his spirit was. When he left to help people instead, he found more friends, more fulfillment and got better. His previous skills are repurposed or hidden away until needed.
BSD is full of characters who were good at what they did, but unhappy, unfulfilled or unhealthy in their lives. I'd argue that even more characters actively live in that limbo, looking fit for the lives they live, but would be better in a different one, maybe even one a bit harder for them.
Dazai was "made for the dark" the same way Kyouka was made to be an assassin. Dazai found fulfillment in helping people the same way Jouno did. The original statement isn't incorrect, but it's not an absolute truth either; feeling trapped into something you don't like or is harmful to you while being good at or enjoying it is a very common thing that BSD regularly pushes to the full scale of a character's motivations. To not reject how one was "made for" a certain life while fighting or yearning for a different one is compelling: it's spitting in the face of fate in favour of your happiness, it's having agency over your life. It's a good message.
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jackiepackiee · 6 months
After seeing your recent post I'mSending in my request Love!!
How would the bad men take care of their wife who get amnesia due to blood loss which resulted by being shot by a pistol or gets into an accident during a mission.
You have the free dom to make it like a one shot or head canon for these men
Dazai, Kunikida, aktugawa, fyodor, Nikolai, and Chuuya
Other than that take care love!! Make sure to stay hydrated! 💞💞
𝐵𝒮𝒟 𝓍 𝒜𝓂𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒾𝒶! 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
𝒲/ 𝒟𝒶𝓏𝒶𝒾, 𝒦𝓊𝓃𝒾𝓀𝒾𝒹𝒶, 𝒞𝒽𝓊𝓊𝓎𝒶
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 - 𝓋𝒾𝑜𝓁𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒
𝒯𝓎𝓅𝑒 - 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒸𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓈
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Absolutely mortified
He has memory loss to (from the lab and Araharbaki) and knows how much it can mess with a person
He wants the best for you, and this clearly isn’t that
He fears in his heart and soul that you might question your humanity like he did so he will kill before that happens to you
Back to the mission itself
He hates for you to do solo missions, but Mori’s call is Mori’s call at the end of the day
Even if you weren’t alone, he only trusts a handful of people with your protection
Black lizard, all the executives, and the ADA if it’s during an alliance
But no, you weren’t with a safe group
So when you got hurt (which was not expected, Mori wouldn’t send you on something just to hurt you duh) he was PISSED
Wiped out the enemy in seconds
Yelled at Mori as to why he didn’t just send Chuuya instead
When you’re in the hospital, he waits outside
He would hate to scare you
I mean, he’s pissed and he knows you hate when he raises his voice to any level
But… all hell breaks loose when he finds out you have amnesia
Pushes right past the doctors and doors
If you forget him… he’s flipping tables and going to find whoever hurt you and actually kill them this time
He’s inconsolable
You’re his love, and to forget that is a pain of death
He may not visit you much at first, but he’ll come around
If you do remember him, he’ll take the biggest sigh of relief ever
Hugs you
And believe me, he will buy whatever therapy, drug, or surgery that will help you
Helps you relearn everything important
For your wedding, he had to put on your wedding dress and pretend to walk down the isle to maybe make you remember
Cried at how beautiful you looked
Labels images in the house by event, person in the photo, and date
So you can know what special moments you’ve had
A sliver lining is that he can take you on a tour of the city, showing you all the sights for what for you is the first time
And you forget all the gore and pain you’ve seen in the port mafia
Over all, he’s coping, but he’ll come around and help
He is a changed man from the port mafia past, but he almost forgets his resolve
Never has he doubted your skill, it’s the absolute terror and pain he knows other people wouldn’t hesitate to inflict on you that he fears
He’s seen it first hand
So when you’re completely alone on a mission he sorta freaks out
Less jokes, no suicide attempts till you’re back
But… you aren’t back soon?
And when you’re finally back, it’s with Kenji crying and using his super strength to carry you to Yosano
The poor boy was so scared, he had found you while looking at the local park
Safe to say, Dazai was frozen in place at the blood that has trailed from the door to Yosano’s office
He was mad. But not yelling
No, he was calculated and cold
He walked to Fukuzawa’s office, and asked for the enemy name
No one knows what happened in the 30 minutes he was gone…
Back to you, he knocks and talked with Yosano for a while
When he heard you had amnesia, it was the first time she saw him so vulnerable
“Does she remember me?” “I don’t know, Dazai.”
Walked in slowly
If you remember him, he’ll immediately give you a hug
Knowing that is enough for him
But if you forget?
I hate to say this, but he may try to distance himself
“You got your chance with in, and look at what ended up happening” is this thought process
But, he’ll visit Oda’s grave and think it over
He knows then that you need him
You need your husband, your Osamu
So the next few days is him having you help with cases he knows the criminal, but wants your mind to have a workout
Doesn’t try for any affection because he knows you may be to weak
When you finally kiss again, he has never put more passion into anything
During his time of caring for you he doesn’t make a single comment about suicide
After losing your beautiful memories and mind, he can’t imagine losing you
Your life is like a glass, held by his slim hands
And he’ll kill before anyone does this to you again
Kunikida is often “serious”, but Dazai can attest he’s never seen him so truly and utterly serious before
Not in his scolding, fatherly way
But in a cold, quiet way
He doesn’t even touch his book for at least a week
Thinks ideals make so sense now that his wife is hurt
And he didn’t stop it
When he first found out, he dropped his book
He clutched his ring to his chest
Walks into the room you’re saying in slowly
“Love? Do you… remember me?” “Sorry, love? Please don’t call me that, sir.”
Tears fall, but he wipes them before you can get concerned
Even if you don’t know him anymore, he knows with your kind heart you’ll comfort a crying stranger
And he wants to be the one comforting you
He tries his best to explain everything
Showing his ring, the photo of the two of you he keeps in his wallet, and even has Yosano confirm it
He doesn’t cope well…
“Love? Do you… remember me?” “Kuni… hi.”
Hides his face in his hands
He has never been more happy in his life
Rushes to you and kisses your hand
Now, he still has to teach you life again
And who better than an ex teacher?
He’s so patient
Uses cute little techniques
He is… okay
I mean, he wants you to be okay
You will definitely heal the fastest with him
He spares all his free time into helping you
Makes little drawings in his notebook for you to learn objects again
And, he readjusts his schedule! All for you
Only for you
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honeydazai · 2 months
₊˚⊹♡ midday sun and canned crab
feat.: Dazai / f!reader
content: soft pining stage flirting with Dazai (who is insufferable), some suggestiveness
join my tag list here! 🪻
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When push comes to shove, Dazai appears to be resolute, will seemingly impossible to shatter.
His unwavering determination when it comes to matters important to him, as far as you're aware, extends to mercilessly crushing his enemies, to pursuing women in order to convince them to commit double suicide with him — and, apparently, to eating crab.
“You're too cruel, bella”, he whines, voice taking on a pathetic tone, “Do you have no issue whatsoever with seeing me starve?”
Your eyes narrow. “You're obviously not starving when you still have the energy to complain and annoy me.”
He blinks. “Ah, but I'd always have the energy to do that, though. Even after death.”
“You're still not getting my lunch.”
“Just a tiny piece”, he insists, giving you his best begging expression, a dog asking for scraps, “I haven't eaten in days. It hurts, you know?”
As if to prove his point, his stomach grumbles; with Dazai, you wouldn't be surprised if he knows how to make it do that on command. He's tugging unnecessarily hard on your heart strings.
Still, you've been looking forward to this, too. Having skipped breakfast, the idea of a warm lunch got you through the day — only to now be threatened by brown doe eyes.
“And whose fault is that?” Your protests are half-hearted, walls already crumbling, and he knows it.
“Well, for starters it's definitely Kunikida's fault. He's been working me to the bone lately. Don't you think I deserve a bit of a reward for that?”
“Not any more than I do.”
Dazai hums. “Well, I guess that's true.” Leaning forward, his puppy eyes morph into a smirk, oozing with the confidence you're used to from him. Reaching for your chopsticks, cold skin grazing yours, he leans in closer, causing your heartbeat to pick up. “How about we share, then?”
You were hoping to devour the whole meal yourself. For a moment, you consider remaining hard, stubborn. Unyielding. Dazai's fingers rub gently over the back of your hand, drawing faint patterns onto it. With how close he is, you're able to discern the different shades of brown in his eyes; some dark, some warm amber, though you're quick to look off to the side again, flustered by the constant eye contact.
Every single thing about Dazai is intense. Sometimes, you're not sure just how to deal with it — though, usually, you give in; when he's asking you to come along to a café with him, not quite a date but something close to it, when he's begging you to stay over the night, touches fleeting and suggestive, when he's telling you that Kunikida won't mind it if you're half an hour late the following morning, chin hooked over your shoulder, lips against your jaw.
You give in now, loosening your grip on the chopsticks and allowing him to hold them instead, his smile content. Not surprised in the least.
“I knew you couldn't resist me”, he coos, lifting a piece of crab meat up to your mouth, waiting; his grin widens when you close your lips around it. “You're adorable. This is how couples should be eating together.”
Butter and salt spread on your tongue, downright heavenly. “Except we're not a couple.”
Dazai merely hums in his throat, melodic and unconvinced, and feeds you another piece.
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notes: i have. dazai disease.
tags: @irethepotato @beandaifuku , @the-foreigner , @ranpobb, @arixsux, @dei-lilxc , @atsyushi @satoruislove @pastelsbaby @marina-and-the-memes @texchou @shiggysredhead @savagemickey03 @rosepxtlz @nikolaiswife @okura-s @ladykatakuri @lunerenzo @berywritesstuff @xelia25 @yuuotosaka3 @double-black-dazai @alice0blog @fyodorstolenushanka @ttaiyaki @itsnovariella @black-rose-29 @fyodorscumsock @ayshaashaya @qxxstuff @Irethepotato @serenareiss @atsvsh1 @dilucshandholder @reiikonee @1-800-mocha @xvocadooo @hexiisexii @cupxfcxffee @jodidann @Happymoon16 @yumidepain @nchuuyahq @janeinerz @Aaronthegreatestsimp @fanfiction-waifu @KimxKiba @Morigumy @villainouspotential @ashthemadwriter-uwu @mrsdostoevsky @nikolaisgoofyahhhat @yeonwoomyheartbelongstoyou @hellgirlwhore @c4xcocoa @lyrstybsd @angelsrunes @wuaoqu @disa-ster @aspookyscaryghost @nikolaisboner @urgodmoon @polish-anon @arisu-chan4646nsfw @eroscastle @somnobun @birbysaur @senpaiable @hyunlixie143 @dababyurmom @urgodmoon @4nthonyyliving @brokeniced @nikolaisdove @dxwnstxr @scinclaitnoir @snips18 @flowzel @satohruu @squigglewigglewoo @rainy-dazie @itzashlyn123 @rheeeeeeeesiees @eggcoreloser @mariaace @mello0cat @warriordemigosworld @thescrunkly @ainegueneres @maroj23 @dazaiserectnips @little-miss-chaoss
@hattersrabbit @suve32 @v4mpash3 @fairlyfuji @seraphxoxo @inojuuy @suicide-with-dazai
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causenessus · 8 months
Love Languages. | Bungou Stray Dogs
inc: dazai, chuuya, akutagawa, tecchou, jouno
written in 2nd pov (female reader implied)
song recc: do you love by trish toledo & baby bash
word count: 2324 words
pretty sure everything is written in lowercase except for names if they didn't look ugly capitalized bc aesthetics !!! had tons of fun writing this I apologize, this is barely proofread and for literally every character I got too caught up in specific examples and scenarios and just kept building off of it but I think they're kind of sweet so I hope u enjoy <3
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dazai osamu - acts of service
“she peels an orange for us in the morning / she woke me up to give me half” golden girl - frank ocean
he’s terrible at taking care of himself, so someone who takes the time to care for him just makes every wall crumble
he’s probably horrible at remembering to eat as well, so if you make something for him he’ll treasure it forever
bonus points if your job requires you to wake up earlier than him (which isn’t hard, he def comes in a little later than his coworkers) and you leave something for him to eat when he wakes up or to take with him to work (or both <3)
he’ll start to look forward to waking up in the mornings in hope that you’ve made him something
never asks you if you’ll make something in specific or if you’ll even make him something at all. he adores anything you make and doesn’t want to make you feel obliged to do something if you happen to be tired and don’t want to cook tomorrow
voices all his appreciation for you when you both have laid down to go to sleep
“bella, I can’t tell you how much it means to me, all that you do. you really don’t have to make me anything if it’s a hassle in the morning or when you get home. you already work so hard.”
you turned onto your other side to face him, pushing a stray lock of hair behind his ear as you smiled, “I do it because I want to, ‘Samu. and because I love you. if I can’t spend the day with you because we’re both at work, at least I can take care of you.”
his chest buzzed with so much happiness his eyes stung for a moment. he held himself back from saying that he didn’t deserve you. saying something like that wouldn’t solve anything. instead, he’d make himself worthy of you by helping out as well
he probably can’t cook very well but he finds other ways to help, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, getting groceries, and cleaning the place so that there’s less on your plate
ask him to do anything and he’ll get it done for you as soon as possible <3
I think that for him, receiving such sweet love without any words is foreign to him but is just what he needs. he’d rather show how much he loves you than say it (although he loves to tell you it as well). getting out of bed could be so difficult for him some days, yet having a goal for himself has motivated him to become a better person. he wakes up, excited for what you may have made him and ready to do whatever he can for you
nakahara chuuya - gift giving
“they asked, ‘do you love her to death?’ I said, ‘speak of her over my grave and watch how she brings me back to life.’” - mahmoud darwish
it’s easier for him to express how much you mean to him by giving you everything you want and everything he thinks you would like
he still tells you that he loves you every chance he gets, but oftentimes it is accompanied by a gift, no matter how small it may be, from just a single rose to a whole garden
for him, it gives a new purpose in his work; he’s working in order to get you whatever your pretty heart desires
he’s proud to use his hard-earned money to buy you things (rather than spending it all on wine <3 ily chuuya)
the easiest thing he can always get you is a favorite snack or drink and he’s got a whole system for it
he knows every store it’s available at and many of the clerks are familiar with him from the sheer amount of times he’s visited them to buy something for you. it never grows old for him, his favorite thing to do is buy you something on his way home from work or during the day when he’s planning to surprise you with a visit
he keeps a mental list of what your favorite things are. you’ll tell him about something you like without thinking anything of it but he’s already planned out when and how to give the item to you. it’s always on his mind what he’ll buy you each day, and it’s always worth it seeing you enjoy whatever he’s bought you
sometimes it’s as simple as a coffee and he’ll drop by your work to give it to you in person
“hanging in there, Angel? need a little pick-me-up?” he has the biggest smile on his face every time he sees you, and bringing a gift for you with him only adds to his excitement
“you spoil me, Chuuya,” you wrap your arms around his neck, leaning further into him as he holds you in his arms.
“what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?” he responds, rubbing your back as you sigh.
receiving gifts from you is just as sweet. no one has ever given him as many gifts as he’s given others–which is fine with him–it’s not about what he’ll get in return and he knows that not everyone expresses their love the way he does
but he’s touched whenever you get him something. since giving gifts is so meaningful to him, it means even more that someone would go through the trouble to give something back to him
he’ll keep whatever you get him close to him at all times and smile every time he sees it or remembers it
once, you bought him a new chain for his hat and he hasn’t changed it since. it only made the hat more special to him now that it reflects two people that had changed his life
akutagawa ryunosuke - words of affirmation
“my love, you are worth it all.”
we all know how the boy responded to dazai’s praise or even simply just the words “dazai wants to talk to you”
to hear a person who has persisted through his stubborn, aggressive defense say they still love him causes him to start to soften for you
he’s been surrounded by harsh words and people who have exploited him and brushed him to the side whenever he wasn’t needed all his life, so it stirs his heart to hear someone notice things about him and who tells him that they want to stay with him
it’s something reserved for solitary moments just between the two of you for sure, but that makes the time all the more special because he can let down his guard and just be with you
his past has made it hard for him to believe he is worthy of anything other than the murderous skills he’s harnessed in order to get him to where he is in the Mafia, but you’ve shown him that there’s more to him than just how well he can use Rashomon
he never bothers to try and listen to what other people are saying but he always gives his full attention to anything you have to say
he doesn’t even like to hear compliments from anyone else, he doesn’t trust them at all but he trusts and believes anything you tell him, knowing you have the purest intentions of loving and supporting him
after a job, all he wants to do is go home. by the end of the day, he’s sick of everyone around him so on the rare occasion that you decide to visit him, he won’t even notice until you call out to him
he had just finished a job, it was successful, but it had gotten messy. Mori had already told him off and he didn’t want to hear anything from anyone else. he stormed past every piece of vermin that had decided to get in his way, their whispers just barely reaching his ears
“Ryu!” you called out from amongst them, waiting by a door.
“What?” he hadn’t meant to snap, especially when he realized it was you talking to him and his face immediately relaxed when he saw you.
“oh, [y/n].” he immediately started to make his way towards you, the pounding in his head slowly starting to disappear the closer
“I came to pick you up, I’m glad I had good timing,” you smiled, offering your hand.
he took it gently, giving it a soft squeeze, “I’m sorry I responded so rudely, I didn’t–”
“you’re okay, Ryu,” you placed your other hand on top of it, looking him straight in the eyes, keeping a loving smile on your face, “you don’t ever have to be sorry. you’re doing just fine. even better, actually. I’m so proud of all your work and I’m sure you’re tired after everything today. it looked busy.”
the words erased every memory of Mori’s scolding that his head had latched on to in order to beat himself down later on. he felt his cheeks warm a little as he looked away, “you’re too kind to me, [y/n].”
tries his best to also put into words his appreciation but it’s so hard for him to verbally say it; sometimes it comes out wrong
instead, he’s opted for notes most of the time, leaving them on your bedside or in your bag, telling you how thankful he is for you and that he loves you
suehiro tecchou - quality time
“on the train we swapped seats, you wanted the window and I wanted to look at you.” - mahmoud darwish
my boy is always so busy
as soon as he’s off work he just wants to be wherever you’re at
he’d doesn’t mind silence and doesn’t care where he is as long as he’s with you
sometimes gets off work and if you’re not home yet just sneaks into your workplace to be around you
adores following you around and doesn’t always know exactly what you’re doing but he’s just happy to tag along
grocery store dates are some of his favorite moments with you
he loves everything about convenience stores
he loves food and the endless aisles of colorful packages and choices
(it gives him ideas for new food combinations <3)
once bought a himalayan salt shaker simply because
“look [y/n]! they make pink salt :0”
later put said pink salt on top of strawberry ice cream bc they were both pink
he also loves getting to look around the store all the while following you. he admires your organized grocery lists and how you’ve already planned out what you’re going to buy
once you tried to send him out to grab something in an area you’d already passed so that you could continue going down the list
“can you go grab some carrots for me, love? sorry, I forgot to pick them up when we were in the produce section.”
“of course 🙂” his heart is shattering inside of him at the thought of being separated from you.
“do you want to stay with me and we’ll go back later?” you ask, looking up at him with a knowing smile.
“yes pls”
groceries stores are not the only place you guys go tho i promise
if you’re still in school, he’ll accompany you on study dates 
never bothers you under any circumstances and if he is and you tell him he’ll stop right away
he could spend all day looking at your pretty face even if you never once looked at him <3
jouno saigiku - physical touch
“you kiss the back of my legs and I want to cry / the sun has come this close, only the sun” “GPS” - Shauan Barbosa
although he can’t see you, he knows your body by heart <3
he’s spent so much time tracing it over and over with his hands
i think his favorite thing to do, especially after a long day at work is flop onto you and just listen to your heartbeat. probably also intertwines one of his hands with yours, often runs other across your skin
loves when you touch him just as much
if he’s lying on top of you and you decide to run a hand through his hair, all of his problems have just melted away
you both have definitely fallen asleep like that countless times no matter what time of day it is
he’s always finding ways to be in close contact with you, making sure that you’re safe and near him
again, he loves loves loves to hold your hand, he’ll reach for it any chance he gets
will also settle for an arm around your shoulder though as long as you’re close to him
definitely the type to also rest his head on top of yours or on your shoulder every chance he gets
if he needs to fidget he won’t even play with his own fingers he’ll just play with yours
i think that with the loss of one sense, the other senses hold so much meaning for him
it’s easier and more meaningful for him to show his love and how much he trusts you through touch rather than just saying it out loud
comes up from behind you to hug you a lot, especially in the kitchen or when you’ve just come home he’s there immediately, hugging you to recharge
“how was your day, my love?”
you always relax in his arms, turning your head slightly to kiss his face which he’s let rest on your shoulder, “it was missing you.”
he placed a chaste kiss on your lips, “i’ll make it all up to you now, darling.”
there was one time that he let you do his hair
he’s never told you how much he enjoyed it; he didn’t even know what you had done to it, but being near your warmth is all he needs and can ask for <3
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yandere-sins · 2 months
i'm obsessed with the way you write yandere! dazai 🥺🥺. you really nail his character <3. i really liked the piece you wrote about him taking care of a darling who got sick, but what about if he's the one who had intentionally caused it? like imagine yandere dazai who consistently drugs his darling to make her more complicit / weak? so he has an excuse to take care of her/cuddle her <3 ?? and his darling is so out of it that she ends up craving his touch/company, wether that be the drugs in her system or her actually caving in to his desires?? aaaa i'd love to read your take on this
I'm glad you enjoyed it!! Thank you for requesting more for the special boy ♥
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It was a bittersweet satisfaction to have you curl up in his arms.
Addictive to his desire to be with you, adore you, love you, and yet so, so toxic, feeding the greed inside of him. Dazai still remembered the good old days when you'd walk the streets of Yokohama without any worry, clouding your bright smile and your laugh ringing out so clearly, even amongst the countless voices that separated you two. He had just been an observer back then, content with watching you go a path he could only follow but never reach you on. But his desire drove him forward until your worlds inevitably collided.
It had been a while since then, but Dazai could sincerely say he still loved you like he did the very first day. Even now, your mind muddled, eyes dulled with tears left unshed brimming on your lids, you were still the same person his heart longed for. Whenever you two were apart, his soul searched for you, every one of his actions inevitably leading back to your side.
There were still parts of him tethered to his old ways, his desire to leave this world behind only excelled by the need to see you again. You were the light in a world so full of darkness, and he was a moth ever so devoted to reaching you. And yet, his own actions never sat right with him. Even if he couldn't stop hurting you, moments like these made him justify them over and over, selfishly, until he could enjoy the peace they brought.
Drugging you had never been the plan. When some ruffians dropped the pulvery substance, he had initially been inclined to burn it or throw it away, but something made him slip it into his pocket instead of surrendering it to the authorities. Life with you wasn't always easy, and Dazai grinned while reflecting, realizing life with him wasn't either. You wanted to leave his carefully crafted cage, the hold he had on you, albeit with gentle hands. He wanted you to be safe. To be with him. He needed you to vanquish the lonesome life he was forced to lead, and once you'd be gone, there would be no more light to reach out to. Where he had decided to end it so many years ago, his humanity couldn't help but cling desperately to hope, and so, Dazai clung to you. You were the answer to his lifelong questions.
You became his reason to continue living, however unwillingly you participated in this mad idea.
And yet, if he had to describe the feeling of your resting in his arms as he kneeled next to your slumped body, drugged out of your mind like a helpless little pet, it was pure elation making his chest puff, mixed with the horror of his deeds raking goosebumps across his body. Dazai hated the lengths he had to go to. Still, having you twist in his hold until you were sufficiently warmed by his body around you, he thought he could finally die happily.
If anyone had told him how much he could love someone this cute and adorable, he would have never believed them. But experiencing it now was more painful than a hundred knives in his chest and more wonderful than the peaceful relief of natural death. You were clinging with one hand to his, having wrapped your fingers tightly around it, and with just a little bit of shifting, Dazai managed to intertwine your fingers, squeezing your hand comfortingly. It was so subtle, yet it made his heart pound like crazy when you squeezed back, your body frighteningly cold, yet the heat between your palms made him sweat like a nervous little schoolboy in front of his crush.
He didn't care about your nails scratching his skin, didn't care that you were too out of it to talk or to interact with him. It was bad, so bad, that he couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear, tears welling up in his eyes at how cutely you were burying your face in his stomach. Dazai was so glad to be alive to witness that moment, no matter how terrible it must have been for you. Then again, you probably didn't even register it when he scooped you up by your shoulder, wrapping his arm tightly around you in a side hug. Moving your body as needed to hide his face against your collarbone, smell the cheap, generic body wash he bought for you, almost making him want to lick it off your skin so he could be even closer to you.
You didn't fight, didn't argue. Sometimes, you squeezed his hand back, but that was all you could do, and Dazai adored it. Hidden behind all that anger and desperation was someone longing for affection—his affection. You were searching for his warmth, relying on him for support. Even when you weren't yourself, you were the most mesmerizing being he ever had the pleasure of knowing.
"I got you," Dazai whispered, pressing you even tighter against him. You might not have realized it yet, but you loved him, too. That was the conclusion Dazai came to. You knew he had your back and would always take good care of you for as long as he lived. He wanted to promise you forever, but maybe this lifetime would be enough. That's how he justified his selfish actions: deep down inside you, you loved him, too. There was no other explanation for it, and he'd wait for you to realize it, even if it took all your life.
Glancing at the small, clear bag filled with white powder resting on the kitchen counter, Dazai quickly averted his eyes, telling himself it would be okay. It was just a helpful tool to bring out your true feelings. To help you two get closer and bond. It would be fine if he kept using it. He was happy, and you were happier like this, too.
Happiness was best shared between both of you.
Now, he only had to figure out where he could get more drugs to ensure it.
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hannigramislife · 6 months
Not me being petty on main but—
Dazai openly mocked Akutagawa's situation and bad luck to have been picked up by someone like Dazai, saying how, "I have a friend known for picking up orphans" and "if he had been the one to pick you up from the slums, he would have gently and firmly guided you" and all that, which had been unnecessarily cruel.
Like, he was dangling a better life in front of Akutagawa, and saying it wasn't meant for him, basically.
Yet later, karma got to him, didn't it? The orphaned kids were killed, and then Oda walked straight to his death.
Would that have happened if Oda had picked up Akutagawa instead? If Akutagawa had been staying in that same place, he could have taken down those men like it was nothing. That's what happened in the Beast movie after all, right? I just find that fascinatingly fitting. Talk shit, get hit typa thing.
Yes, Oda would have guided him. He would have supported him and cared for him. And maybe, just maybe, Akutagawa could have saved him, too.
So yeah, go on, mock away, Dazai Osamu.
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darling--angst · 1 year
i’d like to request space song with dazai (specifically pm!dazai) hurt/comfort scenario,, reader comforting dazai during a breakdown or smth :(
Space Song
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Pairing: Pm! Dazai x Fem! Reader(platonic)/Mori x 27! Reader
Type: Oneshot
Genre: Comfort/Fluff
Warnings: Long winded commas, Stormbringer spoilers/mentions, Dark Era mentions, Oda's death, mentions of war, mentions of Yosano's backstory, Mori being a bitch, slight yandere Mori mentions, kinda went off topic..
Synopsis: Dazai finally found someone who saw him for who he was and when his dearest friend died, he finds himself finding comfort in her embrace like a child being comforted by his mother.
A/n: Hey.. Please state if you want it to be romantic/platonic.. since you didn't say which one you want, I'll do the latter. Reader is implied to be 27 while Mori is 33. Reader is like a mother to Dazai. I kinda wrote this without thinking so I am so sorry.
Event // Pm. Masterlist // M.Masterlist
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Dazai Osamu is the feared Demon Prodigy, the youngest underboss in the history of Port Mafia, the boss' right hand man, a genius; but deep down he was a child. A child misguided to do the wrong deeds, a lonely child used as a tool by others, a child who got affiliated with a mafioso at the age of fourteen, after an attempt in suicide. He was suicidal, a child at his age should be thinking of academics instead of how to end a war with another organization with the least casualties for his own gain. He could not see the purpose in living. Nobody saw him for who he was, it was never Osamu Dazai. Everything changed when he was fifteen, he met someone who gave him a reason to live for, someone who didn't judge him.
"sir, the boss has called you to his office" A black car stopped just beside of where he stood in the street.
"A mailman huh. I guess it really is important for Mori-san" he sighed, entering the back door of the car. It has almost been a year after Mori made him his 'witness' and succeeded as the Port Mafia boss.
The drive was silent, nobody said a word. The mailman was focused on driving and Dazai was looking out the window, observing people and their daily activities.
"We're here" The mailman said before the car stopped.
"mhm" He muttered opening and closing the door shut, and he drove away.
He was very familiar with the building. The five building-like-towers in the heart of Yokohama, the middle one being the tallest of all; where the Port Mafia boss, Mori Ogai lies. He reaches the highest floor and was eventually greeted by the guards, as he arrived he saw the boss and an unfamiliar woman sitting on the boss' desk, reading a document.
"Boss" He cleared his voice making his presence clear as the both of them talked.
"ah.. Dazai-kun" Mori shifted his attention from the woman to him.
"Sit down please" He offered while Dazai walked over to the small chair in the middle of the room. Mori made his his way towards another chair and sat down across him. She took documents on top of the desk after grabbing a brown, vintage briefcase. Making her way towards the door, Mori began explaining to Dazai. The only sound that feel the room was her heels clacking to the tiled floor until Mori finally spoke up.
"As you know Dazai-kun, the previous boss has returned.. based on the information you acquired from investigating Subarachi(?) city, it may have a lead on this 'Arahibaki' and by coincidence it seems that the Sheep King is looking for the so called God of Destruction" He explained.
"and?" He replied, clearly uninterested.
"He's suggesting that you work with Nakahara Chūya, if possible make him join the Mafia" She walked passed them, handing Dazai the documents she read earlier.
"Mhm, and you are?" Dazai asked before reading the documents. She continued to walk towards the door before Mori stopped her by ordering the guards from behind the door.
"Stay. (name)-sama" He smiled while she stopped in her tracks after hearing a pair of guards ruffle through the door.
"Haii.. what do you want now?" She let out a long, exasperated sigh. Ignoring her question, he explained to Dazai who she was.
"Dazai-kun, this is (name)-sama. She was strategist from the Great War" Sighing, she flopped down on a spare chair after he continued to explain about her to the young boy.
"So she knows about you killing the previous boss then?" He asked before glancing at her then to him.
"Yes. Now let's discuss this whole thing and why am I part of this?" She sat up, sending a glare at Mori.
"It was just as I explained earlier. The previous boss returned, Dazai-kun saw him personally so now that we have the Sheep King in our capture, we'll use that to our advantage by making him join the mafia." He gave both of them a closed-eye smile, Dazai put down the document and she gave him an annoyed look.
"That won't work" Both of them sighed in unison.
"Chūya is too loyal to the Sheep. It's already given after all if he didn't, he would've left them to die long ago. After realizing his own potential, he would join an organization with a high pay; if he didn't have deep ties with them..—" She explained, sitting back down while Dazai listened to her.
"The only reason for him to join us for the Sheep's safety" He followed after hearing her explain.
"—It's not guaranteed he'll be loyal. If he joins the organization for their safety alone, there's a high chance he will destroy the mafia from the inside and save his little herd"
"Wait are you suggesting-?" Dazai's eyes widened realizing what she means.
"Yes.. We have to make them suspicious of him. If they notice they have been too dependent on him, they'll do any means to overthrow him and that's where we go in." She moved the white bishop on the chess board creating an opening for the rook, and continuing the abandoned game.
"After their betrayal, the Mafia comes in and will pretend to wipe out the Sheep. Chūya, after being betrayed will stay to protect them; so he will do a bargain to save them" Dazai moved the black knight, eating the bishop and now he was in advantage in terms of pieces.
"He'll then join the mafia in terms of the bargain" She then proceeded to move her rook from across the board, blocking the king's only path to escape, almost delivering a checkmate until Dazai's queen ate it to make the game a bit longer, but not to escape the inevitable fate.
"however-" Mori sighed but was cut off by her.
"since the main priority is to make sure the previous boss doesn't return so his supporters won't start a revolution.. you have to fix that first or else you'll get tortured, then executed" She glances at Mori before moving her rook to eat Dazai's queen, delivering a back-rank checkmate. Mori was in awe after watching his protegee and ex-lover play chess in sync, as if they were reading each other's minds.
"But won't you get executed too, (name)-san? I mean you knew of how the boss'really died, yet you didn't say anything.. making you, another accomplice" Dazai leaned into his chair, analyzing how he lost.
"I'm not part of the Mafia—" She nonchalantly responded.
"Yet." Mori's voice was full of demands.
"..tch. As I said, no." She stood up from her chair, giving Dazai a small smile before turning back to the door.
"Why?" This time he was more pushy for some reason.
"It's none of your business" She hissed before opening the door and leaving.
"Well isn't she beautiful.." He muttered under his breath while Dazai sat there with a fed up look on his face.
That was their first encounter. The second one was after both of them planned a strategy to defeat Verlaine. Even if Dazai didn't have any encounters with her that didn't involve work, he grew close to her. During their plannings, he was childish but she didn't mind. He felt comfortable with her, as if he could actually show his true self. She didn't try to exploit his intelligence, as she has one of her own, she tried to understand his view of the world, she sees through his emotions but she never used it to take advantage of him.
When she joined the mafia, her position was a strategist, even if she didn't engage in missions, she was valued by the Mafia because she was the one to pull the strings and by she was liked Mori personally. He had an interest in her that Dazai seemed to distinguish as love, one that he thought Mori was not capable off. All those who tried to assassinate her failed, because of Mori's interference and his predictions. Dazai didn't want her to die, not because of how important she was in the organization but because of his own personal reasons. He then became an executive at eighteen and met quite a few people, Sakunosuke Oda and Sakaguchi Ango, whom he calls his friends. Dazai finds himself looking for her again and again, wanting to see her, because of him, Oda, Ango and her became acquainted..
Oda and (name) was on a small talking about the orphans until Ango interrupted.
"I feel like I'm quite the third wheel here you know?"
"My, my.. I never knew you were sad that you were left out Ango-kun" She teased.
"Tch. I never knew you liked kids (name)-san" He tried to switch the topic.
"I feel neutral about them—I don't dislike them nor do I like them... I once met a child in the war, she was there as a nurse since her ability allowed her to heal soldiers... such a precious child—if I remember correctly, her name was Yosano" She faintly smiled at the memory.
"You took part in the war.?" Oda fiddled with his fingers.
"Mhm.. as a strategist..." She responded. Both of them stopped in their tracks before she turned around to face them.
"If she was in the healing section and you were a strategist, how did you meet her?" Ango asked, she halted and her eyes widened a bit before laying her head low.
"My ex-lover was a doctor, he was in charge of the nurses in the war including her. I ended our relationship because of how he treated that little girl and some other reasons... in the end, she was left traumatized.. I don't know what happened to her after it was over" She quietly muttered, remembering the bitter memories of the war.
"I see.. I'm sorry for asking-" He tried to apologize but was cut off but a faint voice screaming her name.
" hmm.? Dazai-" before she could say anything else, his body crashed with hers as he hugged her.
"I'm quite hurt that you didn't invite me you know!" He pouted before looking at both of them.
"Anyway! Why did you three look so glum-" He tried asking but he was cut off by his phone ringing.
"Oh. It's him. Oii slug what do you want?"
"What do you mean what do I want!? You suicidal waste of bandages! We have a mission remember?!" Chūya screamed through his phone while Dazai listened with a nonchalant expression.
"Yea, yea"
"YOU'RE PROBABLY WITH THAT STUPID STRATEGIST AND YOUR EQUALLY STUPID FRIENDS!" He insulted him while Dazai was quite taken aback. He gasped before he returned the screams.
"OI YOU SLUG! YOU'RE PROBABLY JUST JEALOUS THAT I HAVE FRIENDS AND A MOTHER FIGURE!!!" All of you were quite shocked but Dazai didn't even realize what he was saying.
"NO YOU DO NOT! YOU MAY HAVE A MOTHER FIGURE BUT ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE KILLED BY YOUR HOELESS BROTHER!" He screamed, ending the call before Chūya could repriocate what he said and kill him.
"sorry about that, slug was being extra annoying" he smiled but all of them were still processing what he said earlier
"Dazai.. do you see me as a mother figure.?" She asked, coughing. Her words didn't seem to process in his mind for a second or two.
"Of course not! I only said that to piss him off!" He tried explaining, even though his lie was clearly visible; she didn't bother to inquire any further, not wanting to be nosy.
"Now let's go drink I'm thirsty!" Dazai exclaimed, heading to Lupin while they followed.
That was the last time all of them drank. She was sent away because of an organization called the Mimic appeared, Mori kept her busy for a reason she couldn't hold a grasp on. Soon, Ango betrayed the mafia and Oda died. The reason why Mori kept her busy was so she cannot interfere and warn Dazai, now the Port Mafia has a special abilities permit with the cost of everything that mattered to Dazai. She only found out the last minute, and she hates that she can't do anything about it.
After hearing Oda's last words he was about to leave the abandoned mansion until he met her running. She saw Dazai, standing infront of the ballroom door with his head hung low; when she reached him, he collapsed to the floor into her arms. His head was on the crook of her neck, and her arms was around him, hugging him, slowly patting his head as he struggled to breath.
"Shh... It's okay I'm here" Her voice trembled knowing that the kids along with Oda are dead but she could only focus on the poor child in her arms.
"He's dead... Mori-san used the Mimic to get that black envelope and he-" He explained between hiccups.
"I know" She whispered but her voice cracked.
"What did Oda say.?" She patted his back trying to comfort him but his grip tightened on her.
"He wanted me to save people.. to find a value in life" He bit his lip.
"Then go.." She continued to comfort him but he left her embrace upon hearing her words.
"Don't worry about me.. one day you'll find your reason in living, and you would be happy that you listened to him" She smiled at him as he slowly got up.
"Then how about you?" He tried with every bit of strength he could find to convince her to go with him. She got up too, now facing him directly in the eyes she said:
"You're still young, you would be leaving an environment you are never supposed to be in. And I.. My soul is already bounded to the mafia, if I leave with you he'd do what it takes to get me back"
"But still I-"
"Mafiosos will be here soon... Go to Chief Taneda of the Special Division of the Unusual Powers in a small cheep bar, he'll help you. Don't hesitate to turn your back, go" She quickly explained grabbing him by the shoulders with a tenses expression. His lips parted but he didn't know what to say.
"Just go, I'll meet you again" She gave him a reassuring smiled. Upon seeing her eyes, he nodded.
"Thank you.." He quietly muttered before finally leaving.
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A/n: Damn that was hard and cringe.. just so you know I kinda got distracted by music while doing this I apologize... For the person who requested this you can go to the comment section and say if you want me to redo it because I'll gladly do so :)
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rae-writes · 1 year
nothing like you-
Dazai x little sibling!reader
wc : 1.k
warnings : angst, very minor implication of sexual trauma in the beginning, light description of injuries, major character death [reader]
synopsis : “The one thing I like about me is that I’m nothing like you and I never will be.”
a/n : the reader might be dead but I'm not! surprise!
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“Samu, please!” Your eyes were wild as you gripped onto the sleeve of his coat tightly— something happened during your last visit to Mori’s office- the meeting that, for some reason, Mori refused to let him join in on- because you weren’t so adamant about this before. “Please, let’s leave. Let’s leave and never look back and start a new life- anywhere but here. I can’t. I don’t wanna do it anymore.” 
Dazai felt his heart tugging in two different directions. On one hand, you were his little sibling; only by a year, sure, but he promised himself he’d do anything to protect you and stay with you always, and you did the same in return. 
On the other hand, he’d finally met someone who gave him a different outlook on life- who made even the slightest shine appear back in his eyes. How could he just…leave after finding that? 
“…you’re strong, n/n. You can do it- we’ll make it. You’ve got me and the slug.” 
You stared at him in disbelief, unable to really grasp the fact that your big brother was just brushing you aside. He didn’t even ask what happened. Didn’t show any concern for you. 
You couldn’t grasp the sight of your brother being so cold to you, so you grasped at straws instead. “We…we can take Chuuya with us! And..and Oda, and all the kids, and even Ango if he wants- we can all go together and start new lives, together!” 
The idea sounded amazing. Just the thought of it made Dazai’s heart warm, but he knew…Mori would never allow that. Even if each of you managed to escape, the boss doesn’t forgive and forget easily. It was safer to just stay. 
“Enough, Y/n. We’re staying. There’s no need to get everyone wrapped up in your selfish desires when we’re all already here.”
Any hope you had left of your big brother still being inside there- the one that made you laugh with dumb jokes, the one that held you when you cried, the one that never forgot your birthday and gave you hand drawn pictures because he couldn’t afford anything else, the one that promised to love you even after death- shattered. 
Dazai expected you to scream at him. To curse at him, to start throwing punches and kicks, to start crying about how he was the worst brother in the entire world. He wouldn’t blame you. It was true- just look at him. He didn’t even blink as he brushed you aside. 
You didn’t do any of that. You just stared at him, slowly blinking as tears cascaded down your cheeks. You’d gotten paler, as if the mere interaction was killing you. “I wanted to be like you so bad, Osamu…you protected me and took care of me even in the worst of situations and I wanted to be exactly like you so that I could return the care and love you’d given to me…”
His throat began closing up, fingers itching to reach out and grab you, apologize for turning out like this and take your hand to run away and be the big brother he used to be. He didn’t do any of that. 
Osamu just stood there silently and let you break his heart like he broke yours. 
“I’m glad I didn’t get that far.” 
He watched you leave his office, mouth dry and unable to speak, hands too numb to try and reach out— he was 17 then and Dazai never saw you again after that. 
Not until he was 20 years old, three years after finally leaving the mafia (it took a year after you left and Oda dying for him to finally break free) and one year of being in the Armed Detective Agency. 
It was a sunny spring day. There was a cool breeze blowing cherry blossoms around, butterflies were around every corner, flocking the blooming flowers. He remembers wondering if you were even still in Yokohama- if you were seeing what he saw whenever he walked outside. He hoped so; you'd always liked the spring. 
Beautiful day as it was, he and the rest of the Ada were holed up in their meeting room, discussing recent incidents around the city and watching the news for any potential jobs. Everything was pretty bland until…
“Hey, turn the volume up!” 
“Just this morning, a 19 year old was discovered dead in an abandoned shipyard port. Authorities say they were found with their throat slit and shirt ripped open with the words ‘you should have stayed’ written in blood. Due to their face being bruised and cut beyond recognition, we don’t yet have a positive ID, however this picture was found on the scene a few feet away from the body.”
Dazai already felt an uneasy sense of dread crawling up his throat before they showed the picture. 
And then it flashed on screen, showing you and Osamu- no more than 13-14 years old- with your cheeks pressed together and peace signs thrown up; you were smiling widely while he had his tongue sticking out. Blood was splattered across the photo, directly over your face; it was much too neat to be an accident. 
The walls felt like they were closing in. 
You should have stayed. 
Everyone turned to look at Dazai with expressions ranging from surprised, sympathetic, or horrified. 
You should have stayed. 
He didn’t see any of them, though, as he’d stumbled out of his chair and dropped down beside the trash can, dry heaving and retching and half sobbing. 
Various pairs of hands were grabbing at him, pulling him off the floor and stabilizing his body so his legs didn’t give out. They were all talking- he could see their mouths moving and hear the muffled sounds of their voices, but he wasn’t listening. 
For a few moments, Osamu Dazai was concerningly quiet. 
And then he screamed, loud and shrill and broken and horrified.
It had been three years since he let you walk out of his life. Two years since he begged President Fukuzawa to help search for you. One year since becoming a better man than he was before. 
…It had been four years since he told you that your big brother loved you more than anything. 
He’d never get the chance to tell you again.
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cvntydazai · 2 months
cat and mouse
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ever since your first day at the agency you’ve made an effort to avoid dazai and his silly little games, even when he so desperately craves your attention.
pairing; dazai osamu x fem!reader
word count; 3.3k
content warning; nsfw (minors do not interact), unedited, cursing, dazai fingers reader, reader is gifted but their gift is not described/specified, the usual dazai shenanigans, mentions of blood/injury, mentions of murder, probably a lot more
authors note; sigh not only is this a day late but i’m not proud of it so sorry guys :( been so busy lately this was not what i had in mind for this fic, i still hope it’s enjoyable!
when you first joined the agency it was a desperate attempt to find a job that could utilize your gift, after many failed “normal” jobs you just had to accept that your situation wasn’t normal and you needed a job that could handle that. you caught wind of a detective agency full of gifted individuals and knew it was the perfect opportunity.
that’s how you got to where you were now, 6 months into your career as a gifted detective. it has been going perfect, being the longest job you’ve ever had.
there was just one issue, a big one that took its place in the form of a tall, bandaged man who could never leave you alone. dazai osamu, the issue called itself, would be the death of you.
it all started on your very first day at the agency, he wasted little time introducing himself and instead put all of his energy towards wooing you with those doe eyes. you also recall him telling you could rely on him anytime, followed by a wink and a knowing smirk. you were warned by yosano to keep your distance from him, advice that you still regret not taking to this day.
he tried to get your attention for weeks, throwing paper balls on your desk and mouthing at you to open them. inside was always a love note, multiple tiny hearts littering the crumpled paper. he never seemed to take it personally when you would throw those papers in your trash can, forgetting about them to continue on with work.
just when you begin to think he’s finally let go of his obsession with you, one fateful morning you end up alone with him in the office.
“ah, beautiful morning isn’t?” he attempted small talk, you only offered a nod and continued filing out your paperwork.
so engrossed in your work you didn’t realize how close he had gotten until you felt his warm breath fanning your shoulder, you naturally flinched. you cocked your head to glance at him, those tired eyes focused on your computer screen.
“what has you working your sweet little head off?” his curiosity would seem genuine to anyone who wasn’t familiar with dazai and his antics.
you cleared your throat, “just recalling the specifics of my previous mission.” he hummed, his slim hand brushing over yours so he could use the scroll wheel on your mouse. you watched as his eyes scanned the document, analyzing your every word.
being so physically close you were forced to take in all the features of him you chose to ignore, for your own good. you knew dazai was an attractive man, and he knew it too. you didn’t dare to look in his eyes anymore so you focused on his hair, unkempt yet still framed his face perfectly and looked fluffy, you wondered if it felt fluffy too.
“it’s hard to focus with you staring me down like a piece of meat, bella.” he whispered, you gasped at such an accusation.
“whatever, in your dreams.” you bit back, feeling flustered.
he turned to look at you, his eyes danced around your entire face, drinking in every detail of you like a book. many silent moments later, his eyes stopped when they landed on your lips, causing even more turmoil in your chest. it was all too much, being under the heavy gaze of someone like him.
“anyways..” you start, trying to find any excuse to break this close proximity. “the others should be here soon, we should start getting stuff done around here.”
he hummed in agreement, backing away at last. now that you felt like you could breathe again you tried your hardest to continue on with whatever paperwork you had. you ignored the tremble in your fingertips, typing away on the keyboard.
once the others started filing into the office the tension eased substantially, you were thankful for that. kunikida was the first to arrive, surprised to see you both already there. you ignored his curious stare, greeting him properly and then returning to your computer. dazai pestered the poor man for a bit before quieting down himself.
you thought that was it, the weird encounter in the office would be the last of his teasing. couldn’t he see you weren’t in the mood for his games, or was this all too amusing for him to care?
fate would put you in a battle against dazai once again just a mere week later. you both sat in front of your boss, a kind man by the name of fukuzawa. in your months here at the agency your respect for him has only grown, his admiration for his employees and the work they do warmed your heart. you truly felt grateful to be under the command of someone as strong-willed and humble as he was.
“there’s a murder scene i’d like the two of you to look into, please go gather evidence.” he says, hands folded in his lap while he speaks to you.
you’re both silent as he goes over the details of the case. a body found in the museum with suspicion of a gifted individual being involved, it felt as normal as these missions usually are. once you’re dismissed you and dazai make your way outside to the cab waiting for you.
he rushes to open the car door for you, motioning you inside with an eager smile. you sigh, complying with whatever he was up to.
you shuffle around a bit until you’re comfortable, dazai takes his seat beside you and the car begins moving. while dazai stared out of the window on his side, you occupy yourself with responding to all the messages people have sent you that you pushed aside to finish work. some may call you a workaholic (dazai), others (kunikida) call you a devoted employee, you much preferred the title of a devoted employee. your desire to be of use was finally fulfilled now that you were at the agency, for that you were eternally thankful.
“my dear y/n, i just realized something!” the loud voice of dazai makes you cringe, clutching your poor phone into a death grip.
he doesn’t let you respond, “this is our first time handling a case together alone, just the two of us!” the excitement in his tone makes you irritated.
“and what about it?” your monotonous response makes the brunette clutch his chest, a look of hurt in his eyes.
“we finally get the alone time we’ve been dying to have since our little moment in the office.” if the phone that was still being strangled in your palm wasn’t already broken, it sure was now.
“you totally misread the situation in the office, i wasn’t even looking at you like that!” the anger in your tone came across as an embarrassed yelp, it made his grin grow wider.
there was no point in arguing with a man who has made up his mind, he totally thought you were checking him out and now he’ll never back down. an exasperated sigh left your lips, deeply regretting not taking yosano’s warning seriously.
thankfully, all you had to endure for the rest of the car ride was dazai’s humming to a tune you were unfortunately accustomed to by now. it was hard to forget said song when it was always filling the office air, either by dazai’s singing or the sound blaring from his headphones that were definitely not noise-canceling.
hell, you even caught yourself humming the tune from time to time, not that you’d ever let someone else find out.
“we’re here.” you thanked the driver, hastily leaving the vehicle before dazai could open the door for you.
the museum in front of you was old, ready to crumble at any given moment, many of the stone bricks were cracked beyond repair and the shrubs that surrounded the entrance were all dead or dying. you never got the details on whether or not the place was even running anymore.
“this museum shut down years ago and no one has bought it since, perfect place to commit murder.” dazai appeared beside you, seemingly answering the question to your thoughts.
you nodded in agreement, stepping inside without a second thought.
inside all you could see was chaos, shattered glass from broken display cases and graffiti littering the walls. it almost pained you, seeing how this once beautiful sanctuary of history was now torn to shreds for no good reason.
you found what you were looking for quick, the bright yellow caution tape gave it away. you’re sure the police had already come to take the body, so it didn’t surprise you when you didn’t see anything there.
fukuzawa strictly said you were only here to gather evidence, so that’s what you’ll do. while you got to work, dazai lazed around the building, kicking random trash around to entertain himself. he would giggle when you scolded him for tampering with possible clues.
you knew you were only here to gather evidence but something about the whole situation felt so strange to you, leaving you no choice but to investigate further. normally, you pride yourself in how well you are at gathering information needed for an investigation, but this time around you were completely stumped.
it had your brain so wracked you even contemplated calling ranpo, however you fought against it since you knew he was already working on a case today and you didn’t want to bother him just because you couldn’t find clues that may not exist.
after a few more minutes of coming back empty handed the realization hit you like a truck, a soft breath leaving your lips at your newfound discovery.
“dazai..” you mumble, still a bit unsure of your conclusion, he only hummed in response.
“i don’t think a murder ever occurred here.” nothing but silence on his part, until you hear the shuffling of his footsteps and his breath hot against your ear.
“well done, flower! to be honest, i didn’t think you would figure it out this quickly.” his hushed voice felt loud with him being so close to you.
you were left confused once again, if dazai knew from the start why didn’t he just say so? or was he the one who orchestrated this whole thing? so many questions reeling through your brain, and dazai was thoroughly enjoying watching you piece together the mystery he created for you.
but alas, he had to cut it short, you two had limited time here after all. fukuzawa would eventually figure out dazai’s antics and there would be hell to pay, that was a problem for later though.
“i made the whole thing up!” he admitted, lips still dangerously close to your ear. “you were always so busy, i needed to get you alone for once.”
you pushed him off you in an instant, anger bubbling inside you. never once did you expect dazai to do something like this, no matter how crazy he was at times. hell, this was beyond crazy.
“you couldn’t have gone about it like a normal fucking person? jesus christ, dazai!” you were now pacing, thinking of all the time you lost entertaining this game of his when it could have been spent at the office or on a real case.
“oh bella please, let me finish.” he begged, stepping close to you again.
you protested for a second time, taking a step back so he couldn’t reach you. it would prove to be the wrong move, your ankle catching on a stray piece of rubble from all the broken displays in this damned building. you’re sent tumbling backwards, a cry leaving your lips as you reached out to grasp dazai’s open arms.
your landing is hard, your ankle throbbing with pain from whatever it was caught on. dazai is at your side in an instant, a look of concern adorning his features as he practically cradled you.
“are you okay?” his voice was serious this time around, so much so that it caught you off guard.
“no, my ankle is bleeding.” you state, clear annoyance in your voice whilst you examine your injury.
you’re caught off guard once again by him effortlessly picking you up from the floor and setting you down on a flat, clean surface. now perched on a white table, you let your other leg dangle off the edge while you tend to your hurt ankle.
dazai claims he’ll be back, that he’s going to search for a medkit around here. you nod, happy to be away from his suffocating presence. you’re not anywhere near free from your thoughts though, the lanky man is still clean in your mind.
you didn’t even know he possessed the strength to lift you like that, he always looked so frail and ready to break at any given. you shake your head from any further thoughts of dazai, that stupid man.
“found one.” he was back again, a small medkit in his rather large hands.
despite your many protests he still insisted on caring for you, acknowledging that this was his fault and the responsibility should fall on his shoulders. you kept your mouth shut while he wrapped your foot in the bandages the first aid kit provided. his soft touches to your swollen skin were light, almost soothing.
you hated this, hated how perfect he was. how were you supposed to ignore such a man when his presence was everywhere. most of all though, you were still thoroughly pissed! he not only wasted your time, but the agency’s time, and that was unforgivable in your eyes.
“why?” you question him, “and don’t give me that bullshit ass excuse from before, or so help me.”
he chuckled at your threatening words, eyes remained trained on your foot. there was a momentary pause before his eyes met yours, his held mischievous undertones.
“i was getting tired of this back and forth, you know.” there he goes again like a broken record, you huffed.
“i don’t know what you’re-“ he cuts you off with a finger to your lips, hushing you in the sweetest way he could muster.
“the other day, when you threw away one of my well thought out love letters i went to retrieve it after you left to the bathroom, can you imagine my surprise to find it wasn’t there anymore?” your eyes widen, like a deer caught in the bright headlights of a hunters truck.
“and then i go to check your locker and i see every single one of them in a nice neat stack.” his finger was taken off your lips, his eyebrow raised as if expecting an answer to his discovery.
“why were you in my locker?” you deflect, feeling embarrassed that he knew about your little secret.
instead of answering he finished wrapping your foot, giving the gauze one final tug before leaving it be. he smiled at you, a smile you couldn’t read. with your legs spread out like they were, it gave him the perfect opportunity to weave in between them and trap your body close to his. he did just that, growing dangerously close to you.
“dazai..” you start, unsure.
he doesn’t say anything, instead focusing on treading his fingers against your waist, eyes never once leaving yours.
“we shouldn’t..” you speak again, your breathing growing more sporadic when he hooks one of his fingers underneath your belt buckle, the way he plays with it is teasing.
“why shouldn’t we, bella? i arranged all of this for us anyways.” his way of showing interest in you, doing something so unsound with little care for the consequences.
but oh god, was it attractive. his touch grew more and more needy by the second and you couldn’t find the desire to push him away, because deep down you wanted this too. you knew you wanted the bandaged detective the second you walked through those doors and saw him sitting there, fiddling with little trinkets he had on his desk looking pretty as ever.
“i think we should put an end to this cat and mouse game, hm?” his voice fills your ears again and this time around you listen, nodding whilst wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him even tighter against you.
he’s first to put his lips on yours in a desperate, longing kiss. he tastes sweet, probably from whatever chapstick he uses. the kiss is deeply rooted in lust yet affection as well, he squeezes your waist in the lightest way possible.
“dazai!” you moan out, surprised when he bites your bottom lip teasingly.
“osamu.” he says through the kiss. “call me osamu.” and then he’s back to attacking you, hips rutting into yours.
you think you’ll pass out with how long he’s been kissing you but he eventually pulls away, leaving you gasping for air. he wastes little time, discarding his pants and helping you with yours, the desperation evident in his eyes as he stands before you in just his boxers and dress shirt. he looks like a crazed man who had been holding back for far too long.
once you’re free from the confines of clothing it allows him to truly feel you, his palm cupping your heat. he runs two fingers across your slit before prodding them at your entrance.
“so beautiful, everything about you is so beautiful.” he whispers, stopping his hand entirely.
“dazai.” you say again, sounding more desperate than before, it was even possible.
“osamu.” he corrects, his voice still soft but held hints of firmness.
you repeat his first name back to him and he finally slips two fingers into your cunt. his long fingers are able to reach parts inside of you that your own fingers can’t, the new length has you bucking your hips into his hand.
he lets out a muffled giggle but says nothing, his eyes watching the way you suck his fingers in with every thrust. he looks entranced by the sight, it leaves you feeling shy. you have no time to dwell on your embarrassment as he picks up his pace, along with adding a third digit to your already full pussy.
the stretch of the third finger and the change in pace has you throwing your head back, nails clawing at the table you were perched up against just to give yourself some sort of stability.
you feel your climax approaching quicker than you anticipated, shaking your head from the overstimulation. just before you were about to reach your high, it was ruined by a muffled ringing in dazai’s discarded pants. he pulls his fingers out of you in a swift motion, ignoring your whines of protest as he reaches to grab the phone from his pants pocket.
“hey boss.” he starts, his voice as quirky as ever.
you could hear fukuzawa’s irritated tone through the phone even if you couldn’t pick up his exact words. dazai simply hummed and nodded in agreement, even letting out an apology for the time wasted on a fake case. within just a few minutes the call was over, and dazai’s smile had grown even larger.
he ended the call with a sigh, a pout on his lips that told you he was definitely in trouble when you two got back to the agency. you wondered what excuse he’d give the boss, and what punishment he would receive for lying.
“i’m truly saddened to have to cut this short.” you knew he meant it, you gave him a smile.
“it’s okay, we’ll continue it tonight after we see what kind of hell fukuzawa is gonna put you through for this.” the promise of this continuing excited him, and for once he couldn’t wait to get back to the office to finish up his job.
he helped you put your pants back on before putting on his own, making sure your injury was still well taken care of. this time you don’t fight him even once, allowing him to assist you to the car that was waiting outside for the two of you.
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sharuruwrites · 8 days
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I'm in love with the idea Of dying with you in my arms But not like this - The Bird song by Noah Floersch
Tags: Osamu Dazai x Fem!Reader, Angst, inspiration from BEAST manga, unedited, Reader works as a florist, lots of deaths, Dazai being a Yandere in one of his past lives?, Unalive oneself, fluff
A/n: haven't read the manga, but hearing these specific lines from that song two days ago while driving to home, made me write this. I do recommend to look up hanakotoba or Japanese Flower Language after reading this one shot.
The ability to experience and remembered all past lives sounded a good idea in theory. However, one must expect that not everything would be the same as one hoped it'll be.
Unfortunately, Osamu Dazai was blessed? or perhaps cursed? He really didn't know at this point as he lost count in how many lives he started and ended. Dazai was too busy studying the lady's beautiful features behind the glass window of a flower shop.
Someone was so lovely and brimming with life, but so far within his reach. The carefree smile on your face never changed either.
Yes, this wasn't his first encounter of you. In fact, in every life he experienced, a very special constant existed. He unexpectedly believed he would get his desired ending.
Despite your profession being the same through the many lifetimes, you always have a different favourite flower and a different ending.
In the first book, the scent of red roses was constant to him as you always greeted him with it. It was a fall at first sight. Stolen kisses, intimate conversations, and silence filled with affection. Love and Passion -- those two words described what his first relationship was like with you. Just the existence of you was enough to fill the void he found in his tiring world.
Yet, his enemies found out his 'weakness', and the last thing he remembered from that life was rage and anger directed at everything after your corpse was delivered to him.
In the next book, your first meeting, Dazai brushed his fingers against yours as you were reaching for the soft hydrangeas. Memories from the previous book haunted him, and swore to himself that he would do everything to keep you safe. The moment you fell for him he ensnared you, and locked you up in his apartment like a caged bird.
Dazai took advantage of your kind heart by threatening to take his life if you dared to go outside. His fear of losing you and his stubborn pride drove you to insanity. Instead of an obedient and dependent beloved welcoming him home, he found you dead with an empty bottle of sleeping pills.
In one of the books and after many more tragedies, Dazai vowed to not fall for you, but fate was a such a cruel mistress to suffering. Everywhere he went, you were there, wearing a metallic spider-like flower brooch.
Since when fucking Yokahama city became a small town for him to see you so easily?
Dazai avoided you like a plaque, but it's unavoidable as you were somehow acquainted with the agency's mad doctor, Yosano. During your visits in the agency, longing still filled him as he caught glimpses of you. Dazai yearned to be the one who makes you smile effortlessly.
After he gathered the courage to approach you, he witnessed a car crash as your body flung across the busy street of the city. His mind screamed at him to get close to you, but he stood still as his eyes locked onto the bloodied flower brooch on your dress.
That's where realization hit Dazai. Whether it be from the start or from the end, you and him were doomed. He's enamoured to a dream -- to die alongside of a beautiful lady. But, if it meant a countless partings with you attached to your tragic end, why would he wished for it?
Although all hope may seemed lost, Dazai dreamt of a very peaceful scenery last night that ignited his hope of a happy ending with you.
"I know we just got married," Dazai cupped your face, and his thumb caressed your cheek. "But, will you marry me in our next life?"
You leaned further to his touch with your eyes getting misty. "Well, as long as you hear me say yes."
With a deep breath, Dazai walked into your flower shop. The bell rang, and the flowers' scent filled his senses. He took a moment to enjoy the sight before him—the roses, carnations, and lilies, all so pretty. He felt himself smile at the sight, as if he hadn't seen them in years. He had never thought much of flowers, but after he met you, he found himself falling in love with them.
"Welcome!" you called from behind the counter, greeting him. "How may I help you?"
"Instead of help," Dazai plucked a cluster of small blue flowers from a nearby vase. "Can't I just give a beautiful lady like you a flower?"
"Oh," You meekly accepted the flower. "How did you know that forget-me-nots are my favourite?"
Dazai chuckled. "A lucky guess?"
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thewickedjazzy · 26 days
𝑺𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒆 : A vignette fic
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Pairings: Chuuya x fem!reader x Dazai
Tags: crack, mention of word 'crotch' , mention of words' S&M' 'ropes & belt' but overall nothing nsfw, swearing & curses. please let me know if I forgot any Xx.
Author's note: omg, omg!! So this is my first vignette, i love the idea of it sm (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝), so a vignette fic is basically a collection of multiple shot scenes. And the fact that it's crack? Tops it *mwah mwah* hope you guys actually enjoy it? Please let me know if you want me to do more of this.
P.S. I'm not sure who created Chuuya and Dazai's bantering scene in the photo, but I edited it a little, and UwU, it's cute.
Word count: 2.2k
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You and Chuuya Nakahara stand side by side, squinting down a narrow alley that reeks of old ramen and questionable life choices. The tension in the air is thicker than a badly cooked stew, but it’s not because of the mission. No, it’s because you’re stuck with Chuuya—the guy who seems to have skipped the tutorial on how to chill out.
“I still don’t get how we became friends so quickly,” you mutter, glancing at Chuuya from the corner of your eye.
Chuuya huffs, adjusting his fedora like it’s the crown jewel of his entire aesthetic. “You think I get it? The last thing I expected was to actually like one of Dazai’s friends.”
“Wait, are we actually getting along now? I should definitely blog about this—‘Unexpected Friendships: How I Learned to Tolerate My Frenemy.’” You said with an exaggerated british accent, your head tilted slightly to the side, giving a flirty pout and holding up a peace sign with a wink.
“Don’t push it,” he warns, though there’s no real heat behind his words.
The truth is, working with Chuuya is surprisingly easy—once you get past the short temper, the constant complaints about Dazai, and the occasional death threat. You had always thought you’d be in over your head dealing with someone from the Port Mafia, but instead, you found yourself enjoying his company. His straightforwardness was a breath of fresh air compared to Dazai’s endless scheming.
As you two began your search for the culprit who had pilfered sensitive information from both the Agency and the Port Mafia, you couldn’t help but throw a bit of sarcasm into the mix.
"Okay, but imagine stealing information only to figure out that the most feared Port Mafia member has a whole wardrobe collection of fedoras. heeehh," You sighed, rolling your eyes playfully.
Chuuya shot you a sidelong glance. “If you keep making jokes, I’m going to start thinking you’re the one who stole the files.”
“Please, I wouldn’t risk getting on your bad side,” you replied. “You’ve got a way of making even paperwork seem like a death sentence.”
“I’ll torture you one day,” Chuuya said with a sigh, more exasperated than serious.
“Oh, absolutely!” you said with mock enthusiasm. “I've always wanted to experience the classic ‘tortured by Chuuya’ scenario. Make sure to use ropes and belts, though—nothing says 'fun' like an impromptu S&M session.”
Chuuya’s eyes widened, and he froze in place, his face flushing bright red. “What?!” he stammered.
“Bestie, I’m kidding,” you said, stepping closer and whispering in his ear with a mischievous grin, “Even though I’m not entirely joking... I’d love to see you try it someday.”
Chuuya’s blush deepened, and he turned away, clearly flustered.
You chuckled and patted him on the back. “Come on, lighten up. Let’s get back to finding that bastard before you actually get the chance to use those ropes and belts.”
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You and Dazai were hanging out at Chuuya's house, enjoying some wine and the rare moment of peace that didn’t involve life-or-death situations. However, you should’ve known better than to leave these two motherfuckers alone together, even for a second. As you walked back into the living room, you were greeted by the sight of Chuuya looking absolutely furious while Dazai was laughing like he had just heard the best joke of the century.
As they both turn to look at you, their expressions shift from whatever chaos they were engaged in to sheer confusion. Why? Because you’re now wearing sunglasses—at 10 p.m.
Chuuya, barely containing his anger, is the first to speak. “Why the hell are you wearing sunglasses indoors? At night?”
You strik a dramatic pose, placing two fingers under your chin and lips bitten like you’re about to slide into someone’s DMs with a “Hey, baby girl, you up?”. With all the confidence in the world, you sit down across from Chuuya, leaning back nonchalantly.
“I’m wearing sunglasses,” you say, your tone oozing fake coolness, “so no one knows what I’m looking at.”
Then, you slowly shift your gaze to Chuuya’s crotch, your eyes completely hidden behind the tinted lenses. The room goes silent for a moment, tension hanging thick in the air. Chuuya’s face turns from angry to completely flustered, his eyes widening as he realises where your focus is.
“W-What the hell are you doing?!” Chuuya splutters, clearly thrown off by your audacity.
Dazai, who had been watching the whole thing, finally loses it, bursting into uncontrollable laughter. He nearly spills his wine as he clutches his stomach, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
“Oh my god! y/n you did notttt!!” Dazai gasps between laughs.
Chuuya shot Dazai a glare, his face still bright red. “Shut up, Dazai! This isn’t funny!”
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You stand in the middle of a crime scene in Yokohama, your head pounding like a drum solo gone wrong. Sleep? Who needs it when you’ve got coffee—enough to make your system hate you for life. You’ve been running on caffeine and sheer willpower, and it’s a miracle you haven’t started seeing pink sheep dancing on the rooftops.
Dazai is strolling around like he’s on a casual walk in the park, while Kunikida is already knee-deep in his notebook, scribbling down everything with the precision of a man who’s too serious for his own good. Meanwhile, you’re squinting at the crime scene, trying to piece together the puzzle through a caffeine-induced haze.
After what feels like a marathon of connecting the dots, you sigh heavily, shaking your head as the realization dawns on you. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you mutter. “It’s the dead guy’s girlfriend. Classic case of ‘hell hath no fury.’”
Dazai glances at you, an amused smile tugging at his lips. “Figured it out, have you? And here I thought you were too sleep-deprived to function.”
“I’m running on three cups of coffee zero hours of sleep I'm ready to fight god or become him, but I still have more brain cells firing than you, Dazai,” you shoot back, earning a chuckle from him.
The investigation leads you to the suspect’s location. Turns out, she’s an ability user, so the police are out of their depth. It’s the Agency’s mess now, and you’re not sure if that’s a good thing or if you’re just about to add another layer of mess to your already weird day.
The three of you burst into the room where the suspect is holed up, only to find her cozied up with another woman, their fingers interlocked like they’re the leads in a sappy romance drama. It takes you all of two seconds to figure out what went down: she killed her boyfriend because he cheated, and now she’s got with the girl he cheated on her with.
Before you can say anything, Kunikida charges in with the no-nonsense attitude of a man who’s had enough of everyone’s crap today. He knocks her out cold and cuffs her with swift efficiency. Meanwhile, Dazai’s just standing there, hands in his pockets, watching the whole thing like it’s the best entertainment he’s had in weeks.
As the suspect curses under her breath, you can’t hold back the joke that’s been bubbling up inside you. It’s too good to waste, and your brain is running on autopilot now.
“Well, well, well,” you say, grinning like a maniac. “It’s obvious she did it for the plot. You go, queen! Honestly, you better spill the tea when we get to the investigation room.”
Dazai loses it completely. He doubles over, laughter echoing through the room.
Kunikida narrows his eyes as he tries to process what just came out of your mouth. “This is serious! How can you joke about this?!”
“Come on, Kunikida-san,” you say, patting him on the back. “She’s in cuffs, the case is solved, and we’ve got a hell of a story to tell back at the office. Chill a bit, yeah?”
Kunikida just shakes his head, muttering something about needing a vacation. But despite his irritation, there’s a tiny, begrudging smile tugging at his lips.
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After what felt like an eternity drowning in paperwork at the Agency, you finally hit send on the last report and tossed your pen aside like it had personally wronged you. The boredom was suffocating, and you needed a break—preferably one that involved good company and even better wine.
You grabbed your phone and shot a quick text to Chuuya: “Yo, I’m crashing at your place before you head out. Got wine. Don’t argue.”
With the wine bottle in hand, you made your way to Chuuya’s place, already picturing the relaxation ahead. When you knocked on his door, it only took a few seconds before it swung open, revealing Chuuya in nothing but his black pants, the belt hanging loose, and his chest on full display.
You blinked. Then blinked again. It wasn’t every day you got to see Chuuya Nakahara shirtless—okay, maybe this was the first time, but still.
“Hey,” he greeted casually, as if this was the most normal way to answer the door.
“Sheeeshh, lord have mercy!” you giggled, not dropping your gaze off of him just yet.
He rolled his eyes, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks as he stepped aside to let you in. “Shut up. I was just about to get dressed.”
You sauntered past him into the living room as if you hadn’t just been blessed with the view of the century. You tossed your jacket and vest onto the nearest chair and unbuttoned the top few buttons of your shirt, trying to fight off the sudden wave of heat.
“How hot is it in here? Ugh, must be the humidity,” you muttered, though you knew damn well the real reason your face felt like it was on fire.
Chuuya, seemingly oblivious to your internal chaos, started yapping about something—what, you couldn’t quite tell. Your brain was too fried from the paperwork and the unexpected view to keep up. He eventually headed towards his bedroom to get dressed, leaving you to pour two glasses of wine. You took a deep breath and followed him, wine glasses in hand.
When you entered the bedroom, Chuuya was already half-dressed in his usual getup, adjusting his choker in the mirror. You couldn’t help but stare at his waist, so slim it could rival that of a top model. The words slipped out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“How many bicycle crunches do you do? Ain’t no way your waist is that slim.” You pouted, genuinely baffled at the injustice of it all. Like, seriously, what the hell?
Chuuya shot you a look that could only be described as utterly confused. “Say what now?”
Ignoring him, you walked over, setting the wine glasses aside before placing both hands on his waist, feeling the firm yet unfairly slim muscles beneath your fingers. “Ain’t no way you’re not wearing a corset underneath. Be honest.”
Chuuya froze, his face turning a shade redder than his hair. “Are you serious right now?” he sputtered, his voice rising slightly as he smacked your hands away. “Get a grip!”
You pouted dramatically. “I’m just saying, Chuuya. It’s not fair. I can barely do a sit-up without collapsing, and here you are, looking like you walked straight out of a fashion magazine.”
Chuuya headed over to his glass, holding it to his lips before drowning his wine in one go, probably regretting ever opening the door. “I seriously hate your guts.”
"Nahh, you love me," you say, raising your glass in a mock toast.
“Only because you bring wine,” he quips back, finally allowing a small smile to break through.
You clink glasses with him, both of you taking a sip. For a moment, you just stand there, enjoying the quiet. The mission can wait; right now, it’s all about enjoying the moment—and maybe, just maybe, teasing Chuuya a little bit more.
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You: [sends a photo of yourself in the arcade, holding an AK and posing beside the score] “Honestly? SLAYED 💅🏻"
Bandages Whore: Ah~,😫 my bella, it would be an honour to meet my end by your hand—your tight black dress has me mesmerised.
Tainted Wine: I will kill you, Dazai! And y/n delete that photo right now!!!
You: Too late, it’s already immortalised in the group chat, babe.😚
Bandages Whore: got my first death threat online ngl the world is healing.
Tainted Wine: Piss off shitty Dazai! But seriously, y/n you look absolutely gorgeous and with that gun? A real spitfire. (ꈍᴗꈍ)
Bandages Whore: Spitfire??? Chuuya, what century are you from? 😭😭😭
You: Spitfire? 😭😭 Where’d you dig that one up? I CAN'T- KSJEJWIW
Tainted Wine: Hey!!! I was trying to be nice! At least I don’t go around asking to be killed in every conversation, you damn weirdo!😠
Bandages Whore: Maybe, but at least I know how to give a modern compliment. You gotta keep up with the times, Chuuya!😭
You: It’s okay, Chuuya. I appreciate the effort. But next time, maybe skip the spitfire line and try something that doesn’t make me feel like I’m in a black-and-white movie. 😭😭😭😭
Tainted Wine: I HATE YOU GUYS! 😤
Bandages Whore: [sends a photo of Chuuya doing yoga, looking very zen]
Look at Chuuya here, so zen and peaceful.
You: Aww look at him, very demure, very considerate, very mindful. ๑(◕‿◕)๑
Bandages Whore: Very demure? I'm dying 😭😭😭
Tainted Wine: Stop with that trend and those slangs. You’re older than that! Seriously!!🤦🏼
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➵Want more of Chuuya & Dazai ?
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originalaccountname · 10 months
along with the "was Chuuya or Oda more important to Dazai" debates (stupid question, why compare the impact of completely different relationships), I often see arguing over who was worst or better for him.
Putting aside for a moment that these are little imaginary guys in a fantasy setting that are vehicles for the story and themes and therefore their words and actions and their consequences are all meant to carry the story and themes, so applying 1:1 real-life logic is meaningless,
It's both. It's both, it's both it's always both. This is Bungou Stray Dogs, things are always messy and good things come from from the worst situations and good intentions create horrible dilemmas and things are unfair and people make mistakes and there is always love and perseverance and growth anyway.
Meeting Chuuya and having to fight through the events of Fifteen together gave Dazai the slightest drive to keep going, even if his reasoning ("to witness death from up close") was dubious.
Chuuya in Storm Bringer saw Dazai as a reflection of all his doubts and weaknesses. That hallucination in the lab, "you're like me, your birth was a mistake"? Those are Chuuya's insecurities projected on Dazai's passiveness that Chuuya can't stand. Dazai to Chuuya is what happens when you give up and stop fighting, and so Chuuya tends to see Dazai in a grimmer light, make a bigger monster out of him than he really is.
But Chuuya also serves as Dazai's wake up call (cue Dead Apple soundtrack) and keeps him from slipping too far. Yes Chuuya punched Dazai square in the face, but it was because Dazai was seeing an ally's death as an opportunity for him instead of a death. And it worked! Because Dazai then got into action not 2 days later to start on ending the conflict that had already been ongoing for over 2 months!
Meanwhile, in the world of death Dazai put himself into, Oda's single most important principle was not to kill. And he was such a strange man, near-impossible to guess, simply because he was so uniquely weird, even a bit stupid at times, which made him interesting to be around. He became a good friend (yes friend, not mentor or guardian) that always remained non-judgmental and asked almost nothing of the genius boy.
But Oda also saw himself as someone unworthy of criticizing anyone else. He had many thoughts about Dazai's behaviour and how he saw he was hurting, but wouldn't consider himself as someone who could do something about it. So he said nothing and did nothing while Dazai self-destructed. But he cared! When Dazai provoques the Mimic soldier into shooting him, Oda is scared! He just thinks he has no right to step in Dazai's head like that, and they come to an impasse.
And his last words. They may sound harsh, and really, they are, but they came from his own experience and were meant to force Dazai to reconsider his choices right now. It was the first time Oda spoke out on Dazai's issues, and he had limited time. No, there isn't gonna be a magic solution that will fix him one day. The time Oda was the most content was when he was taking care of the kids, that's why losing them was so hard. Saving people feels good and keeps you going. So he told Dazai to go do that, or things would only get worse. He knows his friend better than anyone else, and his friend suffers the same aimless life he was trying to escape himself.
Chuuya and Oda were both people Dazai found interesting and dragged into the mafia with him. They were both among the few people that weren't intimidated by his high mafia profile. They both involuntarily fed into his self-destruction, and they both did things that saved him in the long run. They both helped and destroyed him in different ways on their own time and it was messy and sometimes good and sometimes bad...
... but it's always both.
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