#then i can fix them later
homielander · 3 months
i'm sorry but hotd positing that all women are innately cautious and peaceful and compassionate while men are rash warmongers is not a feminist win! i could see the value in everyone being hesitant to go to war at the onset of the story because it intensifies the tragedy of this house tearing itself apart, but at this stage, rhaenyra has as much reason for bloodlust (if not more) as the men on the show. it's pretty heavily implied that the shock of her usurpation killed her daughter, aemond killed lucerys, and one of aegon's kingsguard snuck into her quarters with the intent to assassinate her. most importantly, she has felt entitled to the throne since she was named heir as a child. she should be incensed! rhaenyra's inaction in the season 1 finale due to a sudden aversion to violence was already stretching believability -- this is the same woman who expressed nothing beyond mild shock at vaemond's beheading, who plotted with daemon to have an innocent man killed to facilitate laenor's escape while declaring that the realm should fear her. to have rhaenyra insist on peace at this point in the story, when war is already well underway, is incredibly irrational.
this problem is not limited to rhaenyra. alicent ordered larys to kill mysaria's network of spies and any suspected traitors in the red keep, presumably without any due process, and neither of these decisions was depicted with the gravity they deserved for a character who was once horrified by any bloodshed. meanwhile, aegon had a few extra ratcatchers executed, and not only was the direction sufficiently ominous, but we also got a lengthy monologue from otto about how it would spell his doom. it is probably pointless to bring up rhaenys because she is written less like a believable human being and more like a mouthpiece for the writers to assert whatever political opinion they believe is correct in a given episode -- but she did very much kill dozens if not hundreds of smallfolk last season. she did do that and very clearly did not care. why is she an advocate against war? for both alicent and rhaenys, there is a strange dissonance where their actions are at odds with their attitudes about opposing large-scale war for the good of the realm. i'm not saying this dissonance cannot exist, but it should at least be acknowledged.
helaena raising concerns about the losses suffered by the smallfolk might have worked in isolation, but for it to accompany everything above is exhausting. can none of these women be allowed to feel for themselves?
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moron-rights · 1 year
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end cards please, an epilogue, please, I’m begging
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teacoff · 6 days
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A piece of shibari Butchlander wip that no one asks. See you in October
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spinjitsuburst · 7 months
watching secrets of the forbidden spinjitzu while i get some stuff done and i like to think wu's overly harsh vibe at the beginning of the season is him trying to reclaim SOME sense of authority after his ninja literally had to raiSE HIM FROM A CHILD GFDHKJGKJ
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its-wabby-stuff · 10 months
Replica DTIYS
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Well, I’m flabbergasted that I managed to finish this, and I had a lot of fun doing it. And with enough time to finish my homework.
A gift for @kathaynesart DTIYS. Close ups under the cut, along with line art.
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spotaus · 3 months
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Okay! This one is less rendered than the other two, but here's some doodles of Tulpa figuring out how to co-exist! (Aka Fresh not taking training seriously while Dream is trying desperately to get his friends to think he's normal.)
When Dream first returns to the Star Sans', he finds himself in a pickle, because he needs Fresh to move his body. Sure, they made a tentative agreement that Dream trusted Fresh not to break, but Dream hadn't been specific enough with the guidelines.
Fresh pilots Dream's body based on the commands from his soul, but more often than not Fresh simply decides not to listen. Sometimes when they're training, Fresh will suddenly make Dream fumble his bow or send an arrow flying way off-target. Dream is always frustrated by this, unaware that Fresh it doing it for his own good and is forcing the guardian to take a break.
Blue was also made aware of Fresh very early on. One day he was passing the kitchen where Dream was cooking and spotted how Fresh's little form was wiggling out of the hole on Dream's skull. Blue made Eye-contact with Fresh, but said nothing since it seemed like Dream was aware and didn't mind. He waited until Dream told him to acknowledge the parasite directly, but suddenly a bunch of Dream's weird actions made sense to him. Blue regularly makes sure to check in on Dream, before abd after he's aware of Fresh, because he knows Dream works himself into the ground.
Dream (eventually) figures out that Fresh was being clumsy for his sake and nearly cries about it (even his mother and the villagers never did that for him, and Blue was the only other person to ever pull him away from training for his own good) so he gets a bit emotional. He feels bad for how angry he used to get at Fresh for doing that, but Fresh never gave him a proper explanation either, so it was a two-way street.
And while Fresh was lienent around Blue and Ink, he never slipped up around Nightmare's gang. Though, he did fight seriously, which to him might look like goofing off, which is completely separate from Dream's fighting style. (For now Dream uses Arrows and his Bow, but I'm thinking Tulpa has a T-Shirt Canon or a Nerf Gun by the time they make-up.)
Ideally Fresh cannot be seen during combat because he actually pilots from around Dream's soul, but sometimes his parasite form expands to support Dream's weak joints and act like a shock-absorber.
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skywriter97 · 3 months
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
A ShadowxAurora One Shot
Shadow never meant to keep it. With the limited space in his apartment, a piano wasn't exactly practical. But he'd seen it sitting on the street while on a run, a pathetic little spinet that apparently wasn't worth the effort for repair according to the owner, so it sat in wait for the dump truck.
Omega thought he was nuts when Shadow had used Chaos Control to transport the piano into the apartment, and perhaps he was. The instrument had definitely seen better days, and it would take more than a simple tune up to get it in pristine condition again.
That didn't stop Shadow from shoving the spinet against the wall between his mattress and the front door and then going out to purchase the necessary items for piano repairs.
The spinet became Shadow's passion project over the next several weeks. Any spare moment between his mercenary work with Omega and dates with Aurora, Shadow could be found with the spinet piano, painstakingly doting over the instrument to set it to rights again.
"You never told me you can fix instruments." Aurora had noted once, sitting on the little bench with her legs swinging while half of Shadow's body was inside the back of the spinet.
"Never came up." Shadow had grunted.
"Where'd you learn?" She'd pressed.
Shadow had shrugged. "I did a lot of things while off world, Light. Sometimes I was asked to fix things, and music is universal." Aurora had accepted that answer, and Shadow minutely relaxed.
No way he was EVER going to tell her that some aristocrat across the galaxy had taken fancy to him and tried to get his attention by breaking her piano, just so he'd come and fix it. It was the fastest he'd ever fled a planet. Omega still hadn't let him live it down.
The plan for the spinet once he'd finished repairs was simple enough: take it to the resale shop and get a decent sum of cash for it. He'd contacted the shop, gotten a good offer, and was set to deliver and receive his rings, but when he arrived and saw the buyer...a mother and son duo, the latter whom was whining about how much he HATED piano lessons and was currently and carelessly swinging a baseball bat around in his fit....Shadow took his piano and left.
No way was Shadow going to let all his hard work repairing his baby go to waste on some ungrateful brat that lacked basic appreciation. So, the little spinet piano became a permanent fixture in his apartment.
Shadow had never considered himself a musician of any sort. He was a warrior, a mercenary, the Ultimate Lifeform, a guardian. Music...required a certain softness that Shadow, with all his broken pieces and jagged edges, simply did not possess. But, somehow, that didn't matter. Sitting at his little spinet, gingerly filling his apartment with the soft tones of the classics centered him with a kind of peace he rarely ever achieved...with one exception. When he played, Shadow could pretend that was all there was. Just him and his spinet, creating something beautiful together. It was almost magical, if he believed in such a thing.
Shadow huffed a quiet chuckle, gently resting his hand atop the keys but not pressing down, his thoughts drifting towards the other almost-magical thing in his life. Honestly, if it magic was a thing, Shadow could believe it, because of her. The way she pranced through life, with such light and arms wide open, eager and excited for whatever came her way...could anything else but magical describe his precious Light?
Almost without his command, his fingers gently drifted across the spinet's keys, a delicate melody that swirled and danced through the air. Shadow sighed.
"Though I tried before to tell her
Of the feelings I have for her
In my heart.
Every time that I come near her
I just lose my nerve as I've done
From the start."
How many times has Shadow looked into those emerald eyes, seen that smile, and choked? It was three simple words, why was it so difficult? He's made peace with the past, hasn't he?
"Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she does just turns me on.
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for her goes on."
A sniffle behind him had Shadow whirling around, Chaos Spear halfway formed in his hand and a snarl on his muzzle, when those same piercing emerald eyes damp with tears stopped him dead. Shadow gulped, his ears flattening against his head. Damn. How long had she- Shadow made get up, averting his eyes as embarrassment colored his cheeks rosy red.
And then she's right there, pushing him back down on the bench with pleas of "Please don't stop, don't mind me-," and she's still looking at him with those eyes, pleading and wet, her body pressed tight against his side, lips protruding in the most pitiful pout...
Chaos, he was screwed, wasn't he?
Shadow sighed and tapped her nose with his finger. "You will say nothing to anyone about this." He commanded, and tried to ignore how distracting that beaming smile was in order to return to the piano. He gulped, frozen with his fingers in position. He knew his voice was not what anyone would call gifted, hers was so much better, and he chanced a glance down to his shoulder where she'd laid her head. She smiled at him again, eager and encouraging, and Shadow gulped and resumed playing.
"Do I have to tell the story
Of a thousand rainy days
SInce we first met?
It's a big enough umbrella
But it's always me
That ends up getting wet.
Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she does just turns me on.
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for her goes on."
Shadow rested his cheek against the top of her head, mindful of the short grouping of quills that acted as bangs, closing his eyes momentarily and just breathing.
"I resolve to call her up
A thousand times a day
And ask her if she'll marry me
In some old fashioned way.
But my silent fears have gripped me
Long before I reach the phone.
Long before my tongue has tripped me
Must I always be alone?"
Her arms squeezed him gently, reassuringly, around his middle, and he pressed a kiss to her head in response, smiling at the growing damp spot on his shoulder.
"Every little thing she does is magic,
Everything she does just turns me on.
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for her goes on,"
Shadow dropped one hand from the piano and cupped Aurora's cheek, tilting her chin up to look into her eyes, shining with light and joy, and he knew his words wouldn't fail him this time. He smiled at her and leaned his forehead on hers.
"Every little thing you do is magic
Everything you do just turns me on.
Even though my life before was tragic
Know that my love for you goes on."
Shadow ended the song with a soft kiss to her lips, sealing his declaration of devotion with all the love and passion and dedication he had in his heart in the best way he knew how. Words always failed him, but somehow, in this moment, it didn't matter. Aurora wept through his kiss, and he smiled as they parted, a quirk of his mouth so gentle and loving that only she would ever get to see it.
Aurora pounced on him a single moment later, using her own gift of speed to press kiss after kiss on his lips, face, head, everywhere she could reach, glowing so brightly and joyfully exclaiming "I love you"s between kisses. Shadow briefly wondered how she wasn't suffocating before dismissing the thought and basking in their shared love, trading her kisses and words with ones of his own. It didn't matter anyway.
Every little thing she did was magic, after all.
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miru667 · 4 months
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A selection of Audrey Grace ballpoint pen doodles from January until now! 😊 I tidied them up digitally and added colour to the first one as you can see. Click the readmore below for the original sketch!
It felt really nice to do my beloved sunset lighting again... ;w; The bg was inspired by A Plague Tale: Requiem (has anyone else played/watched that game!?)
Thanks for clicking the readmore! :D Original meme: [link]
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Happy Pride month everyone B*) Allow me to reveal a little behind the scenes detail behind my Banner and Icon. Love was always winning <3
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katartna · 2 years
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My Pokemon Scarlet team in gijinka forms!
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baconcolacan · 1 year
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He needs a hobby.
auch, anyway, I think Tord can benefit from having hobbies so he doesn’t turn into a weaboo incel that wants to blow up his friends’ house. Why build one giant robot when you can have fun building a bunch of tiny ones??
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padawansuggest · 7 months
Okay. So. I was on tiktok and I remembered that live wedding painters exist.
And that made me obviously think of other live things that could be painted. And I have a one track mind so I obviously landed on Jedi ceremonies.
Which made me straight up tear up if Quinlan had a live painting done of knighting Aayla in a somewhat longer than usual ceremony so they had enough time for the artist to do the background (maybe Room of a Thousand Fountains because I don’t think they should all happen in the council chambers) and Quinlan and their lineage all there and Obi and Ani (Ani is here for big sister Aayla, Quinlan just Happens To Be There ugh) and all that stuff.
And I think that Quinlan would be able to touch that painting years down the line and still feel like he’s in that moment even tho his baby girl is all grown up and flown the nest, she’s right there looking up at him as he knights her.
-tag this as post O66 and I’ll kick ur ass it’s not about that I’m here for fix it fics not that stain-
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smalltimidbean · 3 months
I forgot Jersey's halo, I'm gonna- I'm gonna-
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wileywere · 1 month
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the people ever
but like in my artstyle instead
(I can’t draw pigs help)
((also I drew them all from memory if they’re slightly wrong please don’t sue me 🙏🙏🙏🙏))
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I think the main problem with the finale was not what happened with Gabriel or what Adrien wasn’t told, the biggest blunder of the finale was the fact that there was clearly a Ladrien scene that transpired and we somehow failed to get to see it
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burning-academia-if · 11 days
Decided to rewrite a very small section in chapter 2, but after that the "UI" update (more like The Update of a Million Small Fixes) will be out and I can finally be Free and focus on writing Chapter 3
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