#then mascara got into my eyes causing ne to tear up more
sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
On one hand, having venti pamper me and take care of my every need.
On the other, pamering venti and taking care of all of his needs
I cannot pick a side
Just like me fr 😔
I wanna comfort the absolute fuck out of him, I wanna cook for him and smother him in affection and play with his hair and give him the entire universe
Just imagine holding him and giving him kisses and telling him over and over how much you love him <33333, that you'll always be there because he's your world, then flustering the hell out of him with words of praise and comfort
That's my default, pls let me just wrap him in a blanket and give him a forehead kiss, he deserves it, he's been through so much and deserves all the good things, let me treat him as if he's the most precious thing in the world cause he is and I love him so much
But on the other hand
Venti brushing your hair out of your face with gentle eyes, telling you how you'll always be ok as long as he's there, how he'd do anything for your happiness, how nothing in the world would ever stand in its way and god help anything that tries
Just getting a hug from Venti after a particularly rough day and him whispering that it's all right, you're ok and you did so good today, he's so proud of you for pushing forward and you'll never have to worry about any of that with him
And he'd be so insistent on doing everything, every time you go to get up, to be a more productive person, he's there immediately to take on whatever burden himself with that same warm smile, one that just radiates how he wouldn't prefer to be anywhere else
Then the sugary sweet phrases, the "Please let me take care of the most important person to ever grace the universe, the world's been so rough on you recently hasn't it, let me take care of it all for you" between gentle kisses that make you lose your entire train of thought, how he's so quick to silence any protest with a kiss that barely covers the intense desires behind it
Venti, with all his charisma and emotional intelligence, with his strategically placed touches that make you wonder if it really wouldn't be so bad to just give into what he promises you, the promise of happiness without conditions or limitations
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daddynegandesires · 3 years
Secrets chapter 1
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Summary: Daddy Negan and (y/n) had a falling off with eachother but what happens when a new man pops up in his life trying to be a better father than he was at taking care of his little girl and his use to be girlfriend.
Warning: jealousy, anger, fighting, some smut, violence, cheating
Objects were flying all over the house (y/n) was screaming at the top of her lungs chucking any items she sees in her way at negan.
"Hey!...hey! Calm the fuck down!!" Negan yelled dogging the picture frame that came flying at his head shattering on the wall behind him.
"You fucking peice of shit! I knew you were screwing around behind my back!" Tears streaming down your face you marched to the kitchen grabbing a big knife out of the knife block streching your arm out towards negan with the sharp tip almost grazing against his throat.
Negan quickly grabbed your hand steady that was holding the knife trying to persuade you to put it down your whole body was on fire shaking with rage.
"Baby....put the knife down...you dont want to do this" negan slowly began pushing your hand away sliding the knife out of your grip placing it on the counter behind him.
"M....mommy..." A small frightened little voice called out from the hallway
You instantly collapsed on the floor with your back sliding down the kitchen counter in tears resting your head in your hands
*end of flashback*
"Ellie!...come get your breakfast baby!" You called out while spreading the last bit of peanut butter on her toast and placing it on the counter next to her OJ.
" goodmornin mommy!" Ellie sweetly called out before hopping up in her chair slopply chugging down her OJ spilling it down her face
" haha Slow down hunny i dont want you to choke" giving her a little kiss on her forehead sitting down next to her
"Can i see daddy today?" Ellie ask curiously while chomping down on her peanut butter toast giving me goofy faces after each bite.
The doorbell rings and ellie jumps straight out of her chair running up to the door flinging it out impatiently.
"Hey babygirl!" Negan bends down to her level swooping her up in his arms giving her small little kisses all over her cheeks closing the door behind him.
"I miss you daddy" ellie said giggling
You were still sitting at the table swirling the spoon in your bowl of cereal zoning out. Hearing his voice still hurts hell even just looking at him hurts you. You loved him you wanted to marry him a part of you still hasn't forgave him for what he did to you. He ruined this relationship...you were snapped out of your thoughts when negan and ellie came and sat down at the table with you.
"Hi..." He says sitting ellie down in her chair
"Hey...." You say quietly giving him a half smile
"How have you been?" He sits down next to you grabbing an apple from the fruit basket
You wanted to tell him the truth you wanted him to know how bad you actually hurt how you lay awake at night crying and blaming yourself for everything.
"Im okay....haha..." You nervously shift in your chair about to speak but the front door opens your heart begins to race at the fact that its a guy you have been seeing that negan doesnt know about.
"Hi jack!!" Ellie playfully yells out
"Hey kiddo!" Jack walks into the kitchen scruffing up the hair ontop of ellies head before turing to you and negan in a silence
"Hey baby..." Jack lands a kiss on your cheek while not breaking eye contact with negan.
There was a long awkward tension between the two of them untill negan gor up from his chair walking over to ellie.
"Jack??...hi, im negan ellies dad" he says with a god awful smirk on his face he extends out his arm for a handshake
"Hi negan nice to meet you...im (y/n) new boyfriend" he closes the hand shake with his hand before pulling away
" well would you look at that....boyfriend huh?" negan glares in your direction you dont dare stare up at him your face was getting flushed
"Well on that note me and ellie should be heading out, right KiDdO?" Negan said in a mocking voice before swooping ellie up
"Wait i have her bag packed its in her room" you quickly said hopping up from your seat running to the room to grab it. You handed the bag off to negan he slung it over his shoulder with ellie in his other arm standing on the porch.
"Have fun i love you baby"giving ellie a quick kiss on her cheek
"Ill have her back before 8....i promise" negan leaned in and gave you a small kiss on your cheek without breaking eye contact with jack standing behind her.
"I dont think negan likes me ha..." Jack lets out a small laugh
"He does....he is just...protective" you begin cleaning up the kitchen and doing dishes when jack comes up behind you grinding his soon to be hard cock on your ass
"Jack....i have to go get ready for our date" your face beings to flush and you spin around landing a kiss on his lips
"Mmm...you always taste so good...." His hands now on your hips
You grinned at jack before slipping out of his grasp. You snuck off to the bathroom andclosed the door behind you running the water in the bathtub you slipped off your clothes slowly lowering yourself into your hot bathwater. Laying there with your eyes closed your phone buzzed and startled you. Your dripping wet hand reached over and picked it up seeing that it was a text from negan.
From negan:
So you got yourself a young new boy toy..
You opened the message and scoffed at what he had sent you, you tossed your phone back down on your towel before it buzzed again.
From negan:
Dont ignore me....
"Asshole...." You whispered to yourself before slipping out of the tub drying yourself off with your towel. You walk over to your closet pulling out a skin tight black dress with black high heels. Slipping on your black bra and black lacey thong you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror youve always struggled with your body image because your thighs were bigger than most girls and negan always made you feel better about yourself when it came to situations like that. Snapping yourself out of your thoughts you apply the rest of your makeup and head out witb jack to dinner.
"You look sexy..." Jack complimented you kissing on your neck
"Thank you..." Looking up at him through your dark mascara filled lashes and biting at your ruby red lipstick
Jack had dropped you off back at home when you instantly heard negans car pull up in the drive way. 8 o'clock on the dot. This man never plays around. You opened the door to se negans face in awe.
"Je-sus!..hello hot mommy..where have you been" negan walked through the door biting at his lip with ellie asleep in his arms.
"I went on a date....its none of your concern" you said with your hands on your hips your dress hugged your curves in all the right places. Negan went to go lay ellie down when you stepped outside to light a cigarette.
"Smoking again huh..." Negan stepped outside beside you
" i never stopped..." You took a long drag on your cigarette your ruby red lips parting letting the smoke roll out of your mouth
"Why did you ignore me..."
"Im none of your concern anymore...so dont act so fucking generous" you said annoyingly throwing your cigarette on the ground stepping on it with your heel
"Fiesty.....i miss that" negans tongue slipped across his bottom lip
You were about to open the door to walk back inside when negan grabbed you by the waist tightly causing you to moan pushing your body up agaisnt the brick wall on the porch. His hand making his way up to your throat gently applying pressure his lips lightly grazed yours feeling his stubble from his beard on your cheeks. He moved in closing the gap between your bodies you could feel his rock hard cock bulding in his jeans only causing your pussy to be wet even more.
"Negan i cant do this...i have jack" innocently moaning
"what he doesnt know wont hurt him..." He whispered in your ear giving you goosebumps
You snapped out of it realizing what he just said is the same thing he said to the woman that he cheated on you with. You shoved him off of you.
"Negan go!...now!" You pointed at him to leave before slamming the door in his face crying storming off to your bedroom.
(Let me know if you guys want another chapter!❤❤)
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thewayshedreamed · 4 years
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This Time— Part 2
A Nessian Fan Fic
Fic Masterlist
Alright, here it is! All of your responses to my first post were so encouraging, so I thank all of you for that! I was so nervous to post anything that I’ve written, and y’all made me feel so welcomed. Anyway, here’s the continuation of my angsty Nessian fic, This Time. It’s a long one, but I wanted to give some insight into Nesta’s headspace while also setting the occasion for the next part! Hope y’all enjoy it.
If you missed part one, you can find it here.
A dull throb in her temples caused Nesta to stir in the early hours of Sunday morning. She was vaguely aware that it was raining, thunder rolling in a steady rhythm. She turned onto her back and gritted her teeth at the intensifying pain in her head. It suddenly radiated from her temples, meeting in the middle of her forehead and behind her eyes. For the briefest of moments, she wondered about the luck she had (or didn’t have) to wake up feeling like this. No recent illness, no allergies, no alcohol the night before. She blinked into the darkness as she considered, willing her cognition to catch up to her conscious state. Her answer became apparent when her eyes felt gritty as she blinked, and upon rubbing them, she felt a faint tenderness over and around her lids.
Ah, that’s right. The crying.
The events of the previous night flooded her memory.
I’m so gone for you...
You should go...
We can’t be friends after this conversation.
You don’t mean that...
The maddeningly soft click of the door echoed in her mind repeatedly, emulating the rhythm of her heartbeat. She slammed her eyes shut and turned sharply onto her side to bury her face into the pillow.
So often, people talk about the all-consuming relief that comes with waking from a nightmare and realizing none of it was real. These are the stories told at dinner with family or friends, at lunch with co-workers, or at larger social gatherings. Account after account is shared of cheating spouses, car accidents, home invasions, etc., followed by an expression of overwhelming relief at realizing it was all a dream.
Almost never do people discuss the ugly alternative. The micro-interval of time immediately upon waking where one exists in blissful ignorance, followed by the sudden gut-punch of recollection. The ambush of emotions surrounding some life-altering event.
Nesta caught herself grasping for that tiny shred of time, just moments prior, where she was only navigating a headache.
She felt her pulse quicken and her body start to flush, both being clear indicators of her heightened anxiety. Her heart thundered in her chest, and she felt a slight tremble starting to run through her chest and stomach. She closed her eyes as tears threatened to pool yet again and focused on taking a few deep breaths. She lazily reached out, feeling around until she located another pillow across her too large bed. She clutched it tightly against her chest and abdomen, willing it to ground her somehow. Tucking it close to her body and keeping an iron grip, she started to count her breaths until she finally drifted back to sleep.
She had to cancel lunch with Elain and Feyre that Sunday, having slept long enough that she didn’t have enough time to make herself presentable. After explaining that she was suffering from a crippling headache (with no mention of its origin), they sent their well wishes and told her to call if she needed absolutely anything.
Her mornings persisted in a similar manner for the rest of the week. Usually one to rise on her first alarm, she couldn’t find the motivation to do so no matter how hard she tried. She snoozed her alarm a half-dozen times, finally dragging herself out of bed to dress quickly, grab a protein bar, and fly out the door for work.
Work served as a decent distraction from current events. She stayed busy and engaged, allowing her to completely ignore her phone and avoid any personal questions. She knew her sisters would be worried after telling them she was ill, and it was a matter of time before news of her and Cassian’s fight permeated their group of friends. Her sisters would likely put two and two together. Busy bodies. Fiercely loyal, protective, and supportive, but busy bodies all the same.
Several evenings that week she had received several variations of “check in” texts from them, as well as a couple of their friends.
”Hey, Nes! Hoping you’re feeling better. Just wanted to check in and see how you are!”
”Just checking in, sister! I hadn’t heard from you since we cancelled lunch, so I hope you’re doing okay! Love you!”
”Hi, love! I haven’t seen you in DAYS. Far too long. Please tell me I’ll see you soon! And that you’re alive and well. <3”
“Alright. Spill. What’s going on with you? You haven’t responded to anything I’ve sent you, and I’ve sent you some funny shit.”
Nesta drafted one text, copying and pasting it to each and every one of them. She didn’t have the emotional energy to answer the question at all, much less several times over.
“Hey! Thanks for checking on me. I’m sorry I’m just getting back to you! Things have just been crazy this week. I’ve been busy, but I’m fine! We’ll get together soon.”
She stared at the lie over and over again.
I’m fine...
I’m fine...
Although, deep down, she knew. If she were fine, she wouldn’t keep scrolling to a certain text thread. She wouldn’t be reading and re-reading their previous conversations, and she definitely wouldn’t be focused on the date and time stamp of the last received message from days ago.
Nesta had been conflicted about Saturday all week long. She had very specific plans: sleep as late as her body would possibly allow, have coffee on the back porch, catch up on her reading, take a long nap, stream as much nonsense television as she could handle, have a bottle of wine, go to sleep. She had been looking forward to the peaceful oblivion of deep sleep, yet she found herself dreading the passage of her free time. It had taken a couple of days to land on an acceptable itinerary, and she felt better with a certain course of action.
She awoke to her covers being abruptly pulled away and the pillow pulled off the top of her head. She groaned dramatically and turned over to identify the offender, fully prepared to sling insults their way for interrupting her sleep. Before she could formulate a cohesive thought, a deep, familiar voice interrupted her.
“Enough of this, Nes. Get up. We’re going to brunch,” the voice announced, his tone dry and neutral.
Nesta’s eyes shot open, falling on a pair of hazel eyes that dared her to be uncooperative.
“What the fuck, Az? How did you even get in here? And what if I were naked?!”
”Look, I pulled the short straw. You’ve barely spoken to anyone all week. When you did, your responses were short and contrived. Your friends and family are worried, and I got volunteered to enter the lion’s den as the only one who isn’t afraid of waking you up.”
”That doesn’t answer all my questions,” she muttered as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.
“I’ve driven you and your sisters home on enough drunken nights to know where your spare key is. And I saw the sleeve of your sweater before I pulled the covers off. Give me a little credit.” He turned away from her to walk out of her bedroom. As he crossed the threshold, he paused with his hand on the door jamb. He glanced over his left shoulder as he said, “You have 15 minutes. I’ll be in here waiting for you.”
Nesta really contemplated throwing a full-scale temper tantrum by throwing herself under the covers and refusing to get up. A deep rumble in her stomach ultimately made her decide against it, so she stood up and padded over to her closet. She selected her favorite pair of jeggings, silently thanking the Cauldron that she had worn them once already so that they were perfectly stretched. She grabbed a sports bra and a long-sleeved tunic, put on some casual sneakers, and walked over to her bathroom to finish getting ready.
She wasn’t one for much makeup anyway, so she opted to wash her face, moisturize, and apply a little mascara. She brushed her teeth, applied a generous layer of chapstick, and quickly French-braided her hair down the center of her back. She glanced down at her phone; 12 minutes. Suck on that, Azriel.
She walked out of her bedroom, down the hallway, and found Azriel perched on the arm of her sofa, scrolling through his phone. Sensing her approach, he locked his phone and stood.
“All ready?” He grabbed his keys from his front pocket.
“Sure. Whenever you are.” She looked around for her small purse and grabbed it off of the coffee table. “Wait... did you clean up in here?”
She knew there was something different when she walked in, but it had taken her a minute to realize what. Gone were the take out containers from her countertops and coffee table. All the various cups she had left all over her apartment were nowhere to be seen, and her blankets were folded neatly in a stack.
Azriel cleared his throat and looked around. “Not really. I noticed your trash can was full when I threw my gum away, and I thought it would be pointless to bring it out and not get everything.”
She bit her cheek to stop her smile at his sheepishness. He had always been a good friend to her, but she knew he preferred when it went under the radar. No one blushed faster or got more awkward than Azriel on the receiving end of appreciation or a compliment.
“Ah. I see. And I guess the blankets folded themselves, then. Or did you need to fold them to ‘get everything?’”
“Nes, you know I cleaned up in here, so can we go already?” He was already turning toward her door, flustered and mildly irritated with her teasing. She gripped his bicep to turn him around before he made it outside.
“I’m sorry, Az. You’re a wonderful friend, and I don’t deserve you. Let’s go have some brunch and forget it, ok?”
He gave her a sideways smile and playfully shoved her shoulder. “Fine. But next time, you’re walking.”
The drive over to the small cafe was short, so the pair sat in comfortable silence on the way. Upon arriving, Azriel found a small table in the corner of the patio, instructed her to sit, and walked inside to place their order. When he returned, he was holding a mug of coffee for Nesta and a mug of earl grey tea for himself.
“The food should come out in about 10-15 minutes. I couldn’t remember how you take your coffee exactly, so I just brought you a ton of shit.” He wasn’t exaggerating. He placed a handful of different creamers and sweeteners in the center of the table.
Nesta gave a small chuckle at his gesture, noting that it felt good to laugh for the first time in days. She couldn’t help but feel grateful that it was Azriel who had pulled her out of bed this morning, if it had to be anyone. They were more alike than most would assume, and they had made very fast friends all those years ago. She loved the purity of their relationship, built on years of trust and mutual respect, but never crossing beyond anything other than platonic. Cassian had always joked about being “outnumbered” around the two of them, commenting on their likeness and how he managed to find kindred spirits as his best friends.
The thought of him elicited a slight pang in her stomach, and she quickly shoved it down. She was pulled from her thoughts by Azriel’s voice.
“So. You want to talk about what’s going on?”
”Gods, Azriel. I haven’t even gotten the caffeine in my system.”
He took a sip of his tea, only breaking eye contact to blow gently on the hot liquid. He regained eye contact as he set his mug back down.
“We haven’t heard anything genuine from you in a week. Forgive us for being a little worried. I’m assuming it has something to do with Cassian?”
As she suspected, hearing his name struck a nerve and caused a certain heaviness in her chest. She felt herself becoming defensive, and even though her logical mind knew it had nothing to do with Az, she was snapping at him before she realized it was happening.
“Why is everyone acting like I’m off the deep end?! Maybe I’ve just been busy for a week. Cauldron forbid if I take some time for my damn self. And why the fuck would you immediately jump to him? As if my life doesn’t exist beyond all of you? And beyond him?” She felt herself flush out of anger. Or embarrassment. Who the hell knew anymore?
Azriel seemed almost entirely unaffected by her verbal lashing. He took a couple of seconds, leaned forward with his forearms on the table, and clasped his hands in front of him. He looked at her intensely, and she knew she was not going to get anything sugarcoated in this conversation.
“Need I remind you that I know both of you like the back of my hand? I’m not shooting in the dark here. You’ve been essentially MIA for a week, and that timespan directly correlates with Cassian being an absolute terror to be around. The odds of that being a coincidence are incredibly low. So, Nes, I’ll ask you to please cut the shit.” He voice remained even and steady. There was no true malice in his words, just the bluntness that exists between two close friends. He picked up his mug, leaned back in his chair, and waited.
Nesta’s posture softened slightly as she rubbed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and middle finger. She let out a long breath and looked up to meet Azriel’s gaze again.
“Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. And I should also realize by now that you notice fucking everything.”
He merely nodded, acknowledging her apology and prompting her to continue with one simple gesture. She blew out another breath, preparing herself to explain everything. In the meantime, their food arrived, so she waited until the waiter walked away before beginning her story. She told him everything, even the uncomfortable details. Cassian’s confession. Her reaction. His anger. Her anger. The devastation on his face. As much as she could remember of their interaction. And finally, the words she couldn’t stop replaying in her mind. This time, it’s on you.
He listened intently, only offering small nods or slight facial expressions during the more intense parts of their conversation. Once she was finished, he let out a long whistle and said, “Damn, Nesta. You’re officially the most savage of the Archerons.”
“I’m sorry... what?”
“I’m not saying that to be insulting. I just meant that you kind of handed him his ass there.”
Nesta started at him, urging him to elaborate before she felt inclined to jump down his throat again. He picked up on her prompting and continued.
“Well, to be fair, Cassian’s full of it. The fact that he thought he was going to be able to sleep with you and continue being friends is short-sighted at best. Can’t blame him for trying, but considering how long he’s been in love with you, he was setting himself up for failure there.”
Now, she was gawking at him. How was he being so nonchalant about this bombshell? How long had Cassian been in love with her? And why the hell had he waited until now to say a damn word about it?
”How long, Azriel?” Her voice was so quiet that she wasn’t sure that he’d even heard her.
It was his turn to look surprised. “Are you telling me you didn’t know? Anyone within a mile of the two of you could have seen it.”
She shook her head, realizing she didn’t think she could handle the direction of this conversation. “Never mind. Regardless, we had an agreement that our friendship was too important to risk on anything serious and that it was supposed to remain purely casual. It’s done now. It’s not like it matters.”
A few seconds passed before she glanced up at Azriel. His brow was furrowed, conflicted with what he was going to say next.
”What? Just tell me.”
“Don’t you think that’s kind of bullshit, Nes? I get that you both agreed on those terms, but I think it’s kind of fucked overall. You’re telling me that the potential of a relationship wasn’t worth the risk but casual sex was worth it? That doesn’t make sense.”
She breathed sharply out of her nose before she responded. “Had the agreement been honored, we could have enjoyed our time together, and we could have stopped once life events called for it. If one of us started dating someone... if one of us moved... things like that. It’s fairly straightforward.” She wasn’t trying to hide the bite behind her words, but he still didn’t seem offended. She tried not to find his level-headedness infuriating, but her patience was thinning by the second. To her surprise, his composure slipped a little.
”And how did you think that was going to play out? You both would shake hands, go your own ways, and continue to hang out with each other as before? You would have been totally fine with Cassian dating another woman? And do you really think Cassian would be a-okay with sitting in the front row at your wedding one day? Has it ever occurred to you that you two always dislike anyone that the other dates? No one ever loves Cassian the right way. No one ever makes Nesta happy enough. Why do you think that—“
”Alright, alright! I get it.“ She held her hands up in supplication. “The fact remains, though, that it’s over. It’s done. We screwed up, and it cost me my best friend. We’ll never be the same.” She felt her eyes brimming with tears.
She was vaguely aware of Azriel apologizing for his outburst and suggesting that they head back. She forced a nod, stood up from her chair, and walked to his car. Once inside and buckled, he turned to her.
”Hey. I really am sorry.”
”Don’t apologize. You were being honest with me, which is something I’ve always valued so much in you. Don’t go soft on me now.” She managed the smallest of smiles.
“Deal. But the same goes for you. Our mutual honesty has saved us a lot of trouble over the years. Makes our friendship easy.”
”You’re right. Why couldn’t it have been us to fall in love?” She huffed a laugh, making sure he knew her comment was in jest. She turned to look at him as he finished backing out of their parking spot.
Azriel hit his brakes a little harder than usual at her words. He chuckled, turning to look at her with a small smile. “What good would that do us? What would we do for fun? Brood?”
Nesta laughed, truly laughed, at the truth in his words. Azriel made a wonderful friend to her, but there would be very little personal growth within their hypothetical relationship. She smiled at him, squeezed his forearm briefly, and said, “Fair enough. I guess we wouldn’t push each other to grow all that much.”
He continued to drive, eyes straight ahead. He still wore signs of amusement on his face, but his tone turned a little more serious. “No. We wouldn’t. I think that’s why Cassian has always been a great balance for people like us. We get way too comfortable in the dark.”
”Mmm. People like Cassian, for sure. Maybe people like Elain, too?” She gave him a knowing smile.
He pulled up in the driveway and placed the car in park before looking at her. She could see the faint blush on his cheeks at the mention of her sister, but she wouldn’t push him. She knew he was smitten with Elain and had been for some time. She hadn’t spoken to him plainly about it, but she could tell by the way they interacted that they were a matter of time. Inevitable, even.
“We’re not talking about me today. Only you.”
She giggled at his deflection. “Thank you again for today. I needed the coffee, the waffles, the venting, and the swift kick in the ass.”
”Of course. Speaking of Ellie, what’s your plan for her birthday party next weekend? You know Cass will be there.”
“Oh, man. I think I blocked that out.” She opened the door, stepped out of the car, and peered down at him before adding, ”That, my friend, is something I will have to play by ear.”
A/N: Sorry for no Nessian interaction this time, but I just love the idea of a Nesta x Azriel brotp. I couldn’t help myself. Nessian interaction to come, I promise!
Tags are below! If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, you can comment, reblog, or message me!
@polireader // @lord-douglas-the-third // @justgiu12 // @notyournymphetish // @sjm-things // @strangeenemy
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potatopersonplease · 4 years
Like i'm gonna lose you
You and rosa are dating. You work at shaws bar as a singer/ performer and one night the team decides to come for a drink while you're performing and of course none of them know who you are.
Warnings: none except fluff and drinking
You were the entertainment at shaws, as the music player had stopped working. You sang with a few more people, depending on the day and what time.
Tonight was starting like no other; slow but gradually getting more people in. You were currently singing  Royals by Lorde. Someone had requested it and you being the person you know it by heart. You loved the song (not as much as Rosa though).
"...and we'll never be royals (royals), it don't run in our blood. That kind of looks just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of lust.
Let me be your ruler (ruler), you can call me queen B. And baby I'll rule (I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule). Let me live that fantasy"
You finish and the people in the bar applaud you as you get off of the stage to get a drink of water. As you were gulping down the refreshing drink, you notice a bunch of people enter the bar.
You take a closer look and notice that your girlfriend, Rosa, is one of them. You came to the conclusion that she and her Co-workers had finished a particularly hard case and decided to celebrate.
Because you notice your girlfriend, you decide to sing a song that's very special to the both of you. It's the song that was playing when you too had confessed your love to each other.
'y/n and rosa were running from the rain and took shelter under a small bus stop. You both looked at each other and laughed. Y/n found it interesting at how much she opened up to you. She was t like this with most people, but you were thankful that she was around you.
You both noticed how long you had been staring at each other. Rosa was taking in every detail of your face, the way the loose pieces of hair stuck to your forehead because of the water, or how your mascara had left streaks down your face from the rain and how the droplets rolled down your face and dropped yer again as they came to the bottom of your face.
You were looking into her eyes and looking at how soft-looking they were as she stared back at you. You looked down to her soft, plump lips and she did the same. You both looked back up and took no hesitation in your next act.
You both leaned forward and kissed. It felt so right to have each other's lips upon another. Her soft lips moving against yours. It was like lock and key. You pulled back and heard the song in the background, playing from inside of the close bar. You both stared into each other's eyes, seating to the music, the rain pouring. '
You smiled at the memory as the band prepared the music and also had a bathroom break. You tested the microphone and spoke out to the crowd.
"hi, everyone! I'd just like to dedicate the next song to someone who really means a lot to me and is also in the crowd tonight. You know who you are. Thank you!''
You all got ready as the crowd watched intently while also having fun, drinking, and talking. You notice rosa in the crowd with a small blush and a crack of a smile. You caught her eye and smiled back at her.
The music started
' found myself dreaming. In silver and gold. Like a scene from a movie, that every broken heart knows.
We were walking on moonlight, you pulled me close. Split-second, then you disappeared, and I was all alone.
I woke up in tears, with you by my side. Breath of relief, I realize, ne we're not promised tomorrow.
So I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you and I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye. '
'wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted. 'cause we' ll never know when we'll run out of time
So I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you. Said I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you.'
You look to the crowd and see Rosa swaying to the rhythm of the music, drink in hand with a smile on her face. The memories probably flooding her mind. You really did love her.
Your partner was now singing his part as you simped over Rosa. Her hair, her face, her ruthless exterior but soft interior. Her wonderful personality. You loved everything about her. You smiled lovingly Dow at her from the stage.
Your partner was on the way of finishing his solo so you prepared yourself.
'no, we're not promised tomorrow! So I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you, and I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye.
Wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted 'cause we'll never know when, we'll run out of time
So I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you. Said I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you.
*jazzy music solo*
I'm gonna love you... Like I'm gonna lose you. I'm gonna hold you... Like I'm saying goodbye.
Where ever were standing... I won't take you for granted. 'cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time.
So I'm gonna love you... Like I'm gonna lose you. And I'm gonna love you... Like I'm gonna lose you'
You finished and the crowd applauded your performance. You got off stage and walked over to Rosa.
'' you did great y/n. I also loved the song you picked" she said to you as you say down with her at a lone table. You and she drank and talked about everything and nothing
"Woah, guys look!" jake said pointing at the table where you and rosa were sat. You and she were laughing.
"Rosa's laughing!" Boyle said with a shocked look on his face.
The thing is rosa had been too glued to you and your performance that she had forgotten that the whole squad was there. She wanted to keep your relationship on the DL. As she does with most things in her life.
The whole team was shocked, to say the least when they saw you and Rosa, not to mention that Rosa was LAUGHING  that was a rare sight indeed.
"oh my god, guys, she's holding the singer's hand! What is going on?" Boyle said holding his head. Everyone looked over to you two. You saw the staring in the corner of your eye.
"Rosa, why are there a bunch of people staring at us and talking about us?" you ask curiously tilting your head to the side as Rosa looked over.
"oh, shit! I forgot that they were here!" she says letting go of your hand with wide eyes
"wait who are they? Rosa what's wrong?" you asked now genuinely scared because of your girlfriend.
''they're my work colleagues. And I like to keep things private around them. They don't know about you and me and I wanted to keep it that way." she says to you with wide eyes as one of the people comes up to you.
" well hello there, Rosa. Who may this be? " jake asks with a childlike smirk.
"oh, I'm y/n! Rosa's gi-mph" you wanted to say Rosa's girlfriend, but a hand covered your mouth and silenced you. You look and see it was Rosa's hand you furrow your brows when jake speaks up
"no, no Diaz. Let the girl finish." jake said with that grin
"no. It's non of your business," she said as she removed her hand from your mouth.
"I'm her girlfriend," you said rushed as to net get stopped by Rosa jet again. Roža looks at you with a nasty but somehow friendly ment glare a d Peralta grin gets impossibly bigger.
"guys get o er here and meet Diaz's girlfriend!" jake says
to the rest of the people in the group. They come over to your table and gather around it.
"wait so you're her girlfriend?" Boyle asks with a confused grin
"I was correct. I believe you owe me 20 dollars detective Peralta" captain holt says with a smirk
"ughhh, I was hoping that you had forgot about that." jake says as he hands the 20 dollar bill over to the man.
The squad spends the rest of the night asking you questions about you and your relationship with Rosa. You could tell she didn't like it, so you went back on stage to stop her from getting more irritated.
The rest of the night was filled with joy, singing, and fun. The ream liked you and rosa was actually relieved that you had told them.
Word count: 1503
Hope you liked itttt. Leave a comment a d a request if you have one! Have a good one. Byeeee!
Also, I don't own anything but the plot
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No other love, darlin’ i’m flying
So I had all of the feelings after last night, as per usual, and it created this mess...inspired by this song. 
"Okay," Harriet broke the silence, "we'll find something else Charity, we will get him."
Charity looked towards the ceiling, trying her best to stop the endless tears that continued to fall, "I can't talk about this anymore" she let out in one long exhale as she glanced at Harriet, pleading.
Harriet maintained eye contact, trying to gauge Charity's feelings, "What do you need?" The blonde let out a disbelieving laugh, looking at the brunette with incredulity.
"I need a lot of things. I need cold hard evidence to have that monster rotting behind bars for the rest of his life." Charity looked down to her lap watching as she tore apart the tissue in her hands, "I need for everyone who was at that conference to not have witnessed what they did, I need my memories to stop haunting me, I need none of it to have happened in the first place-"she trailed off with another humourless laugh.
Harriet let out a sigh, "No Charity, what do you need right now? What can I do for you in this moment?" Charity looked up at that, an unsure look on her face. She stared at the vicar for a few moments, trying to work out what she was feeling and what she needed, and if in fact Harriet could help.
Her voice cracked, dry from all the crying, as she finally spoke up, "Can you--can you get Ness?" there was a quiet desperation in her voice as tears sprung to her eyes for the hundredth time that day. She wiped the back of her hand across her face, clearing any stray moisture, before taking a calming breath, "I don't want to go out there yet, I can't face anyone."
Harriet sent her an understanding smile before nodding and standing up, "Of course." She squeezed Charity's shoulder as she walked past and headed for the exit.
Once alone in the church, Charity wrapped her arms around herself and allowed the tears to break free, staining her cheeks with more mascara, as her body caved in and shook with sobs.
* * * * * * *
"Oh Sweetheart" Vanessa's voice broke the eerie silence that had fallen over the church, followed by the sound of heels on stone as she walked hastily to where Charity was sat hunched over in the front row.
She came to a stop in front of her girlfriend and dropped to her knees taking the taller woman's hands in her own. Charity blinked down at her, breathing shallowly as her eyes tracked every inch of Vanessa's face. The kneeling blonde offered her a tentative smile, trying to portray all the love and reassurance she could through her eyes alone.
She reaches up to cup Charity's cheek and stroke her thumb over the damp skin beneath her left eye, letting out a shaky sigh as her girlfriend leans into the caress eyes drifting shut.
Charity trembles as she opens her eyes, staring desperately, pleadingly at her girlfriend, "Ne-ss," she sobs out as her hands reach for the vet, urgently pulling her closer.
Vanessa raises up from where she was resting on her feet and presses her lips to charity's forehead, murmuring soft words of reassurance against her warm skin, as the sobbing blonde curls her fingers into the lapels of Vanessa's blazer in desperation.
The hand that was stroking Charity's cheek slides down to cup her jaw whilst the other tangles in her hair and cradles the back of her head.
"I've got you sweetheart, let it out, I've got you."
Charity hiccups over the last sob, before abruptly pulling back so she can see Vanessa, "Babe...take me home" she gasps, trying to regulate her breathing, "please".
Vanessa leans forwards to press another kiss against Charity's forehead, eyes scrunching closed against her own tears as she nods her head jerkily in confirmation.
She stands, bringing Charity with her, darting  forwards to steady her when she sways on her feet.
"You okay?" Charity gives one short nod in response before wiping her face on her sleeve to clear as much evidence of her turmoil as possible, and then the two turn to head out into the village, Vanessa wrapping an arm around Charity's waist to keep her upright.
* * * * * * *
Charity stands motionless in the entryway of Tug Ghyll as Vanessa shuts the door behind them, quickly shedding her jacket, shoes and bag before helping the taller blonde with hers.
She slips one hand into Charity's, the other reaching up to stroke her arm, "How about a nice warm shower? And then we can get into bed, have an early night, how's that sound?" Charity glances down at Vanessa, her hair shifting forwards as she agrees gratefully.
Vanessa entwines their fingers as she leads Charity up the stairs and into the bathroom, turning the tap to start warming the water before going to fetch some towels. When she gets back the taller blonde is still fully clothed, staring off into space again, so Vanessa wordlessly places the towels beside the sink before moving to help her girlfriend undress.
She slowly reaches for the hem of Charity's top, pausing to make eye contact and wait for some indication of consent, before slowly pulling it over Charity's head and throwing it at the laundry basket in the corner. Vanessa repeats this process with each article of clothing until Charity is fully exposed, goosebumps forming over her arms at the chill in the air.
Vanessa then guides her to the shower stopping as Charity freezes, one foot still on the bathmat, and turns, clinging to Vanessa's arm. The shorter woman watches wide eyed, waiting.
"Don't..don't leave me Ness, please, I-I can't.." Vanessa's expression softens, she pries her arm out of Charity's grip and moves her hands to start undoing her shirt buttons, her girlfriend sighing with relief in response.
They both step under the warm spray, Vanessa gently tilting Charity's face upwards as she reaches for a flannel and starts to tenderly wipe away all the tear tracks and remaining makeup. The barmaid clinging to her elbows to keep herself grounded.
All makeup gone, Vanessa abandons the flannel and reaches for her shampoo only to be stopped by Charity's hand on her wrist, "Will you-" she pauses, "Can you just, hold me for a bit?" she peers at Vanessa through damp lashes, shifting from foot to foot.
Vanessa steps forwards, arms circling around Charity's waist, hands coming up to press against her shoulder blades. She draws them as close as possible in response to the nails digging into her lower back, and starts to sway them gently whilst soothingly running her hands up and down her girlfriends spine.
When the water runs cold, causing both women to shiver, the step out onto the fuzzy green bathmat. Vanessa wraps a fluffy grey towel around Charity and tenderly dries her off before taking her hand once more to lead her into the bedroom across the hall.
The damp towels are abandoned on the floor as Vanessa pulls an oversized shirt adorning the phrase 'I'd like to stay and chat but I really' with an image of a moustache below it - she'd owned it for years and Charity had claimed it as her own since that day on the floor of the vets.
Vanessa pulled on her own shirt - a bright orange monstrosity with 'orange you glad to see me?' scrawled across the front, it had been a gag gift from her uni days - before bringing them both over to the bed and encouraging Charity to climb in first.
Guiding Charity under the covers, she slips in behind her, curling around her protectively. Charity rolls to face Vanessa, tucking her head into her neck and gripping the front of her shirt. Vanessa's arms tighten around her as she hears the first broken plea, echoing the one from the bathroom not long ago.
"Please don't leave me Ness, don't leave" Charity murmurs over and over, bringing tears to Vanessa's eyes as she presses her face into Charity's hair, whispering the only reassurances she can.
"I'm not going anywhere sweetheart, I'm staying right here."
Each of their mantra's gets quieter as Charity finally succumbs to exhaustion, Vanessa pressing several kisses against her temple before following suit.
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leaves-of-three · 7 years
Day Eleven || So Impressed
Connor Murphy x Reader
Word Count: 2674
Summary: Enlisting the help of Connor to cheat on homework. [This is part of an in progress series. You can follow along here.]
Author Note: Nothing will ever top the build up to that Connor kiss last time. Everything will be downhill from there. I suck at life I’m sorry I’m trying my best. Writing is hard sometimes tho. It’s 5 am why am I awake. Help me. 
When you were just six years old, you were adamant on becoming a veterinarian. You performed countless surgeries on your stuffed animals with the plastic doctor’s kit you had received for Christmas. It wasn’t until you realized that actual surgeries would be done on living animals and involve real blood that you allowed that dream fade away. When you were twelve, you were certain you were going to become a paleontologist. You had dug a moderately sized hole in your backyard searching for fossils. Then your dad let you watch Jurassic Park for the first time and the thought of finding dinosaurs suddenly became a terrifying profession. At sixteen, you dreamed of traveling the world and visiting far off lands. You bought travel books at your local book store with your babysitting money and made detailed plans in your journal on the places you’d visit. Then you began calculating the costs of such elaborate trips and, as the money grew, your dreams sank. 
At seventeen and your start of senior year, all you wanted was to disappear. You had no dreams. You had no hopes or plans for the future. You just wanted to be erased from history. But like life had been teaching you all along, those things were bound to change eventually. Last night they had. Life gave you Connor and you no longer wanted to disappear. Quite the opposite, in fact. You wanted to be seen. By him. You were one hundred percent lusting over that mysterious boy. In your typical fashion, when you started to fall for the idea of something or someone, you fell hard. There was no holding you back. You gave them everything. It had been a curse in the past and cause for some serious heartbreaks. 
This time you wanted to play it safe. You’d been hurt too much. You had trusted too many of the wrong people. Recent events had broken you down to nothing. As much as you wanted give Connor your heart on a silver platter, you knew you had to resist. Your heart had been butchered over the summer. You were still in the process of trying to sew it back together but there were so many pieces and you were getting so tired. Even if you wanted to, you knew you couldn’t give Connor half of what he deserved. It didn’t stop you from day dreaming though. Living out fantasies inside your head was harmless enough. You could trick yourself into being happy. 
You sat at your desk, staring out your bedroom window, with your laptop opened in front of you. Connor kept dancing through your thoughts. You were supposed to be working on an English paper about 1984 by George Orwell. You had forgotten to keep up with the reading and were going off Spark Notes to get the paper done. You bet Connor had read this book before. He’d probably already gone through all the classics they made you read for school. You smiled dreamily to yourself at the thought. Maybe you should text him to see... 
Y/N: Today 1:22 pm: Have you read George Orwell’s 1984? 
You placed your phone down beside you and waited for a reply. When it didn’t come as fast as you hoped, you forced yourself to turn back to your laptop. The open word document was still blank apart from your name written in the corner. This paper needed to be five pages and you were struggling to even get out a single sentence. You yawned. How was it possible that you were still tired after getting a full 9 nine hours of sleep last night? It had been one of the best sleeps you had gotten this week too. For once, you had gone to bed with a smile instead of tears. 
You lazily smiled now as you remembered the events of yesterday. You could still feel Connor’s hands tangled and gripping onto your hair, his mouth zealously attacking yours, the way he had pulled you so close him like he had been waiting so long for this moment to happen. You had never felt such passion in a single kiss before. Your stomach fluttered with excitement as you remembered and you felt yourself blushing alone in your room. It had been perfect. 
Your phone vibrated over the wooden surface of your desk. Your eyes shot open at the sound.
Connor: Today 1:54 pm: ya it’s one of my favs y? 
Y/N: Today 1:54 pm: I’ve got to write a report on it and I forgot to finish the reading. I was wondering if I could steal your thoughts on the book and pass them off as my own ;)
Connor: Today 1:55 pm: wats it bout 
Y/N: Today 1:57 pm: Analyze the Party's level of power over its citizens, specifically through the lens of psychological manipulation. Name the tools the Party uses to maintain this control and discuss their effectiveness.
Connor: Today 1:58 pm: lol face time me i’ll help u out
Your heart started to race. Facetime? Shit. You leaped out of your chair. You hadn’t showered today, you had on no makeup, you face was breaking out, and you had been living in your pajamas all afternoon. This was not a cute look. Connor may have seen you go through some shit but the stakes were higher now. Before you had been in the friend zone...now you needed to step up your game. You wanted to impress him with how naturally casual and beautiful you looked lounging around by yourself on a Saturday afternoon. That involved makeup, better lighting, and a lot of exaggerating the truth. 
Y/N: Today 2:00 pm: K one sec 
You grabbed a bottle of dry shampoo off your dresser and sprayed it into your hair before pulling it up into a cute, high ponytail. Then you rushed to throw some foundation and concealer onto your face to cover any breakouts. You were used to rushing through your make up on days you slept through your alarm for school anyway. All those late mornings had been practice for this. A little lip gloss, a hint of mascara, and a change into a fresh t-shirt set the look. You kept your pajama bottoms on. The camera wouldn’t reach that far down. Then you opened your curtain a bit higher to let in more natural light and sat back down at your desk. You propped your phone up against a box of tissues and checked your appearance through the camera. Yup...natural and casual. You totally woke up like this. You adjusted a few loose strands of hair that had fallen from the ponytail in your rush then clicked on Connor’s name. 
It rang three times before he picked up. 
While you had worked to center yourself a good distance from the camera to make yourself look better, his entire face took up the screen. He was obviously holding the phone as it had trouble focusing in his shaky hand. A smile grew on your face when you saw him, “Hey, what’s up? Are you ready to become my personal Spark Notes?”
From what you could tell, he was lying on his back on a bed. An off white pillow was under his head and his hair was fanned out over it. He brought the hand not holding the phone to his lips. Between his fingers was a half smoked joint. He took a long drag, held it in his lungs for a second, then let the smoke billow out through his chapped, swollen lips. “I’m better than any Spark Notes. Trust me,” his voice was relaxed and his eyes were bloodshot. “I remember everything,” he paused. “Except the question. What was the question? ...What are we doing? Do you want to come over?” 
Okay, so he was clearly high. You shook your head, “No I don’t want to come over. I have to write this paper. You said you’d help. Do you want me to read the essay topic again?” 
His face was looking worse than it had yesterday. When you saw him at at the lake, his bruises were still red and puffy. They had been fresh. After sitting and stewing on his skin over night, they had now turned an awful dark blue and purple color. Underneath his right eye and over his cheek bone were swollen, the side of his bottom lip was twice its usual size, and the skin along his jaw had been scraped off into a red mess like someone had dragged his face over pavement. It looked horribly painful and it made your stomach squirm to look at him too closely. You couldn’t blame him for wanting to get high. It probably helped the aching pain he must feel. 
You had been right. Connor had gone after Justin the morning he left your house. When you finally entangled yourself from the kiss, the two of you had sat side by side on the swings. He watched the water while you watched him. The sound of the creaking, rusted swing chains rocking back and forth accompanied his timid voice as he told you about what had transpired. Connor had found Justin in the school parking lot. He claimed he hadn’t been actively searching for him but that something had just drawn him straight there. Connor wasn’t a fighter but he had been angry. Anger can drive people to do things they never imagined. He told you he hadn’t even said a single word to him. He just walked up and started punching him. It didn’t take long for Justin and his friends to pull Connor off and finish the fight. Three against one didn’t leave good odds for Connor’s poor face. He had turned to you and smiled at you then. Through the pain the movement had obviously caused him, he still smiled at you. He told you that it was worth it. That he would have done it again in a heartbeat but that he was sorry he had left you so suddenly. He felt bad for running off. He said that you had deserved better, after what you had gone through, that he shouldn’t of let his anger get the better of him. That was when you had pushed your swing closer and kissed him again. It was a salty, wet kiss. You had been crying while listening to his story. No one had ever put themselves in harms way for you. You thanked him with the kiss. You never wanted to forget the feeling of his lips against yours. 
But then that was it. Eventually you went back home. Connor was still sitting on the swings when you left. You don’t know how long he stayed there for. You never discussed what would come next. You had both been too drained to think that far. You had no idea what the next step was after a day like yesterday. Apparently to you, it was to open your school work and attempt to catch up. To Connor, it was apparently to lay in bed and get high. So far it seemed to be working well for both of you. 
“Y/N?” His voice floated through your thoughts. 
You blinked and focused back on the screen, “Huh? What? Sorry...”
He smiled but then winced, “My face feels like I got hit by a fucking train. You were using me to cheat on your homework. Remember?”
You gave him an emphatic look but then a playful smile, “Sorry I got distracted at how gross you look.” He snorted a laugh. “What did you parents have to say when they saw you? Did they freak out?”
Connor shook his head. “Nah they haven’t seen me yet. I got home late. I stayed at the lake for a while and I’ve been in my room since. Usually if they smell pot, they stay away and leave me alone. Third joint since I woke up,” he held it up to the camera as if to prove a point. “Cheers,” Then he placed it back between his bruised lips. “Now give me the question again. Come on, I want to show off how fucking smart I am. You’ll be so impressed.”
You giggled and read the question off the paper to him, “Analyze the Party's level of power over its citizens, specifically through the lens of psychological manipulation. Name the tools the Party uses to maintain this control and discuss their effectiveness.” You looked back up. “See that all sounds like gibberish to me because I literally only read the first chapter.” 
“You’re missing out. It’s a damn good novel. George Orwell was on some next level shit.” He groaned dramatically as he rolled off his bed. You watched him wonder over to something, you assumed his bookcase, and scan around for the book. You caught little glimpses of his bedroom behind him whenever he moved out of frame. You wondered if you’d ever get to see it in person some day. 
He waved the book at you when he found it and jumped back onto this bed. He flipped through a few pages until he found what he was searching for. “Alright, you’re gonna want to start out with the book’s slogan phrases which is ‘War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.’” He glanced back at his phone and raised his eyebrows expectantly when he looked at you. “Well? I don’t hear you typing. Keep up, kid. We gotta a lot of work to do. Professor Murphy doesn’t have all day.”
You jumped to attention and began to type out the things he was saying, taking his thoughts and translating them into more elegantly written sentences. He described the ideas and meaning of “doublethink” to you, he talked about “telescreens” and the “thought police” keeping watch over everyone’s thoughts 24/7, how children were called “junior spies” and brainwashed to spy on their own parents for unorthodox thoughts or practices, and how it all leads up to the climax of the book which was Room 101 and the horrors that take place inside as a way for The Party to induce psychological fear into their citizens for total control over them. He would stop to smoke between each point and flip through the pages of his book to find you good quotes to back up each statement. 
After a solid two hours, you had finally reached the full five pages needed. It was definitely one of the better essays you had ever written. Hearing Connor speak so passionately about the novel made you want to actually sit down and read it now. It sounded fascinating but maybe that was because it all coming from him. Without a doubt, if he had read it to you, it would have instantly became your new favorite book. You finished off the paper. He made you read the entire thing back to him to make sure it all made sense. When you finished, he nodded contently, “We make a good team. I sputter off a bunch of high nonsense and you spin it into gold. If we don’t get an A on this I’m dropping out.” 
You saved the paper and closed out of the word document. You picked up your phone, standing up to stretch, then rolled onto your bed. You laid on your side and propped the phone up against a pillow so the camera was still pointed at you. Connor watched and then did the same. You smiled softly. It was like you were both laying in bed together. “Thank you. I would have probably failed if you didn’t help me out,” you said. 
He half heartily shrugged, “You can make it up to me by letting me take you out to dinner tonight?” 
Your stomach exploded with butterflies at the thought but you kept your face neutral, “Only if it’s at Burger King. I won’t accept anything less than the finest establishments.”
That got a laugh out of him, “Deal. Pick you up at 7?”
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