#then otto usurped the throne by using his own grandson
eschercaine · 1 year
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King Viserys passed away mysteriously. The Iron Throne had stabbed him before he could resolve the matter of succession.
The younger brother of the king, Prince Daemon, who was ousted for seeking Rhaenyra’s hand in marriage, returned to Westeros to find vipers governing the kingdom in the name of their new king: a two-year-old child. His dear niece was held captive in her own home after having been betrayed by her trusted knight, Ser Criston Cole.
He has never believed in sorceries, yet there he was – wielding such power he gained after years of studying alongside warlocks and shadowbinders during his exile – effortlessly slaughtering a troop of knights by himself while Caraxes takes care of the rest.
If anything happens to Rhaenyra… Daemon will make his enemies regret they were ever born.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 5 months
I’ve said it once and it seems it needs to be repeated:
The Blacks are a family.
The Greens are a political alliance.
If you take a look at the Greens’ dynamic, there is a lot of individuality and self-serving interests:
1. Otto Hightower only cares about putting his own blood on the Iron Throne. He pimped out his daughter, and he used his great-grandson’s death for shameless political propaganda. He would sacrifice anyone in his “family” to get ahead.
I laugh every time TG stans compare him to Corlys Velaryon. Corlys was ambitious as well, but he had limits, and he was more than willing to put his family first, unlike Otto. After Rhaenyra’s death, Corlys put aside any personal aspirations for the Iron Throne, to ensure that Rhaenyra’s son ascends the throne, as the rightful King.
2. Alicent Hightower is a greedy upstart, who uses her children for her own personal ambitions (and vendetta against Rhaenyra).
3. Aemond doesn’t have an ounce of loyalty in his blood, and was more than willing to usurp his own brother. Everything he did in the war, he did for himself.
4. Helaena is never depicted as being close to her mother’s family. She loved her children and spent more time with them, as well as with her father, Viserys. The Greens used her as their personal broodmare and after she died, they were quick to try to replace her.
5. Aegon doesn’t give a damn about anything. He doesn’t want any responsibility. All he wants is to drink and hump.
6. Criston Cole only cares about sucking up to Alicent, and doing everything in his power to destroy Rhaenyra’s life, because he’s a spiteful turd. And he doesn’t realize that the Hightowers are only using his skills and fueling his hatred for their own personal interests. The idiot actually thinks he’s one of them, when he’s actually just a guard dog.
7. Daeron: everyone forgets his existence.
You call this a family?
The Blacks are united for a common cause: place the rightful Queen on the Iron Throne & put an end to injustice and usurpers.
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carebooks · 2 months
No one wants to admit the fact that yes, Team Black is right because A) She was named heir by the king and B) having a cock between your legs doesn’t make you a better ruler. it just makes people THINK you’re better.
So, everyone shifts around looking to blame this or that for Rhaenyra’s side or this or that for Aegon’s. And yet no one seems to remember that this whole thing started for one man trying to grab for more power:
Otto Hightower.
He was the one who influenced Rhaenyra be named heir to Viserys, not because he believed in her, but because he didn’t want Daemon on the throne. Daemon was someone he couldn’t control and someone who hated him, he would’ve been removed as Hand immediately. He figured Rhaenyra was the safer option, believing he could mold her and influence her just like he did Viserys.
Then, in 1x02 when seeing her show up for the dragon egg that Daemon stole, Otto saw that Rhaenyra was more alike her uncle than he thought. She couldn’t be controlled and that was a problem. Luckily, he had already been sending his daughter to the king as a backup. Which works when the king proclaims he will marry Alicent.
Once Alicent has had a son, he sees his way back in. Not only is that a new baby boy that the realm will flock to as their new king but this is also his grandson, his blood on the Iron Throne.
And when he sees his daughter choosing Rhaenyra’s side as he’s leaving in 1x05, he leaves her with one last piece of intelligent manipulation and fear, he frighteningly tells her that Rhaenyra will have to put Alicent’s children to the sword if she wants to uphold her claim. (Something we don’t know that she would do because we never got to see her on the throne without any usurping. 1x08 and 1x10 showed us that Rhaenyra is not impulsive, not when it comes to the realm. She is not bloodthirsty nor is she easily swayed, killing her own kin is not something she would do.)
Finally, when his grandson is crowned king and he now has to deal with a 20yo boy who doesn’t know the first thing about politics or ruling, the unthinkable happens and he’s removed as Hand. All that careful planning gone in a second because he overestimated what he was worth to a boy that was raised without love and placed in the highest seat of power in the realm.
So, yes, all of this is on Otto fucking Hightower.
The IRONY of it all is that Alicent’s children would’ve been fine. Aegon didn’t care about the throne, didn’t want it, he wanted to drink and fly Sunfyre. Aemond only coveted the throne because he was mad that he was the second born son and everyone went out of their way to put Aegon on it, someone who he and Aegon-himself agreed was ill-suited for it. And even Daemon wouldn’t have tried anything against them because he knew just how bad that would look for Rhaenyra, they didn’t need the title of kinslayers.
so yeah, in the end, men suck.
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sansacherie · 16 days
while obviously wrong, i really dislike how alicent trying to convince jaehaera to kill aegon is dismissed as her just being a bitter, grieving woman who desires bloody vengeance over reconciliation. when in reality it's also not really that difficult to see her also as a desperate woman willingly to go to any lengths to protect her grandchild. the fact is a consort is more easily replaceable than a monarch. aegon iii needed to marry jaehaera to help strengthen his claim as aegon ii heir and to bring peace between the green and black factions. however aegon's claim does not disappear if jaehaera were to die. he is still king, but he would need a new queen. alicent would have been painfully aware of this. there would be black loyalists determined that no grandson of the "usurper" sits the throne, and there would be ambitious men eager to see their daughters rise. and i know a lot of people see unwin peake's rumoured involvement in jaehaera's death as "karma" because apparently he's no different than otto hightower when it came to alicents own marriage - a schemer who plotted to crown his daughter. but like otto hightower's plans never involved the murder of a child so im not sure they can be compared personally but what do i know.
but anyway it's really not that hard to see why alicent would think jaehaera is safer with aegon dead. of course, killing aegon wouldn't make jae completely safe, but it would eliminate what alicent would see as a threat to jaehaera. furthermore, of course such an action would only put jaehaera in danger as it would be an act of kinslaying and kingslaying. this is meant to show that on one level alicent is not in her own right mind. her desperation to protect jaehaera makes her blind to such things. however, a part of me also wonders if the actual truth was that when alicent gave the knife to jaehaera, she only meant it to be used as defense against the king in his presence, and that got twisted against her as her wanting the king harmed, rather than her simply wanting jaehaera to be able to defend herself. and because alicent had already been "refusing to reconcile" it was easier to believe that of her and preferable for those who would want to see jaehaera further isolated by having her grandmother the dowager queen removed
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very-straight-blog · 3 months
I hated the way Otto treated Aegon this episode. His son just died and there he is telling Aegon how incompetent and stupid he is and how his father never wanted him on the throne and that they are usurping it (a throne he didn't want but they make him took anyways and now his son is dead because of it). His great-grandson just died and he is bitching about some ratchatchers. I know Aegon acted impulsively but he is completely alone in his grief. That scene in the council room made me so sad, he was about to have a panic attack when Otto suggested using the funeral as propaganda. He said no and even Helaena said no and although they are King and Queen they words didn't matter. Can someone hug Aegon and tell him they are sorry?? The smallfolk cared more about Jaehaerys death than his own family. I can't believe they made me dislike Otto.
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Seriously, yes! In general, Aegon's plot in this episode completely ruined me. Yes, he's experiencing the loss of his son all alone, despite the fact that he's surrounded by his relatives. Alicent and Otto act like they don't care. He could find solace with Helaena, but he doesn't have enough emotional intelligence and strength at the moment to be the one who comforts, and that's exactly what Helaena (and both of them) need, so he just awkwardly avoids her. Plus, in a patriarchal society, he, as a man, doesn't even have the right to openly grieve - he must remain strong and cold-blooded and he repeats several times that he's afraid to seem weak, so he can only show his real emotions alone with himself when no one sees him - and then he sobs. No one asks him if he's okay, no one comforts him, not even Alicent, who saw him right at that moment - she just leaves. It's all breaking my heart, I just want to hug him. Even after his son's death, he talks about him in the present tense and refuses the idea of a public funeral until the last, it feels like only he and Helaena care, really.
As for Otto, I didn't understand at all what the screenwriters wanted to do. Make the greens look like monsters again? Thank you. Because in a situation where a person from Rhaenyra's side cut off Jaehaerys's head, there's no need for some evil plan to make her look bad. We really shouldn't have listened to Otto and the others repeat a bunch of times that they want to use boy's funeral for propaganda. And then? They also show Otto as stupid, because if you see that all the ratcatchers have been hanged, that's it, you've already screwed up in controlling the king. Maybe - just maybe - if you want to keep the remnants of influence, don't yell at him and call him an idiot. I'm just saying. But yes, Otto, Alicent and Criston are making me more and more disgusted.
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amberthefantasy · 2 months
and the dragons danced?
chapter fourteen: RHAENYRA IV
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Rhaenyra tightened her grips on Syrax's reigns, she could see tops of the Red Keep's towers in the distance now, and her heart was racing with anxiety. She had no idea of what awaited her in King's Landing. She hoped with all her anxious heart that Alicent would use her power as queen to control Otto, but she had never been good at disagreeing with her father. The presence of four dragons should work to cow any resistance even if Otto still tried to attack. 
Rhaenyra clenched her fingers as the dragons reached the city and began to circle. Daemon upon Caraxes, who was circling just below Rhaenyra and Syrax, waited for a few moments to allow the dragons to fall into a rhythm before he began to descend. 
Rhaenyra watched with an intense focus. Caraxes' long neck snaked forward and then back. There were a few moments of tense waiting, and then the dragon's long tail flicked down and Rhaenrya and Aegon began to descend. 
Syrax and Sunfyre slammed onto the ground either side of Caraxes, their golden scales complimenting his red. Rhaenyra took in the group before them. Ser Otto stood in the front, one of the Kingsguard standing behind him, Rhaenyra thought it might be Ser Willis Fell. Alicent stood to his right, Ser Criston behind her, his mere presence made Rhaenyra's jaw clench and Aemond was stood on Otto's other side. The small council, Lord Wylde, Ser Tyland and Grandmaester Orwyle stood behind them. Rhaenyra furrowed her brows at the absence of Lord Beesbury. 
She gracefully descended from her saddle, noticing Aegon doing the same out of the corner of her eyes. She slowly walked forward to where Daemon stood, hand on Dark Sister, before Caraxes. There was a moment of silence when she reached him. It was broken by Alicent. 
"My son!" She said breathlessly as she stepped towards Aegon. "I was so worried."
"I was fine mother," Aegon said stiffly. "I was with my sister."
"You left in the middle of the night brother," Aemond said. "We had no idea of where you were."
Aegon had the decency to look slightly ashamed at that and Rhaenyra had to contain a smile. "They are right, valonqar ," Rhaenyra finally spoke. "Though I am most appreciative of your concern for myself it was not kind to leave your mother to worry."
"I know mandia ," Aegon said softly. He gave a small smile to his mother but there was no real warmth in it. 
Rhaenyra straightened then and cut her eyes to Otto. "Ser Otto," she said.
"Princess," Ser Otto bowed his head slightly. 
"I was most... disappointed," Rhaenyra said slowly. "When my brother, then the Princess Rhaenys and then the Lady Mysaria all arrived on Dragonstone to inform me of my fathers death before the Lord Hand sent me a raven. As Princess of Dragonstone should I not have been the first to know."
Ser Otto clenched his jaw. "The disappearance of the prince distracted me, Princess."
"Did it?" Rhaenyra raised a brow. "And what do you say to the accusations that you plot to usurp my throne?"
Otto's mouth opened slightly. Rhaenyra heard Daemon's stifled chuckle behind her. After days of grief Rhaenyra had no patience for the game of words she knew would occur if she did not say what she knew right away. "Princess," Otto said. "I have no knowledge-"
"-please," Rhaenyra cut him off. "Your own grandson tells of your plots."
Otto's eyes cut to Aegon. The prince stood firm, raising his head and staring his grandfather down. Rhaenyra locked eyes with Daemon. There was no point waiting any longer. "Ser Willis, Ser Criston," the two Kingsguard looked at her with widened eyes. "If you hold true to your oaths you will take Ser Otto, Ser Tyland, Lord Wylde and the Grandmaester into custody and to the dungeons." 
Daemon drew his sword, Aegon not a moment behind him. Rhaenyra saw Aemond place his own hand on the hilt of his sword but Alicent shook her head slightly and he paused. The princess could see the thoughts in Ser Willis' eyes before he drew his own sword and held it to Ser Otto. Ser Criston was the slowest but when Alicent gave no signal to stop, he had his own sword in hand and levelled at Ser Tyland. The household guard standing around the courtyard slowly drew their own weapons and walked towards the four traitors. 
"Princess!" Grandmaester Orwyle called. "Princess, I have done-"
"-do not speak!" Rhaenyra interrupted him. "Take them away."
Daeron landed on Tessarion a few minutes later. Alicent had almost collapsed at the sight of her youngest son, even Aemond had shown his care for his little brother. Rhaenyra and Daemon had allowed them a moment of connection before interrupting. "Alicent," Rhaenyra called. The other woman turned to look at her, expression guarded. "If we may speak."
"Of course," Alicent nodded, releasing the hold she had on Daeron. 
Rhaenyra glanced at Daemon once before leading Alicent into the keep and to a room she knew was always empty, one she had hidden in as a child to escape everyone else. The two women stood across from each other in silence for a moment.
Rhaenyra cleared her throat, "Mysaria told me that you had no knowledge of your father's current plots. But given the lies I have recently discovered you told your son I find that difficult to believe."
Alicent's eyes widened. "Lies? Rhaenyra-"
"He was terrified of me, Alicent," Rhaenyra snapped. "Shaking! On his knees! Only you could have inspired such fear in your eldest son."
"I had-" Alicent's voice shook- "I had no idea he was so scared of you."
"But you are the one who told him that I would kill him?" Rhaenyra asked, her lip curling.
Alicent winced. "My father told me-"
"-Your father," Rhaenyra scoffed. "Of course." Her eyes narrowed and she looked Alicent up and down.
There was silence between them for a moment, Rhaenyra's rage over the lied Alicent had told her valonqar made her feel unable to continue with any other form of discussion and Alicent seemed to be thinking over something, too afraid to speak.
"I had no knowledge that my father was still plotting against you," Alicent said softly. "After we heard that Aegon had left my only thoughts were on the safety of my son."
"After?" Rhaenyra asked. "What of before?"
Alicent hesitated. "Viserys- he-" she licked her lips. "In his final moments he spoke of Aegon."
"He did?" Rhaenyra cocked her head slightly, eyes narrowing.
"He spoke of uniting the realm and The Prince That Was Promised. He spoke of Aegon being the one," Alicent's eyes were wide.
Realisation dawned on Rhaenyra and she sighed. "Alicent," she took the other woman's hand in hers. "He was not speaking of your Aegon. He was speaking of the conqueror."
"How do you know?" Alicent asked.
"I have realised that Father was not truly able to distinguish between present and past in his pain. He thought you were me. He was continuing a conversation we had the night before." Rhaenyra explained.
"He thought I was you?" Alicent breathed. "He spoke of the conqueror?"
"Yes," Rhaenyra nodded.
Relief seemed to fill Alicent's entire body as she collapsed slightly into Rhaenyra's body.
Rhaenyra paced back and forth across the room as she tried to decide what to do with each member of the Small Council. Walking from the wall to the large recreation of Valyria that was still placed inside the room. Different actions must be taken for each due to their different relations and status. Otto would be executed, he was too much of a threat to keep alive and it would appease Daemon's bloodlust. She would need more evidence from Mysaria before deciding what to do with Wylde and Lannister but they may find their heads on the keep's walls. 
It was the grandmaester that was causing her turmoil. His crimes may warrant execution, but the citadel would simply claim that maester's served the castle not the lord and Rhaenyra knew that was a valid argument. 
"Sister?" A soft boy's voice called.
Rhaenyra turned to smile at Daeron where he stood near the door. "Brother!" She called. She waved for him to take a seat on one of the chairs placed beside the model of Valyria. "What brings you to my new rooms?"
Daeron bit his lip softly as he walked slowly over to take the offered seat. "I was worried," he confessed. "Neither you nor mother returned after you left and... I was worried."
"Well I thank you for your worry valonqar, " Rhaenyra gave him a soft smile. "I was just thinking."
"About what?" Daeron asked, looking at her with wide indigo eyes. 
"Nothing you need to worry about now," she placed a hand on his knee. "How have you enjoyed spending time with our brothers?"
Daeron narrowed his eyes at the subject change but answered. "It has been enjoyable, they have changed but they're still kind."
"Good," Rhaenyra nodded. "I must say that I have enjoyed spending time with Aegon the few times we have over the past few days, I find that I wish we had spent some time together earlier."
"Well... you can always fix that now," Daeron said, his voice soft. Rhaenyra smiled.
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horizon-verizon · 5 months
When Aegon III look at Jaehaera, her face, her eyes, I know he saw Aegon II’s face. With Jaehaera, he can’t escape him, he can’t escape his mother’s violent death, he isn’t allowed to think of anything else, he’s forced to revive his olympic trauma over and over again. But with Daenaera, it’s UTTERLY different.
Jaehera dying is the story coming full circle. A greedy and ambitious hand wanting to make his daughter queen started the war but now his line ended by another greedy and ambitious hand who wanted to make his daughter queen. The point is that the Greens didn’t get what they want in the end because someone, one of their supporters, had the exact same mindset as Otto. Karma got to them. The Greens started this entire war to get their blood on the throne and their last chance to get their victory is dashed by one of their own people doing the same thing to them, GRRM is a genius, it’s ABSOLUTELY PERFECT.
Y’all REFUSE to let Rhaenyra have some crubs, it’s so disgusting. The Greens already have their own victory, Aegon II is the one remembered as king and Rhaenyra as an usurper, but he must also have descendants (the Blackfyres I guess) who tries to usurp Rhaenyra’s descendants and grandsons who became kings ??? OUT OF QUESTION, LET IT GO. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
The Greens started this entire war to get their blood on the throne and their last chance to get their victory is dashed by one of their own people doing the same thing to them
Heavy on this, anon. In fact, let me go back an insert the part about Jaehaera being the green's last botched "chance".
Anon refers to this post I wrote from a person expressing why they thought Jaehaera's death was "narratively irrelevant". And why Daenaera can still be written in without marrying Aegon.
It's true Aegon the Elder is held as one of the kings in the line of monarchs while she is not. That is not bc she usurped Aegon, but because they wanted to discourage the idea and practice of naming women or girls as heirs altogether. It was about female rulership being made into the cause of disaster or conflict, not Rhaenyra necessarily!
I still don't think Rhaenyra is universally remembered as the/a usurper, because by their own vocabulary Rhaenyra can never be a usurper...she was declared heir by the monarch and held as the true heir for years. Gyldayn calls her "Queen" several times and unironically and out of the then-living people's perspective. To be a usurper, you need to violently or unlawfully seize power, which Rhaenyra never ever did. The greens did that.
Once again, Stannis is not a reliable source to judge history, because the man is a walking self-denier and nihilistic user of fear to get his way. In the actual novels, Rhaenyra is thought of a civil conflict more than the direct cause of one through usurpation and "usurpation" itself is never mentioned unless it's Stannis saying so. And yes, Arianne Martell had the right of it, even though she is also using history for her own claims...the difference is that her reading of history and Rhaenyra's position is correct.
The people who want things to be more "equal" or "balanced" bt the greens and the blacks or have the greens have a sort of victory like the blacks just sound really desperate. And for what? For patriarchy to reaffirm itself deeper than ever and more than if Rhaenyra had just been queen?🙄
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jacaela · 3 months
"Rhaenyra brutally killed Vaemond, so the greens usurped her, they feared for their lives." - someone from reddit.
First, she ordered Daemon to cut off his head, and fed the dead body to the dragon. Secondly, this was done with the light hand of Viserys and Corlys, because Vaemond violated the royal order. Nobody cared about his death, neither the greens, nor even Corlys. A little surprise that will burn your asses:
His brother Lucerys agreed, insisting that he and Jace were men, or near enough to make no matter. “Our uncle calls us Strongs, but when the lords see us on dragonback they will know that for a lie. Only Targaryens ride dragons.” Mushroom tells us that the Sea Snake grumbled at this, insisting that the three boys were Velaryons, yet he smiled as he said it, with pride in his voice.
Luke’s young brother Joffrey (Jace was still away on his mission north) swore a terrible oath of vengeance against Prince Aemond and Lord Borros. Only the intervention of the Sea Snake and Princess Rhaenys kept the boy from mounting his own dragon at once.
Having outlived all of his children and suffered the betrayal of his nephews and cousins, the Sea Snake seemed more than eager to accept these newfound grandsons.🤣
Yet none of these losses were felt so deeply as that of Jacaerys Velaryon, Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne. Rhaenyra’s youngest son seemed lost as well. In the confusion of battle, none of the survivors seemed quite certain which ship Prince Viserys had been on. [...] It is written that when the Sea Snake was congratulated on his victory, the old man said, “If this be victory, I pray I never win another.”
And most importantly, at the green council no one even mentioned him, so this argument has zero value. The reason Rhaenyra was usurped is misogyny. Alicent and Otto had been plotting to usurp her long before she married Laenor. For the same reason, the greens refused to send a raven to the Arryns.
“King,” insisted Queen Alicent. “The Iron Throne by rights must pass to His Grace’s eldest trueborn son.”
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One-eyed Prince Aemond, nineteen, was found in the armory, donning plate and mail for his morning practice in the castle yard. “Is Aegon king?” he asked Ser Willis Fell, “or must we kneel and kiss theold whore’s cunny?”
GRRM: “The Civil War in England between Stephen and Matilda, which was over whether a woman could in fact inherit the English crown. And they passed her over but she was pissed about it and went to war and that war ripped England apart.”
"Rhaenyra would have killed greens"
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“I offered her an honorable peace, and the whore spat in my face,” he declared. “What happens next is on her own head.”
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Broken by the loss of one son, Rhaenyra Targaryen seemed to find new strength after the loss of a second. Jace’s death hardened her, burning away her fears, leaving only her anger and her hatred. Still possessed of more dragons than her half-brother, Her Grace now resolved to use them, no matter the cost. She would rain down fire and death upon Aegon and all those who supported him, she told the black council, and either tear him from the Iron Throne or die in the attempt.
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Rhaenyra rejected her stepmother’s proposal with scorn. “Your sons might have had places of honor at my court if they had kept faith,” Her Grace declared, “but they sought to rob me of my birthright, and the blood of my sweet sons is on their hands.” “Bastard blood, shed at war,” Alicent replied. “My son’s sons were innocent boys, cruelly murdered. How many more must die to slake your thirst for vengeance?”
Sunfyre, it is said, did not seem at first to take any interest in the offering, until Broome pricked the queen’s breast with his dagger.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 3 months
HOTD 2X02 Review/Thoughts (SPOILERS)
Apologies for this review coming a little late, life got a bit busy so although I watched the episode a few days ago I've only just found the time to write a review. I do think that this episode was a step up from ep 1 and overall I enjoyed it. As I say in all of my reviews, I have not read the books so all my thoughts and opinions are based solely on the show, these are just my own thoughts, interpretations and opinions and of course there are spoilers.
The Aftermath of Blood and Cheese.
When watching the opening sequence something about it seemed eerily familiar and at first I couldn't place my finger on it, then I realised that it seems really similar to 1x09 when Viserys dies, that image of all the servants being ousted from their beds and shepherded through the dark halls of the red keep in their night clothes. We also see the model of Old Valyria in both scenes as well if I remember rightly, in 1x09 we see it covered in cobwebs and then in this episode we see Aegon smashing it to pieces. Not going to lie as a history buff it did hurt me a little seeing such a priceless piece of history being smashed up like that but I also understand Aegon's grief. I do find this parallel interesting though, arguably the death of Viserys and the subsequent usurpation of the throne was what kicked the dance off so its interesting that they are drawing a parallel between that moment and this moment with Jaehaerys' death.
One little detail that was really eery was when Aemond finds that coin and holds it up to his face, over his eye. I can't help but see this as a death omen because it looked spookily liked the coins that are put over a corpses eyes when they are being given their final rites.
Another small detail I did find kind of odd throughout the episode though was how no one really used Jaehaerys' name, he is often referred to as 'the child' even by his closest family members, I think maybe the writers did this to keep reminding the audience that it was a child, an innocent, that had lost their lives, but unfortunately when it came to his own family it made the characters seem quite cold and as if they were distancing themselves from him. Other times instead of being referred to by his name it was by what he was to a particular character, Aegon refers to him as his legacy, his heir, his little son. Otto refers to him as his grandson and as a targaryen prince, Helaena calls him her boy. Interestingly I think the only person who does refer to him by his name is Criston, but I could be wrong about that. I do think this is an interesting detail they've added and it does remind of how sometimes when you lose someone you might avoid mentioning their name out of fear of the grief and pain that might follow hearing it. That could be what's happening here.
One scene that did really disgust me though was the council right after Jaehaerys' death. Just how quickly Otto started scheming and plotting and trying to use this little boy's death to his own advantage. The way that Otto and the rest just decided that it didn't matter if Rhaenyra did have a hand in it or not, they could still use it to besmirch her name and turn the people and houses/potential allies against her. I just don't understand how anyone can be so calculating that soon after their own grandchild's death.
There's also that somewhat haunting moment when Larys comes in and informs that Blood was caught at the gates and he had Jaehaerys' head in a bag, that was not an image I needed and honestly made me feel a bit sick.
Otto's suggestion of a funeral procession and making Jaehaerys into this public display was also horrifying to me. I mean some credit needs to be given to Aegon for refusing at first. But I hated the way Otto also tried to twist it into something it wasn't, trying to make it seem like it was a way of honouring Jaehaerys when really he was just using him like a piece in a chess game, as a way of undermining Rhaenyra and her claim. Like strategically I know that it is a smart move, it is a huge blow to their enemy, but morally it is so so wrong. What makes it worse it how Otto then says that Helaena and Alicent must follow behind, that their grief must also be put on display and how the king should be spared. It shows how the greens over and over again exploit their women in order to further raise the standing of their men. Aegon is to be spared but Helaena, who just went through the trauma of watching her son be brutally murdered, she isn't spared further torment.
The funeral procession itself was really heartbreaking, seeing little Jaehaerys laid out with the white flowers, he looked like he was sleeping and then you see those stitches where they had to sew his head back on and its gut-wrenching. Right away you can see how much Helaena is struggling, but then there's that moment when the cart gets stuck and all the small folk begin to crowd them. There is a moment that really broke me and that's when the first of the small folk reach out to touch Jaehaerys and Helaena immediately stands up like she wants to protect him, I wouldn't be surprised if she flashedback to blood and cheese because the last time she saw strangers surrounding her son whilst he slept was when they killed him. The crowd clearly overwhelms Helaena and its so sad seeing her wanting to get away but there isn't anywhere for her to go, you can see the cart with Jaehaerys rocking and I honestly thought his little body was going to fall off, thankfully that didn't happen. But this scene really built the tension and made you feel very stressed and claustrophobic along with Alicent and Helaena. I just hate that they were used in this way.
Rhaenyra and Daemon
Ok judge me if you will but I did find that scene with the black council where they are receiving the news about Jaehaerys a bit funny. In the sense that you've got Rhaenyra utterly confused as to why anyone would think she was responsible for Blood and Cheese whilst Daemon is trying to look innocent, Rhaenys is staring him down and the rest of the council are looking around awkwardly not wanting to say anything. Then you have that moment when Rhaenyra clocks on and also just stares him down, I don't think it was supposed to be funny yet somehow there was still a comical air to it.
So let's talk about the fight between Rhaenyra and Daemon. One thing I will say is that I am glad that I didn't get worked up when a part of this clip was released, I know alot of people where thinking it was going to be another scene like the nonsense of 1x10, I am also thankful that it wasn't and it was just a verbal altercation this time. Honestly in some ways I do think that they needed to have this fight, I think alot of what came up were resentments that they had buried for a long time centred around Viserys and the throne and past hurts.
To me it makes sense that Rhaenyra has some lingering trust issues, Daemon has caused her hurt in the past, when he stole her brother's dragon egg, when he rejected her then abandoned her in the brothel, when he gate-crashed her wedding feast, tried to talk her out of marrying Laenor and then abandoned her again, this time fleeing to Essos and leaving her to face the greens alone. So yes I can understand that despite their love for each other she still has some issues around being hurt or abandoned by him.
But I also think they both had good points throughout this argument. Daemon was clearly very hurt that Rhaenyra doesn't trust him and that she doesn't believe that he is loyal to her. Again he makes a good point when he says that he was the one who put the crown on her head himself, that he was at that moment preparing to go to Harrenhall to raise an army in her name. What was interesting to me in this moment was that Daemon's voice begins to crack, usually he is very nonchalant and, I'm trying to think of the right word, calm or casual, he acts like he isn't bothered even when he is. So its interesting to me to see that slip and actually hear his voice crack in this moment with Rhaenyra.
But Rhaenyra also makes a fair point when she confronts him about leading a war council when she laboured alone. That scene from 1x10 was so hard to watch the way she called out for him and she can hear her cries, she was going through this traumatic ordeal where she had just received the news that her father was dead and her throne usurped and then she goes into pre-term labour and has to face it alone, so I can understand how she can once again feel abandoned by Daemon in that moment. But, and I may have some disagree with me here, but I can also understand why Daemon avoided going to her in that moment. Part of it, I think, is because they both knew the moment she went into labour that early that their child wasn't going to make it, that something was very wrong. The last time Daemon saw someone struggle with a pregnancy/Labour was Laena and she died, not only did she die but she died in a way that was very traumatic for Daemon and his daughters. So to me it would make sense that he wouldn't want to be there when Rhaenyra is also struggling with a complicated labour, what if he is once again confronted with a choice between saving her or the baby by the maester like he was Laena, what if Rhaenyra dies? On top of that Daemon himself has just lost his brother and is reeling from that, as I talked about in my review of 2x01, Daemon's way of dealing with grief is to keep moving, to focus on some task, he can't be still, he needs a distraction, it would have drove him crazy to sit in that room with her and feel helpless as she delivered their stillborn daughter, so he does the only thing he can to feel useful, he makes sure dragonstone is secured and begins making plans for war to strike back at the greens who he blames for Rhaenyra being in this position. That being said that doesn't make his actions right, and they definitely weren't fair to Rhaenyra who needed him with her in that moment, but they are understandable and Daemon is human, he makes mistakes and fails at times. Also to be fair to Daemon he does go to her eventually but its too late by the time he shows up. But like I said no matter how much I understand the reasons behind Daemon's actions, Rhaenyra still has every right to feel hurt and angry at him for it.
Then they get into the subject of Viserys and the issue of heir to the throne. Again Rhaenyra made a good point when she said that Viserys, like Rhaenyra, couldn't trust Daemon. I do think Daemon's biggest enemy is his own impulsiveness and rashness. It is obvious that Daemon is loyal to both his brother and Rhaenyra, its obvious that he loved them both and I don't agree with Rhaenyra's statement that the only person his heart belongs to is himself, I think he loves both Viserys and Rhaenyra more than he loves himself, but he has a habit of letting his impulses get the better of him and that drives a wedge between him and Viserys and Rhaenyra. It doesn't help that this mistrust and the gap between them is forced wider by Otto scheming, it suits him for Daemon to be at odds with Viserys because Daemon sees right through Otto and knows how he manipulates Viserys. One thing I do agree with that Daemon said was that Viserys wasn't a leader of men, he was constantly being pushed around and manipulated by others and just always wanted to keep the peace, at times this was the correct course, but at others there was a need for action. Daemon on the other is very much someone who was a leader which is why I think he struggles with surrendering that role to Rhaenyra at times.
Daemon also was saying it true when he pointed out that Rhaenyra wasn't made heir, initially, because Viserys thought she'd be a good queen but because he wanted to put Daemon in his place, it was more Viserys recognised Daemon was too impulsive to be a good King than because he thought Rhaenyra was wise and a good option. It is possible that he recognised that as she was younger he would be able to mould her more into being a good ruler, he had more time to teach her. But this is still hurtful to Rhaenyra who has always had some doubt as to whether her father truly wanted her to be heir.
I do think that they both needed to get all of this hurt and lingering resentment out, it was still awful and heartbreaking to watch because to me it does seem like they love each other, but right now they do need their space from each other. I don't think this is the end of their story, I think Daemon will go to Harrenhall and try his hardest to prove that he is loyal to Rhaenyra and try to win her trust back. I also think with him gone maybe Rhaenyra will come to realise just how much she does rely on him, I mean a big part of the reason why she married him, outside of their love, was for protection.
Ok I know this part some of you will disagree with me, but last ep's review talked about whether or not I thought Daemon had directly ordered the death of Jaehaerys, whether his command was if you can't find Aemond then any son will do. I said that I didn't think he did and it was more of a lost in translation situation, that he said something like 'it has to be a son for a son, no head no money''. That he meant it in reference to Aemond only, as he has used that line in reference to Aemond, but obviously Blood and Cheese didn't know that, misinterpreted it and instead figured Jaehaerys would do. After seeing this episode I am actually even more convinced that this is what happened. Here's my reasoning for this, previously when confronted with crimes/sins he may have committed, like the heir for a day, whether he took Rhaenyra's virginity etc, he always gives vague answers and acts unbothered, he's half admitted to things he hasn't even done in the past because to him its better to own it then to defend himself. The only time we really see him being honest is in 1x02 on the bridge when she outright asks Daemon if he's to have a child and he admits that Mysaria isn't pregnant. In contrast to those scenes where he neither really confirms or denies the accusations, here he gives a straight answer, he says I told them Aemond, I said no, it was a mistake. Seeing as the last time he was honest about something like this was too Rhaenyra it makes sense to me that he would once again be honest now. I also think given how much he focuses on the mistake aspect of it and on how it shouldn't have been able to happen, I think the part he is guilty of is not being clear enough. I says I was clear in my instructions and he does this sort of laugh of disbelief which makes me think that he is just know realising that he wasn't as clear as he could have been and that he is somewhat responsible for this mistake that has done some damage to Rhaenyra's claim. So I still think, in the show, that it was Aemond and solely Aemond that Daemon put the hit out on. The other possibility is that he did offer up another option like maybe 'just make it a son for a son', but that he believed that if they couldn't find Aemond they'd go after Aegon. Daemon's anger was at Aemond for killing Luke and at Alicent for putting her son on the throne, he wanted Aemond to pay for killing Luke and he wanted Alicent to feel Rhaenyra's pain at losing a son, so I personally don't think he'd have settled for anything less than one of Alicent's sons but really wanted Aemond. But this is all my interpretation and as I said I am sure they'll be many out there that have interpreted it differently. Also all that being said, do I think Daemon cares that Jaehaerys was killed, no probably not. I think he probably does get some satisfaction out of the greens' grief and at having some hand in causing them pain, he's vengeful like that.
Rhaenyra and Baela
I did really like that scene between Rhaenyra and Baela, I think it showed they had a good bond even though Baela was raised on driftmark. I also think the plan of keeping an eye on Kings Landing via dragon back is a good idea so they can spot any moves the greens make. I also understand why Rhaenyra didn't want to let Jace be the one to go, she doesn't want to risk losing him like she lost Luke and is still probably regretting letting them carry the messages themselves. Also it would be somewhat reckless considering Jace is the heir, however I don't see him sitting out for long. I am also curious as to what his reaction to Rhaenyra sending Baela will be, I could see him being very concerned and protective of her, especially after losing his brother. I am glad that Rhaenyra made it clear to Baela that she was to stay high and keep a good distance, though I am still a bit worried for Baela, hopefully nothing happens to her.
Baela and Jace
Speaking of Baela and Jace, I adored that scene between them so much. I just love that having realised that she wasn't at supper he sought her out to make sure she was ok, it's sweet that he clearly missed her company. I also loved the conversation between them about fathers. I really loved that they gave plenty of attention to Laenor and recognised him as Jace's father, it was so sweet seeing that smile on Jace's face as he spoke about him, how he taught them to fish and sing sailor's shanty's, that he loved a cake, I mean who doesn't. But I feel like alot of people overlook the fact that Laenor was their father, yes Harwin was biologically, but it was Laenor who tucked them in at night, who taught them songs etc, he was the one that claimed them and gave them his name. He was their true father.
That being said I also liked that Baela brought up Harwin too, and she did so with no judgement or shame, it showed that trust that exists between them that she felt comfortable asking. Again Jace spoke so fondly of Harwin with that little smile on his face. It was a little said when he said 'I think he loved us', the fact that he wasn't entirely sure because Harwin had to keep his distance a bit for their own safety. But I love how Baela immediately reassured him by saying 'of course he did.' She had this slight look of disbelief on her face like she couldn't imagine anyone not loving Jace.
The scene did become a bit bittersweet at the end though when Jace said he missed Luke, but I am glad that Baela was there to comfort him. I do think this scene was both very cute and heart-warming because it does show how much love Jace has had in his life but also it shows how much loss he has suffered too, and he is still so young. But I am really hoping we get to see more of these two together because they have such great chemistry, think I've got a new HOTD ship.
Possible Important Characters
Speaking of Laenor, I could be wrong, but did we see Seasmoke this episode, because I am sure that was the dragon that flew over the beach when Addam was digging for, clams? Maybe?
Speaking of Addam, we saw a few characters this episode that I think probably will have some significance later. I am sure book readers already know what that significance is but I am currently clueless. I am curious about the brothers Alyn and Addam. Addam kept saying that Corlys owed them, I get that Alyn pulled Corlys from the sea and so that could be why Corlys owes him, but Addam also said that Corlys owes him which makes me think there's more to this than just Alyn saving Corlys life, in what way does Corlys owe Addam who doesn't appear to have been at sea with them when Corlys was injured? There was also this weird kind of tension between Alyn and Corlys in ep 1 so I am very curious to know what that is all about.
Another character we saw again in this episode was Hugh Hammer, I think his name was. Honestly this scene where his wife was talking about having to walk miles to get a chicken and spent three times the price made me flashback to covid when you had to go to several stores to try and find what you needed and where you had people bulk buying toilet paper and hand sanitiser then selling it on amazon and ebay at extortionate prices. All this focus on the hardship on the small folk though does make me wonder if there is going to be a revolt at some point, I could see them getting real tired of being collateral in this targaryen war. I really hope Hugh's daughter is going to be ok though because she really did look sick and I could see her dying, Aegon not paying the money he promised and that causing Hugh to lead a revolt against the royals.
Whatever happens though, I am excited to see more of these characters and what the story has entail for them.
Criston Cole
Sorry to all Criston Cole fans but this episode really did remind me of how much I hated him and why. I mean every scene he was in made me burn with rage. We had people asking him the right questions to, Aegon asking him where he was, I mean technically he didn't lie when he said he was abed, its just it was alicent's bed he was in not his own. Then there was Ayrrk asking the very good question of why Helaena didn't have a sworn shield asigned to her, something that should have happened when she ascended as queen. So it looks like once again, surprise surprise, Cole hasn't done his job properly, as Commander of the Kings Guard it would be his responsibility to assign that Sworn Shield and he just didn't, he what, just forgot? Either way it does explain why Helaena was able to go all the way from her quarters to Alicent's without seeing any guard, their should have been one right outside her door, shadowing her every move, but Criston Cole had better things to do than assign Helaena the protection she obviously needed, apparently.
I also hated the scene when he confronts Arryk about his white cloak having dirt on it and goes off about how its a symbol of their purity, virtue and honour or some such. I mean hypocrite, it was so clear that Cole was projecting his own guilt and shame onto Arryk, I also didn't like how he was trying to put the blame for Jaehaerys' death onto Arryk acting like it was his fault somehow when he was where he was supposed to be as Aegon's sworn shield.
Which brings us to Criston's plan of parent trapping the blacks in order to kill Rhaenyra. He wants Arryk to pretend to be his twin to gain access to Dragon Stone and kill her. In theory I can see how this plan might work, but its still very reckless as Erryk is still there, all it would take was someone seeing them both at the same time, them seeing the other, or even a guard passing one and then another moments later, for the whole plan to fall apart. I mean that is what happens, Mysaria has just left Erryk when she sees Arryk coming up the hill and figures out what is happen, it seems like she might then have sent a warning to Erryk who was able to intercept his brother. But one thing was clear to me and that's that Cole didn't care at all if Arryk was killed in this mission. He was blatantly using Arryk in his own revenge fantasy against Rhaenyra. The thing that is disturbing about this is that the Kings Guard are supposed to be sworn brothers, they're supposed to have a bond and be loyal to each other, but Cole just throws Arryk under the proverbial bus.
Another moment that annoyed me to no end and got my blood boiling is when he says that 'its time the bitch queen paid'. I already made a post about this right after I watched the episode i was that infuriated by it, because Rhaenyra has paid, she has already lost so much, her mother, her friendship with alicent, harwin, laenor in a way, her father, her unborn daughter, her son and her throne. Like what else does he want her to lose, to pay. Apparently her life. So yeah I hate Criston Cole sorry not sorry.
Erryk and Arryk.
This whole situation was so heartbreaking, just the idea of two brothers pitted against each other is sad. What I will say is that they played this sequence very well. It really built the tension up as you watch Arryk playing this game of cat and mouse with Erryk, creeping through the halls of Dragon Stone, coming so close to nearly being caught. Then its racked up again when the maid says she'll bring a draft for Rhaenyra and you're thinking is she going to drink it and not awake with Arryk's attack. Then you see Arrky make it into Rhaenyra's bedchambers and approach her with his sword drawn, then his brother comes in and their fight ensues, there is a moment when Rhaenyra is trying to get away and Arryk swings the sword at her and nearly gets her, she gets to the door but its locked, then the other Kings Guard arrives to protect Rhaenyra but now we don't know which twin is which. You have that awful and really heartbreaking moment when one of the twins says we were born together and the other replies you parted us, but I still love you brother, before making that terrible choice to kill his brother. It is clear that the twin that survived was overcome with guilt and grief at having killed his brother, there is also the fact that we can't trust that the surviving twin is Erryk, then he falls on his sword and its just so tragic.
This scene really did make you feel that impending danger and it cranked up the tension perfectly. I kept thinking after last episode what it was about the Blood and Cheese scene that felt so off, because it wasn't that it needed more gore, honestly thank goodness it didn't have more because the sounds were horrifying enough, it also wasn't Phia's acting because she did an amazing job of showing Helaena's terror in that moment. But I think it was this, the tension just wasn't built up properly, they rushed through the scene and dialogue so quickly that you didn't really have time to feel that tension, to sense that danger they were all in. I think they needed to take a beat and drag the scene out a bit more. Like have Helaena pause longer before pointing to the boy, maybe Cheese has to threaten her again before she chooses. Maybe they could have had blood and cheese debate over which one was which a little longer. Maybe they both move over to the girls bed, maybe the dagger is near her throat, but then Cheese looks back at Helaena and realises that she was telling true, maybe Blood argues with him a little, maybe Helaena tries to get to the boy but is intercepted, then they have blood and cheese move to the boy and that's when Helaena grabs Jaehaera and runs. I just think if they had taken a bit more time with it, the audience would have had more time to feel the tension and fear and danger, but hey maybe its just me.
What I do think is symbolic though is that the first deaths of the war are Luke and Jaehaerys. Two children, two sons, two innocents. I think this is to show that in war it is the innocents who suffer. Then the next deaths dealt to each side are the brothers, Arryk and Erryk, again I think this is very symbolic of how this war is tearing families apart, how its setting siblings and other family members against each other.
Otto and His Really Bad Day.
This was another element of the episode that I probably wasn't supposed to find funny yet still did, I mean the facial expressions this man way giving just kept cracking me up. He was so done with everyone. I did understand his frustration at Aegon and Criston. Killing the rat catchers was a stupid move, most were innocent and in one move Aegon undid all the sympathy they had gained from Jaehaerys' funeral procession. On top of that it rendered the torment that Alicent and even more so Helaena went through trying to gain that sympathy and that advantage over Rhaenyra. It was also very unnecessary. If they were able to round all the rat catchers up in order to hang them then they could have just as easily had them brought before Helaena for her to identify Cheese. Instead they've given the small folk a reason to hate them.
I also thought the look on Otto's face when Aegon said Cole had taken action. That slow 'and what has Cole done?' showed that he was really dreading the answer. It was clear that he knew the plan wasn't going to work. I would feel bad for him but I do feel like he is reaping what he has sown. He was the one who put Aegon on throne without giving him any training or preparation because he believed that Aegon would be controllable like his father.
That being said that line 'he was right about you' was a low blow by Otto, but he's not wrong if we are being honest. Still it must have hurt for Aegon to hear. Also the way Otto laughed when Aegon said Viserys had made him King, they all know that Viserys didn't want Aegon to be King, which again I think is something that plagues Aegon.
I'm not surprised that Aegon fired Otto, and his not again face was comical. Aegon then naming Cole I think is a huge mistake, I am still in disbelief that this guy even still has a job and here he is getting a promotion, mind boggling.
So apparently Alicent has another son, which did we know that? I feel like we didn't know that. I do think its interesting that he's the only child that isn't in Kings Landing, like why is he the only one that was sent to Old Town? I do have a theory but it could be/ likely is completely wrong.
But here's the thing, we don't know exactly when Alicent's sexual relationship with Cole actually started. It could have been after Viserys died, or it could have been years earlier, or maybe it happened once years earlier and they swore they wouldn't do it again, then caved after Viserys died.
A lot of babies are sometimes born with really light hair that gets darker as they get older. When I was a baby until I was about 3-4 years old my hair was white blonde, then it got a bit darker to a more mousy blonde when I was a child and then darker still when I was a teen to a dark blonde/light brown. I've seen it happen alot with other babies too where they start out light but get very dark hair later. SO here's the theory, what if Daeron is actually Cole's son. He was born with white blonde hair and Alicent was relieved thinking oh ok the baby is Viserys, but then as Daeron starts to get older Alicent starts to notice that his hair is starting to darken. She panics and then arranges for her son to be sent to Oldtown so that the memory people in Kings Landing have of him in the typical targaryen blonde hair.
It could also explain why Alicent is so obsessed with Rhaenyra's eldest sons being bastards, she's projecting her own guilt and shame onto Rhaenyra just like Cole was doing with Arryk. Like I said I could be totally wrong about this, but if that guy shows up with dark hair I am going to be suspicious as hell.
No Comfort To Be Had
One thing that did strike me about the greens in this episode is how little they comfort one another. It's in stark contrast to the blacks who mostly banded together in their grief and comforted each other, sort each other out, like Jace and Baela. Whereas with the greens they all kind of isolate themselves and each deal with their grief alone and not necessarily in the healthiest of ways.
That scene on the staircase between Aegon and Helaena was sad because its clear they are both in pain and Helaena seems to want Aegon to comfort her, but as always, he ignores her. But in this case it did look for a moment like he wanted to say something, wanted to offer some comfort but just didn't know how to do that, so instead he just walked away as Helaena gave this sad nod of acceptance.
We see Helaena isolate herself in her room and cling to the things that remind her of her son, his cloak or blanket that she was embroidering, the toy he used to play with.
Aegon also isolates himself alone so that he can grieve. I actually felt some sympathy for him in that ending scene where he was sobbing for his son, he clearly loved his son and is in a lot of pain. I mean its not enough for me to forget about the child fighting rings or what he did to dyana but it was still interesting seeing him in a more human and complex light.
Meanwhile Aemond takes himself off to the brothel and the madame that he lost his virginity to at the mature age of 13. I mean this does make sense in a way, he probably sees her in this weird motherly type way, someone he can get comfort and affection from, but the scene in still uncomfortable, as I think it is supposed to be.
We see Alicent walk away from Aegon instead of comforting him. At first I thought maybe it was because she doesn't know how to comfort him, but we have seen her comforting people in the past, she comforted both the king and rhaenyra after Aemma's death, we see her comfort Criston in 1x05, and Helaena in this episode. But I think what is telling is her interactions with Otto this episode. Their first scene together is Otto saying they shouldn't let Jaehaerys death shake them and that good may still come of it, when Alicent breaks down in sobs he offers very little comfort to her. Then later right before the scene of her leaving Aegon, she tries to confess to Otto and hopes for some comfort from him and instead he just brushes her off. So I think this moment shows how that lack of emotional support between Otto and Alicent has trickled down to Alicent's own children. Because she never got the proper emotional support and comfort from her father growing up, she was ill equipped to provide that same support and comfort to her children.
The part where is becomes an issue for me though is when she then goes and immediately sleeps with Cole, I think some might interpret this as Alicent being cold and uncaring about Aegon and as someone who is just chasing her own pleasure instead.
Ok that is all for this time, I'll be back next week to see what other shananegans these Targaryens are going to get up to. So I will see you all then.
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daerklina · 2 years
the story of house of the dragon will never be about both teams being wrong. This will always be about patriarchy judging women by their genitals, denying women’s rights to rule, Dance of the Dragons is about the greens who stole the crown from rightful heir aka Rhaenyra because she doesn’t have a dick.
team green is the most deranged team and hightowers are the most deranged family in westeros. I mean…on their side we have a r@pist and usurper, a grown ass kinslayer having beef with 14 years old Lucerys, weirdo who’s personality is all around blood and cheese (sorry not sorry but it is the truth), hysterical religious fanatic and her father. They’re not as united as the Blacks and they would never be a good ruler, a r@pist who usurped the throne would be a death sentence to all women despite the fact hotd is already settled in middle ages and women’s position in society is so bad.
And Rhaenyra is the one who could bring stability to the realm and would improve the laws and would give more rights to women.
1) Alicent, on the contrary was always a person that thought women has some obligations, she always thought that using her religion to judge people is okay, she even forced Rhaenyra to pray once (it was shown in a tv series), removed all Targaryen banners from the palace in KL and put that damn star of the seven
this religion in question:
(also allows IN A LAW to beat women)
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when Rhaenyra said that she’d rather serve as a knight she only laughed at it, like…gurl that’s ur friend, don’t you want to support her a little bit, no?
2) terrible slutshaming
at first otto stalked Rhaenyra, told that to viserys, of course with only goal — disinheritance of Rhaenyra so his shitball grandsons would be the new heirs. Then alicent yelled at her and actually forced Nyra to swear by the memory of her mother Aemma that Daemon never touched her, called her “spoiled” which is one of the most famous patriarchal terms to control women to make them a broodmares and sell them into a marriage. And people blaming her for lying to their beloved woman for trump are as disgusting as greens themselves.
Nyra was bullied and harassed for YEARS until she left with Daemon and her kids to dragonstone. greenies knew perfectly well that she had no one to protect her, Harwin couldn’t do that for obvious reasons, Daemon was in exile, Laenor was with Qarl + he also wouldn’t stand against queen and a hand of the king, Viserys was in no condition (that man’s flesh was literally ROTTING off his bones)
3) a egon? I have nothing really to say about him, he’s a r*pist and a child abuser who forced his own bastards in a child fight club just to entertain himself
4) aemond.
A grown ass man with a largest dragon beefing with a little kid with a small dragon.
And all of this over an eye, that Lucerys took from him and it wasn’t even his fault. aemond attacked Baela and Rhaena in the most violent way, threatened to kill Rhaenyra’s kids, insulted them, choked them, beaten them.
Luke should’ve taken both of his eyes in fact🤭
5) Daeron? who? does he even exist?
6) greens pretend too much that they’re morally superior but the most vile things that were made during the Dance were made by the greens. Alicent didn’t raise her kids at all and neither otto did. Of course it Viserys’ fault too but most of the time their kids were growing he was ill. aegon and aemond became fucking savages, not Luke and Jace as alicent told (over pig joke that was made by aegon btw). The only morally wrong thing the Blacks did was blood and cheese but still it was a revenge for Luke’s death and greens completely deserved it.
I hate green stans acting like a morally superior people, blaming Daemon for all sins when he only tried to protect his family and marry the woman he loved.
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very-straight-blog · 3 months
I hate what the showrunners/characters are doing to Aegon. All his life he was neglected and mistreated and then one day all the attention is on him and he is made King and they tell him 'your father wanted you to succeed him' and he doesn't belive it but he goes along because deep down that's all he's ever wanted. To be seen as worthy of something. He is crowned King and he is trying his best to be a good King to his subjects, listening to them and trying to solve their problems and all he gets in return is people treating like an imbecil telling him he is seen as weak. Then his son gets brutally murdered and nobody shows and ounce of sympathy for him, not even a 'I'm sorry for what happened', not even from his own family. His sons funeral is treated as propaganda. He is rightfully angry and wants revege and his grandfather is more worried about what people is going to think of him than the fact that a family member died. Aegon tells Otto that Viserys wanted him as King and Otto laughs at him. All the characters are like "omg you really thought your father loved you you stupid fuking weak bitch 🤣🤣🤣"
God, is there eve ONE person in this fucking show that likes Aegon??? For who he is and not what they can gain from him??? They should have let him go to Pentos or whatever with his family and use Aemond to take throne or something. I'll just be Team Aegon from now on, he has no one but himself and his dragon.
Yes, I even had a post about it here.
This problem is related to the fact that the screenwriters seem to be trying their best to show that the people in the green team hate each other. Plus, they're afraid of ambitious women. There was no need to give us this nonsense with Viserys' dying words. Alicent had to start planning a seizure of power to protect herself and her family - that's it. This was also what Aegon should have been guided by when he took the throne. Simple and understandable, and most importantly logical motivation. But no - now Alicent looks like a fool who believes that Viserys suddenly changed his mind; Otho understands everything, manipulates his grandson and considers him a fool; Aemond calls them usurpers. Great, thanks. The same goes for the death of Jaehaerys - there was no need to show us how the greens villainously plan to make an act of propaganda out of the funeral, but they can't be a family, which means Otto shouldn't care at all about the death of his great-grandson and the grief of his grandson, and Alicent seems to cry, but forgets about what happened a couple of hours later, and then she sees her son crying and just leaves to have sex. And yes, Otto is acting like an idiot because he decides that the king just needs to know that no one really wanted to see him on the throne. You know, during the war, when Aegon should be motivated to fight as much as possible. As a result, because of these ingenious scenario decisions, not only do we get Aegon, whom no one cares about, but also Aegon, who in fact has no motivation to protect the family that hates him.
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