#in this au daemon is not married to rhea royce
eschercaine · 1 year
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King Viserys passed away mysteriously. The Iron Throne had stabbed him before he could resolve the matter of succession.
The younger brother of the king, Prince Daemon, who was ousted for seeking Rhaenyra’s hand in marriage, returned to Westeros to find vipers governing the kingdom in the name of their new king: a two-year-old child. His dear niece was held captive in her own home after having been betrayed by her trusted knight, Ser Criston Cole.
He has never believed in sorceries, yet there he was – wielding such power he gained after years of studying alongside warlocks and shadowbinders during his exile – effortlessly slaughtering a troop of knights by himself while Caraxes takes care of the rest.
If anything happens to Rhaenyra… Daemon will make his enemies regret they were ever born.
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a/n: this is just the story preface, not yet chapter one. for this fanfic i am keeping mostly the book timeline, but there will be a little bit of show timeline further ahead.
it is a AU which blends aspects of book and show canons but is also a lot of headcanons. i am a bit of a history nerd, so there is bits inspired by real life historical events, i also drawn a lot of inspiration from medieval/renaissence royal courts to write how i imagine life at the Red Keep would be, most numbers i will use in this story are also taken from history (noble households, courtiers, armies, ships and crews etc), as are titles for functions an jobs that are not shown on the show or books. There are a couple of Original Characters that are going to be introduced over time, and a few canon characters that are barely mentioned or not seen at all on the show. additional information: I chose to keep the show's 'ages' for some characters, so, for the sake of the story: Viserys was born in 70 AC, Daemon in 74 AC, Rhaenys in 67 AC, and Aemma and Rhea share the year 76 AC.
word count: 2802
warnings: none for this chapter
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“...Princess of Runestone, proved herself in her maiden voyage crossing of the Narrow Sea, six pirate ships gave chase as we crossed through the Stepstones, their inferior ships however were no match for our girl or to our brave crew. We had already sunk three carracks when they choose to surrender the remaining three after sighting Archonei descending upon them. We lock the surviving pirates in the holding cells, and seize their cargo, to my great surprise I was able to ascertain that the cargo on the ships once belonged to none other than the Sea Snake.”  Enya reads aloud the letter she received from Ser Orys, her half-brother, coming all the way from Lys, the first stop on his great voyage. “We intend to sell the cargo in Lys, Maester Aldus believes it will yield a great profit, at least 20-times Mother’s initial investment, it seems almost unbelievable that we are only on the first leg of the journey. Gods willing, my next letter home shall be sent from old Volantis. Tell Mother I miss her advice and our morning rides, as I miss your sweet face, and our daily flights. Send my love to everyone home and make sure that young Willam is dedicating himself to his training. Your loving brother, Ser Orys Stone…”  Her granddaughter finishes reading her the letter, folding it carefully and putting it inside the hard cover of the book she has next to her on the wheelhouse seat.
How the girl manages to read in the bouncing carriage is something that marvels her, she feels nauseous just watching it.
Elys would have much preferred to have made the journey by ship, but the early spring storms that plague the East Coast they didn't allow them to leave the safety of the harbour.
The lady wouldn't be making the trip if she could help it, she had just come out of mourning period for her dear husband, all she wanted was to be able to take the time to visit her daughters and spend time with her grandchildren before returning to Eyrie to resume supervising her niece's upbringing. But the beginning of spring means Visenya's relocation to the royal court in King's Landing, to spend the spring and summer with her father and paternal family.
Last time her granddaughter was at court was four years before the death of the Old King, whom she had served as cupbearer when he still had the mental faculties to attend the Council. She had been just a child then, the king's favourite great-granddaughter.
 Since then, she had blossomed into a stunning beauty, no longer a girl but not yet a woman, striking in that way that only those from the blood of the dragon are.
A beauty worthy of a crown.
A crown she had been promised as a child.
If the gods had been merciful, little Prince Aerion would have survived infancy and today he would be a boy of nearly three and ten, the heir to his father’s throne, betrothed to Visenya by the will of King Jaehaerys. But Aenar died in his cradle, followed by his little brother, Aelor, and two early miscarriages. And her granddaughter lost the her chance at the crown promised to her.
“Do you think Orys can one day surpass the feats of the Sea Snake?” Elys turns her head from the window to look at her granddaughter.
“He might,” Elys candidly admits, “Orys has advantages that Velaryon did not, Archonei being the greatest of them."
Elys had disagreed with her daughter's decision to raise the prince's natural son after the boy's mother died—Orys was, in Elys' opinion, the stain on her daughter's dignity, a bastard child her betrothed fathered on a Royce cousin of lesser consequence, during the feast celebrating the union between Houses Royce and Targaryen—as he grew, the boy proved her wrong in her reservations against him. He was as devoted to Rhea as he was to Visenya, respectfully calling her ‘Mother’ after asking permission to do so, loyal and honourable, dedicating himself to every life opportunity offered by his stepmother.
She would never forget his terror when Visenya's egg hatched in his hands, it was the day he won her over, he had tears in his eyes as he asked Rhea for forgiveness for hatching the dragon as it was not his intention, he went on to say that he had never coveted her sister's egg and that she could have the hatchling. Her daughter just laughed, kissing the boy's head and explaining that the dragon had chosen him.
Jaehaerys was not at all pleased with the accident when Rhea sent a letter informing him of what had happened. Daemon finally took an interest in the dark-haired boy Rowena birthed, flying to the Vale to see the dragon, taking it upon himself to have twenty dragonkeepers sent to Runestones.
“I hope he can accomplish it, for himself and for House Royce." Visenya says looking out the window, pulling back the curtains to get a better look, wrinkling her little nose at the stench that enters the carriage and allowing the curtain to fall closed again. “I had forgotten that the city smells so bad.”
“You better get used to it again." Elys passes a bag of scented salts to the young woman. “Tie it to your wrist, you can smell it when the stench gets too much.”
The slums around the city wall have grown considerably larger than Lady Elys remembered from her last visit so many years before.
People beg with outstretched hands on the road as they see the bronze wheelhouse pass by.
It's a sad sight.
The lady sighs before pulling the small dark wooden chest out from under the bench under Visenya's curious eyes. She takes out a heavy bag of coins and pushes the chest back with her foot, hiding it with her skirt. She signals with her hand for any of the knights escorting them to approach the window. Willam Royce, her nephew by marriage, Gunthor’s youngest boy, and Leofric Corbray squire, is the one to come to her.
She contains a smile as she sees the boy blush when he notices Visenya's curious gaze on him.
It's no secret that the boy is sweet on little Enya—just like half the boys of similar age in Runestone—in another life he would be a good match for the future Lady of Runestone, Willam is handsome, with dark curls and blue eyes, and will probably grow up to be a tall, handsome man, and appease everyone in the family that the next heir would retain the surname Royce without the need for major manoeuvres.
“Lady Aunt." He greets her with a nod, keeping his horse's gallop in sync with the carriage. “My princess.”
Visenya just smiles at him, looking at him from beneath her lashes, which only makes him blush more.
“Willam, my sweet, be a dear and hand out these coins to the people." She passes the heavy bag into his hand.
The squire just nods again, looking once more at the Targaryen princess before doing as his aunt asked of him.
Once he is away and the curtain is closed again, Elys lets out the laugh she forced herself to hold in, lightly slapping her granddaughter's knee in reprimand.
“Shameless flirt!” The Dowager Lady of Runestone pointed her finger at the girl.
“I have to train for court life, don't I?" Visenya says with a naughty tone. “I'm of marriageable age, I have to charm all the beautiful second sons, have them all at my feet asking for my hand, there is no better opportunity than during a season at court.”
A beauty of beauties in all the Seven Kingdoms, if not in all the Known World.
Visenya is slender, nymph-like of body, with very pale white skin dotted with golden freckles—the only inheritance from Rhea in her appearance—, plump lips and pretty pearly teeth, a neat nose, and large eyes of an unusual bluish-lilac shade. Her hair is a beautiful flaxen, a few shades lighter than Elys own, curled and long—she's not sure her granddaughter's hair was ever cut more than a little trim at the ends—now ribboned for practicality during the travel.
Elys remembers vividly the Good Queen Alysanne carrying the baby in her arms during her anointment commenting that little Visenya reminded her of Viserra, the most beautiful of her daughters, in appearance.
“Be careful child, you don't want a reputation, especially in the Red Keep."
“I can be discreet." The girl winks at her grandmother amid giggles.
The wheelhouse takes a while to cross the city from Dragon's Gate to the Red Keep, the guards escorting it thought it better to go around Fleabottom than through it. Especially with the four glitzy wheelhouses carrying the noblewomen and their ladies-in-waiting, and the wagons with their belongings coming right behind, with things that attract the attention of the wrong kind of people.
Their retinue arrives at the Red Keep midday.
There is quite a crowd waiting to receive them. The standard-bearers stop between the carriage and the people waiting, proudly carrying the banners of Houses Targaryen, Royce and Arryn, and the Princess of Runestone personal crest: a pearlescent white dragon with the halved shield with the crests of Royce and Arryn between its claws in a black field with bronze runes around the border.
“Princess Visenya of House Targaryen, heir of Runestone.” The Herald announces her granddaughter, as a guard opens the wheelhouse door for them. “Her Lady Grandmother, Lady Elys of House Arryn, Dowager Lady of Runestone.”
Elys arranges the balzo on top of Visenya's head and centres the small jewel on her forehead, pinching her cheek for a healthy blush before the girl pushes back the linen curtain and leaves with the assistance of a Kingsguard guard.
The lady fixes her own skirt before leaving the wheelhouse behind her granddaughter.
The first person she notices is the Queen, her younger sister, in the light blue silks of her paternal House.
A chill runs down her spine as she looks at her sister.
Despite her Targaryen blood through her mother, Princess Daella, in appearance Aemma is an Arryn, with pale sandy hair, an aquiline nose and light blue eyes. Aemma is only eight and twenty, a few months older than her Rhea, however, she looks like a woman nearly to Elys own age.
She looks emaciated, haggard…sick. The Stranger follows her closely. Her youngest sister would not survive a full-term pregnancy and childbirth, it surprised Elys even that she had lived until this moment, with so many failed pregnancies and increasingly long and painful periods of recovery.
Beside her, giving her his arm for support, is Viserys, the King of the Seven Kingdoms, dressed in silk damask of gold and Tyrosh-purple, his grandfather’s crown upon his brow, looking more youthful and healthier than his younger wife. His silver-gold hair is kept short, following southern fashion which has a great Andal influence, he also sports a silver-gold moustache, so thin and pale it almost disappears on his face.
He is a handsome man, but pales in comparison to his dashing younger brother, especially when the two are side by side.
“Your Graces.” Visenya makes a perfect curtsy to the King and Queen and stands as if the castle belongs to her.
The couple is smiling at the young woman with indulgence.
“You have grown beautiful Visenya.” The king says, his eyes fixed on his niece.
Elys recognizes the expression on his face.
Like any woman who was once young and desired, she recognizes the almost obscene expression when older men look at women young enough to be their daughters and imagine themselves as young as their sons.
 The look on a man's face when he lusts after a woman old enough to be his daughter, and who he knows he shouldn't desire.
“Thank you, Your Grace."
“Just stating the truth my dear." In a gallant gesture, the king kisses his niece's hand.
“Brother, stop holding up the line!” The prince’s impatient voice interrupts, causing the King to take his covetous eyes away from his young niece.
Prince Daemon is a tall man, only a few centimetres shorter than his older brother, he keeps his silvery hair long, following the fashion of Old Valyria.
Unlike Viserys's ostentatious clothes, Elys good son is dressed in all black leather, well cut and elegant, but infinitely more subtle than the rest of the court. He carries Dark Sister around his waist, and his only ornament is the livery collar that marks him. as a member of the Small Council and Master of Coin.
Visenya smiles and turns to her father making a new curtsy. “Lord Father.”
“Little dragoness.” There is a smile on the prince's face, he has his hands on his only daughter's shoulders, despite being considered a tall young woman, Visenya looks small next to her father. He puts his forehead to hers, saying something that only she hears, and then kisses her cheek.
“Sister." Elys takes her eyes off the reunion between father and daughter and approaches her sister with her hand outstretched.
“My queen." In a gesture of deference, Elys kisses her sister's pale hand and offers a profound curtsy. “Your Grace.” She bows her head to her good brother.
“Lady Elys, it is good to have you at court again." Viserys says amiable. “I am sure your sisters missed you dearly." He looks at Aemma with a smile and at Lady Amanda Redfort born Arryn, standing next to the queen. “Let's give them time to rest from the road, later we shall have a welcome feast.” The king announces to the court members present, taking the queen's hand in his and guiding her into the castle.
Prince Damon follows them, his arm around his daughter's shoulders, and head tilted toward her as they continue their private conversation. One by one the courtiers follow them, even her ladies and her granddaughter's, Elys nods for them to enter, until only Amanda and her remain in the courtyard.
“How bad is she?"
Amanda approaches until the two are face to face, she looks to the side for a moment, making sure there is no one else around.
Her younger sister, like herself, maintains a youthful appearance, even as they have both now seeing past their forty years of age. It comes with their Upcliff blood, their mother died young, not even thirty years old, yet she still had the appearance of a woman half her age.
Amanda inherited her colouring, beautiful red-gold hair, and blueish grey eyes like a stormy sea.  
“The Maestre has already recommended that she not try to get pregnant again after the last miscarriage, she had a difficult time recovering, almost a year," Amanda informs her, there is concern in her eyes “now she is once again with child, and it is taking a toll on her. I don’t believe she will live to see the child.”
“The child will not be born." Lady Elys declares it like a sentence. She can feel it.
 “There is more." Amanda says. “The Small Council has been hinting that he should set her aside, that he should marry a queen who can bear him heirs.” She lowers her tone, tilting her head toward her sister. “There are rumours that His Grace had a bastard boy with a courtesan, and he might be discreet, but I know for sure that there are mistresses.”
“Does Aemma knows?”
“I believe so.” She nods. “They are, however, ladies of little consequence, barely noble, daughters of second and third sons, some not even that, daughters of knights and rich merchants,” Amanda explains, “His Grace has a king’s an appetite and a queen constantly bedridden who clearly does not meet his needs.”
“Hm.” It's the only reaction Elys gives.
A tale old as time, men will be men, even the best of them.
Viserys may be gentle and amiable, but he was always a man of appetites, and pious Aemma was never an ardent lover.
Elys blames the Good Queen for her precocious marriage and sheltered upbring, Aemma was just a girl, still playing with dolls.
The marriage was not consummated before her four and tenth nameday, and until then Viserys would entertain himself with whores and courtesans usually in the company of his brother and half a dozen favourites.
“We shall have to stay alert to whom he takes to bed." Elys says, linking her arm with her sister's and directing her into the castle.
“What happens if she dies or is put aside?"
Then perhaps Visenya will have the crown she was promised. And we might yet have a king of our blood on the Iron Throne.
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maidragoste · 9 months
Daemon's Wife! au!
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AU with the reader of The Sea Dragon, The Clubfoot and The Green Queen as Daemon's wife
The Decision: When King Viserys announces that he plans to marry you, you make a decision to avoid becoming the king's wife.
The Reactions: King Viserys learns that Daemon married you.
I always knew you would come: You think your husband is going to be angry with you for going to the Stepstones but he surprises you.
Fatherhood: A glimpse into Daemon's life as a father.
Beautiful: You meet Rhea Royce for the first time.
Braid: Daemon braid your hair
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queers-gambit · 1 year
House of the Dragon masterlist
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requests are OPEN where to watch: HBO
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Sands of Time
before his Bronzed Bitch, all he had was her. amongst the smoke of salt, sea, and war, Daemon gambles with more than he ever wanted.
word count: 5.4k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🔥 NSFW 💔 angst 🥊 depiction of (canon-typical) physical violence or aggression ⚠️⏳ show spoilers and AU timeline 1️⃣ written after season one
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part two: The Battle Above the God's Eye
decades after the Stepstones, it's his turn to be rescued.
word count: 5.5k+
🎭 drama 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort ⏳ AU timeline ⚠️ spoilers 🙊 general language and warning content 🐍 toxic family 🥊 feuding families 😵‍💫 wonky brain go wonky 🩸 depiction of injury and blood 🤍 fuck it - dragon!rider!reader [ not a Targaryen } 1️⃣ written after season one
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Split in Two
the Targaryen Curse prevails.
word count: 2.8k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🍼 depictions of traumatic birth 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 1️⃣ written after season one
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Blue Moon Wreckage
you don't consult your husband, Daemon, about taking in your orphaned baby brother and this causes conflict in your relationship.
word count: 4.3k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🥀 misogyny (old-fashion views on marriage) 🍼 talk of child abandonment ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 🐍 toxic family 🍄 borderline toxic relationship 1️⃣ written after season one
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Midnight Calls masterlist
( completed ) your Prince summons you, a married woman, to the Throne Room one evening. so ensues your lovestory.
total word count: 44.5k+ total story parts: 6
🍒 author's favorite 🙊 general language and content warning 💦 smut 🔥 NSFW 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 🍄 toxic relationship(s) 🐍 toxic family...? 🔏 barely edited 🥊 depiction of physical violence or aggression 😵‍💫 wonky brain go wonky 1️⃣ written after season one
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Tell Me Every Terrible Thing And Let Me Love You Anyway
you embark on a secret but passionate affair with the Rogue Prince, and when his wife, Rhea Royce, passes away, he chooses you to wed next - a decision that angers his niece and changes history.
⚠️ mild show spoilers 🙊 general language and content warning 😵‍💫 wonky brain is wonky ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 💔 angst 🔥 mild NSFW (brief female receiving oral) ⏳ technically AU timeline 1️⃣ written after season one
part one: read here word count: 5.6k+ part two: read here word count: 6.3k+
Not All That Glitters is Gold
during your engagement dinner, you learn from your fiancé's niece that he holds choice words about you. or finding out he calls you clingy behind your back.
word count: 3.1k+
collection masterlist: Clingy Baby
🙊 general language and content warning 🎭 drama 💔 mild angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort ⏳ AU timeline 💣 relationship angst 🔏 not edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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Daddy Takes Care
in comparison, your first pregnancy was a cakewalk. this time around? not so much. good thing Daemon's there to help where he can.
word count: 6.4k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🍑 named character ( daughter named Visenya ) 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 🍼 depiction of difficult pregnancy and symptoms by an author who's never been pregnant 🔏 not edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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you and your husband have a different kind of foreplay that include disguises, sneaking out of the castle, and sometimes, fucking in an alleyway... Or two.
word count: 5.7k+
💦 smut 🔥 NSFW 🙊 general language and content warning 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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Creepy Crawlies
Aemond and Helaena witness how deep your fear goes.
word count: 1.7k+
🕷 spiders 🙊 general language and content warning 1️⃣ written after season one
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Mother Knows No Bounds
being Rhaenyra's daughter means taking on Alicent's generational anger, and one day, she takes it too far.
word count: 5.7k+
🙊 general language and content warning 💚 vilified!Alicent 💔 angst 🤮 depiction of physical illness 🐍 toxic family 🕊 depiction of lost pregnancy 💛 requires maturity and caution 1️⃣ written after season one
❗️ depictions of potentially triggering content - please read all warnings before continuing ❗️
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When Pride Married Prejudice series masterlist
she is the (only) trueborn daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lord Laenor Velaryon. after her younger brother, Lucerys, slices out the eye of their uncle, Aemond Targaryen, her hand is offered as payment to keep the peace. though unexpected, she finds herself in a loving marriage, until devastating news forces her to make an impossible choice.
total word count: 97.1k+ total story parts: eight + two 2-part alternative endings
⚠️ book and show spoilers 🍒 author's favorite 🙊 general language and content warnings 💦 smut 🔥 NSFW 💔 angst 🎭 drama 🐍 toxic family 🥊 depiction of physical violence or aggression ⏳ AU timeline 😵‍💫 wonky brain go WONKY ✅ completed series 1️⃣ written after season one
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Dornish Wine, Weddings, and Bruised Knuckles
your best friend's getting married and you've got a thing for her brother. during the bachelorette party, you learn maybe your affection wasn't so one-sided after all.
-> modern AU
word count: 11.1k+
🎭 drama 💔 small angst 🧸 small fluff 🥰 romance 💦 smut 🦋 modern AU 🙊 general language and content warning 🥊 depiction of physical violence or aggression 🧃 implied character age-up (legal to drink) 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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You Might Think It's Foolish
meeting your boyfriend's family for the first time creates anxiety, so, you stick to his side. at dinner, his mother calls out your clinginess - and Aemond doesn't defend you. -> or when someone else calls you clingy and he doesn't defend you / agrees with them.
word count: 3.1k+
collection masterlist: Clingy Baby
-> modern AU
🎭 drama 💔 angst 🥺 hurt 🚫 no comfort 💣 relationship angst 🐝 stand alone 🙊 general language and content warning 🐍 toxic family 🍄 toxic relationship...? 🦋 modern AU 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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"Plan To Make A Gift of It To My Lover"
ten years ago, Lucerys claimed Aemond's eye, and now, a Lannister will claim her debt.
-> soon to be merged into a developing series but will leave this version up. Lannister Reader will become Velaryon <-
word count: 5.5k+
🎭 drama 🐑 filler ⚠️ spoilers ⏳ small AU timeline 🐝 stand-alone 🙊 general language and content warning ☠️ character death 💛 requires maturity and caution 🩸 deranged characters / blood lust 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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Confection Invention
how Sansa Stark's favorite dessert, lemon cakes, came to be after discovering your husband's never had a nameday cake.
word count: 3.5k+
🧸 fluffy fluff fluff 🥰 small romance 💍 established relationship 🍒 author's favorite 🐝 stand alone 1️⃣ written after season one
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Give Every Man Thy Ear, But Few Thy Voice
similar to Penelope Featherington, you overhear your best mate's choice words about you after dancing at a ball.
word count: 18.3k+
🎭 drama 💔 angst 🥀 unrequited love 🥺 hurt 🚫 NO comfort 💣 relationship angst 👯‍♀️ BFF trope 🍒 author's favorite 🐝 stand alone / oneshot 🙊 general language and content warning 🍄 toxic relationship 🥂 alcohol mentions 💛 requires maturity and caution 🚺 misogyny 😵‍💫 wonky brain go wonky 🫠 depiction of self-destruction 🍑 character with given nickname ⏳ AU timeline 🦻 eavesdropping trope ❗️ single, non-graphic line that alludes suicide as an unserious threat to convey displeasure 🚹 men 2️⃣ written after season two 🔏 not edited
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The Black Dread series masterlist
after word is sent for Dragonseeds to raise up, you shockingly claim The Black Dread. knowing your stance would all but determine the war, both Alicent and Rhaenyra send emissaries to persuade your allegiance through means of marriage. when tragedy strikes, you fly to war.
total word count: TBD total story parts: TBD
🍒 author's favorite 🔞 ALL characters aged 18+ ⏳ AU timeline 🙊 general language and content warning
-> TBC until writing concludes
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The Black Dread series masterlist
after word is sent for Dragonseeds to raise up, you shockingly claim The Black Dread. knowing your stance would all but determine the war, both Alicent and Rhaenyra send emissaries to persuade your allegiance through means of marriage. when tragedy strikes, you fly to war.
total word count: TBD total story parts: TBD
🍒 author's favorite 🔞 ALL characters aged 18+ ⏳ AU timeline 🙊 general language and content warning
-> TBC until writing concludes
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requesting rules and masterlist
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presidenthades · 6 months
Alicent and Daemon.. That's a whole pack of worms
How would they even get along enough to make 4 kids 😭
Daemon swearing up and down to despise Otto and Alicent and then marrying Alicent and fathering and targ bro's and Helaena...
It actually would be really interesting how Daemon would treat the targ bro's and Hel,where he isn't insulting them every two minutes 💀
So here’s how I would make a “Daemon and Alicent get married and have the Targbros + Helaena” fic happen.
They probably get married around the same time Alicent married in canon, maybe because Viserys realized it might not be a great idea to secretly see a 15yo girl in his rooms…and then he foists responsibility onto someone else, i.e. his brother. Instead of banishing Daemon from court, Viserys annuls the Rhea Royce marriage and tells him to marry Alicent to show harmony and friendship with Otto. Viserys marries Laena instead.
Otto is horrified. Daemon is also horrified, until he realizes Otto hates it, and then Daemon decides he’s going to use this marriage to make Otto miserable by winning Alicent over from her father. Alicent might disapprove of some of Daemon’s activities, but we see in the Episode 1 tourney that she does seem to find him attractive at least. She is probably secretly relieved not to become the queen, although marrying Daemon would also cause a lot of friction with Rhaenyra.
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I doubt Daemon would be an especially good husband to Alicent, but he would keep up appearances to fuck with Otto. Alicent is probably content to maintain appearances while mostly being left alone to care for her kids. She is less stressed about her kids being murdered, because they are very far down the line of succession, and few people are willing to mess with Daemon’s children.
In my AU, I tweaked the kids’ ages so Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond are only one year apart from each other. Baby #1 is conceived quickly during the honeymoon period. Daemon names him Aegon after his deceased younger brother and the Conqueror. Daemon is happy he has a healthy son so quickly, so this might prolong the honeymoon period.
Baby #2 shows up. It’s a girl, so Daemon lets Alicent name her, as long as the name sounds Targaryen. Baby #3 is another boy, and Daemon just rearranges one letter in his name ➡️ Aemond. So creative.
Rhaenyra gives birth to Jace around the same time Aemond is born, and a few moons later Laena gives birth to Baela and Rhaena. Laena survives and the twins are healthy, but complications render Laena unable to conceive again. Viserys still has no sons, so this cements Rhaenyra’s position as heir. Velaryons are disappointed but ultimately OK with this because Laenor is married to her and already has one legitimate child, so their blood is getting on the throne.
It does not escape Daemon and Otto’s notice that the only Targaryen males of the next generation are Daemon and Alicent’s kids. When Rhaenyra’s next kid is another girl, our favorite good-son and good-father duo reluctantly cooperate to scheme how to get their blood on the throne. The obvious solution is betrothing Aegon and Jace. Alas, Viserys is still in his “keep Daemon away from the throne” era and strongly discourages Rhaenyra and the Velaryons from accepting.
Daemon and Otto are still determined to marry Aegon and Jace for the Iron Throne, and also Aemond and Luce for Driftmark. Then they realize they should have at least one more boy to marry to Baela. By this point, Alicent is no longer starry-eyed about her marriage, but she’s carved out a space for herself at court, and her kids are all safe and healthy. She’s OK with having another child (it helps that Daemon is not a rotting corpse), and so Baby #4 is born. Daemon swaps one letter in his own name ➡️ Daeron.
Rhaenyra gives birth to Joff a few moons later. She has no interest in having any more children, since childbirth is so risky. Her three daughters are the most desirable marriage prospects ever, so there’s a lot of competition, and Viserys is not in favor of the Targbros. Luckily for them, their dad and grandpa 10000% prepared to be their wingmen 😎.
Ooh I almost forgot to answer how Daemon would treat his kids!
He and Aegon bond over a love of partying and roaming around Flea Bottom. Daemon is better than Viserys at keeping Aegon in shape, because Daemon is actually paying attention to his kids and ensuring they are competitive suitors for Rhaenyra’s daughters. Aegon is more inclined to listen to a dad who takes him out to gambling dens and ale houses for father-son time.
Aemond tries very hard to be like his father, which pleases Daemon. They do a lot of sparring together and talk about Valyrian history. Since Laena is still alive, Aemond can’t have Vhagar, but Daemon might take him on a secret outing to Dragonstone so he can claim Vermithor. Even though they are similar on a surface level, father and son probably still argue a lot because their pride gets in the way.
Daeron is very happy and friendly. Daemon has no idea where he gets it from. Daeron is the baby, so Daemon indulges him like everyone else does, but he really starts paying attention after Daeron is old enough to be whacked around the training yard/thrown onto dragonback.
Daemon isn’t sure what to do with Helaena at first, but unlike Viserys, he realizes that her prophecies aren’t just nonsense. Daemon has a healthy dose of skepticism (“dreams didn’t make us conquerors, dragons did”), but he would be intrigued by the idea of his daughter being a dragon dreamer. Considering Helaena’s abilities and the fact she’s Dreamfyre’s rider, Daemon might decide it’s better not to marry her away and just keep her at home. This makes Alicent happy.
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syndrossi · 24 days
In your Reverberate AU, how long before Rhaegar figures out he's been reborn as a baby? Does he assume he died and was reincarnated into the future before realizing his father, Daemon, is in fact *the* DAEMON TARGARYEN and he's been reborn in the past instead? Is he amazed at first that he was LUCKY enough to be reborn as a twin after his last life of sad, lonely only-childness? When does he realize Jon likely remembers a past life too? And most importantly, when does he realize he has his entire family wrapped around his pinky finger????
Fun questions! Especially because they're very different between the twins.
I think both of them figure out the "reborn" part fairly quickly, because everyone is huge and blurry and they're being swaddled and fed warm milk constantly.
As for the future versus past, unlike Jon, Rhaegar catches on very fast, once his hearing is developed enough to pick up actual words. Anyone can be named Daemon, but a Daemon married to a Rhea Royce with a dragon named Caraxes is difficult to mistake for anything else! His greatest point of confusion is that Daemon never had twin sons? Much less an amicable relationship with Rhea?
Whereas Jon's depth of knowledge of the Dance is more surface level. He knows Daemon, of course, but wouldn't remember his first childless marriage, and I don't think Jon memorized all the dragon names. He was more fascinated by the Aemon the Dragonknight era. This makes things interesting, because if he has no reason to believe he's been reborn into the past, then Rhaegar is just a Targaryen name that his sibling could have been given. He probably assumes Dany passed it on through her eventual line. So he would have no idea that Rhaegar was actually that Rhaegar until they can have a conversation about it.
Which will be a tragicomedy because you'll have them simultaneously going "isn't it wild that we were reborn into the past/future!" only to stop short and be like WHAT at one another.
Both Jon and Rhaegar are very sharp individuals, especially when it comes to reading people, so I think they realize that their twin is also too "gifted" to be a normal baby/toddler. It also must make some sense that if they were reborn, their twin was as well. (Jon has no idea who his sibling might actually be, and again, I don't think it crosses his mind that their names were kept the same intentionally because it doesn't make any sense! It only happened because Rhaegar picked his own name and Daemon remembers that.)
Rhaegar is certainly over the moon about the circumstances, once he gets over the shock of it. His father is the Daemon Targaryen, and he doesn't hate his wife at all, and in fact loves them with all of his heart! Their parents don't seem to love one another, but they get along amicably and seem to operate as partners/allies. He has a brother who is similarly weirded out by everything but who is always there, he is never alone and doesn't feel the same need from before to be alone. Also, there are DRAGONS. They get to fly DRAGONS. Did he mention DRAGONS? And they have cousins! And there are even more dragons! And magic! Look at that pretty candle someone gifted them for their name day--
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dontforgetoctober3rd · 4 months
Masterlist of my fics so far
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Forgot how frustrating writing was but also how much I used to love it (I was churning out fanfics every other day when I was 14 lmaooo)
A lot of them I genuinely pulled out of my ass, a few I had to entirely rewrite before publishing on here and a couple are unfinished BUT this is them! It's a wide variety (Mostly House of The Dragon, my current obsession, but there's other fandoms too!)
Not This Time
A short, Cregan Stark-centric drabble about his grief during Jacaerys' visit to Winterfell. This is a sad, doomed-by-the-narrative fic.
A Piece Of Home
A oneshot Aemond Targaryen X Yi Ti OC fic. Nothing but cute and peaceful domestic fluff!
Come Go With Me
An extremely cheesy, corny, Michael Gavey oneshot where he meets his dream girl at the bread and butter, 'ol reliable of every meet-cute fanfiction: a coffee shop. I love it tho! Tried my best to keep Michael's personality canon compliant (imo)
Life Eternal
A multi-chatper hotd fic based off another incredible hotd fic (which I highly recommend), Second Sons by @avengingangelfanfic .
Status: unfinished
The Lesson
A short Rhaemond (Rhaena X Aemond) drabble where Aemond basically openly simps for his wife Rhaena via caring for her hair and has...issues with how some men perceive that as demeaning. So he handles it lol
Untitled Aemond X Rhaena fic
Pure fluff. I never gave this a title, but all the same here is the summary: Pregnant Rhaena craves limes/lime-flavored things so her husband Aemond of course does everything he can, causing innkeeper Hotpie some difficulties in the process. Hotpie is actually the star of this fic lmao
Untitled Aemond X Rhaena fic 2
More random Rhaemond fluff. A no dance of dragons AU where everyone gets along, the lovely couple is at a ball having a discussion on when is the appropriate time to say the "L" word to someone.
A Keen Eye
A mini Aemond x Rhaena fic that they aren't actually in but it's still about them! It's a bunch of highborn girls gossiping about their marriage.
Untitled Daemon X Rhea Royce fluff
Exactly what it says on the tin. Not really a coherent story but little snippets of their life together if their marriage had been a happy one.
A multi-chapter The Gilded Age fic featuring Marian and an OC who is a future Earl! Agnes is also a huge part of this story, I love her character!
Status: unfinished
One Day
Another Gilded Age fanfic, this one is just a little snippet of Bertha's mother's life in Ireland before she married.
He Is
However cheesy you might find my Michael Gavey fic, this oneshot out cheeses it for sure. A crossover Bridgerton/HOTD fic with some Skyrim mentions, it's a timeskip to where Philomena Finch is of age and on the marriage mart. Except, she doesn't want to marry. She wants to write! Aemond also loves to write! Well, well well...and yes, the title is another Ghost song surprise surprise.
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alicentsultana · 3 months
hehehe thank uuuu, I'm very much a sucker for modern aus 🤭 I did make one up for one of my asoiaf ocs (if you want to hear about it I'd be happy to share) I don't think I can write it all out by myself honestly but I could co-author/come up with ideas if you or anyone ever wants.
Random Lore that's all over the place so please bear with me:
I feel like the Targaryen business is like something in steal? (Valyrian steal lol) And they have heavy political influence? Are somewhat fallen royalty? Kinda hc that basically every asoiaf region is modern au is independent and not conquered, individually used to have royal families then revolutions happened, now there are elections and vice-presidents for ever region, rather than absolute monarchy. (The latest VP for the crownlands is Lyonel Strong)
Old grandpa Jaehaerys was a raging misogynist, and he didn't want Rhaenys to become the new head of the fam so he gave Viserys 80% of company shares, 10% for Daemon and gave Rhaenys the remaining 10% percent. The Velaryon's own a shipping business and the Arryns have an airport business.
Between managing the company, being sick and playing with his legos Viserys doesn't have a lot of time overall. He neglected bby Rhaenyra, as in didn't spend much time with her and mostly left things to Aemma because she's the woman and that's her job (fuck u Viserys) then Aemma dies and he sorta overindulges Rhaenyra as in let's her do whatever she wants and gives into any demands she has, and trys to spend some time with her because he's guilty af about Aemma.
After marrying Alicent he basically dose what he did before Aemma died, leaving everything the childrearing to Alicent because she's a woman sooo 🤡 stars neglecting Rhaenyra and just doing whatever he did, this is also a reason why Rhaenyra comes to mislike Alicent, since belives that it's all the evil stepmoms fault that her dad is ignoring her again, this if fuled by Daemion too who hates Otto and Alicent's guts since a new wife means there could be boys and he's gonna get even less of the company shares.
Alicent dose try to be a good Stepmom (In my head Alicent's mom Clarice Florent, and she died a year after Gwayne was born so Alicent was about 8 herself when it all happened, she understands what Rhaenyra is going through and doesn't hold it against her) Alicent shows up/ plans every important event in Rhaenyra's life (school events, dance competitions, plans birthdays...) and eventually Rhaenyra somewhat warms up to Alicent and her half-siblings, but I feel like there would still be a somewhat resentment because watching Alicent give birth to baby boys something that her own mom had died for ... Yea Rhaenyra is complicated but I love her.
Meanwhile Daemon is being Daemon lol he's the cool uncle to Rhaenyra who's travelling the world and pops by occasionally to cause a ruckus then bounce off (I hc modern!daemon being a racer/nepo baby who gets into scandals left, right and centre) also him and Rhea Royce had an old money/arranged sorta marriage and then divorced after Jaehaerys dies.
Okay so I picture Alicent as someone who's been sheltered to an extent especially in regards to her sexualities, gets taught the standard things (a woman's greatest joy in life is being a mom, a woman must save herself for her marriage, a woman must be obedient towards her husband...) and Otto especially encourages all of that. collage stars at? Idk we don't have college in our education system it's straight to uni after highschool lol. Either way picture Alicent is a first year in university at 18, she's so excited to make friends and do new things, Otto somewhat indulges that and let's her be.
Then Viserys comes along, Alicent who's not yet finished her first year catches his attention at sunday church. He goes to Otto and basically asks for Alicent's hand in marriage to which Otto says yes, because this is a great opportunity for the family to social climb.
I feel like Alicent has mixed feelings about it when Otto tells her, on one hand she has to leave her studies, and barely realized dreams to marry a man years her senior, on another hand isn't this what woman have to do? Isn't this all that her father and religion have taught her? Her own parents got married straight out of highschool so it's the right thing to do isn't it? But what about bet dreams? Is she even ready to be a mom? What dose it mean to be a wife? Will her new husband be kind to her?
And her mixed feelings about it all makes it easy for Otto to push her forward in the direction he wants, he also moves to KL with Alicent after her marriage just to ... Help her fit into the new role of wife and mother (he just wants to control her and social climb lol)
Years later when Alicent is planning for her divorce:
Otto: he's a good man Alicent!
Alicent: why didn't you marry him then!
Otto: ...
I think Viserys genuinely wouldn't care all that much what happens to his kids with Alicent... Plus I feel like at that point he's also dealing with his sickness too and seeing as Alicent is so determined to get a divorce he just goes along with things. As for company shares he gives majority to Rhaenyra (basically made a will after Aemma dies that almost everything will go to Rhaenyra) after marrying Alicent he gave her 5% shares as a wedding gift of sorts, as for their four kids... He gave them 20% to divide between eachother equally. So Rhaenyra still has 55% which wins her majority, this is also Alicent's motivation for divorce she thinks it's absolutely unfair for her kids to each get 5% shares and Rhaenyra to get 55%.
Picture Alicent finding Viserys's will in the safe and going crazy lmaooo she's like wtf I've spent years in this hell and now this... then she argued with Viserys and tell him either he changes the will or they're getting a divorce.
I love Alicole too! (the knight and his queen can't get anymore romantic than that tbh) I actually picture Criston getting fired by Rhaenyra, something about how she asks him to sleep with her on her 18th birthday and he says no, but paparazzi take weird photos of them and that pissed Viserys off so he fires Criston. I think Alicent would be against it she's known Criston for years and he doesn't seem the type to be unprofessional so she vouched for him but Viserys didn't listen.
But yea getting fired by the Targaryen's left a bad stain of Criston's flawless record and he couldn't get hired as a bodyguard anymore 😔 Alicent heard about it and arranged a job for him at Oldtown as a security guard in the Hightower University. This boosted Criston's good impression of Alicent, since she helped him in his hour of need. But I don't think anything happened between them during Alicent's marriage (she's too much of a religious girly to cheat no matter how miserable her life is) it's only after she divorced and moves to Oldtown that she truly gets to know Criston and they bond, he also helps her with the kids and overall everything becomes a constant in her/the kids lives.
Throwing in uncle Gwayne in here because I feel like he'd be so sad for his sister, nephews and niece. And then sees Criston around and gets all protective because one man already fucked up Alicent's life he's not about to let another one do the same, but then ends up getting to know Criston and becomes best buddies with him lol. Also picture Gwayne who's a teen being the only one who didn't want Alicent to marry Viserys and leave Oldtown, since she's more of a mother to him in all honesty given how he was barley a year old when Clarice dies.
Rip this got so long lol I'm sorry.
Please share you md about your oc, I would love to hear about it!
Gosh I really might invite you to write it with me, I'm seriously considering it! Loved this entire au.
The targ background is on point, it makes sense being a steal company + political presence, power and royal roots. Very consistent.
Jaehaerys would 100% do this, I didn't even bat an eye. Daemon as nepobaby doing rich people sport is so him, I can see him racing and raging if he ever loses, his divorce was the fastest ever, it happened two days after grandpa's demise.
The Targs and the other families going Samsung Circle* is so real, I loved it. "Fly Today With Arryn Airlines 🦅✈"
Daemon would 100% undermine nyra's relationship with alicent, it's a very him thing.
I too picture Ali as sheltered, her mother's death played part on it too. We don't have college here either, so straight to uni! Her uneasiness would be used by Otto, he has a chance in a lot of money (wait until he discovers about it).
I like to think that at some point between Aegon being around six, and before Daeron pops out Alicent start to become more smart inside her household like well no one is actually paying much attention to me, might as well snoop around. Maybe after her father says or points something out about the children's inheritance/their future and she grows suspicious about what is really to their name - she have a vague idea about it. Alicent have her four, Rhaenyra turn eighteen and has her first scandal that Alicent tries to cover with the best of her abilities, Nyra tells her off as if it was her fault and Criston loses his job and Alicent helps him under the wraps after he tells her what really happened.
Aegon turns nine and Alicent has enough proof of having wasted her life, not much to fight for, already traumatized and rather lonely depressed children. Bad family examples, bad family relationships, is RVDR playing family and them in the corner as a separate thing, she has had enough. I like to think she goes around the red mansion opening financial book after book, vault after vault and boom, she calls 0-800-10-Larys Strong, provides paper after paper, including the recently diagnosis of her husband, and when everything is practically ready she goes to Viserys, if he splits everything equally to the children good, if not, he can rot in hell.
I pictured she looked at her children and said "Let's see what they are made off" and just put the baby in her hip, placed them in a car and left. "Mom where are we going?" "Somewhere we will be happy."
Aegon probably understood it better than his siblings who wanted to go home, because this new house is smaller and where are the servants? Though it probably took a toll on his mental health, he only started therapy in late teen years, after his uncle and criston realize he's alcoholic. He helped his mother raise the children at first but it made his relationship with her very fragile and distant, I believe he likes Criston because he's good with his siblings and mother.
Aemond and Helaena probably learned to accept it, but turned out a little better than Aegon, a lot of therapy for them too. They liked the guy that picked them after school.
Daeron was a baby, this is the life he knew since 1 yo. He was the one who turned out mostly okay. He doesn't know who Viserys is.
I wonder what Alicent does for a living, I doubt Viserys would pay her anything beyond two cents for food.
There's also something I would love to see: Rhaenyra's eventual visit. I think Aegon goes what is she doing here? And Alicent just drive them away while they talk. But what would they talk about? Rhaenyra have her convictions but those are her half-siblings, Viserys is going old and sicker, he never asked to see any of them, she thought Alicent placed a restriction, but she discovered that wasn't the case.
Uncle Gwayne would 100% be team no new in-law, Criston would have a lot to prove.
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raybyanothername · 2 years
I have considered a Jocelyn Baratheon Lives AU. Now I must consider... Queen Alysanne the Targaryen Matchmaker.
First off, I think she would have absolutely terrified the Small Council when they dared to pressure Viserys into remarriage. She also would have had Silverwing directly behind her while explaining to Viserys why he is an Absolute Idiot for his decision in that bedchamber. Really channeling her big sister Rhaena in that moment.
King or not, you do not cross your grandmother when she has a dragon and you do not.
She would then promptly maneuver Alicent in to Daemon's path. It's not hard. The girl is Rhaenyra's best friend. She even gave the prince her favor at that last tourney, after besting her brother at that. This match would secure another line of succession, keep Daemon in the capitol, and have the added benefit of pissing Otto Hightower off even as it gave their house a stronger footing. Wins all around as far as Alysanne is concerned.
The marriage to Rhea Royce is easily annulled given it was never consummated and neither party wants it. With Rhaenyra as heir, the Vale is securely on their side. With Alicent married to Daemon, so is the Reach.
Now Alicent's four children can have an *active* and *attentive* father. There's still the succession rumors, but Rhaenyra and Alicent are still friendly so it's less of a thing. Plus, Alysanne has Plans.
He is still Daemon, of course, and a tryst with Laena at Rhaenyra's wedding leads to the twins. Alysanne may strangle her grandson for that one day... but she has them legitimized as Velaryons. Corlys and Laena are cool with this. Rhaenys is definitely on Team Strangle Daemon. Laena gets to raise her girls on Driftmark and fly Vhagar every day.
Alternatively, Laena marries Viserys later on. The twins still happen. He loses a second wife in childbirth, which Alysanne will point out is why she told him *not* to do that.
Rhaenyra still marries Laenor, because Lyonel Strong is the only person on the Small Council that gives decent advice. Or so Alysanne believes from the few times she makes herself sit through the nonsense.
Every time anyone tries to make a Strong boys joke, Alysanne just appears with a portrait of her sweet baby sister Jocelyn and a pointed question about ignoring their Baratheon heritage. This has the added benefit of making Boros Baratheon feel more connected to the royal family. Stormlands support secure, especially once Daeron is sent to foster there instead of Oldtown.
Now, Alysanne just has to figure out how to secure the line of sucession when all of Rhaenyra's boys have a thing for Daemon's sons. She passes peacefully in her sleep instead. A note is left on her bedside table for Viserys that essentially reads: 'don't fuck up my hard work.'
The Dance is averted. The Drama is not.
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darklinaforever · 6 months
Sadly Nonnie 😢 the only instances I’ve seen Viserys make the wise choice and let the best choice marry is in only au when Viserys has a dragon dream about the destruction of his house and see Daemyras love and devotion same time. Anything else require him to be OOC 🤷🏼‍♀️ But you are right. Even if we think about it Rhaenyra should have been betrothed to Daemon when she was born, they’re Targs 😒
I don't even understand how the marriage between Daemon and Rhea Royce could have been maintained for so long. Daemon clearly never consummated his marriage. There was no reason for Viserys to persist in making him stay married to this woman. And yes, a lot of problems would have been avoided if Daemyra had been engaged. But Viserys was too stupid to understand it.
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the-vex-archives · 9 months
House of The Dragon Masterlist (2024)
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Daemon Targaryen
"Of Winter's Flame" Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 ( x Daughter! Reader )
What if Daemon Targaryen married Cregan Stark’s sister instead of Rhea Royce? What if instead of murdering her, she died in childbirth…giving birth to you.
Y/n Targaryen, a dragon raised by wolves. You grew up knowing only the North as your home, Cregan acting as your mentor and elder brother throughout your life.
Now you have been summoned to join the court of Viserys Targaryen a few years after the grueling incidents on Driftmark with no knowledge of why. A Stark rides South at the behest of a King.
Aemond Targaryen
"You're Losing Me" Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Final Part ( Modern AU )
Being a popular popstar is a tiresome job, it's a good thing that you have someone to go home to. Seven years together and he still hasn't proposed. In which, you realize that letting go is one of the smartest thing that'll lead you to each other. (Aemond needs a fake-girlfriend and he accidentally bumps into his nephew's ex-girlfriend [but he doesn't know that] so he invites her to a family reunion])
"Rage of a Mother"
(Y/N) was Daemon's eldest daughter, married to Aemond Targaryen to ease the conflicts going on between the Blacks and the Greens. But only did the start of Civil War broke her more and more…
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Hi, hope you're well.
I've started re-reading your fic from the beginning and I love the scene with Rhaenyra and Mysaria.
Do you think anything would be different between Daemon and Rhaenyra had his child (son? Idk if them having a son is canon or not) with Mysaria lived? Rhaenyra is clearly rather possessive, and while in canon she seems to be a good stepmother to Baela and Rhaena, idk how much she'd like Daemon having a little person who is a permanent attachment to Mysaria around.
Hi there ❤️
Thank you for the wishes, I hope you are well too.
Let me begin with a HUGE apology for having taken so f_cking long to answer, but I really was a bit overwhelmed and struggling with updates so I had to take a step back and prioritise the writing over the asks... but I'm back 😊
Then, I hope you are enjoying the fic ❤️ and thank you for the beyond kind words.
Now unto the ask itself, so it is canon yes that Daemon impregnated Mysaria during the time they spent in Dragonstone (when Rhaenyra was a child of 8 years, all important details), and that he gave her a dragon egg. When Viserys found out he commanded Daemon to return to his wife in the Vale under penalty of being considered a traitor - which he did - and he also commanded Mysaria to return to Lys and leave the egg behind- which she also did. All of these things are canon. The parts I have added - and that we have no information about - is how far along Mysaria was, if the baby was a boy or a girl, and what they planned on naming the child. But the child indeed existed and died during a storm in the sea, when Mysaria was sailing to Lys - also canon.
How that could have changed my story (and even canon)... hum... I think at around 111 AC and 112 AC it would have made little difference. Daemon was 30/31, and a married man at that. Rhaenyra knew that he had had women (since he had no issues consummating things), and it was not at all that unusual for men to have bastards in asoiaf. Just like she overlooked his wife and just figured he could set that marriage aside, I think it's fair to say she would overlooked his potential bastard child as well, just as long that as Rhea Royce, it was kept away from her. Which without a doubt Daemon would have done. He was no fool, and if you haven't read the books - I highly recommend them, if you don't wan't the whole story you can just go to "The Rogue Prince" and "The Princess and the Queen" novellas - you wouldn't know, but his seduction of Rhaenyra was flawless I would say - minus the getting caught part. He spent his entire days with her, gave her countless gifts and praises, made her laugh, read poetry to her... you know, the kind of things almost every women on the asoiaf universe - very much including canon Rhaenyra - would swoon over -> and no these weren't rumours they were facts.
I don't think someone as skilled as Daemon would dare to bring up any subject to Rhaenyra's attention that could displease her or make him fall from her grace. It's clear in the books he came back to King's Landing on a mission - get the girl or get exiled trying.
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Later on, and I'll just focus on my AU's case to keep this briefer and less complicated, she would definitely be highly displeased if she felt like actually his bastard child was a big part of his life, and most of all, if that was taking away from any time he spent on her and their actual children.
I agree with you that in canon Baela and Rhaena were a particular case. For once, we know that Rhaenyra and Laena were friends and Laena was also dead, so she posed no threat to Rhaenyra. Then, the two were girls, while her children with Daemon were the sons he waited so long for, doesn't take a genius to figure which of them Daemon would have been closer to and would have preferred. And then, if we have a positive view of Rhaenyra, we could even say that she didn't want to be to Baela and Rhaena what Alicent had been to her - and I subscribe to this view but I'm biased.
We do see Rhaenyra having no such friendly thoughts at the mere mention of Daemon having a son with Nettles, and honestly, who could blame her? Not anyone with half a working brain I would say.
Going back to how she would feel about a child between Daemon and Mysaria, I would say maybe something in between. She would make no attempt to have any such relationship with him, but I also don't think she would be irrational enough to expect Daemon to pretend like this child, who he clearly cared about didn't exist, so likely, as long as it wasn't brought up and she knew as little as possible, she might tolerate it. But I think that's as good as it would ever get. Definitely, however, I think Alicent would stay on the back - or on the front - of her mind in not wanting to turn into some Karen making her stepchild's life into hell, though neither would she want to be like she was to Baela and Rhaena in canon - not that we know many details, but Baela's loyalty to Rhaenyra's cause speaks volumes, as does Rhaena's stay in the Vale.
Nonetheless, no doubt that this would add to her dislike of Mysaria, and going back on my take of only speaking about my AU, I doubt Rhaenyra would have been ok with Daemon taking to Mysaria's bed again. Like I have previously argued, I believe she did because Mysaria at the time was no threat. Pretty much - and apologies for the very direct language - she was a h0le for Daemon to use since Rhaenyra was not in the mood and that was it. But being mother to his first child... ouch... yeah I don't see that flying with Rhaenyra, not even DanceRhaenyra because as we saw with Nettles, a threat of actually losing Daemon was enough to turn Rhaenyra from - obsessed with the war - to - obsessed with cutting a b:tch.
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And people say that Rhaenyra didn't love Daemon and that they had a political marriage.
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Anyway, I hope I answered your ask and sorry again I took so long ❤️ all the best to you!
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writingwenches · 17 days
For the OC + OC ask game!
Pyter Royce and Rilian Royce (au where Cissy and Pyter usurp Rilian’s claim and they’re okay with it bc they don’t have to marry? Or arranged marriage between distant cousins? Or they team up to sabotage Team Black/Daemon to avenge Rhea? Too many possibilities bye)
Okay, so this one is super interesting potential 😈
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house words "We Remember BITCH" *woops in the background*
If there was an heir that was closer to the claim on Runstone than him, it would change pretty much his entire personality. He was 5ish when Rhea died, so he would be younger brother aged to Rilian, me thinks~
The Gates of the Moon is used as a winter time keep during the winter times, and I imagined Lady Cissy being the wife of "The High Stewart of The Vale", or close to that position, SO Cissy has a noble enough position, so I don't think she would ever be interested in full-on usurp Rilian's claim 🤔 BUT I do think she would push them to marry if they were friends LOL
AND with Pyter (or Petyr I'm dyslexic and hate that y so much) not having any real responsibilities set upon him, I think he would make a perfect side-kick for Rilian~ Def still wants to speak revenge against the Targaryens for killing his distant aunt.
Going undercover as low-born shenanigans, or trying to seduce one of the ladies, anything! He's up for it! He was built on side-kick energy! It's only when he is given Main Character™ status that he lashes out and wants to do murder only and no other responsibilities
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Aemond “One-Eye” Targaryen Series
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The Silver Dragon (Ongoing)
Summary: Rhea Royce had suffered for too long at the hands of her husband. She knew she would not survive his final revenge, but she would not let him forget her. So she left him with a daughter, a girl with the white hair of a Targaryen and the slate grey eyes of a Royce - Arianwyn, the Silver Lady.With the girl’s mother gone, and her father swiftly remarried and off across the Narrow Sea before even acknowledging his daughter, the young Queen Alicent Hightower took the babe in, to be raised among the only family she had left. As she grows, Arianwyn remains close to all her cousins, whether they have white or black hair. But none is closer to her than Aemond. The two spend long nights in the palace library together, studying the histories of both Old Valyria and the First Men, seeking to understand who they are and where their places are.As tensions in the family rise, it seems as though their places may begin to diverge. Will they let themselves be pulled apart as the dragons dance?
1: The Bronze Bitch’s Daughter  2: The Bench  3: The Book  4: Rune of Endurance  5: The Funeral  6: Cold Fire  7: The Beach  8: The Tunnel  9: The Decisions of Fathers  10: Prayer  11: Dearest Friend  12: The Girl in the Tower  13: The Sapphire  14: The Garden   Chapter 15: A Holy SightChapter 16: The Legend of Gahaelon and Aeremys  17: Families   Chapter 18: The Petition
Blood of My Blood (Ongoing)
Summary: The heir to the Iron Throne gives birth to her firstborn children, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon and Princess Y/N Velaryon.
Pairing(s): Jacaerys Velaryon x Twin!Reader, Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Reader, Aegon Targaryen x Niece!Reader
Prologue  Chapter One  Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four  Chapter Five  Chapter Six  Chapter Seven  Chapter Eight  Chapter Nine  Chapter Ten
Lady Strong
Summary: It’s not easy being a Strong; with a mother who committed suicide, a father who sired three children out of wedlock and then died for it, and a creepy uncle who has nefarious plans for his niece, it’s hard to find people who truly mean the best for you. Luckily there are your brothers and your fiance… right?
Part 1
A Fair Exchange
Summary: the youngest daughter of king Viserys and Aemma Arryn is betrothed to prince Aemond and no everybody is happy about it.
Prologue  Part one  Part two  Part three*  Part four*  Part five  Part six*  Part seven
First and Seconds
Aegon I’s third wife is born again.
The Misbegotten Child
Summary: Rhea gives birth to a daughter. Daemon ignores her for most of her life. The Greens raise her.
Prologue  Chapter One  Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four  Chapter Five  Chapter Six  Chapter Seven  Chapter Eight  Chapter Nine  Chapter Ten  Chapter Eleven  Chapter Twelve  Chapter Thirteen  Chapter Fourteen  Chapter Fifteen  Chapter Sixteen  Chapter Seventeen  Chapter Eighteen  Chapter Nineteen  Chapter Twenty  Chapter Twenty One  Epilogue
The Queen and Her Husbands
Summary: Greens wins AU. Rhaenyra Targaryen is dead, the war seems to be over but that doesn’t mean there is peace. Your relationship with Aemond is strained after he killed your brother and he will leave you for Alys Rivers. As if that wasn’t enough, now you have to marry Aegon, your mother’s killer, to bring peace to the kingdom and stop Cregan Stark from continuing the war.
Part 1: We’ll Be Fine  Part 2: The Council  Part 3: Give Me A Chance  Part 4: I Wish That Too  Part 5: The Wedding  Part 6: Antidote
You Can Do It: The Twins are born. Aemond isn’t by your side but Aegon is.
Dad Aemond
Fool Me Once
Summary: Despite learning about Aemond cheating on you, life has never been sweeter. Who knew being so bad could be so good.
Part one  Part two  Part three
When Pride Married Prejudice
Summary: she is the (only) trueborn daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lord Laenor Velaryon. after her younger brother, Lucerys, slices out the eye of their uncle, Aemond Targaryen, her hand is offered as payment to keep the peace. though unexpected, she finds herself in a loving marriage, until devastating news forces her to make an impossible choice.
When Pride Married Prejudice  [ part two ]
It Feels Like (the Very) First Time  [ part two ]
Petitions  Distraction  The Inky Green Council  Bearer of Bad News
alternate ending one: Kin Slayer  •  [ part two ]
alternate ending two: Sweetest Devotion  •  [ part two ]
guide to final alternate endings:
Kin Slayer  –  is for those in the slutty angst club ‘cause i’m comin’ for your feelings. reader is Team Black.
Sweetest Devotion  –  is for those who crave closure and comfort. reader is Team Green.
Summary: Your mother had informed you of your betrothal to Prince Aemond around your name-sake day. She informed you that your grandsire had made this decision. Featuring Alys Rivers
Part 1  Part 2
And Winter Came
Summary: You had been happy at King’s Landing.  The happiest any Stark had ever been that far south.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
The Other Woman
Summary: You were overjoyed with your marriage to Aemond, unfortunately for you— he doesn’t feel the same way. You will always be the other woman.
The Other Woman  Retribution  Repentance  Appatent  Enamoured
Don’t Get Sad, Get Even
Summary: You and your House Dressed Up for Revenge.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
Growing Pains
Summary: They say it’s always the dark before sunrise, and Aemond and Y/N have more than earned to bask in the sunlight of their love. But, will everything go as smooth as they would hope to? Will the Prince and the Princess get the happily ever after they deserve? Or will they burn for each other apart?
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
Blood of My Blood and Kin of Mine
Summary: Aemond falls in love with a woman already married. Not that anything ever gets in his way.
Summary: Aemond has his family, now he must keep them safe
Blood of my Blood  Part 2  Part 3
Kin of Mine  Kin of Sorrow
Have You No Idea That You’re In Deep?
Summary: Aemond is a fearless, enigmatic prince and the most renowned dragon-rider of the Greens. You are a (newly widowed) daughter of House Mormont and a lady-in-waiting to Princess Helaena. You can’t ignore each other, even though you probably should. In fact, you might have found a love worth killing for.
Chapter 1: Moonstone  Chapter 2: The Same Agony  Chapter 3: I Have Claimed You  Chapter 4: Under The Heart Tree  Chapter 5: I’m Coming Back  Chapter 6: You Are In Battle  Chapter 7: Final Tribute  Chapter 8: Starfall
prūmia va perzys (heart on fire)
Summary: The reader is Aemond's lover, but when the civil war broke out, she sided with the Blacks, supporting Rhaenyra's claim to the throne. One night, she and Aemond meet, and attempt to make the other see reason.
don’t you love me?  and what of your love?  the flames that divide  the aftermath
Little Secrets
Summary: She’s his sisters handmaiden, Highborn, but not high enough. He’s a Prince of the House of the Dragon, destined to marry someone of higher birth than her. This, them, can be their secret for just a little bit longer.
One  Two  Three
Love is Blind
Summary: Aemond meeting and befriending the reader after she finds him crying over the cruel comments of his missing eye by the servants of the Red Keep. Reader is from a noble family and completely blind, a bit of a renowned sweetheart as well.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 3.5  Part 4  Part 4.5  Part 5
Blood of The Dragon
Summary: There is a small rocky island in the Narrow Sea easily reached on dragonback, and it has become a home of many secrets for Aemond Targayen and Rhaenyra Targaryen's only daughter
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
A Fair Exchange
Summary: From one day to the other, her uncle's ambivalence had turned to cruelty until Aemond Targaryen's presence was enough to make her cower. But when she comes face to face with him in the halls of Storm's End, she has to be braver than she ever thought herself capable to protect her little brother.
Part I  Part II  Part III  Part IV  Part V  Part VI  Part VII  Part VIII  Part IX  Part X
Forget Me Too
Summary: When the faithful abandon their duty…what is it that remains? When Aemond return home from yet another visit to see Alys and their son, he finds that there are consequences to his infidelity. Consequences he not only did not expect, but does not like.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
An Eye for an Eye
Summary: Aemond and Alicent are determined to even the score...only does he still?
Part 1  Part 2
you can pretend it's not meant to be (but you can't stay away from me) 
Summary: to you, he is fictional. but to him, you are everything and more. he can't live without you. and, really, there is no use in trying to run away, he'll always find you. 
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
Season of the Witch
Summary: Aemond gets more than he bargained for when he chooses his spoil of war at Harrenhal.
Part 1
Playing with Fire
Summary: You travel to the capital, as Prince Aegon intends to take a wife at the command of the King. Much to your surprise, more than one Targaryen prince catches your eye.
Part 2
For Ever By Your Side
Summary: King's Landing was in a celebratory mood. People celebrated Princess Helaena Targaryen's first name day. The little princess was barely aware of the celebrations held in her honor. Slept peacefully in the care of her governess. 
Prologue  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9 
Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13
Waiting For A Lifetime
Summary: Overcome by grief, Daemon turned to black magic to revive you. Moved by pity, the witch who casted the spell promised you would live until you met your love again in his next life.
Part 1  Part 2
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visenyaism · 1 year
rhaenyra ROYCE? as in rhea and daemon's?
yea that or aemma could’ve stayed in the vale and married a royce. rhaenyras gotta come from somewhere in this au
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starogeorgina · 2 years
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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
If you'd like to be included in a tag list, please send me an ask and let me know what story you’d like to be tagged in! All stories will feature mature themes; please read warnings before reading
𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Eye of the dragon]
Betrayed by her own mother for having a bastard, Princess Dayanara finds solace in the arms of her lover, Prince Jacaerys, and swears to foil her family's plan of placing Aegon upon the iron throne.
[Three ghosts]
As the grieving wife of Prince Jacaerys, you promise to seek revenge on those who took him from you and destroy the greens, turning them against each other one by one.
[Dragons blood]
Scream AU
𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐢 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Children of the dragon]
Married to the wrong brother, you and Aegon begin an affair that triggers an all-out war between between brothers.
Young, naive, and beautiful Velena Targaryen easily falls prey to Ser Criston Cole's manipulation. When her secret affair is discovered by her mother, Queen Alicent, Velena is sent away, and all hope of salvaging her reputation seems lost until her brother Aegon steps in, swearing to protect her at all costs.
[Ghosts in the sky]
Heartbroken by the betrayal of your elder sister and your husband, Ser Harwin, you find companionship with your half-brother, Prince Aegon.
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Broken bonds]
Dragon dreamer Vaella Targaryen, daughter of King Viserys, finds herself in a dangerous situation while trying to leave her husband and keeping her love for Ser Harwin Strong a secret.
𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Killer queen]
After fleeing north and marrying your brother Aemond, you live a blissful life until it all comes crumbling down around you as the dying of dragons begins at the hands of your husband.
𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[My beautiful nightmare]
Much to your dismay, you're married to Prince Daemon Targaryen, the man whom you've heard so much about from your father, Otto Hightower, and sister, Queen Alicent. Despite all the wicked tales you hear, over the years, you find yourself bonding with him and eventually falling for him.
[Twin flames]
As the youngest daughter of king Viserys and queen Alicent, you live your life as a good princess is expected to, until the rogue prince returns to King's Landing and turns your life upside down. You find the contentment you'd been searching for in Prince Daemon. The only problem is your husband, Aemond Targaryen.
𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Heart of glass]
Vissera Targaryen, daughter of Prince Daemon and Lady Rhea Royce, falls in love with her enemy's daughter, Princess Helaena Targaryen.
𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
Nobody understands you more than your nephew, Prince Lucerys, but the love you hold for him will be forever cursed by the bitter feud between House Targaryen.
𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[From the ashes]
As you raise an army for your mother in the Riverlands, you met with the heads of House Blackwood and are immediately drawn to the quick-tempered Davos Blackwood.
𝐉𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Past lives]
When your father, Lord Stark, is summoned to be the hand of the king, you begin to understand the dangers of being so close to the iron throne. No matter the different paths you take, you and Jon always return to one another.
𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Sweet viper]
The eldest daughter of King Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister, princess Cassana, is sent to Dorne to marry Prince Oberyn Martell in an attempt to bend the bridges between their houses.
The plan works, and peace prevails… for a short time…
𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
[Fire & snow] Jacaerys Velaryon x reader x Cregan Stark
You do whatever it takes to secure the support of your mother, Queen Rhaenyra, including taking Lord Cregan Stark as a second husband.
[The king's queen and hand] Aegon iI Targaryen x reader x Criston Cole
Smutty is one shot of the relationship between King Aegon II, his queen, and their loyal hand, Ser Criston Cole.
[My sweet lady] Aegon ii Targaryen x reader x Aemond Targaryen, minor Jacaerys Velaryon x reader
Blaming the greens for the six miserable years you spent living in the red keep and for the death of Prince Jaehaerys, you plot your revenge and start by turning brother against brother.
[The beauty of sin] Cregan Stark x reader x Aemond Targaryen
When your twin brother Aegon becomes king, you fly north to meet with Lord Cregan Stark in hopes of swaying him to support the greens. With the knowledge of Aegon’s dream and threat beyond the wall, you are torn to where your true alliance lies.
[Bride of fire] Jacaerys Velaryon x reader x Aegon ii Targaryen
Betrothed to your eldest brother, Aegon ii, who calls himself king, you’re torn between your loyalties to him and your other siblings and the love you hold for Prince Jacaerys.
[Unbroken] Aemond Targaryen x reader x Daemon Targaryen
After Lucery's death, Daemon kidnaps you, the beloved wife of Aemond Targaryen and keeps you as his prisoner.
[Blood and bones] Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader x Daemon Targaryen, minor Otto Hightower x reader
After your father, King Viserys, betrothes you to Otto Hightower, you find comfort in the arms of both Rhaenyra and your uncle Daemon, leading to affairs of passion, lies, and betrayals.
[Awakening] Criston Cole x reader x Alicent Hightower
Feeling alone at court, you end up in a twisted affair with Ser Criston Cole and her grace, Queen Alicent Hightower, but when war breaks out and the dragons dance, your loyalty between the greens and the blacks is tested.
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