#then said 'nevermind they saved a bird once. IT'S LOVE'
zhvakinnn · 6 months
Hi can't find your rules or anything and I'm sorry if this is out of your comfort zone but may I request the sbg crew and cuddle headcanons where reader is the big spoon. If possible can the reader be male?
Hii, yes sorry i haven't done my rules yet I'm kinda getting lazy but i will make one 🫡
Male reader!
Warning/s: homophobic's
Characters: Logan, Ben, Aiden
Part 2 characters : tyler, Taylor, Ashlyn
✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨
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Logan fields
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∆ He always wanted to be hold tight because he finds you're hug comfort
∆ whenever he got beaten up all he wanted was your hug, he always stopped you attacking Barron
∆ " he literally fucking beat the shit out of you for not doing his homework?! How can't i beat his ass too!"
"please, i just want a hug.."
∆ you'll see him startled when you raising you're voice, you suddenly stop and wanted to melt
∆ you'll just stop being mad then hug him telling him I'm sorry
∆ so whenever he wanted to hug he wants to be the little spoon because like i said he finds comfort in your hug's
Bonus fanfiction:
You we're all looking for Logan he said his going to the bathroom so you went there but as you went there you saw him and Barron hearing their conversation
"you think that little boyfriend of yours is gonna save you faggot?"
That last sentence hit you, you noticed Logan looked at you widen eyes you can see him having a black eye
"who you calling little and faggot?.."
You and Barron ended up in the guidance room
Once you got out you glare daggers to barron as he walk out with his new bruises you scoff as you went to find your gang
Once you got there they looked at you in a worried faces they all ask you if you're ok, i only nodded and looked at logan who was more worried once we all got home Logan wants me to go in his house
His grandparents asked me how i got these bruises then i explained to her grandma what happened while Logan got a ice
"thank you for protecting my grandson, now i know who will protect him after i die"
"grandma please don't say that..."
Logan finally got the ice and you two went upstairs once you got there he hugged you and he buried his face in your neck
"thank you.."
You smiled and cuddle for a while
" i love you too"
Ben Clark
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∆ another one of those who were bullied which means he likes being hold aswell well sometimes if you're not in a good mood he will hug you but most of the time you're hugging him
∆ he likes being a small spoon because of his anger issues too, whenever his mad just take him somewhere private and hold him like a damn baby because he is
∆ like dhar mann would say 'dont judge a book by its cover' he may look tough and imitating but inside his such a softie
∆ when you two are cuddling he likes to play music in the background
∆ "hey what happened to him?"
"(name) finally you're here ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ"
Aiden was covering Ben's face and saw his fist rolled
∆ you have to drag him in the bathroom to hug him and tell him to calm down
Bonus scenario:
You were all in the classroom then the bell rang meaning its lunch time
You stretch a bit then when to ben who was sleeping
"love c'mon were to the cafeteria"
You nudge him a bit then he woke up when he lifted his head he smiled at you making your whole body melt
"ok c'mon now you lover birds"
That make him chuckle and so was i when he got up i hold his hand tight, we were all chatting in the hallway while walking to the canteen
You were both holding hands then a bitch went between you too
"exuse me"
She pushed you and Ben apart making Ben angry
"hey hey its ok nevermind her" He sigh and nodded
Then the same girl came annoying you again and again and again
"you're a disgusting homo"
It kept that on Ben's mind
Once you tag along with aiden chatting with him on the way
I pulled ben upstairs
"its ok nevermind her I'm here and i love you" you smiled as you hug him
Aiden Clark
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∆ sometimes you hate him being a small spoon because he wont stay still while sleeping!
∆ you, him and Ben went to a sleepover and he wanted you to hug him behind his back but as you hug him he will turn towards the wall, then the ceiling, then at you and annoying you're face
∆ "i might be annoying but i know you love it (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆" you wanna deny it but you cant because you love him
∆ like Ben he wanted to listen to music but his more into you humming him a lullaby
∆ he's so clingy
Bonus scenario:
He was so hyper everyday but today its ten times worst
Everyone looked at you and like 'how the hell did you get together with this maniac' or ' how do you have so many patients'
After all this you just wanna lay down and sleep
When he was yapping something who knows what that is he suddenly stop when he saw you getting annoyed
For the rest of you're class you wonder what happened to aiden he suddenly became silent
He might be annoying but you miss him yapping
"what the hell happened to him?"-tyler
" yeah he suddenly became-" -taylor
"silent..." -ashlyn
You shrug and looked at aiden once you got him home you greeted his parents and went to his room
" ok what..why...um why did you suddenly became... Silent?"
You said but panic when he looked down the ground, when you're about to speak he said
" am i annoying?"
Oh no no no
" why would you say that" you melt at his words why did he suddenly said that
" because whenever i talk to you you just frowned, i know that fine with everyone for me but whenever i talk you're face suddenly change to annoyed"
You didn't answer and just hugged his head
"I'm sorry I'm sorry i didn't mean to be like that but I'm just stressed but i shouldn't do that I'm sorry i love you"
He hugged you back as you both lay down you hum him a lullaby and both of you fell asleep
Finally donee🤸🏻!
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icharchivist · 2 years
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my brain is still a bit fried from writing all of this so i'll prob need some time before being able to fully put thoughts into Dorian Gray but YEAH, 1) the supernatural shit? up their ally, 2) the homoerotic subtext will translate to them making out on stage, 3) on my god wait Azuma could do a very good Dorian i legit spent hours just writing about Dorian chosing self isolation over allowing the people he knew loved them enough to save him in into his life
wait nevermind i lied actually now i’m thinking about it,
So like i said, the thematic of self isolation, the obsession with beauty, the refusal to look at who you’re becoming, (unwillingly) hurting others as you’re pushing them away, the denial and the acknowledgement that any day you can stop the spiral but you don’t because you feel it’s already too late and the passage of time is scary to you fits Azuma PERFECTLY. Azuma would be a PERFECT Dorian Gray.
Meanwhile i’d actually see Tsumugi as Basil Halward on this one? the painter who genuinely loved Dorian and would act as an angel on his shoulder, so much so he was the first person Dorian shut away because as he mentioned, Basil was the person who could see right into his soul? I feel like for once we could actually use up Tsumugi’s angelic predisposition in order to have him play a positive role for once, and the whole “seeing right into his soul” can fit into Tsumugi’s psych analysis background.
My hot take: Hisoka as Henry Wotton. Hisoka is perfect to act out the role of the “bad influence” in general i think, considering how he is to start with, and considering Dorian and Wotton are birds of feathers, people who recognize each other in each other’s eyes, i would see Azuma and Hisoka play out a twisted version of their dynamic. Where in real life, their similarities, especially in the way they mishandled things, made them more able to see through it and get better, we could use the Dorian/Wotton’s dynamic to show the exact opposite. The What If, instead, they had worsened each other by pushing each other further into their bad coping mechanisms instead of calling them out. To also drive the subtext of the novel home, Hisoka would double playing the Devil Dorian made a deal with. 
HOT hot take: Tasuku as Sibyl Vane. A talented actress and singer whom Dorian fell in love with, until Sibyl fell so in love with Dorian she could no longer find pleasure to act because of how her true love for Dorian couldn’t compare to acting. Which eventually drove her to suicide when Dorian didn’t love her anymore. The Actor Addict thematic here and twisting it even further. If we take the thematic of how Azuma and Hisoka could have been a bad influence on each other, this would be taking the same twisted as to indulge in what would be Tasuku’s worst case scenario. 
Then i’d say Guy could make a very good James Vane, Sibyl’s brother, as he would be Sibyl’s keeper, looking out for her, devoted to protect her, and knowing Dorian would be a bad influence on Sibyl, so much so that when Sibyl kills herself, James swears to hunt Dorian down. I feel like the devotion aspect could fit Guy a lot, though it could also fit Homare.
Then honestly i’d feel like all the roles left in the novel could be expendable for a stage adaptation but i’d say eventually Alan Campbell could be the one on which the others storylines merges on, an old friend of Dorian who ends up unable to cope with how Dorian murdered Basil.  That being said i could see like, Tsuzuru fixing things around and making this role matter a little more in the grand scheme of things, but i’m going to put it on Homare for the fact most of the characters remaining being intellectuals who were directly into Dorian’s sphere and suffered from his existence. 
So yeah i kinda studied Dorian Gray a little too hard today and this is my casting of the day. That said, “yeah they’d slay a Dorian Gray adaptation” was thought of before i thought “wait hold on that’s actually unsalvageable, you cannot make a Dorian Gray adaptation that’s not incredibly depressing, no way they’d put that on stage, the themes only work as a mockery of a3′s themes”, but, hey. Here.
Take the juice from the last minute of my study brain I GUESS.
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imreallyloveleee · 2 years
it makes me sad that this version of betty doesn't get to be with someone who *likes* her as a person
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
The Other Nevrakis
Chapter 9 - Applewood
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Pairings- Drake x OC (Lilith Nevrakis), Liam x Riley
Book- TRR Book One 
Synopsis- Lilith Nevrakis is the younger sister of Duchess Olivia, and the black sheep of her family. Drake Walker is the best friend of the Crown Prince. Lilith and Drake are similar in that they both prefer random hookups to relationships. Once they meet, something in each of them changes and they both realize they want more out of life. But is what they want, each other?
A/N- This pretty much follows the events of TRR Book 1, but this is an AU where Olivia has a younger sister and Riley is Maxwell’s cousin. The story alternates between Lilith and Drake's POV, but not in first person.
Series Warnings- Language, Drinking, Sensuality, NSFW (there will be lemons!)
Word count- 2,140
18+ only
Catch up here.
The next event of the social season had all of the ladies who were trying to land the prince, bake an apple pie for the Queen. Lilith couldn’t help but laugh  when she found out. Olivia couldn't cook to save her life. After Lilith’s realization the previous day, she was bound and determined to leave her old way of thinking behind. As part of her turning over a new leaf, she offered to help Olivia practice the night before the bake off. But Olivia, being the untrusting person she was, declined, saying Lilith must be trying to sabotage her by giving her the wrong steps. Lilith shrugged and headed back to her room. She gave it an honest shot. 
The day of the bake-off, Lilith sat in a chair toward the back of the crowd reading her book. It was beautiful at Applewood Manor. The air smelled of springtime and flowers, and birds chirped in the apple trees overhead. She vaguely heard the bustle of the ladies baking in the tents, but stuck to herself. After an hour or so, Lilith heard Riley crowned the winner of the bake off and declared Apple Queen. Lilith smiled, good for her. Maxwell was jumping up and down excitedly cheering her victory. Lilith smiled at him and he made his way over to her while Riley spoke with the Queen.
“Hey!” Max dropped down into the chair next to Lilith with a wide grin.
“Hey.” She smiled back at him. “So things are going pretty well for Riley, huh?”
“I know!” He glanced over to Riley and Queen Regina. “Thank God for that. Her and Liam are so obviously in love, it’d be horrible for the King and Queen to not like her.”
“Ya.” Lilith smiled softly. “So how's.. everyone been? I haven't seen much of anybody lately.”
“Drake’s fine.” Max looked away chuckling.
“I didn't say Drake.” Lilith rolled her eyes.
“You didn't have to. I may not be the brightest guy around but I'm pretty good at reading people.”
“Oh hush, you.” Lilith swatted his arm with a smile. “How are you, Maxwell Beaumont, doing?”
“I’m gravy, baby! Life is good.” Lilith chuckled at his response. He was always so positive. She hoped one day she could feel that way. “And how are you, Lilith Nevrakis, doing?” Max looked into her eyes and she felt her heart warm. It wasn't the feeling she usually got when a man looked at her. It was.. friendship. She really was a changed person. 
“I’m.. good actually. For the first time in a long time.” She chuckled softly at how absurd it sounded. “I'm.. good.”
“Well, you deserve to be happy.” Max smiled as he focused on Riley speaking to Queen Regina. He looked so proud of her.
“Maxwell. Can I ask you something?”
“Of course!” He turned to her with a grin. “Bonus points if it’s horribly awkward or uncomfortable.”
Lilith laughed. “Well it is a little..” She looked away, considering how to go about this. Just spit it out. “How come you never asked me out?”
“Whoa!” Maxwell’s eyes widened. “You're right, that is uncomfortable and awkward. Good job!”
“Sorry. You don't have to answer. I just thought that the day you delivered the letter to me, that maybe..” She shrugged. “Nevermind, this is way too embarrassing.” She shouldn’t have said anything in the first place, but she was morbidly curious to hear the answer.
Max rested his elbows on his knees, biting the inside of his cheek as he thought. “Drake.”
Lilith froze, trying to mask her shocked expression. “What?”
“Drake.” Max turned to her with a smile. “That’s why I didn’t ask you out.” He laughed. “I wanted to.. Guess I was pretty obvious, huh?”
“Did he tell you not to?”
Max shook his head. “Nah. I could just tell he was interested. Gotta honor the bro code.”
Lilith felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Drake was actually interested in her that long ago? Surely not.
“So are we friends now?” Max bumped her shoulder with his.
“I hope so.” Lilith smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Because if we are, that makes two of you.” She laughed, “The only friends I have in the world are Beaumonts!” That said a lot about their character- Max and Riley were good people.
“No, that's not true.” He shook his head, “I’m sure Liam sees you as a friend.. and Drake.”
“Nah..” There was no way the future King of Cordonia saw her as a friend. And there was even less of a chance that Drake did after the way she kicked him out of her room that night. They hadn’t even spoken in a month.
“Lilith.. Drake and Liam are two of my best friends in the world. I know they do.”
She smiled sadly. “If you say so.”
“I say so!” Max stood up, reaching out for her hands. “Now come on. Let's watch Riley ride in the Apple Blossom parade.”
Lilith took his hands and her heart melted. It felt so good to feel wanted.
Drake decided to skip dinner that night and take a walk. His mind was full and he wasn't hungry. He also figured Lilith would be there and he didn't want to see her right now. After his talk with Liam, he was honestly terrified to see her. He finally had.. feelings for someone and he was sure she hated him. What do you do when you have feelings for someone and they don't even like you? Drake didn't want to find out. He always guarded his heart, so he didn't have this problem. He never let them get too close. And now that Lilith snuck in, he was afraid of getting hurt. 
The sun was setting as he walked through the gardens. The orange and pink glow from the sky covered the trees, and it was just.. peaceful. He scuffed his shoes along the gravely path enjoying the feeling of not having to do anything or see anyone. He turned a corner and froze as he came face to face with Lilith. She was seated on a bench with an easel in front of her. Her eyes widened as they met his and she looked like she might run away. Drake's heart fluttered in his chest as he noticed how beautiful she looked with the glow of the sunset covering her red hair. She was wearing her glasses and she looked so damn bookish and cute.
“Uh.. hey.” Was all he managed to get out.
Lilith looked back at her canvas and started painting again. “Hey.”
This was awkward. The last time they spoke was when they had sex in Lythikos a whole month ago.. When he called out her name, and she threw him out of her room. Drake rocked back on his heels and looked around for something, anything, to give him an excuse to leave. There was nothing. Damn it, maybe I should just run. 
Lilith spoke up, “So. How are you?”
“Um. Fine.. How are you?” Drake frowned. This was weird. He felt like he didn't even know her anymore. He had no idea what to say, but figured small talk was a start.
Lilith turned to him, looking right in his eyes, and it made his breath catch. “I'm good, Drake.”
She said his name.. His real name. Not Walker.. Not an insult. “That's good.” He gestured at the bench. “Can I sit?”
She shrugged, “If you want.”
Drake took a seat as far toward the opposite end of the bench as he could. He had no idea what to say to her. He barely knew what was going on in his own mind, much less hers.
He glanced up at her painting and couldn’t help but smile. It was beautiful. “How can you paint like that?”
She chuckled, “Like what?”
“Like.. so good.”
Lilith laughed loudly, “Drake Walker, as eloquent as ever!”
Drake shook his head with a smile. “Ya, I guess you're right. But seriously. You're amazing at that.”
“For a Nevrakis?”
Ouch. Drake tried not to cringe. “No..” He turned toward her. “For anyone.”
Her beautiful hazel eyes met his and his heart felt like it was going to burst. This was getting to be too much to handle. He felt like a teenager with a crush again. Drake turned away and looked at the sunset. “It’s so peaceful out here isn't it?”
Lilith gave him a strange look. “It is.”
Drake gestured at her canvas. “Keep going. I don't want to interrupt.” He was starting to think of a way out- his usual habit of withdrawing from an uncomfortable situation. He was probably bothering her anyway. “In fact, I should leave.”
He stood up and started walking away, feeling like a total ass, when her soft voice pulled him back. “You don't.. have to.”
Drake stopped in his tracks. She wanted him to stay? He turned around to face her and she smiled softly at him. He hesitantly made his way back over to her. The two of them sat together in silence for the next twenty minutes while Lilith finished her painting. By the time the sun had set Lilith packed up her paint and easel and carried her painting under her arm. “Ready to head back?”
Drake nodded. Did she want him to walk her back? He was so confused. Why did she make him feel so confused all the time? Damn it, he knew why. He spent the past month pining for this woman, and he was terrified to say or do the wrong thing and make her leave. “What are you going to do with your painting? Liam told me you throw them away.”
Lilith shrugged looking embarrassed. “I was going to give it to Riley. I thought she might want to remember the day she was crowned Apple Queen.” She chuckled. “Guess it's kinda silly and sentimental.”
“Naw, it's sweet.” Drake was taken aback by his own response. Sweet? 
Lilith stopped short, raising an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side. “Who are you?”
Drake looked away, embarrassed. “I don't even know these days.”
“I.. get that. Trust me.” Lilith grabbed his hand and his heart leapt out of his chest. “Drake. Can we just... start over?”
He looked at her incredulously. Was she messing with him? “Really?”
She blushed and it was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen. “Really. I'm trying to.. be a better person. I know I’m a Nevrakis and maybe that’s all you'll ever see me as. But I want to prove to everyone.. “ She spoke the next words so quietly that he wasn't sure if he imagined it. “..to you..” She took a deep breath and continued. “.. that even though I’m a Nevrakis, I'm still me. I'm my own person.”
Drake felt his heart melt. God, he was such an asshole to her from the minute they met. “Lilith, I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” He shook his head. “I did judge you by your name and I'm.. sorry for that.”
Lilith shrugged. “Well don't worry. You're just one of many.” She looked up at him, now only a couple feet away. “But thank you.. for apologizing.” She tucked her hair behind her ear and continued. “I owe you an apology as well. I judged you on what my sister always said about you. And.. that wasn't fair.”
They smiled sincerely at each other for a moment and Drake chuckled. “Wow. This is weird right?”
Lilith laughed, “Ya, kinda. What do we do now that we aren’t fighting?”
Drake stepped closer to her until their bodies were almost touching. He looked into her hazel eyes and the wind swept past, causing wavy strands of hair to flow across her delicate neck. Drake slowly brought his hand to her cheek and his breath caught as he realized she was leaning toward him. Their lips met and it was like the last piece of a puzzle had finally been connected. Drake breathed in her familiar scent and the taste of her mouth was like a fire warming his inherently cold heart. Lilith whimpered in his mouth and he cupped her face, swiping his thumbs across her cheeks. The act was surprising and tender, but felt perfectly right. Drake continued to move his lips against hers, marveling at how right everything felt for once. 
When they broke apart, Lilith still had her eyes closed. For a moment he thought she may tell him it was a mistake, but then the corners of her mouth rose in a brilliant smile. “Wow.” She chuckled.
Drake looked down at her shyly and tucked her windswept hair behind her ear. “Wow is right.”
Lilith bit her lip, “Goodnight Drake.”
Drake nodded, smiling like an idiot. “Goodnight Lilith.”
She turned away and walked into the manor leaving Drake alone outside with his thoughts. He was smiling more than he ever had in his entire adult life. He had to go tell Liam. 
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paellaplease · 4 years
HAII!! if it hasnt been done yet, could you do revali x reader with basorexia? maybe reader really wants to give him a kiss but she really cant since,, yknow she has lips and he has a fuckin beak so she just decides to give him a lil smooch on the cheek? idk that was just an idea i had in mind, u dont have to write it!
22. basorexia - the overwhelming desire to kiss.
pairing: revali x reader summary:  revali spirits you away to enjoy the new years eve festivities.
   In the darkness of your room, you awoke to the sound of a soft tapping on your window. Twisting in the mess of blankets and pillows, you pushed aside the papers and textbooks that had accumulated at the foot of the bed, noticing only then that the candle at your desk had long since extinguished. 
Head pounding, you rubbed at your tired eyes, feeling heavy. How long had you been asleep?
The tapping grew more insistent, forcing you to get up. Grumbling, you allowed yourself a second to stretch, ignoring how your room felt like water sloshing in a glass. 
"Yeah, yeah. Hold on!" You said, hobbling to the window. Brushing the mess of hair from your eyes, you pulled the curtains away and roughly pushed it open. 
The culprit hovered outside, eyes bright and smug. Revali looked very much at home though he was floating at a dizzying distance away from the ground. In the sleepy haze, he looked like a painting of some myth you had read before, with the late night sky as his backdrop and the outline of your window as his frame. 
"Took you long enough."
"Apologies. I thought some tree branches were hitting the glass." 
The Rito made a show of turning in the air. "Funny, I don't see any nearby trees."
"I know," you sighed, disappointed. 
Revali rolled his eyes and poked his head through the window, feathers brushing past your cheek as he ignored your personal space in favour of scoping out your room. The stiff turn of his neck as he looked around reminded you of the curious and confused little birds that landed on the sill from time to time. 
"Quite a dreary home you have here." Gesturing to the overall darkness, he pointed to your stack of scattered papers. "You shouldn't study without proper lighting, it's bad for your eyes." 
"I was asleep."
"Why, I'm surprised. And here I thought you were one of the festive many who choose to stay awake at an ungodly hour in order to count down the remaining seconds of the year."
"Well," you shrugged, not wanting to meet his eyes. "Not like it's anything special. New year, same shit. What difference would a countdown do?" 
Biting down on your tongue, you stopped yourself from saying anymore. The cold breeze sifted past the light shirt you were wearing, making you shiver. 
He was right, normally you were one of those people who stayed up, excitedly watching the hands of the clocktower tick til they reached midnight. You enjoyed the energy of being in a collective crowd, waiting with bated breath for the first inhale and exhale you would take into the brand new year.
The final month on the Hylian calendar brought a sense of relief and a hope for new beginnings. Usually today of all days  you were at your happiest, jumping at the prospect of celebrating along with the rest of the kingdom and yet…
That sinking weight clawed at your chest again, forcing you to clamp down on it once more.
You grimaced. There it was; that bitter feeling. Hylia. How annoying. It twisted in your brain like an angry snake, pulling down your mood and enthusiasm along with it. 
Last year you wanted to cheer and dance until the morning light. Now all you felt like was staring at the wall. Or falling asleep. 
You blinked, turning back to the window to see Revali patiently waiting for you to continue. Feeling your face warm, you hustled your brain to get a move on. A coherent thought would be great right about…now!
"Hey have you ever wondered why they don't grow trees on this side of the castle? It's not fair the more expensive quarters get all the pretty greenery. I mean, non-noble guests still need that sweet oxygen everyone keeps raving about, you get me?" Shut up brain, that's enough. I said a coherent thought. C o h e r e n t. 
Stars in his wings, Revali shook his head but answered anyway. "I agree, it's hardly fair. Also go change into something warm, we need to get you outside."
"What? Why?"
Something in the Rito's expression clued you in to the fact that he wasn't in the mood to play stupid. You've been sitting in the dark for the past few days and it didn't take a private investigator to know it was playing tricks with your head. "Fine, but when I say we go back--we go back, got it?"
He huffed, turning around to give you some privacy. "I promise on my honour."
The brightly lit lanterns of the town square made you squint as you shuffled closer to your guide, the sound of the city loud in your ears.
Though less prominent, the twisting feeling in your gut continued, making you more hyper-alert than usual to the world around you. Adjusting the sleeves of your coat, you followed Revali past the streets, the Rito expertly navigating through the sea of people. 
Somewhere along the way he had taken your hand, and you told yourself it was a good way for you both to stick together. Wouldn't want you getting lost and spending the final minutes of the year playing an elaborate game of hide and seek after all. He was a great friend like that. Nevermind that everytime you would hold his wing a little tighter to remind yourself that he was there, he would always squeeze back. 
You needed a distraction. 
Just focus on everything that's not him.
The night was alive with the sound of music. It didn't matter if you partied with an alcoholic drink in hand, or a glass of milk, everyone in Hyrule was filled with an addictive buzz that came with an event that only happened once a year. Vendors with bright smiles called out from their stalls, the smell of freshly baked sweets or the sizzle of a barbecue beckoning you to take a closer look. To your left, a group of friends raised their hands in the air, loudly welcoming a Goron that had turned up late but regardless had finally arrived. 
The archer followed your line of sight, guessing the question bouncing in your head. "Daruk is in Eldin, probably rattling Death Mountain with that story again about the Moblin camp and the barrel of explosives."
"I love that story."
"Of course you would."
"Sorry about your feathers though."
"Whatever, they grew back."
"How about the one's on your--"
"Anyway," he interjected quickly, playfully nudging you to the side and glowering at your laughter. "We've been told to 'take a break'. The other Champions have chosen to spend this day with their families and loved ones. We are planning to regroup and continue preparations in the days following."
"How about you?"
"I already said it."
Your cheeks coloured at the implications of his words, mind replaying the previous sentence. Families and loved ones. Families and loved ones. He didn't even hesitate. You both were not related. So that left you with...
"Woah!" Digging your heels into the dirt, you abruptly paused your brisk walk and saved yourself from colliding with the archer's back. 
Stopping at one of the stalls, Revali held two fingers up. You glanced up at him questioningly but he refused to give anything away, expression relaxed. The vendor returned quickly, the Rito thanking them quietly and placing the payment on the bright yellow table cloth along with a large tip in their jar. 
He turned around, dropping a square shaped pastry into your hands. It was some kind of rice cake, with a fluffy exterior and a golden baked surface that smelled of butter and felt warm like the sun. 
Taking a bite, you smiled at the hints of coconut that were hidden in its sweet flavour. The sticky treat was familiar somehow. "Is this so luck sticks to you in the new year?"
Revali scoffed, though failed to hide his own smile behind the cake held in his wing. "You said the same thing when we first met. You need new material."
"Says the baron of bird puns."
"I am the king." He punctuated the statement by biting into his own rice cake. Offering his wing, he gently took your hand once more, turning back to step again into the busy promenade. 
Following him, you noticed that the crowds ever so slowly began to thin. A lantern lit hill was coming up. The grassy expanse was dotted with a few people, though it was blessingly not as populous as the town square. "I should be the one that's surprised. Thought you hated crowds unless their attentions were all on you."
"It's tolerable so long as I am with good company." 
The both of you walked up the hill with an unspoken agreement to make it to the top. Taking a seat on the grass, you allowed yourself to breathe, chest heaving from the small burst of exercise after days of being sedentary. 
The twinkling lights of Castle Town stretched out before you. Gazing at it, you could imagine all the untold stories hidden in the glowing little pockets of the alleys and in the hushed whispers behind closed doors. Funny how in a city so full of people, one can feel so alone. 
Revali was the first to speak, breaking you from your thoughts. "I think I can understand now. Looking at it from this distance, it really can feel like nothing much has changed."
You continued to stare at the lights, trying to focus on a certain string in an attempt to ground yourself. "Yeah. Sometimes it feels like though the world continues to spin, I'm remaining completely still. Just stagnant."
Frowning, you ran your hands through the grass, feeling the dirt shift under your fingers. You could feel your frustrations building, bubbling up to the surface with no way of dragging them back down. 
"And the challenges just get worse every year. How am I going to face those old problems and these new ones if I'm still the same lost person I was back then?"
Your voice echoed at the last sentence, making you hide your head in embarrassment. That was loud. 
Some strangers relaxing on the hill turned around to flash you an annoyed glare, before quickly returning to their picnics after spotting the Great Eagle Bow on your friend's back. 
 "I'm so sorry." You wanted more than anything then to dig a hole and hibernate preferrably for the next hundred years or so. "I'm yelling, that isn't like me. I'm so so--"
"There's nothing to be sorry about. You needed to say it." He glanced at you from the corner of his eye. There was a serious element to it that made it a little hard to breathe. "There is one part of that I don't agree with, however."
"What is it?"
"That entire section about you, how did you put it, stagnanting." He twisted a wing in the air, thinking on his words before pointing a feather directly at your face. "You're fully capable of enacting the change you want to see in yourself."
You felt a little dizzy now. But another kind of dizzy, one very different from the vertigo you felt waking up in the darkness of your room. 
"And who said you were exactly the same as you were back then? You've changed. In a good way. You're stronger and more capable of things I'm sure the person you were two years ago or even less couldn't even fathom doing." 
Turning to face you, Revali gave you his full attention, compelling you to do the same as the cadence of his speech joined the steady rhythm of your own beating heart. From the back of your mind, you could barely register the sound of people gathering together, their voices floating into the cold night air. 
"It's difficult to see your own progress from a distance."
"So take my advice and start looking at yourself up close for once."
He had that expression on his face, one that said he was thinking too hard about something. It was like watching him try to pull the planets together with just a piece of string. His brows were furrowed so deep that your fingers wished to run over his feathers and smoothe the worried creases. 
You slowly reached out to him, giving him enough time to back away. Revali stilled as your hands traced up the nape of his neck, leaning in as his pulse thrummed underneath the soft pads of your fingertips. 
He opened his beak the moment you reached his face. You paused, half expecting him to tell you to let go and pretend like it never happened. 
Instead, he called out your name. 
He said your name again, though quieter now. It was enough to tug at the invisible force drawing you two together. Enough so that the polite distance nervously enforced by the both of you gradually began to dissipate, trailing away like a ribbon of smoke as you both leaned in closer.
"May I--," He cleared his throat, eyes darting away for a second before they were back on you again. Bright green in the lantern light. Emeralds in the desert sand. 
"May I kiss you?"
"Your way or mine?" You couldn't help but joke. Revali smiled, exhaling a soft joyful laugh before pressing his forehead to yours. 
'Happy New Year!'
An earth-shaking boom rattled your ears, but all you could think of in that moment was Revali and the feel of his feathers against your skin; the utter elation of being so close to someone you deeply cared for and that cared just as deeply for you. 
In the dazzling light you lifted your head from his, both your eyes meeting for a brief moment. Hands moving, you gently angled his face with a steady hand, feeling then the soft, butterfly light brush of his wings on your waist.
Closing your eyes again, you leaned in to press your lips against his beak, the blush on your face warmer than any fever or furnace. The Rito's soft sigh was barely audible as you trailed your kisses upwards, stopping at the red circle on his cheek. 
Revali laughed again as you turned his face to press a kiss to the identical red mark on the other side. "You're very thorough."
"You deserve it." You beamed. "And this is just the beginning, just you wait at the end of the countdown I'll--"
"Actually my dear," he grinned, pointing to the sky. 
Above you were the vibrant colours of the firework display. It was beautiful and awe-inspiring, but a confirmation that you were definitely minutes in to the new year.
"Oh," you said, before shaking your head with a smile. "It's fine, we got 12 more months to prepare ourselves for the next one."
Revali nodded, pulling you closer so he could press your foreheads together again.
"Indeed," he grinned. "Now will you finish your sentence? What exactly were you going to do at the end of the countdown?"
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euphoricsunflowers · 4 years
drowning in your scent — chae hyungwon
a/n: ajshdhs this this officially the longest fic on my blog by a whole lot (i think the only thing that comes somewhat close is queen’s whore at like 3.1k sheesh) so in the spirit of that! please give this fic a lot of love!!
word count: 4.7k
content: goddess au, sub!hyungwon, dom!fem!reader, the sex scene involves kissing, lip biting, neck kisses, and riding, fun stuff like that, and minhyuk is here!! he’s mentioned a lot lmao hyunghyuk besties
warning: this fanfic does take place in a village setting where there’s a bad harvest of food and so there’s a lot of mentions of food and starving. as someone with problems with food myself this could be potentially somewhat triggering so please don’t read if need be and i want to emphasize that if you need help to please reach out for it. i know what it’s like, please even feel free to reach out to me if need be, but do remember i’m not a professional.
summary: a boy from the village struggling through a bad harvest and the goddess of nature, of animals and forests, and of flowers so lovely the scent will make you dizzy, make a deal.
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“hyungwon,” the voice calls out to him, and his heart aches when he sees it’s minhyuk that’s speaking to him. the usual cheer and brightness to minhyuk’s voice has all but vanished, “come on, we need to get to work,” he trudged slowly behind his friend, with minhyuk’s hand holding his own. there’s nothing but comradery between them, and yet hyungwon feels like he would trust minhyuk with his life.
“i hate this,” hyungwon murmurs under his breath, but he can faintly hear minhyuk chuckle at his whining, “i’m serious!! there’s barely any food and i’m starving and i’m supposed to pick fruit that i won’t even be allowed to eat?!”
minhyuk’s face is stone cold suddenly as he turns to, for lack of a better phrase, tell hyungwon to shut the hell up, “lower your voice,” he orders, and hyungwon deflates, but he obeys, and the quiet returns as they continue to walk to their spot in the field to pick the fruit, “i’m sorry, but i worry that being so outspoken will be your downfall, won.”
as they pick the apples, in silence from their short and blunt conversation, hyungwon spots one that stands out from the rest. he tries to resist getting a closer look at it, but he just can’t. he takes a few steps over towards it, subsequently a few steps away from minhyuk, and the apple does the rest. it’s almost hypnotic in the way hyungwon can’t take his eyes off of it. it’s red and glowing and hyungwon doesn’t know how he’s the only one captivated by the apple.
it’s like the fruit is speaking to him, calling him away, and he starts walking, even when minhyuk calls after him, he knows minhyuk spoke even though he couldn’t hear him. he walks for a few minutes, through the trees and the dense forest that he’s never traversed before. he doesn’t have to constantly gaze at the apple now, but he grips it in his hand like his life depends on it.
he comes upon a small statue hidden in the depths of the forest. it’s a stone carving of a bird, wings spread as if flying through the sky. it’s beautiful.
“isn’t it?” he hears from behind him, actually registering someone spoke to him this time, and he turns to see who it is. instead of the face of cheerful minhyuk he’s so used to seeing, a beautiful figure graces his eyes.
hyungwon can’t even focus on the physique, though, he’s too entranced by the piercing eyes that stare into his soul practically and the voice he can hear ringing in his head. “isn’t it, dear?” your voice repeats again, and he feels compelled to answer, though he’s not exactly sure how you read his thoughts. maybe he had actually said them out loud.
“yes,” he murmurs softly, turning back to look at the statue, “it’s gorgeous,” he takes a step closer to the statue to get a closer look.
“your voice,” you speak again, “i- nevermind,” you stop yourself, instead choosing to take a step closer to him, your hand touches his shoulder, “can i help you with something, dear?”
“i- what?” he’s taken aback by your question, because he didn’t search you or this place out, he was practically lured here by the fruit, “no, i-i’m okay, thank you though.”
“are you sure?” your touch on his shoulder finally registers in his head, like all his reactions are slowed and delayed, “if you’re not here for something, then… why are you here?”
“i dont… i don’t know,” he was never loud, but he’s even quieter now, “the apple… it led me here.”
you suddenly fell silent. he wonders if you used to apple to lure him, if this is a trap, but your touch is still so distracting and he can’t bring himself to care much. you look so harmless, with such pretty features that he wants to stare at forever.
it does make him wonder, however, just why your tone was so brazen when he said he wasn’t here to ask anything of you. you looked baffled when he said no, like that was the only reason you expected him to be here, “do people always just come searching for you… asking for things?”
“yes, they do,” you respond bluntly, but your words aren’t hostile. he faintly feels a sense of pity in his heart for you.
“that sounds like… such a sad existence,” the words leave his lips without him really putting much thought into them.
“it is,” you say as silence falls between the two of you before he speaks up.
“you uhm… are you… human?” you’re a beautiful yet lonely person in the forest, and it makes him wonder if you even are a person.
“no, dear,” you say as you lift your hand, the grass beneath both of you growing as you do so, “i am a being that represents nature. i think you humans would call me a god or goddess?”
“oh that’s… incredible. please explain to me more,” his eyes find you once again, watching you with already such a soft, adoring gaze.
“you just want to hear me talk, little human,” your tone is playful as his cheeks become rosy.
“maybe,” he smiles cheekily, “will you still explain it to me?”
“of course, sit with me and the flowers, will you?” you ask him, and he plops on the ground, sitting with his legs crossed as you begin, “i can control how nature exists in this world. i can make your flowers grow or trees in your forest more dense. you humans also love to hunt the sweet animals i create, ”
you pause, as if to give him a chance to speak up, and he does, “i’m sorry about that.”
“it’s alright, dear, your apologies are not necessary. besides, once they do die, they become gifts for other gods, and those gods treat their gifts from me very well,” you smile somberly, “tell me, how are you humans doing?”
he wants to lie, for some reason. he has an urge to just say ‘everything is fine, let’s just talk about happy things. i want to be happy’ but he doesn’t, “we’re… you want my honesty, right?”
“yes, yes absolutely,”
“we’re suffering. there’s too little food for everyone,” his stomach rumbles as he’s in the middle speaking, and he makes a sort of ‘see what i mean?’ gesture, “and we barely have enough to keep everyone alive through the month..”
you subtly gasp at his confession he just gives so easily, “and yet you were expected to pick fruit? that seems unfair, dear.”
“it was work that had to be done for the good fo the village,” he lowers his head at the thoughts racing through his head, envisioning the soft eyes of his friend, “but min- uh, my friend, he’s all i have. i know i… said i didn’t have anything to ask of you… and this may seem too much of me to ask, but now that i know what you are and can do, could you please help them? the people of my village, i mean,” he pleads, his eyes shining in the light.
“you want me to… provide them food?”
“please, i’d do anything,”
your face is suddenly much more serious, and you grip his shoulder as you lean in close to him, “for future reference, dear, don’t ever tell a being like me you’d do anything. ever. got it?” you were kind. you knew you were kind, but there were some that would rip his poor, innocent heart to shreds, steal his soul because he didn’t read the fine print. you’re relieved someone so soft and sweet and almost angelic stumbled upon you of all beings.
“yes,” he practically squeaks.
“good,” you sigh as you stand up, “i will help you, little thing. in return, please stay with me for one day. tomorrow afternoon, at this exact hour, you can return to the village,” you extend your hand for him to shake, “are those terms agreeable to you, my little human?”
his heart pounds in his chest. you want him to stay with you? for a whole day? he decides it’s a price that’s easy to pay if he remembers the prospect of being able to save him friend and his people from starvation “yes,” he murmurs, reaching out to shake your hand.
it doesn’t take much effort from you, just a wave of your hand and apparently, the harvest in the village would magically improve. he supposes one day is not a lot of his little time to give up if it meant the village could be revitalized with a bountiful amount of food. he just hopes minhyuk isn’t worrying too much.
you have a cottage of your own, he learns. it confuses him slightly because you’re a goddess, why would you need a very human-esque living space? he supposes he’ll never learn the answer to that question. the thing itself is impossible to see from the outside, he could have sworn nothing was there until your hand was in his (his heart stopped for a good minute) and you led him up the stairway leading into the cottage.
“make yourself at home,” you tell him, and he nods in a daze. your place was beautiful, full of flowers and vases with more flowers and little flower trinkets on the table and mugs with flower designs. judging from anything you considered to be your domain, you seem to like flowers. the softness of the atmosphere is calming to him, the scent of all the flowers is overwhelming, his knees are weak.
“what- what are you going to do with me for this day that you have me? you must have some plan for me,” you tilt your head with a faint smile on your lips as he sits beside you on the couch, “do you want me to work? am i a servant? please, all cards on the table, tell me what you want from me.”
“all cards on the table?” you echo, and he nods, for a second wondering if you just straight up didn’t know what he meant, but you lean in to him, close enough to just barely need to lean just a little more and you’d be kissing him, “i just think you’re cute. forgive me if i just wanted a day to gaze at you.”
he’s startled as you pull yourself away, leaving him flustered and blushing and stuttering as you excuse yourself outside to grow more flowers. he sees the beautiful sunflowers and roses and tulips and then his eyes find you once more. your beauty just radiates, it’s so overwhelming and intoxicating that he feels the safest really taking it all in when you’re focused on your flowers, not leaving him a blushing mess whilst so close to kissing him he just might faint.
the sun hits your skin in such a beautiful way that he can’t can’t stop staring. it’s ironic how you wanted him to stay for a night because you thought he was cute but he cannot take his eyes off of your beautiful smile and hair and demeanor and just… aura. your presence is so soft and comforting yet so overwhelming to him. it’s all something he can’t understand.
you return a few hours later, having given your guest time to really settle in. as you open the door, he’s in the kitchen area with one of your mugs, drinking a cup of tea peacefully and quietly, “welcome back,” he mumbles with a smile.
“hi there, little human,” you smile back at him, taking a seat beside him, “i’m… sorry. i know you were probably lonely, here all by yourself-“
“no, i actually enjoy the quiet. it beats picking fruit,” he shrugs.
“speaking of food, i was able to grant your request, but i completely forgot about you. would you like something specific to be prepared for your evening meal?” hyungwon forgot what it was like when there wasn’t barely enough food to survive on. he tells you his wishes for meat and vegetables and starches his stomach aches for, “alright, dear. sit at the counter with me as i cook.”
he’s stunned for a second, “i didn’t know you can cook.”
“you don’t know my name, my sweet. we have a lot to learn about each other.”
“what is your name?” he asks, and you giggle to yourself, having known he’d ask it the moment you brought up the fact that he hadn’t yet.
“y/n,” you answer, finding the spices you wanted, “and yours, my beautiful flower?”
his heart skips a beat at the endearing term you use. at this point, he wonders if you’re getting enjoyment out of flustering him so helplessly like this, “hyungwon,” he sees the way you smile when you hear his name. it makes him smile too.
“hyungwon… what a beautiful name you have, my dear. it’s fitting, for someone as beautiful as you,” at this point he’s absolutely sure you’re getting a kick out of making him a flustered mess, because now his cheeks are red and he can’t meet your gaze, “sorry, i don’t mean to fluster you—,” liar, he thinks, “— i just can’t help adoring you.”
“you’re too much for my weak heart,” he mumbles exasperatedly as you cook, looking over at him with that cheeky smile on your face like you know just how much you wreck his heart and his composure.
you seat him at the small-but-not-too-small dinner table, bringing plates of food and finally sitting at the seat across from him, “eat as much or as little as you want, dear.”
he goes to ask before he puts too much thought into the question, “are you not gonna eat-? oh, wait, nevermind, do you not need to?” you nod, smiling.
“i’m grateful that you think of me, angel, but you’re correct: this is all for you,” and while he’d theoretically be hesitant to eat while you just sit there, he finally remembered just how hungry he was, and so it would have taken much more restraint than he currently had to restrain himself.
after dinner, you lead him him to the bedroom in your cottage. emphasis on the singularity in that term, “oh- uh, a-am i going to sleep with you-?” he stutters.
“you can, you don’t have to if you don’t wish to, flower. i don’t really have to sleep so if you want the bed all to yourself, then it’s yours. i just… i thought maybe- you know what,” you tone changes suddenly, and he’d be damned if he didn’t catch it, “nevermind. take the room. call for me if you need me, i’ll be outside with the flowers again-“
“wait!” he calls out as you turn to leave him alone. you look over at him, eyes shining so beautifully in the moonlight.
“yes, my flower?”
he’s flustered once again, but he can’t help wanting you to stay with him. he reaches his hand out to you, similarly to how you reached yours out to him, “stay with me?”
you accept the proposal, sitting on the bed with him, weaving a few flowers into a flower crown while he lays on his side, watching you work on the crown like it was the most entertaining thing in the world.
“i think sunflowers will look pretty against your skin, hyungwon,” you mumble, keeping your voice soft as to not disrupt the peaceful atmosphere you’ve both created, and he smiles bashfully at your words, “truly, i think anything would look beautiful on you, but the yellows would really bring out the strong, almost sensual browns in your eyes. can- can i?”
he nods in consent, sitting up and sitting still for you, and your fingers gracefully position the crown on top of his head, “ah, do i look good with it on?”
“oh absolutely, sweetheart, but,” you scoot closer to him, and once again, his heart beats rapidly and his thoughts evaporate into thin air, replaced by the bashful shyness and the way he’s suffocated by your scent, breathing it in like it’s a drug, “in my opinion, you’re the most beautiful.”
he can’t breathe.
“i-i, um, oh my god,” he stammers, so shy as you smile at how he struggles.
“can i kiss you, pretty boy?” you whisper, your hand raising to hold his cheek as you gaze at his lips. it’s subtle, probably because he was malfunctioning inside, but he nods, closing his eyes and passively waiting for your lips on his.
he didn’t know what to expect, with you being a god and all, but it was so much more than he could have prepared himself for, both mentally and physically. it was a rush if he’d ever felt one, both his body on fire and goosebumps lining his skin.
your style of kissing makes him ache in so many ways. his lips will definitely be bruised from the way you bite them, drawing blood like a vampire but in the kindest way possible, your hand cupping his cheek and you other rubbing his thigh soothingly is enough to keep him from crying out because of the pain.
“stop me, hyungwon,” you mumble under your breath, “if you don’t want this, you need to stop me. tell me to stop and i will,” but how did you ever expect him to do that when he’s already so wrecked and all you’ve done is kissed?
“don’t,” he whispers, “don’t stop, please,” and you oblige, keeping your lips busy on his neck as he groans, reaching out to hold your waist, “please,” he echos his own words weakly.
“tell me what you want, i’ll do it, just tell me,” you see how choked up he is, and it’s cute how easily he’s wrapped around your finger, “tell me, tell me, my flower.”
“touch me more,” he breathes, and you help him throw off his shirt. your hands are all over him in an instant, you press kisses down his neck, paying attention to his chest as your hands wander lower and lower.
he bites his lip in anticipation, but it feels just like how it felt when you bit his lip before and he audibly moans at the recent memory. it’s almost embarrassing when he realizes just how openly and easily he’s been moaning since you started.
and it’s not like he exactly expected a warning, but he wasn’t ready for when one of your hands started rubbing his crotch and making him moan and whine helplessly, “please don’t tease me.”
“hm, alright, sweet thing. how about i ride you? would you like that?” he nods desperately, weak at the thought of you using him for your own pleasure and leaving him to drown in the overwhelming pleasure you give him, “take off your pants and underwear, then.”
he scrambles to do as you say, watching with his jaw dropped as you make the garments you wear all but disappear with just a wave of your hand, and he’s intimately reminded that you’re not human, that he shouldn’t have trusted you so implicitly as to let you put him in this position, and that he’s playing a game where he doesn’t know the rules.
but then he sees the genuineness in your smile, the way you treat him so kindly yet assertively, soft yet harsh, and he just can’t fathom being in any real danger when he’s being swallowed by so much pleasure when he’s under you like this.
he’d been zoned out for a few moments until you’re actually riding him already, holding his hand in a softness that makes him weak. he suddenly notices the flowers in your hair, the way your nose crinkles up when you smile down at him, the way looking at your lips reminds him of the ache on his. it’s incredible just how infatuated he is, the way he adores so much being not just under you in a physical sense but also being under your spell.
he moans in such a heavenly bliss, eyes fluttered shut as he can only hear his own voice make sounds that would normally make him embarrassed. he can’t bother to care right now because when he opens his eyes, you seem to like the sounds he makes. and he wants to please.
“hyungwon, d-dear,” you murmur, your hands resting on his chest to keep yourself stable on his chest, “i can’t keep my eyes off of you, baby. you’re absolutely ethereal. so please, can you show me how pretty you are when you cum? can you cum for me, my flower?”
god that name was the most precious thing to him, he wanted to be your beautiful flower forever.
he does cum. he orgasms viscerally, his body trembling as he throws his head back, his jaw slacked as he moans loudly, cumming so hard he can see white.
he stays in that headspace of pleasure, higher than the clouds, for a few moments as the high subsides and he’s left with a euphoric feeling that keeps him shivering with aftershocks, until he starts to hear your voice. you whisper little nothings to him as he starts to come down completely, “i’ve got you, little thing, don’t worry, you’re safe with me.”
he briefly ponders why you keep calling him ‘little thing’ when he’s as tall as he is, but your kisses to him temple take that thought away, “y/n?”
“yes, dear?”
“can you sleep with me?” he asks, not realizing that you already told him that you don’t need to sleep.
still, you can’t resist him when he’s just so adorable with that pout he probably doesn’t even realize he’s making, “of course, let’s clean up just a little bit, and i’ll lay with you while you sleep, angel.”
morning comes far too soon. you still have him for another 7ish hours, but once they’re up, he’ll return to his village, to that friend he mentioned, and disappear from your existence forever. it’s almost pitiful how quickly you became attached to the pretty thing.
you look over at him, sleeping so, so peacefully, his cheek squished against the pillow while he pouts and you can’t help but coo at how precious he looks.
it’s impossible to imagine a life anymore where you can’t keep looking at his face, at his pretty lips (that are covered in bruises in a way that makes this moment a bit less melancholic and innocent), at the softness in his eyes when he gazed at you. what a miserable fate that would be to live through.
“what’s on your mind?” you hear him groan tiredly, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. you go to object, say ‘of course it’s nothing just go back to sleep dear’, but he catches it and, even in the early morning, he won’t take a lie.
“i just… you have a life to return to, and i don’t want to deprive you of that. i’ve just grown to like you, is all,” you murmur as you run your fingers through his hair, hearing his soft gums of contentment, “an existence of being by yourself might make one somewhat… easily attached.”
hyungwon doesn’t know how to respond, but he sits up, despite the tiredness that still rests in his body, he moves to get himself out of bed, using his hand to brush his hair out of his face, “we still have time together, so let’s do something you want to do.”
“like what?” you smile sadly, “what should we do?”
“hmm…” he makes a really cute face when he thinks, you realize, and it just makes you fall a little bit more, “well you really like flowers right?”
“of course,”
hyungwon’s face lights up, like he’s had a sudden realization, “oh! then what if we painted? i have minhyuk’s paints in my bag!! minhyuk told me to hold onto them for the day and i kept them on me!”
“wha- what if your friend doesn’t want you to use them?” you stutter, but you can feel that you’re already on board.
“then that’s his problem!”
now to be honest, painting was not hyungwon’s strong suit, but he had such a fun time with mixing colors and making flowers that don’t really look like flowers come to life on the many wooden walls of your cottage. neither of you had brushes either, so it was really just fingerpainting, and by the end, your hands were covered in myriads of greens and yellows and pinks reds and blues tinted by the white, they were almost works of art themselves.
and after hours of painting, making more flower crowns, even teaching him to make flower crowns, and more activities, your time with him was dwindling. of course, he doesn’t have to leave, but the time that he had to stay was slowly slipping away from you.
“hyungwon,” you mumble, getting his attention as he sits on the couch while you were supposedly making tea. you raise your hand, displaying a bright red apple, “this is the one from yesterday, right?”
“y-yeah, i think so, why?”
“i- come here, please.”
he wobbles over to the kitchen, sitting beside you as you show off the fruit, “what’s going on?”
“remember when you told me the apple lead to you the statue?” he nods, “this apple is blessed with my energy. it’s… magical, in a human sense. i just want to apologize for decieving and likely confusing you yesterday,” you look down at the fruit, shiny and glowing red with liveliness, “but i have a… proposal of sorts.”
“i- alright, what is it?”
“take a bite,” you say, your tone heavy with implications of what will happen, “take a bite, and stay with me, will you?”
“what- what about my family? my friend? what about the life that i have?” he asks, but it’s all rhetorical, he doesn’t expect a serious answer, “i was willing to give you a day, i can’t give you my life.”
why can’t you, you feel the urge to murmur to him, why can’t you give that all up? you know i’m all you want now, you’ll only spiral down even further into me, “you don’t have to eat it all, just a bite, just one.”
“what- why are you so adamant that i eat that apple?”
“because!” your voice cracks ever so slightly, and once again his heart aches and he rushes to attempt to soothe you, to hold your heart in his hands and never once let it be hurt, “because you are all i want, hyungwon,” you mumble as he hugs you, resting your head against him, “because i want you to return to your friend and your village, but i’m selfish, i’m so, so selfish. this is the best middle ground i could think of.”
“...what does taking a bite entail?” he asks tentatively, and his heart jumps when he sees your eyes shine with hope. whether or not you know it, you’ve got him good.
“half the time, you’ll be mine. your soul has to reside in my domain, your heart will constantly ache for me,” you murmur, your hands suddenly wandering and he chokes out a moan, “but the rest of the time, you can return to the village. you can return to your life, and i will not make any attempts to steal you away during that time.”
he’s left speechless, not exactly sure what you’d want him to say now, but you place the apple in his hands, pressing a few faint kisses to the edge of his lips just to fluster him, but then you disappear outside. he watches you through the window as you tend to your flowers, picking a sunflower to place into your hair. he’s so entranced by the way you move that he can barely focus on what he needs to focus on: the apple.
he wonders what minhyuk is feeling right now. he’s probably worried to death, horrified out of his mind that his friend just disappeared into the forest. he wants so badly to go back and reassure him that nothing bad happened and go back to the way things were except things would be better.
but he does also feel a sense of… devotion? infatuation? love, maybe? whatever it is, he feels something towards you. his heart aches to please you, to do in this situation what would make you happy. the way you looked when you were so emotionally vulnerable with him, you didn’t seem like a god that he had to worship in that moment, you seemed like a soul that he wanted to love. it’s this feeling deep in his soul that just leaves him, both his heart and his body, utterly defenseless to the prospect of you.
so this is the end of him as he’s been for his whole life. or at least, in a sense, half of him. he’s grateful that you went outside to let his head clear just a bit, it’s always so clouded with you and your scent and your aura that he feels delusional. he tosses the apple around anxiously as he tries to decide what to do, but in the end, there’s not a chance in the world that he could ever go against what would make you happy.
he tries to delude himself into thinking it’s a conscious choice he makes, but he knows he’s lying; he just doesn’t want to accept it. he’s been a wreck since the moment you lured him away with the very apple he holds, there’s not a single reality in which he gives you up. his heart aches to protect yours, and his body wishes to be ruined by yours.
he takes a bite. he’s yours.
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @mellowriting @foenixs @hobilluvvr @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies @treasure-hwa @fleurshopsub @rubyscloud9 @silencefavarchive @nct99 @bigkpopstan @monstaxdirtywonk and always feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist <3
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ptitelidio · 4 years
“Black and White Contrast” a rivetra theory
Hi Rivetra fans, actually this is my first post on tumblr and I hope you will like it. Just to say a few words before beginning my rivetra theory, I ship Rivetra sooo hard but I like and respect other ships. Please if you get to see this post and like or share my opinion, an answer would be so cool! 
PS. Sorry for my English, I’m not a fluent speaker, but I try my best :) enjoy!
First, basically I called this post ‘Black and White contrast’ because I found out that the relationship between Levi and Petra is like this, a contrast, in many fields.
To show this I will use photos of manga panels, of the anime and Petra’s song, the light of two wings.
Let’s begin with the song. The first opposition we can see is in Levi personality; Petra describes Levi like that “Your sterness always stems from gentleness And I felt a warm light behind those harsh words“, basically she sees his true nature, behind the darkness, there is a light, that’s what she says. 
Now the other contrast is between the painful and the happy moments she went through:          “ I recall plentry of painful things.. But I made it to where I am , Free of doubts.. Sharing smiles and laughter along the way “
Now she says: “ Tiny feathers gather one by one Forming a white wing Fragile lives are lost one by one Leaving behind a black wing “
That’s when we get to read something with ‘black’ and ‘white’, here she talks about two wings, a black and a white. The white being composed of feathers (analogy with soldiers lives lost one by one), and apparently she talks about a black wing left behind... we’ll get to see more info about it further on. But it seems to be ralted with death, isn’t it?
“ Though a bird may be born to soar across the skies I’m sure it won’t be able to fly well with only one wing But you will shoulder the determination of all that is white and black And guide everyone to great distances beyond the walls “
She says that a bird can’t fly without two wings, so the black and the white ones. And he will ‘shoulder the determination of all that is white and black’, in other words the determination to fight of the deads and the living is something he has to carry on. She is talking to Levi, and says that he is the one to guide everyone beyond the walls, 
Then, she finally says before dying: 
“Don’t forget that you have the light of dual wings sprouting from your back                                                             And if I were to give a name to the light I felt…yes.. it would be… Hope..“
So once again that the light of dual wings (black and white) shows that he carry the spirit of the deads and the living, I repeat this on purpose because you will see that the symbolism of the contrast has not been chosen by chance, but on purpose. 
The second other point is that she perceives that light as hope, obviously we understand why, Levi is considered as the humanity’s greatest, so he’s the most expected to save the Eldian people. 
Now.. let’s show the black and white contrast elsewhere. 
Do a black and a white wings ring a bell?
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Yup... exactly. And I’ll prove that they can symbolise Levi and Petra relationship. They can also show many other relationships in the SC but here, and with the song, it takes a different dimension, like thir relationship was like a black and white wing = black -> death, sadness... and white -> light, hope, or life
Petra is dead and Levi is alive,
Petra sees light inside Levi, whereas he grew up on a dark place (underground) and frequented bad people everyday (criminels etc...)
Now let’s focus on the anime...
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What do you notice in this passage? This was when they were going to the former Survey Corps HQ with Eren. 
Petra’s horse is WHITE and Levi’s is BLACK, here Levi’s one does not seems so black but you can check on other photos in the Internet and you’ll see that he’s actually black, but now because of light and shadow it’s a bit light but whatever.
So, you probably notice that nearly every horse is colored in brown but not Levi’s, Petra’s and Erwin’s. Some other horses are colored in light brown but it’s not like them three, the colors are strikely different. And in the manga the horses were all brown basically, so why this change of color? Not for nothing obviously, the great messages remain in little details..
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This photos shows that the horse are basically all brown.
Another contrast is Levi and Petra’s physical appearance, they are obviously different. He is black-haired, she is blond (ginger in the anime but the contrast stays with light color and dark color..) even their eyes in the anime are different but that’s not the essence of the theory, that was just a remark.
Now look at the Petra’s and Levi’s scene when she died and he looked down at her:
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Isayama pictured the contrast in dark and light, notice how Levi appears in the light part of the grass and Petra in the dark one, she is dead and he’is alive. And bigger than that, there is also Levi’s Wings of Freedom emblem on his cloack, a double contrast where the white one is in the right and the black one on the left. Petra is on the ground, Levi in the air. They complete each other every time.
The contrast is even more striking in this panel:
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The position of the panels for comparison, the position of the heads and eyes, Levi looking down and Petra looking up. The contrast in their hair is also emphcised here. Don’t you notice something else? If no, look at the Wings of Freedom emblem I put...
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Yes... Levi is at the left (black wing) and Petra is at the right (black wing)... the analogy is here for those who searched for it.
And once again, their life status, one alive but painfully sad and the other dead but with an unfulfilled dream and she didn’t get the chance to confess to Levi, I quote:
“ And so.. I will die.. believing that.. Oh….how i wish this would last… But…it seems like my time is up… I have…one last thing…..I would like to tell you..                                            No… Nevermind…It’s Nothing….  “ (Petra’s song)
Let’s continue. 
Remember, we said that Petra tought Levi was the hope of humanity’s survival (she says it in her song). Now, did you know that Levi thought exactly the same of her? I will show it to you, and that was basically implied on Petra’s last scene. 
We all know how Petra put trust over all other things, work team was very important to her. The sentence that we remember the most of her is “trust us”, in her last scene -- when she and her team were riding horses and the Female Titan was hunting them -- she said that exact sentence to Eren. 
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PS: It is written in French, but you can check it in English on your own if you want.
And everybody knows that Levi didn’t know if it was the good choice whether to put his trust on his comrades or to just rely on his own strengh. Well, on that day, Levi had a strong proof that he should believe in his comrades. 
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Here: Petra: “Captain?!”, 
Levi: “He’s a real monster, I know that very well, not only because he has Titan abilities... no matter how strong he force with which it is immobilized, no matter how resistant is the cage in whic he is held. Nobody will ever be able to bend his will” 
-> So what does Levi say? He considers that Eren will to fight titans can’t be bend, in other words he is like a monster, ready to do anything to kill his enemies. But basically, Levi’s stance is that NOBODY can’t change his mind. He was sure of that.
And guess what happens? Eren hearing that from Levi wanted to prove that he was not a monster, he had enough. 
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Eren “ I had enough. I don’t want to be treated like a monster...”
And the phrase that Petra told him definitely convinced him to do the choice to trust his new squad.
Now look at Levi’s face... he’s startled by Eren’s decision. Yes, he who was so sure that Eren will transform, Petra’s insistence to trust his team proved Levi wrong. That’s why he was so surprised. That scene and Levi’s expression is even on the anime, if you want to check it out.
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Well, nobody before succeeded to do this: make Eren change his mind, he’s usually the one to ignore Mikasa’s advices even if he cares a lot for her. Petra, even if she was not so close to him, actually succeeded this task. This startled Levi. Who could change a monster’s mind? Yes, the one to carry hope for humanity. Actually in the anime, EVERY soldier carries that hope obviously, but in that precise moment, Petra was the hope Levi wanted for humanity. 
This reminds us of the song, when she says that she though Levi’s light was hope, actually she was also hope, like every one of her comrades. Now, Petra had that same light, hope. 
Oh and remember that panel from Chapter 112:
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Yes. “Hope for Humanity’s survival” and beside what character? Petra. Everything is linked lmao, Isayama is a pure genius.
And now that I read this panel alone, it’s like Petra could have said these lines ‘I did it... because I believed he was the hope for humanity’s survival...” in other words, I sacrificed my life for Levi because I thought he was the hope for humanity’s survival. It could fit VERY WELL, I don’t think this is a coincidence because she said the exact same thing in her song...
PS: The Wings of Freedom can represent many pairs in AOT like Erwin and Levi for example, but Petra and Levi formed the wings of freedom too. That’s not a coincidence if Erwin’s horse was also white like Petra’s one, and we know that Erwin convinced Levi to joined the SC the day Ferlan and Isabel died. That day, Levi developed the Ackerbond with Erwin when the latter stated, with his federator charisma, that we can’t get to know the future etc. So Levi had the Ackerbond with Erwin so that’s quite obvious to justify why they can represent the wings of freedom, but what was Petra for Levi apart of a squad member?
Yes, she was special for him whereas he didn’t have the Ackerbond with her, and that’s why she’s even more significant, his blood didn’t play a role in his relationship with her. The only answer I find is, simply, love.
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eastofthemoon · 3 years
Never thought I would write Lego Monkie King fic, but here we are.
Title: Did I Forget To Mention
Rating: G
Characters: Monkey King, MK and Pigsy
Summary: Monkey King was certain he knew all about MK. However, after a visit he suddenly realizes how little he does know his successor.
Archive of Our Own
Wukong flew across the sky in his bird form. He hadn’t planned on training the kid until tomorrow, but the weather was just too perfect to waste.
Besides, it was either that or house clean and he wasn’t in the mood for it. It could wait another week or two.
Wukong gave a small twirl in the air as he flapped his wings and soon landed on top of the sign.
He spotted MK walking out with Pigsy close behind. Wukong wanted to swoop down and surprise tackle the kid, but paused. MK wasn’t in his regular set of clothes. They were strangely a lot nicer than normal and he was even straightening a tie?
Wukong tilted his bird head in confusion. He didn’t even know the kid had nice clothes. Where was he going that he had to dress so formally?
Curious, Wukong stayed in his bird form and flew a little closer, but made certain to stay out of sight.
“I shouldn’t be long, Pigsy,” MK said as he put a bag in his delivery cart. “I’ll be back by the lunch rush-”
“Kid, it’s fine,” Pigsy said as he patted the kid’s shoulder. “Sandy says he got you covered, just try to be back by the dinner and we’re good.”
He’s oddly flexible today, Wukong thought. Pigsy always got so cranky when he was dragging MK off to do some training.
MK sighed, but gave a smile. “Okay, thanks, Pigsy.”
Pigsy waved a hand. “Don’t mention it.” He then rubbed his neck and passed MK a small box. “Oh and uh, here I made some egg tarts for your folks.”
Wukong frowned. Folks? Did he mean MK’s parents?
MK’s eyes widened happily. “Really? Wow, thanks, Pigsy! That saves me having to stop by the bakery.” The kid carefully tucked the box into the bag and climbed into the car. “Alright, I’ll see you later.”
“Stay safe,” Pigsy said with a wave before venturing inside his restaurant.
Wukong quietly watched MK drive away.
MK had never mentioned his parents to Wukong before. He talked about Mei, Sandy, Pigsy and Tang, and sometimes even mentioned an aunt of his, but never his parents. Wukong knew he lived by himself, but he never thought too hard about it. Granted it was odd the kid was making such a big fuss over seeing his parents.
Were they super strict or something? Was that why he didn’t leave with them?
Wukong probably should have gone back to the Flower Fruit Mountain, but he found himself flying after MK’s cart. The lack of information was going to nag him until he knew.
It didn’t take long for Wukong to get his answer when MK climbed out of the delivery car and ventured into a graveyard.
Wukong felt his heart stop as he watched MK carefully carry the bag and walked until he reached a pair of tombstones.
MK gave a small smile. “Hi Mom, hi Dad.”
Wukong landed on a nearby tree, but kept his distance.
MK silently cleaned the tombs. He then placed the flowers along with the egg tarts and burned some incense before kneeling.
“I bet you guys are worried about me,” he rubbed his neck. “It’s been a year, but don’t worry. I have a great mentor in the Monkey King and all of my friends got my back. I’ll be okay.”
He then folded his hands to pray and then rose up once he was finished. MK gave one more smile at the tombstones before picking up his now empty bag and left.
Wukong waited until MK got to his delivery car and drove away. He shifted back into his true form as he landed in front of the tombstone.
Quietly, he gave a bow and lingered for a moment before turning back to his bird form and flew away.
No training today. There was a lot he had to think about.
Wukong returned to Flower Fruit Mountain until it was close to evening. He took flight as a bird again and headed to Pigsy’s restaurant. He waited until the shop closed and Wukong watched MK and Tang head home.
He snuck through an opened window, reverted to his true form when he landed and entered the kitchen. Pigsy was in the middle of washing dishes.
Wukong cleared his throat. “Hey Pigsy, I-”
He briefly regretted it as Pigsy yelped, spun around with a wet frying pan in hand ready to attack. Wukong prepared to dodge, but Pigsy froze upon seeing him and blinked.
“MONKEY KING?!”! He cried and cursed before shaking the wet frying pan in his face. “Geez, didn’t anyone ever tell you to not sneak up on people?!”
“Sorry,” Wukong said as he held up his hands. “Didn’t realize this was how you greeted paterons?!”
“It is when people sneak in here after I locked up the place when it’s supposed to be empty,” Pigsy snapped.
Wukong raised an eyebrow and gestured to the window. “Not completely locked up. You missed a window.”
Pigsy frowned, glanced to where he pointed and grumbled. “The one time I forget-” He shook his head. “Wait, nevermind that! What do you want? I doubt it’s about testing my security.”
Wukong’s eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms. “I needed to discuss something about MK and you seemed like the best person to ask.”
Pigsy’s eyes widened. “The kid? Is he okay?”
“He’s fine,” Wukong said quickly and rubbed his neck. “But...I didn’t realize his parents were dead.”
The small panic left Pigsy’s face before the cook turned back to scrubbing his pan. “He told you?”
“Not exactly,” Wukong said. “I spotted him this morning and followed him.”
Pigsy raised an eyebrow at him. “So you saw him visiting his parents' graves?”
“Yeah,” Wukong said slowly. “When..did they die? Was it recent?”
“No, years ago,” Pigsy said as he rinsed the frying pan. “He was little at the time. MK admitted to me he doesn’t remember them much.”
“I see,” Wukong replied. “So, who raised him?”
“His aunt took him in,” Pigsy continued as he set the frying pan aside and tackled a bowl. “Known her for years, nice lady. Bit of an airhead sometimes, but she does love MK.”
“But he’s not living with her now, right?” Wukong asked. “I was under the impression he lived by himself.”
Wukong knew the laws enough to know that legally MK was just old enough to be living on his own. It wasn’t common, but it did happen. He never gave much thought as to why in MK’s case.
“He does,” Pigsy replied. “Not long ago MK’s aunt got offered her dream job that requires a lot of traveling. She was reluctant to take it because of how it might affect MK.”
Wukong raised an eyebrow. “So, she didn’t?”
“No, she did,” Pigsy said as he looked up. “She never told MK about the job offer, but he accidently found out about it. So he decided suddenly that he was old enough to move out and take care of himself.”
He huffed. “Although what he defines as ‘caring for himself’ is up for debate, but I digress. MK moved out and his aunt took the job while making sure to send MK rent money to help out. She sends him a postcard about twice a month.”
Wukong frowned. He did recall MK flashing a postcard in his face a few times, but Wukong would often try to redirect the kid towards their lesson for the day.
Pigsy glanced over his shoulder as he pointed a finger at Wukong. “Now, my question is, why are you asking me all of this and not MK?”
“How could I?” Wukong said as he said on the floor and leaned against the wall. “The kid never told me any of this. He must have had his reasons for not wanting me to know.”
It bothered him. Wukong wasn’t fully sure he understood why, but it did. He was MK’s mentor. This was stuff he felt like he should now, right?
“I thought we had a good relationship,” Wukong continued. “This is a big detail to not tell someone. How could-”
Suddenly, something hard struck the top of his head.
Wukong yelped as he looked up and saw the culprit was the frying pan in Pigsy’s hands.
“OW!” Wukong rubbed his head as he growled. “That hurt-”
“Oh, please,” Pigsy snapped. “I know it takes way more than a frying pan to actually hurt you.”
Wukong glared. That might be true, but it still stung. “But what was that for-”
“Because for someone who is immortal you’re not too bright!” Pigsy set down the frying pan. “MK never told you because he didn’t want you to know! The kid just never thought of it!”
Wukong blinked. “What?”
Pigsy sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Look, it’s hard to explain, but when someone you know dies after a while you just naturally forget who knows and who doesn’t.” He tossed his hands up in the air. “It probably just didn’t occur to him to bring it up.”
Wukong raised an eyebrow. He couldn’t help, but wonder if Pigsy was speaking from personal experience.
The Monkey King gave a sigh as he rubbed his neck. “Okay, fine, but we’ve known each other for close to a year now? How could he not think of bringing it up?”
“How would he?” Pigsy retorted. “What do you expect him to do?” He gave a fake grin and waved. “Hiya Monkey King! How’s your day going? Oh, by the way my parents are dead!”
Wukong cringed and pointed back. “Okay, first of all, NEVER smile like that again it’s creepy and second,” he frowned, “I get what you’re saying but still…”
Pigsy’s eyes narrowed. “Let me put it this way, when the two of you have ‘talked’ has it been about MK himself or has it been all about you and his training?”
Wukon raised, but then dropped his arm in thought. MK did mention his friends, but it was usually just some side note before Wukong changed the subject or he recalled a detail from his own adventures.
Wukong didn’t reply, but the silence seemed to be more than enough of an answer for Pigsy.
“That’s what I thought,” Pigsy said as he returned to the dishes in the sink. “I’m just an outsider here, but it seems to me that MK knows a lot more about you than you do about him.”
Wukong’s tail twitched in thought. After a long moment he gave himself a deep sigh. “You’re right.” He shook his head. That was the downside of being immortal. It was a lot easier to forget the world doesn’t revolve around you.
“I need to fix this,” Wukong said aloud. He wasn’t sure if he was saying it to Pigsy or to himself.
Pigsy snorted. “First smart thing you said since you got here.”
Wukong gave a small smile. “Thanks, Pigsy.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Pigsy said as he glared. “Just try to avoid giving me any more future heart attacks.”
“No promises,” as Wukong turned to leave. “Unless you are willing to offer me free noodles?”
Pigsy picked up the frying pan. “Do you want another whack?”
Wukong held up his hands. “Nah, I’m good. See you around.”
He heard Pigsy give another disgruntled snort as he turned into a bird and flew off. As Wukong headed home, plans began to form in his head. He would find a way to fix this.
The next day, MK arrived at Flower Fruit Mountain. He was a bit earlier than Wukong expected, but it wouldn’t disrupt his plans.
“Heya, Bud,” Wukong greeted from his seat on his cloud. “Bit early today?”
MK huffed as he ran up. “Pigsy said I could have the morning off, so I thought it would be good if I came earlier.”
“Did he?” Wukong replied and gave a smirk. I wonder if he did that for me, but I won’t question it if he did.
MK swung his staff. “So, what are we focussing on today? Defence? Strike attacks? How to hang upside down without throwing up?”
“None,” Wukong said as he landed and brought out the book he’d been hiding. “Thought we try some of this?”
MK’s eyes lit up. “What is it? An ancient book of spells?! Secret techniques?!”
Wukong laughed as he tossed it to him. “Take a look.”
MK caught it, and suddenly the excitement on his face turned to confusion. “A...cookbook?”
Wukong crossed his arms as his tail twitched. “Yeah, I thought it was time to try something different. Never hurts to take it easy every once in a while, right?”
MK gave a thoughtful frown as he flipped through the pages.
Wukong rubbed his neck. “Something wrong, Bud?””
Did MK not like the idea?
“Oh, it’s nothing,” MK said hastily and laughed as he gave a nervous smile. “I just didn’t think that you cooked anything.”
Wukong raised an eyebrow. “What? Did you think I ate nothing but peaches and peach chips?”
“Um...kind of?” MK muttered with a sheepish grin.
Wukong raised a hand, but then lowered it. It was his favorite snack so he couldn’t blame the kid. He shook his head.
“Anyway,” Wukong said as he wrapped an arm around MK’s shoulder. “Why don’t we try one of these recipes?”
“I’m not a great cook,” MK said, but then gave a small laugh. “Although, I’m a lot better than my Aunt Ling.”
“Oh, yeah?” Wukong asked as they headed to his house.
MK laughed. “Yeah, she once tried to make dumplings and we nearly set the kitchen on the fire.” The boy laughed at the memory. “Granted, if she wasn’t such a bad cook I wouldn’t have met Mei.”
“Oh, really?” Wukong said as they entered the house. “Why don’t you tell me all about it while we cook.”
MK’s face brightened as he told the story and Wukong didn’t interrupt him. In the end, the food they made wasn’t great, but it was worth it for the stories MK shared. It was a small step, but it was one in the right direction.
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dabiboy · 4 years
I couldn’t help it and I wrote a self-indulgent Hawks scenario. 50% angst and 50% fluff, hope you guys like it🥺🥺
My Angel [warnings: some manga spoilers]
''Babybird, look what I bought!'' Keigo said happily, quickly opening the bag that he had with him, crossing your legs you rested your elbow on the arm on the couch and watched him with a smile.
''Is it food?'' You said, raising your eyebrows.
''Nah-uh, I'm learning to control my cravings. Damn, you made me think about food, now I want some chicken'' He stopped his actions, looking away as if he was picturing his favorite eating place, and he was ''Nevermind, check this!'' He took out the recently bought item, and you couldn't believe your eyes. 
''Are you serious, Takami Keigo?'' the truth was, that you wanted to laugh at the cuteness and a part of you couldn't believe that he spent money on that.
''Yes! Are they ugly?'' he pouted ''I think they're cool'' Keigo looked again at the pair of socks, Endeavor socks. They were a kind of dark yellow, and the Number one hero's face was printed all over the material. 
''No, but... I... Do you really want me to look at Endeavor while we're cuddling?'' You laughed 
''I can cover my feet with a blanket'' Keigo raised his shoulders, remaining silent for a few seconds, eyes glued on the socks. ''Are they that bad?'' He furrowed his nose, looking as if he regretted buying them. 
''I'm kidding, Kei,'' You gave him a smile when he sat next to you ''If they make you happy, I'm happy'' Cupping his face on your hands, you kissed his lips. 
''Damn, I don't deserve you'' Keigo laughed as he placed his hands on your hip, moving his lips against yours softly without erasing the smile on his lips ''I love you, my chicken wing'' from one second to another, his body was over yours, and his mouth was leaving soft kisses on all his favorites places.
''I love you too, my angel'' You said in a whisper, caressing his wings softly'' 
Your body was still shivering, even as a hero some scene and news reports were hard to take. If it hadn't been for a student, it would have been the end of Hawks. The day he had fought against Dabi, you were at home, that night it was supposed to be your night, some drinks, movies, the usual before his free day. But things took a turn, and the only thing you saw on the news was how he almost died, and then the hospital personal calling you. 
''What else should I bring?'' you asked the nurse.
''Anything, miss. Probably just some underwear and things like that. A toothbrush, just personal items.''
''Ok, thanks. I'm on my way'' 
In a bag, you saved his tooth brush, a hair brush as well. You opened his drawer and took some boxers, and then, you saw them. Those damned socks. Despite his cocky attitude, there were some traces of his personality only you got to meet, he was childish at times, got excited with tiny things. Maybe, it was because he didn't have a good childhood, and now he had the chance to buy whatever he wanted, even an ugly pair of socks of his favorite hero. Those socks were an allegory of his essence, his innocence and love for simple things, an image of how now he was enjoying those parts of his childhood he didn't get to have. Tears filled your eyes as you held them against your chest, keeping them in a bag after short seconds.
The ride to the hospital was the longest ever, and once you were there some kind nurses guided you to the back door to avoid the annoying journalists. The elevator ride was long as well, and your heart was beating fastly against your chest. Was he awake? Was he fine? All of those doubts were answered when you entered his room. 
His back resting on pillows, semi-sitted and looking at the window. Lots of bandages were on his face, his torso was naked, but also covered in different types of bandages. But... Something was missing. His wings, his crimson wings. 
''Kei?'' You asked softly, walking inside.
''Hey kid'' His voice was soft, so soft it was concerning. 
''You scared me so much'' Fighting your tears, you sat on the chair next to him, holding his hand. ''I... I brought you your things'' you opened the bag ''Your hairbrush, teethbrush, underwear... And your socks'' Words where hard, what else were you supposed to say in a time like this?
''You brought the socks'' He laughed weakly, trying to avoid his pain. 
''Yeah, I did. Thought they could cheer you up'' You said, knowing what had happened, but unsure of what to say.
''Cheer me up? I'm fine, baby bird!'' Keigo smiled, although you knew he was pretending ''It was just another fight, right?'' It sounded as if he was trying to convince himself'' 
''Kei... you know you don't need to keep things from me, right?'' You stand from the chair, now sitting on an empty spot on his bed, a hand caressing his golden locks.
''I...'' He drifted his eyes away from you, looking at the window one more time. And as if it were a cliché movie, a bird was flying free. You could see him, his lower lip ws trembling, and his fist was gripping the sheets tightly.
''I know'' You whispered, now caressing his face tenderly, and just there he looked at you. Crystalized eyes, still trying to put a smile on his face.  A broken one.
''I lost my wings'' Keigo finally stated. The smile lasted only a few seconds, because tears came right after. A drowned sob as he looked down and played with his hands. 
''Come here'' That's all you could say, moving an inch closer and holding him against your body. His face was buried in the crook of your neck, not caring about his tears staining your skin and shirt. Your hand was playing with his hair as the other cas carefully resting on his back. Keigo's grip on your body was strong, holding you with his life. Tears leaving your eyes. ''They can grow again,'' you said ''There's a whole team trying to find solutions, I'm sure they will'' 
You spoke with your lips on his temple, kissing that same spot repeatedly. It was heartbreaking to see him like that, the man that was usually cocky, that was always walking around with a smile and something to say, the one who was childish and got excited over a pair of hero socks was broken in front of you, in your arms.  
''What if they don't?'' He asked, a hiccup left his lips, still hiding on your neck. 
''Hey, look at me'' You grabbed his face slowly, using your thumbs to wipe his tears, then caressing his stuble, forehead, and cheeks again. ''Everything will be fine, ok?'' You tried to comfort him, his image still hurting you, but even with puffy red eyes, pouting his lower lip, and the bandages and cuts covering his face he was beautiful as always ''And if the worst happens, we will work it out together'' A small smile appeared on your face, lost in his eyes. ''You will always be my angel, Takami Keigo. Are we clear?'' He nodded, and right after you pressed a kiss on his forehead.
''Thank you'' He whispered as you held him again, his body shivering and his eyes closed ''I love you. So fucking much'' Keigo said, his voice sounding a little bit better. 
''I love you too, and you don't need to thank me for anything, my love'' You ended the hug, looking at him again and pressing a delicate kiss on his lips. ''You're trembling'' You said, touching his bare shouolders covered in cold sweat. 
''Yeah... I'm a bit cold'' He sobbed again, calming himself.
''Come on, lets put your ugly socks on'' You gave him a smile among the tears on your face, standing up and grabbing them. 
Keigo let out a small but genuine chuckle, looking at you with pure love. He was indeed, the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, and you were going to be by his side no matter what, even more now. His wings were beautiful, they made him strong and they were a big part of his identity, but to you... He was an angel for who he was, the cocky and childish man you loved with your entire heart, your angel. And who knows, maybe those late night flights over the city were not going to be over, all you two needed was time. And you were going to be by his side all the neccessary time. 
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memeadonna · 4 years
The Kingdom of Roses
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You are the princess of Rusika, a kingdom neighbouring Novoselic. When one of your government’s high ranking officials is taken as a political prisoner, your kingdom retaliates by taking some of your own -- and they just might be more than you bargained for. 
Hello Everybody! My name is Jess and I’ve been a longtime fan of Danganronpa, from around 2012 or 2013 when I first played the games. I wanted to try my hand at writing a reader insert for one of my favourite characters (and my first ever husbando), one Kazuichi Souda. This beautiful art really inspired me (I scoured high and low for an artist credit, but I couldn’t find one. If you know who drew it please let me know and I will give them the appropriate credit), and I wrote an x reader. I hope you all enjoy!  Warnings: This work contains NSFW not suitable for readers under 18. Please do not interact with this post if you are under 18. 
Monarchies were a dying form of government. Most countries had established parliaments by now, but the Kingdom of Rusika, where you were born, and a few neighbouring kingdoms held onto their royal families until the very end. Novoselic was one such kingdom, one that until a few days ago had been your ally. Your father – beloved king of Rusika – had sent one of his most trusted advisors to negotiate a trade deal with the Nevermind family, rulers of Novoselic.
That advisor had been captured and held at ransom for some unknown reason. The Novoselic Kingdom really had no idea what they were doing, did they?
Sonia Nevermind was someone you had grown up with. The two of you had never been friends, per se, but you understood one another. You were Princesses tasked with leading your kingdoms towards prosperity. Your countries were similar enough – they had once been one, but after a civil war in 926, the country had been divided in half. While Novoselic’s exports consisted of luxury goods – wine, chocolate, and cheese – Rusika’s were more practical. Your main exports were related to geothermal energy and associated technologies, or mining precious gems. Your country – the kingdom of roses – was building the future. Hers was stuck in the past, weighed down by stupid traditions.
Your father trusted you more than Sonia’s father trusted her, and so you had grown up with more responsibilities. You had learned early on the burdens of leadership, and eventually began to find her boring. You made sure she never caught on, always giving her your full attention whenever she rambled about her silly life and silly problems.
Both of your countries had hit economic booms, so what need was there to worry? Gah, her philosophy was so stupid.
Today you woke up to find that your father had arranged the kidnapping of two of Sonia’s closest friends. She had just graduated from the prestigious Hope’s Peak Academy, and had apparently invited her entire class to Novoselic to spend their last vacation celebrating.
It was strange of him to make such a decision without consulting you first. You were supposed to be queen of Rusika one day, and he always made sure you had a say in decisions. Today you were instructed to dress the part of a princess and come greet your guests. You were to show them hospitality and make them feel welcome. You might have kidnapped them, but you weren’t monsters. They would literally receive the royal treatment, and you were to be put in charge of them.
As your handmaidens helped you dress (corseting you, doing your hair and makeup, and fixing your jewelry could be a six-person job), you went over what you wanted to say to your prisoners. How the hell were you supposed to make them feel welcome?
You had never seen a person with two different coloured eyes before. You had also never seen a person with pink hair. Based on the way they looked at you, dripping in jewels and looking your part, you doubted they had seen Sonia in all of her glory yet. You smiled as you introduced yourself, trying your hardest not to look like you were studying them. You explained the situation to them, told them they were valuable political prisoners and would not be harmed or imprisoned as long as they behaved, and did not try to leave.
The man with two different coloured eyes called you a fiend, as well as many other dark names as he promised his Princess would come for him. The man with pink hair affirmed “Miss. Sonia will rescue me!” and shook his fist at you, trying his best not to look starstruck.
Eventually, you got their names out of them.
“How long will we be here?” Gundham asked you over dinner that night. “I wish to return home as soon as possible. I have responsibilities.”
Realistically, you knew it wouldn’t be a quick endeavour. You and Sonia had spent three months as prisoners in a neighbouring kingdom as Rusika and Novoselic had laid siege to the capitol. That was when you had learned she was boring. She kept to herself in her room, and almost seemed upset with you whenever you would negotiate with your captors, or walked the palace grounds like a free woman.
“As long as it takes” you answered coolly, glad that Japanese was one of the languages your family had forced you to learn. Members of the royal family having to speak thiry languages was one tradition that Rusika had kept from its time joined with Novoselic. It came in handy when negotiating with foreigners. “I cannot provide a clearer answer than that.”
“Don’t worry, Gundham,” Souda spoke up. “Sonia will come for us!”
Gundham spent most of his time observing the animals on your palace grounds. Your late mother had loved peacocks, so your father had taken up breeding them. She had loved many different animals when she had been alive, so the grounds weren’t exactly wanting. He enjoyed speaking with the vain birds, whistling and cooing until they would fan their elegant tails. His hamsters seemed to enjoy their accommodations too, with more seeds than they could have ever hoped to have eaten.
Souda, however, wanted to remain as unaffected as possible. He did his best to refuse any luxuries you offered him. It was only after you found out he had taken apart every electronic device in his room did you ask Gundham. The Ultimate Breeder had warmed up to you quickly, especially since you were the reason his hamsters were so well taken care of.
After Gundham cryptically told you about Souda, you gifted the Mechanic with a set of tools and new appliances to play with. Boredom could be so cruel, and the last thing you wanted was undue suffering.
Seeing him slip shyly into your study made your gift worth it. He was so awkward as he stumbled out a thanks, looking everywhere except your face. He was blushing and fiddling with a screwdriver as he spoke. “I still don’t trust you. You’re Miss. Sonia’s enemy,” he pointed his finger at you. “And any enemy of Miss. Sonia is an enemy of mine.”
“Would you like a workshop?” you asked him calmly. “I’m sure your room is a bit cluttered with all of those appliances. I just want to make your stay comfortable, I bear no ill will towards you, Mr. Souda.”
His cheeks flamed up and he stammered out a non-answer, shuffling out of the room and slamming the door behind him.
Souda and Gundham had been with you a little over two weeks when the former finally cracked. He once more barged into your study, and looked you up and down. “I want somewhere to work,” he declared. He placed a crumpled piece of paper on your desk. “Here’s the list of everything I need.”
You saved the speech you were writing and logged off of your computer. “Come with me, Mr. Souda,” you stood gracefully, glad you no longer had to wear your ballgowns around him. It had always made you feel overdressed and obnoxious, especially considering he preferred to wear his jumpsuit rather than the clothes your country had provided him with. It had taken a lot to even convince him to let the servants wash the suit, let alone wear another while he waited.
In the end, you had commissioned seven identical jumpsuits for him, to match the one he already wore. At least he no longer reeked.
You paused at the door to the workshop you had set up for him. There was a guard stationed outside, but a nod from you dismissed him. Kazuichi’s eyes lit up as he observed all of the new-age tech he had to play with. He stammered out a bright-eyed thanks, and you gave him your brightest smile. You had done lots of research into what he would enjoy; he was your guest, not your prisoner. Right?
After a month, Novoselic struck up a deal with Rusika. A hostage for hostage trade: Gundham Tanaka for your father’s cherished advisor. Kazuichi had not been mentioned in the negotiations at all, something that did not sit right with you.
He tried to pretend that he wasn’t upset he had been forgotten, but it was obvious to anybody with half of a brain he was torn up. You made efforts to spend more time with him. You had him accompany you on walks around the castle’s garden, and even took him out of the palace for a few walks around town for a change of scenery. Nothing you said lifted his spirits. He barely even looked at you now.
You watched him tinkering with his toys, but even that seemed to have lost its shine for him. He looked so sad, so bored that it made you anxious.
“May I ask you something?” you questioned on one such walk. The two of you had been caught in the rain and had sought shelter underneath a quaint gazebo. He looked back at you with a curt nod. “How is your hair pink?”
He blinked at you for a moment before he burst out laughing. It was the first time since he had come to Rusika that he had laughed, and it made your cheeks flame up as he smiled at you.
“I dye it,” he told you after he calmed down. “I first bleach my hair to take the colour out, and then I use a dye to turn it pink.”
“Colour?” You blinked up at him. “What colour is your hair supposed to be?”
Instead of answering, he removed his beanie to reveal about an inch of jet-black hair growing in at his roots. Your eyes widened in wonder. “So, it must be bleached again on the new hair?” you asked.
“Yes,” he smiled at you dopily. “It has to be done every few months or the hair will grow in its natural colour.”
“Does it feel different?” you asked. “The pink and the black?” Instead of replying, he took your hand and placed it onto his hair. Your blush only deepened as you felt how soft it was, and noticed his cheeks were bright red too as you pulled away. “Do you wish to turn your hair pink again? I will send for my stylist.”
He smiled at you, soft but genuine. “I’d really like that. Then I’ll feel a bit more like me,”
“What are you doing?” Souda peeked over your shoulder. You smiled tiredly up at him and you stretched as subtly as you could. You had been taking daily walks with him for several weeks now, and he would always drop by every few hours to see how you were doing, or to show off his latest invention.
“I’m looking at the schematics for a new geothermal energy plant,” you answered. “I’m trying to sort out how we can make our energy extraction more efficient.”
Kazuichi looked over the blueprints on your laptop screen. “I’d have to do the calculations, but if you merged these two pipes here-” he pointed. “-you would cut down significantly on the energy wasted.”
“Pull up a chair,” you told him. “Let’s take a look together, shall we?”
Kazuichi had been in your care for three months now, and he hardly acted like a prisoner. He called you “Miss” (probably because you called him Mr. Souda), and tended to barge in on you whenever he wanted. He had repaired the castle’s heating system, boosted your internet connection, and even helped you overhaul the design of your new energy plants. These plants would be 46% more efficient than the last schematic, something that amazed you. You told him repeatedly how marvellous he was, if only to see his face light up.
Lately, he had started wearing the jumpsuits your family had initially provided him with – similar to his old one but stamped with your country’s crest on the back – and had been a bit more… touchy than before. He would put a hand on the small of your back while you walked, or gently brush a lock of hair from your face as the two of you had tea.
You were not experienced in the slightest with intimacy or wanting to be in a relationship – you were certain you would learn that after you became queen – but now he was all you could think about. You knew the basics, knew what to expect from a man, but your heart was uncharted territory. You had never loved someone before, and some deep-seated fear in your heart was worried he would think you were taking advantage of him.
“I was in love with her, you know,” he told you one day while you were out for a walk. The two of you were once more caught in the rain and taking shelter in the same gazebo. “I loved Sonia.” Sonia. Not Miss. Sonia.
“Did it hurt?” you asked back, and immediately felt stupid for asking. It was none of your business, why did you want to know?
“I guess?” he shrugged. “I don’t – she never treated me like I mattered. She made me feel like I was nothing. Just a pest. Like I was disposable.”
“Sonia is a fool,” you told him. You meant it, of course you did, but at that moment you just wanted him to smile. “Your contributions will certainly leave their marks on this world. You are a remarkable person with a remarkable talent. Anybody who would overlook you is an utter fool.”
Kazuichi reached into his pocket and pulled out a small speaker. He set it on the railing, and it began to play a soft, slow song. “Will you dance with me?” he asked shyly.
“Of course,” you smiled at him, holding out your hand for him to take.
His steps were sloppy and uncoordinated, but the feeling of his warm body in your arms made you feel safe. You wanted him to love you. Love you the way he loved Sonia, and then even more. A legendary love that would eclipse all others.
When he leaned down to kiss you, you automatically tilted you head to the side. It felt like the first time and the thousandth time all at once – something new and exciting, yet undeniably right. He grinned at you like an idiot and kept swaying with you while the song ended.
“It all feels perfect with I’m with you,” he told you. “Like it all makes sense.”
“I understand,” you smiled up at him. “I feel the same way too.”
He barely left your side now. He would let you work, of course, but wanted to spend his every waking hour with you. He held your hand on your walks, kissed your knuckles like a gentleman whenever he greeted you, and kissed you passionately when you were alone with him. You loved watching him light up at your presence – it was like his world began and ended with you.
His greatest joy was when he got to work with you. To see you listening carefully to his advice, offering insights of your own based on your knowledge. You worked to improve both your geothermal energy plants and plan for new mines. The number of precious stones mined this year was astronomical, and it wasn’t over yet.
Your father was impressed with the improvements he had made to the schematics he had been provided with, so he was gradually given more and more responsibility (along with his freedom, of course). Eventually, he began to receive an “allowance” as payment for the work he was doing. He spent most of it on new gadgets to tinker with or gifts for you. You would often retire to your room to find a vase full of flowers or a box of chocolates, and every time you saw them you would break out into a grin you could not stop.  
The two of you would text one another (he made himself a cellphone because he was “bored and wanted to try it”) until you fell asleep, and within those words he bared his soul. He told you about his horrific home life – about the man who had dared to harm him – and about the friends who had betrayed him. He told you how much you mattered to him, all of the things he would do for you. Give up for you.
When he told you about his father hitting him one too many times, you left your room and went to his. You just needed to hold him, make him feel safe the same way he made you feel safe.
You were glad you went when you did, because there was a woman dressed in black trying to drag him out of the window. You raised the security alarm, and she was apprehended. Mukuro Ikusaba – the Ultimate Soldier – was thrown into your actual prison, and you once more had trouble with Novoselic.
You answered the door with bleary eyes, but seeing Souda’s tired smile as he mumbled about not sleeping was worth it. You used your new nickname for him – the word in your mother tongue that meant little pink rose – and he melted into your arms. You didn’t care that you were wearing your nightgown, or that it was early in the morning, you had your prince charming and he was safe, and he was yours. Yours.
“I had a nightmare,” he was curled up among your pillows, snuggled up under your blankets. “You forgot about me like she did.”
“I’m not her,” you reminded him, pressing a kiss to his forehead before resting your own against it. You could feel his warm breath ghosting over your lips, and as you let your eyes slip shut your hands found his. “I will never think of you as less than extraordinary, my darling.” You promised.
He kissed your cheek, slowly painting his way over your cheekbones and down to your lips. You responded wonderfully, one hand cupping his cheek as you kissed him slowly. You opened your eyes to see him staring at you with pure adoration. He wasn’t wearing his contacts, and his eyes were a light, rosy brown colour. Stunning.
“I love you,” the words slipped out of your mouth unbidden. You were speaking in your mother tongue now, but based on the smile he gave you and the whisper of “Ai shiteru” you got in return, he had understood. More than understood.
Your lips met his again, a strange kind of hunger filling you. He must have felt the change too, the atmosphere crackling with energy as you traced your fingers over his body. As he traced his fingers over yours.
You both stripped completely and held one another, clumsy and laughing and so in love. “Tell me if it hurts,” he had whispered to you as he stretched you open with his fingers. You had kissed him in response, a smiling sort of kiss that you hope conveyed more than a simple “I love you”.
Your lovemaking didn’t last long, but it didn’t have to to be perfect. It felt like it was right out of a fairy tale, and your prince charming was here to save you from everything bad in the world. You were here to save him, in reality, but you were more than happy to indulge him in his fantasies, so long as you could play a part in them.
When you were done, he wrapped you in his arms and placed a kiss to your temple. He hummed softly and played with your hair, whispering his love over and over again. You smiled up at him, tired but satisfied, and when you fell asleep your smile did not falter.
Since that night you had shared, Kazuichi had been coming to your bed every night. You would fall asleep together and wake up together and talk until you couldn’t anymore. When you weren’t talking, you were either cuddling or doing something less… innocent. Your mouth had mapped out every inch of his body, and you knew what to do to make him open like a flower. He liked letting you do what you wanted to him – liked giving over the power and control and letting you make him feel good.
He loved it when you spoke to him in your mother tongue – no matter what you said he would squirm and turn bright red.
“Do you like it when I play with your pretty cock?” you asked him lowly, and he let out a sweet moan as his legs fell open. He could tell from the sound of your voice if you were being sweet to him or not, and you could tell based on the noises he made if he wanted you to be sweet or not.
You wondered what fantasies swept him away as you mounted him. When you pinned his wrists and mouthed at his neck, you wondered why he was mewling so much. Did he even know what he was begging you for anymore, or did his mind just go blank every time you began to kiss his scars?
You learned every embarrassing detail about his body, and he learned every detail of yours. He loved to have you on him – worshipping him, taking pleasure from his body – but what he loved most were the quiet moments after.
The moments when you would roll off of him and kiss him slowly and tell him how good he was. When you would worship every scar again, tell him he was beautiful. When he’d lay his head in your lap so you could weave your fingers into his hair and hum him lullabies. He always fell asleep in your bed after you made love. It was one of the most perfect moments you ever shared, and you felt so, so lucky to have shared so many of them.
Today you woke up alone. Novoselic had finally sent an envoy to negotiate Kazuichi’s release. Today was the day.
Last night, he had helped you pick out your gown. He had chosen a white one with ruffles designed to look like flowers – Rusika was the kingdom of roses, after all – and as your handmaidens helped you get ready, you felt powerful.
You went all out – you wore your crown jewels and covered yourself in diamonds. You did not want there to be any doubt that they were dealing with a princess and would negotiate on her terms. Your father had been surprised when you had asked for this responsibility but granted you the negotiation opportunity.
Mukuro Ikusaba was wearing several chains, including a rather nasty-looking pair of handcuffs. She was positioned in a chair facing towards your throne, and she glared at you as you took your seat.
Kazuichi arrived only a few minutes after you, and his jaw just about hit the floor as he took you in. You gave him a smile befitting a queen as your eyes roamed his body – he was wearing a finely tailored suit and a ring with your family’s crest on it. You realized then you wanted to cover him in jewels. He would look so good sparkling.
He bowed deeply before taking his place at your side, breaking you from your train of thought. It was an old Novoselic tradition for the ruler’s consort to kneel on a special stool while the monarch conducted business, but while Kazuichi did kneel on the plush cushion, he tugged it towards you so he could lie across your lap. The action startled you at first, but as he snuggled deeper into your skirts and looked up at you with a smile, your fingers came up to weave into his hair in the way he found comforting, and he closed his eyes.
That lasted for a blissful minute before the throne room’s doors burst open and Princess Sonia Nevermind was announced. Her entourage filed in with her, and Souda tilted his head to get a better view of them. You recognized Gundham, and vaguely recalled hearing about a few of the others from Kazuichi. Classmates, if you remembered correctly.
Sonia had brought the Yakuza boy and the Ultimate Swordswoman as backup. She had also brought a hulking man with matching scars over both of his eyes. This man was someone you had never heard of, yet he was flanked by the usual Novoselic military honour guard. You greeted her in your shared tongue before switching to Japanese. “Welcome. What brings you all to Rusika?” you asked.
The princess of Novoselic cleared her throat and began once more in your mother tongue. “Apologies for interrupting, Princess Nevermind, but not everybody here speaks our language. I would like to include our guests in the matters we will be discussing,” Souda shifted in your lap, and you continued playing with his hair, sitting with the elegance of a queen.
Sonia began again, in Japanese this time. “I demand you release your prisoners at once,” she pointed at you. “Keeping a soldier hired by my country to retrieve a prisoner does not reflect well on the alliance between our peoples. I would hate for a war to break out.”
You sighed. “As a show of good faith, I will release the prisoner Mukuro Ikusaba to you,” you made a gesture and a pair of guards removed her shackles. You could feel Souda playing with your ruffles. “Was that all?”
“We are here for the prisoner Kazuichi Souda,” she answered. “I demand you release him.”
“Kazuichi is not a prisoner,” you corrected. “He has full autonomy and can choose to leave anytime he would like.”
“You kidnapped him as a political prisoner!” Sonia snapped, eyes locked on him. “Do not tell me that he is doing… that of his own free will!”
You gave his shoulder a pat with the hand that had been in his hair and he blinked over at Sonia. “I have done nothing malicious towards him,” you answered. “I have not-”
“Liar!” Sonia cut in. “You must have brainwashed him with Stockholm. You truly are a woman with flexible legs!”
Kazuichi raised his head a bit. “Don’t talk to my Princess like that!” there was a certain bite to his words. You ran your fingers soothingly through his hair as he glared at Sonia. “Gundham knows as well as I do that we were never mistreated here. We were given free reign, and I just so happened to be appreciated. I’m not a second choice here. I’m not forgotten.”
Sonia looked visibly upset at his words. “We did not forget you!” she assured him.
“You rescued Gundham after a month? A few weeks?” Kazuichi was bristling. “I’ve been here for eight. Eight months and you didn’t even bother to see if I was okay.” Sonia watched Kazuichi lie back down. “Excuse me for being happy. I forgot you don’t like it when I’m too overbearing with my affection.” He shifted around for comfort, burying his face in the crook of his elbow before tilting it out to the crowd.
“Is he truly able to leave anytime he wants?” Gundham asked.
“I am,” Kazuichi bristled once again. “I’ve got a job and everything.”
Sonia said your name. No title, just your name. “I would like to speak with you in private, future monarch to future monarch,” she was clenching her hands into fists.
“I’ll allow it,” you gave Kazuichi a gentle pat on the shoulder and he reluctantly pulled away. You stood, and he stood with you. He followed you down from your throne, and as you escorted Sonia towards your study you noticed Kazuichi was making a beeline for Gundham.
When you were alone again, the first thing Kazuichi did was help you out of your dress. He was careful as he unlaced your corset, and as he helped you step out of it. He even hung it up properly so it wouldn’t get damaged. Then he was kissing you like he was about to lose you, pulling your body close and pulling you into his arms. He carried you over to the bed and tossed you into it, discarding his own clothes haphazardly as he followed.
“I love you,” he told you assuredly. “And nothing is ever going to change that. Not a single thing they say will convince me otherwise.”
You smiled at his words. “And I love you too, my little pink rose,” you gave him a deep, longing kiss.
It didn’t matter what the others thought or said. It didn’t matter what they did. All that mattered was what you and Souda thought. Souda was here with you. Souda loved you.
And no matter who decided to challenge that, they couldn’t take him away from you.
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dinogoofy · 4 years
Kabal × reader
Flowers for broken hearts
It's an angsty one boys
Ok, just for reference, this is gonna be a really weird timeline, and we're gonna pretend that revenent kabal was revived with Jax, but went straight back to the black dragons, ok? Ok.
Like normal, sexual scenes are implied but not explicit.
TW for violence.
You had always loved mornings, but honestly it was only because of the man you woke up next to each day. 
The birds were tweeting softly from outside the window, and you tried to stretch in the warm, early morning sun, only to find out that you were stuck. 
Your fiancé's warm body was curled around you loosely, still asleep. You smiled, he definitely deserved the rest, especially after last night. You snuggled into Kabal's bare chest, breathing in the scented remnants of the awful Axe cologne he still used. 
Kabal hummed at the movement, holding onto you a bit tighter and nuzzling into your hair. 
"Good 'morning, sunshine." He groggily spoke, rubbing your back up and down as you cuddled close to him. That early morning voice of his never failed to make your heart flutter.
"Good morning, handsome." Kabal smiled, kissing your head. You sighed, content in the warm bed. The fuzzy, happy feeling in your chest blooming as you pressed your face into his neck, lightly kissing his smooth skin. You could feel the rumble in his chest as he faintly chuckled, somehow pulling you even closer to him.
"Tryin' to get me going this early in the morning huh? Such a naughty girl…" You gasped, fake offended as you slapped his chest.
"What? You and I both know you find me irresistible-" You laughed, covering his mouth with your hand and pressing your forehead to his. 
"Oh, shut up! Stop being such a cocky bastard, or I might just stop kissing you all together!" You could feel his smile from underneath your fingers. Before you knew it he had flipped you over on the bed, your back pressed into the cushion as he leaned over you. His loose, long black hair falling around the two of you like a curtain.
"If that's the case, I guess I'll have to start stealing them from you, Dear~" The bubbling laughter in the room was infectious as Kabal pressed kisses to your forehead, nose, cheeks, eyelids, anywhere where he could get really. The fuzzy feeling bloomed once again, and for a moment you were reminded that this was indeed your happy place. You caught his face in your hands with some effort, and pulled him into a soft kiss. 
Kabal eagerly pressed into you, sliding one of his hands up your arm to gently lace with your own hand. What a wonderful way to wake up.
Unfortunately, the soft moment was cut short as His phone started to ring. Kabal broke this kiss for a moment, and heavily sighed. Pressing one last quick kiss to your lips before getting out of bed. You frown at the loss of contact, but didn't refrain from ogling his butt as he stood. 
"My eyes are up here, Babe." Kabal jokes, not even turning back to look at you as he picks up his phone, opening his dresser in the process and grabbing some pants.
"Stryker, whatcha got for me?" It felt like your heart sunk into your stomach upon hearing the name. It was supposed to be Kabal's off-day! The whole reason the two of you had moved to the country just outside of New York City was so Stryker would stop calling kabal into duty so randomly.
You knew how important this job was to Kabal, so you never protested when he did leave. You put up with him during the awful, random merc jobs that he had while working with the black dragon. You couldn't be mad at him for working an extra shift for the station every once in a while.
At least you don't have to worry about that Kano asshole and the black dragon showing up unannounced. You thought. At least there's that.
Kabal let out another heavy sigh as he hung up the phone, running around the room to gather his things in a hurry. He looked worried.
"Is everything alright?" Kabal shook his head as he threw a shirt on. Rushing over to press a kiss to your head.
"Something weird is going on in the city. He mentioned something about Outworld fusing with earthrealm… or something like that. Said I needed to get my ass over there right away." Kabal cupped your face in his hand, running his thumb along your cheekbones in a soothing manner as you frowned.
"Just come back in one piece, ok?" You tried not to let your voice waver as you spoke. Kabal chuckled, leaning down to give you a hug.
"I'll do my best, sweetheart." Your chest tightened as he let go of you to rush out the door.
"I love you." He turned around with a bright smile on his face.
"I love you too." And just like that, he was gone.
It kinda felt like he took your heart with him.
It's been a long time since Kabal walked out on you. It's been rough. The tears, the heartbreak. He hadn't contacted you. No voice-mail, no messages, nothing. You had started to wish that Stryker hadn't even told you that he was alive. But he did. And now all that's left to do is get over him.
That wasn't quite as easy as you thought it would be. 
"Hey kabal, I'm just...calling to check in on you. Call me back soon, alright?"
"It's me again. I know I've been calling your work phone a lot, but I'm really worried."
"Could you please, just- just pick up the phone? Just once? I miss you."
"Our wedding date is- was supposed to be next week. I...I won't be mad if you come back this late… just please, come home."
"It's… *hic* it's me again um… we um… went out tonight. They told me to give it a rest. Heh, but I know this line's still active! Stryker *hic* told me so. He wouldn't lie right?"
"I'm going to stop calling this phone soon. If you can hear this...I… *sigh* nevermind. This is useless. I'm sorry."
After Kabal left, you saved your money and quit your job. Turning the land around your home into a flower farm, you had already lost so much, why not give back to yourself? Your favorite hobby became your favorite job, and soon enough you had made enough money to build a little shop on the property just a little closer to the road. And my oh my, was business booming.
"Hey Mrs.Cameron! How've you been?" Mrs. Lissy Cameron and her wife were once your wedding planners, and then they became your #1 customers when you opened up shop. She smiled at you, and you carefully took the premade bouquet of flowers from her to ring it up on the register. 
"I've been wonderful! Sarah's been asking to come here all week, so I figured we might as well stop by on our way back home." Her wife scoffed, playfully swatting at her.
"Please, we both wanted to drop by. Lissy has been obsessed with your hyacinth bouquets since you did the floral arrangements for Janet's wedding." You giggled sweetly, telling them their total and carefully bagging their flowers. When you looked up to take Lissy's card however, the two of them looked worried.
"Is everything ok?" Sarah sighed at the question, reaching out to take your left hand. Your chest started to squeeze up. 
"You're wearing it again." You solemnly looked down at the ring on your finger. Letting out a curt, sad laugh. You hadn't noticed that you had put it on this morning. You were kinda on autopilot when you woke up after sleeping through your alarm, and had to rush to open up shop. It must've been simply out of habit. It had taken a while to stop wearing it, as it partly carried the hope that he would be back. But he wouldn't be, and you knew that. But every once in a while… 
"I hadn't even realized. Thanks for letting me know." They gave you a pitiful look as you slipped the ring off your finger and set it next to the register. Lissy gave you a soft smile when you finished ringing them up. 
"Hey, Sarah and I were going to get drinks tonight with a few friends. You could tag along if you'd like? I'm sure you'll meet some interesting people." Lissy wiggled her eyebrows at you, and you laughed when Sarah slapped her arm for it. Sarah turned and gave you a soft look.
"You don't have to Honey," She paused. "But it might be good for you to get out of the shop sometime. We barely even see you outside this place." You tried your best to smile at them, but it came out sorta lopsided.
"I'll think about it." Lissy gave your hand a reassuring pat, taking the flowers and waving goodbye as she and Sarah went out the door.
"Take it easy!" You smiled sadly at the words. 
"I'll try." 
Today had been the busiest day you've had in a while, but it felt worth it in the end as you closed up shop. The setting sun casting a warm glow through the many windows. Creating a perfect, calm setting to close everything up. You tidied the flowers that were left over from the day, replaced the water in the vases, even swept. 
You had gone out and turned on the sprinklers for the bushes and blooms outside, coming back inside to mop before you had to run back out again to turn it off and finally, finally turn in for the night. 
The water sloshed around as you set the bucket down to start mopping near the counter. When you stood, your eyes caught on the ring again. 
That stupid, beautiful, ring that never failed to put a damper on you mood. You slowly staggered toward it, gently picking it up in your hands to examine it.
It had always been the most beautiful piece of jewelry you owned, it was a shame that it wasn't used for some other couple. Preferably one that actually worked out in the end. As you traced the outline of it you started to wonder where Kabal was right now. Was he ok? Was he married so soon? Did he have kids? Or maybe he was just dead. You didn't know which one hurt worse.
You sighed. You couldn't keep doing this. You couldn't keep finding it, and thinking about him, and bringing the pain all back to the surface again. You just couldn't. You set the ring back down. Maybe you should take Lissy's offer up. Drink your woes away.
A noise caught your attention, kicking you out of your thoughts. A clay pot rolled across the floor as you looked up.
"Hello?" You called out. No response. You slowly grabbed the bat you kept underneath your counter, and started to creep over to the other end of the shop, walking through the giant, open doorway that separated the sunroom, where the flowers are kept, from the shop.
There didn't appear to be anyone there when you got over that way, and you sighed, relaxing for a second. You leaned down to pick up the pot.
"Gotcha!" Suddenly a pair of arms forcibly wrapped around you. You screamed, and one of the arms suddenly moved from your waist and clutched your throat.
"Keep it down, or I'll fucking kill you." Still panicked, you managed to wrench an arm out of the man's grip and sharply elbow him in the side. He groaned in pain, and the split second he loosened his grip was enough for you to break from his hold and slam the pot down in his head.
He yelped in pain this time. Holding his now bleeding head. You held the bat in both hands now, ready to swing again. 
"Get out of my shop! NOW!" You barked at him. He chuckled in a creepy, unhinged way. Smiling up at you with disgusting yellow teeth and spitting on the floor.
"I'll be damned if any of Kano's bitches tell me what to do!" You couldn't even process the words before he lunged at you again, you tried to dodge swiftly. Unfortunately, he was still able to grab one end of the bat. He used it to yank you closer and knock you to the ground. You desperately tried to push him off as he wrapped his cold, dirty hands around your throat, pushing all of his body weight there. 
You tried to kick at him, but he wouldn't budge. Your nails clawed deep into the skin of his wrist, and even lashing out at his face had no effect. Your eyes started to get teary as you struggled to breath. 
All you could feel was a rush of wind, and the man had been knocked off of you. He was launched into one of your tables of flowers, breaking it in half as he landed. You coughed, gasping for air. Thankful that you could breathe again. You felt so sore, but you still sat up, baffled by the events. 
A new man was standing in between you and the attacker. He was clothed head to toe in frightening, thick gear, fists clenched. You wouldn't have known who it was. Especially not with the mask on his face, but when your eyes settled on the hook swords on his back… 
It couldn't be… 
A scream interrupted your thoughts. The new man holding your attacker up by his neck. He was screaming for forgiveness, for a chance to run. You stood, and the masked man stiffened, dropping the other into the mess once again.
"You've got two minutes to run." The attacker didn't even spare a glance at you before trying to bolt out the front door, slamming into it hard before frantically popping the lock open.
The masked man hadn't looked at you, but you, however, couldn't take your eyes off of him. He started to walk away when you called out for him.
"Kabal?" Your voice broke. He didn't turn back. He kept walking. Fury started to build up in your chest. You stormed over to him, grabbing him by the sheaths on his back. 
"Where do you think you're going?! You come back for two fucking seconds and plan to leave just like that? Without an explanation? Fuck you!" Tears were running down your face now. He stops in his tracks, but doesn't turn around. He calls your name. 
"That guy's gotta grudge against the black dragons-understandably. 'Managed to hack into some old files. He's been hunting down family and friends and killing them on the spot. Had a few 'mercs quit on us Kano gave me the order to kill him." He pauses. "That's the only reason I came back." You didn't flinch at the info that he was back with the dragons, but It felt like your heart shattered a second time when he spoke the last few words. This fucking asshole. you refused to back down. 
"You know that's not the explanation I'm asking for." He didn't respond. But he didn't move either. You stepped in front of him. Looking straight into the eyes of his mask. Tears were still streaming down your face, your hands were shaking, you were so fucking mad, and sad, and destroyed. You almost wished he had been dead. 
"Kabal. Where. The. Fuck. have you been." He sighed, and you couldn't tell if he was making eye contact- or even trying to, through his mask.
"Don't worry about it." You were clenching your hands so hard your nails started to bite into the skin of your palm.
"I swear to God, Kabal. You fucking left me without so much as a note. You're going to tell me why!" 
"I don't have to tell you anything." He pushed past you forcefully, making his way to the door. For a moment you just stood there in shock. What was wrong with him?!
"Excuse me?!" He sighed, walking over to your counter.
"I'm not doing this with you today." You were bubbling with rage, not able to even swallow your sobs. Kabal had stopped at the register, frozen for a moment, and you took that chance to reach out and grab him by the shoulder, forcibly turning him around.
"In case you fucking forgot, our wedding was supposed to be two months after you disappeared on me. Do you know how much that Fucking hurt?! Do you have any idea how much it hurts now, you piece of shit! God just- at least just TELL me why!" Kabal stiffened, and you knew he was starting to become angry. Or maybe he was sad. You couldn't tell. No one spoke for a long moment as you tried to wait for him to respond. He didn't. 
Your watery, angry eyes were glaring at him, and he watched as you walked behind the counter. In a moment of uncontrollable anger, you snatched the ring up and forced it into his hands. His shoulders slumped immediately when he realized what it was.
"Get the fuck out of my shop." Your hands were shaking, your face was still flushed, eyes red from the tears, but you didn't look away from him. He started to call your name, but you interrupted him.
"GET OUT!" Your voice had gone hoarse. Kabal didn't budge. Slowly, very slowly, he reached up to his mask. As he took it off. Your guarded expression immediately faltered.
His face was horribly scarred. You sucked in a breath from pure horror for a second. Burn scars all over his face. You looked at his hands, his neck. He was scarred everywhere. His face twisted in disgust as he analyzed your face.
"You really wanted to know that bad, huh? I left you because I already knew what you would think, what you would say if I came home to you like this." You were almost in shock, tears running down once again as you gently reached over the counter to touch Kabal's face. He flinched for a moment, but let you touch him. 
"What happened?" Your voice shook, horror evident on your face. His face fell for a moment as you touched him, so terribly gently. He hard look in his eye softened.
"What does it matter? I'm horrific." You let out a sad, snarky laugh. Cupping his face with both your hands, caressing his cheekbones just as gently as he did yours the morning he left.
"Don't you remember the night you proposed?" He sucked in a breath, and your hands gently pushed his short hair out of his face before you reeled yourself in. You wouldn't touch him like this. It didn't matter why he left you, he still did it. But even then, your heart ached for him. Damn, you needed to see a therapist.
"I had quit the black dragon. I was asking what you thought of me joining the NYPD." 
"And?" Your voice broke as you struggled to maintain a strict tone.
"...and?" You nodded tearfully, sniffling from all the crying. Kabal kept going. "We talked about my tendency to join violent fields. I… I had asked you if you'd still love me if I came home with bruises every night, just like I had used to." His face started to shift. You already knew he remembered what you were about to say. That flicker of anger started up in your chest as you spoke bitter words.
"I told you that I'd love you no matter how many scars, or bullet holes, or bruises you came home with, as long as you were coming home." Kabal's realization left a devastated look on his face, and no matter how bitter you felt, you couldn't help but reach for his hand. He held your hand back limply.
"...I kinda fucked that one up. Didn't I?" You laughed, a pitiful, angry noise.
"You did." You stopped for a moment. "You did." You felt numb as the words fell into a whisper.
"-But no matter how fucking angry I am, I don't think that statement ever changed, Kabal." He ran his thumbs over your knuckles, avoiding eye contact with you by looking down at them.
"... You'd really still love me after all this? After all the scars, all the time…" You pressed your lips into a line, sighing before squeezing his hand. His eyes started to water as your own began to dry.
"I..." It was difficult to say this. It really was. But you wanted him back. You really did. You wanted to give him that second chance. You wanted those sleepy mornings and the pillow talk and the awful food he cooks. You missed him so fucking much.
"It's gonna take a while, and certainly some couple's therapy, but Kabal…" You held his cheek again, lifting his head to look at you. You looked into his eyes and bit back what you were originally going to say. Letting out a pitiful laugh at yourself before doing your best to wipe that look from his face. You didn't owe him anything, but you saw an opportunity and took it.
"... I wouldn't mind seeing that ass in the morning again." Kabal was taken off guard for a moment, and you felt triumphant. He erupted in wonderful, happy laughter. Pulling you close from across the counter and kissing your forehead.
"How could I say no to that?"
"Kabal, weren't you supposed to take care of that one guy?" 
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fruitymimi · 4 years
Free Bird 3 - Keigo Takami x Reader
free bird masterlist
endeavor calls keigo to his office to tell him important information and keigo couldn’t be happier.
pairing: keigo takami x GN!reader
warnings: yandere themes, mentions of trauma/abuse
a/n: THIS FINALLY TAKES PLACE IN CURRENT TIME LMAO. sorry this chapter is so short! i wanted to get something out before i got out of my lunch break, part 4 should be out soon!! hopefully today? idk don’t quote me on that but thank you guys for the support! <3
word count: 1676
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As ridiculous as it sounds, Keigo still thought of Y/N everyday. He’d never gotten to say goodbye to them, so to Keigo, their relationship never ended! In Keigo’s mind, that was still his soulmate, still his partner, even when they moved to America because of All Might believing they would thrive under a Western hero’s training. Just a bunch of bullshit. 
He saved himself for them. He’d never kissed anyone, never slept with anyone, never thought anyone was as gorgeous as Y/N. To be fair, Keigo didn’t get the “privilege” of being Endeavor’s definition of independent until he was 21. Even if he became a pro long before that. 
But now, Keigo’s life was a little less monitored. He lived in a penthouse, of course Endeavor owned the building it was in. Endeavor always told him certain rules he had to follow, but Keigo always got a bit testy with him by replying with something that was smart-assy. 
Endeavor wasn’t fond of the way Keigo spoke to him most of the time, but now that Keigo was known by the public eye, he couldn’t risk the winged-hero telling the press about the conditions the hero commission had him living in for most of his life, all the mistreatment they tried to mask it by saying, “It’s just hero training!”
And Keigo wasn’t fond of the way Endeavor treated him, but, when Keigo actually thought about it, he had nowhere to go. He didn’t have anywhere to call home. He damn sure wasn’t going back to his parents, hell, he wasn’t even sure if they were alive. 
Countless times he’d thought about what would happen if he ended up asking Endeavor if he could see them just one more time, but Keigo couldn’t bring himself to care enough about their well-being to even consider having the conversation with him. He knew he was supposed to feel bad, but he couldn’t. 
Each time he tried to feel pity for his parents, he remembered that they were lied to by Endeavor & the hero commission and ended up just giving their child up for free, not getting a single paycheck for their kid. It was funny to him. They thought they were going to be filthy rich, but ended up being a couple of nobodies who were now child-less, possibly homeless, possibly deceased, who knows? He wished nothing but guilt onto them, he wanted them to feel what he felt his entire life. 
Endeavor couldn’t deny his feelings, either. It wasn’t many, but there were times where he wanted to pull-out of the deal with Keigo’s parents and let the man live a normal childhood, much like he deserved, but at the end of the day, Endeavor wouldn’t even do that for his own children. Why would he do it for Keigo?
He’d often find himself thinking about this, thinking about how different Keigo would be had he not stepped into his life. That’s how he ended up here, seated on his desk as he waited for Keigo to come knocking at his door. 
He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of something thumping against his office’s window. He turned his head, only to be greeted by Keigo standing at the glass door on the office’s balcony. 
Endeavor looked up at him, startled. “Keigo..” he mumbled, standing up to unlock the glass door. Endeavor blinked as he watched Keigo walk into his office. “Why didn’t you come in through the door?”
Keigo brushed off his jacket, shrugging. “I had a nice lunch, decided that I could work off the calories by flying in.” Keigo said to him, clicking his tongue. Keigo walked over to Endeavor’s desk, sitting down in his big, leather spinny chair.
Endeavor furrowed his brows, closing the door. “Whatever. Takami. You know how I feel about you sitting in my seat—“
“Yeah, yeah. How long have you known me, Number One? I’m here on time, so just tell me what you called me here for. I’m a busy man, I’ve got important things to do.” He spun around in the chair, bending his head back to keep eye contact with Endeavor. 
Endeavor sighed deeply, sitting down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Anyways,” he leaned in. He knew what he was about to say was a terrible decision. Of course, it was one made by Endeavor. “Do you remember your training days?”
Keigo blinked, tilting his head. He almost had a look of annoyance. “‘Do you remember your training days?’ Of course I do. Did you think I forgot any of it?” He mocked Endeavor.
Endeavor bit down on his lip. “Well… do you remember Y/N?” Endeavor asked Keigo.
 Oh, boy…
How could Keigo ever forget?
He had multiple videos of them saved on his phone while they were on TV interviews, he kept up with them as if he was their #1 fan… in a way he was? 
Every night he heard about them being on TV, he’d stay up until he couldn’t keep his eyes open just so he could hear their smooth voice. He remembers the night where their hero costume was revealed, he was practically drooling in front of his TV. He’d replay the videos countless times during his night shift, too. He’d have their voice ringing through his airpods while he was on patrol. 
He was so happy for them when they were announced the #3 hero, of course, they were beaming on the screen and Keigo could have sworn he saw a twinkle in their eyes. He remembers them thinking they couldn’t become a top hero with their “stupid quirk”, though Keigo always believed in them and didn’t allow them to talk down about themselves.
He couldn’t go to sleep unless he rewatched at least an hour's worth of content. He could replay them in his head word for word, he never got sick of seeing the same ones, hearing the same stupid podcast. 
He’d listen to their voice to calm down after a hard day at work. He would use them as therapy, as an escape. Keigo would no doubt consume fan content if he wasn’t absolutely disgusted by their fans. They’d sexualize them, speak about them in ways that only he was allowed to. In his mind, Keigo was the only one who was allowed to think of them in that way. 
That wasn’t it, no, no. Keigo would constantly daydream about the day they would be with him. He’d fantasize about what his lips would feel like pressed against their skin, against their—
Keigo stopped spinning in the chair, gripping the armrests. “Yeah. ‘Course. I remember the day you took the love of my life away from me, too.” 
“They weren’t dating you.”
“Just get on with what you were saying, Endeavor. If you’re gonna talk about what you did and why you did it, I’m all ears.” 
Endeavor for once was debating with himself. He had a conversation with All Might about this, and Toshinori of course disagreed with him. 
“Endeavor. All I’m saying is he can’t handle seeing them again. You can’t just let him be the one who shows them around because you’re too busy. Why do you think we’ve avoided this for years?”
“You’re the one who told them they could come back to Japan. I didn’t say that! If they move back, nothing is going to stop that boy from finding them. And that’s. Your. Fault.”
“My fault?! Last time I checked, I didn’t groom Keigo into being a hero. I’m doing my job as Y/N’s mentor. You’re the one who has a track record of being a shitty authority figure.” 
“...Why can’t you help them settle in? They’re your student. Are you not capable of being All Might anymore?”
“Oh, so you’re trying to be funny? You know if I were to do it, I wouldn’t be able to protect them if something happened. You know this, Endeavor.”
“Whatever. He can’t be that mental anymore.” 
Endeavor took in a breath, looking up at Keigo. “They're coming back to Japan. I need you to help them settle in. You know, show them around town, help them move into their new home..”
Endeavor could see Keigo’s wings flutter at the sound of that. He cursed himself for not listening to All Might, but he couldn’t just agree with Toshinori as stubborn as he was. You’d never catch Endeavor agreeing with anything the former number 1 hero had to say. He’s always held too much resentment to allow himself to agree with anything his said. His fragile pride was too strong.
Keigo blinked a couple times, his eyes going wide. “You’re… serious?” Keigo asked him, sinking into the chair. He didn’t know how to feel, his palms got all sweaty and his cheeks grew pink. “Don’t joke with me, Endeavor.”
“I’m not joking. Toshinori can’t do it, if someone targets them, he’d be useless. I’m going to be busy,” doing absolutely nothing, “and you’re the next best hero. So I trust you.” Bad idea. 
Keigo nodded his head. “I can do it! When… When am I gonna see them?” he asked, placing his hands on the desk in front of him.
“Tomorrow. Their flight comes in tomorrow at 12 PM. But Keigo, we need to have a talk.” Endeavor folded his hands on his lap, leaning in to make eye contact with him.
Keigo rolled his eyes, looking at the man. “What? A talk about what? What could we possibly talk about other than their arrival? Unless you’re going to apologize.” Keigo asked him. He just wanted to know more about tomorrow, he didn’t give a shit about whatever Endeavor had to say.
“You know what? Nevermind. Be at the airport by 11 AM, don’t lose them.”
Keigo smiled, standing up from the seat. He straightened his jacket. “I’ll tell you how it goes, Enji.” He said to him, moving onto the window. 
Endeavor watched as the man flew off. 
What has he done?
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Vampire pertwee x reader my love
Notes: reader is a recarnation of jon his past wife takes place during 2021 the pandemic never happend au
Prompt line : 51. I thought you died (alone a long long time ago).
Tag: @watermonkeystuff
Warnings : mention of blood, murder and death
Words: 1920
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The life of a vampire can be lonely specaly in a big cold castle. But that changed when he met you, you came at his door wounded, bleeding and close to passing out from the bloodloss.
"Excuse me sir but could you please perhaps help me i was atacked by some robbers they took everything and killed my horse" she was swaying on her feet
"Of course" the tall man said "tell me whats your name ?"
"My name is y/n and i came from (your home town)"
"My goodness thats far away please come in then i can take a look at your wounds".
"Thank you" she started to sway even more with eatch step
"Let me carry you, you clearly arn't able to walk up the stairs"
"Thanks sir"
"Please call me jon" The man picked her up And brought her to one of the many rooms.
That was the night he met you changed him forever
The day he lost you was one of the days he lost his happiness.
You had gone to the market that day to get food for dinner when there was an atack and got slain in the battle it was absolutly horible, you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Jon was absolutly heart broken about the news he got, the men who had killed you left the town and flet, he felt anger to those men and went in search. When jon found them he kiled the men he took plesure in their screams of agony as they lay dying on the pavement of the coblestone road. After that he swore to never kill anyone ever again simply because you would have wanted that.
That was 150 years ago.
Jon had viseted your grave many times after your death, he took care of the plants and brought new flowers everytime the old once had died. "Oh i miss you so mutch my darling, no words can say how mutch i miss you, i just wish that i was there to protect you" he brushed his hand over the beautyfull headstone engraved with your name and a tiny little portrait.
Jon had a broach that was decorated with locks of your hair (that was costume to do back in the day when people were mourning a loved one) he had it pinned on he his white blouse just above his heart, jon dint look out of place of course he stil lived in the old castle and somethimes enjoyed to wear his old outfit but he needed to get with the times he had no Idea what those little boxes were that people used what were they called again? Phones or something.... nevermind he thought
"Thill next time my dear y/n"
He stood up And left your grave, When jon walked out of the cemetery he walked right trough the park, he was looking around at people relaxing and playing until his eyes fell on a woman who sat under a big willow tree that was near the lake, she wore a long back summer dress had (your color and lenght hair) next to her lay a summer hat and in her lap was a sketch book.
Jon took a second good look at her he wasn't dreaming the woman looked exactly like you , it was rude to stare he knew that but he just could't take his eyes off you, he was thinking should i aproace her or not? He srugged and went to her. The woman looked up at the sound of somone walking up to her.
"Hello miss i saw you sitting all alone drawing and i was wondering if you would mind me sitting here with you"
"Oh not at all please sit down"
"Thank you, tell me what are you drawing?"
"I saw a few birds sitting in the tree and i got some insperation to draw them "
"May i see it?"
"Sure" she handed him the book
"It looks amazing mind if i look through the book?"
"Not at all go ahead"
"My my you quite got the talent miss?"
"Oh y/n y/l/n" she held out her hand
"Jon, jon pertwee" he shook her hand
"Nice to meet you jon, tell me have we met before? You look familiar".
"Umm no? I don't think so" of course he knew that they met before you had the exact same name as his wife.
"Oh what a shame I really could have sworn i have seen you before"
"Its fine, tell me dear are you perhaps intresed in taking a walk? "
"Sure why not" y/n put her stuff in a bag and hung it over her shoulder and put the hat on her head.
Jon grabed her arm and leaded the way "tell me y/n What do you do in your daily life?"
"Wel i have a job that im working for and some studdys inbetween"
"Ah i see, what about hobbies?"
"Oh i enjoy drawing in my free time and love music"
"Oh lovely, i had a wife who enjoyed the same hobbies as you"
"Yes unfortanetly she past away some years ago"
"Im sorry to hear that, i bet that the time she spent with you were some of her best"
"Yeah i hope so she was the light of my life, Anyway miss y/n would you like to come with me i really Would love to hear more about you and see more of your art"
"Sure why not " y/n started to pack her things,
Y/n wasn't afraid of him for some reason the felt save with him "so tell me where do you live jon?"
"Wel do you know the old land house up on the Hill outside of town?
"Oh yes i do, sinds a young age i felt drawn to the place even if i have never been inside there"
"Do you have the feeling that its familiar to you in one way ?"
"Now you say so yes i do, i had a dream once that i was inside the house reading infront of the fireplace and then a pair of arms wraped around me and huged me close it was very comforting"
"Hmm strange oh wel, Ah it looks like we are here" Jon opend the door and let her in
Y/n gasped it was exactly like her dream a coutch infront of the fireplace a rug lay on the floor embroidery with flowers, red curtans and beautyfull paintings, what caught her eye was one particular painting wich hangs next to the window, it was one painting of a woman in a victorian dress her hair fell in curly locks over her shoulder and her eyes looked at her.
"She looks just like me"
"That was my wife her name was (your full name) she was the love of my life until she got killed by some robbers"
"When did she die?"
Jon sighed and looked down sadly "she died (your birthdate) in 1871"
Y/n looked at him in shock "hold on somthing is not adding up here, you said she died in 1871 but its now 2021 thats 150 years ago????, what are you?!"
Jon looked up in embaresment "wel the true is that im a vampire i have been alive for over 300 years now"
Y/n was backing away but stoped in her tracks when she got an other vision "Oh my god!"
"Whats wrong? "
"I saw her again and you were there, you took her in she was wounded you took care of her"
"Y/n do you believe in recarnation?"
"When were you born?"
"(Your birthdate) why"
"Because its the exact same month and day that she died but its more than 100 years apart"
"It al makes sens now the visions, the feeling to be drawn to this place seing you in some of my dreams but with blury face my goodness"
"Y/n i hope its not weird but i would love to get to know you better if you don't mind that "
"No of course i wouldn't mind i just need time" she softly smiled
"Are you feeling scared?"
"No not at all i feel really save so save i have never been in my entire life"
"Come with me i want to show you something" jon softly grabed her hand and took her upstairs, they both stoped at a door "this was my wife her bedroom before we got married, i havn't been in here for a long time". He opened the door and they both were greated by a big canopy bed made up with silk (favorite color) sheets
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"You can stay here as long as you like y/n, in the closet are some of her dresses they might fit you"
"Thanks jon, is it alright if i look around?"
"Sure dear go ahead, dinner wil be ready in an hour"
"Alright thanks " she smiled once jon was gone y/n started to look around, she aproched the wooden closet that stood against the wall once she opend it She was greated by dresses in all kind of difrent colors and materials " oh my gosh" she wispered she took some of them out the closet
but what was weird to her is that the clothes din't add up with the time line because there were some clothes from the 1880s 1890s and 1900s thill 1910s in there "hmm thats weird oh wel never mind a dress is a dress after all" she took a dress from the late 1880s and a pair of shoes and started to undress
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Y/n was suprised with how well it fitted the corset wasn't to tight and she could move freely "it must be faith" she giggled "now lets see what els there is to find"
Y/n aproched the desk that stood in the corner of the room, she sat down in the chair and opend one of the drawers and was greated by art suplise "oh wow" she opend an other one and in there wer some hard cover books y/n grabed one and opend it, it was a portrait of jon then y/n remembered a dream she had once but the thing is that it wasn't a dream but a memory she sat in the garden sketching jon while he sat in the shadows reading a book.
"I really am the rencarnation, my love" she wispered
An hour went by and y/n went down stairs for dinner
"Ah my dear do you Enjoy your new room?"
"Oh its absolutly perfect i love it thank you"
"Its alright dear, now come on lets get dinner i bet that you are starving"
"Jon i got a question"
"What if im in deed a rencarnation of your late wife what then?"
"Then i wil make you imortal so that we could live together forever"
She looked at him '"jon c.. can i kiss you?"
"Of course"
Y/n stood on her tiptoes and placed her lips on his, memories from her past life came back to her "Oh my God i remember everything"
"I thought you died A long long time ago" jon cried softly
"I did but i got a second chance and i promice that this time it Wil be forever"
"Glad to know that dear" he huged her "now comeone lets have dinner"
And both of them knew now that no matter what they will be there for echoter the end
I hope you enjoyed reading 😊
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   ( NEVERMIND. I found Eddie’s stats luckily saved. So gonna post again just in case;; under the cut for length. )
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FULL NAME: Edward “Eddie” Sanderson
STATUS: sporadic activity.  
HEIGHT: smol Pixie Prince - in human form - I’d say about 6 ft, maybe.
EYE COLOR: Amethyst; blood red when angered.
HAIR COLOR: Black.  
                                     THE FACTS-
NAME DAY: ( going by Edward ) March 18th.
OCCUPATION: Pixie Prince; therapist to most who seek it.
ALIGNMENT: A very fine thin line between Chaotic Neutral & Chaotic Evil.
CRIMINAL HISTORY: Nothing too big in the main verse; just keeps trying to take over Fairy World, taken a baby clown child to raise as his own son for his & his uncle’s plans. AU - basically hinting towards the idea of Sanderson killing H.P. with help & finally taking over Pixie world as his own rightful birthright. Then slowly plans to take over Fairy World once things fall into place. Opps. Did I say too much? 
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: It’s complicated.
FAVORITE FOOD: Saffron Risotto, Lobster; other Italian dishes, but the Saffron Risotto is his main favorite.  
FAVORITE DRINK: Red Decadence Chocolate Wine
FAVORITE SCENT: the smell of fear -Does that count? Then I guess cherry blossoms & lavender.
FAVORITE PERSON: Isn’t it obvious? He likes to pick on Cosmo.
                    RANDOMS -  ten facts about your muse:
1. ) Unlike the other Pixies, Sanderson is by far from boring. He just dumbs it down when in the presence of others & his uncle, H.P.
2. ) Edward has the tendency to do physical harm to himself if he’s having a bad day unless he can find another outlet; pain is usually something else that calms him down. He’s just an impatient spoiled pixie baby who’s waiting for H.P to finally retire & give up his job title.
3. ) When not running errands for his uncle, Sanderson has a side job on his hands - taking the role of a therapist for different species, not just magic folk.
4. ) He absolutely despises most fairies. He’s only very slowly coming around towards Cosmo.
5. ) nsfw hc- Sanderson will dominate in any way possible. Magic is also on his side, so expect some changes. He’s also a rough partner, but he appreciates cuddles afterwards.
6. ) Like the fairies, Pixie’s wings are also sensitive. He might not show very much emotion, but if someone touches his wings, he becomes very relaxed & might be affectionate towards that person depending on the situation.  
7. ) Eddie doesn’t like to feel emotions. But he enjoys the sight of others showing them. He tends to take it as a sign of weakness in a way.  
8. ) Sanderson’s favorite color is - have you guessed it? Blood red. Dunno what it is about it, he just becomes very docile at the sight of it.
9. ) Sanderson never really wanted to become a fairy godparent like H.P. supposedly wants to. He just followed in his uncle’s footsteps. Sure, he might want the power to grant wishes, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to be recognized as something he despises. It’s all apart of the plan of corporate take over, then world domination. For him, anyway.
10. ) He might have a cold, cruel outlook, but really, Sanderson is just a pixie wanting to stand out from the crowd, have some support on his side & might secretly want that special someone who actually cares enough to show never ending love towards him.
5 GOOD HABITS- Neat & Clean, Gives off a polite attitude towards authority, Listens to orders & carries things out in a timely manner, Shows ‘care’ towards his patients & documents everything that’s been said. He’s an early bird most of the time.
5 BAD HABITS- tends to become angry & agitated when things don’t go his way; he only really shows it when he’s alone.  Has an obsessive behavior, likes to occasionally tick his uncle off by making small noticeable changes towards his wardrobe one item at a time.  Talking/humming to himself Being overly critical/argumentative
5 FEARS- Losing someone he personally cares about, whether he acknowledges it or not., Catagelophobia - fear of being ridiculed ( not a strong fear, but close enough ), Athazagoraphobia - fear of being forgotten or ignored, Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces, Losing money; magic shortages.
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fluffyglass · 3 years
I have lost all sense of reality
Season 1
Mr. Grumpy appears in 39 episodes of Season 2.
In 7 of these episodes does he do something wrong.
Season 2
Mr. Grumpy appears in 44 episodes of Season 2.
In 8 of these episodes does he do something wrong.
Mr. Grumpy does something wrong in 15 out of the 83 episodes he appears in, which is 18%. Counting my 10 unsures bumps him up to 25/83, which is 30%.
Mr. Grumpy is a super weird character to rank, as he's justifiably annoyed by pretty much everyone around him; this, however, makes me feel bad to consider him an asshole in any episode because he's beaten down by the world until he snaps. So, take everything I say here with a grain of salt.
The one thing I'll always count against him though is if he ever threatens Mr. Tickle with bodily harm because believe me he does that A LOT
Yellow - Mr. Grumpy does nothing wrong
Red - Mr. Grumpy does something wrong
Pink - idk lol
Flying - Just doing his job
Music - he's just kinda there lmao
Physical - man nobody even DOES anything in the early episodes
Farm - He gets so hilariously close to saying fuck in this episode its ridiculous. Anyways he's a dick to everyone trying to help him
Lake - barely there
Mall - what the fuck even was that segment
Birthday - I actually had to watch pretty much the entire episode for this one. He just wants to chill on his own the entire time and everyone else just . does not listen. Please just let him vibe
Boats - barely in it
Superstore - Threatens Mr. Tickle with bodily harm
Books - just sellin his book don't mind him
Camping - he just. cannot eat outside in peace
Science - fuck you Miss Daredevil
Fish - Blames Mr. Bump for splashing when he is . fucking dying
Paint - what the fuck even just happened. I guess he ran over Mr. Bump but it was presumably unintentional and. nsbdANSDMADF WHY ARE THEY CUBED
Construction - He was barely in it and then got fucking mauled at the end
Jobs - yep he sure is there I guess
Trains - Yeah he once again sure is there
Hobbies - he's kinda mean to Mr. Scatterbrain but he's Mr. Scatterbrain so
Fair - this show is so stupid
Dance - It's justifiable that he'd complain about the noise but like. Dude. It's a dance studio. Why am I defending Mr. Noisy again
Amusement Park - Threatens Mr. Tickle with bodily harm, then tickles him after he said he was gonna be sick :(
Adventure - almost dies
Dillydale Day - he's barely in it and all he does is insult the performance
Games - y'know how I said this show was stupid? This is another example of that but in a good way
Hotel - I had to watch this one twice cause I have no fucking idea what to do with it. Like. He's kind of a dick to everyone and barely does his actual job but like. r., what the fcl./??????? also he pushes Mr. Tickle over at some point yeah I'm counting this one
Chores - he's just chillin and then dies
Snow - this segment is fucking hilarious but that's just cause Stubborn's in it lmao anyways he's fine ig
Wildlife - just kinda there
Restaurants - this show is so stupid . again
Gardens - oh how I hate this fucking episode - forced myself to rewatch it, he doesnt do SHIT WRONG AND THESE FUCKERSSADASKDKJDFJKJKADFJKSCVCDVDJKLFKLF IM SO FUCKIGN MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cars - Miss Sunshine is nothing but courteous the entire time and Mr. Grumpy does nothing but fucking complain is this the reckoning we get after the disaster that is Gardens
Ships - Threatens Mr. Tickle with bodily harm
Cooking - Roasts the shit out of Miss Naughty but she deserved it so it's okay
Collecting - just kinda there
Sleep - Yeahhhhh uhhh he kinda sent Mr. Strong to his "death" and didn't really. give a shit. soooooooooo oh yeah also hes kinda just mean to everyone the entire time hes just a dick
Carwash - he's trying his best also GAY ICON EPISODE
Sightseeing - yeah
The Dark - yeah again
Picnics - he's just kinda there
Outer Space - again he's just kinda there
Clean Teeth - Threatens Mr. Tickle with bodily harm
Airports - He's kinda just trying to stop Mr. Stubborn from committing a copious amount of crimes
Shoes - quits a performance right in the middle for no fucking reason ?
Arts and Crafts - he's just trying his best
Game Shows - just kinda there
Garages - this show is so stupid
Toys - this show is still so stupid also Mr. Nervous said among us and I screamed
Reptiles - isn't this just Cars again? but this time he's slightly more of an asshole considering he tries to get Miss Sunshine to ignore Mr. Lazy. The only good part of this bit is Martin
Hats - Tried to get Mr. Happy to ignore the other hat contest contestants so he could win, but he does share his prize at the end, so idk man
Robots - I have absolutely no fucking clue
Up and Down - bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Dining Out - Threatens Mr. Tickle with bodily harm
Gifts - just kinda there
Sun and Moon - yep
Telephone - the whole fucking dillydale invaded his house wtf!!
Washing & Drying - Threatens Mr. Tickle with bodily harm
Sneezes & Hiccups - If I had a nickel for every Mr. Grumpy segment that was only funny because Mr. Stubborn was in it I'd have six nickels. I could buy a soda with that if it was 50 years ago
Fruit - Managed to be bribed with . fruit
Radio - bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Supermarket - i fucking hate this show I dont care enough to rewatch this one
Cinema - I'm so tired
Getting Around - I am still tired
Clocks - this episode is ass
Post Office - I am still, in fact, tired
Dance, Dance, Dance - I'm not tired anymore this episode bangs
Pirates - I'm tired again
Goo - Threatens Mr. Tickle with bodily harm
Trains & Planes - I am going to fall asleep
Out to Sea - I am asleep. also he ignores Mr. Quiet the entire time and doesn't acknowledge Miss Scary pretty much saving his life but hhhhhhhhhhhhhhbnbnvnvbb i am too tired to care at this point
Next Door - still asleep
Lunch - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Machines - this isn't as painfully boring as Mr. Happy was but it's pretty close
Home Improvement - asleep again
Bath and Bubbles - still asleep
Sand and Surf - I am up to 8 nickels at this point
Parks - Mr. Grumpy is so much more boring than I rememebred AND YEP THREATENED MR TICKLE WITH BODILY HARM
Surprises - I refuse to watch this episode again
Bad Weather - and I am now once again asleep
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vancilocs · 3 years
The weather had been miserable all week, perhaps longer - felt like the days melded together when on the road, and you could barely distinguish night from day for how thick the cloud cover was and how heavily laid the foggy dew on the forest floor. He hadn’t avoided rain, either, and discomfort was now a constant rather than an unwelcome visitor, weighing him down further on top of the mournful sky and his own heavy thoughts.
He had hoped to have seen him, come across him by some accident or miracle, deliberately choosing his route to pass through his usual haunts and places he knew he’d like. To no avail. Wherever Goose had gone, Elk didn’t know, and finding him when he didn’t wish to be found seemed like an impossible task under the weary conditions. He was stubborn, Elk knew that, but how stubborn could he be? To what point? It was no time of year to live under the elements, Goose would know that, but how far would he push himself to prove a point he likely didn’t know himself? It was unusual, and it was worrying, as the man Elk had grown to know and love was nothing apart from an easygoing, loving fool - as crude as it sometimes felt to say, a fool was an apt descriptor, something Goose himself had accepted graciously many years past. Yet now it had taken on a more negative flavor.
It had begun in his typical manner, grabby hands digging through sand and cliffside nooks for interesting things, something to keep him busy and engaged while Elk was on his long assignments through the woodland and unable to keep him company. The things he found were harmless - mostly, as there had been a time Elk had returned home to a man picking sea urchin spines off his hand - and mere trinkets in nature. Seashells, dried starfish, shiny rocks that lost their luster when they dried and were demoted to decoration in the small garden he tried cultivating. No wonder a large, intricate, beautiful conch had seized his attention so. Seized all of it, to the point he had picked it over his husband.
And now he was somewhere out there, no doubt still digging through sand and every nook and cranny he could find along the coast, conch on his hip in its pouch, alone. Was he cold? He was probably hungry. Even that thought felt like a piece stuck in Elk’s throat, and he couldn’t even entertain the darker ones of a miserable fate lurking at the edge of his consciousness.
He hadn’t seen Goose in over a week.
He had no idea where he was - and even the last sighting of the man was far away, a glimpse before he had disappeared into the coastline caverns. Elk tended to the hearthfire, kept the house warm and food on the table in anticipation that he’d return before nightfall, but by the third day the anticipation had turned to bitter worry in his mouth and even with the fireplace roaring, he had felt cold. He couldn’t stay in the house, waiting for days on end, he had duties to attend to. It was with a heavy heart he had left, the house remaining still and dark, awaiting his return. Goose had a key, it was his home after all, and all Elk could hope for was that he hadn’t simply moved further and further along the coast, never to return.
But he was returning now, hours after sundown, emerging from the mist of the silent forest to the coast. The gentle lapping of the waves against the rocks felt welcoming, almost, the faint smell of salt refreshing, but into the slight sting of salt another scent scattered into, turning Elk’s attention to the small, yet cozy hut near the edge of the forest. He’d built it with his own hands years ago, made it into a home for himself and his beloved. And now, as quiet and still it sat, a thin strip of smoke rose from the chimney and drifted in the night wind.
Quietly, hopefully, he rose the short stairs to the porch, cracking open the unlocked door, pushing it open as it gave way with only a slight whinge. He was greeted with a silent warmth, only lit by the dying embers in the fireplace. It took a moment to get his eyes used to the darkness.
Crumbs on the table, empty bowl near the washbasin, water ladle left on the barrel’s crooked lid, a cabinet door left ever so slightly open and a stool pushed in front of the counter for a shorter individual to reach for the dried bread. Yet an empty bed, save for a single, worn, once hand-stitched shoulder bag tossed in the middle. Elk stared at it - and felt a cold sting of something nefarious stare back. The man who snuck in as the sun set and ate his first proper meal in over a week surrendered his own bed to a lousy, spiny, sharp seashell, its aura malignant and dominating, making the hairs at Elk’s neck stick up in offense. But the shell wasn’t his priority now.
On the bear fur laid in front of the ever-dimming fireplace was the small form of a man, loosely curled up on his side, salt-crusted and damp cloak wrapped over him, facing the warmth and sound asleep. Carefully, aware of the noise his armor could make, Elk stepped forward and knelt besides Goose. For a moment it didn’t even seem like the man was breathing, so shallow were his breaths and so little was his side rising with every intake, but there he was, alive. Elk removed one vambrace, heavy glove as well, brushing his fingers ever so gently across Goose’s cheekbone. Sharp, sharper than before, and the shadows under his eyes were never so deep even if Goose had always carried with him an aura of perpetual wear, giving him a wily, sinister look.
He reacted to the touch, drawing in a slightly deeper breath, but moved no further, even as Elk took his hand to his hair. Unwashed, unbrushed, knotted at the neck. The salt had clung to Goose deeper than just on the edges of his cloak and his boots, now the wear of the road had brought up wide swaths of silver on his temples which made him look even more worn and aged. Grey was nothing new to Elk, either - they had joked about it in the earlier years, how the constant worry had brought on the salt in his hair - but it was new on Goose, and the sheer speed at which it had gathered worried Elk even more.
He got on his feet, carefully, moving to the opposite side of the hut to remove his armor to avoid waking Goose - knowing him, a good night’s sleep had been scarce recently, and he didn’t want him to awake for no reason. With his armor removed, he slipped into clean, comfortable home clothes, placed a few more logs into the fireplace to keep it going through the night and turned to the ominous baggage on the bed.
“Listen here”, he almost hissed through clenched teeth. “I don’t like you, and you don’t like me. But you’re in my house, and will abide by my rules.”
It felt stupid to talk so to an inanimate object, but he had long known there was something more to the seashell, something alive and sinister. No more words spared, he grabbed the bag’s handle, slowly lifting the shell off the bedding and moving it across the room to the dinner table, placing it so it was deliberately as much covered as possible. The conch didn’t like him touching it, much less handling it so, but Elk wished he had avoided whatever wrath it could incur by not technically directly touching it. At least for tonight.
And then he carefully walked to the bear rug and as gently as possible slipped his hands under Goose’s sleeping self, lifting him off the hard floor and into his arms. Gods, he was light - he was too light, he had always been diminutive in stature but Elk’s guesses of him not being able to eat properly must have been right. He felt fragile in Elk’s arms, cold and weak, mumbling something in protest but not opening his eyes. It was like returning a fallen baby bird back into its nest, almost, as Elk placed Goose into their bed, carefully pulled a blanket over his body and himself laid down next to him, taking the man into an embrace as if to warm him up with his own body heat. Held tightly against him Goose felt even bonier, his elbows sticking into Elk’s ribs, his hands cold against his but still Elk felt a feel of relief wash over him - Goose was home, at least, he was home and he was warm and he was fed, and without argument or cold shoulder. All Elk could do now was hold him close for as long as he could, was allowed to.
“Hun”, he heard a quiet mumble.
“Shh”, said Elk back. “Just rest. Just rest, beloved.” Goose didn’t struggle in his hold but turned his head ever so slightly, eye open just enough for Elk to see a dim glint of gold. “Where’s the-” Goose began.
“On the table. Nevermind it. Rest.”
And he did. Not leaning into Elk’s embrace but accepting it, falling back into a restless sleep.
And as the morning rose, so did Elk, alone. The fire was fed, half a loaf of bread was missing, and the table empty. Whenever Goose had left, he had done so without a word, with his personal devil firmly by his side and no doubt guiding him to a purpose Elk couldn’t allow.
How far would this go?
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