#then some of u have the argument of 'this is not real art u just add a filter i could do that that toošŸ˜'
mothslimes Ā· 4 months
can i be honest...? i don't give a shit if my fanfic gets used for ai find actual problems
#mik talks#most common concerns ive seen thus far are just THEYRE REPLACING HUMAN ARTISTS WITH AI! and PEOPLE WILL LOSE THEIR JOBS!#which like#yeah. every industry gets automated sooner or later.#this just proves my point that art should be separated from profit#if you dont want to engage with generative art in the future (if that even becomes a thing) then just... dont watch mainstream shit?#like. this comes from someone who used generation tools regularly back when it was very much identifiable.#some of you guys have an actual allergic reaction to everything ai and its so embarrassing#like the whole mr j thing. u guys were so cringe im not sorry.#theres actual shit that can have impact. shit like deepfakes. but i promise you the ethical concerns are not about if ur supernatural mpreg#is 100000% actual real legit human written!!!!!!!!!#this sounds like people freaking out about losing their painting jobs after photography became a thing and ykw? painting is still around#and its no longer all about money which is a GOOD THING.#becasue it allows for more creative expression#idk i just think *artists are losing their jobs!* to be a stupid argument. because um well. well i simply dont think people should have to#draw to eat and be safe....sorry......#ur getting mad at the wrong guy here. some of those industries you worked for were never your friend in the first place#so you getting mad at ai for stealing ur jobs is barking up the wrong tree. missing the point.#like getting mad at machines for stealing ur mechanic jobs..or idk#anyway#also some of you are so fucking stupid if you actually want stricter copyright laws. you do realize thats gonna make all those fanworks you#love illegal right.....................#copyright protects no one but rich people
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astrologicalsstuff Ā· 1 year
Astrology observations
Another one I think this is 3
Back at it again with the astrology observation again please donā€™t take my ideas I actually work so hard to come up with these concepts
Capricorn placements are so funny I swear to god. They are underrated in this regard because they donā€™t make a lot of jokes but they always have the perfectly timed dry humor that is just so funny. They can make giving you a real talk so funny because they just make everything else seem so dumb.
Idfk who said libras were balanced under developed these people are so selfish itā€™s like whatever their version of balance isā€¦
Virgo women can get really caught up with trying to be the ā€œperfectā€ or ideal women. They struggle the most with self image issues.
Pisces placementsā€¦ Iā€™m so sorry and I never speak in absolutes but spirituality community service or art is really the best manifestation. If you have Pisces sun or moon you have to learn to be in service of something or you can lose your sanity pretty easily and you may not be able to tell. Pisces is a karmic sign that has debts to pay. Maybe you donā€™t have to be the most selfless person because that doesnā€™t always do Justice but you have to learn to devote yourself to something or you could be susceptible to mentali ilness, alcoholism, depression, or drug abuse.
Scorpio mars anger is so real my little sister has this and she always bring up shit from when we were 4 in arguments. Iā€™m 20ā€¦
Cancer taurus and Scorpio mars hold onto shit for WAY TOO LONG
Gemini + Virgo big three = a know it all
Even if they donā€™t know they act like they do
Aries moons are the true babies of the zodiac watch them react when something doesnā€™t go their way(esp. if mars is debilitated)
Virgo mercuries can be soā€¦ confused? I know they get the credit for being smart and I donā€™t doubt they are but when it comes to real world experiences. I donā€™t wanna sound mean but this placement can be so clueless. I think they get really fixated on details that they can miss quite a bit.
Venus debilitation mostly just has to do with self esteem and how it relates to your relationships. These people are so attractive tbh.
10th house ruler in the 8th has so much potential for success.
Pisces moons roll their eyes or look up when theyā€™re lying thank me later. (Women)
Planets at home can sometimes just be way too much cancer moons are overly sensitive Virgo mercuries can be fixated on minute details venus in Taurus will never get over their person.
I donā€™t know why Pisces is exalted in the Venus position, they are the people always getting walked all over in relationships because they love their partners so much.
Sagittarius and Pisces moons escapismšŸ˜”
Scorpio Mercury likes to be exclusive. In friend groups they like to make sure people know that theyā€™re lucky to be in this closed circle with them. (ESP. W libra sun/placements)
Water sign moons (under developed) can be so untrustworthy tbh. Theyā€™re on your side till you piss them off then they use your vulnerabilities against them. This is mostly true for cancer and scorpio.
I have so many Venus conjunct mars in scorpio in my life and let me tell youšŸ‘šŸ‘THESEšŸ‘šŸ‘PEOPLEšŸ‘šŸ‘ GET šŸ‘šŸ‘WHAT šŸ‘šŸ‘THEY WANTšŸ‘šŸ‘
Not in a malicious way itā€™s just theyā€™re gunna do what they wanna do.
With sag sun thoughšŸ«£ very sweet people but when theyā€™re not paying attention to your needs you gotta step it up if you want them to be held accountable.
Libra moons are annoying asf cause how u always get me to agree w u. Like these people are so charming itā€™s annoying.
Taurus moons are the best and thereā€™s no competition
Gemini Mercury is very good at talking and listening but Mercury in the 3rd are the really talkative ones.
Check aspects to your 10th house ruler to discover your relationship with your father.
If you have planets in the 8th house im sorry thereā€™s always some sort of intensity there but tbh as a person with 8th house placements I wouldnā€™t want it any other way.
Mercury placements are usually so thinā€¦ and Mercury risings can have problems with eating.
Libra risings are so soft spoken. Even when theyā€™re yelling itā€™s like šŸŽ¶šŸŽµšŸŽ¶
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snapscube Ā· 1 year
(referring to your last post) do you think it may be a bot? or do you know for sure its a real person šŸ˜­ either way thats weird
oh it's definitely a real person (or group of people), the asks have been few and far enough in between and very differently phrased, but ALL of them have some mention of like "do u think liking attack on titan makes you a fascist" or "do you believe in separating art from the artist" or "what if ur girlfriend liked attack on titan would you cancel her" LOL
don't misunderstand me though, they are fucking hilarious and part of me genuinely hopes i get to keep reading this person's thoughts on this in my ask box every once in a while because it's such a weirdly specific argument they're trying to have with us over something that like WE HAVE NEVER TAKEN A HARD PUBLIC STANCE ON LMAO. i can't remember the last time i even MENTIONED attack on titan much less had some kind of opinion on it!!! same with everything else they've thrown out as an example LOL, they're literally just assuming our stance on all of these things despite our stance being SO intentionally vague and private cause we just don't fucking go there yknow. who gives a shit!
anyway it's weird and it's so fucking funny. i also think that genuinely engaging with their talking points in the replies of our posts is like Absolutely The Wrong Move, just some advice. they're just yelling at a wall. i'd recommend having a little laugh or clown on em a tiny bit and then mooooove on, seriously.
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hxhhasmysoul Ā· 1 month
Did u see these posts: https://linkspooky.tumblr.com/post/744136721881530368/hello-friend-i-thought-id-use-your-post-as-a . https://linkspooky.tumblr.com/post/744086250489774080/so-i-was-genuinely-surprised-last-week-when-we ? Honestly, I think am starting to dislike the Megumi & Killua comparisons more than I ever maybe did the Killua & Gojo ones (like I also saw a comment saying Megumi is smarter than Killua, and I don't think Megumi is dumb, but like how?). I'm not saying Megumi is a bad character, but he is not (imo) better-written or have a better arc than Killua (who has one of the best arcs ever).
P.S: Off topic from me complaining about Killua getting compared to JJK characters (which I was mostly neutral towards doing, but now, I might be becoming a bit less neutral). Great and pretty Palm, LeoPika, and Illumi's art u just reblogged!
The biggest problem with what that person writes is the value judgement. I donā€™t necessarily disagree with the stuff they say about Megumi, at least they see that Gojou forced Megumi into being a sorcerer and thatā€™s rare. They also seem to acknowledge Megumiā€™s character flaws, even if I donā€™t exactly agree with every argument they make about him. And I especially donā€™t agree with how they compare Tsumiki to Alluka.Ā 
They are right that Megumi tries to use others, Tsumiki and then Yuuji as justifications for his existence. And itā€™s true Killua uses the people he loves as a crutch because he has no goals of his own, because all his life the goals of others were forced onto him and heā€™s really lost at the beginning of HxH.Ā 
The difference is that Killuaā€™s relationships with Gon, Alluka and Nanika are very deep, he also grows close with others: Ikalgo, Palm, Bisky and Leorio, thereā€™s clear potential for him developing a friendship with Canary. Killua also projects to some extent onto Gon, and onto Alluka too. But thatā€™s something everyone does. Killua does it to a normal extent, the Gon in Killuaā€™s mind is partially imagined and greatly coloured by Killuaā€™s crush, but Killua quite often actually understands how Gon feels, or accurately reads the situation between them. The things he tells Gon donā€™t make Gon worse because they feed into Gonā€™s issues.
He does enable Gon, and he doesn't know how to help Gon after Kite's death, but his presence still helps Gon in those moments. He doesn't make gon better but he doesn't make him worse either, they are just two kids who are in a situation that's just too much for them to handle.
When Killua tries to enforce what he thinks is best onto Alluka and Nanika, Alluka puts him in his fucking place and he very clearly understands what he did wrong. Because heā€™s capable of seeing Alluka as a real person, he can see past the image of Alluka that exists in his head.Ā 
Megumiā€™s relationships with Tsumiki and Yuuji are superficial, bordering on parasocial. The things Megumi tells Yuuji make Yuuji contract Megumiā€™s cog mentality. Megumi acts like he knows shit, how he's very smart and Yuuji buys into that, because Megumi reads a lot and knows long words. And Megumi also buys into that, and thinks he can talk with authority about who's to blame for what. Or which people deserve to be saved.
Megumi barely spends time with Yuuji in an active way, he just passively tags along and frowns and sighs, and he downright rejects Tsumiki and everything she stood for when she was conscious. Heā€™s upset that Yuuji lashes out at Hana because Yuuji is mourning Nobara so fucking deeply. Megumi is taken aback because he never mourned Nobara, he never tried to get close to her, but more importantly, despite him thinking he cares about Yuuji, he has absolutely no clue how Yuuji is feeling. He projects his own idea as to who Yuuji is onto Yuuji. Yuuji the good selfless person who needs to be protected by Megumi but not engaged with, not reached out to. He has no idea who Yuuji really is or how he feels, nor does Megumi care. He never cared what Tsumiki felt or who she really was, and the whole situation with the bridge showed very clearly that Tsumiki led a life of her own and Megumi didnā€™t even know, and likely it wasnā€™t a completely pure and uwu life. But to Megumi what matters are his own made up versions of these two people.Ā 
And this is actually okay, these are flaws and they are a consistent characterisation. I donā€™t like Megumi much but I will defend his right to be flawed, I will defend him from all the Gojou fans who pretend Gojou didnā€™t make a child soldier out of a little kid. Or who pretend that it isnā€™t clear that Gojou left Tsumiki and Megumi to fend for themselves in their daily life and just borrowed Megumi to force him to work so the two kids had a place to live and other necessities. And I will defend Megumi from anyone who tries to deny him his right to a fucking mental breakdow.
But what they write about Killua is extremely shallow, the mentions of Gon and Yuuji, and the paragraph about Maki, those are downright upsetting. They show very clearly that they will write whatever needed to prop up their fav. And I really donā€™t get what drives people to do this kinda stuff.
They honestly undermine their arguments (some very solid) about how nice Megumiā€™s arc is, because they canā€™t just argue their case. No, they need to bring another character into it and attack that character. Itā€™s always a foolish thing to do. I get that they might not like Killua as much or think heā€™s overrated. But Killua was not needed for their argument. Everything they get wrong about Killua weakens their arguments about Megumi. And Killuaā€™s relationships with his close ones really highlight the issue with Megumiā€™s. And the person never addresses that.Ā 
I think Iā€™ve seen maybe their posts or similar posts about Megumi, not exactly comparing him to Killua, but for example posts about how heā€™s the true MC of JJK, where Megumiā€™s fans argued about how complex Megumi is and how thereā€™s nothing to Yuuji. And this personā€™s posts are just written to prop up Megumi by dismissing and discrediting other characters.Ā 
The JJK fandom is vicious to most characters that arenā€™t sexymen. Megumi is much more liked in the fandom than Yuuji, but yeah, one can consider him disliked if one compares him to how people are about Gojou, Getou, Nanami, Touji, Chousou, Higuruma, Sukuna or even Kusakane, Shu and Ino. Also as they rightly notice Megumi isnā€™t overpowered so he gets a lot of shit, something Yuuta never gets. As to Maki, this person clearly doesnā€™t give a shit about her, so not only they very clearly didnā€™t pay attention to Maki post Maiā€™s death, they also have no idea what the fandom says about Maki.Ā 
They also write as if the way the fandom treats Megumi is unique, when Yuuji gets that far more and over everything. Even Sukuna got that just because in the battle of JJK sexymen, Gojou truly is the strongest and his fans are fucking rabid and allergic to canon and the text of JJK.Ā 
Gegeā€™s love for HxH somehow creates the need in the JJK fans to compare the two stories and their respective characters, and Iā€™ve never seen it done right. In this case it really just cheapens what they were trying to say.
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newtdrawz Ā· 8 months
Could u do dally and pony friendship hcsšŸ«£
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You don't understand,, how obsessed I am with their friendship omg šŸ˜­ (lil warning these are prolly ooc but I really tried šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I promise) (feel free to add on to these I love seeing other ppls hc's!!)
Ok throwback to my Ponyboy HC's post where I said Dally is really supportive of Pony's hobby in art!!!!!
Dally might be (secretly ofc he would never admit it) like the #1 fan of Pony's art, besides Johnny and Soda obvi
He really likes watching him sketch and paint, it's memorizing to him and he can't fathom how it looks like a picture from a camera almost, he tells him that too. ("I dunno how you're able to do that so quickly, Pone." "It looks like a photograph almost.")
Pony always tries to downplay his talents and Dally (ofc in his mean/tough love Dally way lol) tells him not to do that and to not sell himself short
Dally truly believes Pony could be famous from his art. That he could get out of Tulsa and make a name for himself. He doesn't really know how to communicate that to him besides the rare compliment here and there.
Another throwback to the post where I did the hc that Johnny and Dally will sit in and listen to Pony read,,
Dally doesn't like reading, never really cared for it. He thinks Pony reading all the time is a little funny and he'll tease him abt time to time.
When he first finds Johnny sitting in the lot with Pony and Pony reading one of his books out loud to Johnny he obviously had to interrupt and obviously sit with them (they're happy to include him btw they don't mind šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)
Dally will not. Shut. Up. He asks Pony abt a million questions abt the book. ("Well why'd the guy go and do that?" "Why's he stupid?" "Wait what happened before that?" "What's that ladies name again?" "Wait What's she look like again?")
This is one of the very few (and probably first) times Pony talks back/sasses Dally ("Why don't you be quiet and let me finish reading the page? And then maybe you'll know what's happening.")
Idk how to explain this but Dally is def the type of friend to feed into his friends delusions šŸ˜­ or like hype them up for something they definitely SHOULD NOT do,, like ykwim?? And he def does it with Pony
He definitely encourages Pony to get into a little bit of trouble, just a tiny bit.
Obviously Pony can get in trouble on his own and he does plenty but Dally just encourages it a little bit more lol
He calls it "getting Pony out of his comfort zone" while Darry calls it "peer pressuring" (there was def a conversation/argument abt it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­) (Dal: I am NOT peer pressuring him, I'm getting him out of his comfort zone. Dar: yes you are Dal! Dal: No I'm not! Pony do you feel peer pressured?! Say no. Pony: No... Dal: See?! He's fine. He's having fun!)
Dally 100% keeps Pony out of any real trouble tho, the kind that'd get him sent away or seriously hurt. He'd never encourage him to do something bad enough to warrant those things.
Ok, Dally is actually really nice but in a mean way. Like he's aggressively nice where no one's sure if they're being threatened or complimented or insulted. He's no different with the gang
If Pony or Johnny are like really bad at something Dally will threaten the rest of the gang to lie and be nice šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he won't be nice because it's not expected of him but he'll make everyone else be nice.
One time Pony tried to bake a cake and for some reason he just can't bake. He can cook fine but not bake. So it was like awful but ofc the gang tried it.
When Pony isn't paying attention Dally turns to the gang and straight up threatens them. ("This thing tastes like shit but you're all gonna tell him it tastes good or I swear I'll shove your faces into the cake.")
Dally has no idea WHY he does it, cuz he's not nice (he is) and he doesn't care abt Johnny or Pony's, or really anyone's, feelings (he does he's just emotionally constipated šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)
Dally still is kinda mean to Pony though, not mean but like teasing?? Like in a big brother way
Sometimes he just says things without really thinking abt it or randomly teases him (like Pony reading all the time and being a nerd and not talking to girls)
One night they're both sitting on the porch smoking and it's kinda late and Dally randomly just says "ya'know I don't really mean it, right?" And Pony says yeah and Dally just nods and they go back inside.
After that Dally still teases him and stuff but Pony kinda knows now to not really take it heart cuz that's just Dally being Dally.
From an outsiders perspective it does look/sound like Dally is just being and a-hole šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but the gang just knows him enough that it's some weird love language he has to just be mean to them šŸ˜­
Whenever Dally's about to do something really stupid/dangerous/illegal he threatens Pony and Johnny to not do it
Before he does anything he'll look both of them in the eyes and either tell them to beat it incase the police show up or back up and hideout
He looks directly at Pony and goes "Do NOT tell Darry I did this infront of you or else." ("Do not, and I mean do not, EVER do what I'm about to do or I'll beat both of you.")
Dally is basically like the only one rlly allowed to be mean/tease Pony (in his head at least šŸ˜­)
Dally makes fun of him plenty and Pony just rolls his eyes and laughs. Dally will ruffle his hair and punch him in the arm and all that.
But the minute someone who isn't Darry or Soda or himself says something rude to Pony he just gets so mad šŸ˜­
One time he threatened Steve cuz Steve said something to Pony. ("You better shut up and leave the kid alone, Steve.") (Steve's confused cuz like not even 5 seconds ago Dally just called Pony an idiot or something šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)
He's especially this way with socs and authority figures
And it's not like Pony can't defend himself or anything, Dally knows he can but he just gets mad anyways and again he just starts talking before thinking and next thing he knows he's nearly throwing hands with someone cuz they were an a-hole to his friend lol
He's basically the "only I can be mean to him and no one else can" type of friend šŸ˜­
Ok this post got a little out of hand šŸ˜­
I had waaaaaay too much fun with this I just really love talking about and making hc's šŸ˜­ I'm still trying to nail down Dally's personality so if (which he probably is,,) he's ooc sorry šŸ˜­ I literally can't help taking the characters and literally changing sm abt them from canon šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it's truly a problem but I will try to get him right šŸ™
(If there's any spelling mistakes or anything sorry I did this half asleep w/ a headache cuz I was so excited abt this ask šŸ˜­ I couldn't wait)
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literallyaflame Ā· 10 months
i would also be interested in a post on the whole anti/proship topic, bc im also firmly in camp >can we buy some nuance here? no?< (tho i do have a "side" i lean more towards ig) so im defs interested in other ppl having opinions that fall outside the black/white view n talkin about it...bc i feel like lots of us either dont talk abt it both bc of the worry u mentioned abt getting backlash, or bc it just feels like talking to a wall bc nuance is ignored a lot...
my argument is just that ā€œfiction affects realityā€ and ā€œfiction doesnā€™t affect realityā€ both fail to address the issue. fiction is the product of reality, not the other way around. it represents pre-existing notions about the world, and must be evaluated for tonality and intent, not the mere presence of Bad Things
is this depiction of sexual abuse an endorsement of the behavior, or is it a dark erotic fantasy, written by a self-aware author? i donā€™t know, i would have to read it to find out. does this horror movie fetishize violence against minorities? perhaps, depending on who wrote it and who the intended audience was. is this loli/shota drawing the product of someone who seeks to abuse children, or does the artist just really like frilly dresses?
more importantly, how the fuck do we tell the difference?
well, weā€™ve gotta start applying media literacy skills to adult content. itā€™s not any different from anything else, aside from the guilt and shame factor. if we accept that depictions of murder and violence may or may not be problematic, then we have to accept the same truth about sex. not all stories function as self-insert wish-fulfillment, erotica includedā€”but erotica can tell us something about an authorā€™s relationship with sex in the same way that horror can tell us something about an authorā€™s relationship with gore and violence
how and why people consume this content varies, and may or may not be healthy. regardless, we donā€™t evaluate fiction based on how it may ā€œaffect reality.ā€ not even propaganda, the mind-changer of fiction, is that simple; it appeals to pre-existing biases and pre-existing notions because, again, fiction is a product of reality. not the other way around.
you canā€™t really defend the idea that ā€œeveryone who depicts [x] is endorsing [x] and attempting to normalize [x] and is therefore evilā€ because itā€™s neither universally true nor productive. you also canā€™t defend the idea that fiction is utterly divorced from reality, because artists and writers live in reality, and reality influences their art
i hate to say this, but when it comes down to it, i personally donā€™t give a shit if someone ships wincest or has a ddlg fetish or whatever. maybe theyā€™re a horrible monster or maybe they just have a run-of-the-mill erotic fascination, i donā€™t know. i donā€™t feel the need to pass final judgement on individual strangers, even if they make me uncomfortable. iā€™m more interested in advocating for 1.) ethical, enforceable rules about tagging and filtering sensitive and/or adult content 2.) systems that prevent real-life abuse without reducing it to an evil subtype of person and 3.) the case-by-case application of media literacy skills to the aforementioned adult content, which can absolutely perpetuate all sorts of alarming ideas about sex & abuse
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sasukeless Ā· 2 months
i don't understand how someone can go from being a ss anti to a shipper. the opposite yes, but how do you spend months talking about everything that is wrong with that ship, and why it doesn't work, mocking shippers and their delusional arguments, knowing the actual meanings of the poke and the panels they most often misinterpret etc... and then go "actually they aren't so bad/their scenes are cute and i like it now". same thing with "antis" who think ss would be good if it was wlw or if sakura topsšŸ¤”. the narusasus*ku epidemic wasn't enough, 'sns stans' had to go and start this bs too (and be surprised when ss stans are still homophobic to them).
the ppl that act like they make ss good suddenly because sakura tops are so šŸ’€ i have a beef in general with people pulling the pegging to make a straight ship interesting in fandoms. like yeah obviously pegging is a real thing but when it comes to fandom 99% of the time i see ppl talking about it its just when they want an annoying het ship seem revolutionary and queercoded and its like ? sorry a sexual position wonā€™t make that straight ship suddenly stop sucking. ESPECIALLY with ss because like, ok sakura tops now what? how do we fix the fact sasuke doesnā€™t like women?
almost same issue i have w het ships being turned into wlw (and yaoi ships at that too) like most of the time comes from ppl that donā€™t touch actual yuri and just do it to make it seem as their ship is actually good
its like most ppl that like a straight ship cant handle some usual ā€œstraights are boringā€ joke without starting to cry and trying to prove u so hard how their ship is not like other hets its actually very progressive and queercoded and feminist and. and then u check their profile and its just full of average stereotypical straight art like
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gudrunbrangwen Ā· 9 months
hi! what do you make of ai art? im conflicted cause i see how its great for disabled people in many ways, but then i look back at the work people put into becoming artists and mastering the craft and feel many things lol i wish i could look at it similarly like i look at producers for example, where you have a vision and tools and you know how to use it well so you dont need the musical training background to be creative, but i cant help but feel like its more complicated with visual art? that theres a whole other side besides having a vision and good understanding of a shortcut tool. im very very torn and also sorry for all that on your succession blog but knowing youre a fantastic artist whos recently been dealing with this sort of impossibility to make art i wonder if you have some insight in this area.
sending love!
i appreciate u wanting to know my opinion on a Hot Topic such as this! i dunno man i have an aversion to any definition of art of any kind that requires effort or skill as essential features that make the art ā€œrealā€. i think a lot of what is happening with AI discourse is that people are appropriately appalled by the way capitalism mangles creative output and even what kind of relationships artists can have with their work and with the rest of the world. i do not have a problem with a machine that digests and reconfigures information ā€” a machine is just a machine. if one copied the way i make texture with colored pencil and produced an approximation of a new original work by me, i would be fascinated by what reactions i might have to it. would i feel threatened by it? would i be flattered? what might it open up for me, to see my work broken into a particular machineā€™s data? this is just a dream, though. i see many artists understandably frightened by what the exploiter class may choose to do with their new toys (and what they are already doing to us with them). it just sucks to see that very plain class antagonism passed over with arguments about the ā€œpurityā€ of human-made art, how it is somehow apparent to any observer when a work is truly endowed with a ā€œsoulā€ (if these arguments sound eerily like fascist aesthetic principles, itā€™s because they are fascistic).
and then to see people cheering for their own doom with this thing of mr. game of thrones & co suing chatGPT, complete with condescending explanations of how itā€™s not going to hurt fanfic writers because the problem these multimillionaires have is actually with people monetizing their work, and the true humble Fan would neā€™er ask a but penny. do people really not see how this is making the divide between the ā€œartistā€ and the ā€œcommon personā€ greater? it is so goddamn expensive to survive right now, and the wealthy are using fear of technology as a tool to prevent you from making money, and yes, making art at all. only those with enough capital to protect their intellectual property with the force of the law are allowed to express themselves through art. yes, i think it should be well within your rights to bind and sell (for money, yes, money) your game of thrones fanfiction. so many of us are living in poverty right now, bombarded by entertainment but prevented from ever chewing it up or spitting it out. ed rothā€™s rat fink character had it right. fuck mickey mouse. like, weā€™re actually back to saying ā€œfuck mickey mouseā€ being really cool. put him in a blender full of data, have it put him into a beach scene with BBW anime versions of lara croft and princess peach. intellectual property is a historically recent phenomenon. it is a tool to make the rich richer and get you well and squarely fucked. theoretically, yeah, it sounds good to have your work and livelihood honored and protected, but just like theyā€™re trying to replace artists and actors and writers with AI, every single tool becomes a weapon in the hands of the rich. the hell people are worried they need more punishing copyright law to fix is already here. the woman who designed care bears & strawberry shortcake never saw a penny from it. AI art is only a threat in the hands of the corporations that happily do these things in the first place.
anyways. lol. iā€™m not very technologically minded in my own art practice ā€” iā€™m not naturally drawn to new technology as a part of my work, and find many of the results iā€™ve seen from current AI art tech to be kind of aesthetically unpleasant. artwork contains unpleasantness, though. iā€™m not really interested in arguments over what artwork ā€œshouldā€ contain, only what it does. i think the best AI art iā€™ve seen (ie: the stuff iā€™ve enjoyed the most) has been from alan resnick:
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it is so terrifically disquieting. it leans into what makes AI-generated BBW lara croft kind of difficult to actually jack off to. the overlapping lines of bodies, the nonsense text. but then, if this work has merit, is that because alan resnick is uniquely special, thus proving the point that the technology is only valid in the hands of a ā€œreal artistā€? can mr. resnick be said to be the ā€œartistā€ of these images at all, because he trained a program to his own style and input interesting ides? does he deserve lots of money for his work creating iconic adult swim shorts like this house has people in it? well sure
or would this art only have value if somebody put a tremendous amount of labor into it? you know. my mother used to tell me, ā€œhard work beats talent when talent doesnā€™t workā€. she said she should nail the phrase to my forehead, like martin luther at the church doors. having very recently become disabled & chronically ill, i donā€™t believe it anymore. i believe we should be able to use technology to make ourselves more free. we should not be so financially insecure that we are threatened by anyone expressing themselves with something we made. the ultra-wealthy are threatened by infringement because they need everybody else to stay poor, and the poor are threatened because they do not want to be poor any longer. itā€™s got nothing to do with strange scrambled pictures. if i could take pictures of every work of art iā€™ve ever loved and put it into a machine that mixes it up and turns it into a monster, i would do it just for a bittersweet laugh at it.
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tkazarin Ā· 2 years
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Iā€™m so excited ofĀ @pond-child-eddā€‹Ā ā€˜s AU!!! Itā€™s a great thing and Iā€™m thankful for seeing this! Iā€™ve noticed that authors are fine (and even glad to see it) with some silly thoughts and headcanons so... I WANNA BRING THIS UP! Warning: English isnā€™t my native, so sorry about mistakes. I have some theories and speculations. U see I love Tom. Thatā€™s important and Iā€™m going to speak about him.Ā  In this AU there are a way darker versions of classic era characters. And I love it a lot! They feel unique and more human. Control Freak TM Matt, anxious-stressed Edd and Tordish Tord. And Tom?... We havenā€™t seen much of him and his actions yet (but iā€™m sure we will). And the most obvious is his appearance. He is pretty far from normal looking hooman. WHAT IF he is a monster? Demon or something like this. Yeah, in the original show there is an evidence that Tom became a shapeshifter because of Tord. But Iā€™d like to think that Tord was studying him. Also itā€™s AU lol.Ā 
In comic it was mentioned that Tom had weapons, a lot, at his apartment. For what reason? For protecting from his monstrous form. Tom has his line instead of eyes and monster-like mouth with huge fangs. It feels like he canā€™t fully turn into human. He canā€™t control his appearance.Ā 
Also Iā€™ve noticed that he is very attached to Eddā€™s house. Why? I guess itā€™s because he feels unsafe/uncomfortable at his own place. There can be two reasons: 1. Parents. They see a monster in him. So here is the weaponry. Mb bcs of their abuse Tom doesnā€™t speak.Ā  2. Solitude. Nobody wants to interact with a freak. With a dangerous freak. Mb he realizes the danger he can bring. So he isolates himself in order to protect others. However he canā€™t do it constantly. He wants friends, he wants appreciation. And a real home. He really loves this place. He tries to make it comfortable. Tom protects his home (he considered Tord as a threat and he was not that wrong i guess). Also he doesnā€™t hate anyone a lot. He is in good terms with Edd and Matt, probably, and is displeased with Tord (there were no real signs of aggression from his side). He told Matt about his and Tordā€™s conversation mb because he wanted this situation to over. He could tell about it to Edd but he has chosen the mostĀ ā€œsoftā€ option. And yeah, he still doesnā€™t speak so angry twitter argument is delayed. He brought Ringo to make this place feel more like a home. He started to show up around the house because he feels there good. Also I see that Matt is kinda afraid of Tom same as Tord. Or itā€™s just me but at the Ringo introduction he constantly looked at Tom with fear??? And he sent Tord to Tom as a punishment? Matt would never leave the opportunity. to troll Tord so with Tom there would be something not good or it was just Mattā€™s point of view. So here are some funnies. Imagine one day you notice that your friend starts having more and more human traits. As a result of self confidence and living around people. And finally he looks like a real man with just two black holes but at least they look and act like eyes. I mean pretty neat upgrade I hope Tord will be pleased. AND yEAH HE SUDDENLY SPEAKS WITH DEEP VOICE. At the moments of stress Tom will return to his classic look and moreover he will open more eyes and the mouth will become bigger... The monster form is coming. Thank you for the reading! Itā€™s 5 AM here, i need some sleep P.s.: Iā€™m terrible at drawing and itā€™s my second art of Eddsworld (itā€™s clear with my inability of drawing hoodies)Ā but I want to illustrate my thoughts.Ā 
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gettinshiggywithit Ā· 1 year
!Kirishima x Artist!Reader!
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Scenario:- kiri with an s/o whoā€™s an artist!
Pairing:- kirishima x gn!reader
Type:- headcannons
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I imagine you working on the couch while kiri comes back from a mission
Hes tired and waiting to see the one person he loves most but ur complete fixated on your screen
Hed just come up behind you and sorta just bury his face in the crook of ur neck from behind the couch,his arms going to wrap around you
But soon he lets go to go and clean up
If ur still working when he comes back he doesnā€™t disturb you but just sits on the couch beside you,simply basking in your presence
Heā€™s 100% youā€™re model
Need a pose and cant find a reference??
If youre ever feeling insecure about your art too heā€™d completely shut down your insecurities
Not with blind positivity
But with actually good points
Telling you that you shouldnā€™t compare your art to others because a) your style and speed is unique to you and no one does it like you b) the best part about art is to have fun and the moment you stop overthinking itā€™ll be fine
Also while he can appreciate good art nothing looks better in his eyes than your art!
Other stuff just doesnā€™t hit him the same way urs does
Is it because he loves you and therefore your work just has the same hold on him that you do?
Or is it just that he has a great And unbiased eye for art?(yes)
I guess weā€™ll never know!(oh but we dooo)
Oh also a really good point that the loml( @cloudy-zephyr) brought up,
If anyone even insinuates that
Buddy just gets offended af
I doubt hed cause a scene just for an off handed comment but if the offender keep goin on heā€™d 100% step in with a forceful and passionate couner-argument
Oh also imagine like if you ever get messages on ur socials asking for free art and youā€™re just LOSING IT, (because honestly entitled karens and kens are genuinely tiring to deal withšŸ¤¬)
Kiri will definitely just ask for your phone and then ask you to go take a nicee warm bath to calm urself
When you come back out,the entitled folk are all dealt with! (Buddy basically just killed em with kindness and the way he handled em left no room for it to be turned on you to make u look like the bad guy!)
Also i can totes imagine you teaching him how to drawšŸ„ŗ
Heā€™d be such a keen and enthusiastic learner tooošŸ˜©
God Bless this man honestly!
And i def think that all around your apartment,theref be framed pictures of your art
And youve even hung up a few of his!
He thinks they dont look good enough to which you reply with the same stuff he tells you
His style and speed are unique to him and you wouldnā€™t change anything for the worldšŸ„°
He kisses you on the lips and spins you around at that
~The end
!Wait bonus point!
I feel like at some point when the rest of the bakusquad learns of your art and how great it is they all ask you for lessons and then you have like this workshop where all the pieces created in the day go to a charity project(like raise money for kids in need and stuff cos Holy Shit does celebrity art get a lot of money) or to a lil room in your home which acts as a lil gallery for all your little group art projects!!
Tagging:- @izueli
please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :ā€™)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
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wizardnuke Ā· 6 months
im talking about the essay grade again and i got off topic and started talking about the lit analysis potential inthe vast majority of fanfictionbjust. Ignore
i feel like it's such a humblebrag for me to be like "i don't understand how i continually get really good grades in english" because i understand objectively that 1) i am very good at analysis and/or. finding quotes to support whatever the fuck thesis i decided would be easy to support (see: "good at analysis") (i think i honestly just randomly hit the jackpot on "good thesis" but on god i just looked at macbeth and gawain respectively and was like Ah. Women's Wrongs. Easy Peasy) and 2) i know from looking at other people's essays that i am just kind of. marginally-to-a-lot better at grammar and phrasing/understand the very specific madlibs-style layout i have to use and what vocabulary that i need to be putting out. it's madlibs. there's a really technical and specific layout that needs to be followed and i just kind of follow it. it's not hard. it is boring. if i could write academic papers on the shit i'm actually interested in they'd be worthless because it's niche and/or wild tumblr user conjecture. anyone who seriously writes on. hold on i need to generate a thesis. "the cyclic nature of abuse and its direct correlation to homoeroticism in cn's supernatural" could u fucking imagine. that's hilarious. that's some hackjob shit no matter how well i could keep a straight face on the matter because all that people care about is Old Shit. i have no real vested interest in actual literary works beyond "they're important and better than people think". i have extremely strong feelings on a lot of modern works, generally movies and shows and niche dnd webshows, i cannot make a career in that shit, my english prof thinks fanfic is bullshit and i see where he's coming from! i don't think it's bullshit. but. the academic perspective on fanfiction is like "they're not making original work" because the setting/adjacent themes and characters r lifted from another work and there's no real originality in it except that the best fics i've read are like.. an alternate form of literary analysis that is so far from actual essay writing that it's unrecognizable. but people can see the themes and the motifs and rehash them in a way that is absolutely a kind of analysis of the original work, but with flourishes and new ideas and batshit choices that the og media either couldn't make/didn't feel like making/tentacle sex wasn't really thematically fitting but an author decided "hey what if i put themes into this consentacles fic" and like, i want to argue that that's legit. sometimes. but i am not going to do that bc i sound objectively insane and also sometimes it is just not that deep and that will be brought up as an argument and i just don't care enough to explain that it's still an art form even if it's not that deep. is "fun and funky fresh" not a common motivator. if "new interpretations" of works like shakespeare and shit where they plunk the characters into a modern setting and fuck with the phrasing is seen as a viable art form/type of analysis then fanfic is an art form/analysis adjacent to that. not all of it though. some of it is something else that is worse. not that i think that is in itself bad. fanfic is a hobby. can't make a career out of that. but people have made careers out of that by changing the names and setting and publishing books. and that's viable apparently. i just personally am insane and enjoy writing very serious and/or emotionally driven meta on dnd shows. i like themes and motifs and i think that while a quickly written meta post on the tragedy inherent in redemption arcs that hit 50k is absolutely not as academically sound as a cited paper on a similar subject, there's Something To It and there's got to be some kind of potential in it. i like stories. idk if i could make a living out of talking about stories especially from the insane angle that i tend to hit stories at. the possibility of making it a genuine career is driven down below ground after i take into consideration my insanity about modern stories vs my neutrality on older ones. what am i talking abt. bf is yelling for me bye
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sexhaver Ā· 2 years
I mean I do (think???) I disagree with your take on AI art but I donā€™t think ur brain dead I see ur point lol. The debate of whether art has a ā€œsoulā€ or is ā€œrealā€ or some shit is always always pointless. But I do think there is a pretty distinct difference in the way a human person processes inspiration and includes elements of styles they admire or symbolism they enjoyed into their art vs how AI completely trains itself through mostly stolen art, and in some cases already, things like illegally uploaded medical records in the form of photos. Mostly because. At that point who gets credit? Can we genuinely say that someone who generated something with an AI ā€œmadeā€ that piece???? Do they have the ethical right to use it to profit? And how do we avoid letting AIs get trained on images meant to be private? I genuinely donā€™t know, I donā€™t know enough about how any of it works to have a solid answer. But I think this debate has been interesting and raises a lot of questions about like. How much human made art is posted without proper credit in the first place? Like at what point is inspiration prevalent enough in a transformative work that you have to credit the works and artists you based it on??? Once again idk. Iā€™m just. Sorry u got called brain dead bc thatā€™s mean and I get what youā€™re talking about even if I do think overall that these current uses of AI are more hurtful than helpful rn :( hope u have a good day
thank u for being sensible! for me the most inch resting part of this whole debate has been seeing people rehash, almost word-for-word, arguments that have been raging for over half a century about AIs being "truly" sentient or not. just replace "making art" with "passing the Turing test" in a lot of posts on this subject and suddenly you're looking at a version of the Chinese Room thought experiment with a few nouns swapped around: do AI artists actually "make" art, or do they simply arrange pixels on a canvas based on trends in data they've taken in, and is there even a difference between those two things? i don't say this to belittle people making these arguments; on the contrary, the fact that the sentient AI argument has been ongoing for 50+ years with no end in sight suggests this issue is far from resolved
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attourney-at-lycan Ā· 2 years
small pdh scene idea-
so garroth and laurance are in a car together, just chilling at the gas station- theyā€™re kinda having a fun conversation about some fucking bullshit drama that happened at school- something w/ ā€œthis wouldnā€™t fly in oā€™khasis prepā€ ā€œomfg garroth u say this shit all the time, can u stop sounding like the girl from magic school busā€
scene cuts to the shadow knights fucking around in the gas station store- by fucking around i mean stuffing snacks in their massive pockets while gene is having a heated argument over how real his fake id is (it was shittily drawn on a piece of paper during art class by zenix btw) with the cashier. then bam, zenix accidentally drops a bottle of soda right as theyre walking out. insert long silence before the shadow knights bolt out the shop w/ the cashier right on their tail.
theyā€™re like shit shit shit- before sasha pointā€™s @ garrothā€™s car like ā€œhey isnt that lauranceā€™s boyfriendā€™s car?ā€
they originally arrived @ the gas station on foot and planned on running away on foot, but jumping in a car w/ a familiar face is a much better option
so, while garrance are having a fun convo, they get interrupted by three hooligans randomly opening the door, stuffing themselves inside before fucking yelling ā€œGOGOGOGOā€”ā€ right in garrothā€™s ear-
garroth has no fucking clue whatā€™s going on but he still fucking goes because WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON-
so he just fucking starts the car and races off w/ the poor cashier (probably logan omg thats so funny) slowing down to a stop and just ā€œfuck it im not paid enough for this bullshitā€
cue back to the car with the shadow knights cheering each for a great haul, laurance covering his face like ā€˜i cannot believe i thought these assholes were coolā€™ and garroth is gripping the wheel going ā€œshit shit shit shit shit iā€™m going to get so fuckedā€
sashaā€™s the first to say ā€œby the way why did u guys leave your fucking doors unlocked??ā€
zenix, already stuffing his face w/ doritoes, ā€œidk maybe they were too distracted making outā€
ā€œWE WERE NOT!!ā€ both garroth and laurance say at the same time, they seriously have no idea why everyone thinks theyā€™re dating???? theyā€™re just rlly close friends as historians say
so anyway, long silence after that before garroth is finally somewhat calmed down and realizes ā€œyou guys stole all that food but no alcohol? isnt that something troublemakers do?ā€
gene just answers ā€œwe dont drink. sasha hates the taste of beer, my family has a history of alcohol addiction and thereā€™s no way in hell weā€™re letting zenix drinkā€
and thats all my brain can produce-
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sh5 Ā· 10 months
ur tags on the genderbend poll are so real.. i dont mind swapping characters genders but whats the point of ā€˜genderbendingā€™/calling it that?? esp when they can just be trans.. is the idea of being trans so unpalatable u gotta ciswap them??
there are so many good arguments against genderbending, and I think this is one of the strongest, because people make trans headcanons all the time, but, of course, these people donā€™t gain as much traction, because art/fic of a character taking hormones or not passing 100% perfectly is less visually attractive to these people than your favorite anime boy with a skirt and boobs. I get the appeal to an extent, it would be fun to imagine some of my favorite characters through the lens of them having a different AGAB, but I rarely see nuanced ideas about how, I donā€™t know, MGS wouldā€™ve been a different series if Solid Snake had been a woman. itā€™s justā€¦ā€¦.anime men with boobs now. reductive, boring, just bleh.
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a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
the character everyone gets wrong
for whichever fandom u wanna rant abt šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘ HTDJDJCJF
There's a couple questions and I have a lot of opinions so I'ma stick it under a the read more to avoid clogging everyone's dashes also I'll probably repurpose my whole ramble about Trant into an actual post with citations at some point its what he would want
A compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
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This one is kind of tricky on account of everyone deserves the opportunity to switch and also like I don't want to push the misconception that bottoming = submission however:
very insistent that the body he's in needs to put things up his ass
clearly insecure and overcompensating
prefers to rely on rules and codes of honour instead of his own agency
becomes stressed when people behave unpredictably
Largely involved with understanding power dynamics, not dominating them (that would be Half-Light)
seemed pretty enthusiastic about Kim outclassing him
In conclusion: Authority is a bottom and a sub, someone get him some nice easy-to-follow instructions so he can feel useful without having to think and a consistently applied reward/discipline system that maybe includes whatever passes for bottoming when you're not a human person. You can't expect him to take the lead here he'll get too stressed about it.
The unpopular character you like and why more people should like them
Again, Authority. He's my silly little guy and if you don't love him I'm going to explode you with my mind.
Common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about
Idk if it counts as an opinion but. Jean's scars. Mostly people say they're from pox or acne but like. Jean would have been born in like '17-ish (depending when his birthday is) so his childhood would line up with the measles outbreak we were told occurred in the '20s. While that doesn't typically scar in itself, as a child who would have probably been minimally supervised in quarantine, it's not unlikely that they would have been self-inflicted as a result of scratching at the rash. That would also be compounded if he does in fact have dermatillomania, as I've seen a few people suggest. They look more like patches of severe discolouration than anything with any real texture in his art so it makes sense.
Character everyone is wrong about
Trant! He's not a moralist! A lot of the people who critisise him assume that he is, but there's nothing really supporting that idea. I think most likely he's just a very bland kind of upper/middle-class liberal - willing to acknowledge that the system isn't great but with a comfortable enough life to not be particularly invested in changing it.
while Jean does strike me as center-right (though disillusioned with the MI), he's probably not far enough along the spectrum to consider an actual centrist a lefty dink
While he doesn't consider himself a "traditional leftist", in a system that doesn't skew right like it does in the US that's pretty standard for liberals - in my experience they generally consider themselves pretty apolitical
Trant's involvement in the moralist questline is probably related to the fact that having a lot of information and passing it on to cops is his literal job it would be weird if he didn't agree to give you that information when asked
he declines to actually give an opinion on the MI and appears uncomfortable with being asked about it, so probably doesn't actually like them all that much
Trant has a history of inter-isolary travel, a young son, and no particular attachment to the Revacholian identity - when Le Retour comes the fact he won't stand with the people doesn't inherently mean he'll stand against the people, he's more likely to simply emigrate before the violence starts
That being said, many of the other criticisms of his character (especially in terms of how he reacts to other people's suffering) are very much valid and I do like seeing people engage with him as a morally complex character.
Speaking of which, especially in fic, there can be a tendency to portray him as just a happy, supportive, well-read guy with no real depth. Even in fics that do show him as having actual emotional needs there seems to be a lack of complexity, especially moral complexity, so it feels like he's just there as a narrative device rather than like... an actual character people care about and want to explore. It's just sad. Why is he always either a throwaway background character or flattened into bland wish-fulfillment to fit into tropes. It feels like barely anyone actually cares about him even when they're writing fic specifically about him.
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mqfx Ā· 5 months
i think i would need to see mqfx in an entirely different light before i would believe they would enjoy being humiliated. possibly because its also just not my thing although i have thought about what must be appealing about it (the joy, the release of understanding that someone sees you as imperfect but is still interested in a relationship with you? the realization that even if someone does believe these things they're saying they still want to at the very least have sex? feel free to correct me if this isnt actually the appeal ive just come to this conclusion on my own)
ANYWAY. i think i'd have to view their squabbling in an entirely different light, like one or both of them doesn't have their heart really in it and are keeping up their side of the argument for pride's sake or! maybe everyday life behaviors have absolutely no connection whatsoever to what one enjoys sexually (<- totally possible, what do i know)
tldr im on your side the fighting might be homoerotic but perhaps not in that flavor exactly
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good morning anon <3 i'm awake now (kinda) and my lawyer can't do shit to meeeeeee so let's talk about it
ok for everyone who didn't see the post i deleted, the tldr of what i said was: "i don't think any of the xianle 4 would be into degradation. hc bc he'd kill himself before being mean to xl, xl bc he wouldn't keep a straight face, and mq/fx would literally just argue. on the other hand i think if either mq or fx were somehow sincere enough to tell the other person "you are good" they'd finish too fast (crass! my lawyer disapproved!!) so. can't praise each other bc they'd both like it too much, can't insult each other bc then they'd have to pause sex for a fistfight break. sad!" <- paraphrasing but it was funnier last night
i'm not qualified to address the first thing bc i didn't take kink studies in college (we DID have one, hashtag liberal arts!! but i was busy doing REAL work pestering my old man and drinking in stats class) but that's probably true at least for some people bc everyone always has a different reason for these things. it's subversive, it's pain under control in a safe environment, it's reaffirming, it's addressing trauma, sometimes even self harm so watch out! (sex, like any action, can be detrimental if you're not careful, but that is not the action's fault)
the second thing i CAN address (points to my nametag) SO: i don't think either mq or fx are the type to do anything by halves they're both passionate (fx obviously, mq within the many layers of his artichoke* heart) so i do think every argument they have is real and not just for pride's sake. if either of them didn't wanna argue they just wouldn't and the other guy would be like "um......what's wrong w u šŸ¤Ø (concern disguised as suspicion)"
i Wouldn't say that daily life has no connection at all to kinks but that's a discussion i'm not having on my sideblog (tldr: these european fuckos have been arguing about sublimation** and libido longer than i've been alive. Scholar Charlie assumes that whatever doesn't get sublimated finds its way into one's sex life and vice versa but don't quote me on thiiiiiisss i should've taken that damn class fr)
as a sidenote: what we might find hot is not necessarily what the characters might find hot. not to lend personhood to the narrative devices (especially when fanfiction is literally the "play with them like paper dolls" genre of writing) but it's an important distinction to make as readers and writers. like do i think for example that mq's emotional repression and torment is hot? very. do you think He's enjoying it??? jury's out (though with melancholic types one Must assume they derive some relief, even if harmful, from flagellation)
back to the important matter of mqfx's hypothetical sex life: in canon they insult each other in equal measure and there's no one in that situation who is actively/consistently made to feel lower than the other (whether they actually do is incidental). it's not that their squabbles Wouldn't make it to the bed but it simply doesn't count as degradation. argument (equal) ā‰  degradation (power dynamic). am i saying it's impossible for them to have ANY S/M thing going on?? also no bc as mentioned before i think mq views Everything as a power struggle, but fx also strikes me as the type of guy who would really really like getting called good boy but he doesn't know this about himself. for that matter mq would probably like some praise too he's just way more roundabout with it
this is aaaaaaallllll a very convoluted way of saying "yes the fighting is still homoerotic, not on the basis of unequal standing but because they're equals. i don't think they specifically find the insult aspect of fighting hot, and in fact some mutual kindess would be nice. would they do it that way though? idk"
ok gotta get ready for smth this took me 2 hours to think. byeeeee
*here i got distracted looking for artichoke facts bc i saw on my gramma's cooking show that it's basically a thistle and it's got a spiny center you gotta scoop out before eating. anyway it's from the mediterranean! so don't use it in canon-compliant fic lol
**death in venice is in that wiki article :( why did my ex-mutual leave meeeeeeeee (<- divorced)
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