#then someone went to put them back up and daniele looked at paulo and was like lmao
ugartecoco · 5 months
paulo and ddr were soooo cute in todays press conference
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 3/8
Chapter Summary:
Rain... Fireworks... Romance?
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April 15, 2021 - 7:00
Loki, his heart pounding, approached the mailbox whose flag was raised.
He opened it and unfolded the small note with trembling fingers.
Thank you for this lovely attention. I haven't stopped wearing it since I received it.
You tell me that this connection with me allows you to open up to others and not feel alone anymore and you ask me if I want to continue this correspondence?
I don't want to stop either!
I don't know if we'll ever meet, but I want to continue to get to know you and for you to get to know me.
Tell me what you like.
Yours, Mobius.
Loki breathed a sigh of relief, put the letter in his pocket and left. He would have to work before he could write. This was no longer a matter of a quick word, he wanted to take time to think before he wrote.
As he walked through the school gates, although he loved his job, for once he couldn't wait for the day to be over.
April 17, 2019
Mobius was sitting in what had become his special Loki spot, the armchair in front of the bay window, a steaming cup of coffee next to him, reading Loki's latest letter.
I love Norse mythology and my work.
My favorite cocktail is Gimlets, gin and lime.
This brings me to my favorite color: green.
I have a sweet tooth, I like all kinds of sweets and pastries, and on the other hand I also like everything spicy.
I like quiet evenings reading and listening to music.
I like Jane Austen, The Brontë sisters and Paulo Coehlo.
I like to use metaphors but I have heard that they are not always great.
And although I can't stand violence, I like daggers, especially old ones.
Oh and I forgot, I like the house on the hill.
Mobius promised himself to go and see in Sylvie's antique weapons store if she had any antique daggers.
I can't stand cruelty, condescension, and lies.
And although they are green I hate peas.
Mobius laughed at the last sentence, he finished his coffee and went to get his notepad to start writing.
April 19, 2021
Loki, sitting cross-legged on his couch with Croki's head on his leg, was reading Mobius' latest letter.
I like to take watches apart and put them back together, to see the mechanism inside. They are all different.
I like to walk in the streets of New York and discover places by chance.
I like to draw, or rather make sketches that I never finish.
I like whiskey, Jack Daniels, and occasionally a good glass of red French Bordeaux wine.
I like all kinds of music, but my preference is for jazz.
I don't like lies, preconceived judgments, and gratuitous meanness, well, just plain meanness.
And I also like the house on the hill.
How did you end up living there anyway?
Loki read the letter again, folded it up and put it in the little box with the others before going to bed and thinking about what he would answer the next day.
April 21, 2019
Mobius went out still in his robe because it was a day of rest. He was surprised to see that Loki had already answered if he was to believe the little flag. He refused to question the fact that his heartbeat had accelerated.
He went to get the letter, then read it in front of his breakfast, Croki at his feet.
I rented it after college. It was the strangest place I had ever seen. I couldn't imagine anyone building it. Or... I couldn't imagine anyone building it and not living in it. I liked the way it sort of...hovered over the water. I loved that path that led to it. I don't know why, it has a strange, timeless charm.
April 23, 2021
Loki, on break between classes, took the letter out of his pocket and read it again.
Yes, the fact that you have to walk so much to get to the front door and that it's uphill, it's like you have to earn the right to enter the house. Every time you enter the house, it's like you're embarking on a quest whose prize is the right to enter.
I'm sorry, I must sound eccentric.
April 24, 2019
During his lunch break, and all day, he read that simple phrase from Loki over and over again.
Don't apologize, you can be eccentric. You can be whatever you want.
Mobius had always felt different, both in his personal and professional life choices, and this simple phrase eased some of his inner struggles. He couldn't ignore the warm feeling in his chest.
A few weeks passed. The wind was blowing violently on a late spring day in New York. Loki was walking rapidly towards the school. His phone started to vibrate in his pocket, he grabbed it to answer the call.
Loki lost the smile on his face.
-Look, this isn't easy for me either. You know that... no, I'm not mad that you called. I just... I'm sorry, I have to go to work and I...
He was approaching the school and didn't want to continue this conversation as more and more students came in.
-I don't think that's a good idea. No. Sigyn, I'm asking you not to come. Because we need more time... Especially if we want to stay friends. I just don't think we should... look, I'm on my way to work, we'll talk about it. Bye.
Loki sighed, shaking his head as he walked through the large front door.
" Already feeling demotivated?" asked Natasha as she greeted him with a smile.
"Oh no no!" protested Loki.
"That's good timing. Heimdall has caught the flu and we need someone to cover his classes while he's absent. Since you have an art degree, I was wondering if..."
"No worries! I'm happy to oblige."
"Perfect," Natasha thanked him, "You can check with the assistant about Heimdall's schedule and make arrangements then. Thank you Loki, really. If the exams weren't coming up, I wouldn't have asked you."
Loki replied, "No worries, really."
If anything, he was glad to see that even though he was the last one in and the youngest teacher, he was trusted.
At the end of the week, as he walked home with his arms full of groceries, he thought maybe he should have thought about it before saying yes.
Because he was exhausted.He hadn't realized how much time and energy it would take to handle two positions.
Fortunately, Heimdall was back at work on Monday.
Loki put his groceries in the car and thought he'd stop by the house on the hill before heading home.
When he arrived, the little flag was up.
He took the letter and opened it.
Hi, pen pal. You haven't written in a while. I hope all is well.
You actually I
This is ridiculous, just a few words to write and it makes me sound like a babbling teenager.
Well I'm writing it down: I MISS YOU
It was obvious that the last words had been written with force.
Loki felt a strange warm feeling in his chest. He had also hugely missed the correspondence, so he hurried to answer on the spot and put the letter in the box before going home.
Parking the car in front of the mailbox, Mobius chose to ignore the butterflies in his stomach as he saw the little flag raised.
He took the letter out of the box and once he got home, Croki fed, he went to his favorite place to read the letter.
It has been a difficult week.
I couldn't get away from work and only had the strength to go to bed at night. I can't remember the last time I looked up at the sky, or saw a damn tree. That's what I miss. The nature around me.
It's not so bad when I'm busy. It's when I have a minute to breathe, to look around, that it seems really hard. I wonder what I'm doing here, alone, in this gray city. I miss the trees.
PS: I missed you too
June 15, 2019 - 9:00 pm.
In the evening, Mobius left the house with a small tree in the pickup's trailer. He was driving towards the city.
June 15, 2021 - 9:30 pm
In the middle of the walk from school to his apartment, Loki saw the black rain clouds gathering in the sky. Suddenly there was a rumble of thunder in the distance and as he was on the home stretch, the rain began to pour.
June 15, 2019 - 9:35 PM
Arriving at 105 MacDougal Street - Greenwich Village, obviously still under construction, Mobius parked the pickup and pulled a shovel and the tree from the trailer. He began digging a hole outside the construction site that would become Loki's apartment building. Once finished, he began planting the tiny, fragile tree.
June 15, 2021 - 9:35 pm
Loki was completely soaked as he walked the last few yards to his front door. He struggled to find his keys, dropped them, and grew more and more frustrated as the rain poured down on him, when suddenly it stopped. He was baffled, as thunder and lightning continued to flash across the sky, and the rain continued to fall all around him, but not on him.
He looked up.
Above him were the dense green leafy branches of a young tree that formed a canopy swaying in the rain right above Loki. It hadn't been there a second ago, but now it was sheltering him, and Loki was stunned.
June 15, 2019 - 9:37pm
Mobius smiled as he swung the shovel into the pickup's trailer before heading home.
June 15, 2021 - 9:37 pm
Loki, overcome with emotion, broke into a smile and whispered to Mobius, even though he couldn't hear him, "Thank you."
Raindrops fell through the green branches as Loki danced under the tree, his face to the sky.
2019 - A few days later
Casey stood on the small path in front of Mobius' house, "Wow!!!"
Mobius motioned for him to follow him inside.Casey entered, still stunned by the house.
"So, this is where you're hiding?"
Mobius replied with a smile, "Yeah.You want a beer?"
"Yeah thanks."
Mobius pulled two beers out of the fridge and they went to the chairs in front of the bay window and talked about the house for a while. Casey had lots of questions.
Casey took a sip and his face became more serious.
"Mobius. I didn't just come here to escape my pathetic existence in the city. I came to talk to you about TK and ask you to come back with us. We need you."
Mobius shook his head, "TK? Sorry Casey but no."
"I'm sure if you talked to her..." insisted Casey.
"Forget it.Ravonna doesn't want me to come back. I don't want to come back. Everyone's happier now."
Casey argued, "What about your work? Your work was awesome. Even she admitted that. Look, I know it's hard, but if you put your problems with her aside, you-"
"I said forget it." replied Mobius, this time with a sharp tone before softening, "Sorry. It's just... I like it here. And I like my job at the store."
Casey nodded and accepted the answer before asking, curious again, "Are you in a relationship with anyone?"
Mobius answered after a slight hesitation that didn't go unnoticed, "No."
"Why did you hesitate?"
"I didn't hesitate."
"Yes, you did."
Mobius insisted, "I...I'm not involved with anyone, okay?"
"Okay." replied Casey, who smiled playfully before continuing, "All I'm saying is that maybe you should think about the future."
Mobius began to laugh. He couldn't stop himself.
Casey looked at him as if he had gone crazy, "What?"
Mobius continued to laugh.
A few days later, with Loki's letter open in the passenger seat of his pickup, Mobius drove to the train station near Brooklyn College of Arts.
He parked, picked up the letter and got out, heading for the entrance to the station.
Around this time two years ago, I lost something.
In the Brooklyn train station.
I was going back to my parents and left it on the platform. See if you can find it for me. I won't tell you what it is.
Then put it in the mailbox. It's your mission if you choose to accept it.
Mobius could not resist a challenge. So he found himself at that moment looking for an object he knew nothing about. He walked through the station. There were a few people. He looked for a single man and saw none. Just a few families and an elderly couple.
He continued to search when suddenly, through the window overlooking the station platform, he saw a young man with long black hair get up and get ready to board the train.
Mobius wasn't sure if it was him, but he felt deep down that he was Loki, and he was amazingly handsome. Mobius hurried through the door and onto the station platform. He was about to head towards him when he stopped.
The young man had embraced a woman who had her back to Mobius.
They kissed and said goodbye.
Neither of them noticed that Loki, for it was undoubtedly Loki, had left a book on the bench behind him. Mobius saw it, but it would be awkward to approach and interrupt the kiss. He hesitated.
The train driver announced the final boarding.
Loki separated from the woman, obviously reluctantly, and boarded the train.
The woman Loki had kissed did not move and watched the train pull away until it was completely out of sight. He did not notice the book. Mobius watched him leave and once he was gone, he approached the bench. He looked at the book that Loki had left behind. It was a well-worn copy of Persuasion by Jane Austen. It had definitely been Loki.
Loki impatiently went to the mailbox, thinking that perhaps Mobius had already been to the station.
He opened it, and was disappointed when he didn't see the book and just a little note.
Loki, a little disappointed, answered immediately on the same piece of paper and just as he was about to leave, he heard the characteristic sound of the little flag being raised and went back to the box and opened it. He grabbed the small paper and unfolded it.
L: Going to the fireworks, I guess.
I go every year.  Why?
M: Would you like to watch them together? From the cliff. The fireworks on the lake are beautiful
L: I know, I watched them from the house the time I lived there.
You're not asking me out, are you?
M: No, no. I just thought it might be nice to do the same thing, that's all.
L: The same thing, two years apart.
M: It's better than staying home.
L: Okay. Let's go see the fireworks.
M: See you in 10 days then. July 4th at 10pm in front of the mailbox.
Mobius did not wait for an answer, and walked happily back to the house. Even though he had denied it, it still felt like a date of some sort.
The butterflies began to fly again.
July 4, 2019/2021 - 10:00 pm.
Two years apart, in the same place, Loki and Mobius sat next to the mailbox. Mobius brought one of the seats from the garden furniture and Loki brought an old folding camping seat in his car.
He is armed with his pad and pencil.
The strange and timeless conversation started again, always punctuated by the little flag that went up and down.
L: Did you go to the station? I never got my book.
M: Let me keep it for a while. I want to read it.
By the way, there's something I wanted to ask you.
Who was the girl at the station?
Your fiancée?
Why didn't you tell me about her?
Loki thought it sounded like Mobius was jealous, but didn't want to get the wrong idea.
L: You don't tell me about your love life either.
M: Because I don't have one unfortunately.
My God, I can't believe you didn't tell me you were married.
L: I'm not married. We broke up when I moved to New York.
I'm on my own.
The fireworks just started.
M: They started here too.
I'm sure yours are better, since it's supposed to get better every year.
L: Probably. Let's enjoy the sight.
Afterwards, during the fireworks, the flag did not move for a while. Then when the grand finale was over, and the silence fell, the flag suddenly rose, making Loki jump.
M: At the station, when I saw you... I didn't expect... I mean, you didn't tell me you were so gorgeous.
Loki read these words and could not suppress a small gasp of surprise. He looked around embarrassed even though he knew for a fact that no one was there.
L: Not fair.
You saw me but I still don't know what you look like.
Mobius ran his hand over his face and figured that since it was truth night, he might as well go for it.
M: You're right. I wouldn't mind knowing what I'll look like in two years. Why don't we meet in the future and tell me what you think?
Loki thought about it and then looked at his watch, it was 10:43 pm, he took a deep breath, suddenly excited and nervous
L: Why don't you call me on July 4, 2021 at 10:44 pm
As Loki finished the last line of the "4" the phone rang.
He almost fell out of his chair.
He steadied himself with a pounding heart and picked up, "Hello?"
Who is on the other end of the phone...?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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accretion--disk · 7 years
Les Mis Brasil - my review (LONG POST - MIGHT AS WELL BE THE BRICK)
So, about a month ago I went to São Paulo to watch the brazilian Les Mis. It’s the second time in sixteen years that the show is performed here and I was more than excited to watch it, since Les Mis was my first musical, and my favourite one as well. I wanted to make this post a while ago, but I got lazy, so why the hell not do it now.
As soon as I walked into the theatre I felt my knees getting weak and my heart beating faster. I swear I was about to cry even before it started. This was the third Broadway musical I ever watched live, and my expectations were really high. I wasn’t dissapointed  - though I must admit that it was not perfect.
First of all, the song’s adaptation to portuguese was incredible. I was afraid they were going to screw up with the translations (like they did with Rocky Horror) but I was pleasently surprised to discover that the translations were actually pretty damn good. Some of them were more literal, and sticked to the original english lyrics (Look Down, for example, was very literal), and while others did change a bit from the original, their emotion and meaning was still the same (On My Own was one of those that had some parts distant from the original, but with the same intense feeling and meaning). Two songs I did not enjoy were Stars and Bring Him Home. Both of them were quite astray from the original, and in those cases, it did bother me a bit, because they became vague and not as impressive (those are probably two of the most meaningful songs of the musical, and loosing that did cause some damage - I’ll get to that in a minute). Specifically for Bring Him Home, I simply couldn’t understand what the actor was singing - and he was the brazilian actor, Leo Wagner and not Daniel Diges, the spanish actor who also plays Valjean here.
One of the things that this version brought to us and I don’t think was very clear on other editions of Les Mis was the parallels between Fantine (Kacau Gomes, who I believe was the best choice for the role. Her voice is soothing, pleasent, very maternal sounding) and Éponine (Laura Lobos, who played little Cosette at the first edition of the musical here). Both of them suffer from a frustrated love, in very different manners, didn’t live wealthy lives and also had a great attatchment to Cosette - willingly or not, both their deaths had to do with granting Cosette a happier life. And in the translations of their songs, there were some phrases or sentences that were repeated, and for me, as a fan of both the book and the musica, that was deeply satisfying and an interesting viewpoint. Also, both their ghosts greet Valjean when he dies, and I thought that was really nice - specially since Valjean and Éponine interact a bit. She is the one who delivers him Marius’s note from the barricade, and Valjean tells her to take care of herself.
Many things reminded me of the book. Marius (played by Filipe Bragança, who is only SIXTEEN years old) and Cosette (Clara Verdier) acted like very awkward teenagers when they first meet at the garden, and it was the cutest thing. Their chemistry was amazing, I almost forgot the actors weren’t actually a couple. Clara’s singing performance was a bit disappointing though. Her voice didn’t reach the high notes, that are very characteristic of her character, and that cause her to be off-key some times, which was noticed by many people I talked to. 
The Thénardiers were the comic relief, as usual, but they were also the most constant villains - their evil side was very clear to us and it was quite scary how much we could actually sympathize with Mr. Thérnardier, due to the actor’s witty and amusing performance. He kinda reminded me of the hyenas from The Lion King, who were always afraid of Mufasa - whenever Valjean would speak his mind, Mr. Thénardier hided behind his wife. All their scenes were funny but also had a more serious, deep tone beneath it, and that’s the whole point of their characters in the book. 
Now, focus on our favourite so called villain: Javert. Javert is the character we love to hate, and for me, he just didn’t do it in this version. He could sing very well, but his perfomance seemed kinda rushed at some moments. It happened very quick and we didn’t have time to appreciate his character’s purpose. “Stars”, which is the song in which we start to care and understand him a bit better, wasn’t very good as I already mentioned, and because of that his character just became sort of one-dimentioned and flat. The Confrontation scene was interesting, as were his other physical confronts with Valjean, because the actors would get very physically agressive and we could feel the tension. At times, they were yelling at each other and the whole theatre went silent. Those were certainly powerful moments I enjoyed. Javert’s suicide was a good scene/song too, because the actor expressed his emotions very passionately and it almost fixed the lack of empathy and interest during the previous scenes.
Let me please, highlight one of my favourite parts of the whole thing: The revolution. That has always been my favourite part of any Les Mis adaptation. And of course, my favourite character is Enjolras, and I was extremely excited to watch what they were going to do with my sweetheart. 
Enjolras. Was. Fucking. Awesome.
The actor who plays him, Pedro Caetano, is basically what book-Enjolras should be: passionate, intense, idealistic, charismatic. As soon as he walked on stage, he caught everyone’s attention and he stole my poor heart. His voice fits the character perfectly and, should Hamilton for some miracle reason ever be translated and acted in Brazil, I want Pedro Caetano as Laurens. Not only does he look like Anthony Ramos, but his voice also resembles his. It’s like Aaron Tveit, Anthony Ramos and Daveed Diggs had a beautiful son. That was our Enjolras. He was not only the cold asshole that leads the revolution, he was also a friend to his fellows barricade boys. He seemed to care about every single one of them, and was basically restless during the whole thing. During Bring Him Home, while Valjean is singing, Enjolras could be seen sleeping standing up. He picked Gavroche up during Red and Black, and in his death, his body was put next to Gavroche’s in a wagon.
Also, GRANTAIRE. He is also one of my favourite character, and brazillian Grantaire was simply sad. There’s no other way of describing this portrayal of our drunk revolutionary: Grantaire was sad, depressed even. His skepticism was clear throughout all the songs, he just sat in a corner, drank and made annoyed/sarcastic faces while Enjolras talked (also- Grantaire standed very close to Enjolras during the entire Red and Black, quietly hoping for his attention). Drink With Me is one hell of a song, and Bruno Girst (the actor who was performing Grantaire the day I saw it) did a great job making me cry like a baby. He sang his lines not as someone who was in love and realised he was going to loose his muse in a few hours. No, he was angry at Enjolras, but yet hated himself for not being able to disobey him. I could have sworn they were going to start a fist fight during that song, because as Grantaire is singing “Will the world remember you as you fall/Could it be your death means nothing at all?”, Enjolras approaches him looking pissed and three guys have to hold them so that they don’t punch each other. Right after that, Enjolras goes to talk to Grantaire, calmer and worried, but Grantaire just runs to the corner of the stage and fucking weaps. And you know what’s best? Gavroche is the one holding Grantaire and comforting him.
Also, kudos for Gavroche! That kid was AMAZING! He showed his middle finger to Javert, Grantaire and Enjolras basically act like his dads during the entire play. When Éponine dies, he stands beside her with Grantaire. He takes her little hat and gives it to Marius. The revolutionaries sing “We’ll fight for Éponine”, and that’s when I started crying and I didn’t stop until I was inside the taxi going back to my hotel. Gavroche’s death was pretty impactful, as usual, specially beacause it was Grantaire who cared for him, and Taire just holds Gavroche’s body during half of the battle scene, before laying him down, still weeping, and going back to fight.
As I mentioned, the actor who plays Marius is sixteen. He does look older, and his voice is very deep for a 16 year old, but he was great in the role. It somehow made the whole thing sadder - during Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, we can see how hurt he is, yet he is very young. It’s the very impact we get from his character in the book and it was heartbreaking. Also, in the translation, he sings “My friends, don’t fade away”, as the ghosts of the revolutionaries blow out their candles (I couldn’t stop thinking about Rent during that scene, but that’s off topic).
Well, that’s basically what I have to say in the more technical/deep analysis of the play. Now, some random notes:
- Master of the House was downright dirty. Lots of cursing and bad words that made me laugh like an idiot. Madame Thénardier makes lots of dick jokes and says that Mr Thénardier has a “butthole brain”. Classic Thénardier.
- Éponine kicks Montparnasse in the balls. Twice. Great hommage to book Éponine.
- Cosette and Éponine quickly interact at the garden.
- One Day More gave me the chills. I thought I was going to faint, it was SOOO GOOD.
- A weird/questionable translation during Drink With Me was right at the first verses. The boys sang “Here’s a toast to the lips I’ve kissed/ Here’s a toast to the breasts I’ve touched” and I was almost laughing because that’s SO RANDOM AND YET WEIRDLY ACCURATE. Though I can’t imagine Prouvaire grabbing a girl’s boobs.
- Do You Hear The People Sing was split between all of the ABC’s friends, not focused only on Enjolras, and it was quite awesome.
- “Grantaire, put the bottle down” changed to “Grantaire, STOP DRINKING!”
- Honestly, Pedro Caetano is one of my favourite Enjolras. I reccomend you follow his instagram because he is a beautiful guy and very talanted too.
- Actually, the whole cast is adorable. They hang out together and are basically the Modern AU I dreamed of.
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