#and the way they looked fondly at each other throughout was true dad and son energy
ugartecoco · 5 months
paulo and ddr were soooo cute in todays press conference
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atsoraasayoma · 2 years
I’m Not Joking
-my entry for Takari week. Not sure if I will be able to submit more than one one -shot, but y’all have inspired me to do this.
-Taichi’s son is not at all called Taiyo because my son watched the little blue bus while I wrote this. No, not at all.
“Isn’t it interesting watching all of the Digidestined couples from when we were growing up now together with family’s of there own?”
Hikari’s words echoed off towards the next generation, laughing and playing with their parents overlooking Heighton View Terrace. Takeru could not help but remember playing at the same park himself before leaving. It felt painful remembering his sad goodbye with Hikari and the others before he left, but his memories with them in the digital world fondly gave him the confidence to maintain his friendships with them throughout the years ever since he got back.
“Taichi used to play at this park all the time,” Hikari smiled. “And now, seeing little Taiyo running around is kind of nostalgic.”
“That’s very true,” Takeru responded, a bit perturbed as always sitting next to her, but never letting it show on his face. “And now you have Jo running after the kids with bandages and warning them to be careful. Some things never change,” he snickered.
He noticed Koushiro sitting down against a computer typing, but Mimi approaching him and scolding them telling him he needs to turn off his work mode, and go into family mode. Two children, one boy and one girl agreed, both of them starting to pull on his arm shouting ‘Play with us daddy’, Koushiro unable to communicate an acceptable response for an alternative, Mimi laughing and encouraging them the whole way.
“Did you ever think that Mimi and Koushiro would be together?” Hikari asked. “They didn’t get along too well growing up. But, over time, with there larger than life egos their rivalry somehow transformed into admiration and ultimately love,” she said tenderly watching them. “it’s quite amazing.”
Takeru stopped watching them and glanced at her. He knew something even more amazing underneath that hat of his. A secret he had been dying to tell, but his lips refused to let the words escape.
She stared up at the sky and then sighed. “It might be a cloudy day today, but whenever we all get together it’s always so fun.”
“Well, things just happened to turn out this way,” he said, “but as long as we’re together, it’s never really a cloudy day right?”
Hikari closed her eyes, a small hum of approval whispering out from her.
The wind blew slightly, Hikari’s locks brushing against it, Takeru enamored by her, but knowing he could not stare without her knowing it.
“Hey,” he said staring over towards a slide. “You know, I never thought in a million years Yamato would be a Dad. I knew eventually he would marry Sora, but, for him to actually be protective over someone smaller than him that’s not me is a little peculiar.”
“Oh please,” Hikari grinned, grabbed his hat, and bent it over his face.
“Hey,” he groaned in slight protest.
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous of your older brother and his own kid? That’s kind of weird.”
“Says the girl who stalked his brother making sure he had his head together up until the day he actually got married!” Takeru countered.
Hikari closed her eyes, Takeru noticing she had lost the nerve to spar with him.
“Even though you say that,” she smirked, “You’re actually taller than your brother now.”
Ok, maybe Takeru would have to take the loss.
They both glanced down at the ground, Takeru wondering if by chance this kind of way they talked to each other was how they flirted. But, no, he couldn’t see Hikari doing that. At least, hopefully not with anyone else.
“I noticed,” Takeru said, “You’ve grown your hair out more. You’re looking more and more like your mom every day.”
“I’m just not as confident or as athletic as she is,”Hikari sighed. “My mom told me a long time ago when I was a kid that all the girls in her family had to grow their hair out until it was long before they were allowed to get married. It’s kind of funny huh?”
Takeru suddenly felt his cheeks turn red, him trying to regain his composure. “Does that mean,” he said, “You have someone that catches your attention? How long have you been going out?”
Instantly Hikari’s face lit up red, her face practically shocked. “No, no, no that’s not what I mean!” she exclaimed putting her hands up in protest. “I was just telling you what she told me. I don’t,” she swallowed, Takeru catching it. “-I mean, there is no one in my life who is waiting to propose or anything.”
Just then Ken and Miyako showed up with an entourage of children engaging in all manner of activities from playing in the sand, to coloring with crayons and paper and anything else a child could possibly do that would end up getting into trouble. Thankfully, Iori brandished his kendo stick from time to time making sure they did not get too rambunctious.
Takeru looked on, glad for the intervention.
“I don’t know if even YOU could handle that many children Hikari,” he said trying to one up her.
“Ho?” she said in a challenging tone. “Do you know how many children I have dealt with in my internship on a daily basis?” she questioned scolding him. “You know nothing about education or the real world,” she said narrowing her eyes as if she had been scolding a child. “You’re always off in fantasy land writing a blog about yourself or writing an unpublished novel.”
Takeru winced at that one. “Unpublished is right,” he smiled not daring to let her see him look defeated. “But don’t worry. My grandfather has some support though with an old friend who runs a publishing company. Says his granddaughter likes my work.”
Hikari instantly sat up, Takeru wondering about it.
“Have you met her?”
“She’s been texting me a bit here and there and even sent a picture of herself,” he said taking out his phone and showing her.
Hikari almost became affected by carpal tunnel syndrome, the way how stiffly her hands moved. “She’s really...pretty,” she said averting her eyes from her, Takeru catching a hint of jealousy in it.
“You’re not jealous or anything are you Hikari-chan?”
“Jealous? I’m supposed to be jealous of some rich girl who is interested in an unemployed writer who hasn’t even sold one novel?”
“That’s not true,” Takeru said lightheartedly. “I’ve sold one before. To you remember?”
Hikari’s eyes looked a bit bewildered. “Wait, no,” she said asserting herself a little. “You literally bribed me to read your novel manuscript with my favorite strawberry chocobomber parfait and you needed to borrow a dollar. That’s not exactly selling a novel,” she said crossing her arms.
“Well,” Takeru said placing his hand on the back of his head, “You never gave the novel back. But I’ve seen it in your room on the center of your shelf when you share your pictures sometimes. I’m glad your taking care of it,” he said a bit relieved. Then again Hikari was not the kind of girl that would just toss something that important to him in the garbage.
Her eyes slowly shifted away from him in a rigid motion. “I-I’m just taking good care of it for when I return it.”
“Have you actually read the manuscript?”
She nodded her head. “Yes, but, I just can’t bring myself to finish the last chapter. I don’t ever return library books or anything till I’m done anyway.”
Takeru raised his hands and placed them behind his head. “Sure. You don’t ever have to return it if you don’t want to. I’ll still consider it a sale.”
“Keep dreaming,” she giggled slightly.
Takeru grew even more confident. He could not piece it together, but maybe, just maybe he could assert himself as more than a friend. He just had to be subtle about it. Subtle enough to escape the ever watching illuminating all knowing eyes of Hikari Yagami.
“Wow, it looks like Daisuke and his son are recruiting all the kids for soccer,” Takeru smirked.
“They are so headstrong together they rival even Taichi and Daisuke,” Hikari noticed. “But he hasn’t changed a bit. He’s like a grown up little kid still.”
Takeru sat forward, and stood up watching them all. “Do you remember when back in middle school he thought you and I were dating?”
She nodded. “Yes, I remember. We were so innocent back then. We had no idea others could see it that way,” she said her face depressed slightly.
Takeru swallowed slightly. He had to turn it up a slight notch, but still had to remain subtle.
“And now look at you,” Hikari smiled, but Takeru not knowing if she had a look of annoyance or happiness in her voice. “You’ve probably been on a million dates by now.”
Takeru put a hand on his forehead. It was no good. She had interjected before he could continue his plan. Now he had to go on the defensive side. He wondered why did the two of them always have to do this?
“I just like to get know people,” he snickered.
“But I’ve never seen you on more than one date with the same girl,” she said eyeing him a bit suspiciously.
“That’s because I just lose interest so quickly,” he admitted, knowing he could not bluff his way or tease his way out of this one. No, he learned over time acceptable teasing and when he had gone too far.
“Is that really the truth?” Hikari pressed.
Takeru nodded his head and smiled tenderly. “It is. I know by then which girl is for me and who isn’t. I must haven’t gone on the date with the right one.”
Hikari almost seemed to sigh in relief. “You’ll meet her one day. It might even be a girl you’ve dated before. You just never know Takeru,” she smiled, Takeru wanting to tear his own heart out of his body. Now he had to make a move and go back to attack mode.
“What about you Hikari-chan?” he asked. “I bet a lot of teachers or other students ask you out? How is your dating life?”
Hikari turned away from him as if embarrassed he would ask that question. “I don’t have time to think about dating,” she said. “My priority is taking care of children. I can’t bring myself to date anyone, though I have thought about it. I’m sure their will be plenty of time for stuff like that later.”
“You had time for me,” Takeru said a bit annoyed, but not letting it show. “Don’t you remember when we went on a date when our brothers had to go to class and we had to watch our digimon?”
Hikari’s face turned bright red, but she seemed to be ready on guard. “That was just babysitting! We’ve never actually gone out on a date. I mean, you know, officially or anything.”
Takeru did not have a response for her this time, but Hikari seemed to continue transitioning to a different topic
“Taichi has been so overprotective over me in high school all the boys were afraid to ask me out. Even the soccer team. All except Daisuke anyway.”
That last part put a sword against his heart, Takeru slightly on edge. He balled his hand up in a fist, a habit of his he had not been able to quit no matter how hard he had tried to.
“Have you considered him?”
She placed one hand on the side of her mouth, staring up in the air.
“That’s not where my heart is. Daisuke is thoughtful, though he is pretty clueless sometimes, but I don’t know if something like that is enough to last.”
She got up walking around with her hands behind her back. “I have to ask myself, ‘Can I see myself ten years together with this person in the future? What about twenty years? Even 50? I don’t think I can answer such a question just yet,” she said lowering her eyes. “I’m sure you know what I mean.”
Takeru walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I do,” he said empathetically. “And, it’s ok. It doesn’t bother me hardly at all anymore,” he grinned.
Hikari sighed. “I don’t think I would ever forgive myself if I ever put a child what you’ve been through Takeru, but that’s enough about that. I don’t want to ruin the mood. Everyone is really enjoying themselves.”
He watched all the others having fun, a digidestined outing for the ages. They were out there, most of their lives established, but him and Hikari were still struggling with themselves. How many masks did he wear over the years? And how long has Hikari kept her feelings hidden hiding them from everyone?
Takeru suddenly felt very tense. He felt heat rush to his hands, his palms getting sweaty.
“I can barely see past each day to think about the future because I’m so engrossed in my novels,” he said, but remembering his brother and Sora he knew exactly what she meant about being with someone for a long time.
“About what you said,” he swallowed, “About Yamato and Sora well, they started out as friends, but that friendship grew and before I knew it they were together. Almost like a metamorphosis. Yamato had frequent dates before him and Sora had actually started going out though.
“Really?” Hikari said curiously. “I never knew that.”
He nodded his head and smiled pleasantly staring out into clouded weather. “Yamato told me one day he kept going on them, but the one girl he wanted to see was never with him. So he decided one day suddenly to ask her out and they have been going on strong ever since.”
“A beautiful love story,” Hikari replied closing her eyes as if she had been read a fairy tale before bed.
“It’s not just a love story,” Takeru replied, Hikari opening her eyes immediately.” He says it was the most angst filled time of his life, but he doesn’t regret any of it. He says you make those kinds of risks for the one you love. They can damage you more than anyone else, but they can also love you and uplift you more than anyone else. You take that risk no matter what the consequences are.”
“That’s pretty deep,” she said, her eyes clouded in thought. What a wonderful way to look at a relationship,” she smiled.
Takeru smiled back as well, but it started to fade. “Yeah, but I’m not like that. I hurt far too many people because I’m not an honest person. I lie to myself...constantly.”
“Like how?”
“Well, like someone will say, ‘Oh no it’s going to rain today’, then I will jump in and say that ‘we are having wonderful sunny weather’. Girls will think I’m just being funny and think I might be hitting on them or coming onto them, but that’s not it. They mistake my friendliness and desperation for romance. But that’s not me. It’s like sometimes I imagine that someone else is writing my story, and I am just a character in it, that way my conscience doesn’t feel so bad knowing that I’m hurting people.”
Hikari’s tone lowered, as if she herself knew what he meant. “I understand. At times I try to put myself in the shoes of other kids to find out what they are feeling and what they are thinking, even though I have my responsibilities. But for a moment when I do that I can temporarily forget about the pressure of being a teacher. So, believe me, I know what you are going through. And it’s not easy, but we have to keep going. Otherwise, how can we realize our hopes and dreams? They are just ahead,” she smiled gracefully.
Her words lightened his conscience, his heart skipping a beat just like it had all of those times in the past. Whether rescuing Hikari or consoling her or just having a friendly conversation walking from school, this feeling always remained. As if locked in those memories his words flowed from them verbally, unable to want to let go of their past, but most importantly, never wanting to let go of her.
‘Hikari, how long has it been?”
“What do you mean Takeru-kun?”
“Since we’ve been talking.”
“For a couple of hrs.”
“No,” he said swallowing. “How long has it been since you and I met each other and became friends?”
“It’s been at least 17 years,” she said as if she had been keeping track the whole time.
Takeru sat their staring at his own shadow contemplating it.
“It’s been that long,” he sighed. “You know things just happen to occur naturally between us, I didn’t really notice how much time had passed,” he smiled sadly.
Hikari also stared down looking at her own shadow. “Time flies when you’re with someone you care about-””
Takeru looked within himself, her words pricking his heart. Yes, he did care for her, he did, but-
-She paused for a moment, and then he literally could see her try to feign innocence as she started backtracking.
“Err, that’s what the other female teachers say anyway. It’s not that I’m saying that about you,” she said, her face flushed and almost starting to look dizzy. “I-”
“-You don’t care about me?” Takeru asked, staring at her shocked and bewildered as if his life depended on her response.
“It’s not that,” Hikari replied, blushing as if she had been overcome by her own emotions and could not communicate them. “Takeru, it’s just-”
“-Whoa, now you’re calling me ‘Takeru’ without the -kun? Really what’s gotten into you Hikari-chan?” he asked starting to laugh with one hand over his eye.
“Oh no,” he said underneath his breath. “Now I’m the one whose upset. All of my masks...are slipping away.”
Hikari’s concerned face circled under his shadow. “Are you...crying?”
“No, I’m not crying,” he said wiping his eyes trying to hide his tears.
“You are.”
“I said I’m not!” he growled a bit defensively.
But now it looked like Hikari had been the one taking assertiveness.
“Is it because of what I said? I didn’t mean it like that Takeru-kun, I just...”
...Silence separated the two of them as they just sat next to each other awkwardly. Takeru always faced this problem. He just could not bridge this gap between them no matter how hard he tried. Just who was Hikari Yagami to him?
Hikari shuffled her feet and folded her hands together.
“I’m sorry I upset you,” she said starting to get upset herself embarrassed. “Don’t worry,” she said sniffling. “I won’t bother you- oh no, now why am I crying?” she said looking at her hands. “I don’t understand.”
Takeru looked further at her facial expressions going from confusion to sadness and found himself smiling, but not because he was happy. Somehow the confusion on her face translated to him as Hikari being honest with her own feelings.
“I’m sorry you had to see me like this,” she said drying her eyes. “I have to get it together. Their is a big test coming up,” she said. “I probably should go and get ready. She bent down and smiled a bit. “It was nice see you again Takeru. I’m sure we’ll talk more later,” she said as if she did not want to go, but forced herself to go.
She started to walk away from him, but before he knew what he was doing he lashed out grabbing her hand as if he didn’t know if he would never be able to hold it again.
“Hikari…” he said forcefully and dropping the suffix. “...Let’s tri it.”
“Huh? T-t-t-t-try what?” she asked, nervously.
“Be the kind of friends...like Yamato and Sora are.”
She looked at him holding her hand, her eyes widening in surprise. “Ehhhhh?!”
“T-takeru-kun,” she laughed a little bit trying to play it off her face a tickled red. “That was really good,” she said giggling. “I almost...want to believe you, but-”
“-I’m not joking.” his voice hardened, seriously.
She stared at him and then back at their hands. She took one step back, her legs shaking.
“Hikari-chan?” Takeru wondered, still having no idea what he just did.
She covered her eyes with her hands and sank to her knees, her hands falling down limply to her side.
“Hikari-chan?” Takeru said getting up putting both hands on her shoulders. “Hikari-chan, are you ok?” he called desperately.
“….Scared. I-I’m scared.”
“Hikari what’s wrong?”
“I’m frightened,” she said tears starting to leak down her face.
“I...I scared you?” Takeru said regrettably, the inside of his stomach twisting into a knot.
“I was worried...for so long,” she said trying to control herself. “I was worried...you would never say that to me.”
Takeru stared at her, the look in her eyes shining with tears and fear, but also another feeling, one with more warmth, possibly more. He realized deep down she must she must have been putting up a front this whole time against him protecting her and being there for her, and maybe, just maybe, she had hoped one day those feelings, whatever they were would reach him to. Just like how his had been trying to reach her.
“This whole time,” he confessed, “When I was getting to know people, I wasn’t trying to get to know them personally. I was really trying to reach out...to you in any way I could, but, you were so close to me, and yet I was so far from you. I tried to find the little parts about you in other people just to catch a glimpse of you. If I just reached out I was afraid of the rejection and what I would do if you did reject me.”
“What would you do?” she asked, color starting to return to her face.
“It scares me so much I don’t even want to think about it,” he sighed. “It would be forever before I could even face you again.”
They said nothing, Takeru sitting down in front of her.
“You know something,” he said laughing, but tearing at the same time. “We’re a real mess.”
They both chuckled and cried finally bridging the gap that had kept them separate for so long.
“So, what does this mean now?” Hikari asked. “I feel like the past is speeding up so fast I can barely keep my heart from giving out.”
“It means you will call me Takeru,” he grinned.
“And?” Hikari said insistently.
“And what?” Takeru said demurely.
“You know what I mean,” she lightly scolded. “You called me it earlier. That means you have to call me...Hikari.”
Takeru’s face instantly reddened.
“Want to give it a try?”
“Don’t rush me,” he laughed slightly nervously.
“Hi...Hikari,” he said softly stuttering.
“Again,” she insisted.
A very light rain suddenly started to fall, but not enough to where anyone would be concerned. It pricked Takeru’s heart, as slowly, little by little, all of the pressure built up within him over the years finally had subsided.
With how Hikari’s flushed face started to return to normal he wondered if she also felt that same relief, but at the same time chastised himself inwardly for playing games with her heart letting this drag on, even though he never meant to.
“Ever since...then,” she said. “When you went to save me all those years ago in the dark ocean. I wanted you to call me like that,” she said. “And now, after all this time you finally did,” she smiled tearing.
Takeru nodded his head. “As for me,” he said, “Ever since I came back before Daisuke and the others joined us I wanted you to call me that. But, I never could tell you. I told myself ‘I will just let this all play out and wait for you first,’ but, that was a stupid thing to do right?”
Hikari shook her head. “No, Takeru. For some reason it felt like we’ve always been pushed into the background letting others go ahead of us and just see how things go. By giving up what we want, it took the pressure off of us, but I can tell it deeply hurt us. It felt…sad-almost like being left behind. But, when I felt like that, and started to feel cold and alone and wanting to disappear sometimes, I remembered you.”
“Hikari…” he said, his voice fading out letting her speak.
“When Mugendramon almost had us finished us off and we fell into that deep darkness, when I woke up, you were there. When I had been taken to the dark ocean, you were the one who answered my call. After Taichi’s disappearance and I passed out from grief and fatigue you were the one who stayed behind with me. Before I knew it, even though you were like a best friend to me, I..” she said covering her mouth...”was smitten.”
But even then Takeru could hear through her passiveness. He swallowed, and dared to reach out his hand, brushing her bangs to the side. He felt scared himself, but remembered the adventures he had with the others. Takeru always had been lacking-always seeing himself as a whining brat and a burden, working hard to improve himself, making himself likable, maybe too hard.
Over time thanks to Taichi, he became more headstrong and courageous.
Because of his brother, he learned how to be friends even with others who disagreed with him.
Sora’s loving nature brought him to realize the little things and to appreciate them.
Koushiro’s intellect rubbed off on Takeru to research the things he has a passion for.
Jo’s thoughtfulness and preparation helped Takeru realize he could be reliable to.
Mimi showed him that your passions can overpower the norms of society and to be truthful.
Daisuke showed him how to go with your heart even when others are against you.
Miyako taught him whining and crying will get you nowhere and to persevere.
Iori reminded him to be true to your principles even in hard times.
Ken reflected in his actions what it’s like to change for the better and to keep growing.
And, Hikari…
...He leaned his face forward, Hikari’s hand naturally lowering her guard, and closing his eyes met her soft, salty tear flavored lips.
He smiled letting go and placed his hand on her cheek. “No more games Hikari,” he smirked enamored by her. “You’re the only one who could have beaten me so badly like this.”
As if she reached out to him, her hands wrapped around his back and her head buried into his chest. Tears leaked further from her face, her frame shivering. Instinctively Takeru wrapped his arms around her.
“Takeru…” she said sweetly. A light chuckle escaped her, Hikari sighing into the air. “...Game over.”
Takeru closed his eyes. “Guess that means I have to get you something for winning. I don’t have much, but what would you say about...going on an actual date with me?”
“Where do you want to go?” she asked.
“It doesn’t matter. French cuisine. Italian. Japanese. Chinese. Heck, I’m so happy right now I would gladly even eat Yamato’s cooking!”
She nodded her head looking down.”Anywhere is fine,” she smirked, her tone growing a bit more serious, her voice sounding a bit different.
“...the way it was always meant to be. As the dawn breaks upon the chasm of endless seas, hope waits patiently for the Light, and the Light is encouraged by Hope to shine upon the many waters….”
Takeru thought he recognized the voice for a moment.
He stared at her, Hikari’s amber gentle eyes, having traces of golden radiance flicker in them like a shimmering sunset.
Her voice responded back gentle and kind like before. “As long as you are with me Takeru,” she said sweetly, “we’ll never be alone.”
The rain stopped drizzling, and the clouds gave way to the sunlight, Takeru and Hikari basking in the glorious rays, shining not only on the present, but, with all they had gone through, and all the trials they had endured; a hopeful future filled with moments too wonderful for even words to describe.
Atsora Asayoma if you want to find me on fanfiction.net or archive of our own.com.
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amintyworld · 3 years
Goodbye - (SBI Inc.) World War II AU
A/N: Hey guys! So... this is actually part of a bunch of fics I was making for some of my mutuals, and at first, I wanted to post them together, but I soon realized with my own creativity and motivation, not to mention constant burnout, it was more just wishful thinking.
This fic is a gift for my friend and mutual, Cam (@bones-sprouts)! They're an awesome person for me to rant to about AUs or other fic ideas, so if you can check out their awesome blog and give a follow if you'd like. I hope you enjoy it because I'm actually really proud of how this turned out! <3 - Minty
Edit: Forgot Taglist.
Summary: Phil works in the coal factories, his wife Kristen with the sewing machines. No matter how hard they work, there never seems to be enough money. What will happen when a World War rises on the horizon?
TW: Bomb mention, Implied death mention, injury (No blood or gore tho). (Let me know if I need to tag anything else!)
Phil remembered when it was all just rumors. After all, one couldn’t help but get bored within the tedious factory jobs. Hauling coal from one place to another, scooping it into the fireplaces - minds always began to drift. Gossip was whispered with bated breath under watchful eyes. Phil had heard it all - some true, most of them, however... complete fibs. He guessed that’s why he didn’t believe it at first when there were talks of war. There were always talks of war, but after the World War a while back, Phil thought it was stupid anyone would dare try to repeat it. The leaders were smarter than that, he thought to himself.
Besides, he had other things to worry about. Wilbur needed a new winter coat for the season. He’d been going through another growth spurt over the summer and had, unfortunately, outgrew his one from last year. They’d been saving to buy a new one, and his old one was given to his younger brother, Tommy. Funnily enough, the coat was extremely big and baggy on the ten-year-old, so much so he kept tripping and falling to the floor. Kristen kept pinning it up, though it never seemed to help much. He remembered one night telling Wilbur with a chuckle he was getting too tall and Tommy was getting too small. Tommy had grumbled angrily in a way only small children could do, puffing his chest out and proclaiming himself a ‘big man’. Kristen had smiled and laughed throughout it all, and when Tommy yawned she picked him up and carried him off to bed.
Money was always a tight issue, but Phil had the wisdom never to bring it up in front of his sons. Instead, he talked about stories of adventure-seeking pirates or brave warriors in hushed tones at night when the roof began to leak and they huddled together in thin blankets during the winter. Phil’s heart always swelled when Tommy’s eyes would light up in curiosity at the stories, at another world full of hope and things that Phil could only wish to provide them. One day, he promised himself, one day he would give them everything they deserved. Everything they’d wished for upon stars or whispered to themselves at night when they thought no one was listening. One day.
Phil remembered once when Wilbur was not much older than Tommy, he’d asked him if he could work with him in the factories. They had barely been able to afford the school fee that year, and Wilbur had started school a month behind his classmates because of it. When Phil had quickly tried to dismiss the idea Wilbur’s mouth had pressed in a thin line.
‘I can do it, Dad. Let me do it. I want to help.’
Phil’s hand had absentmindedly moved to trace around the scar in his calloused palm. When he first started, the manager put him near the machines, with the task to flip the lever and run them when the ribbon was on target. He flipped the switch before realizing it wasn’t on target, and when he moved the ribbon - the machine was merciless. He’d thought about Wil doing that, the machines, hauling pounds of coal up a hill, and he realized that he’d rather die working in the factories than accept the help. The money wouldn’t be worth it, the money would never be worth his life. Never in a million years.
No matter what, he’d always protect them. That was never a question on Phil’s mind.
When the orders came there was never any doubt about what he needed to do. There was never any hesitation. They needed to be safe. They needed to survive. When he told Kristen he held back tears, but his wife knew him better than anyone, cutting him off with a small loving embrace. Emotion welled up in Phil’s throat as he returned the hug, and the two stood in their cramped dining room like that for a while, the opened letter left scattered on the stained wooden table. Phil’s gaze drifted toward the couch where the two boys lay sprawled on top of each other, covered by a single blanket, asleep. For a moment, just a moment, Phil wanted to keep them like that forever - blissfully in that perfect moment of peace. But, Phil couldn’t do anything. A war was coming.
“We’ll get through this together.” Kristen had promised him. Phil hoped she was right.
The train howled in the distance. Millions of families rushed to and fro on the platform, volunteers and teachers hoisted the smaller children into the train. Conductors shouted, and the entire train platform was bathed in a large gust of steam. In the middle of all the chaos stood Phil, Kristen, and their two children.
“Okay boys, let’s go through this one more time,” Phil said, getting down more on their level, and trying his best to maintain a smile. “When you get on the train, stay in your seats. Make sure not to lose your bags, and try not to cause any trouble. Listen to the volunteers, yeah?” Wilbur nodded, and Phil noticed Tommy looking around in curiosity at all those passing by. He snapped his fingers, turning the ten-year-old’s attention back on him. “Tommy?”
“What did I just say?”
“Uhm… don’t pull any pranks?”
“Yes, don’t cause any trouble, Tommy. This is serious. There’s a lot of people, I don’t want you to get lost okay?”
Phil looked over at his oldest, clutching the suitcase in his hands tightly, a tag around his neck matching his brothers’. He’d been quiet since Phil had told them both the situation a day ago, and rushed off to help Phil get everything they needed from the list - they barely afforded getting the essentials. Money saved up for Wilbur’s new coat went to bars of soap, stockings, slippers, and handkerchiefs. Phil had given Wilbur his own, saying he’d be fine without one for the winter and they’d be able to afford another in no time. “Look out for him, alright?” While the two shared a brief moment together, Kristen was leaning down toward the child, spotting a bit of dirt on his cheek she was determined to get rid of. Tommy protested and squirmed from her grip as she smiled, holding back as laugh and keeping him still. Wilbur looked over at the two, smiling fondly.
“I will, Dad. I promise.”
Phil couldn’t help but be overcome with pride for his eldest, a small smile on his face. He grew up way too fast - where was that small boy who was always propped up on his shoulders and sang beautiful songs deep into the night, eyes shining with happiness? There were still traces of that same glimmer in Wilbur’s eyes, signs that those dreams and that hope were still alive, and to Phil that was all that mattered. He grew and became so responsible, so capable of anything and everything. At that moment, seeing him, he remembered that strong feeling of pride. Phil had every confidence in him, no matter what the future might hold.
He reached into his coat pocket for the letter, before taking in his eldest for what would be the last time for a while. His hand lightly brushed through that curly brown hair that always fell over his eyes, moving down to cup his cheek and look into those dark eyes that were so much like his mother’s - deep pools of infinite. “I hope you know how much I love you, Wilbur.”
“I do… I mean,” Wilbur stumbled, looking down at the ground. “I..I know, Dad.”
Phil nodded, pressing a small kiss to his son’s forehead. “Good.” He handed out the folded piece of paper with a name scribbled on it - Technoblade. “You’ll be staying with an old friend of mine, he knows me well and I trust him. Be on your best behavior.”
“Right,” Wilbur confirmed, looking over the name for a moment before sliding the piece of paper in his bag. “Does he... know we’re coming?”
“Well, uhm… no…?”
“Just give him the letter, it’ll explain everything. He owes me.”
Tommy rushed over, seemingly running from Kristen who simply giggled. “Papa!” Phil’s smile widened at the exchange.
“Come here you little squirt!” Phil’s heart lit up as he scooped up the smaller child in his arms, Tommy laughing with a playful shriek as he did so. “What’s wrong, mate?”
“Mama keeps scrubbing my face, it hurts!” Tommy accused, to which Kristen rolled her eyes with a smile.
“You’ve got dirt all over your face, honey-”
The train howled once more, sending all of them to silence. One of the conductors at the train car around ten or so feet from them shouted: “All aboard! All aboard who’s coming aboard!” Phil looked between the two of them.
“Let’s get you two settled, yeah?” They passed through the crowd toward the conductor. At this point many of the parents were already gone or standing a far distance from the track itself, seeing their children off. He slowly lowered Tommy off his hip and into the step. “I’ve got two kids here for the train, they’ve got their cards and items.” Phil gently moved Wilbur in front of him as he spoke. The man, in a bit of a hurry, snatched Tommy’s tag, almost making the child lose his balance as he glanced at it. Phil heaved Tommy’s shoulder bag, packed with things, into the steps with him. “He’s good. You had another?”
“Yes, my oldest, Wilbur. Please make sure, if you can find them a seat together.” The conductor looked Wilbur over before checking his tag as well.
“Will do, but I don’t make any promises.” He nodded at the tag. “He’s a good chap too. Let’s go, we’ve got a schedule.”
Tommy hugged his father around the neck. “Love you Papa. Love you Mama.”
“Love you, Toms.” Phil smiled, as Kristen leaned over and kissed him on the forehead, making the smaller child giggle. Wilbur was already picking up his younger brother’s things and sliding the bag over his shoulder.
“Bye!” Tommy waved as he followed behind the conductor.
“Bye.” Wilbur waved behind him. “I love you.”
And… just like that, they were gone. Phil held Kristen’s hands as they watched their two sons leave in a cloud of steam, chugging away toward the countryside. Going someplace safe. Kristen began to tear up and Phil held her close in comfort. Now, it was a waiting game of fate. A waiting game for the foretold bomb. A waiting game to die.
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Title: Just Gotta Stay Calm
Word Count: 3966
Fandom: Gravedale High
Ship/Pairing: Vinnie Stoker/Reggie Moonshroud
Tags: First Dates, Vampire Family, Tradition, Awkward Crush, Vampire Boyfriend, Werewolf Boyfriend, First Kiss, Dorks in Love, Awkward Dates, Boys in Love, Friendship/Love
Warnings: First Works of the fandom, swearing(small), awkward, fluff
Vinnie let in a breath as he examines himself in the special vampire mirror on his bedroom wall. He quietly checks every inch of his face closely before opening his mouth to check his fangs.
Good, He thought with a charming grin to himself. No pimples, no stuff in my teeth, no flaws in sight.  Vinnie went to his dresser and takes out some cologne he bought specifically for today, a scent of calming forest rain, and sprayed some on his neck and a little bit in his shirt. Not a lot just the basic stuff to seem simple and posh.
Vinnie and Reggie are finally getting themselves a date.  A real, really real, true date.  Just the two of them.  And Vinnie could be more happier then this moment!
Vinnie has been meaning to ask his best friend out for quite some time, since the first moment he noticed his feelings were a bit more then platonic bashful moths in his chest and stomach actually.  It took him a total of two full months to completely wrap his head around the fact that he - Vincent "Vinnie" Stoker - was wings over heels in love with the world's one and only Reggie Moonshroud.  However, it took him nearly a YEAR to get up all the courage to ask the boy out. Honestly, if it weren't for his friends this day might've never happened.
The young vampire left his bedroom and hurries down his stairs, only to be stopped by the voice of his old man, "Vincent, can you come here please?" Vinnie let out a silent shutter as he mentally cursed himself.
He slowly turned his body fully towards the older vampire sitting in his velvet chair with a pipe in between his lips, small puffs of the smoke emerging out the ends. The teen slowly walked over. "Y-Yea pops?" His voice rarely stammers when speaking, hasn't since he was in the 6th grade, at least not when he nervous beyond his wits like when he tried to get the chance to ask Reggie out and plan out what to do on said date.
"Are you going to go on your date soon?" Asked Mr. Stoker. Vinnie nods some in reply, his hands fumbling into his jacket's pockets. This was not what he wanted to do.  The older vampire stood up from his chair, pipe still puffing out smoke, his eyes focus out the window of the chilly autumn gray skies. He takes a puff before continuing, "I want to give you some simple advice for your first date Vincent. Vampire to vampire." Vinnie practically shrunk his head down into his coat's collar.
Defiantly not what he wanted to do. . .
"That's okay pops, I got it covered-" He began as he slowly creeped his way to the front door. "The year was 1880. . ."  Vinnie bite back a groan, knowing very well that once his dad starts it's hard to stop him.  "I was simply a beginning apprentice to the one and only Dracula. Mostly paper work and long mornings. I thought I had everything cut out for me, a great job and nice home, until I realized I was missing something important when I first saw your mother wandering through the local cemetery." Mr. Stoker smiles fondly as he light strokes his black beard. "She is my first and only love as I'm sure you know. And it took me decades to ask her on a single date, I feared she might not want a simple vampire apprentice who barely knows how to turn into a bat, but alas she surprise me with a yes."  Vinnie nods, "Yeah yeah I know. And you two spent many years together, got married, had two kids, and lived happily ever after. Dad, I know the story pretty well you know."
He didn't mean to interrupt his father's tale, he just already has his nerves up through the roof and he just want to hurry for the plans.  His father turned and looked at his son right in the eyes as he spoke, "I know you do. I'm just trying to tell you that last night I was certain to give you some advice for your date, a vampire tradition my father gave me as his father gave him and his father so forth. I know you're nervous and it's perfectly natural. Just remember, be courteous. Be engaging. And above all, have a plan." Vinnie nodded. "Don't worry pops, I got it covered. Now can I go and do the date itself?" He asked the older vampire, who nodded to his please. He didn't wait any few seconds to open the front door and flying off with a snap.
This will go well, He thought to himself as he feels the wind go through his black hair. Reggie will enjoy the date I have planned for us. This is a piece of blood orange pie. Vinnie smiled as he spaces out on today's plans. Slowly, though, his brain began to swim to a memory of when he got the nerves to finally make that choice he's been walking back and forth on. . .
~   ~   ~
Vinnie taps the heels of his shoe onto the cold hard floor of the school's classroom as he watches the clock tic away, his eyes going to the clock and to the werewolf just a desk away from him.  Today was the day, Vinnie told himself throughout the hours. Today I'm going to do it.  As if proving his luck, the bell rings out around the school, signalling everyone to grab their stuff and hurry the Hell out of there for the weekend.  Vinnie stood onto his feet, catching Gil and Sid giving him a thumbs up as they run out the classroom, and looks over at Reggie who is still putting his stuff away.
The vampire took a breath in and walked his way over to the red head's desk, his feet feeling kind of heavy as he gets closer. Be cool Vinnie, just do it. "Hey Reg." His voice called out suddenly, the rest of his body slowly just going with the flow.  Reggie turned his head and smiled up at his friend. "Hey there Vinnie. You usually are gone by now, is Mr. Schneider Sir seeing you after class again?" He asked as he puts his books away in his bag. Vinnie smiles warmly, he enjoys Reggie's voice. The way his small lisp happens between the small gap of the front of his teeth.  The way his voice cracks sometimes in the right moments. Just generally how comforting it is...
The vampire quickly shook his head when he finally notices Reggie is standing up and looking at him with cocoa brown eyes that warm up Vinnie's dead chest, "No no. I just wanted to know...if...um...i-if you don't mind me asking...I uh..."  "Yes Vinnie?" Reggie pressed on. Honestly, it's like he knows what he's doing to me. Vinnie took a gulp from his dry mouth before he spoke a retry, "I just wanted to know...if...if...well...if you're free this weekend? Maybe...we could...go out?" He didn't know if he sounded needy or not but he didn't care, he finally said it!
Reggie blinked a few times before replying, "Of course we can hang out Vin. We often times do already."  "No, Reggie, I meant...go out...like a...date...?" Vinnie was so scared to look at Reggie in the face yet he has to in order to watch his reaction.  And boy was it a reaction... His cute wolf ears were perked down in a way his shyness shows, hard to tell but behind that fur his cheeks were very rosey and red, just looking at him gave Vinnie so much heat on his face he for sure thought he was going to die.
~    ~     ~
Vinnie chuckled softly when Reggie's face on that day came to mind.
Well, yeah, the reply was a day late but nevertheless he said yes.  And the day has finally came.
Vinnie soon landed at Reggie's place, a pretty big home of four stories with a even bigger yard surrounded it of 6 aches each side. He knew Reggie's family owned a big home for such a big family but he honestly wasn't expecting something so... human dream life. A white picket fence wrapping around the areas of land, green grass in perfect height, the house painted in a nice paint of soft blue with the windows having a white coat to the edges, a cute porch sticking out from the big dark brown oak made front door, and to fit so perfectly a nice little porch swing with a small coffee table.  In all honesty neither Vinnie nor Reggie been to each others' houses despite being friends for years. Always staying at the dorms the school gave them for half the week.
The vampire slowly made his way to the porch and gently pulled the rope that rings the door bell loudly it echos around him and to the forest not far from the house itself. He tripled checked in his head the plans of the date as he waits a few seconds before the door opened and Reggie's head popped into view. "Hey Vinnie." Reggie said with a smile and opened the door already for him to step out. "Hey there Reg-" Vinnie nearly chocked on his words upon seeing Reggie. He wasn't wearing anything out of his comfort zone but something Vinnie was expecting obviously... Let alone something his heart was ready for.  There standing in front of him with the shine of the afternoon sun glimmering a special effect through the tree leafs Reggie wearing a typical white button-down shirt and well ironed dress pants but wears also a well knitted beige and blood red pattern pullover sweater vest and a black Letterman jacket with a big red R stitched to his chest's right side, his hair combed in a messy side bangs style to the left side of his face. Honestly, Vinnie doesn't know if this was more cute or sexy and he was pretty scared of both.  "I-I could change if you want..." Reggie stated, snapping Vinnie out of his daze to realize he's been staring holes into the poor werewolf. "No no you're okay Reg. Just uh...caught me off guard is all. It's cool." Vinnie spoke up with his hands up in defense.
Reggie giggles some, causes Vinnie's undead heart to for sure jumble in beats like a drum.
The first stop of this little date for the two monsters was a nice little fly over the town to the date's main destination. Reggie clings to Vinnie from behind, his face so close to his their cheeks are barely touching softly, his eyes watching the town below them. "Gee Vinnie, this is beautiful." He whispered but Vinnie heard it very well, his warm breath gently dancing across Vinnie's ear, his cheeks warming up in a soft shade of pink, a smile appearing on the vampire's lips. If anything, if he had a chance to say it, Reggie was the most beautiful thing to Vinnie's eyes. Though as a sad as it had pained him he knew he would crash into something if he doesn't focus.
His eyes scanned around the area before carefully landing in front of a cafe looking place. Reggie looked around the place when he climbed down from the vampire's back as he tucked in his wings. "Um... Vinnie." Reggie mumbled softly as he dragged his feet closer to Vinnie. Vinnie let out a hum, "Yeah Reg?" "Correct me if I'm wrong but this is a human cafe is it not?" Indeed it was.  "Yeah. I figured to have a nice bite here for a change." "True it's just... don't you rather want to go to Ms. White's Diner? It's one of your favorites right?" Vinnie had to fight back the urge of going to his favorite 50's diner and share a monster shake with Reggie, he had a plan and he's sticking to it. He gently takes his paw and said, "This is just as good Reg, promise. Plus they serve your favorite here. Trust me."  Reggie looked at the place and at Vinnie, seemed to be small on numbers of humans... So it could be okay right?
The two monsters entered the cafe and walked it's way to a table right in the center. The place was nice, clean, quiet, cute, and had a nice nature aesthetic with potted plants hanging from the ceiling and the smell of coffee and tea with some sweets filling your sense of smell. "This place is nice." Reggie said, his eyes focused on every little detail around him.  The V-Man couldn't help but smile proudly, the date's going so well so far.
A waiter walks over to their table with a notepad and spoke to the two teenage monsters, "Afternoon gentlemen. What can I get you for drinks?" Vinnie opened the menu.  "I'd like a black coffee with a side of milk creamer."  The waiter nodded and looked at Reggie waiting for his answer.  The werewolf quietly looked through the menu, his eyes widening like space saucers. "O-Oh my...Um...w-water would be fine..."  The waiter wrote the orders down before hurrying to the back.  Reggie looked at Vinnie with a raised brow, "This place is expensive Vinnie. They don't even serve your favorite drinks here. And I think you need it, you look ill..."
Vinnie knew Reggie was worried, he can hear it in his voice, but he can't simply explain it... Since the night before last he hasn't had a drop of blood to nibble a sip from due to how stressed and nervous he was getting over asking Reggie out and planning out this perfect date. Black coffee was the best he could get to that bitter goodness. And if not, the creamer would do the trick.  Still, he knew he can't say all that to Reggie, not to seem not cool in front of his crush but also because he doesn't want the werewolf to feel bad or blame himself. Instead he just smiles his traditional smile and leaned back in his chair as he coats his voice with soothing calmness, "It's fine Reg. Everything fine actually. I just... had a big batch during breakfast and need the coffee here is good as I'm told. Plus, the money, don't worry. I got it covered." He finishes with a wink and another smile which caused Reggie's shoulders to calm down slightly.
After a few more seconds the waiter returned with their drinks and a notepad still in hand, "Here is your black coffee with a side of milk creamer and your glass of water sirs. May I interest you into something to eat?" Vinnie glances at the man's meaty neck and silently licked his fang out of sights, his brain wracking him inside his skull to try and not accept the urge to chomp down onto that neck and drink up. His hand quickly grabbed the coffee cup as soon as it was set and took a big gulp of it. Bitter. Not as bitter but still helps a little. He thought, feeling his nerves calm down a bit more.  He glances over at Reggie and smiles, "Why don't you order first? I'll follow after."  Reggie fixes his glasses and looked over the menu, a few times his eyes peeking at Vinnie as if asking for his help. "G-Gee...there's a lot of good options... Um..." He pondered out loud, Vinnie could see the human tapping his pen in a annoyance type manner. He bite down on his bottom lip some to fight back his new urge to range his neck.  Before the urge could happen for real, Reggie's voice rang out to Vinnie's ears, "I-I guess I can have the Pea & Carrot Soup with the Greek Salad as the side?"  "And you sir?" Vinnie had to remember how to talk before he took a quick glance at the menu before blurting out his order, "I'd like a French Onion Soup." And like before the man walked away after writing the orders down.
Vinnie noticed Reggie seemed more awkward and fidgety then his usual form.  "Everything alright Reg?" Vinnie asked, his voice truly worried. He truly is worried for Reggie. Maybe he caught that waiter's rudeness towards them because of their race? Maybe it's the fact it's clearly two boys out doing things beyond friends? The vampire's head is just about to explode over the thoughts on what could be wrong with his Reggie- My Reggie? Vinnie thought of having Reggie of his very own before... I mean it did sound nice to him but would Reggie be down to being...
Reggie softly shook his head with a mumbled, "It's nothing, really..." But Vinnie knew something's been bothering his pal. Maybe... Vinnie felt sick thinking this, Maybe he's not comfortable being on a date with me... Before he knew it the food had arrived but the two didn't seem in the mood to enjoy it... Vinnie gulped down the rest of his coffee and stared down at his dish.
Great, my nerves are all over the place now and Reggie ain't having a good time... He thought as he watched Reggie gently nibble on his soup and salad, the two barely having one or two small conversations. This date is going terrible...
The two left the cafe quietly and quickly after paying for the bill. The two were still pretty silent. Reggie broke this awkward pause in the air with a smile, "The food was pretty good Vinnie." Vinnie doesn't reply. "Vinnie..?" Suddenly, the second monster on this date let out a groan like sigh before slumping his body down a grass area in the side walk, "That stupid waiter! 50 bucks and all he had to do is make it nice!"
Reggie tilt his head at this and quietly asked, "What do you mean...?"  There was a pause when Vinnie looked away with no answer, causing it to click to the smarter of the two.  "Vinnie Stoker, did you pay a human waiter for our date?"  Vinnie sighed, "Not just paid Reggie, I paid the guy $50 to hold off any other reservations so it can be just us... I know you don't like really crowded places but that guy ruined it. I wasted 50 from my allowance just to have a guy be rude to you." Vinnie covered his face with his palms. "I'm sorry Reg...I really am..." Surprising Vinnie, Reggie grabbed his hand and pulls him up before guiding him somewhere.
"Hey Reg, where we going?" He asked, but his question fell on deaf ears as the werewolf still guided him silently.  Suddenly the vampire began to feel a new kind of nervous. Was Reggie mad? Was he going to yell at him for bribing a human? Does he know he hasn't been drinking his daily sips of blood?  He felt sick at the ideas of any of those being true and he blew this date... His one chance... And he blew it major time... There might not even be a second chance in this... "Look Reg..." Vinnie started, hanging his head low in shame. Reggie stopped him, "You didn't have to do any of that Vinnie. I would be perfectly fine going to any place we usual go."  Vinnie did not want this date to be ruined. He did not want his friendship to be tainted. All Vinnie wanted to do was do what he planned, even if it was sudden...
"I like you Reggie!"
Reggie stopped suddenly and whipped his head around so fast he must've felt dizzy.  No turning back now huh? Vinnie thought, taking a deep breath in, "I've always liked you Reg... And I mean really like you... Like...Like... I always get happy in the mornings because I get a chance to be near you at school, it's the only reason why I don't ditch as often. And when you're not there I feel sad...so sad I feel sick... I often re-read the messages we send back and forth after school because I miss talking to you that much... A-And that time when I was running for School President and you were helping me... Reggie, I felt so happy just being around you...seeing you so happy at what you were doing... I know this isn't stuff you want to hear instead of a apology...but I swear to you it's truer then true Reggie... I really like you... I've liked you for so long...I don't know when but I know when I figured it out... when you were fallin from the sky and I was running to you... All that's been runnin' around my head was "I can't let him go"... Reggie... you matter to me so much the idea of you not here with me is killing me..."
Vinnie was so scared to look up at his friend, scared he made it worst... "I just...I know this date ended up bad... but I-" Vinnie's words were cut short when he lifted his head to finally face his nerves, quickly his lips were covered by the soft fur of Reggie's lips.  The teen vampire felt his undead heart beat for miles and miles as every second slowly passes by between them, his eyes widen more then the usual wide but slowly his body began to melt by the warmth of Reggie's lips and they slowly blinked to a close while his lips push pressure back into the kiss.
The kiss lasted about a extra minute before the two pulled away, Vinnie's ears catching a soft small puppy like whine coming from deep back within Reggie's neck. "You like my lips that much Reg?" Vinne asked with a tease in his voice, smiling more when see that same expression of bashfulness Vinnie witness when he asked Reggie out in the first place. "Okay, I'm sorry... does...this mean you like me too...?" He asked, hopeful of his words being a positive. Reggie giggles softly, "Of course it means I like you Vinnie... Why else would I agree to go on a date and kiss you?" Vinnie felt stupid asking such a obvious question.  "And...why else would I do this?" After Reggie said that, he guided Vinnie again towards a secret spot. A nice little isolated hill spot overlooking the entire town and beach. Reggie...planned this? The vampire looked at Reggie in disbelief, now noticing the blush fur on his cheeks. "I... I like you too Vinnie... A lot... I've always had felt it too but that day when you risked everything just for me was when I realize it was more then a simple crush... And I wanted to show you how I felt since then...but I was too chicken to even bring it up in conversation... So, when you asked me out, I was nervous that I might miss my shot...so..." "So you ended up setting this up?"  Reggie nodded some, his bangs sweeping over his warm brown eyes in a cute shy manner.
Vinnie smiles softly and wrapped his arms around Reggie's frame, his lips lightly touching a small peck on his cheek. Sure, this wasn't the date I had planned... Reggie giggles and gently sat on the grass, Vinnie following after. The sun was just about going darker as the stars began to appear above them like candles they used to have lit from their old fears of the unknown... Vinnie could help but smile when seeing Reggie's happy face when he cuddles into him.  But I honestly couldn't ask for anything better.
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thewildomega · 4 years
Second Chance Ch.14
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A/N: Ya’ll can’t tell me this man isn’t a hunk! Props for the awesome fanart goes to @insect_candy on twitter. I found it on pintrest. As always if the artist sees this and wants me to remove it just send em a message and I’ll take it down asap. I do think it’s really good though. Especially the eyes. If anyone gets a chance go check out their page. Link is in the name. Hope everyone likes this update. How much longer should this story go on? Is it still interesting and enjoyable to read?
Sitting quietly in your chair beside Ed you listened as they all spoke, Ed telling his sons what had happened when he had arrived in your world. You couldn't help but blush when he talked so fondly of you, telling his sons how you had helped him, taken care of him. 
"Then it would seem we are in your debt Y/n. Thank you for helping our pops." Izo spoke to the woman who had remained quiet throughout dinner.
 Looking to the man you shook your head. "Oh no, it's okay really it was no problem I..."
"It's okay Y/n you don't have to lie to us, we know how much of a handful the old man can be." Marco said making his brothers laugh. 
"Agreed, I think we should congratulate her on not killing him in his sleep." Vista grinned. 
"I am not that bad." He grumbled when he saw them all laughing. Looking beside him he even saw his lass giggling lightly at his son's teasing of him. All in all though he couldn't be mad, it was nice having some of his family all together again, even more so now that Y/n was here with him. Chewing a bite of his food he watched and listened as they went about asking Y/n about her world. Already his son's were starting to warm up to her and the sight made him smile softly. 
After supper you and Zella had moved to clean up while the men all talked and caught up. It made your heart warm to see Ed happy with his sons. Once everything was all tidy Zella had told you she was calling it a night. She had been very sleepy the past few days and while you wanted to ask her if she was okay you also didn't want to seem nosey. Drying all the dishes and putting them away you looked over everything and sighed. Walking out of the kitchen and into the living room you saw no one here as well, you could hear their voices from outside though and guessed they were all out there. Not wanting to intrude on their family time you looked down to your hand which you had successfully kept hidden the whole night. Walking to the guest bathroom you closed the door and finally unwrapped the dishcloth from it. Looking down at the bloody cut you winced. It wasn't that long, only half of your palm length, going from the middle of your palm to the space between your thumb and forefinger. It was decently deep though, especially the skin between your fingers. Setting the bloody dishrag in the sink you turned on the hot water and filled the sink so you could let it soak. Turning on the shower you pulled off your clothes, trying your best not to get any blood on them as well. Stepping into the shower you rinsed your hand, grabbing the soap you started washing, biting your lip and whimpering when it felt like you had poured salt into your wound. Washing your hair was annoying as well but you made it work. Quickly shaving and then getting out you grabbed a towel and started drying off.
Opening the closet door you moved to grab your clothes from the basket but when you looked down to the floor where they had bene you saw nothing there. "What... where..." you said out loud. Knitting your brows you looked all in the closet but didn't find anything but the spare towels and washing machine. Where the hell were your clothes? You had just did laundry the other day so you knew they weren't dirty. So where the hell... Ed. Closing the door you wrapped the towel tightly around you, thankful they were made for his size. Running your fingers through your hair when you also noticed your hairbrush not in the drawer or any of your other items he had bought you you sighed. Opening the door you peeked out to see no one in the house. Licking your lips you walked towards his bedroom which was the only other place you could think your things would be. Glancing around the room you tried to locate your basket. Seeing it on the dresser you moved over to it but saw it empty. "Where in the hell..."
"Darlin' are you back..." 
Freezing when you heard his voice you looked up to the door to see him standing in the doorway, looking at you. Snapping your eyes down you felt your face, ears and neck catch fire. 
"...here." he finished. Seeing her standing by the dresser in nothing but a towel he closed his mouth when he realized it was still open. The white towel that she had wrapped around her ended at her knees. While it revealed nothing but her lower legs, shoulders and arms he felt his manhood twitch all the same. She was naked, the only thing on her being a towel. 
God you were so embarrassed. You both had only slept in the same bed for one night and now here you were just walking around his bedroom in nothing but a damn towel. What the hell would he think of you? "C..clothes?" you asked in a whisper. 
She wouldn't look up at him but he could see the tips of her ears sticking out of her wet hair and noticed the blush on them immediately. "Right." Walking over to the dresser he opened the drawers where he had put her clothes in with his. Grabbing the black lace panties that she had on when they came here he clenched his teeth when his imagination decided to take over. 'NO'. Shutting the drawer he moved down to the next and grabbed one of his shirts that she was keen on wearing for a nightgown. Black lace panties and his shirt. God his pants were already tightening at the thought. Taking a deep breath he went to hand them over to her. "Here ya go lass." he said, his voice deeper than usual. 
Keeping your eyes down some you went to take your clothes when he suddenly grabbed your wrist. 
"What's that?" 
Remembering your cut palm you looked up to him and shook your head some, "Nothing." 
Refusing to let go of her wrist he turned her hand up and knit his brows when he saw the deep cut on her palm. "Sure does look like something to me darling. What happened?"
"I just nicked it when I was washing dishes earlier." you told him. 
Humming he frowned. "This is more than a little nick lass. Why didn't you say something about, did Zella see it, she could have said something to Marco." 
"No she didn't see it, it happened before..."
"Before when?" he asked and then shook his head and looked to her eyes, "Before supper? You did this before supper and you didn't say anything?" he asked in a disapproving voice. Now that he thought back he did think it was strange she had been keeping her hand under the table in her lap. 
Sighing you took your clothes and moved towards his bathroom to dress. "It's fine Ed." 
Walking behind her he crossed his arms over his chest. "Until it gets infected." 
"It's not going to get infected, I cleaned it." you told him, pushing the door closed so you could dress. 
Standing just outside of the door he waited for her to dress which only took a moment. Once the door opened and she went to step out he moved forward, scooping her up and sitting her down on the bathroom counter. "That's what everyone says. Trust me I have seen my fare share of injuries, little cuts that no one thought nothing of until it turns septic and then has to be chopped off." 
Listening to his lecture you watched as he moved to grab something from under the vanity. Seeing him set a first aid kit on the counter next to you, you looked up to him. Placing your hand in his when he held it out for you. "How did you get those scars from your pictures, the ones on your chest?"
Beginning to clean the cut with alcohol he saw her fingers twitch but not snatch away. "Different battles. One from my old Captain, Rocks. Got one from fighting Roger and another from an old crewmate, Shikki." grabbing the roll of bandages and tape he applied a bit of cream to it to both help with pain and quick healing. "What about you, any scars on that pretty body?" 
Blushing again you saw him noticed this time and heard him chuckle lightly. "That gunshot one..." you started but heard him grunt. 
"Don't like the story of that one." he growled under his breath. 
"I do, that's the night I got to come here with you." 
Seeing her smiling softly at him he sighed. "While that may be true, it still should have never happened." taping down the bandage he lifted her up again to take her to their bed, cutting off the light to both the bathroom and bedroom on the way. Sitting on the bed he rested against the headboard with his feet stretched out and her straddling his lap. "Anymore?" he asked, knowing if he wanted her to relax he needed to keep her talking. There wasn't any light but that of the candle on the side table but he could still tell she was blushing. 
Humming you tried to focus on the question he asked and not the fact you were currently straddling the lap of the man you loved. "Um well there's the one where Smoke bit me."
Looking down to her leg where she was looking he tilted his head at the faint scar on her thigh. Licking his lips he moved his thumb under the hem of his shirt and pushed it higher up her left leg, feeling heat pool to his pelvis at the feel of her soft skin. Seeing the bite there he huffed. "He got you good didn't he?" It wasn't a nasty scar but he could tell by each individual mark that the wolf had sunk his teeth in deep. 
"Yea." you sighed. 
Stroking her thigh with his thumb he glanced over the rest of her skin, looking for any other scars. "That it?"
"n..No. I have a 'W' on my right hip from where Keith branded me." you told him, having to steady yourself, the feel of his warm hands on your thighs making that tingling come back. 
"He branded you?" he asked in a deep voice, a frown on his face as he lifted his eyes to hers. 
"He didn't do it intentionally. He was making that new sign at Mel's bar for his dad and kept messing around. The letters that you use to burn the wood, he kept poking the 'M' towards me asking if it was hot. He wasn't trying to actually touch me with it but Trish came in and bumped into me and well yea." Seeing his brows knit together you took a deep breath, "It was definitely hot. Burnt straight through my shirt and everything. Keith felt horrible for it, he bought me dinner for the next week." 
Looking down to her hip he thought for a moment before asking, "Can I see?"
Swallowing hard you felt your heart beat a little faster as you lifted the bottom of the shirt up enough to show him the 'W' over your left hip bone. 
Forcing his eyes to focus on her hip and not the part of her covered by black lace that he wanted so desperately to look at he indeed saw the 'W' scar on her skin. He didn't like the idea of her being hurt like that and furrowed his brows. Rubbing his hand up her thigh and hip he held her with his hand over her side, feeling the material of her panties under the bottom part of his palm. Genty tracing the mark with his thumb he swallowed hard when his eyes dropped to the apex of her thighs for a fraction of a second. Instantly he knew that was a bad idea when he felt his cock come to life. Fuck he could make out the silhouette of her womanhood through the weblike pattern. Raising his knees some and spreading his legs so it wouldn't become too obvious he was aroused he held her steady as she slipped forward. Catching sight of the scar on her chest when his shirt moved some he furrowed his brows. Keeping his one hand under th ebottom of the shirt on her hip he raised his other one to touch the circular scar. It wasn't too bad since Marco had healed her with ihs power but it would probably stay there for the remainder of her life. To him it would be a constant reminder of how she had saved him, while noble he couldn't get the image of her lifeless body out of his head. Even now it made his heart clench painfully. 
Seeing his brows and lips turn into a firm line as he looked to the scar on your chest you gently took hold of his hand that was stroking the area. Looking into his warm yellow eyes as when they lifted to yours you watched his face relax. 
"Why did you run after that man lass? You knew he had a gun, knew that he wouldn't care if you got hurt." he asked her and saw her eyes shoot down. 
"He took all the money that was in the safe, that was everything Mel had..." you shrugged.
"Money isn't that important darling." 
"Mel is sick, he's dying. I know money isn't the most important thing in life but when they were barely making it as it was that money could have meant life or death for him when it was paying for his medicine. After everything that family did for me I couldn't just sit there and let that asshole take everything from them like that."
Hearing this he sighed softly, stroking her hip with his thumb. He fell more and more in love with her everyday. "How the hell did this old pirate get lucky enough to have an angel like you as his soulmate?" he spoke in a low voice. 
Just realizing what he had said he blinked and felt his mouth go dry. "Ah... well yes..." Clearing his throat he tried to think of a way to explain their destined love to her. "You see lass here in this world soulmates are a thing... a ah... a natural connection. Not everyone has them but some get lucky enough. It's when two people are destined to be with each other and they have this... well this pull and..." Seeing her smile grow and her teeth bit down on her lip some he stopped, feeling a blush over his cheeks and neck. 
"It's okay Ed, Zella explained them to me last week." seeing him furrow his brows as he looked down to you, you grinned nervously. "I wasn't sure you felt the same way and I didn't want to lose you so I never said anything."
She had been afraid he wouldn't love her back. She felt their connection as well? The knowledge made him smile. Still he could tell she was a bit nervous. "So you knew what they were and still you let me suffer through that horrible explanation like an idiot." 
Seeing him cut his eyes at you playfully, a smile still present on his lips you tilted your head. "It was fun to watch you be the nervous wreak for a change." you admitted with a small shrug.
Growling he grinned as he quickly wrapped his arm around her and flipped her to the bed, holding himself up above her while her hands held onto his back and shoulder. Gazing down at her sparkling eyes he felt that swelling in his heart and sighed softly. "Never thought I'd experience that whole feeling that comes with having a soulmate. My entire life I've always felt like there was something missing. Ever since I was a kid the only thing I've ever wanted was a family. I gathered many sons and daughters over the years, children of the sea that I called my own but it wasn't enough. There was still some part of me that was missing and I could never find that lost piece. When I died in Marrieford I accepted that it would be a mystery that would never be solved. But to my surprise my story wasn't over. I was found by the very person I had spent my whole life trying to find. I knew from the first time I saw you that you were the one, that you were meant to be mine. I don't know which higher power was looking out for me but I thank them for finally allowing our paths to cross." His heart was hammering so hard against his ribcage he was sure it would soon burst from his chest. "Lass you make me feel complete, I will love you forever. Long after the seas dry up and the stars fade in the sky." He was so nervous he thought he might have another heart attack. Staring into her eyes he licked his dry lips. "I promise to care for you. You will be the only woman I ever love. I'll provide for ya and you'll never want for anything..."
"Darling I don't have a ring to give ya, not yet at least but I..." Taking a deep breath he swallowed hard. "I'll get you one, anyone you want. I can't wait till then, not a moment longer, I have to ask you now. Will ya marry me lass?"
Four months, three weeks and six days. That's how long it had been since you had found him on the shore of the lake. It wasn't that long really but you felt like you had known him your whole life. Even from the beginning he had always felt like this old friend who had just shown back up from out of nowhere. Somewhere along those few months you had fell head over heels for him but you had said nothing. So afraid that he would soon toss you aside like everyone else had you had distanced yourself as much as possible even when it made your heart ache terribly. He was patient with you, he listened. He made you laugh and cry and he was right about feeling whole because not once in your life had you ever been so happy than you were when you were with him. Almost five months, most would probably say that that wasn't long enough to know a person to marry them but to you, that was all the time you needed. 
Looking up into those warm yellow eyes you smiled, your eyes tearing up a bit. "Yes."
As soon as the word was out of her mouth he felt his face break into what had to be the biggest smile of his life. Without a moment's hesitation he lowered his body to hers, finally claiming her lips. Just as he suspected her lips were soft and smooth. A light sigh left his nose at being able to finally kiss her. Thankfully this time Marco wasn't here to interpret either. There was this strong pulling in his chest that turned into a comfortable warmth as he allowed his body to lower just above hers, still careful not to crush her. She had tensed the tiniest amount when their lips first met but quickly she had relaxed. 
He was kissing you. You were getting your first kiss and it was so incredible. God his lips were so warm and only a bit rougher than your own. You could feel the slight scruff on his upper lip but it didn't bother you. Then there was the heat of his huge body laying over yours and that strange tugging that had turned into a comforting warmth. You could die happy right here and now. The hand holding your hip was gently messaging you while the one wrapped under your head made you feel secure and safe. When the need for air became desperate and he pulled away some you looked up into his soft eyes, his hair falling around the both of your faces making the moment even more intimate. 
"...so what'd she say?"
"Yes of course!" 
"I told you she would." 
"Way to go Pops."
Hearing voices from outside of the window you peeked around his massive arm to look out of the window, you couldn't see anything because of the drawn curtains but when Ed let out a deep growl you knew someone was there. 
Letting go of her hip he grabbed one of the pillows and threw it towards the window his sons were standing by. "If you four don't get the hell out of here I'll toss you all to the sea!"
"He does realize we are on land right?"
"Is that a challenge?!"
Giggling through it all you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck when he went to move. 
Being pulled back down by his little woman he didn't get to say a word before her lips pushed their way back to his. "Overgrown children." he grumbled around her lips and heard her giggle lightly. Continuing to hold himself up with one arm he moved his free hand over to the table to pinch out the wick. Maybe if the room was dark his sons would get the hint to leave them alone. 
"So what is it for?" Izo asked.
Seeing the three men looking to your phone you tilted your head, "Um well in my world people use them to call one another, like the den den's here. You can also use it to read books on, there's a calculator, a flashlight, a camera..." Showing them each feature you saw their brows raise when you turned on the flashlight. Taking a picture of the three of them you turned it around to show them and saw Vista smile. "Really there is a whole bunch of stuff on it. I can't make calls on it anymore since I'm here but I can still read some books on it and listen to music."
"Music?" Jozu asked. 
Humming you nodded and brought up your music list. Tapping on a song you saw them all look to it in amazement when the song started playing. 
"You'll soon be hearing the chime Close to midnight If I could turn back the time I'd make all right
How could it end like this? There's a sting in the way you kiss me Something within your eyes Said it could be the last time Fore it's over!
Just wanna be Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight Just wanna be I wanna bewitch you all night..."
"I want one of those." Vista said. 
Giggling you held it out for him to take. "Here ya'll knock yourself out. I have to go pick up some stuff from town for supper anyway. Just don't hit anything that says delete okay." When they all nodded but kept their eyes on the phone you smiled again and stood. 
Walking from around the house he looked to see Izo, Vista and Jozu all sitting on the ground playing with his soon to be wife's phone. Wife, the thought of being able to call her that made his chest swell with pride. Hearing the music playing from her phone he chuckled at the smile on his sons faces. Looking down at them with his arms crossed over his chest he chuckled. "So I see y/n has shown you her phone." 
"This thing is amazing. Look at all the books she has.."
"There is over three hundred songs on it as well." Izo added. 
"Yea she loves reading and music." he grinned.
"Marco said she likes cooking too." Jozu spoke.
"I bet Thatch would have liked her." Vista grinned.
"Ace too." 
Sighing his grin turned bittersweet, he would have loved for her to meet the both of his fallen sons. He knew for a fact they both would have loved her. Looking to them all again he raised his brows, "Do any of you happen to know where it is my lass has run off to?"
"Yea, she said she had to go into town to get stuff for supper." 
"Let us borrow her phone while she was gone." 
Humming he nodded, "Don't break it." 
"Yea, yea." 
Huffing out he started towards town. Looking all over for her he didn't find her anywhere and when he finally asked around they said she had already left a little while ago. Knitting his brows he stood in though, if she had already left then he would have met her on the way back home but he hadn't. So where was she? Deciding to let his heart lead the way he started walking out of town and towards the entrance to the town. If she was going to get groceries then why would she need to come out here? Going up the hill and towards the ruins of the old town he had grew up in he looked across to the edge of the cliff where his and Ace's grave was. He had been to it a few times to talk to his son but he found it strange looking at his own headstone. A part of him wondered if there was anything buried there? Marco had told him that they had buried him, hell even that red head had helped but if he was here now was that body now gone or was this a whole new one? As tempted as he was to dig it up he figured he was better off not knowing. 
Getting closer to the top he saw her h/c hair blowing in the breeze and knit his brows, what was she doing up here? Going to call out to her he stopped when he saw someone standing by her, the two of them looking to be speaking. Realizing who it was he clenched his teeth and marched a little faster towards them. As soon as he was close enough he saw Garps eyes shoot to him, his brows raising. Moving y/n behind him he stared down at the man, "What the hell are you doing here Garp?"
"What am I doing here, what the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be dead damnit! And why are you young again?!" Garp yelled. "Wait a minute, am I dead? Did I die and for some godforsaken reason end up in the same place as you? If I did die how come I'm still old?"
"You're going to be dead if you don't get off my damn island!" 
"Go to hell Newgate, I'm here to see Ace..."
"NO! You don't get to pay your respects to my son..."
"He was my damn grandson before he was one of your sons!"
"Don't act like you care so much about him now, you let him die!"
"Ace made his choice, he became a pirate and then he joined up with you! I warned him but he wouldn't listen!" The marine yelled, his face turning red and his veins sticking out in his forehead. 
"What a load of crap! That boy had a target on his back before he was even born! For being Roger's son, something he couldn't even control. Yea he became a pirate and he was a damn good one. Much like that other grandson of yours, that strawhat brat. Are you gonna sit back and watch him die too?!"
"Don't you bring Luffy into this!" Garp growled, his voice dropping even more.
Clenching his fists he sensed his sons coming up behind him. "Take Y/n back home." he spoke in a deep voice, never ceasing his intense stare down with Garp. 
Having stayed behind him the whole time you felt your heart hammering as Ed and the man you had just met who you had heard Ed call Garp argued. You had never seen him so angry looking other than the time he had saved you from that man. There seemed to be this intense aroura coming off both men and it made you nervous. Hearing Marco and the others come up behind you and then Ed tell them to take you back home you furrowed your brows. Tightening your grip on his arm that had been holding you behind his bulk frame you swallowed hard and looked up to the back to his head. "Ed..."
Seeing Garp's eyes glance to the woman behind him he felt his lip lift into a snarl. Giving her hip a small squeeze he rose his chin, "Jozu." he called, knowing the man was bigger than her. 
Being pulled away from him by Jozu no doubt you tried holding onto his arm but he let your hands slip away. Watching as Izo moved to grab the bags left by his father's feet you looked between the two men. "N..."
"It's best to stay out of it Y/n." Marco told her, taking hold of her other hand while Jozu held her arm to pull her back towards the safety of their father's home. 
Getting past the waterfall you heard a loud slam and then a smack, the ground shaking a bit and making you gasp. "B...but will he be okay?" you asked trying to stop and look back towards the man you loved. Yes the other man was smaller but you still didn't want your Ed to get hurt. 
Laughing along with the rest of his brothers Vista pat her arm, "Oh don't you worry about pops Y/n. He didn't get the title of strongest man in the world for nothing."
"Yea and pops never backs down from a fight." Jozu huffed.
Blinking you looked to Vista with wide eyes. "Strongest man in the world?" surely he had to be exaggerating. Seeing them all nod proudly though you could only open and close your mouth, turning your head back to see a cloud of dust flying up here and there, the loud noises still echoing from where you had left. Just who and the hell were you going to marry? You knew Edward but maybe it was time to learn who Whitebeard was.
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until-the-sun-rises · 5 years
Virgil’s Promise
AU Intro Post
AU Creators: @a-valorous-choice and @ironwoman359
Summary: Virgil, his mother, and his little brother Thomas have been living in the woods since a virus outbreak wiped out most of the population, including Virgil’s father. Life can be bleak, but they make the most of what they have. However, when Virgil’s world is turned upside down again, will he have what it takes to keep his little brother safe?
Content Warnings: Apocalypse AU, angst, character death, death of a parent, guns, knives, violence, mentions of blood, zombies (called terminals in universe), mentions of eating people (in a zombie sense, not a cannibal sense), crying, grief, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus, cursing, bittersweet ending. PLEASE let us know if you need anything else tagged, and stay safe! There are moments of comfort sprinkled throughout but this is mostly an angst piece with, again, a bittersweet ending. Do what you need to do to protect yourselves <3
Word Count: 5,464
Read on AO3 Here
Author’s Notes: Here it is, the first installment of the AU! I had such a fantastic time writing this, I’m really really proud of it, and can’t wait to hear what you guys think! Looking ahead, you can expect more introduction fics like this for our other main players, then we’ll get into other details of the main plotline! In the meantime, asks are open if you’d like to scream at us about the AU, we’d love to scream back! Love you guys, thanks so much for the support! -Taylor ☕️
--- --- ---
“Mom, I found more berries!” 
Virgil looked up to see his eight-year-old brother holding out a handful of dark purple berries with a wide grin stretched across his face. 
“Thomas, put those down!” their mother Emma cried, rushing over to Thomas’s side. “Those are pokeweed berries, honey, you can’t eat those. They’ll make you very very sick if you eat them, okay?” 
“Oh...okay. Sorry.” 
Thomas’s lip wobbled a little, and Emma smiled, smoothing back Thomas’s hair. 
“It’s okay, sweetie, you didn’t know. They’re very pretty berries, aren’t they?” 
“Uh huh,” Thomas agreed, nodding. “That’s why I thought they were fine to eat.”
“There’s lots of things in the woods that look pretty, but not all of them are safe, okay? Pokeweed berries are never fine to eat, they make you really sick. Do you understand?”
“Yeah, I do.” 
“Good boy.” Emma smiled, and pointed over his shoulder. “Now, see those white flowers behind you?”
“Uh huh.” 
“Those are Queen Anne’s lace flowers. And their roots are actually wild carrots! Why don’t you go over and dig some up for us, okay?” 
Thomas nodded eagerly and skipped over to the patch of flowers. Emma sighed in relief, and sat back on her heels, smiling fondly as she watched her son. 
“I thought pokeweed was okay sometimes?” Virgil asked, coming up behind her, causing her to jump a little. 
“Virgil! You startled me, who taught you to move so quietly?” 
Virgil grinned. 
“You did. When you insisted you take me paintballing for my sixteenth birthday.” 
“Fair’s fair,” Emma laughed. “What did you ask me just now?”
“Pokeweed,” Virgil repeated. “I thought you could eat it sometimes?”
“Ah, I see,” she said. “Well, that’s true, but never the berries, or the roots. You can eat the leaves sometimes, but only if the plant is young. If you see the berries start to form, even if they’re still green, you shouldn’t even try. And you should boil the leaves first too. If you’re not careful, you could get vomiting or diarrhea...and that’s something we want to avoid when we’re fighting for our lives, isn’t it?” 
She said it in an upbeat tone, but the sombering nature of their reality couldn’t help but settle over Virgil’s shoulders anyway. He tugged the sleeves of his hoodie down over his hands, gripping the soft fabric tightly. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” Emma said softly, and Virgil shrugged. 
“S’not your fault. The whole world is kinda upsetting right now.” 
It had been three months since the outbreak, three months since Virgil’s father had died and he’d been on the run with his mom and brother, trying to stay alive. Fortunately, Emma was an avid camper and lover of the outdoors, so the three of them had been able to avoid towns for the most part. Sure, staying away from civilization meant that they were living off of mostly foraged plants and birds eggs, and it’d been ages since Virgil had taken a real shower, but those were small prices to pay for being able to mostly avoid the terminals. Thy tended to be in larger groups closer to towns and cities, so sticking to the country meant fewer encounters with the deadly infected creatures. 
People, Virgil thought grimly. They may be like monsters now, but they used to be people.
“I know it is, sweetheart,” his mother said, pulling him from his thoughts. “And it’s not fair, how fast you’ve had to grow up now.” Emma sighed, looking over to where Thomas was eagerly digging up roots for their supper. “You should be enjoying your summer, deciding on a college or a career...not this.”
Virgil shrugged. 
“I didn’t really know what I wanted to do anyway.”
“I know that,” Emma said, giving him a sad smile. “But you had time to figure it out, to explore the world and decide what kind of man you’re going to become. Now that’s a luxury you don’t have anymore.”
Virgil looked down at his shoes, swallowing nervously. It wasn’t like his mom to be so openly melancholy; if anything, since they’d gone on the run she’d become even more upbeat and cheerful than usual. He had a feeling that she was trying to keep a brave face up for him and Thomas, but just because he knew it was partly an act didn’t mean he didn’t appreciate it. Some days he could almost pretend that this whole thing was just an extended summer camping trip, and then they’d go home and their dad would greet them at the door and they’d tell him all about it while sitting on the sofa in front of the TV. 
That illusion shattered every time they came across a terminal. 
“Virgil, listen to me,” Emma said, and there was an urgency to her voice that made Virgil look up. “Right now, the only thing we can be certain of, the only thing we can rely on, is each other. It’s my job to look out for the both of you, and it’s your job to look out for Thomas. Protecting him has to be the top priority, alright?” 
“Yeah,” Virgil nodded, swallowing down the lump in his throat. “Yeah, I know, Mom. I...I won’t let anything happen to him.” 
“Oh, honey, come here,” she said, and Virgil let her wrap her arms around him. 
He felt exceptionally small in his mother’s embrace, but not the bad kind of small where he felt powerless and afraid. He felt safe, protected, shielded from all the horrors of the world. Her grip tightened, and Virgil realized with a start that she was trembling.
“I’m so proud of you,” she whispered. “You’re so strong, and so brave. Thomas is lucky to have you for a big brother.” 
Virgil didn’t feel strong most days, and he certainly didn’t feel brave. Most of the time he just felt scared; strength and bravery were attributes he’d be more likely to apply to his mother than himself. But the way she held onto him now, as though he’d disappear if she let go for one second made him realize that she was also scared. Scared for herself, but scared for him, too, and for Thomas; scared that she couldn’t keep them safe in this new world full of dangers. 
Virgil may not have had much faith in himself, but he had faith in his mother. And she was putting her faith into him, and he’d be damned if he let her down. 
“I won’t let anything happen to him, Mom,” he repeated, hugging her back tightly. “I promise.” 
--- --- --- 
Virgil’s heart was pounding so heavily he was sure it was going to burst out of his chest. Wouldn’t that just be his luck, he’d escape being eaten by terminals only to fall over dead from a heart attack. His lungs were on fire, and his legs threatened to buckle underneath him more and more with every step. But then Thomas whimpered in his ear, burying his face deeper into Virgil’s neck, and Virgil took a deep breath. He adjusted his grip on Thomas’s legs and pressed forward, his mother’s instructions echoing in his ears and urging him onward. 
The old cabin had seemed deserted enough, with no trace of the previous inhabitants anywhere, so they’d gotten a little too relaxed as they searched the building for supplies. But it turned out the area wasn’t as deserted as they thought, and the sound of his little brother screaming had brought Virgil barreling out of the bathroom and into the main room to see three terminals bearing down on his family. Virgil’s mother was gripping a tire iron like a baseball bat and standing between Thomas and the advancing creatures.
“Virgil,” she’d said in a low voice. “Take Thomas and get out of here, now.”  
Virgil hadn’t wanted to leave her, but the look in her eyes had left no room for argument, so he’d scooped his brother up piggyback style and fled towards the back door, wincing as he heard his mother let out a primal roar, followed by a sickening *thwack*.  
Virgil didn’t stop running until he stumbled back into the clearing where they’d made camp, collapsing to his knees and letting Thomas climb off his back. Every muscle in his body ached, and for a moment he just stayed on the ground, gasping as he fought to get his breath back. 
“Virgil?” Thomas asked, voice wobbling, and Virgil looked up to meet his brother’s tear-filled eyes. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” Virgil gasped, managing to give his brother a small smile. “I’m...I’m okay...just...just catching my breath.”
“Is Mom okay?” 
Virgil opened his mouth, then closed it again. Part of him wanted to lie, to promise that their mother would be just fine and would come and get them when the scary monsters were all gone. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it, and he met his brother’s gaze with a grim expression. 
“I...I don’t know, Thomas.”
Thomas fell silent, and for a moment neither of them moved, Virgil still gulping down breaths of air, trying to get his wind back. Then, so suddenly that it made Virgil jump, Thomas crawled forward and nestled himself into Virgil’s lap, wrapping his arms around his middle and laying his head on Virgil’s chest. 
“Your heart is beating really fast,” he said, and Virgil nodded, wrapping his arms around Thomas and drawing him closer. 
“Yeah, it is, buddy,” he said quietly. 
“You should count your breaths like Mom says to do. Okay?”
“Okay, yeah. That’s a good idea,” Virgil said, grateful for something that could distract them both. “How about we do it together? Remind me how it starts again?” 
Thomas scrunched up his nose as he thought. 
“You breathe in for four counts, right?”
“That’s right, good job. Let’s do that together, okay? In, two, three, four…” 
Virgil led them through the rest of the breathing exercise over and over again until Thomas drifted off to sleep, exhausted by the stress of the day. Virgil wanted nothing more than to join him in a nap, but he couldn’t sleep now, he had to stay up and keep watch, to see if their mother...or anything else, would approach the camp. 
He waited for what felt like hours, every sense straining for any sign that somebody was coming. Finally, just as the sun was starting to dip in the sky, he caught sight of someone slowly walking towards the campsite. His heart leapt as he recognized his mother’s silhouette, short but strong with hair pulled up into a high ponytail. 
“Thomas?” he murmured, giving his brother a small shake. “Wake up, Mom’s here.” 
“Hmm?” Thomas asked blearily, still half asleep. 
“Mom is…” Virgil trailed off as he looked back towards where their mom was walking. 
Something was wrong. 
Oh no...oh god, no, not this, please not this…
“What about Mom?” Thomas asked again rubbing at his eyes. 
Oh god, I can’t do this, I can’t deal with this, please…
Virgil’s grip tightened on Thomas, and he scrambled to his feet, backing away while keeping his eyes trained forward. 
“Virgil, what’s–” 
“Thomas, listen,” Virgil said urgently, setting his little brother down. “I need you to hug this tree here and close your eyes, okay? Whatever you do, whatever you hear, don’t open them until I tell you. Do you understand?”
“Virgil, is Mom–” 
“Do you understand?” Virgil asked desperately, and after a beat, Thomas nodded. “Good,” Virgil breathed, pressing his forehead against Thomas’s for a moment and taking a deep breath. “Close your eyes now,” he whispered, and he stood back up, turning back towards his mom. 
No. That’s not Mom. Not anymore. 
The woman that was lumbering towards him moved her limbs in broken, jerky motions, as though she was a poorly controlled marionette. Her eyes were bloodshot and empty, and saliva drooled out of her open mouth. A low moan escaped her lips as she came closer, and Virgil’s heart tightened in his chest. He’d seen terminals before, knew how they worked and how to kill them. But this...this was different. 
This was his mother, and now she was a monster. 
Virgil scrambled towards the log at the edge of their campsite where they’d stashed their supplies. There wasn’t much there, just one change of clothes, a few handfuls of food, the last of their bandages, and...there. His mom’s .22 rifle. 
“We only have one bullet left, Virgil. So until we can find some more ammo, we’re not going to hunt or travel with this anymore, okay? We’ll keep it here in case there’s an emergency.”
Virgil’s hands shook as he pulled out the gun and checked to see that their last bullet was properly loaded. He’d never cared much for shooting, but after they’d made a run for the woods, his mom had insisted he learn to use it, teaching him how to hunt rabbits, possums, and other small animals that she’d then showed him how to clean and skin before cooking. 
He’d never shot a terminal before. 
Realistically, one of three things would happen. One, Virgil’s mother would attack them and he and Thomas would die, leaving their mother to feast on their remains. Two, Virgil’s mother would attack them and he and Thomas would turn terminal themselves, which basically boiled down to being brain dead while your body shuffled around in search of food. Or three...
Virgil raised the rifle up, tucking the butt to his shoulder and blinked away the tears that were forming in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, then he squeezed the trigger. 
The gunshot echoed through the forest, and though Virgil’s ears were instantly ringing, he could still hear the sound of Thomas’s scream from behind him. Everything seemed to slow down as Emma’s body dropped to the floor of their campsite, instantly going still. A blur flew past Virgil, and he just barely dropped the rifle in time to catch Thomas as he rushed towards their mother.
Thomas struggled desperately against Virgl’s grip, sobbing as he tried to get free and run towards her. Virgil just held him tighter, ignoring his own tears as he pulled Thomas away. 
“Thomas,” he choked out as Thomas kicked and struggled. “T-thomas, no, it’s not safe...th-they can still turn you when they’re dead if you’re not careful…”
Thomas just kept kicking and sobbing, and Virgil could do nothing but hold him back, even as his own tears fell. Eventually, Thomas went limp against him again, though his little body still quivered with sobs, making Virgil’s heart ache even more. He wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball with his baby brother and sleep, sleep until all the anguish bled away and left him empty. 
But a steely voice inside him insisted that no, he couldn’t do that. The terminals were drawn to loud noises, and the gunshot was sure to attract more of the creatures to this spot. They needed to move, and quickly, if they wanted to avoid any more confrontations with the creatures, and with only his hunting knife left to defend themselves with, Virgil would rather avoid running into more of the terminals. 
“Thomas,” he said, drawing away to look his brother in the eyes. “Thomas, look at me.” 
Thomas looked up, his eyes puffy and red with tears trailing down his cheeks, and Virgil had to resist pulling him close for another hug. There would be time for grief later. 
“I need you to go to the log and gather up all our things, okay? Can you do that for me?” 
“M-mo...M-mom–” Thomas choked out, and Virgil cupped the back of his head, pressing their foreheads together. 
“I know, Thomas, I know,” he said, more tears pooling in his eyes. “I am so, so sorry, but it’s not safe for us here. More of them will be coming, and Mom would want us to get far, far away so that we can be safe. Okay?” 
Thomas sniffled, but nodded, and Virgil smiled at him through his tears. 
“There’s a brave boy. Now go gather up our things, we need to move.” 
Thomas stumbled over to the log, and Virgil took a deep breath before turning towards his mother’s body in the clearing. His stomach churned as he approached, and he swallowed down the bile that rose in his throat. It wasn’t pretty, but he knew what he had to do. 
Virgil pointedly kept his gaze away from his mother’s  face and carefully knelt down, sliding the straps of her knapsack off her shoulders. He took care not to touch anywhere near her now foam filled mouth, remembering what the news reports had said about the creatures when the outbreak had first occurred...back when they were still running news reports. 
The virus is transmitted via bodily fluids; even if the infected subject is deceased, their corpse may still infect others if their blood or saliva comes into contact with open wounds.
Virgil tugged the bag out from under her, stepping away as she fell back against the ground. A quick rifle through its contents revealed most of the supplies that they’d gathered from the cabin, and his heart twisted again in his chest. By the looks of things, she’d managed to fight off the three terminals from the cabin and had stayed herself long enough to gather up their supplies and head back towards their camp. She probably hadn’t even realized she’d been infected until it was too late. 
Virgil took one last look at his mother’s body, and paused as he saw a glint of gold around her neck. He looked over his shoulder to where Thomas was packing up their bag, then bent down and quickly pulled a heart-shaped locket from around his mother’s neck. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered again, allowing himself one brief look at her face. “I’ll look after him, Mom, I promise.” 
He slipped the locket into his pocket, then turned and walked over to Thomas. 
“Hey, buddy. Got everything?” 
Thomas looked up at him and nodded solemnly. 
“Good. It’s time for us to leave then, okay?” 
Thomas looked over at their mother one last time, then back up at Virgil. 
“Can you carry me?” he asked. 
Virgil could already feel exhaustion creeping over him, and his limbs still ached from their earlier escape, but right now? There was no way he could say no to his little brother. 
“Sure, buddy. I’ll need you to carry the backpack though, okay?” 
Thomas nodded, and after Virgil had helped slide it over his shoulders, Thomas climbed up and linked his arms around Virgil’s neck. Virgil gripped Thomas’s legs and stood up with a grunt, taking a moment to readjust his hold now that he was standing. 
“Ready?” he asked, and he felt Thomas turn his head to look behind them again. His chest ached, and he reached up and gave Thomas’s hands a squeeze. 
“Yeah,” Thomas said eventually, laying his cheek against Virgil’s back. 
“Okay,” Virgil murmured, grabbing hold of Thomas’s legs again and stepping away from their campsite, one thought repeating over and over again in his mind as he walked. 
I’ll keep you safe, Thomas. I promise.
--- --- ---
Keeping an eight-year-old alive and safe in the woods during the apocalypse turned out to be harder than Virgil had anticipated, and it wasn’t long before he was completely desperate. He’d tried to replicate the traps his mother had set, and tried to fish using makeshift spears or reels, but he was either doing something wrong or had horrible luck, because the traps remained empty, and he was unable to catch more than one or two tiny fish per attempt. It wasn’t long before their meager food supplies ran out, and eating roots and leaves could only satisfy a growing boy for so long. Virgil was out of options. 
So he found himself here, gripping Thomas’s hand and standing on the outskirts of a small town at the edge of the woods. 
For most of their time living wild with their mother, they’d avoided towns. Areas that were once populated may have meant more supplies, but they also meant more chances of running into terminals, and Emma had wanted to avoid that at all costs, choosing instead to rely on her history of camping rough with her family as a child for survival. 
But Virgil simply wasn’t good enough to scrounge up enough to feed the two of them from the forest alone, so here they were. 
“Okay, buddy, remember what we’re looking for?” he asked, looking down at Thomas. 
“Canned food, clean clothes, blankets, and medicine,” Thomas rattled off, and Virgil smiled. 
“Yeah, that’s right,” he said. “Now, anything you find, you bring to me first to check the expiration date first, okay? We don’t want you eating something and getting sick.”
“I can read the dates myself, you know,” Thomas muttered, kicking at the pavement. “I’m not a baby.” 
“Right, of course,” Virgil agreed with a smirk. “You’re not a baby, you’re just a pipsqueak.” 
He reached down to ruffle Thomas’s hair, but his brother ducked away. 
“I am not!” he huffed, glaring up at Virgil, and Virgil held his hands up in surrender. 
“Okay, okay, whatever you say. Just let me look at the food before eating it anyhow, okay?” 
“Fine,” Thomas grumbled, and Virgil held back a sigh. 
The two of them had been on their own for just about three weeks now, and while some days were perfectly fine, other days there was an unmistakable tension between the two. It was worse when they were hungry, and with nothing but flower roots to eat for the past three days, it was fair to say they were pretty hungry now. 
“Thomas?” Virgil said, kneeling down so that he was eye level with his brother. “Can you look at me?” 
Thomas glanced over at him, and Virgil offered up a small smile. 
“I’m sorry if I seem too...overbearing. You know why that is, don’t you?” 
Thomas shrugged, and Virgil placed a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s because I want to make sure that nothing bad happens to you. I know I’m not always the best big brother to have, but all we’ve got is each other now. So if I...make some mistakes along the way, just know it’s because I want to keep you safe, okay?” 
Virgil was expecting Thomas to nod and move on, so he grunted in surprise when instead Thomas threw his arms around Virgil’s neck in a suffocating hug. 
“Okay,” he whispered, and Virgil didn’t care that he could barely breathe, he hugged his brother back just as tightly. “You were wrong about something though,” Thomas added, his breath tickling Virgil’s ear as he spoke. 
“Oh? What’s that, buddy?”
“You’re the very best big brother to have,” Thomas mumbled into Virgil’s shoulder, and suddenly Virgil was blinking back tears. 
“Thanks, Thomas,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut and pulling Thomas closer. 
He was about to let go when suddenly Thomas gasped, his whole body tensing up. Virgil’s eyes flew open in an instant and he stood up on instinct, gathering Thomas into his arms as he did so. There, barely a hundred feet away ambling into the street from behind one of the houses, were two terminals. It didn’t seem like they’d noticed the two brothers just yet, but searching the houses on this street had just become last on Virgil’s list of things to try that day. 
“Don’t make a sound,” he breathed in Thomas’s ear as he slowly stepped away. 
He tried to turn back the way they’d come, but froze as he saw three more staggering towards them from that direction. He spun around, his eyes scanning the street, and his heart slowly sank into his stomach. There was no way out of this neighborhood that wasn’t blocked off by private fencing or didn’t involve going past the growing number terminals. 
Not for him anyway. 
“Thomas?” he said quietly. “Listen very carefully, okay?” 
Thomas nodded, his cheek brushing against Virgil’s, and Virgil held his breath for seven seconds. 
“I’m going to put you down,” he said slowly. “Then when I tell you, you're going to run straight down the street back the way we came, do you understand?” 
“Virgil?” Thomas asked, and Virgil pried him off his neck, setting him on the ground and staring at him intently. 
“Do you understand?” he asked, and Thomas’s wide eyes filled with tears, but he nodded. “Good,” Virgil whispered, squeezing Thomas’s hand. 
The terminals were ambling closer now, and he straightened up. He allowed himself one more squeeze of Thomas’s hand, then he let go and opened his mouth to scream. 
All of a sudden there was a *thwap!* sound that came from between the houses, and then the terminal closest to Virgil and Thomas had an arrowhead sticking out between its eyes. The creature fell forward and Virgil froze, too stunned to move. 
“Woo hooooooo!” a voice yelled from the direction the arrow had flown from, and the terminals turned towards the new source of sound. “Perfect headshot!” 
“Virgil?” Thomas asked, and Virgil dropped to the ground again, gathering his arms around Thomas and pulling him close. 
Another arrow flew into a nearby terminal’s chest, accompanied by more cheers, then a wild looking man in a dirty green t-shirt with a white streak in his hair burst out onto the street, a machete gripped in his hand. 
Virgil barely had time to wonder where on earth that maniac had gotten a machete before he was charging the terminals with it, squealing with delight every time his blade connected with a creature’s neck or head. It wasn’t long before every last one of them was no more than a bleeding corpse on the ground. 
“Coast is clear!” he called over his shoulder, wiping his blade off on his already filthy pants. “Oh, no...wait,” he added as his gaze found Virgil and Thomas crouching beside a house. “Looks like we’ve got a live one, Dee!”
Another man emerged from across the road, a yellow beanie on his head and a bow and quiver strapped to his back, though Virgil’s eyes were first drawn to the large burn scar covering the right side of his face. 
He approached calmly, ignoring the way Virgil scrambled to his feet and shoved Thomas behind him. He stared at the two of them for a moment, at Virgil’s narrowed eyes and Thomas’s hand clutching at Virgil’s leg before turning to his companion. 
“Remus, put your blade away, you’re scaring them.” 
The wild man, Remus, apparently, rolled his eyes but slid the machete into a sheath on his back and gave the pair of brothers a toothy grin. 
“Whoopsy! Wouldn’t want to give off the wrong impression. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you, as long as you’re not a terminal or about to turn terminal or about to steal our stuff or hurt our friends or just be a dick in general!” 
“Forgive Remus, that’s just how he greets new people,” the man with the burn said, rolling his eyes in a fond sort of way. “He really does mean no harm...as long as you don’t fall into any of the aforementioned categories.” He raised an eyebrow at the pair. “Do you fall into any of those categories?” 
“We’re not thieves, if that’s what you mean,” Virgil growled, and the man raised his hands. 
“No need for the hostility, how about a ‘thank you for saving me and my…’” he raised a questioning eyebrow at Thomas, and after another moment of silence, Virgil mumbled,
“Brother. I’m Virgil, and this is my brother.”
“I see,” the man said, then he surprised Virgil by squatting down so he was at Thomas’s eye level. 
“What’s your name, little man?” 
Thomas looked up at Virgil, who placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a small nod. 
“Thomas,” he whispered, and the man smiled. 
“Thomas? That’s a wonderful name. How old are you?” 
“Eight,” Thomas said, then he puffed out his chest a little. “Almost nine.” 
“Almost nine, my my! So grown up!” he smiled, then glanced up at Virgil. “And what about big brother?” he asked, standing up.
Virgil frowned, and pulled Thomas a little closer to his side. 
“What’s it to you?” he growled, and the man quirked an eyebrow. 
“Just wondering if big brother is grown up enough to take care of an almost nine-year-old all by himself.” 
Virgil should have found the question insulting, but oddly enough, meeting the stranger’s eyes, Virgil didn’t sense any malice from him. 
“I’m eighteen,” he admitted quietly, and the man nodded. 
“Got anyone else in your party?” he asked, and Virgil clenched his fist at his side. 
“No,” he said, forcing himself to keep his eyes dry. “Wouldn’t be trying to scavenge alone with an eight-year-old if I did.” 
“Almost nine!” Thomas insisted, tugging on Virgil’s pants, and Virgil allowed a small smile to pull at his lips. 
“Okay buddy, almost nine,” he said quietly. 
“Right,” the man said, a smile flitting across his face as he looked down at Thomas. “Well, if scavenging alone on the streets with an almost-nine-year-old is getting a bit much to handle...I may have somewhere you two could stay for awhile.” 
“You’re offering them a space at Eden?” Remus asked behind them, shaking his head. “Wade’s not gonna like that much, Dee.” 
“Fuck Wade,” the burned man grumbled. “If he doesn’t like it, he can leave and they can take his bed. They’re just kids, Remus.” 
“Hey, I didn’t say I had a problem with it,” Remus said shrugging. “And I’ll take any opportunity to fuck Wade. Not the fun kind of fucking, mind you, the violent kind.” 
“Virgil, they said a bad word,” Thomas whispered, tugging on Virgil’s pants again, and Virgil didn’t know whether to attempt scolding the strangers or to laugh. 
“Seriously, though,” the man called Dee said, turning back to Virgil. “We have a place out in the woods. Nice and secluded, hardly any terminals around, and plenty of people to fight them off in case a few do show up. We don’t have much, but we can offer you a warm bed and a roof over your head.” 
It sounded tempting, Virgil had to admit. He could barely remember what it felt like to sleep under a roof, let alone in a bed, but he was skeptical. 
“What’s the catch?” he asked. “What do you have to gain by taking two strangers in?”
Dee shrugged. 
“We’re not a charity, if that’s what you mean. You’ll be expected to pull your weight around the place. But if you’re up for that, then you’re welcome to join.” 
Virgil thought it over, but it didn’t take him long to come to a decision, really. He couldn’t ensure Thomas would be safe and fed every day if he stayed on his own. If there was even a chance that what these men were saying was true, Virgil would have to take it. He leaned forward, fixing Dee with a glare.
“Anything happens to him and I’ll kill you, you got that?” he asked in a low enough voice that Thomas didn’t hear. 
Dee grinned, not unkindly. 
“Got it.” 
“Okay.” Virgil took a deep breath, then looked down at Thomas. “What do you say buddy, do you want to go somewhere safe with these, uh, gentlemen?”
Thomas seemed to consider it, staring up at Remus and Dee, then his stomach growled audibly. 
“You have food?” he asked, and Dee chuckled. 
“Yes little man, we have lots of food.”
“I wanna go then,” Thomas said, and Virgil smiled. 
“Okay then,” he said, holding out a hand to Dee, who shook it. “We’re in.” 
“Yay, new friends!” Remus said cheerily, bouncing on his heels. “This is gonna be fun, it’s been way too long since anyone interesting joined the camp, it’s no fun having only stinky Wade to share patrols with…” 
Remus continued rambling on, about what exactly Virgil wasn’t sure, but he didn’t really care. He looked down at Thomas’s hand in his, then up at Dee who was watching the two of them with an unreadable expression, though it morphed into a smile when he saw Thomas looking up at him. 
“Thank you,” Virgil mouthed at Dee, and the man nodded back. 
Virgil couldn’t say exactly what he was getting himself into with these two, but he hoped that whatever it was, it would mean he could keep his promise. He slipped his free hand into his pocket, fingering his mother’s locket. 
I’ll keep him safe, Mom. No matter what.
--- --- ---
Until the Sun Rises Taglist:
@the-permanent-fixture @maybe-i-like-the-misery @paint-in-flames @antisocialdragonenby @certified-demon @nonasidesstuff @idiot-annonymous @weird-spooky-broody-dude @ao-koshka @viana-dascolli @snail-giggles
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bittersweetmelxdy · 5 years
Day 25: Christmas Time- Victor, Lucien, Gavin and Kiro
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There's been times before, you wish for so much more,/ When I was down and filled with doubt, I had you,/ And we made it through the year, it's so good to be here- Christmas C’mon, Lindsey Stirling ft. Becky G
Of course, Victor cooks for Christmas, what else did you expect, you used Christmas as an excuse to eat and Victor loved to feed you.
Despite being a bog CEO and you being the head producer of your company, the two of you always made sure that you had Christmas off to spend with each other.
Every year Victor took you to see a ballet, ever since the two of you were dating, he had done this and he still continued this trend, and it became something you looked forward to, every year.
Melody loved going to the ballet, her eyes would always light up seeing the ballerinas dance across the stage, and this eventually sparked her interest in ballet, a passion Victor had no problem investing in.
Christmas for the Li’s always consisted of the annual LFG Christmas Gala, and every year all of you would attend, and every year by the end of the festivities, Victor would find you and his children sleeping on a couple of chairs in the corner of the ballroom, he would always smile fondly, rouse you all gently to take you home, and then proceed to tease you about it the next day.
The actual Christmas day was a pretty grand affair, Victor worked like clock-work regardless of him having day off or not, so he still got up early on Christmas, which was great for the children who would wake up early due to Christmas excitement, but it wasn’t great for you, who just wanted a lie in.
Despite Victor being the most pernickety person you had ever met, he didn’t have a problem letting the children help with any Christmas cooking, especially his son, who from very early on loved to cook (this based on some childhood stories my mum told me about me).
You loved watching this part of the Christmas traditions, as Victor always used a very soft and affectionate tone with his children, he explained things clearly, and he only ever raised his voice whenever the two were in any danger.
You always teased Victor that if Goldman saw how he acted with his children he would faint, or think the world was ending. (Victor never found it funny as you did).
Victor’s Dad and his Aunt always came to visit so you would have a nice big family Christmas dinner, but you would alternate whether you hosted or his father did. When you hosted your aunts and uncles and cousins would also visit, making the house both crowded and noisy.
Of course, Victor’s father and Aunt taught your children to play mahjong (you were still a bit of a lost cause), and you would play games together to varying degrees of success, (Monopoly was banned in your house after your children started crying that Victor was being too mean during a game).
Victor would always make a special Christmas pudding specifically for this day, that would be flavoured with whatever Christmas flavour was popular that year, which you never complained about, you were always happy to eat any of Victor’s cooking.
You would always take Christmas pictures together, and every year Victor would complain that maybe you should take professional photos, to which you would roll your eyes and then proceed to continue to take candid silly photos with your phone and camera (“Victor, no one wants to waste money on a fancy professional picture, I have a phone.”).
Victor made sure to always be off on Christmas day and also to always be home, because he firmly believed Christmas is for family and home, so he made sure that’s where he was, because you and children were his top priority. 
Lucien never really saw the true point of Christmas until he started dating you, but it wasn’t because he now felt the Christmas spirit, but more he enjoyed seeing you enjoy the Christmas spirit, you were always so bright to him throughout the rest of the year, but it was something about the festive season that made him unable to take his eyes off of you.
He let you take full control of all your Christmas plans, happy to just take a backseat and let you dictate how various things you wanted to do throughout the day, no matter how cliché it was, once you heard from Lucien how he didn’t “really do Christmas”, you were determined to have him try as many Christmas traditions as possible in hopes that he’d feel more inclined to enjoy Christmas.  
He always told you that you didn’t have to cook a lot as he knew how busy you were and you were only ever preparing for Christmas between the two of you.  
So, you would often spend Christmas morning cooking together, something you found both relaxing and enjoyable, however this had to be moved to Christmas Eve once Aurora was born so that you could spend most of the day with her.
Every year Lucien will take you to see the Loveland Christmas lights, and no matter how many years you go together, every year feels special, as you always went on a quiet evening so the three of you had the whole park to yourselves, to admire and run around under the twinkling lights.
You have your Christmas playlist blasting throughout the month and as you get closer and closer to the date, you and Lucien would dance around to your favourites, (read: you and Aurora would dance and sing, and Lucien would join in to humour you).
Lucien would often receive a lot of gifts from the Research Centre, so you never have to buy chocolates/ biscuits/ cakes around this time of year, as you always had a steady supply.
You would take the surplus treats, and you and Lucien would also buy enough gifts for all the children at the orphanage, going every single year to see their Christmas play and distributing the gifts, the smile that would light up their faces was like a gift that kept on giving.  
If you didn’t have any plans, or it was one or your quieter Christmases you would also go visit the children on the evening of the 25th, just to spend time with them and join the workers in giving the children a memorable Christmas.
Christmas was something you and Gavin kept to your small family of four, as New Year’s was spent with your extended family.
Every Christmas starts the same way for you, with a lie-in, Gavin and you just stay in bed enjoying each other’s presence without the morning rush, as both of you share this day off, Gavin never tells you but since he is conditioned to wake up early, he always watches your sleeping form rise and fall with your steady breathing, as the first sunbeams shimmer through the curtains and bathe your figure in a warm golden glow.
Then the both of you would spend Christmas in a very slow and lazy manner, glad to just have a day where the only commitment the two of you had was to each other.
However once Caleb and Ellie are born, this routine changes slightly, the two little ones knock on the door as early as possible, excited and ready to start the day, bouncing on the foot of the bed, to rouse the both of you into action.
Gavin and you both have a rule not to open presents until after lunch, and every year, no matter how much the children protest, you both stick rigidly to that rule.
So, you spend the morning watching Christmas movies, eating all the various sweet treats you had baked in the previous days, and drinking hot chocolate, (or if you’re allergic to chocolate like I am, just drinking tea/ coffee/ any other beverage).
Then you all sit down for Christmas dinner, and you often invite Eli and Minor to join you for this part of the festivities, something both of them don’t mind as they dote upon the children (although sometimes you do have to remind them they shouldn’t be competing for favourite uncle), and this part of the day is usually the loudest part of your day, and despite how exasperated Gavin always looks at the antics of his “friends”, you know that him seeing the bright smiles on his two children’s faces every year makes it all worth it... just.
Gavin’s brother also came some years to spend Christmas with you all, always happy to see the children, but you understood the rift between Gavin and his family, and never pushed Gavin to spend more time with them than he was comfortable with.
You love seeing your children opening presents at Christmas just because the way they do so, Ellie will rip the wrapping paper in the quickest way to get to the present inside, creating a mess of wrapping paper around her, but Caleb would carefully remove the tape, piece by piece, unfolding the wrapping paper trying to keep it as intact as possible. The stark difference between your two children always made you smile, that and the fact that after they had opened the presents the two of them would each, in turn throw themselves at you and Gavin for a big hug and a “thank you!”.
Eli and Minor at this point would always ask the children which gift they thought was the best and you and Gavin had taught them well as your children would always choose a gift neither of them had bought. (One year, Caleb being put on the spot picked Eli’s gift and Minor proceeded to sulk about it for the next three months, often throwing pointed barbs at you whilst at work, much to your amusement)
Once the two of them left, you and Gavin would spend the rest of the evening playing with the children and their presents, before having a late dinner, consisting of the leftovers from lunch, and an early night.
You and Gavin knew your Christmas’ weren’t as exciting as other people’s but the quiet, lazy kind of way you both did Christmas suited the both of you, you had enough chaos in your work life, so a quiet Christmas was always a well-appreciated gift.
Kiro often had to be abroad during Christmas for tours and filming so he was rarely free to spend Christmas at home in Loveland.
His solution- where he goes around Christmas, his family goes too!
The only time the two of you spent Christmas apart was the Christmas before the twins were born, you were too pregnant to fly, but to make up for it Kiro video called you for two hours, and when he wasn’t able to be on the phone with you he sent you multiple video updates of food that he tried and things that he did to celebrate whilst he was apart from you, but in every video he made sure to tell you that he loved you and missed you greatly.
Absolutely loves having his kids with him whilst he’s abroad during Christmas, especially if it’s somewhere he’s been before, because he loves taking you all to his favourite food places and celebrating other Christmas traditions together.
Takes so many pictures of your all during Christmas, wanting to document as many memories as he can with all of you that he can.
On the rare occasions that you can spend Christmas in Loveland, you and Kiro strive to make it feel as much as “home” as you can. The twins never see it as boring, just different because you’re at home.
You and Kiro would hide the presents around the house for each other, and later you would do the same for the children, and you would give the person looking a set of three clues for them to try and find their presents. As the age increases the difficulty of the clue also increases, and there was only one year where Kiro had to help you because you couldn’t figure out the last clue because he had made it too hard and you ended up sitting on the floor pouting, whilst Kiro apologised and then tried to explain the clue to you.
Kiro and you would make Christmas dinner together, because the only food he loves more than your cooking is Souvenir, and you would have fun goofing off and cooking together.
Kiro would have no problem dancing around the kitchen/ living room/ hotel room, to all your favourite Christmas songs, every year you both will belt out ‘All I want for Christmas Is You’ whilst dancing together in your socks and pyjamas, often dissolving into laughter at least twice during the song.
Another tradition you do whilst you’re at home is to make cookies with the whole family, the twins loved the whole process of cutting the cookies out in various fun shapes, but unlike before your kids when you only had to stop Kiro from eating the raw batter, now you had to stop three people from eating the batter, but despite your scolding the smile painted on your face clearly showed that you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kiro loves having a family of his own to spend the holidays with, as even though Savin was always kind enough to let him spend the festive period with him and his family, he always felt a little like a guest rather than a part of the festivities.
So now he has his own special family he finds Christmas even more exciting, as he’s finally a part of something more that’s just him, and he has a group of people that love him and he loves unconditionally, and just being able to spend time with you all was the greatest gift he could ever receive.
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trufflerabbit13 · 4 years
A Dove’s Ripped Wings | Prologue
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Word count: 3.0 k
Volleyball was part of Ibato Chiaki's life before she could even walk. Instead of a teddy bear, she slept with a round, fluffy, cotton stuffed ball that was colored blue and yellow. Her pajamas consisted of old, no longer used uniforms from all three of her older brothers plus her own father. Her present for her very first birthday was a specially ordered volleyball jersey with Ibato #4 written on the back, something each of her brothers also had with their own numbers. Her parents even had it, only theirs' were labeled Mom and Dad on it. If someone asked who her favorite cartoon character was, she would instantly respond with Vabo-chan, a volleyball mascot which wasn't even considered a cartoon character.
It was inevitable, seeing as every single person in her family had something to do with the sport. Her own father, Ibato Hiroto, was a former representative athlete for Japan who played in the Olympics, now a coach at a male Division 1 team. Her mother, Ibato Minako, was a physical therapist who worked closely with athletes that represented Japan. Her older brothers, the eldest Ibato Minato, had played the sport throughout his life. And the same for the twins, Ibato Taiga and Ibato Kouga.
When Chiaki was born, her mother was delighted, relieved that she had finally gotten a female in the family. She had expected frills, dress up, and gossips, something she craved from her only daughter.
Chiaki's presence was surprising and unexpected, it had already been four years since she had given birth to the twins. Minako had thought she was done, however, while not planned, Chiaki was nonetheless a blessing that the mother of three boys had desperately wanted. But before she could initiate all the daughter and mother bonding she had planned, from right underneath her nose, her husband and sons had dragged little Chiaki into the courts.
And before Minako could do anything, Chiaki was in love with the sport. The little brunette with droopy grey eyes followed after her brothers, constantly watching them play and joining whenever she was allowed.
While Minako was slightly bitter about it, Hiroto laughed and cheered in glee. Of course, his little princess was going to play volleyball. And he was sure she was going to be good at it having three older brothers and him teaching her personally.
And hell, did she become good at it.
"Aki-senpai! It's all thanks to you we won nationals again this year! Like did you see the last spike? It went like 'whoosh!' And then 'Kaboom!' The opponent team didn't even know what hit them! Of course, it's expected from our ace and captain, but it was so awesome!" One of Chiaki's underclassmen gleefully cheered. Others chimed in agreement, happy smiles painted on their faces as they walked in a group.
Chiaki only smiled in response, her droopy eyes watching her teammates fondly as they spoke, all of them in a good mood with the victory of today's game.
"The boys gotta step up their games, maybe we girls should teach you some tricks. Kanoka-senpai, don't you agree?" In a teasing tone, the libero of the team Takahashi Misaki, a second-year girl, questioned as she playfully nudged the boy who walked beside her.
In response, the spiky raven-haired second year, Kindaichi Yūtarō scowled, shoving her back playfully, "no way. I won't learn crap from a shorty like you! Don't you think we're doing just fine, Kanoka-senpai?"
The short-haired female who walked beside Chiaki was slightly taken aback that she was suddenly dragged into the conversation. She swiftly turned around with her round eyes widened. She looked between her libero and the boy who spoke to her. Chiaki watched with amusement as her vice-captain stuttered, struggling to find the right words.
"U-Um, I think you're doing very well, K-Kindaichi-kun... B-But improvement is always something we should strive for...." Amanai Kanoka muttered, her cheeks tinting a slight pink, embarrassed with all the eyes on her.
Seeing this, the boy with his hair parted in the middle hit Kindaichi, a small frown on his face. "Stop causing trouble to Kanoka-senpai. And don't be too loud, remember you're not the main today. We're here to celebrate the girls' team's victory and officially send off the third years that are graduating soon." While having an indifferent expression, Kunimi Akira had a brief look of sadness in his eyes as he looked at all of the third years that walked with them.
In response, Kindaichi whined, "I know, Kunimi! But man, the last game was so quick! I'm glad the girls were able to win against their opponent without any issues. Especially because of who they were. Shukho Middle School, right?"
At his words, everyone became quiet, a worried look appearing on all of their faces. Chiaki is quick to notice, her eyebrows furrowing for a split second as she looked at her friends in question. None of them see her gaze and silent confusion, all of them seem to be thinking about the same things. Chiaki, on the other hand, is as clueless as she was a minute ago and finally looks at the boy who was silently walking beside her.
"Tobi-kun, what is everyone talking about?" Chiaki softly questions, speaking up for the first time. This immediately catches everyone's attention, including Kageyama Tobio, a second-year who walked beside her.
"I don't know, Aki-senpai. I'm just hungry," the dark-haired boy comments, seeming to be eager to hurry to the Okonomiyaki place they have a reservation at.
Kindaichi gasps, his eyes wide, "of course, it's expected that Kageyama wouldn't know, but you too, Aki-senpai? There's been a bad rumor going around that Shukho's team is associated with bad people and have caused issues with their past opponents."
Kanoka nods in agreement as Chiaki shifts her gray gaze to her fellow Wing Spiker, the short-haired girl adding on. "Y-Yeah... While it's only a floating rumor, I've heard many people talking about it at the tournament. Some of them were saying that Shukho's captain's boyfriend is a high school student that is part of a local yakuza group. And words say, he has threatened the opponent teams, and that's why they were able to become the finalist with us..." Kanoka's eyes widened in fear as she wrapped her arms around her body, hugging herself for comfort.
Kageyama, who was listening, snorted as he rolled his eyes nonchalantly, "that explains why they were so weak... They're just cowards," the boy grumbled, making a face of distaste.
This makes Kindaichi glare at his teammate, sending him a stink eye. "Well, yeah. But if the rumors are true, isn't it scary?! Like I wouldn't want anything to do with any yakuza. When we were watching on the stands, even from where I was, I could see how much the opponent team was glaring at Aki-senpai! So scary..." The boy dramatically shivered, earning a small laugh from everyone else.
Silently, Chiaki was in her own mind, thinking about Kindaichi's words. I just assumed I was just imagining they were glaring a lot, but I guess it was not just me thinking that... But I can't even remember the opponent team's captain's face, although we shook hands. Chiaki hummed as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "It's okay, Kindaichi-kun. There's nothing to be scared about, the game is over, and they didn't do anything to us in the end," the brunette speaks gently as she sends a smile at the slightly shorter boy. In response, Kindaichi's cheeks flushed, seeming to be a bit embarrassed under the older girl's gaze.
During this time, the girls all send a disbelieving look to their captain. The libero smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand and stopped walking, catching Chiaki's attention.
"Aki-senpai! Are you serious? When we all went to the restroom, they picked a fight with us!" Misaki exclaimed, making Chiaki tilt her head to the side in silent confusion.
Her reaction makes the girls all sigh, some of them shaking their heads.
"Aki-chan, they kinda confronted you," Kanoka spoke to her friend with concern in her round eyes, "remember, the captain was like, 'it would really be a shame if one of you guys got seriously injured.' I think that was a threat."
The other girls nod in agreement while Chiaki only blinks, pursing her lips. "I thought they were just saying that for idle talk. I didn't even realize they were our opponents."
This makes everyone sweat drop, looking at the tall female in disbelief.
Misaki snorts as she shakes her head, "no, it was definitely a threat. When you agreed to her and thanked her for her concern, her face was so scary. It was like an ogre!"
This makes everyone laugh, the atmosphere becoming a slightly bit more pleasant.
"Either way, in the end, Kitagawa Daiichi won. We shouldn't be concerned about what happened," Chiaki comments, smiling at her team, who nods in agreement.
However, Chiaki's gaze shifts to her side as a hand tugs on her jacket lightly. The brunette turns her attention to the raven-haired boy who sent her a look of concern.
"You still need to be careful, Aki-senpai," Kageyama grumbles, letting go of her jacket quickly.
Chiaki's grey eyes narrowed fondly at the slightly shorter boy, her hand landing on his head and affectionately ruffling it although he released a whine of a complaint as his cheeks flushed.
"S-Senpai! Please stop it! I'm not a child!" Kageyama groaned, ducking away from his senior, who only had a small smile on her face.
"Only when you grow taller than me, Tobi-kun. You'll soon exceed my 176 cm (5'8 ft), and I won't be able to do this," Chiaki gently sent Kageyama a smile that made his cheeks tint a darker pink as he looked away.
The conversation between the middle school students carried on as Chiaki silently listened to them. However, at the light they were waiting, the female feels a familiar buzz in her pocket, letting her know she received a text message.
Looking at her screen, a smile spreads across her face as she sees the sender, swiftly reading what he said.
Hajime-senpai: Congrats on winning for the girls. Kusokawa and I were watching at the stadium. Are you guys going to the okonomiyaki place as usual? If that's the case, we'll treat the girls for today's victory.
Received: 5:12 pm
Seeing the bright smile of Chiaki's face, Kageyama looked at her in question, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"Hajime-senpai and Oikawa-senpai said they'll treat the girls to okonomiyaki for their victory," while not loud, Chiaki's voice could be heard to all of them. An immediate ring of cheer from the girls is heard as Chiaki messages Iwaizumi back, her heart swelling as she thought about being able to see her favorite upperclassmen who had graduated last year.
Excited chatters are exchanged by everyone, many of them thrilled about being able to see their graduated senpais again.
"Both of them go to Seijoh right now, right? Most people who went to Kitagawa Daiichi ends up going there. Man, I heard they're both on the starting team already!" Kindaichi comments excitedly, a bounce to his step at the prospect of being able to ask questions related to volleyball in high school to his former senpais.
Kunimi nods in agreement as his gaze shifts to the two third-years who walk near him. "Talking about senpais and highschool, Kanoka-senpai, Aki-senpai, have you two decided which high school you'll be going to next year?"
The two girls share brief eye contact, knowing the answers to the question seeing as they've both discussed this exact topic to each other in the last few weeks.
"While Seijoh was also a choice, I decided I'll go to Niiyama Girls' High, they have a pretty strong volleyball team there," Kanoka explains with a bright smile. "And it's fairly close to where I live, so it's convenient."
At her explanation, many of them nod in understanding. Their gaze turns to the female who walks beside Kanoka, Chiaki nodding at the information. "I was also thinking about Niiyama as an option because of their reputation. However, there were a lot of choices, I've received a lot of scholarship offers. Some were even from out of the prefectures like Inarizaki and Itachiyama. Seijoh also gave me one. But in the end, I decided that I'll go to Shiratorizawa because they gave me the best offer and it's still fairly close by," the brunette calmly explained. "While it's inconvenient that it's mandatory to live in one of the numerous dormitories they have, Shiratorizawa really is an amazing school. Both academically as well as for the sports program they have. And my twin brothers went there a couple of years ago, and they both told me how powerful their volleyball team is."
"Wow! Isn't their entrance exam super hard?" Misaki questioned with her eyes shining in excitement and awe at the information her captain shares with them.
Chiaki nodded with a small smile. Her teammates didn't miss the way their captain's eyes shined brightly, not being able to hide the excitement as they talked about her future school.
Many of them start talking about their dream high school, and Chiaki silently listens to all of them with a fond smile. Especially Kageyama, as he uncharacteristically begins to explain why Shiratorizawa was the school he wanted to go to.
They're all walking down a small road, nearing where their favorite okonomiyaki place is located. While the street was big enough for all of them to walk together, when a car comes, they're all forced to shuffle to the side. While inconvenient, they walk in a single file line for a brief moment before stretching out again when the car moves on. Kageyama is still eagerly talking, and while the other seemed to be getting a bit tired at his endless rant, Chiaki intently listened to her underclassmen. However, her attention shifts away from him when her ear catches the sound of a scream. It wasn't loud, and many of her friends don't seem to have heard it and continue to walk as they converse.
The brunette briefly turns back, and her eyes widened in surprise as she sees a motorcyclist speed down the road, almost hitting other pedestrians who dodge with yelps of surprises. By then, the engine's loud sound makes most of them turn back and move out of the way in shock.
Except for Kageyama, who was still busily speaking.
Chiaki's hand shot out quickly, grasping Kageyama's jacket roughly and pulling him out of the way of the speeding vehicle. The female could hear her own heart in her ears, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she sees that the boy is perfectly fine although looking a bit pale.
What she and none of her fellow schoolmates expected next was for the motorcycle to do a swift u-turn, speeding back at them at an alarming pace. It takes another second for Chiaki to realize that the motorcyclist was aiming for them on purpose.
It happens in just a second. Chiaki was moving quicker than anyone else, the others only realizing then that the motorcyclist was aiming to hit them. To the young captain, it almost felt like it was happening in slow motion. Her hands and arms stretched forward and shoving Misaki, who was on the motorcycle's direct path. Chiaki can only briefly see the female she pushed falls to the floor, rolling away from the vehicle that was about to crash into her.
It takes only another second for her own body to feel the impact, and then the pain that shoots down her whole right side of her body. And then everything was happening so fast as if it didn't feel like slow motion a mere second ago.
The loud scream is deafening, and Chiaki wasn't sure if it came out of her own or her teammates' and friends' mouths.
The second impact is from the floor. Her shoulder and head smacked into the cold concrete ground, her body bouncing like a rag doll and rolling a couple of times before coming to an abrupt stop. The brunette could no longer feel her legs or arms, her mouth opening, and closing, although no sounds came out.
Black dots appeared in Chiaki's sight. She wheezed, desperately trying to suck air into her lungs. She isn't able to as the taste of salty copper fills her mouth as she gurgles, it dripping down the side of her lips at the movement. The warmth of her own blood on her skin is a drastic difference to the winter air of February that bites into her cheek.
Even with her blurry gaze, she recognized the panic-stricken face of Kageyama peering down at her, screaming something. His voice and words didn't reach her ears. Instead, Chiaki's head was filled with high pitch ringing that made her feel nauseous.
The injured female's grey orbs shifts to a new presence that appears in her sight. Beside Kageyama's youthful face, a slightly older boy, Oikawa Tōru, peers down at her.
In the past, she only interacted with Oikawa when Iwaizumi was involved seeing as he was his best friend. But without saying much, Chiaki had a feeling the former Kitagawa Daiichi boy's volleyball captain didn't exactly like her although he always kept a smile on his face. Like her, he probably only tolerated her presence because of Iwaizumi. Chiaki never did like his fake smiles. For that reason, the expression on Oikawa's face as he looked down at her was slightly refreshing. Something different from those fake, unpleasant smiles.
The usually cheeky boy's caramel orbs are filled with fear as he touches her cheek with his hand. Even with a clouded mind, Chiaki could tell it was trembling.
His mouth moves, but Chiaki can't understand him. She blinks once, the black spots increasing even more. And the next time she blinked, everything turned pitch black as she lost consciousness.
Hey Hey Hey! Welcome to the prologue of A Dove's Ripped Wings!
Being very honest, I know this is a bad idea starting a new fiction for a whole new different anime seeing as I never finish writing for them.... but I lost to the temptation as I finally began watching and reading Haikyuu during this quarantine and summer.
I just fell in love with all these characters, and what can I say, I'm a sucker for sports anime. A real sucker. Anyhow, the disclaimer is Haikyuu does not belong to me, only the OC do along with their character plot. Another disclaimer would be that I have absolutely no experience in volleyball, only playing a little bit when I was like 10 with friends, so as I read the manga and do research, I am learning. So if you find anything wrong in the storyline regarding the sport/game, please forgive me and gently point it out so I can hopefully correct it.
Also, some people may have already noticed but this is two years before the manga/anime plotline, which means all the first years such as Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, are still only in their second year of middle school. And our main protagonist is a third-year middle school student. I will definitely post the picture of character stats, but I can't do that right now without revealing the plot. So we'll probably have to go around ten to fifteen chapters in before that happens.
Another note is, this story is probably going to be similar to a lot of stories you may have read. Like, I'm sure you've all read fanfics of the oc becoming the manager because it's the most convenient way to place a female in a male's team. Honestly, it's nearly impossible to write an extremely original plot in an established story when so many fanfic writers exist. I promise you, I'm not plagiarizing, it's just there are only a few things I can do if I'm following the plot of the anime/manga.
If Haikyuu was a story part of the magic and mythical fantasy world, I'm sure there'll be more original creative things I can add, but sadly it's not like that and to continue to be realistic in their word, what I can write about gets limited. While this story will most likely be canon, I may add more scenes just to help the characters build and create relations, so warning. I'll try my best to make it entertaining!
Also, as of right now, I don't have any shipping in mind, so as the story goes on, I'm gonna have to decide if romance is going to be necessary or not. Tbh, I can't really think about a character to fit our lovely OC Ibato Chiaki as of right now. Maybe we'll figure something out, or there will be a crowd favorite. Okay, I'm lying. There is a character I'm thinking of but honestly, idk if I'll go with it. Gotta see all of you're reactions.
For this specific book, I'm going to aim for around 5.0 k to 6.0 k word count for each chapter so updates may be a bit slow. As of right now, if I'm posting this, it means I probably have a steady amount of chapters already written.
Once again, thank you for taking the time and picking up this book. And I hope you enjoy this ride!
Next update, Chapter 1 | Ripped Wings will be on 2020. 7. 24
-Ember 2020. 7. 10
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beyond-the-mirror · 5 years
Drunk uncle Dante explains: How babies are made
The sequel nobody asked for! Drunk uncle Dante is back with another disastrous story for poor innocent baby Nero.
Written purely for laughs and giggles, so it’s not meant to be taken seriously at all. Also, this is merely a parody of a series of videos called ‘Drunk uncle explains’, you can check the original video right here if you want to (It’s in spanish however, but subtitles are available).
Warning: Slight NSFW? I mean this is Dante we are talking about, do you seriously expect him to behave properly and watch his mouth? Obviously not!
Dante was currently sitting on his old worn out leather couch, a warm cup of tea resting between his hands. He gently blew on it to help cool it down before taking a sip, the bitter taste overwhelming his tastebuds and making him contort his face in disgust. He didn’t understand why his brother Vergil insisted so much on him to start drinking more tea instead of beer and whiskey, still he didn’t have the heart to reject the warm cup Vergil had prepared for him previously.
Of course, one shouldn’t expect Dante to behave for once. Eyeing the whiskey bottle on the table next to him, he reached for the bottle and poured a generous amount of alcohol into his tea.
Taking another sip, he smiled in content. ‘Much better’ he muttered to himself, leaning back to enjoy some relaxing time.
That is until a light set of footsteps hurriedly approached him. “Uncle Dante! Uncle Dante!” Little Nero skipped excitedly before sitting on the floor right in front of his uncle.
“What do you want now kid?” Dante asked before taking a sip from his beverage.
“How are babies made?”
Spitting out tea out of sheer shock and surprise, Dante looked at his baby nephew with a bewildered look on his face. Whelp, he definitely wasn’t expecting that one at all.
“Ewww! That was gross uncle Dante!” Nero giggled while looking at the disaster his uncle made on the carpet.
“Whoa kid wait a minute now, why did you come up with that question?”
“Please uncle Dante, I’m curious to know!” Oh no, not the puppy eyes again...
“Alright, alright then kid. Let’s see.” He cleared his throat “How babies are made.”
“Yayyy! Thank you uncle Dante!”
“No need to thank me buddy, after all, I know for sure that you have a reeeally irresponsible father. But luckily you have me, a smart and educated uncle, a man of the world-”
“Silence you sovereign buffoon!” Vergil’s angry voice interrupted from inside a nearby room. “Or should I remind you about the time you failed preschool?”
“C’mon Verge! I’m saying that I’m a guy who reads a lot, books and all that stuff-”
“Porn magazines don’t count as books you scum!”
“I already explained a thousand times, those are artistic nudes goddammit!”
Letting out a frustrated growl at his brother, Dante calmed down before turning once again to Nero who was looking at him expectantly.
“Now, let’s see how babies are made. Once upon a time, there was a little bee. A very handsome and well-endowed bee who had the biggest stinger in the entire world.” Dante smirked to himself, the man obviously picturing himself. 
“Oh really?” Vergil called out once again. “When you were born, our father mistook you for a baby girl!”
“Well if you saw me now, the joke would totally be on you...” Dante muttered under his breath before clearing his throat and continuing with the story. “Anyways. This bee was seeking a pretty flower to hang out with, but because he didn’t have enough cash to get into a strip club, the bee ended up getting into a bar.”
“Wait uncle Dante, what is a strip club?”
“Well let’s say it’s kinda liiike... a luxury flower shop.”
“Really? Can you take me there to get a flower? Pretty please?”
“Ehhh no because emm...” Dante now struggled to find a good excuse to stop Nero from wanting to go to a ‘strip club’, that is until the light bulb in his head finally went on. “The flowers are actually fake! They may look pretty but really they’re made of plastic. But if you insist, once you turn 18 I promise to take you to one. You’re paying tho.”
“Yayy! Thank you uncle Dante!” Little Nero beamed, blissfully ignorant to the truth.
“So! The little bee walked into the bar where he found his flower, and man what a flower she was! Beautiful, gorgeous, with enormous bouncy petals and-” he described as both his hands made grabby gestures above his chest.
“Whatever, sheesh...” Dante rolled his eyes. Seriously, his brother was no fun at all.
“And then did the little bee give the pretty flower his pollen?”
“Oh not yet, little buddy! First he invited her a few drinks to get to know each other a little better, like a nice glass of honey on... the rocks. And then, the little bee took her to the bathroom.”
Nero’s eyes filled with confusion “The bathroom? Why?”
“Because the flower ehhh...” this story was getting harder to explain for a drunken Dante, the last time his brain had to work like this was Christmas last year. “She needed some water! Yeah, that... except the flower may have misunderstood the intentions of the little bee.” With his head down, he quietly muttered his next words “Damn, I can still feel the slap she gave me.”
“I once dressed as a flower for a school play.” Nero added proudly and Dante couldn’t help but chuckle at the adorable image in his mind. How fondly he remembered that day, to this day he still kept the pictures he took.
“The little bee tried his best to flirt with the other flowers but with no success, that is until a special flower walked into the bar. She was quite the pretty thing, with bright eyes and a personality like no other... truly a beautiful lady.”
“Wait, Lady? The woman who you now owe lots of money and because of that she took your car?”
“No that ain’t true! She only borrowed the car temporarily!”
“And now here you are!” Vergil’s voice rang throughout the room, ready to complain about Dante again with no doubt. “Living in my house like a pathetic parasite!”
“You are still making me pay rent, though?!”
“You owe FOUR months already!”
Dante sighed in defeat. What a rotten luck he had in life.
“Okay, let’s continue with our story. The little bee had no luck finding a flower, but surprisingly, his uglier and way smaller twin brother-” he voiced rather loudly so Vergil could perfectly hear “-actually did get one. He took the flower to his hive where he gave her some pollen; however, the ugly bee couldn’t pull out his teeny tiny stinger on time. And nine months later, a new baby bee was born from the flower: a beautiful white-haired bumblebee named Nero.”
The devil hunter smiled warmly at the boy sitting in front of him, whose arrival to their lives was truly a blessing to the rather odd family they had going on.
The boy giggled cutely, a faint blush on his round cheeks. “Thank you for the story uncle Dante.” The man smiled in return before taking a sip from his spiked tea. For a moment he believed that the little one would now get up and leave as he would normally do after one of his stories. Oh how wrong he was.
“But there’s something I still don’t understand.” Nero questioned “In which part of the story do the sperm, the penis and the vagina come in?”
Dante did another spit take, the carpet once again completely soaked in tea and alcohol. “Wait WHAT?!”
“Contrary to you, my dear brother,” Vergil entered the scene, picking up little Nero and carrying him in his arms. “I do actually make sure to always give my son the best and most complete education possible. Now if you excuse us, it’s time for Nero to go visit his friend Kyrie like I promised him the other day. Say goodbye to your uncle, Nero.” At the mention of his friend’s name, the boy beamed and tightly hugged his dad, thanking him over and over.
“See you later, uncle Dante!” And with those words, the stoic devil hunter turned around and made his way to the door with his son in arms, leaving Dante with a rather flabbergasted expression on his face.
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randombtsprincessa · 6 years
Asylum || Epilogue
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Chapter:  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09
A/N: I am bidding a tearful goodbye to this story. It has been helpful in so many degrees and I hope you got out of it as much as I tried to put into it.
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“I don’t know what’s more horrible, Yoongi Hyung dancing, or Taehyung trying to rap.” Hoseok whined, the heavy base of his beer bottle hitting the table with a thud.
He was immediately met with throes of protests.
“I’m not that bad, jerk.” Yoongi said, unbothered as usual, not even pulling the bottle completely away from his lips.
“I’m fairly decent,” Taehyung cried, at which Yoongi glanced at me, a wink thrown out of the corner of his eye, way too fast for anyone else to catch.
“Sure, Tae, why don’t you give us a small demonstration?” he called.
The younger boy immediately cowed, mumbling something about ‘not being prepared’ but bravely picked up an empty bottle, turning it over to form a mike and then started spitting out words.
There was a small silence before Jimin started to clap, cheering for his best friend and Yoongi, Hoseok and I politely clapped.
“Well then, where’s Namjoon?” Yoongi turned to look at you.
“He’s with Jin actually. You know how they are. Some kids in the pediatric ward, showed interest and off they both went. He’ll be here soon enough.” I rolled my eyes fondly and Yoongi chuckled.
“Well, as long as it makes kids happy.” He sighed, his fingers drumming on the table as if he was playing the piano too.
“How are you?” Jimin continued.
“I’m fine. Better as a matter of fact, I’m really glad we all managed to get together again. It’s been ages since I saw you.” I commented.
I grinned when I remembered the last time I’d seen them all together. The dining hall of the Sanctuary, where I’d bid them a tearful goodbye, making them promise to get better as soon as they could so we could see each other out of our white uniforms and promising to keep visiting as much as I could.
Life had picked up at a staggering pace once I was out and visits had to be cut short till slowly they all got out.
Now seven years later, here we were.
I’d built upon my late degrees, gotten in a whirlwind education before settling down firmly. Now I worked as a Public Relations department head in the entertainment company that Yoongi and Namjoon had set up together when they were both out. It was a nice, comfortable job and it helped me deal with the anxiety. You know what they say, practice made perfect.
Jin and I had stayed friends, long while he rose up on the medical hierarchy, now owning a medical centre of his own. We made it a point to catch up once in a while, if not both of us were busy.
Hoseok had gone further with his dance, taking up the position of a back up dancer before opening his dance studio, teaching kids and teens. Jimin had soon, claiming that it wasn’t too stressful and at least this way he still got to keep a connection with his dancer spirit.
Taehyung had finally made it home. His step dad was long gone, his mother working hard to provide for whatever was left of their family. It wasn’t until her son returned that they both got back on their feet. Maybe money didn’t bring happiness after all.
Yoongi and Namjoon were a lot more complicated. Yoongi had returned to the music scene amid a lot of media coverage. His entertainment had dropped him but he started one from the scratch, building it up brick by brick to where it was now. Big Hit Entertainment snagged award after award, its reach stretching out to almost all the corners of the world. All because Yoongi kept his head and motto of getting as much artistic freedom as he could.
It had been a year later when he visited me, asking me to take up my position in managing his world wide image and while I’d been on the rocks about the publicity of it, he’d always been a good convincer.
Soon enough, Namjoon had joined the fold, leaving his parent’s house, amid many loud arguments, threats and emotional blackmail.
It had taken him a while to completely get out of his parent’s shadow before Yoongi had made good on his promise, swooping down and carrying him to work for him.
Namjoon had proven his skill magnificently and by the time his own songs made it to the charts, his parents had given up.
Call it arrogance but I was proud of them all, dusting them off to rise back up like phoenixes.
I glanced at my phone to check the time before standing.
“Guys, I’ll see you all in a while. I have to go do something.” I said and the conversation lulled, everyone’s eyes turning to me in sympathy.
“Yeah sure, Y/N, we’ll be here.” Hoseok said gently and I smiled, nodding before grabbing the keys to my car and purse.
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The slow breeze gently ruffled the edges of my coat, whistling in my hair as I stared down at the protruding smooth marble hunk in the ground.
The heels of my boots were digging into the softer dirt, constantly disturbed from hoards of visitors. Of course, he was so very popular.
I sighed, glancing down at the prettily wrapped bouquet of white roses, intermingled with reds, one of his favorite colors.
Time had strengthened my resolve to visit him. I could imagine him now, sitting with a pout, whining that I took so long. I smiled, a soft sad smile, knowing that all my imagination couldn’t make up for what I had had in reality.
Leaning over, I placed the bouquet in the vase, his parents had attached to the headstone, running a caressing hand over the ingrained words.
 Jeon Jungkook
1997 – 2018
Loving Son and Amazing Friend
You are the color painted on my heart that will never fade.
 Beautiful words, may be his mother picked them out, I thought. They couldn’t be more right. I stood up, dusting off the knees of my jeans as I drew back, breathing in the cold air of the cemetery. It was way too late to be visiting, so it was almost completely empty.
“I miss you, Kook. Still, always, forever…I wish you could be here. I’m…happier now. I think you helped me with that as well. I hope you’re happy where you are too.” I said quietly, my hand swiping at the small tear drop that had dripped over the edge of my eye.
The glint of gold caught my eye and I looked down at the ring circling my ring finger on the left hand, twisting it.
“I have someone now. I know I should’ve come before, to let you know. I just didn’t have it in me, I guess. I wanted to go through with it, imaging you were there. I know it’s cruel but I’m here now. I’ll be coming back a lot more. You’ll be seeing a whole lot more of me and him too...I’ll try bringing him as soon as I can. He works a lot, and so hard. Just like you.”
I smiled again and looked at the circle of his picture, front teeth poking through.
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A large hand slid softly against mine, capturing my palm and entwining our fingers.
“Yoongi told me where you were so I had to come.” He said in his deep baritone and I nodded in response, my husband’s warmth driving away the cold of the atmosphere.
“I’m glad you did. I think he would’ve liked to meet you.” I said softly, feeling his eyes turn to look at the headstone as well, examining it with his keen gaze.
“I would’ve liked to meet him too.”
I turned to look at him, pulling his palm up to kiss the lightly calloused skin, right above where my ring glittered on his finger. “Thank you for coming for me.”
“Always,” he smiled back, drawing closer to wrap an arm around me, pulling me to rest my head on his shoulder as we stared down at the grave of my best friend.
I closed my eyes going back to the day when he’d proposed.
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All limbs and clumsy as usual as he stumbled into the office, making me laugh as Yoongi shook his head.
“Yah, man, you can’t act like a goof today.” I heard Yoongi mutter as he went to pat down the front of his suit.
“What’s today?” I asked curiously, feeling his eyes widen and look to the older man for help.
“Nothing, nothing, I’ll be in my office.” Yoongi swept out and left me alone with him as he drew closer to smile nervously at me.
“Hi,” I smiled, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to his plump lips which he returned a split second later.
I pulled back, frowning. “Is something wrong?”
“Nope,” he mumbled, turning away from me before sighing and rubbing the back of his neck.
“Actually, I wanted to ask you something.”
I waited, watching as he took a deep breath and then slowly sank down to one knee.
There was silence as I gasped, taking a quick step back, to watch him look up at me with a glint in his eyes, shining behind his glasses.
“Y/N, you have stayed with me throughout my thick and thin. You have grounded me, and encouraged me to reach for the skies. You have made me happy in times when I thought I would never be. I know we haven’t dated very long, but I have known you for long enough to know you’re it, baby. I love you so much, I have never wanted something so much, before my music. So would you, after that terrible speech, please marry me?” he dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a silver ring, the solitaire on it bright with the promise of hope.
“Oh my god, you idiot,” I whispered.
It was true we hadn’t been dating long. It had started with a drunken confession, one of the many catch up parties I held at my place. Long after everyone had passed out in my living room or guest room, I and he had shared stories and his yearning for me had spilled out, as he liked to call out.
Now, after nearly two years of marriage, I liked to say it was him growing a pair.
Then, however, looking at my future husband looking up at me like I put stars in his galaxy, what else could I say but…
“Yes, of course, I’ll marry you.”
The sentence was barely out before he was getting to his feet, mouth clashing against mine.
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“You think he would’ve approved?” I heard my husband say.
With my eyes still closed, I felt him start to lead me away, turning my body so we could head to the car.
“Yes, I think so.” I smiled looking up at him as he nodded to himself.
“Hey, he would’ve loved you.” I said, more firmly and he looked at me, a thoughtful look on his face before nodding again, this time more assertive and understanding.
The sleek black of the car waited for us at the edge of the lawn and as he reached out to open the door of the car, I squeezed his hand.
“Thank you, Namjoon.” I said softly.
He stopped before turned to cup my face, giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead.
“Thank you, Y/N.” he said.
I smiled.
The future looked good enough for now…and it was enough.
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little-writings · 7 years
Heyyy!! Loving your blog! Ahh your stories are well done!!! I was wondering whether I could request a RFA story thingy? Where each member of the RFA are a dad. So like different stories on their daily lives as they have to stay home or something and look after their child? Thanks x
Ayeee thank you!!!! That means a ton!!
Also, I don’t really know if this is a shipping prompt in any way but it will be involving shipping of the usual sort I write. But I will still be focusing on all of the other ‘dads’ as well, including how they simply came to be that way! 
If that isn’t what you’re wanting let me know and I’ll be sure to edit it accordingly!!
Thank you and enjoy! Have a spectacular day!!!
You woke to an alarm.
It was a blaring sound that dug into your ears as you groggily woke, barely able to reach out and switch it off, far too comfortable in your husband’s arms to move despite it all. 
You sighed, crashing back down as the clock stopped with your slammed palm, groaning as Jumin stirred, his words weary and soft. 
“Good…Good morning love.” He hummed, wrapping a palm around your cheek fondly, pressing a kiss to your nose. “We ought to start getting ready before Mi-sun-” 
“It’s time for school! It’s time!” 
Your daughter burst into the room, launching on the bed with full force, ramming into the two of you with delighted cries.
And if you weren’t awake before, you most certainly were now. 
You felt the air snatched from your lungs, your upper body was thrown up as you met with Mi-sun. 
“H-Hello honey.” You greeted, your voice strained. 
“Hi!” She exclaimed, beaming. “Come on, come on you need to get ready! Eun Ae is going to be here soon! Come on, Come on!” 
“Oh goodness…that’s right.” Jumin sighed, lifting up your daughter and setting her down beside you both. “Just give us a moment dear.” 
“Okay, daddy!” 
You began getting ready tiredly, Jumin’s lids droopy and a small yawn constantly escaping you no matter how hard you tried to withhold it.
“What do you think…?” You had muttered. “You think bedhead is coming into style? Think I could pull if off?” 
“I’m a very biased opinion on that,” He remarked. “I think you look remarkable regardless.” 
“You’re still such a charmer, you know that?” 
He wound his arms around you from behind, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
“SImply speaking the truth.” 
You became ensnared in your chatting as you finished getting ready, only just finishing adjusting the buttons of your shirt as the doorbell bellowed throughout the home, Jumin chuckling at your shock.
“That must be V and Eun Ae.” He murmured, setting up the final bit of the cuffs of his suit. “I’ll go greet them, could you please make sure Mi-sun doesn’t run out the door?”
“I”ll do my best but…she’s a beast.” 
“I believe in you.” 
The two of you made your way to the hall, you holding onto your daughter as Jumin came to the front door, revealing the other parent. 
V had become a foster parent a little before you had become pregnant, finally finding a family and closeness with his daughter who he doted on more than you thought possible for a person to.
Eun Ae was quiet and shy, yet always seemed to smile no matter her situation.
And she and Mi-sun were attached at the hip. 
“Eun Eun!” Mi-sun rushed after her friend the moment you let go, practically topping the smaller girl in her well-meaning delight. “I missed you so much!” 
“Minny, you saw her yesterday,” V said amusedly, ruffling her hair slightly.
“I know! That’s way too long!” 
“Aren’t you excited to see the other kids?” You asked, smiling lightly. “What about Kyong?” 
“Kyong’s boring, he never wants to do anything all he talks about are these computer games uncle Lucy shows him.”
“They aren’t very fun…” Eun Ae murmured. “There’s always so many numbers…” 
“I’m sure all you need to do is get to know him better,” V insisted, setting a hand on his child’s shoulder comfortingly. “At the very least it’d mean a lot to him.” 
“I wish we could see Hyuk more!” Mi-sun puffed out her cheeks indignantly, her voice still sweet and light. “I don’t know why his dad makes him do his school at home!” 
“Hyuk just isn’t ready for that sort of thing,” You helped her put on her backpack, lifting her up as morning rays sprinkled your back more and more. “Come on now, don’t want you to be late.” 
“Do you think it’ll be fun?” 
“Of course I do, don’t you think so too sweetie?” You looked to Jumin, his face still warming at the nickname, almost forgetting to respond. 
“Y-Yes, first days are always a wonderful thing for children.” 
“Kyong says it boring.” 
“Do you think it’s boring?”
“Then I guess that solves that doesn’t it?” 
And you were off. 
You moved into the car, greeting Driver Kim cheerfully, being met with a compassionate dip of his head and a sort of glee as he noticed the children pouring in. 
He snickered and listening to their ridiculous stories, almost sorrowful as he was forced to say goodbye as you pulled into their school, wishing you all a wonderful day.
Even some you hadn’t known were there.
“Oh, be sure to tell Luciel that I hope his son’s first day going well!” 
“Oh, where is-” 
“Howdy hey!” 
You nearly screamed, jerking back and slamming against Jumin as 707 erupted into view. 
“Goodness!” You exclaimed, sinking against Jumin’s chest, feeling gentle laughter emanate from him. “You nearly gave me a heart attack Luciel!” 
“People tend to say that about me yes,” He stifled his giggles, crinkling his nose. “Sorry though, I just couldn’t believe I was seeing you guys!” 
“We’ve wanted to meet with you, you’ve been the one postponing our lunches and what not,” Jumin pointed out, moving out with you, his arm almost instinctively coiling around your waist.
“Well uh…yeah…been kind of busy?” 
“With what?”
“You don’t know true fear until your son starts hacking into the school to change his grades,” He tapped his foot, bothered. “I knew something was wrong when he had a hundred in his science class in the middle of summer.” 
“Wow, Kyong is…certainly like you.” 
“It’s horrifying, that’s actually the last thing I want!” 
“Don’t say that you’re a great person.” 
“First off, wrong, second off, he’s not completely like me.” 
“How so?” 
“Well, I’m sure he wants to see you guys.” 
He gestured to his son, calling him over.
“Kyong, come here! Jumin, MC, and V are here!” 
Kyong, as well, had been a foster child, brought in when V recommended the idea to him, knowing how strong and sturdy Luciel had built his walls.
And while you could’ve only hoped it’d help, it did.
It truly did. 
Luciel adored his son, spreading the chat room with photos and comments of every single thing he did from his moment as a toddler to as he was now, little over thirteen.
“Oh, hey!” 
His son was revealed, clad in a mix of a gray and white hoodie and shirt, smiling at the sight of the two of you, even with the hint of bleakness in his gaze.
“Hi Kyong!” You beamed. “Are you excited for today?”
“Not really, I can’t even rest when I get back home anyways.” 
“Why’s that?” 
“I have to watch over Yun after school, uncle Yoosung said he needed me to watch over with his new job.” 
“Do you know how to take care of a toddler?” Jumin asked. “That is quite a responsibility.” 
“I know, Yun is a pretty neat baby though, I got Soo’s number just in case though.”
“I could drop by If you’d like, see if you need anything this afternoon?”
“Thank you MC, but I’ll make it, if I can do this…then I think I can survive a smaller me.” 
“You know my number?”
“Yes, ma’am.” 
You squeezed his shoulder encouragingly, still remembering what had once been the small, child that once stood before you.
And you missed it.
You found it repeating once again with Yoosung’s daughter Yun, seeing his attachment grow and grow even without it even really being his.
It was his friend’s, Soo’s, caught in the situation of a sudden, unexpected pregnancy and no father to be found.
WIth that stress and worry only piling on Yoosung had stepped in and helped with each part of the way.
And slowly and surely, he became just as much as any family as the mother.
And somehow, the boy you once met as stressed and only enveloped in his games became grown and bright like sunshine.
And you couldn’t have been prouder of him.
Yet you were thrown from your thoughts as Mi-sun rammed into both you and Jumin, clambering onto your legs as she hugged you.
“Bye! I’ll miss you!” She whimpered, burying her head into the two of you as you kneeled down and held her the only thing letting you part being the teacher as they called out for her. 
You left with Jumin, V eager to catch up with 707, and eventually leaving you as Jumin, although forlornly was forced to depart for work.
“I’ll see you tonight darling,” He hummed, squeezing your palm tenderly. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
He grinned from ear to ear as you responded, giving you a chaste kiss before closing the car door behind him. 
Leaving the only thing left for you, to be Zen.
He had been stressed yet happy all the same to see you, scripts lining his home in a flurry of either homework or auditions. 
“H-Hey! How are you?” 
“I’m doing great, do you need some help?” You offered, noticing the bags under his eyes. “Where’s Hyuk?”
“He’s still asleep, god I wish that were me.” He scoffed. “I hear it’s better to let kids sleep in until the late morning rather than getting up at seven or something.” 
“Where have you heard that?”
“Every single mom has told me that the moment they find me with a kid, it’s like they sense my confusion as a parent-h-how do they do that? Do you have a sensor?” He shook his head wildly. “Jahee doesn’t even have a kid and she tells me stuff like that!” 
“I’m sure Jahee doesn’t mean anything by it.” 
“Honestly I would’ve died like four years ago if it wasn’t for her, I love Hyuk you know that but jeez, parenting is hard.” 
“I know.” You sniggered. “Hyuk is pretty laid back though isn’t he?” 
“Yeah but acting and taking care of medical expenses and homeschooling I just…I don’t want any financial aid before you offer but i-” He sighed, unable to even finish. 
“I understand, but you’ll get through it, you know that right?”
“Yeah…I know,” He let out a deep breath. “You know Hyuk is so sweet, he makes me these little gifts and sometimes it’s just like a drawing but it’s so nice.”
He shuffled his feet awkwardly, glancing away.
“But that’s not why I’m stressed…” He mustered up all the courage he could. “Hyuk keeps…he keeps asking about his mother, about where she is.” 
“You haven’t told him?” 
“I don’t think it’d be a good impression of the world for him to know his mom just left the moment he wasn’t stuck in her belly.” He sneered, tears threatening in his eyes. “That she just left me, and-and left all of this!” 
“I’m sorry Zen I know-” 
“No I mean it’s not just something I can ignore is it?” He shoved his hands into his pockets, furling them into fists. “Can’t just act like I don’t miss her or that it doesn’t matter that he’s missing something everyone else says is so important!” 
“A mother is important to some-” 
“You don’t think I don’t know that?” 
“You didn’t let me finish.” 
You came up beside him, offering a smirk. 
“But so is a father, and plenty of people spend their lives without one of them. Hyuk may be confused as to why he doesn’t have one but he doesn’t need you to be something more, you’re doing great as you are, and there’s no one else he’d rather have.” 
“You…you really think so…?” 
“I do.” 
He didn’t break out into sobs, but a tear did spill down his cheek.
But so did a grin.
And a feeling of something better ahead.
For you knew it meant the world.
Every smile.
Every bit of laughter. 
Every ‘I love you.’
It mattered. 
Not just to you.
But to everyone. 
For it made the mornings radiant.
The nights softer.
And the days worthwhile. 
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Katy Perry and Bradford Cobb attend a Grammy party.
This story was reprinted with permission of the Ole Miss Alumni Review.
Many think of Los Angeles as a fast-paced city full of bright lights and brighter careers, abuzz with red carpets, film and television cameras, and a thriving music scene. However, few are privy to what goes on behind the scenes to turn talented artists into stars. Meet Bradford Cobb (BA 96), partner with Direct Management Group and manager for one of the biggest names in music, Katy Perry.
“I do so many different things that it sounds ridiculous when I try to explain a typical day,” says Cobb. “It’s just all over the place, but I love it. You have to love it to be great at it, and I’m so grateful and blessed. It’s been an amazing journey so far.”
Cobb’s journey began more than a thousand miles away on the top floor of the Lyceum on the University of Mississippi campus.
“I took an aptitude test in the Lyceum that basically asks you a bunch of questions and helps you determine the best career path for you,” Cobb says. “I was struggling with what I wanted to major in at the time and didn’t have a very clear idea of what I wanted to do. The test actually told me that I should be a flight attendant.”
While traveling on planes was not exactly on his radar at the time, Cobb took it all in stride and listened to the career counselor’s advice.
“I learned from that test that I’m going to need to travel, interact with people and constantly be doing something different because I would get really bored if my job is a repetitive job,” he says. “Those are the things that are going to interest me and keep me focused.”
As it turns out, the assessment could not have been more befitting.
The son of a Mississippi Delta farmer, Cobb grew up in Tunica working alongside his father on their farm throughout high school and college.
“I came from a very small town in Mississippi and didn’t really think outside of a fairly small box at that point,” he says.
After graduating from the then Tunica Institute of Learning in 1992, Cobb enrolled at Ole Miss in the fall with an initial interest in medical school.
“I quickly realized my heart was not into that, so I jumped from that to an English major,” says Cobb. “I made a deal with my dad, who was very opposed to me being an English major, to minor in business as a compromise. I remember explaining to my dad how I was convinced that an English major was going to serve me well because it was a broad-based liberal arts education. As a manager, you don’t need any particular unique skills, but first and foremost you have to be able to communicate the artist’s vision. My degree certainly helps me do that on a daily basis.”
A member of Sigma Chi Fraternity, Cobb quickly adjusted to the thriving social scene and academic rigors for which the university is known. He counts watching David Lynch movies at the Hoka Theatre, Grove concerts, intramural basketball and football games as some of his fondest memories of Ole Miss.
“I never thought of Ole Miss as a party school, and maybe I missed something, but I always thought of it as a social school, and I love that,” says Cobb. “It helps you learn how to interact with all different types of people. I found a lot of diversity at Ole Miss, and I made a lot of friends that I’m still close to today from all walks of life.”
While he met many people along the way who influenced his life, Cobb is quick to credit one professor in particular who served a key role in both his education and career path.
“Dr. Colby Kullman had a huge impact on me,” Cobb says. “He really helped me develop writing skills and see the bigger picture just by opening my eyes to new ideas and possibilities. You have these teachers that are willing to go the extra mile for you, and he went the extra mile for me.”
After taking several courses under Kullman, Cobb asked for his assistance in writing a resume and recommendation letters for internships.
“It was the summer before my senior year, and I was really kind of frantic, to be honest,” Cobb says. “I wanted to explore and try some things out before I ended up back on the farm. Dr. Kullman wrote over 60 recommendation letters for internships ranging from Jim Henson Productions in New York to the William Morris Agency in Los Angeles.”
From left: Tamra Natisin, Katy Perry, Bradford Cobb, Kim Hilton and Angela Hudson
After numerous offers, Cobb accepted the internship with the William Morris Agency — an opportunity too good to pass up.
“I was not aware at the time of sending my resume in for the internship that Sam Haskell (BA 77) had also graduated from Ole Miss and happened to be in the same fraternity,” Cobb says. “He was worldwide head of television for William Morris, so obviously he had a lot of clout in helping get my internship.”
Haskell, chairman and CEO of the Miss America Organization and series developer at Warner Bros. Entertainment, recalls urging Cobb to follow his dreams.
“He was deciding whether or not he was going to go back into the family business or whether he was going to pursue his dreams in Hollywood,” Haskell says. “I remember sharing with him all the different people who tried to have an influence over me when I was his age and what I should and shouldn’t do. I told him he needed to go after his dream, and he did. He has done quite well, and I’m very proud of him.”
Cobb moved to LA in the summer of 1996 to complete his internship and returned to Ole Miss in the fall to finish his last semester.
His time at the William Morris Agency proved invaluable in helping him learn more about his career interests, particularly music management.
“I decided that I didn’t want to be an agent,” Cobb says. “While television was interesting to me, my real passion was music. To me, music is the most kindred spirit to literature, and that’s what I fell in love with at Ole Miss. I decided, rather than be an agent for musicians, I wanted to be a manager because they work more closely with the artists and handle their entire career.”
Cobb made several contacts within the music industry during his summer in LA, which led to a job offer with Direct Management Group, an international music management company that offers artistic and business services to a very select roster of artists.
Cobb began working for the firm in June 1998 as an assistant, eventually working his way up to partner alongside co-founders Steven Jensen and Martin Kirkup.
“He has that rare personality that allows him to connect with artists in a way that doesn’t come along very often,” Jensen says. “When you have someone like him who has intelligence, intuition and the ability to deal with artists’ personalities, you have the recipe for success in our business.”
Cobb added to the firm’s roster when he signed The Go-Go’s in 2003 and a little-known emerging artist, Katy Perry, the following year.
The Go-Go’s, pictured with manager Bradford Cobb, receive a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, August 12, 2011.
“I started working with The B-52’s and essentially became their manager,” says Cobb. “I signed The Go-Go’s after meeting Belinda Carlyle on a trip to New Zealand with The B-52’s. Then in 2004, I met Katy Perry through Glen Ballard (BA 75), and we started working together immediately.”
Ballard, Grammy Award-winning songwriter and producer, met Perry in the early 2000s, when he signed her to his label, Java Records.
“She was turning 18 and had just signed to my label,” says Ballard. “She needed a manager. When I met Bradford, he was just starting out with his firm, and I instantly knew that he was a quality person. He was gracious, tough and smart at the same time and really believed in Katy as an artist. He’s a really effective manager who is always looking out for the artist.”
Cobb fondly recalls meeting Ballard, who needed no introduction. The two shared a strong bond to Ole Miss and got to know each other quickly.
“Glen was probably the first person who really believed in Katy Perry and her talent,” Cobb says. “He entrusted me with this prized student as he saw her, and I was so honored because Glen is incredibly successful. He actually used the words ‘pass the baton’ because he felt a responsibility to her. I think he was almost relieved to pass the management responsibilities to me so he could remain focused on artistic growth for Katy.”
Cobb will never forget the first time he met Katy in his office, when she was a young, energetic 19-year-old bursting with personality.
“She just blew past the receptionist and did cartwheels down the hallway, landing in the splits in my office,” Cobb says, laughing. “That was her greeting on her first visit to Direct Management. She’s got an incredible sense of humor and personality.”
Ballard could not be more proud of the success Perry and Cobb have shared together.
“When I sort of paired him and Katy together, I thought that it could work — and boy was I right,” says Ballard. “Signing Katy and then getting him involved … if I ever did two things right, that was the two of them right there. I’m just so proud of everything that’s happening with them.”
In an industry filled with excitement and uncertainty, the highs are as great as the lows at times.
The pressure to succeed can get to some, but for Cobb, it’s all part of the job. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“When you take on a new artist, you become very engaged,” Cobb says. “I feel a responsibility to succeed because I’m not just trying to succeed for myself — I have an artist who has dreams and ambitions. You don’t want to fail them, especially the ones who work as hard as you do and are passionate about what they do. You feel a deep sense of responsibility to do everything you can to help them succeed. That’s the only real pressure. You feel like you owe them your best.”
In a city filled with talent and creativity and artists vying for their chance to make it big, it’s important to know how to spot the “it” factor.
Fortunately for Cobb, he appears to have a sixth sense when it comes to spotting true talent.
“It’s not just the best songwriter, the best singer, the prettiest or the most poised — it’s all of that,” says Cobb. “There are intangibles such as the drive, the real hunger to succeed and the willingness to work as hard as the manager. To live, eat, sleep and breathe it if you have to. There have been more talented people, better songwriters and singers, but I wasn’t interested in managing them because they lacked that fire and intensity.”
Certainly, Perry is one of those talented artists who possesses the fire, determination and drive to succeed, having recently claimed the record for the most weeks at No. 1 in the 21-year history of Billboard’s Pop Songs radio airplay chart.
While Cobb continues to be proud of Perry’s thriving career, he had a hunch early on that she would be a game changer.
“Perhaps I was a little naïve, but I promise you I really did believe she could be this big,” Cobb says. “I said this girl can be as big as Madonna. I’m sure some people thought I was crazy, and perhaps I was. You have to dream big, and she’s the biggest dreamer. I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Katy is incredibly savvy, and it’s definitely served her well.”
Always one to dream big, Cobb knew he had the drive to excel professionally but could never have predicted the path his career has taken.
Cobb was named to Billboard magazine’s 2013 40 Under 40 list and says he is humbled to be recognized in the company of successful executives.
“They gave it to me the very last year they possibly could,” Cobb jokes. “It’s a great group of people and a small group here in the music side of the entertainment business. I’ve developed great relationships with a lot of people, and I’m honored that they voted for me.”
In addition to professional relationships, Cobb has formed several friendships during his time in LA, many of which are with fellow Southerners such as alumnus Tate Taylor (BBA 91), director of the movie “The Help” (2011).
“He’s one of my best friends,” Cobb says. “Ironically, I met Tate, who introduced me to many of my Southern friends, at an Ole Miss football watch party on Sunset Boulevard. Those friendships have made me feel very at home.”
While he doesn’t know what the future holds, Cobb is certain he’s found his niche and plans to continue to manage artists.
“I honestly do love the music business, and I intend to stay in it for a very long time,” says Cobb. “As long as I can find [artists] I believe in who can say something positive to the world and contribute something positive — I want to manage them.”
By Annie Rhoades. 
This story was reprinted with permission from the Ole Miss Alumni Review. The Alumni Review is published quarterly for members of the Ole Miss Alumni Association. Join or renew your membership with the Alumni Association today, and don’t miss a single issue.
For questions, email us at [email protected].
Follow HottyToddy.com on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @hottytoddynews. Like its Facebook page: If You Love Oxford and Ole Miss…
The post Top Stories of 2017: The Ole Miss Grad Who Helped Make Katy Perry a Superstar appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Katy Perry and Bradford Cobb attend a Grammy party.
This story was reprinted with permission of the Ole Miss Alumni Review.
Many think of Los Angeles as a fast-paced city full of bright lights and brighter careers, abuzz with red carpets, film and television cameras, and a thriving music scene. However, few are privy to what goes on behind the scenes to turn talented artists into stars. Meet Bradford Cobb (BA 96), partner with Direct Management Group and manager for one of the biggest names in music, Katy Perry.
“I do so many different things that it sounds ridiculous when I try to explain a typical day,” says Cobb. “It’s just all over the place, but I love it. You have to love it to be great at it, and I’m so grateful and blessed. It’s been an amazing journey so far.”
Cobb’s journey began more than a thousand miles away on the top floor of the Lyceum on the University of Mississippi campus.
“I took an aptitude test in the Lyceum that basically asks you a bunch of questions and helps you determine the best career path for you,” Cobb says. “I was struggling with what I wanted to major in at the time and didn’t have a very clear idea of what I wanted to do. The test actually told me that I should be a flight attendant.”
While traveling on planes was not exactly on his radar at the time, Cobb took it all in stride and listened to the career counselor’s advice.
“I learned from that test that I’m going to need to travel, interact with people and constantly be doing something different because I would get really bored if my job is a repetitive job,” he says. “Those are the things that are going to interest me and keep me focused.”
As it turns out, the assessment could not have been more befitting.
The son of a Mississippi Delta farmer, Cobb grew up in Tunica working alongside his father on their farm throughout high school and college.
“I came from a very small town in Mississippi and didn’t really think outside of a fairly small box at that point,” he says.
After graduating from the then Tunica Institute of Learning in 1992, Cobb enrolled at Ole Miss in the fall with an initial interest in medical school.
“I quickly realized my heart was not into that, so I jumped from that to an English major,” says Cobb. “I made a deal with my dad, who was very opposed to me being an English major, to minor in business as a compromise. I remember explaining to my dad how I was convinced that an English major was going to serve me well because it was a broad-based liberal arts education. As a manager, you don’t need any particular unique skills, but first and foremost you have to be able to communicate the artist’s vision. My degree certainly helps me do that on a daily basis.”
A member of Sigma Chi Fraternity, Cobb quickly adjusted to the thriving social scene and academic rigors for which the university is known. He counts watching David Lynch movies at the Hoka Theatre, Grove concerts, intramural basketball and football games as some of his fondest memories of Ole Miss.
“I never thought of Ole Miss as a party school, and maybe I missed something, but I always thought of it as a social school, and I love that,” says Cobb. “It helps you learn how to interact with all different types of people. I found a lot of diversity at Ole Miss, and I made a lot of friends that I’m still close to today from all walks of life.”
While he met many people along the way who influenced his life, Cobb is quick to credit one professor in particular who served a key role in both his education and career path.
“Dr. Colby Kullman had a huge impact on me,” Cobb says. “He really helped me develop writing skills and see the bigger picture just by opening my eyes to new ideas and possibilities. You have these teachers that are willing to go the extra mile for you, and he went the extra mile for me.”
After taking several courses under Kullman, Cobb asked for his assistance in writing a resume and recommendation letters for internships.
“It was the summer before my senior year, and I was really kind of frantic, to be honest,” Cobb says. “I wanted to explore and try some things out before I ended up back on the farm. Dr. Kullman wrote over 60 recommendation letters for internships ranging from Jim Henson Productions in New York to the William Morris Agency in Los Angeles.”
From left: Tamra Natisin, Katy Perry, Bradford Cobb, Kim Hilton and Angela Hudson
After numerous offers, Cobb accepted the internship with the William Morris Agency — an opportunity too good to pass up.
“I was not aware at the time of sending my resume in for the internship that Sam Haskell (BA 77) had also graduated from Ole Miss and happened to be in the same fraternity,” Cobb says. “He was worldwide head of television for William Morris, so obviously he had a lot of clout in helping get my internship.”
Haskell, chairman and CEO of the Miss America Organization and series developer at Warner Bros. Entertainment, recalls urging Cobb to follow his dreams.
“He was deciding whether or not he was going to go back into the family business or whether he was going to pursue his dreams in Hollywood,” Haskell says. “I remember sharing with him all the different people who tried to have an influence over me when I was his age and what I should and shouldn’t do. I told him he needed to go after his dream, and he did. He has done quite well, and I’m very proud of him.”
Cobb moved to LA in the summer of 1996 to complete his internship and returned to Ole Miss in the fall to finish his last semester.
His time at the William Morris Agency proved invaluable in helping him learn more about his career interests, particularly music management.
“I decided that I didn’t want to be an agent,” Cobb says. “While television was interesting to me, my real passion was music. To me, music is the most kindred spirit to literature, and that’s what I fell in love with at Ole Miss. I decided, rather than be an agent for musicians, I wanted to be a manager because they work more closely with the artists and handle their entire career.”
Cobb made several contacts within the music industry during his summer in LA, which led to a job offer with Direct Management Group, an international music management company that offers artistic and business services to a very select roster of artists.
Cobb began working for the firm in June 1998 as an assistant, eventually working his way up to partner alongside co-founders Steven Jensen and Martin Kirkup.
“He has that rare personality that allows him to connect with artists in a way that doesn’t come along very often,” Jensen says. “When you have someone like him who has intelligence, intuition and the ability to deal with artists’ personalities, you have the recipe for success in our business.”
Cobb added to the firm’s roster when he signed The Go-Go’s in 2003 and a little-known emerging artist, Katy Perry, the following year.
The Go-Go’s, pictured with manager Bradford Cobb, receive a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, August 12, 2011.
“I started working with The B-52’s and essentially became their manager,” says Cobb. “I signed The Go-Go’s after meeting Belinda Carlyle on a trip to New Zealand with The B-52’s. Then in 2004, I met Katy Perry through Glen Ballard (BA 75), and we started working together immediately.”
Ballard, Grammy Award-winning songwriter and producer, met Perry in the early 2000s, when he signed her to his label, Java Records.
“She was turning 18 and had just signed to my label,” says Ballard. “She needed a manager. When I met Bradford, he was just starting out with his firm, and I instantly knew that he was a quality person. He was gracious, tough and smart at the same time and really believed in Katy as an artist. He’s a really effective manager who is always looking out for the artist.”
Cobb fondly recalls meeting Ballard, who needed no introduction. The two shared a strong bond to Ole Miss and got to know each other quickly.
“Glen was probably the first person who really believed in Katy Perry and her talent,” Cobb says. “He entrusted me with this prized student as he saw her, and I was so honored because Glen is incredibly successful. He actually used the words ‘pass the baton’ because he felt a responsibility to her. I think he was almost relieved to pass the management responsibilities to me so he could remain focused on artistic growth for Katy.”
Cobb will never forget the first time he met Katy in his office, when she was a young, energetic 19-year-old bursting with personality.
“She just blew past the receptionist and did cartwheels down the hallway, landing in the splits in my office,” Cobb says, laughing. “That was her greeting on her first visit to Direct Management. She’s got an incredible sense of humor and personality.”
Ballard could not be more proud of the success Perry and Cobb have shared together.
“When I sort of paired him and Katy together, I thought that it could work — and boy was I right,” says Ballard. “Signing Katy and then getting him involved … if I ever did two things right, that was the two of them right there. I’m just so proud of everything that’s happening with them.”
In an industry filled with excitement and uncertainty, the highs are as great as the lows at times.
The pressure to succeed can get to some, but for Cobb, it’s all part of the job. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“When you take on a new artist, you become very engaged,” Cobb says. “I feel a responsibility to succeed because I’m not just trying to succeed for myself — I have an artist who has dreams and ambitions. You don’t want to fail them, especially the ones who work as hard as you do and are passionate about what they do. You feel a deep sense of responsibility to do everything you can to help them succeed. That’s the only real pressure. You feel like you owe them your best.”
In a city filled with talent and creativity and artists vying for their chance to make it big, it’s important to know how to spot the “it” factor.
Fortunately for Cobb, he appears to have a sixth sense when it comes to spotting true talent.
“It’s not just the best songwriter, the best singer, the prettiest or the most poised — it’s all of that,” says Cobb. “There are intangibles such as the drive, the real hunger to succeed and the willingness to work as hard as the manager. To live, eat, sleep and breathe it if you have to. There have been more talented people, better songwriters and singers, but I wasn’t interested in managing them because they lacked that fire and intensity.”
Certainly, Perry is one of those talented artists who possesses the fire, determination and drive to succeed, having recently claimed the record for the most weeks at No. 1 in the 21-year history of Billboard’s Pop Songs radio airplay chart.
While Cobb continues to be proud of Perry’s thriving career, he had a hunch early on that she would be a game changer.
“Perhaps I was a little naïve, but I promise you I really did believe she could be this big,” Cobb says. “I said this girl can be as big as Madonna. I’m sure some people thought I was crazy, and perhaps I was. You have to dream big, and she’s the biggest dreamer. I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Katy is incredibly savvy, and it’s definitely served her well.”
Always one to dream big, Cobb knew he had the drive to excel professionally but could never have predicted the path his career has taken.
Cobb was named to Billboard magazine’s 2013 40 Under 40 list and says he is humbled to be recognized in the company of successful executives.
“They gave it to me the very last year they possibly could,” Cobb jokes. “It’s a great group of people and a small group here in the music side of the entertainment business. I’ve developed great relationships with a lot of people, and I’m honored that they voted for me.”
In addition to professional relationships, Cobb has formed several friendships during his time in LA, many of which are with fellow Southerners such as alumnus Tate Taylor (BBA 91), director of the movie “The Help” (2011).
“He’s one of my best friends,” Cobb says. “Ironically, I met Tate, who introduced me to many of my Southern friends, at an Ole Miss football watch party on Sunset Boulevard. Those friendships have made me feel very at home.”
While he doesn’t know what the future holds, Cobb is certain he’s found his niche and plans to continue to manage artists.
“I honestly do love the music business, and I intend to stay in it for a very long time,” says Cobb. “As long as I can find [artists] I believe in who can say something positive to the world and contribute something positive — I want to manage them.”
By Annie Rhoades. 
This story was reprinted with permission from the Ole Miss Alumni Review. The Alumni Review is published quarterly for members of the Ole Miss Alumni Association. Join or renew your membership with the Alumni Association today, and don’t miss a single issue.
For questions, email us at [email protected].
Follow HottyToddy.com on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @hottytoddynews. Like its Facebook page: If You Love Oxford and Ole Miss…
The post Ole Miss Alumni Review: A Roaring Success, Alumnus Manages Pop Star’s Career appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
0 notes
hottytoddynews · 7 years
Katy Perry and Bradford Cobb attend a Grammy party.
This story was reprinted with permission of the Ole Miss Alumni Review.
Many think of Los Angeles as a fast-paced city full of bright lights and brighter careers, abuzz with red carpets, film and television cameras, and a thriving music scene. However, few are privy to what goes on behind the scenes to turn talented artists into stars. Meet Bradford Cobb (BA 96), partner with Direct Management Group and manager for one of the biggest names in music, Katy Perry.
“I do so many different things that it sounds ridiculous when I try to explain a typical day,” says Cobb. “It’s just all over the place, but I love it. You have to love it to be great at it, and I’m so grateful and blessed. It’s been an amazing journey so far.”
Cobb’s journey began more than a thousand miles away on the top floor of the Lyceum on the University of Mississippi campus.
“I took an aptitude test in the Lyceum that basically asks you a bunch of questions and helps you determine the best career path for you,” Cobb says. “I was struggling with what I wanted to major in at the time and didn’t have a very clear idea of what I wanted to do. The test actually told me that I should be a flight attendant.”
While traveling on planes was not exactly on his radar at the time, Cobb took it all in stride and listened to the career counselor’s advice.
“I learned from that test that I’m going to need to travel, interact with people and constantly be doing something different because I would get really bored if my job is a repetitive job,” he says. “Those are the things that are going to interest me and keep me focused.”
As it turns out, the assessment could not have been more befitting.
The son of a Mississippi Delta farmer, Cobb grew up in Tunica working alongside his father on their farm throughout high school and college.
“I came from a very small town in Mississippi and didn’t really think outside of a fairly small box at that point,” he says.
After graduating from the then Tunica Institute of Learning in 1992, Cobb enrolled at Ole Miss in the fall with an initial interest in medical school.
“I quickly realized my heart was not into that, so I jumped from that to an English major,” says Cobb. “I made a deal with my dad, who was very opposed to me being an English major, to minor in business as a compromise. I remember explaining to my dad how I was convinced that an English major was going to serve me well because it was a broad-based liberal arts education. As a manager, you don’t need any particular unique skills, but first and foremost you have to be able to communicate the artist’s vision. My degree certainly helps me do that on a daily basis.”
A member of Sigma Chi Fraternity, Cobb quickly adjusted to the thriving social scene and academic rigors for which the university is known. He counts watching David Lynch movies at the Hoka Theatre, Grove concerts, intramural basketball and football games as some of his fondest memories of Ole Miss.
“I never thought of Ole Miss as a party school, and maybe I missed something, but I always thought of it as a social school, and I love that,” says Cobb. “It helps you learn how to interact with all different types of people. I found a lot of diversity at Ole Miss, and I made a lot of friends that I’m still close to today from all walks of life.”
While he met many people along the way who influenced his life, Cobb is quick to credit one professor in particular who served a key role in both his education and career path.
“Dr. Colby Kullman had a huge impact on me,” Cobb says. “He really helped me develop writing skills and see the bigger picture just by opening my eyes to new ideas and possibilities. You have these teachers that are willing to go the extra mile for you, and he went the extra mile for me.”
After taking several courses under Kullman, Cobb asked for his assistance in writing a resume and recommendation letters for internships.
“It was the summer before my senior year, and I was really kind of frantic, to be honest,” Cobb says. “I wanted to explore and try some things out before I ended up back on the farm. Dr. Kullman wrote over 60 recommendation letters for internships ranging from Jim Henson Productions in New York to the William Morris Agency in Los Angeles.”
From left: Tamra Natisin, Katy Perry, Bradford Cobb, Kim Hilton and Angela Hudson
After numerous offers, Cobb accepted the internship with the William Morris Agency — an opportunity too good to pass up.
“I was not aware at the time of sending my resume in for the internship that Sam Haskell (BA 77) had also graduated from Ole Miss and happened to be in the same fraternity,” Cobb says. “He was worldwide head of television for William Morris, so obviously he had a lot of clout in helping get my internship.”
Haskell, chairman and CEO of the Miss America Organization and series developer at Warner Bros. Entertainment, recalls urging Cobb to follow his dreams.
“He was deciding whether or not he was going to go back into the family business or whether he was going to pursue his dreams in Hollywood,” Haskell says. “I remember sharing with him all the different people who tried to have an influence over me when I was his age and what I should and shouldn’t do. I told him he needed to go after his dream, and he did. He has done quite well, and I’m very proud of him.”
Cobb moved to LA in the summer of 1996 to complete his internship and returned to Ole Miss in the fall to finish his last semester.
His time at the William Morris Agency proved invaluable in helping him learn more about his career interests, particularly music management.
“I decided that I didn’t want to be an agent,” Cobb says. “While television was interesting to me, my real passion was music. To me, music is the most kindred spirit to literature, and that’s what I fell in love with at Ole Miss. I decided, rather than be an agent for musicians, I wanted to be a manager because they work more closely with the artists and handle their entire career.”
Cobb made several contacts within the music industry during his summer in LA, which led to a job offer with Direct Management Group, an international music management company that offers artistic and business services to a very select roster of artists.
Cobb began working for the firm in June 1998 as an assistant, eventually working his way up to partner alongside co-founders Steven Jensen and Martin Kirkup.
“He has that rare personality that allows him to connect with artists in a way that doesn’t come along very often,” Jensen says. “When you have someone like him who has intelligence, intuition and the ability to deal with artists’ personalities, you have the recipe for success in our business.”
Cobb added to the firm’s roster when he signed The Go-Go’s in 2003 and a little-known emerging artist, Katy Perry, the following year.
The Go-Go’s, pictured with manager Bradford Cobb, receive a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, August 12, 2011.
“I started working with The B-52’s and essentially became their manager,” says Cobb. “I signed The Go-Go’s after meeting Belinda Carlyle on a trip to New Zealand with The B-52’s. Then in 2004, I met Katy Perry through Glen Ballard (BA 75), and we started working together immediately.”
Ballard, Grammy Award-winning songwriter and producer, met Perry in the early 2000s, when he signed her to his label, Java Records.
“She was turning 18 and had just signed to my label,” says Ballard. “She needed a manager. When I met Bradford, he was just starting out with his firm, and I instantly knew that he was a quality person. He was gracious, tough and smart at the same time and really believed in Katy as an artist. He’s a really effective manager who is always looking out for the artist.”
Cobb fondly recalls meeting Ballard, who needed no introduction. The two shared a strong bond to Ole Miss and got to know each other quickly.
“Glen was probably the first person who really believed in Katy Perry and her talent,” Cobb says. “He entrusted me with this prized student as he saw her, and I was so honored because Glen is incredibly successful. He actually used the words ‘pass the baton’ because he felt a responsibility to her. I think he was almost relieved to pass the management responsibilities to me so he could remain focused on artistic growth for Katy.”
Cobb will never forget the first time he met Katy in his office, when she was a young, energetic 19-year-old bursting with personality.
“She just blew past the receptionist and did cartwheels down the hallway, landing in the splits in my office,” Cobb says, laughing. “That was her greeting on her first visit to Direct Management. She’s got an incredible sense of humor and personality.”
Ballard could not be more proud of the success Perry and Cobb have shared together.
“When I sort of paired him and Katy together, I thought that it could work — and boy was I right,” says Ballard. “Signing Katy and then getting him involved … if I ever did two things right, that was the two of them right there. I’m just so proud of everything that’s happening with them.”
In an industry filled with excitement and uncertainty, the highs are as great as the lows at times.
The pressure to succeed can get to some, but for Cobb, it’s all part of the job. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“When you take on a new artist, you become very engaged,” Cobb says. “I feel a responsibility to succeed because I’m not just trying to succeed for myself — I have an artist who has dreams and ambitions. You don’t want to fail them, especially the ones who work as hard as you do and are passionate about what they do. You feel a deep sense of responsibility to do everything you can to help them succeed. That’s the only real pressure. You feel like you owe them your best.”
In a city filled with talent and creativity and artists vying for their chance to make it big, it’s important to know how to spot the “it” factor.
Fortunately for Cobb, he appears to have a sixth sense when it comes to spotting true talent.
“It’s not just the best songwriter, the best singer, the prettiest or the most poised — it’s all of that,” says Cobb. “There are intangibles such as the drive, the real hunger to succeed and the willingness to work as hard as the manager. To live, eat, sleep and breathe it if you have to. There have been more talented people, better songwriters and singers, but I wasn’t interested in managing them because they lacked that fire and intensity.”
Certainly, Perry is one of those talented artists who possesses the fire, determination and drive to succeed, having recently claimed the record for the most weeks at No. 1 in the 21-year history of Billboard’s Pop Songs radio airplay chart.
While Cobb continues to be proud of Perry’s thriving career, he had a hunch early on that she would be a game changer.
“Perhaps I was a little naïve, but I promise you I really did believe she could be this big,” Cobb says. “I said this girl can be as big as Madonna. I’m sure some people thought I was crazy, and perhaps I was. You have to dream big, and she’s the biggest dreamer. I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Katy is incredibly savvy, and it’s definitely served her well.”
Always one to dream big, Cobb knew he had the drive to excel professionally but could never have predicted the path his career has taken.
Cobb was named to Billboard magazine’s 2013 40 Under 40 list and says he is humbled to be recognized in the company of successful executives.
“They gave it to me the very last year they possibly could,” Cobb jokes. “It’s a great group of people and a small group here in the music side of the entertainment business. I’ve developed great relationships with a lot of people, and I’m honored that they voted for me.”
In addition to professional relationships, Cobb has formed several friendships during his time in LA, many of which are with fellow Southerners such as alumnus Tate Taylor (BBA 91), director of the movie “The Help” (2011).
“He’s one of my best friends,” Cobb says. “Ironically, I met Tate, who introduced me to many of my Southern friends, at an Ole Miss football watch party on Sunset Boulevard. Those friendships have made me feel very at home.”
While he doesn’t know what the future holds, Cobb is certain he’s found his niche and plans to continue to manage artists.
“I honestly do love the music business, and I intend to stay in it for a very long time,” says Cobb. “As long as I can find [artists] I believe in who can say something positive to the world and contribute something positive — I want to manage them.”
By Annie Rhoades. 
This story was reprinted with permission from the Ole Miss Alumni Review. The Alumni Review is published quarterly for members of the Ole Miss Alumni Association. Join or renew your membership with the Alumni Association today, and don’t miss a single issue.
For questions, email us at [email protected].
Follow HottyToddy.com on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @hottytoddynews. Like its Facebook page: If You Love Oxford and Ole Miss…
The post Ole Miss Alumni Review: A Roaring Success, Alumnus Manages Pop Star’s Career appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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