#theo engler one shot
eviesaurusrex · 2 years
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Theo Engler x Fem!Reader
summary: YN and Theo were always close, and everyone thought someday they might end up together—until they got new neighbors. Only after the incident does Theo realize what he always had right in front of his eyes.
word count: 3.5k
warnings: mentions of head trauma and a leg injury, mentions of a hospital environment, two idiots in love, Matthew being the wingman Theo needs, quick mention of past unhealthy relationships (really, super short), sarcasm, fluff
author’s note: I’ve been rewatching season 3 and rediscovered my love for Theo. I really tried not to describe the reader’s looks—except for her clothes—to make this one as inclusive as possible and appropriate for all female readers. If I did at some point describe the reader’s skin or eyes or hair etc., through explicit colors or forms instead of something metaphorical, please let me know, and I will correct it (because, in that case, it must’ve slipped my eyes while proofreading) :3
He woke through the massive pounding in his head, making him groan and gasp for air at the stinging and unpleasant as hell feeling. “Fuck,” was Theo’s first word while he blinked into the sunlight falling through the window into the sterile-white room. He could hear people outside the half-opened door while his eyes wandered over the room—a hospital room—and stopped at the sight of a beautiful bouquet consisting of periwinkles, lavender, small hydrangeas, and delphiniums.
He knew these flowers by heart because…
Blinking to stop the sudden tears from falling, Theo slowly sat up and stretched his hand out to touch the delicate petals with their enticing scents, reminding him of her. She had always smelled like the walking and living personification of spring, always bringing him comfort if he needed it, but mostly reminded him that good things, and good people, still existed in this world even though he sometimes doubted it.
“She always brought a new one as soon as the first flowers started to wilt.”
Matthew’s voice almost sent Theo into cardiac arrest, pushing him to pull his hand back as if he was caught doing something illegal—or filthy. But one look at the man he had always considered a father figure told him that quite the opposite was the case, and he took a deep breath. “She… she was here?” The thought alone of her sitting on the uncomfortable-looking chair, standing right next to the white bed, watching over him with those worried lines between her eyebrows he always had wanted to erase, was too good to be true.
Especially considering how he had treated her in the past couple of months—or, better, how he had ignored her existence entirely.
His dad settled down onto the chair he knew she would’ve hated but still wouldn’t mind ruining her back on, a cup of coffee in his hands, holding onto it for dear life. He stared, didn’t let his eyes wander from his face, as if he was scared he wouldn’t be awake when he looked again. “I had to force her to go home. Every day. That girl would have stayed here and given a flying fuck on sleep if it meant she could keep watching over you. Most stubborn person I ever met.” Matthew shook his head in mild wonder before taking his son in again. “You treated her badly, Theo.” And Theo could hear the screaming loud reproach in those softly spoken words and knew where it came from. He knew how much his dad had liked the girl he one day had brought home and had continued to do so ever since. She had been practically a part of their family.
A deep sigh left the young man as he nodded slowly and carefully, his head still a throbbing pain in his ass, to which now his leg and knee joined to form one big party of pain. But he deserved this more than anything else. “Did she say anything?” He needed, no, had to know if there still was a chance for him and his salvation, only grantable by her.
Matthew shrugged. “Not much. Not to me, at least. I think she talked to you quite a lot. Well, it was more of a rambling nature, but I think she told you about everything you missed out on after you decided to shout at her and call her a jealous bitch and all that fun stuff I overheard that night. And yes, I have to remind you of it to get one thing in your head.” Theo swallowed thickly, his stomach turning and twisting as the pictures of that night invaded his mind again. It made him feel sick to think of her tears again. “You treated her like shit, and still, she came all the way back here after hearing what happened to you. She came back, and only force could part her from this room. So, either she lost her mind and memories of you being a total dick, or she still loves you.”
All the oxygen got pressed out of his lungs at those last words. Theo could feel how his mouth partly hung open, felt how his mind had trouble keeping up with these thoughts.
She… loved him?
She was supposed to love him?
“I think you misinterpreted some stuff,” Theo finally muttered after minutes of stretching silence, his heart pounding in his chest. He was glad that he wasn’t hooked onto the heart monitor standing left to his bed. That thing would freak out and would call every nurse and doctor on this floor into his room. With another sigh, he rubbed over his mouth and jaw and shook his head in denial. “She doesn’t love me. Never had. Never will. We were only… friends.” Though he finally could admit that deep in his mind and deep in his heart, he had always felt… more, since the very start, probably since their first encounter at Stanford when she ran into him and spilled her steaming chai latte all over his hoodie. The memory made a smile tuck at his lips. And now, remembering her radiant smile after he had assured her that the hoodie already had been on the Throw this old shit in the garbage list, his heart started to ache because fuck, he missed her.
Matthew watched him quietly, a pleased expression settling on his tired face, mixed in with the relief of seeing his son awake. He knew he should call or at least text her to let her know that Theo was alright, but he also knew that she had her exams and decided to keep silent for a bit longer—for both their sakes. First, he had to make sure that his blind idiot of a son finally realized what he had right in front of his eyes all this time. And Matthew thought that he had made some progress. “I know you, Theo. I might not be the number one dad with all the Best Dad trophies and cups lining up on the shelves, but I still know you. I have eyes and some experience with being an idiot in love myself. I know what I saw, and that wasn’t mere friendship.” He patted Theo’s shoulder and finally pressed the call button to let the doctor know that his son was finally awake, letting him think in peace.
Being back in Madre Linda was connected with that strange feeling of loneliness. YN couldn’t quite describe how it felt and only knew that it was all-consuming and ever-present. She had never been at home in this weird suburban dream, never really particularly fitted into this strange, split-off part of reality. The death of her parents and only living relatives right at the beginning of her first month at Stanford wasn’t really helpful with that, either. Only T—…
Shaking her head violently, the young woman forbade herself to go down that road again. It was bad enough how much time she had spent in that damned hospital, watching over him like she had some weird claim or right to do so, to act like a worried girlfriend because, obviously, she wasn’t even a friend anymore. It was even worse how much she craved to go back, to just jump into the car and drive back there, to tell his unconscious mind all the things she couldn’t tell him in the past months because of what had happened. She couldn’t even be mad at the woman who ruined her only real and good relationship with a man because that poor woman was dead.
And one wasn’t supposed to speak ill of the dead.
Sighing, YN pulled on the long sleeves of the flowy blouse with the many flower-formed embroideries—a bad habit she couldn’t let go of—before she stretched her arm and got a hold of the book on the top shelf in the library. Carefully, she put it atop the other one already resting in the crook of her left arm, and while her fingers gently stroked over the hardcover, her eyes wandered over the rows next to her, scanning for another one of her favorites. Finding it, she grabbed it and went over to the desk, smiling at the familiar sight of the blind librarian.
“Hey, Dante,” she greeted him in a library-appropriate voice—not too loud, but not a whisper either—and put the three books onto the counter. “So, it’s true. Our very own YN is back in town.” Her smile widened at that, and gently pressed his fingers in return after he had found her hand. “Yeah, well. You know what they say: You’ll always get dragged back.”
She wasn’t sure if she was a fan of that habit.
Dante nodded with a thoughtful look on his face, his eyes staring into the black void that was his constant companion. “I’m happy you’re back for as long as you want,” the man smiled and pressed her fingers a second time before moving to the books. “And what do we have here… Wuthering Heights, Rebecca, and Pride and Prejudice.” YN chuckled softly at his raised brows. “You know me, Dante. I’m nothing but a creature of habit.” That’s probably also why she couldn’t keep her distance from the boy who had insulted her in more than just one way.
Recreating our past unhealthy habits and relationships, aren’t we?
The voice in her head had much to say these past couple of weeks, and it was a miracle to get her to shut up. She should be named the hero of the nation on those rare days.
“And that’s why I like you, YNN. Okay, okay, and because you probably saved my marriage multiple times by looking after the kids when we needed a night out.” They both grinned to themselves as Dante checked out her books and put the receipt with the return date into the first book. “Speaking of my dear husband. We would love it if you’d come by for dinner while you’re here.” YN gently squeezed his wrist and nodded even though he couldn’t see it. “’Think I can do that. But only when I’m allowed to finally meet the new addition to your family.” The surprise on his face was priceless. “Nothing stays a secret long in this town, D,” she giggled and put her books back into the crook of her arm, pressing her priced possessions against her chest. “I’ll come around on Friday. See you, favorite librarian!”
And with that, she left the library, her favorite place in this vestibule of hell itself, and walked out into the sunlight streaming down through the lush green leaves of the trees around her. Taking a deep breath and inhaling the scents of blossoming flowers and watered grass, YN got a tighter hold on her books while pulling out the phone from the back pocket of her jeans and started scrolling through the text messages and mails she had received in the past two hours since leaving the house and spending them in her little corner of happiness. But her attention got stolen away on her way to the car by a voice so familiar it hurt somewhere deep down inside of her hearing it again.
“My love, my heart, my everything,
I know I've made mistakes, and caused you pain,
But please believe me when I say,
I never meant to hurt you in any way.”
YN stopped dead in her tracks at the first sound of his words and slowly turned to a waiting car with a living Theo Engler next to it on crutches, whose eyes were fixated on her.
“I was foolish and blind, and couldn't see,
The love and happiness you gave to me,
But now I see it all so clearly,
And I'm sorry for the pain that I've caused dearly.
I know it won't be easy to forgive,
The wounds I've left, the scars that live,
But I promise you, with all my heart,
I'll never let us drift apart.”
Her lips parted in utter surprise because she knew poems weren’t his thing, especially not writing them himself. And her brain didn’t catch up to the meaning behind his words, not understanding why he would say these things to her of all people. But she couldn’t stop him. She couldn’t even move from her spot.
“I'll make it up to you, in every way,
I'll show you love, each and every day,
I'll be there for you, through thick and thin,
And make sure our love will never dim.
So please my love, give me a chance,
To show you how much I truly romance,
I'm sorry for messing things up,
And I promise, I'll never give up.”
He stood awkwardly there as the last syllable left his mouth, and YN could sense how uncomfortable it made him that people had stopped and had started to watch like idiots. She felt it herself, the burning feeling of staring eyes in her sides and back, but instead of running away, she slowly walked over to him while Theo started to hobble over to her. They met a few feet down the way of the library and stared one another in the eye, observing each other closely after not sharing a room or close proximity—with both participants fully conscious—in weeks.
She could smell his cologne or aftershave—YN still wasn’t sure what it was—and instinctively leaned in closer, her fingers gripping tighter onto the books in her arm. Theo had bent his head to her, his eyes taking her in and an unsure smile playing around his mouth.
“What-what was this?”
Finally, she had dared to ask, her voice more a whisper than a demanding tone how she had initially intended to sound because, after all, she still was hurt. She couldn’t make this easy on him, but fucking hell, she knew she would cave. Her foolish heart always made her do it at some point.
YN watched as he bit his bottom lip before taking a breath. “I treated you like shit, YNN,” Theo started, and she just had to cock a brow in mocking sarcasm. “You don’t say.” A weak smile appeared on his lips, and a soft chuckle left his throat, which let a shiver run down her entire spine. “I deserve that, yup.” Keeping her mouth shut for the moment, the woman allowed him to continue. “My dad told me that you… well, that you visited me while I was knocked out, even though I treated you like shit before. And he said things that made me think.”—”Oh, now you can use that brain up there? Is it working again? Took you long enough, idiot.” Nope, she couldn’t shut her mouth indefinitely, so much was obvious, but Theo didn’t seem to mind. Instead, that weak smile formed into a soft grin. “Will you let me get to the point before you insult me further, which I totally deserve, and you have every right to do so? I will happily accept every insult thrown my way if it means I can keep you close.”
With a pleased nod, YN moved her hand in a proceeding motion. “You may continue.” And Theo did. “I finally realized what an ass I’ve been and how blind I was. Or… I don’t know, maybe I was in denial because you’re this stunning girl who happened to run into me, and maybe I thought, why should someone like her like me more than a best buddy, so I kept telling myself that it’s stupid to even think about it, and then I got sidetracked with you-know-who, and now that I know what I’ve been feeling all this time, I had to—”
Instead of letting him continue his rambling confession, YN put her free hand into his neck and pulled his face to her, pressing their lips together to shut him up. She could feel how he stopped breathing for a few moments, just like she did at the electrifying taste of his lips on hers before a clattering sound almost made her break the kiss, but his arm, gently wrapping around her waist, was enough to let her keep going for the moment.
“Theo.” It was only a whisper against his lips, into the kiss, her mind still not believing that this was really happening. She had been head over heels for this boy since their unlucky, and probably unpleasant for him, encounter in front of her favorite coffee shop on campus, immediately falling for his dimpled smile and fun way. He had made her feel… light as a cloud and happy as a sunflower in radiant sunlight. Since then, so much had happened, so much time had passed, and YN had made sure that her feelings would be hidden in a box underneath her metaphorical bed, only tended to when she was alone, but mostly ignored. At least she had tried her best.
And this hiding game should now be over? It was a mind-blowing thought, really.
His soft lips pulled her out of her head and back to him, standing in the sunlight and kissing as she had always dreamed about. YN almost whimpered as Theo broke the kiss but was appeased by the soft peck on her lips. “Please tell me that you didn’t just kiss me to shut my embarrassing and annoying mouth,” he begged, mumbling, while their foreheads rested against one another, and suddenly, their eyes locked. Slowly, she shook her head and saw relief flooding his pretty eyes. “I wanted to kiss you since the Chai Latte incident because you, Theo Engler, are an adorable idiot with tendencies to being funny, and frankly, you’re hot.” A wide grin formed on both their faces at YN’s confession. “Those lyrical abilities are improve-worthy, though,” she added and laughed loudly as his fingers started to tickle her side. “Excuse me?! That was almost Shakespearean! As if the man himself got a hold of my soul and let me express these words. You clearly are out of your mind, m’lady.”
Eye rolling, YN giggled before turning serious again. “Even though I kissed you, it doesn’t mean I’m not mad anymore. Because I am. Because fuck. You really hurt me, Theo.” He watched her with worried eyes as those adorable lines appeared between her brows again, and he couldn’t hold back his thumb as it started to gently caress them away. She watched him as well and tried to relax her forehead underneath his tender touch. “I know, YNN. But I will try to make this right. Just, please, give me a chance. I would go down on both knees to beg properly, but that’s not possible, so we have to be satisfied with this. So, I beg for your forgiveness and for another chance because I am deeply and entirely sorry for being such a douchebag.”—”And ass,” YN added, and Theo nodded. “And an ass.”
Humming as if she was deep in thought, the woman cocked her head from one side to the other, almost turning Theo into a puddle of anxiety. “How about this: You could invite me to a chai latte when your leg is better, and we could have a proper first date?” And now, he almost was a puddle of relief. “Yes. Yes! Definitely! Absolutely. Yeah.” YN grinned at that and gently cupped his cheek to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I still will kiss you from time to time until then,” she promised with a shy, small smile and let him press a soft kiss to her lips before she quickly bent down to get the dropped crutch back under his arm. Theo mumbled a Thank you and felt his heart beat even faster than this entire time at the tender act of support and heard the blood rush in his ears as she accompanied him to the car with her hand softly resting on his back and her steps just as slow as he was.
At the car, she only then realized that Matthew was there and probably had watched them the entire time. He still smiled in her direction and waved through the open window on the passenger’s side. “Hey, YNN. Good to see you again.” She waved back, more awkwardly than ever before, and attempted a smile with less embarrassment than she felt. “Hey, Mr. Engler,” was her only response as she opened the door for Theo, and he smiled at her after he finally sat in the seat. “I’ll call you, flower,” he promised with a wider smile as she bent over to press a kiss to his cheek. “You better, or I will throw eggs at your window. No offense, Mr. Engler.” The man only shook his head with a grin before turning the engine on.  “You don’t even have a good throwing arm and aim, pretty.” The gentle hit against the back of his head made him chuckle under his breath before taking her hand in his and pressing a kiss to her palm. “I won’t disappear again, ‘promise.”
And with that, they said their Goodbye’s, and YN watched them drive off before walking over to her own car and getting in. But before she could even turn on the engine, her phone started to ring, and after a quick look at the showing picture on her screen, she accepted the call with a laugh.
“I told you I call, pretty flower.”
First time writing for Theo, so be gentle with me! I really hope you liked this one :3 As usual: Comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated!
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winterwcnder · 1 year
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                                –––– ✨ winter winchester ✨ ––––  pinterest ⦙ threads ⦙ answers ⦙ vanity
have you seen winter winchester  around los angeles? the twenty-eight year old is usually jamming to ready to start by arcade fire. word around the city is that they’re charismatic, yet, they can also be critical, but you didn’t hear that from me. they’re currently a model/voice actor and are typically seen walking the streets of los angeles with a small snowflake necklace . when i think of them, i think of spread on a magazine, stacks of video games, the flash of a camera, a winning smile . let’s hope the city treats them good!
                                                        ○ ′ ✨  loved  by taco
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  winter winchester 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  win, prefers winter 𝐃𝐎𝐁  july 27, 1995 𝐀𝐆𝐄  twenty - eight 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂  leo 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑  demi-male 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒  he/they 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  bisexual, biromantic 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 crystal lake, illinois 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍  los angeles, california 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒  english, asl, french, 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  model/voice actor
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𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌  tom holland 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑  dark brown 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒  dark brown eyes 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  5′7″ 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  none 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒  none 𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄  white shirts, black button ups, suits, brown jackets, beanies, knitted sweaters
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𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘  campaigner ( enfp ) 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  charismatic, perspective, enthusiastic, curious, festive 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  critical, unfocused, restless, overly optimistic, sensitive 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓  modeling, video games, playing guitar, painting, working out, hiking, camping, golfing 𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  iced coffee
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𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  adam winchester, real estate agent 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  sarah winchester, elementary school teacher 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  one younger brother, one older sister
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋𝐒 peeta mellark ( the hunger games ) , peter parker ( spiderman ) , alice cullen ( twilight series ) , apollo ( greek mythology ) , sora ( kingdom hearts ) , theo engler ( you ) , ricky bowen ( hsmtmts )
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the winchesters were just an ordinary family out in the midwest. adam winchester was a well known real estate agent for the people in northern illinois. sarah winchester was a humble elementary school teacher. with their three children, they were a perfect all american family.
the eldest child, a daughter, went on to be some sort of astrophysics or something. the youngest son was on track to be the next shawn mendes. as for winter, well, winter, he thought he would walk in the same footsteps like his parents. either being a teacher or being a police officer. but one decision changed the course of his life.
winter was the middle child, and he never thought that someone like him would end up with the life he would get. after he finished high school, he ended up in california where he took a summer job up in big bear. most of the campers were from well known people in hollywood and los angeles. actors, models, producers, politicians, you name it. and on his final day, that was when he was 'discovered' so to speak. a modeling agent from wilhelmina models spotted him and gave him his card, asking to meet once he was finished with camp.
a model, winter? winter never really thought about that as a career. especially since college was starting and he wanted to focus on school that fall. but he decided to give it a shot, meeting with the agency and somehow ending up being picked to do his first photoshoot. and then from there it was all history. that year, he decided to give modeling a chance, taking a year off of school to focus on this new path in life.
so he ended up making a name for himself. he was the boy next door, the all american boy. he was loved, by the agency, by the fashion designers, by america. so he made it big, and he somehow managed to do both that and school at the same time.
after a few years, he was one of the biggest models of his age. he may have been the shortest male model, but when the cameras turn on, so did he. but then a shift happened, and he felt like the light was dimming. winter had permanently moved out to la. and that was when he got into a lot more things than modeling. voice acting being one. when his likeness was used for a video game, he was intrigued with the acting bit as well, and he got his chance to do a game. and then he did another.
winter wasn't sure how much longer modeling would be in the picture, especially when the modeling world was over the boy next door vibe. they wanted something different, something new. and winter wasn't sure if he would be able to ride this wave.
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living in a west wood apartment with another roommate.
is currently struggling getting a new modeling gigs and fears that he will be let go from his agency.
is currently working on a new video game, where is takes on the lead role of.
is debating whether to completely leave the modeling world and jump into the gaming role fully.
is starting to build his own gaming platform, and is thinking about creating his own channel where he will try new games out.
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blood is thicker than water - winter may have been the middle child in the winchester family, but there were two others in the family. the eldest daughter, who was the smartest of them all. and the younger sibling who's always in his own little world. winter surprisingly has a good relationship with both, and hopes that one day they could make their way to california.
living like a married couple - ever since winter moved out to los angeles, he struggled to find a place to stay. but when he found the perfect roommate, he was pleasantly surprised how cohabitable they were. they were close. even their friends assume they could be secretly together. and the idea was enticing. taken by @starryid
two models competing for the crown - sometimes a friendly competition is all that anyone needs, but for these two male models, it's a different story. they were always competing to be the best. the one on top. some years it was winter, the other years is the other. there was a lot of tension between them, even a sexual one.
some friendships end up being like family - winter was glad to have his siblings, but sometimes having a friendship that was of your own, that ends up being their person, that's all winter needed. this is the person that ends up being like a sibling, the person he tells everything to, all his success and all his struggles. things that not even his own siblings know.
some friendships just don't last - this is a friendship that was once strong that ended up breaking. maybe from jealousy, or maybe a betrayal. this person that winter really admired, but ended up leaving behind because of feeling being hurt. and when they see each other again, would they act caddy or act like nothing's ever happened.
other models
photographer/fashion friends
friends in video game industry
writing friends
0 notes
sacredsorceress · 3 years
It’s You || Theo Engler
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pairing: theo engler x reader
summary: when theo wakes up in the hospital after nearly dying, you’re by his side and he finally finds the courage to admit his true feelings for you
word count: 2.6k
warnings: you spoilers, alcohol consumption, mention of throwing up, blood, death, stuff occurring in show
“Hey, Engler.”
As he opened his eyes to the bright, fluorescent light of the hospital room the two of you sat in, he squinted harshly, trying to make out the space and the person sitting beside him, his best friend- you.
Theo sucked in his breath as a sharp pain shot through the back of his head and memories of what had happened days before flowed through his mind all at once. He felt as though he was suffocating under the weight of it all- the cheating, the lying, the sick violence of the woman he had trusted… the betrayal.
He supposed he had it coming though…. Love using him…
After all, he had been doing just the same.
The thing was, Theo lied to Love when he told her that he had come home not because of his own thoughts of his deceased step mother plaguing his mind, but instead because he couldn’t get over how in love with her he was. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. He came home not because Love, but because he couldn’t deal with the overwhelming love he had for you.
You. It had always been you. Ever since you moved in across the street from him, the two of you had been inseparable. You were the only person he could stand in that narcissistic sinkhole of a town besides his own father and he couldn’t imagine ever not spending a day by your side. As the years went on, what was supposed to be the temporary, childhood crush he had on the one woman in his life who stuck by him emerged into an passionate admiration that consumed him more than he’d like to admit.
He had resolved himself never to admit his feelings to you, no matter how much it hurt.
Having you in his life as a friend was better than not having you at all and Theo had convinced himself that had you ever found out about his true feelings, you’d leave him just like everyone else.
So, when all he could feel was all consuming longing for you- not helped by the fact you shared the same school- he fled fo the miserable town you called home, distracting himself with his unhappily married neighbor.
And now he was paying the price.
“Theo?” You asked, reaching out your hand for his and squeezing gently. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
Unable to meet your eyes, the memories of what he thought were the last moments of his life played on a loop in his mind and before he even realized it, he was crying.
Hating to see your best friend so broken, you leaned over in your seat, gently wrapping your arms around him and running your hands up and down his back.
“Hey, hey,” You comforted him. “It’s alright. You’re safe no-”
Pulling himself away, Theo shook his head rapidly.
“She’s fucking crazy, Y/n.” He said and you swore to yourself you had never seen your best friend so terrified. “I- I thought I was going to die and-”
“She’s gone, Theo.” You cut him off. “It’s over. You don’t need to worry about her anymore.”
It took Theo a moment to process what you had just said. As much as he had shared with the woman, after everything that had happened he couldn’t help but be relieved.
“What?” He asked.
Recalling the story that had been playing on the news nonstop on the tiny television screen of the hospital room for the past day, you sat back in your seat.
“The other night their house went up in flames.” You began to explain, your best friend hanging onto every word. “And a few minutes before the fire she sent out this email confessing to killing Natalie and Gil and all this other stuff, but when they went inside she was already dead.”
Theo only stared at you in horror before you continued.
“And not just her either,” You swallowed. “They found this box of stuff from the people she killed including your… your stepmom’s teeth and…”
“And what?”
“And she killed that creep husband of hers too.” You finished. “I think I heard they found his toes in a fucking pie.”
If it weren’t for the fact that he hadn’t properly eaten in days, Theo was sure he would’ve vomited. He thought of the way he had kissed her, flirted with her, slept with her and felt sick now knowing what was beneath her personable exterior the entire time.
“I can’t believe you’re alive right now.” You admitted, your heart tugging at your chest. “Next time- take the fucking midterm, Engler. At least for my sake.”
As much as you tried to keep your cool and remain calm in the presence of your best friend, you had been shaking ever since the night he had promised to call, but never did. Or rather, never got the chance to. When you were driving towards Madre Linda from school- determined to find out what happened to your best friend- and got the call on your cellphone that Theo was at the hospital, you were almost relieved. You had been convinced that the same fate had befallen your best friend as did his step-mother and you could barely bare the thought of him being gone and you holding on to all the things left unsaid forever.
You told yourself that if he was alive- that if he woke up- you would finally tell him the truth, but now as he sat before you, you misplaced that courage.
It was always easier to tell yourself you’d finally confess your undying love for your best friend in theory.
“What are you talking about?” He asked, grunting as he attempted to push himself up in bed.
“You leaving?” You told him as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Remember? The psych midterm? You freaked out and then took like the rest of the semester off.”
Theo remembered.
As soon as he threw open the doors of the building your exam was in and saw you standing with Chris, he knew it was a mistake to even bother coming. He wasn’t sure if it were the amount of alcohol he had consumed or the way Chris handed you a coffee, you both laughing as he pointed at something on your laptop screen that made him want to throw up more.
The downside to knowing you so well was that as soon as you looked up and your eyes met his, you immediately recognized his inebriated state. Excusing yourself from your shared friend, you rushed over to Theo, pulling him to the side of the hallway.
“Are you drunk right now?” You asked, smelling the liquor as soon as you stepped within a foot of him.
Shrugging off your grasp, Theo laid one of his hands on the wall by your head.
“Look, if I wanted to get yelled at by my fucking mom I would just go home.” Theo slurred. “I don’t need your help, Y/n.”
Thrown by his callous response, you tried to calm yourself.
“I just care about you-”
“I don’t need your charity, okay?” He said, cutting you off. “Also, if you’re screwing Chris the least you could do is tell me-”
“What the hell are you talking about?” You whisper shouted. “I-”
Before you got the chance to explain to the man you loved that you most certainly were not sleeping with the friend of his that you actually despised and only entertained for the sake of you and Theo’s relationship, the door to the exam hall opened, your classmates flowing in as it did.
As you turned back to your best friend, he shrugged.
“Just, forget it.” He said. “Go take the test.”
“What about you?” You asked. “It’s your test too?”
Trying his best to cool himself down from his outburst, he shook his head.
“I can’t even see straight.” Theo told you. “Just go take the test. I’ll be fine. I’ll just take an uber or something.”
Staring warily at your best friend, knowing there was something bothering him that he wasn’t telling you, you tried to brush it from your mind, knowing the doors to the exam hall would close any minute and you needed this grade to pass.
Nodding along with your best friend, you rested your hand on his arm and smiled.
“Okay,” You conceded. “I’ll call you when I’m done. Get home safe, Engler.”
When your hand left his skin and he watched you leave his side to walk into the exam room, Theo’s heart sunk in his chest, missing your touch already. He hated how much you consumed him- how he couldn’t even stay sober the night before his midterm because your study session had left him wanting more, how he came here even though he knew that there was no way in hell he would be able to take the test- he was completely lost in you and knowing you didn’t feel the same almost killed him.
When he sobered up later that day, he ignored his professor’s emails, instead packing his bag knowing he couldn’t stand another second of his agonizing one sided affections. Like everyone else in Madre Linda, he found himself going back home to live a lie but anything would be better than the hell he was living in then... or at least he told himself that.
“I didn’t leave because of the midterm.” He admitted, looking up at you.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you shook your head in confusion.
“Then why?” You asked.
Only the worst thoughts ran through your head- that he flunked out, that he was plagued by the death of Natalie… the he was in love with someone else- you began to feel your heart race.
In the bed beside you, Theo was attempting to not have his heart quite literally beat out of his chest- the only thing worse than you rejecting him would be a group of nurses rushing in thinking he was having a heart attack while you were rejecting him. Even though he had survived being knocked over the head and tossed down a staircase, he was sure he would die of embarrassment if that happened to him.
However, he knew he had to do it. It was a miracle he had survived and as mushy as it sounded- he almost felt as though he got a second chance at life. He would of rather died knowing he told you than go out never knowing if you felt the same.
“It’s really stupid.” Theo said, shaking his head and staring down at his hands.
“It’s not stupid if it matters to you, Theo.”
How were you still so fucking nice? He thought. How could you grow up in that town full of soul suckers and still be so genuinely kind?
Glancing up at you, Theo wondered how you could make him feel so nervous and calm all at the same time. He had always been convinced that feeling at home wasn’t walking in through the doors of his stepdad’s place, but hearing your voice on the phone when you were miles apart or feeling you pressed against him when you watched movies on his couch. He had sworn that he had never felt more at peace than when he felt your head resting against his shoulder on a long ride home or the way you smiled brightly at him every morning when you saw him.
You had such a hold of him that he couldn’t imagine not having you. His worst fear was losing you, but he wasn’t sure if he could go on any longer not knowing that you were his.
“I just...” Theo said, tears burning in his eyes. “I care about you like so...” He paused, swallowing. “I love you.”
Theo tried to search your eyes to find an answer- any inkling that you felt the same or now hated his guts- but once he started, he couldn’t stop.
“I can’t stand it.” He admitted. “All I could think about... all I can think about is you. I thought... I thought I could distract myself if I came back here, you know? I thought I could forget about how much I loved you, but I can’t.”
Despite months rehearsing how you would confess your own love to him, you were at a loss for words. It felt as though all the air had been knocked out of your body and you just couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of your best friend’s mouth.
Sure you had loved him and had imagined a life with you together as more than friends, but you had never actually thought that he would feel the same or that he would be the first person to admit it.
A part of you was worried that you were actually the one who had the head injury and this was just your brain playing some twisted joke on you.
“I should’ve just told you earlier,” He continued. “But I was so scared I’d lose you. I don’t want you to feel like you have to like me back though- I get it. Just... if you don’t feel the same just look me in the eye and tell me, okay? The silence is killing me.”
Not being able to help yourself from the complete shock and overwhelming joy you were feeling, you just began to laugh.
“Are you kidding me, Engler?” You laughed, pushing yourself out of your chair to instead sit on the edge of his bed. “Of course, I love you.”
Though he was at first worried by the laughter, he felt a massive wave of relief wash over him as he heard the last three words fall from your lips.
“I just feel awful, Theo.” You admitted, playing with the friendship bracelet around your wrist. “If I just told you earlier maybe none of this would have ever happened. Maybe-”
Watching the distress play out on your own face because of the consequences of his own actions, he felt his heart break and reached out his hands to cup your face.
“Woah, wait.” He said, cutting you off and staring into your eyes. “This isn’t your fault. I’m the one who decided to come back here and get involved in all this shit. Besides it’s over now. I don’t care about any of that anymore- I care about you. I want you.”
Gazing into his eyes and hearing the words you had been dreaming of finally coming out of his mouth, you knew you couldn’t hold yourself back any longer. Searching for permission in his eyes and catching him glancing from your own eyes to your lips, you took that as your answer and closed the space between the two of you.
You had always been jealous of the girls Theo would kiss at parties and now you knew why. If you had known that his lips would be so soft or that he was such a heavenly kisser than you were sure you would’ve confessed your love much earlier because you didn’t want to part for even a single breath.
When you finally pulled away, you melted at the lovesick look on your best friend’s face.
“Thank God you’re not screwing Chris,” He said out of breath. “Because I’d kick his ass.”
“No you wouldn’t.” You laughed.
“You’re right, I wouldn’t.” He agreed, still catching his breath. “Fuck, can we do that again?”
And how could you say no to him?
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nepentheansea · 3 years
Too Many Boxes
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© Skyebounded, do not use my work, but you may share it.
premise: You and Theo are moving in together, and you stumble upon a box that you’re not sure that you’re supposed to see.
Pairing: Theo Engler x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Pure beautiful fluff, slight swearing.
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: Hello Lovelies 💙 I decided to write for someone else for a change, because I am starting my branching out process, so bear with me. Like always, I hope you enjoy, let me know what you think! 😬
You stand there looking around at your new apartment. It was a small studio that needed a little love and care, but it was yours. Both you and Theo had agreed that you wanted to get a place on your own, one that you both paid for without using any family money. It was your way of becoming more independent, and so far you were enjoying it. 
Theo had convinced you that you should move in together after eight months of being together. You searched for quite some time before you found a place. You got everything squared away, packed all of your things, and in less than a month you were ready to move in. 
You stare down at the floor, box after box of all sizes sitting in front of you, unpacked and waiting to be sorted through. You take a deep breath, exhaling harshly through your nose. 
You had gotten all of the big obnoxious furniture items moved in and sorted, the only thing left was to unpack every little box and sort all of the contents of them. 
You are feeling tired from working at it all day, but you need to get it done. As you stare at all the boxes of both yours and Theo’s things combined, you wonder if it would all fit inside your small apartment. 
    “Babe, are you gonna help me?” 
You fold your arms across your chest, trying to decide the best possible method to tackle the task at hand. Theo wraps his arms around your waist lifting you clear off the ground, his head finding the crook of your neck, nuzzling into it. 
    “Theo,” you giggle, wrapping your arms around his as he holds onto you.
You feel the softness of his lips grace the skin of your neck, planting slow and tender kisses against it, making the hair on the back of your neck stand. He sets you down, keeping his arms still tightly wrapped around you, as he continues to pepper the back of your neck. 
    “Of course I am going to help, my love,” he says, placing another kiss. 
You turn yourself around in his arms, watching his eyes light up when he sees your face. “Hello, beautiful.”
You lean up on your tiptoes and place a soft kiss on his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
    “Hi, handsome,” you smile. 
Theo leans down and presses a kiss to your lips, before pulling away and resting his head against yours.
    “Alright, what do you need me to do?” he asks. 
You turn back around facing the hoard of taped boxes, letting out a heavy sigh. You figure that it’s going to take the pair of you a couple of days to get through everything, and you’re not sure that you want to go through it all. 
    “Well, first let’s separate the boxes by room, that would be easier.” 
You nod your head, solidifying the idea in your head, before craning to see if Theo agrees. He nods in agreement, planting another small kiss on your neck before he lets go, getting to work. He starts sorting through all the boxes labeled kitchen on them and carries them off. 
As he does that, you move to sort the rest of the boxes, grouping them into small clusters, so that Theo can carry them to the correct areas of the apartment. He makes his way back into the room, looking to you for what’s next. 
    “Okay, I got all the kitchen boxes,” he smiles, “What next?” 
You point down at the small cluster of boxes for the bathroom.
     “Wanna put those right outside the bathroom, that way they don't take up space?” 
Theo gives you a quick nod and does as you ask, dragging the boxes off with him. You continue to divide up the room, dragging and pushing all the boxes to the correct areas. 
           “Damn,” he mumbles. 
You look up and see Theo leaning against the archway, watching as you slide another box across the ground. The soft smirk on his lips makes you smile.
You trap the hair that's fallen into your face behind your ear, bringing your hands to cage your hips, as you look at him. Theo blinks a couple of times as if he had just forgotten his statement while watching you.
         “Babe?” you add. 
He runs his hands through his hair, pushing off the arch, making his way over to you. He snakes his arm around your back and pulls you into him, his eyes tracing your features, the smile on his face never faltering. 
    “You’re incredibly beautiful.” 
You smile up at him, giving him a quick peck on the lips. 
    “Thank you,” you say, “Now what do you want?” you ask.
He scoffs, rolling his eyes as if he wasn’t going to ask you for something. As much as he would deny it, you knew him and you knew when he wanted something. 
    “What makes you think I want something?” He asks.
Theo pretends to look wounded over the thought that he only wants something from you, to which you roll your eyes. 
     “Because I know you, so what is it?” 
It takes him a moment to get over the fact that you had caught him, but once he does he lets out a sigh.
     “We should take a break,” he says sheepishly.
You look up at him through narrow eyes. 
           “Really? Theo, we just started.” 
    “What are you talking about, we’ve been moving in all day,” he grins. 
You note how his bottom lip sits slightly out, bringing himself to pout ever so slightly, and you laugh to yourself at his sad attempts to convince you. He was right, you’d spent the majority of the day moving in, but you wanted to move in everything and get everything settled before you would settle down, Theo, however, felt differently. 
    “We’ve got to get things unpacked, babe.” you stress, “We’re not going to be able to find anything when we need it if we don’t, plus I don’t want to be living out of boxes for the next couple of days or weeks.” 
He purses his lips, looking around at the little progress that you’ve made, the quite literal ‘little progress.’ He knows that you don’t like the feeling of an unkempt home, but you can see he wants to be done. 
You tap your foot impatiently, hoping that he sees your logic, and overall desire to get everything done. 
“Fine, I’ll tell you what, we’ll get all the boxes sorted to the rooms, then take a food break, and then tomorrow all we’ll do is unpack. Deal?” he suggests. 
You look back down at the floor, littered in all the boxes, considering it. It isn’t a terrible idea, and you know that he was serious. You turn back to look at him, and his hands come up and cup your face, his warm smile gracing his face once more. 
     “I promise,” he adds. 
You nod your head in agreement, watching the smile on his face grow. If you are being honest, you are tired and could use a break. 
    “Deal, but I want to start first thing in the morning,” you note. 
Theo gives you a quick kiss, before getting back to moving things. You chuckle at the new speed of his movements, eager to be done for the night. 
You walk over to a large box, looking for the label, but coming up short. You assume its clothes, despite having no label, Theo’s doing, and you can’t help the roll of your eyes at his blatant laziness. You had made sure to tell him that everything needed to be labeled over and over again but it seems that he still didn’t get it. You love Theo, but you know him, and being organized was not one of his best qualities. 
You grab the box cutter off of the couch, and cut into the tape, pulling the box open. Opening it answered nothing for you, seeing as there are some clothes, pans, and all sorts of other things cluttered inside. You pull the blanket that is obstructing the majority of the box, out and something clatters to the ground, catching your attention. 
You throw the blanket to the couch and look around for the culprit of the sound, your eyes resting on a small black velvet box. 
As you move closer, a gasp leaves your lips, and shock takes over you. Your trembling hand reaches out and picks it up, holding the case in the palm of your hand. 
        “Hey, beautiful, do you know where-?” he starts. 
Your eyes widen, the realization of the contents of the boxes hitting you, as you turn to look at Theo. His expression matches that of your own, surprise and panic. His eyes widen as he notices the box in your hand, and his brows crease as he looks at you.
      “Theo?” you say, your voice is shaky as you hold your palm out to him, displaying the object. He steps closer to you, watching you carefully. 
    “You weren’t supposed to find that,” he says. 
You scoff, rolling your eyes. 
     “What do you mean?” you ask. 
He stops in front of you, plucking it from your hand, moving the box around in his hand, as he thinks about what he wants to say next.
    “Well this isn’t how I wanted to do this, and I didn’t expect for you to find it-” he starts.
You are blown away at his thought process, the idea that you wouldn't find it when it was placed in an unmarked box, knowing that it would have to be opened and sorted through makes you laugh.    
    “Theo, if you didn’t want me to find it, you did a terrible job at hiding it,” you laugh. 
He looks at you, nodding in agreement, knowing you are right. He takes a deep breath and clears his throat. His eyes meet yours, and the corners of his mouth tease a smile. You know what the box is, what it means, but somehow you’re still nervous and curious to see what he does next. Your hands are trembling, and your heart is racing. 
    “Well, you’re right,” he chuckles. He takes a step back, lowering himself to the ground on one knee. Your eyes widen at the sight, knowing what's coming next. You feel the butterflies flutter around in your stomach, as you wait for him to talk. 
    “You know, since I met you I’ve known, from the first moment that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you,” he pauses, “I know that sounds cliche, but it’s the truth.” 
His eyes meet yours and you can’t help the tear that start to well in yours. 
      “I know we’ve had our ups and downs. You’ve seen me at my worst, and I’ve seen you at yours, but, through all of it, through all of your mess and drama, and your crazy, I’m still madly in love with you.” he pauses, pursing his lips as he thinks, “You know, I can’t think of a single reason why I shouldn’t be. I love you, angel, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to spend it loving you, taking care of you, laughing with you, fighting with you over the stupidest things. I want to share every waking moment I can, with you, until we are both tired of each other.”
A laugh escapes your lips, as you wipe the tears from your eyes, biting down on your bottom lip as you listen to him.
“Baby, I want to build a life with you, one filled with all sorts of memories, with love, and laughter. And I most definitely want to spend my life fucking you, ” He says with a wink, and you chuckle. He opens the small box, pulling the ring out from it. “My love, my sweet sweet y/n, will you marry me?” 
You look down at his hand, holding out the ring, the sparkle to the beautiful diamond catching your eye. Looking at him, you can’t think of a single reason to say no. He had said it all, you had been together through thick and thin and after it, all was said and done, there was no one else that you would have rather had gone through it with.
There is no one else that you would rather wake up to every morning, who you would rather fight with, or laugh with, or who you would rather listen to complain when he doesn’t get his way. There is no one else that you’d want to spend the rest of your life with, then Theo Engler himself. 
Tears stain your cheeks as they continue to fall down your cheeks, as your eyes trail back up to meet his. You let out a sniffle, nodding your head, 
       “Yes, absolutely! Yes,” you smile, choking back your sobs. 
Theo chuckles, his famous grin on his face as he gently slides the ring onto your finger, kissing your hand, before he stands up. He cups your face, his thumbs gently brushing over your cheeks, wiping away the tears. He pulls you into a kiss, his soft lips pressing against yours. He slides his arm around your back, pulling you impossibly closer to him, while your hand finds its way to the back of his neck, your fingers tangling in his hair. 
         “I love you,” you mutter against his lips.
          “I love you more,” he says back.
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moonlit-raven-haven · 3 years
Okay listen up, I have a crush on Theo Engler atm and the lack of writing for him is- well it’s lacking.
SO I will be writing one shots for him.
If anyone has any requests or ideas shoot them into my asks and I’ll try to execute them even though I’m rusty on writing
Please I’m literally begging for someone to send me something because I have no ideas
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cindyyberman · 3 years
Hey did u delete ur one shots with Theo Engler? I can't find them
yes sorry! I don't write for the you fandom anymore! sorry :( ❤️❤️❤️
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