#theo engler fic
eviesaurusrex · 2 years
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Theo Engler x Fem!Reader
summary: YN and Theo were always close, and everyone thought someday they might end up together—until they got new neighbors. Only after the incident does Theo realize what he always had right in front of his eyes.
word count: 3.5k
warnings: mentions of head trauma and a leg injury, mentions of a hospital environment, two idiots in love, Matthew being the wingman Theo needs, quick mention of past unhealthy relationships (really, super short), sarcasm, fluff
author’s note: I’ve been rewatching season 3 and rediscovered my love for Theo. I really tried not to describe the reader’s looks—except for her clothes—to make this one as inclusive as possible and appropriate for all female readers. If I did at some point describe the reader’s skin or eyes or hair etc., through explicit colors or forms instead of something metaphorical, please let me know, and I will correct it (because, in that case, it must’ve slipped my eyes while proofreading) :3
He woke through the massive pounding in his head, making him groan and gasp for air at the stinging and unpleasant as hell feeling. “Fuck,” was Theo’s first word while he blinked into the sunlight falling through the window into the sterile-white room. He could hear people outside the half-opened door while his eyes wandered over the room—a hospital room—and stopped at the sight of a beautiful bouquet consisting of periwinkles, lavender, small hydrangeas, and delphiniums.
He knew these flowers by heart because…
Blinking to stop the sudden tears from falling, Theo slowly sat up and stretched his hand out to touch the delicate petals with their enticing scents, reminding him of her. She had always smelled like the walking and living personification of spring, always bringing him comfort if he needed it, but mostly reminded him that good things, and good people, still existed in this world even though he sometimes doubted it.
“She always brought a new one as soon as the first flowers started to wilt.”
Matthew’s voice almost sent Theo into cardiac arrest, pushing him to pull his hand back as if he was caught doing something illegal—or filthy. But one look at the man he had always considered a father figure told him that quite the opposite was the case, and he took a deep breath. “She… she was here?” The thought alone of her sitting on the uncomfortable-looking chair, standing right next to the white bed, watching over him with those worried lines between her eyebrows he always had wanted to erase, was too good to be true.
Especially considering how he had treated her in the past couple of months—or, better, how he had ignored her existence entirely.
His dad settled down onto the chair he knew she would’ve hated but still wouldn’t mind ruining her back on, a cup of coffee in his hands, holding onto it for dear life. He stared, didn’t let his eyes wander from his face, as if he was scared he wouldn’t be awake when he looked again. “I had to force her to go home. Every day. That girl would have stayed here and given a flying fuck on sleep if it meant she could keep watching over you. Most stubborn person I ever met.” Matthew shook his head in mild wonder before taking his son in again. “You treated her badly, Theo.” And Theo could hear the screaming loud reproach in those softly spoken words and knew where it came from. He knew how much his dad had liked the girl he one day had brought home and had continued to do so ever since. She had been practically a part of their family.
A deep sigh left the young man as he nodded slowly and carefully, his head still a throbbing pain in his ass, to which now his leg and knee joined to form one big party of pain. But he deserved this more than anything else. “Did she say anything?” He needed, no, had to know if there still was a chance for him and his salvation, only grantable by her.
Matthew shrugged. “Not much. Not to me, at least. I think she talked to you quite a lot. Well, it was more of a rambling nature, but I think she told you about everything you missed out on after you decided to shout at her and call her a jealous bitch and all that fun stuff I overheard that night. And yes, I have to remind you of it to get one thing in your head.” Theo swallowed thickly, his stomach turning and twisting as the pictures of that night invaded his mind again. It made him feel sick to think of her tears again. “You treated her like shit, and still, she came all the way back here after hearing what happened to you. She came back, and only force could part her from this room. So, either she lost her mind and memories of you being a total dick, or she still loves you.”
All the oxygen got pressed out of his lungs at those last words. Theo could feel how his mouth partly hung open, felt how his mind had trouble keeping up with these thoughts.
She… loved him?
She was supposed to love him?
“I think you misinterpreted some stuff,” Theo finally muttered after minutes of stretching silence, his heart pounding in his chest. He was glad that he wasn’t hooked onto the heart monitor standing left to his bed. That thing would freak out and would call every nurse and doctor on this floor into his room. With another sigh, he rubbed over his mouth and jaw and shook his head in denial. “She doesn’t love me. Never had. Never will. We were only… friends.” Though he finally could admit that deep in his mind and deep in his heart, he had always felt… more, since the very start, probably since their first encounter at Stanford when she ran into him and spilled her steaming chai latte all over his hoodie. The memory made a smile tuck at his lips. And now, remembering her radiant smile after he had assured her that the hoodie already had been on the Throw this old shit in the garbage list, his heart started to ache because fuck, he missed her.
Matthew watched him quietly, a pleased expression settling on his tired face, mixed in with the relief of seeing his son awake. He knew he should call or at least text her to let her know that Theo was alright, but he also knew that she had her exams and decided to keep silent for a bit longer—for both their sakes. First, he had to make sure that his blind idiot of a son finally realized what he had right in front of his eyes all this time. And Matthew thought that he had made some progress. “I know you, Theo. I might not be the number one dad with all the Best Dad trophies and cups lining up on the shelves, but I still know you. I have eyes and some experience with being an idiot in love myself. I know what I saw, and that wasn’t mere friendship.” He patted Theo’s shoulder and finally pressed the call button to let the doctor know that his son was finally awake, letting him think in peace.
Being back in Madre Linda was connected with that strange feeling of loneliness. YN couldn’t quite describe how it felt and only knew that it was all-consuming and ever-present. She had never been at home in this weird suburban dream, never really particularly fitted into this strange, split-off part of reality. The death of her parents and only living relatives right at the beginning of her first month at Stanford wasn’t really helpful with that, either. Only T—…
Shaking her head violently, the young woman forbade herself to go down that road again. It was bad enough how much time she had spent in that damned hospital, watching over him like she had some weird claim or right to do so, to act like a worried girlfriend because, obviously, she wasn’t even a friend anymore. It was even worse how much she craved to go back, to just jump into the car and drive back there, to tell his unconscious mind all the things she couldn’t tell him in the past months because of what had happened. She couldn’t even be mad at the woman who ruined her only real and good relationship with a man because that poor woman was dead.
And one wasn’t supposed to speak ill of the dead.
Sighing, YN pulled on the long sleeves of the flowy blouse with the many flower-formed embroideries—a bad habit she couldn’t let go of—before she stretched her arm and got a hold of the book on the top shelf in the library. Carefully, she put it atop the other one already resting in the crook of her left arm, and while her fingers gently stroked over the hardcover, her eyes wandered over the rows next to her, scanning for another one of her favorites. Finding it, she grabbed it and went over to the desk, smiling at the familiar sight of the blind librarian.
“Hey, Dante,” she greeted him in a library-appropriate voice—not too loud, but not a whisper either—and put the three books onto the counter. “So, it’s true. Our very own YN is back in town.” Her smile widened at that, and gently pressed his fingers in return after he had found her hand. “Yeah, well. You know what they say: You’ll always get dragged back.”
She wasn’t sure if she was a fan of that habit.
Dante nodded with a thoughtful look on his face, his eyes staring into the black void that was his constant companion. “I’m happy you’re back for as long as you want,” the man smiled and pressed her fingers a second time before moving to the books. “And what do we have here… Wuthering Heights, Rebecca, and Pride and Prejudice.” YN chuckled softly at his raised brows. “You know me, Dante. I’m nothing but a creature of habit.” That’s probably also why she couldn’t keep her distance from the boy who had insulted her in more than just one way.
Recreating our past unhealthy habits and relationships, aren’t we?
The voice in her head had much to say these past couple of weeks, and it was a miracle to get her to shut up. She should be named the hero of the nation on those rare days.
“And that’s why I like you, YNN. Okay, okay, and because you probably saved my marriage multiple times by looking after the kids when we needed a night out.” They both grinned to themselves as Dante checked out her books and put the receipt with the return date into the first book. “Speaking of my dear husband. We would love it if you’d come by for dinner while you’re here.” YN gently squeezed his wrist and nodded even though he couldn’t see it. “’Think I can do that. But only when I’m allowed to finally meet the new addition to your family.” The surprise on his face was priceless. “Nothing stays a secret long in this town, D,” she giggled and put her books back into the crook of her arm, pressing her priced possessions against her chest. “I’ll come around on Friday. See you, favorite librarian!”
And with that, she left the library, her favorite place in this vestibule of hell itself, and walked out into the sunlight streaming down through the lush green leaves of the trees around her. Taking a deep breath and inhaling the scents of blossoming flowers and watered grass, YN got a tighter hold on her books while pulling out the phone from the back pocket of her jeans and started scrolling through the text messages and mails she had received in the past two hours since leaving the house and spending them in her little corner of happiness. But her attention got stolen away on her way to the car by a voice so familiar it hurt somewhere deep down inside of her hearing it again.
“My love, my heart, my everything,
I know I've made mistakes, and caused you pain,
But please believe me when I say,
I never meant to hurt you in any way.”
YN stopped dead in her tracks at the first sound of his words and slowly turned to a waiting car with a living Theo Engler next to it on crutches, whose eyes were fixated on her.
“I was foolish and blind, and couldn't see,
The love and happiness you gave to me,
But now I see it all so clearly,
And I'm sorry for the pain that I've caused dearly.
I know it won't be easy to forgive,
The wounds I've left, the scars that live,
But I promise you, with all my heart,
I'll never let us drift apart.”
Her lips parted in utter surprise because she knew poems weren’t his thing, especially not writing them himself. And her brain didn’t catch up to the meaning behind his words, not understanding why he would say these things to her of all people. But she couldn’t stop him. She couldn’t even move from her spot.
“I'll make it up to you, in every way,
I'll show you love, each and every day,
I'll be there for you, through thick and thin,
And make sure our love will never dim.
So please my love, give me a chance,
To show you how much I truly romance,
I'm sorry for messing things up,
And I promise, I'll never give up.”
He stood awkwardly there as the last syllable left his mouth, and YN could sense how uncomfortable it made him that people had stopped and had started to watch like idiots. She felt it herself, the burning feeling of staring eyes in her sides and back, but instead of running away, she slowly walked over to him while Theo started to hobble over to her. They met a few feet down the way of the library and stared one another in the eye, observing each other closely after not sharing a room or close proximity—with both participants fully conscious—in weeks.
She could smell his cologne or aftershave—YN still wasn’t sure what it was—and instinctively leaned in closer, her fingers gripping tighter onto the books in her arm. Theo had bent his head to her, his eyes taking her in and an unsure smile playing around his mouth.
“What-what was this?”
Finally, she had dared to ask, her voice more a whisper than a demanding tone how she had initially intended to sound because, after all, she still was hurt. She couldn’t make this easy on him, but fucking hell, she knew she would cave. Her foolish heart always made her do it at some point.
YN watched as he bit his bottom lip before taking a breath. “I treated you like shit, YNN,” Theo started, and she just had to cock a brow in mocking sarcasm. “You don’t say.” A weak smile appeared on his lips, and a soft chuckle left his throat, which let a shiver run down her entire spine. “I deserve that, yup.” Keeping her mouth shut for the moment, the woman allowed him to continue. “My dad told me that you… well, that you visited me while I was knocked out, even though I treated you like shit before. And he said things that made me think.”—”Oh, now you can use that brain up there? Is it working again? Took you long enough, idiot.” Nope, she couldn’t shut her mouth indefinitely, so much was obvious, but Theo didn’t seem to mind. Instead, that weak smile formed into a soft grin. “Will you let me get to the point before you insult me further, which I totally deserve, and you have every right to do so? I will happily accept every insult thrown my way if it means I can keep you close.”
With a pleased nod, YN moved her hand in a proceeding motion. “You may continue.” And Theo did. “I finally realized what an ass I’ve been and how blind I was. Or… I don’t know, maybe I was in denial because you’re this stunning girl who happened to run into me, and maybe I thought, why should someone like her like me more than a best buddy, so I kept telling myself that it’s stupid to even think about it, and then I got sidetracked with you-know-who, and now that I know what I’ve been feeling all this time, I had to—”
Instead of letting him continue his rambling confession, YN put her free hand into his neck and pulled his face to her, pressing their lips together to shut him up. She could feel how he stopped breathing for a few moments, just like she did at the electrifying taste of his lips on hers before a clattering sound almost made her break the kiss, but his arm, gently wrapping around her waist, was enough to let her keep going for the moment.
“Theo.” It was only a whisper against his lips, into the kiss, her mind still not believing that this was really happening. She had been head over heels for this boy since their unlucky, and probably unpleasant for him, encounter in front of her favorite coffee shop on campus, immediately falling for his dimpled smile and fun way. He had made her feel… light as a cloud and happy as a sunflower in radiant sunlight. Since then, so much had happened, so much time had passed, and YN had made sure that her feelings would be hidden in a box underneath her metaphorical bed, only tended to when she was alone, but mostly ignored. At least she had tried her best.
And this hiding game should now be over? It was a mind-blowing thought, really.
His soft lips pulled her out of her head and back to him, standing in the sunlight and kissing as she had always dreamed about. YN almost whimpered as Theo broke the kiss but was appeased by the soft peck on her lips. “Please tell me that you didn’t just kiss me to shut my embarrassing and annoying mouth,” he begged, mumbling, while their foreheads rested against one another, and suddenly, their eyes locked. Slowly, she shook her head and saw relief flooding his pretty eyes. “I wanted to kiss you since the Chai Latte incident because you, Theo Engler, are an adorable idiot with tendencies to being funny, and frankly, you’re hot.” A wide grin formed on both their faces at YN’s confession. “Those lyrical abilities are improve-worthy, though,” she added and laughed loudly as his fingers started to tickle her side. “Excuse me?! That was almost Shakespearean! As if the man himself got a hold of my soul and let me express these words. You clearly are out of your mind, m’lady.”
Eye rolling, YN giggled before turning serious again. “Even though I kissed you, it doesn’t mean I’m not mad anymore. Because I am. Because fuck. You really hurt me, Theo.” He watched her with worried eyes as those adorable lines appeared between her brows again, and he couldn’t hold back his thumb as it started to gently caress them away. She watched him as well and tried to relax her forehead underneath his tender touch. “I know, YNN. But I will try to make this right. Just, please, give me a chance. I would go down on both knees to beg properly, but that’s not possible, so we have to be satisfied with this. So, I beg for your forgiveness and for another chance because I am deeply and entirely sorry for being such a douchebag.”—”And ass,” YN added, and Theo nodded. “And an ass.”
Humming as if she was deep in thought, the woman cocked her head from one side to the other, almost turning Theo into a puddle of anxiety. “How about this: You could invite me to a chai latte when your leg is better, and we could have a proper first date?” And now, he almost was a puddle of relief. “Yes. Yes! Definitely! Absolutely. Yeah.” YN grinned at that and gently cupped his cheek to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I still will kiss you from time to time until then,” she promised with a shy, small smile and let him press a soft kiss to her lips before she quickly bent down to get the dropped crutch back under his arm. Theo mumbled a Thank you and felt his heart beat even faster than this entire time at the tender act of support and heard the blood rush in his ears as she accompanied him to the car with her hand softly resting on his back and her steps just as slow as he was.
At the car, she only then realized that Matthew was there and probably had watched them the entire time. He still smiled in her direction and waved through the open window on the passenger’s side. “Hey, YNN. Good to see you again.” She waved back, more awkwardly than ever before, and attempted a smile with less embarrassment than she felt. “Hey, Mr. Engler,” was her only response as she opened the door for Theo, and he smiled at her after he finally sat in the seat. “I’ll call you, flower,” he promised with a wider smile as she bent over to press a kiss to his cheek. “You better, or I will throw eggs at your window. No offense, Mr. Engler.” The man only shook his head with a grin before turning the engine on.  “You don’t even have a good throwing arm and aim, pretty.” The gentle hit against the back of his head made him chuckle under his breath before taking her hand in his and pressing a kiss to her palm. “I won’t disappear again, ‘promise.”
And with that, they said their Goodbye’s, and YN watched them drive off before walking over to her own car and getting in. But before she could even turn on the engine, her phone started to ring, and after a quick look at the showing picture on her screen, she accepted the call with a laugh.
“I told you I call, pretty flower.”
First time writing for Theo, so be gentle with me! I really hope you liked this one :3 As usual: Comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated!
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missunderstoodxoxo · 3 years
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Plot Bunnies: Cate Conrad
“And then there’s Cate- Cary’s younger sister. According to Sherry’s blog, the younger Conrad is taking a year off from college to spend more time with family; however, she doesn’t seem like the type to bask in the artificial glow of Madre Linda. Sure, she definitely has the commercial-white-teeth grin down… but her eyes tell a different story.”
Okay, so maybe Madre Linda wasn’t the best place for Cate to help recenter herself and figure out her shit. She had figured that staying with her older brother would be a solid enough choice though and her well-meaning sister-in-law was more than happy to have Cate around. It was a bit off-putting though when most of the people in the neighborhood were pampered children or self-obsessed influencers. The only person that she could even remotely relate to in this suburgatory was away at school.
That was until Natalie Engler went missing.
That was until Cate managed to snag a job at new neighbor Love Quinn’s bakery.
That was until Theo Engler came home.
“Am I walking toward something that I should be running away from?”
- The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson
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solarwriting · 3 years
boy next door
theo engler x fem!reader
summary: the new girl in the suburbs finds herself falling for her new neighbor.
requests: "new girl in the suburbs, she moves into the house next to theo’s, and coincidentally their bedroom windows are right across from each other. and later on the girl starts working at Loves bakery with Theo and he’s like “u stalking me neighbor” and it turns into a flirty friendship and eventually a relationship" from anon and "Can I request babysitting with Theo? The thought of him helping take care of kids is melting my hearttt" from anon
warnings: food mention, swears, drinking
notes: if you want any pronoun changes on any of my fics just shoot me an ask! hope you like this!!
posted oct. 21, 2021
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the last book on the shelf, the last box finally empty. y/n sighed, it was already five p.m. and she was starving. she ran down the stairs, "i'm going to find something to eat, i'll bring back something!" she called to her parents as she ran out the door.
after driving for a while she found a restaurant, vegan of course, where she ate before ordering to go meals for her parents. the waitress told her it would be about a thirty minute wait so she decided to walk around the area. she saw lots of boutiques and shops. she spots a bakery called a fresh tart from across the street from another overpriced boutique.
she crossed the street quickly, not that there were many cars on the street. she entered, the bell jingling softly announcing her arrival. "welcome in!" a woman greeted.
"hi," y/n said softly.
"i'm love. are you looking for anything in particular?"
"surprise me. i'm y/n, by the way. i just moved into the neighborhood."
"nice to meet you, y/n. try this." love handed her a cupcake with light pink frosting.
y/n took it before trying it, "oh my god, this is amazing. red velvet?"
love smiled and nodded, "i figured you were a red velvet type of girl."
"you figured right. can i get a half dozen?"
love nodded and began placing the cupcakes in a box, making small talk when the bells chimed, causing the two to look up.
a boy around y/n's age walked in, "i think i left my jacket here, have you seen it, love?"
"it's in the back, theo." she sighed, theo clapped his hands together in thanks before disappearing.
"does he work here?" y/n asked.
"when he has the time, he helps out. i do all the baking though."
y/n thought for a minute as she put her card into the reader, "well, are you hiring, i have plenty of time on my hands right now."
"yeah, actually. come back tomorrow morning and we can do all the paperwork."
"perfect! i'll see you tomorrow, then. thanks!" y/n waved as she made her exit, her phone beeping indicating her parents food was ready to be picked up.
"who was that, love?" theo asked as he pulled his jacket on.
"your new coworker." love answered, "she just moved in, apparently."
"i'm home!" y/n announced, setting her keys down by the door. she made her way into the kitchen where her parents were still unpacking, "i come bearing dinner and desert."
"my hero." her dad muttered, grabbing the take away box, tearing it open.
"there's also some red velvet cupcakes from a bakery down town. and you are looking at their new employee."
"that was quick, good job." y/n mom congratulated.
"i figured i should find something to do everyday, why not get paid too." y/n shrugged.
y/n helped finish unpacking the kitchen boxes before making her way upstairs, she pushed open her window, letting the cool evening air into her stuffy room. she pulled out her computer, thankful for deciding to do this semester online, and began working on some assignments.
she stretched and looked out the window, noticing the window directly across from her was also open and the room was lit up. she saw some movement from the room across, but couldn't see clearly enough, who it was.
she refocused on her school work for a while before glancing back up to see a sign in the window, "are you a stalker or something." she stood up confused before the boy from the bakery came into view. he pointed to the sign and shrugged.
y/n rolled her eyes and shook her head. she pointed outside, hoping he'd get the hint before she disappeared from his sight. she went out to the front yard, where she was met with theo.
"i'm not a stalker, but how do i know you're not one either?" y/n asked, arms crossed.
"my step-dad has lived here my whole life and you just moved in. and now you're getting a job at the place i've worked for months. stalker."
"don't flatter yourself," y/n laughed, uncrossing her arms.
"you have to be kidding me! you go to stanford, too? you're definitely a stalker." he joked.
y/n looked down confused before noticing the sweater she was wearing did in fact, say stanford university on it. "you go to stanford, too? no way!"
"yes i do, though i'm taking some time off." theo mumbled the last part.
"well, i'm doing this year online. too much drama, you could say." y/n wrapped her arms around herself, the evening air being a bit more colder than expected.
"do you want to come in?" theo asked, noticing the cold himself.
y/n though for a minute, "sure, neighbor."
they made their way inside theo's house where he gave the grand tour, the kitchen, living room, his step-mom's old room, his step-dad's office and room, then, finally his room. "it's nothing exciting."
he pulled the paper off his window, throwing it onto his desk. y/n threw herself onto his bed with a groan, "damn this is comfy."
theo sat next to her, "do you have a habit of making yourself comfortable in stranger's rooms?"
"only the strangers i like." y/n smiled at him, moving over to give him room to lay, "i don't bite, unless you're into that." rousing a laugh from theo who laid next to her.
they were both on their backs staring at the ceiling, "so, what does taking time off look like for theo,"
"engler. and it's a lot of hanging out here and going to the bakery. and parties in palo alto."
"sounds fun. i haven't been to a party in ages." y/n said, stretching her arm above her, reaching for the ceiling.
"next time i go, you should come with me. give me your phone." he took the girl's phone from her adding himself to her contacts and taking a photo of himself for the contact picture. "your turn." he handed her his phone as well as hers.
she did the same, snapped a photo and adding her contact into his phone. "there," she passed his phone back to him.
they talked for awhile before y/n checked her phone, noticing how late it was, "oh shit. i have to get up early to talk to love."
"don't worry about it, she doesn't open the bakery until like eleven. and she lives right next door, so."
"really? damn the suburbs are crazy." y/n sat up, brushing the wrinkles out of her sweater. "i still should go, my parents will probably be wondering where i've gone."
"well, good luck tomorrow. see you later, stalker."
y/n laughed before saying goodbye making her way home.
the next morning all went well with the paperwork and love had her start that day, she spent the day greeting customers and boxing various orders for love while she baked. after a few weeks of working, one day during her shift sometime in the afternoon the bell jingled and a man with a stroller entered, "welcome in." y/n greeted.
the man looked around confused, "where's love?"
"in the back let me go get her." y/n went to the back where love was frosting cupcakes, "love, someone's asking for you."
the two reappeared in the front, love hugged the man and kissed him before bending down to the stroller and picking up the baby. "y/n, this is my husband joe and our son henry."
"nice to meet you joe." y/n smiled before looking at the baby and waving, "hi, henry." the baby gave a small wave back causing the two women to aww in unison.
"i think he likes you." joe said, smiling slightly.
"i used to work at a daycare center, they called me the baby whisperer for some reason. i think it's just that babies can sense the good in people, but i don't really know."
joe and love exchanged a look before love spoke up, "would you ever be up for babysitting? i know we could use a date night."
"of course, whenever you need me."
"friday night? i could drop him off around seven or so?" love asked.
y/n agreed and soon enough friday evening rolled around and love dropped henry off with a diaper bag full of everything she would ever need and then some.
she put him on the floor and pulled out some of his toys. and played with him for a while before her phone started ringing. she grabbed her phone and answered, "what's up, theo?"
"there's a party in palo alto i was thinking about going to, wanna come?" he asked.
y/n sighed, "i can't. i'm babysitting."
"who the hell would trust you with their child."
"first off, i'll have you know i am an excellent babysitter and second off it's the quinn-goldberg's kid. if you don't trust me with him come over here and take care of him yourself." y/n said, obviously joking.
theo was silent for a moment for he ended the call, causing y/n to scoff. "boys are so stupid aren't they, henry? you're the only guy i need, isn't that right?" henry cooed back at her handing her one of his rattles.
she shook it before handing it back to him. the doorbell rang, causing y/n to get up off the floor and answer it. she swung the door open to see theo standing there, "um hi, theo. wasn't there a party you needed to get to or?"
"shut up, where's the kid?" he asked, she moved out of his way to reveal henry who sat on the floor entertaining himself with his toys.
"you know i was kidding about the coming over thing, right?"
"yeah but the party is gonna be pretty lame anyways. i bet the cops are already on there way with a noise complaint so." he picked up henry and began playing with him and talking to him.
"well, are you hungry? i can make something while you watch him. though he probably needs to eat too."
theo nodded, agreeing to feed henry while y/n cooked. y/n decided on making pasta, since it was simple and would cook fairly quickly.
once the food was done y/n went into the living room to tell theo. instead she saw theo holding henry who was sleeping softly, theo was rocking him gently. y/n pulled her phone out and snapped a picture.
"hey, the food's done." y/n whispered.
"where do i put him?" he whispered.
"hold on," y/n pushed the armchair from the other side of the room so that it was facing the wall, "there, makeshift crib."
theo laid henry in the chair, covering him with his blanket. "so, there's food?"
y/n nodded leading the way to the kitchen where the two sat at the island to eat. "how'd you get him to sleep so easily?"
"natural gift, i guess." theo shrugged.
y/n cocked her head at that, "oh really?"
"yeah, totally. call me the baby whisperer."
"that's my title, i'll have you know. that's what they used to call me at my old childcare job." y/n said, abandoning her dinner in favor of talking to theo.
the two soon completely abandoned the rest of their dinner in favor of sitting on the kitchen floor sharing stories from school and from when they were younger. around eleven the bell rang and on the other side stood both love and joe.
she greeted them and let the couple enter, "he ate and has been sleeping since about 8:30, he's right there." she pointed to the makeshift crib, grabbing the diaper bag and handing it to joe as love grabbed henry gently.
"thanks again for watching him, we may take you up on it again someday." love gushed.
"of course, he's the sweetest kid ever. i'd love to watch him again." y/n said, walking them out, "have a good night!" she sighed as the door closed.
she reentered the kitchen where theo still sat on the floor, now on his phone. "how about we make this a party?"
"you missed your party in palo alto, so lets have our own." y/n explained, grabbing a bottle of wine, "they'll never notice one missing." she uncorked it before taking a sip handing it to theo, looking for glasses.
theo groaned, "next time, we should find better refreshments."
"agreed," y/n handed him a glass, holding hers out for him to pour.
theo filled both of there glasses before setting the bottle on the floor next to them, "so where exactly are your parents this evening?"
"i have no clue, some sort of business trip, probably." y/n shrugged taking another drink.
"i have a question, why are you taking time off from school?"
theo sighed, taking a drink, "my step-mom, i guess if you can call her that. she was killed, i'm surprised you haven't heard about it honestly, but i guess she was cheating. apparently the guy she was with killed her. i don't really know but my step-dad doesn't believe it."
"that's- i'm sorry. i can't imagine how hard that's been on you." she put her hand on his arm, in an attempt to comfort him.
"it's okay, thanks. i just hated the media circus it caused, like they though my step-dad did it. it wasn't until the other guy killed himself and admitted it all that the reporters stopped camping outside our house." he sighed, taking another drink, "i'm sorry, i don't really know why i'm telling you all of this."
"it's okay. i like this side of you engler. it's nice to know you aren't just a flirt." y/n smiled, sipping on her wine as well.
"you think i'm a flirt?" he asked with a lopsided smile.
y/n shrugged, "well, yeah. you're always flirting with me. i've honestly just been waiting for you to make a move." y/n covered her mouth quickly after realizing what she had said. maybe wine was a bad idea.
"is that right?" theo smirked.
y/n decided against answering him, favoring her wine glass as she took a large sip. theo leaned in closer, "should i make my move now?" y/n nodded leaning closer. theo, using his free hand, grabbed y/n's chin and met her lips in a soft kiss. y/n's hand landed on his shoulder, her other hand blindly setting her glass down on the floor next to the bottle.
she moved closer to him, ending up in his lap, hands in his hair. she gently pushed him until he was lying down. this continued until they heard the sounds of glass hitting together, they both looked down at the now spilled wine on the wooden floor. they both laughed before getting up and cleaning it.
"can we move this to your room now?" theo asked. y/n nodded before leading him upstairs.
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samthecultist · 2 years
| m.list | dni.list |
NAME : I go by samuel/sam/and occasionally sammy
AGE : 18+
PRONOUNS : I mostly use he/him , but they/them are also optional , I will never use anything like she/her or it/it’s .
GENDER : I’m a demiboy !
SEXUALITY : I don’t necessarily have a label on it yet , I know I’m not straight though , but I don’t think I’m really into labels so I would say I’m unlabeled .
okay now for the good stuff ! Who I will write for !
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( I more than likely will only write for male readers since they don’t get enough attention and their fics can be scarce as hell , so
i will continuously add onto this list so bare with me , I’m gonna need to watch a lot of movies / tv shows ! )
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley ( platonic BFFs )
Jason Carver ( yes i love him now )
Finney Shaw
Vance Hopper
Bruce Yamada
Robin Arellano
IT 2017
Richie Toizer
Stanley Uris
Tate Langdon
Kyle Spencer
James Patrick March
Kit Walker
Michael Langdon
John B
Xavier Thorpe
Wednesday Addams
Tyler Galpin
Ajax Petropolus
Hunter Sylvester
Rick Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Carl Grimes
Joe Goldberg
Theo Engler
Mickey Milkovich
Ian Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Kevin Ball
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Dewey Riley
Derek Feldman
That is it for now , I’m not necessarily sure of any other movies I have watched , so if you want me to write someone else , please suggest me movies ! It would help a lot !
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Be respectful
Be patient ! I’m not a fast typer and it takes me time to get things done before I post a chapter , plus sometimes I lose motivation and have writers block !
Please do not request smut . I personally I haven’t ever had sex and never really expect to ! Writing smut just makes me uncomfortable sometimes because if I haven’t had sex then what’s it for me to be writing it ?
If I ever write Robin Buckley it is 100 % platonic , like besties just cuddling , Robin is LESBIAN , I’m not gonna do anything to break that .
Please when you request specify what you want me to write !
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raribella · 3 years
If enough people tell me they would like to read this, I just might start working on it as soon as I post my Theo Engler fic.
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I really hope the idea gets through you by the summary, because I just feel like I babble all too much, and it's not proof read, which is bad considering I want people to understand and like the plot.
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simpforboys · 3 years
should i make a theo engler fic?? does anyone watch you?? i absolutely love that boy
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mntalbrakdown · 3 years
Take a looksy around my fluffy and angsty, rarely smutty fics.
Please like and reblog if anything catches your eye, it makes me smile.
I take requests!
Please do not steal my work (plagiarize) even if you give credit! Reblogging is more than welcome, please respect my wishes!
Also keep in mind that I only write when I like the person, at one point I will stop liking them and I most likely won’t continue writing for them
Sebastian Stan ʚïɞ
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divine energy (underrated tbh)
 summary: Sebastian and you have an amazing day and soon meet up with the cast, there may another way you can end the night. 
dreadful energy
summary: You are in an interview with Sebastian and somehow he gets mad, he tries to make it up to you, and ends up confessing his feelings for you.
we should love till death
summary: you are a party with Sebastian and you tease him all throughout the night, but just wait till you get home and you will pay for your mistakes. (s)
(a series based off of the album ‘SOUR’ by Olivia Rodrigo)
all in order
good 4 u
summary: You meet up with Sebastian at a cafe and the argument soon escalates.
summary: after your little meet-up with Sebastian you have a terrible day and bump into the beast himself.
summary: a few months pass and you try to be friends with Sebastian again, but everything goes to shit when he tells you he is talking to someone and meet the new woman at a party.
jealousy, jealousy
summary: after the party you go home and stalk the new woman’s page and see how great and beautiful she is, wishing that was you, but soon you will love yourself for who you are and become a better person
deja vu (personal fav)
summary: after Sebastian hitting on you at your premiere, you bump into him at a coffee shop and you invite him to go on errands with you, a fight later leads to him confessing his feelings to you all over again
favorite crime
summary: you were going to meet with some of your friends by yourself, but Sebastian insisted on going with so you allowed him and your friends weren't exactly thrilled
enough for you
summary: everything was going great, you both were watching Black Widow until your last relationship comes up.
Bucky Barnes ʚ❤︎ɞ
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everybody loves somebody
summary: fratboy! bucky dares you to go to his party, and when you do he becomes the star of the party, something comes to light.
sunday kind of love (I love how cute this one is)
summary: you are moving in with Bucky and try to unpack but he insists on dancing and he tells you he loves you.
hungry eyes
summary: You went to a cookout that Sam invited you to, you meet Bucky and you reveal your powers to him.
Tom Holland ᓚᘏᗢ
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summary: Tom and you were stuck in an interview playing a game which was entertaining until the interviewer asked a question. You froze and had an argument with Tom pouring your heart out to him.
summary: Tom and you go to see spider-man: no way home for the 100th time when some kids flirt with you, Tom gets jealous and shows them your his. (s)
all too well
summary: Tom and you get in an argument with him and break up. packing your shit and leaving than meeting him again for the last time seeing him regret everything. (inspired by the all too well short film)
late night walks
summary: you decided to walk around the neighborhood with Tom. Having a blast, talking, and playing ding-dong ditch
Quickies ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
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(a collection of stories that I wrote once about the person and stopped liking them so they live here)
she’s mine
summary: in which you and Theo Engler have a flirty relationship and end up inviting him over for a dinner date, things quickly escalate and you basically fuck :D (s)
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sacredsorceress · 3 years
i know i’m usually strictly a marvel account but if I post a fic for Theo Engler from “You” netflix, please forgive me i can’t help myself
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gillybear17 · 3 years
Hey everyone!!!!! If you have any John B, Topper Thornton and Pope Heyward imagines I would really appreciate if you DM me the link!! I also would love if you sent me any JJ Maybank, Rafe Cameron, Sarah Cameron, Kelce, Kiara Carrera imagines that maybe I haven’t read yet I would really love that!! I need new imagines to read even if it’s another fandom other the outer banks send them my way!!!!! Smut, Fluff, Angst, Sister!Reader of any character!!!
The fandoms I love other than Obx are Obx cast,Dolan Twins, One Direction, 5SOS, The 100, The Outsiders, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Legacies, American Horror Story(all seasons), Animal Kingdom, Peaky Blinders, Bridgerton, Avengers, Karate Kid/Cobra Kai, Chicago PD/Med/Fire, DC, Marvel, Euphoria, Elite, Gossip Girl, Game of Thrones, Glee, Grey’s Anatomy, Hemlock Grove, After, Hunger Games, Harrison Osterfield, Tom Holland, Peter Parker(All actors), Haikyuu, IT(2018 and 2019), Justin Bieber, Shameless, Jesse Pinkman, Jurassic Park/World, Knives Out, Kingsman, Kian Lawley, Lucifer, Team 10, Logan Paul, Magcon, Omaha, MGK, Nick Robinson, Noah Centineo, OUAT Peter Pan, Power Rangers(Any movie), Queen, Riverdale, Shadowhunters, Stranger Things (Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove mostly), Supernatural, Sex Education, Teen wolf, any Dylan O’Brien character, Scream( movie abs tv show), Thirteen Reasons Why, Twilight, The Devil All the Time, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, Any Timothee Chalamet Character, The Dirt, Umbrella Academy, any anime show, Vikings, Walking Dead, Why Don’t We, K-Pop , any horror movie killer, (I’m a freak I know I’m sorry 😂😂) Fear Street(Parts 1,2,&3)and YOU(Preferably Theo Engler)💝💘💓💖💗💕💞❤️♥️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹💔❣️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🤍🖤💟😍🥰😻🤩😛😝😜😎😂🤣😇☺️😊😉😌😗😙😚😘😏🥳😹😽🌺🌸🌼🌟✨⚡️💫⭐️🌈🌹🦋💍💋
I will be making a fic rec list of the imagines I have read so that will be up soon I just have to go through them so I can give credit to the writer/s!!!
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moonlit-raven-haven · 3 years
Hi everyone! I got a few requests for Theo Engler fics so I’ll be starting those either tonight or tomorrow! :)
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