#theon gayjoy
2braincellslz · 2 years
How me, someone who know little about Theon X Jon, thinks that ship works.
Jon, internally: I kinda like when he's rude to me.
Jon: hopefully that's a psychological defect and not a weird sexual thing-
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tommystummy · 1 year
Theon Greyjoy more like Theon GAYjoy am I right?
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oofies-yike-blog · 6 years
Theon: What is this feeling so sudden and new.
Jon: I felt the moment I laid eyes on you.
Theon: My pulse is rushing
Jon: My head is reeling
Theon: my face is flushing
Both: What is this feeling? Fervid as a flame, Does it have a name Yes!Loathing
Unadulterated loathing
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jedimaesteryoda · 3 years
Of Loron Greyjoy, the Bard, and his great and tragic friendship with young Desmond Mallister, a knight of the green lands.
Loron’s Greyjoy friendship with Desmond was described as “great and tragic.” Desmond came from a House that has been historically tasked with defending the riverlands against the Ironborn, and as such, has a long history of animosity towards the Iron Isles to the point that Jason Mallister advised his son Patrek not to associate with Theon Greyjoy, and Ser Denys Mallister had such sour relations with the Ironborn Cotter Pyke that Mormont placed them on opposite sides of the Wall. However, there managed to be friendship between people from the houses of two traditional enemies, though not the only one given Theon Greyjoy briefly got along with Patrek Mallister, bonding through "wenches, wine and hawking.” However, Loron and Desmond likely had a different sort of bond. 
Note that Loron’s sobriquet is “the Bard.” He undoubtedly like to sing and play string instruments like either the fiddle or the lute, which would make him unusual among Greyjoys. They liked to hear songs, including about deeds past, but few would ever try to sing them themselves. It also brings to mind Daemon II Blackfyre’s alias of “Ser John the Fiddler” in The Mystery Knight. Loron, like Daemon II, was a man with a love of music from a martial family that placed special emphasis on warriors. 
I think that as was the case with Daemon II, Loron Gayjoy Greyjoy was gay. He and Desmond were likely star-crossed lovers, and as is often the case of star-crossed lovers like in Romeo and Juliet, it ended in tragedy. 
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pomodoriyum · 3 years
theon greyjoy???? more like theon gayjoy!!!
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Ramsay’s voice: lol funny that Reek the dickless squid, can only please his lovers with a strap on. 😂 then again who can love such a thing so… Disgusting??? Or want to be near something so disgraceful. Blind people perhaps. @greyenvy
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Joffrey: “Theon Greyjoy”? Ha, more like “Theon GAYjoy”! *laughs in that douchey way*
Theon: I mean, he’s not wrong.
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cuckmarston · 7 years
haha theon gayjoy
theon gayboy**
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snorricam-moved · 7 years
theon greyjoy more like theon Gayjoy..... i lov him and want him to be happy and gay and okay
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ferluccia · 12 years
Just let me tell you I love Theon's POV.
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