tungledotfuck · 2 years
Based on a post by @theotherwesley
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i-gwarth · 22 days
TY for the tag,
Take screen shots of your lock screen, last song you listened to, last movie you watched, and the last picture you took.
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Lock screen art is a birthday gift given to me long ago by @tosquinha / @quelmdn . Funnily enough, Grand Ceremony is the cunty harpsichord theme song assigned to the character (Keela Amador, my OC) by @theotherwesley as part of the titanic and incredible playlist he made for me a few months ago.
Last photo is of the lovely people at Post Modern Jukebox, whose concert in Bucharest I attended last Saturday.
0 pressure tag: @wild-hyacinths @just-another-leaf-in-the-wind @whosamawhatsit @andr0leda @theotherwesley
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bryony-rebb · 4 months
@theotherwesley kindly tagged me to participate in the WIP title meme. Checked back on the last time I participated in that meme and was astonished to see it was in 2020. I'd have sworn it was much more recent. My list has not changed much, I'm sorry to say. 😅 My only consolation is that there have been a few one shots that have passed through in the interim!
(Scoring out ones I've either vented about ad nauseam already, that have previously received asks, or where there is little to no additional material that hasn't been posted to AO3 already.)
fic01_hedda xover (<- I swear to god, the next time I'm tagged in this meme, this one will be off my list) fic02_zechs fic03_vog fic04_zero fic05_1xC fic06_promises redraft fic07_mariemaia fic08_1D specter fic09_3x11 fic10_une fic11_6x9 bondage fic12_GW-ME fic13_happy family fic14_true story
I'm not tagging 14 people because...I don't think I know 14 people haha. But @lunetta-suzie-jewel @ransomedbard @lenaheero maybe you would like to play? I'm pretty sure you all have WIPs I'd be delighted to snoop on. :D
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universal-ren-kin · 4 months
Title Meme
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Filched from @theotherwesley!
In no particular order:
Marked For Error
Death in a Red Dress (have I even *started* this one???)
Hard Time Killin' Floor Blues
OZ fic (I have it outlined but nooot yet started)
2x5 thing
Arranged Marriage
Yet-Unnamed 6x1
Lost It All (lots of trigger warnings)
We Don't Belong (Possibly even more trigger warnings)
I'm not gonna tag anyone because I'm pretty sure all the writers I follow have participated, but I'm definitely willing to talk about any of these.
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redsixwing · 5 months
Title Meme
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Snurched from @inktail !
In no particular order:
The Fallen Knight
The Worldbuilding Thing
Hunter's Folio
Tagging @theotherwesley @dreamsatdusk @tirkdi @mrslittletall and YOU. Join me if you want!
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a-captions-blog · 9 months
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hammerbearer · 1 year
Tag Game Rules: Shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people. Tagged by @theotherwesley My repeat playlist is currently just a shuffle of all of my 'likes' on youtube music, so it's likely to get weird. 1. Orgy for One, Ninja Sex Party (look I warned you) 2. Fading Memories, Fair Game (from a playlist called Silver Lining a friend whipped up for a household acid trip, that then became my go-to comfort playlist) 3. Way Deeper Down (2023 Remaster), The Stupendium 4. The Last Length, Colm R. McGuinness (Incredible voice, all the vocals are him. No really) 5. Moby Duck, The Longest Johns 6. Big Night, Tom Cardy 7. The Pilot's Eyes, Bill Sutton (Oh, I was wondering if one of these tear-jerking space ballads was going to show up) 8. Come Along, Cosmo Sheldrake 9. Tom Cruise Crazy, Jonathan Coulton 10. It's Nesting Season, Brian David Gilbert And an eleventh because it was too good not to share 11. Call ACab, Sam Stone Edited to add: links in the song titles because I didn't remember I could do that at first
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Babylonian twink is a reference to this post : https://www.tumblr.com/lunoki/173280982134/adulthoodisokay-theotherwesley-ja-khajay
yeah that makes sense
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turtleybeachin · 2 years
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(art gifted to me by the most magnificent @theotherwesley)
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gonedolin · 2 years
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It absolutely is perfect for the castle
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tinyozlion · 8 months
On her mission to talk some sense into her brother, Relena Peacecraft is given an escort to space by the once and current leader of the Earth Sphere. Neither of them are enjoying the trip, for different reasons.
Just a strange little scene that was floating around in my head. I mostly wanted to give these two a reason to interact again, and I was thinking about ✨Space✨ -#AU Where Everything Is The Same Except This Happens, my specialty genre.
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i-gwarth · 5 months
@saintstars tagged me. I haven't done one of these in a long time.
Rules: put in 5 tracks you listen to, then tag ten five some people
Disclaimer: All of these relate in some arcane way to my current worldbuilding & writing project, The Far Shore.
Mea tormenta, properate! as interpreted by Josef Orlinski - rewired my fucking brain, helped me visualize a character who is very important to me and allowed me to elucidate a fictional religious movement.
Children of the Omnissiah by Guillaume David - I blame @theotherwesley introducing me to this one a few weeks ago. It's become very meaningful and personally inspiring to me. The weight of this track is the weight of the ages shifting.
Herr Mannelig as interpreted by Wolfenmond - my friend Wub introduced me to the many versions of Herr Mannelig and I haven't been the same since. The song of folk tales from places overtaken by modernity.
Combine Harvester by Kelly Bailey - it's been nearly 20 years but this one continues to shake me. The sound of overwhelming power descending from a smoke-choked sky, the sound of the world changing. Again, very relevant to my creative writing.
Sands of Serkonos by the late, great Daniel Licht and Copilot Music - I was never going to get through this listing without a fucking Dishonored song. If you know me, you know I'm actually exhibiting great restraint in simply linking the one. The song of a dying golden age. The cobblestone streets have craters in them, the old walls are riddled with holes and covered in wires and pipes. The new century grows over the old one.
tagging: @just-another-leaf-in-the-wind, @wild-hyacinths, @theotherwesley, @whosamawhatsit, @ruiniel, @andr0leda
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admirable-mairon · 4 years
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Manwë - Penguin
So for some reason I dreamed that a Silmarillion Anime had been made using @misbehavingmaiar ‘s designs for all the characters (the voice actors were neat, it was great).... Except none of the story was even remotely Silmarillion? It was basically just the characters doing...... Things. There was a forest. 
Near the end, however, Wes and I talked and concluded that “Yes. Of course Manwë’s true form is a penguin”. Which is the natural conclusion to anything about the Silm, of course, naturally....
I even drew the penguin in the dream, and when I woke I had an incredible urge to ACTUALLY draw it and share it with y’all. This is the design I gave him in my dream so... Enjoy? XD
@theotherwesley - I have no excuse, friend. But enjoy? xD
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salmaganto · 4 years
What aren’t you proud of?
OOC: Salgant has this problem that keeps cropping up in his life, which is that he really just wants to help people, but in order to do that, he keeps betraying other people. Guiding his fellow Teleri over the Ice was fine, but then to help the Kinslayers survive? That was definitely a betrayal, and you may rest assured that they made sure he knew it. But on the other hand, the alternative was letting the women and children starve and die, and Salgant couldn’t really have that on his conscience either. So he went with what would help the most people, but he’s not... as proud of that as he might be, considering. 
This goes double for our thread with @misbehavingmaiar, where he... does the exact same thing! Again! To help people, he has to cooperate with Mordor, which is absolutely a betrayal of Gondolin and Turgon and... uh... most everybody he cares about, really. But again, it’s in the name of helping people as much as he can. The fact that he gets tangibly rewarded for it (again!) is just, like. The cake topper of discomfort. (I fully anticipate that he’ll begin to advocate for orcs and other dark creatures, just like he does the thralls, once he begins to grasp that they’re people. You may have noticed him starting to empathize already!)
Some people would definitely call this a weakness of will, or lack of conviction, or cowardice, or any number of unflattering things. Salgant is just not made for defiant futile gestures, which, what are you even doing in the Silmarillion if you’re not here for that? 
More concretely, he has a rather poor self-image because of these internal conflicts. The culture around him is telling him one thing, his heart tells him another, and while he follows his heart, he’s almost ashamed of it? 
He’s a goddamn sad sack, in short.
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redsixwing · 1 year
Tag Game Rules: Shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people.
Tagged by @bornetoblood :)
I don't have a repeat playlist, so I grabbed the last few songs off my top-used streaming channels and added a dash from Bandcamp to round out the 10.
Lesiem - Patientia
eRa - Ameno
Daft Punk - Outlands
Miracle of Sound - Beyond These Walls
Nobuo Uematsu - Rufus Shinra (FFVII Remake OST)
The Versions - Lost Woods (Zelda BOTW album)
Geoff Castellucci - The Sound of Silence
Aurora - Exhale Inhale
Kalandra - Valkyrja
Subaqueous - Depth of Field
Tagging @dreamsatdusk @theotherwesley @inktail @cryohydra and YOU.
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gildorsonofinglor · 4 years
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