pissylittlebirdboy · 7 months
spare list
helping me screw with scaled fucker (@landertheliondemon)
fish person thing (they spilled the tea to me) (@fishyfiles)
collector of weird human dolls with children inside and lord of… ribs? hot dogs? I don’t know, I find you interesting. friend..? (@angelo-rib-shack)
liked my posts and has a oddly contradictory name (@savourybiscoff)
they offered to make me a sword. I am honored. (@god-in-the-basement)
not worth killing. puts the I in idiot. (@ilovelovebooks)
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princeofdarkness00 · 3 years
Hey y'all, so as I'm sure some of you have been aware of, my account got marked as explicit and now my Goddamn profile and background pics are now permanently like this. Because of this, I've decided to make a new Tumblr. It’s @theprinceofdarkness00
If ya’ll could signal boost this and go follow me on there I would really appreciate it. <3 <3
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Hey y'all, I would really appreciate it if you shared and donated (if you're able) to my best friend's GoFundMe.
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socialsf · 7 years
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#PrinceHarry #youaremyhero #potus #notwelcome at #hiswedding #notmypresident #seriousthreat to #humanrights #speakingthetruth #theprincespeaks via @novamagazine2016
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sirleafheart · 8 years
guess whose 5 years late to the xmen fandom this piece of shit right here haha
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okitaakun · 9 years
Happy New Years!
Happy New Years everyone! Last year wasn’t a great year for me, but it wasn’t absolutely horrible. I have made some awesome friends this year, and I’m very thankful for them ;w; I’m so happy that I joined the CUB, because I love them so much <3 I didn’t think I’d ever have “Tumblr Friends” because its really hard for me to talk to people ;w; So I thank everyone for including me. This is probably hella lame so I’m gonna end it xD Love you guys ;v; <3
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pissylittlebirdboy · 7 months
list of ENEMIES (in order of most wanted dead)
set my damn colleague on fire. fucker. (the--real--god)
floating fucking head who capitalizes off of religious trauma and puts glorious lovely angels in bad places because he’s a twat (@the-metatron)
God (@the-almighty-god)
tried to fuck with my kids and broke my knee (@the-real-michael-demiurgos)
Marquis Leraje
the Marquis’ dumb hot assassin
snake fucker with the stupid glasses (@thedemon-crowley)
no no no please lord save me
angel fucker who talked back to me (@janeway-lover)
stupid old car that only plays one artist (@imthebentley)
fucking pauper who keeps stealing my stuff to make me mad (@youroneandonlysnakelady)
ray of sunshine with hair-bunny ears (why is that a trend in hell?) (@ask-eric-the-disposable-demon)
ugly as fuck crusty-white-dog hair so bad that the holy water should’ve defied the laws of physics to obliterate it from existence (@duke-hastur)
broader enemies
flies and anything in the family muscidae
donald trump
pinapple pizza enjoyers
people who cause inflation
child abusers
annoying motherfuckers
demon owl princes who cheat on their lovely wives with ugly fire toads
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pissylittlebirdboy · 5 months
they appear. Even if you don't see them at first it's quite obvious, as with them a strong sound of buzzing appears as well. They seem in a good mood, which probably isn't good seeing as they're holding one of Ulysses' feathers, freshly blinded.
Hello there.
he nearly jumps out of his skin his tail shoots open, it’s eyes darting around frantic. his back is turned to the demon. maybe it’s just another figment of his imagination?
he looked through one of the eyes on his tail.
he turned around slowly, wincing as he did. his knee was still broken, after all, even though it hid under the baggy clothes he would’ve once scoffed at and allotted to be only for low class peasants. he forced himself to take a deep breath and smooth out his very much ruffled feathers. his main eyes, freshly with bags, assessed the situation. he finally caught sight of the feather.
his head crest flattened against his head as the unmistakable look of both a child who knew they’d done something and must now face consequence and, if one squinted, pure, A-grade terror.
f u c k.
he took another shaky big breath and tried to scrape together some semblance of composure.
//kfp2 reference omg!!!!!!
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pissylittlebirdboy · 5 months
And don't think I forgot. Unluckily for you, I never forget.
believe me, I know. thanks for the fly swarm nightmares for the past few weeks, though. really loving the five hours of sleep a week in addition to the broken knee. thanks to mikey for that one.
I need to go destroy things. fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUC
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pissylittlebirdboy · 5 months
I waz wondering, what would happen if I were to deztroy one of yer little featherz? Would it hurt ya?
not a bit. they’re like hair or nails. tugging on them when they’re connected to my body hurts, but destroying them doesn’t. nice try.
the best I can do when they’re disconnected is see out of em. I take a peek on occasion. Right now, they’re in a desk next to some moldy cheese, a pair of smashed sunglasses, and… a long white flight feather. like the ones used for quills. that’s… weird. none of my business if you have a thing for higher beings though.
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pissylittlebirdboy · 3 months
Ztill alive aren't ya?
yep. still alive. still truckin. just got out of a mystery coma, but alive! I’m having a good week and I’m about to make it better by going to see my kid and have some fruit. What about you, lord?
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pissylittlebirdboy · 7 months
ey @fishyfiles, you fuck
stabbed by a ‘pretty’ angel, ey?
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do THESE look pretty to you? they’d slash you in half and the only way to kill them is their own weapons. they revel in slaughtering thousands of demons and sinners each year.
‘pretty’ my ass.
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pissylittlebirdboy · 6 months
I muzt have forgotten, but when did I give you permizsion to zend mezsagez and zigning them in my name? You could cauze a war.
I assumed you were on board. Also, I never wrote your name, and you never told me not do anything. Nobody really knows what the emojis mean. You can’t get mad at me for breaking a rule that was never set.
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pissylittlebirdboy · 5 months
I need a „Dad-advice“ there‘s someone I really like but they probably don‘t like me back in the same way…
I need a hades now…
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shoot, hun. I’m here for ya.
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pissylittlebirdboy · 5 months
diary entry number…. I forgot I had a diary uh let say
diary entry #26
today I went to a brunch. someone tried to get me to smoke weed, and I said no because duh? no one takes drugs from strangers
haven’t eaten much of anything; I think I had a few energy drinks, maybe? my head’s all fuzzy. can’t remember nearly anything. whatever
people keep trying to get me to go to therapy. Thats stupid. Talking about my issues won’t solve them, not that I have any
I found a picture book full of Ellie’s pictures. I flipped through them; brightened my day. I love that little ball of fluff
I think im doje
oh - my knee still hurts. and my body. I think I’ve lost a few pounds. maybe more. dunno.
I miss Argenti. I miss Aurum. it’s been weeks since they went out to go get food. I’m worried.
uh bye diary
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pissylittlebirdboy · 6 months
this hangover is not fun dear gods why did I make those choices
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