#there are a shit ton of problems and aizawa not saying 'oh my god izuku you are soooo good and talented i should promote you right
swallowtail-ageha · 10 months
Why is the bnha critical tag filled with people getting mad tha tthe whole world isn't sucking deku's dick instead of like. Actual criticism of the story. How did we get here
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 028 [Ten Million Madness]
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Author’s Note: Okay, so I feel to the need to say something because I’m kinda disappointed. So, I write out each chapter on paper because I write best that way, and then I can type it out on the computer to basically re-write/edit it to add more details to the basic premise for each chapter. Well, I ran out of paper in the original book, so I got another one. The problem is that this new book was from the dollar store, so it’s a bit smaller and the margins aren’t as big on either side of the page.
Three pages, front and back, in the old book averaged out to about 2.5k words or better. However, the same amount in this new book has just barely been scraping 2k. I feel bad, but it’ll be worse if I go mixing up the chapters to make them longer. I’ll continue to try more pages until I can get back to that 2.5k average. Not sure if anyone noticed or cares, but it’s really bugging me so I felt the need to say something lol (> ツ)>/*
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Word Count: 2,078
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〈“Right now, I’m giving it all my all. Looking for the hidden truth, wake me up, open my eyes. Even the soul inside of me, I’ll burn it up without anything remaining.” B.A.P, “Wake Me Up”〉
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I stood off to the side, watching as the other students scrambled around trying to form teams and think of strategies. Several students from class A were surrounding Bakugo, trying to convince him to choose them for his team. I had considered asking to join him, too, but his attitude from after the race seriously put me off.
“Wait, remind me what your quirks are again.” He said, his face blank as he was overwhelmed by them. “And your names.”
I scoffed, covering my mouth. I mean, same, though. I should really start a list of the people I still need to learn the names of. I felt a tug on the leg of my pants, followed by the hair on the back of my neck standing on end.
“Jen, be my partner,” Mineta demanded, his eyes wide as he looked up at me. “I can be the rider and you’ll be the horse. Just imagining those pump boobs between my fingers gets me -”
“Who said you could say my name you prick?!” My eye twitched in anger as I brought my foot back, slamming it into his face and punting him across the field. He landed behind Octo, who he referred to as Shoji, and started whining about how all of the girls had refused to partner with him. I wonder fucking why.
What a fucking freak.
I glanced at Izuku. No one was even looking in his general direction, poor guy. I did say that I would look out for him and protect him… but this is just the sports festival and everyone is gonna be gunning for him. That’s a shit-ton of extra effort for whoever plays the horse. Still… I sighed deeply and started in his direction, pausing when slim fingers gently wrapped around my wrist, almost hesitantly. It was French Fry. Wait, why is he shaking like that? He’s clutching his stomach… must’ve overused his quirk in the last round.
“What’s up?” I asked, turning toward him.
He forced a smile despite the pained expression on his face. “I was hoping… you would like to be my partner.”
I glanced back at Izuku. Ochaco was chatting happily with him and another girl was quickly approaching them. Who knew he was so popular with the ladies? I turned back to the blonde, whose smile had lessened. “What’s your name again?”
“Yuga Aoyama, mademoiselle.”
“Aoyama,” I tested the name on my tongue before smiling at him. “Sure, why not. Let’s be partners.”
His face brightened, blonde locks swaying as he tilted his head. “Thank you!”
I nodded. “I’ll be the horse and I’ll carry you on my back. You focus on grabbing headbands and I’ll do my best to keep people at bay with my fire, okay?”
“Are we going after Midoriya?”
“Nah, that’s way too much trouble.” I scratched my cheek, glancing at the greenette. Both team Todoroki and team Bakugo were glaring at team Midoriya. “Everyone sees the big number, but not the big picture. A lot of teams are gonna be goin’ after him, but the smart teams will use the chaos as a smokescreen to stack up smaller numbers. We’ll be one of those teams.”
He straightened his back, arm loosely clutching his stomach. “I’ll do my best, mademoiselle!”
I grinned, wagging my finger. “My motto has always been to work smart, not hard.”
“I also have an idea, if you’re interested? I promise it’s magnifique.”
I raised a brow curiously, crossing my arms. “Alright, I’m listening. Let’s hear it.”
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“Oh, goody, it’s time to get this party started!” Midnight announced, happily.
“Hey, hey, look alive! After fifteen minutes to pick teammates and talk strategy, thirteen cavalry teams are prepared to go head to head!”
“I see some unexpected student combinations,” Aizawa commented.
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“Come on, everyone put your hands in the air! It’s time for an arena-bumping U.A. battle royale! Let me hear you scream~!”
I gripped Aoyama’s thighs when he hopped onto my back. “Wrap your legs around my waist, I’m gonna need at least one of my hands free for defense and I don’t want you to fall.”
“Right!” He shifted his weight, crossing his ankles across my stomach. His right arm was tight around my neck, the other resting on my shoulder so it would be free to grab headbands. With my two-hundred and five points and his five, we only came out to a total of two-hundred-ten points, but that’s fine. That number will be much higher when all of this is said and done.
“Let’s get this party started! One final countdown before the game starts! Three… Two… One…”
“Begin!!” Midnight shouted.
I sweatdropped as most of the teams made a beeline straight for Izuku’s team. “Idiots,” His group started to sink into the ground and he pressed a button in his hand, launching his team into the sky. Oi oi, is that shit even allowed? Ah, but Shadow is working so hard to defend, how fucking adorable! Shit, no, stay focused, dumbass. “Let’s set this place on fire, Aoyama!”
He nodded as his arm tightened, his fist clenching around my shirt.
While Invisigirl’s team was focused on Izuku in the sky, I rushed behind them and Aoyama reached out for her band, only to have it snatched by a blonde kid I had never seen before. I huffed, chasing after them. “Get ready to grab, and hold on tight!”
I lifted my left hand, increasing the temperature of my skin. I don’t want to set this kid on fire, I just gotta burn him enough where he releases his grip on the band. Shouldn’t be too difficult considering the fucker is carelessly swinging it around his finger without a care in the world. I focused on the spot behind his team – please oh great and powerful taco god, let this work! Aoyama squeaked in surprise as I teleported, clutching onto me for dear life. Pain shot through my skull but I did my best to ignore it, grabbing the boy’s wrist with my hand. He hissed in pain, the band falling from his fingers.
Aoyama snatched it and I jumped back just as the boy reached out for my face, his hand flaming. Huh, does he have a fire quirk, too? It seems to be hurting him, if that pained face is anything to go by. He held his hand out, fire shooting toward us. I can probably withstand it, those flames are pretty tame, but Aoyama can’t and my job is to protect him at all costs. I swept my hand across the air in front of me, a wall of flame sprouting up between us and clashing with the fire he had thrown at us. I used this opportunity to put distance between us – I’d rather not get caught up in a drawn-out battle over one fucking band, it wasn’t worth it.
Plus, you know, effort. I swear after this stupid sports festival is over, Imma fucking sleep for three months. I’m gonna turn into a fucking bear and hibernate.
Aoyama tied the band around his neck, breathing out. “We’re up to six-hundred, mademoiselle.”
I nodded, “Good job.”
“Wow! Barely two minutes have passed since we started and it’s already a total free for all! Yeah! Watch those headbands! You can even ignore the ten million points and go after the other chart-toppers!”
“Goddamn it, Mic,” I growled out, glaring at the commentator’s box. “Keep your fuckin’ ideas to yourself, you damned cockatiel!”
Izuku took off to the sky again and Bakugo jumped off of his horses, using his explosions to propel him toward them. Dark Shadow blocked him, of course.
“Woaaah! Bakugo has been separated from his horses! Is that even allowed?!”
He started to fall, only to have tape wrap around his waist and pull him back down to his horses, one of which was Flex Tape himself.
“He never touched the ground so technically it’s okay!” Midnight gave a thumbs up.
Seriously, what the fuck even is this game? Sheesh, these guys ain’t messin’ around, they’re actin’ like their lives depend on it. I don’t get paid enough for this shit.
Oh wait, I’m not getting paid at all. What a buzzkill.
“Behind us!”
I jumped to the side just as a green hand swiped by my face. “Rin?”
He grinned, sitting atop a large, hairy guy that ran on all fours. “I told you to call me Hiryuu!” His horse jerked forward and Hiryuu made a grab for the band around Aoyama’s neck. I slapped his hand away and he tried with the other.
“Sorry, Ryuu.” My fingers wrapped around his wrist and I tugged him forward. “Aoyama!”
His chest pressed against the back of my head as he leaned forward. Just as his fingers grazed the band, I noticed something transparent shooting toward us. The air solidified, forming a chain with a hook on the end. Within seconds, the headband was snatched from Ryuu’s head.
I snapped my head to the side, eyes narrowed. It’s that black-haired boy that was with Doc Brown’s love child. He’s one of the horses for that loudmouthed silverette from class B. “Damn it,” I jumped back as Ryuu tried again to grab the band. “Sorry, bro, gotta jet!” I focused on the opposite side of the field – there’s far too many teams in this one area and I need breathing room. With just two of us, it’ll be bad to get surrounded.
I teleported, sweat rolling down my cheek as my head throbbed painfully, making me clench my teeth.
“Are you okay?” Aoyama asked worriedly. “You’re shaking.”
I huffed, leaning over. “I think I… just discovered the… limit of my teleportation… awesome…” Shit, I don’t think I’ll be able to use it anymore, at least not until I recover a shit-ton of stamina.
“Now, who wants to take a look at each team’s place so far?! It’s been seven minutes so let’s get those rankings started on the screen! Hold on here… this is an unexpected turn! Other than Midoriya and Winchester, class 1-A’s not doing so hot! Even Bakugo is losing!”
“What?” My eyes snapped to the screen. “No way… He’s at zero?” A sudden angry aura grabbed my attention and I looked across the field – of course, it was coming from Bakugo. It was directed at that blonde guy with the fire quirk. Bakugo, you better not leave me up here alone, bro. Get those damn points back, you bastard.
“And now, we’ve reached the halfway point of the game! As the cavalry battle enters the second half, it’s anyone’s game! Class 1-B has made an unexpected showing, but who will wear the ten million points in the end?! That’s the real question, sports fans!”
The throbbing in my head started to dull a bit and I squeezed his thighs. “Aoyama, we’re going for the group that stole Ryuu’s headband. That’s one-hundred-twenty-five points, and if we can grab that silver-haired bitch’s seven-hundred-five, we’ll be at fourteen-thirty-five. That’ll put us in second place for now. Let’s see if that plan of yours actually works out for us.”
He swallowed hard. “L-Let’s do it! Apres la pluie le beau temps!”
“No idea what the fuck you just said but let’s hope it’s something helpful. Alright!” I grinned, bending my knees. With fire under my boots, I propelled myself forward, rushing straight toward the unsuspecting silverette and his team.
“Tetsu!” The ravenette noticed us, but not fast enough.
My hand turned red as it shot toward the rider. His arm shot up, blocking the blow as his skin turned to metal. “Well, shit…”
He grinned, showing off sharp teeth like Kiri’s. “Hey, that tickles!”
I matched his grin. “If that body of yours can turn to steel, then that means I don’t have to hold back, right?” My hand erupted in flame and I pushed against him. The flames spread across his metallic skin, sweat appearing on his face from the intense heat. Aoyama’s hand shot forward, fingers clutching the band around the silverette’s neck.
I felt the air around us changing, a chain shooting out from the ravenette. Shit! I slipped my hand up, burning the side of the band around his forehead and it fell into Aoyama’s hand just as large transparent hand shoved us away.
“Our band! He got it!” Aoyama cried.
I cursed as the transparent chain returned to its owner, Aoyama’s band landing in his hand. “Goddamn it.”
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 172: Festival Planning and New Attack Training
Previously on BnHA: We spent some time with Gentle, our New Villain who commits chivalrous crimes to punish the worst scum of society, such as guys who sell expired pudding. He’s not as popular as that trendy League of Villains because he’s not big on violence. But he does have a new project up his sleeves! Meanwhile at U.A., class A got to work planning their cultural festival program. Jirou was in need of a drummer, and Bakugou somehow ended up getting volunteered. Turns out he’s actually pretty good, but he was reluctant to perform because he overheard some jerks from the department of gen ed talking shit about class A and blaming them for starting trouble all the time. So he wasn’t keen on the idea of performing to indulge these people. However he is on board to aggressively “knock them dead with his sound”, whatever that means! Everyone was like “...well all right then!” And everything was looking up. And then we found out that Gentle plans to invade U.A. during the festival. Because apparently we can never have nice things.
Today on BnHA: Jirou recruits the rest of the band members: Momo on keyboard, Tokoyami and Kaminari on guitar, and her own self on vocals. A handful of kids -- Todoroki, Kirishima, Sero, Kouda, and Aoyama -- are assigned to the “staging” team in charge of making everything look cool. And the rest of the kids are assigned to the Dance Team, including IIDA FUCKING TENYA, because when I tell you guys this manga always delivers everything I want, I mean ev.ery.thing. With that settled, Deku meets with All Might the next day and discusses his recent progress (or lack thereof) with One for All. All Might tells Deku he needs to develop a long-range attack, and they head out to the woods for some training. Deku learns that 20% Full Cowl gives him enough power to unleash wind pressure attacks. And with a little nudging, All Might gets Deku to realize he can create a new attack by activating 20% OFA in specific parts of his body, the way he did back before he mastered Full Cowl. Then to end the chapter, we cut to Aizawa and Mirio, who are bringing Eri to visit U.A. for the very first time.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 199 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
look who knows how to play the piano because she’s so stinkin’ rich!
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oh my god look how cute she is
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look how cute they are. GOD THIS IS THE BEST
Jirou says she’s gonna be on bass, so they just have guitar and vocals left!
cool cool. they can get literally anyone to do those and I’ll be happy. anyone EXCEPT Iida, that is. because Iida needs to be on that dance floor you guys
lol Todoroki
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I’m fucking dying. Todoroki is nailing that space alien combination of “knows just enough to ask oddly specific questions while still somehow being totally naive and clueless”
Mina is explaining to those unaware that “staging” refers to things that set the atmosphere, such as disco balls, sparklers, streamers, etc.
I wonder if putting Aoyama in charge of that would lead to success or disaster
ooh, apparently Aizawa made arrangements to borrow the gym! so they’ll really have room to go nuts
I have no idea what’s going on in Mina’s head you guys but omg
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yes. yes. I can see it now
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this girl has a fucking VISION and she will not be deterred
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okay so I’m fairly convinced now that Mina might actually be a creative genius and they should really let her loose more often in training. let that imagination go wild and see where it takes you. she could come up with some extremely unpredictable strategies. I’m serious
amazingly, no one is even arguing this except for Aoyama lol. he’s standing there all “I’m the disco ball?” while the rest of them are all “oh is this what you meant by teaming up? cool beans”
(ETA: no one argued it because this is literally what they ended up doing. pretty sure the staging team had one planning meeting and were all “okay, so basically just do all that stuff Mina said?” and agreed on it and then spent the rest of the month playing on their phones while pretending to work real hard. they didn’t even bother to work out the actual logistics of it until basically the night before. this is why Deku hadn’t checked that fucking rope you guys.)
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I want to save this panel and use it as a meme reaction image omg
and that clack you see is the sound of the intern kids finally returning from their supplementary courses!
they’re excited to also get in on this!
Ochako is surprised that Jirou’s not singing!
-- oh no
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when I said “literally anyone” I should have been just slightly more specific huh
oh thank god they’re making these guys try out first
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I can’t fucking wait to see this in the anime omg
Hagakure says that Jirou’s singing is actually amazing and she thinks she should be on vocals
but Jirou really doesn’t want to and says it’s just gonna complicate things
but they’re all encouraging her!
oh my god she’s gonna do it!
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can’t fucking wait. omg. it’s gonna be like a whole year, but hopefully it’ll be worth it
so now Jirou says they need two guitarists
Kaminari is volunteering which is GREAT because Jirou and Momo are already there, so yeah
but Mineta is also volunteering which is. less great
oh my god
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at this point the list of people I ship Bakugou with is significantly longer than the list of people I don’t ship him with, I think
sometimes Horikoshi does nice things. I’ll admit
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Mineta is sulking and the girls are taking pity on him, and honestly I don’t mind it. weirdly. because it’s one of the few times he’s not being a little troll. he just looks small and sad
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MAYBE I’M JUST FEELING GENEROUS TODAY. Mineta, you can exist today
like, even when Mina offers him a “harem part”, he doesn’t turn completely gross, he just kind of goes red a bit. I’m completely fine with this. Horikoshi can write this toned down version of Mineta and I’m cool with it. but I’m sure it won’t last though. alas
(ETA: my biggest problem with Mineta is that he beat Mirio in that goddamn poll his character has no purpose other than being obnoxious. he literally has no other personality traits besides “pervert.” if Horikoshi made even the slightest attempt to tone down that bullshit and actually try to do more with him I’d probably make more of an effort to at least tolerate him. but alas, that ship has sailed I think.)
holy shit how late did they stay up planning this??
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you actually got Bakugou to stay up 5 whole hours past his bedtime. incredible
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do you guys think Bakugou knows how to do that thing where you twirl the drumstick around on your fingers
also if he doesn’t get to shout “WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB!!!! ONE TWO THREE FOUR!” then I will forever be upset about the opportunity wasted. in fact, it’s happening in my mind whether Horikoshi likes it or not. that is canon. prove me wrong
(ETA: I have my own mental version of this entire performance and let me tell you, it is very specific)
I’m gonna play some Yeah Yeah Yeahs because right now that’s kind of my mental image for what the band might sound like lol
so now we’re cutting to the break room the next day and Izuku is having some tea with dad
it’s very cute but also All Might’s wondering if Deku had something he specifically wanted to talk to him about, since he’s meeting up with him at such a busy time
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geez All Might can’t a boy just have some TEA with his DAD without being INTERROGATED, GEEZ
but also he’s 100% right to ask, and he does it so gently so that Deku can either take the invitation to talk, or decline politely if he so chooses. All Might really is the best
sure enough, Deku does have something on his mind!
he’s telling All Might about how he was able to bring out 20% of OFA under duress, but only for a short time, and even then it put a ton of strain on his body. not only that but it wasn’t even enough to win
so he’s trying to figure out how he should fight in the current situation, since he can’t master 100% yet
um whoa
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say what now??
I mean like, obviously yes, that would be ideal. but are you implying that there’s some sort of obvious long-range move he should be able to figure out?
Izuku says he wants to learn how to do a weather-altering technique (and I forgot All Might could do those; has he even done it since the opening chapter?), but right now he’s not able yet
but All Might says he has “a few other...” and then he trails off
and he’s saying they should change locations
omg. I’m so hyped!?!
so now they’re in a forested area on the school grounds, and Deku has changed into his gym uniform
is this still during school hours. and Deku still has those supplemental lessons on top of that. All Might doesn’t have any classes he’s supposed to be teaching either? just drop all of your fucking responsibilities then why don’t you
All Might is telling Deku to break out 20% full cowl, and Deku is hesitating
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“YEAH!! IT’S FINE!” lol okay then
so here we go!
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this is always so badass. and I appreciate it so much more when it’s not in the context of a super dragged out fight coming on the tail end of 40 chapters of nonsense
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:D what’s he gonna doooo
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Deku is wincing though and he’s saying “but in any case, my body’s...”
but All Might is wagging a finger in a knowing way and he’s telling Deku to look back at his journey
damn we got like a powerpoint and everything
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does Deku’s mind just naturally think this way. because he’s trained it through all of that obsessive note-taking. I realize this is mostly for our benefit, but it really wouldn’t surprise me if his thoughts actually were this organized
anyways his eyes are widening, because he’s clearly drawn some conclusion from this pattern that I have yet to see! I don’t have a big hero brain like you Deku
All Might says he wasn’t always bringing out 100% himself??
oh shit
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so since he is capable of holding 20% briefly without doing permanent damage to himself, then if he combines points two and six -- drawing out 20% OFA to a specific part of his body -- then he can utilize this badass new air attack!
though All Might says it’s gonna be harder than it sounds, and that it requires significantly more nuanced control
so Deku’s thinking that he’s gonna practice with his fingers
oh god
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I’m still traumatized from that fight against Todoroki honestly. I look at this and can’t help but think “oh shit he’s gonna snap them all one by one” oh my god. it’s making me very uncomfortable even though I’m fully aware it’s not actually going to happen. Deku you’ve fucked me up
oh snap and we’re fast-forwarding to the day of the cultural fest!!
(ETA: lol no, I just thought this because I saw Eri there. jumped the gun just a bit)
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oh my god. I’m so excited oh shit
IT’S ERI’S PROFILE YOU GUYSSSSS. I’m gonna link to it over on aitaikimochi’s tumblr! here!
THIS OUTFIT IS THE CUTEST EVER. I’m gonna gush over it some more in tomorrow’s recap too. it’s just so cute
the clothes Aizawa got her just go to prove that no one is perfect. having some flaws just adds to his charm though
I also want to see Eri eating apples with Tokoyami now
so she is indeed six! my approximate guess was right! however as of where the manga currently is, she’s just about to turn seven. she’s getting so big! they have to figure out what to do about school for her. although her dad is a teacher so
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 118: The One Who Caused All Might’s End
(ETA: just a reminder that I write the “previously on” things immediately after I first read the chapter while it’s still fresh in my mind. I'd say this particular one captured my emotional state at the time pretty well.)
Today on BnHA: Aizawa’s ponytail makes its debut and it’s everything I could have ever hoped for. Also he gets a call from U.A.’s robot security about his two problem children having a fight on Ground Beta after curfew. But before he can head out to stop them, ~A MYSTERIOUS SHADOW~ greets him outside and who could that be, I wonder. Back at Ground Beta, Deku tries to talk Kacchan down and avoids his attacks while Kacchan grows increasingly desperate. Finally he breaks down completely and fucking screams at Deku to fight him, and reveals that he blames himself for being the reason All Might retired, and that he can’t stop thinking about it, and he doesn’t know what to do. So basically he’s a mess, and there are feels strewn about all over the damn place, and Deku -- who never could turn his back on someone who needs saving -- realizes that he has to fight back, because right now he’s the only person who can help.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 151 now, so any ETAs will reflect that. I’m not gonna make any progress this week; I’m too busy writing Kacchan essays and waiting for the holidays to wind down lol.)
“A Meaningless Fight” not to me it’s not
lol the security camera caught them putzing around after hours. and identified their homeroom teacher and notified him
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(ETA: yeah so this episode aired on September 15th, right when I was in the middle of reading the Sports Festival arc and the series was slowly beginning to take over my life. there were indeed a ton of gifs and reaction posts floating around, and I’m pretty sure this was right about when I realized it was time to block the “bnha spoilers” tag until I was fully caught up.)
now Aizawa’s stepping outside, but someone’s out there already. IS IT ALL MIGHT AND HE’S GONNA BE ALL “DON’T WORRY I GOT THIS”?
(ETA: it is indeed, and this means that All Might already knew the boys were fighting even before Aizawa did, even though Aizawa was the one who got the security alert. I’m only half-joking about him having some kind of tracking device implanted on Deku. it’s either that, or just some crazy good dad instincts. either way, one can’t help but be impressed.)
whoever it is, Aizawa seems surprised to see them
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boy and I thought the last chapter was good. but barely two pages into this one and we’ve not only got Aizawa’s sexy ponytail, but also
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(ETA: the smoke really adds to the effect here. does so throughout the whole chapter, in fact. Kacchan has such a cinematic quirk)
I stan one (1) amazing and incredible manga series
Deku’s asking again do they really have to fight. he clearly would rather talk it out instead. because like, apparently that’s suddenly an option that’s on the table after all this time?? KACCHAN IS CAPABLE OF TALKING ABOUT HIS FEELINGS, WHO EVEN KNEW?
Kacchan’s impatiently doing that explodey hand thing, but Deku’s gonna try and talk this one out anyway
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but Kacchan’s attacking again
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aahhhhhhhh META PART TWO!!!
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somehow they look even younger in these flashbacks?? like this Deku cannot fucking be older than two. how do they even remember all this??
he’s screaming at Deku to fight him back and not just run away
more flashbackssssss
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(ETA: oh hello is it time for more essaying. let’s say yes.
Kacchan’s feelings about Deku are so complicated. much more so than Deku’s own comparatively simple if contradicting feelings. clearly they got along well enough when they were little. but then Kacchan fell off that log and Deku tried to help him and Kacchan was like “WHAT! EVEN THOUGH I WAS CLEARLY FINE! HOW DARE” and that was that.
so we know from the chapter coming up after this one that Katsuki somehow got it in his head that Izuku was looking down on him. mostly this seems to stem from a genuine misunderstanding of Deku’s desire to help. Katsuki has always been very independent and likes to do things for himself. this is part of what he associates with being “strong”, and it’s clearly something he was already being admired and praised for even at a young age, so that no doubt further reinforced things in his mind. now add to this the fact that most four-year-olds are still learning and developing when it comes to empathy. so it genuinely might not have crossed Katsuki’s mind that not everyone feels the same way as he does when it comes to wanting and accepting help. put this all together, and we end up with Kacchan misinterpreting Izuku’s well-meaning gesture, and feeling insulted and patronized, and the two of them have their falling out.
and yet Izuku keeps following him.
even after Kacchan starts insulting him and beating him up. he’s still there, always, following him around like a shadow. and so Katsuki gets even meaner. at some point Izuku has to get the message, right?? but apparently not.
and so it keeps escalating. Katsuki gets worse and worse. but even though Izuku is now afraid of him, he still can’t help being drawn to him. meanwhile Katsuki can’t fucking understand why Deku won’t fucking quit no matter how horrible Katsuki is to him. so he once again takes it as Izuku being condescending. this is Izuku’s way of challenging him. showing that it doesn’t matter what Katsuki does, because Izuku will still always be better than him.
but here’s the thing. that idea of Izuku thinking he’s better than Katsuki -- that couldn’t have just come out of nowhere like that. if he really did believe Izuku was just a quirkless good-for-nothing weakling, it wouldn’t have bothered him that much. that kind of anger doesn’t just come out of left field, and it certainly couldn’t have sustained itself for that long unless there was something deeper fueling it. that something being fear. in other words, Katsuki hated Izuku because deep down he was afraid that somehow Izuku really would surpass him. because he knew from the start that there was something about him, something he didn’t understand, which made it all the more frightening. that something being Izuku’s heart; his spirit; his will to protect others. his Main Character Energy, which radiates out from him at strange times, and takes over in those instances where “my body just moved before I could think.” it’s what made All Might choose him as his successor. we’ve all seen it. y’all know what I’m talking about.
and even though Katsuki doesn’t understand it, some part of him can still feel it all the same. but where Izuku is drawn to Katsuki’s own strength, Katsuki is intimidated by Izuku’s. very likely in part because of his zero-sum mentality. if he acknowledges Izuku’s strength, it’s the same as acknowledging his own weakness. Izuku has something he lacks, and he knows it, and he’s somehow smug about it. he thinks he’s better than him! but fuck that, because Katsuki’s the one who’s going to be number one! right?? but there’s that nagging fear that maybe, just maybe, that isn’t true. and so he gets worse and worse, and tries to get Izuku to stop trailing behind him, tries to shake him off. but it doesn’t work. and so the cycle continues on and on.
and then UA. and all of a sudden, Izuku has a quirk. and is suddenly growing at a prodigious rate. and Katsuki’s growing too, but not as fast. and this is it. this is everything he was afraid of. and every time he hits a setback, and every time Izuku has another victory, those doubts start to gnaw at him more and more. until finally, Kamino.
but we’ll get to that in a minute. to be continued.)
he’s remembering the consoling speeches All Might gave him in chapters 11 and 62. why yes I have Kacchan’s angst chapters memorized. what, doesn’t everyone
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and he’s just lying there now and isn’t getting back up
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give me angst. should I go make some popcorn. I want angst now. give it
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lol remember back when he was being calm about this. or pretending to be calm
he’s fucking SCREAMING at Deku to fight him. “WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!”
and he keeps asking “why”
oh my god it’s what I thought. it’s exactly what I thought isn’t it. isn’t it. it is. isn’t it
(ETA: I’ve written so many essays about these two that I kind of lost track, but I think this is referring to the one I wrote as an ETA for chapter 42 here, about why Katsuki couldn’t stand it when Deku offered him help when they were four. but little did I know that Kacchan was actually about to shift to another subject entirely!)
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tissues should I get some tissues. I’ll go get
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oh shit you guys. lol. :’D
hahaha. okay wow
just. give me a moment to process
like. so this whole time, he looked down on Deku, but actually Deku is doing everything right, and now he’s the one who keeps fucking up. and now apparently he blames himself!? for what happened to All Might??! so on top of his weird complex with Deku, now there’s guilt there also, and for something that was absolutely not his fault. oh shit
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oh my god. angst baby. angst for days angst for weeks lifetime supply yessss
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tell me more about your guilt Kacchan. let it out honey
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(ETA: shout out here to Okamoto Nobuhiko, Bakugou’s Japanese VA. I assume everyone reading this has watched this episode in the anime, but if not, do yourself a favor and go check that out, because all of the emotions from the manga are cranked up to 11 and it’s amazing. and Bakugou’s VA in particular does an incredible job of capturing the turbulence in his emotions. his voice wavers and cracks and vacillates between angry and confused and frustrated, and he sounds every inch like a 16-year-old boy who’s just overwhelmed and fighting back tears and trying to keep himself together. he just totally sells it, and it’s easily one of the best vocal performances I’ve ever heard in an anime.)
holy. just, this is even more than I ever dared to hope speculate, honestly. as horrible as Deku felt about it, Kacchan was completely fucked up by it too. not only is he dealing with the reality of a world without All Might just like everyone else is, he’s also been struggling the entire time with the weight of the thought that it was him. his fault
(ETA: hello I’m back.
so! Kamino. Kacchan gets kidnapped. somehow he’s singled out from among all the possible targets the villains could have had, and they think they can turn him to their side. and even the media is talking about how ~unstable~ he is and maybe he really will do it. he doesn’t, of course. and he talks big and he keeps his cool and he does his best to fight back. but it’s tense. and maybe a lot scarier and more dangerous than he cares to acknowledge at any point.
but then All Might shows up. All Might, his childhood hero, the man he looks up to more than anyone. All Might saves him. and things do get pretty dicey for a bit. for a few seconds he actually ends up back in the villains’ clutches, or very nearly at any rate. but then All Might is there again, and then somehow Deku and Kirishima and the others show up too, and they help him escape he goes along with their escape plan even though he totally had it under control, so that he doesn’t get in All Might’s way. and that’s it. he’s safe again. all is well.
except that it very much is not. because all of a sudden All Might is struggling. and then suddenly he’s different. all of a sudden he’s transformed into this scraggly-looking skeletal figure right before their eyes. and just like that, everything changes.
and in the end All Might still wins, in spite of everything, because it’s All Might. but something is still terribly wrong. and then all of a sudden All Might is pointing at Deku, and “you’re next,” and the pieces finally click into place. Deku has All Might’s power. All Might gave Deku his quirk. All Might himself recognized Deku as someone worthy enough, strong enough, to receive that power. here Katsuki is, getting recruited by fucking villains, and meanwhile Deku is being acknowledged by the hero they both admire.
there are some very obvious implications here. clearly one of them is doing something right. and the other one is very plainly not. it’s possible, even, that this is something Katsuki has suspected in the back of his mind for a while now, even before all of this. something he was in denial about, but was secretly becoming more and more certain of.
and then All Might retires.
that fight against All for One -- the fight that only happened because All Might had to rescue him -- ends up being his last stand. all of a sudden he’s out of commission, his power spent. all of a sudden the unthinkable has happened. all of a sudden there is no more Symbol of Peace.
and all of that. is. Katsuki’s. fault.
“if I’d only been stronger...” “if I hadn’t gotten captured...”
so he starts having thoughts like this. but then the thing is that he can’t tell anyone. because no one else is supposed to know about All Might giving his power to Izuku. so they wouldn’t know that All Might was already weakened going into that battle with All for One. that he was weakened, but went into battle anyway in order to rescue him. and in doing so ended up using up the last of his power. because of him. he fucked everything up.
and imagine if they did know. what would they even think? the world is in chaos now and it’s all his fault. villains are running amok, society is in upheaval, and everyone is feeling the stress. All Might’s walking around all bandaged up with his fucking arm in a cast because you know, it’s nice to have that visual reminder too of just how close he came to actually losing and fucking dying instead of just retiring. and he still won’t acknowledge the connection he has to Deku, though. so clearly he’s still trying to keep it a secret, and so Katsuki shouldn’t bother him about it. so he tries to just move on, because what else can he do.
but he can’t stop thinking about it. the thoughts keep surfacing no matter what he does. he can’t relax, he can’t escape them. and the thing is that he’s very obviously distressed by all this, because here he is now fucking breaking down in front of Deku of all people. showing weakness; fucking crying in front of Deku, because that’s how bad it is. bad enough that he wasn’t able to keep holding it in. bad enough that he had to confess it to him, because he was the only one he could talk to about this, because Deku is the only other one who knows. and you can see the pain in his expression and in his body language, and hear it in his voice -- and once again, props to Okamoto for that, because damn -- enough so that I don’t really need to keep breaking it down. it speaks for itself. when your guilt is hurting you so badly that you start spilling your guts even though you cherish your pride above everything else, and even though you fucking despise the person you’re spilling your guts to, that means it’s bad, guys. it’s really fucking bad.
tl;dr Kacchan is not okay. hell, that could have been the title of the fucking chapter. or this whole fucking mini-arc. my boy needs hugs. but in the absence of hugs, sincere rival beatdowns and heart-to-hearts will also suffice.)
Deku is making the same face he made when he learned about Todoroki’s past
and now, after having a moment to process it, he’s responding in the same way that he did with Todoroki
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oh shit dude
like, I know Kacchan likes when people take fights seriously but damn. why did I fucking laugh
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yessss heal his wounded heart Deku. by fighting him. help him feel like he’s not just a useless bum who’s somehow been going backwards and making things worse
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I can’t believe it’s the end of the fucking chapter again! and that I get to click to the next chapter right away! binge reading is the best you guys omg
  there isn’t a bonus because this was the end of the volume! too bad, we’ll just have to make do with this being the greatest chapter of all time. poor us
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 126: Introduction
Previously on BnHA: We caught up with the villains for a spell and shit was wild. Twice brought in a new guy by the name of Overhaul who apparently has yakuza roots. Tomura’s group was under the impression that he wanted to join them, but Overhaul informed them he had grander intentions -- now that All for One is gone, he intends to make himself the new ruler of the underworld. In other words, he’s a challenger to Tomura’s as-yet-not-very-established throne. Tomura’s group predictably didn’t take to this very well, so Overhaul fucking blew one of them up by way of persuasion. Tomura in turn disintegrated one of Overhaul’s own men because why not, it’s been a while since we had anything really gruesome and shocking in this manga so hey! So in the end it was kind of a draw, and Overhaul left after telling Tomura to give him a call. Back at U.A., Deku and Mirio dropped by to chat with All Might, presumably to set up an internship for Deku.
Today on BnHA: Aizawa announces that the first year students will be allowed to do internships. Deku asks All Might if he can introduce him to his former sidekick, Sir Nighteye. All Might says no, partly because he thinks it’s too dangerous, but mostly because for some reason he thinks it will be awkward. But after some imploring from Deku, he gives in and asks for assistance from Nighteye’s current intern, Mirio. Mirio agrees to introduce Deku to Nighteye. A few days later the two boys travel to his office. Mirio warns Deku that although Nighteye is famous for his stoic demeanor, he actually has a hidden side that prizes humor above all else, and Deku will have to make him laugh in order to win his favor. Deku meets Nighteye and promptly contorts his face into some bizarre All Might impersonation. But Nighteye seems less than impressed.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 155 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
so we’re opening with Aizawa talking about the possibility of the first year students doing internships
he says that the majority of the faculty, including the principal, were like “nah that’s crazy”
(ETA: oh so now y’all care about the safety of your students, huh)
so all the kids are like “what?!” because they were just starting to get really into the idea
also Kaminari is playing with Ojiro’s tail. just cuz it’s there and he can
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meanwhile Bakugou is like “HAHA SUCKERS” because he wouldn’t have been able to do the internships anyway lol
(ETA: Bakugou is in like three scenes in this entire arc, and one of them is a flashback. I’m just gonna enjoy this while I can. here’s his obnoxious shit-eating grin.
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but now there’s a “however” coming from Aizawa’s direction!
oh snap
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sorry Bakugou
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you’ll have your license in a few months and then you can go back to Best Jeanist’s agency (PLEASE??!) or wherever else you want to go and you’ll be all caught up in no time
I’m glad the teachers gave it such careful consideration, too. this seems to be an unusual amount of deliberation from a school which until now has mostly stuck with the philosophy of “just throw ‘em right into the deep end and see if they sink or swim”
so now over in the staff room, Deku’s asking All Might if he’ll introduce him to “Sir Nighteye” for an internship
Ectoplasm is in the background thinking about how he wants to go to karaoke. just making a note of that. this man is clearly pent up and he wants to sing some damn Journey songs goddammit
(ETA: this was mentioned in his bio back in the extras for chapter 61. “favorite thing: karaoke.” I’m so curious about this. why does he love it so much. who does he con into going with him. Hounddog and Vlad, probably)
oh shit look at this man not playing any favorites
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damn. harsh
he says he’s not doing it just to be mean, and of course not. All Might doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. so why, then
apparently there are three reasons!
reason one, he was one of the teachers that were against it. he thinks it’s too dangerous right now with the recent resurgence of villains
(Midnight’s in the background saying that internships have always been risky, though, and that the school should support the students who still want to go. fuckin’ love Midnight, man)
reason two, he says Deku should strengthen his shoot style first
now Ectoplasm and Cementoss are also chiming in with their two cents, in addition to Midnight (and Thirteen) from the previous panel omg. and All Might’s face loool
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oh my god
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I love this man so much
haha. all of these reasons actually suck though. he’s just feeling overprotective at the end of the day isn’t he. and also that last one. awk
but we all know Deku has been extremely fired up recently, and this appears to be why:
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(ETA: “honestly, if Bakugou told you to go jump off a bridge would you do it?” “pshh! no. that’s ridiculous. ...how high a bridge?”
heh. is that too similar to the roof thing to be funny. should I just shut up. whatever I love them)
my god I love their relationship so much
and since they’re in a room filled with other U.A. staffers, all Deku says is “my quirk is very similar to All Might’s” (HINT HINT. WINK WINK), and he thinks that if he works under Nighteye he’ll be favorably compared to All Might
and he’s bowing imploringly and says he needs to become stronger
special attack: Guilt Trip Smash omg
All Might looks to possibly be having a change of heart. but he says he still can’t be the one to give Deku the introduction
he can’t, but...
so I assume this is where Mirio comes in
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Mirio is REALLY PSYCHED to have been summoned by All Might himself. such an honor oh goodness
did All Might not have classes with the senior students before? I’d think that would have taken some of the mystery away from it. but hey, maybe he’s just pumped to actually be able to do him a favor
meanwhile Deku is like “I don’t really understand this situation” and Mirio’s like “HAHA ME TOO”
obviously Mirio is Nighteye’s current intern Deku you boob
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so apparently he’s been his intern for the past year already
Deku’s really impressed by this
All Might’s asking Mirio if he thinks Deku is up to working under Nighteye
oh my god
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Mirio is such a good fucking bro
(ETA: the best bro on god’s green earth)
he’s asking why All Might doesn’t just ask him himself though. he says Nighteye would be thrilled to hear from him
...but All Might says he’s too ashamed to show his face? :(
“in the end... things turned out exactly as he forewarned they would”
I don’t like All Might feeling awkward or ashamed about having lost his powers damn it
should I be mad at Nighteye?? idk right now
(ETA: honestly I can’t really be mad at any of them. which is a bit exasperating for me as a reader having nowhere to direct my frustrations, but also that’s some damn good writing though)
anyway so he’s asking Mirio what he thinks of Deku
Mirio is asking Deku what kind of hero he wants to be. ah, this one’s easy!
oh snap what a great fucking answer
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ladies and gentleman, our fucking protagonist. the GOAT
and he was unconsciously clenching his fists in determination while saying it
Mirio’s like wow that’s crazy dude
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Mirio you’re definitely knocking on my top ten here. I’m not even sure who it is right now honestly. there have been a ton of great new characters recently. ugh it’s hard dammit
(ETA: if you really want to know, the top six are the same as before -- Bakugou, All Might, Izuku, Aizawa, Ochako, and Todoroki -- followed by Momo, Toga, and then yes, this bright-eyed fella. and then idk. Kaminari, Kirishima, Jirou, Best Jeanist, Iida, Mina, and Sero are all vying for that tenth spot. this series has a problem with its characters being too good.
but seriously it’s Best Jeanist)
anyway, he adds that he’d been thinking about it already since their training session earlier
All Might’s looking pensive :/
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what’s on your mind dude
he’s flashing back to his meeting with the Rat Principal that we saw a little bit of back in chapter 121. when RP was telling him he had someone in mind who would be a good successor
and naturally it was Mirio
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and now All Might’s watching him and Deku, and thinking about how Mirio would have been the successor if he’d never run into the latter
in hindsight we owe quite a lot to that sludge villain, huh. but those are the kind of little fateful coincidences I fucking love in stories like this. so many what-ifs. what if All Might hadn’t chosen that day to come to Deku’s hometown. what if Katsuki hadn’t delayed Deku’s walk home that day by blowing up his notebook. what if Deku hadn’t fucking grabbed onto All Might’s leg like a crazy person and caused him to drop his villain bottle. what if All Might hadn’t already been close to his limit at the time. what if the bottle hadn’t landed exactly where Kacchan was walking with his stupid middle school lackeys. all these little things that came together. I like it, because when you think about it all it feels like destiny
anyway. not only did I go on a nostalgic tangent there, but I also went back and reread the entire first chapter just now whoops. I’m so easily distracted
so now it’s the weekend!
and the other boys are hanging out lazily having breakfast, but meanwhile Deku’s like
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meanwhile these two are also up early, and Todoroki is trying to be friends, but Bakugou doesn’t want to be awake yet omg
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(ETA: and off they went, never to be seen again)
haha. I love them
I really really really really really love Kaminari’s bedhead
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I want to ruffle his hair and never stop. power him up. static quirk. worth it
now Mirio and Deku are arriving at Nighteye’s office
it’s really nice. Deku is intimidated
Mirio’s reminding Deku that Nighteye has very strict standards. but it appears that Deku is already aware
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but Mirio says there’s another side to him that he doesn’t show to the media
he says if Deku doesn’t want to get turned away, then he needs to make him laugh at least once. lol what
apparently Night respects humor above everything else. in spite of his stoicism, or maybe because of it
Mirio says all he can do is introduce Deku and then the rest is up to him
well it sure is a good thing Deku is such a naturally funny guy. always crackin’ wise, that Deku. we’re not fucked at all, no sir
now Deku’s asking Mirio why he’s doing this for him. it’s because he’s just a nice guy, Deku!!
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damn, he would have been a great successor. Deku is still the best of course. but wow
there’s a page of Nighteye having a weird conversation with some girl named Bubble Girl who’s only wearing about one third of a shirt
he’s chastising her for not having enough enthusiasm or vigor
damn it’s just like Mirio said huh
holy shit he’s hooked her up to some kind of weird bdsm-y tickling machine what the actual fuck
wowwwwwwwwww okay let’s skip right on past this. just. wow
(ETA: I feel like I know way more about Horikoshi’s fetishes than I ever wanted to. this is easily the single most uncomfortable panel in the entire series and I wish it never existed)
so now Deku is being stared down. and having a dramatic moment where he’s intensely thinking about how far he’s come and that he needs to show him some damn humor!!
Deku just show him your collection of t-shirts with weird shit written on them
or. you could try this I guess
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this is apparently his All Might face. this is his best shot
he says a sense of humor is the thing he lacks the most. goddamn, it’s true. EXCEPT FOR THE SHIRTS
lol this response
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and now Deku is sweating and Mirio’s thinking “it bombed!” but I actually don’t think it did omg. I think he fucking nailed it
(ETA: boy was I wrong on that one)
but this is the end of the chapter. wow
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“the quintessential Japanese to All Might’s quintessential American”
I don’t even know what to think. I’m still trying to retroactively erase the tickling machine from existence by sheer willpower alone. but it’s not working dammit
(ETA: it really was not a good introduction. he makes a much better impression in the next chapter coming up.
I also just noticed that he doesn’t have a real name listed here. is it supposed to be a secret?? why
also is this fucker really going to die. fuck Overhaul so goddamn much. this arc is going to give me trust issues from here on out. any character who’s introduced with too much of an OP quirk is on borrowed time. fml)
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