#there are images of her injuries
watdepotschaft · 2 years
The protest was a huge succes❤️ it was organized by my friends and they all told their stories. They also gave other people a platform to share their own experiences. It was such a safe space and it was so full of love. I am proud of my friends and the whole community who was there at the protest and at on insta live. Thanks for sharing my message on here❤️
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Last Friday during Amsterdam Pride 🏳️‍🌈 our friend @sophietje56 was assaulted by her @uber driver after being dropped off with her friend at her home. They both felt the mood shift in the Uber once the driver realized they were two women and together. Once they arrived, the Uber driver picked a fight. He tried to force himself into the hallway pushing against the front door when our friends tried to get inside. He proceeded to grab Sophie and throw her against a steel railing where she hit her head against and then she hit her head once more on the ground. She fell hard and was left unconscious while the Uber driver got back in his car and drove off. Sophie had to be taken to the hospital by an ambulance and has 5 stitches on her head as well as a concussion and nerve damage which left half of her head without any feeling.
What happened shocked us all. Not only were we made painfully aware of that these homophobic attacks still occur, we were also shocked at how such a huge company like @uber made little effort to take responsibility for their drivers’ actions.
The driver has been blocked from Uber and lost his certificate of conduct (VOG in Dutch) but we are still unsure how Uber is planning to change to prevent this from happening in the future. This has happened many times before and this will continue to happen if Uber does not make a change. A big company with such an active Pride campaign certainly does not seem to “move with pride”.
We want to spread awareness about what happened during Pride, remind people that Ubers are still NOT always safe for queer people and women but most importantly; make @uber listen, make a change and take responsibility for what happened.
We will come together at the Homomonument this Wednesday at 18:00 to raise our voices and stand by Sophie in solidarity. Come join us ❤️🏳️‍🌈
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cupophrogs · 3 months
i want to grab ur ocs under their arms and make them dance like cat owners do with their cats
Ah! Thank you so much! Speaking of arms-
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Poppet has none! They don't have any lips either...
You know how a tiger will gnaw off it's own leg to escape a trap? Well, the Minis certainly got a feast out of it! After taking a small vat of acid to the face and resisting the Prototype, Poppet was strung up with the rest of the Smiling Critters and left to the mercy of the Minis. So, despite the agony and the blood loss, Poppet chewed through sleeves and sinew until they were free. They've mostly been hiding in their box ever since.
Close ups!
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Fun Fact: Poppet's box is hooked up to the Gas Production Zone, so it functions like a stasis chamber. Whenever Poppet is inside, the lid locks, and Poppet basically goes into hibernation. It's the only reason they haven't starved, and why the box must be wound to open! Turning the crank shuts off the gas so it doesn't leak when the box is opened. There is an internal mechanism so Poppet can get out without help, but it takes a break in the gas for them to be awake enough to pull it.
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hershelwidget · 2 months
Yeah ok more bo I MEAN completely normal barnacleses. barnaci? barncle. barnanc NEVERMIND
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In all seriousness I think the part BB loves most about being the Captain is that he’s got that big voice and confidence to match and it has FUN with it. Gets Extra when saying his catchphrases and stuff yk
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Also some cute quirks it has <3 BB’s actually adorable I can’t even deny it anymore (either that or my old crush on Barnacles is acting up) COUGHS ANYWAYS
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mg549 · 3 months
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sheala sirene-wishgiving mercreature-2013
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thoughts on how the Liyue Archon quest went [9]
i feel like the Rite of Parting takes place a day or something after the Northland Bank confrontation, but again i'm too lazy to check. either way, Lumi and Kaeya ARE still kinda injured from the whole fight w/ Childe, so they DO have to rest at least for like a day??? idr the timeline in the actual game, but i. Do. what i. want. these scars are prolly gonna last, too,,,,
the rest of this is just my personal h/c of the Rite of Parting. specifically the bit where Keqing asks Lumi what they can do in thanks, and Lumi's like 'how about some missing persons posters?'
and this time i feel like it's fine if they do just do missing persons posters here. like genuinely Lumi's like 'well, so far i've got the companions i need, so there's no biggie', but even then Ningguang and Keqing prolly have eyes all over the place looking for her brother. but still, Lumi strolling up after saving the harbor from an ancient god and just being like 'how abt helping me put up posters' is just so FUCKING FUNNY???? LIKE GIRL,,,
anyway i think it's the literal coolest, literally the silliest goofiest thing. meanwhile Kaeya's like 'well dw i can at least utilize ur hero status to do my job as an envoy', which he does.
the conversation with Zhongli is a little less tense, since time has passed since their confrontation w/ him and Signora in the Golden House (and also b/c neither Harbinger is there at the moment, fyi).
i feel like Lumi is a little more open to hearing his side of things and how he explains things, and Kaeya's mostly just wary of Zhongli (but still empathetic b/c man, this guys been alive for an unfathomably large amt of time). i like to think that the conversation starts out pretty tense, but then they get to the topic of Mora and Lumi and Kaeya are once again amused by Zhongli's complete and utter Mora blindness. Kaeya's a little concerned abt the whole 'no more Mora' thing, until Lumi points out that the Leylines blossoms kinda give up Mora so maybe it'll be fine.
also i feel like Zhongli probably tries and gets them to go rest after a little while, b/c again,,, they're still a bit injured,,, and he is Concerned(tm),,,
(side not: speaking of Leyline blossoms, i genuinely have a thought abt this. b/c Mora is both money and a catalyst, so when u use it to upgrade things, i feel like it's just put into the Leylines and u can just obtain it that way??? but idk how much stock ppl might put into that)
anyway, this is the end of my h/c's for the Liyue Archon quest, but trust me when i say that the Adventuring Rambles are silly :)c
also Inazuma IS next, but,,, again,,, curse that damn place,,,, (no offense to Inazuma lovers)
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the-ipre · 2 months
You ever come up with the best character names and know you will never reach that peak again
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orlandospride · 11 months
lauren james does deserve 3 match ban for what she did tbh and i hope she gets one
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deathfavor · 4 months
@scrtilegii said: the sharp ends of her form frighten him not, permitting for them to pierce his form as he seeks to stand as close to Dreya as possible. behold the tribute in blood that I bring to you!, silent yet nonetheless implied. a ravenous thing, desire. and he ought to know better than to permit it to consume him, though, alas, none other in the world should be more deserving of his adoration than her.
capturing Dreya's form in his wanting arms, Parma presses his lips against the inviting skin of her neck, all the while enduring the sharpness of the spikes piercing his body in full. oh, but it is not his blood alone he would offer her. how else should he show her the bottomless pit of his want? how else would he write the words of the spell he wishes to cast on her, if not in his own blood? come, oh Goddess, do surrender yourself to me! I shall rebuild your altar, I shall offer you proper libation. for now, let my arms encircle you, let my mouth worship you, let my blood stand as sacrifice! ( hello AJAHSHSHS )
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The realm beyond moves with activity ; like the waxing and waning of the moon itself, like the ebb and flow of the tides, so too does her realm in activity. Sometimes it is tranquil and other times it pulses with activity, like the hum of a star being pulled together. The latter is the state now, with more of her enhanced creatures roaming the landscape of the realm though they grant Parma access unharmed as if he belongs to the realm. And is that not the case? If he belongs to Dreya, then so does he belong as everything else in this realm does to her.
Real gods require blood in the same way mortals require water - they require conflict and grit and resilience. As the emergence of her moon draws nearer through the steady march of time, more sharp edges appear on her, piercingly sharp and as black as a starless void. They fold and lap together - some as platelike armor, others like weapons. They pierce through flesh with ease, her head turned to watch him when he bleeds for her. That is true dedication ; willingness to let yourself be torn apart for that which you worship with every inch of your being. What is more generous than a deity letting you tear yourself apart upon them? To let you lay hand and lips upon them? To feel your blood upon their hand by their acceptance alone?
Dreya tilts her head to grant him easier access to the skin of her throat, where galaxies and supernovas run through her veins beneath the surface. One hand lifts to press against the small of his back, urging him closer still. When she sighs in pleasure and delight, its the soul of the universe itself that sighs in tandem with her, through her. What it cannot speak, she can. What it cannot touch with hands, she can. Already impaled upon her, fingers press and press - not with razor claws or ferocious violence, but part through flesh and blood with tender care, like the splitting of an orange or lovingly opening a closed book. Her fingers brush across his very core with a lovers embrace, as gentle as the delicate touch of petals despite the blood on her hand. She caresses him and so does the universe through her, accepting his burning want and reciprocating in kind through the intimacy of the blood and contact.
Her head turns to where he's pressed to the graceful beauty of her throat and pulls back only so she can kiss him proper, while her hand remains buried within the chest, touch ever gentle and loving in its morbid scene. But he is beyond mortals as well, he can endure such a loving gesture from a goddess. She draws them together under red infernal moonlight. Want. Want. Such a strange concept to be reintroduced to beyond knowledge. She wants, and so she accepts his own wanting in kind, feeds it in kisses and blood sacrifice and in the tilt of her head when she allows him back to her throat and accept his gaping hunger while her own shows in the possessive hand on his back on the loving touch, the claim of this one as hers no matter what any other dare say.
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Woah I'm actually doing:?
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Warning mention: Bugs, Maggots specifically, and sickness.
Bad writing, rough draft moment
(I'm new at the Mature system)
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goddess-of-graphite · 11 months
The Great Notes App Exodus: Gothic Dragons
Gotham has always been protected by a Dragon, even before it was ever Gotham.
There was a way about the land Gotham stood upon, that was all twisted magics and darkness and feral energy that never quite fit in man’s modern world. America had but one Guardian Dragon - except for Gotham, which was near a law and country unto itself.
Gotham was a sanctuary for the supernatural, but it was not kind. Those non-humans who risked its dark streets were the brave, or the foolish, or the terribly desperate. Gotham was a dark city, and it’s people adapted or were driven out.
(But should a threat ever come for her, all of Gotham would rise up in response.)
So Gotham had its own Guardian, but the Dragon guarded the world outside from Gotham’s brutality just as much as it shielded Gotham from those that would rend her apart.
But, of course, Dragons were only so many, and new blood must be brought in - human blood, as it often was, and so the trend of Dragon blood “skipping” a generation emerged.
And the bloodline of the Guardian Dragons of Gotham withered, bit by bit, because it is far easier to kill a human of dragon blood than it is to kill a Dragon of human descent.
(And Bruce Wayne has never hated this truth of the world more - because his parents had been Skipped, human, and if they had been dragons, they’d still be there with him.
But they weren’t.
It was just Bruce, a fledgling Dragon, and the butler left to care for him.)
Although Gotham had only ever had one Guardian Dragon, it had at one time had a whole lineage of Dragons capable of taking up the mantle. As the Dragons intermarried, however, more and more lines broke off with human kin, occasionally producing dragons.
But the Guardian Line had been reduced to one untrained hatchling. And that hatchling didn’t much care if it was a Dragon or a dragon that was Guardian of the city, just that there was someone to Guard it.
The problem is, of course, that the hatchling needs training - but he cannot get that in Gotham.
So he leaves.
He comes back ready to pull his city back from the brink, by force if (when) necessary.
Here’s the thing - Bruce is no Dragon, because for all that he is the last of the Guardian line he doesn’t adhere to the rules of that duty.
A Guardian’s duty is to the supernatural beings they protect.
Bruce has already decided that that is not enough. Human or Magical Being, if no one else will step in, then he will.
Bruce might have been the Gotham Dragon, but that didn’t mean he was the only dragon in the city.
The thing about dragon blood is that it tended to turn up dragons unexpectedly in families that had been mostly human. A dragon ancestor could have human children, and their children have human children, and then a dragon. It was a recessive trait when introduced into human bloodlines, and especially if it was paired with yet more human lines, but it also was tellingly stubborn - a human may only have a single draconian ancestor hundreds of years back, but they could still unexpectedly turn up a dragon hatchling.
It was just sheer dumb luck that a bunch of said unexpected hatchlings turned up within the span of the same generation.
#The Great Notes App Exodus#graphite writes#american dragon was a show I held close to my heart the entire first season#and then they changed the art style and I Literally Could Not watch it#But the concept is so cool and I love dragons so here it is transplanted onto the batfam <3#I also considered a version where the rest of the batfam are all different mythical creatures or even just human#Dick would be a water-based siren because I love the thought of him longing for the sky like his bird-siren ancestors#the thought is that you have three variations of sirens: the nymph-like sirens who are the oldest and rarest version#The bird-based sirens who came after Demeter charged them with finding Persephone#And the most prevalent water-based sirens from when they threw themselves into the sea when they couldn’t lure in Odysseus or w/e#So ever since sirens long for the skies and it’s all very tragic <3#Jason would be a werewolf because I adore the image of this tiny floppy puppy coming back as this two-metre tall feral behemoth of a beast#and Tim as always gave me trouble so I decided he got turned into a vampire while wandering the streets alone one night with his camera#Babs had latent naga blood that activated when she lost the use of her legs so now if she wants she can spawn a snake tail instead#she can’t go out like that obvi but it’s nice being able to get around regardless of her injury#Cass is human because I thought it was funny that the most dangerous batfam member was the only one who wasn’t a mythical being <3#Fuck knows about Steph tho#Some kinda vocal mimic maybe??#Something subtle so that she seems human at first (and second) (and third) glance#It doesn’t help that her personality is so loud since it tends to distract people from any of her Otherness
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Iron Man (1968) #41
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medicasino · 25 days
genuinely think i need to start filtering out tags related to Teto because seeing Teto is starting to make me violently upset lol
It's infuriating because I really loved her but how am i supposed to get over The Literal Nazi Imagery that was on Teto's OFFICIAL SITE until very recently it was removed??? *2023* recently???? and its wild because i have SEEN people be aware of that and still like Teto and im genuinely so confused? Sure they were initially from 16 years ago when teto was first created but they were on the official site for so long???? genuinely can someone please explain to me why i dont see anyone talking about this???
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cannotfly · 2 months
the first thing you will notice about johanna is that she is very beautiful.
you will see the long, dark lashes. you will see the bright green eyes. you will see the fair tone of her skin, long fingers, pink lips. her long, curly, yellow hair and how there's usually a lock of it looped over one of her fingers. you will notice how long her legs are, despite her small stature. she is beautiful and wears a sad smile.
the next thing you will notice is pain.
her legs are long, yes, but its as if you can see right through them. you can see the jutted-out hips. every easily defined rib. the hollowness of her collarbones as they meet her thin shoulders. it would take a single hit to break one of the bumps in her spine. sunken cheeks, bruise-like coloring under her eyes, burns covering her limbs since she doesn't realize her bathwater is too hot, actual bruises dot along everywhere since she doesn't have enough fat to cushion herself. a small and flat chest. blue veins. two scars on the undersides of her elbows from bloodletting. a pleading, haunted look wherever her pretty eyes turn.
then you will notice life.
despite the skeleton of her appearance, she is alive. the sun is trapped in the yellow of her hair. her cheeks flash pink when someone makes a scandalous comment. a thin leg bounces gently when sitting. a freckle on her left eyelid. everything once again becomes a reminder of how close she's been to death, yet has cheated him over and over again. it reminds you of how she didn't always want to be alive. yet she is and she is going to grit her teeth into a smile and hold her chin up because she is still alive.
she is a mix of everything before her. her father's death, her mother's agony and her own ability to survive despite everything. she is dolled up in pain, but is fighting to get better, to move on.
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nateconnolly · 9 months
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[Image ID:
A picture that says “A student once asked anthropologist Margaret Mead, “What is the earliest sign of civilization? The student expected her to say a clay pot, a grinding stone, or maybe a weapon. 
Margaret Mead thought for a moment, then she said, “A healed femur.”
The second picture is a news headline. It is bolded and a much larger font. “27-year-old who couldn’t afford $1,200 insulin copay dies after trying cheaper version.”
The third picture is the same font and size as the Margaret Mead quote. It’s a continuation. It says, “A femur is the longest bone in the body, linking hip to knee. In societies without the benefits of modern medicine, it takes about six weeks of rest for a fractured femur to heal. A healed femur shows that someone cared for the injured person, did their hunting and gathering, stayed with them, and offered physical protection and human companionship until the injury could mend.” 
The fourth picture is another headline. It is in a large and bolded type. “Dying man who couldn’t afford to go to hospital after vomiting blood"
The fifth picture is a screenshot of the Margaret Mead story.
Mead explained that where the law of the jungle—the survival of the fittest—rules, no healed femurs are found. The first sign of civilization is compassion, seen in a healed femur. 
The next screenshot is of a slightly different font. The letters are pointier and the lines are a little curvier. It says, “Susan Finley returned to her job at a Walmart retail store in Grand Junction Colorado, after having to call in sick because she was recovering from pneumonia.
The day after she returned, the fifty three  year old received her ten year associate award — and was simultaneously laid off, according to her family. She had taken off one day beyond what is permitted by Walmart’s attendance policy.
After losing her job in May 2016, Finley also lost her health insurance coverage and struggled to find a new job. Three months later, Finley was found dead in her apartment after avoiding going to see a doctor for flu-like symptoms. 
A screenshot of a bold, bigger headline. It says ‘The house always wins’: Insurers’ record profits.
A final screenshot of smaller text with a slightly gray background. It says “We are at our best when we serve others. Be civilized.” /end ID.] 
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lee-sol · 3 months
🩸 + 🔄 .
concerned rp starters | accepting !!
when working a closing shift, when you’re all alone and vulnerable, the last thing you want to see is a person bloodied behind the shop you work at. but when sol opens the back door to take out the trash for the night, he sees just that. at first, he just sees a shadowy figure slumped against the wall. in his curiosity, he steps closer, only stopping to toss the trash bag into the open bin.
it’s not the smartest thing to do, he could be putting himself in danger, but… he still has to see if this stranger is okay, he doesn’t want to look up the news the next day, and find out someone had died next to the coffee shop, when he could have stepped in and helped.
by now, his eyes mostly have adjusted to the darkness. thanks to that, and the poorly lit streetlights, the figure becomes clearer, more recognizable. and it turns out… the figure is someone he knows. and by the looks of things, she doesn’t look too good. in fact, she looks a bit out of it, it’s hard to say whether or not she even registers his presence. slowly, as not to startle her, he kneels to her level, trying to get a closer look at her. and to say he’s surprised is a complete understatement, he has a lot he wants to ask, but he refrains… for the most part.
“ you don’t look too good, did you get in a fight? ” a sight like this looks all too familiar, he’s seen what the aftermath of a fight looks like plenty of times, and it looks exactly like this. he’s torn right now, there’s a first aid in the back of the shop, he doesn’t want to risk leaving her in this condition, but he doesn’t know if she’ll let him help her in. he finally holds out his hand, hoping that his voice had made her aware enough of his presence to want let him help her.
“ do you need me to call 9-1-1? i don’t need you dying behind the shop and coming back to haunt it. ” the words come out a bit faster this time, the nervousness inside of him growing by the minute. “ if not, i know some basic first aid, and there’s a kit in the back. and then you can tell me how you ended up here in the first place. ”
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akajustmerry · 4 months
that video of the little kid in Gaza with his cat in his lap, begging it not to eat him and his siblings when they die. videos of Palestinians giving part of whatever food they have to their animals and using precious resources to bandage their injuries. footage of Palestinians eating pet food. Footage of Palestinians being forced to eat their's and other's pets because the occupation is starving them. the occupation murdering cats and other pets they find in front of Palestinians. the clip of those children who were ecstatic because they were able to find their pets in the rubble, or take their pets with them as they flee. bisan crying because she misses her cats and has no idea if they lived. the two brothers who chose to stay in Gaza and risk their lives to continue running their cat sanctuary. Palestinian men pulling people from the rubble clutching their cats. I don't make this post to say I care for the pets more than the people, but just...as a person who loves my pet cat so much I don't understand how people can see these images, even perpetrate this horror, and do nothing. I pat my cat and I think of Palestine and Palestinians missing their pets, clutching their pets, and being forced to eat their pets. I can't imagine the pain of it. Call your reps, support BDS, go to protests, keep bearing witness. Free Palestine and end the occupation.
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