#there are no endgames tho so thats fun
ajdrawshq · 4 months
my finger slipped and hit the fwickin send button weh
our prediction is that act ii ends when Frin faces and dies to the king of sadboy losers, and that act iii ends where sasasaap ends after beating him for the first time.
i personally wish i had thought to convince Goggles to play isat andplayedviddygames without playing the prologue, if only because knowing the rough shape of the next act and a half out a tiny hole in the tension balloon and only the promise of future mystery is keeping our head in the game
(seven acts? the king is clearly an anchor of some sorts so he isn’t unimportant but he clearly isn’t the endgame?? and then there’s loop who wasn’t even in the professionallogue…)
anyway, if you want to watch kayzero reactions (to isat, the start again vods isn’t my first time playing the prologue) and amateur voice acting (i love my rendition of the bathroom freakout it’s phenomenal) the vods are getting uploaded and i have a playlist I can link you.
this has been Kay’s Week 5 ISAT Check In~ presented to my friend aj~ here’s a question though—what would your craft type be? Rock Paper or Scissors? (will there eventually be enough information about all three of them to say definitively which one i would be? if not i’ll just have to make a character sheet as if i’m in the game.)
first of all: YESSSS im so excited to see u theorize n speculate on this stuff as u go :3c and those are verrry interesting predictions indeed.... who knows!! ALSO "THE KING OF SADBOY LOSERS"..... YEAH.....
i can definitely see what u mean on wanting to play isat before the prologue.. im not gonna say much else on that, so as to not add onto any potential spoilers u may or may not have gotten that way, but i will say that theres merit in playing it both with and without having played the prologue!! i played sasasap afterwards personally so i Was completely blind going in, but i love seeing the differences in gameplay, what everyones characterization and dynamics used to be like, among other things.. and of course comparing it with everything that was added in isat!! which is a Lot!! its fun to think about :3
as for the acts.. yknow what im not even gonna tell u if ur right or not abt the number. and the rest of that as well of course ksbxksj after all, the more mystery there is, the more fun youll have!! teehee~
I ABSOLUTELY WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT PLAYLIST THO :D god i love the Epic Bathroom Breakdown scene in sasasap its so . ougghgh (affectionate)
anddddd my craft type huh.. i wanna say scissors!! but that might be biased bc most of my favs just happen to be the scissors types . maybe paper if thats the case.. AND tbh i cant say for sure?? i remember there being more than one scene or bit of dialogue that lists some traits but..... yea u may want to make that character sheet kxbskcbjs
OH AND ONE LAST THING. are u both open to receiving any kind of hints for a secret and super missable thing . whetherit be super vague or telling u how to see the thing. and if not would u like a piece of advice that tells u practically nothing but may help in the long run (both for this reason and just in general tbh)
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karkkledoodle · 3 months
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a girl and her girl
i could actually talk about Mazonite for hours i hold her so dear to me for no reason.
so i shall lore dump. all of this is subject to change but i feel like yapping rn.. anyways
Mazonite's the drummer for her sex rock band Eudialyte! She does most of the writing for the band but her voice is a little too, in her opinion, raspy and yucky to sing. ): What you get for 10+ years of chain smoking ig
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She's in her mid-lateish twenties and acts like a college student who has no sense of self preservation. Her kitchen usually has nothing but juice, cereal, sauce, and leftover local restaurant food. Sometimes theres a bagged precooked chicken if she's feeling rich. Also the baked goods her girlfriend brings her!!! Those go fast though.
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Mazon met Floyd outside of a bar one night. He was in his mid-late teens, playing guitar for money in desperate attempt to get back on his feet after his solo career failed. Don't worry, he gets another shot at it later.
She offers to take him in! Floyd's a little hesitant, as one should be when an intoxicated woman comes out from a bar after her band's performance and offers you a place to live. Eventually he accepts when she offers to take him to get something to eat. They go to some dingy local joint and she gets a burrito (VERY IMPORTANT(not really(i would kill for a burrito rn(thats all)))). She mentions her girlfriend over dinner and the wlw mlm solidarity is enough to convince Floyd he's safe with her. Maybe not the best logic, but he's a queer teenage boy and that's more or less the logic we all had at some point.
Mazonite has no recollection of the events the next morning but is chill with this new roommate. He's sassy but they get along. She dubs him her "nephew", which he doesn't exactly love.
Floyd: I'm not your nephew.
Mazonite: Why can't I be? ):
Floyd: For one, you're as old as my eldest brother. For another, we aren't related.
Mazonite: Consider, Flo, that I am like the cool sexy lesbian aunt you have been missing your whole lifey-wifey?!?
Floyd: D- .. Don't ever say sexy and aunt in the same sentence.
Mazonite: I buy you black hair dye and this is how you treat me??? ):
He learns to stop caring about the nephew title.
Eventually Mazon introduces Floyd to the band and he maaaybe has a little crush on their guitarist/singer, Aveil. What gay emo teen doesn't love a guy with long hair, a little facial hair, and tattoos. Anyways, the band loves him! Mazon's girlfriend, Renée is a bit worried that she isn't feeding him properly. He assures her he's fine. Renée starts sending more homecooked dishes.
Floyd joins Eudialyte when Aveil gets arrested for smth stupid a few days before the band has a show. Mazonite begs him to sing, just for one show, just one night. Floyd's against it just because he's really set on being a soloist, but Maz pesters him into one show. He ends up really enjoying it. Who knew being a band could be fun? Just like back with...well...nevermind. He'd rather not talk about it.
Floyd stays singing for Eudialyte when Aveil returns and he helps Mazonite write some of the music! Way down the line Floyd leaves Eudialyte to pursure his solo career, and the band couldn't be more thrilled. They are his biggest fans (: Mazon goes to every show she can and screams as loud as possible as close to the front as she can get. Bro owns all the Floyd merch she can get her sharp little fingers on.
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She's my silly meow meow
Anyways idk what else to say there's def more to her but I'm drawing a blank lol. Mazonée endgame tho they are so in love and I could make a whole post on their relationship. They get married one day and have a daughter!!! :D
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trainingdummyrabbit · 6 months
Probably a silly question but idk much about it so which pokemon mystery dungeon do I start with
oh! any youd prefer! theyre all disconnected from each other as stories so Technically theres no Real Proper Order, buuuuuut. im hard fixated on this series so ill vouch for em individually via the differences i know :]
red/blue rescue team: red is on gba, blue is a ds port. im not sure th proper difference there? theyre just a really good time, nod nods. only caveat is that its the first in the series, and there were some Serious QoL fixes in th next few games ''> > like significantly more inventory space, better movesets, better recruit mechanics... which is to say, start here if you dont wanna backtrack and experience The Horrors like i did. being a gen3 game it does Not hold back on u imo.. has a lot of fun postgame stuff if you really love the gameplay.
explorers of sky: typical fan favorite iirc! (technically the successor to time/darkness, but it has More Stuff and More QoL. the mildly adjusted one.) my personal favorite also. surprise surprise. has an entire games worth of postgame AND sidestories featuring the npcs. it is so full of love ok. a very good place to start if you just want a good taste of the series as a whole imo. also FOOTPRINT MINIGAAAMEEEEEE ‼‼‼‼🎉🎉🎉🎉
gates to infinity: divisive. i personally loved it, but its gameplay Is a bit different from th previous ones. iirc a bit shorter too? it also almost solely features unovan pokemon in terms of Actual Recruits n such, so its a much smaller roster. still made me deeply emotional tho, i do not stand for gti slander in this house. just a sliiight bit of a toneshift, for lack of a better descriptor.
super mystery dungeon: ok so i havent actually. played this one yet... ''> > but! its the second up there in terms of Dearly Beloved By Fans asfar as i know, BUT. id recc playing this one after any others tbh, just bc it seems like itd hit a bit harder that way. but thats just personal (uneducated) opinion, and you can certainly just beeline here if u want. nothing stopping ya. o7
as a little tip for all of these, uh. 1) reviver seeds are your friend, 2) you mostly cant evolve till endgame, so dont pick purely on final evo if youre intent on Picking your starter rather than taking the quiz result, 3) bring room control moves/items for the love of god monster houses dont PLAY.
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spector · 1 year
my goomens s2 thoughts
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ok so spoilers obviously BUT
my god . this was a shitshow GFFHIGHFIg i really went in with like . the lowest expectations bc all i wanted was a). see my purple whore (gabriel) and see him be funny b). have a good finale for him where he remains the most special boy in heaven
i did NOT expect the show to be sooo bad in the writing department it was insane. like, ok, i don't care much for crowley and aziraphale, i never did. i love it when they're being fruity and silly on screen, that's fun but overall I'm not very much invested in them. but in this season u barely get them doing fun stuff together, they're always split up and on their own they just don't deliver
AND THE WORST FUCKING PART. are those fucking minisodes/flashbacks . they're so bad. my god. but its clear everyone involved in creating them LOVES the idea but ???? every single one of them SUCKED and took focus away from interesting things that were happening in the PRESENT. the entire mystery plot about gabriel was interesting but guess what, they set it up and then . forget about it until the last episode where they just do a MASSIVE exposition dump in like 15 minutes. u get the entire mystery handed to you on a silver platter and the worst part is, they could have set it up like a genuine investigation for the viewer to guess it, but its the same as BBC sherlock fuckery. the actual resolution is something u never could have guessed on your own !!!!!!!! like there were hints (wit the fly in the shop) but they NEVER followed up on it, they just randomly resolve it in the final episode . my god
anyways back to the minisodes/flashbacks. theyre so bad. i said that already but they're so bad. the blitz episode is the worst offender bc not only it takes place right after that really nice scene from s1 and thusly robs it of any emotional impact, but its also . JUST BAD. EXTREMELY BORING AND UNFUNNY. DREADFULLY UNFUNNY. job minisode was really bad too . the finale of it was ok but the whole buildup was stupid as FUCK. the corpse robbing bit in victorian edinburgh was SOOOO boring and at the end there - extremely cringe. WHY DID THEY EVEN BOTHER WITH THOSE. THEY ADDED NOTHING TO THE PLOT. at least in s1 when they did the minisodes, they served as character exploration for crowley and aziraphale and they also set up some of heaven/hell lore, THE ONES IN S2 WERE NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL . at one point it seemed like all the bits from the past somehow lead to the current mystery (like that doctor guy and the pub named after him) BUT THEN IT ALL TURNED OUT TO NOT BE CONNECTED AT ALL
the blitz episode . my god . it was just . so bad. i have no words really.
and the lesbian subplot - like. it needed to be more connected to the main plot. i didn't mind it at all but . it went and disappeared and then suddenly became the focus of episode five... WHEN AT THIS POINT, WE SHOULDVE BEEN GETTING CLOSER TO SOLVING THE MYSTERY. BUT THE MYSTERY WAS SHELVED FOR SOME FUCKING REASON. its insane how much aziraphale and crowley just. forget about gabriel even tho they should be busting ass to solve the case as it were.
and my god, gabriel. ive never been like. ride or die for gabriel/beelzebub, they've always been two boss bitches that slayed together or whatever , i prefer them to be that and not romantically involved but i also dont mind them to be an item. so whatever, i dont mind them being endgame BUT I MIND BOTH OF THEM DITCHING THEIR POSITIONS OF POWER BECAUSE I THINK THEYRE TOO COOL FOR THAT . WHATEVER . THATS LAME . they should've like. reorganized everything .
ITS JSUT ? INSANE HOW BAD THE WRITING IS and i don't even mean that from a gabriel girlie's perspective. imagine if the season starts out with like, idk a murder mystery and it looks like solving the murder is the most important thing for the story, at least it seems so in episode one. and then suddenly the rest of the season is about what the two detectives did some time ago and its totally unrelated and also at some point there are two episodes dedicated to them looking for some files for an unrelated mystery to get their bosses of their back. and the murder is solved at the last moment through magical CCTV footage they could've accessed at any point in the season if they just Tried A Bit Harder.
it really boggles the mind. it REALLY DOES. they should have dropped all the minisodes they did NOTHING . the ball episode should have been like. ep 3 or smth. the rest should've been the investigation of the weird fuckery. shax was wasted. additional hell and heaven lore felt like deconstruction instead of worldbuilding. I'm going insane with how bad all of this was, I REALLY DIDNT EXPECT IT TO BE SUCH A SHITSHOW LIKE DFHGIDDHGIGH ITS FUNNY??? ITS JUST BASICS OF SHOWMAKING .
and again, i dont care about aziraphale but the last moment arc felt so out of character for him like my god, didn't we just spend an entire job minisode establishing he's questioning heaven and now he just returns to it AUHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG what the fuck is going on. how is this so BAD HGIFGHGIH . the last episode is such a shitshow that its like. its remarkable. I'm genuinely surprised bc my expectations were low but WOW. just WOW
i have to stop now before i continue picking everything apart but AUGHGHG JESUS !!!!! I COULDNT HAVE PREDICTED IT BEING SO BAD
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colourful-void · 2 months
1: finished the komeji and shoma ending! i! okay ill be honestly i wasn't super thrilled. I REALLY like the set up stuff in terms of simulation reality, and beleiving its all fake bcs you can't cope, im MASSIVELY INTO THAT. But. I don't. like. Komeji I'm so sorry his just. he's so cube. and he annoys me. I feel like a usually have a pretty high tolerance for this kinda stuff but I just. On paper i get it but in practice I really dont like him. was very happy to see date n co tho. i think it's RIDICULOUSSSS how they explain date's interest in porn like that did not need to be explained. however. its such a stupid explanation it kinda loops back around to being funny to me. sure. why not.
2: ollowing finishing that route i tried to get back to Tokiko to see if i could use that elevator code, bcs she'd been mentioning frayers and i thought i knew what that was but i did not. but no thats only 6 digits so still not right f=/. dang. i also tried to get onto mizuki's half i miss my baby, but i found i needed two names. i know Dahlia is one, but the other is 4 letters so. Currently its probably either for Mame, Lien, or Naix. I suspect Naix the most as an answer.
3: started onto the other route from komeji's somnium. I maintain that these are too easy. It's not like they're like. the problem is that I feel like i'm being treated like I'm an idiot. ryuki and tama talk everything out in such detail, and theres often not a lot of stuff to interact with at all, a lot of which doesn't even let you make the choices like from the last game. like, proper timie usage was SO important to me last game and in this one I've never even racked up 3. i also feel like there's less dream logic, and it's a little disappointing. like, oh tape the cardboard back together. turn on the tv. =( the whimsy. it did improve some in the back half though, and i'll take it!!!
4: liking this dead komeji route WAY MORE than the other one. its not that i hate him that much but i do like the way the plots moving here. what does mame know? whats the masked womans deal? has anyone seen shoma. WHAT IS WRONGGGG WITH RYUKI <33. what is wrong with ryuki is by far my favourite mystery. im more interested in that than i am in the half body killings honestly. (part of that is teh victims i think. we dont really know jin, chikara was annoying at best but the more i learn about him the more i hate him, komeji was annoying, so. honestly i havent really been that upset about any of them dying. tokiko i did love and i am sad she's gone, but also these murders are a little bland following the first game. i just watched a guys head explode could there at least be a little blood? just a little? i know its probably for plot reasons but ive never missed gore so bad. im not even that into gore.
5: somewhere on the dead komeji route i finally figured out what that little green thing in the menu was so i've activated my tamagotchi thingy!! very fun i love it. mines an iris-y one or something? its cuteee!!
6: in terms of the wider mystery: im just really curious how far they're gonna commit to being meta.they did start with asking ME what i knew about the last game so.... looking forward to ryuki's whole deal, actually getting to play as my darling mizuki again, finding out what is UPP with date. i really like the weird videos series i just think they're neat. if the endgame doesn't have a somnium based on those thigns i will be disappointed, surely thats what we're building to.
i left off right before starting mame's somniumin the gameshow room. i don't think shes' actually involved in the killings, but doing that would be REALLY NEAT as a sequel thing, imo. i'd like it. i think shes just hiding stuff bcs she was threatened. assumably i've still got a good chunk of the game to paly! i havent done much if any of the extra eyeballs either, just whats on the way so. i'll get those guys. have been picking up some costumes n stuff tho. you can put tama <33 in pants <3333333333.
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hammythehanner · 1 year
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ok i was bored so heres my slugcat tierlist judged entirely by gameplay/the campaign. not many people are prolly gonna read any of this but i love rambling anyways💥💥full downpour spoilers ahead!
RAHHHH I LOVE RIV AND SAINT THE MOVEMENT IS ONE OF MY FAV THINGS ABT THE GAMEPLAY RIGHT NEXT TO KILLING EVERYTHING THAT CROSSES MY PATH (except scavs but i will get to that later) riv is the first dp slug i played on the day the dlc came out and i finished it the same day and bro my expectations were blown out of the water holy FUCK. i wanted to explore rotting pebbles soooo bad and i actually got to do that!!! it was hard of course but i had fun!!!! i liked having to look at rooms and having to carefully calculate how i would get through them. it made pebbles funner to explore bc i wasnt stuck in 0g baby jail all the time. submerged superstructure was cool as hell too but i kept getting super lost in it while trying to find rhe right way to go… exploring after the campaign though was rlly fun!
basically riv is the most slug ever but oh man. does saint come close. it was BRUTAL getting out of sky islands and farm arrays (i didnt have a lantern, i didnt know it would warm u up) but once i did and i acquired a lantern it was fun! finessing predators with your epic tongue swinging skills. but at the same time man i have NEVER gotten a more overwhelming sense of dread from playing a video game before. especially at the part where i went to go to the wall and it just. wasnt there. i had to just pause and stare at the screen because What. and then when i went to shaded citadel, only to realize it wasnt. uh. shaded anymore. and connecting the lore dots in my head right before getting to the husk. gahdam. finding pebbles made me want to cry and throw up so hard (but i didnt. yet) and yeah. that ending. ehat the fukc. shit went crazy. didnt cry tho until i was watching a saint playthrough on youtube and like. bro wasnt even at the end of the game or doing anything in particular but MAN i just started sobbing for like an hour when i thought abt the ending again. i dont rlly even know why in particular the saint ending just Does that to a mf i guess. also shoutout to that one echo that says “I put my faith into the hands of random gods. Now I must endure it to the end” rawest line ever. goes so hard
SPEARMASTER WAS REALLY AWESOME TOO i lovvedddd being the predator and kill die kill kill slurp up everything i see with straw spear. i love how each of the slugcats makes u think like the slug ur playing, and spearmaster does that so well. i love that it makes u think like a ruthless predator, and i love playin on my save file every now and then to see how many kills i can get in a cycle. also exploring moon before she collapses was just as incredible as discovering five pebbles for the first time AIAGSJSGSJ i love her version of random gods so much it goes so crazy. also the bisexual lighting is cool. i hope the miros birds in her underhang explode tho i love being one shot before i can react at all
hunter. i love and hate the cycle limit. on one hand its super unique and changes up how u play the game alot. u gotta plan for stuff and be able to improvise sometimes. but also its really stressful LMAO. right before dp came out i did a hunter run so that i could unlock riv as soon as possible. and like bro wtf shit gave me heart palpitations. i wasnt even close to failing either i deadass ascended with like 9 cycles left idfk why i was shittif myself so hard at certain points. also why can slugpups spawn in their campaign bro thats mean.
GOURMAND. oh gourmand. this is the one i thought i was gonna hate but ended up really enjoying. the tuckered out mechanic isnt usually that big a deal. also bro is a straight up killing machine wtf 3 spear damage????? i didnt use the crafting mechanic much but it was pretty cool when i remembered it existed in a sticky situation and it saved me. also their endgame region….. oh my god that shit is BEAUTIFUL. i could just stare at some of the rooms for hours. and that big tree with a view of pebbles and the communications array? gorgeous. the food quest was fun and the ending is super cute.
survivor was my first experience with the game! i took multiple long breaks because of how frustrated i got at points, i even had to restart my first playthrough cuz i got stuck in filtration without max karma, but i just. kept coming back. the game just kept sucking me back in. i had the biggest ragequit ever at the jump to the wall in chimney canopy (didnt know about throwboosting so i died like 84538363 times. not just to the jump of course you know how chimney is) but i was back literally the next day. i could Not quit. not too much else to say abt them other than that ive replayed survivor like 4 times since it was all i could really do before downpour came out LOL. theyre the standard campaign so it goes in tha middle tier.
arti and monk were originally swapped but i judged arti too harshly i think. i loved the double jump so much, but when i played it i had scav kill squad leniency off and i had no idea how to parry. (also that one long trek between those two shelters in the upper section of metropolis (on the way to house of braids) can fuck right off to hell. ik i could have taken a diff route but ouygh my gowd) artis story is so cool and the ending art is SO badass i love it but scav combat sucks so bad. also i dont like killing them anyways theyre silly and i always get chieftain in my playthroughs :(
monk isnt actually even bad really. its just “ez baby mode”, which is fine! i think monk serves their purpose very well but honestly its not for me, esp after downpour. im a sweaty gamer guys i admit it im so so sorry plz forgive me💔💔💔🥀 i love monks cutscenes tho theyre very cute. a simple but effective story👍👍👍👍awesom
wow ok i wrote way more than i meant to erm. hi. im 🙂🙂normal.🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
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yuri-cocaine · 3 months
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more msq progress and more thoughts
-the shiny alpaca.........................
-i know gulool ja ja's hope is for wuk lamat to learn more about her people and connect with them better, but imo thats not what she needs to grow into the ruler role!!! when wuk lamat had that heart to heart with us and thanked us for helping her change, im like???? huh???? how did you change. she started as a peppy extrovert who is amazing at getting to know people, and she still is! learning about turali cultures is a breeze for her. she's having a ton of fun!! i feel like im chaperoning someone at a summer camp! what she actually needs to work on is the strengths her brothers have. she doesnt seem to have any plan beyond "keep the peace and vibe forever" but she needs the future planning koana is cooking up. and altho she can tank, wuk lamat isn't amazingly strong. she got jumped by rando bandits and broke her axe trying, and failing, to land a blow on bakool ja ja. i guess it's fine if she isn't as strong as her dad since there's lots of leaders who aren't fighters (like minfilia and nanamo), but she should at least implement koana's infrastructure plans if she becomes hokage.
-the maps are beautiful and im having a ton of fun exploring, but holy shit these feats are so boring and repetitive. there has GOT to be a better way to do them than watch a cutscene with machinations playing in the bg and then talking to three people for info. the worst one is the moblin one. there's an entire group of disgruntled artisans that were abused by the moblins, and we don't interact with them at all. instead we just bring some elezen over, and this guy was already looking for a job anyways. wuk lamat could've really flexed her people skills convincing the artisans at cracked cistern to come back to the moblins, and also convince the moblins to treat them better. but no. we listen to machinations play, we talk to three people, bakool ja ja acts like a dick.
-the valigarmanda fight was fun but...that's about it. valigarmanda was a bit of a disappointment. promo materials really hyped it up and we don't see it do anything other than burn a few giants and fly away. i know it's been weakened by being trapped in ice, but if it wrought just a bit more destruction it would've had a bigger impact. actually i thought valigarmanda wasn't just a tural vidraal bc the tail feathers reminded me of jotchua ffxvi, so there was some kind of twist that its actually an eikon or someone transformed or something. but in the end, it was just a giant bird.
-zoraal ja makes no sense to me rn. im predicting that bakool ja ja gets humbled in a major way and drops out of the contest completely, possibly growing out of his assholery in the process, but i do not know what zoraal ja's endgame here is. he wants to be dawnservant and unify the world, but also teach everyone that war sucks. and then when everyone is exhausted, they'll...follow his rule???? maybe im missing something here but how does this even make sense.
-koana's my personal pick for dawnservant. he's the only one with a plan for the future. yes hes a nerd and a weeb for sharlayan and even says "by the twelve" even tho tural clearly doesnt worship them, but he isnt a sociopath or pete from kingdom hearts. he's not as peppy as wuk lamat, but he's open minded enough to understand that there are traditions and cultural values ppl hold onto even if he personally dislikes them. with wuk lamat as cultural ambassador or diplomat or whatever, koana can become a really good ruler and put a high speed rail in tural asap. again, he doesnt need to be ridiculously strong like gulool ja ja to be dawnservant. it would certainly help to be strong, but ultimately unnecessary bc the point is to improve on what tural already has.
-i like that ketenramm has been rebranded to be part of gulool ja ja's party instead of a crazy lominsan explorer who was like a dumb christopher columbus. the eorzea encyclopedia said that he tried to name tural "ketenland" and nobody caught on, and his stories about a "bleedin' city of gold" was dismissed as nonsense. i think it's best to just not have a columbus trope at all, even if the story tries to subvert it by making the columbus character clownish. ketenramm is from limsa but there's no "i discovered this and will name it after me!" thing anymore. or maybe there is and gulool ja ja beat him up for it. i haven't finish yak tel.
-there's an npc in a flashback in the melee role quests who looks like yuma but she's dead so yuma still reigns supreme
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-poor erenville can't fight, so he had to sit there and listen to sareel ja say slurs at him for a whole hour
-erenville's pointer finger thing is rly cute!!! him always having his backpack on is also a charm point. im wondering if the whole party just loaded all their luggage onto him.
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atlasofthestaars · 1 year
another amazing chapter!! i would honestly love a movie marathon with them <3 and i love the focus on johnny this time, he's really just a guy with a good heart! bringing reader a blanket and a pillow :((( liu kang at the end there ....... hes so in love with the reader wtf ?!#$??!"? and bi han showing he cares in the most hostile way possible 😭😭😭 bxnsnsnd the only reason i dont want mileena as a love interest is bc i really wanted to see how you would explore her and tanyas dynamic :") kitana as a love interest tho..... thats wife 🤭 and ik this is getting long, but i have a couple questions; do you have an outline for the whole story prepared or is it being changed as you go? since you said adding shang tsung as a love interest would alter the story a bit? and (if it spoils anything, dont worry about answering!) how would you plan on ending it since reader's got a reverse harem going on? do you plan on giving reader an endgame with someone? again, sorry this got a bit long!
(p.s. can i be ☄️ anon? i plan on sticking around for the whole story hehe expect me after every chapter bcus ive subscribed to it on ao3 🫡)
Thank you so much! A movie marathon would be wonderful with the champion squad, but I can imagine how chaotic the emotional whiplash it could get if they all got to chose movies. Like imagine going from a lighthearted rom com to like??? A dark and gritty action movie LMAO I enjoyed writing for Johnny this time around, but I do worry I made him a bit (?) Out of character for his characrer progression, but I'm glad you enjoyed him nevertheless aha ^^ I did really like writing him as a dude who just means well, since he really just is that! Liu Kang is definitely feeling SOMETHING for the reader HAHA Mr. Fire God catching feels? Or is he just really nice 👀? Bi-Han struggles with showing he cares, but he really does. If only there was a therapist character to help him though HAHA Oh I definitely get why you'd want that! Mileena and Tanya's dynamic was interesting for me in this game, so I will have fun portraying that if she doesn't get voted in. If she does, uh, I'll definitely have to figure out what to do LMAOO I love Kitana 🙏 She's my fave female chara and my main in Mk1 !!
I don't mind it being ling at all, I love reading stuff like this and being able to interact with you all!! I don't know many people in my personal life who are willing to hear me obsess over Mortal Kombat like this HAHA
I do have a rough outline of the general story! As well as more defined plot points I like to hit within the arcs of the story. For example, I consider the part of the story we're in to be like the training/pre Outworld arc?? And I have certain moments with characters I want to hit before we move on with the plot! Of course, I am a very impulsive person so I leave it open and easy to change if needed. Events that happen later also tend to change to better fit the flow of the story, but I generally know the direction I want to head with everything.
I plan on giving every love interest an ending (think like endings in mortal kombat for each character!) So ideally I'd like to give each character their own unique ending/epilogue with the reader! People on AO3 also have requested a harem ending which I am open to making, but can't gaurentee due to characters like Shang Tsung. I mighttt make one without certain characters depending on how it all ends, one with everyone, or not one at all! I don't want to stress too much over that right now so that one is still up in the air whether I'll do it or not (especially since we've like, barely started ahaha)
And you can be ☄anon!! I'm happy to hear I have your support on this journey <3 and ty for supporting me there too! I love to see all the feedback from everyone, so I will happily await any comments you make! Thank you again for your kind words and support!
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hanasnx · 7 months
Oooo thats really cute i have a picture of myself with the Snapchat Batman mask on my face but thats really all. And i watched the Lego movie with Batman When i was younger. And i really like Harley quinn i dressed up as her once When i was like 10 or something had the spray in hair dye thing at my School but my hair is Dark so it was barely visible. Was fun tho! Im more of a Marvel Girl but Batman is cool would never Call the real Batman daddy thought but i would definantly Call you daddy-im bad at the whole flirting thingy thing thing but thats only for a little bit till i get comfy
i used to like marvel. iron man was my fave but i stopped keeping up with it after endgame. who’s your fave mousy
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king-of-kaoss · 8 months
I would love to learn more about 'mixed signals' and 'marimo'!
why thank you for your interest good sir!
mixed signals is a platonic mcu peter parker and tony stark fic, as well as (peter parker and flash thompson) i started like a year or two ago at the height of my hyperfixating on them. i wanted to do my own take on the Stark Industries field trip trope, post infinity war/endgame where tony lives. and also give Flash some opportunity for growth and character development using the backstory crumbs they gave him in the mcu spider-man movies. i went down some quantum physics wikipedia rabbit holes to give it some fun sci fi elements and ofc gave each chapter a song with relevant lyrics cause thats what tickles my brain when it's hyperfixating c:
you can read the first half (4 chapters) here and i posted a lil tease for chapter 5 in the prev ask game i answered earlier here. i have a chunk of ch 6 written and the rest is roughly planned out and just needs written and maybe reworked slightly for my own interest now that some time has passed.
and well how about another teaser from chapter 5 (read the other one first!) c;
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marimo is well barely a wip but it's going to be an ambitious drawing perhaps a bit beyond my skill. but the idea is to draw a nicely rendered sleeping zoro covered in moss and foresty growth as if he's been dormant a long time (he's dreaming UuU). i'll prolly do it w pencil in my sketchbook. and then maybe attempt a digital vector drawing because i'd love for it be vibrant and colorful but i havent found my forte with color traditional media. i have colored pencils and oil pastels and watercolors but applying them to a lovely sketch will ruin it i am certain; maybe i could experiment with a few versions tho.
progress so far has just been gathering a few references:
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sammygender · 11 months
things about homestuck i have discovered in my reread
terezi is my favourite character and will always be
caliborn is fucking HILARIOUS jesus christ somehow i forgot this (he hasnt got to the misogyny yet that part gets kind of less funny)
dave and karkat kind of ARE that good, regrettably. i feel like we all go through a davekat phase upon first reading and then gradually we get over dave and karkat and move onto other, better pursuits, like vrisrezi fanfiction or space player meta. rereading tho man they are excellent… not the most compelling characters of COURSE and really more like babys first analysis in terms of dissecting them, but man they are funny, man their emotional arcs are vivid and well written, man they are hilarious together also (penis ouija. yeah that was funny). coming out as a dave and karkat fan once again
homestuck in general but especially the start of act 6 is INCREDIBLY funny. for some reason i thought act 6 was less funny and more like plot-heavy which i guess it kind of us to an extent cause most of it is now Relevant all the time but oh my god the alpha kids are a trainwreck and its so funny
on the subject of the alpha kids. last time i properly read homestuck i was like 14. i had never experienced being the same age of the alpha kids and now looking back its insane. that is LITERALLY what being 15/16 is like. the romantic chaos the constant miscommunication the way this group of best friends just somehow have so many fucking problems with each other??? and the COMPLEXES. my god
appreciating roxy more this time round than i ever did before she rubbed me a little the wrong way first read i think maybe bc everyone heralded her as like The Unproblematic Alpha Kid when like oh my god she is a fucking MESS but when looking at her through that lens shes fantastic
jade harley should be mean more often. every PASSWORD FUCKASS interaction was an absolute delight. man she should get more page time
vriska is indefensible when u first meet her its so hard explaining to people that shes like The Fucking Best when she spends most of her intro mocking the guy she paralysed for being paralysed. sadly, she still IS the fucking best.
did i mention terezi pyrope is my favourite character ever in anything
i still cant pay attention to anything exile related i'm sorry. i just look at the pretty pictures and skip through it quickly as possible. if they dont have complex psychology and fun conversations idc sorry im a bad hs fan
calliope is both a delight and so wrong like all of the time. reading her i see where all the fandom misconceptions come from. ur not meant to take her word as 100% serious when she says stuff like male/female classes or whatever!! she sees everything through this incredibly binary 2 choice lens like caliborn bc thats literally the life she lives. this is also extra funny i guess considering shes literally kind of meant to represent the hs fandom
LIL HAL <33333333
sorry that so much of this is about the alpha kids im part way into act 6 now
dirkjake so far have not had a single interaction and iirc they never do??? fascinating storytelling since we still have a perfect picture of their dynamic
terezi is characteristically being stupid about vriska again, because she is complicatedly and unwittingly in love with her
does rose get confirmed as a lesbian later in the text or is that just a fandom interpretation cause ngl i have seen people harassed over bi rose which is kinda crazy anyway but would be even crazier if its not. an actual canon fact
LE SIGN IS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED TO MEAN TOO BAD HES GAY YOU OBTUSE DUNDERFUCK from roxy compared to poor dirk calling the word gay antediluvian. man just wants to like jake in peace
honestly everything alpha kid wise is insane lets just. put it there
terezi is my favourite also have i said that already
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pansy-picnics · 2 years
Hi there, I love your art, especially your works involving Tangled!
I like the idea of Varian and Rapunzel being freckle siblings/buddies and I find it very cute. But I get annoyed when I hear some shippers in the fandom claiming they would make a great couple and when he grows up, he'll have a chance since age doesn't matter and he'll become an adult eventually. From what I've seen in the movie and the series, Eugene is Rapunzel's endgame and that's that. But seeing Varipunzel as a romantic ship is making me fade from the franchise. Any thoughts?
ahh first of all thank you, i’m really glad you enjoy my work!! :D freckle siblings especially are very near and dear to my heart so i put everything into portraying them, i’m glad people enjoy it hehe
v*ripunzel shippers are. Annoying. i’ve even seen some people try to claim varian doesn’t have an age in the first place even though he’s OBVIOUSLY implied to be a child??? especially at the beginning??😭😭 and saying he’ll be an adult eventually like…….yeah duh but if he then dated any of the adults in the series it would be like if you dated your childhood babysitter or something that’s WEIRD LMFAO
v*ripunzel/c*ssarian shippers and the like all used to be super popular back in like 2018-2020 when the show was still airing but there are definitely still a few of them floating out there today. HOWEVER the good thing is when the vat7k au started getting popular most varian ships from the canon series in general kind of died off tho it DID mean a lot of the weirdos just started making varian x oc content instead but thats a different story
since freckle siblings are one of my biggest comforts i usually just block all the tags on any platform where i’m able to do so
in cases like instagram where tag blocking isn’t an option, i’ve noticed the ship is actually small enough that i can block like. literally everyone on the tag 😭😭 it took a while obviously but i have actually done it. felt so relieving tbh
so yeah my biggest piece of advice is just block liberally, don’t bother getting involved with them because it’s NOT worth it, the internet is for your own personal enjoyment at the end of the day so don’t let other people ruin your fun. sometimes staying in your tiny little bubble is the best way to go LMAOO
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
actually i already rated the "canon" ships what am i doing. i know ill rate them again
naruhina: -10/10. concept is mediocre at best, popular guy x shy girl but that is literally not what is happening here. can we stop pretending its good
sasusaku: -10/10. please project onto someone else
narusaku: 2/10. they care about each other a lot so i guess its ok-er but still not very good romantically. but again if it were endgame it wouldve been not AS bad
inosai: 4/10. it makes so much sense but also zero sense and i never know how to feel about it. sai isnt a sasuke replacement tho. lavender marriage?
shikatema: 3/10. good in concept but again. see sokka and suki atla thats what this COULD HAVE been but it isnt. just bc theyve actually talked does not mean its good where are your expectations. 3 points for meeting before tho bc for some reason that is so hard in this series
chokarui: 3/10. the reason why the previous one also got 3. 3 points for this one bc i guess theres nothing objectively wrong with it but can we stop getting strong female characters move their entire lives to immigrate to the stupid leaf and rhen get dumbed down to angry housewife? please?
tamakiba: 1/10. i love kiba where did this come from tho. if we put tamaki in a crowd we would lose her. summary of all that is wrong in boruto The Pairings Were Not Planned If They Had To Make Up An Entire Ass Woman
itaizu: 0/10 bro. they were 7.
obirin: 3/10 i have.... mixed feelings. rin isnt enough of an actual character for this
kakarin: 1/10 see above
asukure: -1/10 i actually hate this one. fun fact asumas introduction is him being a misogynistic ass to kurenai, so i kinda never got over that w asumas character BUT THEN THEY WENT AND GOT TOGETHER???? for all i said ab other characters not really Having characters, kurenai really takes the cake. all this did was make her a wife and mom. cool. goodbye
yahikona: 8/10 winnnnn the background random couple of side characters is somehow better than all the main ones!!
hayugao: 5/10. idk if thats the ship name but yugao x hayate. at least they had development i guess but its just. theyre REALLY background
tsunadan: 10/10 love tsunadan live laugh love tsunadan. pairing that had the best development in the whole series and it was like. 3 pages long.
jiratsuna: 1/10 i just dont like jiraiya and tsunades already rejected him why does she have to accept him now. give it up old man
minakushi: 7/10 ive mentioned this before but while the pairing itself is nice, kushinas character gets done so bad w all her ambitions in this, and minato doesnt really have much of a character. better than the main ones but could be better.
hashimito: 4/10 see look i really think this couldve been good but then hashirama rambled about madara the whole time and didnt think to mention his WIFE! once so im kind of mad at him about that. hsmd juice sure ig but mito deserves better
hiruzen and his wife: 2/10. i feel like nobody should have to deal with hiruzen for such an extended amount of time but i remember finding her annoying too
koteizu: 100/10 obviously. of course they are canon. ostrich episode carried they carry love them
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am-i-sans · 1 year
dnd adventure 15
dans is out of eeby deeby!
"im talking to god give me a second" -undyne
god told undyne we gotta kill her pet goldfish? (moss wtf)
going to nintendofield....were gonna get sued.
the goldfish is a dragon...and we all split up. oh no.
cam is at the bar avoiding everything lol.
dans came across a funeral. interesting. 2 kids got eaten.
frog is going shopping and bonecrusher says she recognizes this place and she was here with her parents!
dans finds undyne and tells her its a sea serpent.
cam comes over drunk and asks undyne to toss them into the water. dans has the pleasure of telling them its a children eating dragon.
undyne grabs them to stop them from fleeing lol.
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we find tori and go "gotta fight a dragon we gotta get bait."
frog was having fun at the tavern so we cheered pog.
frog got undyne non magic playing cards ;-; got bonecrusher some chalk.
someone saw us and ran! its jim the cultist! high speed chase! hes not evil anymore tho so thats good!
we spent a LONG time insulting tori for being a flat earther. (lol it might affect soriel endgame lol)
gotta get some chum and a boat! got a boat! lets a go!
undyne cast Aid before the fight. cam gave undyne bardic inspiration.
"were gonna need a bigger boat" -Dans
undyne lost a javelin in the water. damn. she didnt go get it.
following soupnik on the boat poggers. dans is taking time to cast breathe underwater. undyne keeps...soloing it.
it slams into the bottom of the boat ouchies. I FELL OUT OF THE BOAT! back on though. need to finish this ritual.
time to breathe underwater! i got knocked prone the bastard.
tori cast lighting bolt....bitch dropped me below half health. dans will remember this. thank god frog healed us.
undyne cast sanctuary on dans thanks.
tori uses flameblade in the creatures mouth.
bonecrusher stabs it pog.
eldrich blast underwater.
frog jumped in and healed me poggers
i died. so...uhhh....moss gave me 1 free death...so uh
God Said No
undyne and soupnik attack thanks. im just...floating in the water...
it turned into a goldfish. undyne crushed it. good.
got xp. thanks moss. jerk.
undyne healed me thank fuckin god.
"god said no." the RETURN.
undyne yells at tori while dans comforts frog and cam.
dans has lighting scars up his arms poggers. and a bite wound.
dans holds frogs and cams hands as they get back to shore.
weapon rewards! (inferno wasnt here so he doesnt get uncurse lol)
cam went eepy so i dont remember what they got.
dans gets 2 things cause i died lol. i got hat of disguise and vicious warhammer.
undyne got sunblade. tori got a spear. frog got a cool dagger. (sus) bonecrusher got armor.
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babieken · 1 year
Ugh I've been surviving hey, had to take a break from k-pop there for a while and touch base with my music roots (so to speak), that's why I haven't been very active lately😅
And Miguel O'hera (?) I have no idea who that is... I've heard the new spiderman is good, a friend of mine has been trying to get me to go watch it but I am kinda over Marvel at the moment.
Oooh! What colour are you dying your bangs?? I wish I could have bangs but I have a cowlick and 0 energy for that kind of maintenance😑
Ahhhh thats understandable kdnfkd also sorry im answering this so late ive been mostly sleeping the past 2 days.
He's a character in the the spider man animated movie!!!! Ive been over marvel since endgame and havent cared for most of their newer movies (except no way home) and any of the tv shows but the animated spider man (both the first and the second) aren't related to the mcu! Ngl i didnt care all that much abt the first one even tho it was objectively a really good movie but the second one i have been OBSSESED WITH. Everything abt it is perfection.
Jdjdkd i dyed my bangs grey ish!!! It was meant to be silver but i was too lazy to bleach twice to get all the orange out, so i had to go darker but its very cute!!! Honestly dyed bangs (unless died a bright fun color) are pretty low maintenance. They don't look back with grown roots!
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madisonrooney · 2 years
It probably would be a spoiler LOL but hartley and rhino would be such a good pair! Now I just need for Disney to make it happen, give the people what they want!
I know there tends to not be many spin off series (off the top of my head I can only think of ones off of Disney XD and suite life) but what are some spin off shows you’d like to see? Is there a particular way you would do them? Or better yet is there a spin off you would re-do?
I will leave you with that to ponder, hope all is well - ❄️🎄
(theres also cory in the house and ravens home! and i guess gmw counts? and uh.....one that shant be named)
i believe ron and john pitched a spinoff about BOOMS which i kinda figured l&m cali style was leading up to given the introduction of a lot of new, younger characters. would i be bummed that thered be no dove beyond possibly a cameo? sure, but would i still watch it and be excited about it? absolutely. i guess it would just take place after what wouldve been the summer of rooney, when parker is back from the biodome. we could see his relationship with val develop. joey wouldve graduated but maybe hed go to college in california? ive seen him as more of a homebody before but for the sake of the show, i might want him to be there lol. maybe jillow could resume, josh would be there... the BOOMS kids were fun (finch was my fav) so i feel like it could work. they could continue the reality show format from l&m. now that we KNOW thats what it is, it could be a new reality show that airs in luxembourg and the fact that its a reality show could be played with in the show itself, rather than not mentioned at all like in l&m (until the finale, that is).
ive thought before that a dog with a blog animated series would be fun! poor mick and daphne would be out of a job lol but i think it could be a cute concept. you could get away with a lot more physical humor/action/etc with the dogs since you can animate them.
ive said this before in the discord that ravens home took till season 5 to finally get the concept right imo. i do enjoy the first four seasons but i have a good deal of problems with them, namely that they didnt pull enough from the original show, which s5 is a lot better at doing, plus they felt repetitive. s5 is getting better at being a mix of episodic and serialized, so i have hope for s6. so basically, if i were to re-do it, i would've started at s5 lol, but kept the good stuff from seasons 1-4, like the original cast (nia bugged me sometimes, tho)
gmw im sure thered be things id do differently but its been too long since ive watched either show to say specifically. tho i think we can all agree that we couldve done without the triangle/maya "turning into riley" lol (also rilaya endgame)
also bunkd neednt exist ❤️
once again if you can answer non-spoilery go for it! lol
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