#there is probably typos and grammar mistakes in this but eh
frauleinandry · 1 year
finally finished my persona q playthrough! ultimately, i thought it did some things well and some things not so well, but it was definitely more of a positive experience than a negative one. i'd rate it 3/5 in general. detailed thoughts under the cut!
for a bit of context, i like persona 3 a lot, dislike 4, and have minimal experience with etrian odessey (played a demo, enjoyed it, but knew the lack of plot/characters would mean I wouldn't have fun playing 40+ hours of it). i wanted to get through this game and q2 before persona 5 tactica came out so i knew what to expect story-wise (though the chances of me finished q2 before november are pretty much non-existent now lmao).
starting with the plot, i thought most of it was good, but there were a couple of weaker aspects. the gradually escalating creepiness of the labyrinths up until the rei reveal was really well done, and i absolutely loved the twist with her character. the way the themes from personas 3 and 4 were combined was sublime - her rage and sadness was so poignant, and it definitely managed to tug at my heartstrings. zen's whole deal is interesting too - i find persona doesn't tend to implement its god characters very well, so he and chronos were a refreshing take on it.
on the flipside, i didn't particular enjoy the plotline related to the actual persona characters. i chose to play the p3 route to avoid as many teddie/yosuke shenanigans as i could, and the whole senpai vs kohei thing felt like a child had written it. it's basically what happen in p3 canon but shittier. it reeeeeeeally didn't help that they use the investigation team as an example of a 'good' team, since their dynamics are rancid. i also think persona q really could have done a lot more with the 'ps: you're gonna forget this once you leave' thing, as opposed to it being a one-note revelation in the epilogue.
moving on to the characters... hm. very mixed bag here. on the positive side, it gave shinjiro in particular some much needed screen time - he actually felt like a genuine member of SEES here, as opposed to the guy who shows up and is then killed off almost instantly. it also toned down yosuke's creepiness a lot, which. well, i ain't complaining. also, i'm very happy yu/minato actually get to have a personality here. tbh persona MCs would really benefit from being upgrade from silent protags into something more similar to fire emblem three hopes shez (though probably with a little bit less character than them).
at the same time, akihiko (and to a lesser degree chie) are utterly butchered, and the portrayal of numerous other characters feels very surface level. sure, the cast is too large to really flesh everyone out, but... nobody should be feeling blatantly OOC. zen and rei also didn't really feel like people until the end of the 4th labyrinth, which makes sense from a plot perspective, but is bad from an actually-getting-attached-to-them one. as good as i found their storyline, as individuals, they're both pretty forgettable. ultimately, i think the character writing is fine in the strolls/during the sillier moments, but falls apart during the serious ones.
gameplay, yet again, was another mixed bag. the dungeon crawling is a lot better than in persona 3/4, especially in the later labyrinths where FOE movement is a lot more complex. i enjoyed most of the puzzles, and the little character moments scattered around the levels were fun too. mapping was cute, even if it was a bit of a novelty - i can't see it working on the switch or anything, but the 3DS is a good console from things like that.
of course, here's where the '.... but' comes in. in persona q case, i comes in the form of the combat sucking ass. the boost system is irritating to wrangle, but a necessary evil if you want good personas/not to chew through tons of items. in the end, i used impure reach naoto to basically skip 90% of the fights. also, what the fuck was that chronos gimmick? like, don't get me wrong, the death timer was cool in theory, but when i first fought him i only had 3 revival items on me because i simply wasn't using them!! suffice to say, i had to fight him and the spider again, and was pretty unimpressed with that.
the game is also really hampered by not sharing party exp. there's no way to use every unit unless you do tons and tons of grinding (and who has the time for that in the year 2023), but you also get penalised for not training certain units too. i didn't unlock ultimate personas in my run-through since i benched yu after the second labyrinth and didn't want to spend ages levelling him up asdfghjkl.
there was one gameplay thing i thought persona q did really well though... and that was sub-personas! god, i fucking loved that idea. like, i love it to the degree that i'd legitimately prefer it in the mainline games over the current wildcard system - let's just say i made an excited post when i saw this feature was returning in tactica. it adds a level of customisation which means any character can shine with the right investment, and i just think that's neat.
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ev-n-learning · 2 years
Cat stats: entirety of 2022 edition!
shut up no im not late youre late .
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Note: I double checked and literally All of that writing was in belarusian! Despite the fact that I switched how i was tracking this halfway through! So technically that's 114 hours and 8 minutes. Pretty close to russian, actually!
Marathi has so many simply because at the start of the year, I was still trying to get a handle on actually like... reading. I'm decent at that now! But currently I'm not at any sort of level where I can talk or really read or anything, haha.
(Apparently tumblr doesnt like readmores when you have an image id. Hoping this doesnt somehow ruin the formatting!)
So, starting with ukrainian; as of today I have four skills to complete to finish the duolingo course! So I think that's at least like, 12 more days? Or something? After that I'm going to go back through to make everything legendary, so I suspect in total I will have spent at least a year on it. So that's... something. Lingq is the only thing holding my reading comprehension together right now I think 😂
For marathi, I'm honestly just curious how much better I'll be by the end of this year! Maybe my goal should be like, 'read sentences' or something lol. I've long since come to terms with the fact that I just Don't learn fast at all... :)
Russian is currently sitting on the backburner, so maybe I'm a little bit better, maybe I'm not. For now, though, I'll try to stick with it and see where that takes me! I'm happy with the fact that I finally made it through duolingo, and hopefully never have to go back again, haha
Belarusian: my one true love, light of my life, So Fucking Hard to find resources for. Anyways.
You may have seen I did nanowrimo in belarusian this year! I wrote a Lot, relatively, and have written exactly one thing in belarusian since. Such is the way of nano burnout... (but actually, I'm just procrastinating.)
I haven't decided yet whether I really want to post what I did or not, so currently the file is just sitting on my phone, waiting to be transferred so I can fix typos and stuff. It's probably going to stay like that for a while.
In other news, while I did want to start usong polygloss more, I've made a fatal mistake in constantly forgetting to reply to people, so now I think the total of 3 other people on there are ignoring me. Or just not using the app anymore, one of the two. ...in light of this, I am not using polygloss for belarusian currently. #r.i.p. my dreams.
I haven't really thought much about what I want to do this year... write more, at least. I'm definitely going to try nanowrimo again, when it comes around. I'd love to start getting more listening and reading in, but I don't go on youtube much, and as far as I can tell, most anybody who's posting in belarusian is on twitter. My twitter account has been dead since 2018 (or something) and it is going to Stay that way. As far as actual books go, eh... it's a bit harder to get my hands on anything, haha. If you happen to have reccomendations, I'm all ears... :P
(Yes there is also The Tiktok™️ but that, too, has the affliction of No Fucking Subtitles and is also a hellscape just generally, so... no.)
It's also still early in the year, so it's really anyone's guess how things are gonna end up! But that's where having simple goals comes in handy XD
In short...
Ukrainian: finish duolingo course, ???
Marathi: be able to sort of read, maybe
Russian: Who The Fuck Knows, better grammar (impossible for me and yet)
Belarusian: Know Everything Better, write... more comprehensively? write my langblr posts in belarusian, maybe?
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wswe-autism-fic · 10 months
jupitercl0uds fanfic analysis
2, 3 and 4) Test fics (batch 1): test fic, En Español/In Spanish
i'm not really evaluating these properly, i just dont want the order to be messed up in all honesty.
test fic is exactly that: me testing how ao3 works. i kinda just call yuga aoyama and izuku midoriya sexy (i was 12), discover how chapters work and leave. crazy.
as for en español/in spanish, i was testing out how the language and translation features work in ao3. judging my spanish, seeing as its been 2 years and ive learned WAY more spanish, eh, its alright. theres the odd grammar mistake (eg 'las hamberguesa') but i think its probably just a typo. i'd make the same mistake in english, which is the only language i can actually speak. i believe the 'dicha' is wrong, but i dont speak spanish really so idk.
prev. analysis: CYLSFSE? next analysis: sally and syddnii
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therunawaykind · 2 years
Sweet Release
Pairing: Zooey Kern x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Genre: Smut
Warnings: 18+ ONLY/MINORS DNI. Swearing, fingering, bottom!reader, top!Zooey, strap use (r receiving), praise, cheating, alcohol consumption, slight age gap but legal!
A/N: So this is the rather rushed oneshot that I wanted to get out today because as you may have seen already today is my birthday! This WIP has also been sitting in my WIP list for months so it's about time I wrote it. So I wanted to give you all a little present from me to you....even though it really should be the other way around 🤨 but anywho. I apologise in advance if there are mistakes regarding typos and grammar and just purely if my writing isn't up to standard as I said I did ever so slightly rush it a bit I feel. But nevertheless, I do hope you all enjoy the birthday gift from me to you.
*please do not repost or translate my material or claim as yours. reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated!*
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Ms Zooey Kern, The nurse, the carer, is probably one of the most attractive young women you’ve ever laid your eyes on who also happens to be your brother’s fiancee. It was a double-edged sword your liking to the woman. Not only was she kind and considerate to your brother whenever you were around, but she was also so fucking attentive all the time. Making sure to include you in conversation and catch up with you regarding college or literally anything going on in your life. 
From what you knew and saw between the couple everything was happy and smooth sailing between the two of them. But that may not exactly be the case. 
You were hoping tonight would help you in some way to get over this infatuation you had with Zooey. After all, tonight was your 21st supposed to be the age where you have your very first drink but let’s be completely honest here…you’ve dabbled in drinking some alcoholic beverages here and there before whether your family knew it or not. Talking about family your parents decided to go away for a week to celebrate your 21st earlier knowing you’d probably prefer a party in the comfort of your own home with all your friends without your parents being around. Which was appreciated hugely by you and promised them when they came home everything would be exactly the same considering you didn’t exactly have a massive friend group. They got on too well with your parents to even think about damaging or breaking something, that was a wrath they never wanted to have to deal with or encounter.  
So here you are pouring a drink of yourself listening to the music in the background and the ever so slightly muffled conversations amongst all of your friends. Earlier in the day you and text and had a call with your brother where he was unsure if he would be able to make it due to work….or so he was saying. He did mention however there was a huge possibility that Zooey could make an appearance that she had a card and present from the both of them and something just from her which she refused to tell him what it was. You didn’t dwell on it too much thinking it was just her being extra nice by it being a milestone birthday of yours. 
As you were sat in between your friends on the sofa you all heard the faint knocking on the door. You raise your eyebrows in surprise as all your friend furrow there's “were you expecting anybody else Y/N/N?” 
“Eh not that I’m aware of my brother was unsure if he was gonna make it, he did mention the possibility of Zooey making an appearance though.” Your voice grew faint as you walked away from your friends towards the door. As you heard the knocking again “I’m coming, I’m coming.” When you pulled the door open to your surprise you saw both your brother and Zooey, “well this is a surprise. I thought you said you couldn’t make it and that it’d just be Zooey?” 
He rolls his eyes as he ruffles your hair “alright sis at least act like you’re happy to see me huh?” 
“No no I am, I just wasn’t expecting it.” 
He smiles softly down at you and gives you a hug just as your attempting to fix the hair that he messed up. “I know sis, I just wanted it to be a surprise I know we haven’t seen each other a lot recently. But Happy Birthday and I want you to know that I am super freaking proud of you and everything you’re doing in college.” 
You nod slowly and clear your throat in an attempt to clear your eyes of any tears. As he walks away and into the house he pats you on the back which leaves you with Zooey and you not knowing if she is gonna go in for a hug or a handshake. Instinctively you put out your hand Zooey scoffs playfully as she grabs your hand and pulls you over to her and embraces you in a long hug. “Happy Birthday Y/N.” 
As you place your arms around Zooey’s waist you mumble quietly “Thanks Zooey and it means a lot that you came you didn’t have to.” 
“Oh stop it, of course, I had to Y/N, you’re special to me and you mean a lot to me.” 
You nod sheepishly at her response, only now realising there is no space between the both of your bodies in this hug. You pull back from her rather nervously and cough “I guess I should leave you to get back to my brother.” As your eyes uneasily scan around the room you miss the fact that Zooey takes this moment to run her eyes up and down your body checking you out and biting her lip subtly. She clears her throat as she approaches you and whispers “I’ll tell you this because your brother forgot but he did invite a few of his friends to join so there would be others here he could talk to rather than bugging your friends with stupid talk they probably don’t wanna listen to.”
Your eyes scan her face as she talks as you try your hardest and absolute best to not linger on her lips, going unnoticed by you is Zooey’s hand running around your waist and down your side, she moves it back subtly and lets her hand rest on your ass. Not helping herself in any way but groans internally. 
“Thank you for telling me Zooey, it’s probably better off for you two anyway. You don’t have to sit around and probably listen to our stupid talk.” Zooey nods hastily as she hands you a bag which includes what you can only assume are your brother and Zooey’s card and present. “Again thank you Zooey much appreciated, you didn’t have to do that.” 
“Nonsense Y/N, you mean a lot to both of us we had to get you something to celebrate this milestone. Besides, I have my own gift to give you but you’ll get that later.” As Zooey walks off she places small little taps on your ass, unbeknownst to yourself your eyes move up and down her body and stay glued to her waist, hips and ass she saunters off smirking to yourself knowing she’s swaying her hips more and rather exaggerating her movements. 
Zooey was playing a very dangerous game and she knew that. But what could she do, she couldn’t help it if things were rapidly going to shit with your brother. Well, she could help, but….maybe she just didn’t want to. 
You weren’t sure how much time had passed but you were happily buzzed right now. Not overly and sloppily drunk where you wouldn’t remember anything. Just the right amount of tipsy. As you scanned the room you saw Zooey and your brother in a group talking to his friends that joined earlier and all of your friends were talking with each other. Once you knew everyone had drinks and was busy you decided to go upstairs and use the bathroom in your room. Unknown to you as you started ascending the stairs it was like a sense that Zooey had that told her you were on the move as she saw you go upstairs.
Zooey placed her hand on your brother’s forearm softly as she muttered “I’m just going to use the bathroom.” He nodded in response and placed a quick kiss on the top of her head before she quickly yet subtly went up the stairs after you. Her eyes darted to every door along the hallway looking for any indication of what room you went into. She cheered slightly as she saw the door to your room slightly ajar, slipping in between the gap closing the door softly and locking it. Zooey laid her head against the door as she took a deep breath. 
At the sound of your bathroom door closing, Zooey jumped and cursed under her breath. As you turned around you stopped your movements “Oh hey Zooey what are you doing in here?”  You watch as she turns around slowly shoving her hands into her back pockets as she swallows dryly “I thought it would be a good time for you to get your birthday present specifically from me.” 
You chuckle nervously “and that needs to be done alone just the two of us?” The rate at which your heart rate picked up was alarming it felt like it was gonna burst out of your chest. Zooey nodded slowly but confidently “yes, yes it did.” You wet your lips slightly with your tongue as you see Zooey start to approach grabbing your hands slowly and pulling you over nearer your bed. “Have I ever told you just how cute you are and look in this skirt tonight?” You shake your head slowly in retaliation.
“Oh, that’s a shame I should’ve done that sweetie.” 
If you couldn’t guess what this gift was that was specifically from her before you most certainly could now. “Well maybe cute isn’t the right word….maybe more so hot….dare I say even sexy?” she questions as her voice drops down low. It was as if you were stuck in a trance you couldn’t move as you felt her hands roam around your body. It was easily noticeable to you and Zooey that your breathing changed instantly. 
You couldn’t help but gulp as you felt her hands move down your sides and down onto your thighs. Your eyes darted around the room as you heard her humming to herself “Y’know you have very soft skin Y/N.” You clear your throat and nod hesitantly “Thank you? I guess?” As you hear a chuckle pass Zooey’s lips you clench your eyes shut. Zooey feels you tense up as her hands land on the back of your thighs just underneath your ass as her fingers start to draw random shapes and tapping randomly against the skin that isn’t being hidden by your underwear. Zooey slowly starts tugging on the hem of your underwear “y’know it’s been very hard for me to keep my hands to myself and not act flirty towards such an attractive young woman.” 
A shaky breath passes your lips “Zooey what is this, what are you doing?” 
She smirks up at you as she leaves her hands placed on your ass “I’m doing exactly what I said I would. I’m giving you the birthday present, especially from me.”  
“Zooey…b-but what about my brother?” 
She can’t help but gulp at the mention of your brother…her fiancee. “That’s nothing you have to worry about Y/N. I’ll deal with it.” You stare at her and take a deep breath nodding hesitantly and saying pretty much inaudibly “okay.” 
“But I do need you to do one thing for me Y/N.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Consent. So are you okay with this happening right now and are you sober for this to happen?” 
You nod as soon as you hear her finish, but quickly know what you have to do as soon as you see Zooey arch her eyebrow. “Yes I am okay with this happening right now, and I’m pretty sure the second I saw you in my room I sobered right up due to my shock.” Hearing Zooey laugh at that statement you can’t help but chuckle slightly in return. 
“Good, that’s all I needed to know.” As soon as those words leave her mouth she leans in as close as possible placing her lips against yours. The instant her lips were on yours it felt like you had melted into a puddle with how soft her lips were and how delicately she was kissing you. Zooey can’t help but smile into the kiss as you place your hands over her shoulder holding onto the back of her neck and shirt in an attempt to keep yourself standing. 
Removing one of her hands from your ass she places it on your stomach and gently pushes you backwards in a bid to get you lying down on your bed. Zooey inhales deeply as she starts to lie on top of you though being mindful to not place all of her weight on top of you. As you drape your arms over her shoulders again as she situates yourself, you can’t help but raise your eyebrows in surprise when you feel something press against the top of your thigh. You take a deep breath as you clear your throat nervously “Ehhh Zooey…..did I just feel….what I think it is?” 
Zooey attempts her absolute best to hide the smirk as she starts placing kisses along your jawline and down your neck as she mumbles into your neck “You’ll find out soon enough hun.” 
You can’t help but roll your eyes and groan at her response, which swiftly ends up in her retaliating and biting your neck with what can only be the intent of leaving a mark. “Zooey I swear if that leaves a mark.” 
“It’ll be fine, you’ll be fine. It’s getting colder just wear something that’ll cover them…layers are also good.” Throwing your head back against the pillows as you let her continue placing delicate languid kisses against your sensitive skin. Both of you feel the rise and fall of your chest get increasingly quicker the more time she spends kissing your neck and her tongue running along the delicate skin and marks that she made. Taking note of your head thrown backwards Zooey makes sure to slowly move her hands down your body as she subtly moves them up your legs towards your underwear.
To make sure you’re distracted she moves her kisses back up along your jaw and starts kissing you insistently nipping and biting at your bottom lip and making sure to soothe any bites with her tongue. 
With your mouth slightly agape she slowly slips her tongue into your mouth humming at the lingering taste of alcohol she gets from your mouth and the subtle taste of you she can get at the same time. Zooey pulls back ever so slightly as she mumbles against your lips “as much as I would love to take my time with you as if we have all the time in the world. We do not have that pleasure at this moment in time hopefully….maybe somewhere down the line we’ll have the pleasure to take however long we want Y/N/N.” 
As she looks at you briefly to gauge your reaction she grins when she sees the small nod and a whisper of “yeah sure okay.” She leans down and places and lingering kiss against your lips and mutters “you’re the best.” Zooey taking advantage of your slight distraction with the feeling of her lips pressing against any part of your skin that was visible to her, as well as the feeling of her hands making their way up your thighs and attempting to subtly remove your underwear as you just basked in everything relating to Zooey. 
The small groan that escaped Zooey’s mouth couldn’t be stopped as soon as she felt the wet patch on your underwear as she started pulling them down your legs taking note of the goosebumps that were visible on your legs. Once she finally got your underwear off with your very little to no help she paused slightly as she was going to throw them onto the floor, she bit her bottom lip as she stared at the undergarments in her hand going through all her options. Taking a deep breath she tucked them into her back pocket messily letting quite a lot of it hang out over her pocket as she went back to focusing on you. 
Pushing up your top slightly kissing along your stomach as she bunched your skirt up around your waist. As you were just enjoying and letting Zooey do whatever she wanted, was when you realised she had froze and stopped herself the second she bunched up your skirt. You propped yourself up on your elbows as you opened your eyes, whilst slowly moving your hand down to Zooey’s hair and running your fingers through it. “Everything okay Zooey?” 
Clearing her throat, Zooey looked up at you quite sheepishly and nodded “yeah everything is fine. I’m just going, to be honest with you Y/N/N I didn’t think you were going to be as wet as you are.” She glances back down briefly after her statement fingers slightly spreading the entrance to your core as she takes note of the wetness glistening due to the light coming in from the window. Seeing you still slightly tense with her free hand she pushes you back down gently by your stomach as she places multiple pecks against the skin showing “everything is perfect Y/N, just lay back and relax.” 
Glancing at you from the corner of her eye simultaneously moves her thumb over your clit starting to rub small circles around the bundle of nerves as she pushes two of her fingers into your core. She smirks at the strangled noise that gets caught in the back of your throat at all of the sensations Zooey is spreading throughout your body. Slowing the pace of her thumb circling your clit to make sure you don’t reach your high too soon, adjusting her position slightly by propping herself up on her forearm right beside your head as she stares down at you paying close attention to all of the expressions when she hits certain points with her fingers. 
As much as she would love to hear all your whimpers and moans at your full potential she was far too aware of the group of people that were just downstairs, that could walk up the stairs at any moment and catch the both of you.
Much to her dismay not being able to savour and enjoy to her fullest potential what was occurring between you two at this moment in time. Pressing against a more sensitive part of your walls, grinning as she sees your hips writhing beneath her. Sitting back onto her knees as smoothly as she can making sure to keep the movement of her fingers constant as she situates herself. 
Feeling Zooey hit all of the right spots constantly is both amazing and complete and utter torture for you, down to the fact you both knew even if it wasn’t said you’d have to keep as quiet as physically possible due to everyone downstairs. If your lip or hands didn’t have some sort of cut or mark by the end of this night you’d be very impressed and rather shocked by it all. Grabbing on tightly to the pillows placed behind you and the bed covers underneath you at the sudden feeling of the tip of Zooey’s strap-on slowly teasing against your core as she slowly pushes it into you. Sighing softly as you feel her slide the whole length of the strap into you. 
Placing your hand over your mouth as you muffle out “fucking hell Zooey, a little heads up would’ve been nice.” She can’t help but giggle slightly at your comment as she bites her bottom lip and shrugs. “It was a surprise, if I told you about it, it would’ve ruined the whole element of what a surprise actually is.” You chuckle slightly as you look up at her and roll your eyes, grabbing her shirt and pulling her down towards you placing long intense kisses against her lips running your tongue along her lips and pressing against hers in her mouth. 
Eyes rolling to the back of your head with the feeling of Zooey’s strap moving in and out of you constantly. As if knowing Zooey’s next move as she places her hand on the top of your thigh, you wrap both of your legs around your waist ultimately trapping her. Zooey laughs slightly as she falls forward due to your movement placing her hands by the side of your head “shit Y/N.”  chuckling and panting softly into her mouth in pleasure as you feel her hips moving against the back of your thighs. Due to Zooey’s fast and rough thrusts, your body jerks up the bed getting closer to the headboard, hearing it starting to hit against the wall as you mumble out between moans “Zooey, the headboard.” Zooey glances up briefly as she wraps one of her hands on the headboard to stop it. 
Placing her head in the crook grunting softly due to the thrusts of her hips speeding up and slowing down in random intervals just to prolong your reaching your high just that bit longer. Whispering softly into your ear “you’re doing great Y/N/N being so quiet for the both of us so no one will notice.”  The only response you could muster was a small whimper from the back of your throat and your hand dragging down the length of her back and grabbing onto her shirt. Hearing faint mutterings downstairs Zooey starts thrusting faster, feeling your thighs start to tense around her waist she quickly presses her thumb onto your clit in tight and fast circles. Gripping onto Zooey’s shirt tighter as you start biting down on the fist of your free hand feeling the coil starting to tighten as your hips start to rut against Zooey and her thrusts. 
“Zooey…fuck…..yes.” Both of you trying to restrain yourselves from reaching your full volume and potential. Slowly noticing the sweat building up on certain parts of your body between the two of you, feeling tops stick on your stomach and chests. The beads of sweat slowly descending down Zooey’s forehead as she places soft delicate kisses on your neck as she feels the slight stutter of her own hips. 
The feeling of your thighs trembling and your whole body tensing and the quiet gasp that leaves your mouth at Zooey pressing down against your clit harder and thrusting in one last time as she feels her own thighs twitching. Both of your legs and the arm that’s draped around Zooey’s back fall limply on the bed as you attempt to get your breath back. Pulling the strap out of you as gently as she can.
She smiles down at you as she watches the rise and fall of your chest with your eyes closed, as she takes off the strap and throws it to the side. Leaning down closer to you and placing soft kisses all around your face and lips as she mumbles “I hate to break up this lil moment but before we go back downstairs we better clear ourselves back up.” 
You nod weakly and swallow dryly “you should go first…to clean yourself and leave first. Maybe even walk into the bathroom down the hall and come back out just so ya know….people don’t get suspicious.” 
Zooey grins down at you softly as she places a lingering kiss on your every so slightly swollen yet soft lips. “Happy Birthday Y/N/N. I hope you liked your surprise present.” 
You laugh softly at her response as you see her get up off the bed picking up the toy to sneak out to the other bathroom. Staring up at the ceiling smiling to yourself softly, realising what just happened groaning and placing both hands over your face.
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convxction · 2 years
What drew you to Chrom originally?
For munday send in a question in for the mun to answer. On or off anon. | accepting | @pieman1112
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to answer truthfully or not
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ok ok. my first time writing chrom was ... *opens old multi muse blog* 8 years ago... March 13, 2014. at that time i did not have a 3ds so i didnt play awakening but for some reason i just liked chrom and gaius without playing the game. i looked at them and i was like yep these two looks fun to write them. tbh i had a mutual who had a custom avatar and i think (not sure i cant tell because old blog and weird tags and dumblr not showing everything) i added gaius first ? then chrom the next day maybe. knowing my like for thieves it was obvious to add gaius at some point even without playing the game. i did the thing i dont like in rp XDD adding muses you are not that familiar with and fuck with their character because ehe~ but let me defend myself. i tried my best to not go ‘ehe’ mode. looking at some posts they are not that far from ic tbh not like.. bragging or anything ;sweat; but y-yeah. dont look at my grammar and typo mistakes please. ahaha;;;;; 
but yeah i believe i read the wiki page from chrom and was i like mhm interesting. will he dethrone ephraim tho????? shhh. i liked his characteristics of being honest, straightforward and looking after his friends (i am as you know weak to nakama.) it is funny that i knew lucina was marth already but it didnt affect the experience to me when i played it because lucina is good. fight me. she was written mwah. chef kiss. now i hope for more actually chapters for lucina alone, her POV when she came to the world and the two year time skip and all but eh. we can do that with writing XD
anyway what am i writing sheesh i got distracted. 
ok so i stopped using my old blog and moved to single blogs and chrom was abandoned with other muses lol. UNTIL WARS AND ARPH CAME AND BEING THE SIN FRIENDS THEY ARE I MADE CHROM BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
exhibit A
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listen. they talked me into this (wars you cannot sue me. i have the naga and the crystal by my side.) ok i got influenced so easily lmao so i made chrom blog solely to write RIsen King Chrom with Arph’s Henry and bother Wars on whatever blog she was on lmao. Just pure angst threads and i didnt expect anyone would find my chrom and write with me or anything but uh...here we are, in a new blog when i noticed that ‘hey ...um people actually...might....like...like like my chrom??? wow. not just shenanigans and dumb posts??? wow ..wild.’ so yeah i had to move to a new blog--here!!! and start actually serious ...pfft...s-serious....pf...AAAAAAAAHAHAH SERIOUS PLOTTING MWAHAHAABAABABABABAHAHAHABGAGAGA!!! ok but compared to my old blog yeah this is serious....ish pfft.
so yeah thats the story of me and this dumb blue lord. thank you for coming to my ted talk. it probably did not answer your question but heck i dont know. i found him, i adopted him, and that’s the story. (whisper i found he was voiced by tomokazu sugita and he was a keeper forever. i didnt know mat merc but i knew sugita-san and i love him so much so duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. gotta love me sugita muses)
 ahem. short answer: that stupid himbo smile+opening scene +cool hair+sick moves+tomokazu sugita. mhm.  one think i must add because shay pointed it: dark haired swordsman with sibling issues is my muse type apparently. which i dont believe so. i dont have that type nope. nooope.
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three--rings · 5 years
Tips for Editing (and posting) your own Fic
So I know a lot of people out there don’t have beta readers and I get it.  I don’t use a beta either. IT’s hard to find someone you’re compatible with, and opening yourself up to criticism is hard emotionally. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still be editing your fic yourselves.  Here are some tips I’ve picked up over the years.
1. Read your fic aloud.  Or, if you’re like me and that’s not practical or too embarrassing, read it aloud MENTALLY.  There’s a difference between reading and reading it and pronouncing each word in your mind.  Do the latter.  Anything that sounds off or awkward, change.  It also makes you more likely to catch typos.
2. If you experience ANY confusion over what you meant by something, change it.  Even if it’s a tiny, split-second of confusion over who the object or subject of that sentence was, MAKE IT MORE CLEAR.  If you, who wrote the thing, gets a little confused, someone else will too.  Sometimes you really don’t want to restructure a sentence and you think, eh, it’ll probably be fine.  If you even briefly considered it, it almost definitely needs to be changed.
3. When trying to decide about pronouns versus names versus epithets, start vague and make it more specific on edit.  It’s a writerly tendency to use too many epithets and not enough pronouns.  Which is how you get “the tall man”, “the brunette”, “the older boy”, all the damn time.  When you’re writing your first draft err on the side of pronouns and then when you reread, if you’re confused about who is who, add back in names or restrained epithets.  Only use epithets that your POV character would use.  
4. Reread multiple times.  I know.  This can suck, especially when you don’t enjoy rereading your own work.  It’s a problem I used to have but have mostly overcome.  But you’re going to catch different things in different read-throughs.  One thing I do is reread as I’m writing, especially longer pieces.  When I start a writing session, I will go back and reread what I have so far, or at least part of it leading up to where I left off.  And correct the mistakes I see.  Or, at the very least, highlight or add a note (I use Scrivener, which makes this easy) that I need to go back and reword something.  So that way my final editing pass is actually my third or fourth time through that text.
5. Focus on variation.  Look for repeated words and phrases.  Vary your sentence lengths.  Vary the structure of your sentences. Again, read it aloud and if it feels repetitive, something’s gotta change.   Sometimes it’s a good idea to do one editing pass for errors and then one looking just for this kind of thing.
6. Use Spell and Grammar checkers.  Don’t RELY on them, but use them to find things you would miss, either because you don’t know it’s wrong, or just because you’re the writer.  Add in words to the spell checker program dictionary that aren’t there, like character names or fandom specific words.  That way, if you make a typo on a name, it will get caught instead of just getting lost in a sea of red squiggles.
7. Finally, if you’re writing in a language that isn’t your native one, please find a native speaker to read it before posting.  I’m in AWE of people who write fic in their second or third (or more!) language.  I can’t imagine that!  But no matter how good your fic and your language skills, there are going to be things that JUMP out at a native speaker that you don’t catch or realize.  Word order, or confusing wording, a word with the wrong connotations, whatever.  I often read really great fic with a lot of little errors or awkward wordings and I can tell the writer isn’t a native English speaker and I just want everyone to put out their very best!  So please, ask for betas!   At the very least you can include a note when posting that you are open to corrections and/or are looking for a beta.  (I often WANT to volunteer to help someone with an ongoing fic but I don’t want to come off as rude, so I don’t offer if someone doesn’t ask!)
Other random things not to do, just because I’ve been in fandom over 20 years and I am gonna take this opportunity:
1. Don’t talk shit about yourself or your story in the summary or tags or anything.  “This probably sux, lol.”  “IDK, I’m terrible at writing.”  Look, maybe you are and maybe you aren’t but I know one thing, I’m not going to read your fic if you do this.  You’re offering people food and mentioning it might possibly be poison.  Don’t do that.  Only really, REALLY hungry people are going to take the chance.  You’re putting it out there!  Great!  Now sell it!  Or at the very least don’t tear it down.
2. DO NOT trash any person/thing/ship/trope/etc when posting your fic.  I cannot believe people are doing this in the year 2019, but they are.  “This is good, it’s not trash like the people writing That Shit.”  “I hate Fanfic Trope/Ship.”  Don’t do it in a cutsey-vague way either.  “Healthy Relationship, unlike some I could mention.”  Look.  If you write something that I Like The Sound Of, I’ll read it.  But maybe I like that thing you don’t like ALSO.  If you bash the thing I like, no way am I reading your fic.  Also it’s just trashy and Starting Shit in a place that shouldn’t be about drama.
3. Please use tags.  As many tags as you can.  Tag everything.  However, take note of the standard terms as much as possible and use those tags.  You don’t need to put up a warning “This has boy x boy” on your fic if you’ve already marked the m/m box.  That’s what its for.  Again, it’s 2019, if you’re making a big deal out of there being some gay content or some sexy content or whatever, you just come off REALLY inexperienced.  Tic the right boxes, pick the right rating, tag potential triggers, you’re good.  
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stellar-imagines · 5 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝nosy friend.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki ]
「While hanging out with the Bakusquad, Kaminari starts to bug you all about your romantic experiences and the such.」 [ Part 2 ]
"Why are you asking that all of a sudden?" you questioned, looking up from the television.
You had been hanging out with Kirishima, Bakugou, Kaminari, Sero and Ashido long enough to be included into the squad. Today was one of the nights where you would just chill together in the common area. Sometimes, you would love to just go back into your room and sleep all day. But at times like this, specifically on Saturdays, you always felt lile staying up late with your friends. As the TV began to change to commercials, you took this chance to look through your phone. At that moment, Kaminari decided to pop up a question out of boredom. He had been sitting on the floor, munching on the chips that were placed in a bowl atop of the coffee table.
"I mean....when you're in high school, you're kind of expecting some sort of love drama. Whether it is someone else's or your own. So it kind of made me want to know if any of you have any interesting love stories or something like that...." Kaminari muttered as he turned his attention towards you.
"Like hell we have anything. We're at UA, everyone is studying to become a hero. We don't have time to be messing around with relationships and shit like that." Bakugou spoke as he reached for the bowl of chips.
It was an answer you had expected from Bakugou and you couldn't help but to assume that he feels like being in a relationship would be such a hassle. Your crush on the explosive blonde was kept a secret and Ashido happened to be the only one who knew about it. Hearing him say such things about relationships made your heart drop. After all, more than anyone you know, Bakugou was the most passionate, going on about he would become the top hero. You sighed to yourself, thinking about your relationship with the ash blonde. You rarely talked to him and even if you, it was probably because you had to. 
"But, don't you guys ever want to experience some love drama like normal high school students!? It doesn't matter if you're involved in the drama or not, it could be someone else's! Maybe like.....Have a moment where you get to see something so heartwarming that you could die from cuteness!?" Kaminari asked, waving his hands around while you placed a hand on your chin, wondering about what he said. 
"Maybe it's just you, Kaminari-kun." you told him.
“Yeah bro! We’re in the same class and there’s nothing related to romance going on.” Kirishima added.
 "Aaah―I just want to feel like a normal high school student for once! I want to feel my heart race as we share love stories!" the blonde whined loudly, resting his chin atop the table. 
 "If it's a love story you want then, I have some to share!" Ashido gushed excitedly as she began talking about something that happened in the past. 
 Bakugou just listened. Even though he wasn't that interested in the topic, it gave the group something to talk about. The topic wasn't interesting but there were the occasional funny part during the talk. It was nice to see you laugh and get flustered over the cliche things, Bakugou found himself watching your reactions. You had our own stories to share, all of them being about your friends and their crushes. It was mostly you and Ashido doing the talking with the rest of the boys throwing in a few comments here and there.
“Being confessed to just gives you that thrill doesn’t it?” Kirishima said, leaning back on the couch.
“It’s nothing special.” Bakugou scoffed in response, crossing his arms over his chest.
“That’s because you’ve never been confessed to nor do you have a crush on a girl, Mr. I’m Gonna Crush Everybody?” Sero teased the ash blonde and began cursing at the black haired male. Bakugou’s cheeks grew red at the mention of having a crush on a girl.
“Shut your mouth, Tape Face!” he yelled. It was obvious that the poor boy had never fallen in love before.
“What about you, [Last Name]? Have you ever been confessed to or anything? Kaminari asked.
“Eh? Well, I’ve never been confessed to.” you replied casually.
“How about someone you like at the moment?” Kaminari continued.
“I’m not telling you any of it.” you said. Ashido turned her attention towards you when you said that, looking a little bit surprised that you decided to keep silent about it.
“But, [First Name]-chan likes Baku―” you slapped your hands over her mouth, accidentally dropping your phone onto Kaminari’s head. The blonde winced in pain, rubbing his head as he picked up the device. Everyone perked up when the pinkette spoke. Bakugou had his full attention on you, eyeing the red hue dusting your cheeks and the slight panic in your eyes. 
Bakugou blinked a few times, watching as you scold Ashido for being a loud mouth while the other boys begin to wonder who it is. Did you seriously like him? But wait, he couldn’t just assume that. There must be a lot of people out there who share a similar surname as his own. Besides, he only got to hear halfway. However, he was really curious if it was him or not. Ashido smirked when she managed to get you all flustered.
“The person that [First Name]-chan like is....Ow!” you slapped the pinkette’s head. She flashed you a out, jutting out her bottom lip like a child. Nervously turning to face the boys, you let out a strained laugh.
“Ahaha, that’s really funny, Mina-chan! I don’t have a crush on anyone.” you removed your hand from her mouth. 
Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero and Ashido could only nod with a knowing smile. On the other hand, Bakugou didn’t say anything, only managing to appear like he wasn’t interested as he covered his mouth with his right hand. The last thing he wanted was for everyone to see him acting so out of character.
‘The fuck, does she like me or not then?’ Bakugou could only wonder about that.
Total: 1023 words Published: 04.04.2019
Thank you for requesting! (ㅅ•᎑•) This is very realistic?? I mean, this pretty much happens often, at least for me. I often babble and say weird things so people would try to make me shut up by covering my mouth or slapping my arm. ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! This was really cute and we hope that it was good. We were surprised at how well this went. Hopefully everyone enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
We opened up an ask meme [?] If you’re interested please have a look here
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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sky-on-blog · 6 years
1: What do you put on hot dogs? Mustard and relish, and onions if they’re available.
2: Do you say “anticlimatic” or “anticlimactic”? I say “anticlimactic.” I didn’t know people said it any other way?
3: Do you check flyers before grocery shopping? Not the physical ones, but I check the sales online. Unless it’s somewhere like Walmart, where the sales are awful.
4: Blue, black, or some other colour pen ink? Purple.
5: Do you use your parking brake? No. I’ve never really felt the need to.
6: Look to your left. How many framed pictures are on the wall? Zero -- just posters.
7: Do you know how to play chess? No. I’ve tried to learn, but I don’t get it. I’m dumb.
8: How often do you clean the interior of your car? Haha, like...never.
9: Do you ever read the last few pages first? Nah. I like to be surprised.
10: Ever fallen in the shower? I’ve stumbled/lost my balance, but I don’t remember ever having actually fallen down. 
11: On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to swear at other drivers? To their face? One. To myself? Probably about six.
12: What’s the worst thing you’ve ever called someone you care about? I don’t know. I don’t usually call people I care about names. I’m pretty timid.
13: Do you have a Snuggie? No, nor do I want one.
14: Are you allergic to anything? Dust.
15: Do you have any TV shows on DVD? I have a good amount, yeah. 
16: How many times do you hit the snooze button before finally getting out of bed? Usually at least once or twice, but I try to set like, five alarms just in case.
17: Ever driven away in anger? I mean. Not like, in a storming-off kind of way. 
18: What’s your favourite freezie colour? Green.
19: Are you a vegetarian? Nah. I love meat too much.
20: Do you have a garbage receptacle beside you? What’s on top? I don’t.
21: Do you cross out your mistakes or erase/whiteout them? I erase them if I’m able to, otherwise I cross them out. Whiting out is way too much effort, lol.
22: Ever torn something up that you instantly knew was too important for such treatment? Not that I can recall.
23: Do you think that things will get better? Uh. Some things?
24: Do you have an unpopular opinion? What is it? I don’t care for Hayley Kiyoko’s music. :x She seems cool herself, though. And who knows -- my taste changes so much, I might like her next week.
25: What’s your favourite quote? “I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones, and variations of mental and physical experience possible in life. And I am horribly limited." - Sylvia Plath.
26: Did you/are you going to go to prom? I didn’t. I only went to my freshman homecoming and it sucked, so I never went to another one, lol. 
27: What’s the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced? An abortion. 
28: What’s the most emotionally/mentally painful thing you’ve ever experienced? Losing literally every one of my close friends. Or just...rock bottom, suicidal depression. 
29: Have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life? Maybe, but not that I’m aware of.
30: What’s your favourite book genre? Realistic fiction, I guess?
31: Did you like “Gigli”? Be honest. I never saw it.
32: Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre? Yeah.
33: Do you peek between your fingers during the scary scenes? I don’t think so. If anything, I’d look away altogether.
34: What was your reaction to Tatum getting killed whilst stuck in the pet door in Scream? I’ve never seen Scream. It’s on my list, though.
35: Do dogs like you? Yeah! Most animals do.
36: Would you say that you project an air of authority? Haha, not at all. I’m a pushover :x 
37: Do people listen when you speak? Eh, sometimes. People talk over me a lot.
38: How are your elbows? Are they okay? I guess. They’re kind of dry.
39: What is one thing that you do exceptionally well? Be honest. Honestly? Nothing. I used to be good at spelling/grammar but I never feel like reading anymore, so I’ve sort of lost it. 
40: Do you use torrents? Yeah.
41: When was the last time you paid for music? Hmm...I bought the deluxe edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm, and it came with the soundtrack.
42: Are you addicted to technology? I really am. 
43: Pick a person (you don’t need to give their name). How do you feel about them? Be as honest as you can get yourself to be. I appreciate what they do for me, but their views on things are pretty fucked up, and they don’t see it at all.
44: Do you check your computer’s dictionary for the definition of words you’d otherwise feel confident about using during in-person interactions? Just to be sure? Haha, yeah, I do that. I try not to use words I’m unsure of in in-person interactions, though.
45: How heavily to you rely on spellcheck and autocorrect? Not very heavily; I’m at least a decent speller. I mostly rely on it to catch any typos.
46: Have you ever gotten into an argument on the internet? Did you win? I have, yeah. I don’t even remember if I ever won. I’m pretty bad at arguing, so I’m going to go with probably not.
47: Do you pause movies/TV shows if you have to go to the bathroom or the kitchen, or do you just let them keep playing? I pause them, unless it’s something I don’t care about or that I’ve seen before.
48: If you use a regular alarm clock, do you have it set to music or that obnoxious beeping? I just use the default one on my phone.
49: Peter Pan? ...what about him?
50: How often do you fall up the stairs? I don’t have to go up stairs very often, but I’v fallen up them a few times before.
51: Do you pronounce “anti” as ant-eye or ant-ee? (Example: “That scene was very anticlimactic.”) Depends on the situation, but I usually say “ant-eye.”
52: Do you pronounce “via” as vee-uh or vie-uh? (Example: “We can get there via Tremont Street.”) Vee-uh. The other way sounds unnatural to me.
53: How often do you forget to close your parentheses? Not very often. I’m sort of picky about stuff like that.
0 notes
My Opinion on Rem from Re:Zero
Before I started, maybe some of you will think “Why you review that old anime, you’re late.” Well, I just wanted to speak my opinion. I really wanted to talk about this since the long, loooong time. 
Also, I’m sorry if I missed some point on this (since I watched Re:Zero on a rush, I must catch 20 episodes on 1 day even though I’m already rewatch it...) and this post will be revolve only on the anime (since the light novel are unfinished yet...). And also some grammar mistake. And I’m not a pro on this things, so, I’m apologize!
And if you really love Rem, I won’t hate you. Because, I know everyone loves Rem. And also vice versa, if you hate Rem, I won’t hate you too. Everyone have their own opinion. And I open to everyone’s opinion too!
This post will start under the cut! (Since this is also include spoiler too, and this is will be very long post.) 
Re:Zero, the anime that makes the legend on anime community, especially on Rem, the Best Girl of 2016. 
Though I have some issues with her, especially on her fandom. 
The first thing that makes me want to watch Re:Zero is that people always talked about Rem, that makes me curious. 
So, let’s start from the anime itself. 
When I first saw Rem, she’s looks like a great female character. But, oh well... I mean, yes, she is a great character, but, in my taste, she’s kinda.... Weird, in my opinion. 
Let’s start from the beginning, from the very start, Rem are actually have netral opinion on Subaru (we won’t talk about that part where Rem killed Subaru twice, because, well, that’s already become the part of Subaru’s part in another timeline.) not until when she killed the Mabeasts. When Subaru stopped Rem, Rem suddenly have a feeling on him. I mean, it’s suddenly happen that Rem have romantic feeling. It’s too sudden.
I mean, someone who have romantic feeling on another have reason that not only limited to one event, and that’s why I called Rem too sudden to have feeling with him. But yeah, there’s no rules to fall in love, but Rem’s romantic feeling are too sudden at least for me. 
And when episode 18 comes, it’s so heartwarming, yet... Feels more weirder though.
As she confess, and the episode goes on, I feel like, that she’s become doesn’t care about the world itself and just want Subaru. She’s doesn’t care as long as Subaru alive. She’s doesn’t care if her sister, Emilia, ect are dead as long as Subaru is alive. She’s become more yandere-ish as the episode goes on. 
I mean, well yes, Rem doesn’t experience the feeling of falling in love before Subaru comes, so I won’t blame her even though it’s feels weird.
In this world, your crush are the not only one that you must thinking of. Youself, and other people are also precious too. Call me selfish, but there’s no way in this world to become completely selfless. Even your love to your crush can be called as “good selfish” because, wanting your love to become happy are something you  want. Even you become selfless because you want to become everyone happy. Selfish are actually a natural feeling on human thing, to keep alive and survive.
(But seriously, don’t become “bad selfish” tho. It’s bad.)
And also, the thing that I still thinking of is that Rem are actually doesn’t really care to Ram. Since when Ram loses her horn, Rem are actually happy, even though that she’s regret it ever since. 
And started from episode 18, she’s become doesn’t emotionally care about Ram. It doesn’t mean that we must act lovey-dovey to our own sibling. I mean, Ram are the one who saves Rem when they are still a newborn baby (well... Rem and Ram probably doesn’t know that because, they are still a newborn baby.) If Ram didn’t save Rem, then, there’s a chance that Rem will be killed. Remember that in their clan that twins are prohibited and one of the twin must be killed? If Ram didn’t protect her, then Rem will probably died too.
Even though the reason they allowed to alive as a twin are because of the strong power that Ram had, if Ram doesn’t strong enough, then Rem will died? Didn’t Ram are indirectly sacrificed her horn to protect her? But that’s doesn’t mean that Rem didn’t hold a strong jealousy to her sister. Having inferiority complex and such. But, at least, Rem must be thankful to her sister in my opinion. 
Because, that’s still annoy me that she’s forget what Ram did to her, espiecially post-episode 18. I know that romantic love are have stronger feeling that platonic love, but still...
And, for the worst part, are her fanatic fans. Her fanatic fans always says that Rem are the perfect girl, and Emilia should die (Emilia didn’t do nothing wrong in general, geez...). And they will send death threat for anyone who tried to criticize their beloved 2D waifu. Seriously, if Rem are actually exist, she would be dissapointed with her fans. And, the fanatic fans are the main reason why I switched from Rem to Ram. (Ram needs some love too btw.) Even though Rem is perfect, I’m sure she’s still flawed somewhere. And this fanatic fans doesn’t accept their waifu’s flaw which is..... Childish...
(And also, don’t even come to visit Re:Zero fandom on Facebook btw. It’s full of toxic, cancer, and cringe based on my experience. This is why I didn’t use Facebook ever again.)
And I’m kinda dissapointed when people only celebrate Rem’s birthday and forgetting Ram, because they technically TWIN. Seems people only care for their waifu, the sweet, shy, and modest girl who become yandere and possessive once someone threat their crush (basically, them.) badly are the most favorite one, eh? *shrug* Even they officially celebrate it, and it’s feels like that Ram are forgetable. But that’s understable since they officially do it for bigger income. 
Anyway, that’s my rant today. I’m sorry if this are so much flawed (grammar error and typo). But anyway, have a good day! 
0 notes
suckitsurveys · 8 years
What’s the speed limit of the street you live on?   Probably 25 or 30? I can’t remember the standard for when it’s not posted. 
What condiments do you like on hamburgers?   On plain hamburgers? Ketchup and mustard I guess. 
Have you ever taken skiing lessons?   Nope. 
What did you get your dad for his last birthday?   I got him a couple of Chicago Cubs drinking glasses. 
How many trees are in your front yard?   One, but I guess technically it’s in the service drive or whatever its called that’s owned by the city and not on the property. 
Do any of your relatives live in another country?   My second cousin Michelle lives in Costa Rica. 
Are you claustrophobic?   A little. 
When grocery shopping, do you usually buy brand names or store brand?   Store brand for the most part. 
Around what time do you usually eat dinner?   Between 6 and 8 usually. 
Do you have any clothing that you get dry cleaned?   Nah. 
Do you like foods with coconut in it?   I only like coconut shrimp, probably because it’s cooked into the breading. I can’t stand coconut shavings in other foods. I do enjoy pineapple and coconut flavored things.  
Have you ever been to an Ikea store?   Yeah.
What is the last thing you accomplished?   Organized my makeup that I never actually wear, haha. I can’t part with some of the things I got when I tried Ipsy for a little bit, because I wanted to get more into make up but I definitely didn’t. I did find a good mascara and liquid eyeliner though.  
Have you ever researched your family history?   I mean, I’ve heard stories about it, so a little bit? My mom’s aunt has a whole journal where she’s written down my mom’s mom’s side of the family tree. 
Do you think ditzy people are more annoying, or more entertaining?   It depends on the person? This is such a weird question.
What color are the cabinets in your kitchen?   They’re light brown.
Have you ever had surgery that kept you in the hospital for over a day?   Nope. The only surgery I ever had was when I got my wisdom teeth out.
Do you like carrots more if they’re raw, or cooked?   Both ways are fine. 
Did you play with Legos as a kid?   I did!
What restaurant did you last go out to dinner at with friends?   Wasabi Cafe with Lydia. 
Do you keep a first aid kit in your car?   I probably should. 
Does your house/apartment have a patio?   Yeah, there’s a yard. 
What’s a chore you don’t mind doing?   Eh. 
Does your refrigerator have an ice maker or do you use ice cube trays?   We’ve actually just been using a bag of ice we bought a few weeks ago, but we should invest in some ice cube trays. the fridge we have actually does have an ice maker, but it’s not hooked up.  
What is your computers desktop background?   It’s just the windows logo because I always have something full screened so I never think to change it.
Ever been horseback riding on the beach?   No.
Which bothers you more… spelling mistakes or bad grammar?   Grammar, especially since typos are a thing.
What is your favorite kind of cereal?   Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Have you ever hit an animal while driving?   Surprisingly I haven’t. I say that because I used to drive a lot on “country” roads when Mark lived in Joliet. 
How long have you had your current cell phone?   Two years in July. 
Do you have a BluRay player?   No, I need to get one though because I have BluRays. 
How many cousins do you have?   4 first cousins and 8000000 second cousins. 
Do you grow your fingernails out, or keep them cut short?   I like them a little long but they are so brittle right now. I need a manicure so bad. 
Have you ever bought anything off of eBay? I think so?
Is there a food that you love the taste of, but makes you feel sick? Nah. 
0 notes
stellar-imagines · 5 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝nosy friend pt 2.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki ]
「Ever since Ashido’s slip up, the Bakusquad is curious about the person you have a crush on. And all you could do was mentally remind yourself to keep Ashido’s mouth shut at all times.」 [ Part 1 ]
“Seriously.....you need to keep your mouth shut sometimes, Mina-chan.” you mumbled in a whisper.
“Sorry, sorry! But it’s pretty amazing that you don’t let it show on your face that you actually do like him.” the pinkette replied. You took one glance at the ash blonde who was standing a little bit further away from where you were.
“But, Bakugou is a little bit dense when it comes to romance. I get that you’re trying to spend more time with him and invite him out during the weekends sometimes, I’m sure he still doesn’t get it.
It was true that you have a crush on him but it was just recently and the feeling was a little bit unfamiliar which made you consult Ashido for consultation. That was how she found out about your crush on the explosive boy. Sometimes you even regret telling Ashido about this. The female will tease you endlessly when you’re alone. At times, she felt like the need to tell everyone about it. Ever since that small little slip up, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero have been curious about who your crush is.
Lucky for you, Bakugou didn’t bother to ask you anything about it. He would be lying id he said that he wasn’t curious. Ashido almost told everyone about the person you liked. It had been close to his surname but he couldn’t be so sure of it just yet. There must be people out there who probably share a similar surname anyway. But why was he so curious about the person you liked anyway? Was it because there was a possibility of it being him? Maybe that was it. It was because it could be him.
“This is irritating.” Bakugou muttered all of a sudden.
“I know right, I just can’t get through question 6. Bakugou help me!” Kirishima groaned, scratching at his head as he tapped his pencil on the book. Kaminari who had been by the red head’s side.
“Then how did you do question 2, Kirishima?” the blonde questioned.
“Isn’t it the same as the first one? All you have to do is substitute and all that right?” Sero said, looking over his answers that he had written on his notebook.
“Why the hell are we doing this in my room?!” Bakugou exclaimed angrily.
The Bakusquad had agreed to spend the afternoon finishing their homework together today. Even though no one planned out where they will be doing it, they all seemed to know where to be gathering. At first it had been Kirishima who came into his room and asked for help. Eventually, both Sero and Kaminari came along, asking if they could do it here. Bakugou only had Kirishima to blame because he was probably the one who told them where they were gathering at. Bakugou was already far ahead of them, almost done with his homework since he started it earlier than them.
“We’re here!” Ashido entered the room with a bright smile.
“Sorry to make you wait, we brought some snacks!” you announced, holding up a few things in hand.
“Why the hell are you guys here too? It’s my fucking room not the fucking park!” Bakugou growled as you and Ashido let yourselves in and made yourselves comfortable. You took a seat next to the girl and began to open the snacks you brought in.
“Eh? Where’s your homework?” Kirishima questioned you as you begin to stuff your mouth with potato chips.
“Ah, that, I finished it yesterday night while listening to a radio so I’m pretty much free today.” you hummed.
“How about you, Ashido?” Kaminari turned his attention to the pink haired female who threw a peace sign while taking some chips from you.
“I finished it too!”
“Liar! You probably just cheated it off from [Last Name] or something!” Kaminari whined lightly glaring at the female who looked very happy to be finished with her homework.
Ashido began to whine about how you didn’t let her copy everything and told her to study while doing the homework. You didn’t exactly give her the privilege to copy every single thing. Since you’re finished with everything, you sat in Bakugou’s room, eating snacks as you helped the boys with their homework. It took forever for Kaminari to finish it because he could barely understand with Bakugou’s yelling but before it was dinner time, you all had time to rest and play some card games.
“Anyway, going back to what we were talking a few days ago....”
“Drop it, Kaminari. I’m not telling you who it is.”
“Ehhhhh? Why not? Come on, I’ve been waiting for something like this ever since we started studying in UA. Something more normal!” the blonde whined as reshuffled the cards for another round.
“Why do I have to go and reveal everything? It’s my privacy and I have the right to talk about it or not.” you huffed.
“Its someone we know, right? If it wasn’t then you wouldn’t mind telling us.” Sero said while you were handing out cards.
“How about a hint?” Kirishima suggested.
“It’s a boy.” you quickly responded before placing the deck in the center.
“That doesn’t really help much!” Kaminari whined. You groaned and pulled out your phone, the boys started to get curious. excluding Bakugou who remained silent. Even though he acted like he wasn’t interested, he was actually listening.
“Then.....this person doesn’t particularly like sweets.” you mumbled, tossing a card into the pile.
“That’s not really....we don’t know everyone’s tastes. How about another hint?” Kirishima mumbled, giving you a pleading look.
“I’d say.....he’s around Bakugou-kun’s height.” you decided that saying the person’s name would drive them away from the thought of it being Bakugou. The boys’ reaction was surprise as they began to discuss amongst themselves who it might possibly be.
“Someone around Bakugou’s height huh? That’s a still difficult.” Sero muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I purposely made it hard for you.” you replied with a small triumph smirk.
“That’s because it’s Bakugou himself.” Ashido muttered to herself. You smacked the pink haired female as soon as she said that.
“Ow! That hurts, [First Name]!” she whined.
“Then please keep quiet!”
Total: 1032 words Published: 13.04.2019
Thank you for requesting! (ㅅ•᎑•) The first part was really popular and is easily our top posts! So glad that everyone liked it. And there were a few people asking for a part 2 sooo here you go! ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! Surprised to see that this got so much attention that some people requested for another part. With almost no details, we decided to freestyle it. Hope you all liked it!― author Natsuki
We opened up an ask meme [?] If you’re interested please have a look here
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