#there may be more on the horizon bc ive been thinking a lot recently
stupidkinbs · 1 year
it’s been a while. i have very roughly done sprite edits (and some general notes)
jade strider (daveways)
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if you’ve been here a while, there’s no need for me to make much of any notes atp. the only thing i can mention is that i used a dave sprite because my mannerisms were a lot more similar to canon dave and it felt a lot more fitting.
i didn’t draw my symbol since i lowkey don’t fully remember. i feel like it was a cassette tape though.
john harley (plus dave lalonde [roseways] from what i remember)
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we started the session when we were older. maybe about 15? so that’s why we may look a little older.
it’s hard to tell, but i’m wearing shorts! i wore these a lot since the island was a bit warm but i could never really let go of sweaters (especially one dave made me) so i tended to wear them and just rolled my sleeves up. i also liked bracelets and jewelry! and had my ears pierced. i also got a lip piercing done by roxy strider (dirkways) but i think that was a lot further in the future (maybe even earth c?)
i remember dave a bit more post grimdark, at least in terms of appearance. he got a lot of scars on his arms afterwords. his hair was also practically white afterwards, but since there’s a lack of color, i can’t really show that lol
actually now that i think about it, it would be a smart idea for me to explain how i looked in these cause of me not coloring them. i had black hair (that was very poorly cut. i cut it myself most of the time. my dad could of helped but i was determined to get it done myself), green eyes, and light tan skin. i also had a bunch of freckles. my symbol was a plant
dave, on the other hand, had dark blond hair (pretty much white post-grimdark), purple eyes, and mid tan skin. his symbol might have been a pair of needles? maybe? :P
meulin makara (kurlozways)
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appearance explanation! curly, poofy black hair, grey skin obvi but it was a bit darker than “standard” (for lack of better term), and pre-death my eyes had started to turn purple. post that, my entire eyes were just full white. cause yk. dead.
i had a scar on the back of my right hand. it was covered by my glove, but it was in between my thumb and pointer finger. there was also this big one on my stomach but idk what it was from.
not pictured due to the lack of color, but i did have face paint. it was similar to a cat. kind of like a tiger? the canon drawing in my pinned is the best example of it.
i might have gotten a tattoo from porrim? it’s not clear but i have a faint memory of getting a tattoo at some point, and she knew about that kind of stuff, so it makes sense to me. ^.3.^
OH and i had a nose piercing. that’s what that dot by my nose is for lol.
dirk lalonde (roxyways)
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this is a really new one so i can’t say much. i mostly just remember myself.
appearance: light blond hair and pink eyes. i can’t really figure out what’s up with skin tone stuff. again, this is pretty new. i have no fucking idea what symbol i had.
i did programming stuff. i tinkered with robotics a bit, but it wasn’t my main deal. it was more so roxy’s.
i made this tl’s version of AR who…i’m pretty sure loathed me a bit. i attempted to make him a body at some point, but that was a bust. i considered contacting rox about it but didn’t want to bother her.
in terms of the outfit i have here? i had this off the shoulder sweater that i really really liked. i used to not wear a tank under. of course, i accidentally shrunk it in the wash, so then i did to cover my stomach. also i’m not sure when and where i got that eyebrow piercing. it’s just there until i get an idea.
(if anyone happens to see this post btw please don’t take the sprites w/out permission. ik that won’t stop anyone but it is very much appreciated if you don’t 🥲👍)
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i have been silent on tumble for way to long and i am sorry. i guess i just lost motivation to write. i decided im gonna take some time off of writing incorrect quotes for the batfam/dc and marvel and show you guys my other interests!
so you probably didnt know this but i am a pretty big kpop fan. suprise. not that original ik. but one of my all time fav (possibly my ult group) is NCT and ive been stanning them since their SM Rookies days so i am a SENIOR fan lol. Recently since school is out and im super free ive been spending a ton of time watching agents of shield, burn notice, naruto, rurouni kenshin, jujutsu kaisen, a ton of movies from my childhood and NCT fan edit videos and meme compilations. soooooo why not put my growing obsession and built up fantasies of NCT to good use and actually make some content? 
ive also been watching a lot of musicals like hamilton, six, dear evan hansen (so excited for the new movie), the greatest showman, mean girls, etc. and the schuyler sisters is currently stuck in my head (no seriously ill just randomly sing “eLiZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” in my head for no reason) so i may or may not make some posts abt that.
ALSO. i am SUPER PUMPED UP abt Black Widow. like even more pumped up than i was for Loki and TFATWS. im sososososososo excited i cant stop talking abt it and pissing off my brothers.
AND THERES A NEW HORIZON GAME COMING OUT. i cant wait to play it. i really really really loved Horizon Zero Dawn  so you can imagine how pumped i am for Forbidden West. honestly i kinda wish they made a whole game abt Rost’s backstory just bc its so fucking sad and you dont really learn much abt it in Zero Dawn but they might go deeper into it in Forbidden West and I really hope they do bc its really interesting and sad.
ive been playing so much TLOU especially TLOU2 and Uncharted. I recently beat The Lost Legacy and it was really great. My brother didnt really enjoy it much for whatever reason but i was just happy to see Chloe and Nadine’s chaotic love hate relationship lol. I also think the new phone feature with taking the pictures and all was a nice added touch, it really accentuated the arrival of a new character and made it really obvious that we werent playing as Nate anymore. Like usually Nate would write things down in his journal and draw the objects and puzzles himself, but i think Chloe using her phone to do the same shows us that shes not as ig “into it” as Nate is. its like shes willing to put in the work necessary but make it easy and fast. kinda goes to show the more thief part of her and the lack of the “history nerd” thing that Nate has, kinda like Sully in a way.
Anyway enough abt me ranting what ive been up to. its time to make a slight change to the profile and username and make my first actual post for MONTHS.
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grgie · 3 years
hellooo, hope you are doing okay!! also, im wondering if you have any upcoming proyects, im a fan of what you do, from dead serious podcast to embroidery haha so i wonder if any of that will com eback or there is anything new in the horizon that you are excited for!!! anyhow i hope all you are at now goes well ^^
... anon my beloved
illl be honest, ive mainly been working on uni stuff recently (im station manager at a radio station which takes up a lot of my free time) as ive got my final project for this year coming up. i might (?) post it if it turns out any good as ive been producing a short film that if we can do it well, will be awesome.
im still thinking about rebooting dead serious before i leave uni, ive also been considering doing it remotely instead of in person, bc of covid and also not really knowing many decent voice actors, its just unfortunately uni work is my priority rn
im also hoping to record more episodes of flixers in the next month or so! rosie is graduating and i have final projects so it may be a bit before a new episode releases
but anon i am touched and honoured that you are interested in the things i create, it means more to me than you could know! i will do my upmost to keep creating and try to remember to share it on this blog lol <3
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empresspiscea · 5 years
lessons and questions that come with the number 3 | published by @viriyaakarunaa on twitter.
are you as a good of a communicator as you lead yourself to believe? where do you struggle with being an active and attentive listener? | I never really thought i was a great communicator. I've always thought I understood what others were saying to a great degree, but ive always had a hard time speaking up for myself. (as I write this I am growing curious where this stems from and how it ties into my 3H cusp on taurus). I think if i just stfu, I would come across as an attentive and active listener, because i am! I just have an opinion on every damn thing and i should share it with more conviction.
do you listen with the intention to digest what you were told? | When it comes to learning, yess! I devour knowledge, and i am the same with stories that peak my interest. though I have noticed recently that I struggle to remain present in social situations, and when conversations that are much more mundane or emotional taxing occur.
3 aligns with the sacral chakra and nervous system. have you don't work to maintain the balance between your mind your emotions - allow neither to fully take charge, but instead to work in balance? | DO I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU - this was literally my life last week. so to sum it up, I nearly got in a car accident because my dumbass didn't process that a green light was actually a green arrow. It wasn't until up was home when i fully processes that my emotions were in full control. there was no rationality filter. In times like those, my awareness is key. I need to know when either my mind or emotions are taking over bc (thanks to astrology) there is great separation between the two. they crave different things. my mind, the intellectual thinker who wants to see something from all the angles and my emotions who spark flames wherever the wind takes them.
how do you respond when you are triggered and where do you have to take responsibility for yourself and the world to make your triggers less explosive? | The end result of many of my triggers is to shut down. Whether it be not confronting it to begin with (mind lol) or lash out since i have to put up with it and then never acknowledge it again (moon lol). I was actually telling myself earlier today that if i have to do something i don't want to do, ima do it, I just won't be a pleasant experience for EITHER of us.
do yo think before reacting or is the reaction is more important? | *insert devilish smile* reacting has always been instinctual for me. it had nothing to do with if it was important or not, I just couldn't control myself. Now, with traumatic programming and coping mechanisms, that isn't really the best thing. But with meditation and some subliminal messages, when can kick those toxic coping mechanisms to the curb.
do you think before you speak? do you take your time formulating your thoughts? how mindful are your conversation or are you talking just because you can? | I don't ever talk because i can, i dont think ive ever been confident enough for that. once i feel like i'm trailing into nothingness i try to excuse myself from speaking. I often overthink my thoughts. I've recently noticed that when i when i am speaking from my feeling (as soon as it sparks my interest) I can articulate my ideas seamlessly. But once I start thinking about how that message should come across, I struggle. (now that makes me curious about my mercury-moon midpoints being in cancer and capricorn. im trying to blur the lines between nurturing and rigidness.)
what do you do for your community? what is your role in your community dynamic? | tbn, not shit. I am very inactive when i comes to community activities, and I would love to start participating more. this will be an exciting part of my journey in 2020.
how often are you lying to yourself and what are you being dishonest about? | it's been a while, I haven't really had something to lie to myself about to, but lemme try to think. some kind of delusional hope that every guy has some kind of prince charming in them deep down. that one. that my path is the best path. idk that sounds like bullshit
when you experience self doubt do you take the time to explore its origin? are you doubtful because you have internalized what other people have said about you? or are you doubtful because, once again, you've lied to yourself about your ability? | yeah this is where the lying to myself thing really starts to disconnect. Because i've lied to myself about my ability? hmm, not quite. ive always been aware of the separation between my isolated bringing and the horizons i would like to further pursue. I want to bring life to the party, but i and ever been the life of the party. and that's the origin of self doubt: "you already know your not capable, so why even bother?" if we want to get deep deep, i can see how much of this is rooted in my mother and her expectations. I've internalized the possible negative reactions others may have, when right now i don't care what anyone thinks of me. I just want to do what I do and feel good doing it.
where do you stand with your inner child? have you taken the time to explore where you are still triggered by your inner child? | yess! me and her are best buds. we've been doing a lot of inner work lately. she's proud of me. I want to honor her.
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hermanwatts · 4 years
Sensor Sweep: Beast Master, Time Travel, Grey Hawk
Fiction (Easily Distracted): Year’s Best Horror Stories 1976
The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series IV Edited by Gerald W. Page (1976 DAW)
Lifeguard by Arthur Byron Cover:A sharp diamond of a story told in the first-person and saying what needs to be said about youth’s expiring ambitions, the narrow horizon of small town life, summertime, pot, and an uncanny will-o-the-wisp.
Anime (Walker’s Retreat): Where have I seen this before? Oh, only with the Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Marvel, DC, Biohazard/Resident Evil, The Last of Us, and so many other Western corporate properties. There are two key differences between what’s going on with anime and what’s going on with Western entertainment. The first is that the Death Cult doesn’t run Japan’s culture industry, not the way it is in the West. The second is that the entertainment corporations don’t outright hate their customers. So, instead of esoteric Molech worship we have the (by comparison) easier problem of a Brand Fan problem.
Comic Books (Dark Worlds Quarterly): 1975 was the new Golden Age of dinosaur comics with Joe Kubert leading the pack. By some strange coincidence all the dinosaur/jungle guys had names that started with a T (Tarzan, Turok, Tragg) or a K (Korg and Kong). So Tragg and the Sky-Gods, Korg 70,000 BC and Kong the Untamed made their dino comic cover debuts. Skull the Slayer had dinos but not for long. It got weirder with more UFO stuff. Valley of the Dinosaurs was based on a Hanna-Barbera cartoon and like The Land of the Lost (1974-1976) (which didn’t have a comic) was Saturday Morning pandering to the dino lovers.
D&D (Tao DND): The Higher Path of D&D, the one beyond merely killing things and taking away their treasure, is the human experience of pitting Self against that which we do not think should be.  Not my self.  The Player’s Self.  The players are entitled to fight for those causes they want to fight for.  I won’t tell them how to do that; I won’t shame them into fighting for causes I think are right and noble; I won’t clear the road for them.  I won’t judge them for their choices.  I won’t encourage them to believe what I believe and I won’t punish them when they don’t.
Fiction (DMR Books): When you think of literary thieves, who do you think of? Maurice Le Blanc’s sly gentleman thief Arsene Lupin? Richard Stark’s harden, professional Parker? Yet, aside from the crime genre, thievery as an occupation appears most often in sword and sorcery. Thieves as protagonists have a long history in sword and sorcery. This trope probably began in mythology and legend. Prometheus stole fire from the gods. Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. In High Fantasy, Bilbo Baggins was recruited to burgle a dragon. So let’s look at their fictional heritage.
Writing (John C. Wright): For every C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Cordwainer Smith, Gene Wolfe, Walter M. Miller, or Orson Scott Card writing from a Christian perspective, one can list ten men of heathen or secular perspective lauded with the greatest fame our genre can bestow. Instead of Gene Roddenberry making stories to say men cannot be free in utopia or George Lucas saying men must fight their dark side, we now have Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson making stories to say free men are toxic, and that the fight is pointless, for the light offers no more answers than the darkness.
Interview (Superversive SF): Today, we have a treat! An interview with Brian Niemeier, author of Don’t Give Money to People Who Hate You in which he talks about how he came to write this surprise breakout book. 1. How did you come to write this book?
I almost didn’t. My dispositions have always run toward writing fiction, so I initially resisted tackling nonfiction. It was only when several friends, family members, and readers urged me to collect my thoughts on the culture war in a book that I relented.
Pulp Magazines (Don Herron): In Chapter 2 of the 1943 serial Batman — “The Bat’s Cave” — Bruce Wayne’s butler Alfred wiles away the time reading the October 1940 issue of Spicy Detective. The “spicy” element should be obvious from the cover art—and from the prim Alfred’s startled expression. The content of the stories lived up to the lascivious suggestion of the cover. But only just.
Horror (Too Much Horror Fiction): When it comes to pulp horror fiction, I don’t think there’s any doubt that “Slime” is one of the perfect gems of the style. Originally published in a 1953 issue of the venerated magazine “Weird Tales,” Joseph Payne Brennan’s 30-odd page tale is rife with all the weaknesses and all the glories of pulp horror in full flower. Brennan overuses words and phrases (“hood of horror” and “black mantle”), utilizes some weak analogies (alien as… some wild planet in a distant galaxy), and his country dialogue makes “Hee-Haw” sound like Olivier reciting the Bard.
Westerns (Western Fiction Review): This time, the author behind the pseudonym of Tabor Evans is James Reasoner and he provides us with a cracking tale. The action comes thick and fast as Longarm searches for the long missing army payroll. From the word go someone is out to stop Longarm getting to Sweetwater Canyon but he battles through. Once there Longarm finds himself in a range war and the canyon is part of the land being fought for.
Cinema (New Iron Age Blogspot): Released in 1982, this movie was a complete flop and only became well-known, and something of a cult classic, when it became ubiquitous on cable throughout the 80s. To kids of my generation, this was one of their early experiences with Sword & Sorcery, and maybe the very first. It established in a lot of kid’s minds what the genre was supposed to be, and it still inspires a lot of affection to this day.
D&D (Dungeon Fantastic): What I like about the systems I’d consider: AD&D – Power level. I like the HP levels. I have a strong dislike for d4 HP thieves and I like d10 fighters better than d8 fighters. – Cleric spells. I like clerics getting spells at level 1, and bonuses for Wisdom are fine with me. I get why from a world-building standpoint the vast majority of clerics being level 1 and not getting spells makes PCs quickly become special . . . but I’d rather have them start with a spell. – I like AC starting at 10, not 9 (but see below.)
Hugos (Emperor Ponders): Some particular trends in genre literature have become obvious during the past few years. One of them is the use of Brobdingnagian titles, a compulsion to write paragraph-long titles, some of whom even give away the plot. I suspect this may have started as a quirky, ironic thing to do, but I don’t think it’s funny unless you are lampooning or referencing some stuffy style like academic papers or writing comedy. And, to be fair, that’s to some extent what this story is doing—referencing, not the comedy.
Anthology (Science fiction fantasy blogspot): Beyond Time: Classic Tales of Time Unwound, edited by Mike Ashley This is one of a number of anthologies in the Science Fiction Classics series published by the British Library, this one (as you may have guessed) dealing with time travel. As usual in this series, there is a long introduction by the editor, supplemented by biographical notes on the authors at the start of each story.
RPG (Grey Hawk Grognard): The thing to remember first in a Greyhawk-setting mass combat is that the AD&D rules are geared towards small, skirmish-level actions. In other words, melee with a small party of adventurers and a relatively small group of enemies and/or monsters. This scale is reflected in the spells, such as animate dead (there’s really no way to have a literal army of skeletons unless you have hundreds of 5th level clerics or 9th level magic-users) and even mass invisibility requires a 14th level magic-user, and such are exceedingly rare in the World of Greyhawk.
History (Didact’s Reach): Legends were forged on that day, such as that of “The Boys of Pointe du Hoc”. Heroes fought to the bitter end, on both sides. Germans opened the gates of Hell itself upon the Allied infantrymen wading ashore through the pounding surf of Omaha Beach, raining shot and shell down on them. Americans and Canadians and British and New Zealanders and many others bayoneted, grenaded, shot, clubbed, and mauled their German opponents to their gruesome deaths.
Pulp Fiction (Rough Edges): Of the many, many series written for the pulps by H. Bedford-Jones, his longest-running featured a fat little Cockney named John Solomon, which ran from 1914 to 1936 and encompassed more than twenty novels and novellas. John Solomon may not seem very impressive at first glance, but he actually runs a far-flung intelligence network and makes a specialty of thwarting all sorts of criminal and espionage schemes around the world. I’ve been aware of this series for years but hadn’t read any of them until recently, when I started at the most logical place, the novel THE GATE OF FAREWELL, which was published originally as a serial in ARGOSY in 1914 and is Solomon’s first appearance.
Sensor Sweep: Beast Master, Time Travel, Grey Hawk published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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