#i have a new kin
stupidkinbs · 1 year
it’s been a while. i have very roughly done sprite edits (and some general notes)
jade strider (daveways)
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if you’ve been here a while, there’s no need for me to make much of any notes atp. the only thing i can mention is that i used a dave sprite because my mannerisms were a lot more similar to canon dave and it felt a lot more fitting.
i didn’t draw my symbol since i lowkey don’t fully remember. i feel like it was a cassette tape though.
john harley (plus dave lalonde [roseways] from what i remember)
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we started the session when we were older. maybe about 15? so that’s why we may look a little older.
it’s hard to tell, but i’m wearing shorts! i wore these a lot since the island was a bit warm but i could never really let go of sweaters (especially one dave made me) so i tended to wear them and just rolled my sleeves up. i also liked bracelets and jewelry! and had my ears pierced. i also got a lip piercing done by roxy strider (dirkways) but i think that was a lot further in the future (maybe even earth c?)
i remember dave a bit more post grimdark, at least in terms of appearance. he got a lot of scars on his arms afterwords. his hair was also practically white afterwards, but since there’s a lack of color, i can’t really show that lol
actually now that i think about it, it would be a smart idea for me to explain how i looked in these cause of me not coloring them. i had black hair (that was very poorly cut. i cut it myself most of the time. my dad could of helped but i was determined to get it done myself), green eyes, and light tan skin. i also had a bunch of freckles. my symbol was a plant
dave, on the other hand, had dark blond hair (pretty much white post-grimdark), purple eyes, and mid tan skin. his symbol might have been a pair of needles? maybe? :P
meulin makara (kurlozways)
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appearance explanation! curly, poofy black hair, grey skin obvi but it was a bit darker than “standard” (for lack of better term), and pre-death my eyes had started to turn purple. post that, my entire eyes were just full white. cause yk. dead.
i had a scar on the back of my right hand. it was covered by my glove, but it was in between my thumb and pointer finger. there was also this big one on my stomach but idk what it was from.
not pictured due to the lack of color, but i did have face paint. it was similar to a cat. kind of like a tiger? the canon drawing in my pinned is the best example of it.
i might have gotten a tattoo from porrim? it’s not clear but i have a faint memory of getting a tattoo at some point, and she knew about that kind of stuff, so it makes sense to me. ^.3.^
OH and i had a nose piercing. that’s what that dot by my nose is for lol.
dirk lalonde (roxyways)
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this is a really new one so i can’t say much. i mostly just remember myself.
appearance: light blond hair and pink eyes. i can’t really figure out what’s up with skin tone stuff. again, this is pretty new. i have no fucking idea what symbol i had.
i did programming stuff. i tinkered with robotics a bit, but it wasn’t my main deal. it was more so roxy’s.
i made this tl’s version of AR who…i’m pretty sure loathed me a bit. i attempted to make him a body at some point, but that was a bust. i considered contacting rox about it but didn’t want to bother her.
in terms of the outfit i have here? i had this off the shoulder sweater that i really really liked. i used to not wear a tank under. of course, i accidentally shrunk it in the wash, so then i did to cover my stomach. also i’m not sure when and where i got that eyebrow piercing. it’s just there until i get an idea.
(if anyone happens to see this post btw please don’t take the sprites w/out permission. ik that won’t stop anyone but it is very much appreciated if you don’t 🥲👍)
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sorcerous-caress · 1 month
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she's trying her best...on the wrong account
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greenbirdtrash · 3 months
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...or they
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sunforgrace · 4 days
it’s like. live gay lisp cas impression, blow job mimery, towel snapping, hey where’s that gay angel. and it’s stop don’t say bisexual you’re ruining the vibe for everybody but what can you expect from east coasters, ?no, these lines are Too Gay cut them change them, destiel doesnt exist. this isn’t burger king mr ackles you cannot have it ‘your way’
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ominoose · 6 months
Anyone got some sad, emotional Marc fics? Like character introspective or smth?
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yippieitsarven · 10 months
so I heard about this little thought people been having
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thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
As an archivist, thinking about the right to be forgotten in a specifically archival context, and the idea that not everyone wants their stories or their records to be made available to anyone/for everyone; that often, what a community judges to be the best preservation for their own histories and culture is not what is beneficial to outsiders, especially outside academics.
More specifically, thinking about this in the context of Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/The Silmarillion/other Legendarium books as “historical” texts.  Thinking about maybe the “authors” not writing everything down because they understand the power of stories and how the telling of a thing grants a certain power over it, over how it is known and spread, and positions the teller as a figure of authority over what (and who) is depicted.
We already know that Bilbo is an unreliable narrator, that he changes things and leaves things out.  There were a few posts and fics years ago, when the Hobbit movies came out, about Bilbo befriending a young Estel in Rivendell and deliberately leaving that out of his stories at Gandalf/Elrond’s request.  What other things might he have left out, perhaps, out of respect for his friends in the Company and their desire to keep their culture and language private and closed? 
Pengolodh compiling the Annals of Beleriand from which came the greater part of The Silmarillion - but he was in Gondolin for much of the First Age, and would have had to rely on other sources to give an account of the rest of Beleriand.  Who did he talk to?  What might they have said and not said, and what might they have requested he include or keep out? 
Anyways, the Legendarium as an archive, something actively created and shaped by the different people in and around it, who both added things and left things out unintentionally or by design or on request. 
#lotr#silmarillion#ironically this would make the archivists of middle-earth more respectful and conscious of this than many irl archivists#i jest; there are many excellent archivists who are putting the time and the effort in to do the work right and to spearhead change#not that there aren't still a great many traditionally trained archivists who are being absurdly obstinate about this#but there is progress; however slow; being made in the archival field about recognizing people's rights to their own records#writing this instead of my personal archives paper asdfghjkl;#this isn't the main point of this post but i also like to headcanon post war of wrath burgeoning loremaster elrond#travelling around and meeting different communities and hearing their stories#and sometimes they ask him to share those stories with others and many other times they ask him not to spread them#he meets a kindi tribe in the east who have no desire to be involved in any of the bullshit happening over in the west#they are fine with him as a friend but explicitly ask that he not let anyone else know about their existence#he befriends dwarves living in the blue mountains who wish people to remember the glory of tumunzahar and gabilgathol#but who don't want their culture and language widely spread for outsiders to know#he reestablishes contact with the silvan elves in the greenwood who are eager to hear news of their long sundered kin#and request that he bring news of them to the survivors of ossiriand
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the-creepy-creature · 4 months
do it
make an otherkin oc
no one can stop you
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summer-fire · 6 months
Muppet ass bird movie
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sleepy-vix · 8 months
i don't put much value on my own appearance nor does my self validation stem from it but jesus christ brand new city by mitski never fails to hit
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thissys-editz · 8 months
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Hello! We're the Theatrix System, but you can call us Theo. Please refer to us using it/thon pronouns.
We will, as far as we know, be the only admins of this blog. This blog is meant to be fun for us, and while we do take requests, they may not be the sole focus of the blog.
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What We Do
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Edits to fit appearances (i.e. a fictive's innerworld appearance; how someone remembers themself as their kin; etc, etc)
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Shufflemancy readings
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Tbh anything political or dealing with similar stuff. (I.e. "[name] supports [political figure]" or "[name] is a [smth political]") Silly/Joke stuff is okay, though! Just ask if you're unsure
Canon/Source calls
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Sources We'll Create For
Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium
FNaF & Selective AUs
Undertale & AUs
(Very selective) Ultrakill
Yandere Sim (no, we don't support yandev. that's.. eugh.)
Our original content
My Happy Marriage
Magica Madoka
Smile Precure (unfortunately we only know of the two that Netflix stole... May do more?)
Slime Rancher
DSaF / Dayshift at Freddy's
Kindergarten 1 + 2
Way of The Househusband
Dead End: Paranormal Park
Bee and Puppycat
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Sources We Might Create For
Genshin Impact... rlly picky about this
Anime we don't know about
Pokémon (we just don't know a whole lot abt it!! love the lil guys tho <3)
Selective FNF mods + original game
Death Note (we know hardly anything abt it 😭)
Dialtown, again just.. lack of info lol
DDLC, depends on mood
BATIM, same as DDLC
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Sources We Won't Create For
Bungo Stray Dogs
BNHA/MHA // Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia
Cuphead & Mugman
Neon Genesis Evangelion
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all of these are subject to change at our discretion, at any time, with or without warning.
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“you seem to forget you answer to me” ;; answering — answering questions
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“and they give it all they've got till they're down” ;; update — updates/announcements
“scattering sparks of thought energy” ;; request accepted — accepted a request
“i will abdicate these deviants sat inside” ;; request denied — denied a request
“one more day and one more night” ;; pending — paused a request / taking time to decide
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“you must be so arrogant to think...” ;; hatemail — people who were so idiotic that, rarely, we feel the need to share their hate because it's just funny
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that's all for now!! we may make a rentry later or smth, idk... decor + icon creds under the cut 👇
Post Header (Chonny Jash lyrics added by us)
Red/black dividers
Grey drip divider
Don't know where the scrollbar divider came from, seen it a lot of places :(
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howlsnteeth · 2 years
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9/30 huevember
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leafiatheneko · 2 months
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some doodles of riku i did on my computer
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fictionkin-hell · 5 months
Is this blog still active?
Are any of us
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smile-files · 1 year
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actions speak / louder than words / you hear my hands scream
silence is golden / and i am a rich man / don't come crawling to me
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marsbotz · 3 months
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this was my realest post ever but i regret posting it every single day bc it got like 1k notes (big for ninjago textposts.) and never seems to die
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