#there was a Speedy and Daffy where he says it
ducktracy · 4 months
it is my sworn duty to give the public what they are indubitably clamoring for. i give you: the Little Black Duck compendium
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wolfboy222 · 9 months
I want to say that a new comfort character/new kinnie/new hyperfixation just walked in. He's just like me fr
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Welcome to the club, Marvin.
I mean, he's very relatable to me as an autistic and aroace boy. I even run like him due to being hyperactive, when I'm just walking then I just start running, I used to say that I ran like a Peanuts' character
I got to know him better while developing my hyperfixation in Looney Tunes, starting with The Looney Tunes Show. I loved how Bugs and Lola has a "love song", Daffy sings a song about how it feels to be in love using Tina as his reference (as talking about giant sirens and giant robots but even so), Speedy has a song trying to advice Porky to have a girlfriend and, meanwhile, Marvin has a song about how his heart is crumbling to pieces for feeling betrayed about his laser beam not turning on anymore. He even says that he never felt closer to anyone in his life; I know this song was supposed to be funny or something like that but I did relate because I feel more and more distant from people and the feeling is that I bond more with fictional characters or objects (mainly books), I was ashamed of admitting that but Marvin just got me the feeling that it's alright and it isn't something to be ashamed off. And it warmed my heart. By the way, when I was younger I remember saying as a joke that I was an alien because it was my way of comforting myself for feeling wrong and out of place with people in general, btw I even had an oc based on me that was an alien as well to comfort me even more. And Marvin is a martian-
I'm obsessing over Marvin and the massive comfort he is currently bringing to me; as more as I'm searching and founding out more stuff about him, the more relatable he feels to me and this is a wonderful feeling. I felt out of place for a huge part of my life, and he makes me feel that it's okay to be different and that we can be different together
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I started noticing this stuff yesterday, and yesterday was my birthday so it was a very meaningful birthday gift from the universe to me to my mind. It made this whole stuff even more significant.
(By the way we both are intjs 5w6 choleric-melancholic, I grew out of thinking mbti is a big deal but I will definitely make this specific fact the biggest deal ever, i mean it has to be a sign!)
I'm currently in my flop era but I'm so comfortable with this post which I wrote with my heart so open that I won't even mind if it flops tbh
Edit/PS.: another happy coincidence is that here in Brazil where I'm from he's voiced by my FAVORITE brazilian voice actor. The one that made me realize that I liked doing different voices when I was still a child, helping me figuring out my dream of being a voice actor someday. Yay. Marvin is almost too good to actually exist as a character
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#21 — 07/28/2022 9:40 AM
My evaluation of Daffy's attachment to Bugs in The Looney Tunes Show
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Oooh my interpretation of it is cuz Bugs’s natural charm also has an effect on him. Daffy is subconsciously drawn to Bugs, and Bugs is very drawn to him — both wouldn’t say that casually to each other tho. They just know after long years, that they were best friends.
Also it’s never confirmed if Bugs was Daffy’s first best friend, but if he is — that could also contribute to Daffy’s excessive attachment. Or if Porky came first, then Bugs would be like the first “unconditional” best friend Daffy woulda gotten.
Daffy, before he remembered his highschool trauma, prolly woulda seen being Porky’s best friend as a favour on his part. Theoretically, Daffy woulda seen Bugs as some guy he was trying to mooch off of, but who also happened to be an actually really cool guy. So he stuck around, Bugs tolerated his presence long enough — and did likely deal with Daffy’s shit as they got to know each other. And yet, they still maintained contact.
So after 12 years of (maybe) friendship between two unlikely personalities, Daffy for some unexplored reason, moves in with Bugs — and became basically his freeloader roommate for 5 (and plus) years. Probably up till that point in episode 1, Daffy was already so damn attached, but was still an asshole, so he never actually thought of Bugs as anything more than one of many people he’d mooch off of. Cuz he has a skewed understanding of a healthy relationship/friendship.
It wasn’t until that gameshow and Speedy’s confrontation with him, that Daffy developed in his perception of Bugs. Like a teensy bit.
After that, the show goes on to (mostly) show that Daffy is quite attached to Bugs in the sense that he’s his go-to friend for everything Daffy might wanna do (that doesn’t require manipulation because most of the time Bugs shuts down that shit fast). They do almost everything together. Daffy also just has a limited friend group, where out of all of them, Bugs is not “lame” or impatient of him — so there’s that.
Present day thoughts:
Basically I still stand by this interpretation. Tlts Daffy is far too messed up by his upbringing and trauma that Bugs' acts of service nature is super effective with winning Daffy's attachment. If Bugs wasn't a closeted bisexual with unresolved queerphobia, I could see tlts Daffy pursuing a real relationship with this Bugs.
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bugsbunnybisexual · 3 years
Random Baffy confession ideas >:3c
I was just thinking of scenarios where they'd first realize they like each other and i had two very contrasting ideas
scenario 1: basically daffy is having an anxious meltdown of all meltdowns, going absolutely bonkers and speedrunning the english language as he lists of all the things about himself that he doesn't like and assumes others do not like either, says bugs is so much better than him in 12323 ways, and how he's sure no one actually likes him at all and the only reason anyone puts up with him is because he lives with bugs etc etc and he's just, going off the rails! Meltdown!!!!!! Woohooo!!! And bugs is like :( and like grabs daffy's shoulders and goes like "daffy" and daffy's still going on so he raises his voice, again, "DAFFY!" and daffy's like "...and you're gonna leave me TOO after you realize how much it sucks living with me!" and bugs is just like- looking around awkwardly and then looking back at daffy and looks him in the eyes, ears low and floppy and goes like "...i won't leave ya, daffy. i like you." and daffy responds "you're only saying that cuz you're the local nice guy. you don't have to lie to me, i know the truth." and bugs goes like "...i'm not lying. i'll prove it. close yer eyes" and so daffy does, reluctantly, only after basically saying "that sounds fishy as hell" and expecting a smack to the face or something like that...is instead pleasantly surprised with a kiss. closes his eyes even tighter, is too shy to open them now. when done, bugs finally speaks and says "open your eyes, daffy." and daffy just opens one eye, looks at bugs very confused and bugs is just like "do you get it now, doc? i like you. in that way." as he lets go of daffy's shoulders and moves backwards and daffy is just like o_o JKLHSAKJDHASKJDH!?!?!@!@!>@!@!!!!!?????? wuHUH?????? WHAT???? IS THIS A GODDAMN PRANK??? WAS IT TO JUST SHUT ME UP?????? and que bugs having to reassure him that there's no pranks or anything going on and that he really does just like daffy, plain and simple. and he always has!
scienario 2: so this is like...the complete opposite of scenario 1. something very casual, like they're at some sort of gathering, maybe something like a pride gathering or something, and they're sitting besides each other and someone like lola or tina or speedy makes some sort of comment on how they're always like an old married couple and they just look at each other and go like "huh. guess we are." and they hold hands and just exchange looks that sort of works like a confession of "yeah we're a couple arent we and i like you back lmao" 🥺
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ananicoleta · 3 years
Together Again
(A Space Jam 2 FanFiction)
Ok, so I imagine that after Bugs "died" in Space Jam 2, he didn't show up immediately. Instead, there were needed a few days for him to reappear, time during which the Looney Tunes thought he was dead. This fic shows their thoughts during that time, as well as a surprise at the end.
WARNING: angst + kinda long
Daffy crept around the forest, always looking over his shoulder to make sure no one had followed or seen him. Not that it was very likely to happen. None of the Looney Tunes paid that much attention to anyone or anything anymore, so his absence would probabpy go unnoticed. All of them - him included - were trapped in their own thoughts and regrets, and the outside world just didn't matter anymore. The dynamic, the jokes, the atmosphere weren't - couldn't - be the same. Not ever since Bugs had...
Shaking his head, the duck snapped out of the thought that threatened to cloud his mind with pain and fog his eyes with tears. He had promised himself he won't let that happened. Just focus on the road, Daffy. You're almost there.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he reached his destination. The glade he knew so well looked just the way it did when he had left. The fresh grass, wet from the rain, shone into the sunlight as if it was made of cristal. The lively river cut its path through the strong rocks, running like a carefree child, while the birds happily sang their lovely tune.
Right in the middle of the glade, stood the well-known oak tree, tall as always, like a nobleman, proudly wearing its green attire. On the trunk, there could be spotted a poster that read: Duck Season. That was what Daffy was looking for.
He walked quietly towards it, still paranoic that someone might be there and see him. They for sure would ask him what was he doing and, honestly, he didn't know either. All he knew was that if he stayed one more minute alone in his house, trying to not think about Bugs, while automatically thinking about Bugs and missing him dearly, he'd go insane. He needed to feel the taste of their old game again, even if he had to play it all by himself.
Standing near the tree, he took a deep breath and began.
"Wabbit stheason!" He said, ripping the Duck Season poster.
Then, moving to the side opposite to him, he said in a quite accurate Bugs Bunny impression.
"Duck season!"
After, Daffy moved to the other side again and repeated the procedure. This went on for a while and it was, surprisingly, relaxing. It took his mind off of things and if he pretended hard enough, he could actually see and hear Bugs...
The duck slipped and fell right in the pile of posters that he had torn. When he lifted his head, he saw none other than Elmer Fudd, looking down at him, confused. He wore his usual clothes, complete with the hat and hunting gun.
"Didn't your mother tell you it wasth rude to sthcare people?" Daffy snapped, getting back on his feet.
"Sowwy, didn't mean to cweep up on you, duck." Elmer said apologetically. Then, peeking at the pile of sheets behind Daffy, he asked.
"Uh, what were you doing hewe?"
"I could ask you the sthame question." Daffy responded, not wanting to explain himself.
Elmer sighed and sat on the grass, his expression turning sad. In that moment, Daffy realised that the reason the hunter decided to come in this specific glade was the same as his.
Sighing as well, the duck sat down near his friend, feeling the depression taking control of him again. None of them spoke for a few minutes. They just sat there in silence, listening to the forest's whispers that seemed to mourn as well, as if it could feel someone was absent.
"You miss him as well, don't you?" Daffy asked after a while.
Elmer nodded. "I nevew thought I would miss him so much. He always annoyed me, always made me cuwse him. Now, though, I would give anything to heaw him again, to do pway 'Wabbit Season! Duck Season! Fiwe' just one mowe time..."
Elmer let out a stranggled sob and Daffy bit back his tears. If he had known that a few months ago would be the last time he, Elmer and Bugs would go through their hunting routine, he wouldn't have left, no matter what Al-G Rythim would have promised him. He would have listened and stood by the rabbit's side. But he was too selfish, as usual. He wanted to spread his wings, to be the hero of his own story and didn't care when Bugs practically begged them all to not go. And now it was too late. The rabbit was dead and there was nothing he or anyone could do.
Looking over at Elmer, he saw tears falling down his cheeks. Daffy extended his hand and gently wiped them away, ignoring how wet his own eyes were getting.
"Come on, Fuddsey." He said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Let's go home and do something else. There's nothing for us here, anymore. Maybe we can help Granny with that big dinner she wanted to prepare for all of us."
And with that, the two left the glade that held so many happy memories, never looking back, afraid that they might get a glimpse of the past, one that would make them lose their composures completely.
Porky walked through Tune Town, making his way to Granny's house. He had recieved a message that morning from her that kindly asked him if he wanted to come over and help her make a delicious meal for the family, since cooking alone was a bit depressing.
Although she didn't say it, he could tell from her tone that the reason she wanted him near was so she wouldn't have the opportunity to think about Bugs. Who could blame her? None of them wanted to think of Bugs. And they all tried so hard not to.
The pairs of enemies, like Road Runner and Wile E., Sylvester and Tweety, Foghorn Leghorn and Barnyard, went right back to chasing and teasing each other, though Porky could see the lack of energy and how forced it looked. Toons like Yosemite Sam, Marvin and Speedy were always away, probably somewhere where there was just them alone and their thoughts, where no one could bother them. Then there were the ones like Garnny, himself and occasionaly Pepe Le Pew and Penelope, that tried to cheer them all up, while they themselves were almost dead on the inside.
And it hurt a lot. It hurt to look at their dishearted family, trying to do anything in order to forget, even for a moment, that Bugs was dead. It hurt to feel so powerless to put an end to their pain, to hear them crying their hearts out, knowing that no matter what he said, it won't make a difference. It hurt to see them separated and not wanting to interact with anybody.
This was the main reason Granny had proposed the dinner.
At first, he didn't think it was such a good idea, but then he figured that they couldn't just stay in their houses forever, watching time fly by, grieving their friend. As painful as it was, he knew he had to put it all behind him and accept that they would never see Bugs again. If only they wouldn't have left...
"Hi, Porky." Came a voice from nearby.
Wipping his eyes quickly, Porky greeted his friends as well.
"H-Hi, Da-Da-Daffy. And hello, Elm-Elmer, t-too."
Seeing the black duck and the toon human cheered him up a bit. His family always managed to do that.
"Whe-where you guys o-off t-t-t, uh, going?"
"We thought we might stop at Gwanny's and hewp her with the cooking." Elmer said.
"Oh, re-really? Th-That's great, 'cause I was he-hea-heading there a-as we-we-we, uh, too."
As they walked down the road they continued to chat about this and that, just for the sake of making conversation and not walking in silence. They climbed the hill that led to the valley full of nice, suburban houses, meaning they were almost at Granny's.
When they made it to the top, Porky simply glanced in to the distance... and his heart caught in his throat. Stopping dead in his tracks, causing his other two friends to bump into him, he stared forward convinced that his eyes must be playing tricks on him.
"Hey, what gives, Pig?" An annoyed Daffy asked.
Seeing as Porky didn't answer, they followed his startled gaze, and saw exactly what had caused the pig to react like that.
Down in the valley, right near the entrance of Tune Town, there was a silhouette walking towards the suburbs. It might've been just a trick of the light, or maybe a product of their grief-struck minds, but the creature (that also appeared to have grey fur and long ears) looked an awful lot like...
"BUGS!" Daffy shouted and before one of them could do something, the duck broke into a run, all while screaming the rabbit's name at the top of his lungs.
The silhouette also started running, and in less than ten seconds, the two crashed, warping their arms around each other in a tight hug.
At that moment, Porky felt an uncontrolable smile spread across his face. All the negative feelings that had polluted his mind until then, evaporated. Instead, his heart swelled with pure and utter happiness. He also heard Elmer repeating over and over, excitedly:
"He's awive! Gwacious, he's awive!"
Letting out a joyous laugh, both of them ran as fast as they could, to hug their brothers.
Behind them, the rest of the family, that had probably heard the noise and came to see what was happening, shouted with surprise and glee, and ran right after them.
Slowly, one by one, every Looney Tune joined them in a giant, family hug that warmed their hearts and casted off their sadness.
Finally, they were all together again, and they were never ever separating.
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Across The Serververse Chapter 3
Hey! I'm back. Firstly, thank you to @thatsalotoftoons​, @preciouslittletoonette​ and @ananicoleta​ for commenting and reblogging this. 
Secondly, this chapter is what I like to call the 'explanation chapter'. I've tried not to info-dump, and I've edited it at least 3 different times trimming it down, so hopefully this is not to complicated, but I must admit the Serververse really intrigues me as a world and I'm really looking forward to exploring it through this.
See chapter 1 for the disclaimer and let's crack on.
Every other time Bugs had been to WB Central it had been buzzing, characters from all properties walking around, a few friendly arguments, a few hard-core fights, even a few drag races [usually the car kind, not the Queen kind] 
Now however, it was quiet. Vewy, very quiet as a certain well-known hunter would say. There were quite a lot of characters milling around the place, but none of the energy that usually accompanied them. Also, it was dark, Bugs realised, not pitch-black, but darker than usual. Like someone had placed a cover over a still-turned on screen. 
“Eh...what happened?” Bugs asked Pepe and Penelope.
They looked just as confused as him. “We do not know.” Pepe admitted.
“We’ve been on that cruise for 6 months, we’ve not been back here.” Penelope said, looking close to tears. “This iz awful”“ She added, tears springing to her eyes.
As Pepe started to try and calm her down, a familiar voice lifted Bugs’s spirit.
“Bugs, Pepe, Penelope! How lovely to see you all again!”
“Marvin!” Bugs exclaimed in delight, running over to the little Martian, picking him up and swinging him round joyously. “Am oi glad ta see you! What’s happened here? It’s like someone’s cut de power!”
“You’re more correct than you might think.” Marvin said, when Bugs had put him down. “Warner Brothers have seen fit to disable the entire system until they can get access to it again. Theirs's a problem, you understand. It appears the ‘famous Looney Tunes characters-” Here here made air quotes. “- have been put into different worlds. None of the humans can figure out why and are attributing it to a virus. They’ve called in multiple Information Technology people, but none of them can figure it out. Then again.” Marvin conceded. “I highly doubt any of them have dealt with a sentient A.I. before. All we know is it’s causing panic in the human verse - you can hear it if you get close enough to the portal - and what they’ve done is essentially put the worlds the other Looney’s have gone into into ‘freeze mode’ so they can’t shift or do anything else until they figure out what’s going on.” At the end of that rather lengthy explanation, Marvin sighed. “They may be there for quite some while.”
“So...lemme get dis straight.” Bugs said, thoughtfully. “We can’t get to the human world?”
“That is correct. Rhythm has blocked the portal into the human world to all WB characters.”
“And we can’t get in and out of the other worlds the rest of the fam are stuck in?”
“That is correct.” Marvin said, again. “Although-” He added. “-I think that may change now. Might I enquire how you guys got here?”
Bugs explained the events leading up to this moment - including how Rhythm had flung the toons to the other worlds - and Marvin nodded. “Interesting. I think I understand, but it requires a bit more explanation. Please walk with me while I fill us all in. Now, you may be wondering how I knew where to find you? I simply used my Tracker-3000 from Mars-” Marvin waved the device in the air. “-to track where you were. It’s a device I had gifted for me from the King Of Neptune. I had hoped I would never need to use it, but unfortunately I have-”
“-You’ve tracked us?” Bugs echoed, more than slightly disturbed. 
Marvin blinked. “Yes. Was that not clear? Please, do not think I did this idly. I hoped I wouldn’t need to ever use the trackers, but unfortunately I have had to. Anyway, I could see that you, Bugs, were in Tune Town, but none of us could get to you. I made further investigations with some of the more technically advanced characters here and it looks like Rhythm has placed a block on all current WB characters. None of us can enter or leave any of the other worlds. You may be able to see where I’m going with this?” he added, as an aside.
“Pepe isn’t a current character.” Penelope said, softly.
Marvin nodded eagerly. “Correct, sister. As Pepe isn’t a current character it seems he can travel between the worlds, and - judging by the fact you are here as well and the boat showed no issue with travelling - it seems that anything he is travelling on or with is likewise given ‘a free pass’, so to speak. Now-” Marvin cleared his throat. “I wish to seek clarification on this point, so please forgive my impertinence - but at the exact moment you and Pepe travelled through to Toon world were you...” A faint blush adjured the Martians cheeks. “...touching at all?”
“We were holding hands.” Penelope said, easily. “We were the second time as well.”
“Hold on, oi wasn't holdin’ hands with them.” Bugs said, quickly.
“No, but you were in ‘Big Chungus’ form, so that was probably what allowed you access. Now, with that information in mind, I would guess, Pepe, that anything you are touching - be it an inanimate object or another toon, will travel through as well. Or maybe it’s just everything that is on something you’re touching can travel as well?” Marvin added, thoughtfully. “That would explain how the captain of the boat could travel-”
Bugs groaned and ran a hand across his forehead. “Look Marvin, as fascinating as all dis is, it’s a bit much. Can you jus’ tell me where de others are so we can get going?”
“Certainly. Could you just remind me who actually got teleported, please?”
That was no issue for Bugs as the images would forever be burned into his mind. “Daffy, Porky, Lola, Elmer, Sylvester, Tweety, Granny, Speedy, Wile.E, Road-Runner, Foghorn, Taz, Yosemite Sam, Gossamer and Witch Hazel.”
“Well, I can help you with one of them.” Marvin said, as they finally approached the ‘Toon-Town’ section of W.B.C. “Just through here.” And he pressed open the door.
Inside the door was a world that was exactly like the ‘Toon Town’ from ‘Who framed Rodger Rabbit’ but without the Disney characters.
Marvin led Bugs, Pepe and Penelope through Toon Town until they reached Foghorn Leghorn’s barn.
“Look, I say, look who came back!”
Bugs’s grin threatened to split his face as he saw the rooster heading towards him, arms outstretched in welcome. 
“Foghorn!” The rabbit leapt on his younger brother and hugged him tightly. “Oh, I thought you was a gonner!”
“It, I say, it takes more than some computer to get rid of me.” Foghorn said, proudly. “I always come back!”
“Of course.” Dawg’s [AKA George.P.Dog’s] dry voice said, from about two foot away. “It ‘elps that your ‘random location’ was here and not - say - Game Of Thrones.”
Foghorn put Bugs down and said - as an aside. “That, I say, that’s a shout out, readers.”
“I think they got that, Foggy.” Dawg said, rolling his eyes.
It was at this point that Penelope interrupted, asking if Foghorn had just been transported to W.B.C or if anything else had happened.
“No, I just, I say, I just woke up here.”
“Woke up?” Bugs echoed.
Foghorn looked a bit sheepish and looked at Barnyawd.
George explained that 5 and a half months ago Foghorn had just literally dropped out of the sky and onto Dawg’s head. “Once I got da fat lump off of me, I saw he was unconscious and not funny unconscious-” Dawg clarified. “But actually unconscious. He was like dat for about a day or two before he woke up ag’in-” Dawg took a sharp breath as the memory hit him. He steadied himself and then continued with. “-And when he woke up he told us all what had happened. By that point though we knew something bad was going on because not only had this happened-” Here George indicated the dark surroundings. “But a few of us toons had tried to get through to the Human World and couldn’t. All it took was Marvin then double-checking the trackers he’s put on us-”
“-Yeah, cahn we go back to dat at some point?” Bugs asked.
“-An’ he saw the different worlds our family’s been split up into and then when Foggy woke up he confirmed the entire thing.” Dawg sighed and ran his hands over his face. “It’s been a nightmare worrying about them all dis time, because we’ve had no idea where they are or what they’re doing or if they’re bein tor-”
“Yeah, Oi did that spiel back in chapter 2.” Bugs said impatiently. “Right. Oi think oi get it now. Let’s go, Martian-” Bugs grabbed Marvin's arm and pulled him away. “We got a family ta save!”
“Wait, oh wait!” Bugs and Marvin skidded to a halt to see Junior [Sylvester's son] running towards them. 
“Eh...what’s up kid?” The rabbit asked, getting down to Juniors level.
Junior stopped sharply - accidently kicking a cloud of dust into the two toons faces - and, with one arm dramatically flung across his face, said. “Oh, Uncle Bugs, I know you have a lot of toons to get, but may I PLEASE request you start with my father? He is silly and often doesn’t think things through, but he’s my father and I love him so. May I please request you start with him and bring him back? I miss him.” At the end of Junior’s spiel, Bugs burst into noisy sobs and, getting a large handkerchief out of his pocket, wiped his eyes with it before wringing it out into a random bucket. 
“Of couirse I will.” he promised. “Jus’ watch me. Oi’ll aim to have him back as soon as possible. Now-” Bugs stood up and signalled to Marvin.  “-Let’s go, short-stack.”
“Now we wish to make this simple.” Marvin said, as he Bugs, Pepe and Penelope entered the spaceship. “So, if I just pull up a list-” He did so. “The trackers I put on you all will enable me to see exactly where you all are at any given moment.”
“Yeah, can we go back to dose trackers at some point?” Bugs asked.
Ignoring him, Marvin continued. "So, as you can see,  Sylvester is here." He pointed to 'Cartoon Network World'. "I'll just see if there's anyone with him. Bear with." A few moments of typing later and the trackers for Tweety, Yosemite Sam and Taz lit up. Marvin's eyes went wide and typed again. The screen zeroed in on Cartoon Network planet, showing a breakdown of the different sections of it. "Okay." Marvin said, slowly. "That is interesting. Sylvester and Tweety are both in Coolsville, AKA 'Scooby-Doo World' and it seems like there in the 1960's universe."
"Eh...it would hav' ta be Coolsville." Bugs muttered. "What wiv it's population of crazy crooks an' all."
"You just need to change into Chungus and then we can go." Marvin said, pointedly.
Bugs slapped his forehead. "Oops, I forgot!" He transformed into Big Chungus and gave Marvin a thumbs up.
Nodding the Martian pressed the 'arrive as close to as possible' button and the spaceship faded away.
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schibi12 · 3 years
Toonvengers: Age of Ultroon
* cue the Avengers theme for the third time*
I know Guardians of the Galaxy is the next movie in the Phase 2 lineup but I feel storywise that Avengers: Age of Ultron is a better follow-up to The Winter Soldier so Phase 2 is gonna end on a fun note.
Our group of heroes has found the last HYDRANT base and where Loki's Scepter has been hidden all these years and where HYDRANT agents and scientists have been experimenting with it to create weapons of mass destruction or as a source of energy which failed so they decided to see its effects on toons, most of the subjects had fatal effects on most of them except for some twins, the exposure of the scepter gave these pair of siblings some superhuman powers and during the chaos of the raid the twins got out and tried to defend the base the best they could and although they failed they did plant a seed of fear within Bugs Bunny hoping that it will lead to his own self-destruction.
Okay, i had my fun being coy and secretive on who the Maximoffs are, so Pietro Maximoff I could have picked the Roadrunner or Speedy because they have superspeed, easy right? Well no because it's never been about their abilities, it is about their personality and character so my first and only choice for Pietro is Wakko, ok so Pietro is quick-tempered, a bit cocky, tenacious and impatient but what sealed the deal for me was his deep bond with Wanda, this loyalty, reliability and fierce protection of her and that just reminded of Wakko in Wakko's Wish, plus I find it hilarious that Wakko would be the one speeding around bothering Goofy
So if Wakko is Pietro then Dot is Wanda they're both aggressive, a bit bossy, level-headed, passionate, caring and vengeful, plus her magic would be colored a bit lighter a combination of Wanda's red and Dot's pink.
So our heroes successfully raided the HYDRANT base and have Loki's Scepter they shall celebrate with a party but before Thor takes the scepter for safekeeping in Asgard, Bugs Bunny and Donald decided to study the scepter and use it to initiate the Ultroon program designed to protect the world, so using the scepter of a crazy evil god who wanted to conquer the earth to start an AI program meant for world peace may have not been the best idea, so Ultroon scared and confused kills Bugs Bunny AI and gets himself a nice robot body starts quoting Pinocchio and ruins the party the heroes easily destroys the robot bodies and start to investigate on their new enemy.
So Ultroon decides the best way to protect the earth is to kill all the toons and start anew and with the internet, at his metaphorical fingertips he can easily create some android minions and block and access whatever type of information he needs except for weapons of mass destruction weird huh? But still, he needs some powerful allies so he travels to the country where the last HYDRANT base oh yeah I didn't tell you the name of this poor war-torn country, well the name is Warnerkovia, and here is where the Maximoffs were born, raised and reside and well he tricks them into joining his cause saying that they are gonna destroy the Toonvengers, an act of personal revenge for the twins since Bugs Bunny weapons were the cause of their parent's death.
So shenanigans ensue Ultroon and the twins steal some vibranink the Heroes try to stop them they fail Dot makes them see their worst fears unleashes the Hulk and Bugs Bunny has to stop them with the Hulkbuster armor they hide in Hawkeye's farm where they discover he has a wife and son so they decide there next plan of attack and they discover that all that vibranink is to create perfect robot body for Ultroon , so most of the team go to kidnap the robot body, gain some new allies since the Maximoffs discovered Ultroon true motive and left him and helped the Toonvengers but Romanoff got kidnapped by the androids when they acquired the body, Bugs Bunny was investigating why Ultroon hasn't hacked to codes of weapons of mass destructions and Thor was being a weirdo in this creepy hot tub. All our heroes reunite and Bugs decides to use the robot body to create that protector of earth he wanted in the first place since he discovered that his AI was protecting and defending humanity from the inside hiding within Ultroon program and that's why he didn't have access to the weapons and Bugs decides that he is the perfect AI for the job and embedded with the Mind Cell from Loki's scepter it is armed, a mini fight ensues between the heroes to give life to the android or not but Thor comes down with lightning and completes the process of giving life to the android, he attacks them but later calms down and proves he is on the side of good by proving he is worthy to use Thor' Mallet and they name him Vision because Thor had a Vision, oh wait I never told you Bugs AI name it is Y.A.K.K.O.
So yeah Yakko is Vision why you may ask well they're both know-it-alls, they value life, only attack when threatened, protective, and would rather end things peacefully like Yakko once said use the pen and not the sword when you're in a fight.
Romanoff sends them Ultroon plans of  lifting Warnerkovia capital city off the earth to use it as a meteor to exterminate humanity through a secret spy radio line so all our heroes go to the country save Romanoff, fight against an army of androids and save as many civilians as they can and well our heroes get some support from some allies like Daffy, Oswald Hill and Fury and with Helicarrier for the civillians who are still stuck in the floating city and they get them out of there before the explode the city so it doesn't crash so all our heroes destroy most of the androids, Vision incapacitates Ultroon's access to the internet and they're ready to explode the city but before Hawkeye can get to the Helicarrier he sees a child injured so he goes to get him and take him to his mother on the ship but before he can get there bullets are raining down from a quinjet piloted by Ultroon he just gets down and hopes for the best but luckily for Wakko was close and runs as fast as he could to save him and moves the bullets but he dissapears he went so fast he entered another universe he couldn't go back to his original universe no matter how fast he went he couldn't although this universe did had other toons with powers which they called mutants so he didn't feel that far from home.
Back in our universe Wakko was nowhere to be seen Goofy just knew he just saved his life so he grabbed Wakko's cap the only thing he left and went with the child to the safety of the Helicarrier, but for Dot she couldn't sense her brother anymore so she thought he was dead and in a cry of pure anguish she let out a burst of her power and destroyed all the androids in her range she leaves her post and goes out for revenge killing Ultroon's primary body but she left her post causing one of the androids to activate the machine that was keeping the city afloat so in a hurry our heroes manage to explode the city before the impact,  Vision saves Dot and finally kills Ultroonand the Hulk escaped on a quinjet but hasn't been found.
So our heroes have a new facility, Thor leaves on a mission to learn more of these Cells but trusts Vision to keep the Mind Cell safe, Hulk is still missing and but they have new members, and are ready to train them.
Also, I know that Vision and Wanda have a romantic relationship but for my au it's gonna be a sibling relationship, and no I'm not implying Warnercest and if you like that sort of stuff please unfollow me.
So that is it for today, I really hoped you enjoy this post I had a lot of fun writing it and I will see you real soon!!
Wait do you hear that where is that 80's music coming from?
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devilsrecreation · 4 years
Muppets crossover idea
I know it’s highly unlikely since Disney and Warner Bros. haven’t worked together since “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”, but they could do a Muppets x Looney Tunes crossover with all our fav characters meeting the muppets and shit going down
I honestly need Bugs Bunny to say “What’s up Doc?” to either Dr. Teeth, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, or in a Vet’s hospital sketch. He could even be in Swedish Chef’s act where Swedish Chef would try to cook him
Porky trying to flirt with Miss Piggy
Daffy Duck(as Duck Dodgers), Porky Pig, and Marvin the Martian in the Pigs in Space sketch
Elmer Fudd trying to hunt Bugs and the rabbit muppets(with Big Mean Carl on his side), only to be chased by Animal
Waldorf and Statler heckling Yosemite Sam
Rowlf and Barnyard Dog working together after Foghorn Leghorn messed with him (maybe he’d do it to Animal too). Maybe Gonzo and Foghorn would both try to win Camilla’s heart
Tweety using Sam for protection as Sylvester tries to eat him
Daffy and Fozzie doing an act together and Daffy dukes it out with Waldorf and Statler
Speedy Gonzales with Rizzo and Pepe
Somehow need that Rabbit Season joke in there
Animal with the fucking Tasmanian Devil. I honestly have no idea if they would be friends or have a death battle
Animal may or may not get the hots for Lola
Daffy with Gonzo...how would that go?
We need that bomb joke where Rowlf tries to play “Of all those endearing young charms” but then the piano explodes when he plays that one note that sets off the bomb
Something with Gonzo and Wile E. Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner
Pete Puma and Lew Zealand (maybe they’ll just talk to one another and someone would point out how similar they sound)
Either Kermit or Scooter finding Michigan J. Frog and trying to make him an act, but they fail
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Let Me Make Some Things Clear About My Talk About Pepe Le Pew
in case there was any form of misunderstandings, let me make this very clear as best as I can...
first of all if by some miracle Pepe does get uncancelled and rebooted,
maybe making him have a father who is from the USA, and his mother was from France, and Pepe picked up his accent from his mother and learned how to speak both English and French from both his parents.
but no matter where Pepe would suppose to be from, it doesn’t matter.
no matter where a person is from, they can either be good, bad or neutral.
yeah I get that there are some misunderstandings that involve Pepe, as well as Speedy.
both deserve to not be the target of humans who believe them to be 100% bad.
plus I really think those who didn’t think there was any true change in the characters like Speedy and Pepe, should at least check out the Looney Tunes Show from a few years back,
that is the same show that introduced Daffy’s love interest Tina.
plus there is that other new cartoon that is on boomerang,
that has Pepe in it, and he seems to be wearing a suit and flirts with that fox lady.
let’s say that Pepe was never portrayed as someone who was from france,
but instead was a skunk name Peter, and he was made to be a flirty guy acting the same as he was in his older cartoons, and he acted this way all over the USA, and none of which took place in Paris.
and then years later in the year we live now, those who live in America
start to call Peter The Skunk (who in alternate timeline was created by a man who was from Paris.) a insult to Americans and call it a “R” word culture.
but not all people would feel that way, at least I don’t believe that all people around the world and who live in different places in the said world would view Pepe or that metaphorical Peter The Skunk.
yeah it seems that it turns out that not only Pepe’s aggressive flirting is the problem, but it doesn’t matter where someone is from, they can be that way and it wouldn’t have to do with where they are from.
I didn’t want anyone to misunderstand my words from the other day,
so I wanted to sign back in to try to clear up somethings as best as I can.
Pepe could go from his aggressive advances to a friendly flirting and takes a No when given it once or twice, but could do a friendly wink or blow a kiss, but no longer do the aggressive flirting that comes off as what most humans do in real life.
Pepe and Johnny Bravo might be many things, but they wouldn’t do the disgusting filth some humans would do.
I want Pepe, Speedy and Johnny to be saved from the humans who want to hurt them, I have a dislike for humans, but at the same time I still like the good side of humans....but what humans are doing to Pepe and Speedy (and might go after Johnny Bravo too.)
is added to my dislike of humans, even if I am still human myself,
I am still disgusted by what is happening to Pepe and even Speedy,
who could be given the chance to be less misunderstood,
if rebooted and keep some of their personalities but at the same time
add something to their personalities too.
like Pepe understanding aggressive advances to the gals he becomes smitten with, will come off as uncomfortable and if he isn’t careful, some people,
like the humans in real life, will mistake his only wanting to kiss and cuddle,
as something more dangerous.
and yeah I have a mix heritage, but my heritage wouldn’t have to do with my being a bit weird or my sensitivity or whatever the other parts of myself.
I am still not happy about what I went through a few days ago, which I guess has been a week now, and it makes me wish those who worked on the updates, did a test on a test type computer, before sending it out to everyone.
Pepe is a bit of gal crazy, but no matter where he was suppose to come from, which was thought up in his creation or development...
he would still be that way, even if he wasn’t “Pepe Le Pew”
and went by a different name and lived in Brooklyn.
plus Fifi chases boys too, and Amy Rose was known to chase after Sonic.
so tell me this, what makes it so different...?
sure Amy in Sonic Boom was shown to have mature and doesn’t chase Sonic the same way as she did before, but she may still hold feelings of love for Sonic.
I can only hope that Fifi will still be in the reboot of Tiny Toons, and I do not want humans to ruin it for me and other humans.
Elmyra Duff should at least be given a chance, and get in the reboot too.        
if it wasn’t for the good parts of humans, like friends and family....and other people in this world that live all over the world, that give some hope for humanity...
I believe that if it wasn’t for that, I would 100% hate humanity and be full misanthrope, and if  Ainz Ooal Gown was real and wanted to take over the world, well I might just side with the Overlord skeleton and the rest of nazarick.
even if I am suppose to be a Earth Angel, which my pendulum gave a Yes to,
and is one of the times I don’t think it is playing a prank on me.
but no matter if I was that or not, one can have a dark side that we all try to suppress, and it being from how the world is around us.
like having a dad that ups and left before ya were born,
or have suppress memories that you don’t remember until years later,
and when you try to tell your family about it, they don’t believe that your older cousin would do such a thing, and it makes you question if it was real and if it really did happen or if it was just a warning dream that you had when you were just a little girl, and yet even when you tried to talk to your family about that sicko, at some point, a few years later, you find out that.....older cousin you tried to tell your family about, had did something really bad to someone, that they “hurt” someone....
my remembering might of been for the reason, and if I was listen to, maybe it wouldn’t of happen....at least they are locked up.
I still love my family, but I don’t care much for the one that is still family but
I knew deep down was a monster, I just didn’t know how far it was.
I think it is possible what happen when I was little was a warning dream,
warning me to stay away from them, but at the same time I can’t help but wonder if it really did happen.
I mean before I heard about the Slenderman, I remembered I had this one dream once that had a faceless man in it, and the dream was in the woods
and it had a basket ball court, and I know that I felt hands on my shoulders and me being turned around to face what appeared to be a faceless man.
and I’m pretty sure I woke up scared after that, I guess I am questioning more about if Slenderman existed way before he ended up in the Slender Games.
I guess I want to keep to the whole him being fictional, but at the same time agree with the possibility that he could be real.
so I guess I can admit I’m in between.
and yeah I’m still not happy about what happen some week ago,
I am doing okay so far, so long as I don’t think too much about it I guess.
but I still think humans should at least try a different way to change Speedy and Pepe, and instead of try to cancel them.
still should try to watch the Looney Tunes Show that came on a few years ago,
that has Lola being different from her Space Jam self, and even has Tina in it,
which Tina should show up in other Looney Tunes Shows as well,
not just that one.
also I wanted to wait to say this, but I think I did get permission to go live with the Divine Mother and her handmaidens/Lucifer’s Daughters, well you know like a someday thing.
I asked for the sign for Yes be that it rained, which I think it was March 25th when I asked for that sign.
even if some might take it as a coincidence, I’m taking it as a Yes and Permission, which is good, because even if I did end up going to Heaven,
I would still try to find that edge and jump off of it by my own free will,
even if I am not a big fan of heights, I could just close my eyes...
I did use that whole jumping off of heaven idea on a fan fic.
and well I asked permission through prayer, plus there was a bit more to that prayer too, but ya don’t need to know all of it currently.
plus I am starting to believe that the True Year is 3021, and what we know as “2021″ is some form of a fake year or like a “Neo-Year” that humans from long ago made so to possibly hide some secret.
I mean for all we know, my pendulum could of been truthful about the whole Non-Humans in the video game of Mass Effect, being Real In Real Life.
well my pendulum does pull pranks...
and I still wish to go back in time to March 11 before the incident of the stupid update so I can stop myself from pressing that stupid update again, and I am still gonna hope for that to happen.
well maybe me not really going back in time, more like hoping for some changes during that time to happen, and I don’t want to give up in that happening.
anyway back to the whole Pepe, he could be changed to be less aggressive flirt so he doesn’t get misinterpreted as the type
that most humans are known to be.   
he could be changed to be a friendly flirt, and who does take no for answer, but could just do friendly flirting without doing the past actions he is known for.
Speedy Gonzales could have a change as well, but could make it so that his character is no longer misinterpreted either.
and yeah Johnny Bravo, if he ever gets a reboot, he could be a bit flirting still, but not be as aggressive either.
but at least Johnny and Pepe aren’t the type that would “hurt” women in the way some humans do in real life, and that what makes them worth saving.
plus it isn’t like it is just the male characters that do that whole chasing and aggressive flirting too, Fifi La Fume and Amy Rose were that way too.
and I want those two girls to be protected from humans who would try to do the same thing to them as what they are trying to do to Speedy and Pepe.
I hope some of you understand my feelings, sure even if there are still good people in the world, some do insensitive things and will at times cross the line.
plus it really doesn’t matter where a person is from, how they act and what they do, can be from who they are by their very soul, and sometimes when ya get reborn, you might not end up being reborn in the same country or speak the same language that you did in one of your past lives.
some might not fully get what I’m trying to say or go with this.
anyone can be a good or bad person, or even a neutral,
it wouldn’t necessary have to do with them being like from well,
from either America or even any other place.
ya don’t place blame on toon, just being human, and acting out on his own personality and even having the said Pepe become scared when the girl ends up chasing him instead.
which has happen in one of those old cartoons.
do any humans even try to think that no matter where Pepe could come from,
he could still end up being flirty, but could still have room to grow as a character and become just friendly flirting and no longer be aggressive flirty?
both Pepe, Speedy and Johnny and any characters like them, deserve the chance to grow as characters and to be given a fair chance and to prove they aren’t like the monster men and women that are in real life.
I am still counting the women, because it isn’t just the men that do that disgusting stuff that I don’t want to say what it is.
  I’m going to keep hoping that things get better and Pepe ends up back in Space Jam 2, and if Speedy is going through the same thing, then I hope Speedy will still be in Space Jam 2 as well.
I’m just gonna try to hope for the best for those characters,
and humans start to see the truth.
I’m listening to Lily Allen’s song F**k You.
after I finish listening to it, I will go and play a video game.
I want to try to keep my mind off of what happen a week ago,
as well as the fact some stuff I had saved before might be lost and possibly on the the abomination dark web, which I still hope that my and everyone else’s stuff returns to where they were before that stupid incident.
another way to try to keep my mind off of that day that really upset me,
is that whole taking a nice nap, to sleep it away and try to not let it enter my mind.
  I’m also going to hope that my pendulum is just pulling a prank
and just reading on my worries/fears and using it to prank me,
and no one truly wished for me to have such a experience a week ago.
cause if it turn out to be true, then I will be really mad and would want to try to have a lot of time to myself to try to do the things I like to calm me down.
well and try to do mediation or like sleep it off.
and try to hope that some events from that week will have a timeline change,
and it will give me hope that everything I had saved before, will return.
especially the cute baby kitten pictures I had taken of my second cat.
and if someone truly did wish for me to lose the new work or even the stuff I had saved on to the computer, well let’s hope that it isn’t true and my pendulum is just pulling a prank on me.
but if it turn out to be true, then the one who hoped such bad luck would happen to me, could get a itchy feeling on a part of their body for the whole day and even to the next day.
but since that can’t possibly be true, and my pendulum could be pulling one of it’s pranks, I will try to think of it as bad luck on my part and I shouldn’t of trusted that update.
 I want to believe that Pepe and Speedy will be saved from the humans that wish to hurt them, and they will get rebooted for their own sake because of the misunderstandings that they unintentionally bring about.
even if some of my stuff still ended up still being on the computer,
the much newer stuff was well ya know....
and I truly treasured them, even the pictures of my cute second cat,
which I regret not posting or even saving on a flash drive.
like most of my other stuff, that I don’t want to believe I might never see again.
I want my stuff back, and I can’t stand that they aren’t back.
I want to try to believe that by some miracle they will return.
and who ever came up with that stupid update from the start,
should at least not make it so that they don’t make it seem not very trust worthy, and it could be misinterpreted, I still regret pressing that stupid update again.
I hate the humans that didn’t try to keep that stupid update from coming out,
if that never happen I wouldn’t of let such mistakes happen trying to get my stuff back....like the new drawings, the stuff I wrote and saved on the computer, even the pictures, like one of them being of my second cat.
it would mean the world to me that everything returned how it was before.
but no matter how much I keep wishing for it, it doesn’t seem it will happen right away....and I don’t want to believe it will not happen at all.
that dark thought of it, I want to try to detract my mind from.
about a hour or so ago, I was watching the crossover
that has to do with Shadow and Rouge  ending up in Equestria Girls
and Shadow ending up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend with Rainbow Dash,
it is still interesting, and if I had to do a ship that has to do with that crossover.
I would ship Sunset Shimmer with Scourge, as much as I like Fiona and can understand why she went with Scourge, because of how her so called former team of freedom fighters were, and still believe she could never change.
but Fiona and Scourge’s relationship in canon, could be seen as toxic,
even if there could be some form of attraction between the two, they might not truly be together because they are in love with each other, and their feelings might be only attraction of going for someone that was their type of “hot”
in a fanon crossover, Scourge and Sunset might end up in a non-toxic relationship and show a more positive relationship.
Sunset getting through to Scourge, and making him open up a bit more about his feelings, and how he became who he is in the first place.
I’m not sure if Sunset will ever appear in that crossover of Shadow Meets Equestria Girls.
 even if some villains do deserve what came to them.
I don’t believe that Bradford Buzzard, Cozy Glow, Tirek, Chrysalis,
Hekapoo, Omnitraxus Prime, Rhombulus or even Chara from Undertale,
deserve to be made scapegoats.
Bradford still had some good in him, and if he became a Monster,
it was because of how people kept misinterpreting and hurting him emotionally.
because of his childhood, it is possible he suffers from PTS.
even if Hekapoo, Omnitraxus and Rhombulus had some form of Anti-Monster feelings, there could of been a story behind it, and they could of all changed their minds about it, not just Hekapoo who turned out was seeing a monster, by the name of Quirky, who ended up being killed all thanks to Moon.
because of Moon’s actions and using Rhombulus, Star and Rhombulus’s friendship was broken, and if Star had figured out it wasn’t Rhombuls who was the mastermind but her own mother, maybe she could of kept her Mother from crossing the line of misusing the magic, and keep magic from being the scapegoat.
some fans can clearly see that what Discord did was wrong, even if he was reformed by the kindness and love of Fluttershy, without the misuse of the elements of harmony.
he still ended up having his plans backfire on him, but at the same time he ended up having those three has his scapegoat.
Chara is only truly seen in the Genocide Route of Undertale,
but they never truly say that the Player or Frisk, has to kill any monster in the underground.
that is the players misinterpretation.
Chara is Not Evil in the canon, that is what I and other fans have come to realize and believe, and I am sticking to that belief.
in the Fanon, yeah I will believe that some versions of Chara are evil in some timelines and AU. but in the canon, no they are not.
we know that Kris (in fanon it could be short for Kristopher or Kristine.)
is suppose to be mix of Frisk and Chara.
from what fans can see of Kris’s room, or their shared room with their older brother....it is possible that Kris has some form of neglect, and doesn’t fix up their room to be as great looking as their brother’s side of the room.
plus Kris might have some form of lack of confidence
because of how much everyone praises Asriel, and hardly do so with them.                                  
 perhaps when Asriel does appear in Deltarune, maybe in Chapter 2.
we can learn more about what their brother/sibling relationship is like.
I am gonna hope that my theory about Asriel being a mean big brother and him using to beat up on Kris, and that is one of the reasons they hid under Noelle’s bed, like Kris hiding under that bed could of been to hide from Asriel.
but when their parents separated, Asriel could of changed and started to be a better big brother to Kris, but even if Kris did start to feel more safe and love Asriel, the hurt feelings could still be deep down in Kris’s heart.
like their feelings for Asriel, could still be sibling love, but could also be hate
because of how they were treated, and how Asriel would seem to get special treatment by everyone.
at least Kris has Susie, and possibly Noelle, and even Lancer and Ralsei.
and maybe even Sans’s little brother, not sure it will be Papyrus.
but we will have to wait to see who Sans’s little brother in Deltarune is.
I am gonna try to hope that some of the theories of Kris are non-canon.
but we will have to wait and see what happens in the next chapter of Deltarune.
I’m gonna try not to think too much about what happen this month....
I want to try to keep hoping and wishing everything returns back on how it was before, that some form of timeline change will happen that has to do with this year’s March.
yeah some of the stuff before and after that hurtful incident, can still be around.
all but the mistake of how to fix that problem that happen....
I want to try not to let it get to me too much, or the stuff that is happening with Pepe, Speedy and or if possible Johnny Bravo if he really truly will be next.
and if I have to make another thing clear,
it is this, I hate Toxic-Feminism, it is good to try to fight for rights for gals,
but I just don’t like the toxic side of it.
I know it is possible that one of the reasons for my semi-misanthrope,
also has to do with some jerks who thought what they were doing was for laughs and fun, and couldn’t see how much it was hurting me.
there can be different reasons for different people, to form a semi-misanthrope or full misanthrope and maybe only like the company of animals.
I know I love my cat, and if Slenderman ever tried to hurt my baby....
well if he were real that is, I would show him the real meaning of heck.
I can be protective...plus I think it is best for me to try to do some relaxing me time to try to get the mad or sad out, like either watch a movie or read, play video games or maybe try to lay down in bed and try to relax that way too.
after I do post this up, I’m going to just go back to playing video games.
and try not to think about the stuff that makes me not happy.
one of them being what happen some days ago this month,
that I still wish that timeline will hurry up and change and give me my missing stuff back.
as well as what some humans are doing that is added to my list....
I just need to try to look forward to upcoming fan series of Zim,
like Irken Outcast next episode, though I haven’t seen anything new yet, but things things take time.
and I’m waiting for the Invader Zim A Very Tall Problem.
I’m just guessing, but I think Purple and Gaz might form the friendship type ship.
not all ships are romantic, some are platonic type of love that of course will at times be like romantic but not like the type that will always have the kissing or other type of romance in it.
but I think Purple and Gaz’s future current relationship, might be the forming bond of friendship.
we can’t keep thinking that a ship will be the “romance” type that will have someone say “I ship it.”
if it is a ship that isn’t that, and those in it is like a family found, or buddies or sibling type love.
then it should be “I Fam It” or “I Bud It” or “I Sib It”
if it is just two or more guys who are just friends and aren’t in that romance type of ship.
it should be “I Bro It”, I just feel that the other side of ships need more love,
and one shouldn’t assume that the romance shipping is all there is.
which I think many know this already.
I might sign back on later, or maybe tomorrow or whenever I can.
I still don’t like Pepe or Speedy or even the possibility of Johnny Bravo,
being misinterpreted.
but if rebooting and revamping Pepe and Speedy saves them from the humans that wish to do them harm, because of how they are viewed, well it might be best to reboot/revamp them for their own safety.
Pepe going from his original type of flirting to a friendly flirt that takes a No,
but will still do a passive flirt from time to time, might be the best for his character if it keeps him from being misjudged.
I still think if Pepe had a alternate version of himself, who was given the name Peter and he was created by someone who made him be a flirty American skunk.
but his creation didn’t originate from America, the shoe might end up on the other foot. but it wouldn’t mean that everyone would agree that Peter or even Pepe were bad, just that they get misinterpreted as certain men and women in real life.
yes being a aggressive is bad, which to save Pepe, that will need to change to a friendly passive type flirt, so people will stop calling him the “R” word.
in other words the two types of it....
and like I said before, in one of the older cartoons, when the female ends up chasing Pepe, Pepe is the one who ends up scared and starts to run.
I can only try to hope that everything works out, I’m just gonna try to relax for the rest of the day.
also when you are waiting for a new episode or movie to finally come out,
it is best to be patient, and try to understand these things take time.
either if it’s canon or fan-canon.
at least I had favorite/hearted some stuff on here today on March 28, 2021.
or as it might be 3021.
I could count it being both, even if it might turn out that the true year is 3021.
I still see it as 2021 as well.
I still don’t like misunderstandings where it crosses the line,
I mean some misunderstandings can be okay, because it can be worked out.
but even if Pepe had a different origin, he could still end up being mistreated and viewed by those who believe him to be a monster.
the sooner Warner Bros reboot/revamp him and Speedy, the better.
I just really don’t like whats going on, and I’m going to hope everything gets better soon.
anyway it really doesn’t matter if Pepe was French or not,
I think he would be that way if he did end up being given a different backstory,
and if he was given a different backstory, and was made like how most people view people where I live at....
then some might still share that view but not many.
I want to believe that not everyone sees Pepe like that, and can see that just because he took the wrong way of flirting in his past, he can grow and go from a aggressive flirt to a friendly flirt.
plus ya can’t blame everything on Pepe, even before he was born/created,
and before cartoons and movies, there was sickos in the ancient times who had hurt women.
so yeah Pepe can’t truly be blamed for what happen before he was born/created.
like I said before, I’m gonna try to take my mind off the stuff that has started to bother me this month....and hope some of it will be fixed soon.
when I do update on here again, I might talk about my favorite ships.
like Professor Membrane x Utonium.
I think I am back on the fence with Dexter x Blossom.
yes re-reading the Powerpuff Girls D crossover comic series,
did make me start to love the ship again.
but who knows if that ship will last in the canon of the comic.
Blossom might just get her heart broken, Dexter clearly might have true feelings for the other girl.
also when it comes to the Grim Tales From Down Below Comic Series,
I can’t help but have the weird theory that Minimandy might really be Adult/Future-Bubbles’s daughter.
and Chi might be a fragment from Adult/Future-Blossom’s soul,
and Aku mixed some of his own essence onto the fragment, making Chi be born as the daughter of Aku, but still being technically Blossom’s daughter as well....
another theory I have is that Adult/Future-Buttercup is Chi’s Mother.
well not all fan theories have to be correct.
anyway I really should go now, I still want to play a little bit of video games.
and maybe do some reading later, but not before watching some shows or movies I like first.
I’m gonna try to hope things get back to how they were before that mess about a week ago....and try to make sure to keep my mind off of it, and not let it get to me too much like had been during the first days.
but it doesn’t mean I wont try to hope it will change....
I do not want to go through a third depression, so gonna try to look on bright side and hope that it NEVER comes to that.
so yeah, see ya later, stay safe, and if you do a Geno-Run in Undertale,
don’t blame Chara, and remember reality is illusion, Gaster implants the ideas of the games inside the mind of it’s human creator, Steven Quartz Universe’s name spells out “Sans” if you take out the “S” from Steven, the “A” from Quartz, and the “N” and “S” from Universe.
Underswap Sans, Gir from Invader Zim and Sonata Dusk from MLPFim/Equestria Girls, are the Taco Buddy Squad.
cause you know, all three of them apparently love tacos. 
of course there are different versions of the original tacos.
but would be a dream come true, would be the taco pizza...
where you have pizza, but then you put some taco seasoning in it.
it wouldn’t really be a taco, but homemade pizza that is made like that is the best....well I think it is, but not everyone has to agree with me on that.
Bill Cipher Could Be Starco Child, made from their love and from the leftover magic......or not.
I’m weird and that could be non-canon.
but seriously do not misunderstand my talk about Pepe or any other character, like in my last post before this one.
I am just trying to say that no matter what Pepe’s origin,
he could still be that way but can grow as a character later on and go from the aggressive flirt to a friendly flirt that learns to take a no before his actions cause a misunderstanding.
also I can’t help but view Rarity from MLPFIM,
being part of the Pie family, like her real name being Rhinestone Pie
and her nickname is just “Rarity” and her “Mom” isn’t her real mom
and her real mother being Pinkie, Limestone, Maud and Marble’s Mother. (Cloudy Quartz Pie’s Mother could of been a Unicorn.)
Sweetie Belle could still be biologically Rhinestone “Rarity” Pie’s sister.
but her real name could be rock or gem based.
Bon-Bon’s real name was Sweetie Drops.
so Sweetie Belle and Rarity really being part of the Pie Family,
is my theory and fan head-canon, but it is fine that not many agree about it.
 Crystal Pie could be seen as a possible birth name of Sweetie Belle.
I mean if that theory were true, but not all theories have to be true.
anyway I’m just gonna go now, I can talk more about the theory about Rarity and her sister truly being part of the Pie Family another time.
so yeah, once again see ya later and hope that no one misunderstood what I was trying to point out about Pepe, and I hope both he, Speedy and even Johnny Bravo if he ends up next....
get saved and if rebooting/revamping them keeps them from being misunderstood, then I really hope it helps.                                  
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The Looney Tunes show- Sunday Night Slice (analysis)
This is one of the most recent adaptations of Marvin, not including Rabbits Run, which I have refused to watch for personal reasons. This episode is only about 4 or 5 years old, and in it, Bugs buying a pizzeria that recently went out of business. He hires Daffy (which, might I say, is a horrible idea), Pete, Porky, and Marvin. When Marvin is being interviewed, he comes up with three traits, hardworking, dependable, and a team player. Let’s see how well these stand up to describe his character.
Added bonus ray gun moment that convinced bugs he was a good employee to hire. (look at that badass pose!! Not going to deal with Duck dodgers today.)
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Dependable- I questioned this a bit. Is he dependable? I’d say, somewhat. On multiple occasions, he was assigned a mission, such as in Hasty Hare, and came back from Earth empty handed, but even then, you can depend on him giving his best effort. You can depend on him to give 100%, but even then he may not succeed. This also brings me back to an episode of Duck dodgers when he is sent back in time to prevent Dodgers from ever existing, but he gets so riled up in a football game and helps Dodgers win using mind control, which completely defeats the purpose of the mission he was sent to complete. So I suppose, he usually is, but sometimes he isn't.
Hardworking- I believe this is a good thing to observe. He plans things in advance, does his best to succeed in his missions, and not to mention how many times he had to make different things for the destruction of the Earth. This is also seen in Lunar tunes, where he had planned many arguments to convince the jury to believe the Earth should be destroyed. Added to this, he’s dedicated. His countless attempts to destroy the Earth or kill Duck Dodgers, he doesn’t give up easily. This is a very prominent trait that should definitely get more attention.
A Team player- Well… I’m not exactly sure about that. This reminds me of Hasty Hare, again, where he shoots his dog after an Earth creature, which he thinks is inferior in terms of intelligence to him, tells him that K-9 is planning a mutiny against him. In contrast, in another episode of The Looney Tunes Show, To Bowl or Not to Bowl, he gives his best in a bowling tournament with Pete, Bugs, and Daffy. He does pull out his gun, but that’s just classic Marvin resorting to shooting things instead of coming up with a second approach. “If it doesn’t work the first time, destroy it.” Would probably be his philosophy. Another example of this can be in the Duck Dodgers series, where he works with many Martian robots, known as centurions, on his ship. So I'd say, sure. These are qualities he possesses, but I wouldn't say that they're his best. 
Later in the episode, it cuts to the opening day of the restaurant. Bugs has absolutely no experience running a restaurant and the place is crumbling apart before his eyes. Waiting tables is Pete, who doesn’t know what he’s doing and does not do his job correctly. I’ll have to talk about Pete as well since him and Marvin are together in the three times they appear together in the show. (At least to my knowledge)
In the kitchen, Marvin and Daffy are attempting to work together, but Daffy, dressed as a general, takes control of making the food, claiming he outranks Marvin. This is a such a delightful throwback to his name in Hasty Hare as Commander X-2.
So, it doesn’t go well, as he keeps throwing the dough onto the ceiling, and Marvin is frustrated that he’s ruining the pizzas. They run out of pizza dough and start using cardboard boxes instead.. because that’s exactly what you do when you happen to run out of dough. It’s at this point that Marvin starts to rebel against him. 
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"You didn't tell me that carboard was flammable!"
“You’re drunk with power!”
For one second, the scene goes to the customers getting annoyed and Daffy tries to take Marvin’s ray gun, almost disintegrating some of them.
Moral of the story here? Keep Marvin and Daffy the length between Mars and Earth away from each other. Or further.
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When Marvin has to follow the commands of anyone or when someone does try to control him, he waits to see what they want out of him first before turning a cheek. When he does have someone asking such of him if it is reasonable, he complies. When he doesn't agree, he feels very strongly about what is wrong and right, and hatches up a plan to overturn the person in power, silently protesting until he goes through with it. Although with this moment, it's clear that Daffy had stepped over some boundaries and reached to take his gun. He was defiant and refused to let him control him any further. It all depends on the circumstances, it seems.
Bugs has an idea and locks the three of them into the pantry. For a day. A whole. Darn. Day. I can see Daffy and Pete getting punishment. But Marvin? He was literally just doing his job! He disapproved of Daffy's decisions when he did try to make pizza, but he did exactly what he was told to do. It may just be my own love for him overshadowing why he gets it, but he didn't deserve that. 
Here is Bugs, committing this heinous crime. Disgusting.
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The episode concludes when Speedy Gonzalez takes over the establishment and the other 3 get a job delivering pizzas. Using a tank. I can't make this stuff up folks, it's Looney tunes.
That's all for now! I think I'm ready for some questions about him analysis-wise If you guys would like to quiz me on the knowledge I've collected. I'll see if I can do one about Duck Dodgers! There's so much to learn about him in that show. I'll see you all later. 😊)
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ducktracy · 5 months
HI just a quick followup on my last ask: I wholly agree with you!! I think the Bugs and Daffy shorts are good objectively (not my favorites, though, I’m biased towards the 40’s rabbit and duck as well) but I think after the run of Looney Tunes ended Daffy kind of got more and more portrayed as purely Bugs’s foil and still an unrepentant jerk even when not paired up with Bugs. It makes him feel like a Character With One Joke, and you see it all the time in post-Golden Age stuff.
As iconic as TLTS is, it’s a really bad example of this, making Daffy a callous jerk with no regard for anyone else and such a moronic failure that it’s a surprise he had the brains to hatch out of his egg.
And I think you CAN make Daffy a bit of an egocentric jerk and still have him be funny! Birth of a Notion (which PREDATES Rabbit Fire, for those who think his negative traits were birthed from it) is one of my favorite shorts and Daffy is lazy, deceptive, trigger-happy, but is still so chummy and charming that you can’t help but love him. For an even more brutal example, The Ducksters has Daffy be completely callous, but he still manages to be likable enough that you can still feel bad for him when the cartoon ends, because he’s just having so much fun the whole time. MORBID fun, he ABSOLUTELY gets what he deserves at the end, but fun nonetheless!
But when you have decades and decades of content after where Daffy’s only schtick is being ‘the angry and greedy one who always loses’, you lose the magic to his character. His charm. The reason Bugs and Daffy works in the first place, even!
I do not remember where I was going with this. But it’s something!
HONESTLY, the “Daffy as an unrepentant jerk” thing is something the actual golden age cartoons fall victim to! if you REALLY want to depress yourself, i invite you to watch the Speedy and Daffy cartoons. they actually helped me come to turn with Chuck Jones’ Duck and be less bitey towards him—there’s a difference between ego and lack of impulse control and just plain hatred. which, as you mentioned, have been some of his innate characteristics WAY further beyond Rabbit Fire. even some of the earliest Daffy shorts where he’s not all there yet. You Ought to Be in Pictures has been often propped up as a very apt example, but even as far back as 1939 in Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur, he paints a self portrait and says “not bad for a guy that never took a lesson in his life!”—the ego is there from day one! this may seem unremarkable, but that sort of self awareness is a genuinely groundbreaking development next to the Daffy cartoons Clampett was making at the same time, where Daffy genuinely seems to be locked in the throes of insanity and isn’t even half cognizant to his actual reality. and even in THOSE cartoons, he has an ego (he’s a general in Scalp Trouble! he’s a DICTATOR in What Price Porky!)
whereas in the Speedy and Daffy cartoons, you have plot lines that explicitly have characters saying “yeah Daffy hates poor people” (“how many times have i told you not to starve on my property” is a real quote from that short) or stories such as Daffy and Speedy are trapped on a deserted island and Daffy refuses to share any of the food with Speedy who barely asks for anything and has done LITERALLY NOTHING? i think Daffy even says something along the lines of “you can’t even speak English well” or something and it’s just like. jesus
BUT, i bring all that up because i think that is often conflated for what people understand Daffy to be. i do think some of Jones’ cartoons are guilty of Daffy becoming a bit one more—Ali-Baba Bunny is a great cartoon, but does feature a much more transparent “MINE MINE MINE” duck. and i again understand the transparency is half of the joke, but many adaptations take that transparency at face value. likewise, i’ve mentioned it many times before, but the Bugs and Daffy cartoons are written explicitly with Daffy in mind. he is the unequivocal star. in some of them, Bugs is just a means to an end, something to act off of and bounce off of. and as Daffy slowly grows more one dimensional over time, Bugs’ own passiveness doesn’t work as well—there isn’t enough given by Daffy to warrant that sidestepping. there needs to be more support. otherwise, Daffy is boiled down to his barest essentials, and those barest essentials are misconstrued and that’s how you end up with cartoons such as The Iceman Ducketh where Daffy IS HUNTING BUGS WITH A GUN! WITH AN ACTUAL INTENT TO KILL!!!!!! which wasn’t even his intent in the hunting trilogy with all his egging on Elmer. guns aren’t as big of a threat in those cartoons—the damage is temporary and comedic. Iceman Ducketh, Daffy is an actual, considerable threat and just seems like a complete misinterpretation of not only what makes the Bugs and Daffy dynamic click, but Daffy as a character.
I APPRECIATE YOUR THOUGHTS VERY MUCH ANON!! i echo the same sentiments. it seems so funny to say this over a cartoon duck who most people remember for funny catchphrases and drawings (as they should, but maybe ties back to what we’re talking about), but he genuinely is such a complex character and one of the most varied, and that i think prompts a lot of nuances to be missed OR misinterpreted. there’s a way to keep his greedy, bitter, egotistical tendencies in line and still have him be likable and charming. His Bitter Half is one of my favorites and a cartoon that i’d wage as one of the funniest Daffy shorts around, and he’s a complete jerk in that one!! the short starts with him acknowledging and saying he’s just marrying a woman for her money!!! who calls a kid “cute like a stomach pump”?? but, likewise, who even THINKS TO SAY “cute like a stomach pump”? that sort of specific little “quirk” is something that is so lacking in his aforementioned appearances of transparency.
HAHA sorry it took me so long to get around to this, but thank you for giving me a chance to blab about the duck some more!
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ducktracy · 3 years
What's your opinion of "the Looney tunes show" from 2012? Any hot takes about it?
oh boy i have… a LOT of hot takes about it LOL THIS IS GONNA BE LONG I’M SORRY IN ADVANCE
not a fan don’t like it 🥲 I REALLY WANT TO LIKE IT… i binged it all in the span of a few days back in 2019, have seen a bunch of the episodes multiple times and there are some lines that make me laugh, but every time i talk about i realize i have to make up excuses for why i like it which tells me that i don’t actually like it HAHA
i will never forgive them for turning Daffy into a brainless Peter Griffin type, they did his character so DIRTY 🥲🥲🥲 Daffy is and always has been one of the smartest characters on the LT cast—even when he was a full on screwball he was NEVER stupid, just out of his mind. remember, this is the only character smart enough to see through Bugs’ tricks and uses words like “phantasmagorical” and “financial remunerations”.
they made him mind bogglingly stupid and LAZY in TLTS which is SUCH a disservice because HE WAS NEVER LAZY IN THE SHORTS!! that’s part of his character!! even in the later shorts with Bugs and he’d keep getting shot in the face or WHATEVER, he’d still ALWAYS KEEP GOING and his own overzealousness and antics trying to prove himself are often what landed him in trouble in the first place! in Daffy’s Inn Trouble (which is a bad cartoon from the ‘60s but i’ve seen it a lot since they run it on TV often) he builds an entire hotel in like 10 SECONDS because Porky gave him a broom as a present and he didn’t like it (and Porky even says “all that just because i gave him a present!”) one very consistent trait through all 30 years of his being in the originals is that he’s absolutely dedicated to whatever cause he’s pursuing, often to the point that his zeal is a gag itself
i also can’t stand how blatantly mean he is. POOR PORKY. i can’t stand how Porky is treated in the show and Daffy is such a jerk to him and i don’t like it 🥲 i think what a lot of people fail to understand that while Daffy could be a jerk in the originals, the only time he was an UNFAIR jerk was in the Speedy/Daffy shorts which are abysmal anyway. THAT is a case where he was a jerk for no rhyme or reason. in the Bugs/Daffy cartoons he’s rightfully a jerk because Bugs keeps upping him WITH NO EFFORT and making a fool out of Daffy, who is able to see through his schemes and is rightfully mad at Bugs for taking his spotlight.
i’ve said this a million times but it’s something i’m very adamant about HAHA, but in the originals Daffy is HARDLY ever a jerk to Porky. even in the later shorts when he’s full on egomaniac, he may make the occasional sly comment but he hardly if EVER berates Porky, they’re very often treated as a dynamic duo/leader and sidekick type and if anything PORKY is the asshole making smug asides to the audience every time Daffy makes an ass of himself! the only short i can think of where Daffy is full on violent or nasty to Porky is The Ducksters, and even then Porky gets his comeuppance and subjects Daffy to the same torture Daffy subjected HIM to for the sake of a game show. maybe the moment in Tom Turk and Daffy where he mocks Porky’s stutter and acts incredibly defensive (i always interpreted it as him being purposefully over the top and putting on a show), but other than that, even in moments where some assholery would be WARRANTED (because Porky can be a little BITCH!!!), Daffy is either neutral or goes out of his way to be pleasant towards him. there is rarely any true animosity between them, even in instances where there SHOULD be when Porky is threatening to cut his head off… or shoot his head off… or anything like that
i think people assume “well Daffy is mean to Bugs so he’s mean to everyone right?” which is blatantly false. in many of the earlier Daffy shorts he tries to make friends/pleasantries with his adversaries (in Daffy’s Southern Exposure he pauses a hungry wolf chasing him with an axe to ask “listen! can’t we settle this amicably?”) and sometimes makes friends before realizing he’s dealing with an adversary in the first place (giving the Nazi goat in Scrap Happy Daffy an Alka-Seltzer before realizing the goat is sent there to basically kill him LMAO). these characters are ALWAYS changing and going against themselves so it’s hard to pin down what is exactly right and wrong, but Daffy’s charisma and charm is a very big aspect of his personality (to me at least) and having him be a default jerk to everyone is blatantly false
and again don’t get me started on Porky. i can’t stand how he’s the show’s punching bag. Bugs and Daffy and EVERYONE constantly make fun of him and call him fat (WHEN THE MAN IS SKINNY AS A TWIG IN THIS SHOW) and lame and nerdy and Porky hardly ever fights back and it’s not only frustrating and depressing but it’s just WRONG!! Porky has one of the most ferocious tempers of any LT character and absolutely WILL fight back if he’s being threatened. there’s a short where it’s “be kind to animals week” and he starts slapping and yelling at an affectionate dog and then has a moment of “oh geez i’m an asshole”. Porky has a lot of different personalities and aspects to him and that’s one of the reasons i love him so much, he’s such a genuine and SINCERE character and it’s always really fun to see him turn from a total oblivious sap to a raging hothead. seeing Porky get beat up or made fun of un ANY way is just wholly unpleasant (and that’s something i’m not too thrilled about in the LTC shorts either, but he at least fights back sometimes and is relatively faithful to his original self). Porky is a fantastic and incredibly underrated character and i hate that TLTS treats him so poorly, i feel like the show only reinforces the “oh Porky is boring and outdated nobody likes him” mindset that i keep seeing and try so hard to disprove LOL
i don’t have as many thoughts on Bugs or the others, but Bugs annoys me too—i don’t like how deadpan and mean he is. Bob Clampett’s Bugs, who i like a lot, was absolutely a bully and i agree that sometimes it’s too much and a little hard to watch, but he was at least HAPPY about it and had a lot of energy. TLTS Bugs i feel is just done with everything and very cynical (probably an extension of the world weary Jones Bugs which is not a Bugs personality i like either) and he’s more of a drag than anything (though i do like the Off Duty Cop episode where he holds Porky hostage because he’s going through caffeine withdrawal LOL)
i am one of those people who think that the LT characters don’t belong in a sitcom/domestic setting. it’s more personal taste than anything, but it just feels SO CONFINING and sucks the life and possibility out of these characters (which is a complaint i have with some of the later original cartoons too—The Million Hare has Bugs and Daffy staring at a TV with bloodshot eyes and i absolutely hate it LOL. i don’t like being reminded that the directors and characters were getting old and tired and are reduced to. that.)
the great thing about the originals is that the situations are always changing. the dynamics are always changing. sometimes Porky and Daffy are roommates who are late to work, sometimes Porky is threatening to kill Daffy and swinging an axe over his head, sometimes Daffy is an overzealous leader with a smug Porky making asides to the audience. sometimes Bugs is a feral rabbit, sometimes Bugs is a famous icon performing on stage. sometimes Elmer is a hunter, sometimes Elmer spends 7 minutes trying to blow out a candle, sometimes Elmer completely disrupts the flow of the cartoon by walking across the screen and whistling. sometimes Daffy bounces on his head, sometimes Daffy is a jerk, sometimes Daffy is so overcome with passion that he knocks himself out while reading a comic book. these characters are ALWAYS changing. always changing dynamics, personalities, settings. sticking them in one role and one role only and confining them to a suburban setting eradicates any of that freshness and essentially typecasts them and just makes things… BORING.
i want to add that i DO like what they did with Lola and i do enjoy Jessica Borutski’s designs. a lot of these problems aren’t exclusive to TLTS either. Daffy is pretty stupid and mean to Porky in Duck Dodgers, and as much as i love LTC i have my fair share of nitpicks about it. i’m happy that people are interested in the characters more due to the popularity of TLTS, but i also (at the risk of sounding like an old man) encourage people to check out the original shorts and see what made them so great, because in my honest opinion TLTS doesn’t make a great first impression of the characters and there’s so much more life and fun and HISTORY to explore by checking out the originals
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ducktracy · 2 years
I think my least favorite part of Daffy’s entire schtick changing was his eventual devolution into being perceived JUST Bugs’s rival, a mere accessory to Bugs rather than a perfectly fine character in his own right, whether that be in merchandising or otherwise. Keep in mind I don’t think this downfall ever happened fully in the original run—if anything you could say he devolved into SPEEDY’S rival there—but there definitely seems to be fewer and fewer times in more recent years where Daffy isn’t just Bugs’s stooge or roommate or antithesis or whatever. As a Daffy fan it’s annoying at best and heartbreaking at worst seeing the failed potential with this character–and while I do have some problems with LTC, I’m at least glad they use the more interesting Porky/Daffy pairing more often (if they ever even end up using the Bugs/Daffy pairing at all). I don’t know if I’m eloquentilating this right since it’s 3 AM but I wanted to say this to someone
i was just rewatching Drip-Along Daffy the other day and i surprised myself by how much i was enjoying it, there were parts where i genuinely laughed out loud (which should be a given because it’s a HILARIOUS cartoon) and i had the epiphany then that i don’t think i dislike Daffy’s greed so much as i dislike Bugs and Daffy cartoons as a whole
though Daffy’s progression into the egomaniac we all know today may SEEM sudden, it really wasn’t all that sudden. Daffy’s been greedy ever since You Ought to Be in Pictures in 1940(!) when he deliberately swindled Porky out of his contract so HE could get top billing and make more money. Chuck’s Duck has always shown signs of egotism—in Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur (1939) which is Chuck’s first Daffy short, Daffy paints a self portrait of himself and exclaims “not bad for a fella who never took a lesson in his life!”
he’s plenty confrontational in the Frank Tashlin (and later Bob McKimson and Art Davis) cartoons, and even Bob Clampett’s Daffy was a coward and thought he was a total hot shot—he thinks he’s the hottest shit around parading around as Duck Twacy in The Great Piggy Bank Robbery or as Danny Kaye in Book Revue, and he spent an entire cartoon running away from The Little Man from the Draft Board (and eventually killed himself), proving he’d rather die and go to hell and be OKAY with it before ever serving his country. (of course, cartoons like Scrap Happy Daffy and Daffy the Commando contradict that, though he is cowardly in the former too, but Daffy is NOT a consistent character in the slightest. consistent traits, sure, but he’s always. ALWAYS! changing)
throughout the Bugs and Daffy cartoons in the original cartoons, he gets nastier and nastier. in Rabbit Fire he’s still relatively chipper and even gives out a HOOHOO! at the beginning (the last one Chuck would use in a cartoon), but he just gets madder and angrier and Bugs often doesn’t fight back or REACT and that’s what wants me to make me tear my hair out. Daffy is VERY unlikable in the Bugs/Daffy shorts, which frustrates me enough HAHA, but it’s even more frustrating to see Bugs just stand around and wiggle his nose or make his ear drop or something instead of fighting back.
and it’s funny, because i’ve noticed that Daffy is MUCH more likable in the Chuck Porky/Daffy cartoons. call me biased, but he at least smiles and is relatively likable, mostly making an ass out of himself than willingly trying to harm other adversaries. these cartoons have him as an overly ambitious hero trying (and failing) to get the respect he deserves, and usually brushes off his failed attempts swiftly without going into a fit. (in Drip-Along, Daffy keeps shouting Western cliches in the bar and trying to wrestle up a fight, but quickly realizes he’s being ignored. instead of demanding that everyone pay attention to him, he just puffs his chest out and puts away his guns with hilarious elasticity and energy before declaring “WELP! reckon i’ll have me a little bracer,” with this HILARIOUS smile on his face. you could argue there are a number of comparisons to Piggy Bank in it too with the whole “getting way too invested in a hero role that he’s too incompetent to really handle”, and even then, Duck Twacy is actually more cowardly than Drip-Along!)
once again, i’m consulting in Jaime Weinman’s book because he puts it much more eloquently than i can, and i agree with this all 100%. pardon all the highlights HAHA
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and that’s not even talking about the FOLLOW-UPS, we’re still on the classics! i want to like the Bugs and Daffy cartoons, they’re incredibly important and legitimately iconic pieces of filmmaking but i just can’t get myself to enjoy them. it also doesn’t help that by this time in the studio, the WB formula was pretty set in stone and wasn’t as flexible as it was in the war-years.
but yeah, modern interpretations somehow manage to flanderize Daffy even MORE violently and get rid of any saving grace aspects—we all know my thoughts on TLTS so i’ll spare the dribble but i’m still mad they made Daffy a total idiot in that show, when he’s one of the smartest characters in the series and the only adversary to see through Bugs’ trickery—which makes him losing to Bugs all the more funny since he actually KNOWS.
and I AGREE 100%! LTC’s Daffy reads more as Tex Avery’s Daffy to me than Bob Clampett’s, and i would like to see them delve deeper into the slightly bitter/confrontational/egotistical duck of the later Clampett’s but remain likable enough, but as you said, i’m VERY glad the Porky/Daffy dynamic is making a rightful comeuppance and would love to see some different spins on that as well, since they both have a much broader range of dynamics and personalities that you can kinda mix and match them.
YOU ARE ALL GOOD MY FRIEND i don’t know how eloquent THIS is either, but it’s VERY VINDICATING KNOWING I’M NOT ALONE HAHAHA i’ve been thinking about this a lot. thanks so much for sending this (and letting me ramble incoherently at you!)
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ducktracy · 2 years
this is a submission because the ask feature’s character count can bite me
I know your favorite LT character is either Daffy or Porky (I honestly can’t tell which after reading your blog for as long as I have), but for me, it’s Sylvester, and I recently realized that part of the reason is his versatility, or at least, his potential for such. I mean, yeah, most people know him as Tweety’s rival, but I’ve honestly more enjoyed the cartoons where he’s paired up with Elmer, Porky, even Speedy. He’s been in cartoons where he has a son and tries fighting a kangaroo that he thinks is a giant mouse to impress him, and in others, he just wants to sing much to Elmer’s chargin. They even got him to play the bad guy in their Scarlet Pimpernel parody. Sylvester’s much more interesting when not relegated to the old cat-and-bird shtick. Honestly makes me wish there was a cartoon that paired him up with Bugs.
SYLVESTER RULES!!! Sylvester’s my third favorite after Daffy and Porky (they’re virtually tied so i don’t blame you AT ALL because i can’t tell myself sometimes HAHAHAH Daffy NARROWLY beats out Porky; i like to say that Daffy’s my #1 favorite whereas i’m Porky’s #1 biggest fan. i’m more insistent on talking about Porky because not as many people talk/pay attention to him and i think he’s really overlooked, but Daffy will always just barely be my #1), he was my favorite as a kid since my childhood cat was a tuxedo cat.
i agree with the versatility! i’m with you, i think the best Sylvester (and by extent, Tweety) cartoons are the ones where they aren’t together; shorts like Kitty Kornered, Canned Feud, Crowing Pains, Life With Feathers, Back Alley Oproar, Peck Up Your Troubles, and Kit for Cat are probably all my favorite Sylvester cartoons and none of them involve Tweety HAHAHA. you’re totally right, in some shorts he’s a mute, domesticated cat (i’m SO hoping we get a full length Porky/Sylvester LTC short), or he’s doing Spike Jones routines outside of Elmer’s window, or he’s refusing to eat a suicidal bird because he thinks it’s poisonous. i think he’s hilarious and definitely one of the most sympathetic characters regardless of what role he’s in (well, MOST of the time. he’s pretty dastardly in Kit for Cat HAHA)
there are some Tweety/Sylvester cartoons that ARE really funny–Putty Tat Trouble, Tweetie Pie, Satan’s Waitin’, and Birds Anonymous are definitely some highlights in the series, but i agree it does stink Sylvester’s been delegated to the guy who chases Tweety. a victim to the perils of formula!
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Across The Serververse, Chapter 14
Marvin’s spaceship was already fired up and ready to go by the time Bugs got there. Eyes widening he flung himself at the door just as it was closing and managed to get into the spaceship in the nick of time. Gasping, the rabbit lay on the floor and got his breath back for a few moments before glaring up at Marvin and hissing. “Really? Ya couldn’t have kept de door open a few more minutes?”
Marvin shrugged. “I said 12 hours.” He said, pedantically. “ Everyone else made it on time. Except Porky -but he's still with Daffy. He's not woken up yet - is it my fault you can’t follow instructions?”
Bugs gave one last glare and staggered to his feet. “’Ave we decided who we’re gettin’ next?”
“Yes.” Marvin lit the main screen up and zeroed in on two of the trackers. “After a LONG discussion - during which Tweety had a minor breakdown-”
“It wasn’t a bweakdown!” Tweety snapped. “I just pointed out the advantages of getting Gwanny and especiawwy Speedy back soonew wather than watew.”
Just behind Tweety, Wile.E held up a sign that said. ‘Pointed out the advantages at the top of his lungs and with voice shaking - yes.’
“Call it what you want - the fact is we are now heading towards ‘The Matrix’ Universe. Before you interrupted us we were just deciding who was going to go and get them.”
Bugs frowned. “Tweety, surely? He’s the closest to Granny.”
“I am hewe, ya know.” The canary said, hotly. “And yes, I am going. I just need someone to come with me. Thewe’s no point us aww going, the Matwix is dangewous so Mawvin says he needs as many toons defending the ship as possible. I’ww be fine, I just need one toon to come with me.” Tweety sighed and added. “Nowmawwy it’s be Swy, but he’s not hewe-”
“I’ll go.” Bugs said immediately.
“Whaddya mean ‘really?’ - Not only am I yer older brother, I’m the main character, of course I’m coming wiv ya. Anyway, it shouldn’t be to hard. Our teleporting will work there, won’t it?” He directed the last question at Wile.E, who nodded in response.
“Oh yes. Despite the fact that The Matrix has it’s own physical laws that physics can be bent if you know your way around it and the Matrix’s powers doesn’t cover powers from other planets. If Hermione went there - for example - she’d be able to use her magic. Ditto for the likes of Superman and Wonderwomen. Batman might have more issue because he runs more on gadgets but his physical prowess wouldn’t be affected-”
“But our teleporting will be alright?” Bugs interrupted, keen to get back on task. “And our anvils?”
Wile.E considered. “Teleporting’s definitely alright. Anvils may have to enter ‘bullet time.’ I’d try and avoid gags if I were you.” He advised. “Stick to flying and running - it’ll be easier. And I’d stay away from burrowing.” He added. “I know in theory you can burrow through any surface, but the Matrix may not be the best place to put that theory to the test.”
Bugs nodded. “Got it. Now-” He grinned at Tweety. “-We need to be properly attired.”
Reading his brothers mind Tweety and Bugs spun around creating a dust cloud and when the cloud disappeared they were each wearing a long leather coat that came down to Bugs’s knees and Tweety’s feet respectively.  
The two of them looked at each other and fist-bumped. “Now-” Bugs carefully placed a pair of shades over his eyes. “-Les go get ‘em.”
[About an hour and a half later in the land of ‘The Matrix’]
“Be careful.” Marvin warned, as he opened the door. “I believe they’re in a building a few miles away. Teleporting may be the best option.”
With a sharp nod to show he’d understood Bugs grabbed Tweety and teleported to where Granny and Speedy should be.
“We need to remember we can do this.” Bugs yelled in Tweety’s ear, as they travelled. “It’ll come in useful later on in de fic.”
The instance they landed Bugs let Tweety go and struck a pose, expecting to be attacked by goodness knows what at any moment. Nothing happened and Bugs paused and lifted his glasses up to see Granny and Speedy looking at him like he was mental. Which to be fair - as Bugs stood in an empty room wearing a trench coat having just been swiping at nothing - he could see why. “Eh...what’s up, Family?”
“Tweety!” Granny exclaimed, as soon as she saw the yellow canary. “Oh, my Tweety! I’ve been SO worried!” She hurried over and hugged him.
Bugs took a step backwards to give them some space and smiled. A cloud of dust alerted him to the fact Speedy was standing at his elbow. “Hola, Sr Bugs! It is good to see you considering we thought you were dead!”
“Yeah, a lot of people have said dat...” Bugs began.
At that precise second a lot of explosions and general violence started and seemed to be heading towards them at a very alarming pace. Speedy yelled something in Spanish that Bugs assumed meant ‘We’re all going to die! Quick - back to the ship!” And sped of.
Tweety teleported himself and Granny back to the ship and Bugs quickly followed them, not wanting to deal with the ax-crazy matrix people any time soon.
He felt slightly dizzy when he got back to the spaceship, but this quickly faded and he was pleased to see Granny and Speedy being welcomed back by everyone with hugs and laughter.
Marvin was the only one not to join in the celebrations - focusing on getting the ship away from the chaos instead - and Bugs leaned into the wall as the ship accelerated off. 
“Welcome back, Siblings!” Marvin called, over the sound of the engine. “Apologies I can’t hug you, but rest assured I am pleased to see you. Would you like to go back home or are you alright with staying onboard while we pick up Gossamer and Hazel?”
After a brief discussion Granny and Speedy said they were alright for now.
“In that case then...” Marvin said, as he zeroed in on Hazel’s and Gossamer’s trackers. “...We’re off to see the wizard-”
“-The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz!” The others chanted and they all sang the song as the spaceship whizzed through the serververse. 
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Across The Serververse, Chapter 10
Hey! thanks to @thatsalotoftoons and @shipping-queen-fay-blog [thank you for your nice comments, but the way] for following this story.  
*Approximately 5 and a half hours later*
“There.” Marvin removed himself from the underside of Sam’s newly-fixed car, with an of someone reaching the end of his tether. “You will not find a more ready-to-go car than that, Yosemite.”
Wile.E closed the bonnet of the car and, handing a tool of some kind to Raodie, gave a thumbs up.
The others all hopped down/stood away from the bits of the car that they were working on, revealing the whole thing in it’s shiny, gold-painted glory to Sam.
It was beautiful, the pirate thought while staring at it in amazement. It had been good before, but now it was great! The two canon muzzles that stuck out the end of the car had been modified so they were now ready to hold anything and Wile.E had done something with the amount of stuff the car could hold so it was, in a word, better.
Sam smiled and ran his hands over the paintwork. “It’s as good as new.” He said, trying not to get to emotional. “I-I don’t know how ta thank ya all.”
“You know...” Pepe said, coming over to stand next to Sam and putting his hand on the car door in what could only be described as a seductive manner. “We technically still have ze time? You could probably still run ze race if you wanted...?”
Sam gave it serious consideration, but then shook his head reluctantly. “Nah. I ah couldn’t do that. Not when we’re missing several relatives. I mean...if it all ends up coming down to the last couple of hours ah don’t wanna be thinkin’ ‘if only I hadn’t run that race!’ Ya know wha’ ah mean? Besides. The track do darn go on forever. Nah, les leave it.”
Just at that exact moment day turned into night, as it tended to do. There were no sunsets or sunrises in the serververse [unless you lived in a live-action world, such as Harry Potter] the sun just went up and down without any warning.
With a cry of alarm Bugs signalled to Marvin and the Martian sped-walked towards him with a placating: “Do not worry yourself, my furry brother, I have a torch somewhere in my hammerspa-”
“What?” Bugs looked at him like he’d lost the plot. “Oi’m not scared of de dark, Marvin. Oi scurry me little hide through pitch-black tunnels most of the time, how can I be scared of de dark? No, I want ta plan wit’ ya where we’re going next as - and you may not have noticed this - IT’S DE MIDDLE OF DE NIGHT!”
Marvin's eyes narrowed and he put his hands on his hips. “I appreciate this is a stressful time for us all, Bugs, but if you would kindly refrain from shouting at me-”
“Who’s shouting?” Bugs yelled.
Marvin’s eyes narrowed even further so they were practically one eye and he said, with dignity. “I shall attribute your attitude to both your concern about our siblings and lack of sleep. Now-” Marvin began, his tone, bearing and general attitude reminding everyone why he was in charge of a planet and they were not. “-Listen to me and listen well. We are nearly out of both water and fuel. We forgot to bring food with us, although I am willing to take responsibility for that as it is my ship, and we now have a car to transport. So I propose we go back to Warner Brothers Central for 12 hours exactly. I shall stock the ship with supplies and fill it up with fuel, Sam can take his car somewhere it won’t be a nuisance and we can all get some rest. We’ll then head straight off and decide who to get next after we all have clearer minds.” There was a pause during which Marvin looked at Bugs like he was expecting a reply.
Bugs blinked back at him, trying to process what he’d just said. His head felt foggy. He ran a hand across his forehead and smiled in what he hoped was a nice smile and not a deranged one. 
Marvin cleared his throat and said, slowly and clearly. “I propose we do that right this minute as - as you keep reminding us - time is off the essence. Is anyone against that plan?” He asked, looking round at the rest of the group.
If Bugs had been thinking clearly he’d have seen that everyone else was completely cool with Marvin’s idea, even Tweety who had been on edge for about the last 10 hours, seemed happy with it.
As he was not thinking clearly, however - far from it, he was tired, hungry, stressed and worried - Bugs said with the kind of ferocity you might expect from a wolf, should you ever meet one. “Okay, Oi get it. Ya want ta leave our family alone to fight for dere lives!” Voice rising, he spat. “Granny an’ Speedy are in ‘The Matrix’! Dey could be dead-!”
“Bugs!” Penelope cut in, with an urgent head nod at Tweety, who had gone ashen. 
Not even noticing her Bugs steamrolled on. “-Or bein’ attacked or somethin’! Sentient A.I’s who knows what damage dey cahn do! An’ Porky and Daffy are in DC World! An Lola’s dere as well! Villains! Superhero’s! Oi mean sure-” Bugs rambled, his voice becoming progressively higher-pitched as his body also started to shake. “All de times we’ve been dere it’s been fine, bit who knows now? Acid vaults! Incineration rays! Plants! That...” Here Bugs struggled  for a few seconds to find the words, then managed to grasp them. “...weird egg man...what was his name? - Humpty Dumpty! I mean-” At this point Bugs found himself unable to talk properly and made motions with his arms that, to him, represented sewing and to everyone else represented a nervous breakdown. “Oi mean...” He repeated. Slowing down now he looked at his family with wide eyes and a trembling frame, saying in a small voice. “...Oi don’t know what I mean.” Before bursting into tears. 
There was a long pause while the others tried to remember the last time they saw Bugs cry. Genuinely cry I mean, not for a cartoon or the like. Quite a while ago now...
It was Penelope who finally got enough wits about her to go and actually comfort the rabbit. Making soothing noises and reassuring him that Daffy, Porky and Lola would probably be fine as would the rest of the family, she enveloped him in a hug. 
One by one the other toons moved in and hugged Bugs as well. It took a while but eventually the rabbits breathing evened out and he started calming down. A little while longer and Bugs said, somewhat shakily. “Okay...Oi’m alright now. Jus’ lost me senses for a few minutes.”
“It’s perfectly logical.” Wile.E said, in what was meant to be a reassuring manner, but came across as lecturing. “This has been a stressful time and the human - or in your case - the rabbit mind can only deal with so much. After a short while-” 
It was at this point that Roadie elbowed his twin and held up a sign that said. ‘I don’t think he needs a lecture, Wile.E.’
Wile.E, massaging his arm, saw this and muttered something agreeable. 
“Marvin-” Bugs muttered, sounding exhausted. “-take over will ya? Oi don’t feel good.” And he sat down and put his head in his hands.
“Right.” Marvin wasted no time. “Wile.E and Roadie put Bugs up and carry him back to the ship. It’s clear the poor rabbit’s suffering a nervous breakdown of some sort. We’ll do what I said. Hopefully sleep will restore everyone’s minds. Let’s not waste any time now, Wile.E, Roadie?”
Meanwhile, watching all this from the monitors Pete smiled [as much as a blob can smile] and dreamed about what it would be like if he could be so lucky as to be one of the ‘Looney Tunes’. He didn’t see why it couldn’t work. HIs jelly-like body was practically made for squashing under anvils....
After indulging this fantasy for more than a few minutes Pete slapped himself and started checking the other monitors.
Elmer was still fine. No change there then. Still showing a resistance to Mama’s Yak Stew and the like, but that was understandable.
Gossamer and Witch Hazel...Pete zoomed in and grimaced a little. Interesting. Very interesting. Amazing how people will change when you give them a little power...
On the bright side the guards were reacting well to Hazel. Pete had been worried about that...
Granny and Speedy...Pete zoomed in just in time for a fighting scene. Pete winced...he’d never seen a handbag used quite like that before...
Lola...still good. She was certainly improving. All that training must be paying off. 
And finally Daffy and Porky. Last time they’d been fine...
Pete zoomed in and - ah. How interesting. He leaned forward and linked his tentacles together. Really, he should have expected this. What was it Rhythm always said? There are ways round everything? How clever...
His last thoughts, before he stopped his monitoring for a few hours, was to wonder how the other toons would react to this? 
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