#there was so much abt the world earlier on like all of the AI world ending 2.0 stuff was bad
mav-doodles · 3 months
Will you share more abt Aero? Like how they came to be?
Aero's origins are tied to an RP event from a bit earlier in the year over in @/the-deltahub-official. I'm not sure how LONG this will wind up so.
The premise of it was the AI professors- yes both of them- in the Area Zero lab had managed to get the time machine running off Determination. Erbasa wanted to draw that power out for himself, but wound up falling into the machine. He wasn't quite himself after, mind being altered and warped.
Aero's existence was the byproduct of Erbasa obtaining that power, as well as siphoning Terastal energy from Apocalypse's Terapagos, and from the trainers that were fighting against them. He wanted to combine the Light, Dark, past, present, and future together. Basically everything around them to create a utopia. Apocalypse didn't like this, and tried to get through to him to make him stop.
However, through use of a Tera Orb, both Erbasa and Apocalypse got confined into a Tera Crystal where they wound up fused. The result was Aero. Their power has given them a status on par with Gods. They are a God. They're a combination of the worst aspects of both parties; very self absorbed, uncaring toward those they view as below them, and they just want to do whatever they want. They didn't care what happened to anyone around them, they just wanted to have fun and fulfill the desire of their components. They didn't last too long as the actual 'God' of the world intervened and eventually forced them to unfuse.
As a result though, Apocalypse HATES Aero. Aero is a reminder of what happened back in the lab, and she feels she was used. She does appreciate Aero for making her realize how much Erbasa meant to her in the long run. She was worried they'd be stuck like that forever, or that Erbasa would be completely lost.
In the long run it’d probably make more sense to read the whole RP. I could compile it all though, it’d just take a bit.
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piraticalpsyche · 6 years
its like, i look at the 100 and all the wild shit that happened since i stopped watching this most recent season, and i think... should i even bother.... then i see bellamy and clarke standing next to each other and DAMMIT i want to go back.....
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kordeliiius · 2 years
Who are all these metronome kids o keep hearing abt, i have shit memory and they seem to have Funky Powers
HI ALRIGHT SO for everyone just tuning in, I’ll do my best to give a rundown for each main-ish character and their proposed abilities!! Keep in mind this is an odd mix of canon and headcanon that will hopefully make sense by how I’ve structured this thing. I’ll also add links to sources and additional speculation where needed, since the LN wiki doesn’t touch on everything (but it contains tons of info on other canon characters and a pretty expansive gallery)
Ten is the main playable character and he carries a device that allows him to record, edit, and replay sounds from the environment. This mechanic was the main means of puzzle solving and stage progression, though it became increasingly harder to create an engaging experience from. So instead of stripping the game of the mechanic (and by extension, its identity), the game's development was halted indefinitely. He's also shown in the demo footage to interact with the spirits he frees, but like. How does he do that. Sometime later the idea of Ten having a sixth sense arose and I started drawing him with heterochromia to symbolize that (I’ve already gone off about how I think eye color could represent magical potency in the LN world), and depending on how that impacted his social life it’d make sense if he were more keen on befriending nomes and spirits rather than people. I also think it'd be cool if he knew how to play conventional instruments as well?? It might have an advantage in certain encounters. [[This game also had the original nomes in them; they're called metrognomes and they're soulless husks created by separating a child's soul from their body (sound familiar?) Ten can control them using his noise machine.]]
The game also has a secondary protagonist, New, who was at the center of the inciting incident and had some additional role in the gameplay. I remember hearing she could’ve been an AI or the co-op P2 but all the info in my head got jumbled up and I cant remember where that factoid came from. From what little we've seen of her, I’d assume that she prefers the stealth route and will fight bare-handed if things come down to it, but the synopsis also hints towards her having magic as well. Because certain technology responds to her presence, I'm thinking this could be some unique ESP, or if you wanna get real crazy, an earlier subvariant of transmission. (Either option poses an advantage in gameplay, allowing her to perceive things that Ten’s senses can’t, but the latter would totally heighten the drama.) That being said her abilities are unpredictable and she doesn’t have much tech knowledge to begin with, so that’s what drives her to seek help.
The other kids you might be thinking of aren't actually from the game, instead the community kinda,, made them up?? This ghost girl that @/oryst and I designed in tandem has a number of influences: the unidentified face on the old website, this fanmade box art and its reinterpretations, and also Mono! We still dont know where the artist got this idea from, but I rather like the idea of Ten having a temporary ghost companion that allows for some unique problem-solving. What we've ultimately created is the spirit of a young transmitter (having the “landline” equivalent of Mono’s “handsfree” capabilities) who was sought out and killed, and is now the spirit piloting the all-powerful machine at the core of the city. After the two become intertwined, it’s not exactly clear what her real personality is anymore. She was also New's friend in life, giving our protag all the more reason to burn the place down.
There's this other community-original character who acts as a spy for the corp. (updated design) They're a double amputee and are unpowered, but probably have some special devices to assist them on the job and can command scouts as well. I originally wrote them as another childhood friend of New's, maybe a sibling, but the two of them were split up due to a grudge surrounding their friend's death. It's also super ironic that the image I based them off was actually New as she appears in-game? It used to be so indecipherable that no one could recognize her. Maybe I'll use that bit of meta-irony to tweak their story or relationship a bit, who knows.
Also worth noting that each character here parallels the LN kids in one way or another, however no connection is exactly one-to-one. Somebody could argue that Ten was the original Mono because of how technology is a big part of their schtick, but to me his overall demeanor is more comparable to Six, and the metrognome sequences parallel Runaway’s route in The Hideaway to a T. On the flipside, New is commonly likened to Six because of her design and possible AI functionality, but the notions of magic and mystery in the synopsis make her more of a Mono in my eyes. The Ghost and the Spy, however, are intentional callbacks to Mono/Rain and Runaway respectively.
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neomedievalistbr · 3 years
Dr2 but soda dies, akane dies, ibuki lives, gundam lives, hinata is the traitor and mastermind, chiaki dies
okay i forgot to answer this earlier but like, i wish theyd had done something better with kazuichi instead of just. keeping him as That. like make him actually realize his behavior towards sonia is not good and make him change, but since that didnt happen 🤷‍♂️
back to the actual ask, on one hand, i really like ibuki and wish she handt died in chapter 3 (fuck any danganronpa chapter 3, all my homies hate chapter 3), but i also like akane, so im kinda in a crossroads here.
as for hajime as mastermind, it would need the entire anime to be ignored (something i already do bc i only hear bad things abt that anime, and also it looks bad from what ive seen), and make hajime actually fight izuru and prove to him that hope is better or something (it would also make their merge better, the side of hope and the side of despair coming together as one)
unfortunately i dont have much to say abt gundham, but damn i kinda wish chiaki was instead always a ai and not an actual person, i like her more as "ai learning to be human and falling in love with the world and sacrificing herself for her friends"
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chisatowo · 3 years
Ok so this isn't rly relevant to any of the things Im into rn, but earlier me and one of my cousins were talking about how ai characters, and specifically ai villains, are written im fiction, and it's really gotten me thinking about just how strangely they're tackled more often than not. Like, one very common trope with ai villains is the "cold emotionless robot decides that humanity/the world needs to be destroyed for the greater good based off of pure logic" and like...... I don't think people realise that is still a very emotions based motive? Like, I feel like that's common in a lot of ai character tropes im general. They try to build the character to be noticeably "inhuman" and robotic and shit, but because they're still ultimately building a character, those characters are ultimately still going to be built off of very human traits, whether the writer realises it or not. Like, for example, the idea of robots operating off of pure logic. Like the thing is, logic is a human thing. Well, not necessarily human, but a thing originating from living things. I'm not like, and expert on robots and ai and shit, but from my understanding they operate on more of a binary, and not from deduction and logic or whatever. Really, computers and ai and shit operate so differently on a fundamental level, that it's near impossible to make one a proper character without making them functionally human. Any attempts to make them seem "less human" usually just ends up with them being characterised as a different kind of human, which is a whole other can of worms. I'm not even saying that making robot characters basically human is bad, like I really don't care much abt the realism of it all, but the way people try to go about characterizing them to make them clearly an ai just feels very wrong and like they aren't actually thinking abt it too hard to me
#rat rambles#sorry for the long post that relates to jack shit om this blog but I just fibd this interesting#but to dig a little more into some of the specific shit that people add to their robot characters to make them seem 'less human'#you find that a whole lot of it is still ultimately very human ideas#and also the fact that it reflects very real people in often very harmful ways#this is why that approach to writing robot characters frustrates me so much#like.... if youre gonna humanise them at all you need to come to terms with the fact that you cant also make them super robotic#like obviously theres some shit you can add but a lot of that doesnt need to impact personality much#and I swear I could go on for hours about how people so heavily misenterpret ideas of logic#in general but like also with these characters specifically#like.... computors dont have logic. at least not inherently.#theres no reason that your ai character needs to be purely logical if youre humanising them anyways#logic isnt an inherent trait to ai.#ALSO to go on a minor rant I dont think enough people talk about how shitty it is that so many robot characters are written as ace aro?#or like stories where a robot learns to love and thats treated as a mark of true humanity#it is often a direct message that those form of attraction are vital to being human#and lacking that makes you less human#like its honestly really really upsetting#not to say that there arent ace or aro robot characters that I like#but so many of them are written in a really horrible way#one general rule of thumb is that if them being a robot is the reason theyre ace or aro it probably sucks ass#Iitd be neat to see some stories with multiple robots that have variety in sexualities and doesnt tie any of them to them being a robot#I dont speak for all ace aro people of course though these are just things Id like to see#honestly just give us more human ace aro characters#and also have those identities come up in the story in a non tragic light. I dont need to to be about that but itd be nice to see those#things not fade into the background#also. please explicitely state that a character is ace and/or aro in the story if your doing the same for characters of other sexualities#I am so fucking tired of ace aro hcs being treated as the 'wrong answer' all the damn time#like yes tgeres situations where its personal prefrence#but theres also situations whete there is CLEAR coding and people still act like its the wrong hc to have
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jaeyooniverse · 3 years
Heyo, fantasy friend here! Oh roller skating at the park sounds like a lot of fun, how did it go?
Yeah... a pretty big chunk of the groups I'm into are getting to an age where the members have to start enlisting 😔 I've temporarily lost three biases to the military already and the time is coming when another (Youngbin) is going to have to go as well :( this is what I get for biasing mostly older members... At least enlisting earlier means they'll be back earlier though 😭 small comforts
It is super neat to figure out how things tie together! I love seeing the connections between things that seemed entirely different before and how they affect each other, it's really exciting 😄 ooh what kind of project is it? I imagine you use programming quite a lot especially with the AI stuff so good luck on that 💕 I'm cheering you on!
Ah I see you have a mindset kind of like mine 😂 I love learning so much and I would study everything if I could, it's too bad there's not enough time to learn about everything (not to mention the amount that would cost in tuition!) I think that's the one thing that would tempt me to seek immortality... imagine having unlimited time to discover more about the world and how it works, and people and how they work, and to explore places and ideas and skills... man it would be so cool!!
Omg that picture is so pretty!! It sounds like it was really awesome 😄 now I'm remembering the time I went camping in a redwood forest with my family and we hiked up to a waterfall, I had a lot of fun on that trip and the forest was beautiful 😌
There are a few tricks I use to stay cool but I think the easiest one is to take a cold shower and then not dry your hair afterwards (obviously dry it enough that it doesn't drip everywhere, but like... as little as possible), the water will cool you off and then since your hair is wet it won't act as insulation to keep your head warm, and as it evaporates that will also keep you cool! Another one is to use ice packs, those can help a lot.
Tbh I think the fires are a lot more dangerous than the earthquakes at least in my experience, I've never been in an earthquake big enough to cause any damage but there have been some really serious fires in my area that affected a lot of people including ones I knew so that feels like a more immediate danger to me - idk though, every place has its risks and benefits and I'm willing to put up with it haha
Hm I think I'm most excited for the music but also the MV, it seems like it's going to be really cool! I'm obsessed with aesthetics so I can't wait to see the whole thing 👀 and I bet the gifs and edits everyone's going to make will be amazing as well!! If there are any particularly awesome shots in the music video I might even draw something based on it, I haven't really drawn in ages but maybe this will be the thing that gets me out of my rut 😌 I'll almost definitely be making edits and/or moodboards though so I'm excited to do that as well!
Hope you have a good day! 💖
it went okay! i was scared i was gonna get caught in the rain bc the sky was kinda gray on my walk over there but it didn't, and the weather was pretty nice overall! i'm still learning so i was pretty much just going around in circles the whole time 😂 but it was fun ^^
aah pls i don't want to think abt it,, the thought of youngbin leaving,,,,, no😭😭😭 and yeah at least the sooner the go, the sooner they come back but..i'll miss them nonetheless :')
exactly!! i think thats what i like about math like so many things are connected, and it branches out into other disciplines like art and science it can be really cool to see the endless possibilities & connections 🤩
the project is about truecasing, which is basically (to my understanding) getting the program to return the proper casing (uppercase, lowercase, etc.) of a given word based on context and probabilities. it's helpful to use on text that might have misspellings or things that are typed all uppercase or lowercase (like texts/messaging). it seems pretty interesting! tho i did almost fall asleep when I was doing the reading last night, but i'll blame that on the fact that i was tired out from skating 😂😅 and yeah there's a lot of programming and i told myself I should do a lot of practice over the summer at the end if the semester and yet..ive barely done anything. which is why I was excited when my professor mentioned this project bc I really need to get back into things. thank you for cheering me on!! im rooting for you as well 😚❤❤
there's soooo much out there i really wish there was more time to study all the things we want freely (and without the pressure of doing it for a grade) and ugh yeah tuition costs...imagine how many more people would have degrees and just more knowledgeable about anything if higher education didn't cost so much. i feel like it really comes down to money 😭😭 like people don't get the highest education they want bc it costs so much, even if you want to study on the side you might not have time bc you have to work and earn money like.. we are not living in a society that properly promotes self-enrichment im so sad</33
ooh the hair trick sounds nice! i guess I've kinda done that before? and it was extra refreshing bc I washed my hair with mint shampoo so it felt really cool 😆 we don't have any ice packs but I bet those would be helpful maybe we should get some lol
yeah ive heard that most earthquakes aren't that dangerous but little kid me didn't understand that there could be non-threatening earthquakes 😂 oh the fires can get so bad it's scary 😥 i hope you stay safe out there <3
the mv does look really cool omg the shots are so beautiful! thatd be so nice if it'd give you some inspiration to get out of your artist block! honestly same here I havent drawn in so long I really want to get back into it. I can't wait to see what you create! 🥰
have a lovely day my lovely fantasy friend ! ♡
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divermoon · 7 years
thoughts on prophets
im still crying like i full out sobbed during and again when i rewatched all the most important scenes
all the root harold TM content !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope shaw gets more content soon
not to go get into furious mode here again but iris........lmao im out of here. i hate therapist scenes already and while her assessment of john is  correct (hero complex, death wish..... i could go on abt that but another time) the scenes are so uncomfortable and johns monologue at the end like... it felt so fishy he usually only says these things unprompted or like at the end of a number hes worked when hes experienced something and grown or recognised something and just the whole situation of it rubs me wrong :( why did they do this its going to be awful watching these parts
samaritan rigging the election and taking over more control... im curious as to how much we see what samaritan would envision the world to be like what its objective is (though not necessarily through it happening i really want there to be long conversation scenes at some point thats my wish) bc its written to evolve i think i mean sure theyre fighting and samaritan is the antagonist but in itself its not evil its just doing what it was created for. it didnt have finch :( :’)
harold seeing roots lonliness...trying to comfort her...........this means so much to me.  i want to have more to say my heart hurts thinking about it
harold cares so much and theyve become so special to each other
them talking about the war and reassuring and reaffirming each other....
harold thinks highly of root (a friend, there is more than death, the end is more important than the beginning) and root knows how much the machine genuinely cares (i will protect her and you, she has a plan, THE DIFFERENCE IS YOU im dead im dead)
all the flashback scenes :(((( “how badly did you have to break it to make it care so much” define TM working its all objectives in the end
she has to care about people to want to save them, to make that her priority. she has to care to keep it that way
and harold taught her that. 
he made sure that the AI watching over everyone cared, that we all wouldnt be expendable even if he had to hurt it
he didnt do it lightly but in light of what someone else might build...
(...............death benefit. what if the machine had worked out a way to incapacitate the senator instead  of killing him, like harold did with her.....even if he did kill the other 42 versions)
ooh parallel to “sometimes its better not to know” and their number of week being alive but...living with what happened
im excited for more flashbacks to harold and TM
harold saying hes terrified what will happen now the machine has a voice and memory.....................does root know the other versions almost killed him? 
i love harold so much i mean even though........hes fictional blah blah it makes me so happy knowing hes out there
the fact that i get to watch him on the screen? get to hear his thoughts and monologues and see parts of his life? im so lucky honestly
one more try :’) he always wants to try, to believe in people, in saving them, in doing the right thing
i would die for him honestly no joke
gunfight HOO BOY martine is hot that sequence was hot root with double guns is hot and i agree they need to Fuck and the music man
the score when shes in godmode earlier in the episode i love pois soundtrack so much
the pan to harold when shaw says godmode
“kill me if you can” root!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
im going to watch it again tomorrow and ball my eyes out again tomorrow
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