#there were already so few of them and now they’re gone forever and it feels like with each thing i lose I lose a piece of myself as well
redrose10 · 2 days
#9 from the picture game!
Warnings: None
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You sat at your computer screen anxiously waiting for your husband to answer your call. He was touring on the other side of the world and you might’ve missed him just a tiny little bit.
Finally after what felt like forever he picked up.
He didn’t say anything. Just sat staring at the screen. This was the eighth time you had called in the last four hours. The thing about Yoongi is he will always answer your call as long as he’s not performing or in an interview or something similar. And you knew that and would occasionally use it to your advantage.
Like right now when you called to ask him a question that you already knew the answer to. “Y/N,”, he said softly.
Not babe, baby, jagiya, kitten. Just your name. You knew he was getting frustrated maybe even a little annoyed so this was going to have to be the last time you called him.
“Ummm do you know where our measuring cups are? I want to bake some cookies and can’t find them.”, you asked rather shyly because you knew exactly where they were. The cookies were already made and cooling on a rack in the kitchen.
Yoongi licked his lips, “They should be in the drawer next to the spoons. If they’re not there then just let me know and I’ll order a new set and have them rush delivered.”
That was just like Yoongi. Even though he was exhausted and frustrated with you he would still go out of his way to make sure you were taken care of no matter what.
“Thanks Yoongs. I’ll check there. Get some sleep. I love you.”
“I love you too.”, he said before quickly ending the call.
You closed the laptop and slid it under the bed not wanting to be tempted to call him again. You were already pushing your luck.
Instead you did some laundry, straightened up the apartment, made lunch. You felt like hours had gone by so you grabbed the laptop excited to call Yoongi again as he should be awake by now.
Much to your dismay though the clock showed that barely two hours had passed. You closed the laptop and walked over to the bed.
“I can’t call him again. He needs to sleep.”, you sighed.
Maybe laying in the bed was a bad choice because the sheets still smelled faintly of him, only making you miss him more.
You tried to hold out as long as you could which ended up only being at extra twenty minutes before excitingly running over to your desk.
You waited and waited and finally Yoongi’s face popped up on the screen. His eyes were barely open and his hair was a mess. You had clearly woken him out of a deep sleep and you felt awful.
This time he didn’t even speak. He just sat there and stared at the screen.
You could feel your emotions starting to bubble up. Your bottom lip began to shake.
“I’m sorry Yoongi. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay Y/N. What do you need this time? Find the measuring cups?”, he asked.
You nodded, “Yeah I made double chocolate chip cookies.”
He nodded but remained silent.
“Umm I just…I”, you said fidgeting with a loose thread in your tshirt.
Yoongi stayed silent as he waited for you to continue.
So you said, “I was just wondering…If there was a zombie apocalypse and I got bit would you still love me even though I was a zombie?”
You saw him swallow thickly. He used his elbow to prop up his head and leaned forward to get a closer look. His eyes squinted at you and his eyebrows furrowed. His mouth stayed slightly agape. He didn’t speak. He looked like he was in shock, maybe a tad disgusted.
“I’m sorry Yoongi. I just miss you a lot. I won’t bother you again and I’ll try to change so I don’t do this again. Go get some sleep and call me when you wake up.”, you said feeling ridiculous before quickly ending the call.
You sat staring out the window for a few a moments trying to think of something to distract you. Your phone vibrated on the desk.
Your heart swelled and your cheeks hurt from how hard you smiled.
A text from Yoongi,
“I’d build you a really nice cage where I could keep you and still come visit you from afar because yes I would still love you even if you turned into a zombie. But I love you more just the way you are now so please don’t change, especially into a zombie because I like kissing you too much and I don’t want to give that up.”
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
I’m so like pissed about all the things I’ve lost because I’ve moved so much throughout my life, friendship bracelets, perfume bottles, ribbon, the few photos of me growing up that exists, dolls and stuffed animals that I loved, so so many things that I loved and that made me happy that I’ll never see again because of circumstances that were out of my control
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immortalmrwavell · 21 days
Mr Wavell Is Back!!
Getting Terminated, My Brand New Account and How Things Will Be Moving Forwards. If you were a fan of my content please stick around and read what I’ve got to say ❤️
So as some of you may have already noticed, my original account MrWavellSwaps was terminated. This was very recent so a lot of you who followed me on there may not have even noticed yet but you can go see for yourselves. Obviously this was not my choice and was completely out of my control and when I found out I was frustrated to say the least. This account that I’d worked on for over 3 years had just been snatched away from me in a way that I personally feel was unfair. Initially I had been censored back in July this year for posting content that Tumblr believed to be against their guidelines. Or at least their automated bots thought so as what I posted that got me the censor was in a grey area at most. But despite that I tried to do right by correcting and even deleting any and all posts Tumblr had flagged even if I didn’t believe they were against guidelines just to play nice. Following which I appealed my account’s censorship only to be met with silence for months on end. That is until September 3rd where I chased up the appeal for the third time after receiving no response or updates. I was hoping to receive a turnover on the censorship but was expecting them to just say no and keep it censored. But they did the one thing I didn’t except
The email I got the next morning could be summed up like this. “You want a response? Okay. You’re terminated. Goodbye.” And I was. I tried going on Tumblr and my account was gone. Great.
I’ll be honest in the past I would’ve said that if something like this ever happened that I’d just give up with writing these stories and move on. But I don’t feel that way anymore. I think I’ve just grown so fond of this community and writing as a whole that I just don’t really want to leave yet. I’ve met so many friends through being a writer on here and even more than that I met my Boyfriend! I never could’ve expected that writing these silly gay TF stories would change my life in the ways that it has. And that said I think I’d be doing a disservice to just give up and throw it all away.
So here I am. Back again with a fresh new account.
Where am I gonna go from here you may ask. Well of course I have a large catalogue of stories already from the past couple of years and the majority of those stories are actually still floating around Tumblr thanks to all the reblogs. So it’s not like they’re gone forever which I’m glad about. However with my old account gone it feels like they’re all scattered apart. No longer together in one place. And most importantly they no longer feel like mine. Of course I still wrote them all but with this new account I no longer have any control or ownership over those posts and honestly that annoys me. Not to mention with them all coming from my terminated account, there will always be the chance that they’ll just end up getting completely wiped from the platform eventually, reblogs included.
With that said, I’ve made the decision to re-upload each and every single one of my stories to this brand new account. This way I’ll have complete ownership of these new posts. I’ll be able to edit and change them as wish and overall I believe it would just look a whole lot cleaner than if I were to just hunt down reblogs of my old stories to reblog again over here. However I genuinely see that as a positive as not only will it be better for me that way but it can also give all of you a chance to rediscover some of my older works that were perhaps buried under so many other before. And to spice things up I might even update a few of my old stories to add extra scenes and new images to go with them!
On that note I’m gonna be trying to adhere to Tumblr’s guidelines as best I can so I don’t give them any reason to pounce on me again. This means no risqué imagery from now on even if I personally believe it’s within guidelines. My writing style will remain the same however if a story is particularly steamy I may add a community label just to be safe. If you wanna learn more about community labels and how to make sure you’re still able to view labelled posts check out this post. All that said I do have a plan in mind to bring you all versions of my stories that have more explicit imagery but more on that in a moment.
For the next couple of weeks at least I plan on gradually re-uploading all of my content to this blog like I said. I may do one story a day or more than that depending on how I decide to do it. I’ll continue doing this until everything is back up under this new blog. Once all that is done I’m going to try and create a new master list where you can find links to all my posts just like before. And once that’s done I might give myself a breather for a few days and then I’ll see about posting some brand new content. Content of which I’ll be writing up while doing the re-uploads so that it’ll be ready to go once everything is caught back up. After that everything should hopefully be back to normal with my usual schedule of posting new stories and reblogging stories I enjoy!
Now. On top of this I also have plans to create a new blog or website completely outside of Tumblr. One that I can be allowed to do anything that please with and not have to tiptoe around any guidelines. This is where I’ll be uploading alternative versions of all my stories. Some of them may be exactly the same as they were on Tumblr while others may have secret images and gifs that otherwise wouldn’t have been allowed on Tumblr. I haven’t decided on all the specifics yet but once I figure it out I’ll let you all know.
And one last thing before I sign off. Recently I’ve been considering the possibility of turning this hobby of mine into a job. Now don’t worry I’d have absolutely no plans to paywall any of my content. I want everything to remain accessible for free. However I was considering opening up a place for people to leave donations and maybe even kick my Patreon off again. But most importantly I’d be considering opening up commissions. If I were to go down this route I’d likely be able to post much more consistent content for you all and make this my full time focus. It’s just an idea for now and I probably won’t set it into motion until early 2025 if I decide to go through with it but I wanted to at least share it with you all. I was actually just about to post about it on my original account until… you know hahahah.
Well I think I’ve said everything I wanted to say. Please can I ask that if you liked my stories that you please share this and my upcoming re-uploads around and let everyone know that this is my new blog. It would help a ton in getting me back on my feet on I’d really really appreciate it.
Can’t wait to get back on track and continue delivering stories to all you wonderful people out there. I love all of you and I’m so grateful to you all for following my journey so far and I hope you’ll all find me again so we can continue this together! ❤️
- Mr Wavell
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camsthisky · 1 month
Oooh how about 29 with Leo and Donnie?
turtle anatomy referenced from this post
this is set like immediately post rottmnt movie
29. "Tell me where it hurts, and be specific."
“Tell me where it hurts,” Donnie demands, goggles already flipped down and scanning Leo, and when Leo opens his mouth, no doubt to brush off Donnie’s very legitimate concern, Donnie gets ahead of him. “And be specific.”
“Chill, amigo,” Leo tries to soothe, despite the fact that he’s barely moved from the spot on Raph’s lap. The same spot he’s been in since they pulled him from the prison dimension. “It’s just a few bumps and bruises.”
Donnie doesn’t believe him, because Leo always does this. So Don falls back on his own observations.
“Scans are showing hairline fractures in the entoplastron and hyoplastron bone plates, as well as—Raph, lean him forward two inches so I can see, there—a few of the pleural plates on your shell. It looks like the neural plates are completely undamaged, thank god, so you shouldn’t have any spinal issues, but if you do, you need to tell me right away. The fractured cheekbone will probably—Raph, you can lean him back now—will probably need—”
“Donnie,” Raph snaps, and Donnie pauses, flipping his goggles back up to take in the chasm of worry on his older brother’s face that looks deeper than it ever has. 
Leaning against Raph’s free arm, Mikey has gone pale, eyes wide and hand shaking.
And in Raph’s lap, cradled like something precious, is Leo. Leonardo, his dum-dum twin, who almost—and if Mikey hadn’t—
Donnie forces himself to meet Leo’s gaze. He pushes the longing for data collection to the side—bone fractures, ligament tears, ninpo exhaustion—and takes a shaky breath. 
“Everything’s gonna be okay, ‘Tello,” Leo says, and if it were anyone but Leo, using anything but that secretive voice, using that name, Donnie would already be revolting. 
But it is Leo. It is that voice. 
“I thought you were gone,” Donnie croaks. 
Leo reaches out a hand, and Donnie finds himself incapable of not reaching back and taking it. Like if he doesn’t Leo will disappear again, even though the logic of that thought is completely skewed. But Donnie’s brain is at war with his feelings, and he can’t take the feeling of a hole in his soul where a balm of electric blue is supposed to always be. Not a second time.
Donnie’s ninpo pulses when his hand meets Leo’s, Leo’s ninpo humming back tiredly.
Unbelievably angry and also incredibly relieved, Donnie just hangs on and tries to process the fact that they’re all still here. It’s not the end of the world. It’s not the end of his world, even though it almost was. Because they almost just lost Leo forever.
“I’m right here,” Leo says. “I’m not going anywhere.”
You almost did, Donnie doesn’t say, bitterness threatening to rise up his throat and spit out in biting words. Instead, Donnie just clutches his brother’s hand tighter.
“Can—can we go home?” Mikey whispers, breaking the tension by bringing all three of his brothers’ attention to him. 
Mikey still looks pale, shaky and wide-eyed, holding onto Raph’s belt like it’s the only thing keeping him tethered to reality. His ninpo, usually a crackling flame, is barely an ember, so thoroughly exhausted by everything.
Raph’s isn’t much better. 
“Sure thing, hermano,” Leo says in that voice that he reserves especially for the youngest. The only thing that betrays his calm demeanor is the deathgrip he still has on Donnie’s hand.
Donnie clutches back just as hard.
Today was a clusterfuck. He found out time travel is real. Raph was captured. They were all separated and Donnie was solely responsible for Mikey. The world almost ended. Leo sacrificed himself. Mikey almost killed himself to save Leo.
But they’re all here. All four of them have somehow survived this whole ordeal.
“Yeah,” Donnie says, blowing out a breath and leaning closer to the warmth of his brothers. “Let’s go home.”
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alanaartdream · 15 days
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Ok some more drawings and ideas I’ve got with nicktoons unite with fairy Timmy au
Totally see Danny having fun being the big brother to both fairy Timmy and toddler Poof/peri
He could totally help Wanda & Cosmo help teaching Timmy to learn to fly (( also I see that being as Danny’s sister and friends were great at keeping his ghost powers a secret during his teenage years he can trust them not to tell about Fairies or that missing Timmy is now a fairy; also if I recall Jazz Danny’s sister was studying to be a therapist so she could help Timmy with any trama his birth parents caused and being as she’s so good at that I could see other fairies going to her for that kinda help or advice on helping their god children probably my fairy oc felicity would end up talking to her about her past childhood trauma of before she became a fairy and was taken in by Jorgen’s nana boom boom ( probably really helps Jazz out with her studies)
Also see felicity wanting to visit Jazz a lot to try to find ways to make sure Timmy will hopefully be last of human children being turned into a fairy because it’s extremely dangerous because not all humans make it through the change (and it mostly only works when they’re young) (Jimmy overheard this while Danny was too busy flying with Timmy & poof/peri at the time; Timmy already knows the dangers they did let him know before the change so he’s very understanding of why fairies don’t change humans into fairies too often and only in extreme cases) (Jazz will talk to Danny about it later once they’re back in their universe so they talk to Sam and trucker about it to get ideas on helping fairy world set better rules on the subject) totally seeing Jimmy having a few nightmares of losing Timmy forever over news of how things could’ve gone wrong with change from human to fairy
Now as much as they’d like to share information with Carl and Sheen they haven’t yet proven that they can keep secrets yet (some events will happen 1st but then once they prove themselves to fairy council they get approved and after that I’ll bet the girls Cindy and Libby want to ask questions like was half fairytales about fairies true or was some things misunderstood;; Jimmy getting a little overprotective of Timmy/ and in some cases poof/peri being as he’s like Timmy’s little brother and will go anyway Timmy does of when Cindy / Libby is around trying to get them land on their hands in fairy form because most fairies are tiny and cute aannnd Timmy & peri/poof are fairy children witch makes them super tiny compared to adult fairy’s; can totally see the girls wanting to watch them fly around in tiny fairy forms much to Jimmy’s annoy
Also totally see Danny/ Jazz and fairy felicity being the first one to pick up on Jimmy developing stronger feelings for Timmy witch felicity lets slip to them just don’t let Cupid hear about that and them shocked Cupid exists in their universe and same thing about the tooth fairy or that tooth fairy engaged / married to Jorgen then because they asking so much has to let on about the other holiday spirits in fairy universe as well as about anti fairies and pixies
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
Heyy, van I get a suguru geto x reader based on this playlist pls? Creative freedom, I just enjoy the playlist and your writing
tell me that you love me, love me till my lips turn blue
summary: for the first time in what feels like forever, you're paired with suguru on a mission. he gets...distracted.
wc: 1.13k
cw/tags: best friends to lovers, some language, canon-typical violence, mutual pining, suguru is the #1 lovesick idiot when you're not around, a little suggestive toward the end but nothing explicit
note: HIII you always have the best requests!! this is short and sweet but i was listening to the playlist nonstop while i was writing and oh MAN was it an experience. like ok powerful reader and powerful bf duo with doja playing in the background?? and then a good ol' makeout session at the end? delicious. hope you like this, thank you for your ask!!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated :)
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“They’re practically lining up, hmm?”
“Guess they’re excited,” you smile contemptuously at the Curse syndicate in front of you, all seven of the most wanted Jujutsu defectors this side of the prime meridian. Your partner on the mission huffs out an incredulous breath and you see him scowl out of the corner of your eye. “Do you need a–”
“Yeah,” he mutters and you wordlessly hand him the black hair tie from your wrist. You always kept extras when you were working together because he was sure to lose the one he brought; it was basically tradition, at this point. “You wanna take this round while I fix my hair?” 
“Sure, be right back,” you say carefreely as you shoot him a wink over your shoulder. He rolls his eyes lightheartedly at your antics and you decide to show off a little bit. Let’s gamble…25%. You stretch your limbs from side to side before raising a hand, sharply pulling it into a fist when you latch onto the energy signatures of the group in front of you. With such a low gamble, the effect of the additional energy is instantaneous; a quarter of the energy for every enemy in front of you basically over-replenished your own reserve. With the supplemental energy and your opponents temporarily stunned from the energy-theft, you send a single arc across the entire group and render them on the verge of unconsciousness. You mentally kick your technique up to 80% and absorb the remaining Cursed energy, leaving the syndicate groaning and incapacitated. After texting the higher-ups to dispatch a cleaning crew, you check on Suguru’s progress with taming his unruly hair. “You good?”
“Mmm, yeah. Just gimme a little longer,” he says absentmindedly, pulling his hair back over and over again until he’s satisfied with it. “I don’t know why I’m bothering with this, since the mission’s basically over. On paper, at least.” 
“Any idea where that last defector went?”
“I sent out a few Curses to go find him, but chances are he’s long gone by now. Satoru will probably end up catching him.”
“Oh, he’s gonna be so mad that he has to, you know, do his job,” you joke and he chuckles softly under his breath. It sounds like sunshine. “Any hard feelings that you didn’t get to save the day?”
“The opposite, actually,” he corrects and the look he gives you has your face burning. “I’m happy I got to see you in action. It’s not often that we’re paired together.”
“I know, and I’m sure you miss your awesome, amazing, gorgeous, talented best friend.” Your elbow knocks against his bicep and he shoulder bumps yours in response.   
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he drawls, waving a dismissive hand and your jaw drops in fake displeasure. “Just admit you missed me, already.”
“Not if you won’t admit it first,” you reply nonchalantly, in stark contrast to the increasing rhythm of your heartbeat. You were walking the ledge of that dangerous cliffside again, on the verge of completely falling for your best friend without knowing shit about his own feelings. It was selfish, allowing yourself to love him, but you couldn’t find the motivation to stop. “Let’s get out of this shithole; I’m craving some of that taiyaki we saw earlier on the–” 
Your words are abruptly cut short by Suguru’s hand gently but firmly covering your mouth while the other hand tugs you into a dark nook of the cave. He quietly shushes you and glances in the direction of the footsteps approaching from around the corner. You don’t focus on anything he’s trying to tell you, though, because your mind is short-circuiting from his proximity and the fact that he hasn’t taken his hand away from your arm. In fact, whether consciously or not, his fingers rub little circles onto your skin and your vision becomes a little starry. You weren’t sure if the affection was to relieve his anxiety or yours, but you sure weren’t complaining.
“Stay here, yeah?” He briefly takes his hand away from your mouth but doesn’t go far, repositioning it beside your head due to the cramped space he’d pulled you into. He’s close enough that you can feel his breath, minty from the gum he stole from you in the car. 
“Where are you going?” 
“Gonna take care of that last asshat out there and then come back and,” he inhales, eyes flicking down to your lips for a nearly imperceptible moment, “probably do something stupid.” Before you have the chance to ask what he means, he slips away and you hear the sound of faint rumblings. Chunks of rock crumble on the floor, the thuds mixing with distant pleads for mercy. The iridescent scales of Suguru’s dragon cast rainbows on the walls in the dim light and, before you know it, he’s back in the corner with you, slightly more flushed but just as handsome as minutes prior. “Miss me?”
“Cocky asshole,” you mutter half-heartedly, absolutely sure that he could hear your blood pounding in your ears from sheer adrenaline. He looked intoxicating, staring at you so intensely that your knees were buckling against the wall. The tension was suffocating in the stuffy, dusty atmosphere and your impatience reared its ugly head. “Well?”
“Well,” he breathes, unable to tear his eyes away from your face. 
“You gonna do that stupid thing yet or not?”
“I’m thinking about it,” he admits quietly, one hand brushing the side of your cheek tenderly. “Can I–”
“Stop thinking and just do it, Suguru. I’m not getting any younger–oh,” you murmur, melting into him when he grabs your chin and kisses you with pure devotion. His hand against the wall next to your head turns into his forearm when you pull him as close to you as humanly possible, the other finding your hip and drawing more of those infuriatingly loving circles. When you finally break away long enough to catch your breath, his lips stay on your skin, pressing feather-light kisses to your cheek, neck, and anywhere he could reach. When he finds your ear, he whispers the sweetest little promises that make your head spin. 
“I would die for you, you know,” he says in a low tone that you want to bottle up and inject into your veins. “I miss you so much when you’re out on missions; it drives me out of my mind.”
“I gotcha,” you grin and he raises a sharp eyebrow in question. “I got you to admit you miss me.” 
“Time for you to keep up your end of the deal, sweetheart.” His forehead rests against yours and he lets you greedily pull him even closer, humming when you pull the tie loose and card your fingers through his hair. “Say you missed me too.”
“Mmm. I missed you too, you love sick fool.”
“Takes one to know one, pretty.”
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hear that? yeah that's me barking
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Can I request TFP Bot Buddy who is like Bumblebee's sibling or twin? For angsty times, let's make Buddy brainwashed by the Cons and is forced to fight Team Prime and Bumblebee, who is probs still grieving about his sibling's supposed death, doesn't even know it is his sibling because they look different. Bumblebee doesn't even know it's Buddy, he just gets this feeling that they look familiar. Thanks ❤️
Buddy and Bee are going to go through some feelings whether they like it or not.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy being Bumblebee's Twin and getting brainwashed into becoming a Con
SFW, mention of injuries, Angst, Familial, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Bumblebee had lost his twin the same day he lost his voice box.
The two had been out on patrol when they had been ambushed by the Decepticons. He remembered the icy fear he felt when he was being held by the throat by the Big Bad of the Cons, while Buddy was soloing a bunch of Cons on their own attempting to get rid of them to go and help him.
He didn’t know what was worse at that moment, the giant claws digging into his pipes or seeing the chunks of armor flying off Buddy as they tried clawing their way to him with FEAR in their optics.
When Bumblebee woke up, he was absolutely devastated to find out that he could no longer speak and that his twin was missing.
He tried to leave the med bay multiple times that day to go look for them. Ratchet had to sedate him to make sure that he didn’t leave.
After a few weeks Buddy’s name was put in the killed in action section.
He refused to think that his twin was gone. They couldn’t be gone, not after all they went through.
But after a few years, he finally came to terms.
Buddy wasn’t coming back.
It was hard for many bots on the team that knew both twins, especially Optimus and Ratchet.
Optimus felt especially responsible for this, he sent the twins out on that mission. If he hadn’t then they would probably still be together right now.
Ratchet already felt horrible for not being able to fix Bumblebee’s voicebox but knowing that he couldn’t do anything to fix a broken spark made things worse.
It took forever to get Bumblebee out of the deep depressive state he was in.
To save some of the injury, the team didn’t bring Buddy up too often, maybe a reference or two but nothing too big.
“Hey Bumblebee, who’s Buddy? You guys sometimes talk about them, who are they?”--Raf
Most of the base freezing a bit.
“Did I say something wrong?”--Raf
“No, its just—”--Smokescreen
“Bep beep bop bop (They’re my twin. One of the best scouts the Autobots ever had in their ranks.)”--Bumblebee
“Really! You have a twin?”--Miko
“Twin? Wow! I didn’t know you bots had siblings.”--Jack
“What kind of stories you got about them?”--Raf
“Bep bep bop (its okay Bulkhead)”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee began to explain who Buddy was and that they went missing during the war.
He couldn’t bear to tell them that they were…
Jack, Miko, and Raf looked at him in awe, hearing all the stories this mysterious twin had gone through with or without him.
“Now they’re missing?”--Jack
“Bep (yes)”--Bumblebee
“Wow… I could imagine doing so many things without my family with me. You’re so strong for going on without Buddy. I bet if they were here right now, I bet they’d be so proud of you.”--Raf
“B…bep? (you think so?)”--Bumblebee
“I know so.”--Raf
“And just you wait Bee! When they come marching into the base one day looking for you, you’ll get to tell them all the stories you have!”--Miko
Bee could hardly speak with all the emotions starting to bubble in his throat.
Thankfully the others saw this and quickly tried to sidetrack the children giving Bee some time to escape the common room for a bit.
He escaped to his habsuite ready to let out a full sob when a blaring alarm came through the computers.
Bee quickly tried pushing some of the emotions down before heading to the common room.
“What’s the damage?”--Bulkhead
“There seems to be a heavy Decepticon presence in the area.”--Ratchet
“Close to the base?”--Arcee
“No exactly. But it’s in the area. Close by the canyons a couple klicks west.”--Ratchet
When they got there the Cons were at the bottom of a canyon next to a destroyed escape pod.
It must have been a big deal given that Megatron himself was there with Soundwave and Starscream.
A couple of Vechicons had come as well.
And what looked to be a new Con.
Must have been the Con from inside the pod.
They were talking to Megatron when the team decided to come out with their blaster out.
“Freeze Con’s!”--Smokescreen
“Ah. It seems that we have guests.”—Starscream
“Have you come to see the newest member of the Decepticon army.”--Megatron
Bee completely ignored the exchange that Prime and Megatron were talking about and solely focused his attention on the new Con.
The Con as it turned out was doing the same thing as he was. Even going as far as mirroring his stance.
What happened next shocked everyone present.
The new Con lunged at him in such incredible speed, he barely registered the punch before he hit the ground and saw the Con jumping upward going in for round two.
No shots had been fired.
No orders.
Purely unprovoked attack.
That’s when everyone started fighting.
Bee barely kept up with the new Cons rapid attacks before he was face to face with the end of a canon. He couldn’t describe what he felt seeing the cannon firing up and not being able to move. One shot and it would be over.
Ratchet from across the battlefield looking at Bumblebee frozen in place at the end of a cannon.
Optimus nearly getting whiplash seeing his scout frozen.
Megatron slugging him across the face.
The Con froze hearing the name and turned off their cannon.
The Con had hesitated, and they looked… frightened?
No that couldn’t be right.
He quickly moved away from the cannon trying to get some space between the two.
The Con simply stared at him before turning to the sky.
The rest of the Cons were retreating through the groundbridges Soundwave had produced.
“Decepticons! Retreat!”--Megatron
Con looking back at Bumblebee one more time before transforming and racing into the groundbridge.
Bumblebee just staring at the spot where the Con had left.
“Bumblebee! Bumblebee?!”--Ratchet
Ratchet looked over his injuries trying to find anything potentially fatal.
Optimus looking over his scout and medic in worry.
“Bumblebee, are you all right?”--Optimus
Bumblebee slowly nodding trying to get up.
Bulkhead and Smokescreen helping Bumblebee back on to his pedes.
“What was that?”--Smokescreen
“Bep beep… (I don’t know…)”--Bumblebee
Meanwhile, on the Nemesis.
The Con was no better on the other end.
They didn’t know what happened back on the battlefield.
They had gotten a bit of repriming from Megatron, but they could tell that he was more worried about them acting so out of character.
“As one of our best and only scouts, I expect you to know that what you did was extremely foolish. We need all the Decepticons we must be online and functional!”--Megatron
“I am sorry my Lord. I think I was in that pod for too long and needed to get it out of my system. I promise, this won’t happen again.”--Buddy
“Hmmm… I will let this one pass as you have just arrived and the given how you put the fear of Primus into Prime. Do not expect this to be a regular thing, Buddy.”--Megatron
“Thank you, my Lord.”--Buddy
That seemed a good enough excuse as they were dismissed from the throne room and headed straight to their old habsuite.
But they couldn’t shake the feeling they had when they saw the wide optics of the Autobot at the end of their canon.
They felt so disgusted with themselves at that moment and… scared?
No, they didn’t get scared.
They were going to prove it to themselves.
That yellow Autobot was going to be the first to go.
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“Don’t walk away from something before you even know what it is!”
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
New Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - 7x10 finale FANON Speculation: “Don’t walk away from something before you even know what it is!
Chapters 3 & 4 are now available on AO3. All chapters have been posted.
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“Don’t walk away from something before you even know what it is!”
Summary: Eddie decides to walk away when he feels like he’s missed his last chance to be with Buck and after another failed date, Buck considers why none of the people he’s ever dated felt right and it causes him to consider walking away from whatever he’s doing with the person he’s with. When another twist of fate rips them apart and they’re faced with losing each other forever, will they walk away from everything they’ve built before they even know what it is?
Currently 4 of 4 chapters completed: 52.7K Words; Rated: Teens and Up Audiences
Two chapters will be posted at a time.
After Buck pulls back, he stares into those honey brown eyes he loves so much and exclaims, “Marry me!” And it’s not a question.
Eddie’s already breathless but he still gasps and asks, “What?”
“I want to know if you’ll marry me.” He kisses him once more then he talks against Eddie’s lips. “We’ve already had our first date, that was 6 years and eight months ago when we uh… climbed into the back of an ambulance together and removed a live grenade from Charlie’s leg. We’ve gone on several more since then including Chimney’s missing groom bachelor party last month. We went to play poker together last year and we’ve had countless other dates over the last six years… I mean they were either here or at the loft but they still count, right?”
Eddie smiles and nods because it’s true, they have.
Buck kisses him again and when he breaks it this time, he admits, “We’ve already shared our first kiss and…” He exhales and smiles his Eddie smile because they shared it in the hospital but it was the best kiss of his life. “I don’t want to wait to be married to you anymore.”
How will Eddie respond to Buck's proposal? 👀
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - After a conversation with his abuela, Eddie decides he’s too late to have a relationship with Buck and Buck realizes whatever he’s trying to do with Tommy isn’t working but he still can’t figure out why.
Chapter 2 - Buck’s faced with his greatest fear after he finds Eddie unconscious and bleeding out while they’re on a call. It’s like déjà vu from the shooting but this time, they’re alone and he loses it even more every time Eddie’s eyes close and it takes him too long to reopen them.
Chapter 3 - After bleeding out and dying in a gold mine shaft, Eddie spends hours in surgery but his prognosis is not good, so the doctors place him in a medically induced coma. In the meantime, Buck becomes entangled in a battle with Helena Diaz regarding Buck being named as Chris’ legal guardian. Unfinished business looms on both Buck’s and Eddie’s sides but Buck has to navigate the majority of them on his own.
Chapter 4 - Buck and Eddie go from being best friends to lovers to fiancés to husbands in the space of a few days.
Read chapters 1-4 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Hello! If it’s not too much to request, could you please write an Anthony x Reader piece wherein the reader (she/her or she/they) is rather motherly and bubbly; who’s his childhood friend and has a (requited, but not yet admitted) crush on him? The reader often stays home because of a sickly disposition and so has taken to lightening up the place for the others (i.e. helping George with research by going on errands for him, cleaning when they’re gone, organizing their equipment, bookmarking books they leave open when they fall asleep, comforting Lucy on the days she gets overwhelmed, leaving encouraging notes where they might need it, etc.)
The Mother of 35 Portland Row (Anthony Lockwood x Reader)
Pairing: Anthony Lockwood x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Pronouns: She/Her
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Y/N Y/L/N has always been motherly, even from the ripe age of 5. But instead of tending to fake babies, she was taking care of baby Lockwood. Even though she was a year younger than him, she could still be seen running after him to get him to put on his jumper or scolding him when he tried a reckless stunt. As they grew, multiple things grew with them. Their family, their skills and their romantic feelings. Lockwood always thought that Y/N had a crush on him as he does for her because of how she takes care of him, but when she started to care for George in the same way, it caused him to question himself. However, he couldn’t be more wrong. 
George had been at the kitchen table all day doing research for their latest case. Y/N knew he had not eaten all day because when she came back from her errands, the table was covered in books and not a single used plate could be seen on the surface. She also knew he must have stayed up late: he had fallen asleep with his head on a book. Y/N flicks in the kettle on and starts to assemble George’s favourite sandwich. Once the water finishes, she pours water into George’s mug with a tea bag. She places both dishes in front of the boy before taking the book gently out from under him and placing a bookmark on the open page. She gently shakes the boy awake and points towards the food. “Please eat. You need the nutrients,” she urges in a whisper. He gently stirs and obeys her order. 
Lucy bursts through the front door, in a hurry to get to the art class she volunteers to teach. She had forgotten to get her stuff ready and knowing herself, it would take her forever to find everything. Her movement towards the stairs is paused by Y/N walking out of the family room with Lucy’s art bag in hand. “I also put some snacks in there in case you get hungry. And I already sent the cassette for Norrie through the post,” she informs the overwhelmed girl. Lucy’s shoulders drop in relief and goes to give the other girl a hug. “Thank you tons! You are a lifesaver, Y/N/N,” Lucy praises before giving Y/N a quick kiss on the cheek and leaving. 
Y/N noticed Lockwood’s sour mood the past few days. She knew he had been stressed about the paperwork he needed to do for the business. Lockwood sits down to start his work when he notices most of it was done already and it was just waiting for his signature. He gets to the last page and notices a sticky note that says ‘Thought I would help you out a little. Now, go read one of the new magazines I got for you, Handsome.’ Lockwood cheeks redden at the nickname. 
Y/N sits in her favourite armchair in the library, reading a book. She looks up at him and smiles. “Y/N/N, thank you. But why do you always help us out?” Lockwood questions as he sits down. “I like being helpful and I guess I just got used to it since we were little,” she responds. Lockwood smiles at the memory of that, “Yeah, I always thought that you liked me because of that.” “Are you kidding? Lockwood, I love you. Why do you think I’d chase after you with your jumper? My mom was always doing that for my dad and I thought that’s what you do for the people you love,” Y/N confesses, bookmarking her book. Lockwood couldn’t believe his ears. He is overjoyed by the news. He approaches the girl and sits beside the girl. He cups her cheek and looks into Y/N’s eyes. She nods her head, understanding what he is asking. He leans in and their lips meet in the middle. The kissing last for a few seconds until Lockwood pulls away. The two stare into each other’s eyes with grins on their faces. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too."
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hugsandchaos · 3 months
Chaos Deprived AU concept idea
If Dadow was in Chaos Deprived!
Silver was created by Lyric in an attempt to clone Shadow. Unfortunately, he only got a small sample of his blood and had to clone the rest, but his computers had a very, very hard time understanding the Black Arms DNA since so little was known, they didn’t even know what species it was! Lyric didn’t have the time it would take to understand and clone it, and the source that was used for Shadow was gone.
This led to Silver being approximately 80% hedgehog and 20% black arms. Probably not that exact number, but it’s close enough. He shares many traits with Shadow, but being ageless isn’t one of them. Instead of being ageless, he just ages very, very slowly. The fact that Lyric couldn’t get it right and got a baby mostly-hedgehog instead of what he wanted infuriated him. For a while, Shadow wondered if he’d ever grow.
A few months before Lyric’s defeat and being sealed away, Silver was found. He was still a baby (obviously), but Lyric had already done some damage that I don’t want to get into just yet. Shadow instantly took him in.
Soon after Lyric’s defeat, The Downfall began. During it, Shadow would often remove one or two of his inhibitor rings to share the chaos energy with others. Unfortunately, two centuries and a half later, Shadow and Silver were all that were left. At this point, Silver’s aged, but he’s still very, very young. Shadow still occasionally removes a ring to create a space where they both feel at ease, but he can’t do it for too long.
By the time the current timeline rolls around, Silver is 17. Biologically. The crystal given to Shadow by the gang is almost immediately given to Silver to keep. Shadow wants what’s best for his son, and that means he gets the crystal to help keep his mind at ease. Silver wants his dad to at least share it with him, but Shadow refuses. After this, both hybrids have a new mission.
Shadow wants to figure out where the crystal came from. If he succeeds, he could start looking for a way to get there, and if that works, he could bring Silver there, and the ever-present sense of wrongness in this chaos barren world will be left behind forever.
Silver… just wants to help his dad. He wants his dad to have a life just as good as the one Shadow wants for him, if not better.
Now that the main backstory’s out of the way, onto a few things in the present!
Shadow kept Silver a secret from everyone, but Silver eventually came into the picture. Shadow drops the edgelord act when talking to Silver, and everyone thinks it’s odd. Neither of them mention how they’re related until…
Silver: He’s not my dad! Shadow’s my dad.
So Eggman thought it was hilarious to say that Sonic was Silver’s dad even though he knows that they’re pretty much the same age. For literally no reason other than it’s funny to watch Sonic and the rest of the group get so frustrated over the nonsensical joke. At some point, Silver had enough and told them that Shadow was his dad.
At first, they didn’t believe him because they look so different, but Silver remained firm on this. Everything surrounding the two began to fall into place. The main reasons they didn’t guess this possibility was because they looked to be the same age and, again, they looked like night and day. The age thing made them still believe that what he said had to be a joke, but that was explained quickly.
Shadow comes back from whatever he was doing and confirms everything Silver told them, along with adding that the crystal Silver has is indeed the one they gave him and that the “edgelord” thing was all an act. An act that Shadow didn’t like doing. He showed it to Silver once and Silver laughed and asked his dad to never do that to him again.
I just think it’s so funny for the group to realize that Shadow and Silver are father and son, and probably not buy it at first, even though the truth is staring them right in the face.
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heliads · 11 months
hi!!! i would like to request a zoya nazyalensky x female reader slightly based on mary's song by taylor swift! i don't know if you accept request like this so feel free to write it or not. i just think that the "i dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried", "i was 16 when suddenly i wasn't that little girl you used to see" and especially "said you'd beat me up you were bigger than me but you never did" lines are sooooo zoya coded, so if you also just want to write something using this ones? idk, maybe y/n arrived in the palace a bit after zoya and was also a squaller just a little younger and they made zoya teach her a bit so they know each other since they were little and she has been a pain in zoya's ass since forever well, feel free to choose and write however you want to thanks!
'after all this time, you and i' - zoya nazyalensky
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Zoya is having a perfectly normal morning until someone finally tells her the news.
Normalcy is hard to come by at the Little Palace. It’s hard to come by when you live in Ravka, when you are a Grisha, when your closest friends are kings with demons and girls without all of their eyes. One’s even a Sun Saint. So yes, Zoya’s definition of normalcy is a little strained. Defining this morning as normal purely means that no one has yet lit any buildings on fire.
Even this tenuous thread of normalcy, though, will not stand forever. Zoya has hardly been awake for a couple of hours before all of that comes crashing down again. Luckily for her, it’s not even bad. It’s just different, that’s all. Zoya knows it’s going to be different the same way she knows when everything else changes around here:  gossip. The entire Little Palace is ablaze with it.
Zoya does her best to ignore the whispers as long as she can. Whatever new trouble has arrived to Os Alta will become her problem soon enough, but if she can push off the inevitable for as long as possible, that just means she won’t have to worry for quite as long. It’ll do her constantly furrowed brow some good, at least, if it can have a chance to rest every now and then.
She’s not too proud to admit that she’s definitely doubled back down corridors to avoid large crowds of over excited Grisha, nor that every time she sees someone who looks like they’re just bursting with information that must get out at once, she comes up with some nonexistent task that she just has to get to. If it’s a serious threat, someone would have come for her already. Zoya doesn’t want to hear about run-of-the mill calamities. Only the finest of disasters can be allowed to ruin her morning.
Genya Safin, in the end, is the one who has to break the news. This is also possibly because Genya is the bravest, or just the only Grisha around save for perhaps David who is capable of talking to Zoya without wishing the ground would open up beneath their feet and swallow them whole. Given that David is likely holed up in his lab somewhere, tinkering on gadgets and gizmos until Genya drags him off to meals, Genya herself is the one who must bear this morning’s news.
Even Zoya’s friendship with the Tailor cannot protect Genya from receiving a few haughty stares. Genya emerges from the shadow of a room as Zoya walks past, matching Zoya’s strides within moments despite Zoya’s repeated attempts to speed up and shake her.
At last, Zoya sighs and gives in, slowing down enough that they can walk comfortably. “What’s gone wrong?”
Genya laughs. “Couldn’t I just be talking to you because I felt like it?”
Zoya arches a cold brow. “Are you?”
“Partially,” Genya admits. “Also, there’s something you need to know.”
“Figures,” Zoya says. “What disaster do I have to avert now?”
“No disaster, actually,” Genya answers her. “I just wanted you to know that an old friend will be returning to the Little Palace.”
Zoya eyes her cautiously. “I don’t have old friends. Everyone I know is either here or dead.”
Genya closes her eyes faintly as if searching for patience within the confines of her mind. “Zoya, I know you’re never a sweetheart, but would it kill you to practice optimism every now and then? Just one day without making me listen to something incredibly depressing or cutting, that’s all I ask.”
“You ask for too much,” Zoya says crisply. “So? Who’s coming?”
Genya manages a smile in the midst of her consternation. “Y/N L/N.”
Zoya Nazyalensky is not much given to surprise. She has done her best to remove that unreliable element from her very existence. On the battlefield, you can’t afford for something to take you by surprise. Everything should be expected. If there is something Zoya does not understand, a battle plan or tactical maneuver she doesn’t anticipate, countless lives will be lost. Shock is simply not in her vocabulary.
However, all this being true, upon hearing that Y/N L/N will be back in Os Alta, back here, Zoya actually stops dead in her tracks in surprise. She breathes in and out deliberately, trying to regain her footing. “Y/N?” She asks at last. “You’re sure of it?”
“Positive,” Genya chirps. “I got word from her just this morning. She’ll be arriving later today with news from Shu Han.”
Zoya shakes her head slowly. “That’s impossible. I thought the crown sent her out there for five years. Has something gone wrong? Why is she back early?”
“She’s not back early,” Genya says softly. “It’s been five years to the day. Her assignment is up and so she’s coming home. You’re not unhappy, are you? I thought you’d be pleased to hear the news.”
“I am pleased,” Zoya says, but her mind is already a whirlwind of thoughts and memories, so it’s difficult to focus on the conversation anymore. All of the space in her brain has been taken up with that one idea, that one confounded, blessed, insane idea, that after all of this time, Y/N L/N might be back in Os Alta. Back with Zoya. Back home.
It’s been a long time since Zoya saw Y/N. Well, five years, if one wanted to be specific. Zoya usually likes dealing with specifics. Keeping to the rigid lines and absolute details is the only way that a person can guarantee they will be right. With Y/N, though, Zoya for some reason has difficulty sticking to the impartial. Perhaps it’s just because it’s been so long. Yes, that must be it.
Zoya met Y/N many years ago. Just about when Zoya arrived at the Little Palace, actually, they were both children. Zoya was first and Y/N was second, but only by a handful of months. They were only off in age by a year or two, but Zoya, being older and far more of a perfectionist, had convinced herself that she was infinitely more reasonable and advanced.
Both of them being Squallers, Zoya saw Y/N the most out of anyone in the Little Palace, or so it seemed. The younger girl was always hanging off of Zoya’s shoulder, talking her ear off or following her around from class to class. It used to drive Zoya mad during the early days, but over time she’d gotten used to it. It was a common sight back in the first years; there was Zoya, striding briskly across the grounds of the Little Palace, and then her shadow in a matching blue kefta, Y/N, never far behind.
During the first few years, Zoya had done everything she could to get rid of the girl. She’d threatened to use her gifts to drop her off of the tallest tower around, or beat her up in one of Botkin’s rigorous combat classes, but no matter what Zoya said, Y/N never listened. She’d just show up the next day or the next hour, beaming cheekily, and utterly, utterly immune to any of Zoya’s snarls or poor temper.
That was the beginning, though, and then it had been sort of nice to have someone always there for her. Zoya wasn’t immune to the idolatry of being older and more advanced in her practice of the Small Science. By the end of it, she was kind of fond of it, actually. Having Y/N there beside her was something to be taken for granted, a promise that would never be broken.
Just when she was starting to appreciate it, word got out that the crown was sending Y/N away to Shu Han for five years. Five. Zoya was immediately horror struck, then pretended that she was not affected at all, because why would she be hurt by something like this? Why would she find herself weeping silent tears at midnight because of the thought that where there was once a smiling, laughing girl, someone who had seen Zoya for years and genuinely still wanted her, there would soon be absolute silence?
Zoya had attempted to brush it all off like it didn’t matter. She hadn’t even hugged Y/N goodbye like the other girls, trying too hard to act stiff and unapproachable. She’d been there, though, when the horses rode off. She’d waved. She’d felt her whole world collapse.
Zoya had found a way to carry on, though, and over time she had convinced herself that she was just being nostalgic, that’s all. Goodbyes are always difficult when you’re a child. You think parting from someone once means you’ll lose them forever. It’s true sometimes, but not always. Sometimes, they come back to you. Sometimes, they sneak up on you one busy morning, and you’re left wondering how to open up their place in your heart after you locked it off for so long.
Zoya bids Genya a hasty goodbye before retreating back to her room again. She ends up pacing for quite a long time indeed, running through all manner of scenarios before deciding that she'd been thinking too much about the whole affair and needs to give it a rest. Y/N will come back. She’ll have plenty to talk about and plenty of people to talk to. It will be fine.
Zoya hears a general clamor erupt from outside the hall. The horses are here now, apparently, and everyone’s just dying to see their favorite girl after such a long absence. After taking one last moment to contain herself, Zoya steps out into the chaos, joining the other Grisha in streaming out the doors and into the bright sunshine of the afternoon.
There are too many people to get a good view of anything, so Zoya hangs back near the entrance of the Little Palace. If there are horses and riders, they’ve been swarmed by the other Grisha vying for stories and hellos and everything else. Zoya bides her time and watches everyone else go to and fro as if their lives depend on it.
There’s a slow, vague parting of the crowd as people shift to accommodate movement in the mass. Zoya tilts her head to the side, trying to see but also trying not to look as if she’s trying too hard. The grooms are moving away first, leading exhausted horses back to the stable. There are the soldiers that were sent to protect such a valuable negotiator, but then–
Someone shouts that she’s coming around the bend now, and Zoya shades her eyes with her hand to see properly, but she can’t find the girl anywhere. Zoya knows what Y/N looks like, remember it from when she was a child, but the only person there is a young woman who’s too tall and bright to be–
Oh, Saints. Oh, no. She’s beautiful.
It’s foolish to be thinking like this. More foolish still to watch the woman who must be Y/N striding confidently across the courtyard of the Little Palace, heels striking the cobblestones evenly. The blue of her kefta compliments her eyes perfectly, which flash with mischief as Y/N strolls up to Zoya and says briskly, “If it isn’t my favorite Squaller. It’s been a while, hasn’t it, Nazyalensky?”
Zoya would like to know when they reverted to a last name basis, but more than that, she’d like to know why she feels incapable of speaking without stammering. “Five years to be precise, L/N.”
Y/N’s face splits in a broad grin. “Oh, don’t be cold. I know you’ve missed me, haven’t you?”
Again, Zoya is struck by what five years can do to a girl. Before, Y/N had never dared to be so open. She never would have insisted on what Zoya could or could not feel, but now, she does it easily. She’s not that little girl Zoya used to see around the Little Palace grounds anymore, that’s for certain.
(Privately, Zoya wonders if that might not be for the best. If there might not be a reason Zoya wants her to be bright and tall and free-willed. If there is not something she can get out of the girl now that she hadn’t seen when they were both kids.)
“I did,” Zoya admits, surprising not just herself but likely both of them.
Y/N wavers on her heels for a second, evidently not expecting raw honesty from Zoya this early into her return, but then her smile returns in full force and she wraps her arms around Zoya in a warm embrace. “I missed you too,” she whispers against Zoya’s hair, and perhaps it’s just wishful thinking but Zoya swears the voice is more sly than it ever has been before.
Zoya can do sly, though. Zoya can handle conniving and planning and desperate secrets. So, she pulls away slowly, then slips an arm around Y/N’s waist, casually tugging her closer as they walk back to the Little Palace.
“You’re different,” Zoya says casually. “It’s good for you, I think. You had better tell me all about it.”
A returning grin from Y/N, and Zoya knows at last that they’re on the same page. Time can change us, yes. But it can also return us to the people we were always meant to be. For once, Zoya thinks that growing up might not always be a bad thing.
grishaverse tag list: @rogueanschel, @deadreaderssociety, @cameronsails, @mxltifxnd0m, @story-scribbler, @retvenkos, @mayfieldss, @eclliipsed, @gods-fools-heroes, @bl606dy, @auggie2000, @baju69, @crazyhearttragedy, @budugu, @aoi-targaryen
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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leighlew3 · 5 months
Maybe it’s just wishful thinking but is it weird I kinda feel a growing albeit likely delusional hope that maybe Wolf Ent is wanting to give Tracy/Hailey her own show?
When she joined Chicago PD the ratings went UP. Her Hailey-centric episodes are often the best performing. She has a great history already with NBC, having first starred on Revolution and now a long, successful run in the Chicago franchise.
But hear me out further...
A lot of times a network will do what’s called a backdoor pilot where they dedicate an episode of a series to what a potential new spinoff show might feel like and be about. So —
Having an ep where Voight was gone (when has that ever happened lately?) and she ran point, and she was not only team leader but taking on a very Voight-like role of being there for and covering for and helping out a new (to be) member of the team… felt like an interesting and bizarrely random situation that had little shades of backdoor pilot-isms.
Remember, pre-strike we already saw her take off once to be on that FBI show in a crossover on an entirely different network (CBS) at a time when Hailey was majorly dealing with personal issues also. And the arc was supposed to last longer, and I have to wonder if maybe they were planning on her joining that show or getting her own show at that point but then the strike derailed plans and they couldn’t wrap up her story with Jay the way they possibly wanted to so then everything sort of shifted and fell apart, but they still plan on giving Tracy her own series now?
I mean, tonight Hank said Detroit was “Just another violent city.” And last week her saying her brothers were smart enough to get outta Chicago. And we see Tracy got a haircut IRL immediately after wrapping — was it just for a fresh start personally THAT quick? Or for a fresh look for a fresh show to be announced, where HAILEY has a fresh start elsewhere, that they’re about to start filming the pilot for ASAP…
I’m wondering if they’re writing off Hailey in a way where she gets an offer to head up an intelligence team elsewhere, like Detroit. I could see Hank even saying “Listen, I got a call from somebody I was working with in Detroit and they need somebody new to head up an intelligence (or homicide?) team. They asked if I knew anybody.” And since she needs a fresh start because too many demons in Chicago since she was a child… she takes it.
Look, all I know is the entire Chicago franchise is sorta running its course. Most of the shows are losing characters that have been around forever. Ratings have steadily declined overall. And they may be considering wrapping up the Chicago franchise within the next couple years.
But with companies like Wolf Ent and networks like NBC, they rarely wrap up one thing without trying to start something similar, but new.
Are they considering a new Detroit (or other city) based series, and want her to take the reigns? And that’s why a happy ending with Jay simply couldn’t happen, why she randomly trained so hard with Dante recently to be even more of a brawler badass, and why she got an episode last week showing her leading a team and being a mentor to another officer? And having seeds planted about leaving Chicago? And suddenly mentioning her having brothers elsewhere?
Will it just be like other characters before her and she leaves with this anticlimactic arc and that’s it, and Tracy just moves on to entirely new things?
OR — could we possibly get news soon of a new series they’re launching called Detroit PD or Intelligence: Detroit. Etc. Then of course eventually followed by a medical and or other companion series or two that slowly replaces the Chicago franchise within the next few years?
Just thinking out loud.
Could be nuts. Could be nothing. Could simply be that we say goodbye to Hailey forever soon.
But it’s just such a ripe character who still has a long way to go as far as healing from her childhood wounds that I don’t see them being able to wrap up in a couple of episodes left, and Wolf Ent and NBC seems to love her. And most actors don’t leave a steady, well-paying, familiar gig and character they love so suddenly — especially in the current television/Hollywood climate. And again that whole FBI crossover cut short pre-strike felt… odd. Like they were up to something, but ultimately couldn’t go through with it because of the strike situation delaying everything.
I mean, if she was simply leaving the show because Jay left, then they probably would’ve gone ahead and given them their happy ending. But they didn’t. Instead, they did the complete opposite and made it to where she could never get back together with him. Why do that if she was just gonna follow him off the show? Unless they needed her to be free and single for her new series to start fresh. And lastly, with her final episode being entitled “More” it makes me think she’ll take the new gig and leave Chicago to do more, be more, have more. “More” could literally be reflective of her desire for more, and more to come…
So, yeah. Something feels like it could potentially be up. And maybe we’re not seeing the last of Hailey Upton. Maybe we’re just seeing the last of Hailey in Chicago, and she’s about to go have her own show and her own team built around her, and work through her issues in a new city with new arcs and new relationships… which would be very much earned and deserved and AWESOME.
TBD soon, I suppose!
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
Summary: Always, Us. Couple. Yoongi's enlistment has come round all too quickly for you.
Warnings: crying, baby, talk of enlistment, established relationship, idol!au
Word Count: 600 M.list
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‘You’re going already?’ Your voice was meek as you looked over you daughter, Hana’s, crib. She was gurgling up at you happily, unaware of the situation you were currently in.
‘Jagi... I already delayed it once.’ Yoongi spoke gently, trying to keep you calm. ‘We knew this was coming.’ He came up behind you and placed his hands on your arms, kissing the side of your head softly
‘I just-.’ You stuttered, trying to keep your emotions in check. You took a deep breath before continuing.
‘I just thought you would have a few months with her first.’ Yoongi sighed and looked down at his daughter. It had only been just over a week since she’s been born, and he’s already leaving... of course he didn’t want to leave his family, but he couldn’t delay it any longer.
‘I just don’t think I can do this alone.’ The damn finally broke and you clutched your face as the tears began to fall. Yoongi span you round immediately and took you into his arms.
‘Shhh jagi please don’t cry. You aren’t giving yourself enough credit!’ You shook your head against his chest as you clung tightly to his shirt.
‘You’re an amazing mum, you know that.’ He whispered against your head as he stroked your hair. ‘Besides.’ He pulled back a little so he could see your face and smile.
‘The maknaes won’t be going for a while yet, so if you need a break, then give one of them a call.’ You gave him a look like he’d grown a second head.
‘Yoongi... I can’t ask the boys, they’re all busy with their own work!’ Hana suddenly started to whine so you pulled away from Yoongi with a scoff and turned to pick up your baby.
‘Hey sweetie, it’s ok.’
‘Jagi they don’t mind, they’ve all been asking when they can babysit!’ Yoongi tried to reason, but it only seemed to make you more annoyed. It’s not like he could even suggest any of your group mates, since Prima were currently promoting over seas whilst you were on leave.
You knew you were a good mum and doing the best you could, but the thought of Yoongi leaving was enough to make you doubt yourself.
‘Just.. Leave me alone.’ You mumbled as you placed a now soothed Hana back in her crib.
You brushed past Yoongi, but he caught your arm to stop you.
‘Please Y/N just talk to me. Why are you getting so upset?’ You stopped in your tracks and let out a quiet sob, knowing you shouldn’t keep your feelings to yourself.`
‘I just don’t want people to think I’m a failure, asking for help...’
‘Y/N... Look at me.’ Yoongi gently cupped your face as your eyes met his.
‘You will never be a failure. Everyone neds help every now and then. You would be super human if you didn’t.’ You nodded and buried your head in his chest as you hugged him tightly.
‘I’m gonna miss you.’ Yoongi chuckled as he wrapped his arms round you.
‘I’m not gonna be gone forever, plus you can still see mw when I have time off.’
‘I know I’m being silly about this.’ You mumbled, wiping you eyes.
‘You always were dramatic.’ Yoongi joked with a smile.
‘Not funny.’ You tapped his chest lightly, now also smiling yourself.
‘Joking aside...’ Yoongi pulled away, a now serious look on his face.
‘You really are a good mum. Please never doubt yourself like that again.’ You smiled and leaned up, placing a feather light kiss against his soft lips.
'Thank you.’
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onthewaytosomewhere · 6 months
Wednesdays are for WIPs
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i feel like everyday is for WIPs lately since i have so many going but yes it's wednesday to that means posting about them not just attempting to slog through and get them done lol
thanks so much for the tags @anincompletelist @suseagull04 @itsmaybitheway @sophie1973 @heysweetheart-writes @magicandarchery @sunnysideprince @firenati0n @taste-thewaste @piratefalls @hgejfmw-hgejhsf - can't wait to go check out what ya posted today ❤️
so i'm sticking with this tzp inspired acd one 'gotta sign 'em all' as i need to get it out of my WIP folder and hopefully posting more here will make me write more - and figure out how to weave the past and present bits properly lol (YIKES!)
The first person to approach Alex is a newer resident from the shelter. Alex is helping her with her emancipation, and she has one of the copies of the book that Alex brought in a few weeks ago after hearing from Pez that the shelter was out of copies. He loves that Henry is so loved, and everyone wants to read his book. He hears so many places he goes how Henry’s book has spoken to them in some way. She walks over almost shyly, even though Alex is around her enough to know she’s definitely not. Still, he also knows there’s a difference between them talking at the shelter after school/work or on the way to or after court and now when there is a whole store full of people in just this one part of the store. He decides to help her out and says, “Hey, I see you got your copy of Henry’s book; glad ya got one before the vultures at that shelter swooped in.” She giggles and is almost instantly the girl Alex is used to, “ACD, now that I have my copy, I hear you do this thing, and I have a pen,” she opens the book and continues, “And look, here it’s the dedication page. Seriously you two are fucking saps; I read that damn thing when I got it; I almost lost all respect for you. I was drowning in so much sap knowing you go around sighing all over and signing your name to it.” Alex smiles as Pez nudges him from the next chair, laughing, “Are you sure you want me to sign it then? I wouldn’t want it to be too much sap for you.” “Bullshit, I need bragging rights. Do you know how many people at school will be going crazy when I say I collected the pair of signatures? It’s like getting some elite Pokemon card; I can ride off that fame for weeks.” Alex laughs and takes the book, “Well, I guess if it’s going for a good cause, I must.” He signs and hands it back, and she is off, back towards the group of kids she came with, with a parting, “Later, ACD.” She is no more than gone when June pipes up, “Jesus Christ, no wonder you get along so well with the kids at the shelter; they’re all just like you.” “I am much more mature than a bunch of teenagers-“ Alex gets out before being interrupted by Nora.
ok so it's tagging time and i hafta assume most the rest of ya have done this if ya were gonna but if i check to verify that it'll be even later so - i'm just a tagging and assuming there was an open tag if ya already did it and i'll probably find it lol ❤️ @adreamareads @agame-writes @bitbybitwrites @dragonflylady77 @duchessdepolignaca03 @england-would-fall @firstsprinces @forever-fixating @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @nocoastposts @priincebutt @stellarm @typicalopposite and well open tag for anyone who's even later than i am and wants to still do this lol
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house-afire · 6 months
Every Precious Thing (Stede/Ned noncon, background Ed/Stede)
Prompt: 100 words of cock cages
“Oh, now this is a twist,” Ned Low said. He looked like a cat who’d found a mouse struggling in a bucket of cream, as if he could never have expected to be enjoying himself quite this much. He tapped one nail against the slender ivory bars of Stede’s cage.
Stede closed his eyes. He tried to just cling to Ed’s fascination with it—the way his lips had parted when Stede had shown it to him, how he’d hung the key Stede had given him around neck, on a cord long enough for the key to fall over his heart.
Only when you’re ready, Stede had told him. I don’t want anyone but you until then. Not even me.
“So Blackbeard likes to lock up his treasures,” Ned said, closing his hand around the cage in a grotesque parody of touch.
Well, he was Ned Low. Everything he did, so far as Stede could tell, was a grotesque parody of what it should have been. An hour ago, Stede would have told him so, but an hour ago he’d still had his clothes and some rough semblance of dignity.
“We were going to take it slow,” Stede said. He tried to ignore how his voice seemed to wobble.
“Ooh, past tense. That’s one of the parts of this I like best, you know.” Ned managed to get his pinky in between the bars, to be the first man to ever touch Stede like that. His hands were cold. “When someone realizes how much their life is already over. When the notes start to understand that they’re a song played by someone else.”
Stede had to say something, had to distract himself. “Do you come up with all these lines in advance? Because some of them feel very rehearsed.”
There was a dark flash behind Ned’s eyes, but he sounded maddeningly unruffled as he said, “All improvised just for you, my little caged bird. You’re so inspiring.” He drew back his hand. “Let’s leave your boyfriend’s property untouched for right now, shall we? There’s such a … lack of professional courtesy in taking another pirate’s plunder. Then again, if you were to beg me for it—”
“I won’t,” Stede said. “I’ll never.”
He was going to go home to Ed, and Ed would unlock the cage and stroke and kiss away the feel of Ned Low and his cool amusement, and they would have time, they would. They weren’t only a matter for the past tense. Their delayed gratification didn’t have to become a missed opportunity. He couldn’t believe that. They had gone through so much for each other already.
And even aside from his passionate adoration of Ed and their grand love for the ages, he also just wasn’t going to beg Ned Low for fuck-all.
He just wished Ned agreed with him on that.
“You will,” Ned said. “You have no idea how much you will. What sounds you’ll make.” He turned Stede over, forcing him face-down, the chains around his wrists rattling and clanking where they twisted up. “A few days on the edge, with the right fingering striking the right notes, and you’ll sing. You’ll forget Blackbeard’s name. You will beg me to break you out of this little trap, beg me to steal what’s his … and I won’t.”
“Well, I’m certainly not going to do it then!” Stede said. “You can’t tell me in advance that it’ll be pointless!”
Ned spread him open, forcing Stede’s legs as far apart as the chains would let him.
“You’ll do it anyway,” he said. “Everybody does. You don’t understand yet how thorough your transformation is going to be. Everything about you is going to change, except for this." He reached beneath Stede and grasped him by the cage again. “This is forever. Well, until you die and I cut your cock off and send it to Blackbeard, adorable toy and all.” He patted the inside of Stede’s thigh like he was consoling him. “But as far as you’re concerned: forever.”
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latibvles · 3 months
a kiss while slow dancing for jo and rosie please!
jorosie u will forever be famous I fear... takes place after Rosie's 25th mission. He has News and Josie has a whole lot of feelings. this is sweet. I need to squeeze them until they make the dog squeaky-toy sound.
The Officers’ Club is as busy as it’s ever been after a mission with no casualties. And Jo finds herself in a similar position — people-watching, drink in hand, watching in quiet enjoyment that there are no missing faces, no empty beds. It’s all so familiar and yet so different. She hardly recognizes the faces here; they’re all so fresh, so young. They’re free of the hard lines and grays that had started sprouting in the hair and crevices of her more familiar friends’ faces. Jack’s only 24 and already going a little gray. It was all still so strange, so abnormal. Months ago she would’ve been in the middle of Fern’s rapid-fire gossip, or pulling June by her arm away from another argument. Now they were—
She catches herself before she can follow that thread too far and unintentionally ruin this for herself.
This being the movement around her. The smiling faces. The clinking glasses. It’s all so familiar and yet had been sorely missed in the days following their subsequent Berlin bombings. The past several missions with very few casualties had imbued them with something — maybe a small sliver of hope in the grimness of the situation. Jo could work with a sliver, but they just needed to give her something.
This, all of it, is  a welcomed comfort — always hard earned, when it comes to this group.
And at the very least, the faces that were missing were gone  for better reasons. Most of Rosie’s Riveters left this morning, given an exuberant sendoff by Lemmons and his boys. She didn’t get the chance to say a proper goodbye, but Pappy promised to write, so she wasn’t too torn up about it. Well, that wasn’t… exactly true either. She’d wanted to be there. Wanted to see Rosie off, before he went home. It was silly, really, how she’d let these feelings fester for so long. But they’d festered and he’d taken root in her chest and now she had no means or intention of dislodging him from there. She liked him; liked the stories he’d tell, the smiles he’d give her — watching himself work up the courage to ask her to dance every now and again, even though he likely knew the answer would always be yes.
Now she feel like a child kicking a rock down a dirt road all because she couldn’t look him in the eye and say goodbye. Petulant, bordering on huffy.
It doesn’t change the fact that she is kicking herself over this, pulled taut between wanting to be happy and already missing him terribly. She should’ve asked for his address, should’ve promised to write, should’ve—
“Jo!” Her head snaps to the sound abruptly, eyes widening. Rosie’s all smiles, looking pleased with himself and likely with the look of shock on her face — lips parted, eyes widening as he approaches with arms spread at either side of him. …how?
“You’re not…” He’s pressing a polite kiss to her cheek, she’s taking in a breath as she looks him up and down. “Wasn’t your flight this morning?”
“I’ll explain in a minute,” Rosie promises, then eyes the floor, the bodies in motion. He watches for a moment, mirth evident in his eyes, and she’s just taking in the sight of it, trying to comprehend the fact that he’s still here. “Y’know, all these nights in here and I just realized that I haven’t taken you for a spin in a while.” Jo, still grappling with her own bafflement, lets out a small laugh at that, a little nod as she eyes him curiously. There wasn’t much time for dancing these days, and not much reason to do it, either. There’d been his 25th celebration — soured by the fact that the mission requirement was upped from 25 to 30.
Hell, she and Willie had made it to 25 just the week before him, with their crew full of not-so-new-girls. But they knew they were staying. Willie wouldn’t leave until Viv came back, and Jo wouldn’t until all of them came home. But… that’d been their choice. To stay, to find consistent roles for themselves in this ever-rotating carousel of airmen. But now that choice had been ripped away from anyone that wasn’t his crew. It wasn’t a good incentive to start dancing.
But he’s offering his hand to her now. Because there’s a reason today, isn’t there? No deaths, no dreadfully missing faces, a chance to actually… get an address, say goodbye when he does leave.
Jo is taking his hand and he’s guiding her with a look that makes her stomach do a flip. Something warm and soft, affectionate in all the ways that make her nervous and safe all at once.
He spins her first before pulling her into him, his hand finding her hip with practiced ease, and Jo just knows that this is one of the many things she’s going to miss about him. The warm roughness of his hand in hers, the hand on her hip and the way he sways with her — looking boyish in all the ways that make her flush and feel really seen. Like she’s something to adore, to marvel at. She squeezes gently at his shoulder, holding his sunny-side-up stare.
“Thought I’d missed you this morning,” she admits, and his brows raise.
“Was wondering what that long face was for,” he wonders aloud, and she watches a soft flush rush to his cheeks. “Sorry about that. Had a… a busy morning.” Jo tilts her head to the side, curiosity piqued by the vagueness of the statement.
“Oh?” He nods, and his hand shifts on her hip, so that it’s resting more on the small of her back. Her face feels warm as his hand presses against her there, nudging her just a little bit closer to him. There’s warmth there, in the space between them; the kind that’s comfortable, safe.
“Had a meeting with the Lieutenant Colonel this morning,” Rosie explains, looking past her as he says it, eyes focused on some point on the wall behind her. She keeps her gaze fixed on him as his tongue pokes out to run over his lips a moment, and then he sniffs. Nervous. She squeezes his shoulder again in assurance that he could leave it there if he felt necessary. “We talked about me maybe… sticking around this place a little while longer.”
She feels her breath hitch in her throat, staring at him with mouth slightly agape, staring at him for a long moment, scrambling for words as they continue to sway.
“So you’re staying?” she manages, but the words feel like they’re being squeezed from her nearly-petrified tongue and teeth.
“350th needed a new CO, Bennett figured I was the guy for the—”
“So you’re staying?” She repeats. She doesn’t mean to cut him off, really she doesn’t. But his words are playing in her head over and over. Him, still here, as the 350th’s CO — it’s all so much in such few words. She doesn’t feel dizzy, but definitely a little weak-legged, and the emotions are probably a little evident on her face, because he’s smiling at her. Something full, flashing teeth, his blue eyes lit up in a way that makes her heart skip a beat.
“Yeah, Josie, I’m stayin’.” Jo lets out a soft, disbelieving scoff, and his body rumbles in a chuckle that she can feel beneath her palm. His thumb rubs a small, gentle circle into her lower back. He’s smiling at her and she’s still grappling with the reveal — embarrassed by the fact that she’d spent so much time kicking herself over not saying goodbye. Her lips tug into a smile, as the shock slowly ebbs away for a more undeniably selfish feeling: gratitude. Thankful that he was staying, that she’d know more than one face on the carousel. She was getting better at that — not scolding herself for wanting things— wanting him, here, with her. Josie, she loves when he calls her that.
She doesn’t even realize she’s leaned forward to kiss him until her lips are pressing against his — soft, chaste, earnest. And really, it doesn’t even register fully until his lips are pressing against hers with similar gentle force. It’s only then that she pulls away, face flushing and staring at him like a deer caught in the headlights.
He laughs, breathless, shocked, cheeks ruddy and she’s never wanted to hide her face more.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to— well no I… I meant to do that one- one day. Maybe not just this instant but I—”
“If I’d known you were gonna do that I would’ve tracked you down as soon as I got out of the meeting.” He takes a quick glance around the room; personnel too caught up in their own partners or conversation to bear mind to the brief kiss shared between them. “Let’s get outta here.”
“If you think, for one second, that I’m not doing that again, uninterrupted, then we’ve gotta get your head checked, sweetheart.” His voice is so light, so playful, that it makes her giggle when he laces their fingers, tugging her off the floor and out the door — all for a chance to kiss her again.
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