#there’s also a really great scene where the president tries to order flowers
kbade · 1 year
This movie was so good! I highly recommend giving it a watch, preferably on a rainy night with lots of blankets wrapped around you and maybe some chocolate to snack on.
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silviakundera · 4 months
Joy of Life Episode 32 Liveblogging
Watching for the 1st time, don't tell me secrets. ;)
Family meal is hilarious and Fan Xian is holding his own
what is this thing where Second Prince is clearly more charming and vibes so well with Fan Xian (who CLEARLY does prefer him as a person) but Crown Prince's wooden complete void of charisma compels me? 🤔 "A pillar of the state" god can u not read your dad AT ALL? WHAT A NERD.
Fan Xian is going on an adventure!! To pick up Bingyuan!!
Fan Xian manages to crack Second Prince up and then disgust him with how quick he buckles lol (and then Fan Xian gives him a reassuring, "it's ok" when he glances over with consternation because The Forbidden Bromance lives on)
(then my precious block of wood tries to pretend he cares too and Fan Xian pretends to believe him)
It's Commander Yan *yawn* he'll wait for her order to go kill Fan Xian because he's the most basic bitch of them all
"Your mother planted the flowers. You are here to protect them. It's also fate."
I enjoy every scene between Chen Pingping and Fan Xian
and he gets to be a poison guy again!!! yaaaassssss This is like a james bond weapons montage
Lao Fei!!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Please tell me he's coming on the mission
Minister father in law goes to plead with His Majesty but sorry we want our boy to go on an exciting adventure, visit new places, meet new people, and kill them.
omgggggg Lao Fai's great mistake was about Xiao En and Chen Pingping's legs 😱
It's my emotional support Chen Pingping! awwwwww co presidents of the We Love Fan Xian And Everyone Else Can Go Die society
All this drama about Bingyuan but the only spoiler I knew about this show is that Xiao Zhan's character is secretly not a good guy. i picked up vague tumblr osmosis spoilers that he betrays the protagonist in some way. Of course, I only recently saw on the cast list that XZ = Bingyan lol
Fan Xian and Wan'er fantasizing about sailing away on a boat to a great distance but sorry, that's how a different young miss and member of an Investigations bureau ended up (hi Blossoms in Adversity! 👋)
Xie Bi'an and Second Prince show up to see him off too?!
Why does 2P want Fan Xian to be the exam proctor? He very much does not answer the question.
As much as I really enjoy their forbidden, yet obvious, good vibes -- not sure it was a good idea to give 2P any info at all about their itinerary
The wine pavillion metaphor is metaphoring
nooooo Lao Fei isn't coming? 😭😭
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Ranked S
Tigre stood in the doorway to the dining hall of Cassell College in awe of the massive chandelier. It was gold, in the shape of a great tree under a high domed ceiling and every leaf was a light. It was the most magnificent thing he had seen in all of the College so far and it was accessible because he knew what a tree was and what a lamp was and he could see that this work of art was the two put together. What great innovation!
After spending a few hours last night with Chu Zihang’s friends, he felt too excited to sleep. He kept fiddling with the tablet computer all night, surfing the internet and googling all manner of things until the machine ran out of batteries. They had explained how to charge it, but Tigre felt a moment of great panic when the low battery warning came up. What if he tried to charge it and it didn’t work? He’d be up a creek on his first day of school.
The freshman students in green uniforms all sat at very long heavy wooden tables. He recognized the Smith sisters and waved, trotting up to them and sitting down. “Hi! I hope you feel better now!”
The Smith sisters all looked at him in silence and uncomfortable smiles. Except for Ruby. She gave a little laugh and said. “Yeah, we do… thanks.”
They all wore the same hairstyle with their hair tied up and back and the mass of curls poofed out like a bouquet of flowers. They still had the insect motif. Ruby with her butterfly earrings, Porsche with her dragonfly earrings, and Ladybug Celeste.
“Oh. What’s that on the wall? Is that dragon language too?” Tigre asked in wonder.
“That’s Latin…” Porsche drawled. “You should be able to tell if you speak Spanish.” She rested her cheek in her hand and pointed at him, doubt filling her voice.
“He said he only spoke a little!” Ruby was quick to defend him. “It’s just saying ‘Welcome new students.”
“Oh… Latin…” Now that he stared at it he could tell it was a bit like Spanish. 
Suddenly a silver platter was settled in front of him and the lid opened to reveal a plate of hardboiled eggs, bread, cheese and ham. He yelped in surprise. “Woah!”
Ruby laughed again. Even Celeste cracked a smile. “You must have grown up in the boonies. You act like you’re in Disney World.” She said, chuckling.
Tigre was already stuffing his face with the bread and eggs and mumbled. “No, I’m from Mexico.”
Celeste shook her head, covering her smile. “I know! What I meant was… you know what? Never mind. It’s nice to meet someone who’s not a sourpuss.”
A sudden hush fell over the dining room and a few students stood up as Lu Mingfei entered accompanied by the members of the Student Union Elite and a beautiful woman walking behind him. “That’s Lu Mingfei, S ranked President of the Student Union. I hear he’s back from killing a real dragon.” Ruby explained in a hush whisper. “I hear he’s the strongest student the College has ever had.”
“Really he did?” Tigre watched in awe. This guy was so quiet and normal and humble, he never imagined that he could have killed a dragon. “I heard he was President of the Student Union. What does that mean?”
“There are many clubs here but two main ones. The Student Union and Lionheart. The Student Union was run by Caesar Gattuso who killed the King of Bronze and Fire two years ago. He passed his club to Lu Mingfei. Lionheart was run by Chu Zihang who killed the King of Earth and Mountains year before last. They had a great rivalry but Lu Mingfei doesn’t seem to be interested in continuing that and Lionheart leadership has been hollowed out. Chu Zihang, Susie, and Lancelot all graduated. They were all the Lionheart elite.”
“Was run? Chu Zihang doesn’t run it any more?” 
“No, he graduated recently and was sent on missions. In fact, they’re all graduated now. Caesar is in Rome in the Italy branch.”
Tigre’s chewing slowed and he swallowed. “Graduated… so Chu Zihang doesn’t go here any more…”
“No, he was just here recovering from his last mission. He’ll probably go back to work now that he’s fully recovered.” Porsche shrugged.
He sighed and lowered his eyes. “Oh… he… he didn’t tell me that.”
Celeste’s elegant eyebrow raised. “Why would he tell you that? Do you know him?”
For the first time, Tigre seemed genuinely sad to the sisters. He stopped eating and hung his head. “Yeah. He saved my life.”
“Get out!” Porsche’s eyes were wide in her head. “How did that happen?”
Tigre looked on the verge of tears. “It’s kinda sad but I was not let out of a prison all my life. Chu Zihang broke me out of that prison and that’s how I came here. He gave me a computer tablet. He didn’t say he was leaving.”
The sisters all fixed him with sad serious gazes.
“No wonder you don’t know anything…” Ruby sighed.
“I… I’ll send him a farewell message later I guess.” He mumbled. He understood that Chu Zihang had to leave, but did he have to leave without saying anything? The tablet computer must have been a goodbye gift as well as a welcome gift.
The Smith sister’s eyes all went wide at the same time, like a row of kittens. They were looking behind him and when Tigre turned around, Lu Mingfei was standing behind him. 
“All settled in?”
“Yes… sir?” He asked.
“Oh no, not you too with the sir stuff.” Mingfei lamented, one hand on his head. 
“I’m sorry I just heard you were the strongest student in Cassell!” Tigre explained quickly.
Lu Mingfei winced slowly and sighed. “Anyway. I wanted to ask you if you’ve settled in alright.”
Tigre nodded. He noticed that all the students in the dining hall were staring at him. Some of them whispered to each other, their eyes fixed on him as they did so.
“I heard Chu Zihang was leaving. Do you know when?” Tigre asked quietly sad.
“Oh… yeah he left last night. He didn’t tell you?” Mingfei’s eyes widened slightly.
Crestfallen, Tigre shook his head. 
“Ah… Senior Brother is always like this. He comes and goes without a word and doesn’t understand how that might affect people. He thought a lot of you. Anyway, We can talk later, don’t take it so hard, okay?” He gave Tigre an awkward pat on the shoulder.
The sisters were rendered speechless. Lu Mingfei walked away to the Senior Student’s table where he sat down, surrounded by men in suits as he was served by three separate waiters. It seemed like he was in the lap of luxury, the King of Cassell. Yet, looking at him, Tigre couldn’t help but think that Lu Mingfei was very lonely. He didn’t really talk to the people next to him, just lowered his head and ate like a horse in a stable.
A hand suddenly slammed into his view. “Hey, I’m talking here.”
“Charles Xavier!” Tigre exclaimed.
The boy with dark hair and eyes who challenged him before apparently had been trying to get his attention when he was looking at Lu Mingfei.
“My name’s not ‘Charles Xavier’ I was messing with you!” He wrinkled his nose and glared his eyes down at him. “You know Lu Mingfei? How the hell?”
“I… I met him yesterday after the test. There was a little party at Chu Zihang’s house.” Tigre answered honestly with an owlish expression.
‘Charles Xavier’ massaged the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut like he suddenly had a massive headache. “You were at… Chu Zihang’s party?”
Tigre flinched. “Uh… Yeah… Sorry, if I knew you wanted to go I would have invited you…”
Celeste and her two sisters all lifted their coffee cups in unison and sipped, watching this scene with great pleasure.
‘Charles’ cleared his throat. “Well then… allow me to reintroduce myself. I’m Robert Musonda, of the Musonda copper mining company in Zambia. Nice to meet you.”
“Oh… nice to meet you too.” Tigre accepted the offered hand.
“Have you decided which club you were going to join? I personally have not. I was waiting to see how things were. With all the elites gone, things could go either way. The Student Union could fall, or Lionheart could resurge.”
“I haven’t… really thought of clubs. I…” Tigre looked to Ruby for help. She’d been very helpful so far.
“Lionheart and Student Union were huge rivals before. I think people are expecting that to continue but it doesn’t have to. It depends on leadership. I think Lionheart will really push hard to regain some ground after losing so much to Student Union.” She nodded to him.
Robert Musonda clasped his hands behind his back. “In fact, leadership itself is up for grabs at Lionheart. A lot of freshmen are thinking of going to see if they can snatch the spot. With you being good friends with Mingfei and Chu Zihang, you’d be a shoe in!”
“I wouldn’t call myself good friends… We just met yesterday…”
Robert Musonda leaned forward. “He came over here and greeted you and only you… I call that good friends.” He patted Tigre on the shoulder the same way Lu Mingfei had and dropped his card next to him. “Let’s chat after class.”
Robert sauntered away. His card had a small floral scent but was simple and white with black block lettering of his family business and name along with a phone number and email.
As they were leaving the breakfast hall, Tigre’s tablet computer chimed. When he looked at it, he had a new message in his inbox. “Oh. I got my exam results.”
“Quick check your email!” Celeste exclaimed.
Apparently all the results were posted publicly and at the same time.  Students all stopped what they were doing and were looking at their results, heads bowed over their phones. Some students cheered and pumped their fists. Others gave each other high fives. Some students huddled together, giving consoling pats on the back. They were listed in order by last name and, since Tigre didn’t have a last name, the null entry in the last name field put his name right at the top.
Name: Tigre
Resonance Test result: S
Attached to his email was several pages of materials. Based on his ranking, he was afforded a stipend of money. $100,000! He also had a lot of privileges like first pick of meals and he could call the train to take him to Chicago whenever he wanted.
“Congratulations on your high level of Ranking.” It said. “With these privileges also come responsibilities. You are expected to perform at high level in the college in both class attendance and performance. If you fail to perform, you will be downgraded and your privileges will be revoked.”
He looked up at Ruby, relying on her once again for guidance. “What classes do I have?”
“You have to pick your own classes.” She said, with a trembling voice. “I can’t believe you’re S ranked. That’s insane. Are you half dragon?”
“I don’t know. Maybe?” Tigre shrugged.
Celeste stepped in, pushing Tigre forward. “There’s a link to register for classes. But let’s not do this in the hallway where everyone stares at us.”
She leaned over to him, smiling gently. “So, do you have a roommate yet?”
“Uh… I don’t have a dorm.” He said quietly.
“Then you should stay with us. We’ll help you.” Celeste smiled at him.
“Yeah!” Porsche said, glancing at her Celeste and holding his hand. “We’ll start by registering you for classes and stuff. Do you have anything you need to move?”
“Not… really? Just a few things.” Tigre said nervously as he was herded out of the Dining Hall by the three women.
Ruby clung to his other arm. “Then I’ll help you move!”
“Move? Move where?” 
The triplets turned and looked at him with shining brown eyes. They beamed at him, speaking in unison. “To our dorm silly!”
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zachsgamejournal · 4 years
PLAYING: Final Fantasy VII Remake
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I love it. Done. Just Kidding. Final Fantasy VII is one my top 10 favorite games of all time. My first play through was over 99 hours, and I didn’t feel like I was “done”. I just beat the game to beat it. I’ve restarted the opening Midgar section a hundred times. I love it.
I don’t know why, but when the PS2 came out, I heard rumors of FFVII sequels...but then FFX got a sequel. I didn’t really care for that one...Why did it get a sequel? Then PSP had Crisis Core and Advent Children. While Crisis Core was an action packed revisit to FFVII’s world, it wasn’t exactly a remake. And while I enjoyed watching Advent Children a 100 times...it wasn’t exactly a film-adaptation, or even an EPIC-Quality sequel to the game. When the PS3 Demo teased a remake, I became desperate. I needed this REMAKE. When the PS4 Remake  was announced, I couldn’t believe it was real!!!! But then it turns out, it was only going to be the first section and that there would be “changes”. While I’m ok with the game ditching the turn-based combat, I didn’t want a game so revamped that it was unrecognizable. And the fact this was only the first section, I was worried that a. they were filling the game with fluff, and/or b. they wouldn’t bother making the rest... Doesn’t matter now. It’s in my hands now, and I can’t wait to play! FFVII’s opening is possibly my most favorite opening of any video game. How the stars of space turn to life-stream embers, and Aerith steps out of an alley to reveal a bustling city. The Camera pulls back to reveal Midgar, our new home, a huge ominous tower surrounded by planet-killing reactors. Then as the camera pushes in, there’s quick cuts of a train--building the tension and pace of this slow, elegant reveal. And boom: the bombing mission begins! In contrast, the remake starts with a vast desert landscape in daytime. For a moment, I thought it was meant to mirror the desert Red XIII visits at the end of VII...maybe it is. But then we see Midgar, reimagined to new glory! It was strange, but not offensive. Until we cut from day to the familiar image of Aerith looking at Mako energy. She’s prompted to leave the alley by someone...or something. And we pull back to see Midgar, as in the original. And while I’m glad we’ve remade this perfect scene, it is sabotaged by the new day-time opening. The city has been introduced twice. Revealed twice. And one is clearly more impactful than the other (the original). Ah well. Now we’re in the familiar train station. I think they’ve added some sections to give more combat opportunities for the player. It works. The combat is fun enough. I’m glad that I can “strike” as much as I want without delay, unlike Crisis Core. Maybe it’s because I played CC for hours that I’m so satisfied with this action-combat? Limiting the item and magic use to a timer was a bit awkward. I would often forget to use them. I’m still quite confused about when to use special moves like Braver. Shinra soldiers are no sweat. The graphics are great and the lighting perfectly captures the original’s style. It was fun to play a modern game with 90s aesthetics. Because the camera is now over the shoulder and not overhead, like the classic, I almost missed how many times they took the original game’s environments and reworked them for the remake. I was impressed when I discovered it and absolutely thrilled. They’ve also done a good job reworking the enemies into the game. The dialog/story is a little hit or miss. But that’s just kind of where Japanese games live, for me. In the 90s and early 2000s, most games didn’t have good writing, even if they had good stories and ideas. So Japan’s non-western style didn’t stand out that much, and they were usually cutting-edge for cinematic games and storytelling. Now that Western Games have improved so much, it’s harder for me to tolerate Japan’s eccentric style. The original game was very succinct and clear: Barret was an angry, militant rebel who saw Shinra Corp as a threat to the world. He explains clearly how the reactors are sucking up the planet’s energy. The stakes were clear. Cloud’s cool indifference was an interesting foil. Usually you’re the hero, now you’re just a jerk. While the remake did a good job showing that Cloud was specifically brought to do the fighting, proving his worth to the team, when we get to Barret’s speech about the reactor--it’s somewhat unprompted and...unspecific? It’s so over the top, I hardly realized this was “the speech”. If you’ve never played FF7 before, I’d imagine the point would be lost on you. If you have played, then you get the joke that Barret isn’t exactly an environmentalist--despite his impassioned posturing. I think this is a misstep.
But they did give side characters more of a voice in this mission, especially Jessie. They basically sacrificed Barret’s presence to give the others more talking opportunity. This works because we’re gonna get to know Barret over many, many more hours. But it also gives Barret a more solemn presence that works for his character.
Getting to the iconic scorpion bot fight, I was impressed by the challenge. The original game is still trying to let you win at this point. The only way to lose is to attack when the tail is up, unleashing a devastating laser attack. But this game really pushed me. Maybe it was meant to challenge the player and force them to experiment with different attacks and strategies. I had to heal a lot!! Also, it seemed like my dodge was worthless. Occasionally the boss would launch a barrage of missiles and when I tried to roll-dodge, I always rolled right into a missile. By the end, I just didn’t bother dodging or blocking, cause they don’t seem to do anything...maybe I suck.
Then it was time to escape. This was fun, but they introduced a new “shock trooper” or something. These guys are fast, strong, and a pain in the ass. I couldn’t dodge, I couldn’t block, and I couldn’t land a hit. I hate these guys. It seemed odd to put such a challenging enemy into the game at THIS timed moment. But maybe they assumed I’d be better at combat by now?? The biggest issue with FFVII is that you start the game as terrorists and that’s never really addressed. Sure, you’re stopping an evil corporation, but you’re doing it at the expense of innocent lives. The remake makes a smart decision here and establishes the bomb as small and insignificant. But then President Shinra orders the reactor to be destroyed--causing a huge explosion that causes a great disruption to the civilians. I assume this is an effort to paint your team as terrorists and enemies of the people. I think it’s a good twist that corrects the original’s problematic points.
After escaping the reactor, the team is faced with the aftermath of the explosion. They’re confused by the amount of destruction, but also try to rationalize the importance of their goal. While I think they were mostly trying to stretch playtime, there’s an interesting sequence of having to face the fruits of your labor: burning buildings, crashed cars, injured people receiving emergency care, displaced citizens, and complete chaos. Even though I know, as the player, that Shinra is the true cause--it’s a good beat to have the player/characters facing the consequences of rebellion.
This leads into a new take on Aerith’s introduction. This is where Japanese “styles” don’t meld with me. Aerith is fighting off invisible spirits--and it looks ridiculous. Most people would give this flower girl a wide berth, and likely not purchase her products. But Cloud is just like, “Hey, what’s up?” after blowing up a reactor... Anyway, Cloud also sees these ghosts: hooded creatures. This is new--but I wonder if it’s related to Sephiroth clones/alternatives?
Aerith runs off, and we’re treated to a vision of Sephiroth. This seems to be addressing another issue with FFVII--what is this all about? In the original, Shinra is the main enemy within the early 2-5 hours, and Sephiroth is lightly referenced. It’s not till Shinra is found murdered that we really see Sephiroth as a potential threat--let alone the “final boss”. It’s a weakness in the storytelling, for sure. But having the vision of Sephiroth appear and bring Cloud back to the fateful day seems like a real attempt to focus the narrative.
And then I had to do a lot of fighting. It was fun, and didn’t quite feel like “stretching”, but it was funny to reflect that this 30+ minute sequence was about 5 minutes of gameplay within the original. So--I’m around chapter 2 of an 18 chapter game. These chapters cover about the 5 hours of the original’s plot, but I’ve already put in 1:43 hours.
Final Fantasy VII spends so much of the early game in Midgar, it really starts to feel like home--as much as it’s meant to represent the dangers of capitalism and fossil fuels--it really becomes a part of you, like the Mansion and Police Station in Resident Evil 1 and 2. I’ve always wanted to see more of it--so I’m hopeful that this game has taken the time to really build Midgar.
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floggingink · 6 years
bitch I bet you thought I’d forgotten about Riverdale, “Chapter Thirty-Seven: Fortune and Men’s Eyes”
I absolutely agree with Archie’s wild careening off the side of the road of justice to plead guilty to a crime he “may as well have” committed. I couldn’t believe Archie was so preposterously on the money about himself: “I didn’t kill anyone, but I could have.” GOOD, ARCHIE. I love Juvie Archie. better than Fascist Archie!!!!
I didn’t google “prison powder” to see if that shit’s soap or for lice or what but y’all’ll fill me in on that won’t you
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“Leopold and Loeb” is just the level of allusory on-brand naming hubris I demand
“Captain Golightly” doesn’t seem to be a reference to anything other than a brutal dichotomy between whimsy and a dictatorial prison state
you know they hit us up with that Pop’s lighting not even at Pop’s! I never met a window I didn’t want to have bathe me in God’s light!
Sixth period is Intro to Film: the cross stitch quote on the warden’s wall, which I assume dude’s wife made for him because he and she adhere to traditional gender roles, is of course from Sonnet 29, referenced in the title to a play and 70’s movie very much about sexual slavery in prison (Archie has not seen it)
Day One at Juvie Coif: very good, uplifted, touchable but held fast
they really did the line-up of the Hot Dads of Riverdale right there: Tom seems to be eating pancakes and bacon, and FP is wearing a scarf like a headband but like a necklace
Fred’s flannel is an interesting mix of colors like, for a flannel, and Veronica appears to be wearing subtle yellow eyeshadow to go with her waitress dress
when were we going to hear about the three perjuring thugs? who corroborated Archie’s false confession???? cold
“Shadow County” is the third county in “Riverdale State”
The Blossom spawn: Dr. Patel seems to be the Cooper family GP with specialities in both obstetrics and neurology; Betty is still wearing her hospital bracelet
I never noticed the teensy blackboard under Alice’s kitchen cabinets; the Coopers are truly peak bourgeois chic
Polly’s itty bitty lace headband is good and the Farm has done wonders for her and Alice’s accessory game
Betty’s body language at “Uh...because I saw you and mom throw the twins on a fucking fire” is very funny (Betty has not told a joke yet)
Dilton Doiley is a canonically great dancer: RIP!!!!!!
I want to get out of the way that for some reason Jughead looks really good throughout this episode. I can’t explain why, maybe it’s because he’s finally wearing plaid again, but he looks good. if you thought he looked good in the first place, he’s back
is Betty wearing her Carrie: the Musical outfit?
last week I misheard Dilton and thought he said “Cardinal King,” and I was like, What? and then it got even better
Places Bughead are Fucking: the Blue & Gold office
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Archie > Dawson: God bless Archie but he does try to be personable with Mad Dog right away, unleashing one of his legendary “bros.” how old were you when you realized you couldn’t do a pull-up? I’ve never done a pull-up in my goddamn life and certainly not to a vinyl of a piano sonata
Mad Dog (I just wrote “God,” because I guess he’s that beautiful) has approximately 100 cigarettes, which he certainly does not smoke, so he is hoarding them for some grand purpose?
when Mad Dog turned around I swear I saw muscles I didn’t know the human body possessed. I’m talking fresh-out-of-the-science-tube Steve Rogers
Fwoopy hair is the best hair: Mad Dog’s impeccably maintained fade
The 2001 Josie and the Pussycats movie was a masterpiece: Josie has the right attitude about LBJ and Vietnam, except I think JFK got us into Vietnam, but then the Gulf of Tonkin was LBJ. I don’t want to google the Vietnam War. look, McNamara is a war criminal
Cheryl’s sheaths: I wish I had the energy to coordinate my bras with the rest of my aesthetic like Josie, in a leopard print, and Cheryl, in red lace. I will say I have recently discovered unlined bras and they have changed me for the better
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do you think Archie + varsity football + theater extracurriculars = Cheryl + student body president + 4.0 GPA + theater extracurriculars?
Serpent with the General-style opthalmic frames and low-rise Chucks intrigues me
Joaquin does Archie so bad!!!!!!! even after he got the fucking tattoo, damn!
Sexy, aesthetic Southside: Joaquin’s eyes are so crystal clear that I don’t think they have a color of their own. he’s wearing the optional grey shirt, so they look grey; if he wore the optional navy shirt (I can’t yet tell a difference in status) they would look blue
oh god, what is that Ghoulie doing at the fucking fence? is he slicing his fingertips for fun? what the fuck, the Ghoulies are so fucking bizarre
Archie calls Joaquin “bro” which means he is fucking serious
we all need to take a moment to ourselves to truly absorb the skull of Dr. Curdle’s son, who is also a corrupt coroner (his name tag says “Dr. Curdle Jr”). of the three most alien skulls so far, this is the most take-abacking (I HAVE seen every episode and my calculations are sound)
he’s really gonna let Dilton (RIP!!!!!) have his arm hang down off the table like that, in this, his final repose? cold
the almost ironic intonation of “signs….of stress….” as he pulls the sheet down is amazingly 50’s horror movie
“Runic, I’d say.”
mmmmmmmmmm Fresh-Aid! I listened to the Jonestown tape in an episode of Last Podcast and was well disturbed!!!!!
you tell me why Jughead is using the camera he used in the pilot instead of like, his phone camera: because Jughead?
because Jughead
Places Bughead are Fucking: coroner’s Office
I want one of these L & L shirts. I would prefer the navy version with the little sleeves
excuse me but one of these Ghoulies has an absolute 2008 sidebang
I’m writing a scene where it’s gay.: “DON’T TOUCH HIS FACE”
Veronica’s flower sweater
Betty’s 70’s-collared Piet Mondrian shirt is super cute, although a white-backed women’s shirt with that thin Forever 21 fabric always fucks you if you have to wear a bra
the actress who plays Evelyn Evernever is named Zoé de Grand Maison and honestly I don’t know who has the better name
if homecoming is in September or October, the schedule should be roughly 1) Archie gets out of juvie, followed by 2) Kevin loses his virginity with Moose
Gay.: Kevin’s kiss is VERY good and quite bold! for a hallway, and Moose’s twangy hair is nice
at my high school, everyone just said “rot-see” for ROTC, so surely these hip kids wouldn’t go around saying R-R-O-T-C like that, UNREALISTIC, RIVERDALE
the extremely tall gothy Vixen is even taller than the extremely tall Ghoulie and I would like to take her to homecoming
Summer + Blair = Veronica: “You’re acting like trash, and I don’t want to get a citation.”
what the hell does student body president even do? to the extent I can even recall our student body president, whose name I believe was Lauren, I think she read the afternoon announcements
Ben WAS the kid Kevin ordered that hot dog from during the James Dean closing night! (I’m not double-checking)
Ben WAS the kid Miss Grundy was ~grooming~ when she got merked!
Ben’s mom is such a boring white mom lady that she’s wearing a denim button-down with but a single flower appliqué
Officer Henderson WAS the cop who found the “HL” briefcase at the dead Serpent’s hotel room!
I looked into what starting a chapter of the Innocence Project entails for a “couple of minutes.” I assume Veronica is going to go with option one: nonprofit organization, “independently incorporated” with “its own governing board” and fundraising, as I would doubt Riverdale has a local law school or much of a public defender’s office, you know what I’m saying?
What damn high school in America: Veronica is wearing some high-waisted black slacks and quite the polka dot top, which may in fact simply be a bustier. I imagine Principal Weatherbee has battled so many times over the years with Cheryl, who is constantly toeing the line of what a 16-year-old can legally wear, that he has since given up entirely
Jughead crawling over the back of the couch and dangling the totem baby is such a throwback to Jughead crawling over the back of the diner booth and eating the whipped cream cherry that now they are simply teasing me with the grandeur of times gone by, like an Andy Williams Christmas song thrown up on 101.9 KINK
Ethel has on some sort of wicked pin but it’s not in focus!
Betty’s top is very cute, structured
everyone has their own “Yeah, I guess” face at “Dilton Doiley [RIP!!!!!!!] has a secret bunker in the woods?”
Jughead cooly threatens Ethel with quote-unquote telling the police; this of course calls back to Jughead threatening Dilton (RIP!!!!!) in the third episode with Sheriff Keller, but let me ask you this: if Betty & Jughead DID take Ethel to the sheriff, would Sheriff Minetta give a flying fuck? doesn’t he answer directly to Hiram on all things Jughead at this point? could Betty and Jughead POSSIBLY still imagine the cops will heed anything they bring them?
Sheriff Minetta: Jughead Jones now seems to be under the impression that a band of Riverdale High juniors are in an underground RPG cult that has led to a double-suicide
Hiram: Thank God
something about Jughead’s teensy Yes’m head nod is just enough like a chivalrous bow that I have thus taken the time to note how cute it is
Day Two Juvie Coif: visibly succumbing to stress, but with dignity; starting to feather
I don’t know anything about sneakers but I like Mad Dog’s hightops
the cinematography in Archie’s cell is great. I especially like the panning around Archie when he’s not even moving, just listening to Mad Dog talking about, “The moment you set foot in here,” etc.
Mädchen Amick, MÄDCHEN AMICK: FP AND ALICE BOOOOOIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!! missing is the implied scene where Alice called FP to “get over here” so they can “talk to our kids” “together”
50 Shades of Betty: Betty tries hard to communicate with only her left eyebrow, fails
am I imagining a callback to Alice assuming Jughead was the one who railroaded Betty into looking at Jason Blossom? Alice’s stance on Jughead is too exhausting to track
Alice is certainly wearing a sheer floral peasant blouse she would NOT have worn the previous two seasons, SUSPICIOUS
Places Bughead are Not Fucking: Betty’s room
Gay?!: Archie’s incredulous delight at Reggie having helped picked out his RHS-themed sneakers; the Bulldogs are all about that #threestripelife
Veronica was rich: “FRESH KICKS”
Moose is apparently a “straight beast,” if you will
one of these Serpents is holding two playing cards, just chilling and holding two playing cards. I hope his prison name is like SNAKE EYES or THE JOKER
that Ghoulie dude is so striking and elongated, I swear to God he looks like John Travolta in Grease. that undercut, the well-oiled curls on top? can he be Josie’s fall fling?
God bless jingle-jangle: can you DROP OUT of fourth grade? doesn’t the state come for you, what the fuck?
I unironically love Archie’s plan. I fucking love it
I’m looking for other good haircuts in the background. one dude has a solid Wakanda-era Bucky Barnes and there’re slicked up curls aplenty. this juvie is like a candy box
you know this bitch loves a rack focus, especially onto prison wardens
Please protect Betty: “It’s chamomile, Betty. Calm down.”
FREAKISHLY good micromoment of Alice just like wiping away an eyelash or something
aloud, with witnesses, I said “This is like when they first held hands, am I right?” and then Betty said the “kind of reminds me of when we first started dating,” just to prove to you I HAVE seen every episode
Betty calmly checking in with Jughead re: Satan’s Reindeer
he’s most certainly Ethel on stilts (I’m very bad at predicting), but I love the Gargoyle King. he’s just the right mix of she-puts-you-in-the-corner and herky-jerky T-Rex, plus she put paint on him or whatever, in case somebody put a flashlight beam on him? Ethel fucking Muggs or whoever
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love the sexy noir diner lighting and I will die loving it
Jughead eats: a toothpick
Day Three Juvie Coif: back at it, flush with victory; firm and wavy
Cheryl’s a chaos angel from hell: I do wish Cheryl were not so permanently a good guy. I wish she wanted to be Student Body President, all of a sudden, so badly that she was trying to keep Archie in juvie so he could never reclaim his throne, like if she were Scar
Kevin’s magenta polo has a subtle wave print
I hope the RROTC is somehow rotting from the inside, like the Adventure Scouts or Aquaholics
The female gaze: Archie’s cranking out push-ups and Mad Dog is doing tricep dips to warm up, for the game and “other business,” respectively. sometimes I like to do tricep dips too, usually for forty-five seconds while I’m waiting for the microwave to reheat my Kraft Thick N’ Creamy
Archie’s “What the hell are you to him?” is maybe his most astute query into something not being right that doesn’t include his remarkable quickness on the uptake of Jughead at the end of season one (I HAVE seen every episode)
These students are legally children: what the fuck did Mad Dog do that he’s been sentenced to like 25 years in prison? he’s a minor for God’s sake. get on this, Veronica
Places Bughead are Fucking: the fucking woods
catch me hightailing it the fuck out of there when Betty and Jughead do anything that even remotely resembles opening a circular hatch to ANYTHING out in a fucking forest clearing and peering down inside. BYE BITCHES YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN!!!!!
someone in the writer’s room at even only one point said the phrase “like in True Detective” while unspooling this yarn
Fifth period is AP English: I have to take Jughead’s word for it that there’re any bunkers in any Philip K. Dick novel
I am STILL salty that the Swords & Serpents thing IS NOT THE SAME THING as THIS RPG and that it was wholly abandoned. I can’t believe we’re not doing Jughead being sucked into the RPG cult and Betty have to haul him out SIMULTANEOUSLY with her mother being sucked into the postpartum cult and having to haul HER out
“He’s also featured prominently on this copper coin.”
y’all can just buy cyanide like that, in that glass growler? it has a “reliable prescription” sticker on it, WTF?
“Drink from the correct cup and ascend to the kingdom” is definitely ripped from one of the tracks on that Avenged Sevenfold album I bought at Borders freshman year
I fucking knew that Adventure Scout was gonna be under that fucking cot but it still scared the crap out of me because The Haunting of Hill House exhausted my reserves
I’m going to come out and say that I’ve never cared for Charmed and I’m not watching the reboot. however I am exceedingly ready for Sabrina
“Princess Etheline”
guys, I found the “Jailhouse Rock” dance charming, especially the implication that the boys started the game up again in the middle to like, show off for the girls. am I getting soft in my old age?
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Josie’s VERY bright blue eyeshadow
Cheryl’s hair: Cheryl had to have been influenced by the trend started pre-2012 in So You Think You Can Dance wherein dancers with very long hair just leave it down
Hiram…..Archie’s in jail. what else do you want? like, he’s IN JUVIE
am I out of my fucking mind or is Hiram wearing a pin that is PSYCHOTICALLY close to being the Hydra hydra?
Archie overtaking the first few guards with those slow-mo crosses until they finally beat him down by their sheer numbers was basically a scene from Spartacus: War of the Damned
Betty’s bug print is cute while being, subconsciously, slightly unsettling; this is true for Betty as a whole
Ethel’s mustard yellow cotton cardigan has some sort of flower print on its back? COOL
I would like to extend a hearty “fuck off with that for fucking me” to whoever blocked out seizing-Ethel whipping her arm up like that with her jacked hand JUST LIKE IN HEREDITARY. FUCK OFF!, and I mean it
“Damn good coffee”: Evelyn has just the sort of niche superpower I wish I could have: to fuck with other people’s social interactions from a casual remove
Jughead is remarkably polite with 911, much calmer than with the desk nurse after Fangs got shot (I HAVE seen every episode)
(Hereditary was much better than Hill House)
Best costume bit: Monica Posh is hot
Every triangle has three corners, every triangle has three sides: Kevin wants that dick SO BADLY that he has JOINED THE ARMY (or whatever)
how did Pop’s lighting manage to glide all the way over to L&L?
Day Four Juvie Coif: slept on but still truckin’
Archie can only be fucking imagining what is about to happen to him (Archie has definitely seen Fight Club, and Jughead had to explain how it was satire)
Certified pedigree: LEGENDARY SQUAD OF PARENTS!!!!!! Hermione’s getting the band back together à la It
Penelope Blossom has gone full Victorian goth in that floor-length lace Chicago black widow number
“At the mere mention of ‘blue lips,’” Jughead wrote, “a shiver frissoned around the room.”
you can tell Alice is in a hippie cult because not only is she wearing crystals but she has stopped wearing eye makeup (I could never be in this sort of cult because if I don’t smear kohl all over them I look like I have tiny eyes; I am sensitive about this)
I’ve seen Brick like thirty times: the reveal of Ben in the window, bathed in the blue glow of Pop’s diner, was like, ~chills~
“You’ll fly too” is of course also It, which, FUCK OFF
NEXT WEEK: I could be very fucking wrong about this but FP has a tattoo on his left pec that may very well be of a jellybean
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mythopia1 · 6 years
The Greek Cosmos
In Greek mythology, the cosmos consists of three realms; the heavens, the earth, and the underworld.
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The heavens were held aloft by the four great pillars, each ruled by a primordial giant known as a Titan. The east pillar was home to Hyperion, who presided over the heavenly light. The north pillar was governed by Koios, who was a master oracle. Krios resided over the south pillar, which was associated with the coming of spring, and finally there was Iapetus, the creator of mortals, who lived in the pillar to the west. Central to these four great pillars sat Mount Olympus, home of the Olympians. These twelve gods dwelt in fabulous palaces of marble and gold, and included Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hestia, Demeter, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares and Hephaestus. The palace of Zeus sported a central hall which served as both a council chamber and feast-hall for the gods. The palace provided an expansive view of the world below, known as earth. This realm was the physical embodiment of Gaia (an earth goddess). The ancient Greeks conceived earth as a flat disk, encircled by a great river known as Oceanus. This vast land was inhabited by fey like beings called nymphs and Satyrs, who presided over natural phenomena, such as springs, trees, meadows, and beaches. They were responsible for the care of the plants and animals and were closely associated with nature gods such as Hermes, Dionysus, Artemis, and Demeter. The most notable of these fey beings was Pan, the god of shepherds and hunters. He was often depicted as a snub faced man with horns, goats legs, a thick beard, and pointed ears. There were no temples attributed to Pan, but he was worshipped in natural settings such as caves. It was believed that he often chased nymphs in order to seduce them, but he was always turned down due to his ugly appearance. Far to the western fingers of Earth was an orchard known as the Garden of the Hesperides. It is here that Hera's nymphs tended to a single tree that produced golden apples. These apples granted immortality to anyone who ate theme. Hera placed a hundred-headed dragon in the garden called Ladon, to protect her tree from any thieves who tried to steal the divine fruit in a bid for immortality. Beyond the garden lay the great sea of Oceanus, an ocean-stream that encircled the habitable world. Like Gaia, Oceanus was the physical embodiment of a primordial Titan. Oceanus' consort was his sister Tethys, and from their union came the Oceanids (sea nymphs), and all the rivers of the world, including fountains and lakes. Although Oceanus was the embodiment of the ocean, it was Poseidon, god of the sea, who ruled over its waters. He was the protector of seafarers and developing colonies. In his benign aspect, Poseidon could be found creating new islands and calming the ocean waters. However, when he was offended or ignored, he struck the ground with his trident and caused earthquakes, drownings and shipwrecks. The treacherous sea was also home to two formidable beasts, the Scylla, a sea dragon who lived on one side of a narrow channel of water, and her counterpart Charybdis (a ravenous whirlpool that devoured ships). The two sides of the strait were within an arrow's range of each other, so close that sailors attempting to avoid Charybdis would pass dangerously close to Scylla and vice versa. Below Oceanus lay the underworld (ruled by the god Hades). This gloomy realm was home to chthonic beings and the souls of the departed. It was governed by Hades, who resided in Erebus, the land of shadows. He was the most feared of the gods, and described as ‘pitiless’, and ‘loathsome’. He was often found in his underworld palace, sitting on an ebony throne alongside his wife, Persephone. The underworld was a vast realm, full of many geographical features. The best way to explore this netherworld is by following the fate of three individuals; one who lived a wicked life, one who led an ordinary existence, and one who achieved heroic deeds during their lifetime. Upon their deaths, each soul meets with Hermes, (messenger of the gods), who leads them to the entrance of the underworld. There they meet with Charon, a boatman who ferries the souls of the dead through a network of rivers that run throughout Zoella Hades. Each soul must pay him with a gold coin to gain passage, or else they are left trapped between worlds. They are then ferried down the river Styx, which forms the boundary between Earth and the Underworld. During the boat ride, the souls enter through the gates of the underworld, where they are met by Cerberus, a three-headed dog who guards the way in and the way out. He allows all dead souls to enter, but none to leave. Eventually they arrive at the Stygian Marsh, a swamp which is surrounded by the five rivers of the underworld. It is here, at the crossroads, they appear before a panel of three judges, Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Aeacus, who pass sentence on the three spirits. based on how well or ill they lived their lives. The virtuous soul is sent far to the west to an island known as the Elysian Fields, which is reserved for heroic mortals and demi-gods. Within this bountiful realm, the virtuous souls can indulge in musical pursuits, athletic games and feast on sumptuous foods. The ordinary soul is told to drink from the river Lethe (situated in Erebus), which makes them forget their earthly lives. They are then sent to the Asphodel meadows, a foggy realm where the sun never shines. These souls are ferried by Charon across the river Acheron (river of woe), to spend an indeterminate time in this fertile realm, living off flowers for sustenance. The meadows are dark and gloomy, and all its occupants are mere shadow of their former selves, described as inactive, slow witted and joyless. According to the poet Virgil, these souls will one day be reincarnated upon Earth, and offered another opportunity to live a virtuous life, thus earning a place in Elysium. Finally, the wicked soul is sent to Tartarus, a deep abyss which is used as a dungeon for giants, Titans and monsters. They are escorted by the Furies, three creatures of divine retribution, who march the wretched souls to a life of torture and punishment. To ensure these villains never escaped, two powerful monsters were tasked with guarding the exit. The first was Campe, a colossal being with a woman's head, a dragon’s body and a scorpions tail. She was eventually killed by Zeus when he freed the Cyclopes, and replaced by the Hecatonchires, hundred handed giants, who were stronger than the Titans themselves. According to an ancient mystical tradition, known as Orphism, if you drank from the river of memory, (Mnemosyne), you would retain all your worldly memories, thus ending the transmigration of your soul. It is suggested they could then migrate to Elysium, where they would 'rule among the other heroes.' REFERENCES www.greekmythology.com http://www.theoi.com/ If you’re looking for a really immersive experience of world mythology, why not subscribe to my Patreon page, and gain: Access to in-depth posts on the gods, monsters & heroes of world myth Entry to my FB group on the 'Tales of the Monomyth,' AKA the first story ever told A 'behind the scenes' peek at my upcoming novels & much much more! www.patreon.com/HumanOdyssey
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aja154ever · 7 years
BSD Dead Apple Spoilers
There is nothing here but MAJOR MAJOR spoilers, as in the plot summary, in detail as much as possible. Some points are already on @looking-for-stray-dogs post so I decided not to delve into them anymore. ((Gosh Lea and I talked about this for probably more than 2 hrs, making notes and the outline lol, until the restaurant finally told us to go home))
You’ve been warned so if you don’t want any of that, then don’t read this post. Also this is a fan report and is not 100% accurate. Bear with my human memory ability
Also, excuse my grammar, I can’t English damn it I’m tired
Bias - ofc everyone has their own. I have favorites so I might have focused more on some characters, but I did try to report this as objectively as I can. I put comments/feelings tho in some parts I found hard to narrate/describe like action scenes. And yes, I’m a Soukoku shipper but I tried to keep it low here, I’ll make a separate post for them for the sake of people who don’t want to read too much feels here. Also, my Japanese is far from perfect so I may have missed some or a lot of details, especially with Fyodor, Shibusawa, Fukuzawa, and Chuuya’s language.
Lastly, PLEASE DO SUPPORT THE MOVIE in any possible legal way you can. I’ve felt how much the staff put so much work on this movie, how they love it so much, and how they present it as a gift to everyone. The BSD fandom is not big, but we have been blessed to actually have this, because Asagiri believes we deserve more than a compilation film, and because Kadokawa and Bones are willing to produce this thing.
If it will be showing in your country, please, please do make sure to watch it. If not, then please buy official goods. And yeah do continue bugging Crunchyroll or anyone else
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Actual Toho Cinemas, Ueno as seen from the Port Mafia Family Official art
So the movie will make you cry just by the first scene because the first character to appear on the big screen was… Odasaku.
It’s the event from 6 years ago, specifically the night before the end of the 88-day Dragon Head Dispute. Oda looks at the mess before him - dead ability users lying on the ground anywhere he looked. He hears a cry out of the blue, and goes to discover an alive child crying in the middle of her dead parents. The girl is Sakura, one of the orphans in the Dark era.
Dazai communicates with Oda thru a transmitter warning him to get away from where he is because it’ll be soon dangerous there.
Chuuya arrives on the scene, driving his motorcycle, when one of the enemies appears and chases him with an ability akin to lightning. So Chuuya gracefully maneuvers his motor around the building walls with his ability. He finally reaches the enemy’s base where Dazai is held hostage. Dazai complains that Chuuya is five minutes late, then goes to kick the enemy who’s pointing a gun at his head He also gets himself free from the shackles without any help. Soukoku starts bickering but Dazai says that the one Chuuya will kill isn’t him. The enemy surrounds them, 
C: The garbage is piling up.
D: Hurry up and finish this.
Chuuya activates his ability and then there’s an explosion after, then cuts to the scene where Soukoku just walks away like nothing (RIP Chuuya bike)
Note: He didn’t use Corruption nor did he touch anyone, but apparently For the Tainted Sorrow also works that way.
Soukoku then found Shibusawa who was tediously chanting, “I will obtain it, I will not”, repeatedly while seemingly counting gemstones. He says there is something he wants but even with all the people who got killed, he still couldn’t get a hold of it or they couldn’t give him what he wants.
Chuuya angrily scowls, “Bring back my comrades.”
Shibusawa just shrugs saying that they all committed suicide, and boring people are still boring even on the point of dying. To this, Chuuya gets very angry because it’s as if his men died for nothing. Red marks start to appear on his skin, signaling Corruption getting activated but he didn’t have to say the chant. He told Dazai not to stop him, and so Dazai just backs off, “Oh, Corruption, huh?”
Then explosion again, and so we didn’t know what happened after. Beautiful Fyodor is seen on top of a building commenting that they’re having so much fun.
BSD Opening - Deadly drive YEESSSS anyway the graphics are soooo good and beautiful
Back to present time
Atsushi goes to find Dazai on a graveyard, sitting on the back of a tombstone, his head lying on top of it. Atsushi comments that it’s his first time seeing Dazai visiting/paying respect to a grave so he assumes that the person is someone important to Dazai. The tombstone is then revealed to be labeled, “S. ODA” Flashback to the Dark era scene of Oda dying when he advises Dazai to go to the side that saves people. ((Ok I didn’t need a flashback of this scene on a big screen damn it my poor heart))
Innocent Atsushi: By any chance, is it the person Dazai-san likes?
D: If it’s a girl that I liked, then I could’ve gone on a double suicide with her.
A: Ah, yeah, if it’s Dazai-san that would be it.
D: Did you say something?
A: Ah, no, nothing.
D: It was my friend. The one responsible for me quitting the Mafia and joining the Agency. If not for him, then maybe I’d still be in the Mafia killing people up to now. Anyway, Kunikida sent you to look for me, right?
A: Yes. There’ll be an important meeting today.
D: Pa-ss. I just found a new method to commit suicide and will go try it.
A: Eh? Again?
ADA Meeting
Kunikida explains the mysterious case of ability users dying of their own abilities around the world (as seen in the PV)
The person behind it is revealed to be Shibusawa Tatsuhiko, who is now starting to move in Yokohama. Something struck Atsushi when he sees Shibusawa’s photo and hears his name - he sees a closed door somewhere in his mind, but chooses to ignore it knowing nothing at the moment.
Fukuzawa orders the Agency to do everything to stop this/Shibusawa.
After that, Kunikida and Tanizaki is seen on the Port going out to meet someone. Worried Tanizaki talks about the ability users’ suicide incident, then they see the man they’re supposed to meet lying on the ground, already dead as Kunikida checked his pulse. On the crime scene, they discovered a knife stabbed on an apple.
Bar Lupin
Dazai sits on the bar alone with two glasses, one for him, and one with the flower on it. “Today what will we toast for?” He reminisces about a time when he talks with Oda about “apple suicide” cases. Oda doesn’t know about it then he guesses it’s like from Cinderella. And Dazai was just like, “Ow, I didn’t expect that answer. Odasaku is really interesting.” He then remembers the poisoned apple story of Snow White, and proceeds to consider that Snow White’s case was actually a suicide. snow white could’ve known that the apple is poisoned but she still took it anyway. Dazai then shares that he actually found an interesting ability user recently who’s making people commit apple suicides. He says that suicide getting popular in Yokohama would be great, with a lovely smile on his face. Odasaku comments that Dazai is indeed interesting. Dazai replies, “Not as much as you.”
Back to the present, Dazai says that Odasaku is actually right, that the side that saves people is indeed better… if only one would continue living. Then he swallows the pill.
“Well then, I’ll go for now, Odasaku.”
He leaves the drinks on the counter untouched, and leaves the bar, a stabbed apple revealed on the counter.
Outside the bar Ango appears to capture Dazai, saying that the one who called Shibusawa to go to Yokohama is Dazai. Dazai smirks (the Mafia smirk), “Do you think you can actually capture me?” Shibusawa shadow appears on Ango’s back and then the Mist (as seen in the PV).
ADA Dorm
Atsushi dreams of the door he saw earlier and a strange mist appearing, then he wakes up.
Kyouka goes to check on him (they’re actually sleeping in one room with Kyouka on the futon while Atsushi inside the closet (smth like Doraemon).
When they opened the window, they discovered that the mist is already spreading. They head to the Agency Office as Kyouka demanded over anxious Atsushi.
On the way
They discovered that the whole city is in a mess, cars everywhere on the streets, but no signs of people, as if everyone disappeared.
Kyouka sensed a strong bloodlust and when they looked for it, they found the white tiger. they called their abilities but to their surprise, they did not activate and so they ran for their lives. Atsushi trips on something, which is then revealed to be Kunikida, injured by a shot on his side. Kunikida says that he found out the cause of the suicide cases. But first, they managed to escape from the tiger.
Kunikida then explains that he got hit by his own ability, and that ability users did not commit suicide rather they got killed by their own abilities. Demon Snow appears all of a sudden chasing them. Kyouka manages to get them a car and they drove all the way to the Agency Office.
Agency Office
Kunikida reveals a communication device beneath the floor under the President’s table, which connects them to Ango. Ango explains the situation, revealing the castle where Shibusawa is supposedly in, and adds that Dazai is also there. He entrusts the agency the mission to capture Shibusawa and that he will not question whatever methods they use. Communication gets cut off. Kunikida’s ability arrives to wreak havoc at the Agency. Kunikida gives Atsushi a weapon while Kyouka refuses since she has her sword. Kunikida tells them to run away while he goes to fight his own Ability.
It was also shown here that the other Agency members are fighting their own Abilities. Kenji’s ability is throwing him cars and hitting him with the street signs, Tanizaki being strangled by Light Snow from behind, Yosano fighting with her big weapon and Fukuzawa sword fighting.
Special Ability Department
Ango commands his subordinate to call Ability user 5058 telling him to return his debt.
White trio in the castle
First scene revealing that this three are “working together” but they all know from the start that they do not trust one another. Interesting exchanges.
More on Lea’s post
Back on the Streets
Kyouka and Atsushi are in the car again. Atsushi’s worrying about a lot of things, but Kyouka is calm and tells him to focus on the mission at hand. Atsushi believes that capturing Shibusawa is enough, because no matter how bad someone is, there is no need to kill.
Demon Snow then appears, slicing the car roof, and so Kyouka and Atsushi ran off again. Kyouka fights Demon Snow with her sword. Atsushi tries shooting but fails to do so in time with the gun safety. Out of nowhere, Akutagawa gets thrown into the situation (like literally), stopping Demon Snow in the process. The three were then faced with their respective Abilities.
Rashomon and the tiger end up fighting anyway, so they used the chance to escape. Kyouka fights against Demon Snow, while instructing the two to enter a Mafia secret passage somewhere nearby. Atsushi hesitates to go with Aku, but Kyouka insists that he go. Atsushi complies.
They entered the elevator in time before Demon Snow catches up. Aku explains that not even the mist can get through that elevator. They then shared information. Aku says that the way to have their ability back is to beat their own. They also learned that they have the same motive: Shibusawa Tatsuhiko. Aku says that he will kill him, because there is no other way to save Yokohama. Atsushi argues that the Agency doesn’t do such kind of job. Aku says that Kyouka can understand the situation they are in. Kyouka defends that the Agency and the Mafia have different ways of killing.
revealing that Dazai went to the enemy’s side out of own will. Atsushi refuses to believe, “Dazai-san will not do such a thing!” But Aku says that that Dazai is also the one who was part of the Mafia before but abandoned it. “I will be the one to kill Dazai-san.” “I won’t let you do that! *points gun at Aku*” Elevator stops and opens. Aku gets out, while Atsushi says that they will not follow him. But Kyouka demands that they do, so they did.
White Trio - Draconia
Shibusawa presents Draconia to Fyodor and Dazai, his collection of abilities in crystal forms. (Again refer to Lea’s post with the nyaaa and the “do you have friends” lol))
Shibusawa: Do you think there is a single person out there who can beat his own ability?
Fight against their abilities
Atsushi, Aku, and Kyouka fight their abilities separately. The fight with Rashomon was particularly impressive to me, showing how Aku knows his ability well, and how good he is at making strategies. For Kyouka’s fight, refer to Lea’s post again. ((Anyway Kyouka’s mom is a goddess OMG)) Atsushi had to help Kyouka in the middle because she was emotionally hit and needed a second to get a hold of herself, before she beats the Demon Snow in a bad-ass way yayy. Atsushi then somehow beats his own ability too. Anyway the way to beat the ability is to crush the crystal, which is most of the time found on the ability’s forehead. Aku and Kyouka got their abilities back, but Atsushi doesn’t even when he already beat it. “Why?” “Fool! You still don’t know??” “Akutagawa! What do you mean by that?” But Aku doesn’t tell him. Kyouka tells Atsushi to stay there and take a rest as she goes to fulfill their mission.
Special Ability Department
Agent 5158 revealed to be Chuuya. Ango and Chuuya talked about paying debts with Chuuya arguing that it is Ango who has a debt. It’s about what happened 6 years ago. Shibusawa was an important ability user so the government spared his life to be used for something (I didn’t understand), but Ango defends that it’s all for the city’s sake/peace. Chuuya gets angry (well he’s been angry since earlier), and lifts Ango on his collar saying that if not for what happened then his comrades, particularly 6 men, would have still been alive. At the end of the day though, Chuuya accepts Ango’s request to help them in the current situation. In exchange, he will have Ango’s life.
White Trio - Betrayal scenes
Again refer to Lea’s post. This is indeed the start of the movie’s climax - Dazai “dies”,  revelation of Shibusawa’s story, and the ever-beautiful Crime and Punishment scene (which unfortunately I didn’t understand for the most part omg Fyodor)
Shibusawa and Atsushi
Atsushi faces the door earlier, the one that flashed on his mind when mentioned about Shibusawa. When he was able to open it, his memories came to him. Shibusawa also remembers at the time being, as Fyodor sliced his throat and he remembers that dying was a familiar feeling to him. They both watch the scene unfold before them.
Inside the room was a young Atsushi tied on a chair. Shibusawa wants to obtain Atsushi’s ability, because there’s something special about it, but he couldn’t get it in a normal way that he did with everyone. He electrocutes him, until Atsushi’s ability in the form of crystal gets out of his body. However, before Shibusawa could get a hold of it, the tiger goes berserk and manages to free himself then eats the crystal. He then kills Shibusawa with his nails scratching his face.
So yeah, Shibusawa actually died some years ago. When that happened is something we do not know. But his ability still continued to live on so he was risen from the dead (by Fyodor?) Anyway, the skull on top of the apples is actually Shibusawa’s.
Dragon Appears
The dragon was formed from the vortex earlier (white trio scene on Lea’s post), and something that Fyodor did with the Crime and Punishment thing, and then “dead” Dazai also joins the vortex. For your imagination, the Dragon is something that resembles Shenron of Dragon Ball Z. So yeah it’s really big, but this one is red-orange in color.
Dragon vs Chuuya
Chuuya is seen heading out of a plane to go and fight the dragon. Chuuya starts removing his gloves. ((Okay this is no way in verbatim))
Ango: Chuuya-kun, are you sure about this? You still haven’t gotten the end of the deal about my life
Chuuya: Don’t think too highly of yourself
A: Dazai-kun is nowhere to be found. You understand what this means
C: That stupid Dazai is there. I’m sure of that. And I’d feel bad if I don’t go punch him
Tsujimura also appears from the back of the plane, stopping Chuuya.
T: This is impossible. Ability users are humans, the one you’re facing against is a monster!
C: That isn’t a reason to get scared and back out. Do you know of a time to get scared and back out?
T: I don’t.
C: Never. There’s never a time.
Then he jumps off the plane, activating Corruption with the chant.
Okay. Okay. I can’t breathe lol. Here goes bias reporting because this scene is just so fantastically spectacular in a magnificent way wth my adjectives don’t give justice. But I honestly felt like the proudest person on earth because finally Chuuya gets the screen time he deserves. A hero, willing to die to save the city. I’ve always loved Bones’ animation and graphics with BSD and srsly this scene WHOA. Also lots of screaming from Taniyama Kishou yassss
The dragon threw fire from its mouth while Chuuya threw rocks and blackholes. And when they faced head-on, Chuuya hit the dragon’s head repeatedly with a whole building, damn it gravity manipulation is such a coooooool ability. Chuuya shoves the whole building into the Dragon’s mouth and he goes inside along with it. One final beautiful scream and Corruption finally destroys the whole dragon.
The Soukoku scene
It is then revealed that Dazai was inside the Dragon. Chuuya found him and he did punch him (he’s still in Corruption form and was basically growling at Dazai). Chuuya was already coughing out blood though. They were floating and falling from the sky now. Dazai who was supposedly dead got awoken by Chuuya’s punch, and the pill he took earlier, which is apparently an antidote against the poison from the knife, was on his mouth and then it took effect. 
So Dazai was alive and saw Chuuya before him so he reached for him, touching Chuuya’s cheek to nullify Corruption.
Dazai: You believed in me and used Corruption? I’m so touched I could cry.
Chuuya: Yeah, I did. I believed in your cunning schemes and shitty inability to die.
Dazai: Isn’t your way of waking up Snow White a bit violent?
Chuuya: Shut up. You’re the one who anticipated getting punched by putting that antidote in your mouth.
Then they finally fell on the ground. Dazai fell with his butt first, basically sitting on the ground, then Chuuya falls in between Dazai’s legs with his face a few inches away from Dazai’s right thigh. Dazai is holding the back of Chuuya’s head and Chuuya complains, “Let go!” but Dazai said, “Don’t move”, because the enemy is still out there somewhere. They bickered some more, until Chuuya finally lost his consciousness, head falling on Dazai. Dazai stays still, saying that he has predicted everything that would happen up to that point. But it will most likely just be the start from here on. But it is their turn now.
The Last Battle - Shibusawa vs Atsushi + Aku + Kyouka
Fyodor places a crystal on Shibusawa’s skull which then resurrects him again, and he’s in a monster-like form now. Aku appears in front of him, revealing that he’s an ability user who was able to regain his ability. Shibu is quite impressed. Kyouka then appears next. 
Sometime there Agatha Christie also appears telling Ango via a transmitter that she sent troops to assist in the battle
Kyouka claims that Aku and she aren’t the only ones who were able to win against their abilities. Fukuzawa and Mori are shown somewhere in Yokohama fighting their own abilities. Mori is getting frustrated because cute Elise is fighting him. “What a coincidence, Mori-sensei,” Fukuzawa says when they meet back-to-back against their abilities. One single move after, Fukuzawa slashes Elise’s crystal while Mori shoots the crystal on Fukuzawa’s personified ability. So basically, they beat each other’s abilities. ((Hmm, so apparently it’s fine even if you’re not the one who beat your own))
Back to Atsushi, who is still trying to come to terms with himself and the tiger. He was feeling bad about using his claws to kill Shibu. The tiger appears behind him. He realizes that no matter what he does, where he goes, the tiger always follows him. He thinks that it is akin to his heart that keeps beating without stopping. He comes to realize that the tiger is not his ability, but his strong will to continue living. He then calls on the tiger to come to him.
Meanwhile Aku and Kyouka were having a hard time battling against Shibu, until Atsushi appears out of nowhere, transformed in half-tiger state. Shibu is glad saying, “Will you kill me again, Nakajima Atsushi-kun?” Kyouka is shocked at what she heard. Atsushi only responds, “I just have to bring back a thing where it’s supposed to be.” The three fight against Shibusawa, and they conclude that they have to join forces to be able to beat him. Sometime in the middle, Demon Snow gets beaten and disappears, and didn’t appear again when Kyouka called again. In their last attack, Atsushi encourages her to pull herself together and believe that the Demon Snow that she doesn’t want to hate will surely respond to her feelings.She calls on to her ability again and it did appear, pinning Shibusawa on the ground with the sword. Atsushi calls Aku, and Aku yells, “Don’t order me around!” Rashomon makes a big sphere where Shibusawa and Atsushi get trapped to battle (for Shibu not to escape). Atsushi hits Shibu quickly and repeatedly, and while it is clear that he gets hurt, he manages to use his ability to try to collect Atsushi’s ability. The crystal came out of Atsushi, but before Shibu could reach it, Atsushi grabs it shouting, “This is not my ability. This is me!” Atsushi gives the final blows, and Shibu concludes that he finally realizes the reason why he still existed, the reason why he met Atsushi, and what Dazai meant when he said he needs saving. And so it was Atsushi who is the angel who finally saves him. Atsushi crushes his skull and so Shibusawa finally dies, for real.
The sun rises. Dazai appears from behind and tries to explain, but Atsushi cuts him off saying that Dazai is only trying to save the city.
D: Do you see me as a good person who’d actually do that?
Innocent Atsushi: I do.
Kyouka: Are you really okay with what happened? (killing Shibusawa)
A: Yes. I am proud that we were able to protect the city, and being able to live on with Kyouka-chan and everyone, that is so much more wonderful. (as per Lea’s post, this is exactly in reference to Oda’s words)
The Agency members also appear to reunite with them and Atsushi is happy.
A: I see, everyone looks fine.
D: Of course, We’re the Armed Detective Agency after all.
Meanwhile, Chuuya is sitting somewhere in the ruins and sees Akutagawa who just looks at him. He tells him that if he’s looking for Dazai then the bastard is fine. Aku just bows and starts to walk away. Chuuya calls him smiling, “Lend me a shoulder!”
Fyodor - on top of a building again, like the god that he is just watching everything play out in his hands. He mentions that this is just for entertainment, and he really should get hold of The Book.
The following day/s
Mori and Chuuya talk about the past events and Chuuya asks if Mori knows anything about it. Mori just says that if Dazai is on the move, he thinks he would need Chuuya’s power. And it’s an advanced payment for the Mafia and they would just have to wait for the repayment later. Mori tells him, “Thank you for your hard work”, but Chuuya says he doesn’t need it because the boss’ order is his job anyway.
Back at the Agency Office, everyday life seems back to normal and we can hear Kunikida’s whines, and so Dazai goes to call him the Agency mom.
Kyouka and Atsushi are off to a new mission and everyone sends them off.
Okay that’s it. It’s 5AM WTH I need to sleep. This is probably the longest post I ever made for BSD oh my gosh. Sorry if this got confusing and boring somewhere, but I’ll just make other posts in the next days to come. 
Hit me with asks, tho I’m not sure if I can adequately respond to them in time! 
Otsukaresama deshita, myself. Oh the things I do for BSD. 
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alma-liveblogs · 8 years
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 2 Liveblog
Last time, we got started with a pretty good first episode. Now, onto episode 2, which seems to be delving into the Elric Brothers’ Backstory! Three, two, one, and…
And we’re starting on a train! A bit of a cold opening, but I can dig it. They did say they were going to this place last ep. Also, High Priest who makes miracles? In a world of alchemy, is that such a weird thing?
It’s alchemy. Kids. Please. It’s obviously alchemy.
Oh, that makes sense. They think that making flowers out of nothing would require a philosopher’s stone. That’s fair.
Where did these kids get that book. How do they know about alchemy to the point of having tried human transmutation? Is it their dad? It’s probably their dad.
Episode 2: The Day It Began.
Well hello there Elric mom. You have the dead anime mom hairstyle. If I didn’t already know their backstory I would be pretty sure you’d die by now.
Yep, it was their dad! Apparently he’s not only a knowledgeable person in alchemy related things, he’s also a person who *studies* alchemy.
And he’s an absentee father. Great.  The kids are also stated to be prodigies once again, if it wasn’t clear already. I’m not against characters who are prodigies and/or complete dumbasses (see: I like both Re: Zero and Hunter x Hunter), so I just hope they do something good with this and it isn’t just a get out of jail free card for the main characters to be able to develop skills “way faster than a normal person could!”.
Everyone in this family is cute as heck, wtf.
And there she goes. Kind of non-chalantly, but hey.
Good god their dad’s a dick. What the fuck kind of person doesn’t go to their SO’s funeral?
Winry. Who are you? You were in the OP, alongside Ed and Al, so I think you’re their sister, but you don’t seem to be part of their family. Whaaaat?...
Ed, what the fucking fuck? Where do you get off?
Oh, she just lives with them in a foster home. That makes sense. Also lel at Ed being insecure about his height ever since he was *as tall as his younger brother*.
The only stew you’re having tonight is a stew of pain, suffering and sadness
Ed please don’t do a necromancy
Huh. A recipe for all the components in a human. Neat. Although I remember having watched a video that debunked this, I’ll just go with it.
I feel the need to mention that purposefully not showing us the children’s eyes really adds to the unease of this scene and was a great cinematographic choice.
And we’re in limbo
I never thought god could be this sassy
W h a t    t h e    f u c k
Wait. No. Back up. Back right the fucking fuck up.
I recognize that body shape.
That’s Gluttony’s body shape.
nope. done. Goodbye
The fucking VA work in this scene is absolutely breathtaking, dear god.
And I guess that’s their story of how they got to this point. Even knowing this ahead of time, the execution was a total 10/10. Loved it.
“We did”
hughes and roy you poor souls what have you witnessed
They certainly have, christ almighty.
They’re just… broken. They had their mother’s return right in their reach, and it was violently taken from them, along with their bodies. This is heartbreaking.
Riza Hawkeye. Nice to have a name.
tbh I thought she was winry until just this moment so uh yeah
The clear overlap between Riza saying that the choice lies in the brothers and Roy’s speech on basically saying “yknow if you go to the army you maybe wont have an absolutely horrible life maybe” shows that they don’t, in fact, have a choice, and I love that.
As an aside, can I just say I love what anime does with the removal of the shine and pupils in a broken person’s eyes? It just looks really appealing to me.
Ed is a fucking determinator. You don’t break a determinator. You don’t stop a determinator. You just briefly delay them.
And here comes the automail. I wonder if there’s a pseudoscience explanation on to how it works or we just gotta take it in stride.
Wait, so their master (which I forgot to talk about earlier, sorry) can use alchemy without a circle. But the following scene seems to imply you have to have seen The Truth in order to do so. Who is their master, and what the fuck did they do to meet God?
Also holy shit I didn’t even think of that. Manipulating metal + metal arm/leg = Cool Shit
“uncute machine freak”
That is the worst insult I’ve ever heard
Oh hey there Fuhrer King Monarch Leader President Master Man.
Ed why are you lyi- wait I forgot. Taboo. Yeah, you should be lying. Also again with the Ishbal war. What the fuck is up with it?
Fucking shrekt
Aw, Winry’s gonna miss them. Cutie.
Ok show the paper was not written in that order at all but ok
And thus, the Fullmetal Alchemist is born.
And with a shot of Liore, along with adventure, looming in the distance, we end things off with the second episode.
Well that was fantastic! Especially the whole alchemy and God segment. This show just got a whole lot more interesting.
I rate episode 2, a 9/10! I’ll see you tomorrow for episode 3.
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rusticrevivals · 8 years
preface:  I know this week’s blog was supposed to be about the seed tables and the planting in our basement.  Richard has the tables ready to go, but due to the massive cold snap (minus 20 all this week again!) we haven’t been able to get the earth out of some of the bigger planters that we were planning to mix in with the potting soil downstairs, and also the seeds haven’t arrived yet. So- hopefully next week?  Besides, I haven’t done an Artist in the Attic feature in a long while!
    The farmhouse  at Blue Belldon Farm is full of artwork because we all love it.  My collection of pottery, Mom’s and her aunt’s weavings, and mostly, paintings, etchings and sketches with deep sentimental meaning to at least one of us. Richard himself was immersed in art in his younger years, and so quite a bit of his own early work graces our walls (as well of that of his fathers’).
Richard’s sketch of his German grandfather hangs in a montage on our bedroom wall, and two oil paintings he did of his time in rural Saskatchewan hang downstairs in his office:
His artistic talents were passed on to his youngest son, Nigel, who has honed them into a lucrative profession as a rather well-known tattoo and portrait artist in Toronto.  Richard is proud to announce that Nigel is booked a year in advance, and has even had commissions from folk as far away as England and Japan.  I especially love the romance (not often evoked by Nigel, believe me!) of the first one, and the amazing reality of the Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton one.
  Artistic talent may be often inherited or at least somewhat naturally instinctive,  but art APPRECIATION should be cultivated by those who truly adore it.  My love of art really began with my Grade 5 art teacher, who was then Miss McBeath. She was a neat ‘hippi’ type of self-confident young woman with long hair to her waist and wearing long peasant skirts (which I still prefer wearing myself to this day) with a slightly sarcastic and quick wit (which I’d seemed to have been born with but which was, shall we say, NOT encouraged around my house!) and with a talent for passing on her passion of all things artistic, creative, and most important to me – INDIVIDUAL.   It didn’t matter HOW good you were, she said, as long as you tried and you loved what you were trying…  I also found out about her that she, like me, had been a tomboy who struggled with her weight, and we also bonded over the fact that I did NOT find it amusing that my class had to give up art to go and take a semester of Home Ec., as it was then called.  (Ironic, then that so much of this blog is dedicated to recipes and kitchen how-tos!)
The following year Jane married my Grade 6 social studies teacher, Peter Wright, and we found more in common – they drove the exact same V.W. van as my parents, Peter and my Dad were obsessive tennis players/followers, and both Wrights accepted me as a strong-willed tomboy with a sarcastic sense of humour and respectfully called me by my requested nick-name, “Chip” (which few others were wont to do). Our families have since been life-long friends.
Originally, Jane was more a textile artist and found joy in the creation of pottery, batik, knitting, quilting, rug hooking and woodworking. She definitely was one of the last, true “hippis”, in my opinion, and could very well have settled into a live of self-sufficiency as we are trying to do here, with her many talents.  In fact, she and Peter DID take their 3 children and live in the French mountains for a year of self-exploration!
However, this amazing woman has, in recent years, found her medium/niche in watercolour, and, as  former president of the bi-lingual “Artistes Hudson Artists”, a group of more than 80 talented artists in the artist colony of Hudson, Quebec, she has also publicly defended,  in various media, ART and the right to individualism.  From one of her articles:
“Why should you buy original art? A good question, when you can buy pleasing, inexpensive, mass-produced things for your walls. The answer is that all art is a form of self-expression and communicates the artist’s message. How you interpret that message is intensely personal and therefore unique. If a piece of art “speaks to you” in some way, it will give you a jolt of delight every time you look at it or touch it. Original art should always start a conversation whether it is with yourself or someone else; conversations teach you things and enrich your life. Artists are compelled to produce art; buying original art produced in your community supports local artists and by extension the local economy.”
We have several favourites of Jane’s at Blue Belldon Farm, all originals, because that’s all Jane does – including even her beautiful cards!
I LOVE the way the sun streams through the trees in that first one, which is framed on our living room bookshelves (you may have to click on each to blow them up to see all detail).  And the last one looks very much like our huge vegetable garden, with its mix of flowers in it to attract pollen-spreaders!
  But the one which I think looks the most like a scene from Blue Belldon Farm (which is on Jane’s website:  http://www.janewright.ca/ ) is this one:
I can just imagine standing at the side of the barn looking out to the back fields.  Love it!
One of my favourite quotes from Jane reminds me very much of this farm, too:
 “The use of colour and texture to express my awe and wonder at the beauty around me  fills me with great joy. Spending time on the shores of Lake Huron and following my grandfather around as a child as he cared lovingly for his animals, orchard and gardens instilled in me a profound respect for the order, beauty, cruelty and power of the natural world and those that inhabit it. “
Here are some more of Jane’s landscapes that illustrate the above:
  Jane even painted an original coaster for each person who attended their eldest son’s (my god-son) wedding a few years ago.  Although I couldn’t make the wedding in Hawaii, Jane was good enough to give me this souvenir, which also sits on our bookshelves. A really original idea, if any of you have some artistic talent and a family wedding coming up~!
    I find it amusing that the ‘yellow room’, upstairs in Mom’s suite, (where we think poor Ida had all 5 of her children who were the first ones born here) holds one of my worst-ever paintings (circa Grade 9, playing  abstract with acrylics)  on the wall, but right across from it is a gorgeous watercolour still life of Jane’s!
  The Wrights helped us very much all three years of the running the Carlisle Country Craft and Old-fashioned Market Mercantile, not just because they are supportive of friends, but because they both love to promote the local arts as much as possible.  Here’s a candid shot I love by Yvonne Parsons Photography (Artist in the Attic #1) of Mom, in pioneer costume courtesy of Joan Eagle,  and Jane wearing one of Mom’s woven shawls:
As an extension of Jane’s connection with the CCC&OMM show, I also asked her to offer her cards in our Rural Creators’ Collective shop in Carlisle.  Here are a few of the displays I made with these ALL ECO-FRIENDLY, RURAL-CELEBRATORY artisans.
  Jane’s card is directly above in the bottom left, with other cards by photographer Yvonne Parsons, and lino-cut artist L’immaginaria’ Lisa Martini-Dunk as well as native works by Roni Walker of Metis Caravan, a rag plate mat by Ragged Revivals, an artisan original doll by Teena Muiko’s Fanciful Dolls and a few of my own, Rustic Revivals’ pieces as well.
Here is a close-up of a different display I loved in the shop:
In the above, Jane’s stunning sunset card is in the crate, and is surrounded by a quilt and business-card holders by Miriam Bauman’s MiniMade, intaglio and lino-cut prints by the above-named L’immaginaria, a framed crocheted doilie by Roni Walker’s Rumpel’s Wheel, a chickadee watercolour by Marla, a recycled map by Dillies Dahlias, and a few items in the forefront, as well as a rag doll on top of the crate by my own Rustic Revivals.  I loved having Jane’s cards in our shop, and they are unique as, as I mentioned previously, each one is a unique original.  You can still purchase one of Jane’s originals by contacting her through her website: http://www.janewright.ca/contact.html
In the same yellow room in Mom’s upstairs suite is also a small framed card by another watercolour artist and friend of the family, Marg Patterson, from Tillsonburg, whom I’ll be featuring in another Artist in the Attic posting down the road.   She also does LOVELY work, and donates her proceeds to the Alzheimers Society! Mom has this one normally on the window ledge in that room, actually facing out to our own Birch Grove.
And thus you have it – the Blue Belldon crowd LOVE their art-work. Other than these artists we consider family, our walls our also ‘littered’ with art-work from our travels around the world, with representations of some of the places we’ve loved best. Mom has carvings from Africa and Slovenia, I have paintings of my log cabin and stone cottage from Montana and Scotland, there are many water colours of the Bronte’s West Yorkshire, where Richard and I both have many happy memories, and I have several antique ‘horse’ prints as well as two large ones of James Lumbers’- one from his ghostly series, “City Limits” (a rural piece with the skyscrapers, so sadly but truly,  invading in the far distance)
and another of his – a native girl studying from a text book, which will always remind me of my time teaching on the rez.  He’s a Canadian, as is of course the nature-realist Robert Bateman, with whom my grandmother taught for a time in Burlington, Ontario. We have a few of his smaller prints on the wall downstairs, and Mom has a large one of his kingfisher (bought for Grandma, originally) above her couch upstairs.
As well as the above kingfisher of Bateman’s, Mom has quite a few of her own mother’s china-painting hanging on her walls.  Grandma was another family artist that had great talent in all subject matter, but especially enjoyed doing florals.  One of my favourites, however, is the platter, hanging above Mom’s ‘stove’, that depicts the Hawkins family farm, where her mother went as a young bride.
Yup, we ruralites sure appreciate our artists, and the memories their works evoke in us!  I hope you have the same throughout your own home, and that you’re not, as Jane suggests above, buying ‘pleasing, inexpensive, mass-produced’  Ikea or Wal-mart ka-ka (you’ll note Jane’s quote stopped before this last bit).
If you fill your home with art that ‘speaks to you’, it will, as Jane says:
         give you a jolt of delight every time you look at it or touch it
And Amen to THAT!
    Artist in the Attic # 4: Jane Wright and… preface:  I know this week's blog was supposed to be about the seed tables and the planting in our basement.  
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