#there’s no preventative directive or safe approach for living. we each know our own fate. we know from our youth we will be treated
eye-of-yelough · 2 years
6, 34
6. Why did you do that?
- For shits, giggles and devotion to The Bit. Observe:
34. Is there a song you know off by heart?
Regular human answer: yes of course, multiple.
Bragging answer: this one.
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siamesegreen · 2 months
one of those fucking awful black days
when nothing is pleasing and everything that happens
is an excuse for anger
an outlet for emotions stockpiled
an arsenal, an armor
these are the days when i hate the world
hate the rich, hate the happy
hate the complacent - the tv watchers
the beer drinkers, the satisfied ones
because i know i can be all of those little hateful things
and i hate myself for realizing that
there’s no preventative directive
or safe approach for living
we each know our own fate
we know from our youth how to be treated
how we’ll be received, how we shall end
these things don’t change
you can change your clothes,
change your hairstyle, your friends, cities, continents…
but sooner or later your old self will always catch up
always, it waits in the wings
(ideas swirl but don’t stick,
they appear but then run off like
rain on the windshield)
one of those rainy day car rides,
my head imploding
the atmosphere of this car a mirror of my skull:
wet, damp, windows dripping and misted with cold
walls of gray
nothing good on the radio,
not a thought in my head
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notnctu · 4 years
ooh i'd like to request something from the prompt list! 5 + 9, kinda angsty but with a nice ending, slight rivals to lovers with jaemin! it would be cool if they're like, superhero students dispatched into a mission gone wrong? i hope this is okay 😊 thanks ahead of time ☺💗
“hihii! this is the anon that requested the rivals to lovers superhero prompt? i just wanna let you know that if you do decide to write it, you can change the member--seeing that it seems youre getting a lot o# jaemin prompts ahaha 😥 if anything, here are other boys i had in mind: renjun, chenle, or yangyang!! 😊”
thank you for requesting and im sorry it took so long ); i hope you like it !! this is def something different from what i usually write :) 
-author doie ❀
p.s. soft reminder to everyone that requests are now closed. we apologize for the wait and are doing our best to finish them all! thank you for your patience :)
superhero!yangyang x superhero!reader prompt #5 & #9 - “It’s so hard for me to hate you right now.” & “The thought of losing you scares me.” details - fainting, youre in a fire, explicit language genre - slight angst, fluff, rivals to lovers
“yangyang and y/n.” every hope is thrown out the window when you heard who you are paired up with. not that you had anything against yangyang, you two never really spoke often. and you two are not comfortable enough to be paired up for a mission together.
you catch him staring at you, hesitant to approach your standing figure. so you muster all your courage and strut towards him. with wide eyes, he opens his mouth to speak, “super speed.”
you’re a bit thrown off by his direct choice of introduction, not his name or age. just his power. “uh, invisibility.” you cough awkwardly and he nods. why is the silence so piercing?
“listen, i like to work alone so, all you have to do is not get in my way.” yangyang scoffs and flips through the information folder.
“that’s not what a partnership is.” you groan, already seeing difficulties with working with him. superheros always think they’re hot shit and can save the world on their own. no one values collaborative work, despite it being equally as vital.
“i think group projects are a waste of time, i’m not here to babysit.” he blows his bang out of his eyes, scanning the heavy text on the white paper. he isn’t even making the effort to share the information material.
“seems like you’re the only baby here.” you yank the folder from his hands to see for yourself. a small exclamation falls from his lips and he crosses his arms.
“don’t expect me to come saving your ass if anything goes wrong.” he glares at you, taking the folder back for himself.
the blaring red alarm rings throughout the industrial complex and yangyang is no where to be seen. if it isn’t villainous enough, you’re stuck in the middle of the burning building. there are so many things that could have been avoided leading up to this mistake.
proper communication with your partner. you two finally devised a plan on how to approach this mission. however, yangyang’s impulsive last minute decision cost you time to leave the building. and it wasn’t like you two have very good impressions of each other now.
you should have jumped out the closest window to exist. but you chickened out due to underestimation of how much time it takes going down the stairs and lack of knowledge of where the fire started.
truthfully, you still had trouble keeping your powers under control. so if yangyang did come back to find you, it would be quite difficult due to you constantly disappearing.
but his statement haunts you, he isn’t going to come save your ass if anything goes wrong. and the blazing fires make everything too hard to see... so maybe, yangyang is a man of his word?
you black out due to the lack of oxygen, hitting the falling floor with a hard thud. the heat encapsulating you all too perfectly, and you accepted your fate.
“y/n!” a panicked voice calls for you, yangyang is dashing between every room that hasn’t been eaten by the flames. fucking invisibility. but he’s too scared to be spiteful, he’s too worried about you to feel anything else. the thought of losing you scares him.
and he hears a thump, like something falling and hitting the ground. he runs, reaching your limp figure within seconds. however, when he reaches down to pick you up, he’s face to face with an empty floor. “now’s not the time, y/n.”
the fires are hot on his tail, so he takes a leap of faith to grab wherever his memory made your body out to be. he feels your arm, and you reappear before him. your eyes are closed and there is no consciousness. he curses underneath his breath as he hoists you onto his back, thanking the universe for the power of impeccable speed.
he’s out of the dying building before you two end up in ashes. the paramedics come, removing you from his care. but he’s following them, “y/n, you better be alive.” it’s almost demanding, as if he wishes he has the power to heal as well.
if he could turn back time to when he derailed from the original plan, he would do it in a heartbeat. to right his wrongs, to bring you back safe and sound. he won’t be able to live with himself knowing he could have prevented you from getting hurt. the fear of losing you has him rethinking all of your interactions.
maybe he should have been nicer, then you wouldn’t have to avoid talking to him. he should have been more open minded, then you wouldn’t have to hate him for being ignorant. he should have been more careful, then you wouldn’t be caught in a deathly fire. 
yangyang’s eyes are heavy with anticipation and concern. “please, y/n. we’re partners, i need you by my side.” his whisper sounds absolutely defeated and hopeless.
with several harsh coughs, you shoot awake on an ambulance stretcher and yangyang gripping your arm tightly. “you.. came back for me?”
“duh! we’re partners. i’m bound to be there for you...” his voice trails off, eyes averting from yours. “i know what i said before, but... you couldn’t possibly think i would let you die, right?”
“i don’t know... you’re the big baby who doesn’t like to babysit.” you snicker, wiping an ashy thumb across yangyang’s soft cheek.
he perks up at your sudden affection and he mutters under his breath, “it’s so hard for me to hate you right now.” he glares playfully at you, just simply happy that you’re alive and smiling before him. he sighs, “you need to learn how to manage your powers. it was like finding a needle in a haystack in there.. except, there wasn’t a needle or there was but it was.. like invisible?”
“i get it! i know. i’m still adjusting.” your own power could have cost you your life.
“i’ll help you with it. we work better together anyways.” he grins.
your eyes light up to his offer, “thank you, for being my partner and for saving my life.” you pat his hand that holds onto your arm still. “i’m sorry we blew the mission, literally.”
but yangyang is quick to shake his head. “thank you for sticking by my shit for all this time. i owed you one.” he ruffles your hair through sweet giggles.
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fyeahwildfire · 4 years
Spirit Bound
Chapter 9
Pairing: Mortal Kombat x reader; Bucky x reader; second soulmate x reader
Warning: Angst, death, 
A/n: I do not own Mortal Kombat Characters. Next Chapter will include Mileena! Hope you all like!
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You pushed urgently towards Kuai Liang’s location, paying little attention to anything but the branches and twigs beneath your feet. Kuai was in danger and you were so close to reaching him. You hoped you were not too late to save him.
Up ahead there was set of gates that led to who knows where. You pushed urgently towards it, knowing your half brother was in there. Running down the steps you heard the exclamations of pain. Kuai Liang was under attack and you barely reached him in time.
You were nearly crying with relief as you had seen Kuai Liang freeze his enemies. “A pity you could not have cooperated.”
You ran towards him and as he turned in your direction, you slammed into him so hard that the force caused him to stumble backwards. You immediately wrap your arms around his neck afraid to let him go. You could not lose him. Not another brother.
Kuai Liang was taken by surprise as he had not expected this reaction from someone he had never met.
Out from the shadows Cyborg Cyrax appears out of the shadows. “You are ordered to return to the Lin Kuei temple for assimilation.”
Releasing your half-brother, you turn towards Cyrax, a deathly glare evident on your face. You stand protectively in front of Kuai Liang.
“I am Lin Kuei Unit L-K-4-D-4. You will come with me.” Cyborg Cyrax continued approaching the two of you.
“Like hell he will.” You get into a fighting stance, your hands glowing with green telekinetic energy.
Kuai Liang did not understand why you were so protective of him; he had never met you and yet you seemed familiar. You resemble someone he once loved. Someone who he had been taken away from. Not wanting you to fight his own battles, he stepped around you and faced Cyrax.
“I am sorry for what they did to you…” Kuai Liang gets into a fighting stance. “…But I will not comply.”
The two faced each other in battle and it was clear that despite being turned into a machine, Cyrax still harbored some of his humanity. It was a struggle as the cold-hearted cyber part of him continued to fight. Because of this Kuai Liang was able to easily defeat Cyrax.
“I will face the Lin Kuei when my task is done, not before.” Kuai Liang tells Cyrax, who immediately teleports away.
Kuai Liang then turns around and faces you, his eyes soften as he takes in your features. You remind him so much of his mother. It had been so long since he had last seen her. He wondered how she was. Where she was? Perhaps, maybe when this was over, he could try to locate her.
“You have questions. I can give you answers you seek.” You pause as you hear Jax and Sonya approaching through the tunnel.
“Who are you?” His brow furrows with confusion.
“You’re sister.” You rub the back of your neck. “From the future. Look I know this maybe hard to believe, but I can show you.” You close your eyes and show him images of you and your mother.
Comprehension flickers on his face as he sees you with his mother. So, it was true. You were his sister.  Kuai Liang could hear the laughter and joy from both of you. Before he could see any more, he heard the voices of Sonya and Jax. He yanks you and spins you effortlessly so that you were standing safely behind him. His stands protectively in front of you as Jax and Sonya step out of the dark tunnel.
“The readings were getting stronger and now they’re gone. I…”
Both Jax and Sonya come to a stop when they see Kuai Liang.
“Easy brother, they are friends.” You place your hand on his shoulder and step out from behind him.
“Sub-Zero?! But…you’re dead!” Sonya and Jax approach the both of you.
“I am not the Sub-Zero you speak of. He was my brother.” Kuai Liang looks down to you and notices the frown on your face.
“Your…brother?” Sonya repeats with confusion.
“I’m only here to learn Sub-Zero’s fate.” Kuai Liang sees the exchanged look between Sonya and Jax. Neither of them wants to give the unsettling news of Bi-han’s death.
“He was killed by Scorpion.” You turn your back on the three and whispered sadly. Scorpions betrayal was unexpected. You had befriended him, and he did the one thing you had asked him not to do.
Kuai Liang takes a step towards you. “Where would I find him?”
You place your hand against your head as you began to hear the many souls of Ermac.
“Try the Coliseum. That’s where…”
Souls surround Jax, Sonya, and Kuai Liang, until they sensed your presence and immediately were drawn to you.
“You have disturbed our regeneration process.” Ermac appears out of thin air, his eyes immediately lock on you.
“This one can free us from servitude.” One of the many souls spoke inside your mind. “It is our nature.” “She is bound to another soul.” Ermac’s eyes remained locked on you as he approached you.
Jax disturbed by Ermac’s interest in you approaches him to get him to stay away from you. “Gotcha.” He pulls back his fist and tries to punch Ermac.
Ermac uses his telekinesis to stop his fist mid motion. He then uses his telekinesis to stretch out Jax’s arms. Jax cries out in agony and before you all knew it Jax’ arms are ripped off.
“Jax!” You and Sonya scream in unison as you both rush to his aid. “Stay with us, Jax!”
“We will break you as well.” Ermac says to Kuai Liang as he stands behind you.
“Not if I break you first.” Sub-Zero threatens as he gets into a fighting stance.
The two get into an intense fight. You had never seen a fight like that before. A fight between Ice and telekinesis. You clench your fists as you assess the fight between the two, you had to interfere to keep Kuai Liang alive. Of course, he can take care of himself, but you were not going to risk his life. You lost one brother. You cannot lose another.
With Ermac’s back to you, you use your telekinesis to prevent him from attacking Kuai. Kuai Liang notices and decides to freeze him. “I remain whole, for now.”
Kuai sidesteps Frozen Ermac and stands beside you, his hand on your shoulder as you attempt to help Jax.
“Sonya Blade to Command. Sonya Blade to Command. Do you read?”
“You have stopped the bleeding.” He says to Sonya.
“Yes, but he needs a medic as soon as possible.” Sonya exchanges a look between him and you.
“I must go to the Coliseum.” Kuai Liang removes his hand from your shoulder.
“But I need your help to get him to…” Sonya sits up straighter.
“There is a portal to the south. You can use it to transport yourselves back to Earthrealm.” Kuai Liang informs her.
You had an internal debate on whether you should help Sonya save Jax or stay with Kuai Liang. As much as you cared for your new friends, you could not help but put Kuai first. The thought of something happening to him. No. You could not stomach losing him. And so, you rose to your feet and gave Sonya a look of sympathy.
Kuai Liang walks away from the three of you not expecting you to follow him.
“Mother f…” She sends deathly glares towards Kuai. “That portal better be close…Y/N, come on we have to get him out of here.” Sonya struggles to get him up right.
You use your telekinesis to get him up and off the ground, “I’m sorry Sonya, but I can’t come with you and Jax. Kuai Liang is my brother and he is in danger.”
“Seriously, I’m pretty sure he can take care of himself. I can’t do this by myself.”
You look back in the direction where Kuai had disappeared and then looked South. “I failed to save Bi-han. I can’t…”
Sonya sighs as she knows what its like to live with guilt and regret. “Y/n, Bi-han’s death isn’t your fault.”
“No, but I trusted Scorpion.” You take a moment to pause. “The portal isn’t far away. I can help you get Jax close enough, but from there I have to get back to Kuai Liang.”
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You arrived the Coliseum and rejoined Raiden, Smoke, and Johnny Cage, to find Kuai Liang surrounded by several cyber Lin Kuei.
“Sub-Zero?! No!” Smoke’s voice is filled with worry and fear.
You could feel your heart racing in your chest, the blood pulsing hot and fast through your veins. Kuai Liang was being restrained and the thought of never seeing him again, had your emotions and abilities overwhelmed.
Raiden prevented you and Smoke from rushing to Sub-Zero, “You cannot save him! Stay here or they will take you as well.”
You shake off Raiden’s hand. “The flow of time has been changed. I spared Smoke this fate, only to watch this new Sub-Zero fall.” Raiden states.
Kuai Liang’s eyes lock on yours, tears spill from your eyes as you rush forward. It is as if time slowed and you were unable to reach him fast enough.
“No!” Kuai Liang extends his hand to keep you away from harm. He knew what the Lin Kuei was capable of and the thought of you being in danger because of him, he could not bear to lose you. Not when he just found out you existed.
And just like that they disappeared, taking Kuai Liang with them. 
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You drop to your knees and cry out in pure anguish. You had gained the attention of Shao Kahn, his minions, and the other kombatants.
The ground beneath you trembles. Kombatants were thrown backwards and were knocked unconscious. Even the audience sitting in the stands watch in fear as a single massive blast of energy came out of you, causing half of the Coliseum to collapse. The audience screamed in horror and fear as they try to run for their lives. Others had fallen, crashing to the dungeons and debris.
“Ugh…” Johnny rubs his head as he was thrown into the wall behind him. He looks up and assesses the wreckage that you had caused. “Damn.”
Smoke shakes off the ring in his ears, he looks over to your hunched form. He slowly rises on his feet and makes his way towards you. He looks up to the throne room and sees Shao Kahn and his followers had disappeared. 
When he reaches you, he can hear your broken sobs. He kneels next to you and places his hand on your shoulder.
Overcome with rage and emotion, you pull away from him and set off to avenge both Bi-Han and Kuai Liang.
Raiden speaks out loud before you leave the Coliseum, “The fate of the world is in danger.”
You come to a stop, but do not dare turn around. Why was this your burden? You did not ask for this. You tried to save everyone, only to succumb to heartbreak and loss.
“What you seek, will not bring them back. Instead you will only find death.” Raiden tries to get you to see reason.
“He’s right kid. You trying to avenge both of your brother’s…you can die...”
You interrupt Johnny, “I just did. Do you want to know what it felt like?” You see a Tarkatan corpse beside you. You use your telekinesis to rip its dead heart from its body. “It felt like that.”
You leave the three of them stunned. Raiden looked around the Coliseum and he feared for the worst. Death. So much destruction and death. 
Suddenly the words of the Elder Gods ring in his head. “The Champion of Mortal Kombat shall be Earthrealms salvation or the cause of its destruction.”
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shinjikari · 3 years
spare a bit of validation? spare a kind word? a penny, even. if you don't i may push this big funny looking lever down. its crackling with black electricity. the light and space are bending slightly around it. you cant see it really, the effect. but you feel it. it burns your nostrils and thrums in your marrow. your stomach landed somewhere by your feet. there's noise, it shreds at the shell of someone's ear like light and you cant tear your gaze away from this small point, you're reminded of the way necks and loosely tied hair of women are painted. it's the same cherished shapes for everyone, you guess. my hand is on the lever and the only terrifying, terrifying truth of this world is love. there's no preventative directive or safe approach for living. we each know our own fate
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hollenka99 · 4 years
Khenir and Minarv
Summary: When the gods choose to target you, life will never be the same.
Warnings: implied gore, blood, mentions of death
I'm sure you've heard the tale of Khenir and Minarv. I find it is a popular story that you enjoy passing on to the generations succeeding yours. You humans always did take a liking to tragedies with silver linings. If it is one of love and godly intervention, you consume it all the more enthusiastically. Let us clarify something first. There has always been one detail you seem to insist on getting wrong. Birds have existed as long as there have been nuts, berries and the like to sustain them. Khenir never created birds and other winged creatures. In fact, he often admired the birds that visited outside his home. Took a fancy to capturing their likeness of paper too. The only avian species which owe their existence to him are loons and horned owls. Being the god of birds does not necessarily imply you are the creator of all birds. With that irk of mine expressed, I believe I should begin. These were the days before the human population was to reach a million. We gods were acknowledged with a fierce intensity. You feared us. More than that, you feared what we could do to you or your loved ones when displeased. Don't worry. I should assure you it took effort to anger me back then. To this day, I continue to see no use in introducing you to my brother sooner than is required. It was also the time of great animosity between Keajic and Scyta. The skies and sea respectively. You got a lot more storms out at sea back then. Once, she sent a great tidal wave to devastate a town Keajic had deep admiration for. To spite her back, he had directed a gale to steer a fleet lead by one of her sons into rocks. That was the least of it. Suffice to say, anything could set them off. And the results would be disastrous for all those involved. Which is where Khenir and Minarv come in. As you may know, whenever one of you is born, it is my job to determine how long it is before you meet Tain. I have no real say in when you will die, you understand. All I do is find the likeliest timeline of your life and note it in my records. You don't call me the Chronicler for nothing, after all. But you see, if there is one thing I've always admired about humanity, it's the flexibility of your lives. All it takes is one occasion to cause your life's course to completely diverge. Khenir was going to be a farmer like his ancestors before him and potential descendants after him. He'd likely find a woman to marry and raise children with. A rather insignificant and mundane life spanning 72 years. As for Minarv, he'd be raised to be a fisherman by his father and the rest of the community. There was no conventional settling down in his most probable future. Waves stretching past the horizon would be a common backdrop of his adult life until he had the misfortune of being the victim of a poorly treated wound at the age of 38. Oh, stop pitying him. What is it with you humans and your belief the only type of life that will bring happiness and satisfaction is one ending in old age? He would have been perfectly happy doing what he loved for a living. Honestly, you come across as obsessed with watching loved ones slowly decay before you while they still breathe. You call that desirable? Either way, those were the most likely outcomes of their life. With how easily paths can branch off, nothing is guaranteed. The easiest way for your life's course to be altered is divine intervention. Should I detect a child has the chance to be someone whose life future generations will regale the story of, I pay them a visit. To tell you the truth, your reactions to my presence have always intrigued me. Some parents are ecstatic to know their child may have notoriety one day. It isn't uncommon for parents to weep or becoming protective as the gravity of their child's potential future dawns on them. Were I mortal, I would likely be amongst the horrified too. You, of course, ruined it slightly by transforming it into a tradition. You pick any elderly male neighbour and have him be part of the child's 1st birthday celebrations. No man can ever truly replicate my visitations. Your efforts are but a cheap imitation. What is all this about having them blessed over a sundial or clock? Believe me, if I wanted to bestow anything upon your child, I would do so in person. Nevertheless, I appeared in the countryside and spoke to Khenir's mother under the alias of a travelling merchant. Still an infant, Khenir was nonplussed by my being there. I doubt his mother realised the truth of my identity when I gently touched her son's head. The young Minarv I met, on the other hand, was a charming little boy when I made my way to the coast. With great excitement, he gestured to his father's ship which had been approaching the docks. Said father was none too pleased to have me be the disguised god blessing his firstborn. Apparently, he had hoped it would be Scyta, if any of us at all. Oh, if only he'd known. The years passed and the boys grew to be young men. They learned the respective trades of their families while also developing hobbies involving the flute and sketching. Their individual paths carried on leading them towards a life unaware of the other. The thing with Scyta is that she enjoys acquainting herself with mortal men. Fishermen and sailors in particular. If I had to name her favourite type of mortal, it was one who frequented her domain and respected her authority over it. You can probably see where this is going. Yes, she is the one who instigated this whole mess. Although, I doubt she was expecting the result it got. Even I can't accurately anticipate the whims of my kin all the time. Not for lack of effort, I assure you. Scyta subtly pursuing Minarv? That I could have foreseen without trying. Predicting her spouse's reaction took no effort either. Schea had always been jealous of their wife. It's understandable when your significant other has a habit of using the very thing you control to entice mortals. What better to prevent a relationship than ensure the target of the affections was unavailable. The main flaw in Schea's plan was that they naturally appear as the most attractive person in the eyes of whomever sees them. Therefore, the two men would be enamoured by the stranger attempting to unite them. The result is always achieved regardless. All Schea needs to do is ensure the pair meet eyes while they maintain physical contact with both members of the couple. A hand on each back, one look and that was that. By the docks, with a crisp ocean breeze blowing, Khenir and Minarv met. As the months progressed, they spent as much of Minarv's time on land together as they were able. The fisherman would play music while the farmer would sketch him. They were in love and deeply so. No amount of conversation with the mysterious woman supposedly living near the shore could reverse that. Naturally, Scyta refused to admit defeat and move on to her next target. More so than that, events were beginning to unfold. Minarv frequently prayed to her for the sake of safe trips. Being intrigued by birds and their ability to fly is what attracted Keajic's attention towards Khenir. Each had a mortal on their 'side'. And these mortals were lovers? No, that wouldn't do. Whether the two gods had been looking to trigger a fight between themselves or not, they'd still found a suitable reason to. Things were about to get problematic. Minarv became caught in the crossfire when his ship sunk, causing him to be the only survivor. The crops in Khenir's region failed after Sugan was to persuaded to become momentarily involved. Their livelihoods were being threatened purely because Minarv refused to concede. I recall Schea was pleased with themself, thrilled to see a match they'd created cause such conflict. Casquej had inevitably grown fond of them, given his specialty is the creative arts. I was witnessing paths be rapidly redirected as the two men's lives were thrown into turmoil. Even Tain became agitated by this mess. More humans had died than was necessary and the increasing work on his part to stay up to date with it all was enough to get him to join our cause. I know, I know, I never imagined involving myself in ridiculous spats either. Regardless, enough was enough. My brother and I were mostly ambivalent about their fate. Casquej, however, wished for there to be a happy ending to the whole ordeal. Whatever worked. We promised to co-operate in an effort to stop the madness before all our kin were dragged into it. The plan, as you may recall, was to offer them a secret paradise. A world detached from time as they had known it. Somewhere they could be safe from their torment. Khenir could admire the wildlife to his heart's content while there were enough bodies of water to satisfy Minarv. More importantly, there was no threat of death or misery. I appeared to them as a child. Claiming to be one of my own half-mortal offspring, I convinced the lovers to follow me to a mountain pass. Once we arrived, I showed them how to activate the entrance. A set of instructions later and I left them to it. I made it explicitly clear, they were not to spend longer than a month over there in one go. Those instructions were simple enough. If I were mortal, I would have disappeared for a month, returned to the regular world for two or three months then come back to the haven I knew had been made for me. Humans will be humans, I suppose. These types of stories usually have at least one moment that could have been easily avoided if the protagonist had thought things through in the moment. A month there was approximately a week outside of it. I made it so in an attempt to aid them. They followed my precautions in the beginning. A month became 6 weeks sometimes or they'd return slightly sooner than they should have. Gradually, they strayed further from my warnings. With all this deviation, it was inevitable really. Scyta and Keajic discovered why their pawns were absent. I admit it did not help that they revelled in their paradise for three months straight by regular standards. To make it worse, they had the intelligent idea to go their separate ways by the shore. Which was where the gods were waiting for them. We gods have a habit of being ridiculously petty. I have no need to tell you that which you are already aware. If a mortal stands in the way of what we hope to achieve, and we are bitter enough, we will discard of a life. What is one or two amongst thousands, millions or even billions? Both Keajic and Scyta were more than bitter enough. Even Tain showed up to witness it, albeit from a notable distance. There are very few mortals who have been personally reaped by him. Being in the company of four gods must be overwhelming enough for mortals. Even more so when Death and Time act as onlookers to your demise. Perhaps that is why they gripped each other's hands as if it would prevent their permanent separation. Being favoured by me will only buy you seconds on your deathbed. I'll make those seconds seem longer than they are, providing a chance to say your goodbyes if desired, but they are still only seconds. That amount of time sounds short to you? Imagine how trivial that duration is to me, a being who has lived for millennia and knows infinity. Keajic denied Minarv the very air he took for granted. In retaliation, Scyta commanded the ocean to make its home in Khenir's lungs. As they both asphyxiated, their fingers defiantly remained intertwined. Why it took me until this point to put my foot down, I am not sure. Possibly because I believed it was not my place to directly intervene. What was more important was that I was inserting myself in the midst of the conflict. Time stopped. I berated Keajic and Scyta for using the men for their games. Minarv had respected Scyta. The same could be said about Khenir and Keajic. Now however? It would be a miracle if either of them respected us at all. They were not made to be tormented relentlessly. Leave your opponent's favoured be and continue your squabbling somewhere more mortals wouldn't be endangered nor risk having the courses of their lives skewed. Could we agree to end this now? The rulers of sky and sea exchanged a glare. As much as they were enemies, they seemed to share the same unspoken idea in that moment. At the time, I was under the impression they were silently agreeing my pleas were rational. I had expected to continue time once more, them to walk away and the human lovers to carry on living until their appointments with Tain were scheduled. My mistake was trusting them to not slight me. I will spare you the goriest details. No doubt you've already come across versions of this story that don't shy away from it. As wings forced their way out from underneath Khenir's shoulder blades, his muscles formation shifted too in an attempt to accommodate them. Everything Minarv wouldn't need any longer became lost to him. His lungs ceased to be just in time for Scyta to drag him under the waves. You may have found the red traces mixing with the ocean in the aftermath of his legs fusing disturbing but I've seen worse. In most depictions of them, I'm sure you'll find Minarv with a black tail littered with white spots or Khenir with wings of yellow, red and a particularly light blue. That's all linked to the whole creation of loons and flagfin shiners ordeal. A bird which dives into the water to feed and a fish to keep it fed. I suppose you may find it sweet with your notions of romance. Know that they change forms as often as the rest of us gods so these visual depictions are not always accurate. All immortality has given them is more time to spend with each other. Neither is capable of human speech any longer but they seem to have developed their own method of communication. With all the chirping, whistling and whatever else they have at their disposal, I can vaguely understand them. Minarv is responsible for your stories of sirens as well. Despite having their anatomy transformed in an effort to permanently separate them, the pair still resisted their limitations. As such, they had to determine if the other happened to be nearby. Once a singer, always a singer. Humans would hear Minarv attempting to attract his beloved's attention and created tales of a creature that lured you into the water. You know, I never enquired what either of them thought about those myths. Perhaps I should, the next chance I get. Ah, speaking of which... Look at that. There is only one great horned owl whom I know would stray so far from its native homeland. Hello Khenir! Just returning from a visit, I presume? I dare say I should see him myself. Care to share with me how it went? After all, I have all the time in the world.
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limarcks · 4 years
be safe
One of those fucking, awful black days When nothing is pleasing and everything that happens Is an excuse for anger
An outlet for emotions stockpiled, an arsenal, an armor
These are the days when I hate the world Hate the rich, hate the happy Hate the complacent, the TV watchers Beer drinkers, the satisfied ones
Because I know I can be all of those little hateful things And then I hate myself for realizing that
There's no preventative, directive or safe approach for living
We each know our own fate
We know from our youth, how to be treated How we'll be received, how we shall end These things don't change
You can change your clothes Change your hairstyle, your friends, cities, continents But sooner or later your own self will always catch up Always it waits in the wingsIdeas swirl but don't stick They appear but then run off like the rain on the windshield
One of those rainy day car rides, my head implodes The atmosphere in this car, a mirror of my skull Wet, damp, windows dripping and misted with cold Walls of grey, nothing good on the radio, not a thought in my head
I know a place we can go Where you'll fall in love so hard that You'll wish you were dead
Lets take life and slow it down incredibly slow Frame by frame With two minutes that take ten years to live out Yeah, let's do that
Telephone poles like praying mantis against the sky Metal arms outstretched
So much land traveled, so little sense made of it It doesn't mean a thing, all this land laid out behind us
I'd like to take off into these woods and get good and lost for a while I'm disgusted with petty concerns Parking tickets, breakfast specials Does someone just have to carry this weight?
Abstract typography, methane covenant Linear gospel, Nashville sales lady, stocky emissary Torturous lice, mad Elizabeth
Chemotherapy bullshit
The light within you shines like a diamond mine Like an unarmed walrus, like a dead man face down on the highway Like a skunk, eating it's own tail Steam turbine, frog farm
Two full closets burst open in disarray, soap bubbles in the sun
Hospital death bed, red convertible, shopping list, blow job Deaths head, devils dancing, bleached white buildings, memories Movements, the movie, unfeeling, unreeling, about to begin
I know a place we can go Where you'll fall in love so hard that You'll wish you were dead
I've seen your hallway, you're a darn call away
I've hear your stairs creak, I can fix my mind on your yes And your no, I'll film your face today in the sparkling canals All red, yellow, blue, green brilliance and silver 
Dutch reflection
Racing thoughts, racing thoughts, all too real You're moving so fast now, I can't hold your image This image I have of your face by the window Me standing beside you, arm on your shoulder A catalog of images, flashing glimpses then gone again
Untethered to the posters soak in me, every clear afternoon now I'll think of you, up in the air, twisting your heel Your knees up around me, my face in your hair You scream so well, your smile so loud, it still rings in my ears
I know a place we can go Where you'll fall in love so hard that You'll wish you were dead 
Imitation, distant, tired of longing, clean my teeth Stay the course, hold the wheel, steer on to freedom Open all the boxes, open all the boxes Open all the boxes, open all the boxes
Times Square Midday, newspaper buildings News headlines going around, you watch as they go And hope there's some good ones, those tree shadows in the park They're all whispering, shake some leaves
Around six p.m., shadows across the cobblestones Girl in front of bathroom mirror, she slow and careful Paints her face green and mask like Like my cheese, portrait with green stripe
Long shot through apartment window A monologue on top but no girl in shot The light within me shines like a diamond mine
Like an unarmed walrus Like a dead man face down on the highway Like a snake eating its own tail A steam turbine, frog pond
Two full closets burst open in disarray, soap bubbles in the sun Hospital death bed, red convertible, shopping list, blow job Deaths head, devils dancing, bleached white buildings, memories Movements, the movie, unreeling, about to begin
Oh, great by me Yeah? 
Mine were alright, wasn't my best one but who cares? That's the spirit
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Running in Circles
I’m so sorry this one took so long, but I hope you like it! You asked for angst and I hope I delivered.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death and suicidal thoughts. (this is a doozy)
“You don't believe in soulmates? Isn't that contradictory to like, every study ever?”
Its not that you didn't believe in soulmates, your parents were soulmates, your best friend had a soulmate, but you just didn't think you had one. By the time you were 18, some sort of sign was supposed to appear, a red string or a timer or something, but here you were at 21, still waiting for something.
“Look, Jackson, It's not that I don't believe in them, I know you and Mark are soulmates. I know Chen and Xiumin are soulmates, I just don't think I have a soulmate.” You explained, shifting the phone you were speaking into to your other hand. “I don't have any of the usual signs, no visible marks, no glows, I just don't think I have one personally.” You shrugged, scurrying across the intersection to the next crosswalk. You could see Jackson sitting in your usual café just across the street.
“There's no way you don't have one. I've met, like, one other person without a visible connection and I'm almost certain he has a soulmate. Also, I bought you an Americano.”
“Why thank you, and maybe he does, but I've just never met someone I felt I had that kind of connection with.” The light across the way went green and you and the old lady standing next to you stepped out into the street.
“Y/n watch out!” Jackson's voice was loud in your ear but just as you turned to see what was happening, pain erupted in your side and you suddenly felt weightless. The phone fell from your grasp as you bounced against what must have been the roof of the car, and you landed hard on the ground. You couldn't move, and from where you lay you could see a dark stain spreading across the ground. “Y/n!” Jackson's voice seemed so very far away as darkness crept onto the edges of your vision.
“So close, try again.” The voice seemed to be right in your ear as you awoke in your bed with a gasp. 
“Aw, fuck.” You sighed, “What a dream.” Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you glanced at the clock, seeing that you were already running late for your scheduled lunch date with Jackson. “Shit.” Scrambling from your bed, you quickly dressed and scurried out the door.
He called not even a moment later and you thanked whatever god was out there that you only lived a few blocks away from the café.
“Hey, sorry I overslept, I'm on my way right now.” You explained rapidly. Jackson's laugh from the other line made you smile.
“Its no problem, but I saw your tweet from last night.” You groaned, remembering how drunk you had gotten the night before.
“Which one, I was non stop drunk tweeting until I passed out last night.”
“You don't believe in soulmates? Isn't that contradictory to like, every study ever?” Your heart stopped for a second, did he just say?
“What did you just say?” You breathed.
“I said, isn't that contradictory to like, every study ever?” You stopped walking, seeing him waving from his spot inside the café. “Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?”
“I'll explain when I'm inside.” You ended the called and moved to stand next to the old lady, but as the light turned green for you to cross, you set a hand on the old woman's shoulder, and a moment later a grey sedan barreled through the, thankfully empty, intersection.
“Oh my, he could have hit us.” She gasped. “Thank you.”
“You're very welcome,” You said as you finally crossed the street. “Stay safe.”
Inside the café Jackson was sitting at your usual spot by the window.
“Hey I got you an-”
“Americano.” You said together, making him look at you confused.
“Yeah, how'd you know?”
“That's what I need to explain. Look I woke up from a really weird dream last night and you said the same thing to me on the phone just now as you did in the dream.”
“I didn't want to think much of it at first, but then the thing with the car.”
“What are you saying?” Jackson asked, setting his hands on your shoulders, trying to calm your nerves.
“I'm saying I just prevented my own death.” Jackson stared at you for a long time as you sat down and took a tentative sip of your coffee and finished telling the story.
“So in your dream we were on the phone, talking about soulmates, and then you were hit by a car and died.” He asked, pausing after every point to confirm it with you. “What if this is a soulmate thing?”
“Well I-” You paused, remembering the voice that had spoken in your ear, “So close, try again.”
“What was that?”
“Something I heard just before I woke up. It almost sounded like someone was in my head.” Jackson's eyes got really wide and he leaned close to loudly whisper,
“What if that was God?” As you opened your mouth to respond, a shooting pain erupted across your side and head.
“I don't understand what's happening.”
“Try again.” You stared at Jackson, the voice that had come from his mouth was the one he had heard earlier. “You have to get it right.”
“Jackson?” You asked you found it suddenly hard to breathe.
“Y/n? What's wrong?” There it was, Jackson's voice again.
“I think, I've got to start over.” You gasped out. “Try this again.”
“I don't understand.”
“Me neither.”
“Shit” You gasped, sitting up in bed. This was day 5, four times you had either died or suddenly blacked out. “Why?” You shouted, grabbing fistfuls of your hair, you felt like vomiting. “What the hell is happening?” Your phone pinged, alerting you of a new message. That was different. Usually, Jackson calling you was the first thing to happen on your phone.
From: Unknown Number
Meet me at the bakery on 9th, I'll explain everything.
Dashing out of bed, you pulled on the same clothes as always, the third day you had tried to change clothes and found yourself restarting the day. As always, at precisely 10:13 Jackson called, just as you were tugging on your shoes.
“Hey, Jackson, I can't hang out today. Something's come up. You should invite Mark out, I'm sure he'd love to spend time with you. Great call you later.” You spewed, rushing out the door and in the opposite direction of the café. Hanging up you narrowly avoided being hit by a car, again, and practically ran in the direction of the bakery.
Sitting outside was a small woman, older than sin, and smiling softly at you. She stood as you approached and made her way into the building, motioning for you to follow her. She climbed the stairs faster than you anticipated, always seeming to be at the next landing as you made your way to the very top of the building. Bursting through the roof access, huffing from your journey up the stairs, you found her sitting at a small table, pouring tea into two of the three cups sitting on the table.
“Come here then, have a seat, love.” It was the voice, the one you kept hearing before you kept dying. You made your way to the vacant seat, but as you opened your mouth to ask a question she held up her wrinkled old hand. “I know you're brimming with questions, so was he-”
“He?” She stared at you incredulously.
“Your soulmate, what did you think this was?” You wrapped your hands around the empty teacup, finding it warm despite being untouched.
“I thought this was some kind of curse, for something I did wrong.” You felt ashamed saying it out loud.
“Ah, perhaps this could be seen as a curse,” She mused, “He probably thought so too.” She sipped her tea as if trying to find the right words. “I am, what you mortals might consider a god. I am simply in charge of ensuring everyone finds their soulmates. As you're aware, most soulmates have a sign that enables a perfect meeting, albeit not always the most spectacular. You, and others, weren't born with these signs, but I'm sure you know that by now.” You nodded along to her words. “You must meet your soulmate in the perfect way. You are meant to meet today, and you'll have to keep trying over and over until you meet correctly.”
“I can't tell you who your soulmate is, but I can answer your questions, within reason.” She set her tea down and gestured for you to speak. Your head was swimming with questions, so many things needed answering.
“Why now?” She seemed confused at your question. “Most soulmates are made aware of each other by their 18th birthdays, but here I am at 21 and this is only just now happening, what changed? Why is today so important?” She smiled as if she were proud of your inquiry.
“Today, February the 24th of 2019, many events have changed in your recent life, new friends, a new job.”
“New friends? It's only been...Jackson.” You realized. She tapped her nose, not offering you a yes but telling you enough. “So Jackson is my connection to my soulmate, but we aren't supposed to meet at the coffee shop.” You grew quiet, trying to piece everything together. “I have another question.” You began softly.
“Ask, child.”
“I've died a few times already, but other times, I would feel pain, pain that wasn't mine, and I'd wake up again. Does that mean, my soulmate, he's dying too?” Your voice was quiet. Instead of answering, a brown leather notebook with the letter KB on the cover and a black pen was set on the table in front of you.
“Yes. You and your soulmate share the same fate. If you finish the day without meeting each other or starting over, you won't wake up again.” Your stomach churned. “This will walk with you through all your tries, take notes, collect your thoughts, and do not fail.”
Her footsteps began to recede as your anger began to bubble over. Deity or not, someone was playing with your life, for what? To meet someone you were required to fall in love with? If this woman was really a god she could have changed this.
“What kind of sick fucking game are you playing?” You practically growled. Her footsteps stopped, and you snapped your head up to look at her. “You think because people might consider you a god, you get to play with our lives?” She didn't seem surprised at your outburst. “You said you were in charge of tethering soulmates, so what, you, you forgot a few of us and decided to play a game of Groundhog Day for your own amusement?”
“You think I enjoy this, child?”
“Prove me otherwise.” You hissed, jumping from your seat, barely noticing you knocked over the tea set. The teacup you had been fiddling with was still hooked to your finger, almost as if it refused to be far from you
“This is my penance as much as it is yours. I failed to tether you to your soulmate because I believed you to be so strong in soul you'd have found each other by now, but you are still just another mortal, a foolish human, making foolish human mistakes.”
“Overestimating is also a foolish human mistake.” You challenged. You expected her to get angry with you, but instead, she seemed to get sadder and sadder with every bite of venom you threw at her.
“Maybe I was once human,” She whispered, finally looking you directly in the eyes. “Collect your thoughts here, child. It is almost time to start again.” Before you could respond, the roof access door was already shutting behind her. Now that your head was clear, having lifted some strange weight off your shoulders by yelling at a god, you crouched down to pick up the notebook and pen.
You wrote what you had been told, as well as the few hints you now had. When you were finished you tucked the book into your jacket pocket, before picking up the teacup again. It was still warm despite not having tea in it, and you could only guess that meant that whoever your soulmate is, had already spoken to her.
“Where am I supposed to start?” You wondered aloud, but when you opened the roof access door you were greeted with a cloud of smoke billowing from the lower levels. The building you were standing on was on fire, and you had no escape.
Bambam wasn't expecting to find the bakery on fire when he came back to it. The black smoke billowed up from the windows as people poured out of the building.
“Well isn't that a shame. I was hoping they'd make it out before this happened.” The woman from earlier materialized next to him, effectively scaring the shit out of him.
“What do you mean?” He asked, she simply pointed upwards, towards the roof. Bambam followed her finger, finding someone on the roof, waving frantically. “Is that?” Before he could finish the question there was a loud groan from inside the building before it gave a great shudder and collapsed, and the sound of a scream followed it down. Pain erupted across Bambam's entire body and at that moment he understood.
His soulmate knew what was happening now, and she had been on that roof.
~~ “Son of a bitch” You shouted, bolting upright.
Another week had passed, your journal, as always, was laying on the bed next to you. You had only learned one new fact about your soulmate, his initials were KB, which was not helpful. You were starting to lose hope, and every day, you survived just a little bit longer. When Jackson called, you let it go to voicemail and texted him you weren't feeling up to going out. There were certain things you weren't allowed to do, but they didn't make sense. You couldn't wear different clothes, you couldn't change Jackson's ringtone and you couldn't leave town, you were effectively trapped in a bubble of a nightmare, all to find one person in this big ass city.
Deciding to just wander the town until you died again, you got dressed and slowly made your way downtown.  
As you passed the bank a group of men ran towards you down the street, making you press against the wall in order to not be ran over.
“Fuckers!” You called after them, continuing your walk, but as you crossed the opening of an alley nearby you heard the distinct sound of someone groaning in pain. “Hello? Is someone there?” You called, pulling up the flashlight on your phone. Making your way into the alley you were shocked to find a young man lying there on the ground, bleeding heavily from his stomach. “Oh my god.” You gasped, dropping next to him and practically ripping off your coat to stop the blood. His hand wrapped around your wrist and a spark exploded through your body. His eyes snapped open to focus on you.
“Its you.” He croaked.
“What's your name?”
“Kunpimook Bhuwakul” You stared at him incredulously for a moment, blinking as your brain tried to comprehend his name.
“Woah.” Was all you could muster, which made him let out a breathy laugh. “What happened?”
“I was just walking around, looking for you, when these guys grabbed me.” He explained. His hand came up to cup your cheek and wipe away a tear that cascaded down your cheek, “Why are you crying, beautiful?”
“I finally found you, but I don't think this hell is over.” You tried not to break into sobs, the feeling of 'so close yet so far' was overwhelming you. “You're bleeding too heavily for me to stop it.”
“Don't cry. We can find each other again, we've done it twice now.” He was trying to smile, but it wasn't holding.
“Twice?” The darkness was starting to creep onto the edges of your vision.
“At the bakery, I was down on the street.” Another smile teetered on his lips. “You're far more beautiful up close.”
“I'll find you, Kunpimook.” You assured him as his eyes began to close.
“My friends call me Bambam.” You barely caught his whisper before his eyes were shut tight.
You sat up in bed, tears pouring from your eyes. “Bambam.” You gasped, frantically reaching for your journal to write down his name. For once, you met the day with vigor, dressing quickly and eagerly picking up the phone when Jackson called. “Hey Jack, I have a question, and it's not going to make sense to you, because we technically haven't had this conversation yet, but your friend without a soulmate bond, what's his name?”
“Wait what?”
“Your friend without the soulmate bond is his name Kunpimook, but he's usually called Bambam?”
“Yeah, how do you-”
“Not important, where does he live? I need his address, its a matter of life and death.” Jackson spouted off the address without hesitation.
“Why do you-”
“Look, Jacks, if I'm lucky this time around, I'll explain later, if I'm not so lucky. Well, just know I love you and you're very lucky to have the connection you do with Mark.” You hung up before he could say anything else and quickly input the address in your GPS.
You passed that fated alleyway as you practically ran to Bambam's house, but he didn't answer the door, instead another, rather tired looking, man did.
“Um, can I help you?” He asked.
“I'm sorry, but I'm looking for Bambam, is he here?”
“No he just left.” He assessed you as if trying to figure out who the hell you were.
“Fuck.” You mumbled, really hating this damn bond. “Do you know where he is?” The guy shook his head.
“Nope, he just said he had to find someone, and took off about 20 minutes ago.”
“Do you know which way he went?”
“Towards the bank is he in trouble, I've never seen you around before.”
“He's in trouble alright.” You grumbled. “And don't worry, either you'll forget I ever came here or Bambam and I will explain later.” You turned to head back to the bank, but paused, “Hey, what's your name?”
“Yugyeom. I'm Bambam's roommate.”
“Okay, thanks, Yugyeom. We'll meet for real eventually.” You smiled before walking away leaving the poor child both confused and tired.
You stared down at your journal, writing in the info you got about Yugyeom as you walked back towards the bank. When you passed the alley, you felt someone's hand grab your jacket and you turned eagerly to the person next to you, but it wasn't Bambam.
Bambam flipped through his journal again, he still had barely any information. Throwing his head back against the wall of the bank he let out a loud sigh.
“Who is she?” He groaned. His pouting was cut short by the sound of a gunshot echoing down the street and a group of men bolting from the alley. “Shit.” He hissed. He ran towards the alley but the darkness was already creeping into his vision, and just as approached the mouth of the darkened alley, everything went dark.
You sat up quietly, too emotionally tired for this anymore. 27 days had passed in total. You had lived the same day 27 times, now, for the 28th. Last night you had made it to 3pm before dying again. Finding Bambam was becoming more and more difficult. Neither of you kept on the same paths and were just mixing each other up.
This time when Jackson called, you picked up.
“Hey bestie.” You sighed.
“Hey, you still coming down?”
“Yeah, about that, I feel like shit from last night, going in the sunlight seems like it might kill me.” You joked. “Want to come over?” You offered.
“Yeah totally. I'll be right over, want me to bring something to drink?”
“A latte?” You asked.
“No problem, be there in a few minutes.” You hung up and stared at the clothes laying on your floor. You really didn't want to get dressed, but maybe you didn't have to. You could always just stay in your pajamas.
You were in the kitchen eating an apple when Jackson let himself into your apartment.
“Hey, sweetheart. I have a latte and cinnamon roll. I saw your tweets last night.” You groaned at his words. “Did binge drinking make you feel any better?”
“Not really. I feel awful and I have to clean my bathroom, but I did somehow make it into my Pjs before falling asleep.” You half-joked.
“You still look tired.” He noted, handing you the warm drink.
“Bad dreams.” You lied. “Though it felt like a reoccurring nightmare.” You sighed.
“Wanna watch Umbrella Academy and pretend to be fine?”
Hours passed with the two of you barely speaking, just enjoying each other's presence.
“Hey Jacks?” You finally broke the silence.
“What would you do if your soulmate and you had to keep enduring really messed up stuff and had to keep reliving the same day over and over, and you weren't sure how to stop it?”
“What's got you thinking about that?” He finally looked over to you, but you were staring into the foreground, recalling all the things that had led to this moment. “Y/n?”
“I'm sorry Jackson, I just, just know that your last night wasn't my last night.” You sighed, picking up your phone as it pinged. “And it looks like I've got to go into work, someone there keeps asking for me.” You sighed.
“Its okay, why don't you meet me at the café later and I'll buy you some cheesecake?” He offered, already making his way to the front door.
“Okay. Thank you for being with me today.”
“I always like being with you, text me when you're on your way okay?” He pulled you in for a tight hug.
“Yeah, see you Jacks.”
You practically dragged your feet as you walked away from the hospital. Today felt wrong, it was already too late in the day for your comfort and with every second ticking closer to midnight, your heart sank a little farther. You clutched the journal in your chilled fingers, wondering if you should step into traffic to restart the day. Jackson's shrill scream, which you had recorded as a ringtone, broke you out of your suicidal thoughts.
“Hey, what's up?”
“I saw you down the road and I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Yeah, there's just a lot on my mind.”
“Should I buy more cheesecake?” He asked as you approached the crosswalk.
“That might be a good idea, I have a lot to tell you.”
“Okay, I will see you in a few minutes.” He cheered, before hanging up. You looked up to see him waving and waved in return, stepping down from the curb to dash across the street. You were so dead focused on Jackson that you didn't register that someone had grabbed the back of your jacket until the car sped by you.
“Oh my god.” You gasped, eyes still trained on Jackson who was just as wide-eyed as you.
“Are you okay?” You knew that voice. Spinning you found yourself face to face with him, with Bambam.
“Its you.” You both said at once.
“Please tell me your name.” He nearly begged, pulling out his own journal to write it down.
“L/n, Y/n,” You breathed. “What are you doing around here? You live on the other side of town.”
“Jackson invited me out. I was supposed to meet him for breakfast but he had to cancel, said a friend needed him for something.”
“Excuse me?” You gasped. He let out a small chuckle.
“I was supposed to meet Jackson for breakfast, but I kept canceling and this morning I asked him to come over.” Bambam stared at you for a moment before bursting into laughter.
“Wait, so you're telling me, if we had just stuck to our plans instead of ditching Jackson, we would have met sooner?”
“Yeah, I think you were supposed to save me from getting hit by a car this morning.” You realized.
“Do you think this means, that it's over? That we don't have to do this again?” You took his hand, lacing your fingers into his.
“I don't care if tonight is our last, whatever that crazy god says, I think this meeting was perfect.”
“Yeah,” He agreed. “Now we just have to explain what's up to Jackson,”
“And Yugyeom.” You laughed.
“Hey!” Jackson's voice interrupted the two of you. He was practically storming across the street to you. “Are you telling me I've spent all day trying to get you two together for you to just meet on the street?” He huffed.
“Oh, Jacks,” You breathed.
“You have no idea.”
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Tumblr media
One of those fucking, awful black days
When nothing is pleasing and everything that happens
Is an excuse for anger
An outlet for emotions stockpiled, an arsenal, an armor
These are the days when I hate the world
Hate the rich, hate the happy
Hate the complacent, the TV watchers
Beer drinkers, the satisfied ones
Because I know I can be all of those little hateful things
And then I hate myself for realizing that
There's no preventative, directive or safe approach for living
We each know our own fate
We know from our youth, how to be treated
How we'll be received, how we shall end
These things don't change
You can change your clothes
Change your hairstyle, your friends, cities, continents
But sooner or later your own self will always catch up
Always it waits in the wings
Ideas swirl but don't stick
They appear but then run off like the rain on the windshield
One of those rainy day car rides, my head implodes
The atmosphere in this car, a mirror of my skull
Wet, damp, windows dripping and misted with cold
Walls of grey, nothing good on the radio, not a thought in my head
I know a place we can go and I'm falling
Love so hard that you wish you were ten
Lets take life and slow it down incredibly slow
Frame by frame
With two minutes that take ten years to live out
Yeah, let's do that
Telephone poles like praying mantis against the sky
Metal arms outstretched
So much land traveled, so little sense made of it
It doesn't mean a thing, all this land laid out behind us
I'd like to take off into these woods and get good and lost for a while
I'm disgusted with petty concerns
Parking tickets, breakfast specials
Does someone just have to carry this weight?
Abstract typography, methane covenant
Linear gospel, Nashville sales lady, stocky emissary
Torturous lice, mad Elizabeth
Chemotherapy bullshit
I know a place we can go and I'm falling
The light within you shines like a diamond mine
Like an unarmed walrus, like a dead man face down on the highway
Like a skunk, eating it's own tail
Steam turbine, frog farm
Two full closets burst open in disarray, soap bubbles in the sun
Hospital death bed, red convertible, shopping list, blow job
Deaths head, devils dancing, bleached white buildings, memories
Movements, the movie, unfeeling, unreeling, about to begin
I know a place we can go and I'm falling
Love so hard that you wish you were ten
I've seen your hallway, you're a darn call away
I've hear your stairs creak, I can fix my mind on your yes
And your no, I'll film your face today in the sparkling canals
All red, yellow, blue, green brilliance and silver Dutch reflection
Racing thoughts, racing thoughts, all too real
You're moving so fast now, I can't hold your image
This image I have of your face by the window
Me standing beside you, arm on your shoulder
A catalog of images, flashing glimpses then gone again
Untethered to the posters soak in me, every clear afternoon now
I'll think of you, up in the air, twisting your heel
Your knees up around me, my face in your hair
You scream so well, your smile so loud, it still rings in my ears
I know a place we can go and I'm falling
Love so hard that you wish you were ten
Imitation, distant, tired of longing, clean my teeth
Stay the course, hold the wheel, steer on to freedom
Open all the boxes, open all the boxes
Open all the boxes, open all the boxes
Times Square Midday, newspaper buildings
News headlines going around, you watch as they go
And hope there's some good ones, those tree shadows in the park
They're all whispering, shake some leaves
Around six p.m., shadows across the cobblestones
Girl in front of bathroom mirror, she slow and careful
Paints her face green and mask like
Like my cheese, portrait with green stripe
Long shot through apartment window
A monologue on top but no girl in shot
The light within me shines like a diamond mine
Like an unarmed walrus
Like a dead man face down on the highway
Like a snake eating its own tail
A steam turbine, frog pond
Two full closets burst open in disarray, soap bubbles in the sun
Hospital death bed, red convertible, shopping list, blow job
Deaths head, devils dancing, bleached white buildings, memories
Movements, the movie, unreeling, about to begin
Oh, great by me
Yeah? Mine were alright, wasn't my best one but who cares?
That's the spirit
~The Cribs - Be Safe~
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wyrdsistersofthedas · 7 years
Finding Flemythal
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Flemythal!  Our icon!  The dea ex dracone.  Our Dragon Goddess Grandma!  So........what is her deal?
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Honestly, we don’t think she is much of a ‘deep connection’ kind of person.  At least, not anymore.  
Consider her personal story: In the time of Elvhenan, Mythal seems to have been a fairly active goddess/leader, taking steps to prevent the other evanuris from doing massive damage to the elven people (looking at you, Elgar’nan and Falon’Din, in particular).  She, and apparently her priests, knew the secret greeting to gain access to Fen’Harel’s rebel bases, thus implying that she supported their efforts to some degree (along with her being bff-ish with Solas).  Mythal may have been working towards some kind of slow revolution while not totally undermining the old order (for good or ill).  
Then she is betrayed and murdered, inspiring a quest for vengeance that has spanned millennia.  What kind of treachery could create that level of anger and agony?  People Mythal truly loved and thought she could trust absolutely?  Comrades and companions, most likely.  Friends and family.  What would would that kind of betrayal do to your psyche?  
Combine that with the fact that afterwards Mythal manifests like a spirit wisp (probably similar to what she pulled out of Kieran) and is likely reduced to her most basic spirit-like behaviors, obsessive and eternal in nature.  Eventually she finds her way to Flemeth, whose grief and fury at her own betrayal echoes and calls to Mythal, creating a bond that shapes both into the being we know from Dragon Age.  Much of her existence is defined by the will to survive until she has her revenge.
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After all of that she’s lived through, it’s unlikely that Flemythal is able or willing to create strong bonds with the people who come into her life, whether they are strangers who need her help, the Dalish who still worship her, or even her own blood.  Flemythal holds her own daughters at arms length, needing them to carry out her plans, caring about them in her way, but hesitant to trust them too much.  At least, if Morrigan’s experiences are anything to go by.
With Morrigan, it obviously didn’t turn out so well.  Yavana, however, embraced this approach, eventually fulfilling one of Flemythal’s goals of bringing dragons back into Thedas and adopting her mother’s more...mysterious mannerisms.
Flemythal’s suspicious nature (likely aided by her ability to read people’s history in the Fade, as she does with Anders and Fenris at Sundermount) allows her to foresee Morrigan’s murderous intentions via the Warden.  She also anticipates Solas’ actions at the end of Inquisition, sending some of her essence (the most Mythal flavored part, no doubt) through the eluvian in the postscript.  
All of this added up makes it unlikely that Flemythal is drawn to people through any deep connection.  Instead, she seems to be a master opportunist, making the most of each moment presented to her.  It doesn’t matter what the origin of the Warden is, Flemythal can steer them in right direction.  Whatever the background of the Inquisitor or the manner of meeting, she will make the most of that moment.  That is just who she is and how her circumstances have shaped her to be.  
Probably the best example of how Flemythal operates is when she meets Hawke.  A moment of curiosity brings an opportunity to perfect to pass up:
Even Flemythal is uncertain whether their meeting is fate or chance, but this unplanned moment is just the opportunity she needs in order to survive the Warden’s visit, in spite however the warden chooses to deal with Flemeth.  Did it have to be Hawke who took her “horcrux" to Kirkwall?  No.  Hawke is just some random person who was tough enough to take down an ogre.  That alone, however, was not enough to convince Flemythal that Hawke was worth helping beyond that moment.  It is only when Bethany/Carver says they are all going to Kirkwall that the pieces start to fall into place and Hawke becomes more than a passing fancy.
This is the true brilliance of the Flemythal.  This seeming stroke of luck obscures her contingency planning, which has layers and facets on a level only achievable by an immortal who has been burned too many times by other immortals.  Plans set in motion decades before pay off for Flemythal at just the right time to ensure she escapes Morrigan’s machinations.  
Flemythal is constantly looking over her shoulder and considering what could go wrong in the foreseeable future.  [And, btw, what is the appointment she needs to keep?  Most likely it is the Warden, but Morrigan may not be the only one gunning for this lady dragon.]  She believes that betrayals and setbacks are always a possibility, so she weaves a tapestry of favors and debts, compatriots and cronies, to ensure that her plans don’t fall completely apart.  [It may also be her nature.  She always offers them a “choice’, after all.]
Consider the case of the Sabrae Clan.  Flemythal knows where they are going in Origins/DA2 in spite of the fact that it has only been a couple of weeks at most since Ostagar when she runs into Hawke.  The clan is bound for Kirkwall, and more specifically, Sundermount.  But why the Free Marches?  The Sabrae clan has lived in or near Ferelden for at least half a century, and perhaps for many generations.  So why did Marethari take her clan to Sundermount?  World of Thedas 2 revealed that Marethari owed Flemeth a favor for helping the Keeper avenge her people against Avvar warriors who attacked them 50 years before. Hence, the Sabrae Clan’s journey to Kirkwall.  It was payback time for Marethari.
Marethari, however, was not entrusted with Flemythal’s “horcrux”.  [And it is worth asking why.  Would that have been too many eggs in one basket?  Morrigan is a little busy at that point so why so many precautions to keep the amulet safe?  Again, it may imply that Flemythal fears other pursuers besides her doubting daughter, ones who would recognize the soul amulet for what it is.  Flemeth does mention evading pursuit when Merrill calls her forth at Sundermount.  Again, Morrigan is in no position to keep tabs on her mother, so who is?  Solas?  Someone else?!  Fun speculation material for another time.]  Flemythal has no reason to believe that Hawke will fulfill their end of the bargain, and yet the fact that Hawke is traveling to Kirkwall and had no previous connection to Flemeth makes them the perfect courier.  Also...did y’all notice that Hawke didn’t have to wait for Flemythal to make her amulet?  She had it ready and waiting.  This is a lady who believes in being prepared.
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There are reasons, however, why you feel like there is a link or connection between Flemythal and the people she comes in contact with, Nony.  Whether by chance or fantastic planning, she comes in contact with people on their way to becoming someone who will have a profound effect on Thedas, for good or ill. The Warden.  Hawke.  The Inquisitor.
This pattern continues into Thedas’ past, with Flemeth’s assistance to Calenhad, Dane, and Maric being prime examples.  With Calenhad we can see one of her centuries long plots unfolding: the Dragon Age.  Flemeth was born in 3:00 Towers, just 10 years before the Third Blight begins and about fifty years into the rule of the Pentaghast in Nevarra.  Both events likely shaped her life as a mortal woman and as an immortal being, but let’s spend a moment on the more opaque connection: the Pentaghasts.  
It’s likely that Cassandra’s family were already famed dragon hunters before ascending to Nevarra’s throne in 2:46 Glory.  From there, the practice would have grown with the substantial sized Pentaghast family.  By the time Flemythal sought out or was tracked down by Calenhad Theirin, it wouldn’t take a soothsayer to predict that dragons were in trouble.  It is very likely that Flemeth guided Calenhad to one of the last great dragons sometime before 5:33 Exalted, thereby entwining his fate and that of his descendants with her dragon plans.
The dragons were so important to Flemythal that she sent her daughter Yavana to watch over them.  Although there is no way to say for certain when Yavana began her watch over the Silent Grove, it would have to have been before the start of the Steel Age because she is associated with Queen Madrigal, whose murder inspired the name of the age.
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The ruins in the Tellari Swamps were built after the fall of Tevinter (if we are going to put a date on Tevinter’s “fall”, it would probably be between Andraste’s Exalted March and the foundation of the Orlesian Chantry), specifically because there were already signs that dragons, especially Great Dragons, would be driven to extinction.  (Did early Andrastians hunt dragons?  That is very possible since dragons would have been associated with and revered by the Cult of the Old Gods.  Iconoclasm in the flesh.)  
It is very telling that Flemythal would involve herself with a group seeking to save dragons, “the blood of the world” (The Silent Grove 4, pg 10).  It is also entirely possible that Flemythal chose to make a bargain with Calenhad because he had proven to be wily, tough, honorable, but ambitious enough to make his goal of uniting Ferelden foreseeable to the Witch of the Wilds.  Tying his fate to the dragons seems like a gamble she would take and win in the end.
So how does this tie back to the original point?  
Well, you would think that if there were strong connections between Flemythal and those she touches on their way to infamy, she would take better care of the Theirins.  
Flemythal invested 500+ years into ensuring dragons’ survival.  She planted the seeds of the dragons’ return in the up and coming Theirin dynasty, but doesn’t seem particularly invested in how long they reign.  They were practically wiped out during the Orlesian Occupation and the line’s continued survival is shaky at best.  Flemythal even told Maric in The Stolen Throne (pgs. 81-82) that she didn’t care who stumbled into her swamp, be it him or Meghren.  If she was being honest and not merely ‘motivating’ Maric, Flemythal believed she could make due without Calenhad’s bloodline.  
On the other hand, she did check out the battle at Ostagar and pulled Alistair and the Warden out just in time to save their lives.  Was she watching the Warden?  Or was it the last Theirin she planned to save?  Alistair’s death would put a real damper on the recovery of the great dragons.  And yet neither Flemeth nor Morrigan makes any moves to save him if a steely-eyed Warden signs off on his execution.  Maric would have been with Yavana during the Battle of Denerim, but still, having a back up plan seems like a very Flemythal thing to do.  The fact that she does not ensure Alistair’s survival suggests that either she didn’t need him or didn’t anticipate the possibility of his death.  Which of those is the more likely scenario?  My gut says the former rather than the latter.
Perhaps Alistair was just the most convenient option for awakening the dragons.  Given how often the best laid plans go awry, it’s likely that Flemythal had several other contingency plans.  What, or who, those may be remains to be seen.  
Flemythal’s Future?
So what does all of this mean for future games, especially considering what transpired between Flemythal and Solas?  Well, that depends....  Is Flemeth dead?  Will Mythal pass to Morrigan, and would Morrigan accept the elven goddess?  Could Mythal seek out a new host?  We definitely have more questions than answers, at the moment, but we feel certain that she will be back in some form.  Her fate is deliberately ambiguous.  The scene notes from Inquisition’s post game scene suggest that Mythal’s god-hood will pass to Morrigan, but there is no guarantee that will actually happen.  The game writers and designers know we fans data-mine the games so it could be a red herring or it may turn out to be the real deal.  It could go either way depending on the needs of the story.
One thing the Wyrd Sisters agree on is that Flemythal is a great plot device; a deus ex machina character.  She ties themes from all three games together and has knowledge that is essential to future story revelations.  So whether we see Flemeth herself in future games or not, we can expect to learn more about her plans and to see Mythal again in some form.  
We also expect to continue meeting and reading about individuals whose destinies were influenced by the Witch of the Wild.  After all, extraordinary people cross her path with startling frequency.  But are these meetings Fate or Chance?  Even Flemythal can’t say which it is for certain.    
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Tenet Algorithm Explained
This article contains spoilers for Christopher Nolan’s Tenet.
The Protagonist didn’t even know what it was when he first saw it. John David Washington’s lead character without a name thinks he’s looking at a bizarre “encapsulation” when he first sees a piece of the “Algorithm” in Tenet’s opening moments—which is to say he thinks it’s a nuclear weapon. Hidden inside of a backpack at an opera house under siege, what else could justify this level of violence and chaos during the movie’s confounding start?
But then, that’s the type of linear thinking which the Protagonist and his audience are asked to leave behind by filmmaker Christopher Nolan. With his latest globetrotting science fiction epic, Nolan takes his penchant for bending the rules of time and physics to a seeming breaking point, with even the MacGuffin of the film playing a vital role in creating a scenario “worse” than nuclear war. Divided into nine pieces, including the shiny object in the movie’s beginning, the film’s Algorithm is a device capable of destroying the world and reversing the literal flow of time.
The how and why of its creation, however, can be a little confusing, especially on first viewing. So allow us to explain…
What the Tenet Algorithm Is
The Algorithm is a physical rendering of a formula that can invert the entropy of the world. Invented by an unnamed scientist in the future who is described as the J. Robert Oppenheimer of her generation, the device is an extension of all the other timey-wimey shenanigans seen throughout Tenet.
During the movie, audiences see what happens when objects have their entropy inverted, such as the shattered bullet returning to the Protagonist’s gun, or when an individual has their personal entropy reversed. It’s what allows John David Washington to keep hitting himself in an airport fistfight. However, while objects or persons are traveling through time in reverse, the larger entropy of the world around them remains the same. Apparently, this is what allowed the Protagonist to survive an explosion while his entropy was reversed. He of course felt a reverse of the fire’s sudden heat when the temperature in his car plummeted, but the actual flames were created in a world where the laws of physics are observed, including the direction of time.
The Algorithm reverses this. Rather than the object or Protagonist moving in reverse through time, essentially pushing against the current, the Algorithm would make everything move in the other direction and reverse the direction of the tide. It would also essentially destroy everything in the process because all the rules of physics which govern life on Earth would be broken in an instant.
It is the profound danger of this creation which explains (in part) why the future scientist rendered it into physical form. After she takes her own life, the Algorithm she built becomes a one-of-a-kind formula that cannot be duplicated or copied, or shared via correspondence that might wind up in the hands of a future historian with a very critical eye.
Why the Algorithm Was Built
The Algorithm would destroy all current life on Earth, but that’s not why our future descendants invented the doomsday device—though one suspects setting it off in the early 21st century must be particularly satisfying to the generations raised in the fallout of climate change.
Indeed, this “cold war” between the past and future exists because the Algorithm was hidden in the past, preventing it from its purpose. While it would kill all existing life on Earth instantaneously, our future’s descendants do not believe in fate, determinism, or “the Grandfather Paradox.” The last is the time travel theory which states it’s impossible to go back in time and kill your own grandfather, because then you would not exist. Those in power in the future instead operate on the notion that they can kill their ancestors in the past without destroying themselves. What’s happened has already happened, be it in the past or their births in the future.
So while the Algorithm would destroy those of us living in the early 21st century, it would also reverse the entropy of time, from the beginning to the end. Hence those in the future with the technology to already live in reverse could thus live on in a world where the direction of time, and presumably other laws of physics, have been reversed. They can also eventually flourish in an even further future which exists in our past, before climate change ravaged the planet.
During the climax of the movie, in the midst of all the temporal pincer movement madness, Kenneth Branagh’s arms dealer Sator explains he doesn’t see his choice to “sell our futures” as any different than the rest of mankind, which for decades has given an ambivalent shrug to the effects of climate change. Sator might be destroying our world, but in his own words he’s “creating a new one.”
“The same sunshine we basked in will warm our descendants generations to come,” Sator gloats. He adds it’s also the future’s only recourse “because their oceans rose and their rivers ran dry. Don’t you see, they have no choice but to turn back? We’re responsible.”
So our future descendants get to kill those of us who sold out the planet while also reversing the flow of time, which theoretically will allow already existing future generations to live for millennia as the oceans lower and the planet cools.
Why the Algorithm Is in the Past
Of course the actual woman who invented the Algorithm disagrees with that hope of her contemporaries, and her skepticism is what triggered the whole plot of Tenet.
Described as the Oppenheimer of her generation, comparisons are drawn between the future scientist and the head of the Manhattan Project—the operation which brought about the first nuclear weapons.
“As they approached the first atomic test, Oppenheimer became concerned that the detonation might produce a chain reaction, engulfing the world,” the character Priya (Dimple Kapadia) tells the Protagonist. And she’s not wrong, although in reality it was more physicist Edward Teller (“the father of the hydrogen bomb”) who entertained this nightmare scenario. In a nutshell, he suggested in 1942 that a nuclear fission bomb might create temperatures so extreme it would cause the hydrogen atoms in the air and water to fuse together, forming helium. In essence this would light the atmosphere on fire, burning up the water in our seas, and eventually engulfing the planet in flames until the Earth became a miniature star.
“They went ahead anyway and got lucky,” the Protagonist sums up about this actual history.
Read more
Tenet Ending Explained
By Chris Farnell
Does Free Will Exist in Tenet?
By Chris Farnell
However, Tenet’s future scientist finds herself in a similar scenario where she essentially decides she believes in the Grandfather Paradox—that you cannot kill your grandfather without killing yourself. Ergo, she doesn’t want to destroy the past, but not out of a sense of benevolence. Rather she fears that by reversing the flow of time in the past she’ll still destroy their future. So she took an extreme measure: to hide her formula in the past and take her own life.
“Unlike Oppenheimer, she rebels, splitting the Algorithm in nine sections and hiding them in the best place she can think of,” Priya says. “There are nine nuclear powers, nine bombs. Nine sets of the most closely guarded material in the history of the world. The best hiding place possible.” However, it’s a mystery who actually moved them back here if traveling through time in reverse still takes as much time as going through time’s normal direction. Seriously, did generations of people travel into the past, raising children in reverse to one day put an Algorithm piece in its rightful spot?
Also the scientist’s plan of hiding them in safely guarded nuclear storage facilities in the past might seem prudent, but given that she and future generations would know about the fall of the Soviet Union, maybe she shouldn’t have hidden one of the pieces of the Algorithm in a doomed state?
She does so, and for the more militant branches of the future, her plan brings their eyes to Sator, a greedy individual who happened to be in the right place at the right time when digging through a nuclear accident near the end of the Cold War.
With guidance and finances also transported to the past, Sator is eventually able to obtain all nine pieces of the Algorithm over about 40 years. Luckily, that’s where the plot of our movie kicks in.
At the end of the film, the Protagonist and a Tenet operative named Ives (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) divide the Algorithm again between themselves. Initially, Ives wants to kill both the Protagonist and Neil (Robert Pattinson), unaware that Neil is about to head to his death in the past, anyway. Ives wants as few people as possible to know about the Algorithm, depriving its last known location from being recorded for posterity. However, the Protagonist convinces Ives they’ll split the formula between themselves and travel further into the past, hiding it from each other and our descendants who figured out where their rogue scientist previously hid the pieces.
It also explains how a much older Protagonist was able to recruit Neil and build the Tenet organization, as he presumably went years (if not decades) into the past to hide his pieces of the Algorithm.
But who actually built and controls the turnstiles erected further into the past remains unexplained… So does your head hurt yet?
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
The post Tenet Algorithm Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3gXKqnP
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Backyard Healing Herbs
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/backyard-healing-herbs/
Backyard Healing Herbs
 Buy Now    
18th Century Ship Doctor Pioneers Scientific Health Remedies – 200 Years Ahead of His Time
“Your numbers are worse than your last visit,” My doctor told me.
Her voice was clinical and unfriendly… and a thousand miles away.
I sat there… like a deer in the headlights.
I’d gone in for my regular check-up and blood work with high hopes.
I was so proud of the changes I made to my diet and exercise… and thought my doctor’s report would be good news.
But instead of a good report, it felt like a punch to the gut.
“How is this even possible?” I insisted.
“I’ve done everything just like you said!”
“Well, your bad LDL Cholesterol and triglycerides are still way above the acceptable range. They’ve gone up, not down,” she said, pointing at my chart.
“This has a big impact on your blood pressure… which is now in the unacceptable range.”1
“This, in turn, puts you at greater risk for other problems with your heart.”2
“I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t tell you we really need to get control of this with the right medications.”
“Based on your numbers, it’s the only way to stop this dangerous trend.”
“One more bad report like this, and there might not be anything more I can do.”
My doctor’s report left me in stunned silence.
Now… I know I’m not alone in hearing heartbreaking news just like this one.
Millions of Americans are fighting health big battles just like this every day.3
High cholesterol.
Heart problems.
Joint Pain.
Thyroid problems.
Erratic blood sugar.
Weight gain.
Memory loss.
And the list goes on… and on.
But like millions of Americans…
I’ve become concerned about the slippery slope of prescription drugs… and their unpredictable and potentially dangerous side effects.4
And after that heartbreaking meeting with my doctor, I thought the “professional pharmacy” approach was my only option to restore my health… and my hope.
But… I was wrong.
Message essential for anyone struggling with ANY health challenge
Hi, I’m Donna Nicholson.
And the message I have to share with right now is essential for anyone struggling with ANY health challenge that keeps them feeling like they’re in a constant uphill battle.
That’s because in the next 5 minutes… I’ll share all about a chance encounter with a near-ancient grandmother…Who helped me get the edge on my bad cholesterol trend… almost overnight…
Using 100% natural herbal remedies I grew in my own backyard.
I’ll also share with you the multiple clinical studies backing up these all-natural ingredients and remedies…5
I’ll tell you all about how my family threw away 7 different Rx meds and OTC pills… in less than a month. We’re now healthier and happier than ever. (*results may vary)
And I’ll share with you the one simple secret I learned in that chance encounter… that can help empower ANYONE to:
Easily address virtually any health challenge… 100% naturally… from the comfort of their own home6
Avoid the unpredictable and often life-threatening side effects of preventative drugs7
Take control of their own health… so they’re not at the mercy of the industrial-medical complex8
Enjoy the peace of mind that comes from supporting your health… with scientifically-proven and time-honored all-natural ingredients
Now I’ll share more about these scientific studies in just a minute…
But, please tune in right now…
Are becoming more and more apprehensive about turning to chemicals foreign to our systems…9
That can end up stealing their health from them.
What’s more…
I guarantee this solution is so completely different in its approach, it’s unlike anything the majority of Americans have ever used before.
That’s because this approach takes the best nature has to offer…
And directs it where it’s needed most… just like Mother Nature intended.
Sadly, it’s something the majority of medical professionals have never even been trained for.10
But… independent researchers are now confirming these natural remedies are often as effective… if not more effective…
Than the traditional approach.11
So, in just a few moments from now…
I’ll share the one secret that can revolutionize any family’s health… 100% naturally.
I’ll spill the beans on the the simple pocket sized herbal system 250 years in the making.
And I’ll share how to have direct access to everything needed to get health under control… quickly… safely… naturally… and effectively.
I feel it’s important to mention that the complete system I’m sharing…
Has hundreds of testimonials from people who have used the secrets it contains to radically improve their health…
By easily growing their own backyard healing remedies.
I feel duty bound to say that it’s likely that what I’m revealing in this free presentation…
May ruffle some feathers.
There are many with vested interests in keeping a lid on this information.
That’s why those who want healthy, all-natural remedies to the most pressing health concerns…
Should tune in very carefully today…
Because this all-natural, at-home solution may change everything for those with any number of health challenges.
Based on the scientific research I’ve reviewed, and based on what I’ve seen in my own family…
I’m confident that anyone who considers this all-natural solution… will benefit greatly from this 100% natural family health resource.
First though… let me tell you a little more about myself and how I discovered this backyard health solution.
So, like I mentioned, my name is Donna Nicholson.
First and foremost, I’m a wife and a mother.
Plus I have a part-time job at an insurance company.
We live a fairly simple life in the Midwest
Our kids are in sports…
We attend church when we can…
I help out in my kids’ classrooms…
And… we’ve had many of the same health challenges most Americans have.
I’ve struggled with high cholesterol.
My husband has high blood pressure.
One of my kids has allergies…
And another struggles with ADHD.
Like I said, we’re pretty much like many American families.
And like most American families… trips to the pharmacy for prescription meds were a regular occurrence.
But… because of what I was seeing with my own eyes… with friends and family and seeing more and more news reports and studies…
I began to have my doubts about “traditional” remedies.12|13|14|15
And it was just after that fateful doctor’s visit…
Where I was scared for my life… thinking I would have to start popping more pills…
That I ran into Grandma Mary for the first time at a Saturday Farmer’s Market.
While I was looking for some local honey…
I came to a booth called “Grandma Mary’s Herbs.”
Inside the booth was most vibrant lady – who could hardly be described as a grandma!
Her smile, her glow, her energy… defied age.
I later found out Grandma Mary… was 87!
Grandma Mary’s booth was filled with hundreds of potted herbs and plants bursting with life and vitality.
Hanging on each potted herb was a 3×5 card with suggestions of what the herb could be used for.
Obviously, some herbs had uses inside the Kitchen.
But… others were filled with uses for OUTSIDE the kitchen.
There were herb “recipes” to help aid with digestion – my husband needed THAT one!
Another helped fight off fatigue… which I desperately needed!
Still another… helped with natural brain health… to help prevent memory loss.
Seeing all these cards made a lightbulb go off in my head: my CHOLESTEROL!
Without hesitation, I made a beeline for Grandma Mary.
I told her all about my doctor’s report and asked if she had something “natural” to help.
I’m sure she noticed my desperation… because she smiled at me so compassionately.
She took me to the back of her booth and pulled out an amber bottle with a golden tincture in it.
She turned to me and said, “Take this once a day for a month Then, go get your numbers checked, and come back to tell me how you’re doing.”
I asked her how much I owed her.
With a wink, she replied, “It’s on me today. See you in a month or so.”
I took it home and opened it up.
The aroma filled my room with a beautiful, golden scent… not like some chemically-laced concoction.
I took the tincture every day for the next several weeks… went to the lab and got my blood work done.
When I read the numbers… I almost couldn’t believe my eyes!
I had to choke back tears… I hadn’t seen LDL & triglyceride numbers like that in 5 years!16
So when the next Saturday rolled around… I was at the Farmer’s Market the very second it opened.
I rushed up to Grandma Mary smiling from ear to ear.
She simply grinned… and said, “Numbers looking better, I take it?”
Well, I made a regular habit out of visiting Grandma Mary’s Farmer’s Market booth.
Eventually, I asked the “million dollar question.”
“Where did you LEARN all your remedies, Grandma Mary?”
“Well, you’ll just have to come over for tea tomorrow and find out!”
After church the next day I sat with Grandma Mary at a white bistro table under a gazebo teeming with verdant vines and flowers bursting with color.
We drank a delicious herbal tea blended from herbs in Mary’s luscious garden.
She pulled out a weathered leather notebook from her tote.
“This,” she began, “belonged to my grandfather.”
“He was a doctor on a merchant ship in the 1800’s.”
“They sailed the globe, buying and selling textiles and spices…
They had to endure storms, battle injuries and diseases, and outrun pirates.
In every port, my grandfather would collect herbs and remedies from the countries and cultures he visited.
He eventually created a system for growing these healing herbs in an almost impossible place: in a ship at sea.
When I unexpectedly inherited this notebook…
I just figured if he could grow and maintain his own pocket garden… on a ship… I could do the same in my own backyard.”
“The rest, as they say, is history.”
As Grandma Mary began to leaf through hand-written notes and beautifully drawn illustrations, I began to see what she meant by this “Ship Doctor’s System” for healing herbs.
It was more than just remedies and concoctions …
It was an entire system for growing healing herbs.
On his ships… he developed small, but bountiful “pocket sized” gardens that provided health-giving remedies to the crew.
She showed me diary entries of how a remedy from India helped crew members get rid of a strange fever… overnight.
I saw notes of how a poultice helped heal his captain’s infected wound in record time.
I was completely blown away.
In awe, I asked her if there’s anything her notebook DIDN’T cover.
Grandma Mary replied: “Not that I’ve found yet!”
In a moment of inspiration… I said, “Grandma Mary, we have to transfer these secrets onto a computer so there’s no chance they ever get lost.”
That led to Grandma Mary and I spending long months huddled around that notebook… transferring her grandfather’s secrets… to my laptop.
Along the way, we double, and triple checked her grandfather’s remedies… against the latest scientific research…
To confirm these were proven effective remedies… and not just a collection of old wife’s tales.
As we worked together, and as I dug into the research on my computer…
What I discovered confirmed many of my doubts and suspicions about “traditional remedies.”
And it confirmed that the work I was doing with Grandma Mary… was more important than ever.
I NEEDED Grandma Mary’s secret system… even more than I thought I did…
Especially since I was smack dab in the middle of my “middle age” years.
And… my family and I relied on MULTIPLE medications… we were more than ready to get OFF.
Which is why this collection of Grandma Mary’s secret knowledge…
Became more important than ever!
As I learned Grandma Mary’s ways, I quickly put them into practice.
I’m proud to report that…
Within a few short months of starting my own healing garden in my backyard…
My family and I were able to say “good-bye” to 7 different Rx & OTC meds.
And we’ve never felt better or been healthier!
And that includes my husband’s high blood pressure medications… my son’s ADHD medication… my daughter’s allergy medication… and my Joint Pain relief meds! (*results may vary)
And that’s just to name 4!
Plus, by growing our own remedies, we’ll save more than $541 over the next year on our medical bills.
That’s over $45 per month!
I’m SO THANKFUL to be rid of all those strange chemicals and worrying about their side effects!
It’s no wonder my husband started calling my garden our “Backyard Pharmacy.”
Eventually, there came a point where I knew Grandma Mary and I just could not keep this to ourselves.
It just wouldn’t be right to withhold this health-boosting, life-saving information.
So Grandma Mary and I showed it to a very small group of my friends.
Afterwards, Betsy said, “Donna, I went through this twice. I’m so surprised at how easy you guys made it. I used to think gardening was hard and that my back couldn’t take it. You and Grandma Mary made me feel like you with me every step of the way.”
Liz said, “I have a brand-new sense of peace I never had before. I knew the dangers of pharmaceuticals but had no idea the alternative was so powerful and so simple.”
Susanne commented, “This is hands down the easiest guide I could ever imagine when it comes to growing my own remedies. This is faster and cheaper than what I used to do!”
When we heard this, we knew we needed to do whatever it took… to let others know about this almost lost secret information.
I’m proud to report that we found a way to do just that.
I asked my loving husband if we could take some money out of his retirement account…
So we could print a real book with real pictures on real pages…
And get Grandma Mary’s secrets out to the world.
Fortunately, he said, “YES!”
So we took the plunge … and pre-ordered 500 real life books.
It drained thousands from my husband’s 401k…
But to all of us, it’s 100% worth it to have this powerful knowledge at your fingertips.
But to all of us, it’s 100% worth it to have this powerful knowledge at your fingertips.
We’re calling it “Backyard Healing Herbs” …
If you’re concerned about the side effects traditional remedies…
And if you’d like an easy as pie “masterclass” from Grandma Mary on using nature’s bounty to remedy the health concerns that face your family…
And if you’d like to grow your OWN remedies in your OWN backyard… no matter how large or small your garden area is…
Regardless of your “gardening experience” …
Then I’m excited to share “Backyard Healing Herbs” with you.
It’s 260 full-pages… in a real-life book… you can refer day after day…
And even pass down to your children as an heirloom.
So… here’s a small taste of what you’ll discover inside the 260-page Backyard Healing Herbs:
How This One “Miracle Plant” Helps Support Healthy Cholesterol & Blood Pressure Levels
Plus How This Same Miracle Plant Helps Regulate Your Metabolism, Making It Easier To Lose Weight… And KEEP It Off!17
Researchers At A Leading Michigan University Demonstrated That When This Miracle Plant Is Combined With One Common Kitchen Spice… Its Effectiveness Soared By 2000%! Miracle Plant Indeed!18
The “Sunshine Surprise” Remedy with 3 Power-Packed Herbal Flowers
That Helps Lift the Burden of Anxiety, Stress, & Pressure… Giving You A Breezy, Sun-Kissed Summer’s Day…
Unless you live on a tropical beach sipping Margaritas all day… with servants bringing you breakfast, lunch, and dinner…
Then is the one remedy you must have to support you with the daily stresses of life.
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine found These flowering herbs significantly reduced stress, pressure, and anxiety19.
Why This One Herb, Scientifically Researched By The Michigan University Of Health20, Is A Bullet-Proof
Pain Relief Remedy
With Powerful Anti-inflammatory Properties
This means you now have a powerful all-natural alternative to the traditional approach to anti-inflammatories.21
How To Upgrade Your Energy With A 100% Natural “Power-Drink” From This Little-Known Garden Plant
This Secretly Powerful Perennial Herb Was So Coveted for Its Ability to Boost Energy…
That It Constantly Sparked Wars In The Far East To Control The Forests Where It Thrives.
This Simple “Power Drink Recipe Could Not be Easier… All it Takes is 5oz. Of Water and 5 Minutes of Your Time
To Feel a No-Caffeine Energy Boost!
Not long into our project, I asked Grandma Mary if we could accomplish the same results…
By just getting supplements from the local health food store or Amazon.
But… during my research, I was surprised to learn that most of the big “health supplement” companies are owned by the same mega corporations that own pharmaceutical companies.22
After reading that, I wasn’t too excited to give any of them another dime!
Plus… for our budget… it felt like I’d need a car-sized loan just to try and keep my family healthy.23
That’s why discovering Grandma Mary’s system was such a God-send.
You’ll also be learning…
How You… or Someone You Love…
Can Say “So Long” To Sleepless Nights!
Getting enough sleep isn’t just a luxury… it’s a necessity.
Regular poor sleep puts us at risk of increased weight gain, heart problems, and erratic blood sugar… not to mention shortening your lifespan!24|25
But… getting naturally regular “good sleep” helps:
Improve memory
Boost Immunity
Manage weight
Boost mental wellbeing
Support health blood sugar levels
Plus a whole lot more!26
Drink this deliciously Simple Valerian Root Tea Recipe – and Enjoy the Most Naturally-Blissful Sleep of Your Life.
Why This Dandelion Tea Recipe Blend Will Be Your Go-To Remedy for
Intestinal Issues
… like Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas, and Bloating.
Proper digestion is a God-send. Grandma Mary’s blend helps support the kind of digestion God intended.
How To Blend Purple Passionflower To Quickly Calm A Palpitating Heart
According to WebMD, the majority of heart palpitations… are a result of stress.27
Grandma Mary’s Unique Passionflower tea recipe helps calm a racing heart.
Now… “typical gardens” are a ton of work.
In fact, I had started countless gardens when my kids were younger… only to abandon them…
Because of overwhelmed I got with weeding, watering, bending over, pest control, gophers, birds, etc.
It just never seemed worth all the trouble!
That is…
Until Grandma Mary showed me…
The “Ship Doctor’s Method“
For Easily Growing A Healing Garden ANYWHERE
This 150-Year Old Growing System Makes:
Growing Your Own Remedies in ANY space – easy as pie
Garden Size & Climate Limitations: IRRELEVANT.
Preventing The Danger Of Mysterious Side Effects – Every-day easy
Traditional gardening headaches obsolete
This Is Simply The Easiest, Fastest, and Simplest Approach to Gardening…
That Guarantees Your Family Is In The Safest, Most Trustworthy Hands On The Planet: YOURS.
If Grandma Mary’s grandfather could grow the remedies to keep his crew healthy… on a SHIP…
You can do it where YOU live.
How To Avoid “Overthinking” Your Garden And Suffering
The Complicated & Costly Mistakes
That Haunt MOST Home Gardeners Like A Shadow
Simply follow Grandma Mary’s simple system… and you’ll be up and running in no time… avoiding all the costly, time-consuming, and frustrating mistakes the MAJORITY of gardeners make!
You could spend HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of dollars following the herd of gardeners throwing time and money at conventional gardening methods.
Grandma Mary’s Nearly Infallible “Mason Jar Soil Test”
To Insure YOUR Soil Never Lacks
The Proper Nutrients
If You Want To Give Your Plants And Herbs All The Nutrient-rich Benefits
You Want, Need, And Deserve… Perform This Test Today.
Why Spend Hundreds on a fancy “soil test”…
Then Wait For Weeks…
When Grandma Mary’s Mason Jar Test Will Get You The Results You Want?
How To Skyrocket Your Herbs’ Potency Using
The “Guardian” Method
This Method Helps Ensure Nothing In Your Herb Garden Gets Infected By Foreign Chemicals Like Pesticides, Fungicides, or Artificial Fertilizers…
Including Your Seeds, Soil, Containers… Even Your Water!
By now, you might also be thinking…
“I can just buy these herbs, flowers and plants at the store… and avoid planting a garden.”
Again… I thought that too.
So, I asked Grandma Mary about this.
She showed me some research that raised some concerns.
Here are just a few:
The Frightening Reason Why…
The New York Times… Consumer Reports… and Time Magazine ALL Said You Should Avoid:
Store-bought “Fresh Foods” And “Herbs”
Due To An Over-abundance Of Toxic Chemicals28|29|30|31
The Simple (But Shocking) Science Behind Why
Store-bought32 Turmeric May Be
Flushing Money Down The Toilet…
But Why Home-grown Turmeric Is a True Anti-inflammatory Antioxidant Superfood33
Why Scientific American and The University of Texas Reported that
“Over-Farmed” Soil Has Emptied Crops Of Vital Minerals And Vitamins Present Decades Ago34|35
Making Store-bought Fruits And Vegetables “Mostly Empty.”
I want my family to get ALL the vital benefits from the herbs, vegetables, and fruits they eat.
Sadly, the ONLY way to do this… is to grow your own.
Why You Should Never Buy Pots, Planters, Or Containers At
The “Big Box” Stores
Due To Soil-Sterilizing Chemicals
Used To Make Them Look “Pretty”
Why You Could Treat The Next Infection In Your Family With The Germ-busting Blend Of
Echinacea And Cornflower Extract
The Centers for Disease Control calls Antibiotic Resistance is one of the biggest public health challenges of our time.
Each year in the U.S., at least 2 million people get an antibiotic-resistant infection, which creates complications.36
This unique elixir helps fight infection 100% naturally… without the concern of Antibiotic Resistance.
So you can fight infection… with peace of mind.
The Strange “Ginger” Recipe The University of Exeter Proved Can Help Treat Nausea & Vomiting37
How To Reduce ThrobbingHeadaches To Clear-Headed Bliss In Minutes… With This Blended “Peppermint Rub”
This Expert Blend is Based on Clinical Trials Reported by a leading European Medical Journal.38
The study found it as effective as traditional remedies.
How To Blend Healing Elixirs PERFECT The First Time… And Leave Uncertainty And Costly “Experimentation” In The Dust For Good.
You’ll Discover The Complete List Of “Superhero Herbs” The 24 Plants That Have At Least 5 Medical Uses Each!
EXAMPLE: Turmeric alone has over 10 proven medical benefits. (From pain relief and anti-inflammation to helping support heart and brain health.)
You’ll Get a Variety of Echinacea-based Elixir Recipes That Help Boost Nearly Every Body System:
NCCIH39 Reports These Elixirs Can Help:
Boost Your Immune System (Get Sick Less)
Aid healthy gums
Support Healthy Joints
Manage Acid Indigestion…
And more…
The PMS-Busting Recipe That Helps Send “Aunt Flo” Packing When That Time Of The Month Comes Knocking!
This “Grandma Mary” exclusive can be combined as a tincture… or as a tea infusion. Share this with anyone who struggles with Aunt Flo’s monthly visit!
“Backyard Healing Herbs” is the smart, simple, and easy way to pharmacy independence.
This is hands down the simplest, easiest to use A to Z blueprint… that ANYONE can use to make their own healing remedies…
From their very own Pocket Sized garden…
… no matter if someone has never gardened before, or have tried before and failed…
… no matter if someone has limited space or live in an extreme climate…
… no matter if someone is a “gardening expert”…
Look – when Grandma Mary showed me this simple system… I knew I’d found my own little slice of the garden of Eden.
People can now easily grow virtually everything needed to take care of a family’s health…
In a garden that requires not much more than a “postage stamp” sized area.
And that requires a minimum of time.
Just plant the herbs and plants using the “Ship Doctor’s System” …
Harvest them…
And follow Grandma Mary’s clear and easy to follow instructions…
Everything needed to keep s family healthy, strong, and protected from the side effects of traditional remedies.
Here’s our promise: if someone can read a table of contents… and follow simple directions…
They’ll have everything needed to make their very own “pocket sized Garden of Eden”… and have a “forever fruitful” source of healing herbs and remedies.
If anyone wants to avoid spending hours and hours a week bending, weeding, watering and working…
… if anyone wants to be “pharmacy” independent…
… if anyone wants 100% natural and trustworthy ingredients…
… if anyone wants healthy, effective remedies at their fingertips
… and if anyone’s ever wanted a simple, easy, and fun way to create an unlimited all-natural “medicine cabinet” …
Then those prayers have been answered.
Backyard Healing Herbs is an heirloom quality book – worthy of passing down to the next generation…
With detailed step by step instructions to plant, grow, and maintain…
A “pocket sized garden” that produces the plants, herbs, and remedies every American family needs and deserves.
It’s a step by step, newbie-friendly system that puts God’s honest herbs and remedies at your fingertips in a matter of days… not weeks, months, or years…
So anyone can confidently address virtually any family’s health needs…
And slash monthly medication bills to near zero…
All while saving your valuable time.
Most of all… it will give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your family is getting the best nature has to offer.
“Backyard Healing Herbs” is chock full of specialized knowledge handed down from generation to generation…
Saving months of painful trial and error.
It took Grandma Mary… and her forebears… more than 200 years to perfect the remedies and growing strategies…
That now make it easy as pie to be super successful… right out of the gate.
Grandma Mary’s system… is about as “hands free” as it gets.
Unlike “traditional gardens,” there’s zero wasted time with needless weeding, and the backbreaking up and down that’s hard on a body.
Now, one comment I’ve gotten is this:
“Donna, this all sounds too good to be true. Will I be able to follow Grandma Mary’s directions, even if I’m 75 and never had a garden and don’t know if I have enough room?”
First… don’t forget… this is Grandma Mary’s system… and she’s 87!
But the real answer is this: following the “Backyard Healing Herbs” system is simple, quick, and easy.
Sure, there’s some planting to do… if someone want a little help potting plants and lifting soil, that’s totally ok.
Once we were finished with our manuscript, I printed a copy and gave it to Veronica, my teenage neighbor… who had never planted a thing in her life…
And I challenged her to pick just 5 herbs and start a garden.
Veronica was up and running with a beautiful pocket sized garden in a matter of days.
All that to say… if you don’t want to do it yourself… you could pay a teenager $40 to do it for you!
Truth is, if you have kids in your life, they’re going to love doing it with you.
My own kids have laid claim to their own “corners” of my own garden.
Backyard Healing Herbs is THE solution…
… for anyone who wants 100% natural and effective alternatives to traditional remedies and unpredictable side effects…
… for anyone who wants the A to Z step by step blueprint for the fastest and easiest way to cultivate the healing remedies a family needs and deserves…
In just minutes a day.
Now, even though Grandma Mary and I have tried to make this system as complete as possible…
We know there will always be questions that pop up now and again.
That’s why… with the book… you also get 12 months of unlimited email access – where you can ask us just about anything related to Backyard Healing Herbs.
Oh, and there’s more…. And this is important.
Grandma Mary and I have gathered some other powerful secrets… SINCE we pulled the trigger on publishing our big 260-page book.
We’re planning on putting all that information (and more) into our next version of Backyard Healing Herbs.
But, since this brand new information is in digital format right now…
I can include these 4 Secret Healing Guides as a FREE GIFT to anyone who orders today.
But be forewarned… these free bonus healing guides could come off the table at any time…
Once we’re ready to publish the NEXT version of Backyard Healing Herbs.
Here’s a brief description of the 4 free Special Guides I’ll include when you order today.
FREE GUIDE #1: Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans – Retail: $39
Native Americans had powerful, centuries-old healing remedies long before Europeans showed up.
Their very existence was based on living in harmony with nature in every way possible.
They expertly utilized natural resources like mullein, mint, saloli gatoga, valerian root, wild black cherry, witch hazel, geranium, and willow bark…
To keep their families strong and healthy.
And that’s just to name a few.
In this 100% free guide, you’ll discover a host of Native American Healing Secrets.
Grandma Mary and I have also included some of their most prized preservation secrets for perishable ingredients…
So you needn’t worry about electricity or refrigeration.
There’s also a section on Native American “superfoods” that when prepared properly, help sustain health and help you recover from illnesses faster.
You’re going to love this simple and powerful collection of healing secrets!
FREE GUIDE #2: Wild Edibles – Retail: $39
This one of a kind guide could truly be the difference between life or death for you or a family member.
Getting lost in the wilderness happens more frequently than we care to think.
But… your peace of mind will soar knowing you have this critical guide at your fingertips.
You’ll discover how to spot edible mushrooms – and the ones to avoid like the plague.
You’ll learn how to easily identify edible tulips, berries, nuts, and more.
Even if you’re in a desert area, you’ll know how to easily pick out safe food sources like prickly pear cactus, saguaro cactus, desert Christmas cactus, chia sage, agave, pinyon pine, mesquite, cholla cactus, and yucca.
We’ll also give you the simple “Wild Edibles Litmus Test” to determine if ANY plant is edible or poisonous.
You’ll never be uncertain whether a wild plant is edible or not.
FREE GUIDE #3: Veggies You Can Grow in Your Backyard for Self-Sufficiency – Retail: $39
Look, I don’t know about you, but I often worry about crisis and emergency scenarios…
Ones that threaten our food supply, our electrical grid, or our water supply.
That doesn’t make me one of those crazy survival nuts – I simply want to be confident in taking care of my family in the event of a crisis or emergency!
I now grow enough food (and more!) in my backyard to feed my family… come what may, no matter the season.
And I don’t spend hours and hours weeding my garden because I’ve learned some powerful cultivation secrets I’ll pass on in this free guide.
This critical Special Guide covers how to grow some of the most healthy AND hearty foods that do better than MOST backyard gardens at supplying plentiful food for your family.
This guide covers 3 different gardening methods so you can easily grow healthy, nutrient-rich, and vitamin filled foods like arugula, beets, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, chickweed, dandelion, green beans, kale, pomegranate, rosemary, berries, and more.
Whether it’s a short-term natural disaster, or a long-term infrastructure failure, you’ll do your family AND your peace of mind a huge favor… with this free special guide.
FREE GUIDE #4: The Shoe Box Garden – Retail: $39
This Free Guide is specifically designed for anyone living with limited square footage.
LOTS of Americans don’t even have a yard!
Urbanites, students, retirement communities…
Anywhere where space is at a premium.
We cover everything from the right “shoe box” sized containers to choose – for soil, light, water, and drainage considerations.
You’ll have brilliantly creative strategies to leverage hanging baskets, running planters, and genius tips for vertical gardening.
You’ll discover how to create an upside down garden – and the plants that thrive in them.
And we’ll show you how to easily build your own terrariums for growing healing herbs. These are indispensable in tight areas!
We’ve also included the 14 best vegetables that thrive in small spaces.
This Special Guide a must-have for anyone with limited square footage!
And it’s yours free when you order today.
Now, like I said, these Special Guides will be included in our next version of Backyard Healing Herbs.
That’s the good news.
The bad news is we’re going to have to raise the price of Backyard Healing Herbs by at least $15…
Just to afford the next round of printing.
My husband said our next order of books… is on us!
No more dipping into his retirement account!
Like I said, we had to pay for all 500 of these books UP FRONT.
To our surprise, they’re selling faster than we expected.
I truly want you to get your own copy TODAY….
Before we have to raise the price.
Think about it.
If you order today, you’re getting 4 FREE bonuses worth $156.
Plus, you’re saving $15 by avoiding the coming cost increase.
That’s like me handing you $171 just for ordering today.
Now before I tell you how you can get your hands on Backyard Healing Herbs…
Let me ask a very important question.
How much is it worth to you to see your family… healthy… safe… and free from the unpredictable side effects of traditional remedies?
If this book helps eliminate just ONE side effect…
If it finally allows someone to kick an expensive prescription medication to the curb…
Saving hundreds each and every year…
And providing the satisfaction that you weren’t lining the pockets of the big pharma fat cats…
And if it finally give you the peace of mind that you deserve… knowing you’ve done your best to keep your family healthy, safe, and strong…
How much would that be worth?
You could try buying all these health-giving plants and herbs from a retailer…
Which could cost you hundreds and hundreds of dollars…
But remember… MOST of what you can buy at your local health food store…
Doesn’t have near the level of health-giving nutrients your HOME GROWN produce will.
Remember what I mentioned earlier… over-farming… has ruined the nutritional value of MOST store-bought plants and herbs.
Or, you could spend months and months researching for yourself… spend countless hours of trial and error… trying to get the planting system just right… and trying to find the healing remedies that actually WORK…
And still be right back where you started.
But honestly… the costliest approach… is to do nothing.
The truth is… most people will simply sit on their hands…
And maintain the status quo…
Risking their health… and their family’s health…
To big pharma’s profit-pushing experimentation and mystery side effects that seem to pop up out of nowhere.
But… once you take in “Backyard Healing Herbs”… the possibilities are endless.
Now, I had a “marketing expert” approach me and tell me he could turn Grandma Mary’s knowledge into an exclusive weekend seminar… and charge $1250 a seat.
With so many health-conscious rich baby boomers out there… I’m pretty sure we could sell it out.
But frankly… Grandma Mary and I have very little interest in traveling around giving seminars across the country.
We honestly love spending time with our families way too much to do that.
These remedies were born from the idea that ANYONE…
Should be able to grow their own remedies… right where they live…
No matter their socio-economic status!
So, there’s no way we’re going to ask you to invest $1250 in this system… even though I know this information is THAT valuable.
It won’t cost you $600, either.
Truth is, it won’t even cost you $275, even though my husband tells me that’s what I should charge to replenish his 401k.
Grandma Mary and I decided to do something that might sound a bit “off” to sales and marketing “sharks.”
We’re going to set the price of “Backyard Healing Herbs” at just $69.
But… while this very FIRST EDITION of the book is available… we’ll let you have the system for just $39 today.
The only way to secure your copy at this price… is to click the Add to Cart button now.
We can’t guarantee that it will be available tomorrow…
And like I said, once we sell out, we’re going to have to raise the price by AT LEAST $15.
So… don’t get upset if you come back here in a few days and see that the price has gone back up.
Especially since we’re giving away 12 months of unlimited email support.
In reality… the price is immaterial.
That’s because you’re covered by our “Grandma Strong” Money Back Guarantee for a full 60 days.
Here’s how this works.
Grandma Mary and I are asking you to just say “maybe”
To “Backyard Healing Herbs” today.
Get the book. Look it over and try it out for 60 days.
If you’ve ever read a table of contents… you have everything it takes to make this system work for you.
We insist that you MUST be completely thrilled with how easy it is to create your own pocket size healing garden…
But if you’re not… simply email us and tell us you’re unhappy…
And we’ll issue you a full refund with no hassle and zero questions asked.
What’s more… you don’t even have to send the book back.
Keep it as our gift for trying out Grandma Mary’s life’s work.
Now some might ask, “How strong is a ‘Grandma Strong?’ guarantee?'”
Try this on for size.
Grandma Mary is so confident that her grandfather’s system is the simplest and easiest system for growing a healing garden…
That we’re willing to bet our own money that anyone can do this.
So, if for some reason you tried to grow a healing garden using Grandma Mary’s system and couldn’t…
Just send us some proof that you at least tried…
And we’ll refund you whatever you paid for supplies… up to $150.
That’s how strong “Grandma Strong” is!
Has a doctor or pharmacist ever offered you a satisfaction guarantee like that???
Simply click the “Add to Cart” button below… enter your shipping and credit card information…
And you’ll get the 260-page “Backyard Healing Herbs” book rushed to your house right away.
So, that pretty much sums it up.
In this presentation… I’ve shared with you how Backyard Healing Herbs got its start.
How I first found a reliable, effective, all-natural remedy for my cholesterol.
How I discovered Grandma Mary’s healing herb system… passed on to her from her grandfather.
How he perfected it through years on the high seas visiting exotic lands and caring for the crew in his care.
And how… if you can read a table of contents… you can quickly and easily grow remedies for virtually any health concerns you may ever face.
How growing and formulating your own remedies can save you from the unexpected, dangerous, and potentially deadly side effects of big pharma’s profit hungry pill machine.
How you can save hundreds by avoiding copays and OTC remedies.
How you can even make a little cash on the side… if you choose to.
And I’ve even shown you how modern, scientific research has revealed that store-bought herbs are likely emptied of their vital, health-giving nutrients.
I’ve shown you how growing your own healing herbs can be simple, easy… and fun.
Plus I’ve shown you how having your own backyard pocket size garden… is the best way to insure you and your family stay healthy and strong… 100% naturally.
Now, I want you to consider one final thought…
For just a moment, I want to invite you to forget everything you’ve been told about medical prescriptions and healing remedies… up until now.
I want to invite you to think of your family’s health… not as a set of circumstances that funneled you into the medical industry’s traditional Rx-based approach.
But rather, I want to invite you to think of your family’s health… as a choice.
Now, do you remember that Robert Frost poem?
Perhaps you read it in high school… the one about “The Road Less Traveled.”
He spoke of coming to a crossroads… and taking the road less traveled.
And how THAT… made all the difference.
The way I see it, you stand… in this moment… at a similar crossroads…
The first road is what MOST will do: nothing… maintain the status quo…
Hoping and praying nothing bad will come from the Rx medications and OTC remedies you get at the local pharmacy.
I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say I wished this was a reliable option.
I would be happy to be wrong… if it weren’t for the thousands upon thousands of Americans… who have been funneled into trusting big pharma…
And gotten little out of the exchange, except for the side effects that torpedoed their health.
And I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t mention that first road…
LOOKS smooth and shiny… because it’s been paved by all those profits big pharma they’ve been banking for decades.
This road has ZERO accountability… and ZERO guarantee.
Is that the road you want to take?
Of course, there’s a second road – and that’s to do it all yourself.
That’s what a friend of mine tried a few years back…
She spent hours and hours preparing… days and weeks planting…
And then “got busy”… and watched it all go down the drain because everything just got so overwhelming.
And that’s not to mention all the trial and error experimenting with remedies… that can get you nowhere fast.
Think about it: what’s the point of reinventing the wheel… if you don’t have to.
Why throw away hundreds of dollars and countless hours at a big unknown project…
When you could spend your time, money, and energy on more important things?
Backyard Healing Herbs lets you spend your time and energy where it counts MOST.
Not only do you NOT have to spend countless hours figuring it out for yourself… but you can be up and running in a matter of days.
If you truly want nature’s bounty to be your health’s best friend…
I’d strongly encourage you to consider the third road… the one less traveled.
It’s the one road that can… and will… make all the difference.
Because the results are real… so real, in fact, they’re guaranteed.
Backyard Healing Herbs is the most complete, simple, and easy approach to a healing garden…
Because it’s based on two centuries of healing remedies gathered from around the world…
And now backed by modern research.
Grandma Mary’s system doesn’t require a lot of time to set up and maintain…
It doesn’t require a lot of physical exertion…
And it doesn’t require any gardening experience whatsoever.
What it does require is an open mind.
Give Backyard Healing Herbs a try.
You have a full 60 days to prove Grandma Mary and I right.
Remember, you’re getting two centuries of healing remedies… in the most beginner friendly system imaginable…
Plus unlimited email access for a full 12 months.
As a reminder, you’re also getting the “Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans” that will open up your eyes to a powerful world of natural healing.
You’ll also get “Wild Edibles” that will be invaluable in any wilderness scenario.
Plus, you’ll get “Veggies for Self-Sufficiency” that will help you provide a year-round source of nutrition for your family.
And you’ll get “The Shoe Box Garden” that will give you the strategies for growing a power-packed garden in the smallest imaginable spaces.
That’s $156 worth of FREE backyard healing knowledge!
You get all this… without risking one red cent.
Remember… Grandma Mary and I will pay YOU… if this system doesn’t work for you.
Imagine how down the road… you’ll be able to look back and give yourself a satisfied pat on the back for making a great decision for you and your family’s health.
So, if you’re ready to experience the obvious health benefits of growing your very own healing garden…
I sincerely hope that for your sake… and for the health and safety of your loved ones… that, like me… you’ll choose the road less traveled…
And click the “Add to Cart” button below.
Grandma Mary and I have a special message waiting for you in the member’s area…
Plus you’ll get another special bonus I’m beyond excited to share with you.
Click “Add to Cart” now, and we’ll see you on the other side.
Now, for just a moment, I want you to close your eyes and imagine living your life…
FREE from the fear of any number of unpredictable and dangerous side effects of pharmaceuticals.
Imagine your life… where YOU are in charge of the entire supply chain of your family’s healing remedies.
A life where you’re confident you can address virtually any health concern that crops up for your family… safely, effectively, and quickly.
Ultimately, it’s what you want, need, and deserve.
Imagine what it would feel like to have the joy of waking up every morning…
Knowing that your family… is in the safest hands of all: YOURS.
Imagine feeling confident that the remedies to virtually all your family’s health concerns… are growing in your own backyard.
All you have to do… is simply CLICK or TAP the button below…
And we’ll get your order processed and shipped within 24 hours.
When you click the “Add to Cart” button, you’ll be redirected to a 100%-secure order form utilizing military-grade encryption to insure your online safety.
You’ll then be able to confirm everything that accompanies your purchase today.
Once your payment is confirmed…
You can get instant access to a digital copy… start your backyard pharmacy right away… and start experiencing the peace of mind that comes from growing your own 100% natural and effective healing remedies.
Click the “Add to Cart” button below…
And Grandma Mary and I will see you on the other side.
0 notes
pracchad · 7 years
One of those fucking awful black days when nothing is pleasing and everything that happens is an excuse for anger, an outlet for emotions stockpiled, an arsenal, an armour... These are the days when I hate the world, hate the rich, hate the happy, hate the complacent, the TV watchers, beer drinkers, the satisfied ones. Because I know I can be all of those little hateful things, and then I hate myself for realizing that. There's no preventative, directive or safe approach for living, we each know our own fate, we know from our youth how to be treated, how we'll be received, how we shall end.These things don't change, you can change your clothes, change your hairstyle, your friends, cities, continents, but sooner or later your own self will always catch up always it waits in the wings. Ideas swirl but don't stick, They appear but then run off like rain on the windshield...
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swankyburger · 7 years
One of those fucking awful black days When nothing is pleasing and everything that happens Is an excuse for anger An outlet for emotions stockpiled, an arsenal, an armour These are the days when I hate the world Hate the rich, hate the happy Hate the complacent, the TV watchers Beer drinkers, the satisfied ones Because I know I can be all of those little hateful things And then I hate myself for realizing that There’s no preventative, directive or safe approach for living We each know our own fate We know from our youth how to be treated How we’ll be received, how we shall end These things don’t change You can change your clothes Change your hairstyle, your friends, cities, continents But sooner or later your own self will always catch up Always it waits in the wings Ideas swirl but don’t stick They appear but then run off like rain on the windshield One of those rainy day car rides, my head implodes The atmosphere in this car, a mirror of my skull Wet, damp, windows dripping and misted with cold Walls of grey, nothing good on the radio, not a thought in my head Let’s take life and slow it down incredibly slow Frame by frame With two minutes that take ten years to live out Yeah, let’s do that Telephone poles like praying mantis against the sky Metal arms outstretched So much land travelled, so little sense made of it It doesn’t mean a thing, all this land laid out behind us I’d like to take off into these woods and get good and lost for a while I’m disgusted with petty concerns Parking tickets, breakfast specials Does someone just have to carry this weight? The light within you shines like a diamond mine Like an unarmed walrus, like a dead man face down on the highway Like a snake eating its own tail A steam turbine, frog pond Two full closets burst open in disarray, soap bubbles in the sun Hospital death bed, red convertible, shopping list, blowjob Deaths head, devils dancing, bleached white buildings, memory Movements, the movie unpeeling, unreeling, about to begin I’ve seen your hallway, you’re a darn call away I’ve hear your stairs creak, I can fix my mind on your yes And your no, I’ll film your face today in the sparkling canals All red, yellow, blue, green brilliance and silver Dutch reflection Racing thoughts, racing thoughts, all too real You’re moving so fast now, I can’t hold your image This image I have of your face by the window Me standing beside you, arm on your shoulder A catalogue of images, flashing glimpses, then gone again I’m tethered to this post you’ve sunk in me And every clear afternoon now I’ll think of you, up in the air Twisting your heel, your knees up around me, my face in your hair You scream so well, your smile so loud, it still rings in my ears Inhibition, distant, tired of longing Clean my teeth, stay the course Hold the wheel, steer on to freedom Open all the boxes, open all the boxes Open all the boxes, open all the boxes Times Square midday, newspaper buildings, news headlines going around You watch as they go and hope for some good ones Those tree shadows in the park they’re all whispering, chasing leaves Around six PM, shadows across the cobblestones Girl in front of bathroom mirror As she slowly and carefully and paints her face green, mask-like Like Matisse, “Portrait with Green Stripe” Long shot through apartment window A monologue on top but no girl in shot The light within me shines like a diamond mine Like an unarmed walrus, like a dead man face down on the highway Like a snake eating its own tail A steam turbine, frog pond Two full closets burst open in disarray, soap bubbles in the sun Hospital death bed, red convertible, shopping list, blowjob Deaths head, devils dancing, bleached white buildings, memory Movements, the movie unreeling, about to begin
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kristablogs · 4 years
Nine traits that’ll keep you calm in a life-threatening situation
When faced with adversity, do you have the fortitude to keep going? (Pixabay/)
This story was originally featured on Outdoor Life.
The skills you’ve acquired and gear in your pack are often the difference in making it through a life and death situation. But you first need the mental fortitude to survive. Without the drive to survive—and a strong mindset—no piece of gear will save you. The most important tool to bring along is mental toughness. Having a survivalist mentality (the will to live no matter how difficult the adversity) is multi-faceted. There are hidden hazards abound, but also remedies that can help us recover our advantages and get home safe to our families.
1. Tenacity
Whether you call it intestinal fortitude, tenacity, or grit, this facet of your survival mindset is all about endurance. Can you hang in there even when your hope has failed?
Tenacity doesn’t have anything to do with physical toughness or stamina. It’s a manifestation of the strength of your will and the toughness of your mind. A truly tenacious person will push themselves to tolerate the intolerable, suffer through the insufferable, and survive the situation that no one expected them to survive. It’s all about overcoming your inner weaknesses and fighting your desire to give up.
The problem: A number of things can wreck your innate tenacity, but the one that worries me the most is declining mental health. In a lengthy wilderness survival setting or in the wake of a major disaster, it’s hard enough just to stay alive, let alone endure feelings of anxiety or depression, or suicidal thoughts.
The remedy: Emergencies can turn any given day (or week, month, or year) into one of the worst times of your life, so don’t be surprised when you’re not at 100 percent of your normal mental faculties. Once you factor in the stress, worry, fatigue, injury, dehydration, and lack of sound sleep you’ll likely experience during an emergency, it makes sense that anyone would be struggling inside. Now that you know this, you’ll want to watch yourself and your companions for signs of anxiety, depression, anger, frustration, hyperactivity, guilt, suicidal talk, and irrational behavior. Since professional mental health care and the right medicines are unlikely to be available in austere settings or major disasters, you’ll need to do whatever you can for each other. Talk it out, as much as you can, and find ways to cope until the situation improves.
2. Adaptability
Adaptability is one of the crown jewels of the survival mindset. To be adaptable, you must be able to change along with changing events, situations, and environments. It’s all about flexibility and trying new options. If you get lost in the woods one afternoon, you may not make it home to your own bed. An adaptable person will assess the situation and realize that their bed isn’t an option, so they’ll have to find a new place to sleep. Since there’s no water faucet in the wild, they’ll find a new source of water. There’s no fridge either, so they’ll find a new source of food. These substitutions may not be as good as they would like, but they’ll be good enough for now. An adaptable survivor can embrace change while recognizing the things that are worth continuing and the things that need to be abandoned.
The problem: What can prevent you from adapting? Stubbornness can do it. Sometimes we think of stubbornness as a good thing (confusing it with tenacity), but it’s often a stumbling block. It’s a refusal to adapt and a rejection of new things. When you’ve driven around town 10 times and still can’t find the building you need, but refuse to ask for directions, that’s stubbornness. When you keep throwing lit matches at the same crappy wet tipi fire lay, that’s also stubbornness.
The remedy: Check your ego at the door and try something new. Stubbornness is like trying to break down a brick wall with your head. After the first strike, you realize it’s not going to work, but you keep going down the path to self-destruction. Instead of stubbornly repeating the same thing, try some new approaches. Change isn’t all bad, and you might be surprised how well something new will work.
3. Work ethic
Your work ethic plays a major role in your survival mindset. Survival is hard work—that’s why we don’t choose to do it as a “day job” anymore. When thrust into an emergency that requires hard toil, lazy people are naturally going to suffer. Thankfully, your work ethic can be built up over time (if you survive your initial bout of laziness), and you’ll be wiser for the wear and tear. Experience is a hard but effective teacher, showing us the value of working harder next time. To build a strong work ethic, you’ll have to learn to stick with a job until it gets done.
The problem: Your work ethic can certainly be hampered by factors beyond your control, like a physical injury, emotional distress, or mental issues. But one thing you can address is laziness. By making a habit of skipping the chores that you don’t want to do and taking shortcuts, laziness can ruin your work ethic (and your outcome).
The remedy: You’ll have to work hard to build your shelter, drag in firewood, and haul water, but it’s important that you do these hard jobs and see them through to completion. Survival is not a vacation from work. In fact, it’s probably going to be the hardest work you’ll ever do. Skip the shortcuts. Take an honest look at your workload, and then get it done. Don’t be lazy.
4. Creativity
Adaptability is key when you are lost in the backcountry. Put ego aside, and do what you need to survive. (Pixabay/)
Humans make stuff. We make fire, metal, airplanes, and iPhones—and sometimes we even make our own problems. This innate creativity usually benefits us, enabling us to devise ingenious solutions to our problems (in daily life and in emergencies).
The problem: A fear of failure can ruin someone’s natural creativity. This form of fear is different from normal fear (like being afraid of a dangerous thing). It may stem from childhood, when hyper-critical adults damaged your confidence. It may also arise from a reluctance to disappoint others or to admit that there are limits to your abilities.
The remedy: Forget about permission and reassurance. Don’t beat yourself up if you fail sometimes—everyone does. When you see something that you can do and you think it might work, be confident and give it a try. Confidence can unlock your creativity, and creativity can save the day.
5. Positivity
Just because everyone cites a positive mental attitude as a beneficial survival trait doesn’t mean you should discount it. In fact, you should pay even closer attention to the topic. I like to explain positivity to my classes as a lens that you look through. It’s a little like “beer goggles,” except that it doesn’t make everyone a “perfect 10” on the attractiveness scale. Instead, it allows you to see the brighter side of a situation. This is a hard skill to master, but it’s worth the work. Your attitude is vital to keep up morale. And this upbeat attitude isn’t just handy when you’re lost in the wilds: you can use it every day.
The problem: Pessimism is the outlook that can ruin your positive attitude. Whether you’re a lifelong “glass half-empty” person or an emergency is starting to wear on you, this destructive viewpoint can make any situation feel worse than it is and can negatively impact your outcome.
The remedy: How can you cure pessimism? I recommend an attitude of gratitude. Find the “silver linings” in your situation, and be truly grateful for them. Do you have air to breathe? Be grateful for it. Are you uninjured? Be glad about it. Even in the worst settings, you can find things that ARE going your way. If you’re grateful for them, it can change your whole attitude.
6. Acceptance
When you’re in a tough situation, you may just have to accept it. It’s only natural to resist and deny an ugly revelation or a frightening scenario, but this knee-jerk reaction to fight reality is a mistake. Acceptance doesn’t mean that we like the circumstances around us or want them to continue. Instead, it means that we recognize their reality and understand that we can't change them right now.
The problem: Denial is a powerful opponent to acceptance. When we refuse to admit there is a problem or deny the severity of our troubles, we’re just kidding ourselves. And if we act on this false reality instead of what’s really happening, we could end up making things worse.
The remedy: It takes hard work to accept an unhappy truth or a dire situation. You may be tempted to equate acceptance with surrender or apathy, but they aren’t the same. You’re not giving up or giving in when you accept a situation, you’re simply facing the facts (for now, at least). Acceptance doesn’t mean that things are going to stay bad forever. It just means that you’re being honest about the trouble you’re facing right now. My favorite example of acceptance comes from the book Adrift, by Steven Callahan. He was alone on a raft in the Atlantic Ocean for over two months, and at a certain point, he accepted his fate. There was nothing he could do about being on the raft (other than jump out of it), so he accepted that “raft life” was his new life. This let him focus on surviving as he drifted across the ocean, and he ended up covering 1,800 nautical miles before he was rescued.
7. Humor
Police officers, soldiers, firefighters and other folks in high-stress, life-threatening jobs sometimes use “gallows humor” to push through bad days. (Pixabay/)
I’m not talking about clowns and slapstick comedy. I’m talking about the other kind of humor—dark and bitter. It may surprise you, but humor does play a role in human psychology and survival. Sometimes called “gallows humor,” this grim sense of comedy was used by our ancestors as both a weapon and a shield. And it’s still used today. Most of our soldiers, police, firefighters, and EMTs know this type of humor very well. It helps them push through the bad days. No, not everything is a joke, but there is some value in identifying irony where you can.
The problem: The human mind is complex, and so is the array of emergencies that could befall us. There are some heartbreaking situations when humor is inappropriate and impossible.
The remedy: Even when someone is in the depths of depression, if you give them enough time and find the right approach, humor can be therapeutic. Satire, irony, and other forms of dark humor may be able to cut through the fog of stress and enhance their brain chemistry, recalibrating their pleasure-reward center and lifting depression and anxiety.
8. Bravery
How do we explain bravery? It’s not a lack of fear. Instead, it’s more like a conquest of fear. Fear and bravery are not opposites—in fact, they coexist. When a situation isn’t dangerous or frightening, there’s no need for bravery and no condition for it to exist. We have to be afraid before we can be brave.
The poison: When we’re too frightened to even think clearly, there’s no room for logic or bravery. There’s only room for panic. This fear response can be described as an unrestrained and all-consuming fear. It’s a common response in emergencies, and it can manifest in several ways. You may engage in frantic behavior or stand frozen in fear. You may even become overwhelmed by emotion, screaming or crying inconsolably. Any of these responses could get you into more trouble, and then you’ll have a whole new set of problems. But if you can use your fear as a tool and hold panic at bay, then you’ll be the master of your fear (and not the other way around).
The remedy: Accept your fears. Fear is our natural instinct to avoid dangerous things, and it keeps us out of harm’s way. If you can own your fear and keep it under control, it will start working for you.
9. Motivation
What motivates a person to stay alive when everything has gone wrong? Many survival stories speak of the survivor’s devotion to their religion, or to a higher power that motivated them and gave them hope. Other survivors have told of their intense desire to get back to family, friends, and loved ones. What would motivate you to stay alive in a survival emergency? It’s different for every person.
The problem: Hopelessness is the kryptonite to your superpower of motivation. When a person loses hope that they will be saved and reunited with loved ones, their desire to keep going begins to dwindle. When a person believes that God has abandoned them, hope dies another death. In short, when the thing that normally motivates you begins to lose its strength, you are in a bad situation indeed.
The remedy: Dig deep. Keep thinking about the things and people you value most. It may take a combined effort from many facets of your survival mindset to put you back on the path to survival, but a positive attitude and tenacity can help restore your will to live. Top them off with your faith in something bigger than yourself, and you might find your motivation returning.
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scootoaster · 4 years
Nine traits that’ll keep you calm in a life-threatening situation
When faced with adversity, do you have the fortitude to keep going? (Pixabay/)
This story was originally featured on Outdoor Life.
The skills you’ve acquired and gear in your pack are often the difference in making it through a life and death situation. But you first need the mental fortitude to survive. Without the drive to survive—and a strong mindset—no piece of gear will save you. The most important tool to bring along is mental toughness. Having a survivalist mentality (the will to live no matter how difficult the adversity) is multi-faceted. There are hidden hazards abound, but also remedies that can help us recover our advantages and get home safe to our families.
1. Tenacity
Whether you call it intestinal fortitude, tenacity, or grit, this facet of your survival mindset is all about endurance. Can you hang in there even when your hope has failed?
Tenacity doesn’t have anything to do with physical toughness or stamina. It’s a manifestation of the strength of your will and the toughness of your mind. A truly tenacious person will push themselves to tolerate the intolerable, suffer through the insufferable, and survive the situation that no one expected them to survive. It’s all about overcoming your inner weaknesses and fighting your desire to give up.
The problem: A number of things can wreck your innate tenacity, but the one that worries me the most is declining mental health. In a lengthy wilderness survival setting or in the wake of a major disaster, it’s hard enough just to stay alive, let alone endure feelings of anxiety or depression, or suicidal thoughts.
The remedy: Emergencies can turn any given day (or week, month, or year) into one of the worst times of your life, so don’t be surprised when you’re not at 100 percent of your normal mental faculties. Once you factor in the stress, worry, fatigue, injury, dehydration, and lack of sound sleep you’ll likely experience during an emergency, it makes sense that anyone would be struggling inside. Now that you know this, you’ll want to watch yourself and your companions for signs of anxiety, depression, anger, frustration, hyperactivity, guilt, suicidal talk, and irrational behavior. Since professional mental health care and the right medicines are unlikely to be available in austere settings or major disasters, you’ll need to do whatever you can for each other. Talk it out, as much as you can, and find ways to cope until the situation improves.
2. Adaptability
Adaptability is one of the crown jewels of the survival mindset. To be adaptable, you must be able to change along with changing events, situations, and environments. It’s all about flexibility and trying new options. If you get lost in the woods one afternoon, you may not make it home to your own bed. An adaptable person will assess the situation and realize that their bed isn’t an option, so they’ll have to find a new place to sleep. Since there’s no water faucet in the wild, they’ll find a new source of water. There’s no fridge either, so they’ll find a new source of food. These substitutions may not be as good as they would like, but they’ll be good enough for now. An adaptable survivor can embrace change while recognizing the things that are worth continuing and the things that need to be abandoned.
The problem: What can prevent you from adapting? Stubbornness can do it. Sometimes we think of stubbornness as a good thing (confusing it with tenacity), but it’s often a stumbling block. It’s a refusal to adapt and a rejection of new things. When you’ve driven around town 10 times and still can’t find the building you need, but refuse to ask for directions, that’s stubbornness. When you keep throwing lit matches at the same crappy wet tipi fire lay, that’s also stubbornness.
The remedy: Check your ego at the door and try something new. Stubbornness is like trying to break down a brick wall with your head. After the first strike, you realize it’s not going to work, but you keep going down the path to self-destruction. Instead of stubbornly repeating the same thing, try some new approaches. Change isn’t all bad, and you might be surprised how well something new will work.
3. Work ethic
Your work ethic plays a major role in your survival mindset. Survival is hard work—that’s why we don’t choose to do it as a “day job” anymore. When thrust into an emergency that requires hard toil, lazy people are naturally going to suffer. Thankfully, your work ethic can be built up over time (if you survive your initial bout of laziness), and you’ll be wiser for the wear and tear. Experience is a hard but effective teacher, showing us the value of working harder next time. To build a strong work ethic, you’ll have to learn to stick with a job until it gets done.
The problem: Your work ethic can certainly be hampered by factors beyond your control, like a physical injury, emotional distress, or mental issues. But one thing you can address is laziness. By making a habit of skipping the chores that you don’t want to do and taking shortcuts, laziness can ruin your work ethic (and your outcome).
The remedy: You’ll have to work hard to build your shelter, drag in firewood, and haul water, but it’s important that you do these hard jobs and see them through to completion. Survival is not a vacation from work. In fact, it’s probably going to be the hardest work you’ll ever do. Skip the shortcuts. Take an honest look at your workload, and then get it done. Don’t be lazy.
4. Creativity
Adaptability is key when you are lost in the backcountry. Put ego aside, and do what you need to survive. (Pixabay/)
Humans make stuff. We make fire, metal, airplanes, and iPhones—and sometimes we even make our own problems. This innate creativity usually benefits us, enabling us to devise ingenious solutions to our problems (in daily life and in emergencies).
The problem: A fear of failure can ruin someone’s natural creativity. This form of fear is different from normal fear (like being afraid of a dangerous thing). It may stem from childhood, when hyper-critical adults damaged your confidence. It may also arise from a reluctance to disappoint others or to admit that there are limits to your abilities.
The remedy: Forget about permission and reassurance. Don’t beat yourself up if you fail sometimes—everyone does. When you see something that you can do and you think it might work, be confident and give it a try. Confidence can unlock your creativity, and creativity can save the day.
5. Positivity
Just because everyone cites a positive mental attitude as a beneficial survival trait doesn’t mean you should discount it. In fact, you should pay even closer attention to the topic. I like to explain positivity to my classes as a lens that you look through. It’s a little like “beer goggles,” except that it doesn’t make everyone a “perfect 10” on the attractiveness scale. Instead, it allows you to see the brighter side of a situation. This is a hard skill to master, but it’s worth the work. Your attitude is vital to keep up morale. And this upbeat attitude isn’t just handy when you’re lost in the wilds: you can use it every day.
The problem: Pessimism is the outlook that can ruin your positive attitude. Whether you’re a lifelong “glass half-empty” person or an emergency is starting to wear on you, this destructive viewpoint can make any situation feel worse than it is and can negatively impact your outcome.
The remedy: How can you cure pessimism? I recommend an attitude of gratitude. Find the “silver linings” in your situation, and be truly grateful for them. Do you have air to breathe? Be grateful for it. Are you uninjured? Be glad about it. Even in the worst settings, you can find things that ARE going your way. If you’re grateful for them, it can change your whole attitude.
6. Acceptance
When you’re in a tough situation, you may just have to accept it. It’s only natural to resist and deny an ugly revelation or a frightening scenario, but this knee-jerk reaction to fight reality is a mistake. Acceptance doesn’t mean that we like the circumstances around us or want them to continue. Instead, it means that we recognize their reality and understand that we can't change them right now.
The problem: Denial is a powerful opponent to acceptance. When we refuse to admit there is a problem or deny the severity of our troubles, we’re just kidding ourselves. And if we act on this false reality instead of what’s really happening, we could end up making things worse.
The remedy: It takes hard work to accept an unhappy truth or a dire situation. You may be tempted to equate acceptance with surrender or apathy, but they aren’t the same. You’re not giving up or giving in when you accept a situation, you’re simply facing the facts (for now, at least). Acceptance doesn’t mean that things are going to stay bad forever. It just means that you’re being honest about the trouble you’re facing right now. My favorite example of acceptance comes from the book Adrift, by Steven Callahan. He was alone on a raft in the Atlantic Ocean for over two months, and at a certain point, he accepted his fate. There was nothing he could do about being on the raft (other than jump out of it), so he accepted that “raft life” was his new life. This let him focus on surviving as he drifted across the ocean, and he ended up covering 1,800 nautical miles before he was rescued.
7. Humor
Police officers, soldiers, firefighters and other folks in high-stress, life-threatening jobs sometimes use “gallows humor” to push through bad days. (Pixabay/)
I’m not talking about clowns and slapstick comedy. I’m talking about the other kind of humor—dark and bitter. It may surprise you, but humor does play a role in human psychology and survival. Sometimes called “gallows humor,” this grim sense of comedy was used by our ancestors as both a weapon and a shield. And it’s still used today. Most of our soldiers, police, firefighters, and EMTs know this type of humor very well. It helps them push through the bad days. No, not everything is a joke, but there is some value in identifying irony where you can.
The problem: The human mind is complex, and so is the array of emergencies that could befall us. There are some heartbreaking situations when humor is inappropriate and impossible.
The remedy: Even when someone is in the depths of depression, if you give them enough time and find the right approach, humor can be therapeutic. Satire, irony, and other forms of dark humor may be able to cut through the fog of stress and enhance their brain chemistry, recalibrating their pleasure-reward center and lifting depression and anxiety.
8. Bravery
How do we explain bravery? It’s not a lack of fear. Instead, it’s more like a conquest of fear. Fear and bravery are not opposites—in fact, they coexist. When a situation isn’t dangerous or frightening, there’s no need for bravery and no condition for it to exist. We have to be afraid before we can be brave.
The poison: When we’re too frightened to even think clearly, there’s no room for logic or bravery. There’s only room for panic. This fear response can be described as an unrestrained and all-consuming fear. It’s a common response in emergencies, and it can manifest in several ways. You may engage in frantic behavior or stand frozen in fear. You may even become overwhelmed by emotion, screaming or crying inconsolably. Any of these responses could get you into more trouble, and then you’ll have a whole new set of problems. But if you can use your fear as a tool and hold panic at bay, then you’ll be the master of your fear (and not the other way around).
The remedy: Accept your fears. Fear is our natural instinct to avoid dangerous things, and it keeps us out of harm’s way. If you can own your fear and keep it under control, it will start working for you.
9. Motivation
What motivates a person to stay alive when everything has gone wrong? Many survival stories speak of the survivor’s devotion to their religion, or to a higher power that motivated them and gave them hope. Other survivors have told of their intense desire to get back to family, friends, and loved ones. What would motivate you to stay alive in a survival emergency? It’s different for every person.
The problem: Hopelessness is the kryptonite to your superpower of motivation. When a person loses hope that they will be saved and reunited with loved ones, their desire to keep going begins to dwindle. When a person believes that God has abandoned them, hope dies another death. In short, when the thing that normally motivates you begins to lose its strength, you are in a bad situation indeed.
The remedy: Dig deep. Keep thinking about the things and people you value most. It may take a combined effort from many facets of your survival mindset to put you back on the path to survival, but a positive attitude and tenacity can help restore your will to live. Top them off with your faith in something bigger than yourself, and you might find your motivation returning.
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